11th Grade Chris the Player
- 2 years ago
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We drove home again in silence. I was upset with myself for fleeing the Coulter house, but, at the same time, vastly relieved not to still be there. It was obvious to me that Anne Coulter had serious problems. It seemed obvious also, that the drinking was more a symptom of her problems, rather than the actual problem. She was still a relatively young woman.
"Dad, can we drive over to Uncle Bunny's office? I need to see him about the Coulter's."
"Maybe you should take a few days to reflect on it, Kenny. You don't want to initiate anything that you'll regret later. Those people are already leading miserable lives."
"I know that. I don't want to sue them or anything. I feel sorry for both of them. I want to see if Uncle Bunny can do anything to help them out." My dad looked over at me for a minute, before making a right turn at the next corner, and heading over to Uncle Bunny's office. When we got there, both of us went inside. Uncle Bunny's secretary waved us right into his office, as soon as we came through the front door. When he saw us, Uncle Bunny stood up from behind his desk and approached us with a questioning smile on his face.
"Tommy and Kenny. What can I do for you two today?" For any lawyer, people coming to see him must have usually meant more business. For relatives, it usually meant more business, but with little prospect for being paid. Still, Uncle Bunny seemed happy to see us.
"Uncle Bunny, you said you'd set up a trust for the money that Mama and Dad gave me?"
"That's correct, Kenny. Do you need some money?"
"I'm not sure yet. I want you to represent me with the Coulter's."
"You want to file suit against them, or press criminal charges?"
"No, neither of those. I want to try to help them. You might need to use the threat of that against them, to get them to do what I want. I want both of them to get checked out by a competent doctor. Anne Coulter will probably need to be hospitalized, to get her to quit drinking. I'm not sure about Anne's mother. I also want to hire some people to fix up their house. It smells really bad in there, and nothing is being taken care of. The outside needs to be painted and all the screens on the windows need to be replaced. Someone should fix up their yard too. I'd like to get someone hired to look after them, to make sure they're getting the right food to eat."
"Kenny, you can't force people to change their behavior. You'd need their permission before you did any of these things. It would be expensive too. The money you were given was for you, to make you feel comfortable with having money. It is never a good time to spend your principal. There is income already that you can spend, but probably not enough yet to do all of this. Perhaps you should start slow?"
"Uncle Bunny, this is something I need to do. They threw me away, but I never want to be anything like them. I can't help being worried about what's going to happen to them. I'd be doing this for my own peace of mind. Now that I've seen how they live, I realize they did me a favor by throwing me away. That might not have been why they did it, but that's how it has turned out. I want you to go see Sister Clara too, and see if she has anything she wants or needs."
I saw Uncle Bunny and Dad looking at each other. It looked like Uncle Bunny was waiting for my dad to give his approval of my request. I looked over at my father too, and saw him nod his head affirmatively at my uncle. Uncle Bunny seemed surprised at my father's approval, but he kept silent. We spoke for several more minutes, with Uncle Bunny repeating the tasks I'd asked him to handle for me. My father reminded Uncle Bunny that both the Coulter's were afraid of any police contact because of the insurance fraud, and possible other transgressions.
"Bunny, do what you can to convince them to cooperate fully. If they refuse, I'll go see Ken Dyer, and have him go out to ask them a few questions. He still owes me some favors, and I'm sure he'd cooperate with us on this. His mother and mine were drinking buddies when we were kids. We both watched what the prolonged drinking did to them."
Uncle Bunny had taken some notes while we had been talking. He said he'd get right on it, and would be over for dinner soon, to let us know how he was progressing. When we left, he walked us out to Dad's car. On the way out, Uncle Bunny started discussing the cost overruns on the lodge over at the golf learning center. Mama kept making changes in the plans that made it more expensive for the contractor to build it. Dad said he'd have another talk with her, but neither of them looked like they believed it would do any good.
Back at home, I sat down in the kitchen with Mama, Gerta and Hans, filling them in on what had taken place at the meeting, and telling them of my decision concerning aiding the Coulter's. Mama didn't say anything about me helping them out, but Gerta made it known right away that she was against me having anything further to do with them. I didn't try to explain or to justify my decision to her. I wasn't sure that it was the right thing to do myself. I just knew I'd feel better if I did it.
Elizabeth came into the kitchen from somewhere in the interior of the house. "Did Gerta tell you yet, Kenny?" She looked over at Gerta angrily.
"Tell me what?" I hadn't seen Elizabeth since before I left a week ago.
"She's given me two weeks to find another job and a new place to live. Just because of Aunt Mildred and Cousin Anne. How is any of that my fault? I hardly know them." I looked over at her again, everything finally clicking into place for me. She looked like me because we were related. She was my second cousin. Mama, Elizabeth, and I were all staring at Gerta after that information. Gerta got up from where she'd been sitting and turned away, walking over to the refrigerator.
"Gerta, is this true?" I found it hard to believe that Gerta would fire Elizabeth because she was my relative.
"We don't need anyone here now. I can take care of your mama and do my other work. You don't need to always be reminded of those people. She would always remind you of them."
"Gerta, that's crazy talk. I'm a closer relative to them than she is. Are you going to ask me to leave too?"
"No, of course not, but she's different. You belong here, you're family."
"Gerta, if I'm family, then she's family too. She's my cousin. Those people, they're my family too. You can't change that by pretending they aren't." I looked over at Mama. She seemed uncertain about anything that was taking place there in the kitchen. "Mama, tell Gerta this isn't right. She shouldn't fire Elizabeth just because we're related to each other."
"Kenny, I've always left the household staff up to Gerta. This is her decision to make, and I won't overrule her." I stared at Mama. It was obvious to me now that she felt the same way Gerta did. Whatever her words, by not interfering, she gave her approval to what Gerta had done. I took a minute to think about this. I might not like the decision, but I couldn't claim they both didn't have the right to make it. I made up my mind quickly.
"I'm sorry Elizabeth. It isn't my place to interfere with their decision. Let me speak with my Uncle Bunny, and we'll find a good place for you. What kind of work do you like to do?"
"In North Carolina, I worked in a pet store. I liked working with the animals, but it doesn't pay anything. I worked for the Simpson's, over at the feed store, but I didn't like it." Her voice had little inflection to it. I wondered if she was smoking marijuana before she came in.
"Uncle Bunny has room over at his house, maybe you could take care of him. Do you think you'd like that?"
"Take care of him, how?"
"Keep his house clean, do the cooking, make sure all his dirty clothes get washed, or sent out to the cleaners."
"No funny business?"
"He's a nice guy, how much funny business were you hoping for?" Gerta and Mama laughed at that, but Elizabeth didn't seem to think it was very funny.
"I'm not going to be that kind of a live in, Kenny. If that was what you were expecting." Elizabeth was serious. I wondered why she would think that of any of us. I'd never given her any reason to think that of me. Maybe Gerta told her stories about Bea and I, or Bea and Uncle Bunny, and she just assumed we thought it was part of her job description.
"Elizabeth, I don't think anyone expects those kinds of services from you. I don't even know if Uncle Bunny wants anyone over at his house. I was trying to find something that wouldn't be too hard, and where you could have a nice place to live too. If you start out with a chip on your shoulder, no one is going to want to hire you. Do you want me to ask him, or not?"
"I guess so. I can always quit, right?"
"Yes. We're also looking for someone to look after your Aunt and Cousin. Would you rather work for them?"
"No! I don't like them. We've never had much to do with them. They were my dad's relatives. No offense to you, Kenny."
"None taken. I don't know them either, except for Sister Clara, and she was nice to me."
"Donna is okay, but Clara left for the convent when I was around eight years old. I see Donna in town sometimes, and we always say hi to each other. How old is your uncle, Kenny?"
"He's forty eight I think, and he's single too. He's an attorney. You might be too old for him. His last girlfriend was nineteen years old."
"What about my smoking?"
"You have to ask him, Elizabeth. If it were cigarettes, I'm sure he'd have no problem, as long as you didn't smoke indoors. I've never seen you smoke regular cigarettes, so I guess you meant smoking marijuana?"
"That's what I meant. I'm not going to work for him if he gets all uptight over a little smoke."
Gerta and Mama laughed again. Uncle Bunny had gone through a phase when he was younger, where he smoked marijuana too. I didn't tell Elizabeth what they were laughing about. If Uncle Bunny wanted to tell her, he would. I excused myself and went up to my room to phone my uncle. I got him just as he was leaving for lunch. At first, he thought I was calling him to see what progress he'd made with the Coulter's, but I quickly assured him that this was a new problem I was calling about. I explained the situation, and Uncle Bunny had already met Elizabeth and was aware of her marijuana smoking.
"Kenny, I don't want any live in help. I value my privacy. I'll look around to see if anyone I know is looking for a live in housekeeper and cook, but I doubt that I'll find anything for her."
"I hate to bring this up, Uncle Bunny, but you really have to do this for me. All I'm asking is that you give her a fair trial."
"Why do I have to do this?"
"Do you remember what you promised me that time I helped Mama come out of her withdrawal?" There was a pause on the line, a lengthy pause, before Uncle Bunny replied again.
"That isn't how family treats each other, Kenny. I'm disappointed in you."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, Uncle Bunny. She's being fired because Mama doesn't want to be reminded that she's a blood relative of mine. She's already had a lot of bad stuff happen to her, and she doesn't deserve this. You're the only one I can turn to. I'm not demanding it because of what you promised that time. I'm only asking, but it's very important to me. Remember when I helped you out with Bea? I did it because you asked me to. She asked me how old you are. She knows you're rich, and she's seen you in person. She's twenty eight years old, and her husband has been dead for a few years now. She doesn't date."
When the Christmas break came around, I was fortunate to get some extra time off work so I could go home for the duration. I waited till the next morning to take the train home and Emma was there to pick me up at the station. She wanted to drive me to her house for a while, but I insisted we go straight home as Mother would be expecting me for lunch. I did promise her I would see her the next afternoon, at least for a couple of hours as I still had some Christmas to do. The table was set for...
LesbianWhen we got back home, I phoned Uncle Bunny at his office number. I told him about Jane and Grace, making it a special point to tell him how much Grace's personality reminded me of Bea's. I told him that the girls both needed summer jobs, and that I had told them about us needing drivers for the construction site. "Kenny, I can't just hire people without knowing anything about them, or their qualifications. These are responsible positions, we'll need responsible people to fill them....
"What do you think of us now? Do you still want to be our friend?" All I could do was nod my head up and down, letting her know that I still did. Grace looked down at Jane's head and began caressing it, lovingly, satisfied, for the moment at least, and giving herself over to the pleasure of their shared intimacy. I waited a few moments, watching the two of them together, before getting up and taking off for the bedroom. I called Gerta, asking her if it would be too much trouble for her if...
The next ten days passed quickly. Mama and I played golf on the next Saturday, and I played with both of my parents, and Uncle Bunny, on Sunday. I didn't talk to anyone about my dream, but it was troubling me a little. I kept thinking about how near I'd come to actually seeing my mother's face. It didn't occur to me that it was simply a dream, unconnected with any reality. I started thinking more and more about the woman who was my birth mother. I'd never admitted it before, but I had...
What Dad had said to me was pretty surprising, but it didn't change anything, not as far as my thinking went. I recognized the strong feelings I had for Brenda, but it wasn't enough. I understood Uncle Bunny's attraction to Mrs. Connor, and I believed what Dad had said about Mama wanting Brenda as part of Uncle Bunny's family. I knew it wouldn't work, Brenda and me, the same way that Uncle Bunny knew it wouldn't work with Mrs. Connor. Mother and daughter both had the same problem. What...
I was sitting on my bed, trying to decide if I should make the call to Brenda or not. It was almost certainly going to be the kind of call where we would end up fighting. I didn't want to fight with her. If she told me she hadn't had sex with Darryl, I was going to get mad. If she told me she had, I was going to get mad. Whenever I ended up getting mad, Brenda got mad too. I decided to hold off on calling her until I had time to figure out a way to talk to her about the Darryl situation,...
Saturday morning we all played golf, splitting up first into two threesomes. I played with both my parents, while Uncle Bunny played with Grace and Jane. We went first, and were working on our second round of drinks in the restaurant, before they finally finished up and joined us. Uncle Bunny had made a thirty foot putt on the eighteenth green, to break ninety for the first time in his life. He was still hitting his driver very well. We all had a nice lunch, with everyone seeming in good...
"I don't think I'll even need to convince her. After she finds out that we did it, she's going to want me to tell her all about it. When I tell her I did it with you, she'll want to do it with you too. That's what happened with Darryl." I listened as my mind played back to me everything Brenda had just said. Was Brenda saying that Emily had screwed Darryl too? I tried not to let my surprise show on my face. I was also trying to come up with some response that would keep her talking,...
When Hans pulled the limo up in front of the circular driveway, Emily and Brenda stepped out of the back of it, wearing identical skirts and blouses. Even their shoes were matched. It was only ten minutes before dinner time when they finally arrived at my house. It has always been hard for me to explain the sense of awe that would strike me each time I saw Brenda again. Her looks were absolutely stunning, but for me it was a quality she had that was more than looks. I've only seen the same...
The next morning, Mama did get up, and went with Hans, traveling to the bank in Bolling, to sign the papers guaranteeing the forty million dollar operating line for the new acquisition. She looked tired, and very fragile, but she went to do what needed doing. Uncle Bunny had already been asked to fill in for her at the meeting with the construction company people. These were the people hired to build the lodge needed to house all the golf camp students. Mama had made complete notes about...
The next morning, Mama awoke, feeling better, but still weak. She stayed in bed, but received visitors all day. Gerta was usually hovering nearby, always with some small treat in her hand, either a liquid, or something more substantial, trying to get Mama to replace the weight she had lost from her latest bout with depression. When I was in with Mama, I could see that something was troubling her. It had to be something concerning me, because of the way she'd stare at me. She looked like she...
This whole mess with Grace and Jane was fast becoming a problem for me. Dad was right. We already had enough to worry about without getting involved in their mess. I regretted telling Mama that I'd talk to Jane about Elizabeth taking Bea's room. I was now caught in the middle of their disagreement. I went upstairs and dialed Jane's number. "Jane, it's Kenny. Mama told me you were planning to stay in Bea's old room for awhile. You can't." "Your mom already said I could. All my stuff...
"No, Georgia is my half sister, mine and Bunny's. My father made Georgia's mother pregnant. It was after my mother learned of this that she drowned herself." When Mama told me this, I couldn't have been more shocked. I had a lot of questions, but I didn't really know how to ask any of them. Mama had told me she was fourteen years old when her mother died. Mrs. Connor was only a year or two younger than Mama and Uncle Bunny. Mama said she felt guilty about her mother's death, and Uncle...
We flew up to Omaha early the next morning. Mama had gotten up early too, to see us off, and she made it a point to tell me that she was having Brenda and Mrs. Connor come over for lunch later that day. I guess she wanted me to know that she was already working on taking care of what I had asked her to do, as far as changing Brenda's behavior. We got into the office up in Omaha right before nine o'clock. Dad told me that he had a full morning of meetings with production people, and he told...
Surprisingly, once I stopped fretting over my relationship with Brenda, I was able to feel relaxed around her again. After dinner we all sat in the library, talking about money. I excused myself long enough to go in the kitchen and visit with Gerta and Hans. Gerta told me that Grace and Jane had driven to Bolling for the weekend, and that Mama had given them the keys to the apartment my parents kept there. For some reason, this seemed to upset both Gerta and Hans, and I didn't know why....
"I'd rather go back to the orphanage to live, than spend another five minutes here, discussing Brenda. Maybe that's what you need to do, Mama, send me back, and go find another boy, one who would be happy to start all over again with Brenda." I stood up from the table then, asking to be excused, and half ran, half walked, to the front door. I heard Dad calling after me, and I heard my mother, angrily yelling at me, demanding that I come back, so she could finish discussing this with me....
Sister Clara would have to talk to me. When I opened the front door to go inside, the entrance way was empty. I remembered then it was Thursday, and all the boys old enough were at the school, and the younger ones were in the nursery. I didn't want to try Mother Superior's office, so I went over to the kitchen to say hello to Marie. I found her there, trying to clean up the mess left over from that morning's breakfast. She was happy to see me, and gave me a hug. When I started working in...
On the drive back to the house, my head was awash with thoughts and worries. I also felt a deep anger, one that was somewhat irrational, because my mother really hadn't known that I would pick that particular day to step back into her life. What wasn't irrational, was the anger I felt from knowing that both she and my grandmother had purposely abandoned me in a greedy bid for some undeserved insurance money. They had scammed an insurance carrier by purposely switching my identity with that...
The next day, Mama, Uncle Bunny, Dad, and I teed off at ten thirty. Jane and Grace had joined another twosome right behind us. The twosome was made up of two younger girls. I had seen one of them at the pool before, a brunette about my age, who was about average height, with small breasts, and hips just a little wider than normal. She had worn a bikini at the pool, and she looked a little bit pear shaped in it. I'd never seen the other girl though. She too was a brunette, with hair on the...
On Tuesday, we flew up to Omaha for a meeting with the company that was making our vending machines. It was the owner, his son, Dad and me, and Virginia and her dad. I was the youngest one there. Mr. Lucas was good friends with Mr. Tanner, the owner of the vending machine company. They went back a long ways together. We were having lunch, and Dad was letting Mr. Lucas represent the company as far as negotiating for new machines. We were hoping to order six thousand new machines. The last ones...
I was excited about the Chicago trip. I hadn't gotten out to do that many things, living at the orphanage, so I was really looking forward to all the things Mama and Dad were talking about. I can't say I was a big baseball fan, but the thought of actually seeing big league ball players playing, that was a thrill for me. I waited until five o'clock before phoning Shirley. I was a little nervous, even though she had invited me to call her. The phone only rang once before she picked it up...
We went to see the Cubs beat the Mets Friday afternoon. Dennis Eckersley was the starting and winning pitcher for the Cubs. It was their third win in a row, but they were still seven and a half games out of first place in their division. The game ended 2-1, and it wasn't as exciting as some other ones I'd seen on television, except that I was there in Wrigley Field watching this one. We had gotten over to the Tanner plant before eight o'clock. It was a lot smaller than I had thought it...
That night at dinner, all I paid attention to was Uncle Bunny. A few times, people said something to me, but I was too busy trying to see what Uncle Bunny had meant, to be able to respond well to their questions. I was afraid they'd think I was retarded or something. We were all together from seven o'clock until almost ten thirty. Mama let Dad present the full terms of their offer to David and Craig. Uncle Bunny was to be the liaison man with them, and the one who handled the funding for...
As I had expected, I had difficulty going to sleep Monday night. At one in the morning, I heard Grace and Jane coming up the stairs. They certainly weren't taking any pains to be quiet. The two of them came right into my room, without even knocking. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. "Kenny! Wake up!" This was Grace screaming out her drunken whisper. "I already am awake. Why are you two coming into my room like this?" "We needed to ask you something." This was from Jane....
I was in my room at five thirty, getting myself ready to speak with Shirley. I was mentally rehearsing what I was going to say to her. I was undecided between the direct confession route, or the hypothetical question gambit. Both had merit, but either might accomplish what I most feared. I was afraid that Shirley was going to listen to what happened, then decide that I wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with. Just thinking about that happening had me sick with worry, and too paralyzed...
It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday when one of the John's from maintenance called upstairs to my father's secretary, looking for me. I was down on the loading docks, observing all the changes in the three o'clock route driver scramble. Now, each driver pulled into the yard and parked, handing his keys in to one of the warehousemen standing by. If there were product returns, a list of them was also given to the man taking the truck keys. It was slow at first, and very orderly,...
I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. Hans and Gerta were in the...
Somehow, Mama got the idea I was working too hard, and that I hadn't been able to enjoy my vacation from school. Each time she brought it up, I'd tell her I was having a good time, and that I was learning a lot from going to work with Dad. I was busy though. Uncle Bunny took me to Bolling to get my permit to begin learning to drive. The written test was easy, even though I'd only been able to look it over for about two hours before I took the test. Uncle Bunny took me to a farm road, and...
The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...
I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...
Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...
It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...
Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...
We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...
I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....
By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...
As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...
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You are a prince in a kingdom under siege. When the news arrive about a giant barbaric horde marching upon the keep where you and your father, the king ,are trying to defend the borders of your kingdom, a plan is hatched to get you back to the capital city. That would not be an easy task though, because of the roaming marauder bands, hoping to either capture the royal heir for ransom or kill him for political reasons. Luckily, you were always very feminine looking and it will not take much...
TranssexualI'm looking through you, where did you go? I thought I knew you, what did I know? You don't look different, but you have changed I'm looking through you, you're not the same Your lips are moving, I cannot hear Your voice is soothing, but the words aren't clear You don't sound different, I've learned the game I'm looking through you, you're not the same. Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right? Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight... (From "I'm looking through...
Hello guys. Mera naam Simar (female naam) hai main 23 saal ka chubby ladka hun. Mote hone ke karan mere chuche aur gand kafi bade hai aur baal bhi nahi hai. College mein issi ki wajah se ladke mujhe ghoorte the. Pehle pehle ajeeb lagta tha. Lekin fir maza aane laga ki ladke mujhe bhi taad rahe hai. Mere iss sharir ke karan mere andar bhi ek ladki banane ki khwaish jaag uthi. Mujhe bhi lagta ki kash mera koi boyfriend hota jo mere bhi chuche dabaye aur meri bhi gaand maare. Lekin meri yeh icha...
Time and tide wait for no man, someone once said. They were right. Add to those two fixtures, the uncertainty of weather, along with a rugged cliffside and you had a set of circumstances for the magic that was to overtake two lives, not yet aware of each other. Each was affected by the surging of their own blood, the anger in their hearts, and the urge for some incomprehensible dream. How could they know what fate had decreed for them?Brad Machin had a cosy flat not far from the beach and often...
Love Storiesa little lovin is all you need Lily Morgan age 27, owns her own bookstore/bakery. she's 5'7, 135 lbs, 34c, black hair, green eyes. Paige Powell age 28, writer of children's books. she's 5'5, 118 lbs, 32b, curly red hair, blue eyes. chapter 1 lily looked out her office window wondering if the darkened clouds would bring rain. she prayed not because the rain brought fewer customers, and right now thats something she couldn't afford. lily owned a bookstore/bakery which she...
Mizuki and Tsukiya cuddled on the bed for a short while, both needing a moment to relax after such an ordeal. For a moment, they were both worried about someone finding them like this. With the noise they were making however, it was certain that if someone were to have found them it would've been during their love making. As a result, they both shrugged the danger off and just basked in the afterglow of their respective orgasms. Mizuki began to stroke Tsukiya's head softly almost like a mother....
The pitching staff of the New York Mets was held in higher regard than that of the Seattle Mariners. The Mariners, nonetheless, had pretty much shut us down during the ALCS, and although we won it in six, we didn't win the new "Oriole Way," which was, essentially, to pummel the opponent into submission. We had finished the season rated third, overall, in the league in pitching performance, and seventh defensively. Those team-wide statistics weren't particularly meaningful, I suppose, but...
“Are you sure about this?” I ask my husband for the millionth time, afraid that we're stepping over a line that will forever ruin us. Certain lines can’t be uncrossed once they’ve been crossed. “Yes I am, I want to see my slut wife in real action,” he whispers hotly in my ear, nibbling it for emphasis, a sure sign he’s aroused. I remember it well, that night when we’d had a bit too much to drink. It had been our twelfth anniversary. I don’t know who’d initiated it, but we had started...
Cuckold“My dad got arrested for raping a neighbor girl,” said Tanya with a smile. “I don’t see how that is good,” I said. “I’m going to talk to the prosecutor,” said Tanya. I realized she was going to make sure her father went to jail for something. “I understand,” I told her. I hade many thoughts of Halley. “Its too bad about me and my dad. I might enjoy sex more if he hadn’t,” said Tanya. I could tell she was thinking. “Suzy can I talk to you in another room.” Suzy left Halley alone in her...
Hi guys. This is SP from gujarat. I am big fan of ISS. I have read many stories over here and after thinking a lot I finally gathered courage to narrate my own story. This is a 100% true story about me and my sister in law, please be patience and read full story as it goes. I have tried my level best to narrate this story from the beginning. This is not the story where someone jumped on to another and fucked her or someone willingly submitted herself to his partner. But it took almost seven...
On my fourth day at camp I was enlisted to teach a short self defense course for the girls. With my military experiences in hand-to-hand combat I was the only one at camp who could do it. The classes would only be three hours in length but were intended to only cover the basics. I had taught this subject to my squad so luckily I had some help. We held the classes in the tumbling area where there were mats on the ground to prevent real injuries. The way it worked was that my squad would do...
PUNISHMENT 120 ? PART 1 ?????????????????????? PUNISHMENT 120 ? Part 1, the drive. Della Domina settled back into the plush, luxury leather of the robot-driven Lincoln Town Car and flipped open the folder from her Gucci briefcase. In it she found details of the subject for the Punishment 120 episode she was to shoot for the huge-rating Sex Sinema Channel. The channel had been in business for about six years ever since Congress and Senate, in a show of unanimity unheard of when men...
My very first true cuckoldingexperience was before i was even married. I was 18, a senior in high school, and my boyfriend was a freshman away at college. he used to get so horny we would talk about all kinds of things and sometimes he would get to a point where he wanted to play truth or dare. I think in his mind it was all just fantasy or role play because it was over the phone. Since we didn't have video chat back then he would just ask dare me to do things and i guess he thought i was...
I wake up suddenly to the feeling of my white satin bedsheet sliding across my nude breasts as my boyfriend pulls it entirely away from me and off of the bed. "Get up, Wyvvs, we have to be going," he calls as I absently close my eyes in the morning sunlight and shyly cover my chest with my arm."Going where, what are you talking about Rick?" I slide my bare legs to the edge of the mattress and sit there for a moment in nothing but my black panties. He walks back over to me, fully dressed and...
CuckoldWhen I wake, it’s to a translucent curtain of brown hair in front of my eyes, where it has flopped over while I slept. The ropes are still there, I can feel them biting into the skin of my wrists and ankles. He is there, too, watching me silently, waiting for me to wake up. ‘How are you feeling?’ says he, reaching with a large, square hand to brush my hair out of my eyes. I say, ‘Like I’ve been tied to a bed all night.’ But I smile. He half-smiles, indulging me. ‘Glad you have such a healthy...