Feather and Scale
- 3 years ago
- 43
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It all started in the big feather bed on the upstairs screened in porch at my Uncle Bob’s house. Uncle Bob and Aunt Betty lived in North Dakota, on fifteen hundred acres of ... well not much of anything. It was pretty, with lakes and trees and such, but I was a city boy and didn’t know much about cows, which was what he had on his ranch. Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my parents, my sister and I would drive up there every year along in August, just before school started again, for a week of vacation. Their house was pretty neat, from a city boy’s perspective. It was built of logs, but it was no simple square house. It was two stories. There was a big open space in the middle which was the living room. To one side of that was a huge kitchen with every cooking tool known to man. And Aunt Betty knew how to use them all. Downstairs there were a dining room, a huge bedroom, a sauna and laundry room. Above these, with a balcony running all the way around the living room were the smaller bedrooms, for their kids. They had three kids, a boy named Brian, and two girls named Jesse and Jenny. Brian was older than the girls, who were twins. They weren’t identical twins, though. Jesse was as blond as it’s possible to be, and thin to the point of being skinny, though she did have a nice pair of breasts on her. Jenny had hair sort of between red and brown and she was ALL girl, if you know what I mean. Brian was my age and a year older than his sisters, as I was a year older than my sister Lori.
We had all known each other since we were babies, and even though we didn’t see each other all that much, it never took long at all before we were all running and playing like we’d lived together for years and years. They had a big barn, full of hay and exciting places to explore, and they had horses and all kinds of neat stuff, so both Lori and I loved to go up there each year.
When we were kids we had gotten into the habit of all sleeping in the big feather bed that was on the screened in porch upstairs. This was a big covered porch, probably 16 feet long and maybe 12 wide. It had this huge bed on it that had a mattress that must have been two feet thick and was filled with goose down. That rested on canvas over steel springs, which was great for jumping on when we were little. It got cold at nights, even in August, because they were higher up in elevation and all that. So Aunt Betty got us a big goose down comforter and we’d all pile into the feather bed and she’d cover us with the comforter. Now in a feather bed everybody sort of rolls together and the mattress presses down to make a sort of nest. With all those warm bodies pressed together, and the feathers under and over us we were always warm as toast all night long. You froze your gonads off in the morning getting out of that bed, so we were all pretty lazy in the mornings and rarely got up until Aunt Betty yelled up that breakfast was ready.
We knew that our parents always slept in the big bedroom on the ground floor, the same room that Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob slept in, but we never thought a thing about it. After all, all of us kids slept together too. Well, we never thought anything about it until the year I was seventeen.
That was the year that everything changed. I played football the year before, and I thought I was pretty special. For once I wasn’t looking forward to going up North, cause I was going to miss pre-term practice and the coach was pissed about that. But my parents dragged me up there anyway. I did look forward to seeing Brian again. I was big enough now to ride the big horses by myself and I was looking forward to that too. I didn’t think much about the twins. Until I saw them.
Man! What a difference a year can make. Last year they were girls with bumps in all the right places. This year they were women, with real breasts, and hips that stretched their cutoffs in ways that made my dick stir in my own. Not that I wasn’t used to looking. My own sister had transformed in the same way, but I got to watch that happen, and it didn’t take me by surprise. We were pretty free around our house, with clothing, I mean. As Lori or I went to and from the bathroom we didn’t much care whether we had clothes on or not. I watched as her breasts went from being bumps with colored dots on the tips to real breasts with nipples. Sometimes those nipples were flat, but at others they stood out from her breasts like little pencil erasers or something. And she had a pretty good patch of hair above her pussy too. We used to compare our pubic hair. I kidded her that girls were supposed to mature faster than boys, but I got hair first, and always had just a little bit more than she did.
Truth be told, though, hers was blond, and harder to see, while mine was dark and looked like more than was actually there. The only time we ever really fooled around was one time when I was in the shower and I was taking too long so she just barged in anyway and pulled back the curtain to ask me what I was doing. I was, of course, jerking off, and when she pulled back the curtain about half of my very stiff dick was hanging out of the front of my hand and pointing right at her. She got this funny look on her face when she saw me jerking back and forth on my peter. Her mouth went into a funny little “o” and her eyes got real wide. She’d seen it soft a hundred times, but never hard. Her cheeks got real red. Naturally, I stopped, but I didn’t let go of it. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” I yelled.
She yelled right back “I did knock, about ten times. Now I know why you didn’t answer.” Now it was my turn to color up a little. But then she did the strangest thing. She reached out and batted my hand away from it and grabbed it herself!
“Can I touch it?” she said, which was really stupid since she already had her hand around it.
Of course I wasn’t thinking about that at the time. All I was thinking about was that a female had her hand around my aching prick. I didn’t care if it was my sister’s hand. I mean I liked her, after all. But it wasn’t MY hand, if you know what I mean. And having a female’s hand on it was much nicer. She jacked it a couple of times, like I had been doing, and my balls said “OK, that’s it. Time to go to work.” I had turned to face her when she jerked back the curtain, so it was pointed at her when it went off.
No warning. Just streams of thick white spooge splattering all over my sister. Man that felt good. She wasn’t much impressed, though.
“Eewwwww” she squealed and danced backwards, losing her balance and falling back to end up (thankfully) sitting on the toilet. She was wearing only panties at the time. She had streaks of sticky white spooge on one of her breasts and her stomach. She had it on one arm and the hand that had been holding me. There was a string of it across the front of her panties. She looked down at all this semen covering her and went “EEEEWWWWW” again, holding her hands out to her side like she was contaminated or something.
Seeing as how the shower was now free I courteously stepped out and waved my hand for her to get in. I left the bathroom thinking “Man! That felt good!”
Anyway, here we were, the girls sixteen years old, and Brian and I 17, and suddenly I was glad I had come. Who cared about football practice anyway? We got our stuff into the house and the first thing, Jesse was pulling at Lori’s and my hands saying she wanted to show us something. So off we went, around behind the barn and off toward another smaller outbuilding. It turned out that Jesse had her very own calf that she had helped birth and was raising for show. Whoopee. Well, it was pretty cool to hear her tell about it ... for ten minutes. I mean it was just a little cow, you know? She was pointing out all it’s features and going on and on. Lori actually seemed interested, but I wanted to go ride a horse. So I made an excuse about having to pee and left to go back toward the barn, where the horses were. I was going over in my mind how to saddle a horse as I walked into the barn. I thought I could remember. I started looking for saddles and a bridle when I heard a noise. It sounded a little like somebody was in pain, sort of a moan.
And then I heard a voice saying, “No, we can’t, they’re right outside.” It was a female voice. Then I heard Brian say, “Oh, you know Jesse, she’ll go on and on for an hour, and with them here we won’t get a chance for a whole week.” Then there were some “Mmmmmm” sounds and then some sounds I knew were kissing.
This was very interesting.
So I snuck toward the sounds. Now sneaking on hay isn’t as easy as it sounds. Hay can actually make a lot of noise. But the sounds I was hearing were pretty loud, so I wasn’t too worried. It turned out to be coming from above me, up in the hayloft. So I crept up the ladder that was bolted to a big support post and, very carefully, poked my head up into the hayloft.
Man-oh-man, did I see a sight. There was Jenny, lying on a horse blanket, on top of some hay bales, naked as a jaybird. The bottom of her feet were pointing right at me, and they were spread about three feet apart. Which meant I had a prime view of her pussy. Well, most of her pussy, because some of it was hidden by a hairy pair of balls and the very large, very hard dick of my cousin Brian, who was fucking that pussy like there was no tomorrow.
Now I was a virgin. I didn’t think that was a big deal. I had been in situations where I got some grabs and feels, but it just never felt right to try to get my dick wet. I mean I never had rubbers, and the girls were never on the pill, and it was always in a car, or we were hiding somewhere, scared to death of being caught. That’s not the right setting to make love in. We’d always been taught that it was making love, not “having sex”, but making love. And we had always been taught that you only did it with someone you loved. And I dated a lot of girls, but I didn’t love any of them. I know it sounds hokey in today’s world, but that’s the way it was.
But I knew what it looked like. And I knew that’s what they were doing. My cousin was fucking my other cousin, his very own sister! It looked violent. But neither of them were complaining. He’d pull his dick out until just the head was between those puffy dark pink pussy lips she had and then slam it back in with a grunt. Every time he slammed in she’d got “oof” or “Ahhhh”. All in all it looked like fun. I noticed his dick was bent. “That’s funny,” I thought to myself. Cause mine’s bent too. But not the same way. His bent up and to the left, while mine just bends up. I also noticed his dick was as naked as the rest of him. I figured she was on the pill.
They were getting wilder and wilder in their movements and Brian said, “Oh yeah, I’m gonna cum.”
Jenny started slapping him on the sides of his hips saying, “Pull out. Brian you have to pull out! You know I’m not...”
So much for her being on the pill.
And maybe he was going to, because he pulled out until just the head was in her. Right about then his balls did this funny little thing. They sort of sucked up into him just a little, and then, right along the bottom of his penis, a sort of tube, or vein or something pulsed. It pulsed twice and I saw creamy stuff dribble out of her 0pussy right around where the head of his dick was. Then he went, “Ahhhhhhhhh” and he slammed that thing back into her as deep as he could. Now his ass was clenching and I knew he was shooting off in his sister. This was confirmed as she squealed and humped her pussy up like she was trying to get even more of it in her and she said “Ohhhh Brian I can feel you squirting. Ohhh, you always squirt sooooo much.”
They finally calmed down and I watched as he pulled it out of her. There was this long string of white cum that stretched from the tip of his dick to her open pussy as he pulled away from her. I suddenly realized my own dick was rock hard. As I climbed back down the ladder I heard her start scolding him about how one of these days he was going to knock her up if he didn’t start pulling out before he came. I managed to get back out of the barn before they came down and acted like I was just now coming from the calf barn.
Brian helped me find a horse while his sister wandered off up to the house, probably to try to do something about all that sperm in her pussy. I took off and rode for a while, but the memory of what I had seen was really getting to me so I had to stop and jerk off, out in the middle of nowhere while a horse watched.
That night we had a big dinner and then played board games until ten or so. They didn’t even own a TV, and most of them went to bed early anyway. I was wondering about the sleeping arrangements (for the first time in my life) but nobody seemed to be thinking about it besides me I guess, because when my mom and dad began yawning way too much for it to be real and stretching and talking about how the country air made them so tired and stuff Aunt Betty stood up and announced, “Bedtime kids. The feather bed is all made up and the comforter is on it. I’ll wake you all for breakfast.”
My sister shot me a glance, but my cousins didn’t seem to think a thing about it. Of course I knew why Brian and Jenny didn’t mind sleeping in the same bed, but I didn’t think anybody else did. So I plodded up the stairs and out onto the porch, along with the others. Finally my sister said something.
“Are we all going to sleep in the feather bed this year? I mean my brother too?” She sounded a little whiny. I shot her a dirty look.
Jesse turned around with a funny look on her face and said, “Sure, why not, we always have.” Then she commenced to start taking her clothing off.
Like I told you, we had always slept in the feather bed together, and when you do that you don’t really need any pajamas. I mean the feathers and bodies keep you warm. And when you’re little it doesn’t mean a thing.
But we weren’t so little any more. And when Jesse took her clothes off, there was this beautiful woman standing there, with blond hair and breasts with cherry tipped nipples and blond pussy hair and everything. And of course Brian and Jenny were stripping too. In no time at all there were three naked teenagers standing there shivering, waiting for Lori and me to get naked with them. I’ll say it was the shivering that got me moving. But in reality my dick was starting to get hard and I wanted to get under the covers before it stiffened all the way and somebody saw it. So I shucked my clothes while my cousins dived into the bed and I followed them. Naturally we all sank into the middle of the bed. And, with that many bodies, I have to honestly say you didn’t feel parts of people as much as you just felt skin. Nice, soft, warm skin.
Lori was still standing there with her clothes on. She was starting to shiver too.
“I’m not getting in bed naked with my brother.” she said, pouting.
Jesse popped her head out from under the comforter. “Why not ... I’m in bed with my naked brother.”
I snickered. I had special secret knowledge. Was Jesse involved with her brother too? That got my dick all the way to major boner stage. Lori wavered. Then I think the cold got to her, because she finally started taking her clothes off. If she’d have been wearing a bra or panties I think she would have kept them on, but she never wore those, so once her cutoffs and shirt were gone she was as naked as the rest of us. Always the gentleman I lifted the edge of the comforter for her and yelled, “Hurry up, there’s cold air getting in.”
So she scrambled in, laughing.
Now I told you how a feather bed works. Everybody rolls to the center. When there are four or five people in the bed you all roll together, side by side, like sardines. If you want to be between certain people you have to climb over others to get there. Lori was still pouting a little and complained, “Do I have to be next to my brother?”
Brian barked a laugh and said, “Climb over here Lori, I’ve got something that will keep you warm.” His sisters giggled.
As we were then arrayed it was Jenny on the far side, then Brian, then Jesse, next to me, then me and finally Lori. The only way Lori could lie by another girl would be to climb over all of us, or get out of the bed and go around to the other side. She was still shivering as she rolled up next to me, and I think the idea of getting out and going around didn’t appeal to her at all. And she wasn’t climbing over Brian after what he had said.
So she finally snuggled into my warmth and said, “Oh, I guess I’ll be OK.”
We talked then. Caught up on what had happened during the year, talked about what we were going to do in the next year, about all kinds of things. There’s something about being nice and snuggly warm in an open air venue, where you can feel the wind and see the stars, even if it is through a screen. But you’re nice and safe and warm, and that just can’t be beat.
Finally we began to be more quiet between comments. I felt the bed move, kind of bouncing a little, and heard Jesse kind of growl, “Knock it off you two.” I had a pretty good idea what Brian and Jenny might be doing to make her say that and my already hard dick got even stiffer. Lori turned to face me and her mons pressed into the side of my leg. I could feel her pussy hair on my thigh and her breast on my arm. She got right up by my ear with her mouth and whispered, “What are they doing?”
I heard Jenny giggle and I whispered back, “I think he’s tickling her or something.”
Jesse must have heard me because she giggled too and whispered across my body. “Tickling is the last thing he’d be interested in doing right now.” Then she turned her back to me and I felt her join in whatever was going on over there.
Lori whispered again. “If they’re doing what I think they’re doing I am going to be sooo embarrassed.”
I don’t know why I did it, but I turned my head and kissed her on the forehead and said, “Just get some sleep.” The bed kept moving though, and there were an awful lot of “MMMM”s coming from over there.
Finally we slept.
During the middle of the night I woke up. The bed was moving again. And there was movement right next to me. I was still on my back and my eyes were used to the starlight, so when I turned my head and saw Brian on top of Jesse I guess I wasn’t all that surprised. He was being much more gentle than he had been with Jenny, probably so he wouldn’t bounce us all out of bed. And Jesse wasn’t complaining any. She was kissing him long and hard. He stiffened and grunted in that same way he had before and I knew he was now shooting his hot sperm into his other sister. I thought my dick would fall off if it got any harder. I turned my back on them to try to get back to sleep.
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Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
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Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
- I - Todd sat on top of the sloped lid of a backlane garbage bin with his knees clutched tightly together, his elbows tucked into his sides, and a book in his upturned palms. He was hunched, leaning into the read, peering through his oversized glasses, almost unblinking. One eyebrow was slightly raised, his brow furrowed, concentrating. A tuft of hair hung down across his forhead, like a claw, pointing at his left eye. His eyes scanned the page, with robot-like precision. Now and then his...
KYLE AND I got to ride herd for two weeks during the summer. Phile and Caitlin weren’t happy about it because they had to stay close to home without us to watch them. We had a little responsibility on the range but it was all where we loved to be—on our horses. The guys taught us what we were supposed to watch for during the long days in the saddle. “I’m glad you’re up here for a couple weeks,” Rafe said. He was our ranch foreman and we rode up with him to where the two summer hands and...
I WAS STARING into a mirror. No, a darkened window that showed my startled reflection. Only it wasn’t me. The girl that looked back at me was ... just not me. She was pretty. I couldn’t tell the color of her eyes but they looked startled like something had just slapped her. She was wearing a shawl and a dark dress that was buttoned up all the way under her chin. Oh my god! It happened. I’m in a different person. I’m so sorry, Kyle. What do I do now? “Who are you?” My host was panicking. How...
“I’D JOIN YOU but I’m a little sore down there,” Aubrey giggled. She was staring at me from just inside the door. What? I got my bearings. I was sitting on my bed leaning against the wall with my hand in my pussy. Oh, fuck! “Sore?” I said. “Don’t give me that. Sitting where you are, I know you were listening. Was it as good for you as it was for me?” “Aubrey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I was breaking up into tears. We failed. I got sucked into another time where I could have done...
“DEMON RAMIE, come to me. Help me in my time of need!” What the fuck? Where am I? “You came!” Miranda? “Help me, Ramie. They’re after me.” Who? “I don’t know. He grabbed me and I ran. There he is!” She was panicked and backing into a corner. This wasn’t good. “Aye, little miss. You’ll make a fine toffer,” a voice growled. A grizzled man came down the narrow alley toward us. Miranda turned to run again and tripped over her dropped basket. He grabbed her arm in one hand and her waist in...
“KYLE!” I called out. “Oh, shit!” Aubrey was standing in the doorway. I was sitting on my bed propped up against our common wall with my hands in my panties and I’d just yelled out my brother’s name. Correct that. I wasn’t wearing panties. They dangled from my ankle and my t-shirt was bunched up beside me. “Aubrey! You startled me. I was asleep.” “Asleep and dreaming about your brother while you jill off. Ramie, that’s so sick.” “It’s not like that. Honest. Aubrey, please don’t think that...
“RAMIE! Get your skinny ass into my office right now!” Pa yelled at me as he pounded on my door. “Kyle! Same orders. Now!” Kyle and I stumbled out of our apartments, pulling on our boots with shirttails flying. Pa was already back to the house and we rushed to catch up. One thing you did not want to do was cross Pa when he was mad. And I knew why. I glanced toward the near pasture and saw the four new horses grazing peacefully with Bells and Bows. Kyle and I got back from the auction with...
“THERESA, run to the hotel!” Miranda commanded. I felt rather than saw her stepsister as her footsteps retreated rapidly. “Leave her,” Miranda continued. “She’s too young.” I looked through her eyes at the three young soldiers who had her trapped against the wall. Blue trousers with a gold stripe. Dark blue double buttoned shirts. Tan hats. These looked like the same soldiers we saw in Baltimore. Where was Kyle? “We only want you anyway,” one said. Six feet tall. Pocky complexion. I...
“RAMIE? RAMIE?” Kyle was standing right in front of me. I started out of my reverie. “What?” “You’re asleep on your feet. You didn’t even look up when I pulled in.” “Kyle, I was...” I couldn’t tell him. He claimed to not be time traveling, even though I’d seen him twice. Still, the last time I’d seen that corporal, Kyle certainly was not there. And how did I go off time-traveling if I wasn’t listening to him and Aubrey making love? I looked over and the raven had his head tucked under his...
PA SURPRISED US by stopping at the gun shop on Second Avenue before we took Aubrey home. “You’re hanging around these ranch kids more and more, Aubrey,” Mom Ash said. “You ought to get a look at what they’re looking at.” “Are we getting guns?” Kyle asked. “Ramie’s interested in some reproductions, but it’s a good idea for you to have good side-arms when you are out running around the ranch. We’ve been hearing more reports of wolves in the lower hills lately and you might not have time to...
I WAS SURE Moms and Pa knew Aubrey was sleeping with Kyle. I don’t know why she kept sneaking back into my room after they were done. It was Halloween and had been two weeks since I’d last traveled to visit Miranda. I wasn’t as frantic this time as I’d been the last time I left her. She was safe for a while; I was sure. Aubrey and Kyle were especially long and noisy that night. I couldn’t help myself. I stripped and found I was already pretty juicy. It was damned near too cold to keep my...
NEITHER OF US traveled. But what an adventure. We obeyed Moms and Pa and closed the windows, even though I had to turn off the heat. Seemed like it was either all on or all off. In a month or so, when it was snowing and cold, ‘on’ would be fine, but right now I wished for just a little fresh air. Cold or not, that wall between our apartments was like paper. I swear I could almost smell Aubrey getting turned on. Then I pulled the covers up over my head and I really could smell her. Oh yes....
“I WILL NOT wear breeches,” Miranda croaked. I could still feel the wolf’s teeth at my throat and realized Miranda’s voice had truly been damaged by Harriet when she attempted to strangle us. It had been beautiful and lyrical but now was harsh and raspy. “I am just telling you that it ain’t safe for two girls to go alone through this country. You should pretend to be boys. These buckskins could be cut to fit you and you would look like a couple country boys out to seek your fortune,” John...
I WAS STILL HERE. I suddenly felt alone in Miranda’s body. It was as if she’d taken a vacation and left me to housesit. I could feel her in all her memories—the furnishings of her mind—but I could not hear her. It was disorienting. Even at times when I’d taken or been given control of Miranda’s body, she was always there. Sometimes she fought me for control. Sometimes she was just standing by to take it back. Now, it felt like I was in my own body. My own body. My own dead body. What if...
I WAS no more equipped for the life of a pioneer than Miranda was— either mentally or physically. I didn’t know half what was needed, even though I’d researched the USGS maps and the Internet non-stop while I was waiting to travel again. I could use an Internet connection right now. I wanted to talk to Kyle and thought about the number of nights we’d spent Skyping each other from our rooms. I missed Aubrey. I missed sex. We met few people as we traveled. The region had been ‘settled’ for...
I coughed and choked, gasping for breath. Strong arms went around me and held me. I was disoriented as I felt the soft mattress. Kyle was holding me. I grabbed hold of him and squeezed with all my strength. “You’re back!” he said. He rocked me back and forth. “Well, I guess that worked,” Pa said as he came into the room. Moms were right behind him. “What worked?” I asked. Kyle reached toward me and lifted a necklace and a black feather off my chest. I looked down noticing my tits were...
I NEVER TOOK that wolf-tooth necklace off. It wasn’t like it was on a chain with a clasp. Merv knotted the cord around my neck and it was just too short to pull over my head. Oh, I didn’t wear it outside my clothes or anything. But I always felt those teeth against my skin. I did, however, take to wearing a bandana around my neck. I had two ugly red scars that I didn’t want people staring at. On Saturday the next weekend, Kyle, Aubrey, and I went up to the Bearclaw cafe to get a burger. I...
A SOLITARY BRASS BELL rang when we entered the shop. I had no idea where we were but it seemed like a city, so I assumed Omaha. I should have studied maps of that. “We gon’ have some good fun with you now that your Ma and Pap are gone,” a young man said to the woman at the counter. Theresa! “You just relax and let me get my hands into this tight little bosom of yours.” He was behind the counter with her and had a hand on her blouse, working to open it. “Let me go, you spurious cur!” Theresa...
MY FEET WERE COLD, which didn’t seemed strange; I was stark naked and drawing marks on my wall map with a Sharpie. Somehow, I’d filled in a line from Springfield, Missouri all the way to Omaha, Nebraska with marks and dates for campsites. I might not know where I was going, but I guess I knew where I’d been. I looked at my shoulder and could see the six indentations of the raven’s talons on the front of my shoulder. I could feel the two behind. At least he hadn’t broken the skin. I was...
OF COURSE, we did get breaks, but not at the same time. I came down for an absolutely luscious week in the arms of Aubrey. My sweet, sweet girlfriend. I thought about how my attitude had changed about that. Yes, she was also my brother’s girlfriend, but now I thought of her as my girlfriend. It was fine that she was his, too, but my relationship with her wasn’t defined by that. While I was down on my ‘vacation’, Phile and Caitlin pounded on my door. I opened it and they held out their laptop...
“I ALWAYS WONDERED what that looked like,” Pa said. Blackfeather was still sitting on my shoulder. The sun was just coming up. “Sometimes Mary Beth and Ashley didn’t even realize I’d been gone until I was back. Your spirit bird is a lot friendlier than mine was. If that redtail hawk had lit on my shoulder, I’da shit my pants.” I glanced at the raven on my shoulder. You don’t realize how big a raven’s beak is until you see it six inches from your eye. I reached in my saddle pouch and pulled...
WE MADE BELIEVE we were snowed in all Thanksgiving week. There was only one day of school left anyway. Kyle and Aubrey came in surprised to find me already in the kitchen wearing my sweats and my six-gun. I don’t know what came over me but I kissed them both. Not like big romantic kisses, but more like a ‘good morning, dear’ kiss. “We’ve got to get feed out to those horses,” I said, pointing down to the lower pasture. The pregnant mares and our working stock were all up in the paddock where...
“SUNSET. What an awful time to arrive in a frontier town. We have luggage and cargo. We cannot simply hide in the hotel.” I don’t suppose you made a reservation. “Demon Ramie! My friend. I am thankful for your company.” We heard a gunshot from across what passed for a street and down a hundred yards. “Don’t let it startle you, ladies. Sometimes the boys get a little wound up at night when they get into town. Nothing like it used to be.” We looked at the speaker and found a short man with a...
I WAS STILL holding my gun, cautiously scanning the riverbank Nothing. I holstered it and grabbed a fistful of Pooky’s mane to swing onto his back. “I’m tired now, Pooky,” I whispered. “Let’s go home.” He turned and plodded back to the paddock where I removed the lead rope. He pushed his head into my armpit and nodded up and down, covering my left boob with his snot. “Nice one, buddy. Don’t think I won’t remember that!” I laughed and headed to my apartment and bed. Pa agreed that we had...
“PRAISE FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” The bellows in the pump organ wheezed as the congregation sat. Poor Miranda was silent throughout the singing while her sister and Katie joined in enthusiastically. I had a lot of sympathy for the way she was feeling. I was no opera singer, but I held my own in the school chorus. Unlike Kyle, who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. Unlike Jason, whose rich baritone carried the harmony of the Doxology throughout the little church. So beautiful....
I WAS CURLED UP in the middle of the bed with my knees against my nose crying when Aubrey found me. The raven called again. I felt the tug but stayed in Aubrey’s arms. I buried my face between her breasts and continued to weep. Before I drifted off to sleep, I felt Kyle lie on my other side and hold both of us. How could I ever explain this to my precious Aubrey? Four. I’d killed three men and a woman. It made no difference how Pa had tried to assure me that it was not me. I held the knife....
AFTER THANKSGIVING, it was a two-week race toward finals. It felt like we were more in sync this time, though, and like we had our girlfriend back. We decided to move to campus for second semester. There were a few ‘family’ rooms in the student apartments and one came available. We’d done a fair amount of negotiating with Cait and Phile to take care of the bulk of the ranch chores during the week. Either Kyle or I would come back mid-week and we’d all come home most weekends. We were excited...