FeathersChapter 2 free porn video

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It was early afternoon when the veterans returned home. It was still mid autumn, that 17th of Ámyrðria, on Freo-twā, or the second free-day of the middle of the month. The fields were still ripe with grain and the women and the children of Meryton and Jasper Valley were forsaking their day of rest to bring in more of the harvest. Many of the fields appeared to be fallow, as the women alone could not plow, sow or harvest by themselves all of the old fertile valley farmland. Still as the small band of returning men entered the quiet town their arrival was noted, and slowly the understanding that these hollow-eyed 'strangers' were their long lost kin-folk, returned as if from the dead, spread like wildfire through the town and throughout the surrounding valley.

Shock and astonishment eventually gave way to joyful welcome, and as we entered our local tavern, the old men of the town arose from their well-worn bar seats to clasp our hands and pat our backs. The ale began to flow as we took our rest, but the noise of our homecoming only became louder as old friends and family gradually arrived to greet us.

"How bad was it? The war, was it as terrible as the stories all say?" Everyone asked us, but none of us really had an answer. The truth was just too terrifying and unsettling and no one wanted to even remember it let alone speak of it.

"It was pretty bad." Colin eventually muttered on our behalf, and that mostly silenced that question ... at least for today. Colin himself had been wounded at least three times that I could remember, including a bad wound to his left upper arm that would never heal entirely. His night terrors were nearly as bad as Pieter's, and like Ronald and myself, he had long ago taken refuge in an alepot, in order to sleep without unsettling dreams. Already, his blackjack full of good Meryton ale had been thrice drained and the refills were coming fast.

By tradition, and by Oswein law, women were forbidden inside of the taprooms of alehouses as customers, but since the men had all left town five years ago old Serge the tapmaster had ignored this custom, and now women drank there as freely as men and soon ever growing numbers of women arrived to greet and toast the returnees. Mothers, sisters, wives and old girlfriends now wished to make their own greetings and soon the tavern was quite crowded and merry. The happiness of the reunion was soon tempered by the knowledge that so very few of their men had returned. Tears of joy soon turned to weeping sadness as more and more of the women learned that their own menfolk had not, and would not, ever return.

Soon, the party turned into a mournful wake, for our four hundred and sixty four dead friends, companions, brothers, fathers, husbands and lovers.

The luck of survival had mostly favored the mature lads who had gone off to war while in their late teens or early twenties. They were stronger and much more fit than us schoolboys, or the older mature soldiers in their thirties and even forties, who were slower with age and with muscle turned mostly to fat. This group of veterans, now in their mid-late twenties, totaled fourteen of our number, and eleven already had either wives or sweethearts waiting for them. This made for a few very pleasant and happy reunions, including the chance to hold youngsters that had been born after their departure.

Not all of these reunions were entirely happy, as several babies and children younger than four indicated that a few of the soldiers' wives hadn't been entirely faithful during their husbands' absence. There weren't many men left in the Jasper Valley, but those fortunate souls had been very busy and hadn't lacked at all for female companionship.

Of the remaining four of us, one was mature man of just over fifty now that we called 'Pops', and he blithely returned home to his waiting wife and his daughters and grandchildren. He had lost both of his sons in the war, and two of his three daughters had lost their own husbands as well. His surviving son-in-law was a teamster whose home was just outside of the valley and he had not been gathered up for conscription, nor did he volunteer.

Us three remaining former school kids, now young men, nursed our ales and waited. While the younger women were especially happy to see and greet us, we had one thing still that we wanted and needed to do. For ourselves, and for Pieter, and so we waited ... but we didn't have to wait long.

Melenna Carlson soon arrived at the tavern and acted as if she was still as much the queen bee of the hive as ever, she pushed her way in to greet us.

We in turn, had an entirely different sort of greeting prepared for her!

During hundreds of discussions during our years of military service, we unhappy soldiers griped about our miserable lot in life; our poor erratic pay, terrible food and living conditions, and the horrific mortality that regularly continued to reduce our numbers. The 'volunteers' had no one to blame but themselves, we all decided. The 'conscripts', taken by the whip and the recruiters drum, we decided had the right to gripe, but the most anger was reserved for us 'white feather boys'.

"It was not right!" We grumbled, again and again, that some very stupid and excitable women got their smallclothes moist at the thought of sending every male they could lay eyes on, off to war. For us schoolboys, it was an act of near total murder. We were too young, too small, too innocent for this sort of slaughter, and many good men had died just trying to keep us young kids alive. In our anger and rage, we had found a more than suitable target ... one Melenna Carlson.

We planned our revenge very carefully, and it most definitely included a use for all of the feathers that Pieter had gathered. Now, she came readily into our grasp.

First, the three of us grabbed her and roughly drug her out of the tavern, ignoring her cries and screams, until she was out in the middle of the main street, by the crossroads where everyone in the town could probably now see and hear her. Next, with two of our older soldier friends helping to hold her in place, we tore away at her clothes with our belt knives and fingers, ripping them away until she was exposed naked. Once she was stripped totally nude, we tied her up to a tall wooden post near the water well until she was secure and unable to move.

Then at long last came the big bucket of tar, which we had bought previously and had left it here to await our victim. It was cold and fairly thick, but with a little effort it coated her body, slowly and completely.

It goes without saying that we at last found a very suitable use for all of Pieter's feathers!

Now tarred and feathered, our victim cried and screamed for help, but none was forthcoming. As the entire town of women gathered into the street to observe, we noted very little if any sympathy. Melenna had been too public in her zeal to see every single man and boy in Meryton sent off to fight in the war, and now the vast majority of those men were all dead, lost forever at sea or buried in some distant battlefield. Her 'jingo' had gotten virtually every one of their men all killed, their brothers, fathers, husbands, friends and lovers, and now this terrible loss was finally made real to them. With a great wailing at the slaughter of all of their men-folk, they now joined us in venting their own awful rage.

More chicken, duck and goose feathers now found their way to adhere upon Melenna until she soon more resembled a great white bird herself than a tarred person. The hate and vitriol vented was enough to burn anyone's ears and more than once we had to stop the fury of the crowd from tossing burning torches onto the feathery tar, to consign her to flames right there in the town square.

When I thought that the orgy of hate was spent, and my own insane fury had now mostly quite subsided, I gave Melenna one last very special feather that I had carefully saved for five years.

"Melenna, this is the very same white feather that you gave to me five years ago in school, when you declared me to be a coward. Thus shamed, Pieter and I went to join the regiment and all of us young lads, many not even sixteen, fought and mostly all died for our duchy. There was no glory in this war and precious little honor to be earned. None of which was worth the deaths of over four hundred and sixty men and lads, our fathers, uncles and brothers, your family, friends and lovers. Nearly every single man and boy you once knew instead earned a few feet of hastily dug earth in places that few in this town even know the names to, or could even find on a map. Years later, we pitiful few remain ... not nearly enough to comfort the hundreds of young women who shall now never consort, as all of their men have died and there are but few to take their place."

Melenna started to cry as I cut away the ropes that bound her.

"Go! Leave this town and its unhappy people, for none of us can look upon you now and not see death! May you be cursed to never find a man to accept and love you, so that you may spend your years instead mourning, alone, for the hundreds of men that you sent forth into ruin and slaughter!"

Melenna ran away from us then, but many of the women of the town chased her all the way to her home, throwing rocks and sticks at her with every step that she took. I'm told that it took her three days to remove the last of tar from her body, and that her long golden corn-silk hair had to be shaved away to the very skin in order remove the last of the thickly caked black adhesive. She left town a few days later under the cover of darkness and never once returned, nor did she ever later marry, according to village gossip.

No one ever criticized us for our punishment of her. As far as the town was concerned, it was justice neatly executed and well deserved.

It would be comforting to say that all of us eighteen survivors quickly all readapted to the quiet peaceful life of Jaspar Valley, but that would just be well wishing.

Colin joined his old friend Ronald in death about six weeks after we returned. He had also been drinking especially heavy from the time he returned home and his night terrors had been growing even worse. The quiet was too much for him, he said in a short note of apology that he wrote before he hanged himself. His death scared a few of us to become a bit more sober, as we all found the relative silence of the valley to be quite frightening and more than bit soul disturbing.

The four older men that had returned home to unfaithful wives, and young bastard children, disavowed the lot of them, and began to service nearly by themselves the nearly five hundred or so young and not so young women that were without lovers or consorts. Eventually, three of them tired of this sport and they eventually left the valley entirely, leaving at least a dozen or two bastards behind in their wake. There were rumors that they went to either reenlist or that they joined one of the growing number of mercenary companies. In any case, none of the three ever returned back home again. We all hoped that they found their happiness somewhere else.

Another four also just quietly left us sometime during that next winter, mostly without saying goodbye at the tavern or leaving a note. Back into military service, we assumed, one way or another. Survivor's guilt was eating into each of us like a huge ulcer and a few of the last ten of us remaining weren't handling it too well, especially me.

With about five hundred available women without husbands in the Jasper Valley area, there was a great deal of picking and choosing going on, and to our growing amusement it was the women who were now acting like bantam cocks, strutting to attract a mate ... and viciously fighting anyone they perceived as a rival. There were assaults, poisonings, stabbings, and even a suspected murder or two, as slowly the surviving men selected wives, or at least a concubine ... or three, or four ... or more!

While polygamy wasn't technically illegal in rather conservative Oswein, it had never been flouted or encouraged. Now, even our rather staid local priest of Yweorfan, the God of Cultivation, was pointedly urging us young men to 'do our part!' and take a goodly number of the unfortunate women to wife, or at least to bed.

Hancy certainly did his part! The youngest of us survivors, being barely fourteen when he marched off to war, my school friend was now a tall, handsome and rather virile young man of not quite twenty, and he took to consort eight young and very willing women, each determined to at least be able to share in some happiness and be able to bear children. Tirol and Gaston did nearly as well, each taking six young women to their homes. The rest of us weren't quite as eager to settle down to life on a stud farm.

The other six men eventually did select their collection of bedmates and that just left me as the last one to be alone and single. Quite a few of the old men who had not gone to war, now in turn collected a few of the older widows and began to build a few harems of their own. Most of the unselected women, at least two hundred of them, slowly moved away from Jasper Valley, to other towns and villages that had not suffered as many severe casualties as our local regiment had. Still, pickings were acknowledged to be very slim everywhere. That eventually left about a last one hundred or so desperate young women, still hoping somehow to find or share a mate in Meryton, each trying their best to somehow attract my attention ... and all failing.

Why had I not selected a young pretty woman? Or a dozen? I had no idea. Many of the unmarried women were rather pretty, several even would have been considered the top beauties of the valley, but none of them could pierce through my armor of anger and resentment.

The polite consensus of my physical and mental condition that first winter was that I was a 'complete mess'. I was still angry at my father, and the women who had forced me into becoming a soldier against my will, and I let everyone know it at the slightest provocation.

I was living alone at my father's farm and drinking far more than was either good or healthy for me, and I would still wake up screaming every single night imagining that there was a Caestor legionnaire there in my bedroom that was just inches away from cutting my throat. My night terrors were getting worse rather than better, and I had just enough sense left to know that if I had a woman sharing my bed, the odds were that I'd stab her in my delirium with the dagger that I kept under my pillow every night.

The idea of sleeping without my dagger to protect me from the ghostly Caestorian scout was inconceivable; I chose to sleep alone instead.

When spring came, I forced myself to cut down the drinking a little bit so that I could start the plowing of the farm fields. I didn't have much money of my own and my father now quite despaired of my ever returning to reason, but he wouldn't subsidize my attempt to drink myself to death. I would have to make the farm productive, or at least enough so to grow enough for my needs. The idea of completing my school education and entering my apprenticeship under my father, as we had planned before the war, was now laughable, particularly as my hands now shook too much to even hold a quill, let alone write with it, even when stone cold sober.

I knew I was sick, and not at all right in my head, and I wanted to keep myself as far away from people as I could.

Actually I had little trouble getting up before dawn. My nightly nightmare about getting nearly murdered in my sleep usually woke me up well before sunrise, after which any return to sleep was impossible for me anyway. I'd drink a few mugs of ale for breakfast and have the horses in their harness ready to go by the first crack of dawn. Even plowing from dawn until dusk, my father's fields were so large and numerous that I couldn't hope to cover even a third of them and get them all planted. To work this farm before the war, my father had at least a dozen field hands to handle those twenty individual fields, but now I was working all alone. All had left with me to war and none had even survived to see the end of the battle of Lacestone.

By the time the spring rains were over, I considered myself lucky to get even six of the twenty fields plowed and seeded. All had been fallow since the start of the war and some livestock took turns grazing on the unused fields, further ripening them with their manure. Someday they would be very fertile, when there were again enough lads and men to work the fields.

Working the farm alone was exhausting and nearly backbreaking, but it was also soothing emotionally and slowly but gradually my nerves began to settle down and I once again began to rejoin humanity.

The real beginning of my 'cure' was a quiet Freo 'free day' afternoon during the next winter, at the town tavern. Of habit, we remaining survivors met there every Freo afternoon to hoist a few blackjacks in remembrance of our lost friends and companions. Sometimes the townswomen, new lovers or old family kin, would sit nearby quietly, hoping for us to tell a tale of our adventures, but we rarely ever spoke of the bad old days, and never of our ordeal at Lacestone. We all wanted very badly to forget and no one was happy about remembering or reliving old terrors. My nerves were slowly getting better and I could hold my blackjack mostly steady now without spilling half of it on myself or the serving table ... until she entered the taproom.

In my usual corner of our long table, I hadn't seen her ride into town, alone upon a great brown and white horse. It was a black rainy miserable day and it only became more miserable when the visiting traveling gléaman cheerfully reminded us that tomorrow would be the seventh anniversary of the battle of Lacestone. To make things worse, he started playing and singing some god-awful epic poem about the heroic Rowan and Gwenda, and the seven years of past history fell away from us like leaves blown off of a stone road in a strong wind. Like it was only yesterday, we found ourselves once again back in that battle-line, facing impossible odds and watching our friends and companions falling like scythed wheat everywhere on all sides around us. Lost in our memories, the gléaman sang his heroic but still sad song to the very end, until he took a break to slake his own extreme thirst. My own thirst at this moment was near unquenchable too, and my hands once again shook so heavily that one of my friends, Aeldon. had to help firmly grasp and hold my wrist so that I could drink.

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Shazia A tale of transformation From a Muslim girl to cock addict slut Part 3

How did I get to my home, I am still unable to comprehend. My hands were time and again moving either to my nipples or to my pussy (under the burqa) till I got home. At home, I lay down on my bed. Neither my brother nor my mother was at home. I locked myself in a room, threw off my clothes and lay naked playing with my nipples and pussy. I wished I had more than two hands to work simultaneously on pussy and both the nipples. But I just had two hands and merely ten fingers to help. I moaned loud...

3 years ago
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Trip Pe College Friends Ka Gangbang

Hello friends. I am samar and I am back with a new story. Ye story meri or meri ek college ki friend ki hai. Wo meri classmate hai. Maine pehle bhi stories likhi hai. To ap logo ko usme se mera detail mil jayega. Ab apni classmate ke baare me bata du, uska name “anu” hai… dikhne me cute hai, choti si height lekin body uski bahut hi jabardast hai. Uske pehle bhi 4 boyfriend reh chuke the aur shayad usne sabhi se bharpur chudai bhi hogi. Itni sexy girlfriend hogi to kon ni chodega. Wese abhi wo...

1 year ago
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The Legend Of Sword And Mountain

Els looked up and then up some more, "This isn't a country! It's a mountain range cleverly disguised as a forest." The little dwarf guiding their horses turned his head slightly--the gesture politely acknowledged Els's words. The dwarf did not speak, which made learning his body language pivotal to their conversations. "I did not expect to be sent to Mai as my first service to the Goddess." In her bed at Gallis, Els held on to the hope of a punitive expedition into Hokubu for the...

4 years ago
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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 4

"Katina asked me to wait out here and warn you of their presence. Whatever is going on isn't bad but it is serious." He said. "Okay. Should I go inside?" I asked. Jamal nodded and accompanied me. As we walked in, he announced, "Here is the man himself, Handor!" Katina grinned. Our three visitors looked up at me. I felt like I was being thoroughly searched for any redeeming values by both of Susan's parents with questionable results. Susan looked over at Katina and said, "Sister,...

3 years ago
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A Sailors Tale Chapter Two

Chapter Two His phone vibrated as the boat chugged along towards the crab beds, the text read “Dear Sailor Boy. I’m really sorry about what happened in the men’s room today. I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me” It seemed as though someone wanted him to think what happened was somehow wrong as he read the unnecessary apology.   Just reading the reminder sent a wave of pleasure through him.   He thought only briefly before replying. “Sally please don’t apologize…what you did was...

2 years ago
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The Therapy Session

This story contains sexual situations and should be read by adults only. Comments welcome. This is my first ever story of erotic fiction. The Therapy Session - Part 1 By Renee Elay Chapter 1 "I can't fucking believe this!" She stared up at me from the bed, naked and beautiful, her eyes filling with a mocking disdain that unsettled me to the core. Her name was Sharon, or at least I thought that's what she'd told me at the bar when I picked her up at closing time. She was...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To A Hungry Bitch

Hey guys, this is me again. First of all, thank you for your valuable feedback on my first story. It really means a lot to me. Secondly, this is a humble request to all those guys who were asking about the contact number of that lady and claiming that they respect women. Please, learn to respect women and girls. If a married woman chooses to have sex outside marriage, it does not mean that she will fuck every guy she meets. And even if she does, she would demand respect and a queen like...

2 years ago
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Exploring Fantasies In Key West

Hello. My name is Megan. I’m 26, I live on Miami Beach, I have an MBA and I’m doing very well in the business world. I’m a blue-eyed brunette, tall and athletic and considered attractive, although with a youthful face, made more so with my dark brown ponytail. I have kind of a girl-next- door look about me. I’m positive and enthusiastic by nature and I’m well liked but underneath I’m an aggressive sexual adventuress, using my youthful, innocent appearance to help me get what I want. I’ve had...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kristen Scott Shows Us Her Amazing Gaping Skills

Kristen Scott gets the Anal Treatment from Mike Adriano! Horny hottie Kristen Scott is in her red lace devil costume and is ready to be a bad girl. She shows off her tight body and teases Mike with her stunning curves before Kristen sheds her clothes and plays with her perfect pussy. Kristen lays back with her legs spread as Mike eagerly munches on her muffin and licks her asshole. Mike pulls out his cock and Kristen drops right to her knees to suck and stroke that big dick, making sure to pay...

2 years ago
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Somewhere Theres a Someone

As the mountain train climbed slowly approaching the rockier beginnings of the mountain, Helen was enraptured by looking out at the green pastures shining in the sunlight. She had the usual stirrings of anxiety and expectation. Almost the same curiosity and hope she might have felt as a theatre curtain rose, but with added uncertainties.She had made many journeys to unknown places, but she knew this place so well, loved its languid stillness, the majesty of the peaks, some of which rose like...

Love Stories
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Backdoor ManChapter 7

“Nice to meet you. I’m Devi. That man over there in the corner is my husband, Gustavo. And that man taking orders at the counter is Rajiv, one of my cousins. I take it that you know Sherry pretty well?” Devi introduced herself properly to me once she saw us all at Sherry’s table, “I know Sanjay, of course. He’s my other cousin and works for me, just like Rajiv.” I noted that Rajiv seemed a bit more masculine and distinctly less submissive in his attitude than Sanjay, so Sherry had chosen...

1 year ago
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Caught in the Park My RevengeChapter 6

I knew that they could hear me talk so I said, "Good morning to you, if it is night time where you are at or afternoon, it is morning here. I will be here for the next two hours. I just finished writing more to my Bio and it should be up soon. I have been typing all morning here and I am so fucking hot I have got to have a climax. I want you to sit back, and watch me as I come. (I was turned on from the shit I wrote and made up. My pussy was wet and I knew the blood was in my clit making it...

1 year ago
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Exxxtrasmall Sabrina Rey Orange You Glad Im So Tiny

Oh no! Little Sabrina was picking oranges, fell in the basket, and they all fell on her! Good thing our boy Buddy was able to lend a helping hand. As she gets out of the basket, he cant help but notice her perky tits and extremely mini body. He needs to see more. After finding out she was only 18, he knew how to seduce her. Let her his feel his giant cock, which will probably be the biggest thing shes ever touched in her short life. Sure enough, one fistful of that fuck stick and Sabrina wanted...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends

Ci frequentiamo da un po'. Siamo amici ed ognuno di noi ha una vita completamente diversa. Ci vediamo una volta al mese e scommettiamo su tutto, carte, cavalli, calcio, qualsiasi cosa. Sempre con molti soldi in ballo. E non sempre vinco. Nella vita faccio il consulente per un'agenzia pubblicitaria, Luca ha un sexy shop, Aldo un locale in provincia e Gianni non fa niente, ma ? molto ricco di famiglia e passa la sua vita sui computer. Questa storia ? ambientata nella casa di campagna di Gia...

1 year ago
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MILF Blow job in a car

I saw a lot of women come into the paint store where I worked, but I could tell that Anna was interested in me after only a few minutes talking to her about the color she wanted to paint a hallway. Still, I was 19 and she had to be at least 30 (37 I found out later) and that whole MILF thing hadn't started yet.She came back a few days later and was less than suttle with me. After a few minutes of chatter she asked what time I got off work. When I told her 3:00pm she said she would meet me in...

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Complete

EARLY YEARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the age of 15 James came across a box filled with pictures of his dad's old girlfriends. Even though clothing and hairstyles had changed over the years, James found most of the girls to be attractive, and since James was adept at researching and stalking people online, he decided to look up some of his dad's old flames. To his surprise, each girl he researched revealed the same shocking...

3 years ago
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Late night visits Young and old

It was pitch black and late at night. His touch awoke me. I was young, he was older. His touch felt electric, sending tremors through my whole body. Before I even knew what was happening, I had an erection and his finger tips were lightly stroking my hard cock through my pajamas. In the darkness, I could hear his breathing, but not see him, still I knew who it was. I laid there silent and let his hands explore my body. I felt light headed, his touch felt so good. He ran his hands under my...

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Mom and dad weren’t home so maybe she felt safe fucking Clyde, but she didn’t realize I might skip the after-school basketball game and come home early. The door wasn’t clicked shut, it was standing open a couple of inches, just enough to peer into. I put my eye to the crack but couldn’t see the bed; what I could see was their reflections in the mirror atop her bureau. Clyde was standing at the side of the bed, his pants around his ankles, pounding the shit out of Piper who was on her back,...

2 years ago
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Isha8217s Sexy Challenge For Farheen 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, hope you all are doing great. I am back with a great experience to share with you. But this time, this is not my experience but one of my readers. Her name is Farheen. So, let’s start our story through the eyes of Farheen. *** It was 6 in the morning when I got down the bus at Lakdikapul with a small bag. I looked around for Isha’s husband who was supposed to pick me up. “Hello, Farheen! How are you?” I turned around and saw him beaming. “Hi, I am fine, Anil. How are...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 22

LauraTommy must have been like a mouse the morning after, as he had already left for work by the time I woke up on Monday. We had talked until the early hours and decided that we were going to take Cara up on her generous offer. I sent him a text to remind him to invite Kazumi to be with us and then I set about what I had planned for the day.Strange as it might sound, I was pleased when I walked into the kitchen and found some of the debris from the previous day. It gave me something to do, but...

3 years ago
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Photographer Ch 07

Greg and Annie were amazed at the size of JFK airport. They had flown into LaGuardia when they came to NY on the Attorney Barker’s private plane. The driver took them to a VIP entrance, so they did not have to stand in long lines. There was a customs official there who cleared them and directed to the first class passenger’s lounge. The lounge had a complete buffet of food. They filled their plates and sat at a table overlooking the runway. As the flight time approached a beautiful young...

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Story of Aishas InLaws Secret Sex Life Part 3

Hi ISS readers, this is Syed again. This is how we had a wild experience with Aisha’s in-laws. So after having a wild experience with her in-laws, Aisha suggested I join their group. I said ok, and we started planning when and where we could do it. After 3 months, Aisha had a baby girl. So after 1 month, she would go back with the baby to her in-laws. So aunt Zaheera, Aisha and I went to her in-laws with the baby and planned to stay the night over there. All of us had dinner and had normal...

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New You

New You by Rebecca Poole Birds sang in the tree outside the window, stealing Becky's attention away from her studies. Dreamily, she stared out the window at the birds. How wonderful it must be to be a bird she thought. The loud slap of a wooden ruler on her desk snapped her back to reality. "Miss Poole," scolded Miss Abercrombie, Becky's crone of a teacher, "what sort of djini do you think you will be if you continue to stare out the window instead of concentrating on your...

4 years ago
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Body check up with doctor

Hello! ISS readers This is james from banglore.i want to share my experience with you. This is not imagination. It’s the true incident took place with me. I am 20 old fair skin 5 ft 9 inch. I have very good figure. Especially chest (you can say breast also). Last month I had some problem with my stomach. I used to visit dr.naran but this time when I called him he was out of station. He gave me another number of his friend who is also doctor (MBBS). His name was anil. It was Monday when I called...

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Guest House 8211 Part II

It was the second day at the guest house. The two caretakers, Sheethal and Lekha, had informed my teachers that I would require one more day of rest . They had also convinced my teachers that they would take care of me and there was no need for anybody to miss out another great day of trekking. So my teachers and the girls had gone out early in the morning for another of their trekking. As I got ready and came out of my room, I saw the cook and the security guard, but the two caretakers were no...

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taboo sex you decide

one fact about hispanic teens in hispanic countries, that is taboo is as follow: Teens (hispanics) from 13 and 25 and even well in their adult hood, when they start discovering their bodies, they get help from other teens of the same sex, mostly in the male gender, they would learn how to give oral sex. they will start with jerk off circles or two somes, the obvious gay ones, would be the ones who would give oral sex and mostly the one who would take it up the ass. If these teens don't find a...

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Model Behavior

Joanna sat in her car, rigorously reading through the piece of paper in her hands. ‘Subject: LADS MAG SHOOT’ it read at the top. Nervously, she ran through the checklist to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. ‘Well conditioned hair, check. No excessive fake nails or makeup, check. Body piercings removed, check. Identification, check Waxed pubic hair, check…. if shaving counts,’ she murmured to herself. There was no use going through the email now anyway, she was there, and already a few...

1 year ago
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The kidnapping of Kimberly

100% fiction!"Mom, I'm going for a jog" Kimberly said. Her mother looked at the clock. "But it is 8:30, and it is getting dark." Kimberly smirked. "I'll be back in twenty minutes." She put on her shoes and went out the door. Her mom was right. It was already dark out, and her only company on the street were dimmed streetlights. She began with a steady jog, making sure that she did not go to fast. As she made her way down the street, she noticed a black van turning the corner. Thinking that it...

Erotic Fiction
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Morning routine

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I come out of our toilet and see her getting ready for work in her panties and bra. She puts on makeup in between drying her hair a little at a time under the ceiling fan, trying not to get too hot. As she leans forward to look into the mirror, I see the ample cleavage showing above her sexy bra. The slight arch in her back makes her butt jut out, her skimpy panties daring me to touch it. I come up behind her. “Good morning," she says. " Sorry I woke you. I have...

Quickie Sex
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husband has to wait

I tossed and turned in my bed, too excited to sleep. Waiting to hear the car pull up, waiting to hear her footsteps moving to the bedroom. My dick was throbbing, and my heart was racing. On these nights I always stay naked in our silk sheets, because it feels so sexy to me, as I think about how a big dick stud is fucking my wife. I ached to play with myself but I knew better. I know if I start playing I will cum, and I want to save that for when Dee gets home and tells me about her night. I...

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