The Feather Tease Girls free porn video

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The feather tease girls.

A fantasy of women using men

Bob had just started college and was a sex obsessed eighteen-year- old. Everyday at least twice he had to masturbate thinking of the sexy girls he saw aroundthe campus. However he had little luck in real life with girls unlike in hisfantasies where girls fought for the honour of sucking him off and being hisspecial babe. Then one day in the college bar with his friend Jon he saw agroup of eight noisy laughing girls. Now Bob was not going to try chattingthem up, as it was impossible to separate a girl from her pack. However tohis and Jon's amazement after about thirty minutes the whole group of themcame over and started talking to the two lads. Even more amazing was the factthat they were teasing the two lads using some very sexual banter. Bob andJon responded in kind with some sexual boasting as young men are inclined todo but the girls instead of being offended found it funny. They seemed to findit particularly funny when Bob told them he had to have sex at least twicea day or his balls would burst. In fact he saw them all exchanging glancesat that and smiling in a very confident manner.

Then one of the girls a slim big-breasted blonde with a wide mouth calledFern said, "We are good lovers and can make any boy beg and do as we wantwith our bedtime skills!" Bob smiled at that and believed her but Jonsaid, "No way us tough guys can handle anything a girl can throw at usno problems!" Another of the girls a buxom blonde with massive breastswearing a low cut top so Bob could easily admire their smooth white surfacescalled Eloisa said, "Want to bet lads? You come to our block and let ustease you and if in three hours we have not broken one of you you get us forthe weekend as sex slaves! Deal?" What do you mean?" " We getthree hours to play with you in a nice way no pain just pleasure and if withinthe three hours one of you agrees to give the other lad a blowjob we are thewinners! If you win you get laid by us all as sexily as you want but if youlose one of you gives a guy a blowjob dressed in drag while we watch and laugh!" Bobwas worried but Jon laughed and said, "Okay but we want you girls nakedas well!" Fern laughed and said, "No way but we will go topless!Okay?" and Jon nodded.

The two young men left the bar with the eight girls and walked across campusto a girls block and then into one of the girls rooms. The girls were gigglingand very blatant while Jon was laughing unconcerned. Bob however was feelingvery nervous as he knew of his need to orgasm and was sure being teased forthree hours would not be fun even if at the end he got laid. Inside the roomwere two beds on opposite sides of the room and the boys stood blinking asEloisa said, " Here's the deal you guys get naked on the bed and we tieyou to them okay! We get topless and tease you with our bodies and if withinthree hours you beg us to allow you to blow the other guy in drag we win! Ifnot you guys win and we untie you and for the weekend do as you want!" Bobwanted to back out but Jon said, " Okay but you girls get your tops offfirst!" Eloisa laughed and said, " Okay! Girls time to get our titsout for the lads!" and with that she pulled her top off and ripped a largebra off so her massive white boobs sprung free. Bob gasped at the sight ofthe proud girl topless and then even better the other seven girls removed theirtops so that the room was full of sexy topless women. For Bob it was a sexualfantasy come true and his dick rose painfully in his pants at the sight ofeight magnificent pairs of breasts exposed to his view. Eloisa smiled and said, " Ican see Bob likes the view! Okay boys get them off and let us see what youare made off! I think Bob's cock needs to be free his pants seem very tight!" Bobblushed but saw Jon stripping so he to removed his clothing as the girls giggledand watched them get naked. When Bob was naked his excited dick stuck up fullyerect but he saw that Jon was not erect and also had a small dick making Bobsmile. Eloisa also smiled and said, "Nice Jon the bed on the left andBob the right bed! That's mine Bob so you get my team!"

Bob moved and lay on the bed and Eloisa and three more girls moved towardshim as the other four girls took Jon off. The other three girls were Gerria slim redhead with nice breasts and Rosie a plump girl with big white softbreasts and black hair. The fourth girl was Wanda who was a slim blonde witha very pretty face and pert breasts. Bob noticed as he lay on the bed thatall four girls had erect nipples and as the room was not cold he knew theymust be excited. Then Eloisa produced some silk scarves and expertly Bob wastied spread eagle on the bed by the girls. Eloisa smiled and then gently rubbedBob's straining erection with her fingertips making him moan with delight.Eloisa gave a wicked smile and said, " A lovely big dick to tease! Myfavourite game! I think girls Bobbie boy will beg easily! Look how excitedhe gets even with a gentle touch and we have not even started! And if it istrue about him needing to blow twice a day we are going to have fun! Is Jontied Fern? Good lets get the feathers and let the game commence!"

Bob blinked as Eloisa produced a bag and from it a collections of long silkyfeathers and handed one to each girl. Then she said, "Okay lads threehours of feather play to survive! Remember if you agree to give the other guya blowjob we stop! Okay start the clock and let's start the teasing girls!" Thegirls giggling making their breasts jiggle up and down in a very sexy manneras Fern started a clock. Then Eloisa and the other three girls sat on the bedsmiling at the tied Bob and his erect dick.

Eloisa said, "Just relax Bob and let us play. Have you ever been featherteased before? No! Well you will find the sensation amazing as the feathersgently rub your shaft and those lovely full balls of yours!" And withthat the four girls gently rubbed the feathers up and down Bob's dick. Bobmoaned in delight at the feathers silky touch and felt his dick fully expandand he moaned in excitement. Then Gerri and Rosie moved so their feathers gentlytickled his balls while Wanda rubbed her feather up and down his shaft. Eloisahowever concentrated her attentions on the head of his penis rubbing the endof the feather gently over it. Bob moaned and groaned as his excitement roseand rose under the girls' careful stimulation. The feathers excited him, asdid the sight of four sexy topless girls concentrating on his body. To Bobit was his fantasy come alive and he moaned in excitement and felt his ballstighten as he approached orgasm. However to his surprise and horror the girlsfeathers kept stroking him but it was not enough to bring him off and whilehe got close to orgasm it needed just a little more to bring him to a screamingclimax. Bob realised that this was the catch and that the feathers were notenough to get him off and he groaned out loud. Eloisa smiled and said, " Isee you get the picture now Bobbie! As well as enjoying the feathers as a specialtreat and because we can all see you are a tit man you can kiss our tits! Doyou think that will get you off? Or maybe if you lick our nips really nicelywe will slip up and let you come! Imagine how nice it would be to blow a load!" Bobmoaned and twisted in the tight scarves and tried to rub the head of his dickhard against the teasing feather of Eloisa. However she withdrew it a bit andcarried on gently teasing the straining head of his dick with the feather makinghim groan more in excitement and despair. Then Bob heard Jon groaning and knewhe was suffering as well and shuddered at the predicament he and his friendwere in.

Eloisa smiled and said, "Time to swap girls and let Gerri play withthe head! Do you want to kiss these dear boy? A pair of lovely big tits justnice to lick! Do it well and maybe I will be nice and rub your dick head alittle harder!" Bob moaned as with a giggle Gerri's feather took overteasing in a maddening manner the head of his dick. Eloisa moved and drapedherself across him so he was staring up at her. Her massive breasts hung downwhite and smooth with her nipples fully erect. Eloisa moved and cupped onein her hand and then carefully placed it between the shuddering boy's lips.Desperately Bob gently licked her full nipple and was pleased to hear Eloisamoan. He licked away trying to excite the girl as the maddening tease of hisdick continued. After a minute Eloisa moved and swapped breasts and Bob lickedthe other silken globe as his dick was kept on the point of coming. After acouple more minutes a red faced Eloisa pulled away and said, "He lickstits in a real nice way girls! I hope we can break him it feels very sexy toget his tongue on them!" Gerri smile and moved and said, "Do notworry we will! He is leaking pre come like a tap and when the blue balls hithe will beg to lick stumpy cock off! Okay kiss these baby!" Bob moanedas the teasing continued feeling light headed and confused. Gerri moved andpushed a round breast into his open mouth and once more Bob licked a girl'sbreast and once more desperately he tried to please her. He hoped that if hepleased the girls they would bring him off particularly as they did not seemto rate Jon. This was confirmed when Gerri said, "Good mouth work boy!What's the other one like Fern?" "Not much cop" She replied, " smallcock and he licks a tit as if it is a lollipop! Your guy seems much more fun!" Gerriswapped breasts and replied," Yes! And after ten minutes he is gettingdesperate!" Bob moaned and twisting trying to lick the breast in his mouthand get off but the girls were too clever and moved the feathers away fromhis straining dick teasing him to keep him on the edge. After a couple of minutesGerri removed her breast and it was Wanda's turn. Wanda's breasts were firmand smooth and her nipples were large as he licked them making her moan withexcitement. Bob was desperate to excite the girls so they would bring him offhow he did not care so desperate for an orgasm had the feathers made him. AfterWanda he licked the massive soft breasts of Rosie and once more he was rewardedfor his efforts by several moans of female excitement.

However when Rosie finally pulled her wet nipple from his mouth he was stillbeing teased. Now he was so excited that only one girl was teasing him witha feather concentrating on his exposed penis head and only rubbing the shaftwhen he leaked too much pre come. Bob looked down and saw his shaft was wetwith pre come and moaned as once more he twisted towards the feather that Eloisawas using to tease him with. She laughed and said, " Come on baby we haveonly been going for twenty minutes! And this is the fun part! Wait till youget the blue balls then you will be really desperate to come and end the painof frustration!" Gerri laughed and cupped her breasts towards the desperateboy and said, " Remember Bobbie we can end this any time you want! Allyou have to do is let us dress you in drag and then give stumpy a blowjob!" Bobmoaned and nearly agreed so desperate was he for the constant teasing to finish.However Eloisa said, " Oh I hope he can last longer I want him to giveus all head before he does his friend!" and the girls giggled making theirbreasts rock and jiggle and Bob shudder in despair. However he realised thatmaybe if the girls came they would show him mercy so he said, "Pleaselet me lick you off!" Gerri laughed and lent over him her breasts hangingdown in a sexy manner and said, " All four of us? Well that would putus in a good mood I suppose! Okay sexy we will be nice and let you kiss ourpussies until we come! But only if you beg and say please!" Bob moanedbut said, " Please let me lick your pussies! Oh my god please let me come!" Andthe girls all laughed even the ones teasing Jon.

Gerri smiled and said, " You asked very nicely sexy butt so you canlick my cunt until I come! Do it well and maybe you will get a nice reward!" Gerristood and pulled off a pair of white panties and then mounted Bob so her thighswere on either side of his head. She smiled down and said, " Nice andgentle to begin with honey and then give my clit a good licking! Then whenI come get the whole tongue in there!" Bob gasped as he looked up at hersexy body and then she moved and he could see her red haired pussy under hershort skirt as she moved it carefully onto his mouth. It went dark and he couldsee nothing but he could smell and taste her musky femininity. He licked awayremembering what she had demanded and always aware of the feather rubbing hisshaft. However as he licked Gerri he was sure the girl teasing him was treatinghim easier as he was allowed to drop just a notch away from orgasm. Of coursethis was to allow the helpless boy to concentrate all his attentions on bringingthe girl off. Gerri moaned and groaned and soon Bob's mouth was full of herjuices as she bounced around on his face. Then she started to sob as he flickedher prominent clitoris and as she orgasmed he drove his tongue into her vaginamaking her scream as she came. Gerri pulled off him and Bob begged and said, "Pleasecan I come now!" However all that happened was that Wanda teased him backto the point of orgasm.

Eloisa moved and mounted him and said, "You agreed to do all four ofus before we discussed it further honey! I like a fast tonguing so get goingbaby!" Eloisa's pussy was covered in thick black hair as she wiggled itonto his open mouth and her skirt covered his face again. He licked away tryinghis best to please her as she rode his face ramming her pussy hard againstit. As he pleasured her once more to his relief the teasing slowed and hisdesperate urge to come was allowed to fade just a little. However it did nottake long until Eloisa screamed in orgasmic delight and as she came her wetnessfilled his mouth and Bob was forced to swallow. After she had got off him oncemore in less than five seconds he was teased back to desperation and Rosiemounted his body. She had removed her panties but kept her skirt on and shehitched this up as she got into position and said, " Like Eloisa I wantit nice and fast baby!" and then she rammed her pussy onto his face. Boblicked away as Rosie moaned and groaned and several times he was unable tofind air as she rode his face until with a scream of pure pleasure she reacheda powerful climax. Next it was Wanda's turn and Bob looked up in helpless admirationat her sexy body. Her breasts stood out firm and high as she wiggled herselfso her trimmed tight pussy was over his mouth and then she said, "Longlicks and then when I am nice and wet give full attention to the clit baby!" Bobnodded as she sat herself on him. He licked away pleased to hear Wanda moanwith delight. Wanda wiggled on his face and he heard her say, " God thisfeels nice! I love to come on a guy who cannot we must win him!" Eloisareplied, "

Yes he gives great head just what you want from a toy boy and he looks realsexy! Stumpy Jon is crap! We had better hurry up and break Bobbie!" Wandamoaned and said, " No problems I am going to come big time in a minute!Keep licking baby and do my clit now! I must come!" Bob did as she orderedand was rewarded by a mouthful of girl juice as the sexpot screamed and cameon him.

Wanda fell off him and Bob desperately begged, " Please can I come now!I have brought you all off so it must be my turn!" Eloisa laughed andsaid, " No we are not taking turns! You wanted to lick us off and we agreed!No the only way we stop is when you blow your mate Jon! Do you want to givehim a blowjob yet?" Bob shuddered and shook his head making the four girlslaugh. Gerri took over teasing his red dick and said, " You will do soonhoney! I think you are nearly out of pre come and then baby it is the blueballs! Apparently they really hurt a guy and honey bun the only way to stopthem is to come and the only way that may happen is if you give stumpy knoba blowjob!" Bob shuddered but did not reply as Gerri teased him watchedby the other three girls. They were sitting topless drinking beers from cansas he suffered holding their feathers and waiting for a turn to tease him.After a couple of minutes Rosie took over teasing his shaft with her feather.She concentrated on his over sensitive penis head but when he moaned too muchin despair she moved and rubbed his shaft and then returned after a few secondsto resume the full torment keeping him all the time on the edge. Bob had beensuffered for forty-five long minutes and was sure it could not get worse whensuddenly he felt a terrible cramping pain in his balls. He gasped and sobbedand Eloisa laughed and said, " Great here come the blue balls! I wonderif you can survive over two more hours of those! Some guys are broken afterjust a few minutes! I wonder how tough your balls are baby?"

Bob sobbed as Wanda moved and joined in teasing him saying, " Yes hecan take two feathers now! We can really give his cock a hard time!" thepain from his balls was intense but the desperate need to come was even strongeras Bob twisted and moaned under the light expert teasing. For five never endingminutes he suffered feeling as if his balls were being constantly kicked whileall he need was the touch of a female finger to bring him relief. Eloisa waswatching him carefully her breasts hanging sexily in front of him and she said, "Oneway to stop us is to get into drag and give Jon a blowjob! Then honey if youwant it I will suck you off! How about it?" Bob moaned unable to thinkor cope with any more and looked at her sexy body and her wonderful breastsand all resistance left him. He sobbed, " Yes oh my god yes! Please stop!" Eloisasmiled in victory and said, " We will but after you have blown Jon. Wetie you up again I do not want your blowjob to be ruined! Do not worry I promiseto let you go if you want!" Bob's head was spinning and the urge to comeand stop the agony from his balls was too much so he moaned and said, " Yesplease! I must come!" Gerri said, " Say please let me blow my friendand show you how a guy gives head. Wonderful queens of my life!" Bob brokenmoaned and said, "Please let me blow my friend and show you how a guygives head. Wonderful queens of my life!" And the girls all laughed andFern said, " About time even small cock is getting close to breaking!"

Eloisa laughed and said, " Okay lets get you in drag baby and then Wandawill stop teasing you and you can blow Jon!" Bob lay moaning as the teasingwas kept up on his dick. The girls moved and quickly Gerri applied make upto his face while over his supine body the other two slipped a basque and stockingsreleasing his legs as they did so. Then the feather was withdrawn from hisdick and his arms were released. Gerri pulled him up and said, " No funnybusiness! Remember there are eight of us and we can easily overpower you andtie you back up for more feather treatment!" Bob nodded too broken toresist. He was pulled over to Jon who was lying tied with his eyes closed.Bob ignored his friend as Eloisa pushed his head towards Jon's groin. Eloisasaid, " All in the mouth but when he comes pull out so we can see he hascome! I do not think it will take long he is nearly as keen as you to get off!" Jon'sdick was sticking up red and fully erect as nervously Bob moved his head towardsit. He felt sick about what he was about to do but the pain from his own dickand his balls convinced him to do it. He moved and took the penis into hismouth and Jon groaned and shook and Bob knew it was only a matter of a fewseconds until his friend came. Cautiously he gave it a few licks and Jon sobbedand moaned and tried to force it deep into Bob's mouth. Bob moved back andlet it go as Jon blew. To Bob's horror Jon fired a mass of come all over hisface as Jon gained relief. Bob was dazed and shocked as the girls pulled himoff and before he could resist they had tied him back onto the other bed. Gerriproduced a towel and wiped the make up and come from his face saying, " Niceone! You have a great mouth baby for a boy or a girl!"

Bob lay back shocked his dick still fully erect and his balls still aching.As he did so he was aware of the girls releasing Jon and looked over and thenshuddered with horror. In the hands of Fern and Rosie were two small digitalcameras. The girls were looking at the backs of the cameras and Bob realisedthat they were showing the girls pictures they had taken of him giving Jonhead. Jon stood looking confused and then moaned as Eloisa moved and grippedhim tightly by the balls and said, " Okay small cock you can piss off!Now we have a few nice shots of a guy in drag giving you head! If you tellany one ever about what happened here we post them on the Internet!" Jonstarted to cry and said, " I will shut up!" Eloisa laughed and obviouslygave his balls a squeeze as he sobbed and she said," Pick you clothesup and get out and never let us see your pathetic body again!" Jon didnot speak but grabbed his clothes as Fern handed them to him and shot out ofthe room.

Then all eight girls surrounded Bob, as he lay helpless on the bed. Eloisamoved and picked up the feather and teased his dick. Instantly Bob was backhelpless on the point of orgasm and moaned in horror. Eloisa smiled and said, " Iam an honest girl so Bob you can have a blowjob and get rid that pain in theballs and then you can go!" Bob moaned in pleasure making all the girlslaugh. Eloisa loomed over him transfixing his eyes to her magnificent beastsand said, " Of course then honey we will post the wonderful pictures ofyou giving gay head in drag all over the campus and on the net!" Bob screamedin horror and begged and she laughed and said, " We will keep them safeif you agree to be a good boy!" Bob broken moaned as she continued, "Sohere is the new deal! No blowjob baby! In fact no orgasm at all! At least notfor you we can get head on demand and baby that will be a lot of cunnilingus!Not just us eight girls but our friends as well and quite a few older ladieswho pay good money for a toy boy giving them oral delight! You must agree tobecome our total sex slave completely under our power! A life sentence of sexualslavery baby! Well honey do you want to be a sex slave or would you ratherevery one knew you were queer?" Bob shuddered and groaned as Rosie showedhim a picture of his face covered in come and knew he was totally lost. Henodded his head and the girls laughed. Then Eloisa moved and squeezed his ballsmaking him sob and said, "Good baby! Now as our slave one thing you donot get is to come! You give us pleasure with your hands and mouth but yourdick is just a toy for us to tease! And baby we love teasing a guy! It is areal turn on to watch a man sob in helpless frustration! You told us earlierthat your balls would burst if you did not come twice a day! Well baby youare going to find out if that is true!" Fern produced a white cotton sheafand said, " This is a come checker baby! It goes over the cock and ifyou come it gets stained! See at the bottom is a wire and we apply it niceand tight and then use a little tab to ensure it stays on! If the tab breakswe know you took it off! Of course you cannot pee with it on but four timesa day we will check it and let you go to the lav! This baby will stop you wanking!No orgasm means no orgasm! " And the girls laughed again at the helplessboy. Eloisa gave his balls another squeeze and said, " Yes no coming atall unless you earn the right to come! Break the rules and into the publicdomain go the pictures! Understand? Good! Now baby as we are nice girls youcan earn the right to come! Do you want to know how?" Bob nodded as tearsrun down his face. Eloisa giggled and her breasts moved sexily as she said, " Simpleif you give a girl or lady a really good time she recommends we let you come!If you get a dozen recommendations you get to come!" Bob moaned at thatas Wanda moved closer her breasts hanging down beautifully and said, " Ofcourse baby a recommendation is only for something really good! Just givinga girl dozen great orgasms is not enough they have to be real perfect mindblowers to earn a recommendation! You said you had to come twice a day baby!Just think baby how painfully full your balls will be if you get to come onlytwice a year! You had better be mister perfect pussy licker if you want morethan that!" And again the topless girls laughed and to Bob their wobblingbreasts were a sign now of their total power over him. Then Eloisa gave hisballs another hard squeeze and said, " However honey the worse thing aboutbeing our sex slave is not the hours of cunnilingus or even the lack of orgasms!No at least twice a week we play the feather game! Okay you get to lick usoff while we play but we get to tease you! And baby the feather game is nota three-hour jaunt but a six-hour marathon of sexual frustration! And you haveto suffer it without relief! If it is one of the rare occasions for you tocome at the end you get a handjob but if not it is back into the chastity sheafonce more! Can you imagine what it is like to be teased for six whole hoursby a group of glorious girls and at the end of it not to be allowed to come?Do not worry Bobbie you are about to find out! Your balls will ache for days!In fact all the time until we play again! Fern reset the clock!" And thegirls all cheered in triumph as Eloisa moved and once more two feathers heldby sexy victorious amazon sexpots resumed teasing Bob's helpless erect dick.Bob lay sobbing as his dick strained and twisted to come as his balls throbbedand knew he was completely lost.

The start/end.

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Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather10 Kissing a Girl

“RAMIE? RAMIE?” Kyle was standing right in front of me. I started out of my reverie. “What?” “You’re asleep on your feet. You didn’t even look up when I pulled in.” “Kyle, I was...” I couldn’t tell him. He claimed to not be time traveling, even though I’d seen him twice. Still, the last time I’d seen that corporal, Kyle certainly was not there. And how did I go off time-traveling if I wasn’t listening to him and Aubrey making love? I looked over and the raven had his head tucked under his...

3 years ago
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Feather and Scale

Aris finished tying his shoes and turned his eyes back to Tiassa. The Lamia Queen’s huge, impossibly perky breasts were partially hidden beneath an out-of-fashion bikini top. Her serpentine lower half was concealed by the waves, and an illusion, giving the impression that she was a normal woman relaxing in the surf. Albeit, a stunningly beautiful woman with green hair. After finishing his first year of college, he had returned to the hometown of his distant relatives. There he had spent two...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Harry Potter And The Love Feather

"Common, Harry it's getting late, lets all go to bed," Ron said. I got up and packed my homework. We were in the Gryffindor (our house in our school, Hoghwarts) common room studying. "Yeah, lets go," Neville agreed. We all talked and then walked to our dormitory of five. It was lit by candles and immediately caused us to feel drowsy. That was the beauty of magic. We all jumped into our beds and went to sleep immediately as we were dog-tired from the Quiditch match (I love that game)...

2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Divorced MILF Massaged With Feather In Goa

Hello to all ladies and guys here. I will call myself the ‘masseur’. I am not too comfortable sharing my name in my first experience itself. I am happy to have learnt a bit about the art of massage which helped me pen this. It was a hot humid summer in Goa and I had taken a break from work. I checked into one of the most beautiful secluded parts in south Goa for a weekend getaway away from the noise. Little did I know that the weekend would be one I would remember for ages to come! While...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

4 years ago
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The Feather Bed

It all started in the big feather bed on the upstairs screened in porch at my Uncle Bob’s house. Uncle Bob and Aunt Betty lived in North Dakota, on fifteen hundred acres of ... well not much of anything. It was pretty, with lakes and trees and such, but I was a city boy and didn’t know much about cows, which was what he had on his ranch. Anyway, for as long as I can remember, my parents, my sister and I would drive up there every year along in August, just before school started again, for a...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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FeathersChapter 2

It was early afternoon when the veterans returned home. It was still mid autumn, that 17th of Ámyrðria, on Freo-twā, or the second free-day of the middle of the month. The fields were still ripe with grain and the women and the children of Meryton and Jasper Valley were forsaking their day of rest to bring in more of the harvest. Many of the fields appeared to be fallow, as the women alone could not plow, sow or harvest by themselves all of the old fertile valley farmland. Still as the small...

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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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- I - Todd sat on top of the sloped lid of a backlane garbage bin with his knees clutched tightly together, his elbows tucked into his sides, and a book in his upturned palms. He was hunched, leaning into the read, peering through his oversized glasses, almost unblinking. One eyebrow was slightly raised, his brow furrowed, concentrating. A tuft of hair hung down across his forhead, like a claw, pointing at his left eye. His eyes scanned the page, with robot-like precision. Now and then his...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather3 Virgin Voyage

KYLE AND I got to ride herd for two weeks during the summer. Phile and Caitlin weren’t happy about it because they had to stay close to home without us to watch them. We had a little responsibility on the range but it was all where we loved to be—on our horses. The guys taught us what we were supposed to watch for during the long days in the saddle. “I’m glad you’re up here for a couple weeks,” Rafe said. He was our ranch foreman and we rode up with him to where the two summer hands and...

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Blackfeather4 Who are you

I WAS STARING into a mirror. No, a darkened window that showed my startled reflection. Only it wasn’t me. The girl that looked back at me was ... just not me. She was pretty. I couldn’t tell the color of her eyes but they looked startled like something had just slapped her. She was wearing a shawl and a dark dress that was buttoned up all the way under her chin. Oh my god! It happened. I’m in a different person. I’m so sorry, Kyle. What do I do now? “Who are you?” My host was panicking. How...

2 years ago
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Blackfeather5 Caught

“I’D JOIN YOU but I’m a little sore down there,” Aubrey giggled. She was staring at me from just inside the door. What? I got my bearings. I was sitting on my bed leaning against the wall with my hand in my pussy. Oh, fuck! “Sore?” I said. “Don’t give me that. Sitting where you are, I know you were listening. Was it as good for you as it was for me?” “Aubrey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I was breaking up into tears. We failed. I got sucked into another time where I could have done...

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Blackfeather6 Fight

“DEMON RAMIE, come to me. Help me in my time of need!” What the fuck? Where am I? “You came!” Miranda? “Help me, Ramie. They’re after me.” Who? “I don’t know. He grabbed me and I ran. There he is!” She was panicked and backing into a corner. This wasn’t good. “Aye, little miss. You’ll make a fine toffer,” a voice growled. A grizzled man came down the narrow alley toward us. Miranda turned to run again and tripped over her dropped basket. He grabbed her arm in one hand and her waist in...

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Blackfeather7 Lovers

“KYLE!” I called out. “Oh, shit!” Aubrey was standing in the doorway. I was sitting on my bed propped up against our common wall with my hands in my panties and I’d just yelled out my brother’s name. Correct that. I wasn’t wearing panties. They dangled from my ankle and my t-shirt was bunched up beside me. “Aubrey! You startled me. I was asleep.” “Asleep and dreaming about your brother while you jill off. Ramie, that’s so sick.” “It’s not like that. Honest. Aubrey, please don’t think that...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather8 Paying the Price

“RAMIE! Get your skinny ass into my office right now!” Pa yelled at me as he pounded on my door. “Kyle! Same orders. Now!” Kyle and I stumbled out of our apartments, pulling on our boots with shirttails flying. Pa was already back to the house and we rushed to catch up. One thing you did not want to do was cross Pa when he was mad. And I knew why. I glanced toward the near pasture and saw the four new horses grazing peacefully with Bells and Bows. Kyle and I got back from the auction with...

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Blackfeather9 Sold

“THERESA, run to the hotel!” Miranda commanded. I felt rather than saw her stepsister as her footsteps retreated rapidly. “Leave her,” Miranda continued. “She’s too young.” I looked through her eyes at the three young soldiers who had her trapped against the wall. Blue trousers with a gold stripe. Dark blue double buttoned shirts. Tan hats. These looked like the same soldiers we saw in Baltimore. Where was Kyle? “We only want you anyway,” one said. Six feet tall. Pocky complexion. I...

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Blackfeather11 Guns and Ammo

PA SURPRISED US by stopping at the gun shop on Second Avenue before we took Aubrey home. “You’re hanging around these ranch kids more and more, Aubrey,” Mom Ash said. “You ought to get a look at what they’re looking at.” “Are we getting guns?” Kyle asked. “Ramie’s interested in some reproductions, but it’s a good idea for you to have good side-arms when you are out running around the ranch. We’ve been hearing more reports of wolves in the lower hills lately and you might not have time to...

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Blackfeather12 Aubrey

I WAS SURE Moms and Pa knew Aubrey was sleeping with Kyle. I don’t know why she kept sneaking back into my room after they were done. It was Halloween and had been two weeks since I’d last traveled to visit Miranda. I wasn’t as frantic this time as I’d been the last time I left her. She was safe for a while; I was sure. Aubrey and Kyle were especially long and noisy that night. I couldn’t help myself. I stripped and found I was already pretty juicy. It was damned near too cold to keep my...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather13 Wolf

NEITHER OF US traveled. But what an adventure. We obeyed Moms and Pa and closed the windows, even though I had to turn off the heat. Seemed like it was either all on or all off. In a month or so, when it was snowing and cold, ‘on’ would be fine, but right now I wished for just a little fresh air. Cold or not, that wall between our apartments was like paper. I swear I could almost smell Aubrey getting turned on. Then I pulled the covers up over my head and I really could smell her. Oh yes....

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Blackfeather14 Husband and Wife

“I WILL NOT wear breeches,” Miranda croaked. I could still feel the wolf’s teeth at my throat and realized Miranda’s voice had truly been damaged by Harriet when she attempted to strangle us. It had been beautiful and lyrical but now was harsh and raspy. “I am just telling you that it ain’t safe for two girls to go alone through this country. You should pretend to be boys. These buckskins could be cut to fit you and you would look like a couple country boys out to seek your fortune,” John...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather15 Alone

I WAS STILL HERE. I suddenly felt alone in Miranda’s body. It was as if she’d taken a vacation and left me to housesit. I could feel her in all her memories—the furnishings of her mind—but I could not hear her. It was disorienting. Even at times when I’d taken or been given control of Miranda’s body, she was always there. Sometimes she fought me for control. Sometimes she was just standing by to take it back. Now, it felt like I was in my own body. My own body. My own dead body. What if...

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Blackfeather16 Pioneers

I WAS no more equipped for the life of a pioneer than Miranda was— either mentally or physically. I didn’t know half what was needed, even though I’d researched the USGS maps and the Internet non-stop while I was waiting to travel again. I could use an Internet connection right now. I wanted to talk to Kyle and thought about the number of nights we’d spent Skyping each other from our rooms. I missed Aubrey. I missed sex. We met few people as we traveled. The region had been ‘settled’ for...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather17 Alive

I coughed and choked, gasping for breath. Strong arms went around me and held me. I was disoriented as I felt the soft mattress. Kyle was holding me. I grabbed hold of him and squeezed with all my strength. “You’re back!” he said. He rocked me back and forth. “Well, I guess that worked,” Pa said as he came into the room. Moms were right behind him. “What worked?” I asked. Kyle reached toward me and lifted a necklace and a black feather off my chest. I looked down noticing my tits were...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather18 Business

I NEVER TOOK that wolf-tooth necklace off. It wasn’t like it was on a chain with a clasp. Merv knotted the cord around my neck and it was just too short to pull over my head. Oh, I didn’t wear it outside my clothes or anything. But I always felt those teeth against my skin. I did, however, take to wearing a bandana around my neck. I had two ugly red scars that I didn’t want people staring at. On Saturday the next weekend, Kyle, Aubrey, and I went up to the Bearclaw cafe to get a burger. I...

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Blackfeather19 Warehouse

A SOLITARY BRASS BELL rang when we entered the shop. I had no idea where we were but it seemed like a city, so I assumed Omaha. I should have studied maps of that. “We gon’ have some good fun with you now that your Ma and Pap are gone,” a young man said to the woman at the counter. Theresa! “You just relax and let me get my hands into this tight little bosom of yours.” He was behind the counter with her and had a hand on her blouse, working to open it. “Let me go, you spurious cur!” Theresa...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather20 Massacre

MY FEET WERE COLD, which didn’t seemed strange; I was stark naked and drawing marks on my wall map with a Sharpie. Somehow, I’d filled in a line from Springfield, Missouri all the way to Omaha, Nebraska with marks and dates for campsites. I might not know where I was going, but I guess I knew where I’d been. I looked at my shoulder and could see the six indentations of the raven’s talons on the front of my shoulder. I could feel the two behind. At least he hadn’t broken the skin. I was...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather21 Courting

OF COURSE, we did get breaks, but not at the same time. I came down for an absolutely luscious week in the arms of Aubrey. My sweet, sweet girlfriend. I thought about how my attitude had changed about that. Yes, she was also my brother’s girlfriend, but now I thought of her as my girlfriend. It was fine that she was his, too, but my relationship with her wasn’t defined by that. While I was down on my ‘vacation’, Phile and Caitlin pounded on my door. I opened it and they held out their laptop...

2 years ago
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Blackfeather22 Opened Box

“I ALWAYS WONDERED what that looked like,” Pa said. Blackfeather was still sitting on my shoulder. The sun was just coming up. “Sometimes Mary Beth and Ashley didn’t even realize I’d been gone until I was back. Your spirit bird is a lot friendlier than mine was. If that redtail hawk had lit on my shoulder, I’da shit my pants.” I glanced at the raven on my shoulder. You don’t realize how big a raven’s beak is until you see it six inches from your eye. I reached in my saddle pouch and pulled...

3 years ago
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Blackfeather23 Hard Winter

WE MADE BELIEVE we were snowed in all Thanksgiving week. There was only one day of school left anyway. Kyle and Aubrey came in surprised to find me already in the kitchen wearing my sweats and my six-gun. I don’t know what came over me but I kissed them both. Not like big romantic kisses, but more like a ‘good morning, dear’ kiss. “We’ve got to get feed out to those horses,” I said, pointing down to the lower pasture. The pregnant mares and our working stock were all up in the paddock where...

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Blackfeather24 Laramie

“SUNSET. What an awful time to arrive in a frontier town. We have luggage and cargo. We cannot simply hide in the hotel.” I don’t suppose you made a reservation. “Demon Ramie! My friend. I am thankful for your company.” We heard a gunshot from across what passed for a street and down a hundred yards. “Don’t let it startle you, ladies. Sometimes the boys get a little wound up at night when they get into town. Nothing like it used to be.” We looked at the speaker and found a short man with a...

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Blackfeather25 Shacking Up

I WAS STILL holding my gun, cautiously scanning the riverbank Nothing. I holstered it and grabbed a fistful of Pooky’s mane to swing onto his back. “I’m tired now, Pooky,” I whispered. “Let’s go home.” He turned and plodded back to the paddock where I removed the lead rope. He pushed his head into my armpit and nodded up and down, covering my left boob with his snot. “Nice one, buddy. Don’t think I won’t remember that!” I laughed and headed to my apartment and bed. Pa agreed that we had...

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