11th GradeChapter 8 free porn video

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"I don't think I'll even need to convince her. After she finds out that we did it, she's going to want me to tell her all about it. When I tell her I did it with you, she'll want to do it with you too. That's what happened with Darryl."

I listened as my mind played back to me everything Brenda had just said. Was Brenda saying that Emily had screwed Darryl too? I tried not to let my surprise show on my face. I was also trying to come up with some response that would keep her talking, without showing her how interested I was in finding out what had happened with Darryl.

"Maybe she just liked Darryl, and she used you doing it with him as an excuse?"

"She doesn't like Darryl. She did it so she could keep up with me. Don't you remember what happened when I told her about you licking my kitty that first time? She called you right away, to ask you to lick hers too."

"She chickened out though. The first time, after she called me, she didn't do anything with me. I thought she was just a tease. When we finally did it, she acted like she'd never done anything before."

"She told me all about it, Kenny, from the first time before dinner, to all that happened after dinner. She was even bragging about how she did it to you too, after you did her again. She didn't like you squirting in her mouth though. She kept telling me how close she came to going all the way with you. I told her I'd never speak to her again if she did that. The night she was at your house, that was the same night she dared me to get naked, and show myself to Gary. She was looking at me more than he was. I knew she had asked me to do it because she wanted to see me naked too. She acted just like any guy would, when she saw me without my clothes. Gary took a quick look, got all embarrassed and went back to his own bedroom."

"You think that's why she screwed Darryl then, because you did?"

"She didn't screw him, I didn't say she screwed him, but she told me she really wanted to. She even called him up and invited him over to her house, but Darryl said he was still going out with Claudia. He told her he'd call her back, but he never has."

"Call her now. I want to hear what she says when you tell her we screwed. You call her from the living room phone, and I'll listen in from the kitchen."

"I'm not going to do that. I'll go over to her house and tell her. After I tell her, we'll call you, if she wants to talk to you. She's still my best friend, Kenny. I won't trick her like that."

"Do you want me to walk you over there? Maybe she'll ask us both in. I'd kind of like to see how she takes the news about us doing it."

"You can walk me there, but you have to promise to leave if she doesn't ask you in on her own. Emily is funny sometimes. She gets upset when things don't go her way."

I had to choke down my urge to make some sarcastic reply to her statement. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I was surprised Brenda had the nerve to say something like that to me, especially with our history together. She not only said it, she was serious in thinking that Emily was unique in being that way.

We got ready, then went downstairs for our walk over to Emily's house. We held hands as we walked, and I listened to Brenda talking. She was mostly talking about how her life was going to be, after she got older, and had succeeded in putting herself in a position to live like she wanted. In her mind, there could be no doubt her plans would all work out. She was careful not to come out and say her plan still included her marrying me, but nothing she said contradicted that possibility either.

When we got to Emily's, we both skirted around a chained up Brownie, winding up on the porch, with Brenda pressing the doorbell. Emily opened the door, a little agitated at seeing me with Brenda. She didn't seem inclined to invite me inside.

"Get away from my house, Kenny! Brenda, why did you have to bring him here?"

"He wanted to come. We just thought it would be nice if he walked here with me. Can we come inside?"

"You can, but not him." Brenda smiled and shrugged her shoulders at me, as if to say she tried her best. I took her in my arms and gave her a final kiss, more to annoy Emily, than from any real need I felt to kiss her. Brenda didn't resist, or try to pull away from my embrace. The kiss was only for a few seconds, and I made sure Emily knew it was me who was ending it, not Brenda.

"Call me later, okay?" I waved to her as I backed off the porch. I wished there was a way I could have heard the first five or ten minutes of their conversation. I had a pretty good idea about what it was going to sound like. I had a thousand questions I wanted to ask both of them. I was dying to know if Brenda's prediction was going to turn out to be accurate. I wanted to see the two of them playing with each other too. On the walk home, I thought of several interesting combinations for the three of us. I'd already had four cums that day, but before I got to my house again, I had a big boner in my pants, all from the things I'd been thinking about. I had been home for an hour before Brenda and Emily called me, from Emily's house.

"Kenny, Emily wants to talk to you. She wants to ask you some questions." Before I could respond to Brenda, Emily got on the phone.

"You're a big liar Kenny, you know that? You said you weren't going to do it to Brenda, not until I let you do it to me. That's exactly what you said."

"I wasn't going to, but Brenda took off all her clothes and she tempted me. She was too beautiful for me to be able to resist her. I just changed my mind."

"Well, you weren't supposed to. She wasn't supposed to let you either."

"So? I still don't understand how our doing it affects you. Are you jealous?"

"It affects me because Brenda's my friend, and because you lied to me, and I believed you."

"It's not a crime for me to lie to you, Emily. I can lie to you if I want to, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're the one who told me that. This is really between you and Brenda, I shouldn't have to be involved in it. I already told Brenda I didn't mind the two of you playing together. I won't stop you from doing things with her."

"Stop! This is what I meant before, about you being mean now. How could you treat Brenda like that? You knew she cared about you, but you still went ahead and did it to her."

"She wanted to, and I wanted to. How is that treating her bad?"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, not if you're going to pretend to be stupid."

"I'm not pretending. I don't understand why you think I'm being mean, or treating Brenda bad. She's been wanting me to do that for a long time. Hell, Emily, you asked me to do it with her yourself. You wanted to watch us doing it. Is that why you're so mad? Because we didn't let you watch? You could have stayed, but you wanted to leave, remember? You can watch us the next time."

"There isn't going to be a next time, Brenda promised me."

"She promised you she wouldn't do anything this time, Emily. Brenda will make lots of promises. It's keeping them that she isn't too good at. Did she tell you it was good? That's what she told me. She's coming to my house tomorrow night for dinner too. After, we'll be going up to my bedroom."

"If I asked you nice, to please not to do it with her anymore, would you stop?" Emily sounded like she already knew what my answer was going to be. Her voice seemed resigned to hearing that I wouldn't.

"No. If I asked you nice to stop, would you?" I didn't want her to stop doing things with Brenda. I was satisfied to be friends with Brenda now. In a way, it was like how I had felt about Bea. The difference was I felt much closer to Brenda than I ever did to Bea.

"If I tell you no, are you going to make her stop?" Again, Emily seemed prepared to hear the worst.

"No. Why should I do that? You know it's just playing with Brenda, right? She does it just because it feels good. You might love her, but she doesn't feel the same way."

"I know that. She can't help if that's the way she feels. I already knew it was just playing for her."

"If it helps any, I like her a lot, but I don't love her, and I won't ever. She doesn't love me either though."

"She does. You never heard her talk about you, but I have."

"That's because you aren't listening good to what she's saying. She loves the idea of having money, not necessarily the person who makes her having it possible. Listen when she describes me, or anyone she's interested in. How much is what she's saying about the person, and how much is about what the person has, or what she'd have with that person?" There was silence on their end when I finished speaking. It only lasted for a few seconds, then Brenda came back on the line again.

"Kenny, did you tell Emily I didn't love you? I do, more now than before, even. It hurts me when you tell people I don't really love you."

"Brenda, it doesn't matter, does it? If you want to say you do, I don't mind. I know what I think, and it isn't love I see coming from you. If it was, then I wouldn't able to be friends with you like we've talked about. Put Emily back on again."

"I can't, she left to go to the bathroom or something. I thought you'd be different after we made love together. I know you said it was just sex, but it was more than just sex for me."

"That's right, it was more. I have emotional feelings for you. It was a lot better sex for me than those times I did it with Bea, but it wasn't as special as love would have made it be. It was still wonderful though, and I'm glad we did it. I'd like us to do more of it too."

"Are you saying you won't ever love me?"

"Not enough to want to marry you. We want different things. I don't want to just be what you want me to be to you. We can be great friends if you want though. We can play, just like you play with Emily. If you find someone else later, that's all right too. I won't get mad when you do, and you'll still be my friend, even if you want to quit playing."

"I don't like it when you talk this way about us. I hoped we could just start over again, and we'd both try to be better this time. I thought you'd change your mind after we did it." Already, Brenda was acting hurt and petulant, hoping to get me to give in at least a little. Mama liked to tear right through any resistance, squashing it before it had a chance to take root. Brenda was content to try to slowly chip away at it, eroding it little by little. Two vastly different approaches, but both were effective. Most of the time.

"I've already explained it to you, and I won't change my mind. You said you would accept my friendship, under those terms. If you've changed your mind, about wanting to just be my friend, you should tell me."

"No, I do want us to be friends. I just hoped we could be a lot more. All my plans have you in them, Kenny. I wish you'd just try to love me a little bit again."

"I do love you a little bit, but that's all. I want more than that, more than you can give me."

"I told you I'd give you anything I can."

"Yes, you did. I tried to tell you this was the problem, Brenda. I've seen all you can give, and it isn't enough for me. I want someone who cares more about me than she cares about what she wants. I want someone that I care about like that too."

"I can't ever be like that with you? Someone you care about like that?"

"See? You should be asking that question about you, not about me. You think if you give something, other people should be willing to give you everything, and it never works good that way. Other people aren't always supposed to give you more than you give them."

"What about Emily? I was ready to give her to you too, as long as you loved me the best."

"You don't own Emily, Brenda. You can't give her to me."

"I didn't mean give. I meant share. I was willing to share her. It was me doing things with you that made her want to do them with you too. I didn't try to stop you from doing things with her."

"I know you didn't. That just proves my point, doesn't it? Brenda was silent for awhile again. Brenda was intelligent. She said things sometimes without first putting them through any filters, or listening in her mind first, to hear how they might sound to others. She was still a very intelligent person though. She saw that her argument with me was flawed, and she wasn't getting any closer to her real objective. Unlike Mama and me, Brenda was able to back off and wait for a better opportunity.

"I still want us to be friends, Kenny. Nothing has changed about my wanting that. Are you still going to take me to lunch and practice tennis with me tomorrow? We can be good together, at tennis, and at everything else. You'll see."

"I'll have Hans come by to pick you up if you want. Will twelve be okay?" Brenda said she'd be ready at twelve. "Is Emily back yet?"

"She's sitting here now, but she isn't ready to speak to you again. She's still upset about things."

"Tell her I need to tell her something, please." I waited until she came on, asking me what I needed to tell her. "Emily, you and I aren't competitors, and you don't have to try to keep up with whatever Brenda does, in order to compete with her. I'd like if we could be friends too, friends who both have a thing for Brenda. You and I could do things if you really wanted to, or not. It would depend on what you want. If we don't fight over her, we'll both probably have more fun being with her. If she has another boyfriend, he might get jealous and make her choose. With me, you wouldn't have to be afraid of that."

"I knew you were going to tell me something like that. I'd already thought of that while you were talking to Brenda. You're probably right too. I'm not like you or Brenda though. All of this is tearing my insides up. I don't know how you two can manage being so casual about all of this. I also figured out that what you were telling me earlier was true, about Brenda not loving you either. She thinks she does, but you might be right. I was afraid that she did."

"Brenda only has room to love one person, and that's always going to be Brenda. I think she's comfortable with having lots of other people loving her though. Think about what I've said. If you agree, you're welcome to come with us, whenever we're together. I don't think Brenda will mind, and we might do a better job of trying to please her."

"What about what you said before, about me having to let you do it to me?"

"I lied to you instead. It was a lot quicker, and not nearly as messy."

"So, we aren't going to do that?" Emily seemed more relaxed after I told her we were even again.

"No, you're better off doing it with someone you care about. I care about Brenda, and so do you."

"I'd still like to watch you and her doing it."

"I'd still like to watch you two, too. Come to the club with us tomorrow. Maybe we can both get what we want?" She didn't say anything. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was? We all knew already that both of us were doing it with Brenda, and Emily had already done a lot of things with me too. These were things she had enjoyed too. I was pretty sure she hadn't been faking it, when I made her cum those times. Brenda wouldn't mind, I was sure of that, not as long as I didn't screw Emily. She might not even mind that.

"I need to talk to Brenda some more. If I decide to go, I'll be at Brenda's before you pick her up at twelve."

There was a lot to be said for giving in, especially if you did it the way I just had. I wasn't looking for some way to make any of this turn out bad. Mama was going to be very happy to see that Brenda and I were getting along well again. Brenda was going to be getting a lot of what she wanted, including sexual attention from me. I hoped this new development would mean that Emily and I could go back to being friends at least. I'd like her to be a "special friend", like Brenda was, but even a regular friend was a lot better than it had been.

Mom and Dad came home after ten o'clock. They said hello to me, and Mama asked how my visit with Emily and Brenda went. I had been watching a television program in the library when they came in to say hello, but I quickly turned it off so we could talk easier.

"It went real good, better than I had hoped."

"That's good. I knew you two could work this out. I'm glad that's over, because it was causing some strain between our two families. What did you do with Emily being here too?"

"Emily was still a little upset with me about some things I told her, so she decided to go home early. Brenda walked her home, and then came back later."

"Was that when it went better than you'd hoped?" Mama was smiling at me. I figured she must want me to tell her what happened between Brenda and me, but I wasn't quite sure. Not sure enough to come out and tell her we had sex.

"Yes, it went real good after she came back."

"Is Brenda satisfied now? No unresolved expectations?"

"I don't think so. I mean she's satisfied, and I don't think she expected more than what we did. She said I did it way better than Darryl. We still aren't going steady yet, but maybe we will be later."

"She didn't say she'd stop seeing that other boy?"

"We didn't talk anymore about it. We're getting along pretty good though, so I didn't want to make a fuss about that."

"Bertie, you're probably embarrassing the boy. Isn't it sufficient that they've patched up their quarrel? You should be satisfied with that and give it a rest." Dad seemed uncomfortable being in the same room when we were talking about me having sex with Brenda. He had fixed Mama a drink, making one for himself also. He didn't offer to make me one.

"I am satisfied. I'm happy things are going well. I hope I haven't misjudged Brenda. It won't work out though, not if she continues being free and loose with her sexual favors."

"What won't work out?" Dad asked the question, but I wanted to hear the answer too.

"This reconciliation. Wasn't that the whole point of all this? Kenny and Brenda make such a cute couple. As long as Brenda is on the pill, I think there is little harm in them exploring with each other. We wouldn't want an accidental pregnancy, but as for the rest, things are more relaxed and liberal than they used to be."

I almost said something about how I was using rubbers too, but I held back from it. There was no reason to worry Mama about my fear that Brenda was very capable of having multiple sexual partners, or about my not wanting to have to worry about getting any diseases from her.

The next morning, I was the last one out of the house, except for Gerta and Elizabeth. When I came down at nine, Mama and Jane had left for the construction site at the golf learning center, driving separate cars. Dad and Grace had gone to Bolling to work at the Company. Hans was off somewhere, running errands, and picking up things for Gerta. I had a quick breakfast in the kitchen with Gerta. Elizabeth was sitting at the table kneading dough for some bread she was going to bake. This was really the first time I was so close to Elizabeth for any length of time. I took the time to look at her carefully. Bea had told me that women didn't appreciate it when men tried to sneak looks at them. She said there was something exciting about a bold man making a frank and open appraisal of a woman. That's what I was trying to do.

"Please don't stare at me like that." That was the most I'd ever heard her say to me at once. Her voice was quiet, almost like she didn't want to intrude on the world at all.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to figure out who you look like. There's something about you that reminds me of someone." Gerta had turned around to look at Elizabeth when she spoke to me too. Elizabeth was always so quiet, so I'm sure she was surprised too.

"I was thinking that too, Kenny. I can't think of who it is though. I already asked her if she has any brothers or sisters, but she says she doesn't. Her face looks very familiar to me too." Elizabeth seemed embarrassed to be the focus of so much attention, finally getting up and covering her bread dough with a damp cloth, before leaving out the back way. It was nine thirty, and Hans hadn't gotten back yet. I also needed to see him and ask him to get me more rubbers. I only had two left, and I was hoping to need quite a few more than that for Brenda and me. Maybe for Emily too. When Elizabeth didn't come back after five minutes, Gerta asked me to go find her and tell her she needed to get her bread stuff off the table because Gerta needed it for something she was making.

I went out the back looking for her, and found her, smoking another one of those rolled cigarettes. This time, I was almost certain it had to be marijuana. I had seen shows and movies on television, about how people smoked it. They had been taking in deep puffs, then holding it in for a long time, before letting the smoke back out. Elizabeth was doing it that way too. She didn't seem to notice me coming towards her either.

"Is that marijuana you're smoking?" She looked at me and just laughed. She was prettier when she smiled too. "Aren't you afraid you'll be arrested?" That made her laugh even more. I didn't see what was so funny, but I enjoyed watching her laugh. She looked like she was having trouble keeping me in focus, and she was blinking at me, trying to tilt her head back, and over to the side at the same time. It looked funny, and this made her laugh too. "Are you loaded?" She took another big puff on her cigarette and stared at me until she started coughing and laughing at the same time.

"You sure do ask a lot of dumb questions." She took another puff and held it in. The cigarette was almost burned all the way down, and it looked like her fingers would be burned, until I noticed she was holding it with her long fingernails. I'd never noticed how long the nails were on her right hand, but then I noticed it was only the nails on her thumb and index finger that were so long. All the rest were normal length. I wondered if she grew them like that, just to hold her marijuana cigarettes in, without burning her fingers.

"Do you like getting messed up?" I'd heard people saying that, messed up, on television too. I had never seen a real person messed up before. It seemed to make a big difference with Elizabeth. She wasn't as shy acting, and she sure talked more.

"I'm not messed up. It takes more than two joints to get me ripped." She laughed again, tilting her head to the other side, and looking at me with only one of her eyes. Then, she closed the open eye and opened the one that had been closed. "You know why I look familiar? Go look in the damn mirror. I noticed it too, when I first came to work here." As soon as she said it, I knew she was right. It was me that she looked like. It wasn't like we looked alike, but there were similarities, in our eyes, our cheekbones, and the shape of our mouths. I started getting a weird feeling as soon as I realized she was right.

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11th GradeChapter 19

We drove home again in silence. I was upset with myself for fleeing the Coulter house, but, at the same time, vastly relieved not to still be there. It was obvious to me that Anne Coulter had serious problems. It seemed obvious also, that the drinking was more a symptom of her problems, rather than the actual problem. She was still a relatively young woman. "Dad, can we drive over to Uncle Bunny's office? I need to see him about the Coulter's." "Maybe you should take a few days to...

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11th GradeChapter 20

The next day, Mama, Uncle Bunny, Dad, and I teed off at ten thirty. Jane and Grace had joined another twosome right behind us. The twosome was made up of two younger girls. I had seen one of them at the pool before, a brunette about my age, who was about average height, with small breasts, and hips just a little wider than normal. She had worn a bikini at the pool, and she looked a little bit pear shaped in it. I'd never seen the other girl though. She too was a brunette, with hair on the...

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11th GradeChapter 21

On Tuesday, we flew up to Omaha for a meeting with the company that was making our vending machines. It was the owner, his son, Dad and me, and Virginia and her dad. I was the youngest one there. Mr. Lucas was good friends with Mr. Tanner, the owner of the vending machine company. They went back a long ways together. We were having lunch, and Dad was letting Mr. Lucas represent the company as far as negotiating for new machines. We were hoping to order six thousand new machines. The last ones...

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11th GradeChapter 22

I was excited about the Chicago trip. I hadn't gotten out to do that many things, living at the orphanage, so I was really looking forward to all the things Mama and Dad were talking about. I can't say I was a big baseball fan, but the thought of actually seeing big league ball players playing, that was a thrill for me. I waited until five o'clock before phoning Shirley. I was a little nervous, even though she had invited me to call her. The phone only rang once before she picked it up...

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11th GradeChapter 23A

We went to see the Cubs beat the Mets Friday afternoon. Dennis Eckersley was the starting and winning pitcher for the Cubs. It was their third win in a row, but they were still seven and a half games out of first place in their division. The game ended 2-1, and it wasn't as exciting as some other ones I'd seen on television, except that I was there in Wrigley Field watching this one. We had gotten over to the Tanner plant before eight o'clock. It was a lot smaller than I had thought it...

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11th GradeChapter 23B

That night at dinner, all I paid attention to was Uncle Bunny. A few times, people said something to me, but I was too busy trying to see what Uncle Bunny had meant, to be able to respond well to their questions. I was afraid they'd think I was retarded or something. We were all together from seven o'clock until almost ten thirty. Mama let Dad present the full terms of their offer to David and Craig. Uncle Bunny was to be the liaison man with them, and the one who handled the funding for...

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11th GradeChapter 24

As I had expected, I had difficulty going to sleep Monday night. At one in the morning, I heard Grace and Jane coming up the stairs. They certainly weren't taking any pains to be quiet. The two of them came right into my room, without even knocking. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. "Kenny! Wake up!" This was Grace screaming out her drunken whisper. "I already am awake. Why are you two coming into my room like this?" "We needed to ask you something." This was from Jane....

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11th GradeChapter 25

I was in my room at five thirty, getting myself ready to speak with Shirley. I was mentally rehearsing what I was going to say to her. I was undecided between the direct confession route, or the hypothetical question gambit. Both had merit, but either might accomplish what I most feared. I was afraid that Shirley was going to listen to what happened, then decide that I wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with. Just thinking about that happening had me sick with worry, and too paralyzed...

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11th GradeChapter 26

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday when one of the John's from maintenance called upstairs to my father's secretary, looking for me. I was down on the loading docks, observing all the changes in the three o'clock route driver scramble. Now, each driver pulled into the yard and parked, handing his keys in to one of the warehousemen standing by. If there were product returns, a list of them was also given to the man taking the truck keys. It was slow at first, and very orderly,...

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11th GradeChapter 27

I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. Hans and Gerta were in the...

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11th GradeChapter 28

Somehow, Mama got the idea I was working too hard, and that I hadn't been able to enjoy my vacation from school. Each time she brought it up, I'd tell her I was having a good time, and that I was learning a lot from going to work with Dad. I was busy though. Uncle Bunny took me to Bolling to get my permit to begin learning to drive. The written test was easy, even though I'd only been able to look it over for about two hours before I took the test. Uncle Bunny took me to a farm road, and...

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11th GradeChapter 29

The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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11th GradeChapter 32

It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...

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11th GradeChapter 33

Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...

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11th GradeChapter 34

We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...

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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

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11th GradeChapter 36

By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...

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11th GradeChapter 37

As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...

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Lazy Saturday Morning

I told her my weakness. I shouldn’t have, I know. But I didn’t anticipate just how useful the tiny piece of information that I shared with her would be… or just how often she would choose to exploit it. I’d thought at the time that it was only fair to ‘throw her a bone’, as she’d unwittingly revealed many weaknesses of her own through our numerous conversations. I should have known better… I knew that calling her mine made her weak at the knees, grabbing her by her hair made those luscious...

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Weirdest Yet Most Memorable Experience

Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 3

Monday At WorkI didn't return home until Sunday night. I was dreading Monday and work, having to face Robert there after the events of the past few days. I prayed I could conceal from everyone there our new relationship. A forlorn hope I was to come to learn, but I still had it. At least work wouldn't be the freezer my home was when I returned Sunday at midnight. Joe was asleep in our bed and I went in he woke up looked at me and then rolled over and didn't say a word. I knew then my marriage...

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My first time with my best friends

One friday me and two of my friends were heading to the school parking lot talking. we decided that we were going to hang out that night. so later that night I decided to take a shower before leaving. when I got in I felt my penis begin to grow hard and thoughts of Dale on my friends was going through my head.Dale was 5'9 has blonde hair kind of shy and very athletic. he is pretty built with a nice six pack.I have never had any gay thoughts because I was straight. but I went with the thoughts...

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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 19

A cool morning breeze blew through the ancient forest of Wyre, spreading across the valley as if heralding the approach of a raven-haired noblewoman. Dressed in an exquisite a black and silver gown, she studied the lands around her before motioning her mount forward towards the fortified keep of Dun L?idir. Behind her, a procession of other riders soon followed, the more heavily armored riders spreading out as the group passed through the edge of the woods. Galloping ahead of the escort, ...

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Back in the Gents toilet with a girl

A long time had passed since my first sexual encounter in a gents toilet, then it was a family affair, besides I was young and all this was new to me but it had an air of excitement and held a particular sexual attraction, perhaps it was where men exposed themselves and it always drew me like a magnet.Now here I was again, with a group of girlfriends, sheltering from the rain and downing a couple of bottles of wine, before moving on to the dance hall, a few blocks from where we stood.This was...

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Subliminal Revenge

Subliminal Revenge By Angela J. "I am here about the apartment," said Jake. Cedric never expected to see the bully that constantly tormented him though out high school ever again. He had placed the ad in the local paper looking for a roommate because his old roommate recently got married and moved out. He just wanted a roommate to help with the expenses. But fate brought something completely different. It brought Jake Peterson to Cedric's front door. Memory of...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my wife to get home with whatever guy she picked up at the bar. My cock was hard in anticipation of watching my loving wife...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 11 First Week in Town

I freely admit that I was on the prowl. New to town, fully immersed in my new job and needing a release from the pent-up pressures making good at it from the start brought on. Sexual release, that is. Accordingly, my attire that night blended with that need. I wore a light cotton sundress that ended about mid-thigh, blue with abstract white patterns, the usual sundries underneath; a bra that pushed my tits up enough to attract the attention of any man within a half-mile radius. But I'm...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 35

Thursday, June 10, 2010 “What’s this all about?” Brian asked when they were in the car. Carol sat up front with Jake. “You may know that Carol and I have an arrangement.” “What? No. I don’t know anything about that.” “Carol and I have sex. In fact, we have a lot of sex.” “You jerk. What about Julie, Kara and my mom?” “Carol and I have been together about as long as Julie and I. You don’t know that they come as a boxed set?” “How would I know that?” “Well, I can’t help it if you’re not...

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Jack and JillChapter 11

Morning came too damned early. Or I went to sleep too damned late. One of those. I forced my self out of bed. I had an important call to make and a big day ahead of me. If someone had told me when I woke up for school last Friday that on Monday I'd be taking a girlfriend to a doctor so she could get on the pill it would have been inconceivable. Yet that's what I was doing after school. I got in the shower and thought more about what I'd been thinking about before I fell asleep. Mom's...

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2 sisters na apna bahai ko chod dala

2 sisters na apna bahai ko chod dala. Mara paros main aik family rehtee hai, jis main 4 log hayin. 2 sisters name anjali or juile age 18 & 20 very sexy having slim body, figure 34d 26 32 & 36b 26 36, aik bahai name ramish age 18, un ka pita ka dhayan ho chuka hai mom aik private firm main kam karte hayin. Aeya aga ki story anjali sa sunta hayin. Hello readers how r u apna comments sunny ko zaroor send karna, we will reply accordingly. Hamara chota bahai ramish jis sa mom bohat pyar karte hai jo...

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The Crossdresser Body Swap Part 1

The Crossdresser Body Swap Chapter 1 Ashleigh finished polishing her toenails with a final dab of red nail paint. She rolled onto her belly whilst letting her feet dangle off the bed to dry. She noticed the time on her phone and let out a sigh of annoyance, her neighbours would be coming around for another dinner night soon. Ashleigh always thought they were a weird bunch, always practicing meditation in their garden, plus their house was littered with all this voodoo and spiritual...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 87 The Betrayal

Since opening his eyes, Katsuhito had blinked several times, studying the world about him, still uncertain if in fact he were truly awake. Everything was swimming in a kind of 'claymation' mosaic. Colorful certainly but less than informative. Nothing made any kind of sense. Several indeterminable such moments managed to pass during which he didn't feel more than mildly groggy. Nothing more that the usual one experiences during the interval between sleep and wakefulness. Were he to...

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Mentoring My Son A Mothers Story

Disclaimer: This work is a fictional biography, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only.It broke my heart to see how some of the neighborhood k**s and his classmates treated him. They called him geek, nerd, weird, strange, wimp, and even pussy. It wasn’t his fault that he was painfully shy, incredibly intelligent, un-athletic and awkward… and that he had no interest or talent in sports of any kind. It broke my heart to see how they treated him because he was a sweet, innocent boy who...

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Undercover RoseChapter 96

We had about half the shit from one greenhouse ready to begin processing. First Steve and I planted the seeds to try to get a start on the next cycle of seedlings ready. The seedlings for the house we had just completed harvesting were ready to plant as well, but the soil in the house needed to be prepared. That meant we would be doing that as well. The grooming took only a day since there was less than half a crop. It was a long day to be sure, but it was still just a day. The bags were...

1 year ago
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Taming a COUGAR part 1

I've always had a thing for older women and being in my mid twenties I'm well served by a large target market, so to speak. Whilst I have a girlfriend of my own age I still seek the sexual company of beautiful experienced women who are in their late 30's and early 40’s. Let's face it these women are generally married and as such aren't looking for a life partner, they know what they want in life and certainly in terms of the women I seduce they are generally financially well taken care of which...

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The Johnson Estate

Four hours by plane and another three by limo. That's how long it took to reach the estate of Cormac Johnson, billionaire, tech-guru, and charming businessman. The estate, out in the middle of the mountains of Coloardo, was as close as you could get to isolated without leaving the country to some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific, or the far northern reaches of the arctic, where the summers were cold and the winters were uninhabitable. John Doe was more than exhausted after the trip,...

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Toms DiaryChapter 21

Thursday, April 4, 2002 Around three in the morning, JR got up to use the bathroom. In spite of the best intentions, the groan I let out when she moved was relief, not sadness at her departure. My mind was more on automatic than anything else; I simply rolled over onto my stomach and was fast asleep before she'd taken more than a couple of steps. Someone knocking on the door woke me. I looked and saw JR was gone, so I pulled on some jeans and peeked around the door. "Tom," Uncle Craig...

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Family LettersChapter 69

Dear Willow and family, I really don't mean to be stuffy. But since your concubines wrote me when you were delayed in returning I decided that they should be included in my greetings. I do want them to know that we do think of them as individual people, not as disposable parts. I think we have both hit on the same solution to making our family work. Mainly that seems to be to listen, and I do mean really listen to our concubines. Holly wants to try to put on a play. I'm not sure just what...

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Loves Strange Course

Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It’s like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you’re going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January, it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...

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