11th GradeChapter 7 free porn video

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Saturday morning we all played golf, splitting up first into two threesomes. I played with both my parents, while Uncle Bunny played with Grace and Jane. We went first, and were working on our second round of drinks in the restaurant, before they finally finished up and joined us. Uncle Bunny had made a thirty foot putt on the eighteenth green, to break ninety for the first time in his life. He was still hitting his driver very well. We all had a nice lunch, with everyone seeming in good spirits.

Monday, Dad was going to tell Mr. Lucas that everyone had agreed to the terms of the sale. Mama and Uncle Bunny were going to go into Bolling, on Tuesday, to sign the necessary papers at the bank. On Wednesday, Dad was flying to Omaha, to look over the buildings, meet with key employees, and examine all the other assets of the Lucas company.

We were all sitting together in the back of the limo, heading back home, at about four o'clock, when Mama asked me about the phone call from Brenda the day before. She asked me if she still needed to set up a meeting for Brenda and me. I told her she didn't need to do that now, because Brenda and I still needed a little more time to make some adjustments to this new relationship we were attempting. Mama looked at me, questioning me more with her facial expression, than she had with the words she spoke.

"I'm sure it's going to be fine, Mama. There's still some tension about how things turned out before, but nothing we won't be able to work on over the summer. I'm going to call Brenda tomorrow, and invite her to have lunch with me at the club, on Monday, after I finish my lesson with Dave. You don't have to worry. Brenda and I both want to get everything resolved."

"Georgia phoned me first thing this morning, Kenny. She's not as optimistic as you are. In fact, she thinks the situation is far worse than it was before."

"That's because she doesn't know everything that Brenda and I know. I'll bring Brenda home with me on Monday, and she can have dinner with us. You'll see then."

"Bertie, give the boy some time to sort all of this out. If she's coming over on Monday, you'll be able to see for yourself how they're getting along. Georgia isn't the most reliable judge of these things. She's too caught up in all of this. She isn't able to provide you with an unbiased opinion. I wouldn't consider her opinion to contain any valid assessment of the true situation. It sounds to me like Kenny already has everything well in hand." Dad had ordered and drank at least five highballs at the club. He and Uncle Bunny were celebrating the new acquisition. Mama hadn't participated as much as they had, switching over to iced tea after having only two drinks with alcohol.

Uncle Bunny was asking Grace and Jane whether they wanted to go to the dance at the club that evening. His invitation included all of us, but he was trying to get Grace and Jane feeling more comfortable, socially. Mama begged off when he first asked, because she wanted to be well rested for this fund raiser all of them were going to on Sunday. I think it would have ended right there, with none of us going, until Uncle Bunny happened to mention that the Connors would be there. Grace made the first remark about what Uncle Bunny had said.

"Well, if Goldilocks is going to be there, I'm sure that Jane won't want to miss out." Grace was only teasing Jane, but there was a hint of residual distrust lurking in her remark. I laughed out loud, for some reason. Giving Brenda the nickname Goldilocks just seemed so appropriate to me. Her hair color, and the way very few things pleased her.

"I'm willing. Maybe after you see us dancing together tonight, you'll quit worrying, Mama." I looked at Mama, trying to appear more confident than I felt, hoping to allay her fears about Brenda and me. This whole thing could blow up in my face. It would, if I didn't hurry up and figure out some way to get Brenda calmed back down again. I'd already had enough time to reflect on my earlier venting with Brenda. I realized I'd been pushing her too hard. The main thing was to let her know that I wasn't buying this whole victim routine she was selling. She might have her mother and Mama convinced that she and I were some perfect match, needing only for me to be more reasonable, but I was beginning to understood the way she worked. I understood her better now than I ever had before.

If you totally discounted all of the things she said about liking me, everything else she said had to do only with her wanting money. I didn't really matter to her, and I probably never had. Given a choice between me and Darryl, she had a preference for me. This preference wasn't anything so strong she hadn't been perfectly willing to switch over to Darryl, when she thought the situation called for it.

I needed to adopt Brenda's ability to feel one way, but pretend to really feel another. If I wasn't able to do what Mama required of me, I would pretend to do it, at least until I found something else I could do to please her as much. I was beginning to pay attention to the way everyone who came into contact with Mama had to do something special to please her. We all had roles to play. Gerta and Hans seemed to please her the most consistently. I was going to have a talk with Gerta soon, and ask her for some advice on how to get along good with Mama. I had already learned a lot, just by watching her, and by watching how Dad managed it. I wanted to find some way to please her, just the same as the rest of them did. It meant I'd have to take some lessons and learn how to do that.

We had an early dinner, then all of us went upstairs to dress, except for Uncle Bunny. He went home to get himself ready, telling us he'd meet us at the club at around eight o'clock. I wore a nice looking blue suit. It was a brand new one that Mama had recently purchased it for me. Mama had bought it from the same tailor who was making my new school uniforms for the fall term.

Because of my recent growth spurt, I had already outgrown most of the clothes Mama had bought for me when I first came to live with her. One consequence of all my recent growing was that Uncle Bunny had found a group that was taking all of my outgrown clothes, giving them to a program in Bolling being run for foster care children. Some lucky boys were getting some really nice clothes. Some of these, I'd scarcely worn at all. I also found out that Dad and Uncle Bunny had started a program of donating unsold bakery products from Dad's company to various homes and shelters in the area. Uncle Bunny had done some research, discovering a whole series of tax write offs to be gained for these type of gifts to non profit organizations.

We got to the country club at eight o'clock, all of us except for Uncle Bunny who was late again, as usual. Grace and Jane looked very pretty in their new evening dresses. Mama had loaned them some of her nice jewelry to wear. You could see they were excited to be out at a nice place, and all dressed up. Mama had decided to wear a modern dress, one that made her fit in perfectly with the other ladies at the club.

At eight thirty, Brenda and her family walked into the club restaurant. The band hadn't started playing yet, but everything had already been converted over for the dance. I watched them get a table all the way over on the other side of the room. They were far away from where we were sitting. Brenda was wearing a dress I had seen her wearing once before. It was a gold color, and it just missed looking perfect for her hair. If the dress had been a little darker, or her hair a little lighter, it might have been perfect for her.

I was already planning on how to proceed for the evening. I was planning on dancing with Grace first, followed by Mama, and then Jane. I didn't want to seem too anxious to Brenda. I wanted her to wonder whether I would ask her or not. After I danced with all the women at my table, I planned on then going over to ask Brenda for a dance. If she said yes, then we'd dance. While we were dancing, I'd invite her out to the club for lunch, and maybe, some tennis, on Monday. If she said no, I'd still stand there, and ask her to be my guest for lunch on Monday. If she asked me why I wanted to take her to lunch, I'd tell her it was so we could discuss our differences. If she said no to my invitation for lunch, I was planning on acting surprised by her refusal, and then I'd go ask Mama to help me with Brenda again. It would look like I was trying my best, but Brenda wasn't cooperating. Let Brenda feel Mama's anger, not me.

I didn't even feel bad about planning and performing this deception. I was only doing the same thing all of them always did to me. I'd been over everything several times, satisfied with my action plan. I saw Emily and Gary walking in with their mother, but Mr. Carstairs wasn't with them. Brenda stood up and waved, getting Emily's attention, then pointed to an empty table only about fifteen feet away from theirs. Because of my new flexibility, I quickly amended my action plan to include Emily also. Shortly after Emily arrived, the band started playing, and the lights were dimmed throughout the room. The first song was a slow one, and the man who was playing the piano started to sing.

"Dance with me please, Grace?"

"No thank you, Kenny." I hadn't included that possibility in my action plan. I sat back down, having stood up before I asked Grace to dance. I looked over by the main entrance door, and saw Uncle Bunny walking quickly towards our table. He was forty minutes late, but that wasn't too bad for Uncle Bunny.

"Sorry I'm running late. I couldn't seem to reach anyone on some calls I needed to return. You all look great. Who wants to make this old man happy, and dance with him?" I was surprised to see Grace stand up, offering her hand for Uncle Bunny to take. She had just turned me down a minute before. They walked out on the dance floor to start dancing, and I stood up, heading to the bathroom. When I got back, they were playing a fast dance, and Uncle Bunny was dancing with Jane. My parents were out on the dance floor to, dancing together. Grace stood up, leaving for the restroom, just as soon as I sat down again. I nervously checked my fly, ran my tongue over my front teeth, wishing I'd checked my face in the mirror, to see if I had something stuck on it. I tried to check for boogers too, being as subtle as I could manage while doing it.

My whole action plan disintegrated after, first Jane, and then Mama, refused my offers to dance with them. When Mama suggested I go ask Brenda to dance with me, I realized she had outmaneuvered me again. When the next slow song started, I dutifully went to ask Brenda to dance with me. She hesitated, but only for a few seconds, before standing up to accept my outstretched hand.

"I'm surprised you decided to ask me to dance, Kenny. Especially after all those things you said to me last night."

"My mother told me to come ask you, but I was planning to anyway. I think it's silly for the two of us to be fighting, Brenda. We've got the whole summer in front of us. I was looking forward to us being friends again. I even hoped we could play some doubles together, like we did last year."

"Are you going to apologize to me for all those things you said to me?"

"I'll apologize for all the ones that weren't true."

"All right, go ahead." I stayed silent, smiling at her, as we marked time to the music. "Well?"

"Well what? I already did apologize."

"That wasn't an apology. You have to say you're sorry, then take it all back." The dance ended and I tried to pull Brenda back towards her table, but she stood there, resisting my efforts to do so. "I'm waiting, Kenny."

"Do you like the dresses that Jane and Grace are wearing? Mama bought both of them so many new clothes. It took us almost an hour to bring them all in from the limo. I think she really likes both of them a lot." Brenda looked over at our table, looking to see for herself, the two dresses they were wearing. I could almost feel the disappointment and yearning emanating from inside Brenda's little cash register, the one she substituted in place of a missing heart. "We had fun that time we all went to Springfield. Remember, we bought all that discounted stuff from that one clothing store that was closing? Isn't what your wearing tonight one of the dresses we bought then?"

"Why are you being so mean to me? All I've ever wanted was for us to be a couple. Most of the trouble has been because of you." Brenda looked close to turning on the tears.

"We can have a lot of lunches at the club, have fun at the pool and play tennis, Brenda. We can do a lot of things together, but we aren't going to be a couple. I can play the same game you've been playing, if that's what you want. I'll tell my mother I invited you for all the things I talked about, but I'll tell her you wanted even more. She already knows a little bit about how you are, and I can make her believe this whole thing is all your fault. Is that what you want?"

"You're ruining it for me, Kenny. I wanted us to be married and everything, but now, it's ruined."

"You can marry Darryl. He has money, and maybe I'll be willing to screw you after you do. When I find someone who just loves me, and not my parent's money, I'll quit doing stuff with you. It won't be so bad, you and Darryl will still have each other. He'll sneak over and screw Claudia, and you can sneak over to screw me. If you want, I'll let you bring Emily over too, and we can both take turns with her."

Brenda walked away from me then, her tears all but forgotten, replaced by an anger so great, it made her face very red. I looked at her walking away. I tried to look like a rejected suitor, hurt by being spurned. When I returned to our table, I told Mama that Brenda wouldn't agree to stop seeing Darryl. I told her this was something I needed before Brenda and I could get back together as a couple. I wanted to see how Brenda was going to explain this to her mom and mine. Even if she denied it, which I was sure she would, I could say she was lying to them.

Ten minutes after Brenda walked away from me, she and Emily both got up, heading off to the ladies room. Seeing them leave, Mama got up, going over to greet the remaining Connors. Her real purpose was to have a little tete a tete with Brenda's mom. I pretended to pay attention to the other dancers still out on the dance floor. There was a short intermission after the next song, and I saw Brenda and Emily coming back. There was a hurried wrapping up of their discussion by our moms, and then my mom took Brenda aside, to greet her, but also to ask her some questions about what I'd told her. It was funny watching Brenda shaking her head no to my mother, and then the look of fear on her face, when my mother laid down the law to her. This was something I found very satisfying. It was Brenda's lies and deceptions that started all of this turmoil between Mama and me. Now, she was finding out I was willing to do the same to her.

When the band came back, I went over to Emily's table, asking her to dance. She tried to refuse, at first, but her mother almost forced her to accept. I hadn't seen Emily dancing with anyone at the dance, but there were only a few young guys there. I knew that she didn't get along with Richard at all. If she was going to dance, it was probably either me or Uncle Bunny, as most of the men were busy drinking, or else dancing with their wives. Finally, when the song was almost half over, Emily agreed to dance with me.

"Why are you mad at me, Emily? I'm just doing the same thing you and Brenda do?"

"You don't have to be so mean to her, Kenny. When she gets upset like this, it isn't much fun being around her. I wish you'd either decide to stop being friends at all, or else make up with each other. Right now, all I do is listen to her complaining about all the things you're doing."

"I offered to be friends with her, but that isn't what she wants."

"She really loves you, Kenny. You don't believe it, but she does."

"Emily, that isn't true. She might say she loves me, but look how she really acts. Would you do what she did, if you really loved someone? She wants to marry someone with money, and I don't think she cares who it is. Her plans for the rest of the time, after she's married someone rich, is to go on doing whatever makes her happy. She doesn't care if anyone else is happy, not as long as she is. I told her I'd do fun things with her, but I didn't want to be more than friends. I'm even willing to do all the sex things she wants to do. After you let me screw you one time."

"She told me you still want me to let you do it to me, but I told her the same thing I told you. I'm not going to do it. She and I are friends, but not that good of friends."

"I don't know why you are so set on not doing it with me. It isn't that much more than we already did. I just need for you to do it one time, and then I wouldn't bother you about it again. You need to pay me for lying to me like that. You might like it enough to want to do it more too. Even if you didn't, Brenda would owe you a lot for helping her out."

"You've really changed a lot, Kenny. You've gotten meaner. I used to think you were too nice, but not anymore." The music stopped and Emily dropped my hand and moved back. "Take me back to my table, Kenny. Please don't ask me for anymore dances." I took her back and went over to our table, sitting in my regular seat, next to Mama.

"Emily's going to talk to Brenda for me. She says Brenda doesn't even like Darryl that much. She thinks it might be another boy, but she doesn't have any idea who it is." Mama listened to me until I was finished, then she spent the next ten minutes staring over at the Connor table. I waited, wondering what she was going to do. She placed her hand over mine, squeezing it, never taking her eyes off of Brenda while she did so. I was looking at the Connor table too, and I saw Brenda frown when Mama put her hand over mine. Brenda knew I was sitting there, scoring points with Mama at her expense.

Not much else happened until right before the dance finished. Brenda came over to our table, asking me to dance with her. We started out towards the center of the dance floor, but Brenda pulled me over to the back, closer to the stand which the band played from.

"Why did you tell that lie to your Mother?"

"Which lie? I told her several. It doesn't matter which one, I guess. I just wanted you to know I could do the same things you're always doing. I'm going to keep telling my mother about the bad way you treat me, even if I have to make it all up. Now that she knows for sure that you screwed Darryl, she'll believe me when I tell her about all the other things you're doing. You don't play fair, so I'm not going to either. Before this is finished, your mom and mine are going to be pulling out each other's hair, and my father is going to put your father out of business. Did you know it was my mother's father who made your grandfather lose all of his money? That was because your father said something to him, something he didn't like very much. You better be careful if you don't want history to repeat itself."

"You're lying. That wasn't the reason he went broke."

"My father told me, Brenda. He was right there when it happened too. I'm willing to treat you nice again, but not if you keep trying to get your way all the time, and using all these other people against me. I want you to stop pretending things are different with us than they are. You told me once that I may as well be rich, because of the way I get to live like I do. I really believe you're going to marry a rich guy someday, but I know it won't be me.

I know a lot of boys at the Academy, boys whose parents are as rich, or richer than mine. We can be good friends, helping each other, or we can not be friends, staying away from each other. I wouldn't want us to have to be enemies, trying to hurt each other, but if this is what you want, I'll do it that way too."

"I really do like you a lot more than I like anyone else, Kenny. I probably still love you. I want us to be back together, just like before."

"You had the chance for that to happen, Brenda, but now, too much has gone wrong between us. If I were you, I'd take one of those two choices I'm offering you now. If you decide to do it any other way, I don't think you're going to like being poor."

"Can we at least leave Emily out of it? She's really mad about us bringing her into our problems."

"I told her what I wanted from her. She told me she lied to help out her friend. She said she can lie to me if she wants to, and I can't do anything. This is the price she has to pay me for what she did. When that's done, Emily can do whatever she wants, from then on." We were still out there dancing after three slow songs in a row, but then the band started playing a fast song, and we left the dance floor. Brenda had all but confirmed she wanted us to be friends. She was listening to what I was telling her, something she hadn't been willing to do before. "I'm going to stop by our table before I take you back to yours. Smile at Mama, and agree with whatever I'm telling her. We need to make sure Mama can see that you're happy with me again. You don't want her being mad at you if you can help it."

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11th GradeChapter 23A

We went to see the Cubs beat the Mets Friday afternoon. Dennis Eckersley was the starting and winning pitcher for the Cubs. It was their third win in a row, but they were still seven and a half games out of first place in their division. The game ended 2-1, and it wasn't as exciting as some other ones I'd seen on television, except that I was there in Wrigley Field watching this one. We had gotten over to the Tanner plant before eight o'clock. It was a lot smaller than I had thought it...

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11th GradeChapter 23B

That night at dinner, all I paid attention to was Uncle Bunny. A few times, people said something to me, but I was too busy trying to see what Uncle Bunny had meant, to be able to respond well to their questions. I was afraid they'd think I was retarded or something. We were all together from seven o'clock until almost ten thirty. Mama let Dad present the full terms of their offer to David and Craig. Uncle Bunny was to be the liaison man with them, and the one who handled the funding for...

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11th GradeChapter 24

As I had expected, I had difficulty going to sleep Monday night. At one in the morning, I heard Grace and Jane coming up the stairs. They certainly weren't taking any pains to be quiet. The two of them came right into my room, without even knocking. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. "Kenny! Wake up!" This was Grace screaming out her drunken whisper. "I already am awake. Why are you two coming into my room like this?" "We needed to ask you something." This was from Jane....

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11th GradeChapter 25

I was in my room at five thirty, getting myself ready to speak with Shirley. I was mentally rehearsing what I was going to say to her. I was undecided between the direct confession route, or the hypothetical question gambit. Both had merit, but either might accomplish what I most feared. I was afraid that Shirley was going to listen to what happened, then decide that I wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with. Just thinking about that happening had me sick with worry, and too paralyzed...

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11th GradeChapter 26

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday when one of the John's from maintenance called upstairs to my father's secretary, looking for me. I was down on the loading docks, observing all the changes in the three o'clock route driver scramble. Now, each driver pulled into the yard and parked, handing his keys in to one of the warehousemen standing by. If there were product returns, a list of them was also given to the man taking the truck keys. It was slow at first, and very orderly,...

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11th GradeChapter 27

I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. Hans and Gerta were in the...

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11th GradeChapter 28

Somehow, Mama got the idea I was working too hard, and that I hadn't been able to enjoy my vacation from school. Each time she brought it up, I'd tell her I was having a good time, and that I was learning a lot from going to work with Dad. I was busy though. Uncle Bunny took me to Bolling to get my permit to begin learning to drive. The written test was easy, even though I'd only been able to look it over for about two hours before I took the test. Uncle Bunny took me to a farm road, and...

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11th GradeChapter 29

The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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11th GradeChapter 32

It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...

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11th GradeChapter 33

Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...

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11th GradeChapter 34

We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...

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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

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11th GradeChapter 36

By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...

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11th GradeChapter 37

As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...

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James Bob and Abdul

"Porn?" "No," came the reply "Oh please!" "No," again "Just gimme da porn" shouted Abdul, grabbing the laptop and trawling file explorer for any sign of sex. "Pass it and I'll show you," said James. With the laptop back in his possession, he opened the folder and turned the laptop toward Abdul. "YES YES YES YES YES!" Abdul shrieked, and as James closed the window, "NO NO NO NO!" "For fuck's sake Abdul shut up," said James. "Quiet," hissed Bob. "Ok, ok," replied...

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Introduction: Eric set his sights on his married sisters. I grabbed my sister Sheila as she walked by where I was sitting and pulled her onto my lap. It was purely an impulsive move...or maybe not. I'd been obsessing about Sheila and my other sister Vanessa for a while. My name is Eric and I'm 16 years old. If you read "Barb-a-que" you know how I lost my virginity and acquired two lovers in one eventful day. That was almost a year ago. One lover was my own mother and the other was a friend of...

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Naughty Dirty Boy

I sneaked out and drove to a local spot where dirty men go looking for cock fun and there is occasional dogging. When I got there were no there cars so I parked up, got changed and waited. It was so exciting to be sat there in my pvc shorts, leather dog collar, black long pvc gloves, fishnet hold up stockings and some cheap black patent high heels. My ball gag was with me too but I didn't put it in as I really wanted to be using my mouth!! I was so nervous at being seen but after about 10...

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BangBus Vienna Black Latina Go Getter Gets What She Deserves

What would you do for $1500?? Well after picking up this couple and interviewing them for a bit the offering of $1500 to see them have sex came up. The guy wanted no part of this and as usual the money hungry “go getter” decided that she wanted to take in the action. We dropped off the guy and we quickly find out how hot and naughty Vienna is, all in the hope of some green. We have her get naked and suck off on my “random friend” which led to a hot sex scene. This is looks super hot from all...

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Betrayal By Julie O Chapter 1 Mace Conway got up from his seat in front of his computer; He had just spent three hours playing with his latest catch. He arched his back as he stretched and then glanced at his watch. It was almost midnight. He walked over to the fridge and took out another bottle of beer. Soon, he thought, soon I will have another conquest. His real name was...

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Donna gets laid

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Late For DinnerChapter 84 Nothin Special

Kathy was trying very, very hard, but she really wanted to cry. Michael had ruined the whole evening and put an end to her dreams. She buried her face in Christi's hair. It smelled of roses and cinnamon. In fact, Christi's whole body smelled like cinnamon. Curious, Kathy gave her forehead a lick. She tasted, well, a little salty, but like cinnamon, too. "What are you doing?" Christi giggled. "You taste like a giant red hot." "Do not!" "Do, too. You've got cinnamon coming out...

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The joy of the job

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Butterfly Ch 01

Sometimes people just connect, and that connection can be so powerful that it crosses generations and it transcends normal boundaries, such as marriage. My story is set in a quaint English back yard on a gorgeous summer’s day, my cousins 21st Birthday was the occasion and I had only been in the country for a day. I had flown in for a formal occasion the following weekend. The party began with the usual procession of Aunts, Uncles, random relatives and various family friends. There was Pimms...

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 2

When Amber and Stephanie were alone in their bedroom in the hotel suite, they looked at each other, made goofy faces and laughed out loud. "Ooohhhh!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What did we just do?" "I know!" Amber replied. "That was insane! Can you believe we actually did it?" "No ... way!" "They were like, totally freaked out!" "THEY were freaked out?" Stephanie said. "What about ME?" "You did great, Steph. I didn't think you could pull it off!" "I think we both ......

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Play Time in the Park

Playtime in the Park She had caught him several times watching her from somewhere across the room when she has been at the parties. However, he had yet to approach her for any type of interaction. She tried to give the impression that she was more then interested in him, but she didn’t think it had yet dawned on him. She was sure it wasn’t the fact that she had a boyfriend because they were both open with their swinging lifestyle. She was sure also, that it wasn’t because he was black as...

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Wifes Surprise Gift Part 2 FANTASY THAT WILL BEC

My wife stood in shock but with a cheeky smirk on her face and a wicked look in her eye.She couldn't understand what was going on so I explained to her that I had posted an ad on the Internet for a male submissive to help me train my wife to be a slut.She giggled nervously looked scared but excited at the same time.I also explained to her that he was there to do ANYTHING that she wanted sexually without the need of gratification. But said it would be a shame to let him go without at least...

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Sab Ki Pyaas Bujhaai

Mera naam Ravi hai, main 27 saal ka hu, height 5.6 par meri aankhe sex se bhari hui hai. Mujhe sex ki lat pad gayi hai, aur main jitna bhi sex karu kam hi lagata hai, sochta tha ki mujhe koi problem hai. Par jab mujhe jaise hi aurat mili tab mai samajha ki main kitna lucky hu. So main tution deta hu, aur un students mein se se ek ki mom (Roshni) mujhe ek din fees dene aayi, aur mujhe se man hi man sex ka plan bana liya, jo mujhe baad mein pata chala. Yun baar baar phone karke apni beti ke...

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A Good As It Gets 8211 Part IV

Hey guys, This is Anand back with 3rd part of the story of my love and sex with Rani. The Events are taking a twist from usual storyline from this point. I am warning you, Don’t get any ideas……The story is way too far from your expectations…. It was 7 pm at night. I thought of reaching her house at 6 pm. But It was very hard finding her house. The door opened……And there she was ……..My Angel……..God…… She was beautiful…… She was wearing a sleeveless silky blue nighty which reached her...

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theater of love

I was sitting alone on a friday night, (again) and I decided i'd treat myself to a movie down at the cineplex, so I grabbed my coat, and prayed i'd get lucky tonight. Boy was I in for a surprise, I walked down to the Evol Theatre and bought a ticket to see "disclosure" or something like that, I walked in, all i saw were three what looked like teenage girls sitting in the 3rd row up, So I decided i'd sit down next to them, By the way they were talking I figured out their names... the first one...

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Bending Over Backwards

It had all started so well. Jessie had lent me that gorgeous mini dress and the matching killer heels for my first day as Melinda Thorpe’s intern, and I rushed to her office in excited giddiness. Every female student in my senior course wanted to intern for her. She was said to be incredibly strict and demanding, but she was also the queen of contracts in this town, the ruthless and beautiful mistress of business mergers and company syndication. Her face regularly decorated both business...

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Three cheerleaders

Introduction: Richard Johnson gets a pleasant surprise while closing up the school after the game. The Pulaski High School basketball game had ended about two hours ago. The varsity team had won. Richard Johnson, the assistant coach was in the process of shutting everything down for the night. He opened the door to the swimming pool and heard splashing. It only took a second to recognize that three of the varsity cheerleaders were in the pool and they were skinny dipping. Their crimson and blue...

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BangBus Blake Blakely Fling Before The Ring

The Bang Bus does not stop son! We out here roaming the streets of Miami looking for money hungry chicks, ready to do anything for some cash. This time around we ran into some chick on the way home from picking out her wedding dress. We decided to offer to pay for her dress, all she had to do was fuck our boy, Jmac. After some hesitation, she agreed and soon enough she was chocking on Jmac’s cock. Her pussy was penetrated in several different positions all over the BangBus. Finally, once she...

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Power of suggestion

I was always an outgoing, flirtatious person, but sexually, I was very shy. Up to my early 20’s, I hadn’t really been with anyone who brought out my inner vixen. I did as I was told and just hoped they would do something I might actually like. In late 90’s, I was in an abusive relationship. I didn’t believe I was sexy or smart enough to move on. Tim spoke to me and treated me as I wasn’t worthy. After being with him since I was a teenager, I didn’t know any better. I was pushed around and...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 34

Hawk stared at the face of the law officer, realizing he was facing his worst nightmare, going back to prison. In his mind the hardest part to accept was, yet again, it would be for something he didn’t do. At that moment his entire brain seemed to shut down, and he collapsed to the floor. The police officer / deputy immediately rolled Hawk over onto his stomach and cuffed him. Once he had Hawk subdued, he carefully checked his prisoner for weapons. Finding none, he picked Hawk up by the right...

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Independence Day Part Two

Steve squeezed her hand. He nearly bowed with a nod, as if encouraging her to tell Josh the truth. To face the things about herself that weren’t normal, or even normally abnormal. Things she’d never admit to the people closest to her. Never tell Pierce. They’re leaving anyway. Daphne tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ear, her gaze tracing Josh’s young, innocent face. The faintest shadow of stubble scrubbed his chin. Cute. Innocent. “Hey, uh...” Josh leaned forward, elbows on his...

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