11th GradeChapter 27 free porn video

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I replaced the vent cover, right after Uncle Bunny left. I looked at my alarm clock and it was five after seven. I didn't usually get up so early on a Saturday morning, but, with what had just happened, there was absolutely no hope that I'd ever be able to get back to sleep. Nothing in Uncle Bunny's demeanor had indicated any great worry, but the very fact that he felt he might need his pistol was of great concern to me. I got dressed and went downstairs.

Hans and Gerta were in the kitchen, finishing up the last of their breakfasts. I asked for poached eggs on toast, and Gerta talked me into having a slice of ham with it. For some reason, both she and Hans preferred ham to regular bacon, although both enjoyed almost any kind of sausage links too. I went and poured myself a glass of milk, and sat down at the table.

"What was Bunny doing here so early? Did he need something from upstairs?" Hans took a sip of his coffee, not really concerned about anything, just making morning conversation with me.

"He came into my room and got a pistol he had hidden in one of the heating vents. The one over by my closet." I said it as much for it's shock effect, as for any other reason. I had been a little curious about the pistol, but not too alarmed. Uncle Bunny really didn't seem like the kind of person who would ever need to use a pistol. If anything surprised me, it was that he had one, and had forgotten to take it when he came to get some of his other personal things, after I was moved into his room. He just didn't seem like someone who would be comfortable around any sort of violence. Guns implied violence to me, because of the TV programs and the movies I'd seen since I was very young.

"Why would he come so early to get that? Did he say anything to you?" Hans seemed concerned.

"He told me to tell Dad that he'd be at his office, and for Dad to call him. He said it was important, but for me not to say anything in front of Mama, or to get her worried."

"Did you go wake up Mr. Parsons, Kenny?" Hans looked like he was concerned now.

"No. Uncle Bunny told me to do it without disturbing Mama. I was going to phone him, and give him the message that way."

Gerta was already reaching for the phone, and began pressing the two digit code for Dad's bedroom. No one picked up the phone. "He's in with your Mama." Gerta pressed Mama's room code. "Bertie, is Mr. Parsons awake yet? Kenny's down here in the kitchen and needed to ask him a question." There was a pause of about fifteen seconds while Mama said something to Gerta. "I think it's something he needs to tell him. Something he forgot to tell him yesterday, about business. He seems worried about it." There was another delay, and Gerta waved me to come over to the phone. She put the receiver in my hand. "Have him come downstairs, Kenny. Tell him it's about business, and it's important. That way, he won't worry your Mama."

Dad came on the line. He sounded like he'd just be awakened from a very sound sleep.


"Hi Dad. I need you to come downstairs to the kitchen. It's about business, and it's important."

"Is it so important that it can't wait until I get up? I didn't get to sleep until after two o'clock, Kenny."

"Dad, it's important." I heard him replace the receiver. When I turned to tell Hans and Gerta that he was probably coming, Hans had already left, so I told Gerta. Dad got to the kitchen about a minute later. He had on a robe and slippers, and his hair was all messy. That was the first time I'd seen him when he wasn't dressed and groomed. He seemed older to me, the way he looked there in the kitchen.

"Tell me what was so important that it couldn't wait, Kenny."

"Uncle Bunny was here. He got a pistol out of my room. He told me to wake you up and tell you he's at his office, and for you to call him there. He didn't want me to worry Mama, and he said it's important." Dad turned and left the kitchen. I knew he was headed for his study. A minute later, Hans came back into the kitchen and whispered something into Gerta's ear, kissed her on the cheek and went out the back way, towards the garage. I heard an engine starting a minute later. I assumed it was Hans. I sat back down at the table, waiting for Gerta to make my breakfast. She was just standing there, in the center of the kitchen, looking worried and not doing anything. "Gerta, are you going to make my breakfast, or should I get myself some cereal?" I think she had forgotten all about my breakfast. Ten minutes later, I was just starting to eat my poached eggs, when Dad came back in the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee. He was already dressed, and his hair was combed.

"Tell Bertie that I needed to go out on business. Kenny, you stay here, with your mother. Don't leave until I get back. If Walt Connor shows up here, tell him that Georgia and Brenda aren't here. Ken Dyer is sending one of his men over here to park on the street by the driveway. At three o'clock this morning, someone fired some shots through a bedroom window at Bunny's house. Elizabeth was shot in the arm, but she's wasn't hurt that badly, more of a scratch according to Bunny. Bunny thinks it might have been Walt."

"Why would Mr. Connor want to shoot Elizabeth?"

The shots were fired into Bunny's bedroom." Dad was smiling when he told me that.

"Elizabeth was in Uncle Bunny's bedroom?"

"Apparently. Listen, if your mother gets wind of any of this, tell her that Georgia and Brenda aren't in any danger. Bunny spoke to Georgia an hour ago, and they're both fine, at the apartment in Bolling. They aren't going to be letting anyone in there either."

At noon, Dad came back home. When Mama had come downstairs at ten, she had been expecting that all of us would be going to the club for golf like we usually did. I told her that Dad had gone out on business, but she said we'd go play without him. That's when I told her that Dad said we had to stay inside. Mama got upset when I couldn't answer any of her questions, but Gerta took her aside and talked to her. I'm not sure what Gerta said, but Mama settled down after that. As soon as Dad came through the door, Mama was all over him, alternating between being mad and demanding information, and being worried and demanding reassurance that everyone was all right. Dad told her that Walt Connor had been arrested, then released, because he had an ironclad alibi. He and Richard were in Linden, visiting with Mr. Connor's sister. They had spent the night there. Constable Dyer had phoned over to Walt's sister's house, and was satisfied from what she said, that Walt had been telling the truth.

After it had gotten light out, the police went into Uncle Bunny's back yard, looking for any evidence left by the person doing the shooting. What they found there were several deep indentations, concentrated in the area of the ground that was directly in front of Uncle Bunny's window. The investigator told Uncle Bunny it looked like it might be the heel impression from a woman's high heels. when Dad told Mama that, she said one word: "Georgia". Dad nodded to her that he agreed.

Mama went to the living room and picked up the phone, dialing a number. She was on the phone for ten minutes before hanging up. When she came back to the library, she told Dad she was sending Hans to Bolling to pick up Georgia and Brenda, to bring them back to our house. That's when Dad told her that Hans was with Uncle Bunny.

"What's he doing with Bunny?"

"Making sure that nobody shoots him. He came over to Bunny's office, carrying several weapons, including a wicked looking knife and a pistol. He looked like he knew how to use them too. I wouldn't want to try to get past him, I know that much."

"Someone has to go get her. She's too upset to drive herself."

"Is she upset because she missed?"

"Thomas! Just for that, you can go get her. Take Kenny with you, and take his new car. Hurry up too, because I'm afraid she's going to attempt something stupid. You know how emotional she gets."

"Bertie, think about this, before you have me go traipsing off to bring her closer to Bunny. Suppose she wants to try it again?"

"Thomas, if you won't go, I'll go get them myself. She needs to be around people who care for her now. She's hurt and confused. This has been a terrible time for her. First Walt, and now this situation with Bunny and Elizabeth. Is it any wonder that she isn't thinking that well?"

"How long are you planning on having them here, and where do you plan on putting them?"

"As long as it takes, and we'll put them in Kenny's room. That would be the easiest. Kenny, you don't mind sleeping downstairs for a few nights, just until we sort this all out, do you?"

"Brenda's going to live here? In my room?"

"It's only temporary, just until we can find her a nice home of her own. She's always lived in Ridgeline, Bolling isn't any place for Georgia and Brenda to live. We'll get this little misunderstanding settled, and then we'll find her a nice little home of her own. If we had paid more attention to her, none of this would have happened. This was just a cry for some attention."

"It was attempted murder, Bertie, and that's not my idea of a cry for attention. Bunny or Elizabeth might have been killed."

"But they weren't, were they? You're a man, you couldn't possibly understand what something like this can lead you to contemplate. Are you going to go get them, or must I?"

"No, I'll go. If she takes it in her fool head to shoot Kenny or me, I hope you won't think that was only another cry for attention from her. I had a lot I needed to get accomplished this weekend, Bertie. Having a houseful of weeping, vindictive women isn't going to be conducive to my being prepared for a full schedule of important meetings this next week."

"One weekend without working isn't going to kill you, Thomas."

"No, but it might end up costing all of us several million dollars. I have had my eye on a whole new line of business for us, restaurant food supply. I have three meetings set up to interview people who have worked in that area, staggered over this coming week. I don't want to go into those meetings unprepared, and I brought home a lot of information that needs to be read and digested, before those meetings take place."

"Then I better go pick them up. You stay here and do what you need to. You should have said something sooner about this, Thomas. Daddy talked about us breaking into that market years ago. He said that organized crime was too entrenched in it to allow it to be safe or profitable."

"He was talking about competing with them. My idea is to try to supply those companies that already do compete with them, and let them continue to handle the distribution, and the problems that might be associated with competing in that market. It's growing too fast for us not to have a share of it."

"Isn't that still dangerous? I mean, it is organized crime."

"Bertie, organized crime is business. It's just that they operate under a different business model than we do. They depend on customer loyalty just like we do, they just offer their customers a different incentive to stay loyal. The restaurant supply business has grown so large now, it's difficult to differentiate between one company and another. They're all legitimate as far as the products they deliver. Some just open their accounts differently. If you were to look at five different operations, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the so called legitimate corporations, and the ones supposedly run by criminals. Those distinctions become blurred with time."

"That's all very interesting I'm sure, Thomas. I better run, Georgia's expecting someone to pick them up. If we do decide to get into that business, promise me you won't bring any of your new business associates home for dinner. I don't want our good silver stolen." Mama grabbed my arm, and started us towards the front door.

"I don't have my car keys, they're up in the room. I don't want to go with you anyway. Why don't you take Jane?"

"You go get your keys, Kenny. Georgia and Brenda need us, and they're our family."

"This isn't what you agreed to, Mama."

"Brenda told me last night that you told her you were willing to forget the past. I don't want her to be all alone on the trip here, Kenny. You know it will start trouble if I ask Jane to accompany me." I went up to get my keys. I had said that to Brenda, but I didn't really mean it. I wanted to say something to relax her at the party, to let her know I wasn't going to be making a big scene. I wanted us to stay apart.

We got to the apartment in Bolling in thirty minutes. My new car rode like a dream. I had helped Mama take the top down, and it was nice driving like that, with the wind from the speeding car keeping us cool, and also blowing our hair all over the place. When we got there, neither of them were packed. It took Mama another thirty minutes to convince Mrs. Connor that going to the house with us was the right thing for her to do. Brenda had her things ready even before her mother had been talked into going by Mama. Several times she tried to get conversations started with me, but each time I managed to answer her in a way that closed off further talk on that particular subject. Finally she found a topic I was willing to talk about.

"Shirley seems very nice. She's so tall."

"She is nice, very nice. Her whole family is tall."

"You seemed to like her, a lot."

"I do. She plays golf, and she's very thoughtful of other people, and concerned about their welfare."

"I care about other people too, Kenny. I spent nearly all my time trying to figure out what you wanted, and how I could get it for you." I looked over at her, and I just had to smile.

"You have a very convenient and flexible memory, Brenda."

"Are you having sex with Shirley?" That ended that topic of conversation. I got up and went over to stand by Mama. When Mrs. Connor came out into the living room five minutes later, she was carrying a large suitcase. I took it from her and took it down to the Cadillac waiting at the foot of the stairs. Mama had the keys, so I sat it by the trunk. It took a few more minutes, but finally they came out and locked up the apartment and came down the stairs to the car. Brenda set her own suitcase next to her mother's. When Mama opened the trunk for me, I lifted both cases into the trunk and closed the lid. All three of them were already in the car. Mama and Mrs. Connor were sitting in the front, and Brenda was in the back, on the driver's side, an expectant smile on her face. When I went to get in, Mrs. Connor leaned forward and pulled the seat back forward, so that I could get through to the back seat. I could have complained, but I knew it wouldn't do any good, or accomplish anything anyway.

"Thank you for giving up your bedroom for us, Kenny. I've been dreaming about sleeping in your bed again." Brenda wasn't done with making her pitch for full reinstatement.

"That's all right. Mama says it's only for a few days. I'll be sleeping in Bea's old bed, and it's a nice one too." One of the things that Brenda had always resented was knowing that I had slept with Bea, all over the house for awhile. I wanted her to think she wasn't any more important as a memory to me than Bea was.

"What do you like best about Shirley? I mean she doesn't have that good of a figure, especially up on top." Brenda was determined to get right into this. I knew her, and she wasn't going to stop until something stopped her.

"I like it that she's a decent person. She doesn't go around screwing every boy she meets." that brought Mrs. Connor and Mama wading into the conversation. Both of them told me I needed to apologize to Brenda. "Why should I apologize to her. I'm not the one who did anything wrong. Tell her to leave me alone and quit talking to me, or asking me questions about my friends."

"Kenny, Georgia and Brenda are more than our guests. I expect you to treat them as part of our family."

"Mama, I don't want to make you feel bad, but I really don't want to have to put up with Brenda at all. Since it's only going to be a few days, maybe I can go stay over at Uncle Bunny's, just so we don't keep having everyone get all upset."

"You'll do no such thing. I'm willing to accept what you've said, that you and Brenda have differences that cannot be overcome. I'm sure that all Brenda wanted was some clarification about what form your relationship was going to take from now on."

"I would prefer we be strangers, but if that isn't an option, I'd want us to just ignore each other. I offered to be on normal terms with her, but Brenda doesn't want to accept that. She seems to want to have things go back to how they were. They never will, and, if she doesn't accept that, I don't want her anywhere around me."

"Brenda, given all that has transpired, dear, Kenny's request seems reasonable to me. It was you that fouled the nest, after all, and you have to accept the results of those actions. I did promise him that I'd accept his decision regarding any future the two of you might have together."

"I told him I was sorry. I told him it wouldn't ever happen again. All I want is one more chance."

"Brenda, you aren't a child, and I refuse to allow you to put forth a child's argument, or plea for further consideration from him. You betrayed Kenny's trust with two different boys, at least with two that you've admitted to. He forgave you for the first one. What you have done isn't some minor infraction. You made a choice, and because of that, Kenny now gets to make his own choice. He's made it abundantly clear what his choice is. None of this should have happened, but it did. You need to accept it and just live with it, and you need to start doing so right now." There was steel in Mama's words, and for the first time, I think Brenda realized there weren't going to be any further chances, at least none with me. "Georgia, I'm telling you exactly the same thing. You've spent too many years now, playing one side off against the other. Patch things up with Walt, or divorce him. What you did this morning was inexcusable. It was something only a crazy person would even contemplate. You've had a long run with this little juggling act you had going. It's time now for you to be an adult, you need to let Bunny go."

I waited to see if either Brenda or her mother were going to say anything further, but neither of them spoke. When we got to the house, I opened my trunk, and pulled out both bags. I carried both of them into the house, and up the stairs to my room. I gathered together all the things I'd need for the week, and put them into my own suitcase, carrying them downstairs into Bea's old room. I looked around in that room, and knew I wouldn't miss my room that much, not as long as it was only temporary.

I was wondering how Jane and Grace were going to take to having Brenda and Mrs. Connor staying with us. I didn't have that long to wonder. We had been there no more than fifteen minutes when Jane came downstairs, looking for me.

"I thought you were kidding, Kenny. They're moving into your room?"

"Just until they get their own house. Mama says a few days. I'm leaving to go back to school in a little more than two weeks. When are you guys moving to your place in Bolling?"

"We were going to start moving in gradually, starting around August tenth. We might have to move that time up now, if Brenda's going to be here. Can you ask your mother the earliest we can have the apartment? It would be easier to drive here from Bolling every morning, than to live here and have to worry about Brenda being so close."

"You aren't really worried are you? I mean, I know you love Grace. Brenda could never be anything like what you have with Grace."

"Kenny, temptation doesn't know anything about love. It isn't even that I'm so worried that I'd give in to it. It's Grace, and how worried she'd be. She knows how tempted I'd be, and she knows I'm not like she is. If something did happen, it would mean a lot more to her. It would end it for us. She wouldn't be able to sit still, or to trust that nothing would happen. I know her, and she'd do something, just because she couldn't stand to wait and see."

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11th GradeChapter 23B

That night at dinner, all I paid attention to was Uncle Bunny. A few times, people said something to me, but I was too busy trying to see what Uncle Bunny had meant, to be able to respond well to their questions. I was afraid they'd think I was retarded or something. We were all together from seven o'clock until almost ten thirty. Mama let Dad present the full terms of their offer to David and Craig. Uncle Bunny was to be the liaison man with them, and the one who handled the funding for...

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11th GradeChapter 24

As I had expected, I had difficulty going to sleep Monday night. At one in the morning, I heard Grace and Jane coming up the stairs. They certainly weren't taking any pains to be quiet. The two of them came right into my room, without even knocking. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. "Kenny! Wake up!" This was Grace screaming out her drunken whisper. "I already am awake. Why are you two coming into my room like this?" "We needed to ask you something." This was from Jane....

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11th GradeChapter 25

I was in my room at five thirty, getting myself ready to speak with Shirley. I was mentally rehearsing what I was going to say to her. I was undecided between the direct confession route, or the hypothetical question gambit. Both had merit, but either might accomplish what I most feared. I was afraid that Shirley was going to listen to what happened, then decide that I wasn't someone she wanted to be friends with. Just thinking about that happening had me sick with worry, and too paralyzed...

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11th GradeChapter 26

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday when one of the John's from maintenance called upstairs to my father's secretary, looking for me. I was down on the loading docks, observing all the changes in the three o'clock route driver scramble. Now, each driver pulled into the yard and parked, handing his keys in to one of the warehousemen standing by. If there were product returns, a list of them was also given to the man taking the truck keys. It was slow at first, and very orderly,...

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11th GradeChapter 28

Somehow, Mama got the idea I was working too hard, and that I hadn't been able to enjoy my vacation from school. Each time she brought it up, I'd tell her I was having a good time, and that I was learning a lot from going to work with Dad. I was busy though. Uncle Bunny took me to Bolling to get my permit to begin learning to drive. The written test was easy, even though I'd only been able to look it over for about two hours before I took the test. Uncle Bunny took me to a farm road, and...

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11th GradeChapter 29

The closer it came to me going away to school again, the less I wanted to do it. I knew the academic program was better at CA, than anything I'd receive in the public school system, a lot more challenging, but I really didn't want to leave home again. There was also the extra month of summer vacation I'd be missing out on by returning to Clement Academy. I balanced all of my reasons for not wanting to go, against one simple fact, that I'd already told my parents that I wanted to remain at...

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11th GradeChapter 30

I had a great weekend. Saturday was simply the most wonderful day I'd ever had. At the dance Saturday night, several people commented about how good a couple Shirley and I made, and about how happy I looked. Shirley, they said, was beautiful and radiant. There was a moment, during the early part of the dance, when I thought I was in big trouble. Mrs. Jones came over to our table and asked me to dance with her, As soon as we were out on the dance floor, she shocked me with something she...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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11th GradeChapter 32

It wasn't late yet, but Uncle Bunny, Elizabeth, and Aunt Clara had already left. We hadn't lingered around the dining room for much longer, not after our dinner conversation had gotten more than a little bit out of hand. Shirley had gotten in her retaliatory strike at me, but it hadn't been a clear knock out. She had struck, I had countered, and then, anyone who cared to, had jumped into the fray. I think all of us had enjoyed parts of it, but some had enjoyed it more than others. Mama,...

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11th GradeChapter 33

Mama had another one of her depressions right after I left to go back to school. It was immediately after my one week school break for Thanksgiving. When I got home that Friday evening, after having signed myself out, and driving home alone, Gerta told me it looked like this was going to be one of the really bad ones for Mama. My dad had been staying up in Bolling, at our apartment there, supposedly because there was so much happening with the business, that he needed to save the one hour...

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11th GradeChapter 34

We didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...

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11th GradeChapter 35

I went back to school on Thursday, the second of January. Shirley and I had talked a lot in the few days remaining of my break from school. We had both expressed a desire for us to remain together as a couple. We had exchanged many loving thoughts, and had each reaffirmed that our deep caring for the other was intact. We had held each other a lot, and had even kissed quite a bit, but none of this was done with any real, honest, passion. There was too much that was still unresolved between us....

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11th GradeChapter 36

By the time we finally arrived at the hospital in Springfield, it was after nine o'clock. Elizabeth was already in the hospital room, visiting with Uncle Bunny, and he was being allowed only one visitor in his room at a time. The nurse had gone in to tell Uncle Bunny and Elizabeth that we had arrived. It was only a few minutes wait, but Mama was being impatient, loudly impatient too. Dad tried to get her to sit and wait, telling her it wouldn't be long before she could go in. He was telling...

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11th GradeChapter 37

As soon as Elizabeth called our house, to let Gerta know the terribly sad news about Uncle Bunny, Gerta and Hans stepped in and immediately knew they needed to take over. It was as though they had been on some kind of standby alert, just waiting for an emergency situation such as the one they now faced. Hans placed a phone call to Dad's office, and told him the grim news. Gerta climbed the stairs and went through to Mama's closed bedroom door. She paused for a brief period outside, knowing...

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Driving Men To DistractionChapter 4

Chance took a moment or two to calm himself before trying to talk to his fiance. He was still shaky from Cari's ball-draining performance. Then he began to talk. Apparently taking a cue from the sound of his voice, Cari slipped from the bed and went trotting off into the bathroom. He was grateful for the privacy. He was also grateful for the fact Tanya's call was merely a "good morning" call, nothing important, except that she was double-checking on the time he was to pick her up that...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 3 The wedding

The wedding was six weeks after Ron proposed to Ronnie. The reason that it happened quickly was she was starting to show. Ronnie looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. Mind, she always looked gorgeous to me. I guess I was a big bit biased on the subject matter.Ron’s brother, Colin was the best man. I had met him a couple of times and didn’t particularly like him. He always seemed to give Ron a hard time at every opportunity. I was seated next to him at the table as one of Ron’s...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 12

The first of the evening had been one hot lusty experience for all four members of the family when Sue had announced that she was going to be having a baby. And when her son Tim had come around the table to where she was sitting and began to strip her and fuck her right there on the table, the daughter-in-law, Cindy, had also announced that she was pregnant again with her second baby and her father-in-law Chuck had proceeded to fuck her right there as well. It had been one of the sexiest...

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A discovered fetish

My fetish began when I was probably about eleven. I was brought up in a strict household in a small town, and as puberty struck, I had very limited access to any members of the opposite sex, either real or fictitious. My mom and my teacher were the first members of the opposite sex I noticed. As I did my chores at home, I quickly started noticing the lingerie my mom wore, although looking back it was nothing special, but the different materials and styles compared to my own underwear began to...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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Long legs in rains

Hi, it was a cloudy morning when i drive to my friends place, she was suppose to come with me to the hills station for a college get together. When i reached at her place i discovered that she had already left. Which made my mood bad but discovered that he sister was in the garden. I asked her if she want to come for a drive and she said yes but needs to take bath. I said she can have fun in rains. She agreed and we left for the drive. I took her on lonely highway. And it started to rain. She...

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Hot Indian Couple Makeup Sex After A Fight

Life in the IT industry can be demanding and can bring ups and down! The incident happened a few years back when I was 40. My name is Hari (of course, name changed) from Chennai. I have a decent 6″ long and good 2″ thick penis. My wife Vijaya (name changed) was 39 at that time. She looks like a typical Indian wife with 34C breast and big ass. She is a plump and curvy woman with a cute face which gets dick-salutes as she walks the street. My wife has stopped talking with me and it has been more...

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Utopia for One Chapter 3 A Night on the Town

At that point Sarah joined them and they both shuffled up the couch to accommodate her with the Lord sitting in the middle. He then selected a matching thong that would barely cover their mounds. He placed the order on line. Moving to a dress shop he selected identical, except for colour, silk dresses with strap shoulders. He reckoned they were long enough to enable the girls to bend over without exposing themselves. They would be loose enough to be comfortable, but snug enough to...

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John and SueChapter 2

Sitting in the living room I thought back over our marriage. When had Sue decided to cheat on me? Why, more importantly, had she gotten so slutty? I had so many questions and absolutely no answers in my mind. I had given her all of my love. I had provided for her every need. Our sex life had always been good, at least as far as she had told me. Now I had even more questions about us. Had she always been honest with me? How long had this been going on? Why, oh why had Sue been drawn into this?...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 05

The next weekend a friend of the boys’ was playing with his band at a local dive bar. The white farm house piled into two cars and drove over. Vera was excited, she loved going out at night. She put her head out the window of Daniel’s car and let the wind stream through her hair, smelling the night smells of the road. Daniel laughed at her and tried to pull her back inside but Vera just grinned at him and howled out the window into the rushing darkness. The bar was crowded and dim. They...

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My Guy

She talked to him on line and was anxious to meet him. She had checked into a hotel in his city. He would be there soon. The night would be theirs. She undressed and got in the shower. When she got out she put on a skimpy thong and her sheerest bra. She had large but firm tits. Big round nipples. Her pussy was waxed and very smooth. Her ass was round and firm and great for being massaged. She then put on a thin silky short dress cut low in front to accent her cleavage. She was going to look...

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the dead girl

I had been dead three years when I pretended not to notice the man drop a pill into my white wine, but that didn't stop him from trying. It hadn't stopped the other six hundred and sixty five men who were intent on courting me in this bizarre and ungentlemanly manner and it wouldn't stop the next man or the next. My afterlife was an endless cycle of man after man. The same dirty tricks, the same wretched result. It was fascinating how repetitive it all was. There was almost nothing to keep me...

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An evening with my Master i wish Part II

You leave me lying on the bed, i have no idea if you are still in the room of not, but all i can hear is the slight hum of the clit stimulator, initially it starts as a total pleasur, to feel this against my pussy is bliss, i can feel the excitement and pleasure building. I moan in pleasure, i start to bite my lips as it hits the spot, however, it is not long before this pleasure turns to desire, to unadulterated wanton pleasure, it is building, but it is not enough to bring me to orgasm.I lay...

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Oral Drug

You didn't really believe it when the crazy old man on the street gave you the bottle of pills and told you what they were for. "Give one to any girl," he said, "and she'll need to constantly give head to people, male and female." "Yeah, buddy," you said as you passed him on the street. Lord, homeless people can be such nuts. But as you thought about it in the evening, you figured giving it a try couldn't hurt. The next day, you were hanging out with a few of your friends at your apartment. One...

Mind Control
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Sneaky Panty Smeller part 3

Leaving off in part two, coming home with the small package, the panties and a video inside from Becky to me. She had busted me, but after I made her orgasm so fucking good eating her pussy and ass, she just wanted more. Now that I was home, I got a chance to look over the video and smell the soaking wet panties that she had gifted me. Nicely folded and messy like I have never seen before. The note she put in the package was wet enough from her panties, that the pen ink had run on the paper...

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The Stripper Wife

My wife Karen and I have attended some pretty wild parties over the years that often involved getting it on with multiple partners. She even filled in as a stripper at a private sex show when one of the performers failed to show up.We often talked about what it would be like for her to take on a bunch of guys at once, although the idea of setting up a gangbang was something she had trouble with. Strangers were out of the question but she also disliked the idea of trying to approach this subject...

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My first time seeing my wife fucked by another guy

Like alot of guys the idea of seeing another guy fuck my wife has always got my blood flowing.. My wife and i tried swinging but in separate rooms when we were younger, but my wife has always had this hang up about me being in the same room. Now that we are more mature and the k**s are away we have more time to play.. I suggested the cuckold lifestyle and of course she agreed to fuck other men but still insisted that she was to uncomfortable with me being there.We joined a swingers site and...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 59

The first bout was a random draw of names, which turned out to be Ellis and Rick. The women drifted over from the bar to watch and Sledge tried to intercept Jane, but she flowed smoothly around him and into Ken's arms. Each man tossed a hundred into the bowl, then went out to the ring. As they limbered up -- or postured at each other -- Ken thought about the conversation he'd had with Sensei that very morning. "So you're playing in Costa's fight club," he'd said. "Not my first...

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The Next Year Chapter 6 Two Girls One Dildo

Vincent and I agreed over lunch that although fun, we needed to find a new place to smoke weed and fuck, so that we didn’t get in trouble, or become the neighborhood show. After lunch Vincent dropped me off at school, and went to go replenish his stash. I gave him a long wet kiss good-bye before I climbed out of the car, and headed to my next class. “Slow down, you speed walkin’ bitch!” screamed a loud voice from behind me. “Why don’t you just hurry the fuck up, slut?” I yelled back, as Trina...

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Latha Bhabhi My Landlord8217s Wife

Hi, guys. After reading a lot of stories I wanted to share my experience with you guys. Note: Don’t ask me to share pics. Also, don’t ask me to get girls to lay down I’m not any supplier. Girls and aunties can contact Hi, my name is Raja. I’m 22 years old doing my final year graduation in a reputed college in Hyderabad. This happened between me and my building owner aunty who is 32 years old. I was staying in a single room apartment in a decent area of Hyderabad for more than 2 years. My...

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Shopping for lingerie

This story is inspired by one of you lush ladies ,-) After a few months of talking online we finally decided to go for it and meet IRL at this cute coffee shop for lunch. As we chit chat our eyes shoot hasty looks all over each other’s bodies. By now both of us realize that our online attraction not only translates to real life but in a much higher intensity. Without saying a word we quickly finish our meal and after paying the bill walk into the street where shops are aligned on both sides...

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