Masi'shen StrandedChapter 14 free porn video

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Steve sat at Marie's kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee, wondering to himself how long it had been since he'd so much enjoyed a sunrise and a simple breakfast. Marie sat opposite him. Her dark eyes studied his face.

"You are troubled. You are walking a knife-edge, yet you have already decided where your destiny, your allegiance now lies. Is this not so?" she questioned, her voice barely above a whisper.

He looked up, startled. Her eyes, flashing black, bored into his. Her face, mature and strong, appeared to his eyes as the most remarkable woman he'd ever encountered. She was a few years younger than he, yet she seemed ageless, infinite, perpetual. Her raven black hair spilled from beneath a simple silver headband in a cascade down her back, reaching to her waist. A thin silver chain held a mounted moss agate stone, polished and gleaming against her throat. The translucent gem contained a black form, the outline of a raven, its wings outstretched. Circlets of silver gleamed with obsidian stones, ebony ovals set in silver sockets, on her slender wrists.

He didn't answer right away. He knew where his allegiance, his duty rested. It was with these people, with their discovery. He was utterly convinced of the truth of Dee'rah's people, their need, and of the total dedication and nobility of Michael Hawthorne's quest. It was now his quest.

The problem was the agency. He faced the terrible necessity of becoming a double agent. He couldn't walk away from the agency. Nobody did that without the agency's blessing and guarantees issued upon pain of death. If he foolishly abandoned this agency assignment, they could descend on him and this mission with redoubled fury. There'd be no way for Michael to succeed.

He needed a screen, a cover to stall the agency, to keep them many steps behind while he and Michael somehow delivered the crystals.

"You think you are alone. You are wrong."

Her voice snapped him out of his worries and brought him back to her, looking at him with her steady gaze. What in hell is she saying, his mind asked before his mouth could open...

"I am now part of this, and now we are three. Your agency will not interfere. You must report to your superior, the Deputy Director who you worry so much about in your thoughts. Act normally, feed him small bits to satisfy his concerns, and devote yourself to helping Michael. Your superior will be no problem. My task now is to shield us while we three do what must be done." Marie smiled, a slight upturn of her mouth at the corners, but her eyes sparkled with mirth at Steve's sudden consternation.

"Yes, there are things I know that you believe to be impossible for one such as I to know. But twice now you have sat at the fire. Twice you have witnessed that which is not possible. Do you think such a small thing as this is not possible?"

Steve shook his head to clear his confusion; he blinked several times while staring fixedly down into his half-empty cup. He struggled to remain still, calm, and not to go running out the back door swearing curses into the morning light. Get a grip, you stupid sonofabitch! Think of what she's saying! Every damned word she speaks is the truth! Well, except for the 'agency will not interfere' business, maybe. He looked to her. He struggled to stay calm and soft-spoken as he answered:

"True. All true. Except, how can you know that the agency will not interfere?"

"Easy, my strong friend. I have asked the elders to intercede. They are dealing with the matter as we speak."

'Oh, Jeezus H. Christ!' Steve thought to himself, visions of the frail little man, half bent over in his age, and the tiny, age-shriveled woman with the incredibly strong, gnarled hands ... visions of them walking into the agency entrance, guards rushing from all directions with automatic weapons leveled at them... !

"My God, woman! What have you done?" he almost yelled at her.

"What needed doing. Please, do not worry." Marie rose from her chair, stepped over to the radiantly cheerful wood range, the fire's yellow flame winking through seams in the black cast-iron firebox. She fetched up the coffee pot.

"Refill?" she smiled down at him. He sat with his mouth hanging open, his unbelieving eyes locked on her laughing face.

The Deputy Director glanced up as his car approached the agency compound guardhouse where the marine on duty stood ready to check them through. He slammed against the front seat backs. He had not fastened his lap and shoulder belt. He hated the damned things. They interfered with his work while he reviewed reports and transcribed notes.

"Shit!" his driver yelled at the same moment the car nose-dived with panic braking. The deputy director stared out the windshield at the old couple standing in the road, waiting to be run down. They were ancient, tiny, dressed in native American beads and buckskins. Their faces looked like burnt umber, deeply creased. Their eyes stared forth from deep sockets, blazing with highlights, brilliant sunshine off gleaming black stones.

"Goddamnit all to hell! Where the fu..." The driver screamed and cursed as the heavy limousine's tires screamed in complaint. The ABS braking system shuddered in a rapid-fire series of braking jolts. The car was unable to stop before running them down but as unexpectedly as they had appeared, they dissolved. They disappeared.

The marine guard came running down the lane, frantically waving at the side window for the driver to roll it down.

"What the hell... ! What are you doing? Are you nuts? Why the hell did you slam on the brakes there, fool? You damn near got rear-ended by the General, coming up behind you!"

"At ease, marine! Didn't you see that old couple there, standing in the middle of the damned driveway? Why the hell did you let them stand here? This is a restricted area. What the hell were they doing here, marine?"

All went silent for a long moment. The marine visibly composed himself, stepped back and stood at perfect attention. He noticed the agency's deputy director sitting upright in the back seat, white-faced and visibly shaken.

"Sir! Begging pardon, sir! What old couple, sir?"

His day pretty much went down hill from there. He'd had his people working non-stop, trying to trace the dead Russian syndicate goons back to their source, and to dig out whatever had motivated the attack. He knew damned well that the old man behind Nikogda Snova was behind it, but knowing and digging out why were different things. Each way they turned led to a stone wall. Nobody would talk. Every faint lead took them to dead ends.

He'd had the devil's own time putting a lid on the Idaho affair. Thank God the local sheriff and county-seat press didn't want any more publicity than he did. He and they agreed that it was done, over with, and buried. And that was the best place for it. A simple phone call to one of Idaho's leading right-wing senators assured him that calls would be made to like-thinking Boise-based corporations and advertisers. What would have been major news became single column items buried on a back page near the classified section.

He'd owe that senator a big bite of the apple, but that was okay. The twisted idiot slept with a Winchester carbine under his pillow, and had been known to stand up in Senate chambers to claim that if the godless communist rebels in Central America weren't stopped in the jungles down there, the good citizens of Idaho would be standing on the north rim of the Snake River Canyon, fighting off the brown-skinned hordes when they invaded across the desert. God help us all if we ever get a majority of his kind of bigoted fool in the government, he thought.

Ah, damn, what a day, he muttered to himself as his driver let him off at his Maryland townhouse. He hardly glanced up as he unlocked the side door and stepped into the kitchen. He draped his jacket over a kitchen chair and reached into the fridge for a cold Australian Fosters Lager, a small weakness he'd picked up years ago during a navy deployment. Hardly glancing around himself, he walked straight ahead into the dining room and dropped his frosted mug. It slipped from his startled hand; beer and shattered glass erupted in a spray off the polished hardwood floor.

There, facing him across the room in front of the lace curtains of the French doors, that couple ... the ancient Indians who stood little taller than wizened gnomes. "Damn it! What the hell... !"

Then they were gone.

Rhys and Martha started the long drive back to Twin Falls before the second morning's dreaming around the ceremonial fire. They'd seen Dee'rah and Marie do their fire dance; they needed no further persuasion. The group decided that the mother and son would be most useful as anchors at home base. They would guard against strangers, deflect any inquiries and lead any watchers astray. And they would be a primary communication link. Michael and Steve would go into concealment to buy time while arrangements were made.

Michael, Steve, and Marie sat around the small table for lunch.

"What is this, the wise ones will deal with the deputy director?" Mike asked. He was equally disturbed as his new partner, but not nearly as impassive and silent as Steve.

"Just that," Marie answered. "They will advise that patience and caution reap bountiful rewards. Anger and haste will reap only sorrow and destruction."

"That's it? Just like that?" Mike stared at her, his mouth gaping open and shut like a carp struggling for oxygen in a stagnant pool. He must have sensed the scene he was making, for a second later his mouth snapped shut and he stared at Steve, who just sat there, stone-faced, his eyes showing a few mirth lines. Steve was beginning to enjoy this moment.

"Yes, just like that. Of course, they must first gain his attention," Marie replied, flipping her head to toss her rich black hair over her other shoulder. "More soup?"

Alfred Jameson didn't become agency Deputy Director by harboring personality flaws. He was solid, conservative, thoughtful, cautious, analytical, intuitive, and a host of other qualities that make a successful spymaster.

He was also a touch superstitious but he managed to keep that tiny flaw under control, until confronted with ancient Indians who popped in and out of his life unexpectedly as had been happening twice a day for the last three days.

The last time had been just about the end of it. He was walking behind the Director in the agency's executive lunch room, carrying his tray loaded with food, when he nearly walked right over the top of them. He'd glanced down at his plate of lamb curry, anticipating a leisurely lunch with his friend, when he saw two pairs of beaded moccasins below the edge of his tray. Startled, he glanced up and saw that he was about to crash into the two of them directly in his path. He yelled and stumbled to a stop, hurling his tray upwards over his head when he slipped and fell. Angry shouts erupted behind him. Several people were wearing the lunch he'd been anxious to sit down to.

The old couple vanished, of course. Vanished as quickly as he'd fallen. Nobody saw anything. Except the Director, standing there with a shocked look on his face, wondering if his old friend and trusted deputy had somehow cracked under the strain and was losing his mind. The Director saw no ghostly pair. All he saw was the angry faces of his officers, drenched in lamb curry and steamed rice, muttering expletives at the prone figure of his friend laying sprawled on the floor.

Jameson asked for and received the rest of the day off.

The Director pointedly advised that Jameson should take a little vacation time as well: "take the day off and the next week off, too. Go to a retreat for a week, maybe; get some rest and a little counseling, perhaps." The Director didn't mention the report on his desk from the commander of the marine detachment, the detailed account of his Deputy and his driver swearing at the gate guard about the "two old indians standing in the lane, trying to get killed," and the Deputy's angry accusation that the marine had been derelict in his duty by letting the two old people walk into a restricted area.

He didn't mention that the security cameras showed nothing to cause the big limousine to make an abrupt stop—a panic stop that almost caused a visiting three-star general's car to rear end them. There were no Indians. The guard, the General's driver, the General's aide riding in the front passenger seat, the General and his, ahem, busty blonde secretary ... no one saw anyone. It was like an episode of "Twilight Zone" but it wasn't funny. And now, this lunchroom incident. It was too much.

Alfred Jameson knew that he wasn't losing his mind. But he was severely rattled. This had to stop. His position of trust at the Director's side was in extreme peril. Another incident, and he'd be shuffled off somewhere to finish out his retirement, someplace deep in the basement sorting files and counting office supplies. They wouldn't fire him, of course, but he'd never see another sensitive case.

He relaxed back into his deep leather recliner, his stocking feet up on the footrest. Another frosted mug of Foster Lager sat at hand, safely on an absorbent pad on the small stand beside him. His memories were searching, remembering...

It was in Haiti. He was still an agent, not even senior grade. There'd been rumors of an insurrection, something more sinister than a simple overthrow of the Port au Prince government. This was rumored to be linked to terrorism, with an anti-American focus. Nobody in the government was taking it seriously; this was before the days of airplanes flying into tall buildings. But there were enough fears of the old Bolshevik bomber days that armed insurrections with explosives at hand warranted investigation.

He had insinuated himself into the underworld scene and saw things that still made his skin crawl. What he had always regarded as primitive superstition proved all too real in his experience. He saw people die for no cause, terrified and raving. He saw things performed in the shadows that no sane man would believe. He crept around the edges of the terror, he observed, and he became a believer. When he left Haiti, he knew that he would never return, not even if someone put a gun to his head. He believed. That is why he would never return.

So far this thing with the ancient Indian couple was harmless, nothing like he'd seen in Haiti. Harmless, but real. Obviously they were trying to get his attention. It was becoming quite apparent to him that if he didn't pay proper attention right soon, it might be too late for him. He doubted they wanted to talk to a file-shuffler in the agency basement.

He drained a long, cold draught from his mug, savoring the brew. He set it carefully back, reached down to the footrest lever and retracted it so his feet rested squarely on the floor. He sat up, composed himself, and said the magic words:

"You may show yourselves now. You have my attention!"

Three Musketeers

Michael had argued for the better part of an hour until Marie's steady, implacable determination that she was part of the team finally wore him down. He turned to Steve, quite exasperated and half upset with the man:

"A fine lot of help you've been, sitting there smirking—don't shake your damned head at me, I saw that smirk behind your hand several times—you could have spoken up, said something, helped me out a little here?"

"Me? Interfere? I thought you were doing perfectly fine! At least as well as I might hope to do. I knew first thing this morning, when Marie told me, and I quote: "I am now part of this, and now we are three." Then she proceeded to tell me things about my thinking and the agency, stuff she had no way of knowing. Hell, if it was some civilian off the street who told me all that, I'd have to shoot them for breaching national security!

"If you recall, we both lost that argument about the Elders confronting the Deputy Director. Lost, hell! There was no argument to start with! And you stand there, with your eyes bugged out and your neck all puffed up and red under your collar, and you tell me to take sides against Marie? Man, your brains must have gone soft when they had you under that oxygen mask in the ICU!"

Marie smiled. She'd barely said a dozen words during the last half hour as Mike argued and stormed that their mission was too dangerous for her to even think of joining them. Steve recognized her power and her new role with their mission; Mike was taking a bit longer. His chivalry and the fact that he hated working with women in dangerous situations was a handicap he'd have to overcome. Perhaps Dee'rah, the spirit woman, would turn his thinking.

Marie interrupted them by announcing, "They are finished. The elders have met Mr. Jameson and he understands. They will join us this evening for dinner."

Marie smiled at Steve and left the kitchen. The two men heard the front door open and close. Steve hurried to the front room, glanced out the window, and saw her slender figure striding down the path that led to the old couple's small shack. A white puff of smoke belched from the shack's chimney. Someone had kindled a fire in the cook stove.

He turned, stared at Mike, who stared right back.

"Okay, so we just let that one ride, too. Right?"

Steve moved over to his sleeping bag on its pad along the wall and stretched out upon it, pulling his baseball cap down over his forehead and eyes.

"Wake me when dinner's about ready so I can wash up, okay?"

While Steve caught up on his nap time, Mike took a long hike up the hillside and along the gentle rise of the ridge line winding in and out of the scrub growth, admiring the early summer scenes of the Okanogan hill country.

He was worried almost sick with concern now that he'd had time to run some possibilities through his mind. They had agreed that Rhys and Martha would return to their home in Twin Falls, that they would make it a base of operations. The more he thought about it, the less certain he was that they should stay there any longer than it would take them to pack a few things and go into hiding themselves.

He feared the Russian syndicate involvement. The fact they'd sent so many men and were so trigger-happy was nothing to be complacent about. It was an extreme move, even for them, and he was absolutely and totally convinced that the Russians, after losing that round in a total bloodbath, would gather new men and resources and would come back after him with a vengeance.

"Hell, if they could get away with it and they thought it was the only way to get to me, they'd take the whole damned high school student body hostage and shoot them one by one until I turned myself over to them! There's no way Rhys and Martha can stay anywhere those bastards might find them. They'll be dead in a week. Even if I turned myself over to them they'd still kill us all."

He walked back and forth along the crest of the hillside above the small compound, the cabin, the shack, and a few scattered outbuildings. A sweat lodge stood behind the elder's shack, dark smoke stains around the hole in its mounded roof. Dry and broken branches were piled nearby, ready for the next cleansing ritual.

"Cleansing! Shed the old skin, emerge with a clean new skin! That's it!"

Just then he heard Marie call from the back door. Dinner was ready. He glanced over to the shack and saw the old couple emerge, the stooped old man walking in front, dressed in faded blue jeans and a print shirt, wearing a wide-brim felt hat with a snakeskin hat band. The old woman followed two steps behind carrying a woven basket covered with a dish towel. She wore a faded gingham dress with a silver and obsidian-jeweled belt cinched around her waist. Her head was covered with a simple shawl that draped over her shoulders. As old and stooped as they were, they walked along the path with strong, steady steps.

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Last fall my husband, Tom, got the idea that we’d take a vacation at a clothing-optional resort in Jamaica. I was reluctant, but I knew he really wanted to do it, so I agreed. I told him there was no way I was going to be prancing around naked. Of course, I knew he’d enjoy the scenery!I was sure the one-piece suits I wore at home would stand out like a sore thumb. I went out and bought a couple of reasonably conservative bikinis.So we went and had a good time. For sure, it was a different and...

2 years ago
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The Pareto Efficient Relationship

This story was inspired by the title of the book, Spousonomics: Using Economics to Master Love, Marriage, and Dirty Dishes. I haven’t read the book yet, so I can’t comment on any similarities between the two works. ————– Michael shifted beneath his shoulder bag as he checked his watch. He’d done so at least a dozen times during the five minutes he’d been in line. Seeing the time did little to help his mood, he had to be back in the hotel lobby in ten minutes, and still had to check in and...

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From Friends Mother To Mother 8211 Part 1

Hello, All, This is the continuation of the sex story where relation for Ankit turned from Rubina to his own mom. Please write to me on ‘’. Getting rebuked by Rubina for a demand, Ankit felt disheartened. He was not in his own senses and he is not able to think that whether he will get any chance with her or not. But since he tasted the most awesome juice in this world, he could not hold back for long. He was craving for some action but his ego was stopping him for approaching Rubina. At the...

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Senior Diary

Introduction The summer I turned 17, I started keeping a diary as a writing exercise. The first couple months were rather mundane, but things took a dramatic turn right after Labor Day. I recently came across the diary when we were settling my mother?s estate. The following is extracted from that diary, edited for readabilty, and only slightly embellished. I?ll follow up with more entries if folks like it. Tuesday, September 7 BIG doings today!!! I still can?t really believe it?and the best...

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Maa Ki Kaali Mohabbat 8211 Part 4

Hello friends, mai Daksh swaagat karta hu aapka meri next story me. Pichli story me aapne padha tha, ki meri Maa hamaare padosi Elias ke pyaar me deewani ho gayi thi. Ab wo dono sex kar rahe the, aur Elias Maa ki gaand aur chut chaat raha tha. Ab aage- Elias: Riddhi, tumhari gaand ka swaad to bahut meetha hai. Mere birthday ka yahi perfect gift hai, ki aaj Mai teri gaand maarunga. Maa: Nahi Elias, maine kabhi gaand me nahi liya hai. Aur waise bhi tumhara lund bahut bada hai. Mai isko apni gaand...

3 years ago
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Pushed a Little Too Far

Monday night is my favorite night of the week. That’s because Monday is game day. Every Monday from seven to eleven our club meets in the ballroom in the rec center to play board games, card games, night games or even console games. I’m game master of the club, and own forty-six of the seventy plus board games we play and know how to play almost all of them. My roommate, roommate to be, and friends all come play with us, and our club has been nominated for club of the year on campus. We usually...

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Veiled SecretsChapter 5

Saturday morning arrived and so did the herd of people that Chad had told Philip about just a few hours ago. He'd walked in unannounced, waking both Philip and Tiara. Philip hadn't stopped thanking the heavens that they'd been sleeping and not doing other things. He was still embarrassed that his father had told Tiara to "just bring a few things over the next time she was planning on bunking up with his son." Philip stood on the porch, the smell of roast duck cooking as well as hot dogs...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 36 Despair

May listened to Lucas’s words in silence and understood a little what he meant. Still, she couldn’t accept it and said upset. “If you had the ability, you should have spoken earlier. What if something happens to Amy? Although I understand your considerations, this is an extreme situation. If you have the ability and are willing to do it, you should act like a man and do it.” Although May was speaking angrily, her tone was not accusatory. She knew she was being selfish in speaking like that...

4 years ago
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Foot fetish

Imagine this. We're hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright pink nail polish looks really well with them and matches the tan perfectly. You start massaging my right foot, my left one is slightly bent with my knee up as my foot is relaxed on the bed before your thighs. I move my leg and set it on yours as i start to slowly move...

2 years ago
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Breeding 101

Wife and I have bantered back and forth with good friends of ours, Ozzy & Pat who are black, or as Ozzy says his ancestors are from "darkest Africa", because he's very dark about Ozzy impregnating my wife for an interracial baby and I impregnating Pat for their interracial baby. This remained friendly banter for probably 5 years, until the two wives hatched a plan. Both wives turned 34 and decided their eggs will soon become old. My wife is a magnet for black men, she's always being hit on...

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Lets Play A Game

It’s Friday night and my parents are gone. They have left on a camping trip to get away from work and the house for the weekend, and will be back late Sunday night. So it’s just my twin sister Lauren and me at home tonight. I’m sitting up in the living room reading when Lauren comes bouncing in. We are both seventeen and juniors in High School. She drops down on the couch next to my chair. I look up at her. “What’s up?” She looks at me and says, “Well, I figured I would tell you that I’ve...

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The Architecture of Domes and Other Poems

A RANDOM PARTNER Kneeling, with hair blown Into a wheel, Wind upon naked flesh, Rock beneath hands And knees and shins, Caressing breasts And buttocks A random partner Of Zephyrus erect, She proves the ancient god Lives to ogle and molest. LIKE A SCARF She wears Satan Like a scarf, Striped with banded Snakeskin and fanged, Holding the phallic Serpent just below Its questing head, As if she'd ward Off the fall of all; The devil, a boa, Constricts, crushing The life...

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Living With A Beauty Out A Night

“Aadhi, who are you with, on the phone this whole time?” I heard mom yelling out from in the kitchen. “Right, I will call you back and let you know” I hung up the call. “May be Aadhi has a girlfriend” Anu couldn’t wait longer before she turned me any red. “Haha very funny. How about we split the credit with your boyfriend who found me, his sister?” I knew it wasn’t a great come back but it sure made people laugh. I know, I make terrible jokes at times. And then you know, she hit me with the...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 A Sitting

"Grandmaster, what I meant to say is, although many experts came after us, big sis simply saw it as an opportunity to get rid of a nuisance for Grandmaster". Zax almost jokingly continued, all to not arouse the flames of fury if this third realm expert in front of him. A gleam of contentment shone Grandmaster Kartion's eyes and a light growl escaped his mouth, as if complementing Zetsa's way of thinking by saying "as expected". "At first we easily escaped from their encirclement and...

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The Passion Of Art Version BravoChapter 6B

They continued to meet in the studio and the painting progressed, slowly, as paintings do. Part of that is simply because painting is an art form that requires patience and care, and the willingness to recognize a mistake and paint over it. Part of it was because they had to take frequent breaks, during which, either Megan or Valerie lay under Robby and welcomed his seed into their wombs. Eaqch day, Megan and Valerie took their birth control pills, reminding each other to do so. In reality,...

1 year ago
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A service recruit

What a wonderful weekend this was turning out to be, had she only met the divine Sammi just over twenty for hours before. Now she had set her up with Gordon and with her knees flexed back to her shoulders, Gordon was about to take his just deserts with the largest member she had ever seen. Thank goodness he had agreed to a sheath and allowed her to apply some lube. She had hardly recognized her own lacquered hands gently working Gordon into to the correct frame of mind. What a wonderful weekend...

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KristinChapter 41

Once again they all went over to the practice field for football and cheering practice. But then things began to change quickly. First, Vangie Bradley appeared with a young man who appeared prematurely gray at the temples. Then a handsome young couple appeared who greeted the Bradleys warmly. Both of my sisters locked in their hearing on the conversation. They learned that the man with Vangie was her husband, Ed. Furthermore, the young couple were Ken and Cathy Bradley. My sisters exchanged...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 1920

Ch 19 It takes me nearly an hour to convince mom that she hadn't see an alien ship abducting Summer, and thankfully my sister is there to back up my story. Summer and I agree that my sister needs to leave our mother's home, though, just so that a repeat occurrence isn't likely. Her first thought is to come up and stay with me. When I point out that we aren't likely to be able to keep our hands off each other, and people will notice, and that Lela and/or Harana can pick us up easily...

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Pyrrhic Victory

Year Fourteen (Thirteen years after the Average Joes Defense Force Special) The Third Battle of Earthat Author’s notes: The First Battle of Earthat is the one that takes place in the story “The Chinese Obligation” by Thinking Horndog (our founding member) The Second Battle of Earthat took place in “Water, Water”, by Zipper d. Dude, about a year ago, so at the time of this story there are already Sa’arm on the planet, in Africa. This happens at the same time as, and is referenced by, my...

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Manu The Motherfucker Becomes Mom8217s Husband

This is the story of a motherfucker, a bastard and horny sex starved mother. Hope you like it. Send emails to me at My name is Manu and I am 18 years old and live in Rajasthan. I am 6 feet tall and play football. My dad passed away last year in a road accident. Mother got a big amount as compensation and I live with my mother Sonia who is 35 years old. Mother is a small woman about 5 feet, slim but has a big set of boobs and nice ass. She looks like a doll and anyone seeing her would say she...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 38

"All packaged Boss and ready to load" Standing in front of Saim, the drug donkey was a typical henchman. He wasn't the brightest match in the box but, being family and out of pity, Saim put him on the payroll as a driver. "It is now gone midnight. I want it loaded and out of here by one," Saim demanded "Yes Boss, Sorry Boss" the donkey stammered Five past one the donkey and his passenger Max pull out of the warehouse clipping the curb as they turn into the road. "Why do I bother...

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The Perfect Girls to be Bored With

I expected an uneventful night out at the typical college house party. The beer was flowing and the music was overly loud for my liking. I sat on the couch with a red solo cup of Sam Adams while my best friend sat with a blond sorority girl on his lap as they threw back shots. I got up to refill my cup and as I got to the fridge I spotted a girl standing in a corner with a friend. She was short with long black hair. She had sun kissed skin and coke bottle curves. Her tits protruded from her...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Colleague Dhivya 8211 Part 1

Hi.. I’m karthik.. This is my first story in ISS. I hope you will enjoy this incident of mine happened. I’m 6ft guy with 6 inch cock which I measured now. Interested in women from my school days. Let me start my real incident which happened to me 2 years back. After completing my degree I was waiting for the date of joining from the MNC company which I got placed in my college campus interview. But it got delayed. So I thought of joining a college. I told this to my parents and they accepted....

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Head of the Familly

 Head of the family    A Son’s home coming  This is a long multipart story that takes a while to build. First story so constructive criticism is encouraged. As the cab pulled up at the curb I let out a sigh, it felt good to be home and put all the shit behind me. I guess I should fill you in. My name is Sam I’m 26, 5’10 lanky with short brown hair and wear glasses I’m an A typical dork if you ever saw one, and I was coming home for the first time in ten years not just for a visit but to stay.....

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Ride Home

In my younger years I hung out at a rock and roll club where I met many girls. It was a wild time back then and most of the girls were quite loose. Some of the women I met there I ended up having relationships with, although nearly all didn't last very long. I, however, was sort of in the "B" crowd. There were those I knew I did not have a chance with and basically just admired them from afar. That was okay since the "B" crowd girls were still pretty damn hot and much lower maintenance. Among...

Oral Sex
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The Terrible Ts Revised

Here's a revised form of my first story. Hope you enjoy! :) The Terrible Ts - Part 1 Talbot POV: The Terrible Ts. That’s what we’ve been called since we learned to walk. Whether it was meaningless pranks to blood-letting fights in the school hallways, nothing deterred us. We were determined to conquer the world, one way or another. Of course, we are still straight-A students and involved in all the sports our high school had to offer us. Our mother, Zona, drilled that into us...

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Adams ApplesChapter 24 Starting Over

IT WASN’T MY FINEST HOUR. I’d wanted a child ever since we got married and Elizabeth kept rejecting the idea with a “Not Yet.” Then when I couldn’t have children, she’d become insatiable and determined to have a child. In the worst way. “So, that’s why you wanted Evelyn and Jack to live here under our protection,” I sighed. “So you could seduce Jack and have his baby. How are you going to explain that to Evelyn? She trusted you.” “You horrid animal!” Elizabeth snapped, going from sweet to...

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All Part of the Service 2

For several weeks a discreet classified advertisement had been appearing on the back pages of our community newspaper, listed under 'Sundry Local Services.' It was an invitation for local men to attend the new hospital's sperm donation unit, to give samples for use in artificial insemination. I had read articles in the national media that said donation levels had slumped by as much as 40% since new legislation had come in entitling recipients (and their children) to know the identity of the...

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Chuck Norris

Chuck NorrisOne time Chuck Norris was walking around in the woods looking for hippies to use as firewood. Suddenly a Kodiak Grizzly Bear crossed his path and made eye contact with Chuck Norris, Bad Idea – Chuck took out his Swiss Army Knife and stabbed the Bear in the throat. Chuck ate the Grizzly Bear and used the Grizzly Bears’ fur for a rug.If you don’t know who Chuck Norris is he is a world champion at kickboxing, karate, ninja arts, sumo wrestling, Tae Bo, street fighting, hand to hand...

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My Hero

"Oh baby, I'm not done with you yet. I expect you'll cum at least two more times before I fill you with my cum. Three more if you want it in your ass." I looked at him coyly, silently. Though I enjoy anal, I wasn't sure I wanted his baseball bat wedged in there. ======= How did I get there? Well it started with a winter trip down South... There's a huge advantage to living in the Florida Keys, at least during Winter months. I know it's unusual for a girl to be passionate about...

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MyFriendsHotMom Reagan Foxx 24123

Reagan Foxx is lonely. Not only has she been down since she and her husband divorced, but now that her son is away at school in Budapest she has no one. On top of that, it’s Mother’s Day weekend! Her only refuge is with Logan, her son’s friend who comes over every week to help her around the house. But because nobody else is around, it gets Ms. Foxx to thinking…of fucking Logan! She designs a plan and fake calls Logan, pretending to be her son, and telling him to fuck her! Logan falls for it...

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Mom finds vibrator

Hi, my name is Sue. Well actually, it's Susann, but every one calls me Sue. I am 45yrs old 36DD-32-36 and a mother of four. I have three beautiful girls and a handsome son. My oldest is my son Hunter and his twin sister Jessica, and they are 25. My other two are twins also. There names are Alexis and Paige, and they are 20. My husband Bill died 3yrs ago in a car accident, so it is just the k**s and me. Ever since the accident, I have not felt the need to date. Well actually, I have not had...

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Teenage Lovers

I was sixteen and she was just fifteen when we met, I thought she was just gorgeous, she obviously liked me too, because I caught her glancing at me as we worked, I guess I stood out a bit from the other workers in the bakery, they wore white jackets and white trousers but I just wore the jacket over blue jeans, (remember them?) The bakery shared a car park with a pub next door so we had a good relationship with the landlord, he allowed all the bakery youngsters in on a Friday evening, we had...

1 year ago
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Who’s ready for some tranny porn at Tranny Tube? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess if you’re reading this, you want to see some chicks with dicks… sucking other dicks. It ain’t really my thing, but hey, I’m The Porn Dude, so I got you covered. Today we’re going to take a look and see why Tranny Tube is currently pulling around 8 million views a month.Tranny has become an offensive word in a world that seems increasingly tranny-friendly. Wake up, you woke fucks. Porno was tranny-friendly...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Brians Adventures Ch 05

Chapter Five: Judgment Day Like I said, it was a moment or two before I was able to answer Treabilla. I knew that I should have said no flat out, and in a way I did tell her no, more or less. I used it as an opportunity to further her independence. Sooner or later she would have to start thinking about herself and what she wanted, now seemed as good a time as any to start. I couldn’t just order her about, that wasn’t me. I could not truly take advantage of the situation and call myself a man....

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