In Da Gheto free porn video

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The hobo had been hanging around the junction most of the day. Dubbed ‘Squeek’ by his friends he had been living off the streets most of his adult life, earning a buck where he could. Handing out newspapers and washing windscreens for tips wasn’t bad work but it was getting late into the afternoon. He was getting hungry and needed a meal and a bottle badly. Maybe even a dollar suck from one of the crack whores on his block. Rattling his change bag Squeek grinned to himself. Yeah. Another hour of this shit and he would head over to the soup kitchen on the corner of Brooksdale for a bite to eat. The roads were quiet anyway and business had dried up. The sound of a powerful engine approaching fast filled the air and he turned just in time to see a red sports car zip around the corner. Braking hard at the lights light trails of smoke came off the thick tires. Squeek whistled. It was a nice, new looking convertible but his attention was trained more on the occupant; a young white girl. She was in her late teens and extremely pretty, ‘Britney Spears’ blasting over her radio as she chatted enthusiastically into a tiny, pink mobile phone. All but ignoring the watching black man as he picked up his bucket and wiper and walked towards the car.

She had long, dark hair that tumbled down her back and a fresh, sweet look about her. ‘Cute’ Squeek thought. Even from outside the car it was obvious she had an athletic body. His horny eyes rolled down her slender neck and over her round, big tits, displayed in a tight red sweater. A selection of bangles hung around her slight wrist and a pair of designer sunglasses sat up on her forehead. She was dressed like she had money. Probably a rich daddy back home. Squeek was just about to dip his wiper when the car’s horn blew. His mind had been wondering and the shock nearly gave him a heart attack.
‘Get the fuck out of here’ the girl snapped in a light, pretty voice tinged with such venom that it took him completely by surprise. ‘…and get a job loser’ she added, forcing Squeek to hobble out of the way as she revved her engine angrily at him.
‘Holy shit’ Squeek gasped, stumbling and dropping his bucket, water splashing over his already dirty jeans. He turned back as she scowled at him and set off, leaving burnt patches on the road behind her. The convertible virtually flew, engine roaring up the road towards the city centre. Still surprised the hobo’s eyes followed, shaking his head to himself. Then, as the car approached the intersection it stopped suddenly and paused, before dangerously swerving down the exit. Squeek smiled to himself.
‘Dat’s da hood your heading into there Missy’ he whispered. ‘Best watch yo’self’.

Sarah was late. It was already three thirty and she had some serious shopping to do before the end of the day. The biggest party of her life was at the weekend and she just HAD to get a new dress. As she sped along in the eighteenth birthday present her Dad had bought her she chatted on her mobile to her College friend Cassy. Both were in their final year as well as cheerleaders for the football team. So far the main topic of conversation had been another party the previous night.
‘….Yeah that’s TOTALLY what I thought’.
‘No way!’
‘That’s sooo cool’.
‘I can’t believe she wore that! She’s such a bitch’. Sarah checked her immaculate makeup in the mirror. Like all her friends, she believed appearance was everything. You either had it or you didn’t. She certainly did.

‘Cas I think I’m lost. Turned off the stupid highway like…20 minutes ago’ Sarah sighed as she turned right then left. The roads were like a maze.
‘Sarah what are you like?’ her friend shrieked down the phone. It was true. She did think of herself as super unpredictable. It was part of what she imagined her friends liked about her.
‘Cindy, that bitch. She was saying there was a cut-through here. FYI, I just have to get a new dress for the weekend’.
‘Well where are you?’
‘I cut through Mellowfield on 2nd’.
‘That’s Ghetto Sarah’. There was a tinge of worry in her friends tone. Even freshman’s were told on day one which parts of town to avoid.
‘Cindy. I’ll kill that bitch!’. The prank was obviously on her as now Sarah thought about it, the area didn’t look like it at all led to a fancy shopping centre. Old, sad men pushed trolleys along the street and menacing black figures gathered around corners. ‘Losers’ she thought.

For about 20 minutes she drove. Losing what patience she had to begin with. This was bullshit. She’d just have to turn around and go back to the highway. IF she could find it. Of course by then it’d be too late to hit the shops. A red light came up and she pulled to a halt. Angrily she slapped her hand on the steering wheel. It was the first time she’d really looked around. Overhead to the right was an overpass and beneath an area filled with boxes, debris and corrugated tin shacks. Homeless people. Worthless people. Sarah smirked as two black whores came out from a shop front and began walking together up the street. They were both mid thirties and wore too much makeup and ridiculously short dresses. One was overweight with huge breasts that were almost falling out of her outfit. This place was a hole. The light turned green. Finally.

Speeding around the corner another red light. Slamming on the brakes Sarah cursed again. She was never going to get out of here. Better to have just stayed in and spent the afternoon by her Dad’s pool. An old man of maybe sixty limped from under the underpass. A bucket and wiper in his hand. Not another one. She’d already past one loser on the highway and told him were to go. He looked filthy. Disgusting.
‘Clean yo windshield Miss?’ he gasped in a friendly tone.
‘How about you get lost’ she replied scornfully without looking at him. The man looked puzzled. ‘Come on fucker!’ she shouted. ‘Get out of the fucking way’.
‘Hey you’ came a deep, gravel voice. Enjoying a smoke by the street-sign was a big, black man. Sarah hadn’t seen him until then but he was tall and broad with a thick beard and matted hair. Tattoo’s down both heavily muscled arms. ‘Watch yo mouth’ he said, jabbing a finger towards her.
‘Fuck you!’ Sarah laughed as the light turned to green. She put her foot to the floor, shooting him the finger as she burned left around the corner. Turning to look over her shoulder she grinned. That’d told them alright. Losers! She had no chance to see the pile of debris on the road. No time to react. The last thing she remembered was being shunted forwards and the car lifting into the air. Her head thudding into the drivers airbag. Then darkness.

The faint sound of voices around her. Fuzzy shapes. Sarah was suddenly aware she was lying on the road. The tar hot, hard and sticky beneath her from the afternoon sun. For a moment she wondered where she was. Suddenly feeling vulnerable. Someone must have picked her out of the car. Put his hands on her. Likely copped a feel of her perfect tits while he did it. Anger rose.
‘Sarah Mcguire eh’. She was surprised to hear her name then realised her purse was in the car.
‘Mainford. Rich lil girl’
‘Was dat man?’
‘Shit theres 500 bucks in here’.
‘She hurt?’
‘Nah man jus a bump on the head’
‘Fuckin bitch’
‘Yeah man, fucking hot bitch. Seen dat ass? ha’. Her head was spinning. The lights glared as she blinked and tried to stand.

In front of her stood a bald, very athletic black man. His skin was very dark and he had a boxers figure.
To his left was a mid 40’s black man with long dirty hair and beside him, the big guy who had shouted at her. Bums. At the rear, looking coy was, the old man with the bucket. He looked timid as if still hurt from her outburst. Behind him the two whores had crossed the road and were watching quietly. Their gaze seemed the most hostile of all. Finally, her eyes rested on the red sports car. It had mounted the debris and sat completely off the road. All bashed in the front it wasn’t going anywhere. Steam was rising slowly from under the hood. Slowly Sarah got to her feet, her shoes scratching on the road. This was a nightmare.
‘What the fuck you call dat?’ The big man said. He looked angry as hell. ‘Could have killed someone’.
‘Fuck you’ Sarah repeated to him, wandering towards the car. ‘Where’s my phone? Hey give that back!’. The athletic man was down on one knee, searching through her Guchi handbag. His older friend now going through the glove compartment of the car. Her mobile was in his other hand.
‘Hey Moby’ he said tossing a small, green bag to the big man.

Moby caught and patted the bag in his hand. Opening it up he gave a deep inhale. ‘Weed eh?’ he grinned. ‘You high bitch?’. Sarah swallowed dryly. The first backward step she’d taken all day.
‘Give me the bag’
‘You fuckin high as a kite’. Moby laughed, enjoying how helpless the cocky teenager suddenly appeared. She looked around angrily. This was obviously a spoilt rich girl who was used to getting what she wanted. Her fists were clenched and her eyes seemed to ready to burn. ‘C’mon honey….say PLEASE give me my weed’.
‘Give me the fucking bag nigger’ she hissed. As she said it Sarah felt her knees tremble. She’d crossed the line and she knew it. Silently the man’s grin receded. He looked her over, his eyes glazed and cold. Playtime was over.
‘You got some mouth on you’ he said quietly. ‘You’ze a long way from the city now tho. Billy call the cops’. Leaning on her car one of the men shrugged and dialled 911 into her mobile.
‘No.. .stop’ Sarah gasped and put out her hand towards him.
‘No way honey’ grinned Mojo. ‘They gonna have some fun with you. Especially after what we tell em. You tried to run down old Walt’. He nodded towards the old, timid figure almost hiding behind his trolley. She was trembling all over. This was unreal.
‘Please, I just need to call my Dad. He’s a Councillor for the city’.
‘Too late Missy’
‘Please, don’t call the cops’.

Sarah looked around the unforgiving faces. One of the two whores smirked as if enjoying her situation. She was suddenly aware that the other two men had wandered back and were keenly eyeing her ass from behind. The big man let a fat smile spread across his face.
‘I got’s a brother across town’ he said. ‘Fix your car n get you back on the road n a few hours. No need to say any of this to the cops’.
‘Please’ smiled Sarah as sweetly as she could, ‘please call him for me?’. The act had worked for Sarah many times but Mojo wasn’t about to be fooled. The big man folded his arms and winked at one of his friends.
‘See dat’s the thing. In the Ghetto you gotta do somethin for us in return. Ain’t nothin free here’.
‘I’ve got money’
‘Sure you have. But we don’t get many pretty white honey’s down these parts. Money ain’t what I wan’ from you’. One of the men whistled and Sarah felt her skin go cold. This was unreal. What if her Dad found out about the grass. Or her mom.
‘No fucking way’ she sniffed, trying to act tough.
‘Billy call the cops man’ Mojo sighed impatiently. ‘Goin to jail honey’. He turned to leave but Sarah put out her hand again. Her heart was pounding.
‘No…ok. I’ll do it. Ok’. The girl looked down at the floor. No-one could know about this. The big man clapped his hands. Nodding in contentment towards the two whores.
‘Girl’s, go get this bitch dressed up to ho’.

Squeek felt better after the meal. Chicken soup was his favourite and now he was ready for a beer and a nice blowjob off Chantelle or Rosy. He pushed his cart slowly up the street, avoiding the potholes. Almost home. Time to settle into his self made home and invite one of the ladies for some fun. Maybe play some cards with Mojo, Mamba and Billy later. As he turned the corner he gasped in surprise. A familiar, red sports-car sat, beaten up on a pile of rubble. He recognised it right away.
‘Looks like dat lil rich bitch got her deserts’ he grinned to himself. Sure enough, the guys were standing about in the road. Mojo had his cards out and was playing a hand on the hood.
‘Hey Squeek. Wassup man’ he said. The two men slapped hands.
‘Good man good. What the fuck?’.
‘You won’t believe it man. Our lucky day. Hottest little piece of white pussy I seen in a long time man. Fuckin mouth on her tho’. Squeek laughed. He knew it.

Across the street the door to Mamba’s store opened and the two whores led Sarah out to a chorus of whistles. The teenager was wearing a lime green, very short dress, exposed up the back with tall, silver high heels. It hardly covered her athletic, full ass. Neither was she wearing a bra which made her breasts bob as she stepped shyly out to greet her audience.
‘Yeah baby’ laughed Billy. ‘Now you’ze a ghetto bitch’. The girls eyes were wide and she looked stunned and the big whore led her up to Mojo by the arm. A satisfied look on her face. Clearly she felt Sarah held all the chances she’d never had.
‘Damn suger, dat’s better’ grinned the big man snapping his lips.
‘Fine….real fine’ Squeek grinned. It felt good to see this hot bitch all done up. His cock started to harden up against his leg. It didn’t look like she recognised him. Not yet.
‘Prime fo fuckin’ Billy added. ‘How about you show us those big titties honey?’. She scowled at him. Keeping her temper under control was not one of her virtues.
‘C’mon now suger’ Mojo teased. Sarah sighed gently pushing the straps off her arms. The dress peeled off her chest, freeing her breasts and fell around her waist. There was a collective groan.
‘How much daddy pay for those honey?’ Squeek grinned. She didn’t reply, quickly covering herself with the dress again.
‘Afterwards you call your brother. And NO police’. She spoke quietly.
‘After my boys have had a piece sure’ grinned Mojo in return.
‘Fucking nigger. But no-one ever finds out ok?’
‘Ooh that hurts bitch. Sure. Whatever yo say’.

Mojo took Sarah’s arm and led her into the complex of homeless accommodation. There was litter everywhere and she wrinkled her nose at the smell.
‘You people live here?’ she sniffed, looking around the degradation. ‘It’s fucking digusting’.
‘Here’ Mojo grinned nodding at a dirty old mattress. Several springs had burst out and there appeared food, piss and cum stains spread all over it. It was Rosy’s favourite place for fucking John’s.
‘Let’s get this over with’ Sarah sighed then hitched up her dress over her panty-less, neatly cropped pussy. She sat down and lay back on the sticky mattress. Spreading her legs like a girl used to it. Mojo grinned, scratching his greasy beard and eyeing the sweet white crack in front of him.
‘Damn yeah’ he grinned unfastening his dirty pants.

The expression on the girls face changed when he produced his dick. ‘Big huh?’ he grinned. He wasn’t k**ding. It was huge with an enormous, uncut hood. Sarah was wide eyed and for once, speechless. ‘Bigger than most o those dumb ass white college boys I’ll bet’. He stroked his dick and knelt down, the rigid head pressed between his thumb and forefinger as it stiffened into an erection.
‘O…oh my god’ Sarah gasped at last. Her pussy glistened, pretty and moist. Eyes glued to the huge dick in front of her. Satisfied that he’d made an impression Mojo put his hands on his hips.
‘Why don’t you sit up here and suck my dick a little first bitch’ he said. Before she could reply the big man grasped her slender wrist and tugged her to a seated position on the mattress.
‘I…I…’ gaped the hesitant college girl. With one grip on her slender shoulder Mojo shoved his dick firmly into her mouth. She didn’t resist but her eyes fluttered as his meat pushed into the back of her throat.
‘MMM fuck yeah!’ he groaned taking her head in his hands and feeding it in and out.

‘Fuck...your big’ she spat opening to take him as he thrust back in. With a fist-full of hair Mojo screwed her mouth a while longer. The girl’s long hair began to pad against her back as he fucked her pretty mouth faster. Sarah’s hands reached up and half-heartedly tried to push away. She knew the big man was in charge now and he was going to have his fill. Mojo reached down and roughly wrenched the dress down over her tits. Those big, helpless, angry eyes looked up at him with disdain. Tears had fallen from each, more in reflex that anything else. ‘That’s it bitch’ he laughed. ‘Suck that black dick good’. Pausing Mojo let go, his wet dick popping from the girl’s mouth and standing up in the air, hard and expectant. She gasped, spittle lacing the soft skin of her breasts.

‘Say…Daddy you got some of dat big, black cock fo me?’ he grinned. Sarah looked dumbstruck. ‘Say it bitch’. Subdued she repeated the line quietly, eyes glued to his length. ‘Yeah that’s good. Gonna fuck you now girl’. Mojo gathered up her legs, forcing the teenager onto her back. Taking his dick he pressed the tip against her cunny.
‘Uhhhhh’ The girl gasped out as she spread. Her fists squeezing the mattress hard. She was tight. Mojo spat and rubbed his saliva around his shaft. Hand brushing against the hard bead of her clitty. He leant back and drove once then again, her pussy opening and another weak cry erupting from her mouth. The girls lips spread around his girth, sucking him in. Getting up on one knee he thrust and drew back. Repeating as he fucked deeper, pulling her almost inside out.
‘Oh my god….oh my god’ she repeated over and over to herself. She’d never been stretched like it before. Her pretty pussy was getting ruined. Moby leant in and inhaled deeply by her neck. She smelt of roses. Expensive perfume. Taking his time with controlled, firm thrusts he fucked her back into the mattress. Pushing her legs apart as he did so. She was only just holding it together, whimpering. Soaking his balls with her cunny juice. With another cry he felt her come, a single tear of pleasure rolling down her cheek. Gathering her other leg lay atop her. Balls slapping between her cheerleader thighs until he felt the surge of cum thunder up his cock.
‘Shit yeah!’ he gasped, unloading inside her teenage belly.

When he turned both Billy, Squeek and Mamba were stood watching. They’d been enjoying the show.
‘Damn’ the latter grinned as he saw the thick spunk oozing out of Sarah’s pussy and down her ass crack. ‘You nutted that bitch’. She wiped her eyes and lifted herself to her elbows. Thighs apart and ready for the next. The muscled man knelt by her.
‘You can call me black Mamba honey. Think you’ll find out why’. Quickly he took the dress off completely while Billy knelt and gathered up her legs. She stiffened as he penetrated and humped with urgent strokes. Reaching out Sarah shut her eyes and grasped the rusted iron support above her. She had come. Come hard and could feel the mess leaking out from between her legs. The man named Mamba put his head down and sucked her nipples. One then the other. Lips thick and warm. Sending such sensations through her breasts. She was almost unaware as he began sliding his thick girth across and between her lips. It forced open her pretty mouth, wiping her makeup across her far cheek. In a few moments Billy had added his seed to her belly and Mamba took over.

Several cars rolled by but no-one was aware of what was going on. The red sports-car was just another trophy for the ghetto. A gang of k**s had already found it and were working on removing the wheels. The cry’s of joy coming from the homeless shelters brought a smile to each of their faces.
‘White bitch getting fucked ov’ here’ a young boy shouted in glee as he jumped up and down on the cars bonnet.
‘Oh…fucking god’ Sarah shrieked. Her legs were high up on Mamba’s shoulders and the powerful man was fucking her balls deep on each stroke. Her pussy made a resounding squelch as she took him, the black ‘snake’ living up to his name. Sarah came for the third time and felt like she was going to pass out.
‘Those earrings must be $100 each man’ grinned Billy as one of Sarah’s shoes flew off under the onslaught. Leaving her pretty, violet toenails pointed up at the overpass. At last Mamba pulled out and seconds later she felt the light rain of semen patter onto her face, tits and into her hair. This could have been a perfects days shopping. Gasping, she sat up.

‘Damn you wouldn’t believe the amount of cum just farted out you pussy girl’ grinned a chunky looking Hobo. He looked familiar now, but how could he.
‘I’ve seen you before’ she gasped breathlessly. Still reeling from Mambas brutal black fucking.
‘Yeah bitch. Names Squeek. You blew me off earlier today. Nearly ran over my ass’ Sarah swallowed and closed her eyes. Another loser. Well, look who was in charge now. ‘Gonna suck my dick bitch?’ he laughed. Sarah felt her used body being pulled up to a sitting position and her head dragged onto another hard dick. Sliding his hand behind her head his cock entered her mouth, laying neatly in the back of her throat. ‘Mmmm yeah’ she heard him grin. The long meat twitched in her throat and she gagged a little wave of spittle onto her tits. It tasted foul. Pulling out he wiped his dick on her discarded dress and let her collapse back onto the mattress. Squeek was enjoying himself.

Behind him the thin whore Rosy approached. She’d been used on that mattress many times and it felt good to see a pretty white slut get the same treatment.
‘Think we making a ho out this bitch?’ her fat friend Chantelle laughed. ‘You better believe it’. The crack whore squatted down over the girls face and Sarah felt the mild, warm lips of her cunt on her mouth.
‘Eat that pussy bitch’ she heard her say, ‘while this nigger fucks yours’. Squeek had parted her thighs and was humping frantically against her. She could feel his balls meeting her on each stroke.
‘Oh yeah…oh yeah…oh yeah’ he gasped to himself. Rosy rolled her hips against her mouth, suffocating and wet all at the same time. Beneath, Sarah felt faint. Struggling to breath. Squeek roared as he came pulling out and wiping the sticky tip on her thigh.

A huge arm turned her onto her front. Pulling her up onto her knees with her head down on the mattress. Sarah spat out the taste of the whores snatch and felt another dick, Mojo slide up her from behind.
‘Miss me Baby?’ he grinned. She felt his beard on the back of her neck and his balls slapping against her body. Driving croaks of delight from her dry mouth. Looking up, she realized Mamba was filming it. On HER phone.
‘No…stop’ she croaked. Billy shoved his cock into her mouth and silenced her in one. Making her gag heavily and sending a wave of slaver down his dick and bathing his balls. Giving the thumbs up he laughed.
‘Video baby. Might send this to your cute college friends eh?’
‘Let em see what a white slut fo nigger dick Sarah Mcguire is eh?’. The two men fucked the defeated girl from either end, Billy finally coming in her face.
‘There it goes baby’ Mamba laughed. ‘Sent to all contacts’. Defeated, fucked, helpless. As Mojo worked up to finish inside her Sarah thought of her college life. Her popularity. All gone. Cas would tell everyone just as she would have done to her. Sarah felt a wave of warm enter her body for the last time.

Afterwards, the two whores helped Sarah to the dirty washroom she had readied herself in. Mojo, true to his word called his brother.
‘Welcome to the hood honey’ the fat whore said. ‘Be sure n’ wash that nigger come out yo pussy’. She got changed slowly. Her body shaking still. Despite everything it had been the greatest sexual encounter of her life and her belly twitched with savage memories. As if missing those brutal black cocks. She had come six times. Maybe more. Incredible. How could anyone make her feel like that again.

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I was out of town on a business trip. Work ran late at the client's office and I was a little tired, but really wanted a drink. Not knowing the area, I just drove around until I found a decent-looking bar. As I made my way in, I only noticed that the lights were dim and the bar was set up like a relaxed club. The theme was very post-modern and there was electronic music playing in the background, but nothing too loud. I streamlined my way to the bar and asked for a drink. As soon...

4 years ago
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The jewelry shop

A fictional story for my `friend` Natalia`My husband and I decided to have a beach holiday to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We decided that he would book it and make the destination a surprise. I had visions of, maybe, the Carribean, Mexico or Florida. No. we end up on a flight to Spain!!!. Call me ungrateful i hear you say. But i knew he had an ulterior motive. GOLF. He fucking loves golf. In fact he gets a hard on watching golf. So i knew it wouldnt be to long before he `suggested` he...

3 years ago
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the mother

The teacher was going to the students house to talk with the mother about her daughter. The girls was causing so much trouble in class. She wore tight t-shirts with no bra and short skirts with no panties and always let every one see. As he got to the door, he was on time for his appointment with the mother. He knocked and she answered wearing a see thru nightie. She was a sight. She had DD tits that were firm and perky and nice plump nipples. She wore a skimpy sheer thong that did not cover...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Pleasure

My wife and I met Colin and Jayne quite a few years ago. We were visiting some friends in Edinburgh who were hosting a Sunday lunch party and chatting with them we found that we had lots of interests in common: theatre; music; literature; and ballet, for example.They lived locally but had a holiday cottage about 40 miles from where we lived. It was pretty basic they said, but they were gradually doing it up during the summer holidays. They were both teachers, so they had plenty of...

3 years ago
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My Seven Day Plan Night 2

Samantha woke up just before the alarm clock started to scream next to her, she leaned over and switched it off. Lying back, she turned over to face Robert, and smiled to herself, pleased with her achievement last night and still feeling contented and delighted that all went better than planned. Tonight was going to be very different, as she had planned on doing something that was going to take her right out of her comfort zone, something that she had never done before. She leaned over and...

1 year ago
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The Taylor family 5

"Hey, Ruthie? Did it seem to you like Mom was acting a little odd?"Kristen was not watching where she was going, looking back over her shoulder even as she was dragged along by the hand by her little sister. Somehow, she managed to avoid walking into anything as she was guided at something just short of a dead sprint up the stairs and into the bedroom the two teens shared."Never mind that now," the other girl answered, propelling her sister towards one of the beds while she paused just a moment...

3 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 8 A New Week of School

Chapter 8 - A New Week of School A new week had arrived, hopefully this one would not be as incident packed as the previous one. I would also have to go to some lessons where I had missed the first lesson due to the suspension. If they had been anything like the ones at the end of the previous week, they had only been giving out textbooks and syllabuses. So hopefully I hadn’t missed anything important. There was one lesson that I regretted missing, but was really looking forward to this...

2 years ago
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First Threesome Ch 2

male bisexual - oral sex – blowjob – cum – threesomeI ran back into my office as the phone rang. "Hello," I said in my normal business tone."Hi," he said.What the fuck?!?! He was calling me at work!!!The call startled me. It's not as if I'd forgotten last weekend's events. How could I? They were probably the most intense, and troubling, sexual episodes of my life. I'd been thinking a lot about them these last few days. And Lynn and I had talked about them a little, too. My thoughts were...

2 years ago
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My hotwife Jennifer is a gorgeous blonde with a hard sexy body

First let me tell you about my wife Jennifer. She is a gorgeous blonde with a hard, sexy body. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her. Being an exhibitionist, she likes to wear short skirts and low cut tops without anything on underneath; that way she can flash herself to anyone she wants to wherever she wants to. Ever since she started flashing herself to strange men she...

1 year ago
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Indian Princess Revisited PostScript

If you read my last post "Indian Princess Revisited," you know she and I got together for a late afternoon/evening/overnight connection. At the end of the story, I indicated it would be nice to just hold each other and drift off to sleep. That's what I envisioned, anyway.Actually, that is pretty much what happened. We slept through the night, very soundly. As tired as each of us was, we both awakened slightly before the alarm clock was due to go crazy. We looked at each other while our heads...

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how she turned my life into a hell

A real story about how she turned my life into a hell.The start We’ve been married a few years and it all went well. When we made love every now and than she tied me up or otherwise. No big deal. After a while I started searching the internet about BDSM and femdom because it really turned me on. We spoke about it, but she never would go farther. Finally Friday afternoon, finished with working and looking out for a nice and well deserved three weeks holidays, she called me to the basement. I...

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Only One Time Didi

By : Clinton Clutch Hi friends () I am a continuous story reader of ISS I don’t know whether story which are posted here are true or fake but seriously friends who cares I just enjoy reading it. Now here I’m myself Rohit from Mumbai and I a normal guy not a dude or handsome type just a normal average looking guy. This story is about me and my sister Rupsi she is 2 years elder from me. I’m 18 and she is 20 luckily our birthdates are same anyways now about her she looks fair and her boobs are...

3 years ago
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My New House and the People Who Came With ItChapter 3

Now that the day's business has been attended to I feel like playing. I thought about it for a moment and came up with the perfect surprise for Kara. I drove to a large adult bookstore on the edge of town and parked. The lot is nearly full of cars but I know from experience that most of these guys will be tucked away in their little booths in the back and the store itself won't be very crowded. I was partially right. It wasn't crowded. But that's a relative term, open to interpretation....

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The Girl With No NameChapter 12 The Fruits of Hubris

Towards the end of May, Jadranka accompanied her classmates on an expedition into the wild territories to study and identify rock deposits and land formations along the northern mountains. Some of the places she already had seen when she was a Follower. The freedom of the open country beckoned her, reminding her of the previous year when she ran about the woods in the nude. Without thinking about what she was doing, she took off her dress and folded it into her saddlebag. None of her...

4 years ago
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Life Of An Indian Boy Part 8211 1

P.S. However realistic it might seem, every part of this story is imaginary. Aman – The hero of the story. Time Period – Aman is 13 yrs old. Aman returns to school after visit to native place. Aman and his classmates had just returned to school after his summer vacations. All the boys seemed to have grown considerably taller than he had remembered them. However when a group of his class girls entered he was awestruck. He noticed a change in the shape of their bodies, especially Spoorthi and...

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Elisabeth at the Pool Hall

My friend Elizabeth and I had been traveling all day, just enjoying the local scenery and sunshine. We checked into a small hotel in a small western town. It was your typical western town with old brick buildings and more saloons than stores. After a quick nap and shower, we changed into more dressy attire for dinner. We had seen a bar in town that served food and had a pool table. Elizabeth was wearing something a bit out of character for her. She was wearing a sheer white cotton dress that...

1 year ago
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Affirmative Action Part 4

And there it was. The final piece of the puzzle. How could Michael have been so sloppy? Then again, Annie thought to herself, he'd let her escape. She supposed the power meant he thought he could rest easy, that he didn't need to cover his tracks or try to disguise what he was doing in the slightest. That his power could solve any problem that could arise. As she leafed through the musty old tome still chained the bookshelf to which it belonged, reading through the annotations he...

2 years ago
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Mothers DayChapter 5

The first few days of work had been mortifying for Gwen. She still could not believe she was actually wearing such a revealing outfit in front of a roomful of strange liquored-up men. Yet here she was, in her second week. “Well, Sugar, how goes it?” asked Georgia, drying a shot glass. “ ... I ... I never dreamed I would be doing something like this,” smiled Gwen weakly. “Well, you’re a hit, that’s for sure. Being so short and beautiful too has gotten you a lot of attention.” “Yes,”...

4 years ago
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She Came She Saw She Conquered

Forgive me Father for I have sinned. We are all of us sinners my son. Even on a Monday morning. Thank you Father. So tell me my son. First confession of the week, so I do hope it’s a good one. It’s good and bad. Allow me to be the judge of that. Of course Father. Well it’s my sister-in-law. Your brother’s wife? My wife’s sister. What precisely is the problem? She is. Abi is the problem. How so? She’s so unbelievably fucking sexy. Sorry Father, language. You speak as you feel...

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Solo HMT Adventures 03

Jun 5, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #3 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

3 years ago
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First Visit to an Adult Bookstore

This is the true story of Traci's first visit to an adult bookstore, as she told it to me.      When I was a freshman in college a girlfriend and I were messing around one night and we decided we wanted to watch an x-rated movie. Nothing was showing on cable, so we decided to go to a neighborhood "Adult" book store and video arcade. When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted so we put on our sunglasses so we wouldn't be recognized if anyone came in.      We then went in. There were 2...

Straight Sex
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Subriannas first dungeon experience

She parked in the parking lot across the street like Master had told her to. She watched a couple get out of a car next to her pull two bags out of their car and walk to the dungeon. She felt her nervousness settle in as she checked her face in the mirror and saw heavily lined eyes, mascara, and retro red lipstick on her lips. Master had wanted her to look slutty tonight. Her instructions were simple, wear something sexy with no bra or panties under, red lips, slutty eyes, stripper shoes. She...

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THE FREAKPart 4 of 5

We drove into Massachusetts Avenue and found a place to park about a block away near Harvard Yard, the name given to the main campus. The time was just after ten. Mrs. Atkins had said to come any time so we walked together to the Admissions Office, finding her at her desk. I introduced Barbara and we took our seats. The very first thing I did was pass the folder of photographs across the desk. “I had asked Barbara to marry me the previous Friday night—Friday before Palm Sunday. She...

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Home for Christmas Again

The next morning I felt different, as doubts started to plague me, while I admit to having enjoyed what had happened to me yet it also scared me. I had butter flies in my stomach as it occupied my mind as I sat there trying to eat some breakfast. Mother told me she had some errands she wanted me to do for her, and in a way I felt relieved. It gave me a chance to get out of the house, as I went about the errands all I could think about was how I felt, alone, scared, and was I a queer? I knew...

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The Beginning Part 6

From a bachelor party to a proposal.Karen was lead back to the bedroom. Ever body was trying to get their black cocks in to her again and bust another nut before they had to leave. You can see my wife’s breast were bruised and sagging low from all the biting and squeezing they received . Her breast were completely dry. She had cum in her hair, dripping out her ass and pussy. She was welled used ,abused and happy.I told Leon if he don’t mind to let his buddies have their last fuck with her and...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary

January 1st 2017Dear Diary,Well, I did it again. New Year’s resolution nailed within half an hour of the clock striking twelve. And why not, eh? Why set targets that take all year when you can get immediate results?It’s Saskia’s fault. This year, last year and the year before. All her. She’s a bad influence. She arranged things in advance this time - practically sold tickets. Brazen slut! She’s terrible but you’ve got to love her. You should have seen what she was wearing last night. Absolutely...

Oral Sex
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Why I Choose My Boss

I get so many requesting asking why I choose my Boss, to be my mystery love partner. I am in late 20s and my Boss is in his late 50s. I worked for him for 5 years, during that time he never made any moves trying to get me to have sex with him. I see him only 2 days a week t work, I do his books.My Boss came into money through his wife family. She is in her early 60s. They have several business that they own. My Boss is well to do thanks yo her.One day about 2 years ago, my Boss approached me...

3 years ago
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Party Roman Style

Party, Roman Style BY Will Buster Virgillia Matellus Had kept her beautiful dark brown eyes and her smoldering desires on young Marcus for quite some time. After a number of unsuccessful invitations the over sexed senator’s wife finally enticed him to one of her more extravagant parties or perhaps it would be more accurate to say orgies. Virgillia was a busty Roman matron whose husband occasionally let her invite some handsome man to satiate her almost inexhaustible lusts. Her...

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Body possesion powers

Main Characters (If I put in extra important characters, I'll Ads them here to) John Doe: A young man of 18. You're going to college and you still live with your mother. you haven't got a bad life, it's just not exiting. In your eyes, it's always the Same. Going to school, clearing your room, your parents nagging on you, ... And at the top of it, you are the only one of your friend's without a girlfriend! It's not because of the looks, or the character. 'Cause, you are a very Nice, good looking...

Mind Control
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Bestiality hardcore

It had been another successful day of fighting villainy for the justice league. They had all just come back from defeating and banishing Mongul from earth and, except for those on duty, were leaving for rest and relaxation at home. Noticeable of those leaving was Diana prince Aka Wonder woman. The beautiful Amazonian princess was getting ready for departure when she was stopped by the voice of her good friend Superman. ‘Hey Diana, you fixing to leave?’ He asked his friend only for...

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Extended Vacation

Extended Vacation I had always had a fascination for female clothing and loved to dress up. The more time I had the further I would go. Sometimes I would go as far as piercing my ears and sticking on false nails, shaving my body hair and lightly trimming my eyebrows. I am quite tall but slim. Because I often corseted I could easily get my 32" waist down to 26" and with a bit of effort and after not eating for a day or two maybe 24" at a pinch. This waist size was however quite a...

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Devious Majik Black Friday

Devious Majik: Black Friday by SifoDyasJr As Jeremy walked out of the food court, sucking the last thick remnants of chocolate shake through the narrow straw, he shook his head as he maneuvered his way around the snaking line that was partially blocking the front of the Chick-fil-a. He whistled in disbelief as he investigated where the line was heading to. The starting point for the queue was to the side of the new Devious Majik store that had opened up recently--although currently...

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Banged A Smoking Hot Russian

As I walked out of the airport, I saw a smoking hot girl holding an iPad with my name scribbled on it. I was a bit surprised as my luck wasn’t really as good at any point in time in my life. I took a brief glance at her. She was too damn pretty; in fact, to good to be real. Approximately 5’6” in stature; light skin-tone. She had straight blonde hair (I thought she must have dyed. But they were naturally blonde. She had hypnotic light blue eyes, was slim, and honestly, I couldn’t take eyes off...

4 years ago
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Camerons Coming of Age Part I

Author’s Note: This is my first story and blah-blah-blah. Next Sunday should be when I do Part 2. Sorry if it’s a bit too long, but it’s sort of part of the style. Don’t worry, it does get to the juicy stuff, eventually. ,) Hope you like it! Cameron and Liz had been friends for about 5 months now. They had met in a Spanish class at the local community college. Liz had caught his eye from the moment she opened the door. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes, a sporty build, softball-sized...

3 years ago
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The Talk Part 4

 It was impossible to focus at work. My thoughts continually drifted to the revelations I’d discovered about my wife. I was so preoccupied with all the events happening around me, I had little time to digest it all. I had reassured Marika I loved her and that finding out she was a porn actress didn’t change but we both knew that wasn’t completely true. There was no possible way I could view her in the same light ever again.While I was struggling to focus on the stack of work I’d let pile up, my...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 139

Headlines >From The Year 2030 - Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the second-largest country in the world, New India, formerly known as Canada... - White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Canada’s third language... - Children from 2-parent heterosexual families bullied in schools for being ‘different’ -- tolerance urged. - Calgary schoolgirl expelled for not wearing burqa -- being Christian is no excuse, says school: Sharia law must be...

1 year ago
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The ranch

Somewhere on the rolling planes of the United States, far away from the busy cities, with the next nearest house at least an hour’s drive away, there was a ranch. It was run by a divorced blonde woman in her mid 50’s called Blanche Rochard, who had 2 daughters from her previous marriage and one from her first boyfriend which she only dated for a month. Clair was 32 years old, blond like her mother and although her mother conceiving her was more like an accident, Blanche loved her daughter...

3 years ago
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The Protector the Strength of MemoriesChapter 9

Jonas was sat panting on the bench in the garden beside Joe. Jonas was shocked and stunned. He had just lived another man's life. He had been shot numerous times and killed a man. He had just died. It took him a few moments but Jonas finally got control of his emotions. He looked at the little white haired man beside him that seemed so frail. A sweet smelling vagrant breeze lifted a wisp of Joe's long hair from his neck then let it settle back to rest. Jonas met Joe's concerned gaze for a...

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Cosplay is Consent

Darius Whitaker a normal black man who got incredibly lucky, as one day when he was smoking some weed on the couch a mystical forest fairy exploded from the end of his blunt with her hair on fire, screaming at the top of her lungs. "What the fuck?!" Darius would exclaim, quickly grabbing his glass of coke from the table and dumping it on the head of the small green lady. "Thank you!" She'd exclaim, looking at him with teary eyes. "A-as a reward for saving me I will give you one wish!" She...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Kira Noir Demi Sutra Kira And Demi Use Their Fucking Machines And Strap On

Kira Noir and Demi Sutra absolutely love being together and their fun loving demeanor shows just that as they kiss and strip each other. They are ready for a fucking wild time using their toys on each other and taking turns eating out those delicious pussies! The girls have a plethora of toys to use including a strap on dildo that Kira puts right on so she can take Demi in doggy style and show her how she can thrust that dildo deep into that beautiful wet pussy! Demi can not get enough so the...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 15

Steve I rolled over and almost rolled off the bed. My movement, while catching myself at the last minute, woke Sue who looked at me funny. She smiled at me and asked, "What are you doing up? You were on duty until two this morning! Sleep a little more." I looked at the clock and said, "It's already six and we should be near port by now. I want to be up when we enter that lagoon at the yacht club. Chuck probably won't have a problem but I should probably be there to help tie up. Let's...

3 years ago
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True Story With My Boyfriend

Hello readersa, my name is Nitika, I’m from Delhi, this is my first story so please excuse me if i will be wrong somewhere… Yeh meri true sex story hain mere bf k sath jo ki mein apne bf k kehne par likh rahi hu.. My figure is 34/30/36.. Mein rahul se bahut pyar karti hu and i believe vo b mujhe pyar karta hain… Yeh baat year 2010 ki hain jab mene pehli baar rahul k sath sex kiya tha mere ghar par. Mere ghar mein mere papa, mom, chota bhai aur mein hu. Now come 2 the story. Mere mosi ji k ladke...

3 years ago
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One night stand in the bar

She was ecstatic it was finally happening. The moment they have both been waiting for.He gazed in her eyes, then kisses her quickly and forcefully. She moans in pleasure, turning him on more. She knows this and is caressing his chest while moving her hand down. Down to where she knows he needs attention.He allows it. He has one thing on his mind, to push his hands in her pants and push his hand through her panties to her favorite place. But he is resisting right now, allowing her to explore and...

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