Adventures of Brooke
- 4 years ago
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Prologue: This story is different for me. Previous to this all my stories have been fictional. Brooke is real. She is a 19 year old college student who wrote me and asked me to help her tell her story. She didn't feel comfortable with her writing erotic skills and is a fan of my previous stories so I am acting as her biographer. The events are based on her experiences, although I have created the dialog and expanded some of the situations in order to make a more interesting (hopefully) story. It?s kind of like a movie ?based on a true story. Brooke has generously provided my pictures of the principle characters and I hope my descriptions do them justice. The story takes us through Brooke?s high school years (chapters 1-4) up to the beginning of her sophomore year (chapters 5-6). We hope you enjoy her story. Tappy.
The Sexual Biography of Brooke
by Tappy & Brooke
My name is Brooke. Today I am a 19 year old college student waiting for my sophomore year to begin. But my story starts years ago. I am a light skinned African-American, although that really isn't relevant to the story. I was always big for my age. I'm not overweight, but I am curvy. I am very fit and solidly built. If I wanted to I could easily wrestle you to the ground. My bust developed earlier than my classmates and was a source of jealousy for them. My boobs are every inch of a 36D and they attract plenty of attention. My hair is black with a natural wave and reaches about 5 inches past my shoulders. I sometimes use a straightening iron which makes me look older. I have brown eyes, pouty lips and a great smile. I am very outgoing and enjoy being with people.
Growing up my home life was absolutely normal. I am an only child and my parents both loved me. My dad was very strict and controlling. The house ran with his rules and I could expect to be spanked if I made a major infraction. Fortunately I learned to follow his rules, do what he said and then I didn?t have to worry. My mother, although a strong personality herself, allowed my father to run the show on family matters. He was a much stronger influence on my life growing up than she was.
Unfortunately when I was 10, my father, James, had an affair and my parents got divorced. It was devastating to our family. My mother had a job, but with only one income and limited child support from my dad, we were forced to sell our house. We stayed with her sister (my aunt) and her husband briefly until we could find a nice apartment we could afford. I didn't grow up in luxury, but we were not in poverty either. I did well in school and had a group of nice friends. I wasn't a "bad" girl in any sense of the word. My mom doted on me and was always there when I needed her to be. She and my father remained, if not friends, at least friendly with each other. I stayed with him on Wednesday nights and every other weekend. He tried to show his love for me by always buying gifts for me. They were usually something small but we always did what I wanted whenever I visited. It wasn?t ideal, but it was a better situation that many of my friends who had parents who always fought.
I went through puberty early. As I began to grow into a woman, I started to notice that my mom had started to dress more provocatively and even began to date occasionally. She told me now that I was older and could be trusted to stay home by myself; she needed to get "back out there" in the real world. A couple of nights a week she would go out to a local dance club near our house. I'd stay home doing my homework. I wasn't allowed to have friends over when mom wasn't home.
As time went by, she started coming home later and later. I would frequently go to bed before she got home and not know exactly what time she returned. One night I was splitting my time between my homework and doing our laundry in the apartment building's basement. I'd never noticed but my mom had started wearing frilly little underwear. Today I would say they were sexy, but at the time I just thought they were small and lacy. I didn't think much about it beyond that until I opened my mom's dresser to put them away. I almost didn't see it, but tucked in the corner of the drawer I found a silver vibrator.
Although to look at my body during this time period you would have thought I was a mature sexual woman, in truth I was pretty naive when it came to sex. I knew enough to know what the vibrator was for but not enough to really know how to use it. I twisted the base and turned it on. It sprung to life in my hand and I was so shocked I almost dropped it. To this point I'd never had an orgasm. For some reason I decided to brush the tip of the vibrator across my breasts. When it touched my nipple through the thin cotton t-shirt I usually lounged about the house in I felt a jolt of excitement like I never had before shoot through my body. I was surprised and pulled the vibrator back. I tried the tip against my other nipple. This time I held it in place as I received another pleasure spike and my nipple hardened through the cotton against its smooth sliver surface.
For the first time I could remember I felt my pussy moistening. I had rubbed myself "down there" before but I'd always given up after a few strokes because it didn't seem like anything had been happening. I look back on that time and laugh at how naive I was. I could feel myself getting wet and I suddenly understood that this time if I touched myself would be different. I looked at the vibrator in my hand and decided to take the plunge. Just then I heard my mother's key in the lock. Damn, of all the nights for her to come home early.
I quickly turned off the vibrator and struggled to get it back into place without getting caught. I put it back in the corner of the drawer and tossed in her undergarments from the laundry. I just had time to shut the drawer and pull open the next drawer before she made it to the bedroom. I had one of her shirts in my hand as she walked through the door. All she saw was me putting away the laundry. I'm sure I had a combination of guilt and embarrassment on my face, but she didn't seem to notice. She gave me a big hug and thanked me for helping with the laundry. I could smell cheap booze and cigarettes on her breath. I asked why she was home early and she said the club was really dead that night. She said she was just going to go to bed. I said goodnight and went back into the living room to gather my homework.
My mom didn't enforce many rules in the house but one of them was after one of us decided to go to bed, the TV had to be off. The walls were very thin and the sound of the TV carried through them. I was walking back into my bedroom which was separated from hers by a shared bathroom when she popped her head out and told me it would be OK if I wanted to watch TV for a while. This was out of place, but I didn't think anything of it. I headed back to the living room and turned on the TV, although I kept the sound as low as I could and still hear it clearly. I had been watching a few minutes when my mom popped out of her room, walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I only saw her out of the corner of my eye as she turned the corner into the kitchen but it looked like she was wearing one of her new fancy underwear sets.
Distracted, I watched the hallway as I heard the water running. Apparently she was getting a glass of water. She walked back to her room without saying a word. I got a better look at her outfit. It was another lacy number. She was wearing a one piece that covered most of her torso but still left an expanse of her cleavage showing. This was the first time I can remember my mom showing off herself like that.
She walked back to her room and shut the door. I quietly stood up and walked toward the hall. I heard the lock click on the door. That was unusual. The second rule was no locking your bedroom door. I returned to the living room and turned the sound on the TV a little higher to mask the sound of my sneaking down the hallway. I put my head to her door but didn't hear anything. I decided to wait. I didn't want to get caught spying on her, so I went into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. I turned on the light, but left the exhaust fan off. I pressed my ear to the common wall with my mom's bedroom. I thought I could hear the muffled sounds of the vibrator but I wasn't sure. I glanced up and saw the water glass we kept on the counter. I figured it was an urban legend, but I placed the glass against the wall and stuck my ear up to it. It didn't help much, but I could now clearly hear the sound of the vibrator and the muffled moans of my mother.
The tingling sensations came back to my body and I felt myself begin to get wet again. I was transfixed leaning against the wall in the bathroom listening to my mother masturbate. I'd never thought of her as sexual before. Even when my dad was alive I never saw them give each other affection. Judging from the sounds I was hearing she definitely was enjoying herself. I stayed crouched in the bathroom for about 10 minutes listening to her. I felt guilty for spying on her this way, but I had to admit her noises were turning me on. I heard her moans strengthen to a muffled crescendo and then heard the vibrator turn off. Not knowing what would happen next, I figured I'd better get back to the living room. I silently crept back down the hall. I jumped back on the couch just as I heard my mom's door opening. She walked back into the kitchen. This time she stopped to acknowledge me. She said she was thirsty tonight. I don't know who was more embarrassed. She had the flush of an orgasm on her face and I had the flush of being caught with wet panties because of it.
My mom disappeared back into her room. Shortly after I turned the TV off and went to bed. I didn't understand what I was feeling. I was definitely confused. I remained as quiet as a mouse trying to listen for my mom again, but eventually I fell asleep. I began to look at my mom in a different way. She no longer was there just to provide for me, but I now saw her as a woman with her own needs. A couple of nights later she went out to the club again. Almost as soon as the front door was shut, I was back in her room searching for her vibrator. I should have waited to make sure she didn't come back home quickly, but I didn't. I took the vibrator into my bedroom and stripped out of my clothes. To begin, I first turned on the vibrator and again brushed it against my nipples. Again the pleasure from touching them shot straight down to my pussy.
That night I learned how to pleasure myself and what it felt like to have an orgasm. I'm glad her batteries were fresh because for the next hour I wore that vibrator out. Its outer shell was hot to the touch as I alternated between my pussy, clit and nipples. If it was on my breasts, my fingers were on my clit. If the vibe was on my clit, my fingers were pinching my nipples. I came several times. I'd later learn that some women can't come more than once and some even struggle to do that. I'm glad I didn't know that because I set myself off like a rocket multiple times. In some ways ignorance is bliss.
I didn't know how many times I could cum or when I should stop, but after an hour I figured I'd better quit in case my mom came home early again. After toweling off her vibrator and putting it back where I found it, I went back to my bed a laid down. I felt dirty. But it was a good kind of dirty. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember it was morning. My mom was making breakfast when I headed into the kitchen. I wanted to talk to her about what happened, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.
My mom had news for me, however. She'd been secretly dating a man for several months and she wanted me to meet him that weekend. I wasn't exactly thrilled, but I pretended to be. After school that day I went home with my best friend, Carleen. Carleen and I had been friends since the 5th grade. Our birthdays were within two weeks of each other and we celebrated our sweet sixteenth birthdays together about two months ago. She was the only person I could talk to about what happened the night before.
As I explained the situation, Carleen didn't seem that surprised. Her mother and father were divorced and she said she knew her mother had a stash of sex toys. She said "I guess that's what mothers do when they are not married anymore." I told her how much fun the vibrator was and that I didn't think it was just "for mothers."
Carleen admitted she thought about trying her mom's toys before. She offered to show me her collection. I'd never gotten along that well with Carleen's mom, Betty, and neither had my mother. There was something about her that just didn't click with me. She always seemed to look down on me. I wondered if it was because she was white and didn't want her daughter hanging out with a black girl. We were just about to walk out of Carleen's room to look at her mom?s collection when Betty came home. As usual the atmosphere was a little tense. I was not in the mood for any drama so I said my goodbyes and left. But all the way home I was thinking about Betty. She is a small woman. She has short black hair, has tiny breasts, wears unassuming clothes and usually wears a cross necklace. I decided she had a pretty face. Why did I all of a sudden care about her face? We were pretty much enemies putting up with each other for the sake of Carleen. As I walked home I pictured Betty using her toys. Why was I doing that? Much like when I pictured my mom using her toy, I began to get wet. I wished I was still with Carleen so I could talk to somebody about what I was feeling.
Thursday came and went. Friday morning my mom told me Sam, her new boyfriend, wanted to take us to dinner on Saturday and I agreed to go. She also told me she was going out with him that night. It seemed like things were getting serious between them. At school I told Carleen and she told me her mom was going out too and that I should come over when I could. I was secretly looking forward to seeing Betty's toy collection.
For some reason I really wanted to look good for Carleen that night. It was silly but it almost felt like we were having a date. While my mom prepared for her date, I prepared for mine. I had told her I was going out with a boy from school. She left just before I did. I had on a light summer dress.
Even though it was early May, the evening was warm and the light fabric felt good. I wore my highest heels. Before you get too excited, at that point in my life that meant about 2 inches. There was a warm spring breeze which continually blew the hem of my skirt around. It was a wonderful feeling to have it dancing across my legs. As I was walking I was thinking about sex. Sex had become the main preoccupation of my mind. I hoped Carleen remembered her promise to show me her mom's toys. I could feel myself becoming aroused just from thinking about it. I knew my mom would be home late. In the worst case, I could get home and use her vibrator on myself. I ran Carleen's doorbell. She was wearing the same jeans and blouse she had on at school. I guess she didn't think this was a date or that she should dress up.
Carleen let me in and we went up to her room. The night started with the usual... girl talk and music. Unfortunately the topic of her mom's sex toys didn't come up and I wasn?t sure how to steer the conversation in that direction. After about a half hour of mindless chit chat, Carleen stood up and said she was getting something to drink. I followed her down to the kitchen. When she opened the refrigerator I was surprised to find six bottles of wine chilling.
"My mom likes wine," she explained while grabbing a bottle of Merlot.
Carleen poured two glasses. I'd never had wine before. I liked the taste and quickly downed the glass. Also as quickly, Carleen refilled it. If her purpose was to get me drunk, she succeeded. Our mindless girl-talk now seemed like the funniest stuff in the world. She then opened the second bottle. My head was spinning by the time she took my hand and led me back upstairs to her room. She sat me on the edge of her bed.
"Brooke. I know you wanted to see my mom's toy collection," she slurred. "Ever since you told me about your mom's vibrator I've been thinking about you using it. I knew I'd never have the guts to show you if I was sober. I hope you're not too mad."
I wasn't really thinking straight and didn't comprehend what she was saying. My head was spinning. I think I mumbled "OK" or something.
"Just stay here. I'll be right back."
She turned to leave the room, but then she stopped. She turned back around and walked over to me. She took my head in her hands and bent over me. Pulling my face to hers, she planted a sensuous kiss on my lips. She tasted of Merlot. I shut my eyes and let her kiss me. I felt her pull back. She had my lower lip trapped by her mouth and I felt her pull my lip out just a little longer than she held my head in her hands. As my lip snapped back to my mouth it was the most erotic thing I'd ever felt in my young life. She was a much better kisser than my various boyfriends. By the time I opened my eyes, she was gone.
I sat on the bed in stunned silence. Carleen was only gone a few moments, but it seemed like an eternity. She'd obviously set me up and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. While I nervously waited for her to return, I looked around her room. I'm not sure what I was hoping to find, but I looked anyway.
Carleen returned carrying an unmarked cardboard box. She plopped it down on the floor in front of me. I reflexively leaned over to look in it when I became dizzy. I looked at Carleen with unfocused eyes.
"Had a bit too much to drink?" she questioned. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."
With that she took hold of my shoulders and pushed me back onto the bed. She was surprisingly strong, although I was also highly docile due to the wine. Carleen was tiny, like her mother, but she managed to use enough leverage to swing my legs up onto the bed and push me down on my back. Carleen ended up on top of me. With a grunt she pushed my wrists down onto the bed on either side of my head and began kissing me again. I was stunned by her aggressiveness, but I felt my body responding and began kissing her back. While she had me pinned down with the top of her body, her legs were forcing themselves between mine. I had no choice but to spread them and make room. The denim of her jeans felt rough on my skin exposed as my dress rode up. With another grunt Carleen lunged forward. Her hips slammed into mine pushing my legs further apart while her arms lifted my wrists and forced them together above my head. Now holding both wrists with one hand, Carleen began to roughly maul my breasts. Although my dress was in no danger of coming off, its wide opening at the top offered little protection from her roaming hand. She expertly found her way under my dress and took a strong grip on my already hard and defenseless nipples. Back and forth she would pinch my left nipple and then my right while continuing to force her tongue in my mouth and grind her hips against mine.
The feelings were exquisite. I learned a very important lesson at that moment, namely that my nipples are hypersensitive to touch. I think I knew that in the back of my mind from using my mother's vibrator. I guess I even had admitted that to Carleen when we had talked before. But this was something else. As soon as she grabbed me inside my bra I felt like I wet my panties. As I lay beneath her I was unwilling to throw her off of me. I knew physically I could. Even though she was stronger than I ever imagined, I knew I could escape. But I didn't want to. I liked being pinned beneath her.
I felt her pushing herself up and started to rock my body up with her. But she told me to hold still and I listened. Carleen got off the bed. I remained laying on my back. My legs were spread and my arms were still together at the wrist above my head. I could see my breasts had been pulled from my dress. My distended nipples were rubbing against the top of the dress. With every deep breath they slid across the reinforced edge further delivering me deep into a state of arousal.
I watched as Carleen opened the box. It was about three quarters full of sex toys. She pulled a silver vibrator similar to my mother's out of the box and turned it on. She looked at me with an evil grin. "I know you know what to do with this one, but I can tell you, it?s much more fun when somebody else is controlling it. She tossed it on the bed and it rolled up next to me. I could feel the vibrations. I wanted nothing more than to grab it and slide it into my pussy, but I held my position.
I watched Carleen pull out a very thin plastic toy with a little nub on one end and a thick grip on the other.
"This one is for probing your ass," she said as she tossed it on the bed.
Back into the box she went and up onto the bed came the toys.
"This one is for sucking on your nipples, this one is for pinching them, this one is for spanking you, this one is for fucking you deep, this one..." over and over she explained a new toy as the pile on the bed was growing.
"But first we're going to start old school."
I lay passively as Carleen pushed my legs back together and then slid my panties down and off. She threw my panties off the bed and in one smooth move pushed my legs back apart and buried her head between them. It was the first time I ever had somebody eat my pussy and I liked it. I thought I was aroused before she did this, but I was wrong. Carleen soon had me climbing the walls as her talented tongue teased my clit and lapped at the juices leaking from my slit. Although I didn't have anything to compare it to, I figured she must have been the best in the world because soon I orgasmed. Just like I had with my mom's vibrator, I felt my body tense and constrict as it released a flow of pleasure hormones into my bloodstream. I screamed in joy which rocked the room. My hands, which I had until this time kept above my head as Carleen had ordered reflexively came down and grabbed the back of her head pulling her tight against me. I also clamped my thighs against the side of her head. She wasn't going anywhere as I rocked back and forth riding out my climax.
Carleen was probably having trouble breathing, but I held her tight for at least 30 seconds. When I finally relented and released her she stood back up and stripped out of her clothes. She then lay back on top of me, once again pinning my wrists above me, and gave me a deep soulful kiss. For the first time I tasted my own juices on another person's lips.
For the next two hours, or was it three, Carleen gave me an education. I sucked her pussy for the first time until she showered my face with her love. We tried ever toy in the box and I lost track of how many times I came. I balked at her suggestion that I try the anal probe. That was where I drew the line. She demonstrated it on herself instead and I almost relented. She told me anal play felt different that everything else we had done, but it was great, especially if you play with your clit at the same time.
It turned out my favorite toy was the simplest. It is called a pocket rocket. It's a tiny vibrator just slightly larger than the AA battery that powers it. Made with a shiny chrome finish it's small enough to hide in your hand and drove me crazy when Carleen had me press it against my clit. Its small size let me focus all the vibrations directly on my joy buzzer and it was marvelous. Carleen had saved it for last and it drove me to my best orgasm.
Eventually we both passed out due to exhaustion. We were both naked with Carleen spooning me on her bed. We just kind of fell together in each other's arms and didn't even pick up the toys. They were still scattered on the bed and on the floor.
I was happily in dream land feeling very safe with Carleen's arms wrapped around me when I woke with a start and Carleen's mom, Betty, screaming at us. She was apparently very pissed at Carleen for taking her toy box. I wasn't following the conversation well as Carleen and her mom were screaming at each other. I watched as Carleen climbed out of the bed and advance on her mother. I was afraid there was going to be violence although I didn't know how I could stop it.
Betty was wearing a black blouse and a short black skirt. She also had 3" heels on. As I said she is a small woman and the heels really helped tighten up her calves and helped her legs. I didn't know why that was my focus. I'd never thought of her as anything but Carleen's pain in the butt mom. What happened next would change how I thought about her forever.
As Carleen advanced on her I watched as Betty back up until she trapped herself against the wall. She raised her hands to defend herself, but Carleen simply brushed her arms away and tore the front of her blouse open. I knew Betty had not been blessed with large breasts. If she had a B cup I'd be surprised. Still, I was shocked by what I saw under her blouse. Written in red lipstick was the word SLUT. The letters were about 4 inches in height and covered her entire chest.
"You've been with her again haven't you?" Carleen screamed at her mom.
Betty looked down in shame. I could see tears in her eyes. She grabbed the sides of her blouse and tried to cover herself. As Betty lowered her defenses to grab her blouse, Carleen took the opportunity to stick her hand up under her mom's skirt. Betty looked up and locked eyes with her daughter.
"No panties and wet as usual. No wonder she likes you."
Betty dropped the edges of her blouse and pushed Carleen's hand away. She then ran out of the room crying.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," Carleen said.
I figured I'd better leave. Betty and I had never gotten along well and for me to spend the night now seemed inappropriate. My dress was in a heap on the floor and panties were nowhere to be seen. I wasn't sure where Carleen had tossed them during our frenzied lovemaking earlier. I was in a hurry to get out of their house so I just slipped on my dress. I'd worry about the rest later. I didn't even say goodbye as I walked toward the door.
"Just a minute Brooke," Carleen said.
I stopped at the threshold and turned to look at her. She was searching through the rumple of bedding we'd been cuddled on just minutes ago.
"Here. Take this. It's her favorite and I want you to have it."
Carleen tossed me the pocket rocket. I caught my favorite toy of the night. I knew I shouldn't take it, but it gave me so much joy and I really didn't want to have to sneak my mom's vibrator all the time so I rationalized keeping it and walked out of the door.
I could hear Betty crying as I descended the stairs into the living room. She only had one dim light on and was slumped on the couch. Her blouse was open and her hands covered her eyes as she wept. She had to have heard me coming down the stairs but she made no effort to cover herself or even close her legs which were spread unladylike in front of her.
I stopped and looked at her. Why did she have the word SLUT written across her chest? Who was this woman Carleen mentioned? Betty pulled her hands back from her face. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and I felt sorry for her. I'm not sure why, but she apologized to me.
"Brooke, I'm sorry for my rude behavior. I should have never burst in on the two of you like that. You and Carleen are at a curious age now and if you want to be lovers I shouldn't fight that."
I'd never considered Carleen my lover, although she had clearly planned my seduction and wasn?t as sexually naive as I thought. I'd been drunk and she forced herself on me. Not that I didn't love what she did. I'd never apologize for the pleasure she gave me and that hopefully I gave her, but I wasn't planning on making this a habit.
Clearly there was more to Betty than I knew. I wanted to tell her everything was going to be alright, but for some reason another idea flashed through me and instantly took control of my actions. I lifted the pocket rocket out of my palm. Its shiny casing reflected what little light was coming out of the lamp. I saw Betty's eyes light up as she saw the tiny toy.
"Please Brooke. Don't take that one. You can have any of the others but I need that one tonight."
I rather liked having her grovel as I stood above her. If she needed the rocket then she could have the rocket. I began to lean over her much as Carleen had done to me. As I lowered myself I forced my right knee against the inside of her right leg and forced her legs further apart. I had the rocket in my right hand. With my left, I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her forward to meet my lips. She kissed me back with gusto, not anything like my initial reaction to Carleen earlier tonight. Because of my position it was a bit of a challenge to bring the pocket rocket to where I needed it to be between her legs, but as she was making no effort to escape, I didn't have to worry.
Carleen was right about her mom being wet. The entire inside of her skirt was damp and the area around her pussy was as humid as the Deep South on a summer afternoon. I must have hit a good spot because Betty jumped a bit beneath me and moaned. I wanted a better look so I pulled back the rocket and stood up. She lay submissively on the couch looking up at me. She was pleading with her eyes. She didn't have to say anything.
I set down the rocket on the cushion next to her. I saw her eyes drawn to it, but she made no effort to grab it. I pushed her legs together and grabbed the bottom edge of her skirt. I started to pull, but it was very tight. I never thought to unzip the skirt. I don't know if Betty did or if she preferred to wiggle her ass trying to help me strip her. Either way eventually the skirt was in my hand and then on the floor.
I stood back up bending over to pick up the rocket. Betty's hands reached for my breasts. They were almost hanging out of my sundress and before I could react she had scooped out my left breast and was lovingly nursing on the nipple. Just like when Carleen first played with my nipples, my pussy experienced a flash flood. I allowed Betty to suck my nipple for a few seconds until I felt her hand begin to grab my other breast. I was losing control of the situation and I wasn't going to do that with her. I straightened my legs and gave her hand a slap. I started to open my mouth to chastise her but then I realized I didn't know what to say. Instead I just forced myself back between her legs. I was kneeling in front of her as had a perfect view of her pussy. It was pink, wet and inviting. I took the pocket rocket and held it tight against her clit. She squirmed immediately.
I'm sure Carleen could hear her mother's cries of passion as I quickly brought her to orgasm. She begged me to stay and promised to do anything I wanted, but I was tired and confused. I turned off the rocket and walked out leaving her splayed on the couch in a puddle of her own juices. I didn't even close the front door and I didn't look back.
The pocket rocket felt warm and wet in my hand. The spring breezes had my dress dancing over my skin again only this time the motion was driving my achingly hard nipples crazy. My clit was pulsating and I could feel the moisture on my thighs as they rubbed together.
Each step brought my arousal higher and higher. My mind was racing with my memory of Betty pleading with me to make her cum and my doing the same to Carleen. Holding the rocket in my hand only enhanced my arousal since I knew I had the solution to my desires in my palm. As I turned a corner, the wind shifted direction and blew straight up my dress. The cool night air blew across my hot wetness and almost made me cum. I stopped in my tracks, frozen in arousal as my body throbbed with the need. I didn't think I was going to make it home.
Looking up the street I was desperate to find a place to take care of my aching pussy. The houses on this street afforded no shelter. How could I explain sneaking into somebody's bushes and getting caught diddling myself. There was a small strip mall of business between this neighborhood and mine. I knew there was an alley behind it. It was a scary place, but it would have to do.
I started walking faster. I was almost to the point of running. There was a 24 hour convenience store and a check cashing store still open. The front of the building was brightly lit with florescent light. I looked down the alley. It was dark. I could make out a series of dumpsters. It looked like each business had their own. I didn't see any people, but I wondered what the odds were that a homeless person or junkie would have already taken up residence.
My juices were running down my legs. I had about 10 more minutes to walk to get home. I tried to calm my breathing. I had to find a way to make it home.
Just then a gust of wind blew along the side of the building and again up my skirt. I shuttered as it danced across my clit and my eyes went down the alley again. I knew my decision was dumb, but I'd made bad decisions before. My body felt like it was being controlled by the throbbing between my legs. I guess it was.
I started to walk down the alley. I experienced a mix of thrill, dread, panic and mind numbing arousal. I passed the first dumpster and then the second. As out of control as I was, I still had the forethought not to hide behind the dumpster of an open business because of fear someone would come outside to empty the trash.
I took a look around and not seeing anybody I took refuge behind the third dumpster. Leaning against it for support I squatted down. Fortunately there was a concrete retaining wall the dumpster was pushed against so I had support on two sides.
My hand moved without me consciously controlling it and brought the now buzzing rocket under my skirt. As it contacted my pussy lips I threw my head back in ecstasy. I was trying to be quiet, but my head banged against the dumpster. I was too far committed at this point to worry about the noise and too aroused to care about getting caught anyway. I positioned the tip of the rocket right over my clit and pulled it tight. All I could do is hang on for the ride.
My eyes were closed and I'm sure I would have made an interesting picture for anybody walking down the alley with a camera phone. The first pangs of an orgasm started immediately and I knew it wouldn't take long. Holding the rocket in my right hand, I scooped out my right breast with my left. First I cupped its ample heft gently stroking my nipple, but soon I was squeezing my nipple hard. The pain manifested itself as pleasure by the time it reached my core and drove me quickly to a massive orgasm.
I don't know how much noise I made. I was shaking and having trouble maintaining my squatting position so I'm sure I banged into the dumpster a few more times. I'm also sure I was unable to stifle a moan or six. My honey flowed and fireworks exploded. I reduced myself panting mess, horrified at how out of control my body had become by my choice of actions tonight. I struggled to calm down and then to stand up. I had to get out of this alley before I was discovered. In my state I would be totally defenseless against an aggressor determined to have his way with me.
I walked out of alley with a mix of shame and exhilaration. I said a quick prayer of thanks that nobody was around at this late hour. I still held the now hot rocket in my hand reminding me of my degrading exhibition of lust. I walked the remaining 10 minutes back to my apartment, but the time did little to quench my new found thirst for sex. By the time I made it home I was horny again. The lights were off and I snuck back into my room. I wasn't sure if my mom was home. Her bedroom door was shut. It was just after 3am. I didn't bother to slip off my dress. I just climbed onto my bed. My pussy had been voicing its need continually since I left the alley and would not be denied. I used the pocket rocket on myself until the battery died and then I finally passed out from sex exhaustion for the second time that night.
I woke about 10:30 and crawled out of bed. My head was pounding from the wine and my body was sore from cumming so much the night before. I made it as far as the mirror hanging over my dresser. I was a mess. My hair was a sight and my make-up was trashed. My yellow sun dress now hung loosely around my breasts which seemed poised to pop free at the smallest provocation. One side was covered in grease stains and overall there was a coating of dirt.
Memories of the alley flooded back. I felt as dirty and disgusting as my dress looked. I decided to not even try to clean it. This one was going in the garbage. I took a long hot shower to try and wash away my feelings of regret at my behavior. It only worked partially. I had felt too good for me to block all the memories. After my shower I threw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I went into the living room and then the kitchen looking for my mom. Apparently she wasn't home. I found a note from her that she had to go into work for a few hours and telling me to meet her at the mall to look for a dress for dinner with her new beau tonight. He must be something special if we were going to buy clothes for the evening.
I made myself a sandwich and plopped down in front of the TV to eat. Even after my shower I wasn't 100% and really didn't want to go shopping. But at noon as requested, I met my mom. She told me he given her his credit card and wanted to buy her a dress. They were going to a fancy restaurant and needed dress up. We searched for a while before we each found a cute new outfit. My mom's was a formal length dress and conservatively cut. I opted for a short black cocktail dress. I'd read every woman should have a black cocktail dress because you can wear it anywhere and figured this was a good chance to get one. There were two to choose from in my size. One was shorter and would have exposed more cleavage. That was the one I would have picked. I still had sex on the brain from the night before. My mom, of course, grabbed the one which was a little longer, it ended just above my knee, and which supported my breasts better without showing them off quite so much. It still was stunning and I have to say I looked great.
Almost as an afterthought my mom decided "we should probably get matching shoes," which became "we'd better get stockings and underwear too." I wondered what kind of work Sam did when the bill came to over $300. I made sure to pick out a lacy set of black panties and a matching bra like I had seen in my mom's drawer. The felt so much better than the rough texture of the cheap underwear I usually wore. The stockings felt equally great when I finally got dressed for dinner that night. As I looked in the mirror I thought I looked hot. I felt, for the second night in a row, like I was dressing for a date.
My mom knocked on the door. She looked absolutely stunning. I rarely saw her get really dressed up but she looked great. Normally at night I'd see her in club clothes which were more suggestive and less formal. She told me Sam was going to meet us at the restaurant so off we went. We pulled into the valet parking of a French restaurant of some note. Our car definitely looked out of place even if we didn't. We walked inside and were escorted by the host to Sam's table. He stood and pulled out the chair for my mom while the host did the same for me. He smiled warmly at me as my mom introduced me. I reached out to shake his hand which he turned so he could kiss the back of it. He was definitely a charmer. As we were all sitting down I thanked Sam for the dress. He was gracious and said it was his pleasure and that it was worth every penny to have dinner with two such beautiful and charming ladies. It was safe to say I liked him immediately.
As the dinner went on it seemed that Sam, although nice, couldn?t be more different from my father. Perhaps that?s why my mother liked him. Unlike my father who was a definite take charge, his way or the highway kind of guy, Sam seemed very agreeable to whatever anybody said. He was more of a go along to get along guy. I don?t say that in a bad way, just a very different type of man than I had experience with. Although he didn?t look it, he seemed almost effeminate. Still it was obvious my mom really liked him and I didn?t mind all the compliments he kept dropping on me.
After dinner we drove home with Sam following us. I was surprised when my mom told me that she was going back to his house after she dropped me off. This seemed out of character, but who was I to judge. Sam got out of his car and I thanked him for dinner and for the dress. He insisted on giving me a big hug. My initial judgment of him not being manly aside, his hug felt good and I was happy my mom would be getting some attention tonight. Of course as soon as they were out of sight, I was into the apartment and into her dresser drawer looking for the vibrator. I found my silver friend, but I also found a thick dildo. I guess my mom had added to her collection. I grabbed both toys and headed to my bedroom to satisfy myself.
Both toys gave me a totally different experience. I loved the vibrator. I always had. Now when I could combine it with the pocket rocked Carleen had given me last night, I was in heaven. With the vibrator stuffed happily in my pussy and the rocket held squarely on my clit, I was seeing fireworks in no time.
After my first orgasm made my pussy extra juicy, I tried the dildo. It was different, obviously. I missed the vibrations, but I did get a special feeling of my pussy feeling full. I gave myself a good fucking until I could feel another orgasm start to build. Then I took the rocket and held it tight in my right hand. I pulled the dildo out and wedged the rocket onto my clit. With my left hand I brought the dildo up and pretended it was a guy pushing his cock into my mouth. I?d only given head to a couple of guys and none of them were that big. As it had filled my pussy, the dildo filled my mouth causing me to gag. I could taste my pussy on it and the rocket was doing its thing. I suddenly wanted to feel the vibrator too so back into my pussy it went. I wish I had three hands as I continued to work the dildo in and out of my mouth and held the rocket tight to my clit. The vibrator was on its own as I struggled to hold it tight with my pussy muscles. It wasn?t easy and my juices continued to flow out of me and onto the bedspread.
My second orgasm hit fast and without warning. I?m glad my mouth was full as I?m sure I would have waked the neighbors. As I lay in a pool of my own juices coming down from my high I decided I had to get a dildo and a vibrator for myself. I was sure my mom would eventually notice if I continued to borrow hers.
Life went on as it always seems to do. My mom and Sam were getting along better and better. They turned into a serious item. My dad was always asking me questions about them. I tried to not share too much information, but I could understand why he?d want to know. When I told him about the dress Sam bought for me he became very jealous. He didn?t want his replacement buying my love the way he tried to do. He didn?t say that, but I knew that was really what he was thinking. The next Saturday I was with him we were at the mall shopping for clothes. We went to the same dress shop I had gone to with my mom. I was hoping the black cocktail dress I had picked but that my mom said was inappropriate would still be there. Of course it wasn?t. But I did find one that fit that was even a little more risqu?. This one showed a generous scoop of my boobs and was cut so short I?d have to be careful whenever I bent over not to show the world my underwear. I figured my dad would balk. After all, what dad wants to see his daughter dress that way? Surprisingly he didn?t. Needless to say I was a bit confused, but he explained it to me.
?Brooke, I would rather you didn?t wear dresses like this. You are a beautiful young woman. You would look killer in the dress, but I don?t want people to get the wrong impression of you.?
I wanted to tell him that I found it incredibly exciting when people did get that impression of me.
?But it?s also important for you to feel good about yourself. Is this the kind of dress Sam bought you??
I told him that it was and he told me we could get it. I also told him mom had Sam buy me lingerie. The look I got decoded as I don?t really believe you and think you?re milking me for more free clothes, but from the dress shop we headed to Victoria Secret. I went home that Sunday with two new sets of bras and panties plus the sexiest dress I had in my closet. As time went on, I?d feed more information to my dad about my mom and Sam and he continued to buy me sexy clothes and lingerie. I was building a solid collection of bedroom attire. My mother?s toy collection also continued to grow and I wondered if Sam was responsible.
When I told my dad of this development he first questioned how I knew. I sheepishly admitted that I had found her toys a while ago. When he pressed me how I knew her collection was growing I blurted out that I borrowed them from time to time. I didn?t tell him that ?time to time? had become almost every day. Basically whenever my mom wasn?t home, I was masturbating. I found orgasms to be addictive, but I didn?t share that info.
My dad paused for a while deep in thought. ?Well I can?t have Sam buying you sex toys, even if it is not deliberate. When we get home, we?ll go online and order some for you.?
I was shocked. Did my dad really just say he was going to buy me my own sex toys? I turned out that he did. He explained to me that there was no reason to be ashamed about using toys. He said most women he knew needed a little help to reach orgasm and it was healthy to do so. He said being with a woman who understood her body and what she needed was much better than being with somebody who didn?t. He also admitted that mom first started using toys when they were married.
I was freaked out to say the least. My dad had initially been challenged by my choice of dress and now he was ordering me a vibrator, a dildo and even a butt plug. I guess he had gotten over his fear of me being too sexy. About every other time I went to visit we would buy new clothes, underwear or toys. My collection now surpassed my mom?s and was starting to rival Betty?s.
My mom and Sam were still going hot and heavy and by the time my 17th birthday rolled around they announced they were getting married. I still thought he was a bit too easy to take advantage of, but maybe that is what my mom needed after living under my dad?s authoritarian style for so long. I had him wrapped around my finger too. Nonetheless he was a good provider. He owned his own marketing/consulting business and did very well. A month before the wedding we moved out of our apartment and into his house.
Carleen and I had not been hanging out nearly as much as we had in the past, but I knew she liked to dance so I invited her to the wedding. My mom and Sam were going to spend their wedding night at the hotel where the reception was and then were flying out for their honeymoon the next morning. They would be gone for 10 days and I would have the house to myself.
Carleen and I danced the night away. Fortunately my new dad sprung for hotel rooms for the wedding party. We were pretty wasted by the time the reception ended. Officially we shouldn?t have been served due to our age, but a friendly bartender made sure we had our fill. I?m pretty sure he had his eye on Carleen and was hoping to score with her, but it didn?t happen. She ended up passed out in my room. There was only one king sized bed in the room and I ended up cuddled beside her. She slept in my arms much like I had done that first fateful night at her house. Only this time she was still in her dress and her mom didn?t burst in on us. I had shed my dress and nestled against her back in some of the sexy lingerie sets my dad had bought. At some point in the night she must have woke up because I found her in her underwear the next morning. She was also behind me now with my breasts cupped in her hands. It was a very nice way to wake up.
That morning we made love. It wasn?t a wild and crazy fuck fest, but we both satisfied each other before departing. I was certainly ready for more but Carleen seemed a bit hung over still from the night before. I convinced her to come see Sam?s house before I drove her home, although I definitely had other plans. Once inside I gave her a tour that ended in my bedroom. I had not shown her my collection of lingerie provided by my dad. She was in awe. I then showed her my own toy collection. She got a sneaky look in her eyes and asked me to model one of the outfits. It was the same twinkle in her eye I had seen at the hotel this morning so I quickly shed my clothes. I had my back to her as I went through my lingerie drawer when I felt her hands reach around me and cup my breasts. She obviously remembered how suggestive I became at her house when she played with my nipples because she immediately went to work on my hard points.
I threw my head back onto her shoulder and sighed. She had captured me again. I felt her drop my right breast and slide her hand down my belly. I took a deep breath because I knew what was coming. She effortlessly slid a finger into my smoldering pussy.
?That?s a good girl. You always get so wet for me.?
I moaned.
Carleen kept playing with my body like a concert musician. She knew exactly what notes to play as she conducted a symphony of pleasure. My knees were getting weak and I was begging her to take me to bed. Carleen pulled me over to the bed and pushed me over the edge. I was bent over with my knees just above the floor and my torso lying across the covers. She told me to hold my arms and legs out as if I was tied. She then left to rummage through my toy drawer. Erotic thoughts were flowing through my brain. As I lay on the bed submissively I wondered my Carleen seemed to know exactly how to touch me to get me to do what she wanted. I didn?t have to wait long for her return.
?I wish we were at my house so I could borrow my mom?s strap-on. You?ll have to get your dad to buy you one.?
My face was burning with shame at the mere thought of asking my dad to buy a strap-on. True he had already bought me a whole slew of toys to poke and prod every hole on a woman?s body, but I drew the line at asking him for a toy only another woman would use on me.
She settled for using a butt plug up my ass, my biggest dildo stretching my jaw to its limit and one of my smaller dildos in my pussy. I knew from experience that that dildo wouldn?t get me off. She apparently wanted to tease me for a while.
Still she was an expert at twisting the fake cock and hitting all the right spots as she relentlessly fucked me. She had a strong grip on my hair, twisting my long locks around her fist and forcing my head up and down the dildo. With her other hand she forcibly assaulted my pussy slamming the smaller dildo in an out with a ferocious pace. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the fire in her eyes and see the pair of us in a mirror. What a picture we made. Carleen leaning over me was forcing me to fuck all three of my holes while she held court. She was in complete command of the situation and relished in her power over me.
My mouth was sore from being stretched and my ass was starting to ache from the plug. I?d bought the plug as a test to see if there was anything my dad wouldn?t buy. Apparently there wasn?t. I?d tried it once before but didn?t really like it. Now, as Carleen continued her assault on my defenseless pussy, the plug seemed to take on a life of its own. The thin membrane between my vagina and my ass meant that the dildo kept bouncing against the plug whenever Carleen rammed it home. It still wasn?t quite enough to drive me over the edge, but it was enough to ramp up my arousal and make me beg for the rocket to get me off.
Carleen seemed to take pity on me. She stopped fucking me, although she left the dildo buried deep in my pussy, she pulled my mouth off the one she was forcing me to suck. I was hoping she was going to grab a vibrator, but she didn?t. She quickly dropped her dress and panties. She then crawled up on the bed and wigged her pussy in front of my face. I didn?t need any encouragement. I buried my face in her warm and inviting pussy and went to work. Apparently she had turned herself on by teasing me because her juices were flowing. I wanted to tease her the way she had teased me, but a quick regrip of my hair and a firm squeeze from her legs on my ears changed my mind. She was ready to cum and I was merely the conduit to making that happen.
I only ate her pussy for a few minutes before she reached her climax. She?s definitely a screamer and I was glad we had the house to ourselves. Her shrieks of joy had the added benefit of reigniting my flame. They hadn?t gone out when she stopped fucking me, but her expression of release had me anticipating my soon to be enjoyed climax. Carleen continued to pant on the bed in front of me. Her breathing was slowly coming back to normal, but she was making no effort to move. I lifted my head out of her slippery pussy.
?You?ve had your fun. It?s my turn.?
Carleen begrudgingly agreed and told me to stand up. As I did, the dildo slid out of my pussy and fell on the floor. Carleen looked at it and then looked at me. She stood back up and went to my toy drawer. I saw her grab the rocket and my old standby, the silver bullet vibe. She also grabbed her purse which I didn?t understand.
?Come with me,? she said as she started walking out my bedroom door.
Naked I walked after her. I didn?t have any clue where we were going. For a moment I thought we were going to my mom?s room. Could it be that she was going to fuck me on my parent?s bed? No, that wasn?t our destination. She headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. She told me to hop up on the kitchen table. She then tossed me the rocket and the vibe.
?Fuck yourself.?
?You want to cum? Then fuck yourself. Every time you eat here with your new step-dad I want you to think about how you fucked yourself and sprayed your slut juice on the table.?
That did sound pretty wicked to me. Plus I was horny to cum and really didn?t care where I was. I did as Carleen ordered. I was sure it wouldn?t take long to build my body back to a peak. The butt plug now vibrated each time the silver bullet made contact with it through my pussy wall. It was a new and marvelous sensation. Quickly I felt my oncoming orgasm begin to take over my body until I knew my release was eminent. Just as my moans of passion reached their crescendo I saw Carleen pull her cell phone out of her purse. I was too far gone to care as Carleen snapped picture after picture of my ?slut face? as it contorted in orgasm. I gushed happiness which she also documented. As I lay on the table trying to recover, I felt Carleen dip two fingers into my pussy and pull out a thick load of girl cum. With the tips still in my pussy I saw her snap a close-up of my glistening discharge.
?Good girl. You?re learning.?
I lay exhausted and spent on the kitchen table. My best friend had just documented my cumming all over the place like a depraved slut. I loved it. I wondered what would happen next and what Carleen?s plans for those pictures were and who she was going to show.
After resting for a few minutes I peeled myself off the table. My skin was sticking due to the heat my body had generated. Carleen had already dressed and wanted a ride home. She let me throw one of my sun dresses over my dirty, stinky body. She didn?t give me a chance to get panties or a bra. More exactly she told me to put on the dress and didn?t mention underwear and I didn?t ask. We drove back to her house in silence. As we pulled into the driveway she said she had something inside for me and told me to come in.
As we walked into the front door, I heard Carleen?s mom Betty stirring on the living room couch. Apparently she?d been trying to wait up for Carleen?s return. Carleen told me she?d be right back and headed to her room. I was waiting in the living room and hoping Betty didn?t wake up. I had not talked to her since the pocket rocket episode and I really didn?t want her to see me like this. Moments of waiting turned into minutes. Betty woke up. She didn?t say a word, although she did look me over from top to bottom. She then walked into the kitchen, I assume to make some coffee.
I waited in the living room. Carleen still wasn?t back. I wondered what she could be doing. Finally she came back down the stairs. She had an evil grin on her face. She was holding a CD in a jewel box.
?I burned the pictures of your performance this morning for you so you have a set.?
The meaning was instantly clear to me. I would have a set which meant she had a set. She also said it loud enough that I?m sure her mom heard. I took the CD from her. I didn?t know what to say.
After she handed me the CD, she started shimmying out of her panties. Now I was really confused. She dropped them to the floor. I watched as the slid down her perfect legs until she stepped out of them. I turned my attention to the briefly to the kitchen pass through door as her mother was walking back into the living room holding a cup of coffee. I then turned back to Carleen who was picking up the panties. I was horrified by what she said and did.
?I know you enjoyed sucking my beautiful pussy this morning. I just jilled myself again while looking at your pictures. I didn?t take my panties off so you can take my smell home with you.?
I couldn?t move as she pressed the wet and pungent front panel of her thong against my nose. I couldn?t help but take a deep breath and swoon a little as memories of our night and morning together flooded back into my mind.
?That?s right Brooke. Take a deep breath and remember,? she cooed.
I was glad I couldn?t see Betty right now. My body was humiliated, but was also aroused like an inferno. I felt Carleen?s other hand lift my dress. I made no move to stop her. I was holding the CD with a death grip as I realized my soaking pussy was about to be exposed to Carleen?s mom. As I expected and as I desired, Carleen?s fingers found my overheated pussy and she gave me a quick couple of pokes with her finger.
?What a sloppy mess we have here,? she mocked me. ?You?d better put these panties on for your drive home.
Carleen pulled the panties away from my face. I turned my attention to her mom who was watching this scene play out. Surprisingly she didn?t look upset or even shocked. I felt Carleen?s hand on my ankle and at its prompting lifted my foot. I could feel the wetness sliding up my leg and thigh until Carleen had them positioned over my pussy. I then felt her push the soft fabric into my slippery hole. Carleen then stood up and whispered in my ear.
?That will keep you from leaking too much on the seat. When you get home I want you to masturbate while wearing my panties. In fact, I want you to spend the day masturbating. I want to you cum as many times as you can in my panties. Tonight when you go to bed, I want you to stretch them over your head so the front panel covers your nose and mouth like an air mask. I want you to sleep naked. Spread your arms and legs spread eagle like I have you tied down, smell your slutty smell and think of me.?
I was glad her mom had not heard her orders, although I?m sure she saw me trembling. I was already fingering my clit before I pulled my car out of her driveway and I came once before I got home. As I lay in bed that night, my arms and legs virtually bound to the corners of the bed, I tried to count the number of climaxes I had that day. I know I lost track. Counting the one on the kitchen table and in the car, I?m sure it was close to twenty. I gave myself a couple of breaks during the day, but most of the time I had my hand rubbing my clit through the panties or holding the rocket. I even tried the butt plug again and this time wasn?t too bothered by it. My mind was a fog of evil thoughts as it took progressively more and more lewd thoughts to get me off as my body reached its physical orgasm limit. I even looked at my own pictures for inspiration. I decided that was the final act of a desperate woman and I finally fell asleep, exhausted but satisfied.
*** Chapter 02 ***
I?m sure you want to hear that after I masturbated for an entire day at the direction of my best friend, Carleen, and then went to sleep with my dirty panties over my head that I?ve spent the better part of last year as her slave. I?m sorry to disappoint you, but that didn?t happen. As time passed after the panty incident, we?ve spent less and less time together. We?re still friends and we still get together for kinky sex every couple or three weeks. But things are not like they were. Sex definitely changes a relationship.
This last month in the run up to graduation we?ve hardly spent any time together. I?d been sporadically dating, but not much lately and felt the need for Carleen?s special kind of touch. This weekend wasn?t the weekend I?d be visiting my dad so it would be perfect, provided I could convince Carleen.
I had mentioned several times during the week how we should get together on Friday night and she was receptive. As always, we didn?t openly talk about sex as the reason, but I knew whatever else we did, Carleen would eventually take charge and put me in my place. In fact, that was exactly what I wanted and I had been looking forward to it for days.
After school was out on Friday I raced home to get ready. Thanks to my dad and Sam my step dad fighting for my love via financial gifts, I had a wardrobe full of sexy clothes, lingerie and sex toys. I never bothered to bring the toys to Carleen?s however, because her mom had her own fine collection and ever since the awful night when she caught us together, she?s never said a word when I come over. Carleen simply takes what she wants, and Betty remains quiet.
Frequently Betty goes out on Friday night. Carleen always chastises her for being with ?that woman? but we?ve never talked about her mom?s relationships. When I arrived at their house, Betty answered the door. She was dressed casually. She looked nice, but was wearing a strange mix of formal and casual. She was wearing a dress that is hard to describe. It was sliver, almost metallic and it shimmered in the light. Patterned over this sliver in black was a lattice work which almost looked like branches and leaves. The effect was to make the dress look like moonlight filtered by the trees of a forest. I don?t think I?d ever seen a dress quite like it. It was also shorter than I?d seen her wear before and tight. It came down to her mid thigh and looked like it would be tough to walk in. I guess that is why it had to be short. If it was long she would not have been able to move her legs as the material stretched over her until it fit like a second skin. The dress and heels she was wearing certainly accented her great legs and tight ass. It would look appropriate in the fanciest club or on the runway. Over the top of the dress she wore a denim jacket. It seemed very out of place. Even more out of place was her favorite toy, a replacement for the pocket rocket Carleen had given me, was in the left breast pocket of the jacket. The first time I?d used the pocket rocket it became my favorite toy too so I understood why she replaced it, but why was she carrying it so openly?
Usually Betty would just let me in and I?d walk up to Carleen?s room. Tonight she stopped me.
?Carleen?s not home Brooke. She went upstate to visit her cousin at college.?
I didn?t even know she had a cousin and she never mentioned a trip. I stood in the foyer confused. I was pissed at her, but I tried not to show it. I figured I had to say something.
?You look nice. Are you going to a party??
?I hope so.?
That response perplexed me.
?You don?t know if you?re going to a party??
?Well, I?m waiting for a phone call. I?m not sure if the party is going to take place. If it does, do you want to come??
I really couldn?t think of what kind of party Betty would be going to that I would enjoy. Plus given our history, I didn?t really want to hang out with her.
?I don?t think so.?
?It?s going to be fun. It?s a rave and there will be mostly people your age.?
Now I was really confounded. Why would Betty be going to a rave?
?Seriously, you should go. It?s always a blast when these parties come together.?
I didn?t respond. I noticed an almost empty glass of wine on the table and wondered how many other glasses she had consumed. I watched as Betty opened her purse which was sitting on the table and pull out a joint. This was really starting to get weird. She lit up and took a deep drag. She coughed as she exhaled and then handed it to me.
?Here, have a drag.?
I took the joint and looked at her. I couldn?t figure out her motivations. I?d never smoked weed before and doubted I was making the right decision, but I was still pissed at Carleen so I figured ?What the fuck. If she was going to blow me off, what was I supposed to do, sit home??
I took a tentative toke on the joint. I hated it. I coughed and coughed and passed it back to Betty who took another drag and passed it back to me.
?Just suck it in and hold it in your lungs as long as you can.?
I did and it was a little better the second time. And better still the third. Soon I was flying and Betty was getting another bottle of wine out of the fridge. I?d played this game before in this house. Carleen had got me drunk the first time she seduced me. So that was the game Betty was playing. Well I wasn?t about to let that happen again. I made an excuse about having to get home and started for the door. Just then Betty?s cell phone rang. I could only hear her part of the conversation, but it sounded like the rave was on. It was now 10pm.
I was conflicted. I didn?t want to go home, but I didn?t want to go with Betty either. I kept making stupid excuses as she pressured me to go. She was busily tidying up the house because she said she only had 20 minutes to get there and it was across town. I held fast to my decision and as we walked out of the house together, she scribbled an address on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
?This is where the party is if you change your mind. Just tell the security guard you?re with me.?
With that, she was into her car and pulling out of the driveway. I stood in wonder. Security guard? Why would there be a security guard? I looked at the address. I recognized the street. It intersected the road which went around the airport. I?d seen its sign although since it was an industrial district I never needed to turn down the road. The location was an intriguing. I stood and looked at the piece of paper for maybe 30 seconds before deciding to drive over and check it out. I got back into my mom?s car and headed toward the airport. I figured I?d drive by and if it seemed OK, maybe I would go in. I was certainly dressed for the occasion. I?d taken care to dress for Carleen the way she likes me to do. I was wearing a glittery silver dress with spaghetti straps cut to show the tops of my boobs. It came down to about 4 or 5 inches below my pussy and was designed for easy access to an assertive lover. I would also be perfect for a night of dancing at a party of young hipsters. In fact I assumed most of the girls would be dressed very similar to me.
It turned out the address was a warehouse. The parking lot had maybe 20 cars and the interior office lights were out. Certainly this wasn?t the place. I drove through the lot looking for Betty?s car. When I found it I knew it was decision time. The front door to the office was locked, but a side door adjacent to the parking lot was open. I immediately heard the pounding beat of techno music. This was the place. I expected a security guard to appear, but none did. The warehouse appeared to be a shipping depot. There were a number of truck stalls and tall racks designed to hold pallets of merchandise.
The music and lights were coming from behind the racks. I could not see through the boxes and the aisles were eerily dark. There were a couple of interior offices with lights on near the docks, but I didn?t see anyone in them. I crept toward the music. For some reason I felt like I shouldn?t be there even though I had been invited. As I neared the end of the aisle, I could see movement through the racks. When I rounded the corner, I saw about 30 girls dancing in a circle. I guessed they were all under 21 and some were clearly younger than me. The only guy I saw was the DJ. At the center of the circle were Betty and 3 other women all about her age. The girls were all dressed in their sexy club clothes. Some of them were exceptionally beautiful, although all were good looking. I started to wonder if I made the grade.
The older women in the center circle were all dress like Betty. They were very formal and wore short dresses and skirts. The others were not wearing jackets. Betty was the only one doing that. What made them stand out was the writing on their chests. Like Betty had sported the night she found Carleen and me sleeping together, She had the word ?slut? written in red lipstick across her chest. Unlike last time, although she could have wiped it off before she got home, she also had a red circle with arrows pointing to it, a target really, around her mouth.
The other women had similar writing listing their sexual proclivities written on them. As they danced they appeared to be trying to entice one of the younger girls into joining them. I watched as two of them paired off and began walking arm and arm back toward the dock. I was fascinated by what I saw. I thought I was well hidden, but Betty saw me and waved to me. Several of the girls turned to look my way obviously wondering who Betty was signaling. I figured it must be OK so I walked toward them.
Betty walked out of the circle with two girls in tow. They were both thin, white and beautiful. Betty introduced them as Sandee and Julie. Sandee was dressed in a short black dress which left her boobs hanging out for the world to see. She wasn?t particularly well endowed, but she was showing what she had to maximum ability. Julie wore a simple white dress which was impossibly short. Both girls had beautiful smiles and bubbly personalities. They told Betty they would be happy to show me around, to show me the ropes as it were. Betty thanked them and walked back into the circle.
Sandee took my hand and started pulling me toward the DJ booth. I lost contact with Betty briefly until I saw her walking toward the docks in the arms of a blonde girl with an amazing butt. Julie soon joined us and I was led past the DJ and into a dark corner. Julie did the talking.
?How much do you know about us? What did Betty tell you??
?Nothing really, I replied. I went over to her house tonight to see her daughter and she invited me to the party,? I replied.
?Oh, so you?re friends with Carleen then.?
?Yes, we?ve been best friends for a while.?
?Carleen partied with us a lot last year, but we haven?t seen her for a while.?
I told them she was visiting her cousin this weekend.
Sandee laid everything out about the party for me.
?So we get together as often as we can arrange a party. It can be tough to find a place, but the security guard is a good friend of the organizer this month so here we are.?
?That?s it,? I asked. ?Why does Betty have SLUT written on her? I?ve seen that once before.?
?Seriously, she didn?t wash it off before she went home??
?Well, she washed her face if she had the target on her, but otherwise no.?
?Dang, that?s kinky. I guess it doesn?t matter since Carleen knows about her.?
?Knows about her? What?s to know?? I asked.
?All the older women here share a certain trait. They like having girls young enough to be their daughters, and in Betty?s case her actual daughter, tell them what to do. Sexually tell them what to do. I?m sure Betty is busy eating Ingrid?s pussy already up front. Want to look??
I did want to look. Somehow their tale seemed both believable and not believable at the same time. The three of us walked up front. Two of the offices were now occupied. In each one a younger girl was sitting on the desk while one of the women serviced her. Betty and Ingrid were oblivious to our presence. I felt myself start to get aroused as I watch Betty pleasuring a girl my age. I felt Sandee?s arm reaching around my waist. I was guessing the show was getting to her too. Julie on the other hand didn?t seem too interested.
?Come on, let?s dance,? she pleaded.
The three of us walked back to the main party. Both girls were good dancers. After the last of the women had paired off, the rest of the girls formed an organic mass of dancing flesh.
One by one the women started returning from the dock area. None were wearing their dresses now, but their girls were still dressed in their club dresses. Some had writings in areas more private than their chests and faces. They were never alone long before another girl claimed them and they walked back up front. I watched as Betty made three trips to the offices. I wondered if I claimed her what would happen. As it turned out, I didn?t get that chance.
I had danced with almost all the girls and ended up facing off with Julie. I was doing a bit of a bump and grind holding onto her hips and trying to rub myself against her leg. She was in the groove right with me and was enjoying every moment of my moves when, without warning, I felt a pair of hands reaching over my shoulders. The hands expertly slid under the top of my dress and began to massage my breasts. My body responded the way it always does when somebody grabs my tits like that. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sandee. I leaned back into her a bit, but didn?t try to get away. As soon as they saw I didn?t freak out, Julie slid a hand between my legs and up under my dress and Sandee pulled her hands off my breasts just long enough to pull my dress strips down onto my arm to give her better access to my orbs.
Julie?s hand easily slid right up my thigh and then behind my thong. We were still grooving? to the beat as the girls began to fuck me on the dance floor. Some of the older women were returning from the offices, but instead of finding another partner, they found the group intently watching me and my two new best friends. Julie wasn?t trying to tease me. She seemed to just really want me to fuck myself on her finger. Sandee was grinding her body against my back while she worked over my nipples. I figured we?d end up in one of the offices, but again I was wrong. After I shamefully came on Julie?s fingers, to the approving roar of the crowd, Sandee grabbed my wrist and led me over to one of the rows of boxes.
I watched as she slid out of her panties and hopped onto one of the boxes. With one hand she spread her pussy lips. With the other she pointed at me and then curled her finger. I didn?t need a second invitation. I sauntered up between her legs and bent over. I had to spread my legs for balance as I bent myself over at a 90 degree angle to begin licking Sandee?s pussy. She tasted heavenly. Her natural flavors were mixing with the heady scent of her sweat covered thighs, slick no doubt from the non-stop dancing. It was intoxicating. Sandee grabbed my head. I don?t know if she thought I was going to try and escape (I wasn?t) but I didn?t mind. I simply focused my efforts on getting her off. Her hips were rocking from side to side and she began to whimper. I took that as a compliment. She now had both hands on my head holding me tight. I felt my dress being pulled up in the back. Bent over as I was it didn?t have far to go before my panties were exposed. I wiggled my ass as an invitation. I assumed it was Julie at my backside, but I couldn?t see. All I could see was Sandee?s abdomen. I felt my panties being pulled down and then a confident finger slide into my pussy. After a couple of strokes I felt a second. I?d learned that I loved having my mouth and pussy occupied at the same time and tonight was no exception. Having just come a few minutes earlier, my pussy was still exceptionally wet. I couldn?t hear over the beat of the music, but I?m sure the fingers were making a sloshing sound.
Sandee?s death grip on my head got even stronger and I felt her hips rise up as she tensed. Her ass started bouncing on the box forcing her pussy deeper into my mouth as she came. I felt her shudder against my mouth and expected her to release me. She did not. Instead, as her orgasm subsided, she wrapped her legs together on top of my back. She still had a grip on my head, but not as strong as before. I could have broken free if I wanted to, but I didn?t. I wanted to see how this would play out.
I felt the fingers in my pussy begin to retreat. I then felt my ass cheeks being spread while a solitary digit began to probe my puckered asshole. Although I?d used the plug on several occasions, I still was nervous when it came to things sliding into my backside. This finger was no exception. Still Sandee?s hand and legs made it clear where she wanted me to be. I began licking her slit again while the finger continued to probe my butt. Sandee appeared to be going through a quick recovery because I could tell her body was already building to a second climax. Perhaps it was the view she had of me submissively accepting the finger probe. Perhaps it was my talented tongue. Perhaps she was just lucky. I didn?t know and in truth didn?t care. The hand holding my cheeks apart let go and reached under me to rub my clit. Now that felt much better than just the finger in my ass. I started moaning in concert with Sandee. Both of us naturally fell into the rhythm of the music until we both came together. It was a magical moment in my young life.
Sandee let go of my head and dropped her legs. I stood up. Behind me was a young blonde. She looked 16. I never got her name as she disappeared back to the dance floor with my panties in her hand. I watched as she danced around holding my panties in the air and pointing at me to her friends. Apparently I was some kind of trophy.
This was definitely turning into a great party. I felt alive and tingly. Sandee grabbed my arm and started leading me back toward the offices. On the way she said it was time for my initiation. She explained that although all the women got off on submitting to young girls, any girl who wanted to participate had to experience what it felt like before they could join the group. I didn?t remember saying I wanted to join this group, but I got the impression that it really didn?t matter. If I didn?t want to leave right then, which I didn?t, then I had to play by their rules.
As I walked by the first office I saw Betty spread across the lap of a beautiful redhead. Her ass was bright red, almost matching the girl?s hair as she received her spanking. She had a look of contentment and peace on her face even though she grimaced every time the redhead?s hand rained down on her butt. The next office had two of the women in it. Each one was servicing a girl that I had previously danced with. Apparently they liked to share.
Sandee led me into the first unoccupied office. There was a lipstick sitting on the desk. It was definitely out of place, but I wasn?t questioning anything. Sandee proceeded to write ?Newbie? across my chest. As she was finishing Julie walked in with a different young blond in tow. Her dress was not as revealing as mine so Julie quickly pulled it down so Sandee could mark her the way she marked me.
?OK, now leave your panties here and go back out and dance. Any club member that wants to bring you back to an office can have you. Do not refuse and do not question any command given to you. Understand??
I really didn?t, but that didn?t matter. My juices were flowing and I loved the assertive tone in her voice. We walked back to the party ready to begin. Immediately the girls swarmed around us. We danced with most of them and several took their liberties with our tits and pussies right on the dance floor. By the time Betty came back, I was desperate to be chosen. A bitchy looking brunette named Natasha grabbed my wrist. As she led me off the floor, she also grabbed Betty.
?I?ve always wanted a newbie and her sponsor at the same time.?
So Betty was now my sponsor. That was news to me. Betty?s ass was still red. As I followed her and Natasha to the office I wondered if mine would soon meet the same fate. Natasha?s kink was she liked to sit on the desk while Betty and I knelt on the floor and alternated who was eating her. Whoever wasn?t servicing her was instructed to stand above and behind and masturbate for her viewing pleasure. As soon as I stood above Betty, I realized Natasha wasn?t the only one getting an exciting view. Standing above Betty watching her service a girl younger than her daughter turned me on more than frigging my clit in front of them was doing. And frigging my clit was doing wonders for my attitude. Natasha was at ease with directing us to do her bidding. As soon as the person masturbating showed any signs of getting ready to cum, she would switch us until the person calmed down. We must have gone through this cycle four or five times. She had more control of her own orgasm than anybody I?d met in my young life. Eventually Betty?s tongue proved too hard to resist. I could sense she was getting close and that drove my own orgasm closer to fruition. I was fully prepared for her to tell me to stop as I feverishly played with my clit. I waited and waited for her to tell me to stop as I simultaneously got closer and closer to cumming and tried to hold back. Finally Natasha grunted and came on Betty?s face. I instantly went over the edge as I saw her humping Betty?s face. I expected Betty to be upset that both of us came and she didn?t, but she took it in stride. Apparently the women receiving pleasure during these parties was not high on the priority list and that was what they expected.
Natasha gave us both a kiss and walked out of the door. I was still winded when Betty told me we had to get back. Over the next hour or so I went back to an office 7 times. The girls were all quick, not nearly as controlled as Natasha had been. Mostly I was by myself but a couple of times I joined one of the older women. During one of these meetings our girl in charge wanted the woman to spank me. Apparently her parents had spanked her growing up and she wanted to play with herself while my ass was heated by the woman?s hand. The other time I was told to 69 with the woman until we both came. That was much better than being spanked.
The party seemed to be winding down. I had to be about 2:30 or 3am by my reckoning. I had just finished eating the pussy of yet another unnamed young girl. She was very tasty and very expressive when Julie and Sandee appeared at the door. They gathered me up and walked me to the security office. There was a long table about three feet wide in the back of the office. In a night full of interesting twists for me, the ending was going to be another first. Bent over the table were Betty and the three other older women. Three were positioned on one side and one on the other. The other newbie was there similarly bent over. Finally there was one open spot directly across from Betty. This is where I was positioned.
Standing at the security console was a man I gauged to be about 28. He was naked and Natasha was busily slurping on his cock keeping it hard. Once we were all in position, she released his staff and he took up a position behind me. His cock found no resistance from my slippery happiness hole as he began to fuck me from behind. For about a minute, his magnificent cock rammed itself home into my womb. After that minute, however, he pulled out and Natasha quickly slurped him into her mouth again. After he was clean he moved on to the other newbie. Natasha whispered in my ear that she loved the taste of my pussy on his cock and hoped we could get together later. Another minute, another slurp from Natasha and the first of the older women was penetrated. Around the table he went. I was surprised that he made it as long as he did. Natasha was smoking hot and I couldn?t believe he wouldn?t just blast off from her oral skills. She obviously loved sucking his cock. He made it two rotations around the table. The third time he was in me he didn?t stop after a minute. I got at least three minutes of his talents before he pulled out and sprayed a massive load into Natasha face. She seemed to relish the jizz hitting her tender skin. I was surprised she didn?t open her mouth. Betty would later tell me she loves to get facials and that it turns her on to go home to her boyfriend after having another guy?s load coating her.
Everybody seemed tired as they walked back to their cars. Betty stopped me before getting into her car to make sure I was OK. I assured her that I had a great time. She told me this group meets about once a month if I wanted to attend again. I told her I would. She told me she belonged to another group which met less frequently but was equally fun. I told her to let me know about that party too. As I reflected on the events of the night on my drive home I couldn?t believe what happened. But then again I never believed what I was capable of doing until I did it.
When I saw Carleen in class Monday I asked her if she enjoyed the visit with her cousin. She looked confused at first but then grasped what I was saying.
?Actually I had a date and I knew you?d enjoy the party so my mom lied a bit to you.?
Even if her motivation was good, I was mad that they had lied to me. If she had just explained what the party was about I?d have wanted to go. Having Carleen at the party would have been great. I hope her date was worth it because I was getting tired of her games and didn?t think we?d be hanging out too often from here on out.
My next adventure in fact did not include Carleen or Betty. It involved my step-dad. Before you get up in arms, I did not fuck him. I didn?t even touch him. I did fuck one of his clients however or should I say he fucked me. Life at Sam?s house after he married my mom had been pleasant over all. There was a little static as we blended our families, but overall it was pretty good. I still thought he was a little weak and feminine, but he treated my mother and me well. After I graduated from High School Sam announced that he wanted to help me get a car of my own before I went off to college. This seemed like a good idea to me as I was tired of borrowing my mom?s car. I think she was a bit tired of it too.
Sam had been working on signing up a new client who owned a string of auto dealerships in town. From luxury brands to bargains and ?previously enjoyed? models, this man controlled a majority of the cars sold in our town. Sam had been trying to sell his marketing services to this man since I?d met him. It would be his largest account and a serious infusion of cash if he could land the account. Sam told me his, hopefully, final meeting was next Sunday at the man?s house. Apparently he?s too busy at the end of the month to meet at his dealership office. He told me I should come along and he?d see about working a discount on a car for me into the deal. I asked why the man would do that.
?You are a beautiful young woman, Brooke. I think he?d want to help you. Most guys are dogs and besides getting a good discount, I think your presence will distract him enough to help me close the deal. He?s a real ball breaking negotiator. I really need your help.?
I certainly wasn?t against helping Sam. He?d done so much for my mother and in a roundabout way me. Plus it sounded exciting to tease an older man and if I could end up with a better car than I could normally afford, what could go wrong? As it turns out, plenty could go wrong.
The first issue was I was supposed to hang out with my dad this weekend. The meeting was set for 4pm, however, so we?d really have to just cut our time short by a few hours. I?d have to make up an excuse because I knew my dad would never approve of Sam using me this way. The second issue was what to wear. I had plenty of sexy clothes, but they didn?t really meet the casual nature of the meeting. My sexy clothes were all formal or club clothes and that really didn?t work for a Sunday afternoon. I told Sam about my concern and he solved the problem by buying me a new yellow sundress. It was perfect. It was casual and sexy at the same time. The top was cut as to expose a wide expanse of my breasts. In fact I?d have to be careful not to let them pop free of the dress? confines. The length was short enough to show off my legs, especially if I wore the right heels, but wasn?t so short that it looked inappropriate. It came down to about the middle of my thighs. As I looked in the mirror of the clothing store I knew immediately this was the dress for me.
As we drove over to Mr. Thompson?s house Sam told me to just sit back and look pretty. I told me I could flirt, but to not be too intrusive. He explained that he told Mr. Thompson that I was coming because I was interested in his opinion about what to buy for my first car. Sam told me that he would steer the conversation and I should feel free to join in during the small talk, but when they talked business to try and stay quiet.
I listened to what Sam wanted me to do. I heard him say ?flirt? but what I understood was ?tease.? If Sam wanted Mr. Thompson to be a little confused and easy to manipulate, I could do that. I had not met a man yet who could resist a little flash of thigh and a nice view of cleavage. My dress could accomplish both.
We pulled up to Mr. Thompson?s house. It was more than a house. It was a mansion really. There was a red Ferrari in the driveway with a 750 BMW parked next to it. Obviously Mr. Thompson had money. We really needed to win this deal. Sam rung the doorbell and a woman dressed in a maid?s uniform answered the door. She said we were expected and led us through the house and out onto the patio. I didn?t get to see much of the house, but what I saw was exquisite. The back yard was amazing. There were at least three acres of manicured grounds and a large in ground pool. There was a building at the back of the pool which was bigger than the apartment my mom and I shared before she married Sam.
Mr. Thompson was sitting at a patio table and rose to greet us. He was a little older than Sam, I judged, but appeared to be in great shape. His and was very strong when he shook mine and he spoke in a commanding, deep booming voice. No wonder he was a ball busting negotiator. Sam introduced me as his step-daughter whom they had previously discussed.
?Yes, the one looking for her first car. We can certainly help you with that. Come by the dealership next week and I?ll make sure you?re taken care of.?
I thanked him. I didn?t think it would be that easy. We stood and chit chatted for a few minutes. I could tell Mr. Thompson was sneaking peaks at my breasts and looking at my legs. I guess Sam?s plan was working. I didn?t know how long the small talk part of a meeting like this usually lasts so I figured if I was going to tease him a bit I?d better get to it. I asked Mr. Thompson about his grounds, the pool and what how much maintenance was required. He said he didn?t do any of the work himself and then asked if we would like a tour. I jumped at the chance. Sam seemed pleased.
Mr. Thompson pointed down a stone path which I began to walk down. He and Sam followed me and I could feel both of them eyeing me up and down. I knew my ass looked great in this dress and I imagined them both undressing me with their eyes. The late afternoon sun was in front of me and I pictured the dress becoming translucent. I didn?t think it was, but the thought fed my fantasies and lusts. I heard Mr. Thompson?s voice describing the various garden features, but I wasn?t focused on horticulture. It was more like whore culture and how I could tease Mr. Thompson.
I saw a particularly beautiful flower in front of me so I stopped and bent over to look at it. I knew my dress would ride up, but I didn?t know how far. I hoped it was not so high as to break the illusion that I didn?t know what I was doing. I could feel the air begin to flow up my legs and I was definitely turning myself on. I wished I could have seen the expression on both men?s faces as I continued my little show.
Straightening up I continued toward the pool. When I commented on how nice the pool was I took a quick peek back at the men. I thought I saw signs of growth in Mr. Thompson?s pants. Sam had a definite tent pole. I had hoped the results of my show would have been reversed, but they were what they were.
I was trying to figure out how to get Mr. Thompson more interested when we reached the pool. I asked him if he ever went skinny dipping. He admitted that he and his wife at one time did that frequently, but not for years, although sometimes if a party got a little wild, somebody invariable got thrown in. I just smiled. Mr. Thompson then gave us a tour of the pool house. The front room was furnished with several rattan couches and chairs There was seating for maybe 12 people and separate changing facilities for me and women. I took the opportunity to go to the woman?s room. There were three showers and two toilet stalls along with a large mirror above two sinks.
I took the opportunity to straighten my dress a bit to maximize the cleavage I was showing. I wish I had my purse to touch up my make-up, but I?d left it at the table. Walking out of the changing room I found the men talking. Their conversation stopped as soon as I appeared as both were looking at me. I relished the position I was in as I walked past them and back out by the pool. I commented that it was too bad I had not brought my swim suit. Sam commented that I could skinny dip. He sounded like he was joking and I hoped he was. As much as I was enjoying teasing Mr. Thompson, I wasn?t about to strip naked in front of him and Sam.
We continued our garden walk. I stayed in front and kept imagining them looking at my ass. Eventually we returned to the table. I knew now was the time I was supposed to shut up, but I still wanted to help my step-dad so I positioned my chair to face the sun. At least that was the excuse I used. The real reason was I knew that would give Mr. Thompson a side view into the top of my dress. I could feel my nipples harden as I thought of him staring at me and my pussy began to moisten.
I was sure my nipples had pushed the front of my dress out and one would be clearly visible to Mr. Thompson at the angle I was sitting. I didn?t understand much of what was being discussed, but I tried to look interested. The only thing I was interested in was the fire growing between my legs. Several times I uncrossed and recrossed my legs in an effort to discretely move my thong between my pussy lips. Although I couldn?t follow the meeting, Sam seemed to be leading the discussion and Mr. Thompson seemed to be distracted. Score one for Brooke.
I saw Mr. Thompson shake his head as if trying to clear his thoughts and from that moment on, he seemed to be a different negotiator. I hoped my charms had not run out. Sam and Mr. Thompson went back and forth on several points. It still sounded like Sam was in good shape, and eventually both men stood up and shook hands. I wanted to look up at Mr. Thompson and catch him taking advantage of the hand shake to look down my dress, but I was still trying to play the role of an inadvertent exhibitionist.
Sam pulled a contract out his briefcase and handed it to Mr. Thompson. It was about 4 pages long of boilerplate legalese which Mr. Thompson quickly went through. He told Sam he had a standard non-disclosure, terms and conditions contract he required all of his vendors to sign. Provided Sam agreed to the terms, they had a deal and he would sign with him. Mr. Thompson waved toward the house and the maid walked outside. He asked her to get the contract which was sitting on his desk and she turned and walked back into the house.
The tenor of the meeting changed back to casual again and I tried to contribute. Mr. Thompson told us he always throws a party for his sales staff at the end of each quarter and that we should come to the next one. I said that sounded fun, adding I hope it?s the kind of party where the youngsters went skinny dipping. I regretted adding the swimming part as soon as I said it, but Mr. Thompson didn?t seem offended. He said with a smile that only happened if the sales staff had a really good quarter.
The maid returned with Mr. Thompson?s contract for Sam to sign. It was at least twice as thick with small narrow type. I could see the dismay on Sam?s face. He?d have to go through it thoroughly before he could sign it. I guessed that would take at least half an hour. Mr. Thompson asked if I?d like a tour of the house while he studied the document. I agreed immediately. I certainly didn?t want to sit and watch Sam read.
Sam dismissed me with a wave. He was already engrossed in the contract. Mr. Thompson ushered me inside. The maid appeared and asked if he needed anything. He asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I said I was good. She disappeared back to the kitchen. Mr. Thompson escorted me around the house. It was furnished very well. I?m sure he had a decorator do it. Everything was meticulously placed. There was a large family room and a separate media room. The dining room could serve 12 and the living room as carpet softer than any I?d ever felt.
Mr. Thompson steered me toward the winding staircase and followed me up a few steps behind me. I was sure he was getting a perfect view up my dress of my thighs. I?d been creamy ever since we sat back down at the patio table and I could feel myself thrilling to the thought of this older man watching me. Upstairs he showed me his two kid?s rooms. Both were off at college. There were two guest bedrooms, both decorated better than my mom?s and Sam?s master bedroom. The final stop on the tour was Mr. and Mrs. Thompson?s master bedroom. He whisked me inside and I was in his arms in a flash. I tried to fight him off, at least that is what I wanted him to think, but he was very strong and clearly wasn?t going to be denied. Mr. Thompson laid it on the line to me.
?Look you little tease. I know why your step-dad brought you here today. He figured a flash of those velvety thighs and hard nipple tits would get him a better deal. What did he promise you??
?I don?t understand??
?Oh I think you do. Where I?m from we know how to break a cock tease and you?re one of the worst ones I?ve ever seen. Do you know what young girls tease??
He still had a firm grip on my arms. I was starting to feel dizzy from the sudden change of mood in the room and the flash flood soaking my thong.
?No. No I don?t.?
?It?s because they secretly want a man to give them a big hard cock but they are too scared to ask.?
I wanted to say it?s because my step-dad promised to help me get a car, but at the moment all I could concentrate on was the growing bulge in his pants.
?Believe me girly, I know what you want and I know how to give it to you.?
With that I felt him push me back against the bed. He finally released my arms as I fell backward against the mattress. I could see wedding pictures of he and his wife on the dresser and pictures of his kids on the nightstand, but none of that mattered right then. I watched as he undid his belt and then dropped his pants. What had started as a small growth in the garden was now a raging hard on sticking out of the front of his boxers. He didn?t pull them off as he advanced on the bed. God how I wanted him and I let him know.
?Yes, Mr. Thompson. I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me.?
With one swift movement he pulled my dress up exposing my thong. He didn?t bother removing my thong. He simply pulled it aside and then sank his cock deep inside me in one hard thrust. I saw stars from the first stroke and started to feel an orgasm building by stroke three. Within a minute I was creaming on his cock with my legs wrapped around him. He continued to pound me. He didn?t let up as my orgasm ripped through me.
?That?s right tease. Cum for me. You know you want to.?
I was moaning and building to another big release. I felt him pop out of my pussy and saw him walk up the length of the bed toward my head. I didn?t resist when he pushed his slimy cock into my mouth. He wasn?t interested in me doing any work. He was fucking my face. My mouth was simply another hole for him to fill. Saliva was dripping down my chin and I had to work to keep from gagging as he took his pleasure.
?Come on baby. Don?t just lie there. Surely you know how to work a cock in that pretty mouth of yours.?
I tried. I really tried. I didn?t have that much experience sucking real cocks. I had done it before but most of the time Carleen had me sucking on a dildo. It wasn?t the same. His pace quickened and figured he was going to cum soon. I secretly wished he would fuck my pussy some more, but I couldn?t ask for that with my mouth full.
Just then the maid entered the room. I was mortified. I was lying on his bed with my legs spread and well fucked pussy on display. I probably would have screamed if I wasn?t gagged with cock.
?Mr. Thompson, your guest has finished with the contract and is waiting for you.?
?Thank you Alicia. I?ll be done here in a minute.?
I couldn?t believe he didn?t even break stride when being caught by the maid.
?Alicia, before you go, can you grab the bottle of lube off the bathroom vanity??
?Of course sir.?
Mr. Thompson continued to fuck my mouth, although he slowed his pace enough to reach down and finger my pussy without falling over. His aggressiveness was pushing all my hot buttons as she switched his hand?s attention to pulling my boobs out of my dress. They had been flopping around anyway as he fucked me so I doubt he had missed getting a good look. What had been overlooked was his desire to play with my nipples and the effect it had on me. I was moaning around his cock and leaking juices out of my pussy when the maid returned with the lube.
?She?s learned how to give a proper blowjob. Can you grease up her ass for me??
?Of course sir.?
I guess with enough money you can get full service maids as I felt her finally pull my soaked thong off my body. I was leaning on my side as Mr. Thompson continued to assault my mouth and the maid pushed my legs together and then up toward my chest. This gave her easy access to my backside. I couldn?t turn my head to get a good look, but from the corner of my eye I saw her liberally dousing her fingers with the lube. I knew what was coming and I tried to prepare for it. I relaxed as best I could under the circumstances and tried not to resist as she pushed two fingers against my ass.
Her two fingers were smaller than the plug I used with Carleen so they didn?t feel that bad. The maid began to wiggle her fingers around which actually felt good. Then my brain remembered what she was preparing me for and I clenched reflexively. In response the maid slapped my upturned ass causing Mr. Thompson to laugh.
?Look tease, one what or another, my cock is going up your ass before I send you back to step-daddy downstairs. Alicia is good at preparing a girl, heck she?s even prepared a few guys for my wife, to take it up the ass. Just let her do her job and you?ll be fine.?
I tried to relax again as Alicia continued to finger fuck me. She switched from two to three fingers and even gave me a quick tickle on the clit. I was building to a massive climax. When Alicia got four fingers into my ass, Mr. Thompson pulled his cock out of my mouth. He stepped back from the bed. His tool dripped with my saliva and glistened in the light. He gave my nipple another squeeze and then waved his hand at the maid.
She pulled her fingers out of my ass and then grabbed my ass and rolled me onto my knees. She gave my ass another spank and told me she tell my step-dad I?d be right down. Mr. Thompson took his time. He thanked Alicia for her help and gave her a hug. I watched as she gave his cock a good squeeze. Almost as an afterthought she took the bottle of lube and squeezed another generous amount onto her hand. She started giving him a quick hand job spreading the slippery fluid all over his shaft. I had mixed thoughts at that time. I?d never been properly ass fucked and Mr. Thompson certainly had the tool to do so. But the thought of being spread so wide, Alicia?s preparations notwithstanding, scared me. I almost wished she?d accidently get him off with her hand job, but I knew he?d never allow that. He was too much in control of his body and this situation to not let his plan come to completion.
I felt Mr. Thompson move behind me. With a flip of the hem of my dress, my ass and his target was exposed to his lustful gaze. I tried to steady myself and be prepared for the inevitable. I felt the head of his cock poke my backdoor. I grunted and felt him push. At first his cockhead felt about the same as my tapered butt plug. But instead of having my ass snap around the narrower base like I was accustomed to feeling, the full girth kept pushing into me. I?d never felt as full in my life as inch after inch pushed into my ass.
?You?re almost there baby. Only a couple more inches and you?ll have it all.?
A couple more? It didn?t feel that big in my mouth and pussy. I grunted again and wrapped the bedspread in my fists to fight against the invader. Finally he stopped pushing and I felt myself let loose a sigh of relief. Then he started fucking me. The sensation was unlike anything I?d ever felt. It was totally different from when the vibrator or dildo would brush up against my butt plug. It wasn?t exactly pleasurable, but after the initial insertion, it wasn?t really painful either. I just felt fuller than I ever had before.
Mr. Thompson had an unyielding grip on my butt cheeks as he continued to hammer home his cock up my ass. I wished he would reach around a finger my clit, but he seemed determined to preserve the leverage he had by holding my ass. I decided I had to take matters into my own hands, so to speak. I let go of the blanket with my right hand and snaked it beneath my body. While I could give myself the pleasure I would need to cum, it also meant that I could no longer effectively brace myself from Mr. Thompson?s thrusts. As a result, my head dropped to the mattress rising my ass up even higher into the air and into position for him to thrust even harder. I struggled to push myself up with one hard while my other hand frantically rubbed my clit, but I just couldn?t do it. With a moan I embraced my position and buried my head into the comforter. The next thrust pushed me forward putting pressure on my head, but I was too far gone to care.
With my left hand no longer bearing any of the weight loads from my body, I decided to put it to good work. I curled it under my torso and grabbed my right breast. As soon as it touched the nipple I shuttered. As I grabbed it and squeezed it hard I came. It wasn?t a little orgasm either. It was a no holds barred, mind shattering, earth quaking, soul bending kind of orgasm that rocked me to the core. It also affected Mr. Self control as I instantaneously felt him push all the way in and fill my ass with what felt like a gallon of seed. Through all my convulsions I could still feel his cock pulse and twitch as he loaded me full.
I held my position, ass in the air, face down on the bed as I felt him pop out of my ass. I was mewing with contentment as I looked sideways as he walked to the dresser. His cock had barely deflated by the time he returned with a butt plug he had pulled from the dresser. This one was much bigger than mine but I had little doubt it would now fit easily. Mr. Thompson didn?t even bother to grease it up. My asshole must have been so distended that it easily slid in.
?That will let you keep my load until you get home. It?s just a little present from me to you.?
I wanted to tell him he already gave me my present, but I just smiled. He then walked back to the head of the bed where I had blown him earlier. Without fanfare he grabbed my head again. I fell back to the position laying on my side I had been before as he pushed his cock into my mouth.
?Clean me good. My wife will be home soon.?
This time he didn?t fuck my face. He was staying hard as I dutifully cleaned my ass and his cum from his cock. He reached down and began playing with my nipples. This time he wasn?t rough at all. He didn?t even squeeze them. He just slowly pulled his fingers across one and then the other. I was getting hot and bothered again and his cock was just as hard as it had been before he blew his load. As he popped his now clean cock out of my mouth I begged for him to stick it back in my pussy. I gave him my best come-hither look hoping to entice him into another round but he wasn?t buying. He starting putting his pants back on and then grabbed my thong. I watched as he rubbed it against my pussy smearing more of my juices into it.
?I?m going to keep this for my wife. She?ll want to smell it. If you want more of my cock, you?ll have to come to the quarterly sales party. I?ll make sure you?re taken care of.?
It struck me that he used the same phrasing when he told me he?d get me a good price on a car. I groaned in frustration as Mr. Thompson walked out of the door. My ass was full with the plug holding back a river of sperm and my pussy was pulsating with the need for more cock. Since Mr. Thompson had pulled the plug out of the dresser I briefly considered searching for a dildo or vibrator, but figured that might kill the deal. I?d have to wait until I got home. I stood back up and tried to pull my dress down into a position which didn?t look like I?d just had the shit fucked out of me. The cups around my breasts didn?t feel right and my nipples were on prominent display through the thin material. The dress was wrinkled beyond believe and my hair was a mess. I had no underwear and I was worried that my pussy would leak through the material. Other than that, I was doing great.
I made my way down to the patio. I watched as Sam and Mr. Thompson shook hands again. There were smiles all around. We said our goodbyes and as we were walking to our car, Mrs. Thompson arrived. She was even more beautiful than in her wedding pictures. I was a bit surprised to find she wasn?t a trophy wife. He was actually married to a woman close to her age. She?d definitely had work done, but at least she wasn?t a 20-something gold digger.
Sam was introduced as the company?s new marketing consultant. I was introduced as his step-daughter who wanted to come back for the next pool party. I blushed as Mrs. Thompson looked me up and down before saying that would be nice. I wondered if her husband gave away her butt plugs often. I guess nothing went wrong with the meeting after all.
We drove home in silence. Sam didn?t say a word about the contract. I assume he knew Mr. Thompson had fucked me. We?d been gone for about 40 minutes. As big as the house is, it doesn?t take that long to tour it. Add to that my wrinkled and stretched dress and it didn?t take a rocket scientist to know what happened. My pussy was still creaming as I thought about it. Either Sam didn?t know meaning he was totally oblivious to his surroundings or he did know and didn?t mind pimping me out to help his business. Neither conclusion was particularly positive. Still as I replayed the events with Mr. Thompson in my mind I couldn?t help but feel warm and fuzzy. As I sat down in the car my short sun dress had rode up in the back and my ass was sitting directly on the warm leather seat of Sam?s car. I could still feel my pussy juicing and I knew the seat was going to be wet. Rather than shock me I felt good about it. If Sam wasn?t going to worry about my actions neither would I.
While I was OK with sweating and leaking pussy juice on his seat, I still wasn?t prepared for what happened after he hit a particularly nasty pot hole. The whole car seemed to bounce as the hole threatened to swallow the sedan. My ass bounced a bit on the seat driving the plug deeper into my ass. I successfully stifled a moan, but the plug was no longer positioned where it could hold in the load of Mr. Thompson?s jizz. I could feel the sticky cream begin to leak. I was mortified. I tried to wiggle slightly to reseat the plug but I think I just succeeded in spreading the discharge around the seat.
We were almost home but I could tell all of the cum had drained out of my ass and onto the seat. I was trying to think of a way to keep from making a scene when we got home. I decided to walk inside like nothing had happened and hope Sam didn?t notice. I?d then sneak back into the garage in a few minutes and clean up my mess. It wasn?t a good plan, but it was the only plan I had.
As we parked in the driveway, Sam quickly got out of the car. I followed suit. I could hear the sound of skin stuck on the leather peeling away and hoped Sam somehow missed the sound. Getting out of the car I tried to discretely pull my dress back down. I was Sam watching me through the car window. He obviously heard the sound and made the connection to its cause. I prayed he couldn?t see the cum on the seat in the bad light.
Sam walked into the house in front of me. I?d gotten away with it. My mom was waiting for us and wanted to hear what happened. If she noticed the state of my dress she didn?t mention it. I went upstairs to change and clean up before my mom noticed anything. Besides Sam could gloat about what a good job he did getting the deal. When I got back downstairs, wearing jeans, panties and a t-shirt with the butt plug stored safely in my toy collection, I didn?t see either my mom or Sam. I walked into the garage to clean up my mess. I was shocked to see the dome light on in Sam?s car. I snuck up to the window and then I almost threw up. My door was open and Sam was kneeling next to the car licking my seat. He was lapping up both my pussy juice and Mr. Thompson?s semen. I must have gasped because he looked up and saw me. He then put his face back down in the seat and continued licking. I ran out of the garage disgusted.
Sam walked back into the house a few minutes later. He obviously had a hard on. He snuck up behind my mom and gave her a hug and pressed his body against her. She clearly thought his affection was because of her, but I knew he was hiding what really turned him on. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and threw up.
As I lay on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet I tried to figure out what to do. I wasn?t sure of the best course of action, but one thing I knew was that I?d better be getting a nicer car than I could normally afford out of this situation.
*** Chapter 03 ***
I spent the next couple of days pondering what I should do. I was still grossed out by my step-dad licking up my juices and the cum of his client which had leaked out of my ass and onto his car seat. We had not talked about it and I didn't really want to. I decided my next step was to go car shopping at Mr. Thompson's dealership and see what kind of deal I could get. I'd then tell Sam if he wanted my mom not to find out he got turned on sucking up his client's semen, he'd come up with the cash.
Mr. Thompson owned several dealerships so I had to call around to find the one he was at. I talked to him briefly and he told me to just ask for him when I got here. Walking into the dealership I'm sure I didn't look like a prime buying candidate. I was too young and didn?t dress the part of a car buyer. In fact I was ignored by the sales staff. Oh, all the men looked. I could tell they were checking me out. But working on commission meant not wasting your time if you can't make money so beyond their first looks, they didn't make any contact.
I asked at the information desk to see Mr. Thompson. I could tell the woman working at the desk didn't think much of me. She was of Latin heritage, but I couldn't decide which country. She was dressed in a manner which didn't fit into an auto dealership at all. She was wearing blue jeans and a black mesh wrap for a top. The wrap was clearly meant to be worn over a blouse, but she just wore it over a black bra. I couldn't see much of the lower half of her body, but the see through top showed plenty. Beyond her angelic smile, I could tell she worked out due to her cut abs. Oh, and did I mention she was stacked? Whether it was due do a great bra maker or a great plastic surgeon, her huge breasts seemed to defy gravity. The nametag hanging over her left breast said Myra. I immediately decided she had been hired to lure male customers into the dealership. She called Mr. Thompson for me and said it would be a couple of minutes.
I kept trying to sneak peeks at her much like Mr. Thompson had done to me last Sunday. She didn't seem to mind. I guess she was accustomed to being gawked at sitting at the front desk. Her phone rang and she told me Mr. Thompson would see me know.
I saw him walking down a hallway from the back of the dealership. He thanked Myra and then escorted me to his office. He asked me what kind of car I had in mind. I told him after Sunday I was expected a great deal. He told me that I already had one on Sunday. I was taken aback by his attitude. He'd fucked me in the ass after all. He was the one who got the good deal.
We bantered back and forth a bit. After narrowing the type of car down he punched up their used inventory on his computer looking for something we could work with. He found a low mileage car that had been sitting on the lot for too long.
"I've got to move this one. I can't have it taking up the space. Test drive it. If you like it, I'll give it to you for my cost."
I figured he'd got it in trade for a new car so he must have bought it pretty cheap. That sounded fair. Mr. Thompson stood up and walked around his desk. Since I was sitting in the chair, he seemed to tower over me. He was very imposing and I started to remember how he made me feel just a few days ago.
"So Brooke. You want this car cheap. What are you willing to do to get it?"
"I already did it last Sunday."
"No, Sunday you got your step-dad hired. His contract is revocable so I could easily drop him again. Now what are you willing to do for me?"
I thought for a moment. "Suck you cock?"
"That's a start, but I want to fuck you again. Take your clothes off."
"What's wrong with here? You already fucked me in my wife's bed. What's wrong with my office?"
I bowed my head. "Nothing."
I started to take off my clothes while he locked the door. At least we wouldn't have his maid bursting in on us again. By the time I was naked he was removing his pants and this time his boxer shorts. His cock was already at half staff and looked as yummy as I remembered. Without reservation I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth.
This time he let me give him a proper blowjob instead of fucking my face like he had done on Sunday. He didn't seem to be in a hurry, although I certainly was. I didn't like being naked in a car dealership even if I was with the owner. His cock quickly grew to its full potential. It certainly was nicely shaped and generously sized. He let me slurp away for a good 10 minutes before he pulled his cock away and had me stand up.
He told me to sit on the edge of his desk. I hoped he would return the oral favor on me, but that wasn't in his plan. Still it felt great to have is cock in me again. Like our slow paced blowjob, he took his time and didn't just pound me like he'd done before. He was taking long, slow, measured strokes filling my pussy with each teasing thrust. I had my legs on his shoulders and my hands were gripping his shirt. He kept talking dirty asking how much I liked his cock, where I wanted it next and how long I could go before I'd need to return for another fucking. I felt deliciously naughty as he called me dirty names and made me beg. His cock felt great but I felt myself longing for him to just start pounding me. I told him this, OK I begged for him to fuck me harder. He gave me a couple of quick hard thrusts causing me to jump a bit off the desk, but then he slowed down again. The bastard kept giving me just a taste and then he'd slow. He was driving me crazy and I was begging continually. His slow strokes were hitting all the right places, but the pace wasn't going to let me cum.
Finally I asked what it would take to let me cum. He told me I had to come back every Monday morning and let him have his way with me. I badly needed to cum so I agreed, although in the back of my mind I didn't really mean it. I probably would have agreed just about anything at that point.
Mr. Thompson gave me a sharp thrust and then began to pound me much like he had when he took my ass. I was off like a rocket and assumed he would be soon too. But like Sunday, he surprised me with his level of control. Soon I was squirming on his desk and then gloriously cumming, but he kept pounding away. Soon a second orgasm swept over me. As I quivered on his desk, I felt him pull out dropping my legs to the floor.
"Back on your knees," he said.
I guess he wanted to finish in my mouth. I didn't mind so I did what he asked. He had another surprise in store for me. Instead of pushing his cock into my mouth, he pressed my boobs around his cock and began to titty-fuck me.
"You've got great tits babe. I wanted to do this on Sunday, but I didn't get around to it."
I'd never been tit fucked before. I really didn't understand how this would feel good for him. It didn't feel good to me except when his hands brushed my nipples, but apparently the vision of having a beautiful woman knealing in front of him was good enough. I had a front row view of his cock stiffen and start to squirt. Plop after plot hit my chest and started to run down and drip off my breasts. He jerked his cock to milk every last drop onto me and then pushed it back into my mouth for cleaning duties.
When he was satisfied with my efforts he pulled his cock back out of my mouth and told me to get dressed. He kept my underwear again. Apparently he wanted to start a trophy collection of his conquests of me. Some of his cum had started to dry on my chest. The rest was soaked up by my blouse. I was sure it would appear spotted. As I pulled up my jeans I realized the denim would be rubbing against my unprotected pussy. I was going to be left teasing myself all day. Mr. Thompson sat back at his desk and appeared to be pondering his options.
"I really can't have one of my salesmen show you the cars. There will not be any commission on this sale because there's no profit. Plus I sort of told them about last Sunday so they'd probably rape you."
I thought to myself he'd practically raped me. Twice. So what was the problem?
"I know. I'll let Myra do the test drive. She's been wanting to break into sales. This will be a good test for her."
He picked up the phone and dialed the front desk extension and told Myra to come to his office.
"Myra just graduated from USC with a degree in Bilingual Education. She wants to be a teacher but she hasn't found a job yet so she figured she could sell cars. I'm not ready to put her on the floor yet, but I like having her around. She has tremendous some assets."
I knew which assets he was talking about. I heard a knock at the door. Mr. Thompson told her to come in. I got a better look at Myra. Even as a woman I had to admit she was smoking hot. Her jeans seemed to be painted on. Her lips were pouty and her hair was a unique combination of brown with red and blond highlights. It looked stunning. She had dark smoldering eyes and I wondered what it took to light the passion her body exuded.
"You wanted to see me Mr. Thompson?" she said. Her voice was husky.
"Yes, Myra. This is Brooke. She's a friend of the dealership. I want you to take her for a test drive in that S40 that's been here for a couple of months. If she buys, you can get the commission."
Myra seemed elated at the prospect of finally getting to sell a car.
"Let me get the keys and we can go," she said to me.
She walked out of the office and I followed. Myra asked for a copy of my driver?s license, made a copy for the dealership's record, got the keys and picked up a magnetic dealership license plate. On the way out she began asking me what I was looking for in a car, what price range I was looking at and other questions I associated with a salesperson trying to size up a potential client.
I told her that my step-dad was a vendor and that Mr. Thompson was helping me out by giving me a discount. She told me she'd heard of his special discounts before and warned me to be careful. I told her not to worry that I knew how to handle myself.
When we got to the car, a white Volvo, Myra took care to walk me around the car. Somehow she always managed to position her body so I could sneak a peek at it without arousing suspicion. She then opened the trunk. While showing me how spacious it was, she bent over the fender. I got an eyeful of how nice her jeans held her ass and was distracted by the curve of the small of her back.
Once the plate was affixed to the rear of the car we were off. Myra admitted she didn't know much about this model but said it had a good reputation. The interior was hot due to sitting in the sun on the lot and Myra's body was making it hotter. She turned on the air conditioning full blast and directed the control nozzle onto me. The effect of the cold air was immediate and pointy.
After having Mr. Thompson's cock and now watching this captivating woman, my arousal systems were on high alert. Myra insisted on driving at first. She said we needed to buy gas and there was a station just up the road. Once there I watched as she twisted her body out of the driver's seat. I was in lust.
She started the pump using a company credit card and then asked if I could watch to make sure it didn't spill while she went to the bathroom. I said sure and she told me to take the driver's seat when it was done. I watched her ass walk away.
I was waiting in the car when I saw her come back out of the gas station. She had her purse in her hand and a little extra spring in her step. I watched intently as she twisted her body and entered the passenger seat butt first. I had not seen it at the car dealer, but I noticed now that the top of her thong had risen above the line of her pants. Not only was her whale tail showing, but she had tattoo on the small of her back and had lost her bra in the bathroom. She must have stuffed it in her purse. Looking at her breasts barely contained by the mesh top, I began to salivate. Myra caught me staring, but didn't seem offended.
"It's too damn hot for a bra. You don't mind do you? It's just us girls here."
I swallowed hard, unable to vocalize an answer. Myra directed me out onto the road. Her nipples had become as hard as mind due to the cold air blowing from the AC. At least I told myself that was why her nipples were so hard. Mine were hard from a combination of the cold air and her hot body, but I couldn't tell her that. If this was how she planned to treat the male customers, I had no doubt she would be a very successful car saleswoman.
As I drove, I kept sneaking glances at Myra. The mesh covering her fabulous breasts only served to tease the view about what was contained underneath. My breasts are nice, but hers were spectacular. I could feel myself getting wet just thinking about them. When I almost ran off the road, the shock snapped me back to reality.
"Sorry about that," I said. "I let myself get distracted."
"I noticed," she said. Her husky voice was turning me on even more.
Myra pointed to a parking lot at an office building.
"Pull in there and park in the back."
I did without question and then put the car in park. Myra turned to face me. I was scared to turn toward her. This was how I always got in trouble.
"Look at me Brooke," she began. I didn't want to. From my peripheral vision I could see her arm moving up and down. I didn't want to give in and look at what she was doing.
"Look at me Brooke."
My will to resist was gone. I had lasted at least 10 minutes with her. I turned to face her and she was lazily drawing her fingers across her hard nipples.
"You've been staring at these since you walked into the dealership. You want to touch them don't you?"
I shook my head.
"Yes you do. Fred, or do you still call him Mr. Thompson, told me all about the two of you."
My eyes were riveted to her hands and to her nipples.
"He said you love nipple play. Well so do I. Here, play with them."
I watched as Myra continued to play with her nipples and then cup her breasts lifting them toward my gaze. I wanted to rip that damn mesh off and bury my face in her chest. As if she was reading my mind, Myra opened the buttons on the mesh top freeing her twin beauties.
** pic **
"Suck my nipple Brooke," she cooed. "I know you want to and it would feel so good."
Every time she spoke and every time she squeezed one of her nipples I could feel my resistance waning. Her breasts were perfect and there for the taking. I had resisted as long as I could. When Myra took her left breast in her hand and lifted it up as if to feed it to me, I leaned over and began to suckle it.
"That's it baby. Suck my nipples. Make me feel good."
I couldn't believe I was licking a complete stranger in an office parking lot. My pussy was flooding again just like it had done when Fred first filled my mouth with cock about an hour ago. Myra gave me just a taste. Less than a minute later she pushed my head away and buttoned up her top.
"So let's talk about you buying this car," she said.
"No let's talk about going somewhere to fuck," I replied.
"First things first. What did Fred tell you about this car?"
"He said it was a trade and that it had been on the lot too long so he'd give it to me for cost."
"What price did he quote?"
I told her and she shook her head.
"That's not really his cost. He's got some profit. Plus you have to add in tax and title. Is that in your budget?"
"It's a little high. My step-dad is supposed to be helping."
Myra had started to absentmindedly play with her nipples through the mesh again. She may or may have not realized she was doing it, but I certainly did. Had I been more experienced in negotiations I would have realized she was doing exactly the same thing to me than I had done to Mr. Thompson on my step-dad's behalf. I was negotiating for the car, but I was focused on her amazing breasts and when I'd get to suck them again.
Myra had moved the conversation from the purchase of the car back to what I would do to get access to her body. I had overheated again. I had to have her. Why did that always seem to happen when somebody aggressive wanted to take advantage of me? I heard myself agreeing to meet Myra that night. She said if I helped her with a problem, I assumed that was code for eating her pussy or having her fuck me, she could get the car down to the true cost. She also said she could probably work on getting the price down a bit below cost to help cover the tax, but that would involve "bribing" the business manager. I asked what that meant and she said she had heard he made special deals for one of the saleswomen who gave him a hummer. I probably should have asked if she was volunteering herself or if she was volunteering me, but I didn't. Myra told me she would text me later with the address to meet her. She also told me to dress for easy access. I agreed to her terms and she smiled a smile that just melted my soul.
"We're both going to enjoy tonight, Brooke."
I nodded. She looked deep into my eyes and once again unbuttoned the mesh top. She pulled it all the way off and then looked at me. I leaned over and took her left nipple into my mouth again. From the sounds she made and the arousal scent filling the car I knew I was pleasing her. My own nipples ached to be touched and sucked the way I was doing her. I wondered why she didn't unsnap her jeans and let me feast on her pussy. Maybe she wanted to leave me something to look forward to, but she only let me have her breasts. I was probably as wet as she was in anticipation of her returning the favor, but after a couple of minutes she pushed me away and grabbed her bra from her bag.
"Tonight you can finish that and then I'll take care of you."
I watched in frustration as she put her bra back on and buttoned up her top. She then had me drive back to the dealership. My jeans were soaked by my juices and despite the heat, Myra rolled down the windows to air out our collective smells. As we exited the car I gave her my best puppy dog eyes with my "I'd really like to just fuck you here" looks. Again she just smiled.
"I know, I know. Just keep your engine running until I get off of work. You won't regret it."
I gave her a little pout.
"Oh, and no masturbating this afternoon. I want your pussy ready for me. I like my dates feminine. Shave your pussy, legs and underarms. Wear a dress or skirt and no underwear."
There went my plans for the day, but I knew I'd be waiting for her text message.
I went home. It was a struggle not to stop on the way home and take care of my aching pussy. I scarcely could believe how hot Myra had made me and how much I was looking forward to her completing her conquest of me tonight. My step-dad asked how my meeting with Mr. Thompson went. I told him about the car and how much it would cost. He said he could help with the down payment and the monthly cost. I didn't tell him that Myra said she could get the cost lower if I fucked her tonight and possibly even more if I was willing to blow the finance manager. I figured if I was earning this car, I should keep whatever discounts I can get.
All afternoon I thought of Myra. My pussy was always wet and it was a struggle not to tear off my pants and masturbate. I kept staring at my phone waiting for it to vibrate. Finally at 6pm I figured I'd better get ready. I took a quick shower and then filled the tub so I could shave as Myra had instructed. I usually kept a landing strip above my pussy, but tonight I shaved it bald. I felt like a little prepubescent girl, although I knew that in a few hours I wouldn't be acting like one. After I finished bathing I started looking through my closet. Myra had told me not to wear underwear. It just gets in the ways anyway, I thought. Since Myra had been wearing black I decided on a black halter top that left a few inches above my belly button exposed and supported my breasts well without a bra. True, my nipples would show through it if I got excited, but I was sure Myra wouldn't mind.
Back into my closet I went until I found a floppy little skirt. I thought about wearing one of my minis, but Myra had specifically told me easy access. This skirt came down almost to my knees, but was loose enough to rise above my butt without much effort. After putting the skirt on I twirled in front of the mirror. It rose as it spun and I almost exposed myself. If we went dancing, I'd have to be careful to keep from exposing myself. I felt naughty. It was delicious. I raised the skirt while looking at myself in the mirror and gave my sweet kitty a little rub. I felt heavenly and prayed she would be contacting me soon.
I went downstairs a little after 7. My mom and step-dad were in the family room watching TV. My mom commented on my outfit, saying it was cute, unaware of my going commando. She asked if I had a date and I said one of the girls from the car dealer had invited me dancing. I wasn't totally lying, although I hoped one of her dance steps would involve her pussy and my mouth.
I ended up hanging out with them until just after 9 when my phone vibrated. I'd been getting antsy waiting for Myra. My mom couldn't understand why I didn't know what time we were going. I'm pretty sure she didn't notice my rubbing my legs together as my mind thought its dirty thoughts while I waited, but if she did she didn?t mention it. Myra's text said she'd be there in five minutes and that I'd better be ready. I was just standing up after reading the text and I figured I'd meet her outside, when the doorbell rang. Drat, now I'll have to invite her in and explain her to my mom.
I opened the door and there she was. She was still wearing the blue jeans and the mesh top. As I anticipated, her bra was gone. Over her top was an unzipped leather jacket and in place of the heels she wore at work, were leather boots with about a 2 inch heel. I practically drooled and immediately tried to sneak a peek under the jacket at her breasts. She responded by zipping up the jacket until it was about even with her nipples. You could see the mesh and at the right angle, the creamy tops of her globes. I knew they were there, but I'd bet my mom would see anything out of the ordinary.
I took Myra into the family room to introduce her. My mom was perfectly hospitable, but I almost had to push Sam's tongue back into his mouth as he responded like a cartoon dog. He immediately stood up to shake Myra's hand, but I knew he was really trying to look down her top. I wanted to get out of there as fast as we could so I asked Myra if we needed to get going. She said we did and even apologized for being a little late.
Myra asked where the bathroom was before we left and I ushered her down the hall toward our guest bathroom. When we got to the door, Myra looked back toward the family room to make sure we were not being followed. Satisfied we were alone, Myra pushed me up against the wall and began kissing me with a ferocity that took my breath away. She pulled her lips off mine a few moments later leaving me open mouthed waiting for more.
"Let's see if you followed my instructions."
I watched, unable to move, as she stuck her hand up my skirt. I felt it ride higher and higher up my thigh until it contacted my slick pussy. After one slide across up my moist slit, Myra pushed her middle finger into my pussy.
"So far so good. Easy access and wet. Just as I requested." She then took her hand and scooped my right breast out of the halter. My nipples got hard as soon as she kissed me and there was nothing stopping her from giving my nipple a good hard squeeze. "Time to go sweetness. We're going to have so much fun together."
I was aching in need for her continued touch as I followed her out of the house. When we got to the street I was shocked to find a motorcycle instead of a car. I voiced my concern of riding in a skirt as Myra threw her leg over the saddle of the Harley Sportster 1200, but she just patted the pillion seat and told me not to keep her waiting. I bunched up as much of the skirt as I could and lifted my leg up over the seat. I was glad it was dark because I knew I'd just given anyone who could see a nice beaver shot. I settled myself on the seat. Now I understood why Myra didn't want me wearing underwear. The hot leather of the seat plastered right against my womanhood. As she started the engine, the V-Twin engine's vibrations were effectively transferred right to my dripping pussy. I asked how far we were going and she said far enough.
I didn't understand what that meant until we got moving. Every time Myra accelerated or hit a bump, I received a delicious shock to my pussy. I could feel my arousal begin to build and it struck me that "far enough" could refer to how long it would take me to cum on the back of her bike. Or it could mean far enough to arouse me to the point of doing anything she asked. Either way I was getting turned on. I wrapped my arms around her body and pressed my nose into the back of her leather jacket. The smell was intoxicating. Whenever we stopped at a stoplight, I would wrap my arms around her magnificent breasts and cup them. She'd tell me to calm down, but I knew she loved it.
I wasn't really even paying attention where were going. When we were moving I was sitting atop a giant vibrator, my pussy flooding the bike's seat, and when we stopped I was teasing my soon to be lover. It was starting to be a great night. I snuggled myself against Myra's muscular frame and let myself go in the fantasy of her taking me into the darkness for a passionate night of debauchery. It was a fantasy I was enjoying thoroughly until we pulled up to a little tattoo parlor and she switched the engine off. My pussy was stuck to the seat and I had to pull myself off as I dismounted the bike. Looking down I was embarrassed to see a big wet patch on the top of the seat. Myra didn't seem concerned. I suppose she'd seen it before.
"Before we go in, let me tell you want is happening. My brother works here. He's the one who did my back tattoo. He's a great artist, but he had a little run-in with the law a couple of years ago and he just finished up a 9 month stretch at the county jail. His ex-boss was nice enough to rehire him, but the business has changed and he needs to start doing piercings too. The only problem is he doesn't have experience and nobody wants to be first. That is where you come in?"
"What?" I exclaimed. "You want your brother to pierce me?"
Myra reached forward and popped my breasts free again. We were standing on the sidewalk in front of the shop as she again tweaked my nipples and I felt my legs getting weak.
"Why yes I do. Just look at these perfect nipples," she said while kneading them to full hardness between her fingertips. "I know how it turns you on to play with them. Imagine what it would be like to have a ring through them so they were always erect."
That didn't sound like a good plan to me, but she was 100% correct about what her fingers were doing to me and my resistance. I was literally panting on the sidewalk as she dropped my left breast and stuck her hand under my skirt again.
"Don't lie to me and tell me you don't this. If you want this puffy pussy taken care of tonight you'll walk inside and let my brother pierce you."
Myra continued to play with my nipples and finger fuck me in front of the shop. Although only a few cars drove by and nobody honked, in my mind I pictured them all watching what Myra was doing and knowing that I would follow any order in order to entice her to continue. I finally said OK and we walked inside. There was a man behind a counter who Myra introduced as the owner. He looked me up and down with a lascivious smile. I knew he had seen Myra toying with me in front of his shop.
Myra's brother turned out to be as handsome as she was beautiful. He took us into his back room and then excused himself to get his supplies. Myra patted a chair that looked like it belonged in a dentist's office and told me to sit down. She deftly unhooked my halter top so I was sitting passively topless when he returned. He was a professional. He didn't mention my nudity or make any crude jokes. He pulled out a couple sample nipple rings and bars and asked Myra how she wanted it done. I felt like a piece of meat as they discussed the relative strengths and weaknesses of each style I didn't have any input even though it was my nipples they were discussing. Finally a thin hoop style about an inch in diameter was decided upon. Myra's brother began sterilizing his needles while Myra began licking my nipples to prepare them.
The pain of the first piercing was intense and I screamed out to release the tension in my body. Myra's brother tried to get me to calm down, but I couldn't. Myra had the solution. She simply raised my skirt and went down on me. This quickly calmed me. He told me to hold on tight to the side of the chair when he did my other nipple because he didn't want to miss. I didn't want him to even try, but I could feel Myra's tongue hitting all the right spots and I didn't want her to stop either. Myra's brother began to fondle my other breast. I'm sure I was flooding his sister's face. I could tell his cock was hard in his pants and I wondered if Myra intended on having me fuck him.
Finally it was time. He held my nipple tight and I braced for the pain I knew was coming. Just before he stuck me with the needle, Myra clamped her mouth down on my clit and started sucking for all she was worth. I tried not to shake as my orgasm consumed me. I felt the pressure on my nipple, but no pain. It was being overridden by the pleasure Myra was giving me. Once I felt the hoop slide through my nipple, the tension drained from my body and I could let the pleasure of her tongue wash over me. I was just coming down when I felt his hard cock brush my lips. It seemed like the least I could do so I parted my lips. I felt his cock press into my mouth and I realized two things. First, hygiene must be optional in prison. His cock tasted foul as he pushed it as far as he could into my mouth trying to find my throat. The second thing I realized was that he wasn't circumcised. I'd never been with an uncut man before and it was definitely a different sensation as I began to fellate him.
I was lying on my back in the chair with my head off the edge of the backrest as Myra's brother accepted the pleasure I was providing his cock. I saw Myra walk out of the room. I guess she felt her work was done now that I had cum. I rolled over onto my side so I could give her brother my full attention. I began to stroke his cock with my right hand. My saliva had liberally coated it so as I continued to nibble and suck on the head, I was able to give him a hand job at the same time. My left hand found its way between my legs. I figured if I was going to blow a stranger, at least I could get some pleasure of it.
For somebody who'd been in jail, Myra's brother lasted a great deal longer than I would have guessed before blowing his load into my mouth. Thankfully his spunk was not as foul as the skin of his cock. In fact, it was some of the best tasting seed I'd ever taken. Myra's brother had just finished dumping his salty treat into my mouth when she returned. Her mouth was tightly closed, although she had a bit of a strained giggle happening. As her brother stepped out of the way, she took my head in her hands and turned me back upright. She then held my head tightly while she slowly dribbled the owners' jizz from her mouth into mine. Both men watched this show and cheered as she finished the spunk transfer and then proceeded to forcefully kiss me.
You might think I'd be horrified at what she did, but it really didn't bother me. My hand was still between my legs and if she'd given me a few more minutes, I'd have cum in front of all three of them. But Myra had other plans for the rest of the night so after she finished kissing me, she told me to get dressed again. On our way out of the shop both men told us to come back anytime. The owner said I'd look hot with a pierced belly button and clit. I told him I'd think about it, but was already trying to summon up the courage to return.
Myra straddled her motorcycle and steadied it so I could mount the passenger seat. I knew immediately upon sitting down that I would again be stuck to it when I reached our next destination, but I didn't care. I just leaned into her intoxicating leather jacket and gave into the vibrations as we sped off into the night.
I expected us to go to a club or a party where Myra could show me and probably my new piercings off. Instead we pulled into the parking lot of a dingy no-tell motel. It looked like the kind of place that rented rooms by the hour. But I was sure we were not there for a spa treatment. I just hoped the bed and bathroom were clean.
As I got off the motorcycle, Myra grabbed me in a tight embrace and forced her tongue back into my mouth. This time I pushed back attempting to be the aggressor. I grabbed her head before she had the chance to grab mine and pulled her mouth even tighter against my own. My actions left her hands free to begin roaming over my body. Up and down my sides, across my ass and finally her middle finger once again in my pussy. Just like in front of the tattoo parlor, she began to finger bang me in public. And just like before my knees began to get weak. My head was spinning with lust at being exhibited in such a compromising position. Finally I couldn't take any more so I released her head and pulled my mouth back enough to shout, "Take me to bed, now!!!"
My inside voice apparently had been overrun by my outside voice as I screamed for her to take me much louder than I anticipated. It was then I noticed the couple standing outside their room door holding an ice bucket. The guy was definitely interested in what Myra was doing to me. Strangely enough, the girl seemed indifferent.
Noticing my gaze at our audience, Myra pulled her finger from my pussy and had me lick it clean for their entertainment. She then took my hand and escorted me toward them. When we reached the sidewalk in front of the rooms, she said, "My little nympho couldn't wait."
I was humiliated and looked down at the sidewalk. Myra continued, "We're upstairs in 202. My friend loves to gobble cum." She then looked right at the guy ignoring the girl. "If you want to blow a load on her, come upstairs in about half an hour."
I expected the woman to be mad at Myra, but instead she made a counter offer. "Why wait?"
The man looked confused, but he and his lady followed Myra and me up the stairs. Myra unlocked the room. It was very basic. There were two twin sized beds, a low dresser which doubled as a TV stand, a dirty looking chair and carpet which looked like it had not been vacuumed in years. As I took a quick appraisal of the room, I immediately noticed that next to the TV was a quality assortment of dildo, vibrators, cuffs, paddles and a bottle of lube. Apparently Myra had setup the room before she came to pick me up. I was speechless. Fortunately Myra was not.
"Brooke, I was planning on having you choose your own implement of pleasure, but I think you need another load of sweet cum first."
I turned my attention to the man and woman we had just met. His hard-on was clearly showing through his pants. I couldn't believe the woman was just going to let me blow him until he opened his wallet and gave her a stack of folded bills. Then it hit me. She was a hooker. That was hardly a surprise in this neighborhood, but then the second part of the equation hit me. She just got paid, but Myra expected me to do her work.
I watched as she tucked the bills into her small purse and then unzipped the man's pants. She reached in and fished out his cock. It wasn't big. Actually it was pretty small. I guess that is why he hired a prostitute. She started stroking it and Myra gave me a little push. We came together with me on my knees and the hooker wrapping my hair around her hand.
I could hear Myra moving behind me, but I had no clue what she was doing. At that moment my life was centered on this John's cock and the hooker holding my head over his cock. Apparently the situation was too much for little dick as he quickly blew his tart jizz into my mouth. I was happy to be done, that was for sure, as I gulped down every drop. I expected the hooker to have me service her next, but she just let go of my hair and escorted her client out of the door. I looked back at Myra, my pussy was on fire. She was standing at the dresser as if she were evaluating the toys.
"You like swallowing cum almost as much as I do, don't you?" she asked. I nodded. I didn't have a lot of experience, but I did enjoy it.
"What's your favorite position to get fucked?" she asked.
"Doggie, I guess."
"Well ruff ruff then. Up on the bed my back door princess."
I scampered onto the bed on my hands and knees. Myra didn't bother removing my skirt. She just flipped it up over my ass before she slid the first dildo into my pussy. For the next while she alternated different toys in my pussy and ass and then she used the paddle on me. The sensations were wonderful, each on different from the last. I was falling hard for Myra and when she buried a vibrator in my ass, gave me two hard spanks and then crawled onto the bed so I could eat her, I was in love.
She managed to get me close to another orgasm a couple of times before she took her position in front of me. The vibrator in my ass would hold me steady as she ordered me to pleasure her. I was working as hard as I could to make her cum, both out of an intense desire to please her and the knowledge that after she came, hopefully I could too.
I had her building to what I hoped would be a serious orgasm when I heard a knock at the door. I heard Myra yell, "Come in" and the door opened. Apparently the locks on this motel's doors required the deadbolt be set for any security. Into our room walked the hooker with another man in tow. I guess she figured if I'd earned her money once, I'd do it again. As it turned out, that is exactly what Myra suggested.
This guy was very turned on by watching me service Myra's pussy. The vibrator buzzing in my ass probably didn't hurt either. As soon as Myra climaxed, I felt the hooker spank my ass indicating I should be back on my knees again. This time she had me do the work of unzipping her John and fishing out his cock. At least this guy had more meat to work with. Thankfully he didn't last any longer than the first guy, but unfortunately he decided to pull his cock out just as he was starting to spurt leaving my face glazed in rich creamy filling. The hooker left again and Myra went back to the dresser.
"I thought I'd have to paddle you to convince you to see things my way, but you're getting off on being a tramp aren't you?"
I held my head down in shame and agreed with her.
"There is nothing to be ashamed about. Being a slut is liberating. There are no rules except have fun and come as often as you can."
I watched as Myra picked up a strap-on from the counter.
"You've earned a good fucking and I'm going to give it to you."
Although doggie is my favorite position, I jumped back onto the bed and lay down on my back. I wanted to see her fuck me. I spread my legs in an invitation to her and began to finger my nipple rings in an effort to entice her. She had a fire in her eyes as she looked at me while stroking her cock.
"No doubt about it honey. With a little practice you could be an A1 slut."
I didn't have time to answer as she pounced on me skewering me with her fake cock. The pleasure of her hips grinding into my pubic bone was supplemented by the vision of womanhood hovering above me. Each thrust brought a shake of her amazing tits into my face. I wished I could reach them with my mouth, but I was too busy moaning to worry about it too much. Myra was relentless. She fucked me hard through two solid orgasms and came once herself. My second cum was triggered by hers as I watched her face contort in the sexiest ways as she froze her thrusts and arched her back.
I was scarcely back to Earth when the door opened yet again. The hooker had a third John in tow. I wondered where she was finding them so fast. I was still pinned under Myra as I looked at the guy. He was good looking. I wondered by he needed a hooker. Perhaps his wife wouldn't suck his cock. That wouldn't be a problem in this room.
Myra announced that since doggie was my favorite position and that she hadn't had enough of my sweet pussy yet I should blow him while she did me from behind. She pulled her cock out of my smoldering pussy and rolled off the bed. I jumped into position on my hands and knees in anticipation. I knelt near the foot of the bed so my customer could stand in front of me. His cock was clean and his pubes were trimmed. I remember thinking this was a nice change of pace as he pushed his rigid member into my waiting mouth.
Soon after I felt Myra mount me again. Apparently she was inspired by our new partner because she began to bang me much harder than she had when she had me in the missionary position. I was slobbering all over the John's cock as I held on for dear life. My sounds of passion were muffled by his cock gag, but I could clearly hear the sounds of womanly pleasure. They had to be coming from Myra or the hooker. Again the guy decided not to fill my mouth, instead taking pleasure on coating my face. Why do guys like that so much?
As soon as he was done he walked back by the chair where his pants were laying. That gave me a chance to look forward into the mirror on the way. My face was a mess. That was not a surprise. What did surprise me was the hooker was feasting on Myra's nipples. She continued to pound her fake cock into me while the hooker alternated sucking both her twin beauties. I was envious. Even though I was getting more than enough attention from Myra's strap-on, I wanted more. I buried my head in the blanket and reached back to fondle my clit. I tried to match Myra's thrusts with thrusts of my own, but it proved to be too difficult to match our timing. Finally I gave up and just let her bang away at me until she howled as her tit and clit induced orgasm overtook her. With one savage final thrust, she threw me off the dildo and I crashed in a heap on the nasty carpet. My hand was still on my clit and on the safety of the floor my other hand found my breasts.
I was staring at the ceiling as my third orgasm wracked my body. I could hear Myra enjoying her second, but the only thing I could see was the upside-down John standing over me. As he and the hooker were walking out, I saw him drop a few more bills on the chair. Neither Myra nor I could move as we recovered from our shared climaxes. Eventually I recovered enough to stand up and lock the door. I then clicked off the light and snuggled with Myra on the dingy bedspread. She was already asleep.
I woke with a shot, literally. I heard a gunshot outside from not too far away. I had been spooning Myra, my right hand snaked through her arm pit and cupping her magnificent breast, while my left arm wrapped over her hip where I could grab her cock. I snapped awake immediately, an adrenaline rush coursing through my veins and acutely aware of my surroundings. She groggily began to stir.
I dismounted the bed and walked into the bathroom. It wasn't the cleanest I'd ever seen, but it wasn't too bad. I took a quick pee and splashed some water on my face. By the time I walked back into the room, Myra was up, dressed and putting her toys into a backback.
By the time we walked out of the room, I could hear the sound of police sirens and saw an ambulance drive past. If only everyone could fuck instead of fight I thought as I once again spread my naked pussy across Myra's motorcycle seat.
*** Chapter 04 ***
The ride home on the back of Myra's motorcycle from the motel was uneventful. I was tired from the night of fucking and sucking and I hoped Myra had more energy than I did as she piloted the bike through the cooling night air. My body was getting chilled as I hugged Myra tightly, although my pussy was still hot on her passenger seat. We got back to my house about 3:30 am. I peeled myself off the seat for the third time tonight, gave her a kiss and went inside. I didn't even bother stripping out of my clothes before I was under my covers and fast asleep. I was exhausted, but satisfied, from the night's adventure. Fortunately my parents were quiet the next morning and I managed to sleep until almost noon. I woke refreshed and after a nice hot shower, made my appearance downstairs as a perfect angel instead of wanton cum-slut.
Later in the day Sam and I talked about the car. I told him Myra promised to talk to the business manager about cutting the price a little more. He knew he had Mr. Thompson as a client thanks to me so he promised to have the business cut a check for the car. The next morning I walked into the dealership with a bank check in my hand. I was glad Mr. Thompson was at one of his other dealerships so I would not have to deal with him. Myra was there and she took my hand promising to guide me through the process. She wanted to be sure I didn't get ripped off by any of the dealer add-ons which can drive up the price dramatically. I told her I had a check with me and that was how much I was going to spend. I hoped she had already talked to the business manager this morning and that everything was already squared away.
In the end, I left two hours later in a slightly used Volvo S40. I had a spring in my step and a belly full of the business manager's cum, but I felt great. I couldn't wait to show off my car to Carleen and Betty. I had not talked much to either of them since Betty took me to the rave. Carleen wasn't home, but Betty was there and congratulated me. All day I drove from friend's house to friend's house showing off my car. I was so excited.
After that day, the summer calmed down a bit. I was working trying to save spending money for college. On the weekends I wasn't with my dad I usually went out with Myra.
We didn't always repeat our fuck fest at the motel, but I almost always rode without panties on the back of her motorcycle. By the time we'd get to where she wanted to go, I'd be ready to do whatever she told me to do. I also went back to see her brother and got my belly button pierced.
Once again the cost was a sloppy blowjob for him and the shop's owner. Since Myra wasn't with me this time, I took care of them both. The owner kept pressing for me to get my clit pierced, although I didn't know if that was for my benefit or his.
Every time I saw Myra she told me that Mr. Thompson hoped I would visit the dealership again soon. I knew this was code for "I want to fuck you on my desk again," but I was seriously considering going. He had a nice cock and I was tiring of Myra's strap-on. It was the Thursday morning before I was planning to leave for school on Sunday when I got a text from Mr. Thompson. He said he was hosting an end-of-quarter party for his sales staff and he hoped I would come. I called Myra and she said she wasn't sure if she was going. She told me about the games they liked to play. Between the five dealerships Mr. Thompson owned, there were about 40 salesmen and 5 saleswomen. There were also a few "hostess" girls like Myra. I couldn't imagine anyone else like Myra, but I understood what she meant. She said that after everyone was done swimming and drinking, invariably one of the girls would be drunk enough to open the glory hole.
"What's a glory hole?" I asked.
Myra explained that in the stall nearest the wall there was an opening where the guys could stick their cocks. Whoever was in charge of the glory hole sucked them off. Neither the sucker nor the suckee knows who was on the other side. She told me it was pretty hot and that she usually ended up getting her fill by the end of the night. She said Mr. Thompson even wired up a light switch next to the hole. Whenever a girl was ready, she just had to flip the switch to turn on a light in the outer room. She usually didn't have to wait long for a customer. Myra said she loved teasing the guys trying to keep them from coming as long as she could. She told me since she knew I loved to suck cock, this would be my chance to get as much as I wanted. That sounded like a fun way to end my summer before college.
I told my step-dad that I'd been invited to the party and he said he had too. In fact he and my mom were going to go. So much for me having fun, I thought.
I decided on wearing the same summer dress I'd worn the first time I went to Mr. Thompson's house. I knew it was sexy and showed off an ample amount of cleavage. I also picked my sexiest swim suit.
It was a one piece suit, but it tied at the bottom like a bikini, was made with a mesh spider web design everywhere except over my nipples and pussy, had a halter style top to hold everything in place and connected the top and the bottom sections with three vertical strips, two in front on either side of my breasts and one in the back. It was my favorite suit and I knew it would drive the guys crazy. I also knew it could be untied with just three knots if the need arose. And I certainly intended to have that need fulfilled.
I rode to the party with my mom and step-dad. It was a major downer to be with them. My only hope was they would be leaving early before the rowdy and hopefully sexy behavior started. We were greeted at the door by Mrs. Thompson who introduced herself as Cindy. She seemed friendly enough, although since I'd been sleeping with her husband I was very cautious around her.
The party was lively, although not too crazy. Most people were either hanging out by the pool or inside in the kitchen. Nobody was swimming. The mix was mostly male, as Myra had warned me since the sales force was almost exclusively men along with a few women. A few women, wives and the hostess girls like Myra, were there, but not too many. I figured I'd have my pick of single guys once my parents left and I could get a little wild. My mind kept thinking back to what Myra said about the glory hole. I figured she must have been joking so I made a trip to the pool house.
In the common room I did see an out of place light above the men's bathroom door. There was no reason for that light to be there since there wasn't a corresponding light above the lady's room door. Maybe she had been telling the truth. I went into the women's bathroom. There were two stalls just like I had remembered. I'd used the first stall last time I was here and didn't find anything unusual. This time I chose the stall by the wall. I noticed this stall was a little wider than the other. There was also a switch on the wall next to metal plate that was hinged on the top. I guess she had been telling me the truth. I couldn't resist flipping up the plate. Underneath was a round hole about 4 inches in diameter. I couldn't see into the men's room because there was a matching plate on the other side.
The wild times had not started yet, but I was curious so I flipped the switch. I wanted to see how long it took to get a customer. I waited a couple of minutes. I'd been the only one in the pool house so I figured I might have to come back later. Just as I was about to give up for now, I heard the plate on the men's side start to move. I was giddy with anticipation as a semi-stiff cock came through the thin wall. It was black and fairly thick. A nice specimen I remember thinking. I gave it a few tugs with my hand to make it harder and then dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth. It quickly swelled to its full size as I alternated sucking and stroking its length. I tried to imagine what the person on the other side of the wall must be thinking. Clearly they had to be pressed up tight against the wall which couldn't be comfortable. Of course, in exchange for the discomfort they were getting their dick sucked. My knees were getting sore on the tile floor, but in exchange for my discomfort, I'd soon be getting a tasty treat. It seemed like a win/win situation for everyone involved.
Soon I could feel the cock stiffen even more and I knew my reward was at hand. I felt a couple of small drops of cum on my tongue and then a huge blast hit the back of my throat. This guy's balls must have been full because he unloaded a river of cum into my mouth. I felt a few drops dribbling out of the corner of my mouth and down to my chin, but I managed to contain most of it and swallow it down.
As soon as he was done, he pulled back through the wall and lowered his plate before I could get a look. I was happy, but figured I had better get back to the party before my mom missed me. I flipped off the switch and lowered the wall plate. I stood up and tried to straighten my dress. As I walked out of the stall intending to rinse off the cum dribbling on my face I got another shock. Cindy was leaning against the counter.
"I saw the light was on so I snuck in to see who had opened up for business," she said. "Oh, you have a little overflow. Let me help."
I stood motionless as she reached out her hand and scooped up the cum off the edge of my mouth and chin. Looking at her I expected her to lick her fingers, but instead she pushed them into my mouth.
"You earned this. Don't miss a drop."
I couldn't believe the wife of the man I was having an affair with had just stuck her cum coated finger in my mouth. Sucking the cock had made me hot, but this made me wet.
"I know what you and Fred have done. I'm not mad at you. He's a very powerful man and I can see you respond to powerful people. We have a semi-open relationship. I don't mind him fucking you, but he has to share."
I stood there doe eyed trying to grasp what she was saying as I watched her pull up her sarong and hop onto the bathroom counter. I had assumed she had a bikini under her wrap, but I was wrong. As I looked between her spread legs I found a neatly trimmed, juicy pussy looking back at me.
"Time to earn your keep slut. I'll make sure you have plenty of cock to keep that sweet pussy of yours happy tonight, but you have to please me first. Otherwise I'll pass the word that you're not to be touched and I can make sure your step-dad loses the account. Deal?"
Heck, she didn't need to threaten me. She had me when she spread her legs. I bent over and buried my face between her thighs. She was sweet tasting. She'd obviously washed in anticipation of a big night. I lovingly lapped at her kitty alternating between teasing licks along her flowery petals and sucking hard on her clit. I could tell I was doing a good job and soon I was rewarded with the satisfaction that I left her moaning and shaking on the countertop as her orgasm consumed her. I didn't even wait for her to finish. I just walked out of the bathroom.
Myra and Sam, my step-dad, were standing in the common area chatting. When he saw me come out of the bathroom he got a guilty look on his face and quickly made an excuse to end the conversation and walked out without saying a word to me. I asked Myra what they were talking about and she said nothing important. She thought he was just trying to get a good look down her shirt. I asked if he had followed her in and she said no, he had come out of the bathroom a few minutes earlier after she and Cindy came in. She said he came over and started chatting while Cindy went inside the lady's room. I asked if she saw anybody else come out of the men's room and she said no. All of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach.
Just then Cindy came out of the bathroom and the three of us headed back to the party. Beer, wine and liquor was flowing along with plenty of finger food. One of the hostess girls got thrown in the pool. Things were starting to pick up. I noticed my mom and Sam had started having a heated discussion. I couldn't tell what they were arguing about but the end result was my mom stormed off. I caught her at the door as she was walking out. She said she was leaving. I said I wanted to stay. She said that was fine to just call her when I was ready to come home and she would get me. I told her not to worry I'd find a ride. With that, she was gone.
Cindy apparently had seen some of the exchange and appeared by my side as my mom was walking back to the car. She asked what happened and I told her she and Sam had a fight and she was leaving.
"Well, we'll just have to keep you then," she said with a light hearted tone.
She put her arm around me and started leading me back to the party. As we passed the bathroom, she pushed me in and locked the door behind us.
"I know just the thing to get your mind off your parents," she stated with the same tone she used in the pool house bathroom.
Once again I watched as she raised her sarong and hopped onto the vanity. She was right about that helping me forget my troubles. I wanted to say I could forget my troubles even better if I was the one sitting on the cabinet, but I didn't. Once again I bent over and began licking her pussy. This time it took longer for her to cum and several people knocked on the door encouraging us to hurry up. This time Cindy also grabbed my head when she came forcing my mouth tight against her pussy as she rode out her climax. My mouth was glistening with her joy as she stood up. She didn't let me wipe down before she opened the door and walked us out. There were several guys waiting for the bathroom. I felt like I was walking a gauntlet of shame as it was clear what I was doing with Cindy while they waited. Their looks of lust confirmed what was on their minds and I was sure they would be watching for when the pool house light went on again.
I grabbed another drink to wash out Cindy's flavor and then another. The party was starting to pick up. Sam was talking up one of the hostess girls who had already changed into a revealing bikini. Soon I saw Myra had also changed. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit that molded to her body like a second skin. Of course it could barely contain her massive chest and she had pulled the bottom tightly into the crack of her ass.
She told me to change into my swimsuit and escorted me to the pool house. By now a number of the salesmen were standing around in the common area. I wondered if word got around that the glory hole had already been open for business. I could feel their eyes on Myra and me as we walked into the bathroom.
"Are all those guys expecting to get their cocks sucked?" I asked her.
"Probably. I know your step-dad enjoyed his turn."
Again my stomach turned as I remembered how good it had felt to take his load in my belly, at least until I found out it was him. I didn't want to talk about it. Maybe she thought one of the other girls had serviced him so I let the subject drop. I slipped off my dress and started pulling on my swimsuit. As I was doing so, I saw Myra open the bottom cabinet under the sink and pull out a large pillow. She opened the far stall door, placed the pillow on the floor, flipped the switch and knelt down. Within a minute the tip of a soft cock pressed through the hole.
"Come on baby," she cooed. "You can do better than that for mama."
I watched as the cock retreated. I could hear the man furiously tugging on himself and then saw a much stiffer cock return. Myra immediately took him into her mouth. I had a perfect view of her sucking the cock as I leaned against the sink. I couldn't help myself. My own time at the hole and my two cracks at Cindy's pussy had left my own pussy in need. I stripped my suit back off and then I leaned against the countertop and fingered myself while I watch Myra put on her show. I wished Cindy was there to return the favor I gave her, but in her absence, my fingers were doing just fine. I friged myself with abandon trying to finish before Myra's blowjob did. I didn't know the protocol and I felt the need to cum as quick as I could. I was almost there when I saw Myra's cheeks puffing out and then her throat swallowing. This took me over the edge and I felt nothing but pleasure as I humped my fingers through a quality first orgasm on the night. Myra looked up at me as the deflating penis withdrew threw the wall. She had a satisfied grin on her face.
I was just calming down when another hard cock came through the wall. I guess she had not turned off the light yet. Myra pointed at me and curled her finger indicating I should come over. There was about 5 inches of thick hard cock sticking through the wall that Myra was stroking keeping it ready for me. Before I could kneel, Myra stood up, grabbed me and forced me against the wall like a cop arresting somebody. Of course instead of frisking me, I felt the head of the penis brushing against my pussy. It took a moment of adjustment, but I soon had it sliding into my pussy. Myra held me pinned to the wall and my anonymous lover soon got the idea and started thrusting through the hole.
Myra was frustrating me. I'm sure it was on purpose. I knew I'd never get the right depth and angle of penetration this way to make me cum. But it would get me hot. Myra kept whispering in my ears to think about all the different cocks at the party and asked how many I could take. It was a deliciously depraved situation. I could hear the guy banging his body against the wall. What I really wanted was to be in the bathroom with him so I'd be the one against the wall and the crucial few inches of his cock would not be wasted. That wasn't the game, however, at least not for now.
After a few minutes I heard the guy start making his pre-orgasmic guy grunts. Myra could hear it too and she pulled me back and pushed me down just in time for me to take the bulk of his shot on my chest and a few splats on my face. I reached up and flipped the switch off. I needed a break. Myra just laughed at me saying I would be back before she could say "cock sucking whore."
Just like Cindy, Myra wouldn't let me wash off the evidence of my actions. She helped me pull my suit on and then we walking into the common area among a mixture of applause and disappointment that we were leaving so fast. Myra spoke up for us.
"Don't worry boys. Next show is in half an hour."
I knew that promise would spread like wildfire through the party. Myra and I walked back onto the pool deck. Sam and Fred were standing there talking and I knew both saw the cum on my face. Both nodded and lifted their glass as if to toast me. I smiled back at them and then lost my balance as Myra pushed me into the pool. She then jumped in after me. I was a little angry at her, although at least my face was now clean. She quickly took me in her arms and gave me a deep kiss. All my problems were instantly forgotten. 29 minutes to go before the next show.
As you can imagine, the party got wilder the more people drank and the more often Myra and I visited the glory hole. I lost track of how many cocks I sucked. I managed to gobble up at least half their yummy loads, although some guys seemed determined to pull back just as they shot to deliver a facial. I didn't mind that much. That was what I was there for. Each time Myra and I would switch places, about every 15 minutes or so, I'd walk outside the bathroom to the cheers of whichever guys had assembled. I'd then jump back in the pool to clean off.
Myra and I had switched off three or four times when I found Cindy had joined the waiting queue in the pool house. She was still in her bikini, but she was sporting at least a 10" strap-on around her waist. She just stood there with the guys stroking her hard-on. Most of the other men were sporting wood in their swim suits, but I was shocked at her brazen display. She was next in line when the last customer came out of the men's room. She looked me in the eyes and then tapped the salesman to her right and told him to go ahead. He joyfully ran into the bathroom. She was obviously waiting for my turn.
I delayed as long as I thought Myra could last. She probably sucked off 3 more guys than she should have, but eventually I relieved her. The first thing through the hole was Cindy's obscene fake dick. It looked even bigger somehow since I couldn't see her. It was just a big piece of rubber hanging out of the wall. I knew from the look she'd given me while we were waiting that she wasn't expecting a simple blow job. In truth I didn't want to give her one. I would have preferred she took me in the house to fuck me properly, but if this was the only option, I was happy to take it. My pussy had been begging for more attention than my finger could give it and I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by.
Although I tried not to show it as we stared at each other while waiting to enter the bathroom, I wanted her bad. My pussy had been preparing itself to be violated as I watched her monster cock bob side to side. It was almost hypnotic. I was plenty wet to squat forward on the wall and push her cock into me. I didn?t even bother taking off my swim suit. I simply pulled the bottom aside and in it went. It felt wonderful. Much better, in fact, than the smaller cock Myra had guided me on earlier. This one was long, fat and able to hit all the right places. I knew the assembled crowd could hear my moans as I humped my body against the wall forcing the dildo in and out of my pussy.
It was a great ride, but I still couldn't quite get off so I dismounted and spun around. Dropping to my hands and knees, I couldn't get my ass up high enough to fuck myself doggie style. I stood back up just as Cindy began to withdraw. With cat like reflexes I grabbed the dildo with both hands and pulled her back. I pictured her with a big smile on her face as I spun myself around and bent over at the waist.
The strap-on now was at the correct height and I quickly slid my pussy back down its length. The sounds coming out of my mouth were primal as I began to rock my body forward and back forcing the cock deep into my pussy. As good as it felt when I was facing the wall that was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I build up as forceful a pace as I could muster, fucking myself harder and harder. I was starting to lose control of my faculties as I built myself up closer and closer to an incredible climax. My howls of pleasure echoed off the tiled wall as I screamed my head off. And then? nothing.
Without warning Cindy pulled the fake cock back through the wall. I fell to my knees in frustration. Why didn't she wait just another few strokes? I knew why. She was a bitch. I turned with my back against the stall wall and stared at the hole. Immediately my hand was in my pussy finishing what she had started. I was almost there again when I heard the bathroom door open. I was too far gone to stop. I didn't care who was coming in. The stall door opened and there was Cindy. Her presence was commanding as she stood over me. The strap-on hung menacingly in front of her still glistening with my pussy juices.
"Get that hand off your pussy and suck my cock," she yelled.
Immediately I obeyed as I scampered to my knees to take her deep into my throat. I knew my orgasm had been delayed. She'd probably make me eat her again before letting me cum. Oh well. An orgasm delayed is an orgasm improved. Cindy apparently had other plans.
After less than a minute, she pulled back the cock for a second time. I thought, "Oh goodie, she's going to fuck me again." She pulled me by the hair out of the stall and pushed me over to the counter. I quickly bent over it hoping to entice her into doing me from behind. I felt her behind me and prepared for her penetration. Instead I felt her untying the straps of my bathing suit. Whatever she wants, I figured.
Instead of shoving her big fake cock back into me, once I was naked she grabbed my hair again and led me through the door and back to the common room.
"This will teach you to fuck my husband without my permission," she hissed as she shoved me onto the wicker couch.
I bounced onto the cushion and spun around so I could see what was happening. Surrounding the couch were at least ten guys. All had their suits down and all had raging hard-ons.
"Have fun boys. She was just begging to cum so she'll be willing to do anything you want. Try to keep her from cumming for a while and I?m sure she?ll reward you. I'll be back in an hour or so to see how you're doing... Oh by the way, she loves cum baths so feel free to cover her in spunk."
I started to watch Cindy walk out the door, but my vision was quickly obscured by the first hard cock to appear in my face. All I had at that moment were feelings of pure lust. I wasn?t even mad at her. Earlier that night Cindy had promised me enough cock to keep my pussy happy and now she was delivering. While I began to suck the first guy I felt hands all over my body. I was being pawed and prodded from all angles. My boobs were being squeezed and pulled in opposite directions. Whoever was manipulating the right one apparently really liked my nipple ring because he kept flicking it with his finger. This was driving me wild. I would have told him but my mouth was full of cock.
I felt two fingers push into my pussy and begin to twirl around. They pulled back out coated in my fuck juice. I then felt a hand pull my ass cheeks apart and then felt the fingers at my back door. I tried to relax as I would when inserting a butt plug, but it was tough. The fingers had to work a bit to open my ass for business, but they were insistent. Finally buried several inches in, the fingers began to push in and out. While my ass was finger fucked somebody else began rubbing my clit. With the hands still on my nipples, clit and in my ass, I began to shake with excitement. Apparently that was enough of a visual to set off the man who stuck his cock in my mouth because I could feel him tensing. I felt him try to pull out before he shot, but I still caught the first sweet, sticky blob of cum flying into my open mouth. The second splattered across my nose. The third hit me between the eyes. After that, the gangbang started in earnest.
The men were almost gentlemanly. They pulled the cushions down to the floor and took turns fucking me. It was surreal to be lying on my back as a stranger went to town fucking my pussy while a rotating group of men stood over me stroking their cocks waiting for their turn. The guys would position me as they wanted, missionary, doggie, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl or plowboy and would fuck either my pussy or ass until they were ready to shoot. As Cindy had requested, they would pull out and spray their seed. By the time she returned I was covered in cum. My hair was tangled and stuck with dried cum. My face was a mess. My breasts were caked with dried goo as was the area around my pussy and ass.
I looked up at Cindy and asked her if this was all she had. She laughed and pointed at one of the men. They had all already blown at least one load on me, some of them two, but still there were plenty of hard dicks to go around. One of the men sat down on the couch and pulled me over to him. I mounted his glorious cock pressing my knees on the cushion. As I squealed with pleasure, I distinctly remember hearing Cindy snap her fingers. I then felt another cock pressing against my asshole. I loved the feeling of double penetration with my vibrators. Now I was going to get it with more cocks than I could count.
As assfucker number one began to go to town, I heard the door open again. I didn't know if it was Cindy leaving or more people entering. I guessed none of the guys would be leaving. Over and over guys took up position to pummel my ass while I humped the guy in my pussy for all I was worth. I was determined, in principle, to make him cum inside me. I continued to slam my pussy down his hot rod while the other sales men took turns with my ass. But I was the only one who was cumming. The men fucking my ass seemed to be pulling out and switching before they could cum and the guy I was riding must have been an ironman as he somehow held back.
I couldn't tell how many different people had me in the ass right then and how many had me more than once. I do know that eventually all good things have to come to an end and somebody pulled me off the cock I was riding and deposited me back on the floor. The guy I'd been riding for at least half an hour went first. He must have been straining to hold back because as soon as he stood over me he let loose a river of cum splattering across my chest. Droplets of cum were bouncing everywhere as he blasted away his frustrations. As he backed away I saw at least 15 guys in a circle around me. They were all yanking their cocks. Cindy's promised cum bath was about to begin. I'm struggling to describe the feeling of that much cum hitting your body in such a short period of time. Only my legs were spared being coated in their joy, although a few dropped either bounced or were jerked as far south as my right knee. My brain was on overload. I was furiously rubbing my clit as soon as I hit the floor and started cumming as soon as pussy fucker's first splat hit my body. I continued to cum through the entire onslaught, moaning and convulsing on the floor as I was covered in hot goo. Invariably some of the load found my open mouth despite Cindy's best intentions and I reveled in the taste. Orgasm aftershocks continued long after the last man finished cumming. The men all gathered their clothes and walked out while I was still lying on the floor quaking and trembling.
I must have passed out because when I woke again all was quiet. Apparently the party was over. The lights were dim in the pool house. I was still lying naked on the floor and all of the cum had dried on me. I felt particularly nasty and had trouble opening my eyes as the dried cum was sticking to my eyelids. I reached down and touched my pussy. It felt battered, but happy. I could tell my ass had been abused, but this too made me feel good. As I started to get my senses back, I could hear a few people still talking out by the pool. I figured jumping in the pool was the first step of my clean-up. I could only hope that whoever was out there knew what had happened to me and I wouldn't be shocking them with my cum crusted appearance. I also had to pee really badly. I tried to decide which to do first when I noticed the glory hole light was on. These parties really were wild if that was still going on. I wondered if it was Myra in the bathroom or maybe Cindy. After all she had put me through I wouldn't mind seeing how she handled a big cock. I pulled myself into an unsteady standing position and walked to the bathroom door.
I tried to open the door as stealthily as I could like Cindy had done to me earlier. I think I snuck into the bathroom successfully. I could see two feet sticking under the stall wall, but I could tell they didn't belong to either Myra or Cindy. In fact, the feet were masculine. I tried to peek through the crack of the stall door, but I could see much. Luckily my purse was still sitting on the bathroom counter and I was able to find my cell phone. I went into the second stall, both to pee and to spy. I reached my hand over the top of the divider and snapped a picture. I then sat down on the toilet and looked at my phone. As I released a loud stream of urine I was shocked at the image on my phone. There, in all his glory, was my step-dad Sam, sucking on what I presumed was Cindy's strap-on just as I had done hours earlier.
I flushed the toilet. Clearly he knew somebody was in the stall next to him. He must have seen me lying on the floor covered in cum so he should have guessed I had woken up. But the sounds from the stall next to me confirmed that either he was deaf or didn't care that somebody else was in the bathroom. I couldn't help but sit there and listen. It was like an accident on the highway that you have to look at. I'd been disgusted when Sam licked Mr. Thompson's sperm off the car seat. Now he was giving Mr. Thompson's wife a blow job. I felt sick to my stomach again. How could I tell my mom?
All of a sudden the room was silent. I guess Cindy had enough. Perhaps she was on her way into the bathroom right now to fuck him like she had done me. But the door never opened. I did hear noises begin again from Sam's stall. I lifted my phone and took another picture. I don't know if I was more or less distressed to see him sucking on a real cock this time, but somehow that seemed better to me. I couldn't really tell from the picture, but it looked like Mr. Thompson's cock was sticking through the wall. Apparently Sam was servicing both husband and wife to keep his contract. I decided to sneak back out of the bathroom and jump in the pool to try to feel clean. As I walked back into the common area Cindy was waiting for me.
"I wondered where you went. You were still sleeping soundly when I came in."
"Yeah, I was a little surprised what I found in the bathroom."
"I bet. Your step-dad loves your mom very much. He's doing what he needs to do to keep my husband's account. So were you for that matter."
I knew right then that kinky sex was going to be the price I had to pay for my car and the money my dad would earn to send me to college. Cindy took my hand and led me back into the bathroom. I could hear grunting coming from the glory hole as she bent me over the counter and pushed her strap-on back into me. She ground her hips into me pushing my clit against the edge of the countertop. My face was about 9 inches from the vanity mirror. My entire field of view was my body being violated again by the woman of the house and my face showing that I loved every minute of it. She was driving me closer and closer to yet another climax when I heard a shout of pleasure from the men's bathroom. Quickly after the stall door opened and my step-dad walked out to find me splayed on the end of Cindy's cock. She looked at him and said "Come here Sam."
She popped out of me and told me to sit on the counter. She then pushed Sam's face into my well used pussy.
"She's worked her ass off for you tonight, quite literally, Sam. It's time for you to return the favor."
Sam began licking my pussy. He was good at it. There was no doubt. No wonder my mom liked him. Soon he finished what Cindy had started as I was cumming in his face. He looked up at me with a look of satisfaction. Cindy apparently wasn't quite as satisfied as she grabbed his hips and took aim at his unprotected ass with the strap-on. She began to fuck him hard pushing his face into my dripping pussy. Sam looked like he was really enjoying having Cindy take his ass. I was sure it wasn?t the first time. She definitely was enjoying the power he had over him. His cock was hard as a rock and I watched as he started to stroke it. Cindy looked at me and told me to get beneath him.
I was disgusted when I sucked him off earlier, but now, after all I'd been through tonight, somehow it didn't seem so wrong. I slithered off the counter and sat down on the floor underneath him. I wasn't sure if Cindy intended for me to blow him again, so I just slapped his hand to get him to stop stroking himself.
His cock was big, beautiful and looked ready to burst. I was still disgusted by the thought of blowing my step-dad. Doing him through the glory hole was one thing, but at least I had the excuse that I didn't know who it was. If I did this now, I'd have no excuses. I decided I wasn't ready to do that so I spit on my hand and started stroking his member. He didn't seem to mind. I don't think I ever felt a cock as hard as his. I knew he couldn't last much longer.
Cindy was still sawing away at Sam's ass and now that I was in position under him she started calling him all kinds of filthy names apparently in an effort to make him cum. She urged him to unload again on my face. She told him he was a worthless pig. He told him Fred was expecting him to suck him off again later. Apparently the dirty talk worked because Sam grunted then sprayed another hot load into my face. Both of the loads he hit me with that night were mighty and I savored every drop that dripped over my lips and onto my tongue. I knew I'd never be able to tell my mom what just happened, but I also knew that I'd really enjoyed it this time.
Cindy pulled her cock out of Sam's ass. I was worried she'd have me clean it. I'd have done it too. But instead she took off the harness and through the whole contraption into the sink. Sam walked out of the bathroom. I was still sitting below the sink.
"You can come out now dear. You've done remarkably well tonight. You are welcome at our parties anytime. Get your dress back on and I'll have Myra give you a ride home."
I didn't bother to wipe my face. I'm sure Cindy would have told me not to anyway just like she'd done earlier. I wore the evidence of my evening proudly as I walked out of the bathroom, out passed the pool and up to the house. Myra was sitting on one of the patio chairs talking to the business manager. She looked a little shocked at my appearance, but didn't look down at me. Maybe she was even a little jealous about what I'd obviously just done. Cindy was right behind me.
"Hey Myra, can you give our little one here a ride home."
"Sure Cindy," she responded.
"Brooke, I've got one last souvenir for you as a remembrance of the party. Follow me."
I walked behind Cindy and I felt like a lamb being led to slaughter. I fully expected her to introduce me to her long lost brother or uncle that she expected me to fuck or tell me to do some other kind of degrading sex act for her amusement. It turned out to be not too bad, although under normal circumstances it could be considered degrading. I'm sure it amused her. By the front door, she had an antique secretary desk. She opened the front and there was a good sized butt plug and a vibrator waiting for me. Cindy grabbed the butt plug and without warning pushed it into my mouth.
"Get that good and slick. I don't have any lube."
She then turned her attention to the vibe which was turned on and then inserted into my hyper stimulated pussy. The buzzing was divine. I knew I would cum again soon if it was left inside me. Cindy popped the plug out of my mouth and told me to bend over. I did as she said and in it went. After the workout my ass got during the gang bang, the plug met little resistance before it seated itself at its base. Myra had joined us, her sexy body once again hidden by her leather jacket.
"Let's go, girl," she said.
Cindy gave me a passionate kiss and squeezed my ass. I walked out of the house following Myra. I had to hold my hand in front of my dress and pressed against my pussy to keep the vibrator from falling. The plug filled me up and each step brought a pleasurable rocking side to side motion to my anal nerves. I hoped I could make it to the bike before I climaxed again.
Myra threw her leg over the seat and started the engine. I don't know why I hadn't realized it before, but the vibrations of the bike were going to cause havoc with the plug and vibrator. When I say havoc, I mean that in the best possible way. I was ready to cum just from walking. Add the vibrations from riding and I wouldn't even make it to the end of the block. Of course that was fine with me.
I had grown accustomed to having my naked pussy on Myra's motorcycle seat. I couldn't imagine riding any other way. She revved the engine a couple of time to rattle the seat. The vibrations were transferred right through the plug while my clit screamed for attention. I wrapped my arms tight around Myra and put my nose hard against her leather. She put the bike in gear and we sped off into the night. I was right. I came before we were out of the neighborhood. I came a second time about a mile later as we idled at a stop light. I'm glad it was so late and nobody was around. I came three more times and was building to a fourth when Myra pulled into an apartment complex parking lot. I looked around. I had no idea which part of the city I was in. Myra killed the engine and told me to get off.
"Where are me?"
"My place. You didn't think I was going to let the Thompsons have all the fun did you?"
I threw my arms around her and told her I loved her as I felt the vibrator slide out of my pussy and clank on the ground. At least the butt plug was safely in its home.
Brooke tossed her hair to the side and looked seductively into the webcam, a look she had by now perfected. The petite little blonde had been running her webcam-blog site for years and now had not only a big following, but a real grasp on how to turn them on and keep them interested. Her body being her most important asset, Brooke spent a fair amount of time exercising it, she was flexible and toned in all the right ways. As her new camera shoots and videos were coming in increasingly higher...
Brooke looked so cute standing there in her cheerleading outfit. The look on her face was total fear. He was not supposed to be here.?Sir, what are you doing here,? she whispered, her eyes darting all around the deserted hallway of her high school. They weren’t far from the packed gym where the boys basketball team was about to play. Brooke was one of the head cheerleaders and would soon be there in front of the crowd. Out there she was an alpha girl, queen of the school. But here in the...
Teaching college is sort of a weird business. The faculty gets older over a 30+ year career, but the students are always 18-22. The faces change, but their age does not. So like many of my male colleagues, as I got to middle age, I began being attracted not only to the gorgeous students, but also their moms. Many of the moms returned the attention, if only to relive a little of their flirtatious selves from their past college days. I met Brooke and her mom Jody during freshman...
Brooke texted me on my way home from work, “I’m making dinner, come down when you get home.” I replied back, “Sure, I’ll stop and get some beer.” “No bother,” she said, “I already grabbed some. Just you is all we need.” This was always nice to hear, and it was always nice to see Brooke. I felt so comfortable with her especially since the many last encounters. But I never think any more than what it is. Just dinner. When I got home, I went upstairs, dropped my bag and headed down the front...
BROOKE SHOPS FOR A NEW RIDE‘What a nice ride. ‘Thought Brooke. Brooke turned around her old Chevy beater and pulled into the used car lot. It was an eye catcher. Red Mustang convertible, an updated muscle car. Hot, Red, Fast. ‘A car to fit my style.’ Brooke walked around the car. She thought how it would be driving around. ‘WOW’‘I need this car.’ ‘How can I swing it.’ ‘My step-dad has promised to help me but this is too much money.’ Brooke had a Plan ?B? in the back of her mind. She...
***This story is completely fictional. Names, events, and descriptions are of fictional characters created for this story. *** My name is Cooper. I am an 18 year old high school senior from Southwestern Ohio. I live with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I have an older sister also, but she’s away at college in Central Ohio. I live a pretty normal high school life, I play football for my school in the fall, and rugby in the spring, and indoor and outdoor soccer in between. I also take a...
IncestThe Training of Brooke?Thank you.?Men are so dumb. They see a pretty girl walking around with loose tits under their dress and just go all gaga. They opened doors and bought you drinks or meals in a flash if you just smiled at them and pretend not to notice themstaring at your big breasts.But still Brooke had to admit it was fun to go about town with no undies or bra and enjoy the feeling of power that it gave her to take advantage of all that blood leaving their brain and rushing south so she...
After almost twenty years of being in a loveless marriage, Liz’s youngest child was now eighteen, and Liz had decided to get divorced. The first thing she did was meet with her lawyer, Rita Pearson. They met at a diner in a nearby city as Liz didn’t want to be seen by anyone who would recognize her. They might get back to her husband that she was meeting with a divorce lawyer.This was the first time Liz met with Rita. She was a bit surprised that she was so young, even younger than she was. Liz...
Incest“Yeah, what’s up, Jordan?" Brooke Ashford said on the way to getting a massage.“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.”“Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said.“What could that be?"“Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said.Jordan sighed.“Anal.”Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer.“However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said.“Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll...
Anal“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.” “Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said. “What could that be?" “Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said. Jordan sighed. “Anal.” Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer. “However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said. “Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll get back to you,” Brooke said. She promptly texted Mark, who...
The relief Kelly enjoyed during her afternoon at the spa vanished as soon as Brooke pulled her charcoal-gray Benz into the driveway of Kelly's house. More than a dozen cars crowded the circular drive and spilled over onto the street, suggesting that more than thirty of her relatives waited inside. The ordeal that Kelly had evaded for a few hours seemed worse for the delay, now that it loomed near. Katie chortled in the back seat, "This is going to be fun!" Fun??? Katie laughed...
Brooke I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her "career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had...
I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...
I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her ‘career’. She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had about every third...
For BrookeWith a great deal of anticipation and excitement the day had finally came for Brooke and I to meet. I was extremely nervous as I had ‘issues’ with our meeting. We had met on line almost two years ago and had agreed to keep it in the cyber realm.During our online relationship we had explored many different avenues of our own sexuality. I would get into chats late at night with her on an instant messenger. As I would peck away at the keyboard, I mastered the ability to type with one...
For BrookeWith a great deal of anticipation and excitement the day had finally came for Brooke and I to meet. I was extremely nervous as I had ‘issues’ with our meeting. We had met on line almost two years ago and had agreed to keep it in the cyber realm. During our online relationship we had explored many different avenues of our own sexuality. I would get into chats late at night with her on an instant messenger. As I would peck away at the keyboard, I mastered the ability to type with...
This ram. 30+ from Bangalore. Here I am writing about my gay sexual biography. It all started when I was in school days at very young age. It started with my good friend Sriram at the age we never even used to get an erection. One day evening after playing cricket we were returning home and he said he wants to try something. He took me to a place and asked me to life my shirt. Then he sucked my nipples. It had no effects on me. I am guessing he had watched something and wanted to try it. He...
Gay MaleThe Story of Brooke It was not until I was coming up to sixteen years of age that things really started to change in my life that has brought me to the wonderful life that I now lead. I will try and explain all for my unusual lifestyle, in the hope that people will understand me and perhaps accept that I really do love the life I lead and would not have it any other way. I accept that not many people may be like me, but I would like to think that those who share my lifestyle should...
Complimenting her on her recent hair style change begins our tale of my being teased by Ms. Brooke. After all the normal chit chat and how everyone is, we are seated on the couch just talking away about nothing in particular. Her being a waitress, she is barefoot and kicks her heels up on my knees. Asking me to give her a foot massage, I turn in my seat and begin. Slowly running my calloused thumbs up and down her instep I begin with her right foot. Massaging her heel and foot relaxes her...
Introduction: This is about me and my friend brooke. I Know This Story Isnt That Great, But This Is My First Story, So Dont Critisize. My name is Ryan. I lost my virginity when i was 14. I smoked weed a couple months later, a couple months after that, i started smoking cigarettes. I had a lot of friends that were fuck buddies. I had Brooke, Aj, Patrice, Angel, Hayley, and Josh. Yes, I am bisexual as well. The first of my friends was Patrice, then Josh, Brooke, Hayley, Angel, then Aj. I took...
Part 3, ventures into swinging.Writing this’s biography has been a fascinating experience. Many of these events, all which took place about forty years ago, lay dormant in my mind. Until I met Master Chuck, no one had ever thought to ask me about my past and how I came to be what I am today. I plan on explaining why I chose to share my story another time. It has dredged up all sorts of feelings- good, and bad. I will tell you, dear reader, that explaining this has also caused me to be very...
My Biography, (if that is what we call it) Part 1Please do not judge me or others for what I am about to describe. The events occurred decades ago and are as I recall them. They are what they are. At this point in my life, I do not condone any of the behavior that occurred to me and would hope no one views it as appropriate or normal.I grew up in Dallas, Texas, one of three c***dren, with a mother and father. In some ways, we were like the Jack and Jill family in the reading books from long...
Shannon Kelly - Welcome BiographyHi, my name is Shannon Liza Kelly, red hair, amber eyes and I am 5 feet tall. 90 pounds of pure dynamite! 32-DD-19-29. I am a volatile combination of one half-Irish and one half-Italian. I have been modeling for about 5 years and loving every minute of it! I have appeared in various calendars, posters, and magazines, including Playboy Playmates 2000 Search! I was recently at the Ujena Bikini Jam 15 in beautiful Cancun, where I was a World Finalist, winning the...
My name is Ryan. I lost my virginity when i was 14. I smoked...
As far as I can remember, even as a little boy, I have always had a sexual interest in women. I never went through a period that normal boys go through, or the “Yuck-girls” period. When I was little, my mom and step dad had that nasty habit of throwing me in the cellar if I had misbehaved and worthy of some punishment that had to go beyond standing in the corner. Now, you have to imagine the cellar as a damp and dark area that was for the most part below street level. The cellar was...
As far as I can remember, even as a little boy, I have always had a sexual interest in women. I never went through a period that normal boys go through, or the “Yuck-girls” period. When I was little, my mom and step dad had that nasty habit of throwing me in the cellar if I had misbehaved and worthy of some punishment that had to go beyond standing in the corner. Now, you have to imagine the cellar as a damp and dark area that was for the most part below street level. The cellar...
First TimeHi Friends! This is your Julee again with another and next part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I thank you all of my readers for giving me so much of love because of my real life story. It feels very great when I received request from readers to post the next part as early as possible. Now, on this part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, I am not the only one in the world to say that sex is a very important part of the life which can show you heaven in your real life. But, also there is other face of...
Hello friends and readers………… This is your sexy Julee welcomes you all to be the part of my sexual life. Here is the next part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – MY HONEY MOON. For information of the all, now I am staying in New Delhi with my husband who works here. I, once again request all the friends and readers PLZ……PLZ….. PLZ DO NOT ASK FOR MY ADDRESS, PHOTO AND CONTACT NUMBERS ETC. My fans, friends and readers can contact me by sending me e-mail and all are free to express their feelings. As...
My Dear Friends, Readers and Fans Here I am yours Julee, after quite a time, but surely I am in your heart. Writing about sex in life is not an easy job any time and especially for a female, it is more difficult. As informed to you all earlier, I have experienced different feelings in my sex life and I was and am never on back foot from sharing my experiences with you in spite of some hurdles from the people who either dislike me or they are not happy with my reply NO to their demand of...
PART - 15 ANOTHER FACE OF SEX I was in Goa once again, second time within 15 days. I returned to Delhi to my hubby after spending about 15 days in Goa where I have played lesbian game with one of the friend of my husband. Many said this was a social work to give sexual satisfaction to a married and sexually unsatisfied woman. I always care for sex and the sex loving peoples. I have just returned from South Africa where I was with my hubby for world cup foot ball matches. This tour and...
JJ Vaughn sat on the shore of Zuma Beach and took in the beauty of the early morning. It promised to be a lovely day as it was not too warm and a light breeze was blowing by. The sun was already out and some people had walked by, nodding at her as they passed. JJ wondered if any of them recognized her. If they had, they had all been polite enough not to cause a fuss. Dressed the way she was now, she really wasn’t ‘JJ Vaughn’ anyway. The tiny, form-fitting white bikini had been a gift from...
Dennis Forrest woke up to two abnormalities. One of those was an empty bed. His wife had many great qualities, but she was not a Morning Person. Nor was he, but his career had thrust it upon him and he made the best of it. JJ was admittedly, a grouch for about an hour each morning. The second odd thing took him a minute or so to notice because it was so out of the ordinary. It was the distinctive aroma of food, bacon, cinnamon rolls and freshly-brewed coffee. As JJ wasn’t a morning person, she...
Every Saturday and Sunday mornings I would go jogging in the park when the weather was nice. There was this young guy that started running there also. He took to the habit of saying something when he went by, like hello sweet thing, I sure do like your leg’s, or I like the way your butt cheeks wobble when you run. He would grin and run by. I would just grin and try to ignore him. One morning though, he was standing there grinning, waiting for me to run by. When I did, he grabbed...
Hi to everyone first. I am Harsha 26 yrs, thanks to Indian sex stories for providing this platform to share my secrets of sex, which I can’t share socially as they are not easily accepted. I am shy type, look tall fair and we’ll built most of all very lustful. I know there are lot of me out there. So let’s begin guys. The Episode 01 It was summer of 2006 I was 18 yrs old. Completed my 12th exams and feeling relaxed. My whole family (my dad mom, my elder sister and little sister and me) were...
Hello dear readers/ friends This is Julee. I love you all and would like to thank for your support all the time you gave me. I am receiving a lot of mails daily from different part of the world and from different aged males and females. Most of them have enjoyed my autobiography and liked it. To continue with my sexual experience, I present PART VIII of my sexual autobiography for your reading and enjoyment. I strongly believe in sexual satisfaction in my life and I would do every...
Part 2, learning to suck cocksMy l****a Summer ended abruptly. Every other Saturday, I would awake eagerly in anticipation of the fucking I would get. I practically ran to their house, my legs trembling with anticipation, my heart racing with excitement. I would slip in the back door, climb the stairs feeling wetter with each step, check on my charge for the day, then enter the master bedroom rushing to rid myself of any clothing that would slow progress to my goal of being penetrated and the...
Dear Readers I am presenting hereunder my another sexual encounter MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PART – 27, MASTURBATION. It is clear from heading that this is a masturbation sex game. You may observe on reading that it is not a simple fuck pleasure. As written in last episode, sex and pleasure is not in only fuck. One can get more pleasure sometime by watching other in sex act. Most of the readers are aware that I am a sex watcher too and I equally enjoy watching others in sex. I hope that...
Dear readers and friends, This is Julee with Part Xl of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – SEX IN CAR. The response and reaction received from different part of the world on previous parts of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY were really amazing which I never expected. I never thought before posting my first sexual experience that I will become so popular among the readers. The credit goes to the Group and Rishma. I thank from bottom of my heart to the readers who has supported my sexual activities which is...
MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PART - 50 TEEN AGE LUCK AND VIRGIN FUCK Dear readers, I feel very happy and proud to present the silver Jubilee part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I thank all the readers for their love and support which gave me the strength to write about my sexual encounters. First of all, before you start reading this part, I would like to mention here to clear that I do not favor or support the sex with any minor. I am writing this because this was just happened with...
Dear Friends / Readers Here I am back with new, fresh and another special sex game played at the open beach but away from stranger’s eyes. But before anything else, I would like to thanks Rishma for her support and co-operation in posting of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am really thankful to my group “indiansexstories” for making me so popular among the readers. Secondly, I am also thankful to all of my readers and fans for their thousands of mail of appreciation. I tried my best to reply...
As written by me in my last episode (No. 34) of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, my husband was successfully obtained a big order for his organisation and was away at Bangalore for two days on the project. I would have gone to Goa if he was to remain away for a longer period the matter was of only for two days. I have returned from the market after buying some house hold materials and purchased materials were lying on the back seat of my car. It was afternoon and my watch showing 2.30 PM. I have parked...
PART - 35 HOME ALONE As written by me in my last episode (No. 34) of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, my husband was successfully obtained a big order for his organisation and was away at Bangalore for two days on the project. I would have gone to Goa if he was to remain away for a longer period the matter was of only for two days. I have returned from the market after buying some house hold materials and purchased materials were lying on the back seat of my car. It was afternoon and my watch...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Dear readers and friends here is your sexy Julee again with part X of Sexual Autobiography. I would like to tell you that this episode I should have written earlier because it was happened when I was 22 years old. However, I am writing it now for your enjoyment. Some time, I laugh on myself because I am being fucked and you all enjoy my fucking. Anyway, I do not shy to write and share actual things because I strongly feel that many girls are having sex like me but no one is coming forward to...
Hi dear readers and friends This is Julee again with next part (Part VII) of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am thankful to all and am happy that I have received a lot of comments and support from all over to my true story. Here I would like to mention that a lot of males have requested me to provide them my phone no., my nude photos etc….etc.. … . Many of them wanted my photo to masturbate by seeing it. I do not know what reply I should give to them. So…. I start the story without taking...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PART - 37 GETTING PREGNANT My dear friends! At the time of writing this part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, I am already mother of a cute baby boy. I become mother on a very very special day, 11 - 11 - 11 by a normal delivery. My son is now two months old and doing very well. For information of all of my friends, Name of my son is RAKTIM ( given by my father - in - law ) but everyone calls him RAJU ( RA from my husband’s name , Ramesh and JU from my name, Julee ) He...
Dear Friends, Fans and Readers I bring herewith the next part, Part 28 of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – A DAY OUT WITH NEETA, for your enjoyment and entertainment. I accept that there is a delay in posting this part but I assure you that you shall not be waiting much for the next part. So……………. enjoy my second lesbian action with sexy Neeta…………… (.) (.) ( . ) ( . ) MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY (PART – 28) A DAY OUT WITH NEETA My husband was out for two days on an urgent official work. He left in...
LesbianPART - 52 VALENTINE DAY SPECIAL Dear Readers, I hope all of you must have celebrated the Valentine day in a fantastic manner in which I did and I am writing here under about the same. I know that it is a long writing about it, but I do not want to miss any important thing from it in order to provide maximum pleasure to all of you from my sexual enjoyment. I did not mention any unwanted details in the episode and I am sure you will like it. So I start My Valentine Day special...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Dear Readers and friends Here is your Julee with another real sexual act. This time, I decided to write about the first ever group sex I had with my boyfriend and his married lover. I know that not many girls had sex in their life like I had in my life. May be other girls do not wish to share their sexual acts, but I believe in sharing my sexual activities with others. I am involved in sex so much that if I sit to write everything, there may be thousands of the episodes, but I write only...
PART - 13 MY HONEY MOON December 25th, 2009. I was sitting on my bed in the evening waiting for my husband to return from market. I sent him to market to buy Christmas gifts for everyone in the family. We were to leave for our honey moon trip to Europe immediately on very next day after Christmas. This is my first Christmas at my in-law's house and both my mom-in-law and dad-in-law were preparing for my first Christmas in their house. All were very happy with my behavior and respect...
PART - 14 ENJOYING MARRIED LIFE I am among one of the luckiest female who is enjoying a very very happy, very satisfying and a beautiful sex life. I was enjoying it before my marriage and I am enjoying it more after the marriage. The reason may be the license of sex which a married couple has, particularly in India. You all will agree with me that it is not easy to write about sexual activities all the time for such a long long writings of SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The professional writer...
(IMPORTNANT INFORMATION – Dear Readers, I wish to inform you that I have started my own group MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY GROUP in yahoo groups, where you can read all parts of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY alongwith a lot of sexy materials. You all are invited to join my group. It was not any special occasion but my husband wanted to buy a sexy dress for me. After his return from office in the evening, we went to nearby shopping mall which is situated at walking distance from our home. He was holding...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesDear Readers / Friends. This is a true story of my life and I am writing it by remembering everything which happen with me 10 years ego. Now I am 28 years old in relationship with boyfriend. I am new member of this group and this is the first true story I am posting here. This was posted previously in another group and there was a huge response to it. I hope you all will like it and I will wait for your comments on this. If you like this, I will post next part of my sexual life which is very...
IncestI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures Sites