My sister Brooke
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Adventures of Brooke
Brooke sat at her desk tryingto finish off the last of her weekly reports, they were due before the endof the day. She wore one of her threadbare dresses, she'd patched the materialas well as she could but it still showed its wear and age clearly. Brookestood 5'6" and epitomized beauty, she was blonde, long legged, and perfectlyproportioned with a sweet innocent face. Her hazel eyes made her look likea scared little doe at times, she was only 19 and had already had a hardlife, harder than someone so beautiful should ever have to experience.
The phoneon her desk rang, startling Brooke from her work.
"Hello." Brooke answered the phonewith trepidation.
"Hello,Ms. Lewis, could you please come into my office." Brooke's heart startedbeating heavy in her chest when she heard her boss's voice on the line. She'dhad a bad feeling all week, rumors of layoffs had been circulating the officefor the last month. She'd heard that two people had been let go in differentdepartments that morning, and now her boss was calling for her.
Brooke stood on nervous legs andwalked the 50ft to William Barton's office door. She knocked softly waitingfor him to call her in. William sat behind his massive cherry desk. Brookehad always felt odd in William's presence. He stood just under 6'4" and weighedin at nearly 240 lbs, his physique was chiseled and retained the muscularform developed playing college football. Brooke felt both intimidated andprotected in William's presence, his physical bulk both scared her and madeher feel safe at the same time.
"Brooke, please, have a seat." Williamgestured toward the seat in front of his desk. William looked young eventhough Brooke knew he must have been in his early forties. His hair was alight red, almost more of a blond, it made him look youthful, even with thelines of stress marked out on his face.
Brookesat in the chair, it had never felt so uncomfortable, or as unwelcoming,as it did at that moment. She knew what was coming, though she didn't wantto believe it was true.
"I hate to have to be the oneto tell you Brooke, you've been a great employee, and if there was anythingI could do believe me, I would. As you might know the company is going throughsome hard times. The board has dictated a 5% cut across the budget from everydepartment." Brooke started balling.
"No, no, I can't, I can't…I'vegot bills, and school, and…" She was inconsolable even though herboss never had a chance to finish his little speech. Brooke's tears mixedwith begging till she it all seemed to be mere indecipherable babble spoutingfrom her mouth. William stood and moved around his desk, bending over herhe hugged Brooke in his bear like grip.
"I'm sorry, there is nothing Ican do, I had no choice in the matter, HR rules say that the lowest seniorityperson has to be cut. Believe me, if there was anything I could do to keepyou I would, you've been a great employee." He could feel her body rackedwith spasms in his hold. He held her tight trying to console her. "You willget one month severance pay, and health care for 6 months. There is nothingmore I can do."
Brooke stayed in William's officefor over an hour trying to regain her composure. There was nothing her bosscould do, she knew it, but it made the truth no easier. She couldn't evenbear to say good-bye to her coworkers, her shame was too much. It took onlya matter of minutes before she had her cube packed up and William helpedher to the door, to a future she didn't have a clue what would be.
Brooke recoiled from the touchof the hot coffee pot bumping her arm. Her breasts ached from being squeezedin the too small bra she had to wear. Her breasts were large as it was, butworking in the dive of a diner her boss had only given her a shirt that musthave been two sizes too small, her breasts were squeezed tight in the materialleaving no doubt to the size of her breasts. She looked more like an eroticdancer with the massive cleavage visible, instead of what she was, a twobit waitress in an awful greasy spoon. Brooke had already had to hold offthe owner twice when he'd cornered her in the backroom. She had to be carefulnot to bend at the waist otherwise her short skirt would ride up on her thighsand flash anybody in sight. She never would have stayed with the job normally,but she was desperate. After being laid off she'd had to drop out of nightschool, and without a college degree, with the job market as it was, shecouldn't find anything at all.
Brookeignored the customer touching her knee as she took his order.
"I'll be there in a minute." Brookescreamed toward a man who entered the diner. She nearly dropped the trayof food as she slipped on a wet spot on the floor. The place was packed,it was a dive, popular after the bars closed, but it also served the localoffice buildings during the day.
Brookegrabbed her notepad and tried to avoid exploring hands as she moved to thenew customer already seated in the booth.
"Our specials are…" Brookenearly dropped her order pad when she saw her old boss sitting in the booth,he was still wearing a suit, but his tie was loosened around the neck andhe looked haggard.
"Brooke Lewis, I can't believethat's you." Brooke blushed and tried to cover the deep V of her cleavage. "Howare things?"
"Not so good, I can't find anygood jobs, I can't…" Brooke hesitated, she didn't want to burden Williamwith her problems. It wasn't his fault she was out of a job.
"CanI take your order?"
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, I just gotout of the office, it's really a mess, its probably better you're gone, itsreally rott…" William cut his dialogue short, knowing he'd probablygone too far trying to make her feel better. "I'll have the special: Scrambled,sausage and white toast." Brooke scratched out the order on her pad.
"It'll just be a few minutes." Brookesulked away, humiliated that William had seen her like this. A few otherpeople from the office had come in, but most didn't recognize her in theawful outfit, it was better that way.
Brooke didn't speak at all asshe set down William's breakfast and walked to the kitchen, it was 2 o' clockin the morning and all Brooke wanted to do was go home and die.
"Can I get you anything else." Brookekept her eyes focused on the dirty plates too ashamed to look into William'sface.
"No, I'm fine, thank you." Brookeripped the top sheet of paper from her pad and set it down on the table.She started moving away.
"Brooke, wait. William took hiswallet out of his jacket pocket and set down a $50 bill. Brooke's face wentbright red, but she took the money. She tried to scurry away but Williamhanded her his card.
"This is my cell number, giveme a call, I might be able to set you up with a job at a club I'm a memberof. It pays a lot, but—" Brooke smiled for the first time since Williamhad entered the diner.
"That would be great, I reallydon't want to waitress but…"
"Calm down, don't get too excited,it's not exactly waitressing exactly, it's…well, give me a call tomorrowand we'll get together and talk about it more. I'll explain it all in detailthen." William got up and headed out of the diner. Brooke wanted to run afterhim and beg him to tell her now about the job but she picked up the dirtyplates and walked dejectedly to the kitchen. She stuffed the $50 bill inher bra and readied herself for the next 6 hours of work.
Brooke couldn't sleep when shegot home. She'd had a hard enough time adjusting to the graveyard shift asit was, but with William's prospect of a better job for her there was noway she could get to sleep. She held off as long as she could before callinghim the next day, she caught him just as he was leaving for lunch. Brookecould barely get the words out when he finally picked up the line.
"Hello, Mr. Barton, this is Brooke,Brooke Lewis, you told me to call you," Brooke hesitated about mentioningthe job, perhaps she'd been dreaming, "about a job, at your club?" Williamwas silent, Brooke felt her stomach tense, maybe it was all a dream.
"Meet me tonight at O'Tooles,at 9, do you know it? It's down by the river." Brooke knew where the barwas, but she'd never been there, she'd been told it was a rather sketchyplace.
"Yes, I know where it's at, canyou tell me a little about the job, I really—"
"Meet me tonight, we'll have todiscuss it in person." William hung up the phone. Brooke held the handsetto her ear hoping he'd say something reassuring but the line was dead.
William was sitting at the backof the bar when she walked in. Brooke's ears burned as they always did whenshe felt like people were watching her. She could sense the eyes on her asshe stumbled over the rickety floorboards toward where William sat in a darkbooth against the wall. Brooke had worn her nicest skirt and blouse, shewas completely out of place with the clientele, latex and leather were muchmore the nature of the place. William wore a fine wool suit but seemed perfectlyat ease in the run down bar. As she approached the table Brooke thought Williamlooked like in control of the whole place, he looked dominant.
"Hi." Brooke nervously greetedWilliam.
"Have a seat Brooke." Brooke'sthighs slid across the black vinyl of the seat.
"Thanks so much for telling meabout this job, I really—"
"Calm down Brooke. I have to explainsome about this job before we go any further." William fumbled with the napkinunder his drink.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" Brookethought he looked nervous, not much, but she thought he looked the slightestbit uncomfortable.
"No, I'm fine."
"I wouldn't bring this job upat all, but I know you're going through hard times and need the money."
"No, please, anything would be—" Williamcut Brooke off with a nod.
"I'd appreciate if you don't mentionanything about this to anybody, for my sake, I need to be concerned aboutappearances, with the company, and, well, with my wife and family…" Brookefelt a mounting sense of unease come over her. William ripped at the napkinin his hand not looking at Brooke.
"There is this club I belong to,I don't know if you're familiar with Bondage and S&M." Brooke let outa gasp of shock. She pressed back into the booth unconsciously. William continuedto look at his hands.
"The club is always in need ofnew girls, beautiful, fresh girls like you…"
"I can't, I can't!" Brooke pulledher jacket over her shoulders and started to get up. "I really appreciateyour trying to help me, but…" Brooke didn't know how to respond, herface was bright red and she couldn't speak. Just as she was about to leaveWilliam grabbed for her arm and gently stopped her.
"I'm sorry, it was wrong of meto bring it up. I didn't mean to imply anything, it's just that I was worriedabout you and your money problems. Girls at the club can make a LOT of money." Brookeslid out of William's grasp.
"I really appreciate your thoughts,but I just can't…" Brooke headed toward the door. She couldn't breathein the smoke filled club. Her head was pounding, her heart was racing likeshe'd just run a marathon.
Brooke took a huge swig of mouthwash,she let it sit in her mouth and then spat it out a few moments later. She'dgone through the whole bottle and still she couldn't get the taste out ofher mouth. The diner owner threatened to fire her if she didn't give hima blow job. He'd driven her to the park by the river and made her go downon him while he stroked her hair. She thought she'd gag the way he forcedher head down over his member.
Brooke climbed in the shower andlet the warm water fall down over her body. Her breasts were still markedred from where the tight uniform pressed into her soft flesh. She'd put outat least 200 resumes over the months since she'd been laid off, but nothinghad come of it. Without the college degree she couldn't get anything, theeconomy was tough, and without a job she couldn't pay to go back to schoolto get the degree, it was a horrible catch-22 and she was trapped.
Brookedried herself with the moth eaten towel and thought about calling William.
Brooke's fingers would barelywork as she pulled William's card from her wallet. Even though she'd toldhim no at their first meeting she'd never thrown away his card.
"Hello, Mr. Barton, this is BrookeLewis, if it's still open, I'd like to try that job at your club." Brookecould barely choke out the words. She didn't even know what Bondage or S&Mwas really, other than a gut reaction idea about pain and leather. Her mouthwas dry waiting for William to say something, after what seemed like minuteshe finally spoke.
"Okay, I'll set up an interviewwith the club manager. It shouldn't be a problem for me to get you in, I'mon the board of directors, though I would like to meet with you beforehandto discuss a little about the club.
"Yes sir." Brooke knew she didn'thave any other choice.
Brooke showed up at the bar again,this time she'd worn what amounted to her slutiest outfit, though it wasn'tmuch on the risqué side for the place. Her blouse was a low cut V,and her skirt just came to her knees. William was waiting in the same boothas before for her.
"Hello Brooke." She couldn't lookhim in the eyes as she slid into the dark corner.
"I guess I should tell you a littleabout the club. It's not a place you would have heard of, we don't advertise,it's very exclusive, and discretion is of primary importance, you must understandthat now before anything. Even if you decide not to work in the club youmust never speak of it. Do you understand?"
"Good." Brooke crossed her armsover her chest wishing she'd worn something else. "You could make a lot ofmoney working at the club Brooke, you could probably work as a waitress inthe bar. You'd make more than you make now, or when you did at the company.You'd be naked of course, or in leather, there might be occasional whippings,you'd make a good deal of money wairtressing, though not as much as you wouldif you decided to become an Associate." Brooke looked at her hands. Her earswere burning, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach.
"If you decided to work as anAssociate the schedule is quite nice, 24 hours on, 24 hours off, workingonly three days a week. And the money…"
I don't know, it's just so—" Brookelooked William in the eyes and blushed, he didn't seem to react in the slightest.
"You don't have a boyfriend, doyou Brooke?" It was always a delicate question, one she'd dreaded answering,as beautiful as she was people could never understand how she didn't haveanybody in her life.
"If you decide to work at theclub you could think of the time as an exploration period, you could learna great deal about yourself." Brooke pushed her nail into her cuticle.
"I don't mean to put undo pressureon you Brooke, I haven't told you much about the club but I did have to pullstrings to set you up with an interview. There is a long waiting list ofgirls who want to give themselves to the club and well, it is only as a favorto me that your process is moving along so quickly. I don't want to hurryyou, but when I introduce you to Nathan--he is the manager of the club—hewill push you to decide quickly. Are you prepared to do so?" William tooka sip of his drink. "Would you still like to meet him?" Brooke pushed hernail into her finger almost to the point of drawing blood.
"The money is good, more thanyou could make elsewhere. You would be doing some rather extreme fetish,but it is safe, and controlled…" Brooke didn't even hear William'swords anymore. Her heart was pounding, when William reached out and touchedher hand she nearly jumped from her seat.
William could barely hear Brookerespond but he knew she'd said "Yes". He paid the bill and helped Brooketo his car. He'd driven his big SUV with the dark tinted windows. Brookewas silent in the passenger seat as they drove away from the bar.
Williampulled into a deserted industrial complex a few moments later and turnedoff the engine.
"I will have to blindfold you,the club's whereabouts must, and will, remain secret to you, even if youdo decide to work there." William pulled a black silk cloth from his jacketpocket and gently wrapped it around Brooke's head.
"Please lean forward." Brookebent at the waist. She felt the metal cuffs close around her wrists. Sheswallowed loudly as the mechanisms locked shut around her arm. Brooke feltWilliam's hands at her shoulders pushing her to the floor of the front seat.
"Just relax, we'll be there ina short while." The truck started up and was on its way. Brooke lost trackof how much time passed, her thoughts were too occupied with what might comenext. Her head was pounding, she wanted to say something to William but shedidn't know what, he just hummed quietly along with the music on the radio.Brooke was surprised when the truck came to a halt and the engine was turnedoff, it seemed too soon, she wasn't ready, she didn't move. William got outof the driver's side and then opened the passenger door. She felt his armsup under her shoulders helping her out of the high truck.
"We're here." William led herby the elbow through passage after passage till she was finally set downon a smooth leather chair.
"Lean forward." When Brooke bentat the waist she heard the keys in the locks of the cuffs. She shook thehair out of her face after the blindfold was removed. The room was gorgeous,meticulously carved walnut covered every surface. Floor to ceiling shelveswere filled with innumerable books, some looked new with colorful dust jackets,while others were gilt leather of every shade. Brooke was seated in a deepburgundy leather chair situated before a massive oak desk. William sat downin the chair to her right. Brooke didn't notice the man that stood behindher watching her every move till he spoke.
"Hello Ms. Lewis." Brooke twistedviolently to see the man moving toward her from behind. He extended his handand introduced himself.
"I'm Nathan Saville, the managerand director of the club, I trust you had a pleasant trip?" Brooke's handswere clammy as she sweated nervously.
"Hello." Brooke stuttered outthe word, her eyes were fixed on the man who moved behind the huge desk.
"I'm very glad to meet you Ms.Lewis, may I call you Brooke?" Nathan sat in the large chair and picked apiece of paper from the desk, he studied it intently.
"Yes, please, just call me Brooke." Shewatched him with rapt attention, studying him as he studied her. Nathan lookedto be just under 6' tall. He looked like a runner. His frame was very thinwith square shoulders. He wore a finely tailored gray suit. He had smallround gold framed glasses that gave him a very intellectual, or academic,air.
"I understand from Bill that you'reinterested in working for us."
"Well, yes, the money sounds good…" Brookewas hesitant.
"Has he explained to you whatthe club is?" Brooke wrung her hands together.
"Yes, kind of…"
"The club is rather hard to explain,I would like to show you around a little to give you a better sense of whatwe do here." An uneasy silence filled the room.
"First I'd like to tell you alittle about pay since you seem to be primarily interested in that." Nathanset down the sheet of paper and locked his eyes on Brooke. "There are twojobs, either working as a waitress in our bars and lounges, or as one ofthe full Associates. A waitress's salary starts at $50K for a one year contract.You would be expected to serve drinks, and given the nature of the club,you may be whipped or used by the patrons for occasional light duty. Youmay be bound, and most certainly you will be naked." Brooke blushed, hereyes locked on the lions head carved into the foot of the desk.
"As an Associate you would beavailable for full use by the patrons, that includes complete sexual useand some rather extreme fetish and BDSM, acts. As a full Associate you wouldwork a 24 hour on, 24 hour off schedule for a 3 day work week. The startingpay for a full Associate is $100K for a one year contract." Nathan pickedup the sheet of paper again and seemed to be analyzing it.
"On the surface you may thinkthat waitress position pays more relative to what would be expected of youas a full Associate? In terms of salary that is quite true, but the differencein earning power is in potential bonuses. A full Associate may earn up to$30K per month in bonuses here at the club—if not more—whilea waitress would be lucky to earn $5000 during a great month. In fact manygirls who start off as waitresses switch to Associates very soon after theystart." Nathan set the piece of paper on the desk again, Brooke wonderedwhat it said.
"I understand you've had someserious financial problems of late." Nathan took off his glasses, he bitdown on the ear-piece and looked over Brooke's body. "You could make a greatdeal of money as a full Associate." Brooke shuddered, she still didn't knowwhat any of it was all about but the money they were talking about made thedecision easier and easier to contemplate.
"Both positions are on a contractbasis. Initially all contracts are for a one year term. You will receivea $10K bonus on the 31 st dayof employment at the club. On the 30 th daythere is an escape clause should you find the work is not for you, but ifyou choose to take the escape you will get no bonus at all." Brooke lookedat William, he stared at her but gave no indication of what he was thinking.
"I should mention the penaltiesfor poor performance. Customer service is of prime importance to myself,and the members of the club, while you may earn bonuses for pleasing thepatrons you may also earn punishments if your behavior is found to be unacceptable.Punishments will be doled out according to the seriousness of the issue." Nathansmirked, it was off putting to Brooke, she felt the burning in her bellyas her face went flush.
"Would you like to look aroundmy dear and see what we do here?"
"Y—y—yes." Nathanstood up and moved back around the desk.
"Would you please stand up." Brookegot to her feet, Nathan was standing only inches in front of her, he ranhis hand down the side of her cheek.
"I need you to remove your clothes." Brooke'seyes went wide.
"What, I…"
"I must see your body, and alsoit will let me see how you react to being naked in public." Brooke held herarms tight to her chest almost hugging herself for security. Brooke triedto look to William for support but he was impassive.
"Brooke," Nathan cupped her chingently, "there is a reason we pay so much here." Brooke slowly uncrossedher arms and started with the buttons on her blouse. One by one she releasedthe small clasps allowing her shirt to spread wider and wider. Reaching behindher back she slowly undid the button of her skirt and then lowered the zipperletting the fabric to fall to the floor around her ankles. Brooke felt herskin go cold as she knew the eyes of William and Nathan were on her. Sheopened her blouse and let the material slide off her shoulder's, it fellto the floor on top of her skirt. Brooke could feel her nipples go hard,she hesitated for a moment hoping she'd stripped enough, but when she heardNathan clear his throat she knew she would be allowed no modesty. Brookeremoved the clasp on her bra and let the shimmering lace join her blouseand skirt on the carpet, it seemed like time had stopped, every sound wasmagnified. Brooke slid her fingers under the elastic of her panties, closingher eyes she worked the lace down over her long legs, she tried to coverher sex with her hands, she felt embarrassed as William and Nathan saw herrecently shaved mound.
"Move your hands away please." Brooke'shands shook as she exposed her sex.
"Look at me." Small tears traileddown Brooke's cheeks as she looked at Nathan.
"You have a very nice body, youshouldn't be embarrassed showing it off. Please put your hands behind yourback." Brooke's shoulders twitched as she moved her hands to the small ofher back. William--her former boss--moved behind her and she felt the coldsteel of cuffs lock onto her wrists again. Nathan pressed close to her chestand she felt his hand rub the smooth surface of her sex.
"Nice touch." Brooke could feelhis hand move over the smooth surface. "Please open your mouth." Brooke whimperedsoftly as she spread her jaws wide. Nathan took from his pocket a brightred ball gag and pushed it between her teeth, he then locked the leatherstrap behind her head. Brooke swung her head side to side shocked by theintrusion in her mouth.
"Calm down." Brooke could feelher heart beating wildly, William patted her on the shoulder trying to calmher.
"Shall we visit the bar first?" Nathanstarted toward the door, with his hand at her elbow William directed hertoward the door. Brooke could feel the tightness in her belly as she tookquick breaths through her nose. William let go of her arm and she followedsilently along down the softly lit hall. Brass fittings sparkled in the dimlight, carved wood panels and exquisite oil paintings lined the halls. Brooke'sthroat was dry, her jaws ached already from being spread wide by the gag.She could hear the sound of music grow as they approached the door at theend of the hall.
Brookeheld her breath as Nathan opened the door with the swipe of an electronickey card, she couldn't make out much in the dark bar as the door swung open.
Smallintimate booths lined the walls, behind the bar huge gleaming mirrors reflectedthe alcohol bottles piled high in orderly rows. A girl quickly moved to thethree new entrants, she was naked except for a black leather thong a stainlesssteel ring around her ankle, there was a thick collar around her neck.
"MayI get you a table sirs'?" The girl's body shuddered and she started to moan.Brooke could see the girl's thigh's convulse as she tried to stay focusedon the new entrants, she was poised on heels that seemed impossibly high. "Wouldyou like a…a booth…or a…", she could barely eke outthe words. Brooke could hear a loud buzzing.
Nathangrabbed for a small tag dangling from the girl's collar. "No 720, I'm justshowing around one of our potential Associates, tell her how you like workinghere?" The girl shifted her weight from leg to leg, the buzzing seemed togrow louder.
"It'swonderful…ehh, it's…" the girl's eyes rolled back in her head. "I'venever made so much money and…" she couldn't finish the thought. Brookewatched as the girl's body shuddered, every muscle seemed to twitch violently,then the buzzing stopped. The girl slowly recovered her composure, she wasstill panting softly when Nathan told her she could go away.
"Thankyou master." The girl turned and shuffled away. Brooke could see the stripescutting across her back and thighs. Nathan turned and spoke to Brooke.
"Allgirls here at the club are assigned numbers that they are identified by.The numbers allow the patrons to request girls and they also facilitate accountingand security procedures.
Brookecould hear moaning coming from the booth to her right. At first she didn'tsee where the noise was coming from, then she caught the sight of blondehair moving up and down between a man's legs.
"Shallwe continue the tour?" Brooke blushed as she turned away from the man gettinga blow job. She followed along silently behind William and Nathan, her nippleswere hard, she could feel the eyes of the men around the bar on her nakedbody. She desperately wanted to cover herself but there was nothing she coulddo with her hands cuffed. As they walked through the bar Brooke saw anotherwaitress standing at attention, this one has her arms pulled behind her backwith her wrists pulled together so her palms touched the opposite elbow.The girl's forearms were strapped together and she was gagged. The leatherstraps cut across her face making her cheeks are hollow as her jaw was spreadwide. The girl's nipples were pulled taut as clips were attached to the sensitivebuds, thin wires ran from the clips to a serving tray looped over her leatherthong.
"Drink'sare ready!" Brooke jumped as the bartender called out from behind the heavywood bar. The girl with the tray turned and bent at the knees as the bartenderplaced drinks carefully on the tray. The girl groaned as the added weighttugged on hard on her nipples. With obvious care she started across the floorpast Brooke. Nathan reached out and grabbed the girl's shoulder.
"I wouldlike to speak to you after you've delivered your drinks." The girl gruntedin response as Nathan let go of her shoulder. Brooke watched wide-eyed asthe girl walked to one of the booths, four men sat in the dark alcove. Brookewatched as the girl bent at the knees and set the edge of the tray on thetable. Her body started shaking as a loud buzzing hummed across the roomto where Brooke stood watching. The four men were in no hurry to take theirdrinks, casually they watched as the girl struggled to maintain balance andnot spill any of the drinks. Only when the men had finished tormenting thegirl did she stand upright and move gingerly towards Nathan. The girl movedwith eyes downcast as the buzzing grew louder as she moved closer. When shewas directly in front of Nathan he reached behind her head and unclippedthe harness holding in the gag. Brooke gulped as Nathan pulled a large penisgag from the girl's mouth with a slurping sound. She was pumping and gyratingher hips as the buzzing continued to grow louder and louder.
"Brookehere is considering joining our team," Nathan reached for the tag at thegirl's collar, "#931, please tell her why you are bound as you are." Thegirl looked at the floor, her hips still moved in swirling motions as shestarted to speak.
"Sir,I was late for work, I missed my appointed pick up time and now I am beingpunished." The girl choked out the words.
"Do youfeel that the punishment was out of line?" The girl moaned and moved herhips in wide arcs.
"No sir,I was…aahhhhh…I was…I was at fault, the punishment wasdeserved, ahhhh." Brooke could see the trails of liquid run down the insideof the girl's thighs.
"Thankyou #931." Nathan lifted the saliva coated penis gag toward her mouth, thegirl opened her jaws to allow the gag to be put in without a fight, the loudbuzzing went silent and the girl's hips stopped moving.
"Youmay go back to your duties #931." The girl nodded and walked cautiously tothe end of the bar. Nathan turned to Brooke and looked her in the eyes.
"Youmay have wondered what the buzzing you heard was?" Brooke shook her headsoftly. "Our waitresses, and sometimes our Associates, wear specially fittedthongs, these thongs are equipped with vibrating dildos and clit stimulators." Nathanpulled a small black remote out of his pocket, it almost looked like a pager. "Whena girl fitted with one of these thongs approaches a member, that man mayactivate the vibrators. He may control the speed and intensity of the vibrations,each member, or guest, is given one of these remotes, and as an employeeof the club you will be required to perform your duties in spite of any arousalyou might feel, that is, if you choose to accept a job here." Brooke didn'trespond. She was so shocked she'd almost forgot about her nakedness, thatwas till another man stepped toward where she stood, the man reached outto shake Nathan's hand as Brooke blushed a deep red.
"HelloNathan, Martin Peterson, how is business?" Brooke recognized the man's nameinstantly, though she couldn't' recall why, she wasn't sure, but she thoughthe was a city councilman, or maybe school board member. Brooke turned herface away from the men, she could feel the shame race through her, she couldfeel the man's eyes move over her naked body.
"I'dlike to take this one down into the dungeons, is she available or are youusing her today?" Brooke shuddered when she realized he was talking abouther. The hair on the back of her neck stood and she felt like her stomachwould explode.
"I'mafraid she'd not available, at least not yet…" Nathan paused, hiseyes moved over Brooke's luscious body, "actually I'm showing her aroundnow to see if she'd like to work in the club." Martin reached out to touchBrooke, she stumbled backward as the tips of his fingers grazed the hardpoints of her nipples.
"Well,if you decide to work here I'll definitely throw some business your way." Withexquisite grace he dropped his hand to his side with little acknowledgementof Brooke's rebuff. Across the bar he spotted another girl, she wore a longshimmering evening gown. Martin extended his hand to Nathan. "It was niceto see you again, I think I've found a replacement." He nodded knowinglyat Nathan and looked toward the girl across the bar.
Brookewatched in total astonishment as Martin moved away from them toward the girl,the pair barely spoke for a minute before they started walking arm and armout of the bar.
"Makingmembers happy is the priority of the club." Brooke was shocked back intothe moment as Nathan spoke. He grabbed her by the elbow and started leadingher toward the main entrance of the bar. The three moved in silence downanother ornately decorated hall. The incongruity that she felt still havingon her shoes and socks while walking undressed made her feel all the morenaked.
Theypassed through two massive oak doors into what looked like a lounge. Girlsin fine dresses sat among leather chairs, some whispered quietly to one anotherwhile their eyes all watched Nathan move into the room. A few men sat amongthe girls, some talking, some reading the many books that filled shelveslining the walls. The lighting was soft, Brooke spied a naked girl huddledin the corner, she wore a black thong and held a tray ready to supply drinksto any member who wanted. Nathan turned to look at Brooke while letting goof her elbow.
"Thisis one of the areas where members choose girls they'd like to be with, othermembers may prefer the bar, and others choose girls at the pool, which Iwill show you shortly." Brooke couldn't bear to look Nathan in the eyes. "Thereare also the caged girls in the dungeon." At the opposite end of the roomanother pair of doors opened and two men passed into the lounge. Four orfive girls from around the room got to their feet and formed an orderly linebefore the newly entered men. The girls stood in silence as the men lookedthem over, touching them at will and exposing their breasts and sex by liftingthe girl's dresses. All the girls wore leather collars around their neckswith shiny silver tags. Brooke saw the brushed metal bracelets that werelocked around the left ankle of each of the girls'.
One ofthe two men clipped a chain to a girl's neck collar and tugged her out ofline, she followed without complaint as he pulled her softly behind him.The other man waved the assembled girls away and headed past them towardthe bar. The dismissed girls' filtered back to their seats quietly.
"Shallwe visit the pool first, and then head down into the dungeons?" Brooke felta jolt through her system. The word dungeon, she couldn't fathom the concept,she couldn't imagine any of it really, the whole idea of the club still seemedso surreal.
Brookefollowed silently along behind Nathan as he moved down yet another hall.As they neared the end of the passage Brooke could hear sounds of a pool,she could hear giggling girls and splashing water. When Nathan opened thedoor they entered a massive chamber, the pool was huge. Across a large swathof water was an indoor beach with sand and palms, around the pool were innumerablebeach chairs and small cabanas. Bikini clad girl's frolicked in shallow waterwhile others lay on the sand or playing topless volleyball nearby. Brookewatched as one gorgeous little Asian girl was led into a cabana by an overweightman in a Speedo.
The girlsaround the pool--like in all other areas of the club she'd seen--were young.Brooke didn't think any of them looked much older than her, perhaps 25 beingthe oldest. All the girls were of phenomenal beauty. A few of the girl'slooked over at her and Nathan near the entrance of the pool, but none staredfor long.
"Thisis our pool, there is a gym too." Nathan pointed toward a large stretch ofwindows along one wall. Brooke could see a few men working out behind theglass. "Shall we head into the dungeons now?" Brooke's whole body startedtrembling. Never before had she ever considered BDSM, now she was on thethreshold of becoming an active player, it wasn't so much that she was afraidof being thought weird or found out, she had little in the way of close friends,and of family, she had even less, perhaps a few distant cousins but thatwas it. Both her parents had been only children and died of lung cancer beforeshe'd turned 20. Their early deaths and the medical bills they'd racked uphad in part forced Brooke into the position she was in now, selling herselfto a BDSM club. She had too many bills and no prospect of getting a goodjob without finishing her college degree, which of course she couldn't affordto do…it was a huge catch-22, and she didn't see any other way out.
Nathantook hold of Brooke's elbow and led her out of the pool, though she stillfelt completely ashamed she was starting to get used to being naked in public.Nathan stopped her before an elevator door, the heavily grained wood doorsopened without needing to be called.
Brookefelt her knees shake as the car began descending.
"Thisis really what our members come for, the dungeons." Brooke stared straightahead as Nathan spoke. "We have a wide assortment of theme rooms for theirpleasure." To Brooke it seemed as though Nathan had emphasized the word "their",the butterflies ran rampant in her stomach. "We also have rooms upstairs,a hotel of sorts, but our members primarily come to use girls in the dungeons." Almoston cue the car came to a halt and the doors of the elevator opened. It wasimmediately obvious that the atmosphere in the dungeon was different fromwhere they'd just come. Instead of fine carved wood and brass fittings thedungeon was formed of cut stone, the air was moist, and humid, rudimentarylights barely lit the cavernous hall that opened before them. Brooke felther stomach churn, she wanted to turn and run, but Nathan and William ledher on toward a pair of steel doors at the end of the passage. The soundof footsteps echoing off the cool stone only served to intensify the forebodingBrooke felt.
Nathanpushed a key card into the illuminated pad to the right of the door. Thelocking mechanism disengaged and the huge doors swung open. A new sensationhit Brooke immediately, it took an instant for her to recognize what it was,but when she did her body went numb. What she recognized was the smell ofbodies, of sweat, and of sex. Shock turned to horror when Brooke saw thecaged girls in the room, they were all naked, some were gagged, some kneltin cages no bigger than that which would house a dog, other's were in narrowsteel frames. Brooke saw all the girls' eyes locked upon her, she didn'tsee anger in them, it was more as if they were sizing her and her companionsup. Brooke nearly jumped out of her skin when Nathan started speaking.
"Someof our guests prefer to choose their girls' from cages." Nathan spoke matterof factly as if he was talking about picking food from a supermarket shelf.Brooke had barely time to look at all the caged girls before Nathan movedher forward through the chamber, they paused before a closed door where Nathanswiped his card again, the lock clicked and they pushed forward. Williamtook hold of Brooke's elbow and pushed her into the dark narrow passage,she felt claustrophobic when the door slammed and locked behind them, Brookecouldn't see more than a foot or two in front of her as Nathan started speaking.
"Fromthese passages we can observe the different rooms of the dungeon. We monitorthe activities of all members and girls' for security." The passage turnedto the right. The hallway was dark and barely lit, most of the light camethrough huge glass panels on the right side of the narrow hallway. Brookegasped when she looked through the first huge pane of glass, though she couldbarely believe what she saw. A girl was in the middle of the room, she wasbent forward at the waist, her wrist's were pulled high in the air behindher back. The girl's pendulous breasts swayed beneath her model like body,her legs were spread wide and locked to the floor with steel chains. Gleamingcopper cable trailed from metal clips biting down on the delicate buds ofher nipples. The girl's body dripped with sweat. The room was decorated tolook like a tropical jungle, huge palm leaves funneled rain that fell ina mist from the ceiling to the ground. Brooke saw more evil looking clipspinching the skin of the girl's labia between their teeth. The copper cablethat fell from both the girl's nipples and labia ran together to a box seton a wooden table. The girl's head was turned to look at a man sitting withhis hand resting on the box. The girl's hair was stringy with sweat and felloff her head in clumps.
Suddenlythe girl's body jerked in a violent convulsion, her back arched and her stomachwent hard. Brooke could see the girl was screaming, spittle shot from heropen mouth across the room and sprayed the glass. Nathan pushed a buttonnext to the huge window and the girl's screams shattered the silence of thesmall passage.
The girl'sbody slumped in her bonds when the current was turned off. Brooke could seethe strain in her upper arms as her weight hung from the cold steel lockedaround her wrists.
"Thisis one of our jungle rooms, many of our guests like to think they're interrogatingprisoners. If you look in the corner," Nathan pointed to the far wall inthe room, "there is a whipping post, there is also a steel isolation boxamong other things. We have two rooms like this, they can be thought of aseither Latin American rainforests or Asian jungles. We have a bamboo cagethat can be brought in if the guest would like." The man in the room stoodand dropped his pants. His cock was already hard and he thrust into the bentover girl without foreplay. Nathan pushed the button next to the glass andthe sound of slapping flesh went silent.
"Shallwe head on to the next room?" Brooke could barely feel her legs.
Theymoved forward to the next large pane of glass. This time the stage lookedarchaic, like something out of Arthurian legend, the room looked like a medievaldungeon. There were two girls in the room, both were naked, one was bentat the waist, her head and wrists were locked in wooden stocks, the two piecesof wood fit snug and held her strictly in place. A man in a long brown hoodedrobe was whipping her with a cane. The girl's mouth was gaping, her eyeswere closed and she was screaming. Brooke watched in horror as the cane seemedto fall in slow motion towards the girl's body. The flexible wood landedrepeatedly over the girl's back and hips, Brooke could see the girl's skinripple with the force of the strikes.
The secondgirl in the room, she too was restrained, but unlike the other girl who wasbound upright in the stocks the second girl sat on the cold stone of thefloor. Her legs and wrists were locked in a large wooden block. With herleg's spread wide she was bent forward at the waist, her wrists were lockedin the block between her splayed legs. Her back was lined with marks fromthe monk's cane. Nathan's voice shocked Brooke back into the reality of whereshe was.
"Thisis what we refer to as our inquisition chamber, it is very popular, we havetwo other chambers that are very similar to this one. In one there is a rackand in the other a wheel for breaking heathens." Nathan looked Brooke inthe eyes, she felt a shudder run down her spine. "I trust you would haveconfessed quickly had Torquemada got hold of you." Nathan grinned, he seemedin good humor but Brooke wasn't sure if she could say the same. "Shall wetake a look at a few more of our theme rooms?"
Brookeshuffled slowly behind, she didn't know what to think, the idea of the money,even as a waitress, appealed to her, but she didn't know if she was readyfor this. Never before had she considered doing something so wild.
The nextwindow revealed what looked to be a doctor's office, or more precisely anOB/GYN's office. Brooke could see the chair with the stirrups that made itclear what it was. A young girl sat alone in the room, she was wearing ahospital gown, one of those that does little to hide a person from behind.Brooke thought the girl looked nervous, she still had on a pair of littlewhite socks and Brooke could see the stainless steel band around her ankle.
"Thisis one of our doctors office themed rooms, as you might expect many of ourguests very much enjoy it. We have a wide assortment of instruments for ourguest's to use, such as speculums, but I think the greatest appeal is thechair." Brooke stared at the girl as she sat alone on the examination table,her cute little feet hung free over the ground.
Nathanstarted forward toward the next window, he didn't have to tell Brooke whatthe next room was when they looked through the glass. When Nathan pushedthe audio button to the left of the window the loud creaking came clearlythrough the speaker. Brooke could hear the moans of the girl and grunts fromthe man using her. The iron cot the pair were on was small, but filled mostof the space in the room. Iron bars made it clear the theme of the room wasof a jail cell, the man on top of the girl wore the remnants of a policeuniform, his pants, his nightstick, and various other implements lay strewnacross the floor of the small cell. The girl's wrists were locked with cuffsto the frame of the cot above her head. Brooke was surprised to hear thegirl wail in what was obviously pleasure as the man slammed down into hersex with his cock. Brooke blushed as the girl panted in orgasm. Brooke couldn'tconcentrate on Nathan's words as the girl screamed in ecstasy, she felt sympathyfor the girl even though it was obvious she was enjoying being fucked. Suddenlythe sound of the girl's pleasure went silent as Nathan turned off the audio.
"Hghhum," Nathan cleared his throat to get Brooke's attention, "as I was saying,this little tour gives you a good idea of what goes on here in the club,shall we head upstairs and settle some last little business?" Brooke couldn'ttake her eyes off the scene in the cell, the girl wrapped her legs tightaround the fake cop and moved to meet his thrusts.
Nathanled Brooke and William out of the dungeons back to his office. As soon asthe door slammed shut behind them Brooke felt William releasing the cuffsholding her wrists behind her back. Nathan started toward his desk as Brookerubbed her wrists.
"Ms.Lewis, you may get dressed." Her clothes were still lying on the floor asshe'd left them. Brooke's face went flush again when she realized her nakedness,she'd almost forgotten about it.
Neitherman spoke as she put on her clothes. Brooke kept her head lowered so shewouldn't catch their eyes upon her, though she knew they watched her everymove. When she was dressed again Nathan spoke.
"Please,sit down Ms. Lewis." Brooke smoothed her skirt and sat in the huge cushionedleather chair.
"Ourfacilities our extensive, there is much more to the club than what you sawtoday. Our clients are exclusive and demand to be pleased, they expect tobe protected within the confines of the club, you could earn a great dealof money working here, but nothing that goes on here should ever leave thisbuilding." Nathan lifted his arms in an expansive gesture. "Much will beasked of you if you choose to work here. You would be paid a great deal ofmoney because there are few limits to what could happen. You would be paida great deal because discretion is absolutely necessary." Nathan stood andmoved around in front of the desk toward Brooke, he pulled an envelope fromhis suit pocket and dropped it in her lap. "In that envelop is $5000, itis yours for coming here today. Even if you never return to work at the clubyou must never speak of what you saw here, there will be consequences ifit is found out you've said anything." There was no levity in Nathan's eyesas he locked his vision on her. "In one weeks time a black van will pullup in front of your apartment at 8am, if you would like to work for the clubbe there waiting, wear an overcoat and be naked underneath." Nathan hoveredover Brooke, she didn't look up, she stared at his shoes, her heart was beatinglike mad. "If you are not there next week, do not attempt to contact Williamagain about working at the club. This is your only opportunity. If you showup next week you will be kept here for two weeks, consider it a trainingperiod. In that time you will have extensive medical examinations, includingblood tests. We pride ourselves on being a safe place, both for our guestsand our Associates. In your training you will also be introduced to manythings I'm sure you've never experienced before." Brooke could feel the weightof the envelope on her thigh, she wanted to look inside and see if therewas really money in there, $5000 wouldn't solve all her money woes--her creditcard debts and the debts of her parents loomed much larger--but the moneywould hold the wolves at bay at least temporarily.
"Areyou listening to me?" Nathan stood over her, she felt her heart flutter justlike when she'd got in trouble when she was in school.
"Youhave a great opportunity Brooke, William has gone out of his way to helpyou, the choice is now yours. You may think that only the customers receivepleasure in the club, but believe me, the pleasure is reciprocal. Most girlscan not go back to a normal lifestyle after they've been here, many sellthemselves to members, or allow themselves to be auctioned off when theircontract with the club is up." Brooke felt a cold chill down her spine, thehair on the back of her neck stood upright. She couldn't grasp what he wastalking about exactly, at least she didn't want to admit that the conceptcould exist at all.
"So,if you would like to be a part of our club I suggest you be outside yourplace waiting for the van. You have one week to decide, think about the decisioncarefully." Nathan ran his hand gently through Brooke's hair, she closedher eyes and found herself trying to move her head along with his caress.When she opened her eyes again she jerked away in embarrassment. Nathan chuckledsoftly and moved back behind his desk.
"Consideryour options Ms. Lewis, I believe you would fit nicely within the club, Ican tell already." Brooke could barely choke back the tears of humiliationshe felt. She was so confused. "William will drive you home, you have a greatdeal to think about." Brooke heard William get up and move behind her.
"I mustblindfold you again." In an instant her world went black. Brooke felt William'shands at her shoulders helping her up. She squeezed the envelope tight inher hand, the paper crumpled in her palm. Her heart was beating out of control,it wasn't fear that she felt, to her great surprise it was excitement, itraced through her veins like a drug. William led her by the hand out of theclub, she was again forced to kneel on the floor of the passenger seat, hermind was racing.
"I hopeyou're not mad at me for bringing you to the club. It's a good opportunityfor you. I'd always felt…" he hesitated, "I don't mean to imply anythingif you think I'm wrong, but I've always got the sense that you were…" hepaused again, "well, submissive, and a little masochistic. Of course yourmoney troubles were the primary reason I told you about the club and arrangeda meeting with Nathan, but that alone wouldn't have allowed me to bring youthere. I never would have even made the suggestion if I didn't think," Brookewas waiting for him to finish, her head was throbbing, "if I didn't thinkyou'd enjoy it." Brooke felt her skin go cold. She couldn't respond, shetried to think why he thought she was submissive, she wondered what she'ddone that made him think that about her.
"Brooke,is there anything you would like to ask me about the club, or…" Therewere so many things running through her mind. She held the crinkled envelopetight in her hand.
"Whatdid he mean about 'selling' themselves?" After she'd blurted out the questionBrooke wasn't so sure she wanted to know the answer. Nathan's words had beenrunning through her head since they'd left the office.
"Theclientele of the club is very exclusive, and above all else, very wealthy.I don't suppose you could understand how different a world it is for thesepeople given the nature of your background. The toys of the rich are differentthan what you're familiar with, many of the members keep girls of their own.You could think these girls as comprising a harem, or you could call thesegirls slaves. These kept women willingly sell themselves to men--or evenwomen--they enjoy being owned and used. Perhaps it gives them a freedom,I can't explain the psychology of it but I suppose it's a bit like nunneriesof previous eras, these women don't fit, or don't feel comfortable, in themainstream world, perhaps some need to be physically dominated and feel pain,perhaps it makes them feel alive, I don't know. These women sell themselvesand create a nest egg for their futures by doing so, though many will neverlive outside the world of being owned. If you choose to join the club asan Associate you may find yourself in a position to sell yourself." A shiverwent down Brooke's spine. "You could sell yourself permanently, or perhapsjust for a term, the club doesn't restrict what you may do with members onyour own time, though the club is entitled to a share of the earnings whileyou're still under contract. I'm sure you would be asked by members to meetthem outside the club, you are a beautiful girl. You may just be asked toact as an escort, or…" William paused. "I guess the answer to yourquestion is that yes, girls do sell themselves, they become a currency ofsorts, exchanged among masters for both the benefit of themselves and thosewhom they serve. I've heard of no complaints, the girls who work for theclub have made the choice to do so willingly, as you will have to do. Ifyou are unwilling to explore the depths of your submissiveness, or if youfeel I'm wrong in thinking that you are submissive, then I suggest you don'tmeet the van, as Nathan said, this is your only opportunity, whether youshow or not is your choice, but you will only be given the chance this onetime." William went silent, the hum of the road under the truck was pacifyingbut Brooke could barely control her nerves. She squeezed the envelope tightin her hand and thought about the money. In some ways the idea of sellingherself to the club seemed so odd, but on the other hand when she reallythought about her life, she wondered if she had any control now? She'd neverreally had control of her own life, whether it was when she was young anddominated by her parents ill health, or now when she was dominated by hercreditors.
The SUVeased to a halt. Brooke held her breath for an instant, part of her didn'twant to leave the safety of William's presence and the comfort of the darkness.
"Youmay take off the blindfold, you're home." Brooke untied the knot at the backof her head and sat up in the passenger seat. She saw the dreary neighborhoodshe lived in spread out before her. The dilapidated building in which shelived loomed to her right. She sat gripping the door handle afraid to getout of the truck.
"Whatwill happen to me if I decide to work at the club?" Brooke cast her doe likeeyes in William's direction.
"Yourfirst two weeks will be training. You will be broken of any false ideas youmight still have about ownership of your body. After that you will be anemployee of the club and you will be expected to give pleasure to the members." Brookelooked to her lap and the crumpled envelope in her hand.
"Willyou have the right to…" she hesitated, "…to use me?" Williamchuckled softly
"Of course,any member of the club will." He laid his hand on her thigh. "I've dreamtof getting you into one of the dungeon rooms since the moment you startedworking for me." Brooke could feel the heat of lust stream through his handonto her skin, her body burned under his touch. She stared down at his hugehand as it engulfed her leg. Her throat was dry and she could feel the butterfliesin the pit of her stomach, she could feel the tingle in her sex.
Williamtook his hand from her thigh.
"Youhave a great deal to think about Brooke, you had better go." Brooke openedthe door and got out of the SUV, her legs were like jell-o as she set footon the broken cement of the sidewalk. She turned to look as William droveaway, he smiled at her, his white teeth were visible in the streetlights,he looked like a predator, a lurking animal ready to attack. Images of thegirl in the jail cell flashed into her brain and she wondered what Williamwould do to her.
Brookefaded into a fitful sleep hours after William had left her. Her mind wastoo occupied with what would happen next to sleep…
To BeContinued…
Thanksfor reading. It's always encouraging and greatly appreciated to read commentsfrom readers. Semiater
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Anal“Brooke, what’s up? I have a new offer for a scene using your gifts.” “Yeah? I’m getting something done now,” She said. “What could that be?" “Wouldn’t you like to know. What’s the scene?" Brooke said. Jordan sighed. “Anal.” Brooke got taken aback, but then again she wasn’t surprised at the initial offer. “However, you can talk to your boy toy about it before you answer,” Jordan said. “Ok, cool. Let me talk to him. I’ll get back to you,” Brooke said. She promptly texted Mark, who...
The Training of Brooke?Thank you.?Men are so dumb. They see a pretty girl walking around with loose tits under their dress and just go all gaga. They opened doors and bought you drinks or meals in a flash if you just smiled at them and pretend not to notice themstaring at your big breasts.But still Brooke had to admit it was fun to go about town with no undies or bra and enjoy the feeling of power that it gave her to take advantage of all that blood leaving their brain and rushing south so she...
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IncestThe relief Kelly enjoyed during her afternoon at the spa vanished as soon as Brooke pulled her charcoal-gray Benz into the driveway of Kelly's house. More than a dozen cars crowded the circular drive and spilled over onto the street, suggesting that more than thirty of her relatives waited inside. The ordeal that Kelly had evaded for a few hours seemed worse for the delay, now that it loomed near. Katie chortled in the back seat, "This is going to be fun!" Fun??? Katie laughed...
Brooke I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her "career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had...
Prologue: This story is different for me. Previous to this all my stories have been fictional. Brooke is real. She is a 19 year old college student who wrote me and asked me to help her tell her story. She didn't feel comfortable with her writing erotic skills and is a fan of my previous stories so I am acting as her biographer. The events are based on her experiences, although I have created the dialog and expanded some of the situations in order to make a more interesting (hopefully) story....
I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...
I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her ‘career’. She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had about every third...
For BrookeWith a great deal of anticipation and excitement the day had finally came for Brooke and I to meet. I was extremely nervous as I had ‘issues’ with our meeting. We had met on line almost two years ago and had agreed to keep it in the cyber realm.During our online relationship we had explored many different avenues of our own sexuality. I would get into chats late at night with her on an instant messenger. As I would peck away at the keyboard, I mastered the ability to type with one...
For BrookeWith a great deal of anticipation and excitement the day had finally came for Brooke and I to meet. I was extremely nervous as I had ‘issues’ with our meeting. We had met on line almost two years ago and had agreed to keep it in the cyber realm. During our online relationship we had explored many different avenues of our own sexuality. I would get into chats late at night with her on an instant messenger. As I would peck away at the keyboard, I mastered the ability to type with...
The Story of Brooke It was not until I was coming up to sixteen years of age that things really started to change in my life that has brought me to the wonderful life that I now lead. I will try and explain all for my unusual lifestyle, in the hope that people will understand me and perhaps accept that I really do love the life I lead and would not have it any other way. I accept that not many people may be like me, but I would like to think that those who share my lifestyle should...
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Introduction: This is about me and my friend brooke. I Know This Story Isnt That Great, But This Is My First Story, So Dont Critisize. My name is Ryan. I lost my virginity when i was 14. I smoked weed a couple months later, a couple months after that, i started smoking cigarettes. I had a lot of friends that were fuck buddies. I had Brooke, Aj, Patrice, Angel, Hayley, and Josh. Yes, I am bisexual as well. The first of my friends was Patrice, then Josh, Brooke, Hayley, Angel, then Aj. I took...
My name is Ryan. I lost my virginity when i was 14. I smoked...
A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...
After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Beginning in the U.S.A. but will get more intense African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. Id like some feed back please. katejeffdeanadventures at yahoo dot ca My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling...
*I want to try something I haven't before. I want to try to interact with comments. At certain parts of the story I plan to have the main character doing something like online chats or something of that nature. She would interact with the comments you say as if you were talking to her. Some of the things you say could influence certain changes to the main character as well. For instance, "Damn those are some big tits. But they could be bigger." May make the main character decide to augment her...
FetishAdventures of a Merchant: Dance with a Demon by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels 3. Choices Notes: - Thank you to Hope Eternal Reigns whose editing so often causes me to embarrassedly exclaim, Doh! - The use of ~ around dialog designates it as something a den in the City of Glanlies... A tale untold is like jewelry unsold, precious and shining gloriously, only for its owner. With my writing contract not extended...
Adventures of a Merchant: Choices by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels ...being continued... Greetings once more friends. At the end of my last tale I mentioned that it was time for me to spend some time in the now and I took my own advice. After a stay in Corels to visit family, I continued on to Elladoo Post for my first visit in a number of year. As it always does, the visit served to remind me of who I am, for people who knew you...
Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note: I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage. I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock. I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly. However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it. A few years ago, after...
Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...
Hello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...
Sam could not deny a sense of deep friendship as he saw the towering Cerberus standing there by the entrance. Even though it was a Mark IV, made obsolete quite a while ago with the Union military now using the Mark IX, it still was an impressive combat system. The fact that Charles was truly sentient made the Cerberus much more dangerous than any known main battle system in Sam’s opinion. Sam has just stepped out of a TMT booth and onto Treasure Island Plaza, right before the sky-reaching...
Introduction: A sexually precocious boy is either being scared or blown by his insane sitter. Chapter 1 I was, to put it mildly, sexually precocious. By the time I was 13 years old, I was jerking off three or more times a day, and trying (desperately) to peak into the clothes of every female I got near. I sort of had a girl friend, Stacy, who was a year older than me. Our parents had been trading baby sitting since we were little, so we had been thrown together every week or so for years. We...
After my experience with Dan and Lisa, I wasn’t actively looking for another “hotwife” couple. Shortly after I severed ties with the two of them, however, I received a message on our swinging website. I had reached out to Phil and Danielle shortly before meeting Dan and Lisa. I was not only intrigued by the photos they included in their profile, but also with their sincere and articulate description of themselves.Danielle was just my type of woman: blonde and petite, and with an exquisite...
Wife LoversADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS' COLONY CH. 4SisyphusI thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my turn...
Straight SexOn the Monday morning following our exciting Saturday afternoon with Steve, Traci and I had to return to the mundane world of work. Traci was employed as a receptionist for a large investment firm. She spent her day answering the telephone, greeting clients and getting coffee or water for everyone but herself. She wasn't thrilled about her job, but she realized that her situation was the result of her own choices. While majoring in modern dance had been fun and fulfilling, it hadn't been a...
CuckoldIt’s been a while since you (readers) have heard last from me (hubby came home for the Christmas vacation but has left again), so I guess it’s ok again to share my adventures to you all readers , as I had read most of your comments to hear more, well here it is …the adventure continues… Aaron used to pay me a visit once or two times a week after that first encounter (first adventure), I was excited and satisfied every time we would have sex in every corner of the...
If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...
Dear Friends, This is the real story of a young beautiful married couple who is bold, beautiful and adventurous and very much sex obsessed. Like other all new open minded 21st generation couples, they are just entered the world of sex and were enjoying their youth, fresh body which was virgin before their marriage. This story narrates how their new marriage life started and moved to an un-imaginable corner which turned their meaning of sex and its pleasure. The whole reason of happening this...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Sisyphus Chapter One When I arrived at Hickory Run, an artists’colony in New York State, my intent was to have a two week writing retreat with no distractions so I could finish my novel. The setting was perfect, a small log cabin tucked in a grove of trees with a view of Indian Lake. Each cabin, however, had two separate apartments. For a hundred dollars more a week I could have had a cabin without an adjoining space, but, as it was, I could barely afford this...
Straight SexADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY CH. 4 Sisyphus I thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my...
Adventures of a sex goddess CH 1 Strange things can happen when you combine a frightfully imaginative imagination with a horny teenage boy. Contains some interesting content. Heavy sexual content. I would say be careful, but if you have come to this website, you no longer have any innocence to what this sexual adventure is. In the dark, forbidding shadows and the bright, energetic sun, there was a being of the caliber of a god. It was ageless, created by nothing, and could do anything that...
I eased into the warm and bubbling water and sat on the ledge along the perimeter of the enormous hot tub. I leaned my head back and stared up at the Jamaican sky filled with more stars than I had ever seen before in my life. It was quiet except for the sound of the water and the quiet murmurs of the few guests that surrounded me.It was the end of a very long day. We had crawled out of bed in the early hours of the morning before sunrise. We had spent most of the day in airports, cars, and...
Wife LoversI had lived in the Old West Trailer park just outside of Las Vegas for 4 years. I had a string of bad luck at poker and craps. I had lost my house, my wife and my dog over a short period. Being 23 years old and broke sucks big time. I now play poker tournaments on the Internet and have won enough to pay for a trailer and beer. I have open my second beer since I started writing this story. I am not sure how it happen but I am glad it did. It all started about a month ago.I was hanging my wash on...
Hello all, I am Akash. I am back with the continuation of the adventures with Shalini and Geet. First of all, I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to my first story. Those who don’t know me, let me tell you about my self. As I told you my name is Akash obviously name changed. I have a chiseled body with 6 inches of dick. The two main characters of the story are Shalini and Geet. Shalini is my sister in law and Geet is Shalini’s roommate in Ahmedabad. I have already told...
Adventures of Tami: Tami's Chastisement Starring L & Tami by Tami, L's Gurl As always these stories are based on the truth. Only a little bit of "dramatic flair". L has always been a tad bit insecure and jealous of any woman that she thinks is eyeballing me. One day I think I mentioned that if she could lock up my dick I would gladly let her, just to prove there are no other women in my life. Not that I would ever think of leaving L, my life is too fantastic as...
Adventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like a girl. My...
I needed a vacation and a tropical island was the best remedy for the mid-winter blues. Any island would do, as long as it had warm, sandy beaches. So I booked a trip to Jamaica and before I knew it, I was on a plane headed south away from the snow and the cold. My boyfriend Mike came with me and we left that day hoping for another great adventure. I arrived pale, tired but excited about a week of nothing at an all-inclusive resort. All I had to do was eat, drink and get a tan. Mornings were...
On this unseasonably mild December day, as they made their way to work together, Julia was looking out the window as she and James approached downtown. As the office tower that holds James’s office came into view, Julia was reminded of the erotic tour she had of James’s new office and the fantasy she fulfilled as she seduced him in the chair in front of his desk. It had been a wonderful evening with dinner and the Messiah at the NAC, followed by the seduction. The seduction actually started...
Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...
Part 1: Meeting It all started when I went to college. My name is John, I am about 5 foot 9, around 140 pounds. I have always been a smaller guy, you could say I was a ‘late bloomer’. In high school I was always too concentrated on school and work to really do much with the opposite sex. Now here I was going off to college, and I was going to make up for my past mistakes, when I started a new life. It wouldn’t take as long as I thought. I had just moved into my apartment right off campus, I...
I just wanted to let everyone know right off the bat this is a true story. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, and the downright naughty! Yes, everyone is over 18 (even though later I act like I’m not- just a warning to you psychos out there who think we’d really do anything with jailbait). As for me- well, you can call me Columbia, like in the Rocky Horror Show. After all, I played her a few times. Here’s my first submission to Literotica, I hope you enjoy reading it as...
Adventures of a Trucker I had just finished taking a shower and having a quiet dinner. As I was walking out of the truck stop I was approached by a fairly good looking short lady. My first thought was, what’s this going to cost me as I have been pan-handled to death lately, with everyone down on their luck and no jobs. I told myself don’t be a push over and go for the sex. I was right she was looking for money to replace a tire on her car that had gone bad. She asked me if there was...
Adventures of Donna–Part 1 (Little girl suck) Deep-throating huge, horse-sized cocks was Donna’s goal in life. Everyday this small, woman/girl, who looked 12 years old, was on the lookout for the largest, thickest penis available. Ever since she could remember she had been obsessed with large dicks. You would never have expected it. She looked like she belonged in grammar school–small, pert tits, but her other features were perfect. Donna had beautiful smooth, brown skin, flowing brown hair,...
Adventures at an Artists’ Colony Sisyphus Chapter 2 Angel’s idea to get our writing done during the day and sharing fantasies in the evening was intriguing, so the next morning I slipped a note under her door telling her what my fantasy was in case she wanted to prepare for it. I wrote, “You’re the farmer’s daughter alone on the farm and I show up at your door. I’ll be there at 7.” For some reason this fantasy of working on a farm and getting seduced by the horny farmer’s daughter in the...
ADVENTURES OF KRISTOF AND MARCI PART I The Meeting I sat on the chair in front of the computer, wearing a tiny black swing skirt, black nylons and red high heels. Beneath the skirt I wore a little pale pink lycra thong and I was naked from the waist up, save for the chain that hung at my chest, the ends connected to each nipple by a little clip. ‘I really need to pee’ I said. ‘Mmmm. Go on then, you know you like it. I think I will, too.’ Marci responded. ‘I can just imagine what you...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Sisyphus Chapter One When I arrived at Hickory Run, an artists’colony in New York State, my intent was to have a two week writing retreat with no distractions so I could finish my novel. The setting was perfect, a small log cabin tucked in a grove of trees with a view of Indian Lake. Each cabin, however, had two separate apartments. For a hundred dollars more a week I could have had a cabin without an adjoining space, but, as it was, I could barely afford...
Adventures of Donna–Part 6 (Baby throat) Amanda released the large pole, which was hard and erect a good 15 or 16 inches. Donna smiled with pride as she smoothed Amanda’s beautiful hair out of her face. She leaned over and kissed the little girl hard on the mouth, their tongues tickling each other. Amanda got a little pre-occupied with her aunt and slid her mouth down to Donna’s little tittie mounds. She sucked hard on a nipple, loving the way it got big and hard. ‘Umm, that feels nice. Suck...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Ch. 3 Sisyphus After a wild night with the farmer’s daughter fantasy, we cuddled then fell asleep. I got up early and, after a light kiss on the cheek, went back to my cabin to start my day of writing. I was intrigued when she said her fantasy would make me see what a devil she is, even though her name is Angel. That night, she knocked on my screen door, “Professor Thom, can I come in?” “Yes, the door is open,” I replied from my desk. She entered wearing a...