Dogfight free porn video

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The genesis for this story is the movie ‘Dogfight’ but the story is only very loosely based on the movie.

The ‘dogfight’ refers to an ‘ugly date’ contest among a group of men in which they each go out and find the ugliest female that they can, and persuade her to attend a ‘party’. At the party the guy with the ugliest date wins.

– Wikipedia on the movie Dogfight.

Thanks to Techsan and Lady Cibelle as always for their editing and general support.



Billy Cantwell was sitting in a quite comfortable easy chair staring at the dying embers of the fire in the large stone fireplace. Taking another sip of the hot eggnog nicely laced with brandy warmed him more than the remains of the fire. The large glass Christmas ornaments on the tree reflected myriad images of the coals now lightly coated with ashes.

Billy was troubled that night … once more feeling the shame of that night those years ago, that night with Jenny. And the dance the next day – really a dogfight — how proud she had been when they announced the winners of what she had so naively believed a regular dance contest.

He shifted his leg slightly on the footstool trying vainly to make the phantom pain of the missing foot he had left behind in ‘Nam go away. Jenny … what had happened to her? She just disappeared, he never ran into her again. ‘God,’ he thought, ‘how she must hate me!’

He sensed the presence of another in the room with him. That situational awareness that came from the hell that had been the long siege of Khe Sanh was still with him – one thing he had not left behind. Yes, he knew there was a person in the room behind him, holding still … maybe a faint smell of lilac — no smell like that in the foxholes. For some reason he was loath to simply turn and see whom it was. There was a feeling of something momentous about to happen in the air. Holding still, hardly breathing, he felt the soft touch of a hand on his shoulder.

‘Hello, Billy,’ came the soft voice that shattered the illusions about his life he had been clinging to.


Billy Cantwell was happy! He had been a tough All-State linebacker and an All-American wrestler at Cherry Creek High School in Denver. Being a moderately good looking guy (in his own humble opinion) and smart as hell – it’s not his fault he was so busy partying that he couldn’t keep his grades up – and now Iowa State was going to be blessed with his athletic prowess.

The wrestling coach at ISU convinced him to concentrate on wrestling. The coach was desperate for a good competitor in the 184-pound weight class. Overriding his B- GPA was his skill in sports, his extra-curricular activities (driven by his do-gooder mom), and the fact that the Dean of Admissions had been Billy’s dad’s roommate at Iowa State. So Billy was at Iowa State and was going to pledge for his dad’s old frat house: Zeta Eta Theta.

Billy was neither attractive nor unattractive. He did have a certain rugged handsomeness, an undeniable persona that attracted girls like a magnet, and he had a well-deserved reputation for having fun. The girls in his classes seemed to flock to him and he had more of the girls volunteering to tutor him than he could possibly use. This of course made many of the girls unhappy.

One of them, Jenny Lynne, was a somewhat plain girl from Rockford, Illinois. She wasn’t really ugly but she sure wasn’t getting any dates. She was a bit too tall, a bit too thin, and over-the-top too shy. But she was more than way smart and had a heart of pure gold! Still she had no dates, and less self-confidence. So from afar she adored Billy Cantwell with a passionless love that was as true and as bright as the dawn rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the night.

Billy had rushed right through pledge week. The silly initiations were meaningless and no one really wanted to mess with Billy anyway. His reputation for single minded, even ruthless aggressiveness in the ring was well known throughout the campus even though he was just a freshman.

Then on Thursday night before the pledge party on Saturday, all the new pledges were all taken to the basement of the fraternity house and sworn to secrecy. The key activity would be a dogfight or an ugly date contest. Each new pledge had one day to find a girl for his date and during the dance a committee of three would judge each girl.

At the end of the dance a presentation would be made of an appropriate sized trophy for first, second and third place. The largest trophy — the one Billy fully expected to win – was inscribed: First Place Zeta Eta Theta – Pledge Dance Contest. The winner would get a room to himself for the four years of school — beginning that night if desired (a key to the room would be quietly passed along with the trophy.

The girls, of course, were never to be made aware of what the trophies were really for but the guys would all have a great time laughing.

Now most of the pledges were frantic about finding a truly ugly girl in such short time. Once the girl had been singled out, she still had to agree to go to the dance — and the fraternity didn’t have that great of a reputation around the campus. Billy wasn’t worried. The president of Zeta Eta Theta, Kenny Ames, was Billy’s brother’s best friend and had been on the wrestling team at Cherry Creek when Billy was a freshman. Two days prior Kenny had taken him aside to have a talk with him.

After explaining about the contest, he continued, ‘Billy, my man, I don’t want some asshole to get that room so I’m going to fix it so you win. I just ask that you find a girl that’s believable. I’m counting on you, Billy!’

So Friday morning Billy started thinking about all the girls that had been sniffing around. Then it came to him – Jenny Lynne. He normally had pretty high requirements for his tutors but he was having problems with his pre-calc class and Jenny was clearly the smartest person in class. So he had broken his rule and asked her to help him out.

Her response had been almost pathetic. She had been so excited she had started stuttering. She wasn’t really so bad looking, somewhat mousey, her nose was a little crooked and she didn’t use any make up. Underneath her far from stylish clothes she looked like she certainly had a useful body. Unfortunately, every day was a bad hair day for Jenny. He called her and asked if she could come over to his dorm room and help him with the homework assignment.

Jenny came right over but after fifteen minutes or so, Billy called a halt, ‘My head is hurting too much for this today. Let’s take a break.’

He took a beer out of his small fridge and took a long swallow. ‘Here, Jenny, you finish this one and I’ll get a new one.’

Jenny nodded a strong no, ‘No … Bil .. Billy, I don’t drink!’

Billy, truly flabbergasted, stared at her, and then asked, ‘You mean you have never had a drink?’

‘That’s right, Billy, I don’t like to drink.’

With a smirk he handed her the can and got a new one. ‘If you have never had a drink, then how do you know you don’t like it?’ he said in a forceful tone. ‘Now be sociable and drink with me.’

With that he held the can to her lips and tipped it up so she would have to drink or make a mess. He tipped the can higher and higher until it was empty while he drank his own beer in one long gulp.

‘Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? And just what else have you never done?’ Billy asked, not giving her time to respond. ‘Here’s another beer. Let’s have fun.’

Jenny was confused and a little fearful. Then she realized that Billy, the boy she loved with all her heart, wanted to have fun with her. She took the can and tried to stay up with him as they drank several more cans. During this Billy had started holding her hands and then put his hand on her knee whenever he made a point.

Leaving his hand on her knee, he said, ‘Jenny, I think I like you a lot. Could I kiss you?’ With that h
e gave her a long, but somewhat chaste kiss, and slid his hand up a little higher on her leg.

Jenny tensed and grabbed his hand.

‘Jenny, Jenny, I guess you don’t like me,’ Billy said as he backed off a little.

Jenny was confused and more than a little tipsy from the beer. ‘No, Billy. I mean yes, it’s all right,’ she blurted as she turned red and leaned into Billy and gave him what she understood was a passionate kiss.

Billy wasn’t going to pass this up. He quickly removed her blouse and bra and started kissing her firm and larger than expected breasts.

By now Jenny was on fire and lost in the passion of the moment. As Billy took her skirt and panties off she offered no resistance … she even lifted her hips to allow him to get the panties off.

Billy dropped lower, kissing her stomach, nuzzling her navel. Moving quickly he spread her legs a little and started licking between them.

Jenny was lost in the moment and quickly had her first orgasm as Billy went on to take her virginity.

The next morning Jenny was awakened as Billy entered her from behind. She was dry but Billy ignored her faint protests and quickly ejaculated in her.

Later, after they had showered and Billy had shown her how to go down on him, Billy told her, ‘Jenny, I guess you are my girl now. I’m taking you to a dance tonight so everyone can see you.’

‘Oh, Billy, you have made me so happy. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.’ Jenny blushed big time as she said this.

‘One thing, Jenny. This is like a costume party. Come by here at six tonight and I’ll have some clothes for you. Now don’t forget, you are my girl.’ With that Billy gave her a big kiss and edged her out the door, a smirk not seen by Jenny on his face.

Jenny did come back to Billy’s room promptly at six. Billy handed her a bag and told her to put the clothes on.

Jenny started walking towards the bathroom, but Billy grabbed her arm, ‘No, in here, Jenny. I like to look at you.

Jenny was humiliated. The night before she had been a little drunk and in the heat of passion. Now she was sober and having second thoughts.

Billy made a big thing of looking at his watch, ‘C’mon, babe. We don’t have much time. It’s too late for me to get another date.

Jenny tried to turn away as she reluctantly started undressing but Billy just kept circling around. Finally she was nude and took the clothes out of the bag.

‘Billy, I can’t wear these clothes. They are … I mean, Billy I just can’t wear them. ‘

Billy was quiet a minute. He stared at her ripe body – realizing for the first time that Jenny was better put together than any of the girls he’d been with — and there were a ton of them.

‘Jenny, I am dressing Rhett Butler, from ‘Gone With the Wind.’ You are going as Gypsy Rose Lee, you know how she dresses. You will be fine. Now get dressed and I’ll put your makeup on.’

‘But why can’t I go as Scarlett O’Hara?’

With a big, and seemingly patient sigh, Billy responded, ‘Jenny, that was what I wanted to do but I couldn’t find a costume for that role.’

Billy had learned about putting on make-up in several drama classes in high school and now garishly painted Jenny’s face. He stepped back and was pleased — she looked like a stripper, no, even like a slut!

He had to almost drag her, complaining all the way, over to the Zeta Eta Theta fraternity house. He was amazed at how much attention she was getting from the other guys. It almost made him jealous. Kenny Ames — that asshole — even suggested that they could have a threesome with Jenny. Billy thought about it for a moment but he was afraid Jenny might freak out and they would all be in trouble.

Jenny turned out to be a surprisingly good dancer and Billy actually had fun. For a while he forgot about the contest until the band stopped playing and Kenny went up to the mike.

‘The winners of the dance contest are Billy and Jenny … or should I say the handsome Rhett Butler and the always sultry Gypsy Rose Lee!’ Kenny finished with a laugh. ‘Can we have the winning couple up here? Let’s have a big round of applause for them — maybe we can get Gypsy Rose to display her great talent for us,’ he finished with a leer.

Billy and Jenny went up and picked up the large trophy. Billy put his arms around Jenny and gave her a big kiss, his hand sliding down the back of her scanty skirt. Jenny wiggled a bit — embarrassed by what Kenny had said about her.

Billy took her up to the room that was now his and had his way with her — several times during the night.


Jenny woke up the next morning a bit disoriented … and alone. Billy was nowhere to be found. Jenny was upset that he wasn’t there but finally gathered her stuff – including the trophy that Billy had told her she could have – and finally walked back to her room.

She had no choice but to walk across the campus to her room wearing the Gypsy Rose Lee clothes. She was totally embarrassed when her English Lit prof passed by and stared at her.

Jenny didn’t see Billy for a couple of days but finally ran into him at the student union building. She ran up and tried to kiss him but he turned away.

‘Billy, what’s the matter?’

‘Jenny, you took advantage of me by throwing yourself at me. And the way you were at the dance! You looked like a slut. Now leave me alone or I’ll file sexual harassment charges against you.’

Jenny was bewildered. She felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. After standing there in shock for a while she finally turned and ran for her room, desperately crying all the way.

Curled up on her bed, she kept asking herself, ‘Am I going crazy? Oh, God. What did I do?’

She moped around for the next few weeks only seeing Billy from afar. She ghosted through her classes and woke up one morning realizing she had missed her period. She waited for a couple of weeks before going to the campus health clinic to find that, yes, she was indeed pregnant.

‘I’ll call Billy. I know he will do the right thing for me and the baby.’

But Billy hung up on her each time she would call. Then her world collapsed when a girl from one of her classes was visiting her room and saw the trophy. Thinking it belonged to Jenny’s roommate she started laughing.

‘That damn frat house isn’t still having dogfights, is it?’

‘What is a dogfight?

‘Oh, Jenny — it’s an ugly girl contest. Each of the pledges has to find a really ugly girl to take to the dance — and the guy with the ugliest girl wins the trophy and a single room in the frat house.’

From Jenny’s horrified gasp she quickly saw she had made a major faux pas and quickly left the room.

Jenny lay on her bed crying pathetically. ‘I’ll kill myself, ‘ she thought. She spent several weeks thinking of how she would do it … wondering if she could.

Finally she realized she didn’t have the strength to kill herself — or the baby growing within her. She quietly withdrew from her classes and moved home to Rockford.


Billy was pleased with himself. ‘Man, it’s great having this room to myself.’

The only cloud on his horizon was pre-calc. He was struggling and finally gave in and called Jenny. She was the one that could help him for sure.

‘I’m sorry, but Jenny has left the school,’ her roommate told him.

In the end Billy cheated on a test — he had to pass pre-calc or he wouldn’t be able to wrestle. He was caught, of course, and not only lost his scholarship but was kicked out of school.

Billy was too smart to wait for the draft and be sent to Viet Nam … he would join the Marines and be an Embassy Guard. A friend of his from high school told him all about it — about how those foreign gals all went for that snazzy uniform. Yeah, it was for four years, not two, but what the hell, it was better than dying in some damn jungle.

The Marines weren’t wh
at Billy expected. Oh, it wasn’t the physical stuff — he was in great shape and easily handled all challenges. He even set a record on the obstacle course. No, the problem was that Billy was a loner. The Marines wanted teamwork.

His life was made a living hell as the Marines tried to remake him in their own image. Billy was stubborn as hell and paid for it with constant harassment.

In the end, of course, Billy got nowhere close to being an embassy guard. In the words of one Gunny, ‘That SOB is good for only one thing — killing people. I think ‘Nam will make a man and a real Marine out of him … or kill him.’

And that’s how Billy became a man and a ‘real’ Marine. Being a charter member of The Siege of Khe Sanh Club taught him everything there was to know about depending on others and having them depend on you.

Six months into his vacation at Khe Sanh, Billy was laying in a trench feeling the mortars burst around him. It was like going to the stock car races. On television you could watch and listen to the race but if you went in person you could feel the race. It was the same with the crashing mortar rounds: you became one with the bombardment.

Billy had learned the best way to get through an attack like that was to just zone out — go to another place in his mind. The image came to him of Jenny undressing in his dorm room. How lovely her body was. For the first time he felt shame for what he had done to her. She had a lovely spirit that he had crushed without a care. As he wondered what had happened to her a random piece of metal found the exact angle to reach out to his in the trench and slice through his ankle.


‘It’s a shame that such a handsome young man has to lose his foot like that.’

‘Well, when God starts throwing shrapnel around He surely doesn’t look to see if they are cute.’

‘Still though, it’s a real cryin’ shame. A boy like that with everythin’ to live for.’

‘Did you see … ‘

The sound came floating to Billy as if in a dream. As he came out of the anesthesia he suddenly worried that maybe the nurses had been talking about him. He couldn’t look down but when he wiggled his toes they felt fine. He wondered for a bit about why he was in the hospital but slowly fell into a deep sleep.

He felt a gentle hand shaking his shoulder.

‘Billy, it’s time to wake up.’

He looked up to see a kindly Colonel with the caduceus symbol on his lapel. It took no great deduction for Billy to figure out this was a doctor.

‘Okay, Sir, I’m awake.’

‘How do you feel, son?’

‘Okay, I guess. A little woozy. What happened to me?’

‘Well, Marine, the shrapnel that hit you pretty well took your foot off at the ankle. All I had to do was clean it up and get it ready for a prosthetic.’

‘No, Doc, I mean Sir. I could feel my toes wiggling while ago.’

With a laugh, the Colonel continued, ‘Yeah, son, and there will be times you will go crazy with your toe itching, or hurting in cold weather. Don’t worry, you will be almost as good as new when we get through with you.’

Billy lay there, wondering about that almost.


Colonel Abrams was pleased with his patient. The Marine was doing much better with his therapy that he had expected. He had seemed depressed for a couple of days but one day he wore a smile to his therapy and accepted the challenge of his prosthesis with a humorous determination.

After a couple of weeks of Billy’s therapy, the Colonel decided to talk to him about it. They had developed an easy familiarity with each other – in the hospital environment at least.

‘Yeah, doc. I was feeling pretty bitter for a couple of weeks. Then I started thinking about my buddies … so many of them didn’t make it. On my first patrol at Khe Sanh, this kid Sammy — I wouldn’t have even said hello to him back in the world — dived on a grenade and saved two or three of us. I’ve been thinking a lot about that. Until I went to ‘Nam, I thought I was one of the Golden Ones. I thought the world revolved around me.

‘Anyway, I realized I was alive and it wasn’t something I had done for myself. It was being part of a team that kept me alive. I wasn’t a good person. There was this girl … well, hell, doc, I guess you ain’t a priest. But I didn’t treat her right and it haunts me. Christ, Doc, I want to be proud of myself. I’ll never see that girl again. But I’ll spend my life making it up to her. I’ll be the kind of guy that would deserve a wonderful girl like her.

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Hyley Winters will be grabbing your attention showing off her tight little body in her sheer red lingerie. She hopes you like her boots too! They match her bra and panties with the lace detail and she wants to leave only them while you admire her pussy that she gladly spreads open so you can see how wet she is. She imagines your cock in her face fucking her mouth and gets those desires fulfilled by James Bang when he bends her over and fucks her balls deep with that big cock of his. Hyley loves...

1 year ago
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My life as a woman

Introduction: This is a purely fictional tale about a man that decides to become a woman… warning ….. When I was eight years old, my mother walked in on me with her bra on, two crocket balls in the cups, feeling myself up and listening to the Radio. She didnt get too angry, but we talked about it. At the time I remember feeling embarrassed, but very comfortable in her clothes. There was nothing said to my father, and we never mentioned it again. In middle school I discovered my sisters...

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Puberty Exam By Dad and Friend

My parents had been divorced for a long time, my mother left when I was very young. I lived with my father. It was just he and I, and our dog, Lucky! For most part my dad and I got along very well. He was a good dad very loving and caring. When I was 18 years old my dad did something that really surprised me… One Saturday afternoon I had just gotten out of the shower, and my dad walked into the bathroom as I was drying off. My dad told me to wrap a towel around me, and go and lie on the bed. I...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 10

We were up by six and John was in our suite, having breakfast, at six thirty. We went over the e-mails from yesterday and anxiously waited for the call from Ken, as we were kept from calling until too late yesterday. At seven thirty, we called Ken knowing he was an early in the office guy. "Good timing, guys," Ken said. "I've just finished checking my e-mails. The New York group has some Ruskies tailing our investigators, so we have some of New York's finest picking them up for bullshit...

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My Logan Part 30

Logan would sometimes trickle a little bit of her little girl juice out of her pussy, and she would stand up and turn her ass to me and tell me” lick me clean daddy and makes sure my ass is clean too” and I could never tell her no, I would lick her tiny little pussy and asshole and taste her sweet cum and get her all cleaned up and then we would ride some more. At night we would spend every m9ment together, her always naked and most of the time I would have underwear on, but normally had...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Nyx Monroe Slam Dance

As Nyx Monroe dances for JMac, we hear her thoughts, her horny stream of consciousness. What she likes to do for guys. What makes her hot. The more Nyx dances, twerks and rubs on him, the hotter she gets. This dance will end in a big bang. JMac walks Nyx to the bed and tosses her on it. He plays with Nyx’s big tits, squeezing them, palming them. She opens his fly and out pops what Nyx expected. “I like it. I like it a lot,” Nyx murmurs. She sucks and licks his cock like a...

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and my big cock

I’m white, 28 yrs old, 5' 11'' and 185 lbs. I was gifted, or cursed depending on how you look at it, with a cock that is almost 8 inches long and a little over 2 inches thick.I grew up in an old farm house in Tennessee about 40 miles from Knoxville. My mom and dad had divorced when I was younger. Dad was 10 years older than mom and was a trucker and found some old hag in Ohio and moved in with her.So with dad gone mom and I were on our own. Mom was only 18 years older than me. Well 18 and 9...

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Getting to know the inlaws

This will be an overambitious attempt at storytelling, with tons of kinks and possible endings. Themes will include group sex, incest, exhibitionism, BDSM, bisexuality, and more. I'll do my best to keep each kink strictly optional so you can stick to the ones you like. Please click the thumbs-up button on the paths you like, so I know to focus on them. I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to click Start Game for the complete experience! You stand straight after having bent down to zip up the...

4 years ago
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Millys First Time

Mom never remarried. Even though there had been a few boyfriends she never seemed to find a man that could fill my late father’s shoes. So the two of us, my mom and I, lived alone in our big house across the street from Uncle Hugh. He sort of kept an eye on us. Mom told me recently that from time to time she and Hugh would get together and fuck. She told me that they have been fucking since they were teenagers. In fact he had taken her cherry when she was only thirteen. Often when Mom...

3 years ago
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Life Keeps Getting Better

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, everyone. What could I say? Life just keeps getting better. So does marriage functions. Yes, it is a marriage function again and yet another Sex experience for me. If you haven’t read my previous stories, try them(although this is not a sequel). OK, let me get it straight. This time, it was my sister’s marriage. I was being used like a machine. To pick people up from the railway station, to drop them in lodges. To buy...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 15 Snow Fall and Darkness

"T.C. Be reasonable." Cor said into the phone. "We aren't going to be able to come home for Christmas, so we want Mom and Dad to come spend Thanksgiving with us. We're talking just five days. You will have them all to yourselves for Christmas." "We'll all get together on New Year's Eve, how about that? We're planning on going to the big Obsidian Technologies party in London. Would you guys like to go with us?" "... Okay, yes email me the details later and I'll call when I know...

4 years ago
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I boarded a flight from Washington D.C. to Seattle. I took my window seat in the first-class section. There was a pink carry-on under the aisle seat and a fashion magazine on the seat. It was apparent that my companion was a woman. I wondered what she would look like. A very attractive well dressed green eyed natural blonde entered carrying a Vogue magazine in her left hand. She wore no wedding ring. She was a bit busty for my liking but otherwise not at all hard on the eyes. Could I get...

Straight Sex
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Adventures on the Golf Course Part II

I loved living life on a golf course, so much so, that one day I snuck out on to a local course, real early, borrowing an unattended cart from the club house. The wind in my hair felt good and I was in a good mood as I drove along the golf path. I stopped on a vista overlooking one of the long fairways. The sun was just peaking over a tree-line in the distance. I closed my eyes and slid a finger under the elastic of my underwear, just under the confines of my short mini-skirt, gently rubbing...

Quickie Sex
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Husband Gifts Erotic Massage To Wife On Valentine8217s day

Hello ISS readers, my story happened in the year 2013 and is about how I massaged a wife in Divegaar and climbed up the popular charts very quickly. Thank you. For those who don’t know me, I am a professional masseur who has several married and unmarried couples, divorcees, and single women as his clients. I was studying in the U.S. where I learned the technique of giving massages. I didn’t know that what I learned as a hobby will give me so many adventures here back in India. So, let’s begin...

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Mommys Help ch4

Once I was all showered up and grabbed a quick meal, I started cleaning up my room and the bathroom. My mother had just cleaned yesterday, but I thought if she came home and had seen that I tidied up a little she would be pleased. After giving the bathroom a once over, I started on my bedroom. This had taken me longer than expected, due to the fact that I leave my clothes, dishes, and drinking glasses everywhere. It was twelve in the afternoon once I finally finished cleaning up. I...

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The Model 2

The Model by Alyssa Davis At last! Summer vacation...At 16 years old, I'm finally working on my first real job earning my own money. OK, so I'm only working for my aunt who owns a small dressmaker shop. But, it is a full time job, for the summer, and I'll probably continue part-time after that. I had spent a lot of time here playing when I was younger; now she's given me the opportunity of earning some spending money. She's taken care of me since I was born...said I was...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 5

Ivy Sorensen was waiting for them and escorted them to their quarters. "You teach me how to work it your way and I'll teach you how the proper people use them." TJ and Morg put on their innocent faces to be met with scorn, "You both do that so well. Da let slip you called upon him and I wheedled it out of him. He doesn't know how close we are, seeing I spent the leave at home; just like you said, Morg. Da had a spare and taught me the inner workings the 'proper' way and a couple of...

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My wifersquos teenage cousin Part 1

How I became a ‘Sex Sensei’ to our nanny and my wife’s teenage cousin.“You need to teach Jing; she is eighteen now and her mom said she needs a husband. Because she is a virgin Jing told me about she worries about Gweilo’s; ‘Foreign Devils’ and all that” Kutwijf laughed “So I told her you could teach her.” again she said it with a mischievous grin.Tread carefully I thought; am I being set up?“Are you serious? You want me to fuck the nanny, your cousin, so that she can get married to a...

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Islands Edge

 ♦For the next three weeks, I went back to doing the usual routine of visiting my mom on the weekends. The only difference was that I would drive over to see Janus afterwards. The day was set aside for my mother, but the evenings were Janus'. I just enjoyed our time together. We could talk about anything, even the prospect of meeting her daughter. She always pressed for it some time or another during the conversation, saying how much she would love to have me be part of her family. Yet, she...

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Lazy and Not Morning in Bed

Isabella could feel the warmth of the sun blanketing her body as the light slowly woke her from a very restful night. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm light and snuggled the soft body next to her. It took her a moment but she realized before long that she was not snuggling Ethan, and he was not even in bed. She started a bit before she remembered he had said something about having to go to a job early so instead she settled to enjoy snuggling Paula a bit more in the morning sun.Paula was...

Love Stories
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

Straight Sex
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 184 in the Box With Jen

"Helen, I'm being held at the police station and the coffee is horrid here. I know this is a terrible imposition, but do you happen to have a few cups laying around that you could get someone to bring here. Before you ask, I don't need a hacksaw blade in it." I said into the cell phone. "Of course I have coffee, how many people do I bring it for." She asked. "Just me. Oh yeah and Jen is on the way. Let the rest of these guys drink the crap they have. Well bring one more cup for the...

3 years ago
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My wife8217s sister in law Devi

I used to read stories in this site. From last one year .well let me tell u some thing about me. I am rocky 6ft height good body medium color. I was working Chennai as an engineer. I got married last year and I am happy with my marriage life. This incident took place some 8 months back, Mine is love marriage and her house is next street of my house. My wife sister in law hmmmmmm nice lady. I always have eyes on her. Her name is devi age 34.i know that she is having lot of problem with her...

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Lupe the Colombian Guesthouse MILF Satisfies

I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...

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Friday Night Ben Janes First Time Together

Jane was a curvy young woman of twenty-four when Ben moved in. She’d been paying her own bills for six years, moving out of the house as soon as she graduated high school and working as a barista to get through the MRI technician program at a technical college cross-state. On graduation she was able to find steady entry-level work. She had a boyfriend, Park, who she had been dating for about five months, and the two-bedroom apartment she shared with one female roommate was in a good...

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A Friend Who Needed Attention

I was accepted to the local state college and was looking forward to trying out some college tail. After graduation, I spent the summer working for my dad and kicking around town in search of a piece of ass. This is the story of one of the times, the summer before college.I worked hard for my dad and he knew it. He would let me out early on Fridays and I'd go searching for the weekend's entertainment.One weekend I started searching my old high school town for girls I had known and one night I...

1 year ago
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A Valentines Day Auction

Kerrie wasn’t happy about having to attend the formal gathering that her company was hosting, but then, she didn’t really have any plans for Valentines Day anyways. It would be just another boring night at home. It had been five months since she called it off with Mike and she just hadn’t felt like being around anyone, men in particular — especially married men. ‘Look Kerrie,’ her boss would say. ‘It’s just like horseback riding. If the damned animal bucks you off, you jump back on and use...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Nikki Gabbie Threeway

So here at ExCoGi we are all about firsts and real, non scripted, sex scenes… and this weeks video is Nikki’s first time having sex with a girl and 3some, along with Gabbies’ very first sex scene on camera. Booya! Sure Nikki is a little intimidated when Gabbie whips off her dress at the start of the shoot, fuck! Who wouldn’t be? Those tits are monsters for that little frame and I’m surprised she doesn’t have chronic back problems. Sure Gabbie is way more...

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Not What She Expected 3 spankingschoolgirl story

When the last school bell rang, my favorite student, Hannah, rushed out of class only to be back in few minutes, when everyone already left. I knew – I hoped – she will come back to me after the foggy deal we made last Friday.- I will give my report only when we are in the stock room - Hannah stated with an intent look on her face, standing in front of my desk. I simply noded to her statement and headed towards the back facilities of the clasroom in my care: my precious little office. After we...

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The Ransom

I'm sitting in a booth at my favorite watering hole nursing a beer, waiting for my dinner to materialize This was a treat that I gave to myself a couple of times a week. I had always been conservative and almost a recluse as I moved out of my parents' home into my own cottage. I had no girlfriend at the time and I was lonely. It's been a long time since I graduated college. I left heartbroken as my fiancé ditched me for some jock on the football team. As a result, I hid out and built up my...

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Open House Open Cunts

Abe were a farm equipment mechanic and made big bucks compared to most of the other people in their holler. One Christmas they splurged on satellite TV and it was wonderful, a rarity bein the only one anywhere around. Everyone else got one local channel that wern’t worth much. When the couple learned that the Super Bowl was going to be on their new TV, they decided to have a party. Lulu Belle, Abe’s wife, made big plans to invite kin and neighbors to have a party that no one would fergit. It...

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Here After I Am Learned What She Needed

Hai i am Sarath, from Kerala. now working in capital city Delhi…this is happened in Delhi. I am 27yrs, this is happened one year before. I am a bachelor at that time, now married, as usual my major time pass is fb and chatting with friends and all. As usual one day i got a friend request from my colleague, Anu, name changed, before that i didn’t seen her, so i checked her profile and she was abt 32-34yrs, and little fatty and married also.. so initially i didn’t give importance to her, but she...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Colleague Pushpa In Bangalore

Hi everyone, This is Raju (name changed) from Bangalore. I use to read the sex storied, but i was thinking when it will happen for me this real story. It was September of 2007, when i joined on of the BPO’s Koramangala, i found a 28 years fat good looking living in Basaveshwara Nagar ‎Bangalore and her name is Pushpa ( name changed) . She was working with the same team because of her horoscope the marriage was delayed and the work pressure also more in that firm. I was just finished my...

3 years ago
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Adverse ConditioningChapter 4

One day led to the next and then to another until they seemed to run seamless together. For the first week Cleo was Lisa's constant companion keeping her on a very short leash as it were. At first she was constantly afraid of the 'reminders' her mistress would quickly deliver if she made a mistake or spoke out when she shouldn't have, but as she became used to the relatively simple tasks required for household maintenance these became fewer and less severe. Unintentional errors more often...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Gianna Dior Might As Well Fuck

Gianna Dior and her stepbrother Tony are on a trip, but there’s an emergency at the hotel. There’s a hostage situation that prompts Gianna to call her mom in a panic. When Gianna is distracted, Tony pulls his dick out and strokes it to hardness. After his stepsis gets off the phone, Tony takes that opportunity to suggest that Gianna shows him her tits so he can see them before they maybe die. Once he lays eyes on Gianna’s jugs, Tony begs to touch them. Now that they’ve...

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The Tides of WarChapter 37

The war dragged on into its second year and the besieged towns were liberated at a high cost of life. The war developed into hit and run by the Boers up against nearly two hundred thousand British and Dominion soldiers. A knock-on effect of the war was beef prices skyrocketed and David was sending thirty head of cattle every three weeks to Mombasa for shipment down to Cape Town. By the end of the second year the British changed their tactics to that of the Boers, using mounted infantry and...

4 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 3

= Gangbang at Ricks part3There i was knee deep in Big Cock. I don't know why Guys like fight over a girl or gal the want to pound some Hot Wet, Tight, Hole real bad like a Bull. Wait a minute, I got to thinking, I am a guy in girl xxxy cothing. I got up told them all lets settle down, I was fresh fucked, Don his BBC, I was still Letting Daddy Rick up and my big load in his belly, he shot all over the sheets, He got up told me to clean up his mess, he made. Face down in his big load, Some one...

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