Where Will It EndChapter 7: Public Viewing free porn video

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This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination.

She awoke a few minutes early the next morning. She should have let Jon sleep but her urge to give her son a good morning kiss was almost overwhelming. As she leaned forward, she stopped herself. Another thought had hit her. She remembered an unfulfilled request her ex had made. It was one of those fantasies that was shared by every man.

With a smile on her face, she gently pulled back the blanket, trying not to awaken him. Then she gently pulled down his boxers. She was sure ‘They’ would not mind her improvised kiss.

She kissed the tip of his cock, slowly opening her mouth to take more of him in, until she was sucking on his cock head, swirling around with her tongue.

She had been reading up about fellatio.

“Oh crap Mom,” Jon muttered as he awoke. “Best alarm clock ever,” he groaned. “Best sexy Mom ever. My fantasy Mom.”

He knew the right words to say to her to get her going. Beth grinned. One of her own hands had already found its way to her pleasure box. She placed her other hand on his shaft as she licked and sucked away.

She came up for air. “Momma needs her breakfast,” she cooed as she went back to him. So corny but from his groans she knew she guessed right on what to say. Surprisingly, it worked on her as well.

She cupped and stroked his balls. Letting a little more of him in. Then, without breaking mouth contact, she drew him to the edge of the bed, kneeling between his legs.

“Yes,” he groaned.

Jon sat up now, able to reach forward and run his hands over her back. Soon they wandered to her tits and tweaked her nipples. She groaned in his cock.

“Fuck, Mom! I am not going to last long.”

That was her goal. What she had not expected was that she wasn’t going to last long either.

When he grunted and she felt his sack tighten, she went into her own orgasm. His load hit the back of her throat at the same instance she peaked. It was amazing!! It felt like he sprayed gallons of cum into her though she knew it was only ounces. Finally pulling herself off his cock, she licked a drop off her lip.

“Good morning,” she greeted her son.

Then the magnitude of what she had just done hit her. She turned away quickly. Fucking bastards!! Look what ‘They’ had done to her!! She was now initiating sex with her son.

She quickly left before she started crying. A hot shower helped her relax.

She was halfway through breakfast before she realized what was missing. No cum on her food or in her drink! At least that had stopped. That was good, right?

On the way to school, Jon talked to his mom about the picture sales.

“We did really well with the pictures yesterday. I still have a lot of good stuff from the previous shoot I can sell but we will need some fresh stuff.”

Beth just smiled at him, hadn’t she shown enough of herself?

When she dropped Jon off, several of his friends approached.

“Hey Jon,” Todd called. “We were wondering if your Mom would take some pictures with us.”

“I am not sure...” Beth had begun to say that she was not sure if she had time, before Jon interrupted.

“I am sure she would,” Jon told them.

“Sure,” Beth reluctantly agreed.

“Meet us in parking lot behind the pharmacy,” Jon told them as he ushered his Mom back into the car.

Beth wondered why they had to go there? John saw the question on her face as she turned to look at him. “I wanted someplace a little out-of-the-way,” he answered it.


“You know, that it has always been a fantasy of mine to show off my beautiful sexy mother to my friends.”

Fuck! He wants to show me off. Well damn, they have seen pictures of me. Hadn’t she shown off enough of herself?

Obviously not, she realized.

In the last week or so, she had begun to realize that Jon liked showing her off. This past weekend, ‘They’ had told her to take Jon shopping with her. Of course ‘They’ had given her some additional instructions. He had to wear one of her the shortest skirts and could not wearing her panties. Just walking without showing off her ass was a challenge. This coupled with the command not to bend her knees when she got stuff off the shelves led to some embarrassing moments.

At first she had tried to get Jon to pick up the stuff off the lower shelves for her. But somehow ‘They’ knew. She had gotten a text telling her;

- Return the items that Jon had picked up for you

- Choose another of the same items and get it yourself. Spend at least five seconds bent over.

- As a punishment, you must spend a minimum of two minutes bent over examining every fifth items you pick up.

She had looked around her hoping to spot the person spying on her but only saw Jon returning with the peanut butter from the next aisle.

She examined the bottle and told him, “I was thinking of buying creamy today.”

“We always get chunky,” he protested.

“I just wanted a change,” she smiled at him.

“Give me that one and I’ll go get the creamy one.”

“That’s OK, I’ll get it,” she assured him.

He just shrugged.

On the way over, Jon pointed to the soup they normally buy. “What kind of soup do you want to get?”

“I want to look at some of the ingredients,” she said even as he bent down to look.

As he stood back up, she bent down and looked at some of the soups labels then she grabbed a few from the lower shelf, staying bent over to read the instructions. She could feel the cool breeze on her bare underside.

She could see Jon’s legs as he backed up. She didn’t need to see his eyes to know they were glued to her ass. She stayed like this for almost five minutes to make sure that this fulfilled ‘Their’ requirement.

When she stood up, she noticed several men now shopping in the same aisle, all intensely studying an item of food in their hands.

She repeated the short version of this at the peanut butter and many of the same men were now finding items in that aisle. She heard at least one woman huff as she wacked her husband before leading him off

After seeing his mother do this, Jon also noticed the men in the aisles were watching her every time she bent down. He started asking her to look for items that were on the lowest shelves, sometimes he even changed his mind, having her put back that item and find another item on the lower shelf. Beth realized what he was doing but could not let him know that she knew what he was doing. She knew that their grocery bill would be much higher than it should’ve been and that they would have items that they would never use. But Jon had seemed to really enjoy showing her ass off to those other men.

That many of the men had to check their phones whenever she bent over added color to her cheeks. She was sure that there were pictures of her ass and pussy peeking out from her micro-skirt plastered all over the Internet. “20 most shocking pictures taken in the grocery store.”

When they left, there were at least half a dozen male shoppers ranging from teenagers to one very old man who were shopping with her. At least two stock boys were also present. She was sure there would have been more except for the vigilant wives and mothers.

Even as followed Jon’s directions, she blushed remembering it. They ended up in the back parking lot of a store that abutted the high school. They parked and waited for the boys who jogged up a few minutes later.

As she got out of the car, she became aware of what she was wearing. Though not as slutty as her home clothes, these were quite revealing.

She had on a white cotton-Lycra blend shirt. It had a low scooped neckline and cutouts for the shoulders. It fit so tight that she could not wear a bra. It fit so tight that it hugged her breasts. She pulled it downward to give some room between the bottom of her boobs and the material. Of course this only made the outline of her nipples more pronounced.

Her skirt was a burgundy pencil micro-skirt. Only inches hid her pink g-string with its sheer front panel. It did not hide the 2-inch wide intricate floral band of the top of her dark brown nylons or the brown garters that held them up. Her nylons peaked out of her knee-high brown leather boots.

“Thanks for going along with this Mom,” Jon told her sincerely.

She did love fulfilling his fantasies. At least she did now.

Jon reached into the back seat of the car and pulled out his camera and tripod. She had really wondered if this had been an unplanned. Now that seemed even more unlikely.

“OK guys, line up over there by the trees.” Jon directed.

Beth was still amazed how much more confident and a secure Jon had become. This was one thing good that came out of all this crap. Well, to be honest there was more than that one thing, even if she did not want to admit it to herself.

“No Mom, I want you in the middle.

She shuffled around feeling pressed on both sides by the boys.

“Actually,” Jon said as he took off his coat and spread it on the ground at Beth’s feet. “It would be better if you could kneel in front of us.”

Beth could almost feel boys’ eyes trying to peering over her shoulders and down her cleavage, trying to get a good look at her tits.

It was sexy, if not disturbing, to know they were doing this.

Jon joined the boys as he used a remote to snap the pictures. She would have to ask him where he got the remote from.

“Could you do a cheerleader pose for us?” Jon asked.

When she looked at him questioningly he demonstrated by going to his knees, spreading them out two feet apart and the holding his hands up in the air, forming an “X”.

Beth was sure that this only accentuated her breasts as the shirt pulled taught on the underside of her boobs and press tighter against her nipples. She also knew with her knees apart that the hemline of her narrow dress just rose several inches.

“I have just the thing,” Remy, one of Jon’s friends said. He pulled out two cheerleading palm-palms from his backpack. “My sister asked me to carry them in for her.”

Sure, she thought, he just happened to have palm-palms for her. It was definitely a setup.

Still Beth followed along.

“How about one of those splits you showed me last night?”

She blushed at the thought of last night and quickly got into a split before anyone could ask about it.

Of course a middle split in a tight pencil skirt only pushed her dress up to hips, leaving her crotch fully exposed.

At lease Jon’s coat added some cover as she tried to bunch it up in front of her.

“Great job Mom,” Jon encouraged her snapping some more pictures.

“Now let me change the focus a little,” He went back to the camera and made some adjustments, twisting the camera on its mount until it was sideways.

As he came back, he told the boys, “Now lift her about chest height.

Before Beth could protest, six sets of hands for a total of twelve male hands were on the inside of her legs lifting her while she did her best to maintain the split.

“Woah,” she exclaimed trying to get her balance.

“Reach back and grab the nearest shoulders,” Jon told her. She did. With her arms reaching behind her it pressed her tits out further. She could feel the bottom edge of her shirt ride up above her belly button.

She felt Jon crawl under her and then felt him place his hands inches from her pussy. She hoped the boys did not feel her legs shiver in pleasure.

“I zoomed the camera in and it should look like I am holding Mom up by myself. A little lower.”

She could tell he was looking straight up at her thinly clad pussy by the sound of his voice and by the air movement near her crotch.

“Your turn,” she heard Jon tell Todd. Then she felt Todd and Jon charges places.

Shit, it was one thing to have Jon’s hands so near her crotch but to have Todd’s hands there was even more perverse.

She could tell he was posing himself in several perverse poses as the pressure of his hands changed as he moved around. Then his breath hit her pussy letting her know his mouth had gotten very close.

Then it was the next boys turn and the next, and the next. Until all the boys had had a turn under her legs. Later she would see the pictures of the boys taking advantage of her position. Their eyes locked on the sheer material and her shaved pussy underneath. Their tongues reached out, only millimeters from her pussy.

By the time they set her down, still in a split, she was not sure if she had been dripping her juices over the last few boys. She did know that she had left a damp spot on Jon’s jacket.

She gave Jon a big kiss when she left, not caring that the other boys saw her.

When she got to the office, she expected George and Peter to come around. But neither of them made an appearance that morning.

Around 10 AM she was paged to come to her boss’s, Frank’s, office.

When she got there, Frank was sitting at his desk looking uncomfortable.

“Beth, you have worked for me for over five years now. You have always been an excellent worker.

Shit, she thought. Was she going to be fired? She needed this job.

“Do you remember Mark?”

Mark, the big perve. He was always hitting on her. He was also one of their bigger clients. He was a developer in the city and he thought this entitled him to sleep with anyone he wanted in the office. He had always been infatuated with her breasts. She had continually but pleasantly put him down. Well, there was that one time she had to put him in his place.

“He has given a lot of his work to Jonson this last year. He was a little upset with how things went last Christmas party. I was wondering if you could spend the afternoon with him next week when he visits.”

“Frank, I don’t think that would be appropriate.” What was he thinking?

“Well, I have come into possession of some photographs and videos of you that make me think that you would be open to this.”

Shit! He was part of ‘They’

“Of course,” Frank added in quickly, taking her shock as a refusal. “There will be a bonus for you. Say $1000?”

Beth finally got over enough of her shock to start thinking. ‘They’ are offering her money? It must be part of the game they are playing. They already had her confessing she loved to perform sexual acts in front of an audience. She loved showing off her body, she loved fulfilling her son’s ad other men’s fantasies. Now they wanted her to take money for sex? Then she thought of George and Peter. She could give Mark a blowjob and maybe play with her boobs.

“You will get close to a million from this one contract,” she told him. “The least I should get $3000.” She was surprised at her own boldness.

“Throw in a weekly blow job for me and I will make it an even $3500,” Frank seemed relieved.

“You understand I have to be back in time to pick up my son.”

“It will be during your normal working hours,” he agreed. “That should work well with Mark; his girlfriend wouldn’t trust him staying out late.”

His girlfriend!? Yeah, she remembered he left his wife for this young thing and he was already cheating on her.

Frank saw the look on her face.

“He still loves her,” he said lamely. “She just isn’t into some of the things that he wants to do.”

It scared her that Frank wouldn’t look her in the eye when he said that last part. Some of the things he wants to do? Things he wants to do to me. Shit, ‘They’ aren’t going to make it easy on me.

“It’s a deal,” she agreed before she allowed herself to think any more on the ‘things’.

“Let’s seal it,” Frank said coming around the desk. He unzipped his pants.

Beth didn’t need to be told what to do. She automatically took off her blouse and skirt, leaving her in her sheer g-string, garters, nylons and boots.

And then it hit her. She had just accepted pay for sex! That made her a whore!

Beth, the whore, got down on her knees and pulled out his cock. To think that up to a month ago, she had only ever given one man a blow job. This would be the fifth man she gave a blow job to this week. Hell, Mark would be her sixth one. The wrongness of these thoughts caused her to almost climax in itself. The feel of Frank’s medium sized cock in her mouth brought her even closer. She didn’t dare touch herself; she wanted to ride on the edge for a while.

Tickling his balls as she sucked on him, she slowly made her way down his cock.

“Oh, fuck!” You don’t know how many times I have fantasizes about this.”

Then she made her way back up, nibbling all the way. Finally she took him in her mouth, slowly descending on it. When his cock hit the back of her throat, she took a deep breath and slid him down her throat. His grip on her head tightened.

Then she backed him out to her mouth. She alternated between her mouth and throat a few more time until she felt Frank’s balls tighten.

She backed out to let his load fill her mouth. Damn, each man had his own flavor. She enjoyed them all.

“Fuck, that was the best blowjob I ever had,” he smiled. “Let’s round that bonus up to $4,000.”

“Rest up this weekend, Mark will be in on Monday. I want you to be prepared.”

As she finished dressing, he looked up and down. “You look fine in that outfit but Mark had wanted you to have a sexy maid’s outfit. He specifically requested that the top show off your ample breasts.” He pulled out a credit card and handed it to her. “This can be an advance on your bonus.”

“I think that is considered part of the expense account,” She told him as she snatched the card and headed out the door.

He just smiled his consent. “Take a few hours to get your shopping done,” he hollered after her.

And Beth knew just the shop to go to pick up the French maids outfit. She chose a skimpier outfit to than the one she already had, she was getting bolder. It felt good to pay for it with the company credit card. And then she bought six more dress costumes, she hoped that Jon would like. She added a few more toys. These she paid for it with her own credit card. She figured she would not be able to tell Jon about this money, so she might as well buy some things with it. She thought this would make ‘Them’ happy.

As she browsed the store, she came to a stop with a fearful expression on her face. Shit, she would be missing her pole dancing class on Monday!! But it should be alright, she was doing this was for ‘Them’.

She finished her purchases and headed back to the office. The rest of her day was fairly uneventful. Susan, her pole dance instructor, said she was moving more fluidly in her moves. She seemed to be getting into the spirt of it more.

She still wondered what had happened to George and Peter. It was probably just as good they weren’t around because she thought she would have given into their requests for fucking if they had asked. She was surprised to find she missed their shenanigans.

She was hoping to catch the man and his son again on the ride home but they weren’t there. She had to settle by ridding on the bus standing, holding loosely onto one of the overhead bars, and l letting her body and boobs sway with every bounce. She pretended not to notice that the men all seemed to arrange themselves in front of her.

One woman muttered slut as she walked by but Beth ignored her. Well mostly ignored her. She had started to believe her confession that women who looked down on her were really just jealous but she had been one of those women for so long that it was hard to completely accept. But her desire to show off her body had grown stronger than her shame in acting like a slut.

Soccer practice went well but it was getting to the end of the season. She usually appreciated this but this year she wished it would last longer. She made sure her jumps caused her dress to bounce a little higher than it should. She loved to watch the men watch her, doing her best to seem not to notice.

The boys seemed all the more eager to greet her after practice.

It was only on the way home that she thought of what Jon had said when she dropped him off.

“So what is this about setting up the web site?”

“Come on Mom, we had talked about it a few days ago. You had seemed to agree then.”

She just had not protested, hoping that by ignoring it, it would go away.

“Well I set it up and set some scenarios up for men to bid on,” he continued

She stiffened. “And what would these be?” she asked.

“You will see. Remember, you don’t have to do them if you do not want to,” he assured her.

“And what is in those bags in the back of the car?” he asked.

“Those ... Those are none of your business,” she good naturedly scolded him. She was still distracted by the thought of the web page, horrified and aroused.

“Looks like it might be some costumes,” he said, looking into the top of one of the bags.

“Could be,” she said teasingly.

“That’s great! We can use them on the web page,” Jon grinned.

They pulled into the driveway and her Phone buzzed again.

Damn, this is becoming a regular routine. She had Jon go in as she checked her email.

‘They’ had some instructions for her, no surprise there.

She read them:

- You will do the web page.

- You will not refuse any of the requests.

- You will act as if they are reasonable requests

- You will bring out the rest of your toys.

Same as Where Will It End
Chapter 7: Public Viewing Videos

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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

1 year ago
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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

1 year ago
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Public Flashing

Reddit Public Flashing, aka r/PublicFlashing! Alright, before you get your panties up in a bunch, we’re talking about girls flashing stuff in public. Yeah? Alright? So, don’t worry, you’re not going to get flashed by dudes with their cocks here. All you’ll see are tits, asses, and pussies. Public Flashing is the kind of subreddit that is pretty intense if you look at the premise. We’re talking about chicks who are flashing their pussies, tits, and assholes while out in public. However, most of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Public Masturbation 3

In 2023 the newly liberal government passed new laws permitting masturbation in public. Originally it was just a six-month pilot program but was such a huge success that the laws were made permanent. Sex crimes overall were down and people in general became more liberal about their sexuality. Even the divorce rate came down. Let me give you some of my background. I started a small company when I was in my twenties that grew exponentially over a short period of time into a huge success. I...

3 years ago
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Public Masturbation Fantasies

In 2023 the newly liberal government passed new laws permitting masturbation in public. Originally it was just a six-month pilot program but was such a huge success that the laws were made permanent. Sex crimes overall were down and people in general became more liberal about their sexuality. Even the divorce rate came down. Let me give you some of my background. I started a small company when I was in my twenties that grew exponentially over a short period of time into a huge success. I sold...

4 years ago
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Williams Nightmare

William's Nightmare This is a true account of a past ordeal that has dominated my life for manyyears now. I wish that the clock could be turned back and that it would all go away.I have never, ever told a living soul about this painful and humiliating periodbut feel that I must set the record straight in my own mind by sharing thepain with at least one other person. Only then can I try to forget. It is easierfor me if I write this story in the third person. A couple of names and veryfew...

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Willies Revenge

This story is for adults, if you are not able to read this in your state or country, stop! This story is entirely adult transgender fiction that sprang from an over active imagination. All people and places in this story are fiction, any inference to real people or places is purely sheer coincidence. This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I am an avid fan of Fiction Mania and decided it was time I gave for all I have gotten. If you want to contact me my email is...

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Jerrys World First Viewing

I went up to shower before dinner and didn’t even think about shutting the bathroom door, why would I anyway as Bev was cooking plus it’s not that kind of household, privacy is not only hard to come by its also deemed unnecessary. I was happily soaping my body and as often happens was a bit over zealous in the nether regions but then my parents had always instilled in me to give that area a good clean, it’s something that has stayed with me all these years so it was no surprise that I ended up...

3 years ago
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Wills Journey Into ManhoodChapter 2

On the way back to the ranch Will stopped at one of the small streams, he thought he better wash himself off some. Will was young but he was pretty smart, he could smell Maria's musk on his fingers and he figured on his manhood also. He figured it wouldn't be good for him if Becky smelled that also. He took a small piece of lye soap from his saddleback and just washed the areas that needed it. He was looking forward to a nice bath with Becky later on. He rode up to the barn and unsaddled...

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Williams Construct

Authors Note: The first posting of this story I considered 'unfinished' and rough. I was impatient with it and just posted it one day without much thought. This is the revised version with grammatical and spelling errors fix. I am 'fairly' certain that I got all of them. The biggest challenge of my writing is grammar and spelling so it takes more than a couple of drafts to 'finish' one of my stories. I also fleshed out the story a bit by adding some details and conversation lines...

4 years ago
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Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex

Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sexSlutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 2Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 3Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 4Slutwife Terry Webb NY Flash and public sex 5I believe the most often asked question I get is to share about my riskiest place I have ever had sex. I have already shared in other posts about the museum, lots of beaches, public restrooms, pools, in elevators after pushing all the buttons to stop on every floor, lots of...

1 year ago
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Gone Wild Public

Reddit Gone Wild Public, aka r/GWPublic! If there is a site that simply has it all, I’d give my all to Reddit; from funny subreddits to pornographic ones, and everything in between. And for those who are here to check out beautiful women who love to get naughty in the outdoors, r/gwpublic/ is the right subreddit, trust me. There is so much to be said about Reddit and this subreddit in general, so if you are interested, you are welcome to stay and browse.Great design.One thing I am sure everyone...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Exposed In Public

Reddit Exposed In Public, aka r/ExposedInPublic! Don’t you just love how some chicks do not give a shit where they are? As long as they are feeling naughty, they are ready to snap naughty selfies anywhere, and I think that all who love that kind of content will also enjoy what r/exposedinpublic/ is all about. I mean, the name of the subreddit basically gives it away, so if you want to see some horny babes getting dirty in broad daylight and in public, I think you might want to check out...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Rest of Williams Day to Remember

The Rest of William's Day to Remember Author's Note: Sequels seem to not go over as well. I intended to leave the story up to the reader's imagination, but this wouldn't stop running through my mind. I hope someone enjoys it. I thought it was going to be a short story when it started but there was apparently a lot to tell, but this is the end. William glanced back at the clock and saw it was just about time to meet the ladies to head out for lunch. He was looking forward to it but...

2 years ago
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The Public Adventures of Mark

"The Public Adventures of Mark " Mark was very nervous as they parked the car in the mall parking lot. It was a very cold evening as the sun was getting ready to set. He had always thought about being publicly humiliated, and found the thought so exciting, but as they pulled in and parked the car, the excitement of the fantasy became a fear of reality. Mark looked at Cindy as she shut off the car. She met his eyes with hers and smiled. "Ready for a little public humiliation Mark?"...

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Willows Story

N.B. I've noticed sometimes, but not always, a small problem caused when I change to Rich Text Format from Word that some accents on or under letters get lost. For example Provencal should have a cedilla under the 'c' but comes out as Proven(al in my story 'The Pre-nuptial Agreement'. In the following story is the word 'melee' and this has a circumflex over the first e and an acute accent over the second e. Sometimes it reproduces correctly, other times it doesn't. Having gone to...

3 years ago
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Public Use

Several months ago, you were a 21 year old college student working towards a higher education. Unfortunately, you were not the best of citizens during that time. You did drugs, hung out with the wrong crowd, and subsequently got yourself arrested. However, the moment the government official arrived at your cell, everything changed. The dubious Special Department of Public Services had chosen you and a number of other incarcerated women there with you for their Public Use program. At first, you...

4 years ago
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Public Relations

Public Relations by Diana Kimberly Heche I shut off the overhead projector and the crowd of 300 applauded. I sighed with relief, that went better than I could have expected. I gathered the material from the podium and took a deep breath, after all I had been through, the speech itself was easy part. I smoothed down my skirt and left the stage. Dan Waterman, my boss, and his assistant Kirsten McDonald were waiting for me. "Bravo" Kirsten said, giving me a hug, "Bravo....

4 years ago
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The Public Adventure of Mark Exhibitionist or Submissive

"The Public Adventures of Mark" Exhibitionist or Or Loving Submissive Sissy Mark was nervous as usual never really knowing what Cindy had in store for him and today was no different. All he knew was they were headed out once again so he could be observed in public dressed like a girl and be humiliated. The anticipation was very exciting and he squirmed in the car seat. "What's the matter Mark? Getting a little excited there?" She smiled glancing down at his crotch as she...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 20 Going Public

This particular gathering was focused on (drum roll, please) ... Artificial Intelligence! (Maybe some of you can see where this is going.) Lectures, presentations and panel discussions covered both practical developments in the field and the theoretical legal, political and ethical implications of artificial life forms. There had been a variety of such conferences over the years. Some were more focused on the ethics of creating artificial or synthetic life, especially if it was created to...

3 years ago
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The Public Adventures of Mark A Day with Cindy

"The Public Adventures of Mark" A Humiliating Day With Cindy "Come on Mark," Cindy said as they pulled up in front of the nail salon in the shopping center. "Time to get your nails done," she laughed and patted him on the shoulder. Cindy was so good at this public humiliation game that she played for Mark. It was because she cared so much about him and knew it was such a deep passion and turn on for him once she got him out in the public. She always took care of him and he trusted...

4 years ago
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Willie And The Brain

Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that blew her off both his spurting cock and the bed. What she couldn’t understand and mentioned to no one was how, during lift off, she heard him scream, “Mid-terms!” ### "If only the good die young, those guys will live to a hundred.” This unflattering...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Public Toilet Cum and piss Shower

I was walking home from work through the park late one afternoon feeling extremely horny having not masturbated for about three days because my parents were staying with us and in between working and showing them around town I had no time to myself. I took the long way home so I could stop by the public toilets in the park to read the things written on the walls while stroking a quick load off, as I sometimes do.Nobody knows it ,but I love cock, especially the anonymous, no-strings-attached...

2 years ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 6 Public Exposure

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 6 - Public Exposure By Farleven "Well, well, look who finally made it." Alex laughed as I stumbled through the kitchen and managed to collect up something resembling breakfast. I shot the spunky blond a quick glare before I poured myself a glass of orange juice. I was feeling a bit run down after so many late nights in a row. Even the afterglow of last nights marathon sexing wasn't enough to offset the fatigue. I was a bit surprised it had taken this...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Public Punishment

Made into a Public Fountain.The Rogues Public PunishmentI'd been caught with the other three rogues and led helplessly arms bound behind my back and half naked through the city streets to the public square before you, a growing, jeering crowd of all ages, many male but mostly female, and boys and girls; all enjoying our humiliation and helplessness before you.  We’d been caught almost in the act.  We had a half a dozen girls we’d overpowered helpless bound, gagged and spread in a variety of...

1 year ago
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Sophie is publically humiliated

Normally I write my encounters myself, but this time I have been instructed that my master will tell the story for me. The rough gangbang in the woods, my friend invited me and we fucked the slut until she couldn't stand. I decided from that point that she would be my personal sex slave, that I would publically ruin! I found out her phone number and text her.. 'SLUT! This is your new master, I fucked you yesterday in the woods. I know you're a little rough around the edges, but I know I can...

Group Sex
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Wills new home Part 8

Introduction: Wills cover is blown, and so is Annas will he escape the clutches of Rev. Greene? (4:15 AM, Rocky-Mountain-Time, Brownsville, Nevada) Will and Maggie both slept in their bedrooms, enjoying the comfort of a good nights sleep. As they dreamt, however, four police officers, from the Farm( nonetheless), showed up at the house. Blearing their sirens and jumping form their squad-cars, the officers quickly broke through the Reeds door. Maggie was the first to hear the noise and ran...

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WillieForever Mine

by Scarlett O'MaraAfter a ten-year friendship, and with intense interest in boys, Karen and Willie, two 18-year old high school girlfriends, surprisingly, drift into a torrid love affair, exploring and enjoying all the possibilities of fem love. Meanwhile, their interest in boys only intensifies, culminating in frequent foursomes with Tommy and Frankie, their occasional boyfriends. Readers will enjoy the author’s use of graphic images and the stimulating detail in which the story is told. The...

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Masturbating in Public at the Local Diner

I was just sitting here fondling my cock while reading through some posts about guys getting handjobs, and such, from people in the service industries (i.e., maids, masseuses, etc.) when I started to leak precum pretty heavily. It brought back a particularly gratifying experience that I had about 8 years ago. So rather than keeping this experience to myself, I've decided to share it so some of you might get some enjoyment out of it.First a little background on me. You see, I'm a guy who has had...

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Tips for Public Jerkers

I'm a public jerker. Plain and simple. I've been doing it for about 8-10 years now and it really, really gets my rocks off. So here is a list of relevant aspects to cumming in publice I've compiled to help current and future public jerkers. I hope you find it both informative and helpful: 1) Be aware of the risks: First and foremost, be aware of the stakes. If you get caught you will be arrested, prosecuted, and possibly end up on the local news. Plus, and more importantly, you will end up on...

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A Short Trip In Public

A Short Trip In PublicBy The Qmoq (c) 2010Codes: MF/f, F/f, exhibitionism, watersports, D/s, S/M, bondage, real, consensual, humiliation, lightSynopsis: Pamela, a young submissive woman, publicly obeys her switch mistress (Alice) and Alice’s dominant fianc?e Jim.The situation was a little complicated, but interesting, at least. Jim and Alice were engaged, and firmly devoted to each other. Jim would beat Alice on the rear with a strap every so often, and frequently chained her to the bed, b...

2 years ago
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Public Incestuous Passion 1 Sisters Public Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Sister's Public Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels For the last month, an itch has built between my thighs. Ever since my younger half-sister, Alicia, rode our brother's cock in the middle of the cafeteria, hiding her activity by looking like a cute, little girl sitting innocently on her big brother's lap, my lusts were inflamed. I always had an exhibitionist streak. I enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Playing With My Pussy In Public ndash Part 3

https://xhamster.com/stories/playing-with-my-pussy-in-public-9953524 https://xhamster.com/stories/playing-with-my-pussy-in-public-9953524On reflection, the urge to masturbate in a public place was more often than not fuelled by alcohol. This particular night was one such occasion. My boyfriend, Adam and I were on our way back from a night out, drinking with friends. Before the days of Uber, getting a cab was a major pain and somewhat expensive, so as usual we caught the train. Typically, we...

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I Touched Myself Masturbated In Public

Where Did It Start?I have always been kinky and getting frisky in public isn’t something I am shy about (two stories in my book involve being frisky in public), however, there was a time where I was more innocent and I was slightly more reserved. That’s not to say I am not still reserved from time to time but back at this time, doing what I did in public was a huge moment for me…I had been with my boyfriend for a few weeks, he was a bit older than me (a humble 10 years) and although we weren’t...

2 years ago
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Public semen toilet bitch Moe

The men in this public toilet are all stranger menBut dont mind, I am not r-apedI am a public toilet bitch for any semen processingI am waiting man who wants to ejaculate at public toilet everydayMy genitals is very juicy and popular and enjoyed by many menSo many gentlmen visiting me for processing thier semen today tooIt's very easy to use me, only pierce into my genitals with a penisI will tighten my genital until men feel good then ejaculationAlmost men injection semen again and again until...

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My first time playing in public

John and I had just started our senior year when the following took place. Everyone that took part in this event was over 18. John and I both turned 18 when we were still in the 11th grade. John had a good job working in his father’s company back in high school. He was always buying me new outfits and makeup that he liked me to wear. These events took place in the mid-80’s. We both loved singers like Cindy Lauper and Madonna. Most of the stuff he got me matched Cindy Lauper’s style. I went from...

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sex with strangers in public bathroom

I always had a sexual fantasy of dressing up as a chunky sexy slut tranny and visiting a known public mens bathroom close to my house and giving oral sex and what ever they wanted me to do for them sexually.Well I finally got up the courage to do it and before I go into my true first time experience,I must say it was everything I imagine it would be and more.I realized after my first time it was like crossing an invisible line that I did not and could not return back.Well it was about a year...

3 years ago
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Double Fucked In Public

Double Fucked In PublicThe following is a true story happening on September 25; 2011. I had the most amazing public sex experience Sunday afternoon at The Club, a gay gym in Dallas. The club was having their year end BBQ out by the swimming pool and there were about 50 guys all hanging out eating burgers and dogs, most were naked or just wrapped in a towel. I am a nudist so I was one of the naked guys I am 63 in great shape for my age, only weigh 140 at six feet tall, and tanned with no tan...

2 years ago
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Public sex

Hi everyone my wife and I are new here and wanted to share our public sex stories. We started doing public sex by accident after we got caught and found it to be very sexciting to get caught or seen having sex in public. Our favorite thing to do is to go park in a parking lot of d**g stores or grocery stores and watch for sexy babes to go shopping. We then try and park as close to the drivers side as we can and we get ready for the babe to return to leave and she can see into our car and see us...

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