Hitchin' free porn video

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I had a week off from work. A week off! This was my first real job after I’d graduated high school and this was my first vacation. Not one with my parents but mine! I could go where I wanted, do what I wanted. There was only one problem … money. I decided to use the week to hitchhike south to Decorah to see some friends. Then I’d see how much time I had left and go from there. At eighteen, I had no worries!

I started out early and got good rides until I was about twenty miles from Decorah. My last ride left me at a crossroad between the southbound highway and an eastbound county road that headed straight into town. I figured that one more good ride and I’d be there by night. I figured wrong.

I soon realized that there was almost NO traffic on this road and those that did come by weren't going to stop for some young hippie. It was 1973 and a long haired kid in bell bottomed Levis, moccasins and a fatigue shirt didn't stand much chance on a lonely country road in north Iowa. I pretty much resigned myself to a long walk, only half-heartedly extending a thumb to each approaching car.

After an hour of lonely walking in the summer sun I heard a vehicle approaching. Extending my thumb without any expectation, suddenly a pickup slowed in front of me and pulled to the shoulder of the road. Elated, I ran to the side window.

“Where ya goin’, son?” an older man asked from inside.

“Decorah,” I said. “Can you help me out?”

“Sure, hop in.”

I opened the door and jumped into the cab. Immediately I could smell the alcohol. I thought for a moment, thought about the risk. Then I thought about the long hot walk to Decorah. “What the hell,” I said to myself and closed the door.

We started driving. The longer I sat there the more I questioned my decision. He would speed up, then slow down, cross over the center line and then over correct and dust would fly as the tires hit the gravel shoulder.

“Hey, man, are you okay?” I asked. “I could drive if you wanted to take a break.”

Ignoring me, he reached into the cooler on the seat between us for another beer. I had to do something, but what?

“We’re outta beer. I’m gonna stop at my place for some more,” he announced. Relieved, I figured this would be my chance to get out. He slowed and turned onto a small gravel road.

“You can just let me out here,” I said.

“It’s not far. It won’t take a minute,” he said as he sped up. I sat back again and waited until he pulled into his driveway and parked. The house was a long way from the main road, hidden down in a forested valley, and miles away from anywhere. I started to grab my knapsack.

“Why don’t you come in for a beer? You’re not in a big hurry, are you?”

I thought about it for a minute and I thought of the long hot walk ahead of me. As a matter of fact, I wasn't. “No, I guess I’m not. I've got time for one.” I set my pack back on the seat of the truck and followed him inside. He went to the frig and pulled out two beers.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I scared you back there driving. I know I’m pretty drunk. Maybe you should just stay here tonight and I’ll take you into town in the morning. Oh, excuse me … my name’s Hank.” He handed me my beer and went into the next room and plopped into a chair. As I followed, he reached for a remote and the TV turned on. Then he grabbed another for the VCR. I settled into a corner of the couch and started drinking my beer. I was thirsty! The beer was gone in no time.

“Grab another one, just help yourself,” Hank said. I started for the kitchen when I heard the TV come to life. “Hey! Do you like porn?” Hank shouted from the living room.

I walked in to see what looked like three women on a bed looking at lingerie and talking about how each piece would look if they’d try it on.

“I haven’t seen much,” I admitted, “but yea, that looks pretty hot!” I sat down, watching in amazement as two of the ‘women’ turned out to be transsexuals, very well endowed transsexuals! My cock was getting hard, noticeably so! (I wasn't wearing underwear under my jeans.) I squirmed in my chair trying to rearrange my stiffening cock to a more comfortable angle. Hank saw me and smiled.

“You don’t need to be shy around me. That’s what porn is for!” Hank said. He straightened himself in his chair and I saw the bulge in his pants. He looked back at the video and started stroking himself, first through his jeans but then undoing his fly and pulling out seven inches of very erect meat! Absentmindedly watching the video, Hank stroked his naked cock. The ‘girls’ in the film had gone from trying on lingerie to taking off lingerie and the two trannies were taking turns with the woman, and with each other!

“Have you ever touched a man’s cock?” Hank asked. I nodded. A high school friend and I had played around with each other plenty of times.

“Ever had your cock sucked?” he asked again. Again I nodded. My older friend Dick had sucked me once, though he wasn't very good at it, and I had reciprocated. I had been nervous but it was an experience I had enjoyed immensely, especially when he came! Mmmmm, remembering the feeling and the taste of his hot cum shooting into my mouth made me close my eyes and smile. Hank walked over to the couch and sat down. He unfastened my belt and fly button and then unzipped the zipper. Released from its denim captivity, my swollen prick stood out proudly curving its mushroom head slightly toward my belly.

“I wanna suck that!” Hank said almost in a whisper. He reached down and took my cock in his hand, squeezing and stroking it. Was this why he picked me up? Did it matter to me? I reached toward Hank, took hold of his cock and stroked it a few times. I leaned over and gave its large red head a kiss before slipping it into my mouth. He pulled away the back cushions of the couch and lay down next to me on his side, his mouth at my cock and my mouth at his. I felt his mouth around my member and quickly followed his lead.

We lay on the couch sucking each other’s cocks and making our own moans and slurps to compete with the sexual sounds coming from the film. I could not believe the difference! The other time, when Dick had sucked me, it was hurried and half-hearted and it had been difficult for me to cum. Hank knew just what to do and was savoring every moment while he did it. I tried to concentrate on his cock but the feelings he was giving me just took every thought over.

As I grew closer to orgasm I let him slip from my mouth, gasping for breath and clawing to hold onto something while the sensation took me far, far away! Gasping and writhing, I came hard. My cum shot into Hank’s mouth in forceful jets, one after another after another. He swallowed and slurped and kept me on fire for what seemed an eternity. Finally, with my balls dry and my entire body limp, he let me slip out of his mouth. He looked up at me.

“You liked that, huh?” he asked smiling.

“That was fantastic!” I managed, still breathless.

“Have you ever been fucked up the ass?” he asked. I hadn’t expected the question.

“Just once,” I replied. That was another fond memory Dick had given me. I had been so naive it had totally surprised me but when I looked back at that night … Oh my! How many times I had masturbated thinking of that one night I couldn't begin to count!

“Let me fuck you. I want to cum in that tight ass,” he said. Without a word I pulled off my t-shirt and wiggled out of my jeans. My young body was thin and smooth and my long tanned legs stretched out along the couch. Hank stood up and removed his shirt, then dropped his pants and briefs to the floor. He was stocky with broader shoulders and hairier than me. The beginning of a beer belly overshadowed his firm tool still erect and ready.

He turned me over onto my stomach and rubbed my back, then down my buttocks and down the length of my legs. As his hands made the return trip, he parted my legs and spread my cheeks. A mouthful of spit to lube me and his fingers were probing inside me, and they knew just where to probe! I began to moan and wiggle my hips under his hand. My erection was starting to return under me. I had never known that was possible!

Hank withdrew his finger and lifted me to my knees, spread my legs and placed himself between them. I felt his spit once more between my butt cheeks and then felt him guide himself to me. Although fairly long, Hank’s cock was slim and very straight. I felt the head push against my anus and then … Mmmm, that wonderful feeling of being filled up! When he slipped into me, his head touched those same places his fingers had. With each push into me I felt this wonderful sensation travel through my ass and up into my cock. Oh my god! This was amazing!

I felt Hank start to tense up and his rhythmic steady pushes began to be strong forceful thrusts. He held my hips tightly and banged hard against my butt cheeks. His breath was fast and labored and I could feel sweat drip onto my back and ass. With one quick, desperate yell he came. Cum shot out of him in strong hot pulses and filled me inside. I tried to move my hips against his, rocking and wiggling and milking that wonderful white liquid along with his orgasm. He finally leaned over my back, sweaty and weak, and let his cock slide out of my ass.

We lay along side each other on the couch. Hank was still panting but I was HOT! Whatever it was that Hank had done with his finger and then his cock had brought renewed life to my cock and it stood up straight ready. Hank looked over and laughed.

“So you’re ready for more?” he asked.

“I don’t know what you did but damn it felt good!” I replied.

“With my finger? That was your prostate. Feels good, huh?” Hank had a gift for understatement. Without saying a word he got up and went into the next room. He returned with a small tube of something and began applying it to my cock. It was a slippery gel, some kind of lube I guessed.

“This will make things easier,” he said. He reached down between his legs and put some of the lube on himself. Laying me on my back, Hank climbed over me so he straddled my cock, grasped it in his hand and guided it as he lowered himself onto me. The feeling of the slick lube as the head of my cock pushed into Hank’s ass made me gasp. So tight! So hot! Now I knew why Dick always wanted to fuck me!

Hank began rocking over my hips and lifting himself off me then lowering back down. His hands found my nipples and he worked them between his fingers as he fucked me. It all became too much, too quickly. I began to spasm inside him. I held his hips and flexed mine to drive my cock into him again and again and again. Finally I just lay back clutching the couch while Hank milked my cock of everything I could give. When he stopped he lay down on my chest, obviously satisfied. We lay together all sweaty and sticky with cum oozing from our asses.

“I could use a shower. How ‘bout you?” he asked.

“That sounds great!” I replied. We got up and walked toward the bathroom, naked and enjoying the cum running down our legs.

Our shower was a long and intimate one. The little taste of man-to-man sex I’d had before was nothing like this. The touching and teasing, caressing and kissing were things I had only done with women. They were the same sensual pleasures but also different. Not better, not worse, just different and I was really enjoying it all!

After our shower we toweled off and wrapped the towels around our bodies. We walked back to the couch, sat down together and let our towels fall away from our naked bodies. We watched more porn, sipping beer and occasionally fondling each other and the afternoon turned into night. We were tired, the beer and the sex and the heat taking its toll. Hank stood up and motioned towards the other room.

“C’mon, let’s go to bed,” he said. I didn't argue and followed him into the bedroom. We settled into bed. I lay on my side and Hank spooned up behind me. It felt good. It all felt very good. We drifted off quietly.

I woke early to birds singing outside but only the first hints of dawn. Hank was sleeping on his back and his erection was making a tent in the sheets! My hand moved across his hip. He started when I grasped his erection and then moaned. I pulled the sheets back. It was a beautiful cock. I never thought men’s cocks were ‘beautiful’ before but it was. Perhaps it was just what it could do? Still, seeing it erect in the early dawn light I couldn’t help but think this was a beautiful cock.

I leaned over and kissed it, just a soft kiss at first but then another and still another. Hank twitched with each kiss and it made me want him more! My mouth descended greedily and I began sucking and tonguing the way he had done the afternoon before. This time I could concentrate and it showed. Hank moaned softly while he stroked my hair and back. I loved this! I remembered the taste of Dick’s cum when he came in my mouth. It was the only time I’d tasted cum besides my own. It made me gag at first, the thick hot liquid slipping down my throat, but I had swallowed it all. I wanted to swallow Hank’s cum this morning. My thoughts were interrupted when Hank sat up.

“Lie down on your back,” he instructed. I was disappointed. This was how Dick had fucked me. While I had loved the sex we’d had yesterday and loved the feeling of his cock inside me I really really wanted to taste Hank’s cum. He saw the look in my eyes as my mouth left his cock. “Just lay back.”

He placed a pillow under my head as I complied and then straddled me. Expecting him to repeat yesterday, I was surprised when he moved up over my chest and leaned forward. His cock was right in front of my mouth now and I gave a big smile! He moved ahead and I welcomed him into my mouth. He started thrusting in and out. With every forward thrust the head of his cock rubbed across the roof of my mouth and every time he pulled back I sucked to keep him inside me. As he picked up speed, one hand braced his weight against the headboard while the other went behind my neck to steady me. He fucked my face fast and hard while I lay helpless (and unwilling) to stop him.

“I’m gonna CUM!” he yelled. His hips jerked and his cock thrust hard into me. The first shot was huge and I could barely swallow it before another filled my mouth and then a third. His body jerked and spasmed while he unloaded into my mouth. I lay beneath him gulping cum and quick breaths. It was heavenly! I looked up at him as his orgasm subsided. He towered over me, dominant and forceful. He had taken me and I loved every second!

When he pulled his cock from my mouth he teased my lips with the tip, still oozing droplet of cum. I pursed my lips, as if applying lipstick, and enjoyed the salty taste. Hank dismounted and lay back on the bed.

“That was good! Very good!” He looked at me again. “And you've only done this once?”

“Before yesterday, just once and it was nothing like this!” I replied. “It must be the teacher.” I smiled and Hank smiled back.

We made some breakfast and got ready to go. True to his word, Hank drove me right to the door of my friend’s place. He stopped the truck and looked over at me.

“Thank you,” I said, suddenly at a loss for words.

“No, thank you,” he replied. “You made a lonely man a very happy man, even if it was just for the night.” I didn't know what to say. He leaned over and gave me a long probing passionate kiss. We exchanged names and phone numbers before I got out and then he drove away.

After that night I thought of him often and even stopped by his place once or twice when I drove down to Iowa but we never reconnected. I've always been sad that we didn't.

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Again reposted from PC

Introduction: A slave of tears Her long, jet black hair caressed her shoulders as her hips swayed from left to right with each step she took. Her feet were forced into an arch and encased with shadows, her beautiful, youthful legs encased by a paper-thin layer of cream, crowned by satin bows of a silkier shade. A ruffling shadow held her hips and only concealed her thighs, the shadow meeting the silky cream at the perfect interval. Her eyes were drawn as magnets to the former place of her...

2 years ago
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A Princess of Porn

‘You know lots of girls dream of growing up to be princesses, movie stars and lawyers. I always though those were silly dreams.’ Jennifer thought as she scribbled with a fluffy pink pen in her diary. ‘I wanted to be a porn star when I grew up. Not one of those trashy girls who work on HBO. I was gonna be Platinum X girl, or a JM productions girl.’ The girl slapped her diary shut and rolled over onto her back. She was dressed in a pair of pink socks with a fluffy trim at the bottom of her...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Charma Kelly Freaky Fembots

For this Team Skeet Labs update, we’re thinking “out of the box.” This experiment, titled “Freaky Fembots,” revolves around the idea of ultra-realistic sex robots who live to serve some fortunate souls—these Fembots love nothing more than sucking and fucking. In this episode, Charma Kelly arrives at the house of Brock Cooper. When activated, Charma’s sexual prowess is immediately activated, and Brock couldn’t be more excited. Brock tries all the features possible, and Fembot Charma seems to be...

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis

Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis by Joney Cunningham Gina is making keep a diary of my sissy training. She says all girly sluts keep a diary of their training. It was the ending of a long day, so Gina told me to wash up and put on a pink baby-doll nightie. I was really sore from my ass to my mouth. My jaw really ached because of all the pussy eating, asshole licking, and cock sucking I had done that day. Gina made sure there was skin softening liquid in the bath water with...

1 year ago
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Rose petal pink

Rose petal pink. Soft as a flower. Lips moist, inviting. A taste, briefly parting… Rose petal pink. Soft as a flower. Breast warm, bosom lush. Nipples stiffen with a touch. Breath whorls out, A brand new sigh… Rose petal pink. Soft as a flower. Inside thighs, A private treasure. Spread to the world, Flush with lust. Moist, a quiver. A pleasure given… Rose petal pink. Soft as…

3 years ago
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Girls Night

I was woken by the metallic click of the deadbolt ramming home. The sound of Zoe’s high heels unsteadily clopping and scuffing across the tiles soon followed, before she stepped out of her shoes and kicked them under the side table. Dumping her purse and switching off the hall light I had left on for her, she padded straight into our bedroom. As much as I knew she wanted to, Zoe knew enough not to check on the kids when she’d been drinking. The taxi’s headlights swept across the window as it...

Wife Lovers
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Mazza hi mazza

One day while i having sex with manali she ask me that have u forgot ur dreamgirl.maine puch tumhe kya lagata hai.manali ne kaha k usne meri dreamgirl ko hamare sex relation k baare me sab kuch bata diya.aur wo muze chod k ja rahi.wo ab sirf ek hi relation rakhana chahti hai.mai sirf use dekhta hi rah gaya uske boobs mere hath me the wo haste hue boli tum to dar gaye ye sab to jut hai chalo dabana chalu karo.mai to gusse mai tha uske nipple katane laga aur joro joro se masalne laga.phir chut...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kendra James Serena Blair Mona Wales Between Heaven and Hell

Serena Blair has just passed away and she finds herself in the purgatory waiting room. Soft elevator music drones on. She looks around and sees nothing and nobody except a magazine left on one of the chairs beside her. She shrugs and picks it up, looking at it to pass the time – it has pictures of sexy girls on it. Seemingly a bit flustered and hurried by Serena’s arrival, an angel Mona Wales scrambles into the room from a door and apologizes for keeping Serena waiting. She explains...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Cocksucker

‘Cocksucker’ When my wife used her new pet name for me, I always felt a pulse in my crotch. It was dirty, and dangerous, and so freeing, especially when she said it. The promise of pleasure that it held hinted at ecstasy. It meant that she acknowledged it, favored it, desired it, and wanted to see it happen. I was happy to oblige. It was a part of myself that I had suppressed for a long time. Ever since sucking my first cock with a teenage friend, I knew that I wanted a hard, spurting cock in...

2 years ago
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My First Luck 8211 Part 1

Hey folks! This sexstory is about my first intimacy with a woman. Those memories are still so fresh as if they happened just the other day. Without much ado I am Rohan and the protagonist of the story is Meera; a lady who was the heartthrob of the locality. I am a 90`s kid and back then I was quite young and Meera was 28, mother of a cute little girl. I stayed with my parents while Meera was living with her husband(Rajeev) and daughter in Delhi. Also, we shared the same building. We kept in...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 502

I was going to have one busy week when I returned to Washington; Tuesday was the first of the many Senate hearings that I needed to testify to. The email had an attachment with prospective questions. That was something I had never been sent before testifying. That was only one of the three Congressional hearings for the week where I needed to appear and testify. There were three more the following week. Balthazar Khamini was still among the missing but the noose was closing. There had been...

3 years ago
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The Last of His KindChapter 11 The Planet of Ruins

For the next several weeks the Republic battlecruiser cruised through space with no further incident. After some initial nervousness the crew soon got used to the presence of the alien robot Medron on board the ship. Casey watched Medron carefully but the robot seemed to be well under control and perfectly behaved, never creating any incident. After a couple of weeks Casey relaxed his surveillance of Medron, though he kept a security tracking program running to watch for anything unusual the...

1 year ago
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My Kryptonite

My Kryptonite "Find your sex partner", does anyone actually buy that?After spending some time at an “adult” website, containing the usual assortment of porn videos, pictures, and instant message chat features...I found myself once again questioning my impression of such a statement. I ask myself “self, you do realize the odds of actually meeting anyone from here, don’t you?” So just like any other day, I log on, chat with a few female friends..share some pics and porn...

1 year ago
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Hypno Slut 3

Hypno Slut 3 I awake the next morning lying beside Michael, my hand wrapped around his cock. Dressed in a blue baby doll nightie I had adorned the night before and still wearing my heels and makeup. The urges for cock arise again and I slide down between his legs running my tongue up his shaft. As he awakens his wonderful cock starting to harden from my touch and once again I find myself succumbing to these uncontrollable desires. Thirty minutes later he clambers from the bed and...

4 years ago
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Work Experience Part 2

This was bizarre. Carla and I naked on the bed, making love and my boyfriend John on the speaker phone on the bedside table listening to our every word and move. He was sitting in the chair at our house, masturbating whilst we spoke to him, teasing him to death as we described to him what we were doing. Carla was now lying on her stomach with her head between my knees. Her hands were underneath the crook of my knees, parting my thighs as she began to lightly kiss the inside of my left knee. I...

4 years ago
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The Omega TouchAfterword and Acknowledgements

Strum-dum, Strum-da-da Dum! Acknowledgments and Afterword I’d like to thank several people for assistance in this book. First, my proofreaders, Bozo, Greg, Ryan, and Steve. You find the strange little mistakes that I couldn’t see, and gave me confidence when you couldn’t find mistakes. To Lexi, Annie’s sister, for your story of confidence and vulnerability. To SpacerX, for unabashed assistance and advice. To Michael Wex, author of the book “Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When...

1 year ago
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Kaun Banega Sultan Kushti Ke Baad Sex Ka

Hi there guys, thanks for great response to my previous sex story mujhe wrestling karni hai… I m atul once again with a nice continuation of my story except that its a totally different event. So again about my friend prassanubh and another guy joins our group this time his name is sid, hes also total hunk biceps chaudhi chest,abs and cheeky ass of course!! So it all started when we guys went for watching sultan, salman khan starrer movie on wrestling u guys must be knowing that we are huge...

Gay Male
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MomIsHorny Dee Williams Baseball Practice Turns Into A Wild Threesome

Dee Williams gets her sun bathing interrupted when Juan and Connor baseball almost hits her. The guys want to go to her yard to get the ball back so they can keep playing but Dee isn’t having it. She screams at them before she finds out that the big budge they have is not a cup. Intrigued and horny she tells them that she’s going to have some fun with them. She sucks both of them off at the same time before going back into the house. The guys take turns fucking her while she keeps a dick in her...

2 years ago
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One dream night with Juliagh

That should be just relaxing weekend in Subotica, north Serbia... I went there to visit some friends... but I decide to go in Szeged for some shopping.I liked Szeged a lot, nice city... after the shopping in the evening I was walking in streets ...then I noticed one lady, in that moment I wasn't sure and thinking that is not possible that I see in person my dream lady... Juliagh... I didn't lose any moment, went to here and started talking:- Hi, this will look strange to you but you are my...

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Sweet Little Red Riding Hood

Sweet little Red Riding Hood… Through the darkness broken occasionally by the moonlight stabbing between the trees, the little Red Minx was stepping with a confidence along the winding path. Her petite figure was barely concealed with the short, plaid skirt flitting up and down, revealing glimpses of the sheer, white cloth that could hardly be called panties, contrasting against her glowing, brown skin. This was merely a peek into her inherent nature. Look along the lines of her toned legs...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My older sisterChapter 2

She came back down, in a sweatshirt and jeans, looking great. “How about, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER,” I suggested? “That sounds kind of scary, but the ad for it makes me think it might be fun to watch,” she said. “I could find something else, but it’s about to leave town. I’ll never get to see it with Lynn; she doesn’t like spine-tingling movies any more than you do. I was hoping to see it with her, so I could hold her when it gets real scary.” “Well, I don’t want you to miss seeing...

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An Embarassing Afternoon

My loving Mistress, Annie, occasionally gives me a special present. She knows that I love being embarrassed or humiliated, and she arranges a special afternoon dedicated to my pleasure. Of course, she loves watching me being embarrassed and says that the red color of my deep blushes is her favorite color. We had been shopping, I needed some panties, and after a visit to Victoria’s Secret we entered Bloomies for a snack. What she did to me in VS is another story I may tell some time. Let’s...

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Best of Friends Now and Forever Ch 05

This is the next installment of my Now and Forever series. I’ve received a lot of feedback on the last chapter, mostly from anonymous. I want you all to know that while I enjoy getting feedback of any kind, if you don’t include an email address in your message I can’t get back to you. Also, there has been a few requests for more ‘sex action’ between Alice and Jason. Please remember, they are still minors and I am very limited in what I can include with them due to literotica’s policies. This...

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A sissy gets its reward

As a married guy I had always been bi curious. I would fantasise I was sucking a guys cock when I was masturbating and would be on the lookout for any gay porn I could get my hands on. I had a small stash of books that I could wank off to when I was alone at home but my dreams were realised with the advent of apps such as Recon, Grindr and Growlr were uploaded to my iPhone and opened up a whole new world of almost instant sex to me.I was honest and upfront in my blog saying “Married guy,...

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Little FoxChapter 5

After an extensive investigation, the FBI concluded that the attempt on the President's life was not a conspiracy. They learned that Buddy McGuirk was a loner and former member of an Idaho militia. He was so crazy that the Butler Compound just north of Coure d Alene, Idaho had kicked him out. He was suspected of killing several black men across the West and Midwest. His last attempt was aimed toward the President of the United States but the alert Secret Service agent who saw the muzzle...

2 years ago
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Trip Around the Med Chapter 01

Deanna woke with a start, shifting in the small yet luxurious seat/bed that was on the starboard side of the Gulfstream IV private jet. She rubbed her eyes gently, and looked up at the person who was gently shaking her shoulder. Smiling, she reached out and patted his hand then stretched, removing the kinks of the flight from her arms and shoulders as Peter went to sit back in his seat, across the aisle against the port side of her father’s jet. He had obviously already changed for their...

3 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 16 Confronting the Problem

Jim was hard when he got into bed. I think his excitement was due to his surprise at seeing Wendy naked in our house unexpectedly, but when we made love that night, Wendy wasn't there at all. He was gentle and loving--in short, the wonderful person that he always was. When he kissed me, I knew he wasn't thinking of my naked friend sleeping on top of the covers in the next room. He was thinking about me. I thought it kind of cute, actually. Jim probably saw Wendy naked a dozen times or...

4 years ago
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A Magical Passion

The Day that I met Joe was the day that changed my life forever. My name is Krys and at the time I was 22 years of age. I was five foot ten inches tall average body, size 36 c breasts, with long dark hair that reached down to the middle of my back and honey brown eyes. Earlier that day I had received a phone call from my best friend Tracey letting me know that we would be taking our girls night out that night. I had an hour to get ready so I took a long shower and got dressed. Tracey said that...

3 years ago
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Kitten in Elfland

Note: To support me as an author, please buy my books (links available through my creator site). This is a story about abduction and non-consent. In the real world, please always do enthusiastic positive consent. Thank you! They call me their animal and I obey. I hate that I like it. They think I belong on my knees in front of them, my legs spread and my breasts bare… The trouble is, I have come to the conclusion that they may be right. The old world, the human world, seems so far away...


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