Leigh Anne - Sentenced To Life free porn video

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Leigh Anne - Sentenced to Life By Karen Elizabeth L. Mom died a couple of years ago, leaving me and dad to fend for ourselves. People seemed to think that as I got older I got more and more out of control but dad never saw it that way. He would quickly rush to my defense, telling all who dared to judge his son that I was just being a normal boy rather than the type of little sissy whose feelings I might have hurt. Kenny Post was one of those sissies; his dad owned a big company and they had more money than anyone I ever knew. He didn't go to my school; he and his dad lived on the other side of town where I happened to run into him one day. He was always wearing the best clothes, kept his books in a backpack that looked like he had a new one every day, and just annoyed the crap out of me. I made it a point to ride my bike over to where he lived just to tease and harass him. Kenny of course went crying to his daddy who came knocking on our door, demanding that I leave his little boy alone. That wasn't a very good idea; it just made dad mad and the next thing you know, dad encouraged me to keep harassing Kenny and even joined in. He and I would drive over to where Kenny and his dad lived, pound on the door and accuse Kenny of harassing me. Most of the time Kenny and his dad were out so we settled for harassing the housekeepers who answered the door. We were so good at it that three housekeepers quit in just over six months. Kenny's dad tried reasoning with us and of course, we agreed to behave but we'd be right back at his house the next week with some imaginary complaint. A window or two in the house got broken and a few scratches appeared on the Mercedes during our visits but we figured that no one had seen us do it and that it would be our word against the housekeeper's. We were taken to court twice and each time we promised the judge we'd be good, just like we always promised Kenny's dad. And just like we did with his dad we were right back a week later. We played this game for a year until a letter showed up in the mail advising us that Kenny's dad was pressing charges against us and that we would have to appear in court to defend ourselves. Dad and I laughed; another stupid judge to fool. This judge wasn't quite as dumb as we figured though and after Kenny's family attorney finished with us Dad and I were both in trouble. "You've had several warnings in the past and you've both solemnly promised to end this nonsense twice before." The judge growled at us. "Now it's time to get serious." He wasn't kidding about getting serious either; dad was sentenced to two years in jail for harassment, intimidation, and destruction of property and I was going to spend the same time at the county youth detention center for the same offenses. Dad's court appointed lawyer pleaded with the judge but it was no use. Dad and I had screwed up once too often and this time the judge was going to make us pay. At the youth center I found out pretty quickly that I wasn't as tough as I thought. The first night there I was involved in three fights and lost all three. One on one I could handle myself but it was usually four or five of them against me and they were mopping the floor with me on a regular basis; compared to my situation, Kenny and I had been best friends. I won a couple of fights at the center but it didn't matter; there were guys that were several inches taller and quite a bit heavier than me that decided I was cute enough to be their girlfriend. One of them singled me out and forced me to take care of him the way my mom used to take care of dad and me. I cleaned his room; put away his clothes when they came back from the laundry, got him food, and ran errands for him. He was making plans to move me into his room so that we could be even closer when they offered dad and me a chance to get out on some sort of probation. It felt so good to see dad again, we'd been apart for several months and I had really missed him. We were taken into a small office to meet with the judge, the lawyers, Mr. Post, and a woman we'd never seen before. "I hope you two have decided that prison life is not for you," The judge told us. "I didn't want to send you two there but I decided that you just had to learn a lesson." Dad turned to me and nodded; I guess his time in jail was as bad as mine. "I've got an unusual deal for your two," the judge continued as he looked at some papers in his hands. "It's completely up to you but you'll be released from custody and if you complete the program your records will be cleaned." Dad had a sad expression on his face when he looked over at me. Why did it seem like he was saying "I'm sorry?" "Mr. Brandt, I assume you've read the terms and discussed them with your attorney?" Asked the judge. "Do you have any questions?" Dad avoided looking directly at the judge and shook his head. "No, your honor." "Fine," The judge nodded as he rose and began to walk away. "I'll give you thirty minutes with your attorney and your son." Dad put his arm around me as the judge walked out. "I don't like this but I'm not sure we have a choice. I never want to go back to jail again!" "Me either." I swore as I pulled out a chair close to dad. "What do we have to do to stay out?" "You're not going to like this," He warned. "I didn't when I first read it but it's either this or back to jail." What could be so terrible that I'd rather go back to the youth center and be some guy's girlfriend? Anything had to be better than that! Dad shook his head and drew a deep breath. "We'll have to pay Mr. Post back for the damage we've caused." "How much is that?" I asked, knowing that dad's security guard job didn't give us much room for luxuries. "Where would we get any extra cash?" "It's far more than money Larry," Dad sighed. "We'd have to work for him for the rest of our sentences." Work for Mr. Post? What could he possibly need that we could do for him? "You could guard his house I suppose, but what could I do?" "Since we drive off those housekeepers no one wants to work for him so I'll be doing the cleaning and cooking for him and Kenny," Dad explained. "He did some checking and decided that since I kept out place very neat and was a better than average cook, I could be his housekeeper." Dad was a good cook and our apartment was always neat but I couldn't picture dad doing that for the Post's. Something in the way he looked at me told me that he was really upset. "Wait a minute." I suddenly realized what was bothering me. Dad wouldn't fit in as Mr. Post's housekeeper. "His housekeepers were all women." Dad didn't say as word; he seemed completely humiliated and his face was a bright red. "That's not going to change Larry." Our attorney said softly. "That's what makes this deal so bad. I advised your father to refuse it." Dad's face got all twisted up; he was furious with the attorney's advice. "And go back to jail? What do you think would happen to a guy my size there? And what about Larry? I doubt it's been a pleasant experience for him!" I vigorously shook my head remembering my stay at the youth center. "What's going on dad?" I finally got enough nerve to ask. "Are we out or what?" "That's up to you Larry." Dad sounded very sad and upset. "I'd do it just to get you out but it's not up to me alone. You have to decide if it's right." "You heard my advice." Our lawyer started to say. "Yes, we did." Dad nearly took the poor man's head off. "Now please be quiet." "I don't care what it is dad," I promised. "I'll do anything to get out. Anything at all." Dad sighed and looked at the papers he was holding. "You were right, all of the Post's housekeepers were women. If I take the job, I'll be expected to look the part." "You're not serious, you can't be." "Completely." Dad told me in a voice tinged with defeat. "The judge recommended us for this program; he said we could pay back our debt and hopefully it would make us settle down. It's strange, I know, but at least we're out in the world again." "It's not strange, it's totally perverted!" I exclaimed. "You're not really going to go through with it are you?" I figured he wanted out of jail but this was crazy. "It's up to you Larry." Dad looked at me sadly. "If you agree, I'll do it. Otherwise I'll tell them what they can do with his plan." I wanted to help dad. Maybe there was a loophole; I'd read all about criminals getting out on loopholes, maybe we could find one too. "I'm probably going to hate myself for asking but what exactly do you have to do?" "I'd have to serve out the rest of my sentence as the Post's housekeeper; do the cooking, the cleaning, and whatever else was needed." "But you mentioned something about looking the part, what's that about?" Maybe the loophole was in that condition. Dad hesitated; he clearly didn't want to answer. "Mr. Post does not want a man for a housekeeper; he's concerned about his reputation, afraid people will think we're really lovers. If I take the job, I have to pass as a woman." The awful picture of dad in a short dress with fishnet stockings and high heels flashed into my head. I guess the look on my face said it all. "It's not like that." Dad quickly added. "I'd have to wear a dress and all but nothing like you're thinking." He paused for a couple of seconds before continuing. "I got you into this mess, I'll get you out. I don't care if I look like a fool." "The judge has arranged to make sure that you won't be recognized," Our lawyer assured him. "No one will ever know that you're a man." My dad was willing to dress up as a woman, cook and clean for the Post's just to get me out of the detention center? How bizarre could things get? I was terrified to go back to the center but how could I let dad humiliate himself like that? I'd never seen dad cry in my life yet now he was on the verge of tears; he started to talk but couldn't seem to form the words. Before I could stop him he reached for a pen, signed his name, and handed the papers to our lawyer. Choking, he nodded towards me. "I can't tell him." The lawyer took the papers from dad and looked at me. "I'm afraid that you have a part in this too Larry," He explained. "Your dad made your release a condition of his agreement but the judge threw us a curve. It seems that you'll be released but only to your dad's custody to serve out the rest of your sentence." I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. With a bit of luck we'd be out of custody and out of the agreement! "But what if someone who knows us sees us together? Everyone knows my mom's dead, they'll start to wonder and maybe take a close look at dad." "That's the other part of the agreement Larry." I was told. "You would have to be willing to be the daughter of the post's housekeeper for the remainder of your sentence." "Is that judge out of his mind?" I could barely control my anger. "I'd never in a million years go along with something that stupid!" I no sooner got the words out of my mouth than I realized that dad had agreed to do exactly the same thing to get me away from the detention center. God, what a mess! "I'm sorry dad," I quickly apologized for being so stupid. "I wasn't thinking." "That's all right, I said the same thing at first. I knew you'd never go for it." Our lawyer nodded and started to pack the papers up. "I don't blame you Larry." The judge had no right to propose such a thing, I'll tell him the deals off." Before he could move I grabbed the papers from him. "If I don't agree dad goes back to jail and I go back to the center, right?" "Yes, but it's better than that." He pointed to the papers I clutched tightly. I thought for a little bit. I'm all of five foot six and weigh about a hundred and fifteen pounds. If I tuned this offer down, I'd go back to the center where I'd be the roommate of a guy who was five inches taller and eighty pounds heavier than me. He'd already told me that he wanted me for his girlfriend and had promised to find me some pretty dresses to wear while he screwed the living daylights out of me. The light at the end of the tunnel just turned into an oncoming train. "What do I have to do?" I asked as I signed the papers. We went back before the judge who explained everything; dad would be the housekeeper and I would be his daughter. We'd be able to live in Mr. Post's house and dad would be paid twice as much to be a housekeeper than he made as a security guard. I would be enrolled in the eighth grade at a nearby public school where I would be expected to behave as a young lady. If Mr. Post had any problems with us, we would be right back in jail with no second chance. There was one last condition to our release, one meant to teach dad a humiliating lesson. The judge had decided that dad was responsible for my getting into this trouble he should be responsible for making me into a girl. Dad would get extensive training on how to dress, talk, and act like a woman and then he'd have to teach the same things to me. I moved to the Post's and dad left to learn how to pass as a woman. He wrote me almost every day to tell me that he was fine and couldn't wait to see me again. Things would work out he promised, just trust him. Mr. Post and Kenny had surprised me by being very friendly to me while I was waiting for dad to come. I had to wear girl's jeans and shorts but I was allowed to use the pool or ride a horse around the property. I didn't want the gardener see me dressed like a girl though so I just sat in my room reading and watching TV. A couple of weeks later Mr. Post asked if I'd like to come with him to pick up dad. Naturally I jumped at the chance. We drove to a small home about an hour away. I followed Mr. Post to the house and waited as he rang the bell. A pretty lady in a flowered skirt and a pink top opened the door and smiled at me. She looked so familiar but it just couldn't be my dad. "It's nice to see you again Larry," She said in a soft, sweet, and sort of familiar voice. "Thank you for coming Mr. Post, won't you please come in?" She swung the door open wide and gracefully stepped back to allow us to enter. I was so busy looking at her that I bumped into Mr. Post. "Please excuse yourself Larry." She said in that soft, sweet voice. "It's okay, he's probably a little confused right now." Mr. Post said with a smile. "You look very lovely Diana, would you like me to introduce you to the young man with me? "That would be very nice, thank you." She answered with a friendly smile. "Larry, this lovely lady is your mother Diana." Mr. Post said as the woman held out her hand. "Dad?" I couldn't believe it! I stared at the pretty lady wearing a pink top, a flowered skirt that matched her top, her hair neatly curled around her shoulders, her pretty, nylon encased legs ending in a pair of pink heels. You'd better get used to calling me mom," She laughed as she pulled me close. "Your dad's gone for a vacation." "Wow, you look so pretty." I said, my mouth hanging open in wonder. "How?" "A lot of hard work." He smoothed out his skirt and sat down on the couch as gently as any woman I'd ever seen. "They worked me awfully hard while I was here but if you think I look pretty, it must have been worth it." "You don't look anything like you did." It sounded rude but dad just shrugged. "You won't either." He promised. "But everything's going to be okay; we're really going to be able to get away with this." I looked at the woman sitting across from me; if I turned out anything like her, no one would ever know I was a boy. Somehow that scared me. I loaded dad's suitcases into the car while Mr. Post held the door for him. Dad smiled, smoothed his skirt again and slid ever so gracefully into the seat. There was nothing of my dad left, just a pretty lady who made me feel funny when I looked at her. When we got to the Post's I carried dad's luggage in and showed him where we would be staying. "This is better than our apartment." He said as plopped down on the couch and took of his heels. It made me feel better to watch as he propped his feet on the coffee table but it was short-lived relief; his skirt had ridden up and I could see that he was wearing a slip under it. Dad smiled and tugged his skirt down to cover the lace trim on the slip. "Relax dad." I said, trying to make him feel comfortable. "It's just us, you don't have to act so swishy." He ran his hands along his skirt. "I can't relax, I don't want to slip up and have someone find out that I'm a guy. If I'm not a convincing woman Mr. Post won't keep us. Do you want to go back?" "No but I don't want to end up all swishy either." I replied angrily. "I could have stayed at the center for that." "And a little more too." I could tell by his voice that I had made a big mistake. "By the way, it's called acting like a lady, not being swishy. You had better get used to it if you plan on staying out." Dad stood up and glared at me. "As a matter of fact, I think it's time you got started. Mr. Post was nice enough to order a few things to get you started and you have an appointment to have your hair done in the morning. Let's go to your room and start getting you ready." "I didn't mean to upset you dad," I protested. "I'm just having a hard time getting used to seeing you like this, that's all. Give me a chance, will you?" "I gave you more chances than I should have over the years," Dad insisted as he took my arm. "Maybe if I had used my head instead of trying to be all macho, we wouldn't be in this mess. I'm stuck wearing these clothes and acting this way but what's really going to kill me is making a girl out of you." Dad wasn't about to let a little thing like how bad he felt stop him though. "Get completely undressed, I'll be back in a few minutes." He ordered. A few minutes later I was pulling off my shorts when dad walked in carrying some packages. "Start with these," He said, throwing several pairs of girl's underwear on the bed. I stood dumbfounded staring at the assortment of lace and nylon in different colors. "Isn't there any other way?" I pleaded, panicking at the impending loss of my masculinity. Dad shook his head. "This is hard enough Leigh Anne." He told me. "Please don't make it any worse." I pulled a pair of white panties up my legs. "Leigh Anne, is that what I'm going to be called?" "It's what your birth certificate says." Dad shrugged. "It was what your mom and I had planned for a girl." "They even changed that?" I asked in shock. "Whatever happened to Larry Brandt?" Dad shook his head despairingly as he fastened a padded bra around my chest. "As far as anyone will be able to tell, the Brandt family only has a daughter named Leigh Anne. Actually, it's just Leigh Anne and her mother Diana, the father died a few years ago." I felt sick to my stomach. "Are you sure we'll be able to go back to being guys again dad?" "It's going to be okay Leigh," Dad said softly. "I got us into this and I'll get us out again." It took a couple of hours but I finally ended up in a pink denim skirt, white top, white socks with a pink band, and a pair of white sneakers. I begged and pleaded to be able to wear a pair of jeans but dad insisted that I wear a skirt. "You need to learn how to act like a girl and the skirt will help to keep you focused." He explained while putting my long hair into a ponytail. "You'll get used to it soon enough." Soon enough came after an afternoon of learning to sit, walk, and stand like a girl. I must have made about fifty trips across the living room as dad looked on saying things like "Put your shoulders back, take smaller steps, and hold your head up." Once he was done drilling me on how to walk, I had to learn how to sit. "Good girl!" Dad smiled as I sat properly with my legs crossed and my hands in my lap. "You got the hang of it in no time." "Do you have to call me a girl?" I glared at him. "I feel dumb enough as is without you adding to it." "Yes, I do." Dad said in a firm voice. "Until this is all over you are my daughter Leigh Anne and I will not only call you a girl, but I will treat you as a girl." Dad didn't have to say anymore, I nodded and promised to behave, to be a good girl. "You're doing very well Leigh." Dad said after a few more hours had passed. "Let's change into something a little nicer and meet the Posts." "I can't dad, there's no way I can let Mr. Post and Kenny see me like this." I started bawling. "Please don't make me do that." "We have to Leigh," He insisted as he led me back to my room. "Mr. Post has to be sure that we look like women, otherwise we can't stay. He's an important businessman and can't afford any kid of scandal." Dad gave me a white dress and some pantyhose to change into before choosing a yellow skirt with a white top for himself. I'd worn long underwear many times but putting on the pantyhose was much trickier; I had to be careful not to put a hole or a run in them while gently pulling them up my legs. "I wish I didn't have to do this to you Leigh, really I do." Dad said as he zipped my dress and brushed my hair. "You should be out running around, playing baseball, anything but this." I felt so bad for dad. Sure, he encouraged me to harass the Post's but did the judge really need to do this to him? I'm sure it was tough enough for his to have to dress up and act like a woman but forcing dad to make a girl out of me was killing him. Why couldn't I just go away like dad did and come back as a good little girl? Was what we had done to the Post's this horrible? I slipped on a pair of white low-heeled shoes dad gave me and watched as he changed. He seemed so graceful and even feminine as he took his skirt and carefully hung it up. When he took off his top I was amazed to see a pair of breasts pushing out the top of his slip. He noticed my staring and laughed. "Glue on's." He said as he stepped out of the lace-trimmed slip to show me the breasts nestled in a lacey pink bra that matched the panties he wore. "I can wear them for a week before I need to take them off. I have a padded bra for those times." Dad was actually smiling as he stood there in matching panties and a bra telling me about his fake boobs and padded bras. Things were getting very weird. "You sound like you're really getting into all this girl stuff dad. Are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine, why?" He seemed puzzled that I'd ask even as he stood there, staring into the mirror while holding dresses against him. "It's just so strange seeing you like this, that's all. I mean you're all dressed up like a woman and it doesn't seem to bother you at all. You even seem to be enjoying yourself." Dad smiled and put down the dress he was holding. Pulling up a chair he sat across from me, crossing his legs. "The little time I spent in jail was absolute hell. I was almost raped several times; I managed to fight my way out twice but if a guard hadn't have come by the last time, I would have been the new girlfriend of a guy who had muscles in places where I don't even have places. Two guys were holding me down; I couldn't move, they had my pants and underwear off, and I was just about to be taken when the guard found me. I'd seen other guys who had become wives in prison; they'll never be men again. Their husbands break them; they're forced to do things no self-respecting man should ever have to even think of doing. When this chance opened up for us I was determined to jump on it. I didn't want to take a chance that the things I had witnessed might happen to you. I don't care how degrading this job might be; I'll do it to save you." Listening to dad ripped my heart out. I started to cry and tell him about how I was about to become a guy just like he had seen. What would have happened to me if dad hadn't swallowed his pride? Still, how could he really expect me to be a girl? I was totally confused; was this too much to ask for what we'd done? "I don't think I can do this dad. I can't pretend that I'm just a sweet girl with her mom. It just doesn't feel right to me, I don't understand how you can wear those clothes; don't you just want to rip them up? Come on, forget all this crap, we'll run away and soon they'll forget all about us." Dad jumped out of his chair. "No, we won't run!" He screamed. "I gave the judge and Mr. Post my word that I'd do this if they'd let us out. I never break my word and there's no way on God's earth I'll ever go back to jail or let you go back! Pay attention because I don't plan on repeating myself. I am Diana Brandt, a woman who is the Post family's housekeeper and you are my daughter Leigh Anne. I will do all that I can to set a good example for you and I expect you to be a young lady at all times." I should have kept my mouth shut but I just couldn't stand the idea of acting like some prissy little girl. "No way!" I shouted back. "I don't know what happened to you but I'm not about to be some little sissy in a pretty dress with a ribbon in my hair. You can stay and play house with Mr. Post if you want, who knows, maybe someday he'll marry you and you two will live happily ever after but I'm leaving!" I fumbled around until I was able to reach the zipper on the dress I was wearing, worked it far enough down so that I could get out of it, then took off the rest of the sissy outfit I wore. I had my shorts on and was reaching for my pants when dad stopped me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that." He apologized. "You're right, give me a few minutes to change and we'll get out of this mess." That was the dad I remembered, not some limp-wristed pansy, but a real man! He handed me a CD with the best songs from groups I thought were really kick ass. "Why don't you listen to this while I change? I bought it just for you." "Cool, great tunes. Hurry up, okay?" I slipped the CD into a player that Mr. Post had let me use and sat back to wait for dad to get out of his sissy clothes. I guess I was worn out because I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke up, dad, wearing a light green slip, was sitting in front of the vanity in the room, curlers in his hair, putting on makeup. "Hey, I thought you were changing?" Dad smiled and shook his head. "Not me, you're the one that's changing Leigh Anne." "What's with the Leigh Anne crap? Why are you still dressed like that?" He mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. "Isn't your name Leigh Anne?" He asked with a smile. "And why are you dressed like a boy?" "No, my name's Lar... Leigh Anne," The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. I looked down at my pants and shorts and felt silly. "Eeeww, yuck, why am I wearing these things?" "You were saying something about wanting to look like a boy again." "I was?" Why did everything seem so confusing? Why wouldn't I want to look like a boy? "What's happening?" Dad walked over and took the CD player and headphones away. "You wanted to run, to break the agreement. They would have thrown you back into the youth center and I couldn't let that happen. From now on, you'll do what ever I ask, including wearing girl's clothes and being a proper young lady." "Never! You'll never..." "Let me show you a trick Leigh honey." I heard dad say. "Put it on backwards, fasten it, and then turn it around and put your arms through the straps." I felt something in my hands and was horrified to see that I was holding a bra. I wanted to throw it across the room but instead I smiled and did just what dad had said. "Thanks mom, that's much easier!" I said happily. "Shit, what happened?" I asked suddenly. "I told you that I wouldn't let you break our agreement and I meant it." Dad grinned. He picked up a small brush from the vanity and started to outline his lips with it. "I guess you could say that you've been brainwashed. That CD fixed it so that you'll do anything I tell you to do. All I have to do is use a trigger phrase and the defiant boy is gone, replaced by a sweet girl who will do anything to please her mother. You'll still know that you're a boy, and that I'm your dad, but you'd much rather be a pretty girl." "Yeah." I tried to fight the thoughts coming to my mind but I couldn't seem to resist dad's suggestion. "You're right, it's fun getting dressed up and stuff." "What would you rather wear, shorts or panties?" Dad quizzed. "Panties." I giggled. "Pretty ones; with flowers or lace please." "I thought so." Dad smiled. "Now, let's get those boy's clothes off and make a young lady out of you, okay?" I was unbuttoning my pants and pulling off my shorts before I came to my senses. "Stop it!" I yelled, even as I was stepping out of my shorts. "Could I wear a dress?" "Wait a minute, that's not what I meant! I don't want to wear a dress, I want to wear a dress!" "Make up your mind, Leigh." Dad laughed. "A dress or a dress?" "Please dad, don't!" I begged. "Don't do this to me!" "I'm sorry Leigh, you would have put yourself in serious danger. I couldn't let you do that." Dad handed me a pair of pink nylon panties with lace inserts above leg holes. "How about these?" I couldn't resist, the panties just looked so damned pretty and I wanted to feel them on me so badly! "Thanks mom, they're so pretty and they match my bra too!" I wished I could shut up but I was feeling so good! It was so cool to have matching underwear. "Would you like to wear your white dress?" Dad asked. "I know it's a little short but I think you look so pretty in it." "That would be so nice!" I gushed. I was making myself ill but I just couldn't stop. "After all, we want to show Mr. Post and Kenny how pretty we are." Dad handed me the dress and underwear and with a big smile I reached out and took them. Minutes later I was wearing pantyhose, a slip, my panties and bra, and the cutest white dress with matching shoes. Dad kept telling me that any girl would have been thrilled with the outfit; I was simply disgusted! "Could I wear a little makeup mom, please?" Disgusted though I felt, I had this overwhelming urge to let dad put makeup on me. I wanted to rip my tongue out of my mouth! "Cut it out, please?" I sobbed. "I don't want to do this, please don't make me into a girl." "Quit crying Leigh." Dad ordered. "I'm not exactly thrilled about this whole thing either, you know. I explained everything to you before you agreed; if you would have said no, I would have understood. Since you agreed to go through with this I expect you to keep your word just as I will. As stupid as it sounds, for the next two years I will do everything possible to be a good housekeeper for the Post's; I will look and act like a woman and I expect to treated as a woman by everyone I meet, you included. You don't have any choice, if you can't behave yourself and act like a young lady I'll have you running around in frilly, little girl dresses." "I'm your son and you're my dad. I'm not about to call you mom and pretend that you're a lady." I had a lot more to say to him but then I got busy learning the right way to put on lipstick. "This color looks so pretty mom." I puckered my lips and blew kisses to the girl in the mirror. "It would be so cool to wear with a pink dress, don't ya think?" "We can shop for one after you get your hair done tomorrow if you like." "Can I get my hair done any way I want, huh mom? Please?" "We'll get there a little early to look over the style books, I think we can find something we both like." "You are such a cool mom, do you know that?" I asked as I threw my arms around dad's waist and hugged him. When reality returned I quickly let go and pushed away. "I hate when you do that!" I screamed. "Then don't make me do it." He calmly replied. "You gave your word." "You can't hold me to that, it's not fair!" "Last chance." "Please dad, I don't want to be a girl." Dad held out a necklace. "This was your mother's, she was saving it for when we had a daughter." I was sure that I could get dad to snap out of it but I needed time. "Could you help me with this, please?" I asked as I took the necklace. Dad smiled, took the necklace and gently fastened it around my neck. "I'm not that dumb." He laughed. "You look very nice Diana." I heard Mr. Post say. "You're pretty Leigh Anne." Kenny told me. I saw the grin on dad's face and my hopes that this was all a bad dream were gone. Still I couldn't seem to be mad. "Thank you Kenny." I said in a sweet voice. Why did it make me feel good to have him think I was pretty? "That's a pretty dress Leigh." Mr. Post complimented me. "You look quite pretty in it." I couldn't believe it; I felt giddy and started to blush. It was just so sweet of Mr. Post to tell me how pretty my dress was and that he thought I looked pretty too! I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, my mom picked it out for me." I twirled to show him the back of my dress too. "She got me these pretty shoes too." Mr. Post had us sit down so that he could explain what we could expect over the next two years. We would have use of the pool, a car, and live in the servant's quarters, which was actually a guesthouse on his property. We would have use of a car which dad would need for shopping and running errands, and even be allowed to use the pool. Dad would keep the house clean, run errands, shop, and fix meals for Mr. Post and Kenny. During work hours, dad would wear a uniform; a light or dark blue dress, stockings, and low-heeled shoes. He would be allowed to wear subdued makeup if he liked but it wasn't necessary. If dad needed to help with a party in the evening, he would change to a more traditional maid's uniform of a black dress and white apron. "I'll never ask you to wear one of those French Maid outfits, or do anything that might embarrass you Diana." He told dad. "After hours you're free to dress as you like, but of course you'll have to present yourself as a woman at all times." Turning to me he explained that I would be going to a local public school in the fall where I would be just another girl in the junior high. I would have to wear a uniform, which was either a blue jumper with a white blouse or a blue pleated skirt with a white blouse. "You look very nice in that dress and stockings Leigh, but they don't allow girls to wear stockings at your new school. You'll be excused from gym class for obvious reasons but other than that you'll be expected to do everything any other girl would do. At home, you can wear slacks, shorts, skirts, or whatever you like. Just like your mom though, you have to be convincing as a girl." Dad smiled and said that he understood, and then he turned and asked if I had any questions. I had a big question but I didn't think dad would let me ask. "Yeah, why are you doing this to us?" I blurted out to my surprise. "This is so weird." Mr. Post shook his head. "I'm not. This wasn't my idea and frankly, I told the judge and the lawyers that it was the nuttiest thing I'd ever heard of. Hell, I didn't even want to see you two go to jail." Mr. Post explained that he was shocked when the judge handed down the sentence and hated to see us have to go to jail. "It bothered me to think of you two in jail. I wanted to give you a second chance; maybe if we got to know each other, we could get along. It took several months to convince the judge of that, it seems that you two left him with a very bad taste in his mouth. He got back to my lawyer with this idea and I turned him down. I don't want a man pretending to be my maid, and I sure as hell didn't want to put your dad through the torment of turning his son into a girl." "You must have agreed or we wouldn't be here." So far so good, dad was letting me think and talk normally. "I wasn't given any other option to get you two free. I had several meetings with the people who handled your dad's training before I was convinced that it was really possible. Only then was I willing to go along with it." I felt like a complete moron. Mr. Post wasn't some sort of pervert who wanted to see guys dressed like girls; he really wanted to help us. "I goofed." "I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen." Dad nodded. I crossed my legs and folded my hands in my lap. "I'll be a good girl, mom." I said softly. Later, in our rooms, dad asked me to choose what I wanted to wear to bed; a blue nightgown with teddy bears on it or a pair of blue PJ's with clouds on them. Either choice was too girly for me but it had to be one or the other. "I don't think I'm ready for a nightgown yet mom." I said shyly as he unzipped my dress. "Do you mind?" "I understand." He chuckled. "It took a week before I wore my first nightgown." I stepped out of my dress and slip, carefully removed my stockings, and then undid my bra reversing the trick dad had shown me for putting it on. "Here goes nothing." I gulped as I slid the top over my head. After I got the PJ's on dad helped me take off the little bit of makeup he had put on me. He undid my ponytail and brushed out my hair. "Any thoughts on how you'd like to have your hair done?" He asked as he hung up the outfit he had worn. I watched as he took off his slip, bra, and stockings. His gestures were very smooth, as if he'd been dressing that way all of his life. I just shook my head, still in shock over having to pose as a girl. I tried to picture myself in a jumper, my books held to my chest the way girl's held them, terrified as I walked through a school for of kids. What if one of them saw something suspicious? What if I gave myself away? "Mom, I'm so scared." "I was scared at first too Leigh," Dad slipped a short pink nightgown on then sat on my bed. "It just takes time to get used to it, that's all. Trust me, it's not so bad. No one knows who we are, we're safe." Dad held me and rocked me until I fell asleep. Dad was already up and making breakfast when I woke up the next morning. He seemed so comfortable and at ease in the robe and nightgown he wore that it bothered me. Dad had never seemed like a sissy to me but now everything about him practically screamed "Woman". It was spooky watching him flit around so gracefully, his nightgown swaying around his body; a smile a mile wide on his face. "Morning sleepyhead." He called out in a woman's voice. "Ready for a little breakfast before your hair appointment?" "Is that really you dad?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "Why does your voice sound funny?" "Of course it's me silly," Dad giggled. "And what's wrong with my voice?" "You sound like a lady, that's what." I slipped my feet into a pair of blue bunny slippers dad had set out for me and followed him to the kitchen. Dad smiled at me and nodded. "Thank you, I've been practicing and I'm glad you noticed." In just over two weeks dad had learned how to dress, walk, and even talk like a woman. What exactly happened at that place he went to, I wondered? The woman who had answered the door wasn't dad in a dress; she was way too well dressed and ladylike to have been my dad. She looked about the same height, the same weight, and even had the same hair color, but she couldn't have been dad, even if she did seem to know all about me. Did someone kidnap dad and put this lady in his place? "What happened while you were away dad? What did the do to you?" "What are you talking about?" He laughed and brushed his robe and nightgown under him as he sat. "How did you get to be such a lady in such a short time?" "I practiced - very hard. I told you that I wasn't going to let them send us back to jail and I meant it. I'll be the perfect lady if that's what it takes to stay out." Dad's voice signaled that he didn't want any more questions. Okay, I could understand not wanting to go back, I didn't either. I just couldn't imagine that I could ever be as good a girl as he was a lady. At least I knew he could help if I needed it. After breakfast Dad and I got ready for my hair appointment. I thought I'd have to wear another dress and was surprised when dad said I could wear shorts. I should have known that there would be a catch; the shorts were pink satin with a matching top. I looked up and saw dad with a big smile on his face. "I thought you'd look pretty in them; I'll be wearing a similar set in peach." I never thought dad and I would wear matching clothes, and especially not satin short sets but a deal was a deal so I put on a bra and my new clothes. "That will never do." Dad said as he looked at the obvious bulge in my shorts. "Don't worry, I've got just what you need though." Dad scampered, (Yeah, scampered would be the best way to describe the way he moved; almost like a little girl would.), out of the room and was back in a minute with his outfit and what seemed to be two jock straps. "Now that's really weird; I mean dressing like a girl is strange enough but girls don't wear those." I laughed and pointed to the two straps. "No, girls don't." Dad giggled again. "Unless they're girls like us!" "Uh dad, do you have to giggle like that? It drives me nuts. Now, what are you talking about?" Dad handed me one of the straps and I found that it wasn't a jock strap at all, more of a wide belt made out of some elastic material. He took of his nightgown and panties and showed me what the belt was really for; to keep my genitals tucked up inside of my groin so that they wouldn't show. "See, perfectly flat. Just like a woman!" He announced proudly as he adjusted his panties. "Now, put yours on." I followed his directions and was soon wondering how I'd ever be able to move with that thing on. I never wore anything remotely like it and it felt as though an invisible hand was pushing my genitals towards my throat. "It takes a bit of getting used to." He laughed as he looked at the expression on my face. "You probably won't need it for dresses or skirts but it's required under tight fitting pants or shorts of course." "Of course." I barely croaked. Dad effortlessly slipped on his bra and shorts set then plugged a set of heated curlers in. "Want me to curl your hair a little?" He offered as he brushed on his makeup. "Nah, I'm going to have it done anyhow, right?" Why add to my misery? "Count on it! We're going to find a style that makes you look absolutely adorable but will be easy to take care of." Another thing to look forward to, being adorable. Will the treats ever end? I ended up with a hairstyle that looked really cute, down to my shoulders and curled, with bangs that really did make me look adorable. Oh well, I'm stuck in this pretty prison for two years, might as well make it look nice. Getting my hair done was a major thing for me; not because I had to sit like a good little girl while it got shampooed, cut, and curled, that wasn't so hard. What was hard was me, literally! Good old Mr. Happy was thrilled with all of the pretty girls in the salon and he wanted to say hi! Between his insistence to come out and play and the belt's insistence that he stay put, I was a very unhappy, extremely uncomfortable camper. I mentioned it to dad who seemed to be lost in thought for a few moments. "There is something you can take to calm Mister Happy down." He mentioned as we drove to the mall. "You mean that he wouldn't get big anymore? "Uh huh, he'd still work when you had to go to the bathroom, but girls wouldn't get him all worked up anymore." "But it feels good when he gets all worked up." "I know, believe me I know." Dad grinned. "But not when you're wearing one of these belts." Dad hit that one for a home run. With my belt on if Mr. Happy got happy, I got very sad. Still, it didn't seem right to stop him from getting that way and he only did it around pretty girls. "I've been taking it." Dad said, ending my doubt. If it was good enough for him, it was good enough for me. Dad gave me a few pills that he had and promised to get me more. Dad knew right where to go to get me new clothes. He showed me all kinds of different clothes; satin short sets like the kind I was wearing, jeans with flowers on the pockets, tops that had sparkles all over them, and even some skirts and dresses. "I don't expect you to wear these often." He told me as he held some dresses against me to see how they'd look. "But once in a while we might go out somewhere special or maybe there will be a dance at school and you'll want to look nice." A dance? I wasn't about to go anywhere near dances, especially not in a dress! "I don't think I'll be going to many dances." I muttered. "Not like this." "I thought you liked the dances at your old school?" Dad asked as he picked out a few dresses in my size. "I was a boy then." "So, one little thing changes and you don't want to dance?" "It's kind of a big thing, don't you think? I don't want to dance with boys, I don't want anything to do with boys!" "You could dance with the other girls." Dad suggested. "Girls dance together all the time, it's okay for us to do." "But dad, I'm not..." "It's mom now and yes you are." End of that discussion, his look told me. He gave me several dresses and pointed to the dressing room. "What if someone sees me?" I asked terrified of being discovered. "There are separate rooms, just like in the boys section. Now hurry so I can decide what you look best in." With that I was given a shove while dad went back to shopping. I passed a couple of girls, found an empty dressing room, and dashed into it. I quickly closed the curtain and then started to breathe again. Luckily the girls I passed hadn't paid any attention to me. Well, one of them looked at my outfit and smiled, she seemed more interested in my outfit than in trying to decide if I really was a girl so I figured I was safe. I took off my shorts and top and pulled one of the dresses over my head. After I tugged it down I held my breath and looked in the mirror. I guess I should have been happy; after all, no one was going to mistake the girl in the mirror for a boy. She looked so cute with her hair fixed and the little makeup dad put on me, even Mr. Happy was starting to get interested! I hurried out to model the dress before things got embarrassing for me. "You look so pretty Leigh." Dad smiled as he zipped me up. "We may need to shorten that hem just a little though, most girls wear their dresses shorter than that." Dad took care of a lot of problems with our clothes over the years but it was really weird listening to him talk about hemming a dress for me as if it were nothing unusual. By the end of the day I had three new dresses, five skirts, eight tops, (I had to call them tops, boys wore jerseys and shirts but girls wore tops.), and four pairs of jeans. I was also the less than proud owner of twelve pairs of panties, six bras, three slips, and four pairs of pantyhose. It was the underwear that caused me to have a big fight with dad when we got home that day. He made me buy things like hip hugger panties with lace waistbands and even some that were nothing but stretchy lace. When I wanted to buy some plain white cotton panties, he wouldn't let me, insisting that it was important that I felt pretty all the time. "I don't see why I need such frilly stuff dad!" I threw the panties into my drawer and slammed it shut. "No one's ever going to see it and if they do they'll know right away that I'm a boy!" "Quit calling me dad, I'm your mother now and you better remember it! As for your underwear, I told you that you have to wear frilly things to remind you to act like a girl. The court said that I have a daughter and she's going to act like a proper young lady. If I let you wear cotton underwear you just might forget to act like a young lady and then we'd both be in trouble." Dad took me over to his room, opened a drawer and showed me his slips, bras, and panties. There was more lace in that one drawer than in several racks of panties I had seen at the store! "I wear the prettiest, most feminine lingerie I can buy." He said proudly. "Since I have to be a woman, I'm going to be a complete woman. No coming home from work and changing into guys clothes, no men's underwear under my outfits, nothing but lace for me!" Dad glared at me and practically dared me to say something about his choice of underwear. I'd seen that look on his face before and wasn't stupid enough to push him. "I'm sorry mom." I finally said. Mom leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, something he, I mean she, hadn't done since I was six years old. "It's not that bad Leigh, you may even like the way they feel. They're a good deal more comfortable than men's underwear." "Uh, yeah, sure mom." I smiled and left wondering what she'd been drinking. It was going to be tough enough getting used to calling him mom and thinking of him as a her but preferring panties to my shorts was a whole other thing! I went to my room to finish putting away the rest of my clothes and to keep from hearing any more about how nice it felt to wear a dress. I hung up my dresses, skirts, and tops and was just about to put my panties away when the first pair I picked up was pink, with a lace waistband. I looked it over carefully, wondering what made mom think they were so nice. They felt light, much lighter than my shorts, but then again, there wasn't much to them. You could almost see right through them if you held them up to a light. They felt very smooth; I guess cause the fabric wasn't cotton. The tag said they were made of satin but I didn't have anything made of that before so I had to take it for granted that was what made them so smooth. Dad, there I go again, I mean mom, also thought that they were pretty. That was hard for me though since I never really thought of anything as being pretty. Was it the fabric, the fact that they were almost see through, the lace waist band that she said wouldn't give me panty lines under my slacks, or all of those things that made the panties pretty? I stared at them a little while longer before figuring that I'd have to wear them sooner or later. I took off my shorts and panties then pulled on the new ones. As soon as I got them over my hips I realized that mom was right! They felt so light and cool; it was hard to believe that I was wearing any underwear at all! I quickly pulled my shorts back on so that mom wouldn't see what I was wearing. I just knew she'd be thrilled; she'd probably embarrass me by going on and on about how pretty they looked and how nice they felt until I wanted to puke. I was just fooling around, trying something different; it wasn't like I wanted to look pretty the way it seemed like mom did. Mom walked in just as I finished hanging up my new dresses. "Are you okay Leigh, you seemed a little upset?" How could she stand there all dolled up like a woman and ask such a question? Of course I'm upset! I wanted to scream. My dad's turning into a walking talking Barbie Doll and I'm next! What happened to that tough father I had? He went somewhere for a few weeks and came back as a pretty lady, all sweet and nice. I didn't think that I was going to be able to deal with the change. "Talk to me honey." Mom said as she pulled me net to her on the bed. I tried to resist but she held me close and stroked my head until I relaxed. "I want my father back." I cried. "I want to go to baseball games and get hot dogs. I want to watch a football game and cheer when the quarterback gets sacked. I don't want to wear these sissy clothes and pretend I'm a prissy little girl. My dad would never do this to me!" "You're right Leigh. Your dad would never make you dress like this or expect you to be a sissy. Your dad though was the one who got you thrown into the youth center; he failed his responsibility as a father and put you in jeopardy. If anything had happened to you, I could never have lived with my self. This job was like a lifeline; it offered me a chance to save you. I don't expect you to understand the changes, just understand that they are absolutely necessary." I fought back my fears. I just had to know where my dad went. "What happened to you? Why did you let them turn you into a lady?" "I.I didn't have a choice," she started to say. "Come on, don't give me that 'I did it for you' crap. You're way different than my dad was, you didn't have to go so far." "Please let me finish." Mom said curtly. "I can't help the way I act, they did something that makes me act this way." Mom poured out all the details of what had taken place while she was gone. She was taken to a women's hair styling shop where she was immediately ordered to change into a pair of panties and a short nightgown. After changing two women took her into another room to do her hair. "While they did my hair they gave me headphones and told me to relax and listen to the music. It took several hours to get my hair, nails, and makeup done but the music sounded so nice and I felt so relaxed that I didn't even mind when they put stuff on my legs and chest to get rid of the hair. When they were finished I looked in the mirror and at first I was mad. My hair was blonde instead of brown; my nails were painted a frosty pink, and with all the makeup I wore, I actually looked pretty. I was furious at first but when they asked how I liked it, I couldn't seem to stay mad. I kept staring into the mirror and telling them how happy I was! They took me into another room and showed me different dresses and skirts. So help me, I couldn't wait to try them on! By the end of the afternoon I was wearing a dress that I had chosen and all of the appropriate things that a woman would wear under it." Mom went on to tell me that day after day she was trained in how to dress, wear makeup, hold her hands, and do everything she had normally done in a feminine manner. Each night she listened to music piped into her room and every morning she woke up anxious to be more of a woman. "It wasn't until the end of my training that they told me what they had done." She said sadly. "The music had brainwashed me into thinking of myself as a woman. I love wearing pretty clothes and makeup, I just can't imagine wearing plain men's clothes when I can wear pretty dresses and lingerie instead!" I felt so bad for mom; how could anyone have been so cruel as to take a guy and make him want to look and act like a woman? Worse yet, what would happen when this stupid idea was done? Would my dad come back or would my new mom stay forever? "They tell me it's reversible." She said, reading my thoughts again. "When my time is up, they'll put everything back the way it was." "I goofed again, didn't I? I keep thinking the worst when I don't know what's really going on. I was really worried that you liked being a lady!" Mom smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. "Let's put on our nightgowns, watch a movie and have some popcorn." She suggested. I was so happy to know that it wasn't mom's idea to be a lady that I started taking off my shorts without realizing that I was wearing my new panties underneath. Mom saw them and smiled. "Feel nice, don't they?" I nodded sheepishly. "You don't have to feel ashamed Leigh, you're a girl now. Relax and enjoy the feeling of silky underwear as it rubs against your skin. Look at your panties, aren't they pretty with the lace trim and the cute little bow at the waistband? When you wore the dress yesterday, didn't it feel nice to have stockings on? Didn't they make you feel sort of grown up, like a big girl?" As mom talked I realized that she was right, my underwear did feel so nice and they were kind of pretty, and come to think of it, I did feel more grown up when I wore stockings, just like a big girl. Maybe being a girl wasn't going to be so bad after all? "I hope no one ever finds out about this." I giggled as I took off my top and bra. "They'd never let me live it down." "Unless they found out for themselves how much fun being a girl can be." Mom suggested with a grin. "I'd love to see someone like Tommy Patchett in a dress, I bet he'd look so cute." "And my boss from the security company, the one that was always chewing me out, He'd be simply adorable in a bra, panties, and nylons!" We laughed and had a great time thinking of different people we'd like to put into our shoes. How would they like having to wear dresses and stockings? Once they got used to it like I did, I thought they'd be thrilled! The next day I woke up feeling odd. Was it a bad dream or had mom really seen me in my new panties? I had to have been dreaming to think that I enjoyed fantasizing about other boys wearing dresses and girl's underwear; I'd never really think such a thing, right? I stepped out of bed and instantly realized that my worst fears had come true; I was wearing a pink silky nightgown with 'Princess' written across the front in glitter, just like the one I was wearing in what I thought had been a bad dream. "Good morning sweetie," Mom called from the doorway. "I have breakfast waiting, why don't you throw on a robe and hurry into the kitchen?" I was going to ask if she had used that brainwashing stuff on me but thinking of that mad me feel very sad so I stepped into my fuzzy pink slippers, put on my pretty robe and hurried to breakfast. "Mr. Post told me about services at a local church," Mom said as she placed a small plate of pancakes in front of me. "I thought you might like to wear that pretty blue skirt of yours with a white blouse. Since you've been good, you can wear a pair of stockings with it." Of all my new clothes, the blue skirt had to be the simplest, least feminine, outfit of all. I was glad that mom chose that instead of something like that sleeveless yellow dress that made me look more like a girl. "That sounds good mom, thanks. Should I wear my blue skimmers with it?" "Good girl, Leigh." Mom smiled and clapped. "That would be an excellent choice, pretty, yet conservative." After eating I took off my nightgown and began to dress for church. First came a white bra with a pink flower where the cups came together. I sat down and carefully rolled a pair of pantyhose up one then the other leg before tugging them over my hips. They felt so good against my legs, how could anything this fun be wrong? I put on the silky white blouse mom had mentioned, stepped into a cute slip with lace around the bottom then pulled the blue skirt up and fastened it. I slid by blue skimmers on my feet and checked myself out in the mirror. "Not bad for a boy." I laughed as I carefully checked to make sure my slip didn't show. Mom had said that a proper young lady always does a careful check in the mirror to make sure her slip isn't showing or her skirt isn't tucked into the back of her pantyhose. I didn't want to call attention to us at church so I took extra long making sure everything was right. Mom looked up from her makeup table. "You did very well Leigh Anne." She told me as she smeared makeup around her face with a small sponge. "I'll be done in a minute." I couldn't believe how good she looked! What had once been my father had curlers in her hair and was now wearing a pink dress with a pleated skirt, a white belt, and a white lace jacket. Her breasts formed very interesting mounds in the front of her dress and her legs looked so pretty in a pair of very light pink stockings. She finished with the makeup, removed the curlers, and took a rounded brush to her curls. For never having to do it before, mom was a whiz with a brush. In a couple of minutes she had the curls all loosened and her hair looked great. I hoped she'd teach me how to do that; if I looked like her no one would ever think I was really a boy. "We've got a few minutes, want me to put a little curl in your hair?" She asked, probably noticing the way I was staring at her. I thought about saying no for an instant but something inside of me wanted to let mom make me look pretty. "I guess so." I stammered. "Will I look as pretty as you do?" "If that 's what you want, I'd love to show you how pretty you can be." I stared and shook my head, unable to understand just why it seemed so important to me to look pretty. Mom sprayed a little water on my head then rolled my hair onto the curlers. "They're hot." I complained as she clipped them into place. "When you get older you'll appreciate a pretty girl much more when you remember what you went through to look pretty." Mom combed and rolled then let me sit while she inserted earrings that matched her dress. "You have pierced ears!" "Of course I do," She laughed, acting as though it were perfectly normal. "Most women my age do, it's very difficult to find pretty earrings in a clip on style." "Where did you get all the money mom?" "Money for what sweetie?" She asked as she sprayed perfume on her neck. "The money for all the clothes and jewelry. It must have cost a lot of money." "You bet it did." She laughed. "This dress cost me a hundred twenty five dollars on sale." She ran her hands along the dress. "It's one hundred per cent silk and it's so comfortable so it was worth it." "You paid all that for a dress?" "I've been saving some money for a vacation and Mr. Post was sweet enough to give me an advance on my pay so that I could buy some pretty outfits for us." I would have preferred a vacation but I knew that mom and I would need clothes since we didn't have anything pretty to bring with us. I would also have preferred that mom not use words like 'sweet' but then again, that was how women talked. I wondered if I'd soon be talking the same way. "That is a very pretty dress." I forced myself to say. Even though I had to force myself, I couldn't seem to keep from noticing that the dress was pretty and that mom looked very good in it. It was amazing what a pretty lady she made. "That's so sweet of you Leigh," She said with a smile. "Wait until you see how pretty you're going to look, I'll bet you'll be thrilled to death." I didn't think so but kept my mouth shut. Mom seemed so happy that I didn't want to upset her. Mom finally took out my rollers and brushed my hair until it looked just as pretty as hers. I don't know what happened to that boy and his dad, they couldn't be found anywhere in our little house, the only people here were a pretty girl and her pretty mom. "You are a very lovely young lady Leigh." Mom pronounced as she pinned a gold comb in my hair. "They taught me a lot about being a woman while I was gone, if you'd like, I can teach you." I was really torn. I was sure that I didn't want anything to do with being a girl yet I didn't want to stay cooped up all summer. Worse yet, in the fall I was going to have to go back to school as a girl and wear a uniform skirt every day. Maybe it would be a good idea for me to know a little more about being a girl. "I uh, guess that's a good idea. I don't know anything about being a girl." "You will when we're done," M

Same as Leigh Anne - Sentenced to Life Videos

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“Anne” Anne rested her elbows on the dinning room table, with her head resting in cupped hands, mother had been arguing for what seemed hours, these petty arguments were getting her down. It seemed that they started whenever she returned from college. Still it was all over now, she’d just the wait before university. Her parents could still be heard in the library, it seemed as if the argument would...

2 years ago
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Awkward Anne Chapter 3

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

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Awkward Anne Chapter 3 reupload

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

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Anne and MaryChapter 32 Annes Thanksgiving

I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...

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Darmanian The Becoming Anne

The following story is written from different points of view of the various characters. To find out what happened to a different character check out their story on my profile (when written). IntroductionJohn is a 52 year old man living in Newcastle in the UK. He resides with his wife of 12 years, Anne 43 years old, her daughter Saria who has just turned 18, and his son Daniel who is 19. They belong to a little known religion called Darmanian which has a few churches around the country, although...

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Awkward Anne Chpater 2

Anne's large, brown eyes creaked open, blinking through the early morning sun that was shining unpleasantly into her face. She groaned, arched herself into a languid, feline stretch and began untangling herself from her twisted bed sheets. The flowing, overlarge Batman shirt had ridden up past her waist, exposing her small, bare ass to the new day. The shorts she had been wearing the previous night were drying on the closet doorknob next to her plaid pajama pants; she smiled devilishly...

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Anne Makes the Grade Chapter 3

“Ok. Start from the beginning,” Jessica said as they walked to school. “It’d take too long. I won’t get half – way through before we get there.” “Come ON. Please.” “Jess, COME on. Do you really want to spend the day in damp panties?” “Fine. I’ll just take them off.” She handed Anne her books and started to lift her skirt. “What are you DOING ? Stop. Someone will see.” “Don’t worry I’ll put them back on when we get there.” Her skirt rose high enough for a hint of panty to be visible. She...

3 years ago
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Awkward Anne

Anne was just about to cum when she heard the basement door creak open. With quick, calm motions practiced over years of concealing similar close calls; she removed her hand from her worn, plaid pajama pants and casually placed it on her thigh in order to discreetly wipe away the glistening wetness that was coating her fingers. The dark, glossy marks camouflaged well with the fabric's pattern and were no more noticeable then any of the other myriad stains that preceded it. Thankfully...

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7 Mrs Wild Anne Big Jugs

Anne was putting her bag together for her overnight stay that she had arranged with Jason. She smiled at the thought, as that was how they first started their affair, around eighteen months ago.She thought back to that time.*Eighteen months agoAnne had been married to Neil for a few years following a tough divorce; in fact, Neil had been married before too.Paula was Anne’s best friend, and they grew closer following Paula’s divorce, which was just as tough and involved two teenage children as...

1 year ago
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Anne 1824

                     Anne     Melting snow mixed with her  tears, as Thomas said hislast words to Anne.  "My dear, you are in the best possible hands. For as long as you live, my bank will send money for yourmaintenance.  You will be well cared for.  The Aston Asylum isone of the finest and most progressive in all of Britain.  Dr. Astonis both a doctor of divinity and a physician, a noted alienist whoassures me you will have the best treatments known to medicalscience.  Good bye, now.  Most...

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Anne and Sandy

Anne and Sandy By Karen Flynn [email protected] I was 16 almost 17 years old and I was on top of the world. I had my own apartment and a beautiful 19-year-old girl friend. I had just finished my after-school job and it was Friday evening. Anne was on her way over she had called me at work and told me she had a surprise for me. I couldn't wait because Anne's surprises tended to be quite erotic in nature. When she arrived she was wearing a short little black dress that showed off...

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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meat

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meet

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

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Tim Learns To Share His Wife Anne

It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...

4 years ago
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Educating AnneChapter 3

Anne looked in astonishment through the open door at the huge room beyond. It was so big, she could not see the far wall. Low-ceilinged, hung with silks and lanterns, a pall of smoke was shifting lazily around, propelled by massive slow-moving ceiling fans. And the room was packed. There were no tables or chairs. Everyone was standing, or sitting in little groups on brightly-coloured rugs. All along the right-hand wall stretched a bar counter, where the crowds were five or six deep, and a...

1 year ago
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James Is Stunned How Anne Has More Lovers

James knew and agreed in writing when he married Anne .It's the 1970's. "Sexual freedom" "Women's Lib." He signed an agreement to share her with other men. She has an overactive libido. She had sex with boys in grade school and high school, and college. Recently while he was gone for a few days, he learned that Anne and her friend Carol had fucked a lot of guys. James and Anne have been married 2 years. They dated in college. Both are in their early twenties. Anne was always honest with James...

2 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 5

Kate and Anne walked leisurely down the surprisingly busy main street. For a small island town, Vicerona had a busy, cosmopolitan feel to it. They had dined very well at a seafood restaurant, and had even tracked down a cyber-café, where they had both managed to e-mail home. Throughout dinner, Anne had continued to be intrigued by Anne’s remark about wanting her to meet someone, but hadn’t pressed her for further explanation. It was while they were having their post-meal liqueurs that Anne...

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Educating Anne Ch 6

The man tipped the bottle sharply and the wine flooded into Anne’s mouth. As it hit the back of her throat, she choked, and coughed, and the wine spilled over her chin and down on to her shirt. She grabbed the neck of the bottle and pulled it away from her mouth – but the big man held it tipped downwards and watched as it slowly emptied its contents over Anne’s white shirt. The red stain spread across the girl’s chest, turning the shirt transparent, and outlining, first, the shape of her...

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My life with Anne Part 1

The first time Anne and I met the attraction between us was instant. We were both in a meeting a work. She was wearing a grey pants suit, white blouse and low shoes and grey socks. I was quite taken by her; she was about my height and not that much in the way of curves or breasts for that matter and had a vaguely masculine look about her. When I first saw her I was so aroused by her, I was quite surprised at the degree of that arousal, I also reckoned that she was a lesbian and that she...

4 years ago
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Sally Anne was Naughty

Number 22 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne was Naughty by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me...

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Anne And George Go Camping In France

Anne and George were an ordinary middle-aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their thirty years of married ,life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three children and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their children had left home, they...

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Anne And George Go Camping In France

Anne and George were an ordinary middle aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their 30 years of married life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three c***dren and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their c***dren had left home, they thought...

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Whats Wrong With Anne Turing

The voice that woke Anne was quiet, almost apologetic. She came awake immediately, unsure of how long she had slept. "Anne," asked Dr. Garvin. "Are you awake?" Anne looked around the office. Had she fallen asleep? She remembered clearly coming into Savoy Laboratories for an internship. She'd had an interview, been offered the position, and then? It got a little hazy from there. "Yes, Dr. Garvin," said Anne. "Did I fall asleep? I didn't mean to." Dr. Garvin gave her a kindly smile....

4 years ago
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Anne working Overtime

AWO01 - A personal meeting Anne working Overtime 01. ? A personal [email protected] A warm breeze came up the rugged mountainside from the sea and filled Anne?s thin white blouse like a sail to lightly caress her tanned body as she walked over the terrace to her recliner under the huge parasol. She sat down with a dark yellow drink in her hand, enjoying the smell of warm sand, sun- baked rocks and salt seawater.The wind was exactly right to cool the terrace that otherwise...

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Educating Anne Ch 1

Anne waited in the heaving throng, a trifle uneasy at being surrounded by so many foreigners, but pleasingly refreshed by her shower. She had not expected to find such a facility at an Italian service station, but supposed, ruefully, that that was just another example of her English insularity. It was really rather ridiculous that, at nearly twenty-one, this was her first experience of life outside her native country – excluding the heavily chaperoned and controlled school weekend trip to...

3 years ago
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My First Time With Anne

Anne is a beautiful, voluptuous, mature woman whose husband, Tom, ran off with some blonde bimbo half his age that he met at a Christmas party they attended a few years back.What a fucking idiot he was–he and his new toy went at it hot and heavy for about six months, then she decided he was too old for her and dumped him! Served him right for letting a woman like Anne go in the first place. Some people are so stupid, they don't know when they have it made.I had known Anne for about a year...

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Educating Anne Ch 2

Anne was in a ferment of indecision. Her position – between Kate and the side of the boat – made it very difficult to move. She would have to push past them – and where would she go? They were only allowed on this deck, and the galley, but Sofia had locked the hatchway to the galley so that she could have her siesta in peace. She watched as Marco continued his massage. Suddenly, she realised that his fingers were disappearing under Kate’s upper arms to stroke the sides of her chest. In fact,...

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9 Mrs Wild Anne Bust Treatment

In-room 202, Anne was all cosy in bed. It was over an hour ago, that Jason, who she had been having an affair with, had left her alone in that hotel room. With thoughts of the great sex that she had with him that evening, Anne started to drift off into a deep sleep.As Anne was drifting into a deep sleep, an alarm was going off in room 225. The older lady in that room was not in a deep sleep, her alarm was one for her to start work for the evening. She got up from a brief rest in her bed and...

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Anne Marie Kitten baseball slut

Introduction: This one happened a few years ago. Only read it if you like slutwife stories..if not..move on. It had been about four months since my wife Anne Marie had taken a cock other than mine. Her latest sexcapade was a doozy, so I thought I would share it with you. It involves some aspects of American Baseball, so I apologize to our European friends if you have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she...

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Anne und Janine 2

Zweiter Teilhier gibt es den ersten (http://de.xhamster.com/user/J0ANA/posts/478027.html)In dieser Nacht hatte ich so gut geschlafen wie schon lange nicht mehr. Och hatte wunderbar geträumt, ich träumte von Anne und mir. Ich träumte, dass wir beide heiraten würden und im Rathaus darauf warteten, dass uns der Standesbeamte herein holte. Ich hatte in diesem Traum einen dunklen Anzug, ein weißes Hemd und eine Fliege an und Anne ein langes weißes Kleid, ihr Gesicht war verdeckt durch einen...

3 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten baseball slut

First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she has ever been. 5'7" and 135lbs of pure sex appeal. Her legs and her ass are still those of a 25 year old, and her 34B boobs are as perky as ever. She still possesses traffic-stopping beauty and is always turning heads when in public. She has recently added blond highlights to her hair, and the effects are simply stunning. She is the classiest lady you will ever meet, but every once in a while she will act...

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Melting snow mixed with her tears, as Thomas said his last words to Anne. "My dear, you are in the best possible hands. For as long as you live, my bank will send money for your maintenance. You will be well cared for. The Aston Asylum is one of the finest and most progressive in all of Britain. Dr. Aston is both a doctor of divinity and a physician, a noted alienist who assures me you will have the best treatments known to medical science. Good bye, now. Most probably we will never see each...

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The Change in AnneChapter 2

While they were having coffee, Anne had another request for her friend: “Gavin, I was wondering, since we’ve got to wait several weeks for my passport, do you think that you could help me brighten up my place like yours? It’s pretty much how it was when James and I moved in, and although we talked about it we never got around to changing any of the décor.” “Well, I’ve never tried hanging wallpaper, but I’ve had a fair bit of experience with paintbrushes and rollers ... so, sure, when do you...

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176 AnneMarie and the desert chicken run

176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...

2 years ago
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Anne Henderson

‘Hey, Anne. Fancy a drink tonight?’ Asked Kevin, while picking up boxes of feed, for his daughters pony. ‘Kevin, how many times have I told you. I don’t go out with married men!’ ‘Aw come on. Just two drinks, I’ll be the perfect gentleman.’ ‘Don’t believe you…anyway I’ve got a boyfriend. Me might object’ she giggled. ‘Spoilsport. Hope he’s looking after you, anyway’ and as he walked past her, gave her bottom a playful squeeze. He did it every time. ‘Hoy…don’t touch what you can’t...

1 year ago
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Anne Henderson

"Hey, Anne. Fancy a drink tonight?" Asked Kevin, while picking up boxes of feed, for his daughters pony. "Kevin, how many times have I told you. I don't go out with married men!" "Aw come on. Just two drinks, I'll be the perfect gentleman.""Don't believe you...anyway I've got a boyfriend. Me might object" she giggled. "Spoilsport. Hope he's looking after you, anyway" and as he walked past her, gave her bottom a playful squeeze. He did it every time. "Hoy...don't touch what you can't afford!"...

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Educating Anne Ch 4

‘Yes,’ repeated Kate, softly and seriously. ‘And I suppose I have to admit it wasn’t at all pleasant at the time – in fact, I was terrified. But, now – well, it still gives me a thrill to recall it. I had just turned eighteen and I was on holiday, with my parents – under serious protest. We were in Weston-super-Mare, and I had taken up with a local boy, called Jim. He worked on the deckchairs and he was a bit rough, but I had to have some company apart from my parents, and he was quite...

2 years ago
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Anne Finds a FamilyChapter 2

As promised, Eric called. In facthe called every day until he returned the next Friday. He took her to a play at a local theater and to dinner in a nice restaurant. Anne not only had a great time but she actually thought she was falling in love. Although they couldn't be together on Christmas and New Years Eric called her every day and made a special trip just to see her the day after Christmas. They could only see each other for a couple of hours but it meant a lot to her that he flew in...

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Educating AnneChapter 2

Alarmed, Anne tried to get her hands to pull his away from her, muttering - "No! Philip!" - but his lips came down on hers again, and, despite herself, she returned his kiss, and ceased her token struggle. If anything, she was now returning his kisses more fiercely and, indeed, she could feel herself becoming completely aroused as his lips mashed against hers. She moaned softly as his hands squeezed her breasts and, when he stood back again and lifted her sweater and bra, she did nothing...

4 years ago
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Alexis devient Anne

Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...

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“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her arse with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her arse cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on especially the noise he made as he slapped into her arse cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him he gave me a tremendous blow job while...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...

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Hairy big titted milf JoAnnes pub adventure

This was written for me by someone on here hop you enjoy it xx I cant believe she's just been sitting there for the past hour opening and closing her legs at us the dirty fucking bitch" said one of the guys!"It's a fucking jungle down there I can tell you" quipped another!It was just another late night out in town and the local pub was the destination!A trio of guys had gone into a well known watering-hole that had a bit of a reputation for being a great place for those just looking for a...

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Hairy big titted mature JoAnnes pub adventu

This was written for me by someone on here hop you enjoy it xx I cant believe she's just been sitting there for the past hour opening and closing her legs at us the dirty fucking bitch" said one of the guys!"It's a fucking jungle down there I can tell you" quipped another!It was just another late night out in town and the local pub was the destination!A trio of guys had gone into a well known watering-hole that had a bit of a reputation for being a great place for those just looking for a...

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“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her ass with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her ass cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on, especially the noise he made as he slapped into her ass cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him, he gave me a tremendous blow job while...

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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

Introduction: Another, more recent sexcapade of my fabulous slut of a wife You guys all know that Anne Marie is a self-admitted slutwife. You know that she very rarely misses the opportunity to get her mouth, pussy and ass stuffed with new cock. Most of the time however, her sexploits are planned out in advance (such as when she gets together with my best friend) or at least when we go out looking for action. Some of the hottest times though, seem to come completely out of nowhere, and that was...

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Annes first penis in her butt

This work of fiction was intended for the entertainment and enjoyment by its readers. If the subject of anal stimulation and penetration is unpleasant or offensive, please read no further. If you are curious to know some of the bountiful pleasures of this form of intercourse, continue to indulge your imagination.< />I>*****It was late in the evening when Anne's boyfriend, Jake, asked her if she would like to try 'back door' sex. The had been together for quite some time and had...

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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

At 39, Anne Marie is stunning. 5’7” or so; 123 lbs; long wild brown hair with blonde highlights. Her lips were made to suck cock and her shaved pussy tastes like peaches (no lie). If you ask me, she looks hotter today than when she was 25, and her sex drive is insatiable. For the last few months, Anne Marie has really started craving young cock. She usually talks about finding a 24 or 25 year old to service her every need; but finding the right “boy” had proven to be a challenge. ...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...

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Seducing Anne

"I wonder if she's into girls?" I asked, looking down from the bleachers at the track team practicing, and at one particular girl. "Who?" Hailey responded without looking, just laying back staring up into the sky. "The new girl. I think her name is Anne." "I dunno. Do you like her?" Hailey asked, leaning forward to look. "She's kinda cute, I guess." "She's more than cute." She was. She had soft peaches and cream skin. Her hair was long, black, and tied back into a pony tail....

3 years ago
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Anne Finds a FamilyChapter 3

The ceremony was beautiful. Eric had a respected friend from the D/s community to perform it. Anne wore a simple but elegant white, lace dress (a symbol of her innocence) and the four of them exchanged vowels of love, respect, and loyalty to each other That night Anne got to see the first of the rooms on the third floor. It was a large room with a slanted ceiling. There was a king sized, four posted bed on the back wall that was draped with sheer white curtains. Large pillows were scattered...

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408 Anne makes a foursome

408 Anne makes a foursomeSO, Anne and her hubby Bart, both needed a holiday, but Bart being a man thoughtlessly had already agreed to go with Charlie and Doug to Doug`s lake-house to fish, not having expected his wife to want a break too, thus Bart was in a sticky old spot! He was a little wary of going home so he popped into the local bar, within ten minutes of finishing his first Beer, in came his two mates, both laughing at something they had heard outside. One look at Bart`s face told them...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 9 Saturday February 5 Welcoming Anne To The Family

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...

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Educating Anne Ch 3

Anne was in a turmoil. For weeks afterwards, she had wondered what might have happened if they had had a little more time. Alone in her bed, she had imagined Philip’s hand slipping under her dress and caressing her upper thighs until it reached her panties. She still did not know whether she would have – could have – stopped him, but, alone with her imagination, she did her best to convince herself it was Philip’s fingers, not her own, sliding inside the leg of her panties and expertly seeking...

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