The Devil's DiscipleChapter 8: Thursday February 1: Anne And My Violent Lifestyle! free porn video

I didn't see her until after the second ball of the practice session, she'd taken up her position on one of the seats directly behind the lanes. At the first available opportunity I went back and spoke to her. "Still on for tonight is it?"
She nodded her head enthusiastically. "After what's been happening at home I don't want to spend any more time there than I have to."
"What happened? Is there anything... ?"
"I have this extraordinary feeling that you already know but if you want me to I'll explain after. For the moment just bowl me some strikes 'kay."
As we were just about to walk to my car after I had finished bowling I spotted a couple of people I'd been hoping to see for a while. I tapped Anne on the shoulder and pointed at a couple who were standing near the front of the car park. She was a skinny blonde with big breasts who was dressed in a short skirt more grey than the white it had once been, a tank top with more holes than material and runners that looked as if they should have been thrown out months ago. He was dressed in dark knee-length baggy shorts and a grubby looking sweatshirt sporting the Collingwood Magpies colours and Nathan Buckleys number five. His head was almost totally shaved except for one long ponytail that ran down a foot and a half from the crown of his skull.
Anne looked at them and turned back to me. "What about them?"
"My father and I and a group of friends we like to call 'family' are in the business of supplying certain goods and services. Now most people are good at paying on time, but some of our customers need a little reminding while for others it's just too late. They are two of a group of kids who fit into the second category. I was going to do the reminding myself but seeing as we've seen them tonight you can help me." I put my finger under Anne's chin, tilted her head back and looked down at her calmly. "That is if you're still planning to come home with me tonight?"
"She took my arm in hers with the freedom of a girl who had just one thing on her mind. "Well I'm ready when you are. I just want to know what we do."
"Them!" I laughed. "We do them!"
After watching them get into an old beat-up Ford I saw them turn the corner into First Avenue. We quickly jumped into my car and followed them the length of the street to the T-junction at Calderwood Road. A left turn there and a fifteen minute drive took us to an old run-down estate well known for the gangs of kids who terrorised the neighbourhood when they weren't occupying one of the large number of empty houses that owners couldn't even sell or rent out.
Anne watched as I reached into the back, grabbed a large bag off the back seat and took out four tracksuits, two pairs of gloves and a couple of balaclavas. After putting on the two tracksuits, a pair of gloves and one of the masks I handed the second set to Anne. "You'd better put these on unless you want to risk someone being able to give a good description of you or the police managing to get a set of your fingerprints." Then I reached back into the bag and took out a smaller bag which I was planning to take with me.
"Why two?" Asked Anne as she started to put the first tracksuit on over her work uniform.
"Because things are going to get a little messy and it's not usually a good idea to walk out of a house in a bloodstained tracksuit. This way you'll have the second one underneath and we'll take the other's with us.
Once dressed, Anne hopped out of the car without hesitation. "Which house is it?"
"Where the old blue Ford is. Looks like a scruffy looking brick-veneer, and from what I can see it's the only one with a low brick fence and a broken iron gate."
She headed towards the house without a second thought, her mind seemed to be entirely taken with what we were about to do. It was as if she had something to prove, even if she didn't know what or why. When she reached the gate Anne waited.
"What's in the bag?" She asked quietly as I joined her.
"You could say tools of the trade. But at the moment let's just say that they'll help the people inside see things from our point of view."
"Okay then." She cocked her ear towards the house. "Don't look as though they'll hear us judging by the noise of the music."
"So far so good then. Now let's see if they've left us an invitation?"
We moved soundlessly towards the front door of the house and tried the knob. It opened smoothly and the noise of the music was deafening as we stood just inside the entrance. I nodded to my right, the direction the music was coming from. "We'll go there last, let's check the rest of the house first, make sure there are no surprises."
Ten minutes later Anne was standing next to me outside the first room. "I hate loud music," I said as I pointed to the door handle, put the bag over my left arm and pulled out a knife. "Open the door Anne, and give me plenty of room."
Anne looked at the knife as she gripped the door handle. "You really mean business don't you?"
"You'd better believe it, now open that door."
We both stood in the doorway and looked at the scene in front of us. On the bed was the skinhead with the tail and bouncing on and off his fat little cock was the blonde-haired girl. Laying next to them was a man of medium height with dirty shoulder length brown hair while between his legs head down and arse up was a dark haired girl whose glazed eyes suggested she was tripping out as she helped herself to a late night supper of what seemed to me to be a fairly average sized cock.
I moved to the dresser where the bookshelf stereo system was standing, turned it off and looked back in Anne's direction. "You know I think they're very rude ignoring us like this, particularly as we made a point of finding their new address, don't you?"
"I'll teach you what fucking rude is, you and your slut." The second guy pushed the dark haired girl away, got off the bed and began to advance towards me his erection leading the way. "Now s'pose you piss off before I learn you some manners."
Anne moved a step closer as she watched me waggle the knife in his direction. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a dirty mouth, and me with a knife an' all," I said as I pulled off my ski-mask and watched Anne do the same. "I'm not going anywhere until we've discussed some unfinished business and neither is my girlfriend who's here to help me convince you." I pointed to both girls, who by this stage were sitting up, knees tucked under their chins, arms wrapped around their legs scared to death. "But you two are, now take you skinny arses, get dressed and get the fuck out."
'Haven't you forgotten something little brother?'
'Like what?'
'Those girls will be able to give a description of both of you when the bodies of these two are discovered. I mean it's just possible they'll go to the police with what they know don't you think?'
'So what are you suggesting, that we... ?'
'Kill them?' Well that's one answer, I mean two bodies or four isn't going to make a lot of difference. However I know you have scruples about killing people that don't deserve it so leave them to me, I'll make sure they forget they ever had anything to do with these two.'
'You can do that?'
'Of course! You've spoken to them, jointly I know, but that doesn't matter. And they returned your comment with a look. That's all that's needed.'
The manner of the guys changed when they realised who I was, they weren't nearly so confidant now. It was the guy with the ponytail who spoke up on their behalf. "We were planning to pay you. We Just never quite had the money. If you could just give us one more chance man, just a little more time to get the bread together."
"Oh I see, moving house without telling us is a new way of paying is it? Sorry, there are no more chances, there is no more time."
Suddenly the skinhead with the tail got off the bed and turned to his mate. "I'm not giving in this easily. Come on," he said, "we should be able to deal with this fat fuck and little miss big tits."
"That seemed to inspire the one with the shoulder-length brown hair who yelled, "Yeah come on fatso it's four on two--" the girls still hadn't moved or dressed "--why don't you make us if you think you're such hot shit."
"Yeah come on you big fat turd," said the blonde haired girl who had stopped as she was about to reach for her clothes which were near where I was standing.
Unfortunately for her she wasn't quick enough to move out of the way. I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her backwards over my left knee. The suddenness of the impact took the stuffing out of her and enabled me to point the knife at her sloppy pussy. "Maybe all of you have trouble understanding plain English. It would be such a waste to slice up good cunt like this." I indicated where the tip of my knife was pointed carefully between the girl's shiny wet and puffy labia, then I motioned to Anne. "In my bag is a gun and a silencer, put it together and give it to me. Then when you're done with that find the other knife in the bag, with its help you can make sure the girls get dressed and leave. I can look after these two."
Anne reached into the bag, located the gun and the silencer which she put together before handing it to me, then she found the knife which she pointed to the black haired girl while her friend struggled to get to her feet as soon as I let her go. "I think if I was you I'd start wondering if these two shitheads are really worth it," said Anne as she crouched down and tossed the knife from hand to hand.
The blonde didn't need much convincing, not after having the point of a knife in her vagina. She quickly shoved on her skirt and tank top, grabbed her panties and was heading to the door in the blink of an eye. "Come on Carol, big tits is right, they aren't worth it."
Carol wasn't slow in seeing the sense of it because she was dressed almost as quickly and following her friend out the door not much later.
'Guess you'd like me to hang around just in case, wouldn't you little brother?' said Colin as soon as Anne and the two girls disappeared out of the room.
'I thought you'd be gone for a little while to take care of the girls.'
'What and leave you in danger, hardly. Besides I can catch up with them after you've finished here. Now listen Winston pretend to be a little distracted, the one with hair like a horses tail and a face like its arse wants the opportunity to lunge for your knife. Let him get it and stab you with it, Anne should be back just as it goes into your chest.'
'Is that... ?'
'... Wise? Certainly, it'll make her even more determined to want to be with you, which will make her all the more useful to us.'
Anne came back just in time to see the skinhead spring at me. Just in time to watch helplessly as he took the knife from my hand and stabbed me in the chest.
"No! You can't kill him." Anne looked at my chest where the knife was still embedded, where the wound should be and where the blood should have been flowing. "What the fuck is happening?" She was clearly waiting for me to clutch my chest and fall to the floor. "How come he... ? How come you didn't... ?"
I guessed from the unfinished questions that she was wondering how he'd managed to get the knife off me and why I hadn't used the gun.
Of course I didn't fall to the ground because there was no wound, no blood and I didn't use the gun when it clearly wasn't necessary. Instead I looked at Anne and winked. Then I turned to skinhead and laughed. It was wicked, it was evil and it was full of all the loathing I could muster. "Well what the fuck! Got any other plans, anything else you'd like to do?" I held up the gun and laughed again as I handed it to a bewildered Anne. "Maybe you'd like to try shooting me, maybe you'll be luckier with the gun."
Skinhead moved quickly, but not quick enough, with my brother's help I gripped his throat in my left hand, grabbed him between his legs with the other, lifted him high above my head, dropped to one knee and body-slammed him against my right knee-cap almost breaking his back. Then I pulled the knife out of my chest and pressed it against the man's penis while I risked a glance in Anne's direction.
"Wow! That is... that is... I know that sort of thing just doesn't happen in real life, does it." Anne pointed the gun at the end of the bed, rubbed her eyes and took another look at my chest. "I mean I saw the knife go in, saw it sticking out of your chest, so why isn't there any blood, why isn't there any cut or mark apart from the rip in your shirt to show where the knife went in?" The initial excitement was wearing off now as the shock of what she'd witnessed began to dawn on her. "I mean it did go in didn't it? Don't try and tell me this never fucking happened."
"I'm not going to. Neither am I going to explain, you'll just have to trust me."
"I do Winston, I do." Her gaze followed mine and she looked at the other guy who was back on the bed. He'd been about to help his friend out until he'd seen the business with the knife, now he was half sitting half lying in state of shock. Then she turned her attention to the skinhead. "Fuck he looks nice and hurt." She could see that he was in too much pain to register very much surprise at the events with the knife, could see that he was having trouble even moving. "You know I reckon you must have broken his back or something."
After ordering the other one off the bed I picked up skinhead easily and placed him lengthways on the bed face-up, feet at the top of the bed, head at the bottom and causing him much pain in the process, then I walked over and took the gun from her. "Get the bag Anne, inside you'll see four pieces of rope, some old pieces of cloth and a roll of masking tape. I'll keep an eye on the other one while you tie his hands and feet to the legs of the bed, stuff a piece of cloth in his mouth and tape it up."
It took almost ten minutes for Anne to do it to my satisfaction. Then when she was done I had a surprise for her and the other guy who by this stage was sitting in the corner too scared to move. I wanted to tie him face down the reverse way, wanted it so their cocks would be in each other's faces.
Under the threat of two knives, a gun and the incident with the knife and my chest it didn't take long for the second guy to be convinced, neither did it take long for Anne with four more pieces of rope and another piece of cloth to secure him just like the first one.
As she put the last of the tape over the man's mouth carefully avoiding touching the other man's penis she looked back at me. "It must time for some fucking surely? All this violence has made me all hot and horny. And when I get all hot and horny all I can think about is my pussy which is dripping wet and hungry for cock. Yours!"
'She doesn't even know why, but you and I know don't we little brother? Not that she, or you for that matter, is going to waste valuable time with such behaviour. I just wanted her to ask that sort of question so you can remind her why we're here, remind her about who's in charge.'
I didn't answer straight away, instead I pulled her clear of the bed and pointed a wagging finger directly at her. "We're here for business, and that business concerns these two--" I pointed to the two on the bed "--and money, not your desire to have a cock stuffing that horny cunt of yours."
'Guess you could say Anne's a little surprised Winston, she felt sure she'd pegged you right, felt sure you were as keen for some sexual activity as she was... er... still is. She thinks that maybe her female intuition isn't working as well as she thought it was. I guess you'll just have to assure her that it is.'
I took both her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. "Oh it's working Anne it's working, but for now we have to be able to concentrate and we're not going to be able to do that if I'm busy fucking you senseless, but when we're finished," I kissed her hand with a tenderness that belied the cold determination I was feeling as I tried to concentrate on the job at hand, "with these two, well," I shrugged my shoulders, "who knows."
Obviously bewildered at my continued reading of her mind she backed away a step, smiled sheepishly and apologised. Then she grabbed her knife, jumped on the bed and knelt with her knees pressing against the splayed arms and legs at the bottom of the bed.
'You know she's thinking of a number of things little brother, ideas about what she could do to these guys. Things like pointing the knife at the hairy backside in front of her and ramming it in to the hilt, or slicing from the crack of his arse up his back as far and as deep as her strength and the knife will allow her. Then again she's thinking about his legs, about how maybe she could slice high up on his thighs just below his buttocks, see how deep she can go on the first slice. And then of course there's the skinhead underneath with his face turned to the side to avoid his mate's penis. She was thinking about what part of his face to slice off when a thought occurred to her about maybe taking the tape and cloth from the bottom one and forcing the top guy's cock into his mouth. I guess you don't need me to tell you what to do, which idea I prefer.'
"You should do it Anne. That last idea, you should do it." I turned my attention to Colin for a few seconds. 'How's she taking it, all this mind reading stuff?'
'She's impressed, but she's a little irritated at the same time. Still she finds it a darn sight easier to handle than the business with the knife. It's clear to her that you don't plan to discuss it and she certainly has no plans to ask.'
I watched as Anne pulled off the tape, took the cloth from the bottom man's mouth, grabbed his ear and indicated for him to straighten his head before gingerly taking hold of the other man's penis. To the man's total embarrassment it was semi-erect as she persuaded the skinhead to take it into his mouth.
"Like this?" Whispered Anne as we watched skinhead almost choke himself. "Is this the way you want them?"
"Almost Anne. Instead of just letting them lie there doing nothing, maybe a little persuasion would help make the pair of them put a little more effort into it. And wouldn't you know it I have just the right thing, something smaller and easier to manage than a knife, not to mention sharper."
She dropped the knife and smiled as I produced the cutthroat razor, then became even happier when I slipped it into her right hand.
"Like it do you?" Anne was looking directly into the frightened face of the skinhead with a mouthful of his friend's penis. "I mean they always taste nice to me, what do you think?" She slashed the top man's backside with the cutthroat as she kept her eyes on the skinhead. "I've just taken a little piece out of your friends fat, hairy arse, now unless you want me to keep on doing that I suggest you start sucking on his cock as though you really like it."
When the skinhead hesitated Anne turned to me, shrugged her shoulders and savagely attacked the top man's backside with the razor. Then she watched as he thrust his hips involuntarily, forcing his penis further down skinheads throat, watched as the skinhead at last got the message and began using his mouth rather more energetically.
"Oh that's much better," said Anne. "The trouble is that I'm now beginning to think that your closet poofters, that you really like this, now you know that's a no-no don't you?"
'Hey she really is relishing this little brother, you know violence and her certainly seem to go hand-in-hand. This is more than she thought possible, more exciting than she ever expected. Of course she knows exactly what she plans to do, knows that no one, certainly not you, is going to stop her.'
I watched as she leant forward, waved the razor in the face of the top guy and said, "Now I'm going to have to punish you, just going to have to teach you that that's against the rules." She looked back at me and waited.
Suddenly it dawned on me that she was now expecting me to read her mind, waiting for my permission. Colin told me what she was planning and through me told her to go right ahead. After all he was going to be dead anyway and wouldn't have a use for them any more.
And she did. Anne Bingham did something which would surely have never entered her head three days ago let alone in the two hours since we'd left the bowl. She castrated the top guy while it was still in the skinheads mouth leaving a bloody mess, then she pushed it further in, took the masking tape off me and taped his mouth up as best she could so he couldn't spit it out. Then just as she finished I handed her the knife she'd held before and pointed at the top one's back. She took it in both hands and with as much force as she could muster rammed it home to the hilt.
Anne could barely contain her excitement. "FUCKING WOW! That was really something. Fuck my panties are so wet I reckon you could squeeze a glass full of pussy juice out of them!"
She watched me walk to the bed, pull the knife out, untie the man and push him onto the floor while I gazed at the bloodied face of skinhead who was busy choking on a mouthful of his friend's groin. "Maybe you feel like cooperating a little more now?"
The man nodded his head and at my indication Anne removed the tape from his mouth and pulled the genitals out. "In the two other bedrooms you'll find a couple of loose floorboards under each bed, if you remove them you'll find a briefcase in each space, in those briefcases you should find more than enough money."
Anne knew I was going to tell her to find it and she was half out of the door in anticipation.
'Excites you doesn't it little brother, seeing someone like Anne capable of this sort of violence.' I gave a positive response and listened as Colin continued. 'She feels it too as you saw, but she's walking to the two back bedrooms wondering why she had to miss out on the greatest feeling of all, you fucking her at the same time, something she knows would have turned it into a really special occasion. I guess you'll just have to remedy that when she comes back, after all it's the least we can do for her don't you think?'
'Purely for her benefit of course, not for ours?'
Anne was totally stunned when she came back. "There's... there's close to fifty thousand dollars here!"
"Drugs are a profitable business." I turned to skinhead still tied to the bed. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, ten thousand was all you owed us. You could have saved yourself forty thousand in interest, us all this trouble and yourselves a lot of grief. I mean by the seems of things you must have found yourself a new supplier, but even that would've been cool as long as you lived up to your end of the deal. After all, we really did just want the money, I mean live and let live and all that. Surely nothing could have been simpler, we sell at our price, you sell at your price and everyone's happy. But no, you had to try and hold out on us didn't you, and just look at the trouble you got yourself into. Your friend's dead and you really couldn't expect us to leave you here alive could you? And anyway--" I pointed in the direction of Anne who was sitting on the floor "--my girlfriend wants us to have sex as soon as this is over, now you know it's bad manners to refuse a lady anything she wants."
Anne didn't even wait, she hopped onto the bed at the other end, took the cutthroat and got into the same position on the bed as before, kneeling between the man's legs with her hands pressing into his stomach. Then she looked up at skinhead and said, "I think I should let my boyfriend decide where to cut don't you?"
I covered Anne's hand with my own as I placed the blade at the top of his stomach just below his sternum. "You may have discovered that violence makes Anne very horny, but I'll tell you something else. I like it when she gets horny because it makes me horny and when I get like that I can get violent too. Now I guess that makes you the loser."
With a little help from me Anne sliced down to his belly-button, at which point he fainted and she cried out with pleasure. She sliced continuously relishing it more with every stroke of the blade until finally there was no doubt he was dead.
"Can we fuck now Winston, can... ?"
Something made her stop and hold her breath for a moment, it was the sound of the front door. She turned and watched me grab the knife I'd stuck in my belt just in case. But for whatever reason whoever it was didn't come into the bedroom, choosing instead to continue down the hallway that led to the back of the house.
'I thought you could see what was happening around us? How come you didn't see this one coming Colin?'
'Quite right too, it was a slip that won't happen again and that's a promise. Anyway it looks as if we'll have to wait until we get back to your place Fred. Still it'll be worth waiting for. As for this bloke I doubt you'll need my help to stop him, just make good use of Anne and you should find him easy to deal with.'
I ordered Anne off the bed after we both took a last lingering look at the bloody mess that was the man's chest. "Whoever it is needs taking care of, and quickly," I whispered sharply. "Now walk down the hallway."
In a matter of minutes I was following Anne's sexy bottom, there are some things even two tracksuits can't hide, as she led the way. I figured that as bait she would buy me a valuable couple of seconds by simply creating some indecision with her bloody appearance. And it worked, no sooner had she reached the kitchen than she was being grabbed by a solidly built man of medium height who made the fatal mistake of hesitating for a second. That gave her the chance to swing him around and me the opportunity to stab him in the back.
From that point on I took complete control, forcing us to shower separately. There was going to be no distractions despite her desperate wish to have one together.
She watched me as I cleaned up any tell-tale mess, took away all the scraps of masking tape, the two towels, and the soiled track-suits in a plastic bag and put the rope, knives, cutthroat razor, roll of masking tape, pieces of cloth and gun back into the bag. She was amazed at how calm and organised I was, how simple I made everything seem. Which of course it was, with my brother's help naturally.
As we walked out the door Anne turned to me. "Can I ask one question Winston"
I held her right hand in my left and patted it gently with the other one. If you're going to ask about that business with the knife then don't. At the moment it's better if you don't know, better also if you don't mention it to anyone else, including and especially my father."
A little over three hours later I deposited the plastic bag into a large two cubic metre green rubbish skip and hers and my tracksuits into the heavy duty washing machine in the outside laundry, added the powder and set it for the long cycle while Anne slumped into one of the chairs that was part of our patio furniture, looked around in disbelief and whistled with envy.
"Oh man I always knew places like this existed but I never thought I'd get to see one." She stood up, walked through the huge covered patio area, past the spa to the gate leading to the swimming pool and pointed to the hut on the other side. "What's in there?"
"Oh just a bar, but you'll get to see that later, in the meantime my bedrooms inside on the left." I unlocked the door, walked inside and punched in the four number code on the silent alarm system we had recently installed. Then I led her through the kitchen to the second study area with its computer, small library of books, three piece lounge suite and turned her around until she was facing my bedroom door.
When I led her inside Anne just stood there open-mouthed unable to believe what she was looking at. "Man this bedroom is bigger than my parents whole fucking flat!"
I laughed as moved over to my stereo and put on some soft guitar music, then I undid the three buttons on my polo shirt and pulled it over my head, sat down and took my shoes and socks off before looking up at Anne. Take your skirt off!" The authority in my voice brooked no argument.
She undid the two buttons and the zipper at the side, then allowed the plain cotton garment to fall in a puddle at her feet before picking it up, folding it and placing it on the end of the bed.
"Now the blouse, but do it slowly, one button at a time."
Beautiful women are naturally sexy, they have this way of undressing when they are doing it for a man, the innate ability to make a plain task sensual, the talent to turn people on, and Anne was no exception. All she had to do was move her hips in time to the sensuous gypsy rhythms of Marc Antoinne and rest followed suit once released from the restrictions of her tight blouse which she opened out to reveal a bra that matched the white cotton of her panties.

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