Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
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Tortured Woman Marine
By Shabbadew2002
Write me @ [email protected]
Saturday May 11, 1968
During the 60’s there were very few woman marines in Viet Nam. The Navy had a policy which limited the number of female marines in Vietnam to eight or ten enlisted and one or two officers at any one time. Only thirty-six woman marines served in country from 1967 through 1973.
And in those days, long before Iraq, women did not serve in combat or combat support units. Arriving in country in May of 1968 and assigned to headquarters MACV, Corporal Cathy Childe worked as a clerk. When a colonel in the Adjutant General's Office decided they needed someone to conduct in-the-field service record audits, her superiors suggested Cathy for the job; and she eagerly agreed. Proud to serve, she wanted to be able to say, after her hitch, that she had been ?in the field?. Her first two on-the-spot interviews went off without any problems.
So, she was confident that things would go smoothly on a hot morning in August when she flew north from Da Nang on an Air Force transport headed for FLSG-Bravo, a Marine communications and supply outpost near Camp Vandergrift, close to the DMZ. She sat on the bench seat in the plane and hugged her knees. She was sexy and saucy with full and firm limbs, a swell of thick dirty blonde hair above a round, pretty face with brown eyes and full lips. She had attracted attention from her fellow passengers – several other enlisted marines. Men found her cupcake breasts and big, full bottom a quick turn-on. Flying always made her nervous and air travel was always a risk in Viet Nam so it was natural that she should scoot closer to the cute lance corporal who began flirting with her. It promised to be a hot, bumpy flight.
But, after a relatively short hop the big C-47 touched down safely. She had only a short wait and soon a jeep came by to collect her. Cathy was always amazed by the overwhelming assault on the senses in Viet Nam. The hot, humid weather and rich soil combined with the human fertilizer farmers used in the rice paddies was a potent brew; and it just knocked Americans for a loop. It made Cathy look down at her feet and imagine that some beanstalk would spurt up through the soil and grab her. The sheer fertility of the land was staggering compared to Montana where she hailed from. Southeast Asia was more than a world away for the young woman, in more ways than one. The two marines who flew with her chatted her up a bit, but soon had to wave ‘goodbye’ forlornly. They had seen few ‘round eyes’ in country and were wildly attracted to the cute blonde with the cupcake breasts and the big, sexy bottom.
The young lance corporal, a farm boy from Kansas, who had flirted outrageously with her, found Cathy very hot even though she didn’t feel all that attractive in her dusty utilities, but snatches of conversation had moved them forward. But, when a jeep came for her, she left him and his buddy standing at the edge of the makeshift airfield. They were going in one direction and she was headed in another.
She was glad when the jeep dropped her off at FLSG-Bravo after a short drive. The Major who de-briefed her told her that they had a separate hooch set up for her overnight stay. She took evening chow at the mess hall with the other enlisted marines and was very popular, as you might imagine. When she had to use the latrine, a wooden cabinet housing a fifty-five gallon drum, the smells made her gag, but she got through it.
And so that night Marine Corporal Cathy Childe bedded down far from the fortified base where she had been safe. The hooch was a tent with a wood floor and a small light run by a generator. Cathy checked for insects,(it seemed that the whole country was crawling with bugs!) and stripped down to a t-shirt and panties. She pulled a thin sheet over her and ran through the day’s events.
She was excited now that she was in the field. And soon, her mind drifted the to the farm boy she met on the plane. Her hand crept down to her crotch almost as if it had a mind of its own. Soon she was pressing and rubbing her labia and clitoris. As she imagined herself in a hot coital embrace with the lance corporal, she pulled aside the crotch of her panties so she could strum her clitoris.
Soon, tensing her muscles, her legs stiffened and putting a hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t be heard, she came. Breathing hard, she bathed in the afterglow of her orgasm and soon fell into a sound sleep in her own private little tent in FLSG-BRAVO. It would be the last time for four hundred and sixty two days that she would be in friendly hands.
Tuesday August 20, 1968 (Afternoon)
She sat in the shade of a tree and shook with fear. They had already bound her wrists behind her; and her mind was awhirl. It had happened so fast there was nothing she could have done. She trembled and her utilities were already soaked with her sweat. She was overwhelmed with the enormity of what had happened. It was only an hour before that a squad took her to a platoon bivouacked a few miles away where she met with platoon leaders and quickly got the info she needed.
They were hunkered down just a mile from a village. The men were at ease and it seemed to Cathy that the tension level was not high. She chatted with a Lieutenant - an attractive, lean six-footer from Iowa. He boasted that he’d been co-captain of his high school football team. Cathy was only half-listening. She kept checking out the area. She turned, at that point, and asked the Lieutenant how hot things had been. He told her they hadn’t seen any North Vietnamese Army activity in weeks and only sporadic contact with the Viet Cong.
?But Charlie can pop up anytime. Don’t worry though - we’ve got it wired here. My guys know what to do if it hits the fan. You know what I mean??
?I’ll bet you’ll be glad to get back to the world,? she countered.
?Yeah, you know it. I’ve got four months left before I’m short,? he said.
And at that very moment, the shit hit the fan! Suddenly, the area was being bombarded with mortar and small arms fire. The Lieutenant shoved Cathy to the ground and shouted at her, ?Stay here.? They were right by a tree when it happened. It was soon bedlam as men ran every which way. There was screaming and then as men were hit, she heard the shrieks that told her that steel had met flesh. The sound of the mortars was deafening and Cathy, who had never been exposed to combat, began to go into shock. When a round landed close by, Cathy, only 19 years old, panicked.
She got up, disregarding the Lieutenant’s instructions, and ran. She didn’t know where she was going, but she just knew she had to get to somewhere else. The problem was that she ran the wrong way. She literally ran into two members of the Viet Cong unit that had started the firefight. Seeing an unarmed American in combat utilities running toward them, they lost their cool, and one man almost dropped his AK-47 trying to get his rifle onto his shoulder. The other man, cooler and calmer, tackled Cathy.
He quickly subdued her and was shocked to see he was grappling with a woman because when her cap came off a mass of dirty blonde hair tumbled free. He sat on her stomach and pinned her wrists to the ground. Cathy, now in full survival mode, began struggling like a wildcat. The other man had come over and shaking, pointed his rifle right at her face and began screaming at her.
Cathy, looked down the barrel of the gun, just inches from her nose, and gave up the struggle. She realized she was caught; and began cursing and sobbing. The man holding her down was shocked by this and, looking at his comrade, slapped her face. When this only made her cry harder, he slapped her again - and again and again. Finally, this did the trick. Cathy went almost catatonic at this point.
The two men began jabbering at each other. The man holding her down, higher in rank, said they had to tie her and bring her with them. The man holding the rifle, younger, skinny and only 17 years old, with wild eyes, kept saying that they should just shoot her.
?Women no good,? or something to that effect in Vietnamese, he kept screaming. She had scared the shit out of him and he wanted to exorcise this demon by killing her outright. Victor Charlie, never having encountered a woman in uniform before, didn’t know what the hell to do with her. But the man holding her prevailed and got his comrade to help him turn her over so he could bind her wrists. Cathy let herself be turned over without a fight, but when they started to tie her, she began struggling like a Montana wildcat.
The senior man took control and struck her on the back of her neck to stun her. Then he was able to tie her. When he had her hands tightly bound, he tied a rope around her neck, like a leash. Then they got the young blonde on her feet. He slapped her to get her attention, pointed to his comrade covering her with his rifle, and motioned that they were moving out. Cathy didn’t say or show any response, but when they began trotting, she stumbled along and then began jogging as they headed out. Their superiors would know what to do with her.
They ran and ran for miles. The marine squad who brought her and the unit she visited, after the smoke and dust had settled, evacuated the wounded and counted noses. That’s when they discovered Cathy was missing. There would be hell to pay! Both the squad leader and the platoon leader would both be disciplined for losing the Woman Marine.
Tuesday August 20, 1968 (Evening)
The party of three, moved quickly and silently through the bush. The two dressed in black pajamas and one in American military green, covered nearly five miles to rejoin the cadre`. By the time they arrived at the temporary camp, Cathy was exhausted. She had completed the Physical Readiness Test in boot camp, which included a three mile run, but this trek in the hot, humid climate of Vietnam, after being captured, was more than she’d ever had to deal with. The terrain was alien and unfamiliar as well.
They had pulled her utility cap down on her head to conceal her hair and she was so sweat-soaked on arrival that it looked like someone had thrown a bucket of water on her. Her captors, clad in black pajamas and the unique conical straw hats were nowhere near as drenched. They were used to long runs on small rations. They wore sandals with soles cut from rubber truck tires.
When they arrived in camp after dusk, Cathy could see how primitive their situation was compared to the Marines. They were hunkered down in a small clearing. A fire and a few lean-tos testified to the temporary bivouac. They brought her to their unit commander, a Captain. He spoke very little English. When he saw Cathy, he was shocked. His eyes went wide when he saw who his men had captured: a woman! Dressed in the combat utilities of a Marine? It was unthinkable. He realized that he would have to process her to his superiors.
They kept Cathy bound; and it was a cruel taste of things to come. The tied her wrists to her ankles and then used the rope around her neck to secure her to a tree. Then they made her kneel. Whenever she tried to sit down, they screamed at her and one of them cuffed her on the back of her head. When things settled down, she looked at her captors – studying them. They were all young, thin and small brown men with deeply slanted eyes and light to non-existent beards. Some were cooking in a battered aluminum pot over a spare fire. They looked at her with curiosity or sullen stares.
She shivered, even though it was very hot. The overwhelming enormity of what had happened to her was taking her some time to process. She wondered if she would be rescued? Would they kill her? Would she be tortured? At this, she had to stifle a wave of panic that swept thru her mind. She wondered if she could stand up to torture. Like all women, she worried about rape?
The Captain, his name was Pham, came over, at one point, and tried to get her to answer a few questions, but his English wasn’t up to the task. Cathy, drilled like everyone in what to give up if she was captured, only gave him her name, rank and service number. He looked at her sullenly, realizing that he was not going to get much more than that now and even if he could, he would not be able to use it. So, he soon stalked off. Two men came over with a small bowl. Inside were rice and some other unidentified vegetables. They shoved it under her nose. She smelled it and the alien aroma revolted her. She shook her head no-no. They shrugged their shoulders and left her.
Her position became increasingly painful. She soon began to whimper. She had continued to sweat and was now thirsty. She tried to get someone’s attention, but most of the men ignored her. They were eating, talking and cleaning their weapons. Occasionally, someone would look at her quizzically. When she was able to get someone’s eye, she cried out for water. Finally, one solder, realized what the captive American wanted, brought her a cup of water. He said, pointing to the cup, ?N?ớc.? This was Vietnamese for water.
?N?ớc, N?ớc,? he said to her grinning manically.
She couldn’t pronounce it, but she wanted that cup of water and tried to get him to understand that she wanted it. She pleaded with her eyes, but her attempts at pronouncing the word made him laugh. He waved the cup under her nose, tantalizing and then torturing her with it. She licked her lips and made a nodding gesture that said, ‘please give it to me’.
He chuckled and she studied his face. He was very ugly; tall for a Vietnamese - about five feet eight inches - skinny with thin, black hair and bony, claw like hands. H is name was Chien and he would figure prominently in her life in the future. When he had her drooling for the water, he smiled at her sadistically - slowly reached down and pulled his cock from his black pajamas. Cathy looked at his face and then his cock - horrified. It was so unexpected that when he did it that her mouth just hung open in shock.
She was gob-struck. All she could only stare at his penis, like it was a snake that just emerged from a hole in the jungle canopy. He had a fairly long tube, with an elongated tight foreskin. It looked reptilian to her - a cross between a lizard and a turtle. When he thrust it at her face unexpectedly it repulsed her, but what he did next blew her mind. He shook his cock, like he was getting ready to take a piss and then aimed it at the bowl. As she watched, unbelieving, he began urinating into the bowl.
As he flavored the water, he grinned at her enjoying the reaction he was getting. There was no need for language at that point; Cathy knew what he was thinking. It was a gesture that spoke volumes about his innate cruelty and sadism. When he was finished pissing, he held up the bowl with a gesture and an expression of hospitality that was as horrifying as his earlier grins. He was offering it to her.
She looked at it with disgust and shook her head ‘no’. He grinned, shrugged - and set it down close to her so that she could see it - but not reach it. In time, she would beg for it. As the afternoon waned and became evening, her position became unbearable and moaning - she fell over. As soon as this happened, almost instantly, the two soldiers were on her. They pulled her up and began slapping her. Her cap came off and one man grabbed her by her hair, cut in a page-boy style about two inches above her collar, and yanked her head around like you do to a disobedient child. Then he slapped her face twice.
Instantly, Cathy began crying. This made the men laugh at her and mock her in their jibber-jabber language. One of the men pulled her cap askew and so attired, she became a figure of scorn. They were warming up to the fact that she was a Marine, but a pussy Marine; and their absolute power over her, as a woman, gave them new confidence and swagger.
Meanwhile, Captain Pham was working on a solution as to what he should do with her. He had few resources to extract whatever information she held. And her value as a propaganda tool or as an extortion hostage was beyond his authority. He really had no choice and so made arrangements to have her transported up the line to his superiors. At nightfall, she was allowed to lie on her side and sleep, but it was a restless sleep. She had not been able to eat and eventually, dying of thirst, she begged for the flavored n?ớc. She was so thirsty, that she gulped it all down, ignoring the urine that had been added by Chien to torment her.
Wednesday August 21, 1968 (Morning)
The next morning she was given a bowl of rice with some vegetables and was allowed to eat. They freed her hands and kept her ankles tethered and the leash around her neck. After this, she had to pee and she tried to let them know she needed to use the latrine. Her gestures made them look at her puzzled and then laugh when they realized what she wanted. One of them waved his hand dismissively at her and she realized, in horror, that she might not be permitted to answer the call of nature and have to piss in her pants. The thought of this brought tears to her eyes.
Eventually, watching her suffer, Chien swaggered over. He smiled smugly and then hauled her to her feet. He marched her to a latrine. It was nothing more than a trench and in the tropical heat smelled terribly. Cathy hated Chien now more than ever. He knew it and seemed to delight in humiliating her. She felt very vulnerable with him in ways she had not with any of her other Vietnamese captors. The very fact that she had to pee was fraught with fresh possibilities to humiliate and degrade her. And both of them knew it?
Chien unbuckled her utility pants and pulled them down. Then he stood back and looked her over as, with her pants down, he could see her green cotton panties. She blushed as he stared at her. Then, he came close, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and smiled. She could see his bad teeth and smell his breath which sickened her. As he enjoyed her discomfort, he slowly pulled her panties down. Cathy thought she would die of embarrassment as he bent down to look at the bushy growth of hair between her legs.
Then he pushed her closer to the trench. She knew what she had to do – she squatted and pissed. It took her a few moments for her stream to start but when it did it landed in loud splashes on the wet sides of the trench. With her hands tied behind her back, she had to be careful she didn’t make a wrong step and land in the latrine. The smell was overwhelming and the situation was made worse by her blushing humiliation as Chien watched her urinate.
She had to have a bowel movement, but the events of the last twenty-four hours had made her constipated and she was unable to shit. It was very humiliating as Chien sat on his haunches, the way the Vietnamese do, and smoked a cigarette as he watched her try to ‘go’. No man had ever watched her urinate before. When she was done, he pulled her panties and her pants up and said something to her in Vietnamese. She didn’t understand of course, and could only imagine that he was mocking her? She spent the rest of the day bound and guarded.
Thursday August 22, 1968
The next morning the squad took her in tow for a long trek with her wrists bound behind her and a lead around her neck. They walked, jogged and ran for two hours. By noon, they found a small clearing and broke for a rest. They ate cold rice and offered some to Cathy, but she refused it. She was worried now that every time they moved her, her chances of being freed were getting slimmer. She knew she was being taken far away from where she was captured. She wondered what would become of her and where were they taking her?
While she wasn’t hungry, she was still constipated and after running all morning and having drunk water whenever it was offered, Cathy had to pee again. She tried to get someone to pay attention to her but they just ate and talked among themselves. Finally, she began to sob softly as she realized that the pain in her bladder let her know she was going to wet herself very soon. Being forced to hold it had been a torment, but now the thought that she might piss her pants humiliated her enormously.
She felt the pressure and began to squirm. Some of them noticed; and then Chien said something and they all laughed. Finally she stood up; she couldn’t stand squatting any longer as this put more pressure on her bladder. Several of the men reacted to this, but Chien laughed and said something and the men sat down. As Cathy began to do the ‘pee dance’ something that many girls do when the urge to urinate becomes overwhelming, she provided after lunch entertainment for the squad.
They all watched her shifting from one foot to the other; then doing a soft hop which made her tits jiggle; and finally pressing her thighs together to hold it in. This was accompanied by whimpers and soft moaning. But the urge to pee finally overwhelmed her; she lost control of her bladder and pissed herself. It wet her crotch completely and ran down her legs to stain both pant legs of her utilities. The men laughed and Chien even clapped at her shame and discomfort.
When they started up again, Cathy had the additional problem of being wet between her legs with her own urine. It soon chafed and irritated her as she walked, jogged and ran to keep up with the squad. Soon, by late afternoon, they arrived at the second camp.
This was another small bivouac, just a few lean-tos and a fire. This time, when offered a bowl of food, she took it and ate ravenously. She also drank as much water as they gave her. Her stomach growled and she was very aware that it was taking her a lot of time to adjust to the physical pressure of being a captive. They tied her to a tree and she was able to lie down. It didn’t take her long and she fell asleep. During the night, she was awaked by that old familiar pressure in her bladder and she looked around and there was one soldier awake and on guard, sitting close by with a rifle.
She tried to get his attention, but he seemed uncomfortable when she tried to get him to come over. Perhaps he had been warned to avoid contact with her, but in any event, he for the most part, ignored her. As the pressure grew, and she felt nature’s call more urgently, she began to whimper. But no one paid her any mind. Before long she began to focus on her bladder and nothing else. It just consumed her. She tried to remind herself she was in real danger and her pre-occupation with urinating was a silly waste of time.
‘It’s a waste of time worry this’, she said to herself. And then as she relaxed her urethra she felt her piss warm in her crotch. As she urinated it actually felt good, but when she was done, she felt ashamed that she wasn’t able to hold it. Finally, she fell asleep again. The next morning, she was fed and after the meal, Chien took her to the latrine and pointed at it. She nodded and he pulled down her utility pants and her panties again to let her do her business.
She squatted and felt a pressure, a welcome pressure in her rectum. After being constipated for two days, she felt herself ready to have a bowel movement. As she concentrated, she looked up and saw Chien smiling at her. With her hands tied behind her back and squatting he was in a good position to see her crotch as he sat on his heels. Embarrassed, there was nothing she could do and as she squatted, she finally began passing her turds.
It was hugely degrading and she felt her face flaming and flushed as the morning’s heat and humidity and her situation engulfed her. Already her Scotch-Irish Catholic face was coated with a fine sheen of sweat. She had a huge bowel movement and when she stood, Chien pointed to her turds in the ditch and laughed. She closed her eyes in shame as she wished she was anywhere in the world at that moment. Anywhere?
This encampment had a few hooches and the commander told Chien to bring her into one of them. There they tied her to a post and left her alone. She sat there bound all day and the time alone worked on her mind powerfully. What in God’s name were they going to do to her? Was this the final stop? Finally, an older man showed up and looked at her. This was Major Ng?. He was an experienced soldier who had been fighting Westerners for a long time. He had even fought the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
He was tough, but not a sadist. He was as surprised as anyone that a Viet Cong squad had captured a woman marine. He knew that the National Liberation Front might be able to extort some money for her. They were always in need of money and food. In fact, he often remarked that shaking down villagers made them the best robbers in the country’s history. This was said without any touch of irony on his part. He spoke passable French and a little English. He addressed Cathy in his broken English.
?What were you doing??
She looked at him shocked at hearing her own language after several days of Vietnamese. Other than Commander Pham asking her name, she had not heard her mother tongue. She was so stunned that she didn’t get the question. So he repeated it.
?I was just getting records.?
?Yes, of the men.?
?You are important – yes??
?NO?. I’m just a corporal. Corporal Childe.?
?I,? he said pointing to himself, ?I am Major Ng?.?
By surprising her he had gotten more information than anyone. But interrogation was not his forte`. Tomorrow he would send her on to Major Trần at battalion headquarters. He would interrogate the pretty young American corporal. ‘And what he will do to her, will not be honorable’, he concluded. He knew Trần’s reputation. With that he nodded to her, almost like he was bowing and left. She sat there and considered that some Vietnamese might be decent humans after all.
Most young Marines of that era, especially woman marines, had been indoctrinated with the idea that the Viet Cong were not human at all. Even compared to the cruel Japanese in World War II, they were considered demonic Asiatic monsters. In the back of Cathy’s mind this percolated like a dark and poisonous brew. To have a meeting, even so brief a meeting, with someone like Major Ng?, gave her hope.
When it came time for the evening meal, Chien showed up and he had a treat in his hand. The Viet Cong, typical guerillas, were always robbing and stealing and rice was the staple. They were always on the lookout for supplemental goodies such as lard, sugar, cans of condensed milk and the treasure he now held: canned beef.
It was Russian canned meat and he had liberated some for himself. He brought it over to Cathy and passed it beneath her nose to let her smell the aroma. He had roasted it on a stick over the fire and it smelled good. It was the first meat she had seen in days. When he got her drooling for it, he pulled his pants down to expose his cock. He pointed to his penis and then at her mouth. His meaning was clear, but Cathy, disgusted, grimaced and turned away. This pissed him off and he pushed at her with the fist that held the meat; first her shoulder and then her cheek. He said something to her in Vietnamese. She could tell he was angry.
She kept her face to the wall, letting him know that she had no intention of trading a blow job for food. When she wouldn’t cooperate, he stormed out. Thirty minutes later a private showed up with a bowl and in it was rice, vegetables and a nice fat cube of the same kind of meat that Chien had tempted her with. She gratefully accepted the bowl and wolfed it all down. It tasted like the best thing in the whole world at that point. When the man came back with a cup of tepid water in a discarded United States Army C-rations can, she gulped it down in a few swallows.
She was getting her appetite back and she was no longer constipated. Things were looking up. And when she was able to sleep fairly well, the morning seemed brighter than it had in days. Perhaps they were going to trade her back to the American forces? After this thought went through her mind, she realized that she was being optimistic and silly. She was still in captivity and this camp was just a way station she realized. She then thought, ‘what is my final destination? And what will happen to me there’?
Saturday August 24, 1968 (Afternoon)
The squad assembled the next day and Cathy was readied for the final leg of her journey. The troop took off in a north-west direction and stayed on trail for six hours. When they arrived Cathy was surprised to see a whole village had been commandeered for the Viet Cong’s purposes. This was headquarters for the main unit in the that part of the country. They were very close to the border of North Viet Nam now. There were rice paddy fields and a lot of huts. On the edge of the village were two big huts elevated five feet off the ground on pilings. Both had pitched thatched roofs. One hut was the regional headquarters and the other hut was occupied by intelligence chief, Major Trần.
Cathy had arrived at her final destination. Here, she was hustled up the wooden stairs into one of the huts and tied to the central beam. The position was painful and she soon began to wriggle in an attempt to make herself more comfortable. Several men came by, some in black pajama bottoms, web belts and a sort of semi-military shirt with a helmet covered in green camouflage cloth.
Then a small man with his hair slicked down and a thin moustache` came into the hooch. He was dressed in very clean fatigues and even wore boots. He had a sword on his hip made from an automobile leaf spring and the handle constructed from a napalm tank. He looked dashing by Vietnamese standards; and bore a fair resemblance to Nguyen Cao Ky, the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Vietnam. He was fluent in several Vietnamese dialects and French; and his English was adequate?
?Corporal Childe, Yes? Yes,? he said addressing her.
Cathy looked at him and her blood ran cold. There was something in his manner that suggested the snake. His accent was very heavy but his English was understandable. He greeted her and told her his name was Major Trần. Then he began asking her simple questions. Have you been fed? Do you know why you are here?
?Ah?.Yes - you wonder why you are here. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy, nervous and frightened, began repeating her name, rank, and service number. She said it three or four times. He listened for a moment and raised his hand in an impatient gesture that said, ‘ok. You can stop now.’
?I know your name, your rank and the number. I do not need them. But thank you. I have many questions. But there is time. And we have time for answers. Yes? YES.?
?I don’t know anything. I’m just a Corporal.?
?Yes - but there are very few woman marines in Viet Nam. American Air force have many women in Saigon. But few woman marines in Vietnam. So, you must be special marine. Yes? Yes.?
?No. NO. Please believe me?.I’m just a clerk.?
?Oh. You work with papers? This is good. I have questions about papers. Yes? YES. This is good.?
Cathy realized that she had made a huge blunder by telling him she was a clerk. It gave him the opening he was looking for. She realized in that moment, that he was the man she was worried about meeting. He was: the interrogator. She realized that he was skilled in tripping her up and would want to strip her of every bit of information she had, however small.
And he was trained for this and she was not. She was now very afraid. She tried to avoid his eyes, but found herself looking at him to see what sort of man he was. When their eyes met, she felt a cold chill go down her spine. It was as palpable as if someone had poured ice-water down her blouse. She saw a deep cruelty there; something evil and perverted. He continued to try and weasel information out of her. But now she was on her guard and she clammed up. He was ready for that.
?You have to be strong. You are Marine. Yes? Yes. I am your friend. I know marines are strong. But I am only a Major. My superiors want some answers. You must help me. I help you and you help me. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy had no answer to that and just kept her mouth shut. He shook his head as if he were sorry or aggrieved that he had to resort to sterner measures, but then he stuck his head out of the hut and called out. At this, two soldiers came rushing in. Cathy was upset to see that one of the men was Chien: the grubby, ugly private who had tried to compromise her. The other man was very young. His name was Hao (which means ‘good’). Cathy had already begun to come up with names for her tormentors: Trần was the ‘Major’; Chien was ‘Frog-Face’ and now Hao, who was beardless and sweet looking, became ‘Baby-Face’. At Major Trần’s direction the men got Cathy ready for the ‘ROPES’.
As the Major barked orders and the men scurried to get what he wanted, Cathy became nervous. She knew now that she was going to be tortured. She tried to ready herself for her ordeal. Chien came over and pulled her arms behind her and tied them together at the elbows. They re-tied her wrists and put wooden shackles on her ankles. They slid a two-inch thick bamboo rod through the shackles. They then looped a rope around the rod, over her shoulders, pulling her head pitilessly down between her knees. Hao pushed down on her shoulders as Chien pulled the rope tight. They tied it off and now she had been forced into a ball. The herded her over to sit on a small wooden box.
The bondage and her enforced position would soon prove very agonizing. Major Trần sat down, shrugged his shoulders as if to say to her, ‘I’m just a cog in a big wheel’ and took out a thin Laotian cigarette from a crumpled pack. He sat there smoking and watched her. Soon Cathy, feeling the cramps in her back and shoulders, began to whimper and moan. He then left the two men to guard her and did not return for four hours.
When he came back, Cathy was a mess. She had been sweating in the hot confines of the hooch and the cramped position put tremendous pressure on her internal organs and the muscles of her back and spine. She was moaning and groaning continuously. If she tried to move, Chien slapped her. She kept thinking what does the Major want? Will he be happy with what I know? Or is he a sadist who enjoys torturing people? When he returned, Trần re-lit the butt he’d been smoking before and resumed his questions. Quietly but persistently, he questioned her, but Cathy wasn’t very cooperative.
?I can leave you like this for whole night. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy groaned. She couldn’t imagine being left tied to sit on the box all night. Her shoulders were on fire from having her elbows forced together. Her hands had gone numb. After a few hours in this position her whole body baked with fiery pain. Even her butt hurt from having to sit on the box. Her face was flushed red and she had sweated so much her utilities were soaked. Dark circles under her arms had merged with the entire back of her utilities. He left her bound until it got dark. When he finally untied her, Cathy collapsed. Trần knew it was time to switch tactics. He was patient.
She was a strongly built for a girl, but he knew techniques specially adapted to the interrogation of women. He would begin again in the morning. She was a mess when they threw her in a bamboo cage only a meter square in size. This they suspended several feet above ground, like a bird cage; and left her there for the night. She would be exposed to the elements and the insects as the night wore on. She cursed her fate, but as she hung there in the cramped space of the ‘tiger cage’, she vowed to be strong and resist. ‘I will prevail. I must’, she vowed. When she had to urinate, all she could do was just piss and wet herself in the tight cage. She felt like an animal?
Trần had two good assistants. Hao had been with him for several months. He had recently lost the other man he relied on as a result of an American air attack. When he questioned Chien, Trần realized he was a natural sadist and showed promise. He told him that he was now attached to his command and would take care of notifying his unit. Chien smiled at this. ‘This is going to be good duty’, he thought to himself.
Sunday August 25, 1968 (Morning)
They untied her and got her standing on shaky legs. Then Chien and Hao pushed and pulled her outside to a clear area just behind the two huts. Cathy’s stomach did a flip-flop because something about the what she saw told her she was in for it. She was facing a bamboo rack constructed of three heavy vertical and four thinner horizontal poles lashed together to form a grid.
With her protesting, Trần had them bind her facing the rack by her wrists to the third rung. This was about eye level. Then he had them drive stakes into the ground by her ankles. Spreading her legs, they bound her ankles to the stakes. The stakes had been set in the ground about two feet from the rack so that she was bound at a sixty degree angle. This really put her big butt on display. Now, they stripped her forcibly.
Trần ripped open her utility blouse, scattering the buttons. He sliced her bra strap with a knife and wrenched the garment off to expose her tits. Her creamy white milkers with pretty pinkish-brown nipples jiggled prettily. Then, he yanked open her belt and pulled her pants down. Finally, he jerked her panties down to her ankles.
Now they could see what she looked like. Cathy was five feet five inches tall and weighed 132 pounds. The pretty brown-eyed, blonde had pretty cupcake breasts that filled a 34B bra and she showed a big butt with sturdy limbs and small hands and feet. She was built like a compact cheerleader, which is what she was in her junior and senior year at Butte High School (home of the Bulldogs) in Butte, Montana.
Hanging virtually naked, Cathy shivered as the three little brown men drank in her beauty with hot eyes. She just wanted to melt into the ground. Trần whispered something in her ear and she colored noticeably. He told Chien to fetch thin green bamboo canes from a grove about fifty yards distant and sent Hao off to get some thin barrel staves. The men loped off and Cathy was left hanging to contemplate her fate. She bit her lip agonized at the display of her nakedness. She could never have imagined herself is such a situation.
To be naked now so that other soldiers and even the villagers could see her was a shaming thing and Cathy felt intense humiliation. The emotional pain of being bound and stripped disarmed her totally. Trần kept asking her questions and when she kept silent, he warned her that he didn’t want to do it, but he would have to employ harsh measures. She wondered what he was going to do to her; and when Chien came back with three foot lengths of green bamboo, she groaned when she saw them. Then Hao showed up with a three inch wide barrel stave about two feet long.
?You tell me answers, no pain. You no talk, you have pain. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy hung her head and waited for the inevitable. She looked over her shoulder and saw that a small crowd was gathering; a few brave souls from the village, but mostly young Viet Cong soldiers. The Major gave the word and Chien stationed himself just behind her on her left side. Chien tested the cane by flailing the air. When the bamboo slashed through the air, it made a fearsome noise. Then he hit her ass and she felt the hot pain as it landed across both of her full cheeks. The blow was harder than she expected and she thrust her hips forward in a coital move that made her cupcake tits jiggle.
She grunted when the blow landed and went, ?OH.?
Very quickly, he whipped another hard one across her bottom and this landed just an inch below the first blow. By the time he pulled his arm back the effect from the first blow could be seen. There was a nasty red stripe now blazing across her butt cheeks. He began to whip her methodically. About one blow every four or five seconds. Soon, her buttocks were covered with a half dozen bright red welts.
He began to make the cane hit the back of her thighs as well. Cathy gritted her teeth, but the pain pieced her reserve like a hot knife. And as the blows continued the pain began to become cumulative. It began to build and she began to sob. He was not whipping her as hard as he could, but the cumulative blows began to become overwhelming.
She wanted to be strong, to be a Marine, but this was a totally new experience for her. Never in her life had she ever received anything more than a simple over-the-knee spanking. The bamboo he was using on her was a cruel weapon. The ends were as thin as a pencil and the whole thing was very whippy and flexible. The swooshing noise as it cut the air and came flailing down on her flesh was a tribute to its cruel power. She began to cry out in-between harsh guttural sobs.
All this brought a smile to Major Trần’s face. He was sexually excited by her. She was a delightfully pretty American and he felt like he was squeezing all Americans by the throat as Chien brutalized her. To see her bound and beaten and watch her clench her buttocks in anticipation of the blows excited him and he began to become erect. Then Hao was given a turn at beating her.
He used the stave on her full buttocks to good advantage - each stroke made her clench and then unclench her ass. He was making her do a dirty dance. She would hump forward when the blow landed. Then she would clench and unclench her cheeks rapidly or wriggle her ass to shake off the pain; other times she humped air as if she was fucking an invisible lover. The Major and Chien watched and both sported hard-ons.
It was a very sexual beating. Her butt and thighs were soon blazing and small spots of blood appeared where the blows had overlapped. Finally, the Major called a temporary halt. He barked something to Chien, who ran to fetch a pail and a rag. He brought back some turpentine. Trần supervised and had him swab Cathy raw ass and thighs with the turpentine-soaked rag. When he began to anoint the sore, abraded flesh of her cheeks and thighs, it stung so much, she blubbered like a baby. Cathy was shocked at how much the ordeal had weakened her resolve. Her head hung low as she tried to regain her composure.
?You talk, you no suffer. No talk, you suffer. Yes? Yes.?
She was surprised when the Major had them cut her down. She collapsed on the ground when released. But Trần was just getting started. He had them pull to her feet and hang her by her wrists from the top rung of the rack. Hao, familiar with the drill, pounded two stakes in the ground, close to the rack, and sharpened them. Following this, he and Chien placed her feet on the stakes.
It hurt hanging from her wrists and she was glad to have something to stand on, but the sharpened points soon became very bothersome. This was her position: she was facing forward, hanging by her wrists and standing on the stakes. She was helpless to do anything but try to balance herself painfully. If she slipped off it was agony to have to whole body suspended by her wrists.
They left her in this position to suffer. After thirty minutes, the pain became excruciating. Her arms were pulled taut and the pain in her wrists and shoulders was agony. She was having trouble breathing with her arms bound over her head. Pain radiated from the ball joint across to the scapula and all throughout her shoulder muscles. The stakes pressing into the balls of her feet was a separate agony and one that threatened to drive her to madness.
After an hour, the Major had Chien throw a bucket of cold water on her. Then he had Chien use his bamboo cane to beat her belly and thighs. He laid a dozen hard blows on her belly, especially on the tender skin of her lower abdomen. And he concentrated on whipping her inner thighs, close to her pussy. When he began whipping her tits with the cane, he focused on her nipples which were the size of silver dollars.
Cathy began a keening wail and as he lashed her tits, her mournful cries got so loud that Trần ordered Hao to stuff a dirty rag in her mouth and tape her mouth shut to gag her. When he was done, she was covered with wheals from her tits to her knees. Her head hung low on her chest; and she felt like she was going to pass out.
Then he left her there to suffer for another hour. When he came back for her she was babbling though the gag like a demented idiot; and he decided that he had worked her hard enough for that morning. They cut her down, stripped off her pants, panties and boots and removed the gag. Saliva poured from her mouth to wet her tits. She lay on the ground like a broken doll when Trần, looking at his watch, decided that the three men should break for lunch. Vietnamese like three meals a day and he felt he had made progress with her that morning. Chien and Hao got some food together and they ended up eating the meal in the clearing with Cathy crumpled in a heap on the ground.
Sunday August 25, 1968 (Afternoon)
Now naked and weakened from her torture there were marks on her ass, thighs, belly and breasts from the cane and the stave. Her shoulders and back ached. Her neck and face were covered with mosquito bites from the previous night’s captivity. When Trần came over wiping his mouth, she looked up at him and spoke. She told him that under the Geneva Convention what he had done to her that morning was a violation of the Treaty. He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.
?North Vietnam Red Cross says American pilots are guilty of war crimes. American government says this is not war - only police action. You have no help from Geneva Convention. If you answer questions this afternoon, this is very easy for you. If you do not answer questions, then this is very hard for you. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy hung her head. When she looked up she saw the Major’s steely gaze. She wanted to cry. She knew that he was going to torture her again and she wasn’t sure she could take any more. As they pulled her to her feet and pushed her over to the rack again Cathy groaned. She stumbled and Chien pulled her up by her hair?
?OH no please?.NO?,? she mumbled.
They tied her wrists together and hung her facing forward from the third rung; and then they pulled her knees up and out as far as they would go. They lashed her knees to the same rung. They had pulled them up so high that this position completely exposed her pussy and asshole. She felt so open and vulnerable with her most feminine parts exposed that she wanted to tell Trần that she was beaten?
?I am so sorry to do these things to you. But I have to do them. I have to follow orders,? Trần said, holding up a battered book held together by a rubber band.
?Please don’t hurt me anymore?.Please,? she begged.
He then grinned sadistically and began fondling her breasts. Cathy recoiled at this violation. As he caressed and squeezed them, they began to swell with blood and then he turned his attention to her pinkish-brown nipples. He continued until they were standing at attention. When they began to pucker and get erect, Cathy closed her eyes in shame. But it was to get worse. He turned his attention to her unprotected and exposed crotch. He insinuated the tip of his index finger all along the edges of her labia to end up at the top where the folds came together to cover her clitoris.
?Nice American pussy – so tender and sweet,? he said leering at her. ?Maybe I give nice pussy to Chien and Hao,? he said yanking a thumb in their direction.
Cathy looked over at them, standing together. Their eyes were shining and they both had big, dirty grins on their faces. This was the first time Trần had threatened her with sexual assault. She shuddered at the thought that she might be raped in addition to whatever else he was going to do to her. He continued to tease the folds and crevices of her pussy as she held her breath and struggled to maintain her composure. She began to run things thru her mind to distract herself from what he was doing. She tried to think of a favorite time with her family. When this didn’t work, she began to visualize her favorite place, a lake near her home.
All of this proved to be ineffective when he began concentrating on rubbing the wet folds at top of her pussy. She was a masturbator and what he was doing was very close to the way she played with herself when she was in the mood. He soon had her clitoris erect and protruding from its hood and grinned in satisfaction. Then, he stopped smiling at her.
She felt it was a contest of wills. He was showing her that she was powerless to resist anything he wanted to do to her. When he began to explore her vaginal opening, she was grateful he had stopped playing with her clit. She was having a lot of difficulty staying focused when he did that.
He ran an exploratory finger around her hole. She was slightly wet. He toyed with her urethra and then he taking hold of her small labia he began pulling and stretching them. He wanted to humiliate her and as she got wetter, he began pointing this out to her; and then joking with Chien and Hao. As he had sport with her, the emotional pain she felt grew.
He wanted to make her cum before he began to hurt her, so he went from pulling on her labia to rubbing the clitoral hood. Then he added a finger in her vagina. It was not like a petting session with a boyfriend. It was hugely shaming and she tried to will herself not to feel anything. She wanted to deny him the victory of taking control of her body.
But Trần was forty-five years old and experienced with women. When he got two fingers into her and made her groan, it was only the beginning. He palpated the front wall of her vagina until her found what he was looking for. Hanging in this position, her uterus was tilted and her position made it easy for him to find the bumpy patch on the front wall of her vagina and made eye contact with her when he did so. She had been keeping her eyes closed as he manipulated her, but as he touched this spot it was really sensitive and her eyes flew open.
When he found her G-Spot she opened her eyes and discovered he was right in her face. Bound to the rack like a butterfly on a board, she felt waves of dark, scary helpless feelings. These feelings, already in full bloom, begin to grow to hurricane proportions; and she desperately wanted not to lose control. She knew he would revel in any ability to degrade her and making her cum would be a huge triumph for him and a terrible blow to her self-esteem.
He knew just how to do it. He put his hand on her tummy and pressed down as he began to rub the spot. She began praying to God to help her. ‘Please Jesus - don’t let him do this to me. Help me God, please help me’, she prayed. But feeling her vaginal sphincter tighten in response around his fingers, he began to frig her harder; and then faster and faster. Soon, he had her grunting and groaning. She was assailed by the odor of her own arousal, her oozing vaginal secretions, in the fetid, humid airlessness of the clearing.
?Dirty pussy,? he kept saying to her – almost spitting out the words at her through clenched teeth as he worked her hard.
It was inevitable that he would win and when she came her urethra spurted several times and splashed hot juice to wet his wrist. Chien and Hao were ecstatic. The Major had beaten her. Cathy groaned and then cried out as she came. She kept her eyes closed and turned her face away in shame. Now that he’d made her cum, he pulled his fingers out and shook his hand at her face to fling the juices coating his hand onto her. Realizing that this was the result of her orgasm, she cursed herself for her body’s betrayal.
?If you give me answers - then I stop,? he said his eyes trying to convey concern.
Cathy looked at him and knew he was lying. She hated him for the way he tried to cover up his sadism. It was all so apparent and terribly twisted the way he did something terrible to her and then tried to act like he was her friend. He could turn on a dime from sounding as if he cared to threatening her.
?If you say no, I do not stop for thirty minutes,? he said angrily as he held up a small hourglass and set it on a rock where she could see it. ?I do not stop for thirty minutes. Yes? Yes. So talk. Remember – thirty minutes.?
He got in her face again and asked her a question. When she remained silent, he worked two fingers into her sex-hole again. She was very wet and he soon got a third and then a four finger into her. Then, he bunched them together to form a point and pushing he got his knuckles pressing and stretching the ring of muscle around the vaginal opening. Cathy had never had anything that big inside her, and she gasped as he held onto her thigh with his left hand and slowly forced his right hand into her young vagina. Cathy had a narrow, tight sheath.
When his knuckles popped through, clearing the ring of muscle and were enveloped by the warm, wet cavern of her vagina, Cathy cried out in pain. It hurt to be dilated that much. He curled his thumb underneath his fingers and made a fist inside her. Her pink labia were stretched around his wrist and Chien and Hao got closer to see. She craned her head to look down and all three men were concentrating on her crotch as Trần, with his fist fully inside her, began to move it around.
He twisted it to rub the knob of her cervix with his knuckles exploring the dimensions of her hole. She groaned and then felt him push deeper. It felt so alien to have his whole hand inside her that if felt like her vagina was going to tear. When he pulled back and rubbed the ribbed, swollen front wall and touched her G-Spot, she moaned feeling an unwanted sexual thrill. But the pain of being violated and the fear that he was damaging her by his brutal assault dominated her mind.
He pulled his fist back and the sphincter went pale as it thinned. Then he pushed his fist in as far as it would go and Cathy felt like it was going to come out her mouth! He added a corkscrew motion to the in-and-out reaming. When he punched to the end of her sheath, she cried out in pain. Seeing how this was hurting her, he began to do it rhythmically and methodically: in-and-out; in-and-out - over and over until she was screaming. As he fisted her, she wriggled her hips and ass as much as her bonds would permit. When he twisted it and punched it to the end of her hole, her struggles were something to see.
When he pulled his fist out with a pop, it expanded her sphincter again and she yelped in pain. She felt relief now that took his hand out. Hao handed him a Coke bottle and a worn American toothbrush. She looked at both and wondered what he was going to do next. He called for Hao to bring him the oil and the peppers. Viet Nam has some of the hottest peppers in the world and Cathy watched in fear as Hao, wearing rubber gloves, took a small blood red pepper, known as a ‘bird’ pepper, and scored it with a knife to let the juice drip into a bowl. Then he repeated this with two more peppers. He added some peanut oil and brought it over to Trần.
He let Hao coat the coke bottle with the fiery oil; and then Trần put on a rubber glove, took the bottle and waited until Hao anointed her exposed anus with some of the oil. Her pinkish-brown rosebud nestled in the darker crack of her buttocks, clenched defensively as Baby Face touched it to smear some oil around the wrinkled rim. Having someone touch her there was extremely humiliating?
She whimpered as the oil began to show some heat and when he pressed on her tight sphincter she moaned and began begging for him to stop. He just smiled and encouraged by Trần, forced his finger past the tight ring. In a moment, he had penetrated the sphincter muscle and gained entry to her rectum. The oil was slippery and his finger slid easily into the cavern beyond the muscle. He worked his finger all around to lubricate the passage. Then he pulled out to let Trần go to work.
The Major came over and very determined, began to work the mouth of the bottle into her asshole. The oil had really begun to burn as he stretched open her shit-hole. He took his time and worked the mouth and then the neck of the bottle into her; and she began to howl. The combination of the searing heat from the pepper juice combined with the stretching pressure of the bottle was too much.
When Trần began to shove the bottle in deeper, even though it was greasy with the oil, her tight ass ring resisted. She felt like he was splitting her open; and she shrieked and screamed like a madwoman as he twisted and turned the bottle pushing it so that the fattest part forced her asshole to open or tear. When he got this part thru the ring of muscle it slid home so that the bottle’s base protruded from her anus obscenely when he was done.
?OH GOD,? she kept screaming. ?OH GOD..IT HURTS?.OH GOD?.?
She began to recite snatches of the Lord’s Prayer and called out to Jesus to save her as the awful bottle fully seated now in her shit-hole continued to drive her nuts. Trần stripped off the glove as did Hao and all three men stood back to enjoy her suffering. Cathy looked over at the hourglass to see how much time remained. She was in agony and was hoping that when the sand ran out that Trần would pull the bottle out.
The scorching heat of the pepper oil was beyond anything she had ever known. Just a small piece in your mouth was enough to burn your tongue for hours. Now she had a huge object in her ass that was liberally coated with the incendiary juice. She wriggled trying to relieve the pain, but tightly bound there was nothing she could do except groan and scream. She began to hyperventilate?
The sand was running out and Cathy prayed for it to finish. When it did, she looked to Trần. He came over and asked her a question. She was having trouble concentrating and begged him to pull the bottle out of her asshole.
?No. You answer question and I take bottle out. No answer - I start over. Thirty minutes. New pain – understand? Yes? Yes.?
Cathy began sobbing as she watched him turn the hourglass over to start another thirty minute session. He picked up the toothbrush and with one hand spread her labia so that she was showing maximum ‘pink’. Then he began to use the bristles on her labia. He took his time to scrape her sex lips raw. He rubbed the bristles up and down her pissflaps. Next, he turned his attention to scrub the mouth of her urethra.
When he did that, Cathy began huffing and puffing involuntarily; and then wailing that started off low but soon grew so loud that he had Chien stuff a rag in her mouth again. Chien took his cock out and pissed on the rag to soak it. Then, he grabbed her by the nose and jammed the wet rag in her mouth.
A piece of tape across her lips prevented her from spitting it out. When she tasted the piss she had all she could do to keep herself from vomiting. But by then Trần had begun to turn his attention to the hood of her clitoris. He got the bristles underneath the hood and worked them this way and that. Seeing the protruding nubbin of her clitoris, he worked on the bud itself. Soon it was so red and sore that just a touch made her scream into her gag.
As the sand ran down, he pulled her labia back to completely expose her pee-hole. Then he forced the tip of the toothbrush handle into the yawning tiny mouth of her urethra and worked it inside. Cathy had never had anything up her urethra before and this cruel invasion was a monstrous torment. When he had about an inch and a half inside her he twisted it left and right. The handle was oval in shape and as he rotated it in her piss-tube it stretched and rubbed the delicate lining cruelly.
She arched her hips up as high as her bonds permitted so much that Chien laughed and began clapping at the Major’s skill in hurting her. He pulled the handle out a little and then forced it back in until he reached the tiny ring of muscle, the sphincter, guarding her bladder. Finding resistance there, he sadistically pushed and dilated the muscle to plunge the tip of the handle into the small pocket of her bladder. Instantly urine squirted out of her hole to sting the chafed lining of her urethra. She groaned as each new pain, each new violation took her to places she never even knew existed.
‘OH JESUS HELP ME’, she prayed to herself.
AS the sand was running out, he had Hao rub some of the pepper oil on her abraded clitoris. She humped her hips up and held this position, shaking and trembling as the searing kiss of the oil was excruciating. When the sand ran out, he left her hanging there. He needed a break and lit a cigarette. He handed one to Chien, who smoked, and the three men stood together talking.
Baby Face sat down to sip from a cup and look at Cathy. Still bound with her legs open with the horrid bottle stretching her poop-chute and the toothbrush handle jammed all the way up her pee-hole, she moaned in mindless agony. The blaze created by the pepper oil in her ass had abated somewhat, but the oil on her clitoris was a twelve-alarm fire; and she writhed and moaned in a major world of pain.
It was becoming obvious to her that it was just a matter of time before Trần broke her. She began running over in her mind, as a way to distract herself from her suffering, what she was expected to do as a prisoner of war. She knew the Military Code said she was supposed to resist the enemy at all costs. But, she kept thinking that she didn’t know all that much and was it worth it to undergo any more hideous tortures? ‘Please God, give me the answer’, she prayed. The Major pulled the tape over her mouth off gently, all solicitous now, and removed the nasty rag.
Sipping a cup of black tea, he said to her, ?This is not necessary. You are smart girl. You do not want to suffer. I do not want to do this. All you must do is answer questions. Yes? Yes.?
?I?I?I can’t,? she said.
He looked at her coldly and then began shouting at her in Vietnamese. She found his outburst more frightening than anything he had done to her yet. She was afraid now, very afraid that he was going to take this to a much higher level of pain or even mutilation. She feared that he would do something to her that would make it very difficult or even impossible for her to go back to the life she knew.
He began barking orders at Hao, who ran back into the hut to get some twine. Trần had come up with a particularly cruel way of turning a woman’s nipples into two little ‘meatballs’. He would take hold of the nipple and when he got all the dark parts balled up into one neat package he would tie them with twine.
?What are you going to do, she asked him as he went to work on her tits?
?I make a meatball,? he said to her.
She looked at him and grimaced as he took hold of her nipples by the aureoles – then pulled and twisted them. Hao helped him by tying the ‘package’ tightly. Cathy’s pinkish-brown nipples quickly began swelling and bulging. They would soon turn angry red and then purple.
Following this, Trần pulled the bottle from her asshole. She cried out when he yanked it from her body. Chien and Hao, curious as to what it had done to her asshole, bent down to look. Her anal sphincter was red, sore and so open they could see up her shit-hole. This made them cluck their tongues in amazement. The Major sent Baby Face into the hut and he returned with a field telephone used by Marines, the TP-3-12, and set it up near the rack. Such dynamos were essential where electric outlets were not available.
Marines sent to Vietnam were trained at Camp Pendleton, during those years, to use the TP-3-12 as an electric generator for interrogating Viet Cong. The Major was now going to use this on Cathy.? The technique had been developed by the French colonialists: take a field telephone and attach a connecting wire, then take the other end and attach it to the victim’s genitals and crank it -- this caused a high-voltage shock. There was no amperage behind it, just voltage, but it was extremely painful.?
Cathy, now that that bottle was no longer inside her and the heat of the pepper oil had subsided to a wicked itch, whimpered and watched fearfully. The device confused her at first, but as Trần attached wires and brought them over to show her, she knew he was going to shock her. She groaned wondering once again if she could hold out. It was now afternoon and they had been torturing her all morning. She just wanted to lie down and sleep. She closed her eyes and waited. She didn’t have to wait long. Trần was attaching the black, negative wire and the red, positive wire to alligator clips. The he stood in front of her.
?Ready to talk??
She looked at him with bleary eyes. Her hair hung in sweaty, dirty strands pasted to her face and neck. Despite her fatigue, she pulled herself together and said, ?Cathy Childe – Corporal USMC – 2262752.?
?OK - you number one marine. Now I give you electric shock. You shine like light bulb. Yes? Yes.?
Trần brought one clip up to the ‘meatball’ that was her right nipple. He took a cloth gun patch from his shirt pocket; wet it and used the patch to grab her nipple. Then opening the jaws of the alligator clip he clamped her ‘meatball’. Following this, he did the same to her other nipple. She looked down, gawked at her nipples and whimpered. Then, she began to say the Lord’s Prayer. Trần looked at her, snorted and shook his head derisively.
?Hey, number one marine - look at this,? as he held up the hourglass. Thirty minutes. You no talk - shock for thirty minutes. OK? OK.?
He set the glass back where she could see it, threw a cup of water on her tits and her crotch - and then motioned to Hao. The young soldier knelt by the telephone and got ready to crank the handle. Any slow turn of the handle would send a hot current through her. Cathy was wired up at two of the most sensitive points on her body. She was going to ‘ride the lightning’.
Trần gave her a piece of bamboo to chew on so she wouldn’t bite her tongue. As Baby Face began cranking slowly, the sensation overwhelmed her. Her nipples felt the sharpest pain. It felt as if they were being pulled off her breasts by the current. It felt as if a big hand was pulling and twisting her nipples.
As Hao spun the crank faster, this increased the current flowing and her nipples felt as if they would explode. She groaned, as it was becoming intolerable. Trần motioned to Hao to speed up. This level made it feel as though her nipples were being sliced with a knife. And it made both tits feel like they were being slapped and jerked around. She squeezed her eyes shut as the sensations went from awful to excruciating. Small beads of perspiration appeared all over her face and neck. She shook and seemed to go into convulsions when Hao speeded up.
Then Trần had Hao stop; and instantly the juice flowing into her ceased. She was breathing like a race horse and her chest heaved and her stomach muscles rippled from the after effects of the shocks. He also told her that Hao could go faster. Trần gave the word and Hao began cranking slowly again. He let Hao experiment with two different speeds: sometimes slow alternated with a fast spin of the crank all out for thirty seconds at a time. Both nipples swelled up as the torture went on. Cathy tried to think of anything except her nipples in an effort to control her mind.
When Trần moved the alligator clips to her labia, the torment was the worst yet. The electricity flowing from one clip through her pussy to the other made her, at one point, thrust her hips forward and up; and it looked as if it she was searching for a nice cock to fuck. She jerked and twitched on the rack like a demented puppet as current coursed through her.
Hao stopped and this respite allowed her to open her eyes and crane her head forward to look at her twitching belly muscles and down to see her pussy juice dribbling, slowly, from her hole. When he went back to spinning it as fast as he could, her whole pussy felt like it was on fire. The Major let out a chuckle when he informed her that her pussy juice was making the electricity flow even more. She realized in that mind-bending moment that she was in a situation where the electro-torture of her pussy was worsened by her womanhood’s own natural behavior.
She began screaming like a lunatic; and as she did so, she spat out the bamboo rod. Hao stopped turning the handle and Chien put it back in her mouth and tied it off. She twitched and groaned and her tits jiggled on their own as time and again Hao spun the crank and sent electrical impulses through her womanhood.
The shocks became so powerful that her entire body began contracting and jerking in agonizing spasms. Chien was unable to tear his eyes away from the erotic sight of her body contracting and twitching involuntarily. Baby Face would stop the electric torture long enough to for her to catch her breath. He would wait until her hips stopped rocking before he would zap her again with an impulse so strong that she was able to scream despite the bamboo in her mouth. Her shrieks and the sight of her body contracting from torture was erotic, intense, and undeniable.
Her body kept jerking around as Hao spun the crank and her pussy pumped juice – so much that it ran down and dripped to the ground. The ordeal continued until the current made her urethra explode and shoot juice like a water pistol. Now, pulse after pulse of juice spewed from her pee-hole. Then she began urinating. They had turned her into a pissing pain puppet. After this, she passed out - lost consciousness; and Hao got the signal from Trần to stop. The sand had run out too.
Trần threw a cup of water in her face and she regained consciousness sputtering. She looked up at Trần and mumbled, ?I can’t take any more. I can’t? Don’t hurt me anymore.?
He asked her a test question and when she gave him a satisfactory answer, he took the clips off her labia. Then he had them cut her down. She fell to the earth in a heap. When they got her on her feet, her legs were rubbery. He marched her into the hut, sat her down and for the next hour de-briefed her, making notes of a pad.
?Well, you have easier time now. But before I let them wash you and give you food, I want you to do, ‘yum-yum’,? he said to her pleasantly.
She looked at him quizzically. He showed her what he meant by ‘yum-yum’ by taking her almost gently by her hair and forcing her to her knees. He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock. He took it in one hand and waggled it around. It was half-hard and smelled. She looked at him wearily and then at his cock. She glanced over at Chien and Hao, who had been sitting several feet away, their eyes shining and knew that she was now going to be degraded by all of them. She gulped and resisted the urge to cry?
?OH,? she said, as she contemplated what she had to do.
But she nodded her head to indicate that she understood and would comply. She didn’t want to be shocked again, and in a way, felt a sense of relief now that she had submitted. She had been tortured and broken. Now, she was ready to submit. Trần was feeling great, at this point. He hated the Americans almost as much as the French. And the opportunity to torture and humiliate one of their women was the ultimate pay-back.
And years of experience had given him the know how to combine torment, sexual arousal and humiliation. More than anything, he enjoyed degrading this female prisoner; making her accept whatever was disgusting or degrading to her. Now that she had begun to give him the information he wanted, he knew that afterwards she would be his to sexually abuse to his heart’s content.
And so, the Major squeezed and stroked his cock - displaying it to her. It looked gross to Cathy. His penis smelled cheesy and foul and as he pulled his foreskin back to reveal the shiny pink head, she was assailed by its musky smell. He grabbed her by her hair and rubbed it all over her face: her forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and lips. It drooled a thin pre-cum. As he pulled back his foreskin, she saw the little curds of genital mucus and smelled the deposits too.
It was gross as he first made her smell it and then use her lips and tongue to clean it. She found it disgusting and humiliating, but she had to do it. The unwashed, rancid stench of uncircumcised brown men in the tropical heat was one she was going to have to get used to; and on that day Trần started her on that journey.
First, she had to kiss it like she loved it. She had to give it wet, sucking kisses up and down the shaft and all around the knob. He pulled his foreskin back and made her kiss and lick it on the ‘sweet spot’. Every time he pulled his foreskin back, she smelled his musk. The fishy odor made Cathy sick.
He made her kiss and lick his balls too - a bag of loose skin with spiky hairs. He made her do it slow, then lick it until it was wet with her saliva. He grunted with pleasure as she serviced him like a slave. Then she had to take his penis in her mouth and suck it. Soon, he was pushing it in and out of her mouth - faster and faster. He began to thrust his hips and holding her by her hair he fucked her mouth. Saliva drooled from her mouth to drip down her chin onto her tits.
Enjoying her warm mouth, the Major’s cock drooled his excitement. She keep swallowing - there was so much saliva and slimy pre-cum. He then forced it in deep - almost into her throat. Soon, excited by this, he yanked her by her hair onto his hard, hot cock and grunted. This went on for just a few strokes - then he came.
Cathy felt his hot, salty, vile ejaculate spurting into her mouth. It pulsed six or seven times and each time a big fountain of goo flooded her mouth. It made her sick to her stomach. It tasted salty-sweet with a slimy, tapioca-like consistency. She felt like retching when she tasted it. It was so slimy. She gagged and choked the more his cock throbbed, pulsed and spurted.
With each spasm, more erupted from the tip, like a little volcano. Tasting it stimulated her gag reflex and she had to exert all her willpower not to spit it out or vomit. When he was done, he pulled his penis out of her mouth. Cathy was still gagging as he grabbed it and stuffed it back in his trousers. He had been aroused by her for awhile and the amount and intensity of his ejaculation reflected that?
Then, he signaled Chien and Hao to take their turns. Of course, Frog Face went first. He had been coveting her from the first; and his cock was longer and meaner than the Major’s. He grinned at her to let her know that she was now going to have to do what she had refused him before. She hated him, but he pointed down to his crotch and she saw his long skinny pole wagging about. She gulped; it disgusted her, but he quickly took charge. He made an obscene motion with his tongue to let her know he wanted her to lick him. He held up his cock and she had to lick his nasty hairless nut sack until it was wet.
She gagged as his cock smelled fishy too. When he was leaking pre-cum, he grunted and satisfied leaned back and pulled her mouth onto it. He soon began face fucking her hard, almost as if he hated her. His ejaculation, when he spewed, was even bigger than Trần’s. She gagged and some of it spurted from her mouth. When he finally pulled out, he used the tip to wipe up the mess he’d made on her lips and chin and presented it to her to swallow. Humiliated, she had to do it. He laughed at her -enjoying the opportunity to degrade her.
Then Baby Face, younger and eager had his turn. He let her just suck it and he was surprisingly gentle. His penis was small - only about four and a half inches long, maybe a little longer. He made her kiss and lick it. When Cathy slowed down or didn’t show the proper enthusiasm, Chien stood behind her and beat her with a bamboo cane on her buttocks demandingly. She slurped at Hao’s small penis with more enthusiasm.
His hips did a little jig and then he stood still; after this he spurted five or six times and she got another mouthful. His cum was less salty and more runny. Although his organ wasn’t very long, his cum seemed to go right into her throat and she gagged. She couldn’t help herself and vomited.
?Filthy whore,? the Major called her as she began retching.
To punish her for losing control and vomiting, he had Chien whip her sore buttocks again. She was in agony when he was done. Her butt cheeks were covered with more angry red wheals now – all swollen and hot. The Major slapped her face after this and had her open her mouth again. She did and knelt there like a baby bird waiting for its mother to feed it. When he stood close to her open mouth and grabbed his penis she realized what he was going to do next. She shook her head no-no-no! But he grabbed her by her hair and slapped her face again.
She knew what he was going to do and this was the most degrading perversion yet. She saw the slit at the tip of his cock flare open and then he began urinating right into her open mouth. When her mouth was full, he stopped his stream and made her swallow. She wanted to gag, but remembering her earlier whipping when she threw up, she managed to swallow the bitter fluid. He used Cathy as his personal urinal. Sexually humiliating and degrading a captured white woman was Trần’s greatest pleasure.
What was significant was that this first experience established a pattern. Cathy had performed sexually in return for not being brutalized. This set a new tone to the relationship, which wasn’t apparent to her at that moment, but the significance was not lost on Trần. He smiled as he knew now he had broken her to his will. He wondered how long he would be allowed to keep her. He had his two assistants hose her down and gave her a set of black pajamas to wear.
Frog Face fed her, but when he presented the bowl to her he took out his cock and said to her with a smile, ?Yum yum.?
She groaned at this. He wanted another blow-job. She hated him totally at this moment. He was grinning at her with that sick grin of his, but she was so hungry, so she sucked him once again to completion. She felt sick as the depraved little brown man’s nasty cock spewed wads of his vile cum into her mouth. Oh, how she hated Chien.
This became a pattern. He made her give him blow jobs in exchange for choice tidbits of food. She did the deed so she was given the bowl. She wolfed down the contents like a dog. They let her sleep in the hut that night with only minimal restraints: a leash around her neck and her hands bound behind her back. She slept like the dead?
Tuesday August 27, 1968 (Morning)
Trần knew that Cathy would have to be interrogated at least one more time to get certain information which he now suspected Cathy had as she’d admitted under torture that she worked on the Adjutant General’s staff. He had some other business to attend to so Cathy had a ‘day off’. But the next day he had Chien bring her to him; and began again to interrogate her. After an hour, he realized that she was being clever and evasive. She was telling him what she thought she could get away with. But he persisted and when it proved to be a dead end, he had Chien fetch a young Vietnamese woman to the hut.
Cathy had been sitting in a chair facing the big table Trần used as a desk in the hut. When she came in Cathy noticed that she was young, lithe, fairly pretty and no more than two or three years older than she was. The girl’s name was Kim-Ly. Trần pointed to her proudly.
?She is my special helper,? he said with a smile.
Cathy looked at the girl who was not smiling but stood there with an inscrutable look on her face. Hair pulled back in a severe pony tail, she had good cheekbones and pretty eyes but one major flaw: her brown complexion was somewhat pockmarked. Just then the girl, who had been paying attention to the Major, turned and looked right at Cathy. A slight smile played at the corners of her mouth and she made a point of licking her lips. This made Cathy’s blood ran cold.
Between the Major’s mention of her competence and the look on the girl’s face spoke volumes. Cathy realized that this girl had been brought in to do something really bad to her. In the spirit of naming her tormentors, Cathy began thinking of Kim-Ly as the ‘Cobra’. Facing new tortures she took the opportunity to try and convince Trần that she was telling the truth. But he was having none of it.
?I am sorry you force me to do bad things. I show you I am nice guy. Yes? Yes. But now you fight me. I am going to let Kim-Ly persuade you to cooperate.?
Cathy hung her head. What he was asking for she was certain would be of real value to the National Liberation Front. But contemplating what the girl might do to her, she shuddered. If they put her on the rack again, she knew she would break. And the ‘Cobra’ looked like she was champing at the bit to begin. Cathy looked at the girl smiling at her now in a feral way. The girl spoke no English but her body language said that she was a tough guerilla fighter for the Viet Cong.
Trần cleared his desk and had Chien and Hao pull it over so it was in the center of the hut. Then he had them strip Cathy and put her on the table. Cathy groaned at being stripped naked again. They had all seen her tits, ass and pussy, but not the ‘Cobra’. When she was on display, she looked at Kim-Ly and realized, as she watched the girl run the tip of her tongue over her teeth, that she was appraising Cathy like a piece of meat. Or like man who planned to rape her. Cathy felt butterflies in her stomach.
At Trần’s direction, they got her on her back and tied her wrists together over her head. Then Chien spread her legs to tie her ankles to the table’s legs and shoved a board under her ass to raise her hips. She was now spread-eagled.
She looked at Chien and saw him staring at her cunt. She closed her eyes as he hovered over her and got right in her face. Cathy didn’t want to look at him. She was ashamed with her legs spread with everything she had on display again. And Now Kim-Ly could see her privates too.
The young Vietnamese woman then reached into a bag slung over one shoulder to bring out a thin paper packet. The bag fairly bulged with files, scrapers, metal tongues and hooks, nippers, tweezers, length of wire, all stolen from the Americans. The packet held a sewing repair kit with pins, needles and spools. It contained fifty hard carbon steel needles in different sizes. She extracted a needle from the kit, about and inch and a half long, and held the tip over the Bunsen burners flame to heat it. Trần brought out the hourglass and set it up so Cathy could see it. Kim-Ly held up the needle to display it to Cathy menacingly.
?Talk or I let her make you pin cushion,? Trần said chuckling. ?Remember thirty minutes - no stop. Yes? Yes.?
Cathy gritted her teeth and turned her face to the far wall as Kim-Ly then wiped her down with turpentine from her tits to her thighs. The smell of the turpentine assailed her nose. The odor of raw turpentine, which Cathy came to associate with pain, would haunt her for decades. She began whimpering as the ‘Cobra’ went to work. Cathy watched in horror as Kim-Ly pinched up a fold of skin on her lower belly, soft and tender with her baby fat, and holding the non-business end of the needle, put the tip to her flesh. She just pricked her making Cathy gasp. Then she pushed it in. She smiled right at Cathy as she kept pressing until it came out the other side of the fold.
As the needle penetrated her flesh, Cathy screamed and screamed as the tip lanced thru skin and fat. When she recovered from the initial agony, she was breathing hard and trembling. She then turned to see Kim-Ly pick up a second needle and smiling, always smiling now, placed it just an inch from the first needle. Again, she pricked her with it before she skewered her. An agonized howl rent the air. Cathy cried out and screamed as each spike was slowly inserted into her flesh. Each introduction of a needle was a hellish torment.
When the girl pushed the tip thru a fold, there was a ‘popping’ sensation; and Cathy felt the excruciating pain of piercing. Once the number of needles began accumulating, the pain grew and Cathy began sobbing. Trần hovered about enjoying what the Vietnamese girl was doing to Cathy. He tormented her by asking her if she was ready for the next needle. And did the last one hurt?
?How many needles do you think you can take,? he asked her at one point sadistically?
Using all the different sizes Kim-Ly decorated Cathy until she had five needles embedded on the tender skin of her lower belly and five above her navel. The sand finally ran out in the hourglass. The Major again asked her a question, but when she remained silent, he set the hourglass up again for thirty minutes as Kim-Ly wiped down Cathy’s inner thighs with the turpentine soaked rag.
Cathy bit her lip apprehensively as she realized that Kim-Ly was going to work on her more sensitive areas. The Vietnamese girl then methodically worked five needles of different sizes in the tender skin close to her pussy on each thigh. The anticipation of watching the girl heating up the tip and then bringing it closer and closer to her crotch drove Cathy nuts. But Kim-Ly was very patient and sadistic. She knew how to drag out the drama of this torture.
The skin on her inner thighs was more nerve-laden and the exquisite pain was more intense there and Cathy felt she might pass out. It was at this point that Kim-Ly finally moved to Cathy’s breasts. She inserted needles at the twelve, three, six and nine o’clock positions on each tit. By the time she got to Cathy’s aureoles, the corporal was sobbing and shrieking.
When this got too annoying, the Major ordered Frog face to piss on a rag. He held her nose and stuffed it in her mouth and taped it shut. Finally, as a climax, Kim-Ly inserted a thick pin through each one of her nipples and Cathy passed out from the pain. Kim-Ly had drawn out the torture so systematically and efficiently that the piercing of her nipples was anticipated with dread by Cathy and when Kim-Ly did it, the corporal’s nervous system, on the edge of overload, exploded.
Trần threw water in her face to wake her so the torture could continue. They turned her over to let Kim-Ly work on her buttocks. Once tied on her belly, Cathy felt Kim-Ly patting her butt cheeks as if to say, ‘here’s what I’m going to work on next’. She pulled her cheeks apart and studied the crack and Cathy’s anus, making her squirm in shame and fearful anticipation. Again, she took her time. First, she swabbed the area with turpentine?
Then she systematically applied a series of needles in a line down the center of both cheeks before she went to work on the darker, inner, tender surfaces of Cathy’s ass crack. This was very tender flesh with more nerve endings and proved very painful indeed. Cathy’s bodily suffering was becoming greater the more needles were applied. The agony became cumulative.
Kim-Ly swabbed Cathy’s anus with the turpentine and the burning sensation alerted Cathy to where the next needles were going to be inserted. The Vietnamese girl introduced two needles into the tight, wrinkled mouth of Cathy’s anus – one at the three o’clock position and one at nine o’clock. This almost drove her over the top. But when they turned her over again to let her work on Cathy’s pussy, this was the beginning of the end. First, Kim-Ly treated each of her labia to one very long pin. Chien and Hao got in close to see the Cobra at work. She took hold of each lip – made a fold and then ran a pin thru this most delicate and sensitive of flesh making Cathy howl though the gag like a lunatic?
Then finally Kim-Ly skewered the clitoral hood with a thick pin. By this point, Cathy was shrieking and screeching into the gag like an animal caught in a trap. Finally, Kim-Ly held up a short thin pin and showed it to Cathy. The marine knew where it was going to go and shook her head no-no-no, but nothing would stop Kim-Ly - and she sadistically pushed the pin into the fleshy bulb of Cathy’s clitoris - and then right through it.
Cathy gasped and gurgled like a wounded cat and promptly passed out. They slapped her awake so Kim-Ly could wriggle the pin in her clitoris. Cathy, gasped hoarsely, then screamed like a lunatic, pissed herself again and then drooling and sobbing began to tell the Major with her eyes to stop the torture. Kim-Ly smiled - satisfied that she had broken the white girl with forty-seven of the needles. She found the session deeply satisfying.
By the next day, Cathy had spilled her guts and told the Major everything and anything he wanted to know. Kim-Ly had broken her totally. Now, Trần had could sexually abuse the American girl to his heart’s content. She would be in his tender care until his superiors had made a deal to sell her back to the Americans.
It was felt that holding onto a woman was politically unwise and that the American high command would come to a settlement. It took awhile. So, for the next year, the Major had custody of Cathy and turned her into his personal slave and the camp whore. Starting that day, he and his two eager and sadistic assistants began her systematic degradation by raping her. After all, she was their ‘Yum-Yum Girl’.
Wednesday August 28, 1968
Cathy looked up the next morning to see the Major standing next to her, unbuttoning his trousers. His penis was hard and hot. He was pulling his tight foreskin back and forth. She knew it was no use to beg. Now that she had given up information, she felt like a non-person - watching herself as though she were someone else at this point. No matter what happened to her now she accepted that she was helpless - a puppet in a drama that was not hers to control. She took off her clothes, numb in mind and body, when he told her to.
‘They are in control now’, she said to herself. She looked at his repulsive penis and felt sick that she was going to be raped, but knew it was hopeless; so she knelt submissively and accepted her fate. She looked over and Frog Face and Baby Face were dropping their black pajama bottoms too. Chien’s brown penis was already hard. Hao’s was soft and he fingered it nervously as Trần brandished his penis like a weapon. His organ leaked clear slimy fluid from the slit at the tip. It was hard, skinny and laced with ugly veins.
He told her, ?I fuck you now!?
He pushed her down on the straw mat with her forehead and elbows supporting her and got behind her. Then he began to use his cock to make her squirm. He rubbed it all around her dry sex lips and her ‘pearl’! Cathy felt sick and doubted that she would derive any pleasure from what he was going to do to her.
But when she moaned, Trần said to her, ?You like that don’t you, Yum-Yum Girl.?
Then he rubbed it around the hole?and finally penetrated her - worked it in?.until he was in all the way to his thin black pubic hair. Cathy began to whimper as he took his time, enjoying his control over her. He thrust his hips and his cock, embedded in her vagina, touched her cervix. He grabbed her by her hip bones, as he prolonged the initial penetration.
She cried out as he began thrusting into her sex-hole, ?OH, GOD!?
He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head back. Then he slammed it in as hard as he could. Cathy gasped as Chien and Hao began to cheer him on - as he really began to fuck her. Hard and fast - it didn’t take him long, and soon he came. Sweating and drooling, Cathy felt like a whore. She looked back over her shoulder and saw him smiling at his conquest.
He pulled his cock out completely and she was full of his ejaculate. He scooped some from her drooling pussy and thrust his hand in her face and made her swallow it. Cathy gagged and almost threw up. Soon, she was lying on her back and Chien got down to kneel between her legs. Holding his cock in his hand, he was very erect – his nasty, ugly penis with its purple head peeking out from his foreskin pointing up at the ceiling. He reached down and spread her wet sex open with his other hand. When Cathy whimpered, he slapped her across her face and cursed at her in Vietnamese.
He forced his cock into her tortured sex. It ached as he laid down on her and put his hands under her butt for leverage. He then began to thrust into her slowly at first and then when he got more excited, harder. She had her hands on his upper arms and just held on. He made his penetration hurt her, he was so rough, but being penetrated aroused other feelings in Cathy too. She was really surprised at this. She hated Frog Face more than Trần. Taken against her will by this repulsive small monster, she felt some hot feelings in her cunt as he raped her.
He quickened his thrusts and gasped quickly several times. Then he grunted. She realized he was ejaculating into her and for the first time, it dawned on her that these fiends could impregnate her. As his cock throbbed and twitched inside her as he completed the act of intercourse, Cathy felt revulsion at the thought that these men could make her pregnant. He looked down and smiled at her as he pulled it out. It made a sound like a water buffalo pulling its hoof out of gooey mud. He leaned back and took a deep breath. She just lay there, her sex-hole wet and open and feeling completely violated.
Then Hao got down on the mat to have her too. It went on and on as all three men took her more than once. When they were done, Trần used two fingers to transfer the mess in her pussy to her mouth as the other two watched him humiliating her.
?Swallow Yum-Yum girl, swallow,? he said laughing at her.
Friday August 30, 1968
Two days later Trần had Chien and Hao tie her by her wrists and neck to the second rung of the rack, so that she was bent over with her ass on display. Then he had the cadre` line up in an ordered formation - a rape formation. The first few seemed to have trouble getting their cocks in, but soon her vagina was well lubricated and the men were more than ready, coming to her with erections eagerly wagging from the front of their black pajamas.
They would walk up and shove their cocks into her sex-hole without ceremony. Never having had a white woman before some of the younger ones were so excited they ejaculated prematurely and spurted on her ass or back. Some finished quickly, others went for a long ride, taking time to squeeze her tits and in some cases, wring and slap them. Then they would speed up, pounding into her violently before stopping stiffly as they ejaculated.
Moments later they would walk away from her splayed, drooling crotch only to be replaced by the next man. Cathy was not even complaining by that point. She hung on the rack sobbing, her head hanging down. The whole ordeal took a long time – more than four hours. As a woman she had been utterly and completely defiled by the Major and his two assistants. But, the gang rape gave her the experience of true female powerlessness as man after man used her like a whore.
Greasy hands pawed her bare breasts and mauled her ass while one man sawed away between her legs and another pulled her head back by the hair to force his way into her mouth. Around this dirty thing forced into her mouth she wailed and begged but the garbled words were lost in the festive, animalistic rutting by the hard, guerilla fighters.
This was an opportunity for the cadre` to bond by sharing a couple of bottles of cheap Thai liquor and Cathy’s pussy and mouth. While most roughly skewered her pussy, others took her mouth, with her full lips providing an open invitation. Some men forced her down lower, so that they could get it into her tight asshole. This made her yowl and made the men smile, clap and laugh. That morning the men patiently waited their turn and then yielded to the next man; all very organized.
They fucked her cunt, her mouth and her asshole. And since the first go-around had taken the edge off, none were in any hurry to end the fun. How long it went on, Cathy had no idea as she was kept on the rack for hours, a semen depository for half a platoon of Viet Cong – some forty-four men. The semen often poured out of her and the ground became wet with it.
Frog Face, when the initial amusement wore off, took to whipping her ass with a leather belt and burning her butt crack with a lit cigarette. Some thought this was funny. Others just looked away. By the fourth hour she had pissed herself and the area reeked. They would run out of steam and she would get a respite, but within a few minutes she would feel a cock at her ass - this next man ready to take her. She could not imagine what else they could do to her.
This was only the beginning of unspeakable things that were done to Cathy in captivity. The time spent in camp, under Trần’s control, became an endless whirl of humiliating exhibitions, forced sex and increasingly nasty torments. Trần made her suck his cock regularly and let Chien and Hao do it too. Every once in awhile, he and his assistants pissed in her mouth. He called it, ‘making water’. As a reward and a treat for the soldiers who drifted in and out of the camp, he gave her frequently to the men.
She became the camp’s permanent ‘yum-yum’ whore. She would be taken to a hooch and made to suck the Viet Cong soldiers off one at a time. This was the drill: The Major would get the men squatting against the walls, in two lines, facing each other. Cathy had to crawl naked to each man on her hands and knees and then kiss and suck each one to completion. The man against the opposite wall was given a bamboo cane. If she slowed down or didn’t show enough enthusiasm, he was allowed to use it to his heart’s content on her exposed buttocks and thighs.
Every orifice of hers was available for use whenever Trần decreed and he punished any reluctance or disobedience on her part by beating the soles of the her feet with a bamboo cane. This Falaka was a cruel torture. Afterwards, she was taken and hung by her wrists from the rack so that she had to rest the sore soles of her feet on sharp rocks. Soldiers would be allowed to hit her in the stomach or slap her face or breasts. That went on for hours and was very effective in breaking her spirit so Cathy became resigned to performing any sexual act with enthusiasm no matter how perverse.
Cathy suspected by mid-October, when she missed her period, that she was pregnant. In addition to the other horrors of war, she now worried that her belly might be filled with the spawn of one of these monsters. She hoped that the stress she had been under was responsible for her missed period, but feelings in her body told her she was pregnant. She was overwhelmed and sick with the thought that ?Frog-Face? might be the father! Soon, morning sickness was added to her miseries.
Thursday September 19, 1968
The Major had taken to dressing Cathy in degrading and humiliating ways. The first costume consisted of her utility cap and blouse and her boots or Vietnamese sandals. But they had cut eight or nine inches of the hem of the blouse, so that her pussy and ass were on display. Wearing the altered blouse, with her cap, she was caricature of a woman marine. The second costume was black pajamas but the legs had been cut off and holes cut out to expose her pussy. Holes had been cut out of the front of the blouse so that her breasts protruded and were exposed.
Trần had also gotten a hold of some panties and a bra and sometimes he dressed Cathy up in these. On several occasions, she was brought into the center of the village by the communal well to be humiliatingly exhibited. Also whenever new recruits were brought into camp, Cathy would be trotted out as an inducement to the soldiers to fight their hardest. When men came back from patrol, Cathy would be brought out in one of the three ?outfits? to do a strip-tease and then she would be given to the men for use and abuse. Given to the men - it was like seeing a mouse played with by a dozen cats.
Always alert to an opportunity to humiliate and degrade his prisoner, Trần brought her on this day to the center of the village by the well. Dressed in only her utility blouse, Ho Chi Minh sandals and her utility cap, he made her strip. Old mama-sans and a gaggle of children and several old men came out to gape and stare at her. Pointing and giggling, they were not sympathetic to the plight of an American service woman. After all, the Americans had been herding villagers into barb-wire control zones and bombing them mercilessly to defeat the National Liberation Front.
Trần pushed her to stand next to the concrete rim of the well and turned her this way and that. Naked, she was showing the villagers all her charms. Her full buttocks and breasts, still a shade whiter than the rest of her from a tan she had been cultivating before arriving in country, fascinated them. It was as if her sexual areas were high-lit. The size of her butt was a curious sight for them as well. Cathy’s big bottom was a source of astonishment and amusement. The Major had her walk around the well and let the men, women and children feel her up.
Cathy kept her eyes down and sobbed softly as they molested her. Trần had Chien and Hao then bind her in a ‘boger swing’ position. They thrust a bamboo pole behind her knees and over her elbows with her wrists tied together. They threw a big plywood board across the well to cover it and propped Cathy up on it so that her ass was up in the air. Then the Major let the villagers have sport with her. Encouraging them, they soon began to hit her with thin bamboo canes. When one old mama-san began to finger the pulpy peach of Cathy’s obscenely displayed pussy, Trần handed her a chop stick and the woman worked it in to Cathy’s sex-hole.
Soon, others ran to get chop sticks and within fifteen minutes, Cathy’s pussy had twenty chop sticks inserted deeply into her vagina. It didn’t take long before one enterprising young boy worked one into her asshole, making Cathy cry out. This was cause for much laughter and merriment. Soon, the lone chop stick protruding obscenely from her anus was joined by several more. Everyone vied with the others to see how many they could get into Cathy’s painfully stretched holes. When they weren’t able to get any more into her, they began pelting her with refuse and small stones.
The Major let this go on for awhile and then he had Chien and Hao take her down. They hustled her into a nearby hut and let the men of the village line up to cum in her mouth. After all it was her job to be the local ‘yum-yum’ girl.
Tuesday October 15, 1968
This is what Kim-Ly did one quiet, hot afternoon: she had secured a small pot and some rock sugar - very common in Viet Nam, a combination of cane sugar and honey. This was no treat for Cathy, as Kim-Ly put it in the pot and held it over a Bunsen burner to heat it. She had other plans. This was a very old recipe for wax used to remove hair. Under heat it would turn into caramel, right before it reached the crystallizing stage. It was simple to make and once the color changed to golden brown it was ready.
She had Chien and Hao hold Cathy down and then began feeling the American girl’s pubis. Cathy was humiliated as the Cobra felt her Venus mound and then toyed with her pubic hair. But, the young Vietnamese woman soon got down to business and began putting some of the heated wax on the mat of Cathy’s pubic hair. She carefully smeared well into her curls. Then she rubbed a strip of cloth over the wax sealing it. She waited a few minutes - and then grinning at the two men, with a strong pull she yanked the cloth strip off.
Cathy screamed when she did this, because as the strip came off, a lot of her pubic hair came with it. Kim-Ly, all business, repeated this process over and over until all of Cathy’s pubic hair, even the tendrils around her anus, was gone. IT WAS EXTREMELY PAINFUL! Chien and Hao, there to help, watched fascinated as Cathy’s pubis was progressively denuded of hair.
It became so unbearable that Cathy tried to twist herself into a pretzel as Kim-Ly methodically pulled her hair out by the roots. Chien and Hao had to hold her down because it hurt like nothing else. Cathy could see that Kim-Ly loved doing this to her. She bit her lip concentrating, but every so often, a smile would wreathe her coarsely pretty features. Cathy couldn’t believe a young woman could be so cruel and nasty.
When most of her pubic hair was gone, Kim-Ly used tweezers to get the remaining wiry hairs that escaped the wax. When she was done, Cathy’s pubis was bare, bald, shiny and red from the torture. The Cobra smiled at her as though she had just done something wonderful. Chien and Hao, seeing her bald as a baby girl, and having enjoyed her squirming during the torture, were hard and hot. When Kim-Ly left, they lost no time in raping Cathy front and back. They spent the rest of the afternoon fucking her silly in her pussy and asshole. Her bald pubis made it seem like she was a young pre-pubescent girl and they found themselves aroused to new heights.
By November, after having been in captivity for months, Cathy was definitely pregnant and starting to show signs. Her belly had swollen and a dark vertical line, the ‘pregnancy line’ was developing on her stomach. Her breasts had begun the process of growing in anticipation of birth. As her pregnancy advanced, she became hungry and as long as she did a good job as the ‘yum-yum’ girl, she was reasonably well fed. She realized, miserably one day, that her baby growing inside her was being fed a diet heavy in semen.
Sunday November 3, 1968
On this day, Kim-Ly came into the hut where Cathy lay bound. They had taken to binding her on a mat with a leash around her neck and her hands tied behind her back. Cathy’s hair had grown and was down past her shoulders. Her underarm hair and her pubic hair had grown back also. Cathy got up sleepily as Kim-Ly kicked her awake. She was holding a cup carefully. She made Cathy sit up and then she held the cup under her nose. Cathy blanched, smelling the acrid aroma of urine.
Whether it was Kim-Ly’s own piss or another prisoner’s, she didn’t know, but was soon apparent was that Kim-Ly wanted her to drink it all. Holding Cathy’s nose, she made her swill down the whole cup. Cathy, not completely awake, was forced to swallow it all, but was overcome with such feelings of revulsion that she vomited. Kim-Ly became angry with her and made her lick up some of the vomit. This was how the Vietnamese girl casually brutalized the captive marine.
Then Kim-Ly took Cathy and made her kneel with her head between her knees. She spread her buttocks and displaying her anus. She spat on the blonde girl’s anus and pressed against the tight opening to force her finger inside. It always hurt Cathy when the muscle was forced open since she had a tight asshole, but once inside her rectum, it touched a spot that made her wiggle.
When she was able to do this, she pulled her finger out and held it under Cathy’s nose to make her smell it – to further degrade her. Kim-Ly used her finger to rape Cathy’s rectum - to violate her. Cathy considered it the most intimate part of her body. Anytime is was exposed, or touched, it was humiliating to her.
Then Kim-Ly showed Cathy the thinnest bamboo cane. It was as thin as a pencil and about eighteen inches long. She used it to whip Cathy right on her anus. Measuring the distance to the brown crease and then striking her right in the crack. The sound was a sharp ‘whap’; and she really let Cathy have it right between the cheeks. The blows didn’t register for a moment. Then it hurt terribly. Cathy felt the Cobra’s excitement in her knees holding her head as the bamboo landed hard on her tender brown-hole. Her butt cheeks quivered and rippled with each blow.
Cathy cried out when the blows became harder; and her anus begins spasming on its own. Cathy wanted to be able to close her legs and so keep her cheeks clenched tight, but Kim-Ly made her keep her thighs spread wide apart. The hot pain made Cathy wriggle her hips; and she bit her lip and waited between blows, moaning and whimpering softly. If she tried to squeeze her buttocks, to make it hurt less, the Cobra waited until she relaxed and then she stuck. Soon, the cruel torment had Cathy sobbing like a child.
Men came by the door of the hooch and laughed at the spectacle and had a good time enjoying her punishment as she wriggled and tried to clench her cheeks. Her big, white buttocks waggling this way and that presented an obscene spectacle. Kim-Ly then hit her three times real quick. Each one sounded like pistol shots She whipped the poor blonde’s anus until it was red and raw. When she finally released her, Cathy’s tears dripped down to wet her tits. When she was taken to the smelly latrine later that afternoon, her asshole was so sore, having a bowel movement made her cry. Chien, watching her shit, laughed at her.
Tuesday November 26, 1968
Now that her usefulness as a prisoner of war was basically over, Kim-Ly was given the opportunity to abuse Cathy for her personal amusement – as a reward for service. The Vietnamese girl found it deeply satisfying to torment the young American woman. In the afternoon of this day, she showed up after being absent in camp for weeks. She had Chien and Hao with her. She was holding a small covered pot. She had them strip Cathy and hold her down before she showed Cathy what was in the pot: a dozen slimy, black leaches.
Cathy recoiled from them. As Chien and Hao held her Kim-Ly put several of the black worms on her belly to let Cathy get the feel of them on her flesh. They made her skin crawl and she began screaming. Then Kim-Ly inserted her finger into Cathy’s sex hole to loosen her up and get her wet. When this didn’t work, she began to rub her clitoris and then as Cathy’s vagina lubricated so it could be dilated, Kim-Ly introduced the worms into her hole. They began inching their way around and slithering in her sheath as soon as they were inside. And one by one, Kim-Ly got all twelve of them inside Cathy’s vagina.
The feeling of the slimy creatures wriggling and squirming over each other as they fought for a place in her sex-hole almost caused Cathy to lose her mind. Kim-Ly joked with Chien and Hao as she did the deed, which only added to the horror of the experience. In fact, once she had them all inside, she made a gesture with the fingers of both hands to show how they were now squirming and seeking out a spot to feed. This was so funny to Chien and Hao and they laughed out loud at her antics.
Once they were all inside, it was time to let them feast. Their hundreds of miniscule teeth and sucking mouth parts insured that they would find places in her vaginal sheath to attach themselves to. They would feed on her blood and when they had gorged and had swollen up to the size of her big toe, only then would they release their jaws and drop out of her. It took two full days for them to start dropping from her pussy; and they kept her wrists tied behind her the whole time, so that she had to endure this disgusting torment with no hope of getting the little monsters out of her.
Actually, until they had finished feeding, pulling on them to dislodge them would leave all or part of their mouth parts attached and could cause infection. There was an enzyme in their saliva that caused coagulation, so when they did drop off, bleeding was minimal. Left to suffer with her hands bound behind her she could feel them inside her hole at first as they slithered and squirmed, but once they had attached themselves to her, all she could feel was a growing fullness in her pussy as they swelled up. There was nothing she could do but sob and moan. This, along with other brutalizations kept her on the edge of mental deterioration.
Sunday December 8, 1968
The Viet Cong captured a Marine Lance Corporal, named Earl Turner in late November. His unit had been evacuated by helicopters, but he had been left behind after an engagement. Captured by an squad attached to the headquarters unit, he was brought to the village to be interrogated by Major Trần. The Major at first sight hated him because of he was a big American and hung him on the rack to be beaten and subjected to prolonged electro torture. After two days, the poor African-American was a broken man and soon vomited up all the military intelligence he had.
After Frog and Baby Face beat him, but before electro torture, Trần shoved a baton smeared with chili pepper oil up his rectum and a similarly anointed chop stick up his urethra. It was only then that he let his men subject the Negro to electro shock. The two contacts that were employed to apply the shocks were a cigar tube up his rectum and a thin copper rod up his penis. After he broke, Major Trần decided to have some fun with him.
He brought Cathy to him. Turner was bound to the same rack she had been tortured on. He was naked and tied with his arms over his head and his ankles had been bound to the rungs at awkward angles. The first thing Cathy noticed was that he was black, lean and muscular. She didn’t see it at first because he trussed up facing forward but his buttocks showed extensive signs of abuse - evidence he had been beaten heavily with the barrel staves. The second thing she noticed was that his cock was very large. Trần watched her carefully and when he saw where her eyes were looking - he pounced on her.
?Ah, you see his big cock? The negro has a big cock. Yes? Yes.?
She found herself nodding against her will. They made brief eye contact, but Cathy could see the horror and shame in his eyes. She could see they’d broken him; she knew the look. She put her eyes down – ashamed as well. Trần pulled out his makeshift sword and used it to hold up the man’s cock. The Vietnamese had much smaller ones and this man’s uncircumcised cock was long and thick. Cathy found herself stealing glances at it.
Trần had a cruel game in mind. He kept taunting Cathy about the man’s penis. Then he turned his attention to the black marine who outweighed him by at least sixty pounds. He took gleeful pleasure in dominating this hulk. He had broken him so totally that the man was blubbering and trying to agree with anything Trần said. The Major was gleeful in humiliating Turner in front of an American woman, a fellow marine.
?You like white woman? She is Marine too. She has big, white ass? Yes? Yes! She is our whore. You get excited looking at her? Yes? Yes.?
With that, Cathy began blushing. Now, three months pregnant, she was very self-conscious being half-naked. Dressed in her only her utility blouse, Ho Chi Minh sandals and her utility cap, she kept pulling her blouse down. The butchered garment didn’t cover her big, white ass and her swelling belly; and she tugged at it unconsciously.
And being called a ‘whore’ in front of a fellow American was very humiliating to her. Trần kept up the verbal assault. He asked the bound man if he had ever had sex with a white girl and was he attracted to white girls. Earl, who was from Baltimore, wanted to resist, but they’ve taken the fight out of him. He hung there exhausted – realizing to his shame that he was now going to provide sport for his Vietnamese captors.
?Take off shirt. Show him white tits,? Trần barked at her.
Cathy took off her utility top and everyone in the group, Trần, Chien, Hao, and several other Viet Cong, watched as Turner stared at Cathy and tried to resist her charms. He closed his eyes and when he did that, Trần slapped his face humiliatingly with an open hand. It sounded like a pistol shot.
?Open eyes and enjoy the white tits of our whore,? said the Major.
Turner had no choice but to reluctantly obey. His eyes got real big and Cathy could see the whites as he took in her brown nipples, growing white tits, hairy pussy and full thighs. Her nipples got erect as Trần made her stand there about two feet in front of him. She could smell his male musk. It was very strong. He was sweating and as she got closer, he tried to avert his gaze. He was soon squirming.
Trần threatened him that if he got an erection, Chien would beat him on his ass again with the cane. Chien got the cane and showed it to him. Turner looked at the cruel, thin length of bamboo and winced. His cock was still flaccid, so Trần ordered Cathy to turn around and show him her ass; and then bend over and spread her legs. Trần slapped him again and the blow cause some of the sweat from his face to land on Cathy.
?Look at her?.?
They the Major made her rub her pussy in front of him. Soon, the wetness had begun to leak from her pussy and her labia began glistening in the afternoon sun as her feminine sap oozed from her hole. Lance Corporal Turner gaped and soon his cock began to swell; and quickly grew to amazing proportions. The head was bright red and became purplish as the foreskin retracted. Soon, everyone could see how much cock this man had. He tried hard but when Cathy’s wet cheerleader pussy was on display, his cock erected. When it was fully engorged, it was as long as a soft drink bottle and as thick.
?Look at big Negro cock,? Trần instructed Cathy.
Since he’d failed to contain his lust, Trần had the men turn him facing on the rack so Chien could beat his butt. Cathy found herself weirdly excited as they humiliated him in front of her. As his big, black muscular bubble butt clenched in anticipation of the blows she found herself drawn to the spectacle of a man being whipped like a dog. When he wiggled his ass from the pain, it was an erotic dance he was doing. Cathy stared as he whimpered. Chien, grinning, beat him hard and methodically.
This was the game. The Major forced Cathy to assume more degrading, sexual postures. Trần even made her rub her nipples up against Turner’s chest and belly and when his cock go erect again, Chien whipped him. But before Frog Face whipped him Trần slapped his cock or squeezed his balls to make him lose his erection. It was a very cruel game with lots of verbal abuse for both marines. Cathy was repeatedly told that only a ‘whore’ got hot at the sight of a Negro cock. Turner was tantalized and punished when he responded to the hot blonde the only way a man could respond.
To Turner’s continuing horror, his cock became erect again and again. It protruded below his lean, muscular stomach at a forty-five degree angle. Trần repeatedly gave it ‘judo’ chops - right on the top of the thick shaft. Every time he did that, it make the marine’s cock deflate. The game went on. Following this, they made her kneel at his feet and take hold of his cock and masturbate him until he ejaculated on her. It was the biggest load of semen Cathy had ever seen. His penis generated nine or ten separate spurts and the amount of semen was enormous.
Trần had plenty of cruel versions of the game. He had his men cut Turner down and both he and Cathy were taken a short distance to where there was an overhanging branch. He had Chien and Hao tie Turner naked with his hands over his head facing Cathy tied the same way. She could feel his penis - wet and leaking as it rubbed on her. They got her standing on a box and spread her legs. Next, they tightened the slack in her bonds so that Turner’s cock, fully-erect, was right between her legs. Cathy heard Trần say something in Vietnamese.
What he said was, ?Beat them.?
Both Frog Facie and Baby Face used canes on them - him first. As they beat him, the heat it produced and the intimacy of their position caused him to rub up against Cathy. Soon, he was moaning and crying out as they whipped him viciously on his ass. She could feel his cock throbbing between her legs as he bumped up against her. Trần grabbed hold of his cock and made sure it slid and slithered between the lips of Cathy’s wet sex.
Cathy was caned next and as her hips lurched forward under the blows his cock rubbed between her wet thighs and up against her pussy. This was arousing and it blew poor Cathy’s mind. Next, they beat both of them at the same time. The whipping with his cock between her legs soon had Cathy’s pussy dripping wet. She looked up at his face and saw he was struggling to control himself.
?I’m sorry?I can’t help it??? can’t?.Oh God,? he muttered to her, humiliated.
She told him it was ‘OK’. His cock continued to rub back and forth thru her wet sex and it just drove her crazy. It was soon virtually impossible for her to control herself. She felt an overwhelming urge to hump against him, but didn’t want to put on any more of a show for her captors. She flinched and clamped her thighs together tight in anticipation of the next blow of the cane on her sore butt cheeks and as she did so, she trapped his cock between her thighs.
As she squeezed, she heard him gasp and groan and then he humped forward into her as the next blow landed on his ass. She cried out as the cane landed again on the backs of her thighs - and felt something wet between her legs. It soon began dripping down her thighs. The Vietnamese were all laughing and pointing. Turner’s face said it all: he’d cum?
Her squeezing him as she was caned caused him to cum right on her. She could see that he was humiliated at being made into a sex puppet. He hung his head - breathing heavily. The humiliation they both felt was overwhelming. Trần came over to inspect. He bent down and examined them. Turner’s semen was wet on her trembling legs and his cock dripped the last of his ejaculate from the tip. Cathy trembled as she hung there still pressed up against him.
?I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t,? he apologized. She told him, ?It’s OK.?
Cathy was ashamed because she got excited too. Trần reached down between her legs and felt her crotch. He thrust his fingers into her sex and found her very wet. He brought his fingers up to her face.
?You like it! You are WHORE. FILTHY WHORE!?
They had become sex marionettes in a sadistic play. They both stared in horror as Hao brought out the portable field telephone. They both knew what it was for and Turner started bawling like a child when he saw it. Chien, now experienced at such things, attached the black wire to his toe by winding the bare copper end around the digit.
The red wire was attached to an aluminum cigar tube and Chien greased it and sadistically inserted it into the Negro’s rectum - very embarrassing for him. Then Cathy was released from her bonds and Baby Face wired her up the same way - a black wire wound around her big toe and an aluminum cigar tube up her rectum. Now that they were both prepared for torture, they looked at each other fearfully as Trần screamed at her:
?You have fifteen minutes to make him cum. Use mouth – Yum Yum whore!?
Trần set up an hourglass and told her it was set for fifteen minutes. If she made him cum, she would win and then Turner would be punished by being shocked. If he held out in this cruel game, Cathy would be in for a session of ‘shock and shake’. This was a very cruel game: to pit them against each other. Both marines were mortified – forced to play a sick game. Trần forced her down on her knees in front of him. Cathy hated to do it, but she knew she had no choice.
She used her tits to begin the process of stiffening him. With his foreskin pulled back on his big dick, she rubbed the tip all over her nipples. Finally she used her lips and tongue on him. Kissing and licking his big, black dick. And very quickly, the tall Negro’s penis grew hard, hot and erect. He tried to resist, but he was young and she was very pretty. His penis was so big - Cathy thought to herself that it looked like it belonged on a horse.
She kissed his cock and his balls too, wetly, up and down; and then put the whole head into her mouth to suck it and get him to release his load. He tried manfully to control himself, but her mouth was too soft and wet. She had been giving blowjobs for months and had gotten very good at getting men to ejaculate into her mouth. She felt him struggling, trying not to climax, but when she licked him slowly from his scrotum up to the head of his cock, he was a defeated man. Both of them knew he was going to cum very soon?
She ended the game by giving the underside of the head of his cock - where it was very sensitive - wet sucking kisses and then using her lips in a tight wet ring to envelop the big mushroom crowning his penis. Sucking on him, she made him gush hotly in her mouth. She let him finish in the air so her captors could see she had done her job; and continued to milk his cock by squeezing him and jerking him off. He cried out when he came and then moaned as she milked his big dick.
Cathy wanted there to be no doubt who won. So, they tortured Turner. Cathy watched sickened as Hao cranked the handle slowly. Turner’s body squirmed and twitched and he groaned and whimpered like a child. She found herself sickly fascinated by the effect the electricity had on his body. It made his pubic hair stand on end for one thing.
But the most amazing thing was that his cock soon began to stiffen and twitch. The head grew purple and it erected again in stages. As Hao cranked the handle slowly, with several small shocks to get him going, his cock began to throb, swell and lengthen until he had a full erection again. The Vietnamese boy worked the handle gleefully and expertly. Trần praised him and clapped him on his shoulder.
As more electricity was sent into him, his cock soon began to look like it would explode. The head of his cock looked like a purple balloon - ready to burst. There was foam at the corners of his mouth and he was babbling. Then, Hao stopped torturing him. Trần cut him down and he collapsed at the Major’s feet. Then Trần reached down and slapped at the man’s cock. It wouldn’t go down. If anything it stood up more. The others, enjoying the show, laughed at this. Trần grabbed Turner by the ear, like a child, and announced that he wanted him to use his mouth on Cathy now.
?Use your mouth on whore’s cunt,? he said.
They made Cathy lie on the ground with her legs up against her tits so her womanhood was fully exposed for him. Trần used her degrading position to insert his fingers into her cunt and frig her in front of Turner. She responded by getting wetter. Cathy had stayed hot and wet when she used her mouth on him. She liked sucking his cock. Now being fingered - masturbated in front of everybody - her cunt dripped. The sound of squelching noises as his two fingers relentlessly reamed in and out of her cunt filled the air. It competed with her sex odor as her cunt leaked. Someone said something about her wet cunt and all the Vietnamese laughed?
?You have fifteen minutes to make her cum,? the Major told Turner.
Turning to Cathy Trần said, ?Control yourself Yum, Yum whore. If you cum, you get shocked.?
Cathy thought to herself, ‘I can control myself. I’ll hold back. I’ll be silent, even if I do cum. There will be no evidence, like there would be with a man’. The men pushed Turner down on his belly to get his face into her wet, waiting cunt.
?I’m sorry - but they’re making me do this - I have to do it - I have no choice - I’m sorry,? he said looking over her belly at Cathy.
He kept apologizing. She didn’t say anything, but waited nervously. She thought to herself, ‘I’m not going to cum’.
But, they forced him and he began to use his lips and tongue to kiss, lick and suck on her hot sex. It would have been an pleasant task in other circumstances. Then, encouraged by Trần he stuck his tongue into Cathy’s cunt like a cock. She almost came right then and there. He lapped at her cunt like a cat licking a bowl of cream. The more he did it the better it felt; and she was having a hard time controlling herself. Then Trần got him up to lay on her and get his huge cock into her cunt. The Major had decided that the fastest way to get her to cum was to let the big Negro fuck her.
?Oh God,? she moaned when she felt his bulky penis prodding her hole.
Then, he pushed forcefully and his huge cock entered her - opening her up. As he worked it in, it really stretched her. He kept pushing until he’d reached the end of her vagina. Then he began to thrust in and out. He stopped every so often and held it deep inside her cunt. He speeded up and soon he was fucking her fast and hard. As he fucked her, Cathy felt her will crumbling - her control melting. She felt a pressure building up inside - a pressure to cum.
She tried to control herself, but this only made it worse. She also heard him groan when she squeezed her cunt muscles - it put pressure on his cock. It now became a war between the two marines. She held onto his arms and it seemed like she was pushing him away as he used his weight and size to thrust his cock deep into her cunt. She was building up very quickly to an orgasm. Her whole pelvis bore down and she could feel the climax coming, coming, coming, coming ?
?Oh God??.OH GOD,? she heard herself scream.
She almost passed out when it hit. She heard herself screaming as she came and felt her cunt go into spasms as wave after wave of sensation washed all through her pelvis from her vagina to her clitoris, up into her belly and down her legs. It was a huge climax. When it was over she was completely covered in sweat with lots of wetness between her legs.
What has happened was that she had a huge ‘wet’ cum. Her cunt squirted a tremendous amount of pussy juice. Turner was allowed to get up and he still had his erection. He had not cum. Her secretions wet her ass, her thighs and were all over his legs. The pungent sexual smell of Cathy’s pussy was in evidence in the hot, humid air. It was obvious to everyone who won. Cathy tried to catch her breath. Trần let her rest for only a moment.
?You lose whore??shock her,? he said to Hao cruelly.
?Oh God no?.please??.please???NO.?
They tied her with her hands overhead to the branch again. She already had the wire wrapped around her big left toe and the aluminum cigar tube up her shit-hole. Her wet cunt was a sloppy mess and her pussy drooled to wet her thighs as Hao and Chien strung her up. Hao turned the crank once???very slowly to send a light charge into her. The effect on her was pain as he repeatedly sent electricity into her. Cathy grunted, moaned, groaned and screamed as Baby Face shocked her over and over again. The Vietnamese laughed and enjoyed themselves. They made sure Turner watched Cathy’s suffering?
Next, they strung Turner again from the overhead branch. This time they tied the two of them facing each other - belly-to-belly. Following this, they got Turner’s cock between her thighs and into her pussy. It took a little bit to get it hooked up right, but once they were coupled, the Major had Chien and Hao beat both of them again on their butts with wooden barrel staves.
Turner humped Cathy, as they were both beaten. Goaded by the beating, she thrust back and they both came - more than once. Finally, Trần had them re-wire the couple. The wires were taken off their toes and they got the tube in his ass wired with a black positive lead and the one in Cathy’s shitter was attached to the phone by a red negative lead. He then had Baby Face begin spinning the crank on the telephone. United by their wet genitals, the current formed a path between their two bodies. Trần discovered that he could keep them fucking each other liked crazed weasels and cumming this way for the longest time?
They keep making the two marines cum, painfully and humiliatingly for the better part of thirty minutes. Finally, exhausted, Turner lost his erection and couldn’t get another. The Major had his two assistants beat him savagely when he failed. Then they all took turns fucking Cathy. After they’d cum inside her, they forced Turner to lick her messy, sloppy cunt clean.
Cathy had cum so much and her sex had swollen to twice its normal size. She was ready to pass out from the enforced sex and the torture. When they let her up, she couldn’t stand alone. They had to help her up and practically dragged her back to her hut. Poor Turner never made it back to the States. Two weeks after the sadistic game session with Cathy, he tried to escape and was shot a mile from camp. A sad end to a tragically short life.
Thursday March 14, 1969
The Cobra came back into camp. She had been on mission for months and now she was being given a rest. She had brought her younger sister with her. This girl, Phuong was her name, was now active as a fighter for the Viet Cong too. It was easy for her as it was for her sister to fight the Americans – because both were orphans – their parents having been killed in an American bombing raid. After a few days in camp, Kim-Ly asked the Major for permission to use Cathy for an afternoon. He, of course, agreed. Kim-Ly, her sister Phuong, and a friend, Giang took her out behind the village to where there was a grove of bamboo.
Cathy was already seven months pregnant at this time. She had a huge belly and her breasts, normally a B-cup, had swelled and grown a full cup size. She shrank against the wall when she saw the Cobra and even more so when she saw the other two Vietnamese girls. She kept asking where they were taking her, but it was no use as none of the three girls spoke any English. Phuong and Giang led her forward with the leash around her neck and her hands tied behind her back. She was wearing only a black pajama top with holes cut out for her engorged breasts to protrude. The only other concession to proper dress were a pair of truck tire sandals known as ?Ho Chi Minhs?.
After a short walk they arrived at the grove. Cathy looked around nervously expecting she didn’t know what. There was nobody else there and it was quiet and hot that afternoon. Not a breeze was blowing in the glade. Using a machete` and a smaller knife Kim-Ly cut several canes into different sizes. One was about forty inches in length and nearly two inches thick. Several smaller canes she cut into sharp edged stakes. Then they got Cathy ready for the afternoon’s fun. The Cobra dug a hole and shoved the longer bamboo cane into it.
She stood next to it and seemed to be measuring it against her hip. She then used the knife to round off the top of the cane protruding from the earth. When she was done, it looked like a giant cock sticking up out of the ground. Giang, who had collected some rocks and was holding them in a cloth tied around her waist like an apron, then lined the hole with the rocks before Kim-Ly filled the hole with dirt and packed it down with her foot.
Phuong took off Cathy’s top and then the Cobra reached between Cathy’s legs to begin a determined rubbing of her girl parts. Cathy closed her eyes. Soon, the Cobra had her wet and that’s when she said something to the others. At this signal, they all grabbed and hoisted Cathy up, and with Kim-Ly guiding them, got the American girl’s loins over the upright end of the bamboo pole. Once they had her positioned just right they let her down. Kim-Ly was holding open Cathy’s pussy lips and when the pole rubbed her hole, it took a little wriggling and shifting to get it into her vagina. She was lowered so that the pole entered her cunt.
Cathy cried out as the pole penetrated her vagina and she was impaled deeper and deeper as the girls let her down. The Cobra had cut and sized the length of the pole so that it was just inside Cathy when she was on tiptoe and stretching her anterior fornix, the deep pocket inside her sex hole when she was flat footed. Then using a rock, Kim-Ly and Phuong drove the smaller bamboo stakes into the ground next to Cathy’s ankles. They spread her legs so she was straddling the pole and squatting on it. Then they lashed her ankles to the stakes.
Phuong got in front of Cathy and began clapping her hands rhythmically. The Cobra indicated to Cathy that she wanted her to ‘dance’ and ‘fuck the pole’. With hand gestures, she showed her that she wanted her to go up and down on the pole. Cathy groaned and squatted down a little. The pole hurt her and she whined and whimpered as it reamed her out. It felt like it was going to come out her mouth.
All three girls now made it clear that they wanted Cathy, she of the big belly and fat tits, to ‘dance’ on the pole. To get her to move up and down and swivel her hips, the Cobra became the drill sergeant. She took one of the thin canes she’d cut and when Cathy slowed down or didn’t show enough enthusiasm, she beat her on her butt. The cane left raised wheals, bruises and welts. This was very effective in forcing Cathy to dance like a stripper on the pole. When Kim-Ly applied the cane to her brown, swollen nipples – this was particularly effective.
Phuong came over and rubbed Cathy’s piss flaps and clitoris to encourage her as well. This game would continue until they made the American girl cum. Cathy soon sensed what it was all about and trying to shorten her torment, began to fuck the pole – really fuck it. Soon she was squatting up and down hard. As she did so her tits would jiggle, sway and flop around. Sweat was soon flying off her as she humped the pole.
Giang had taken a position behind her and watched in awe as the big, round white buttocks of the American girl clenched and flexed as Cathy did her dance. Soon, she began to moan and then as she felt herself approaching orgasm, her cries became louder and more vocal. Phuong went back to rubbing her pussy and Kim-Ly stood by with the cane in hand. She was planning, as the American girl came, to beat her ass hard.
And this is what happened: Cathy squatted – forcing the pole deep in her sex-hole and then stood up with a groan and as she did so, her legs began twitching and shaking – she began crying out and at that moment, the Cobra struck her with the thin cane hard - right across both cheeks with a wicked shot. Cathy came and ejaculated, at that moment, with a shriek. Her urethra spurted hot juice as a powerful orgasm washed thru her loins down her thighs and up into her belly.
Giang clapped in glee as they made her cum. The Cobra threw down the cane in a gesture that said, ‘do I know what I’m doing or what’. Cathy was breathing like a race horse and sweat poured off her in sheets. The grove was hot, but the exertion of being forced to cum was more than enough to turn her into a wet, exhausted marionette.
Then Phuong, smiling and joking with her sister, brought out a small pot. Inside was honey. She and Giang carefully got it all over the pole from the ground up to Cathy’s crotch using their fingers. When the pole was nicely glazed, they began smearing honey all over Cathy’s pussy, being extra careful to get it in all the folds and creases. They paid special attention to anoint her clitoris with the sweet stuff. Then Phuong went behind Cathy and repeated the process with her ass crack and spreading her cheeks, got some honey all over the American girl’s anus. Then she used the rest of the honey to make a trail over to an earthen mound situated about three feet in front of where Cathy was.
Then they all came around to stand with Kim-Ly. She was holding the machete` and now she used it to point to the earthen mound. Cathy, recovering from her orgasm, started to pay attention now. She looked at the mound, and then as the Cobra pointed to the ground around her feet, she noticed for the first time, a few ants.
The Cobra used the tip of the machete` to point once again to the earthen mound and then at the honey trail leading to the glazed pole; and finally at Cathy’s crotch. And in that moment, Cathy figured it out - and began screaming and screaming. Frightened now out of her wits she watched in horror as the Cobra used the machete` to tap at the top of the mound. She tapped and tapped, exciting and then angering the ants inside. When she felt she had created a firestorm, she used the blade, with one vicious swipe, to knock the top of the mound off. AND THEN THE ANTS SWARMED OUT OF THEIR NEST LIKE THE ARMIES OF HELL....
They were the little red kind and now that someone or something had threatened their home, the mobilized and burst forth to attack...However, finding the honey, they sent forth every worker and soldier ant to retrieve the treat. The three Vietnamese girls sat off to one side – hunkered down in that squatting position so favoured by Asian men and women.
Cathy could only watch in terror as the ants found the trail and began to come closer and closer to the pole. The anticipation of what they would feel like was actually worse than what it eventually felt like. The sheer dread made her scream like someone had shoved hot needles under her fingernails. This only made the three girls smile and smile.
As the ants reached the pole and began to ascend, Cathy began to beg and plead to be released. This only served to amuse the Vietnamese. They couldn’t understand her words, but her body language and the tone of her voice was enough. They knew they had really set the stage for a horrendous torment. What woman doesn’t have a fear of bugs in her crotch?
Of course, they reached her pussy. Just a few scouts at first and this was enough to send Cathy into a fresh frenzy. Phuong and Giang had made sure that her genitals and asshole were well packed with the honey. When the first wave of worker and soldier ants arrived, Cathy began to feel their little feet scampering and soon the feeling of sheer infestation drove her to near madness. When she wriggled and writhed and some of her movements injured some of the ants, the soldier ants squirted formic acid as a defense.
It burned everywhere it landed. Soon, Cathy’s labia, her ass crack and her anus were pocked with swollen red pustules. It didn’t take long for the ants to swarm up and over her crotch.? Within minutes her pussy and asshole was covered with hundreds of ants.? The insects had her screaming, as they feasted on the honey coating her pussy and between her butt cheeks as they swarmed and invaded her sex. ?
The Cobra and the two other girls were beside themselves as they watched the American girl being driven to madness by the ants. It was the most fun Kim-Ly had in months and she was gleeful and happy to be spending it with her sister torturing a hated American? Cathy was filled with disgusting feelings.?She couldn’t close her legs. She could do NOTHING as the creatures polluted her womanhood. They harried and pestered her clitoris - irritating and tickling it.?
Several explored the small urethral opening from which she pissed - this felt even worse.
They packed her cunt.? The honey and her feminine secretions drove them into a swarming, food gathering mass.? She was tied so that she couldn’t close her thighs.? The torment of her anus was especially awful.? They overran the honey-glazed, puckered opening.? The itching sensation was so horrible that she was afraid she might go mad. Her crotch was soon alive with more than a thousand ants.? Cathy alternated between screaming, groaning and pleading. All of it greatly amused the girls. The ants finally left her - but it took an hour. When they took her off the pole, Cathy was as limp as a rag doll. They practically had to drag her back to camp.
Friday May 2,1969
When Cathy was eight months pregnant, they moved her to a new village. The Major, Chien and Hao got orders to move their headquarters ten miles south and they took their woman marine captive with them. Ever since her pregnancy had advanced, they had barely kept her tied – only under guard. But her pregnancy had provided Trần and his two helpers with more opportunities to humiliate her.
To show her to the villagers, Trần arranged for a grand display. They trotted her out in a pink bra, her utility blouse, now cut down even shorter to accommodate her huge belly, her cap and a pair of Ho Chi Minh sandals. Cathy was now showing a dark ‘pregnancy line’ down her tummy and her breasts, once a B-cup, had swollen to nearly D-cup size. Also, her nipples had become darker and more protuberant.
?Please don’t do this to me,? she begged, when Trần forced her out of her hut where she had been resting.
?Let them see you - Marine,? he smiled at her.
Cathy had not gotten used to being displayed. Now that she was showing so much, her desire for privacy was even stronger. And this only whetted the Major’s desire to have fun with her. He knew she hated to be naked in front of new faces. Now that they had been re-assigned, he had a fresh opportunity.
This village was even bigger and they had even more negative experience with Americans. When Cathy was brought to the well, curious faces quickly emerged from doorways. The children were the first to spot her and began to form a parade behind her as Chien led her around on a leash. Her hands were bound behind her and she waddled with her big belly making her movements ponderous and clumsy.
The Major walked behind and proclaimed in a loud voice that the brave soldiers of the National Liberation Front had captured the perverted plaything of their debauched forces. ‘Everyone come look at the American whore - sent to fight against the People’s Army’, the Major announced.
Trần marched her around the village like a puppet. Then when they arrived back at the well where they started, he stripped her naked. Chien stood up on the concrete rim of the well and held her hands. Hao got down behind her ass and the Major made her spread her legs. Then Hao got to work on her pussy. He worked a finger into her hole and rubbed her piss-flaps and clitoris trying to get her excited. When he got two fingers into her and began to rub her G-Spot, Cathy began to wriggle her hips and this made the villagers react. Some were horrified and turned away, but some clapped and laughed at her. Hao, encouraged by Trần, soon turned her into a ‘hand puppet’. He frigged her hard and Cathy, unable to control herself, soon began to swivel her hips and hump up and down on his hand.
It soon became a lewd dance; the two men had gotten good at arousing and making her cum during the long months of her captivity. Hao kept it up until Cathy ejaculated and when he worked a third finger into her pussy and finger-fucked her harder – his hand a blur – Cathy began urinating uncontrollably like an animal in the field. This made the children laugh and caper.
Then they took her into a hut to let the men cum on her. Soon she was kneeling and a line of men, both young and old, stretched out of the hut. Cathy stared at the first man’s crotch as he pulled his trousers down and took hold of his uncircumcised cock. She couldn’t help looking at his cock. She could not help staring the way a bird, trying to avoid the gaze of the snake, is compelled to look against its will. His cock was almost fully engorged and hard. Cathy gaped at it as he began frigging it close to her face; soon, there was a smear of pre-cum at the tip.
Laughing, he grunted and began jerking his cock in earnest. He soon went, ?uh?uh?uh,? and began to spurt. Cathy stared at his penis, so close to her face?she watched him jerking it?the piss slit opening and closing; the foreskin capping and uncapping the helmet. Then she closed her eyes, defensively, as he seemed to be getting close to ejaculating.
When he began spurting, the hot, pearly stream splashed first against her closed mouth. And then he hosed her nose, cheeks and chin. Soon, the next man treated Cathy to the same mortifying debasement, all over her face and mouth. When they were done and shaking the drops off, Cathy’s face was slimed. Another erection quickly appeared inches from her face. The Major stood behind her and made sure she kept her head up and her face forward.
In a moment, another hot stream hit above her brow, over the bridge of her nose and on her cheek. Cathy moaned as she was sprayed with semen. A smaller spurt splattered across her upper lip; drops were shaken off on her hair and forehead. Almost immediately, a young boy deposited a big load on her. Cum start to run down on her lips. It began to coagulate. When one man was jerking off.... huffing and puffing, working his cock, those who waited their turn - joked and laughed. Men who had enjoyed her nakedness during her exhibition were ready now to degrade her.
Their balls promised heavy loads. Once, two boys crowded her at the same time. When they ejaculated at the same time, Cathy felt like she was drowning. The semen splashed all over her face, coating her eyelids, getting in her nostrils and her mouth. The excess then ran down. Inevitably, the Major ordered her to open her mouth, and she swallowed lots of clotted semen. Some got in her nose as well making her choke and gasp. Trần kept talking to her.
?Whore - this is what you are. Keep face up whore. Tell me you want it whore - tell me. Tell me you want it.?
?Say: I am a whore!?
?I...I’m a whore.?
?Say I love cum – say it whore. Say, I love cum.?
?I cum.?
There were so many men, their cocks and their hands, wrists and cocks became a blur as they jerked off and, reaching their precious moment, hosed her. Semen coated her forehead, in her hair, her eyelids and cheeks, her nose, lips and chin dripping down onto her swollen tits. Just when Cathy thought it was over, another man stepped up, jerked off and came on her. Seconds later another blast splattered her face and ran in heavy, lumpy streams down her face.
Cathy submissively tilted her head back, licked her lips and swallowed, when the Major told her to do so. She looked like a slut for cum. There were hot streamers of semen running down onto her big, brown nipples. Trần told her to open her mouth repeatedly. And soon, she took some of the men directly into her mouth and sucked on their cocks until they spurted or after they had cum. She was tasting men and had to swallow plenty. There was so much that she felt sick...
When two boys ejaculated at the same time, Cathy gagged as their slimy discharge filled her mouth too fast for her to cope. She gagged and this reinforced her submission. Her predicament elicited much laughter and merriment. Many of them made her suck their cocks.
As one boy with a long penis fucked her face, she began gagging and then vomited. A big gush of smelly, foamy whitish-yellow slop cascaded from her mouth like a fountain to splash all over her swollen tits. When she finished throwing up, the boy got his cock back in her mouth to continue face-fucking her. He soon came and it flew out of her mouth in a torrent as she coughed....a wet, nasty cough ....thick with his pearly semen.
Cathy ended up with her hair, face, neck, and breasts dirty, bespattered and wet with hot cum and vomit. When it was over, thirty boys and men had used her. Cathy felt totally debased and degraded. She felt sick. She was a mess: her eyes red and swollen from the semen which stung. Worst of all, she experienced hot sex feelings in her pussy from being humiliated and debased.
The Major was not finished with her however. There were village dogs were coming in and out of the hut. They were excited by the smell of sex. The Major let the dogs lick the semen off her face. Cathy was shaking with disgust at this. By then, one of the dog’s cocks had begun to emerge from its sheath. The hot red tip was just protruding. Chien grabbed the dog and began squeezing its sheath. Soon, the animal’s organ began to emerge - hot red in color and drooling fuck-slime. Trần and Hao got Cathy lying down on the mat and got the dog straddling her head.
?Oh NO?NO?NO - get it away from me,? she cried out.
?You suck dog’s cock,? Trần said.
When she heard what he wanted her to do next, and looked at the dog’s dick, she blanched and began sobbing.
?NO? GOD?.NO?.?
Cathy tried to resist, but she knew down deep, she had no choice. She STARED because the dog’s cock was repulsive and alien. The idea of having to suck it disgusted and shamed her. The dog was forty-five pounds of muscle and bone and it showed an organ with a knot that looked like two plums had been stuffed into a sock. It was hot, red and purple in color; dripping and spurting pre-cum from the tip.
?No, please - for GOD’s sake – PLEASE - DON’T MAKE ME.?
The look of the dog’s penis revolted her. It was so alien. But despite her protestations and squirming they quickly got the dog settled down straddling her head. This put the drooling, red tip right in her face.
?OH, God help me,? she said squirming.
Trần grabbed her hand and made her hold the animal’s cock right behind the swelling knot. In her hand, it throbbed – a hot poker. Now they were pushing her to open her mouth and suck it.
?Don’t make me do this. Please,? she pleaded. ?It’s disgusting. Please – NO.?
Trần screamed at her, ?Suck it. OR ELSE I BEAT YOUR PUSSY.?
He made her do it. She opened her mouth, gagging at the very thought, and began to put her lips on it and then to touch the pointed tip with her tongue. This made the cock spurt furiously in little pops and spurts. When she saw this excited the dog, she tried to just lick the shaft.
?KISS TIP – WHORE. KISS TIP,? Trần screamed at her again.
When she went back to tickling the pointed end with the tip of her tongue, the dog’s dick went back to jetting semen. What didn’t end up in her mouth splashed over her lips, her cheeks, nose and chin. The she had to take it in her mouth and suck it. She soon had to swallow as all the Vietnamese men and boys watched.
This routine soon made the dog’s pre-cum jet from the tip like a hose. At times, it seemed like the dog was pissing on her. It made her gag and choke. Her cheeks bulged from the copious amount of watery cum. Forced to swallow; and then her cheeks bulged again. This was repeated several times.
Trần was beside himself as he was able to turn her into an animal. As this went on, the boys grinned and joked with the others. Cathy felt lower than ever. She was, once again, being reduced to a ‘thing’. As the discharge filled her mouth and slopped over her face she sobbed. The image now in her mind, that of a woman forced to orally satisfy a dog, was too much for her to handle.
Every time she took the tip from her mouth, the dog’s cock just kept squirting and her face was slimed over and over again. When they dog seemed to be slowing down, they got the other dog ready. Trần would not be denied and made her suck off a second mangy hound. When she was done, her face, neck and swollen breasts glistened with dog semen. She looked over, at one point, and saw the horror of the situation in the Vietnamese boy’s faces - grinning maniacally with pleasure. She could see what she had been reduced to in their young faces. After all, it wasn’t every day they got to see an American woman suck off a village dog.
Saturday June 7, 1969
Cathy gave birth to a healthy baby boy in June. A old woman from the village, a mid-wife, assisted and it was a surprisingly complication free delivery. Cathy immediately began nursing the baby, whom she called Daniel after her father. Daniel was a very hungry infant and soon began feeding six to eight times a day.
Tuesday September 3, 1969
Cathy’s breasts had grown once she began lactating. She was surprised at how big her breasts had gotten as she was now capable of filling a D-cup bra, if one had been available. Her nipples, once pinkish-brown, had grown as big as cashews and both her nipples and aureoles had turned dark brown. She had a good supply of milk; she was a good feeder and Daniel kept her busy all throughout the day and into the night.
To make sure of her milk flow, she caged food and became a super enthusiastic cock sucker, as this was a sure guarantee of getting extra food rations. She licked her lips whenever Chien or Hao were around to show them she was ready to do her duty as a ‘yum-yum’ girl. Soon, she had connected with several teenaged Viet Cong soldiers who snuck her goodies in exchange for a hot, sweet blow job.
Bored one day in September, Trần brought an old mama-san, her name was Suong, into Cathy’s hut where she was just getting ready to nurse Daniel. The baby had begun to cry and Cathy sitting on a straw mat up against the far wall, had both breasts leaking, as the ‘let-down’ response had kicked in. Her right nipple was beginning to spray a little.
?Hey, you?.American cow. Suong will milk you.?
He held up a glass jar; and Cathy recoiled when she saw it and began begging.
?Let me feed my baby.?
In response, Trần began unzipping his trousers and pulling out his uncircumcised cock. It was already half-hard and he began pulling the foreskin back and forth, exciting himself.
?I will fuck you, whore. Suong will milk your cow tits. If you fill up jar, I will not put peppers up your dirty ass.?
He pointed and Suong held up two small bird peppers.
?If you don’t fill up jar, I put hot peppers up your ass and tie you. Then I put you at the well. Only way you get peppers out of your dirty ass is to shit them. Understand? Yes? Yes.?
?OH God, please let me feed my baby. The milk is for my baby?.PLEASE.?
?Get on knees, whore, so Suong will milk you.?
In the end, despite her crying and protests, Cathy had to put the baby down on the dirty straw mat and get into position. Suong, using her thumb, index finger and middle finger began milking Cathy’s engorged tits. They were so full, they were already spraying even before the old woman grabbed them. Trần dropped his trousers to her ankles and knelt behind Cathy’s wide hips.
Grabbing her right nipple, Suong, pushed Cathy’s breast towards her chest. She knelt by Cathy’s side and guided the milk out of her breast by rolling them from the center of the breast towards the nipple. She squeezed her fingers and thumb together and rolled the milk out and into the jar. When she had emptied that set of ducts, she changed the position of her hand on Cathy’s tit and moved from top to bottom and left to right. She held the jar in her other hand to capture the spurting streams of hot milk.
Cathy looked down from time to time at the old woman. She was a wrinkled crone with blackened teeth from chewing betel nut. And she had very few teeth left in her head. Her gray hair was pulled back in a tight bun and she wore clothing so gray and threadbare, it was difficult to see what the original color had been.
Her hands were small and gnarled but she knew what she was doing and skillfully milked Cathy like a goat. When she began to extract Cathy’s milk, Trần rubbed the tip of his leaking cock up against the puffy lips of her sex. When his erection was rampant, and Cathy’s labia had slickened with her feminine sap, he prodded her with his cock until he found his way in. Then he went for a long, slow ride.
Cathy found the combination of a slow penetration of her mommy pussy from behind with her breasts being milked devilishly arousing. She didn’t want to feel any sexual pleasure, but both the forty-five year old Major and the sixty-three year old woman were pushing her inexorably to a cum. She knew it was just a matter of time...
She kept up an occasional grunting protest about her milk belonging to her baby, but the more Trần pushed his penis into her and the more Suong skillfully milked all of her ducts, the closer she was driven to a moaning, pussy-clenching orgasm.
?Oh?God, please, let me go?my baby needs me?.let me feed my baby.?
Daniel, lying in a pile of rags on a straw mat, cried and bawled. He was hungry and his mother, his food source, was very pre-occupied. Suong drained her right tit and then switched to her other breast. She had the jar almost half full of Cathy’s pale mother’s milk. She held it up to show Trần, who was in no rush to cum. Seeing how much milk was in the jar, he yelled at the woman marine.
?Cow, you make more milk. Or I shove hot peppers up your ass. Yes? Yes.?
And then he laughed and shoved his cock in as far as it would go, making Cathy grunt with the pressure. Then he reached down and feeling around the wet flesh, he worked two fingers into her cunt to add to his cock already in her hole. He twisted them around to put pressure on her urethral sponge and then he turned them over to caress the bottom of his penis. Playing with her this way he soon made her cum and he came shortly after. When he took his cock out, he scooped some of the cum oozing from her hole and went around to wipe it on her lips. Then he made her clean his cock as Suong kept milking her.
He pointed to the jar, at one point, and said, ?You must fill it.?
Cathy, looked at it, and groaned. It was only half-way full. The old woman kept pushing and squeezing and working both breasts until they stopped exuding milk. Cathy had been milked dry. The old woman picked up the jar and held it up to display it.
?See, not enough milk. So, you suffer, cow.?
Trần pulled on a rubber glove and scored the pepper with a knife. Then, as the he got ready to insert it into Cathy’s asshole, she noticed the old woman had picked up the jar and had brought it to her mouth. Still on her knees, she looked from the old woman to Daniel, who was still crying on the mat.
?Let me feed my baby,? she begged.
She watched, horrified, as the old woman began sipping the warm milk from the glass jar. She swigged some and then looked at Cathy and smiled. Cathy, wanting to provide for Daniel, cried out to the Major.
?Please let me give the milk to my baby.?
?Not now, cow. Now, you suffer.?
Trần kept her kneeling – this position spread her ass cheeks nicely and he zeroed in on her anus. He centered the tip of the pepper on the tightly clenched ring of muscle and pushed. He eventually got it to go inside. It wasn’t but a minute and the burning was excruciating. Trần bound her hands and dragging her by her hair hauled her outside. There he pushed her to the well to exhibit her to the villagers. Cathy, with her hands tied, began dancing wildly as the pepper stung her tender anus and rectum. This made the villagers smile and some clapped at her mad gyrations. He made her get up on the rim of the well with her ass facing the mob.
?You want to get rid of pepper, shit,? he commanded her.
Cathy, her face flaming, and sweating like mad in the heat, groaned. She was in agony and wanted to be free of the torment. She had no choice but to shit the pepper out. She squatted and concentrated and this made her anus pucker and throb. It tightened and then relaxed as she strove to expel the fiery invader. Soon, groaning and making the villagers laugh, she managed to squeeze the pepper out of her ass. She cried out as the effort compressed the pepper and only squeezed more of the hot juice to coat her rectal passage. But she had to get it out. When it popped from her anus, some in the mob clapped. Humiliated, Cathy closed her eyes. She could not believe the things that Trần could think up to do to her!
While she was undergoing this, Suong sipped again from the jar filled with her milk; but finally, using an eyedropper, fed Daniel. This soon quieted the child. So ended another terrible day?
Thursday October 17, 1968
Hao and another young teenaged soldier, named Duong, snuck into Cathy’s hut that morning. She was just getting ready to feed Daniel; but as soon as she saw their shining eyes she knew what they wanted. She was wearing black pajamas and had pulled open her blouse to nurse.
They forced her to put Daniel down and completely pulled open her blouse. Duong was fascinated with her big, brown nipples oozing milk. He began to touch them and Cathy pulled back and began to whine. She wanted to be able to feed her baby, but they wanted to play with her.
Duong and Hao got on either side of her and felt her tits. They practiced pushing on them and squeezing them. Everything they did made milk ooze - but soon milk began spraying from a dozen openings in her big brown nipples, the size of unshelled peanuts. The more the baby cried, now that it was being deprived of the nipple, the more Cathy’s breasts sprayed milk.
Soon, both boys had lowered their heads and taking a nipple in their mouths began nursing on her. They had never done anything like it before and were wildly excited. Being teenagers they were both hard and hot. Soon, they had her on her back on the dirty mat and Baby Face mounted her first. He got his small penis inside her and began thrusting. Duong lay on his side and kept sucking and nursing on her right breast. Baby Face quickly came and Duong took his place. He was soon rutting away while Hao sucked on her left tit.
Whenever Baby Face bit her nipple, he made her cry out. This became part of the game. He alternated with sucking on them hard – letting the warm, thin milk flow into his mouth so he could swallow the strange treat. Then he would take one of the big teats in between his teeth and bite down on it, making her writhe and shriek. When Duong, holding her hipbones, began to hump her harder and his movements became more frenzied, Baby Face knew his comrade was close to cumming. He timed it so that as Duong came in her pussy, adding his semen to his own, he bit down on Cathy’s nipple, making her scream.
Then, the boys milked her into her water bowl and Hao scooped some of the semen combined with her secretions from her hot sex hole. He added this to the milk in the bowl and the boys made her drink this. She slurped what could be drunk and had to lick up what remained in the bowl with her tongue. Cathy began sobbing after this and pleaded with them to let her nurse the baby.
They relented, but as she nursed the child and they watched, they grew hot and excited again. And once erect, they would not be denied. They got her on her knees to cradle the baby in her arms and nurse, while she sucked their cocks to completion. Baby Face joked that while she was feeding the baby, they were feeding her. This made Duong laugh particularly hard?
Sunday November 9, 1969
Trần waited until she was in full ‘let down’ mode and brought her to the center of the village. He stripped her to the waist to exhibit her lactating breasts and made a speech. Cathy didn’t know what he was saying, but she wanted to feed Daniel and had begun to sob.
Every time Trần separated her from the baby was traumatic and he liked to do it when she was getting ready to nurse. It seemed to be an enormous emotional torment and the Major was quick to spot such opportunities. He made her put her hands behind her head and held up each milky tit to display it to the old men, mama-sans, teens and children that had assembled. He bounced them up and down and squeezed them.
Cathy was sweating heavily in the heat and as her tits dripped milk, it combined with her sweat. Her tits were soon very wet. The villagers found Cathy an exotic thing. Her white body with her big ass, her blonde hair and now her enormous milk-filled breasts marked her as practically a creature from another planet. Frog and Baby Face were hard at work cobbling together a bamboo rack just behind them. They had already sunk two poles into the earth and were lashing two horizontal poles to them.
As they worked, Trần tied each of Cathy’s tits with cord. He wrapped the cord around the base so it made each breast protruded like a cannon shell. And they soon began spraying milk. When he pulled up on the cords, it made even more milk mist and spurt. Then he hung her from a bamboo rack that Chien and Hao had built. Her tits began spewing and squirting as she squirmed in her bonds. With her hands tied behind her and just standing on her toes, her tits dribbled. But when her calf muscles tired, and she stood flat-footed, her tits spewed milk in wild gushes and hot spurts.
This was quite a show for the villagers. The children scampered about, the mama-sans grinned their black-toothed smiles; and the old men leaned on their staffs to enjoy the sight of an American woman displayed for their pleasure. Trần used a thin cane on her butt to make her dance and whenever she jerked about from the effects of a blow, her tits sprayed milk even more furiously. The Major eventually cut her down and called forth Suong, the old woman, who had milked Cathy before. He now had the crone milk Cathy into a bucket. Round and round on both tits the old woman used her gnarled hands, pushing and squeezing to empty all the milk ducts. She soon had a fair amount in the bucket.
When Cathy seemed dry, Trần handed the bucket to someone in the crowd who then passed it around. Some just looked, some sniffed and one or two took a taste. Cathy cried, as this was another torment for her not to be able to feed her son. She loved the boy. He was the only humanity in her life and she clung to him. Trần then said something to Suong who grinned. She was going to be allowed to suck on Cathy’s tits. The old woman grabbed her left breast and began to ‘gum’ the teat. Suong had lost all of her front teeth, so her gums were what Cathy felt biting down on her nipples.
She groaned and hearing her baby cry, began to lactate heavily again. Trần let the old woman nurse on her for awhile until a boy brought over a puppy. He ordered the boy to bring the animal over and yelled at Cathy to nurse the dog. Sobbing, she didn’t want to do it, but when he threatened her, she relented and brought the animal to her breast. It knew exactly what to do when it smelled her milk and was soon sucking away happily. A girl named Qui brought over a piglet. When the puppy was done, Trần made Cathy take the piglet to her breast. The pig was an even more voracious feeder and bit and sucked on her breast until, in defense, she switched the animal’s snout over to her other nipple.
When she ran dry, the Major dragged her by her hair over to a hooch and making her get on her knees, he treated all the male villagers to a hot blow-job from Cathy. Only when she had sucked every man and boy to completion was she allowed to return to her hut and her baby. She sobbed when his hungry mouth sought her breasts because she had no milk to give him. The villagers and their vile animals had drained her.
Sunday November 23, 1969
?I have surprise for you,? Trần announced to Cathy on a Sunday in late 1969.
She had just awakened and Daniel was crying and wanted to be fed. The Major could see how big her tits had gotten. Months of breast feeding had turned them from the size of lemons to the size and dimensions of small grapefruits. And she was pregnant again. She felt sick in the mornings and had missed her period. She was, in fact, pregnant with Frog Face’s child. She knew, from how she felt, that she was expecting again. In seven months she would bear another half-Vietnamese baby.
?You are going home,? Trần grinned at her.
?What? What do you mean? REALLY? I’m really going home? HOME??
Cathy was incredulous and began sobbing; and then began peppering the Major with questions. He told her part of the truth. The United States Government had made a deal through an intermediary to buy her back from the National Liberation Front. In fact, she would be repatriated before the end of the month. It was all to take place within the week, but Trần was never one to miss an opportunity and planned to mentally torture Cathy some more.
What he told Cathy was that it was up to him and he would let her go if she pleased him. When she asked him was he meant, he told her that if she did her best to please him and his men, he would send her on her way. She would be finally be heading home to the USA. Cathy was overjoyed. She nodded eagerly and told him that she would be a very ‘good girl’ indeed. But Trần, as was his way, planned to give her a ‘going away’ party that would leave an indelible mark on her soul. After her long captivity, and all that had been done to her, he wanted a few more opportunities to degrade her in body and mind. He was attracted to her and hated her at the same time. He made her put the baby down, which she hated to do and as she whined, he got her on her knees. Then he unbuckled his trousers and took out his cock.
?Suck nice, yum-yum girl,? he said to her.
She had to give him a nice, slow blowjob - slow, worshipful and wet . She gagged a lot and combined with his copious pre-cum, the sloppy mess ran from her mouth and dripped down her chin. He held her head lovingly and called her terrible names, like ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ in Vietnamese, French and English.
?Tell me you love my cock, yum-yum girl,? he said to her.
She was forced to tell him she loved it; and even that she loved him. She held his cock with one hand and cradled and tickled his balls with the other. She had to go from kissing the shaft and head to sucking and stroking it wetly and sweetly. If someone had just stumbled on them it would seem that they were lovers and the woman was reverentially sucking her man’s cock. When he came in her mouth, she dutifully swallowed his ejaculate and he tenderly cradled her head in his hands. It was a strange moment between them and in a weird way characterized the tormented relationship between them.
When he had stuffed his penis back into his trousers, he called for Chien, Hao, Tranh and Suong. Then he went to work on her. He announce that Cathy would have to take part in a series of games. If she failed the majority of them, she wouldn’t be going home. If she passed two out of three games, she would be freed. Cathy listened horrified as Trần spelled it out. The first game: Suong would milk her into a jar. If she made a certain amount of milk within ten minutes, he said, looking at this watch, and drawing a line on the jar with a grease pencil, she would pass.
If she failed, Frog Face would whip her on her anus. She failed. Suong milked her expertly and she made a prodigious amount of milk, but it wasn’t enough and Chien got to make her kneel between his legs, hold onto his ankles and give her ten, hot hard blows with a pencil thin bamboo cane right on her shit-hole. Cathy howled when it was done?
She then had to masturbate in front of all of them and make herself cum and spurt juice from her pussy in ten minutes. If she failed, Baby face would use a pair of pliers on her milky nipples. Humiliated, she rubbed her pussy furiously and came within five minutes, ejaculating a good amount of juice. So she passed this test. She had never been made to masturbate in front of them before and it was a humiliating experience.
Then, for the third and final game, she was given ten minutes to make Frog Face, Baby Face and the teenaged Tranh cum. Cathy tried valiantly, but she was only able to make Hao and Tranh cum when Chien resisted her frantic advances. She used her milky tits to wet each of their cocks, pinching and pulling on her nipples to coat their penises with her milk; and then masturbated them and sucked on their cocks in turn. But it was all in vain. She failed this test. Her punishment: Baby Face wired her up to the TP-3-12, the field telephone, by attaching alligator clips to her labia. She was tied with her hands behind her back and her legs held open. He shocked her until she pissed, like a cow and wet the floor. The room soon reeked.
Then all the men fucked her. Trần, at one point, when he had gotten her pussy really wet and open, shoved a cucumber into her vagina and then inserted his cock. Frog Face sodomized her and Baby Face and Tranh first sucked on her milk-engorged breasts until their penises were rampant and throbbing and only then did they fuck her. After they came in her pussy or in her ass, they all ‘made water’ in her mouth – pitilessly pissing in her mouth and making her swallow it. Trần telling her spitefully that she needed a lot of liquid in order for her to make enough milk for her baby - and hadn’t she already failed to lactate enough to fill the jar?
Trần, following this, cruelly told her she failed and he dismissed the others to verbally torment her further. When he left, Cathy lay sobbing hysterically on a dirty mat on the floor. For the next several days, he visited her often and tantalized her with the prospect of freedom. Sadistically, he made her give him blowjobs and do things like lick his ass crack and kiss his anus. He would tell her that if she did a good job, he would set her free. It was in his power, he kept telling her. Poor Cathy, she gave him the best blowjobs she would ever give a man in her whole life!
She kissed his face, his mouth, his body from his nipples to his crotch and did it with an intensity that brought Trần to tumultuous orgasms each time. He always ended the sessions by pissing in her mouth. When he left – always leaving her with the impression that she hadn’t done enough to please him and therefore she was not going to be freed, Cathy suffered the torments of the dammed. In the end, Cathy was freed, of course.
Friday November 28, 1969
She was in captivity for a little over fifteen months. The United States Government, anxious to recover the only woman marine captured during the Viet Nam war and not successful in recovering her, allowed itself to be extorted and Cathy was freed. Her baby, a multi-racial anomaly in Viet Nam, went home with her; as the Vietnamese had little regard for such children. She was returned to American authorities in November 1969 pregnant but alive; and after seven months of rehabilitation at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, gave birth to a second boy and was released from active duty. She named the child John, after her grandfather. He was not a handsome baby.
Cathy Childe wrote a autobiographical book detailing her experiences as a captive of the Viet Cong, but it was ?suppressed? by the United States Government. She married in 1975 and now lives in Chula Vista, California with her husband, a building contractor. She had two more children and all four of her children are married with families of their own. Her son Daniel is an school teacher and his brother John is a computer programmer who designs games, one of which is a famously violent game that feature shoot‘em up action and torture?
?2009 Shabbadew2002
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The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...
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Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The Further Adventures of Lois Lane Lois Lane and Catwoman, part 2 by Steve Zink In part 1, Lois had watched the police cart the original Catwoman, Selina Kyle, and her gang off to jail. A policeman had found the unconscious Lois in a complete Catwoman costume from her earlier time...
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Being away from him is a regular but horrible thing. It is sick to think I thrive on not seeing him for months just so the tension can build and our release will be that much greater. My lover, my everything pleases me in a way words cannot describe. His wide, ten inch cock entering my tiny pussy hurts in the best way; when he can come see me for three days at most, the love that we make could tire out the best of them, but not us. We live for the endless sex and when he leaves back for base,...
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Yeah, it's a predictable little story from me. So sue me :-) Spells R' Us: The Womanizer by Stephanie Josh saw the slap coming, but could do nothing to avoid it. "You're scum!" said the girl he had been talking to. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the bar. Josh shrugged and turned back to his drink. It had been a long shot, but it had been worth a try. He checked his watch. It was nearly quarter past five. He had left work early so he and his wife could go...
Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...
The white Fairlane pulled up at the gate of a warehouse block on the outskirts of the industrial district. An armed thug unlocked the gate and opened it to let the car though. The car moved up to the large, plain warehouse where another man opened the roller door so it could move inside. The Fairlane came to a stop and a tall, dark haired man wearing a black suit got out. An older, stockier man was there to meet him, flanked by two more thugs. He was the Mafia crime boss Salvatori Dolmio,...
(This post is a fictional story on a bondage forum in China, and I am the prototype of the story. I just translated it into English. The copyright belongs to the original author, and the portrait right of the photos in the original link belongs to the original author and me)In the middle of a gloomy and horrible room stood a woman with a shawl. She was wearing a sexy red cheongsam, a pair of sparkling flesh-colored stockings like cicada wings wrapped around the beautiful woman's slender legs....
The Saleswoman Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a cap by Commentator] The sound of a phone ringing turned Portia Dawn's head. She reached for the phone and picked it up as she saw her secretary's name appear on the caller identification panel. "Yes, Maria," Portia answered. The woman on the other end hesitated before she replied, "Jeff just stepped into his office." "Thank you, Maria," Portia replied while she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she hung up...
Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...
Him: “I’ll be there at 10, babe. Be ready for me ” It’s the same story I’ve heard too many times before, and being the hopeless romantic that I am I want to believe that maybe this time will be different. I like to think that my feelings for him are being returned because when we are together it just feels right. Hence the “hopeless” to my romantic. I glance at the clock for the hundredth time and sigh. 11:26 pm. An hour and twenty-six minutes isn’t that long right? There is that chance that...
Love StoriesMy Mum Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in the...
She never really knew when it would happen, nor did she know why it was happening. It confused her as nothing else ever has, and yet she enjoyed it. Her pleasure was one of two certainties in this bewildering occurrence; the other being Jordan. It was never anyone else. Just Jordan. As she was cleaning off the baby after his lunch, a baby she loved as much as life itself (partially because he was part of Jordan), she was thinking of everything in a jumble of thoughts that seemed to control the...
It had been at least two years since I'd seen my mother, and two years longer than that since I'd seen my sister. Not exactly a workaholic, I had been working overseas in Scotland for the past two years. I'd been gathering research on many of the medieval castles there, not for any real historical reasons, though that was part of it. But I had been working for a fairly eccentric billionaire who having nothing better to do with his money, wanted to build an exact replica of one of the more...
Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. My Wife the Womanizer By Couture (c) 2002 Couture email: [email protected] "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive...
Author's note: When we hear the term "womanizer" we think of a Bill Clinton, a Ted Kennedy (or any Kennedy), a Donald Trump--some straight man who can't resist chasing women even if he has a wife or girlfriend. The term is both glorifying and preoperative, but only mildly so. Not exactly the male equivalent of "slut." At THE ESTATE--that extensive rural retreat that once was the private residence of a late nineteenth century robber baron--the term has a nearly opposite meaning. And THE...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Straight SexWell I have always had a fantasy of a saleswoman coming to my door, wearing high heels, sexy stockings, a tight skirt and low cut blouse. She knocks at the door and I invite here in. I let her start her pitch but soon interrupt her by asking "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" for which I get a smile. I the ask "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" at which she laughs some more. I then say "nice outfit, it would look even better on my bedroom floor". The...
Door to Door Saleswoman Susanna says: - This story, along with the tale of the Handyman and the Blind date, were three of my earliest stories and were focussed more on gratification and lesson character, but I like them as it shows my journey as a writer. Here is a story that is always just around the corner for many T-girls and TVs, it also takes some courage to make a spur of the moment decision like the one in the story and not all of us have had that courage when...
Here's the info I can think of ?????????????????????????????????? RAPE OF THE SALESWOMAN Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a...
Womanized Warden The author has requested their name not be shown. Therefore it is listed as by anonymous Power certainly has its privileges. At least, that's what I used to think. I was the warden at the largest female prison in Texas. We had well over 5,000 all female inmates. Mostly minor felons. I was literally the only male in the entire complex. Over time, I had even phased in all female guards. So I was basically one proud papa. But, unfortunately, the funding...
When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...
We were put on short standby, as trouble brewed down-town. Fellow officers were out and reports were coming in that numbers were increasing, and our radios were alive as fights broke out, with colleagues calling in for reinforcements.I was a rookie just into my twenties, more a pin-up girl than a butch fighting feminine policewoman, in fact I was caught up between the sexes, with as many of my female friends as desperate for my attention, as male colleagues, during our patrols.The high...