Neil and Sean
- 3 years ago
- 31
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"No, not Sean. I don't see it at all."
Every straight girl in NYC has a gay best friend and I was no exception. Although, I may have cheated a little - I brought mine with me from Mokena when I made the move. Timothy was a good ten years older than I, trained up in the ways of Old School leather, and perhaps the least gay homosexual I had ever met. Most folks, after sizing him up a minute or two, would guess lumberjack long before they ever pegged him as the Leather Daddy sort.
I pointed this out this out to him in defense of my judgment of Sean. "Look at you,? I said, stabbing the olive out of my martini glass with a cocktail spear and aiming it at him in mock accusation, ?would anyone ever guess that you were a bullwhip wielding kinkster of the not-so-straight variety? The Levi's and truck driver button-up don't exactly scream, 'get on your knees boy and suck my cock while I spank your ass.'"
"They make an outfit that says all that?" Timothy laughed. Pulling his flannel up to reveal the leather "bracelet" snapped onto his wrist, he continued with a grin, ?but you know, these hypothetical folks we’re concerning ourselves over might very well guess my ‘true nature’ as soon as they realize that I'm wearing a cock ring as jewelry," he laughed. "You never do know when you’re going to need one.?
?Oh Jesus, Tim, I’m serious.?
?Me too Paige. It's all about interpreting the right signs."
"Yes, exactly. My point exactly. I am simply saying that all of Sean's signs point to wanting to be on his knees in front of me serving my every little whim. That's all." I waved the speared olive dismissively, tongued the vodka off of it and slipped it ridiculously far down my throat before swallowing and sliding the cocktail sword out from between my lips with an exaggerated slurp.
Timothy raised an eyebrow. "That almost works on me, and I'm sure it would more than work on Sean if your goal were just to get him into your bed... But a submissive? I'm still not sold that the Paige-dar is gonna come through on this one with a correct reading."
"We'll see."
Sean was a Colorado cowboy that had gotten talked into community theatre years ago by his sister in law when the local playhouse needed a last minute replacement for an actor that totaled out his motorcycle three evenings prior to opening night. He played the part of an abusive ex-boyfriend turned stalker, and for a proper raised cowboy gentleman was eerily convincing and more than intimidating enough to ensure his success in the role. Walking the boards at just over six foot, his tightly Wrangler wrapped physique of well defined muscle and bulk gave the dark haired and strong jawed cowboy the appearance of being much larger. In an industry dominated by pretty boys, this "man's man" stood out.
The initial role turned into an offer for one more, another after that, and before long Sean was splitting his time between being on horseback, being on stage, and working through Engineering School. Volunteer community gigs turned to paying regional, and after a number of years a local colleague turned professional NYC Director invited him to come up and reprise a role he had directed him in nearly fifteen years before.
And so, in a little not-so-very-far-off Broadway theatre in Manhattan, this rugged Colorado man and a very different girl than he was used to crossed paths. Oddly, or not so oddly, chemistry flowed between us right away. Even as a Dominant, I have a particular attraction to strong men, somewhat older, and especially to the bright and articulate sorts that can spar with me verbally before we ever get to the bedroom power exchange. This new man was that sort and as Timothy walked me home from the theatre the night Sean and I were introduced I told my friend, "there's an actor I'm interested in."
"Oh God," Tim responded, taking note of my expression, "you have that horrible little faraway look on your face and that bordering on evil little wry smile. Does this poor idiot even know what he's in for?"
"Not likely, but I think he'll learn to like it."
"What if he's gay?" Tim teased.
"Not likely."
"Oh they all are in theatre, aren’t they?"
"I don't think this one is, Tim,? I replied rolling my eyes. ?You'll meet him at the set build this weekend, you tell me what you think."
Tim's response a few days later at the build was a resounding, ?not gay but, damn it, I wish he were. Also, not sub, but I'm betting you wish he were."
The thing is that I knew already. No, Sean hadn't come out and said anything and neither had I but it is, as Timothy had said over martinis, "all about interpreting the right signs." Sean had replaced Tim as my escort home a few weeks into the rehearsal process, and as we walked out the stage door together one night, into the empty side alley, Sean pulled me to him and kissed me. I slipped my fingers through his hair, knotted them there and pulled him gently but firmly away from me. Holding him there in silence, I stared directly into his eyes until he began to speak, "I thought..." I pulled him to me, forced his lips apart with my tongue and made sure he knew that I was kissing him. "Give me your tongue," I whispered, and he complied, quivering almost imperceptibly as I bit it gently then sucked before pulling his head back and forcing my way into his mouth again. His hand crept up to cup my breast, and I stopped it, holding him firmly by the wrist, my other hand still tangled in his dark hair. At last, when I was ready I broke the kiss.
"I'm glad you finally worked up the notion to kiss me," I criticized. "I was beginning to wonder what the hold up was."
"Well there won't be any 'hold up' before I 'work up the notion' to do it again," he replied, moving to kiss me a second time. "I won't make that mistake twice."
"You won't be able to," I grinned, catching his chin in my hand and stopping his advance. I held him there a moment, my fingertips gently underneath his chin, keeping him at my preferred distance, watching his eyes, reading his reaction. I gently pulled him closer, until our lips nearly touched then, again, paused. "From now on," I purred, flicking my tongue across his lower lip before biting it gently, "I'll let you know when I want to be kissed." I pushed him away with a smile on my face. "Take me home now."
I left Sean standing on my front stoop, and when I reached my third floor flat and looked down out of the window, he was still standing there. I didn't bother to watch and see how long he'd remain, I went into my bathroom, filled the tub with hot water and jasmine and soaked myself - relaxing in the near scalding water and stroking myself gently to the thoughts of my next encounter with the cowboy.
It was three days before I paid mind to Sean again outside of the teasing I heaped upon him in front of the rest of the cast. He took it with a smile, casting his eyes down in a show of sudden shyness when I held his gaze for too long. Finally, after Thursday night's performance I announced to him as I passed by the men's dressing room that he was walking me home. When we were finally alone, the cold Spring rain providing an excuse for him to nuzzle closer, he said to me, "Paige?"
I paused, making him wait. "Yes?"
"I would like to kiss you again. I very much enjoyed it the other night."
"I'll kiss you again then." I stopped and took his chin in my hand, gently turning his face to one side and then the other, looking him up and down, appraising the man that could break me quite easily in two and take what he wanted but who was, nevertheless, standing still under my inspection. "Take me to your apartment." He didn't respond, only took my hand and led me the next two blocks.
Inside Sean's apartment, I turned the lock behind us and stood in his entryway, again giving him the opportunity to be impulsive and make a move for me, but he remained standing quietly, only his eyes and quickened breath betraying his desire. I closed the distance between us, grabbing him by the back of the neck and simultaneously pulling him toward me and shoving him roughly against the wall. He moaned, his hands instinctively going to my waist and working their way upwards. I grabbed his wrists and pinned his hands to his sides, then moved one of mine up to his neck, gently gripping. "Not so fast,? I whispered, "I plan on playing a little first, amusing myself at your expense."
I walked Sean backward, still kissing and biting at him, towards his bedroom. Backing him up to his own bed as I undid the buttons down the front of his shirt. I pulled the shirt open, sliding it over Sean’s shoulders, letting my fingernails play across his flexing chest, feeling the muscles tighten beneath my fingertips, tickling and scratching him as I went. As I brushed across his nipple Sean gasped, suppressing a moan. "Oh," I teased, "I think we may have liked that. Someone's a little sensitive." I took a fingernail and circled the nipple, gently working it between my fingertips until it was hard and my cowboy was whimpering in anticipation. I pinched it a little harder, leaned forward and let my tongue play around it but not touch, my hot breath causing Sean to squirm. He tried again to put his hands on me and I drew back, shaking my head. "Do you need a little help remembering what I said?" I asked, and slipped his shirt down to his wrists, leaving his chest and arms bare. I twisted the shirt behind him, tightening the remainder of the fabric around his wrists and behind his back into a rudimentary but workable form of bondage. His hands now secure, I pushed Sean down onto his bed and straddled him, using my legs to force his apart, grabbing the bulge in his pants with one hand and continuing to tweak and tease his nipples with the other.
He lay moaning under my ministrations, squirming up to try and kiss me or nip at me now and again, each time being put back into his place beneath me with a sharp tug to his hair or twist of his nipple. I stood at last, slipping out of the long coat I wore to the theatre on rainy days, revealing the black thigh highs and garters I had planned for our first bedroom encounter and the matching black push up that cupped my size C breasts. Sean gasped and started to sit up but I straddled him again, rubbing myself against his cock straining against his still zipped jeans. I took his nipple in my mouth, sucking it while biting slightly, his moans increasing, his breathing shallow as his body bucking against mine.
I had intentionally made my makeshift bonds loose, I knew I could tease Sean to the point of breaking them, and as I sucked and humped him into a frenzy he didn't disappoint me - one arm slipped free and he reached to grab my breast. I was ready, and slapped him hard across the face, pulling one knee up between his spread legs and resting it on his cock. We both froze - Sean out of surprise and uncertainty, me waiting to see what he would do with those emotions.
At last I cupped his face in my hands, kissing him gently, soothing him back into security. "You never showered after the show today," I whispered. "Perhaps it would do you good to take a minute to do that." He nodded, but remained beneath me, unmoving. "What are you waiting for?" I asked.
He paused, and when he found his voice it came so quietly I could barely hear his response, "permission."
"What was that?" I asked him.
A little more loudly this time, the answer came, "I'm waiting for your permission Miss."
"Good boy. You will please me a great deal, I can tell," I replied, taking his hand and brushing his fingertips across my now wet panties. "Now go." His body moving under me as his rose from the bed to go shower made me think of his stories from the ranch in Colorado, and I wondered if this is what it felt like to saddle up a horse, knowing it had the ability and the power to take you down any time the notion struck it, but trusting your control and your will over it. I decided it may be similar, yet still decidedly more pleasurable to have this sub between my legs and to be riding him...
Introduction: Read the first paragraph and the themes to get a feel for what the story is about. This is a fictional story that takes place during my freshman year of high school. It is one of the several stories that Im working on and plan on posting. It involves sexual relations between me and another male classmate. If this isnt your thing dont read it. I appreciate your comments and votes. Thanks and hopefully youll enjoy the story. Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it...
Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it becomes increasingly more difficult when you are a horny bisexual. If its not bad enough trying not to stare at all the good looking girls, you also have to avoid getting caught checking out the guys you like in the locker room during P.E. There was one guy named Sean that was in two of my classes that I knew had to be gay. He actually went to my middle school but only during my 8th grade year. Sean was a strange kid because he was...
In the village where I lived there was a guy named Sean who totally mesmerized me. He was always referred to as ‘Shabby Sean,’ and he lived a very rustic existence in a trailer outside the village, with his sixty-year-old girlfriend. I thought that Sean was in his early forties when we first met, but only found out later that he was actually thirty-eight years old. Interestingly, I never met the woman whom he lived with. She was on a state pension and was the sister one of the locals I...
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Hi, Indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Viji. I back with the continuation of my experience while seducing my own son. First of all, I want to thank all the readers for all the love, messages and emails. Keep them coming. Enjoy this experience and share your valuable feedback as well. I also want to reiterate that I cannot have an affair with anyone, anytime. I also can’t share my pictures and phone number. Also please don’t ask me for Facebook or WhatsApp contacts. But I can chat in...
IncestThe incest taboo is an instinct that usually develops when one grows up with those whom it places beyond the range of sexual desire. I felt enough of that instinct to feel guilty about desiring my teenage sister, but not enough to avoid desiring her. My seventeen year old sister had the face of a beautiful child, and the shapely body of a young woman. In spite of my best efforts, I could not help but admire her large and firm breasts, her slender waist, and her rounded hips....
Hi ISS, This is sex animal once again back with a bang. This time its huge. I’m so delighted and still couldn’t believe about the sex I had. This is so special and it is the peak in my sex life. In continuation with my previous sex adventures “Hot Night With Sexy Chithi”, I present you my next experience “Seducing Sexy Mom”. After screwing my chithi rigorously in Bangalore, I returned to chennai since my training got over and to join work. I was still clueless about my job and was at home...
IncestHi all Readers. My name is kanna. I am regular reader of ISS. I love reading all the stories here. But I get disappointed when I see some bakwas stories. Here is my first story. I know I am very bad at narrating still I have tried my level best to narrate a real story which happened few months back. This story is between me and my college friend asha, whom I call ash. She was not that interested in Sex(As she told, which is lie). I still managed to seduce her to have a fantastic and erotic sex...
Jack looked around at the new students in his art class. He was a post graduate art student and already had a bit of a reputation as a painter. He had irritated his professor by choosing to teach in a private academy rather than tutor under-grads at the university. The reasons for this choice were simple: the pay was better and the challenge was harder. That is the challenge of seducing his choice of the students. He had requested a late afternoon class and as usual all the students were...
Hi ISS, Sexanimal is back with the continuation of “Seducing Sexy Mom”. Thanks for all your comments and likings. To clarify this is 100% true and it really happened and is happening. Since my “Strategy worked”, as I somehow made my mom to shift to my room and so she could spend more time me and myself with her. I began to play my cards right so that I could enter my birth place. So at night when we used to sleep in the same bed I used to put my leg on her, hold her, hug her tight. At times I...
IncestHello guys. I am a big fan of iss. Thanks to all the admin group for giving us the opportunity to share and read the experiences of the iss community ! I am new to this site and pardon me for any mistakes. I will share my experience with you guys which happened 6 months ago with me. It includes my maternal aunt whom i admire so much. She is the lady with great boobs , every guys desire !! Contact me and rate my story at Let me start the story. I have completed my studies 1 year ago from well...
IncestSeducing Mother By Reeb I’ve been thinking sexual thoughts about my mother for the last year. I’m eighteen years old now and when I was seventeen last year, I started looking at my mother not as my mom but as a very arousing and sexy woman. It all started with me looking at her sexy panties in her underwear drawer of her dresser. As I gazed upon the sheer lace material of her panties, I became very aroused. I started masturbating into her panties, stroking my hard cock for several minutes...
IncestWhen I saw my sixteen year old sister after being away for four years I was astonished by her loveliness. I was sixteen years old when she was born. Two years later I left for college. At the university I received an undergraduate degree, a masters degree, a PhD, and eventually a teaching position. Somehow I continued to think of my sister as a little girl. She was not little anymore. The incest taboo is an instinct that usually develops when one grows up with those who it places beyond the...
I currently have only a few friends to who I’ve become acquainted with, and it’s difficult to have them over as company because of the open relationship between my father and me. My closest friend is Catie Ann, which is short for Catherine Ann. This story is about how my dad and I essentially seduced her into what is now referred to as “The Club.” Catie is 5’5” tall, blond, slender measuring in at 34 – 26 – 31. She is 15, but will be 16 next month. Here are most of the the details of our...
Introduction: No introduction needed……… Many things have happened since my initial stories were posted. I just had my 16th birthday at the beginning of April and my dad and I have relocated nearly 200 miles away from where we previously resided. The unfortunate thing is I had had to start all over with making new friends as well as dealing with a new school. My dad and I are still very much into our relationship as it became to exist a little over a year ago through a few friends. Although I...
Seducing Daddy, A good daughter does everything she can to make her dad feel better after a hard day at work… When he came home from work that evening he was 3 hours late. His face looked drawn and haggard, and he had loosened his tie in order toundo the top button on his shirt, and it hung at an angle. She hadwanted to be mad at him, but she saw on his face how tired he was, andshe knew he must have had a bad day. When she heard the garage dooropening, she had popped his cold dinner into the...
Hello ISS friends, I am Baron, a happily married man working in Bangalore. This is my first story in ISS. This happened almost a month ago. I have been married for over 2 years. My wife, coming from a very conservative background is not much interested in sex. She limits my sexual fantasies to conventional sex. I am highly sexually active and was getting restless due to this. On top of that, she became pregnant and had some complications and hence doctor advised not to have sex. She left to her...
This is a repost, I edited it and added in a few things. Hope you like it and I will repost the rest of my old stories and some new ones soon. --------------------------------------------------------It's another average Saturday for you, sitting in front of the TV like an average 20 year old college student home for the summer, flipping through all 200 of your channels yet somehow finding nothing on TV. Frustrated with your inability to find something on TV, you click off the tube and lay back...
IncestThis is Manoj from Kolkata to share my happiest moments of fucking with ISS viewers. I Got many replies from many couples from my last story, my mail box had almost became a database of couples. I got hundred of mails but only 32 are genuine couples, in which many were asking how to convince their spouse for swapping, so we tried to have an experiment of seducing a couple which was success. More over I think to enjoy sex is more important than to experience. As you know I am 32 years old and my...
Hi, as you all know that I am really attracted to aunties and mature ladies. If you haven’t read my first story please read it before reading how I was seducing my neighbor. So after the first incident, I became bolder. I understood that mature women too want younger boys. I started scanning for mature women near me. I found Neelima aunty, who happened to be my neighbor and my mom’s friend. Neelima aunty was around 38 years in age. Her husband was in an MNC and was mostly out of the station....
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always wanted to , ever since I was 12. I am 16 right now, and have a huge, 11-inch cock. My mom is the sexiest woman ever, with great curves and gargantuan tits. Once, when I caught her sunbathing topless, I saw her tits, which must have been like the Hoover Dam. She wears a size 42DD bra, and even that doesn’t even stop all the flesh from showing. Her legs are slender and she has the smoothest skin ever, and has a really pretty face and hair...
IncestIntroduction: This is such a beautiful girl that any man would do anything to fuck her.. Seducing The Beautiful Ashley This story is purely fictional and although its a fantasy I would love for it to come through. I am married with no kids but my wife and I have a large family with lots of kids and young teenagers.I am someone who is a hard worker and I am very careful when it comes to getting my groove on outside of my marriage which I only did once in 15 years of marriage.My wife is a very...
Sometimes I think I have a sixth sense. I can spot a woman and know she has a naughty side.I'm not talking about the ones that are obvious. Of course anyone can see a woman in a short skirt with a tramp stamp with her tits half out and know she's probably up for a good time.I'm talking about the closet cases. The church girl with a dark impulse. The buttoned-up professional that's dying to let her hair down. The newlywed who can't forget an impetuous encounter from her past. The suburban...
ThreesomesChapter 3. Going Public Saturday morning I woke up with Paige’s dark haired head on my chest. Her fingers were gently stroking my genitals. ‘Having fun playing?’ I asked. ‘I’ve never really studied one of these up close before. I could just sit here and play with it like this all day.’ ‘Sounds like a plan to me.’ I agreed. ‘Babe, what’s next for us?’ ‘I thought we just decided to stay in bed so you could play with me. We should think about breakfast or lunch at some point though.’ ‘No...
The moment I first saw him, I thought Steve was hot. There was a problem though. I saw him because my older sister Tami was introducing him to me as her boyfriend. As the years went by, my attraction to him never faded. He went from boyfriend, to fiancé, to husband. Tami and I are close. She tells me everything, so as their relationship developed, I heard more and more about how good he was in bed. I’ve never really settled down with anyone. I prefer to have my fun with guys, and then...
Seducing Swetlana I always had the hots for Swetlana, my wife's sister. To start with, she was always great to talk to, we could go on and on, on any subject. Not sure when it started but I also started to like her as a woman. Once when she was at our house, I accidentally bumped into her, with my hand rubbing off on her right boob. I always remembered how soft she felt. Soon I started to fantasize about making love to her. I love to eat pussy and I would get the greatest orgasms thinking about...
IncestSeducing My Son’s TeacherMy name is Julie, blonde, 25, with a body that I exercise daily. My husband of five years died leaving me a wealthy woman. I now do what I want, when I want. With all this I have a trail of hopeful partners.Tony, my son introduces me to the headmaster at a science evening exhibition. All of the lads, some of the girls and especially the Headmaster drool over my tight fitting red dress. As I bend over to study Tony’s exhibit and hear the explanation, the headmaster moves...
Before I continue with our story, I want to take the time to introduce ourselves for those of you who have not read “Seducing My Step-Sister," My name is Eunice, I am twenty years old, with 38DD-cup breasts and a tanned, toned body. I keep my mound clean shaven. Natalie is my eighteen year old stepsister. She has never had a lover, I am her first. Her mound is clean shaven and her 36C-cup breasts just arouse me every time I see them. The next day I slip out of bed early and go downstairs to...
TabooIt was the week between Christmas and New Years. I was both looking forward to it and nervous about it. My family, well my husband's family, had rented a cabin in Tahoe. We'd never done that before, we'd never spent four days together, just the six of us anywhere, never mind a cabin in the woods. To make it worse my husband's sister Julie was bringing her boyfriend, a man we'd never met. So it would be me, my husband, his mother Betty, his father Lou, his sister, and her boyfriend. I tried to...