The Vermont Boarding School Part 5 A Kiss
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Please read chapters 1 - 7 to understand the story up to this point. The fall semester is nearly over for Sean and Noah. They are now veteran players in the field of six other friends who have shared sensual pleasures and intimate moments. They continue providing special treatment their mentors which means that they have to suck their dicks either before or after tutoring in the evenings. What they find is that they are both highly aroused each night after fulfilling their obligations. What at first seemed like an obligation evolved into something that Sean and Noah looked forward to on the week nights.
What has developed is simple. Most guys rush to climax, but Sean and Noah are forced to build their desire and intense urges because they suck Reese and Sanford first. Afterward in their own room, they are free to work on each other, but they are highly aroused by the time they reach their own room. On weekends they have choices to get with Todd and Martin or Deavon and Jonathon, and the variety keeps their enjoyment from becoming routine. Routine and monotony are the roots of discontentment and reason for not reaching the peak of our desires. Sean and Noah have nothing to worry about. Filthy rich men from Monaco to Palm Beach and from Dubai to Hong Kong would give millions to experience what these guys feel each night for free.
Early on, it was agreed that Todd and Martin would be with Sean and Noah's mentors, Reese and Sanford, on Saturday and Sunday nights in exchange for Sean and Noah being fucked by Deavon and Jonathon on Sunday night only. Now, it's after Thanksgiving, and the rigid itinerary is relaxed a bit. Both sets of mentors ask for visits only on Monday through Thursday nights leaving Friday, Saturday, and Sunday free for the freshman to do as they please.
"That was a nice week off," says Noah referring to Thanksgiving break.
"Yeah, I got to see a friend who lives on my block," says Sean.
"Michael?" asks Noah.
"Yeah, and I surprised him," says Sean.
"What kind of surprise?" asks Noah.
"Well, you know that three of us used to suck each other off regularly until the guy my age moved away leaving Michael as my only source of fun," explains Sean.
"Yeah. I love the stories you told about you three. I wish I had guys like that around me when I was younger," says Noah.
"Well, we would never let Michael cum in our mouths. We didn't even consider it, and Michael never expected it," says Sean.
"Oh, I see what your surprise was," laughs Noah.
"Right. After Sean and Sanford made you and me stay on their dicks while they were cumming and then swallow, I surprised Michael after all this time," laughs Sean.
"So how many times did you get together?" asks Noah.
"Well, as soon as I got home Friday, I called Michael. He came over Saturday afternoon," says Sean.
"Wow, let me guess. From Saturday through the next week and after Thanksgiving that is nine days," says Noah as he counts on his fingers.
"Well, we didn't do it everyday, but take out Thanksgiving and the Sunday I had to travel back, and we did it, let's see, on seven days. Every time we could, we got together," recalls Sean.
"So tell me, how did he like the new you?" asks Noah getting exciting about the story.
"Well, Saturday afternoon I went to his house because his parents were gone. We talked, and only told him about you to start with. Oh, and he says to tell you 'hi.' Anyway, he hadn't been with anyone since I left in August. I undressed him and wouldn't let him rush it," says Sean.
"Nice. Speaking of not rushing, since we don't have to go to Reese and Sanford's room tonight, I want to hear the entire story" says Noah as he slips his hand down Sean's pants.
"Sure, but don't get me too excited if you want me to finish," laughs Sean.
"It feels that you are already excited," says Noah who displays a bit of unusual aggression and puts his hands down Sean's pants to feel his dick. Remember, Noah had never even beat his meat let alone have sex with other guys until last September. Noah is really blooming out and maturing. He is releasing his pent up desires freely.
"Well, I undressed Michael very slowly and pulled out all of the new stuff we learned this fall. I licked him from his toes upward to his neck after laying him back on his bed. I even turned him over and gave him a swirly on his ass," says Sean.
"So you guys never got into much like that in all of those years?" asks Noah as he is paralyzed with arousal caused by the story.
"We did a lot but not with the intensity that we are doing now. Also, Michael would tell me when he was about to cum so that I could pull off and not get cum in my mouth," says Sean.
"So you really surprised him," laughs Noah.
"Yeah. He sucked me, but kind of hesitated on doing anything more other than suck my titties and nuts. I let him suck me until I got the feeling. He noticed a cum shot in his mouth and went to his bathroom and spit it out," says Sean.
"Yeah, and did he notice you got a little hair now," asks Noah who is highly aroused by now.
"Yeah, he said something about that as soon as I got naked," laughs Sean.
"He should have known you could shoot cum," says Noah.
"I guess after all these years, he just expected the same. Well, he didn't say anything about me cumming in his mouth although he pulled off immediately. I knew he was a little surprised. After he came back from the bathroom, I put him on his stomach and licked down from his neck and all over the back of his legs. I gave him another swirly. He liked that. Then I turned him over and sucked him gently. I never got off his dick. He shot lots of cum, and I swallowed it. Of course, I continued sucking him until pulled my head off his dick," says Sean.
"Wow. He probably thought he was in heaven," says Noah.
"He asked if that is what I learned in school, and, of course, I told him about the special treatment that you and I give to Reese and Sanford. I told him how they made us stay on them," says Sean.
"You know, I kind of liked that," says Noah.
"I know you did," laughs Sean. "I like it too now. It took a couple of times for me to get into it as much as you do, but I like it too."
"So what was the rest of the week like?" asks Noah.
"Well, a few days later we were doing it at my house. Michael started licking me all over too, but he never went down to my toes or gave me a swirly," says Sean.
"He probably was working his nerve up?" asks Noah.
"Don't get ahead of the story," scolds Sean playfully.
"I told him about our first encounter with Deavon and Jonathon in the shower," said Sean.
"Yeah. That was new to me that night," recalled Noah.
"Well it was new to me too. We had never fucked each other. So I put some oil on my finger and moved it in his ass as I was sucking him. He didn't resist. He actually lifted his hips a bit so I could get to him more easily," says Sean.
"So did he fuck you," asks Noah.
"What he did was turn over and let me fuck him," says Sean.
"Nice," says Noah.
"After I finished, he ran to the bathroom," says Sean.
"I know that feeling," laughs Noah.
"Yeah. I didn't sit on top of him and make him wait 15 minutes like Deavon and Jonathon did us the first time," laughs Sean.
"Gosh, that was torture," says Noah.
"It seemed like it at the time, but I guess it is funny now," laughs Sean.
"So did he fuck you?" asks Noah.
"Actually no. Not that night. He really liked being able to cum in my mouth and my swallowing it. After all those years that he came after we pulled our mouths off his dick, he really got into my sucking him as he shot his cum," smiles Sean.
"Yeah, it kind of turns me on as I swallow now," admits Noah.
"It was the next night that he fucked me. I made him take it slow. He liked it, but that was the only night he fucked me. He liked getting sucked and me swallowing his cum more that fucking," says Sean.
"Did he started swallowing yours?" asks Noah.
"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you that. Sure. The second time I guess he was prepared. He didn't pull of me when he got my cum in his mouth," says Sean.
"So if I visit, we all three can get together?" asks Noah.
"You mean cum together? Absolutely. Michael even asked me to invite you," laughs Sean.
"Nice," says Noah.
"Yeah, he is interested in meeting you," says Sean.
"How old did you say he is?" asks Noah.
"He's a senior like Reese and Sanford," says Sean.
"And he never did anything with anyone else?" asks Noah.
"Nah. And I was gone all last year too, but every holiday and all summer we did it together," says Sean.
"I bet he misses you," says Noah.
"Yeah. I didn't think about it so much since I was busy here at school," says Sean.
"I'll ask my parents how much time I can spend at your house over the Christmas break," says Noah.
"You can spend all the time you want. My parents don't care," says Sean.
The next three week pass. Noah gets with Todd at least once on the weekends, and
Sean is with Martin. Deavon and Jonathon don't ask to fuck Noah and Sean on
Sunday nights. Todd says that they are probably fucking each other after the new
wore off. Sean and Noah were like forbidden fruit. After a while, it isn't such
a novelty fucking them. Sean is shooting a little cum now, so he is maturing
with hair growing around his dick. Noah's and Sean's dicks are starting to erect
very nicely pushing over 5 inches. There are no more piccolos between their leg,
and they aren't fresh meat anymore. The meat they show is robust and ready to
Sean and Noah continue sucking the mentors Reese and Sanford just at enthusiastically Monday through Thursday nights. They swap back and forth and come up with some new techniques to use on their mentors. One is taking a towel and dragging it across Reese and Sanford's bodies starting at their toes and moving all the way across their faces slowly. Then they drag it across their dicks twisting it gently until it wraps around their dicks. Reese and Sanford really like that. Reese thinks it feels similar to getting sucked if it's done just right. It extends the foreplay another 10 minutes or more some nights.
Another new method is for Noah and Sean to swap back an forth as they suck their mentors. Then they both suck just one of them. The use their mouths on each side of one of their mentor's shaft and go up and down together until he is ready to cum. Then one of them goes down on his dick and sucks, pumps, and swallows. Reese and Sanford agree that they have the best two guys assigned to them, and no other mentors have it better. Sean and Noah make a fantastic team because they enjoy giving the special treatment to their mentors and then returning to their rooms to continue it on themselves.
Even though Noah has a special urge to be with Todd on the weekends, and Martin and Sean feel the same, Noah and Sean find themselves closer to each other than to any of the other choices they had. It is like they are testing the waters and breaking any monotony they feel when they get with the other guys, but they find that they would rather be with each other first. This is especially nice for Sean. He likes getting with Martin, but wondered if Todd was going to get Sean all the time. It seems that Noah was Sean's first choice all of these months, but didn't get in Noah's way when Noah expressed interest in Todd.
Sean is confident that Noah prefers him too, and he should. Noah just had to sample the field especially since he was so new to relationships, but there is always an urge to be with the one you had sex with the first time if it was a good experience. For Noah, it was great and Sean enjoyed showing him the first time even though he didn't say it.
As the Christmas break arrives, Noah plans to visit Sean a couple of days after Christmas and stay until they have to go back to school. Noah can't wait to meet Michael, and Michael is equally curious. Noah's parents drive him to Sean's house. Both guys are from upper middle class parents who have nice houses, but they aren't the old rich who mostly attend their school. There are no live-in maids or butlers, sprawling lawns, tennis courts, and lavish living, but Noah sees that Sean has lots of privacy in his large bedroom on the second floor. Sean has a nice suite with a large bath, balcony, and lots of stuff like any kid which includes a computer, large TV monitor, refrigerator, and large closet. It looks like a dorm room but more elegant.
"You can put your stuff over there," Sean says pointing at the closet.
"That's a nice large closet," says Noah.
Sean laughs, "That where I sucked my cousin the first time."
"Oh yeah. The one that came in your mouth and got scared and didn't suck you back," recalls Noah.
"Yeah, the bum," laughs Sean. "But it gave me ideas to do with my friend who moved away and then Michael."
"When do we meet Michael?" asks Noah.
"Ah, getting a hard on for Michael?" teases Sean.
"I'm ready anytime you are," laughs Noah.
"Let's call him," says Sean.
They call Michael, and Michael says he will come over and spend the night. That sounded great to everyone. Noah is ready now and flushed with anticipation of meeting Michael. Sometime after dinner, Michael arrives with a duffle bag to stay for the night.
"Hey Noah," says Michael.
"Nice to meet you," says Noah as he looks at Michael's height which is way over six feet. Compared to Sean and Noah, Michael tower's over them quite a bit. Michael sees a growing kid. Noah's height has shot up since last September, and he is about 5'8" while Sean is just a little shorter. Both Sean and Noah are growing a lot.
"Glad we can all get together," says Michael. Michael and Sean had already been sucking each other since the break began, but everyone was excited about the new arrangement. It had been awhile since there were three doing it at the same time, and he is looking forward to it.
"Let's play some games or watch a movie until my parents go to sleep," says Sean making sure they had plenty of privacy.
"Sounds good," says Michael as he moves through several TV channels.
They find an old movie Explorers with three kids in it who make a contraption that ends up being a spacecraft.
"Those guys kinda remind me of the three of us," says Martin.
"Yeah, except they cut out the scenes where they suck each others' dicks," laughs Sean.
"I bet they did," laughs Noah.
Sean laughs, "I bet they stuck it up each others' asses too."
"Nah, unless it was Ethan Hawke. He looks like the one who had to take it," laughs Noah.
"They are old men now," says Sean.
"Hey watch it. You'll be old men soon," laughs Michael.
"Coming from the old man himself," teases Sean pointing at Michael.
"I'll give you old. Remember when I held you upside down and bit your balls?" asks Michael.
"What?" laughs Noah.
"Yeah. The little twerp bit my nuts when he was sucking me, so I got revenge," recalls Michael.
"He picked me up by my feet and held me upside down and chewed on my nuts," laughs Sean.
"You weren't laughing then," reminds Michael.
"Well, we've had our nuts flipped a lot this fall," laughs Noah.
All of the talk arouses the sensations of the guys. Sean as always makes the first move and sticks his hand down Michael's sweat pants and feels his hard dick.
"OK. Last one in the show has to give swirlies," says Noah with his hand on the bathroom door. Noah almost runs over him leaving Michael last to enter the shower. The shower is large and can accommodate three. It is marble with three jets of water hitting from the top, middle, and bottom.
"Swirly time," says Sean as he bends over.
Michael doesn't protest. With the water running down their bodies, Michael runs his tongue around Sean's ass. Then he moves to Noah and bends him over and gives him a swirly. Just as he finishes, he jams his dick up Noah's ass an inch.
"Ouch," laughs Noah.
"Just testing," says Michael.
All three are hard and they take turns washing each others' chests and backs, and especially between the legs and all the way down to their toes. After they get out and dry, the move to a blanket on the floor that Sean laid out.
Michael started and the other two followed. Michael got down on his knees on the blanket. Sean and Noah did the same. As all three faced each other, Michael was already dripping pre-cum.
Noah leans over and licks Michael's pre-cum, "If we let pre-cum drip, we get the belt."
"Nice," says Michael. "What else do you get spanked for?"
"Just anything. I you do something before they give you permission, you can get strapped on your ass, but it doesn't happen as much as it did at the beginning of school."
Michael starts the action. "I'm going to lie on my back. Sean straddles Michael and sticks his dick in his mouth. Noah doesn't hesitate and gets between Michaels legs and licks his nuts before moving upward and sucking his dick. Michael eases his finger up Sean's ass.
After a few minutes, Sean trades places with Noah, and Michael sucks Noah's dick as Noah straddles Michael's head. Sean pumps Michael's dick and pre-cum seeps out. Sean licks it off with the tip of his tongue, then eases his lips down his shaft while moving his tongue around and around the top of Michael's dick.
"I want to see you guys do sixty nine," says Michael.
Noah gets up and goes to the bed. He lies sideways on the bed with his head dangling and just touching the floor upside down. Sean moves on top of him and sticks his dick in his upside down mouth as he takes Noah's dick in his mouth. The ease up and down each other's throbbing dicks.
"I never thought of doing it that way," says Michael.
After a couple of minutes Michael says, "I want to try that."
Noah and Sean stop, and Michael lies upside down with his head hanging over the side of the bed and touching the floor. Noah decides to move on top of him. He gets on his knees and inserts his dick in Michael's upside down mouth and then sucks hard on his dick. Sean takes some oil and soaks his dick. He moves behind Noah, and sticks his dick in Noah's ass. Michael sees both guys kind of on top of him as he continues to suck Noah.
After a few more minutes, Michael nudges the guys off him.
"Tonight, I'm gonna suck both of you guys," says Michael. "You guys toss a coin and see who sucks me off."
"No need. We'll both suck you," says Sean.
Noah and Sean lie sideways back on the bed with their feet hanging down to the floor. Michael decides to suck Sean first and he is very excited as he moves his lips down Sean's dick. After a couple of minutes, he licks and sucks his nuts and then once again he puts his inside his mouth and moves his tongue rapidly around Sean's erection.
Noah decides to suck Sean's nipples at the same time. Michael uses the tips of his fingers and runs them up and down Sean's sides and down to his thighs while still keeping Sean's dick inside his mouth. Sean's toes are bent and get grips them together. His knees bend a little more and his butt tightens up. After a few minutes, Sean arches his back and numbness creeps up his ankles and down from his face at the same time. Then the feeling runs rapidly down his stomach and the cold, numb exhilaration fills every inch of his body. Michael feels a shot of hot cum from Sean's dick. Sean puts his hands on the back of Michael's head and holds his head on his dick. Michael continues rolling his tongue around Sean's dick.
Sean lets exhales loudly and says, "OK. That's enough."
Without hesitation, Michael moves to Noah and licks his nuts. Then he puts his
tongue in his groin making Noah cringe. Quickly he moves back to Noah's nuts and
then puts his dick in his mouth. Sean reaches under Michael and gently pumps his
dick. More pre-cum seeps out and Sean moved over and licks it off. Noah sits up
as Michael continues moving up and down on his dick and playing with his balls.
Sean sucks his knees while Michael continues moving up and down slowly on the
length of his hard erection while using his tongue to make wide circles around
and around the head of his dick. Suddenly, Noah throws himself back on the bed
as the tingling starts on his knees and flows down from his temples. Michael
continues sucking and pumping Noah's dick and Sean licks Noah's neck as Noah
goes numb with sensation. He shoots a few shots of cum in Michael's mouth.
Michael keeps swirling his tongue round and round and Noah feels a gentle
sucking as Michael extracts the last drip of cum from him.
Noah lies back and relaxes for a few seconds as Michael climbs on top of him.
Noah props his head up with some pillows. With his knees straddling his chest,
Michael inserts his dick in Noah's mouth and eases in and out. Sean bends over
from the side and licks Michael's butt but can't quite give him a swirly from
that position. Sean reaches between Michael's legs from behind and plays with
his balls as Michael continues to face fuck Noah.
Michael leans to his right and lies backwards on the bed. Noah sucks his neck and moves down his chest while Sean uses his tongue to run up his right thigh. The work slowly toward Michael's dick. Michael throbs his dick up and down a few times. Then, Sean goes down one side of Michael's dick and Noah goes down the other simultaneously. As the go up, first Sean takes the head of Michael's dick in his mouth. Then they both move down and back up Michael's dick and Noah takes Michael's shaft in his mouth and lowers down to its base. Noah and Sean do this several times.
Finally, Sean stays on Michael's dick moving up and down. At first slowly and then rapidly and then once again slowly as Noah puts Michael's balls in his mouth. Michael lays his hands on the back of each of their heads. Sean feels cum shooting and shooting. It fills his mouth somewhat before he can swallow all of it. Sean enjoys his new elevated experience with Michael and is proud that he can take Michael's cum.
"That was absolutely fantastic," says Michael.
"Two is better than one you think?" laughs Sean.
"What a team. I wish you guys wouldn't have to leave after the break," says Michael.
"Maybe we can come home on some weekends. We haven't asked for many weekends because we were having a good time at school," says Sean.
"I bet you do. I never thought that expensive school would improve you like this," laughs Michael.
Sean hadn't predicted how much better he had gotten since the fall semester, but he enjoyed doing more for Michael. After all, Michael and he go back a long time. He had learned how to beat off from Michael, and it was Michael who shot the first cum he had ever seen. Sean, Michael, and Noah continued together until the break was over. It reminded Sean of the first threesome they had before his best friend moved away. Sean hadn't thought of him in a long time, but this brought back good memories.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoy the chapters, any feedback is appreciated in the reviews. Also, you can contact me at galaxysign at hotmail dot com. I remain anonymous and please do the same, but I will answer all questions truthfully except my name.
This is the third part of "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 1, the first two nights," and "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 2, pump and swallow." To recap the previous stories, Sean and Noah were assigned mentors named Reese and Sanford. One of their duties was to suck their mentors' dicks each night. In part two, two weeks later, Sean and Noah have to not only suck but also swallow their mentors cum, but are rewarded with fewer of their other duties. Now Part Three. Noah and Sean had just...
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*** Please read parts 1 - 6 leading up to this point in the story about Noah and Sean whose mentors in the evening are Reese and Sanford. Sean and Noah put their clothes on and hurry out the dorm leaving Deavon and Jonathon warm and satisfied. Deavon just pumped Noah full with his warm cum, and Noah's sensations are elevated with the stimulus. He can't wait to see Todd. Sean is equally aroused after sucking Jonathon and feeling the hot cum bang against the top of his mouth. It is Sunday night....
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Kei moved swiftly taking her opponent down to the mats, she had to stop herself from finishing him, her fist hovered by his nose, she shook her head and stood up bowing to him, she turned to face the class at the Dojo. "That is how its done, now pair up and practice" Kei said helping her sparing partner up. She walked through the ranks of students giving advice and correcting form, she had only been at this for two years and already her Sifu had suggested her teaching a self defense...
I came home early one afternoon because of a gas leak at the studio and well, do I really need to tell you the rest? Do I really need to tell you that I found my husband fucking some random whore in our bed? Do I need to tell you that I wasn't shocked enough to yell? I saw enough through the crack in the door to realize that my exit strategy was the only thing I had in my control. As they fucked, as she moaned his name, I packed the few items I had left in the dryer downstairs and slipped out...
Group SexMarch 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I think he’s got it sewn up,” I said as Elyse and I walked to the office. “You don’t think Jerry Brown can keep Clinton from getting enough votes to win the nomination outright?” Elyse asked. “I think he COULD, because of California, but even then, Clinton is far enough ahead, and as a center-right Democrat, he’s probably their best bet given the whole Perot thing. Clinton would win at the convention.” “And the affairs?” “Nobody seems to care,” I said....
Cain sat in his apartment, he was cleaning his weapon, he knew the voice was mad at him, he could tell she was waiting for him to speak. "What do you want me to say?" Cain said "I told you to obey me." The voice said. "I had to test him for weakness, I had to know what he can stand." Cain said. "Apparently its a grenade and several shots to the chest and head." The voice said "You must wound the beast before you bring him down, attack his employees first, next his friends, his...
Now. Jennifer has ordered us chinese for delivery, neither Lillian or I mention that we do not require food in the strictest sense, I can eat just do not need to, Lillian prefers a liquid diet. We have been discussing Jennifer's life as a student, she is in her final year of college, she hopes to go on to teach. It is when Jennifer has gone to order the food that Lillian nods to me. "I can see the attraction she is a charming young lady." Lillian says keeping her voice low. I...
Then. It is late when I get a chance to sneak off to the drop, in the dark I have to avoid the patrols of the Sons of Cain, it was easy because they could not smell or sense me. I find a section of earth disturbed and begin to dig in the moonlight, sure enough there is a stone container, inside is the sword, I pick it up marveling at the weight of it and begin the trek back. I do not run into any patrols on the way back, when I near the city I see a disturbance, it looks like everyone is...
_______________________________________________________________ Neil and Sean were hanging out watching TV on a Thursday night. It had been a long week and they were both looking forward to the weekend. They were roommates and had been living together for almost 2 years, having known each other since they first met in high school during their freshman year. In high school, Sean was the 6' 2” athlete with the hot bod that all the girls were in love with. In contrast, Neil was 5'6”, slim,...
18-year-old Damian Parker had started his Summer lawn-mowing jobs again. It was June, but the heat wave made it feel more like mid-August already. Damian was loading his dirty old push-mower into the bed of his Father's Ford pickup truck when his Mom shouted to him from the porch, waving a yellow sticky note she held in her hand. "Damian! That Robertson fellow called back!" his Mother yelled. "He wants you to start this afternoon! Here's his address!" Damian pushed the lawn-mower further into...
GayIntroduction: Read the first paragraph and the themes to get a feel for what the story is about. This is a fictional story that takes place during my freshman year of high school. It is one of the several stories that Im working on and plan on posting. It involves sexual relations between me and another male classmate. If this isnt your thing dont read it. I appreciate your comments and votes. Thanks and hopefully youll enjoy the story. Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it...
YOU NEVER GET A SECOND CHANCE, TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION... The cocksure troubled teen, Justin Barker, was taken to his bunkroom in the boarding school by a senior student. "Okay, well... welcome to your bunkroom. You will get to meet the rest of the group later..." Justin looked around the bunkroom. It had 4 army-style bunk beds and some lockers. At the foot of each double bed, there were 2 lockable footlockers. Peter continued: "You must know that this institution has some stringent rules,...
Starting high school can be tough for anyone, however, it becomes increasingly more difficult when you are a horny bisexual. If its not bad enough trying not to stare at all the good looking girls, you also have to avoid getting caught checking out the guys you like in the locker room during P.E. There was one guy named Sean that was in two of my classes that I knew had to be gay. He actually went to my middle school but only during my 8th grade year. Sean was a strange kid because he was...
Introduction: We are getting ready to head to Vermont. We are leaving early in the morning and it is still dark outside and it should remain that way for about an hour before the sun starts to rise. We are both wearing jeans and I am wearing a t-shirt while my wife is wearing a tank-top and a sweatshirt. I have on a pair of boxers and my wife is wearing simple white panties and a black bra. I finish putting our bags into the care and then go around to the other side to give our son a kiss...
Last winter my girlfriend, Kayla, and I took a weekend trip up to Vermont, and stayed in a beautiful ski resort near Killington Mountain. She's a snowboarder and I'm a skier, I know it's weird right? But anyway, we checked in Friday night and made sure we had our weekend passes. We were exhausted after the drive and ended up crashing soon bafter we unpacked.I woke up to Kayla getting changed and ready for a long day of skiing and boarding. The light from the sunrise was shining through the...
Straight SexAs you drive towards the train station, I suddenly change my mind. I decide to stay for the other two days, I'm still off. I never have the chance to come up to Vermont and practice my favourite winter-sports lately.As I've grown up in a country where we used to have proper winters with ice covered lakes and snow covered mountains for all the three months of the season, I really did miss them. As my daddy used to say, I learned ice-skating before I learned to walk. It was a bit different with...
Group SexAfter reluctantly leaving Jessie’s home in Rochester, Dave meandered east across New York State. He had one particular destination in mind in the small town of Oneida – touring the Mansion House that had housed the most famous polyamorous communities in the world in starting in 1848 and that remained a symbol of one. Of course, the silverware that the community also produced went on to become some of the most revered, as well, but for Dave or anybody in the Circle, this place was...
In the village where I lived there was a guy named Sean who totally mesmerized me. He was always referred to as ‘Shabby Sean,’ and he lived a very rustic existence in a trailer outside the village, with his sixty-year-old girlfriend. I thought that Sean was in his early forties when we first met, but only found out later that he was actually thirty-eight years old. Interestingly, I never met the woman whom he lived with. She was on a state pension and was the sister one of the locals I...
Gay MaleHello ISS readers. My name is Aafi. This is my first story as a writer on ISS. Let me tell you about myself. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai OMR. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. I will be writing fantasy stories. Please provide your valuable feedback so that I can improve my writing in future stories. You can email me or hangout me at Let me tell you about this story. It is a fantasy. The story is about a boarding school where college students are forcefully...
"Seven!!" I yelled, laughing and waving as I climbed onto my bus. I sat down in my usual seat and put in my headphones. I was looking forward to going over to Ashley's house tonight. It had been a particularly stressful week with school and I really needed some fun. And as an added bonus, Ashley had a brother two years older than us that was super hot! Sean was always really nice and I never thought of him sexually until I accidentally walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower....
Before I met Sean, I'd never considered sex with another male. The social mores of my childhood had infected me with a virulent strain of denial that reason failed to cure. The lashing taunts of my schooldays still cut to the quick: "You fucking-puffter", the ultimate shaming.I had just turned twenty and needed perspective. After two years with Milly, I had become someone I hardly recognised. I enrolled on a psychology course in the search for even the hint of an answer. I was hoping for...
BisexualAuthor: Powerone Title: First Day at Boarding School Part: Part 2 Note : This story is completely fictional. This is just erotic fantasies - nothing more. Never do same things in real live!!! Summary: Rebecca is tricked into a boarding school where she is forced to become a submissive. She is stripped naked, forced to cum, spanked and than raped anally, again having an orgasm. Keywords: M+f, nc, anal, oral, reluc, humil Part 2-The First Morning Rebecca left the Headmasters office her ass,...
FetishThe next time I met Sean was in the gym on an upper deck of the ship - a day at sea. Arthur was running outside on the very top deck - not a gym person - and Betty managed to stay shapely without exercising at all. Although we'd all managed to tell our life stories, minus many secrets, at the dinner table, Sean and I managed to strike up a conversation while we used the two treadmills and later, the stationary bikes. My gym clothes show off my figure pretty well. Sean is no slouch either -...
I wouldn’t call myself a BBW, more of a BW. I’m a big woman but I would never call myself beautiful. I’ve never had a problem accepting my weight; I just got on with it, but it seemed a little more difficult for other people to deal with. At school I was always the ‘fat one’ and even as I got older when all of my friends were meeting boys I was always left out. Nobody was ever interested in the big girl. People weren’t interested in looking past my size. Nobody cared that I was funny or...
Love StoriesThere were only a handful of persons at the beach, because it was too late in the year. The sun fell on the sand at the same time it did during the summer, but it was much weaker now. The sun fell on me as well but it didn't warm me at all. In fact it was a bit chilly. My name is Sean Miller and I was a loser. That's right a loser. I had not always been one, but I had become one. In fact, people used to think I was smart and good-looking. I used to have a lovely girlfriend too. But, I...
The Meeting (Part 1)The interview was with the Beardsley School for Girls, a school in Hampshire. Beardsley was similar to his last school, a place for girls from wealthy, prominent noble or rich families that did not have the credentials to get into the elite schools that their parents expected from them. Most of the girls' problems were social, not necessarily academic, the ones who, it seemed, rebelled against their parents. In order to maintain its accreditation, the school had to take in a...
Then. It had been six months since I arrived in the city, I had been working my way diligently upwards in the guard. I now commanded a troop of about 20 men, our primary duty was to police the workers building the temple, my goal was to make it to the guards who protected The Sons of Cain during the day. I had arranged a drop off point outside the city patrol for Lilith, I had yet to discover what Cains plans entailed. I was returning from the drop when I was approached by Mathias my second...
"No, not Sean. I don't see it at all." Every straight girl in NYC has a gay best friend and I was no exception. Although, I may have cheated a little - I brought mine with me from Mokena when I made the move. Timothy was a good ten years older than I, trained up in the ways of Old School leather, and perhaps the least gay homosexual I had ever met. Most folks, after sizing him up a minute or two, would guess lumberjack long before they ever pegged him as the Leather Daddy sort. I pointed...
Flashing lights and loud, pounding music. I downed my shot of whiskey and eyed Sean from a corner of the club. He was grooving, dancing with another attractive lithe female who was very evidently, ready to give anything he wanted. Sean is dark, dangerous and handsome as sin, a well-known in the club I always frequent, and I cannot help but gawk. He was very tall, built and had the best sense of dressing I’ve known. Rich, yes, very rich too, never failing to consistently make an entrance...
Straight SexI came from rather a conservative background, my parents being very strict with me and my two siblings. I grew up in a right-wing environment and my parents always had an opinion on current events and the latest news. Their opinions were very one sided, outdated and old fashioned, considering the times we lived in. A person who was involved in any of the arts, whether that be music, theater and performing arts or an artist was automatically labeled a 'lazy punk' by my parents. Only the very...
LesbianPlease note it’s a story about love and friendship Leave if you are not into this type of story. Subject: Boarding School for Loving Boys Chapter 2 Warning; this is a story about boys having fun with other boys in a sexual and loving way, You need to be 18 and over to read this and if not then go find some other thing to read. Gay young friends Story written by: Boys in the hood. Copyright: 2011, not to be copied or changed with out The owner’s consent, that’s me....
Sean or Shaun? To be completely honest I have no idea. I've only heard his name spoken and try as I might I can't distinguish the difference between the 'ea' and 'hau' sounds. I've decided to go with Sean to save on letters, their supply isn't inexhaustible after all, and I'm a bit worried about running out of u's. I'd look a bit of a fool if we got to the end of the story and I found myself reduced to writing 'cm' and 'fck'. So Sean it is.Okay, so I know what you are thinking: What about...
VoyeurPlease read this story with love and not with your penis. Subject: Boarding School for Loving Boys This story never happened and what boys do To each other is real but not here. You need to be over 18 To read this so never show this story to little kids. Copyright: 2011 not to be copied or changed without the Owner’s consent... So don't let me see it anywhere except for where I post it. All names and places are not real just in my head. Owner: Boys in the...
Sept 2017We met a guy who we got chatting to on a swinging forum that we had signed up to recently. After dinner one evening, Sally got online and we introduced ourselves to Sean, who lived in Derby. We chatted for about an hour with him, Sally topless for most of the conversation, and he agreed to come to the house that Saturday afternoon.He did at first think that Sally was a whore which made me smile and her horrified, but we put the record straight and the date was booked. He had been...
Wife LoversMartha stayed in Phoenix after the second failed attempt to sign the adoption papers. She primarily wanted to spend time with Sean, but she also wanted to get to know the Cavallas better. She and Seth talked about the Cavalla's request to continue to be part of Sean's life and, by association, their lives. They didn't see any problem with the request on the surface. They didn't have any deep dark secrets to hide but they were a very private couple. Neither Martha nor Seth had brothers or...
Chapter Four: Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on...
Author: Powerone Title: First Day at Boarding School Part: Part 1 NOTE : This story is completely fictional! This is just erotic fantasies - nothing more. Never try to do it in real live! Summary: Rebecca is tricked into a boarding school where she is forced to become a submissive. She is stripped naked, forced to cum, spanked and than raped anally, again having an orgasm. Keywords: M+f, nc, anal, oral, reluc, humil Author can be contacted at [email protected] First Day at Boarding School...
Fetish“Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on her. Who is that? Daisy? ... disconnected... an alien voice whispered through...
Chapter Six: Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My bowels had a wonderful ache to them as I stumbled out of the Headmistress's office, once again dressed. I closed the door behind me. The Headmistress sat at her desk, writing on it calmly like she hadn't just sodomized me with a dildo she had strapped to her crotch with a curious, leather harness. She had pounded me with a wonderful fervor, ramming her dildo deep into my bowels and giving me such an...
Last winter my girlfriend, Kayla, and I took a weekend trip up to Vermont, and stayed in a beautiful ski resort near Killington Mountain. She’s a snowboarder and I’m a skier, I know it’s weird right? But anyway, we checked in Friday night and made sure we had our weekend passes. We were exhausted after the drive and ended up crashing soon bafter we unpacked. I woke up to Kayla getting changed and ready for a long day of skiing and boarding. The light from the sunrise was shining through the...
As you drive towards the train station, I suddenly change my mind. I decide to stay for the other two days, I’m still off. I never have the chance to come up to Vermont and practice my favourite winter-sports lately. As I’ve grown up in a country where we used to have proper winters with ice covered lakes and snow covered mountains for all the three months of the season, I really did miss them. As my daddy used to say, I learned ice-skating before I learned to walk. It was a bit different with...