Vermont RootsChapter 5 free porn video

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Wendy was folded back into the family without any serious problems. Mike did about as we expected concerning his first wife. He would speak to her without recrimination. He never searched her out to speak alone with, but she was never treated with disrespect. After a couple of months, Wendy approached Toni and said she admired Mike and what he had accomplished since coming back to Vermont. The two never became close friends, but were friendly.

Wendy and Diana became good friends. Wendy absolutely loved Jimmy, her grandson. These two things turned the tide in her favor. She also didn’t push herself forward and her comments about any and all things were pleasant. Stanley often remarked on this when out of her hearing. He was disgusted of the way she had acted the one time he and Linda had stayed with her when Mike was being released from prison, but she had mellowed and was quite pleasant now.

Linda was the happiest to have her Mom return. She now received love from her mother that had been missing when she lived at home after finding out her mother’s lifestyle. Mildred, Wendy’s mother, was a little more reserved, just waiting and half expecting Wendy’s former attitude would return and the family would be again be left wanting.


Wendy found work in Townshend, VT, at the Grace Cottage Hospital working there as the receptionist on the front desk. This was work she had performed at a hospital in New Jersey for two years before moving in with her last companion. She was competent, gracious, and friendly. Soon everyone liked her. There was one older than her person, Cecil Pembrook, who was especially taken with her. He was a volunteer who came in and helped as an Aid. His station was in the corner across the room from the receptionist.

Pembook was a widower three years, and was a retired educator from the Boston Education system. He was several years older than Wendy. His wife and he had bought a small piece of land and built an all season vacation home in Townshend that they had enjoyed together before her demise.

His fondest memories were being with her at the home. This is where he retired to finish out his time before joining her in a plot they had purchased in a nearby cemetery. His lonely days now were assuaged by the camaraderie at the hospital This was raised to a higher level when Wendy joined the staff.

Cecil came to admire not only her looks, but her way of being so friendly to everyone. He tried a few times to flirt with her, but was shut down brusquely and immediately.

“Why won’t you flirt at all Wendy? It is harmless.”

“Cecil, you might think so, but I know better. Buy me a coffee in the cafeteria and I’ll explain.”

Cecil did as she asked and picked a time when the cafeteria was nearly empty. The tables were small and they could sit across from each other without being overheard. “Cecil, I’m going to share some of my life with you. Will you keep it in confidence and not share?”

“Of course, I will. I would be a boor if I didn’t.”

Wendy began to speak without looking directly into Cecil’s eyes. “Okay, a short bio of my life. I ran away from home when I was seventeen. I soon had a baby. I married the man I ran away with and things were okay. Never enough money, but okay. Then my husband lost his job. I had heard about escort services so I applied. I soon found out where the money was if you would, against where you wouldn’t. Believe me, you think you can get rich doing this, but it is seldom possible. My husband took care of our baby, but it destroyed us as a couple.

“My husband tried to add to our income, but was caught in a burglary attempt. He now had a record but escaped being incarcerated. Our child learned of what I was doing when she was fourteen. She moved out and lived on her own when she was seventeen.

“I continued, but I changed the way I found companionship. I would flirt and some of these hook-ups turned into longer term associations. My husband and I continued to have our own home after our daughter left. I guess you could consider me a kept woman, but not necessarily by my husband. Again, my husband attempted to burglarize some places and again was caught and charged. He received three and a half years in prison.

“I was always searching for someone to keep me. I was always honest with any man I hooked up with laying out what each of us expected of each other. I kept my promises, but expected them to end at any time and I had no recourse when the association inevitably ended. Just before my husband was released from prison, I divorced him.

“A few months before he was released, my daughter left the area and started hitchhiking to Vermont trying to reach Arlington where my mother still lived.

“Catching rides in the general direction, she reached Brattleboro. She met a man who knew of my mother and after staying a few days with him, he drove her up to see mother. She became the housemate to this person who was a distant cousin of my mothers. He had never heard of me before this.

“When my husband was released they came down and stayed overnight with me and was there when my husband was let out. I went to the prison with them and that was the last time I had any physical contact with him and with my daughter and her cousin. They returned to Vermont and my husband still had a year of parole to serve.

“Oh. They tried to keep in contact with me and my husband did as well. That was a day of infamy for me. I wasn’t nice to them or my husband. I was so ashamed because I had just hooked up with who I thought was a much better man with better prospects. That lasted until just before my husband went up to Vermont to be with our daughter.

“Eventually I stopped answering their calls and had their letters returned as unanswered. It was fifteen years before I broke down and tried to contact my daughter’s husband. The day I called his office, I reached his son who was by my son-in-law-s first wife.

“I am one lucky person, for the son, now twenty-two with a beautiful girlfriend has taken me in hand. They have gone all out to get me integrated back into the arms of my daughter, my mother, and now even my ex-husband who does speak civilly to me.

“You see why I don’t want to flirt with you or anyone. It could drive a wedge between me and my family again, because they would think I was back to my old ways.”

Wendy paused, looking into Cecil’s eyes.”I have to return to my desk now. I’m not stopping you from saying good morning, but there is nothing more we can say to each other.” Wendy picked up the table, gathering the cups and cake plate and returning them to the counter.

She shouldn’t have done that because that kindness made him know he wanted to know this woman better.


Jimmy spoke to Wendy when she came in from Townshend, “You have a package. It’s from a woman named Gail Pascetti.”

“That would be my last companion’s daughter. I’m surprised she would contact me. I did call her older brother and I gave him my address a month ago. Gail just doesn’t like me at all. We started out okay, but when she found out Franklin was paying me money, she said some mean things to me. We got over it, but it was never the same. When he died, I don’t think she thought my grief was real. I did love him, you know?”

“I think I know you did. There is a certain inflection in you voice when you speak his name. I heard it again just a few moments ago.”

“I was with him for several years. I think his sons felt I did love their father. Let me get my coat off and I’ll see what she sent.”

The package was a fat bubble pack and she used scissors to cut across the top. Wendy up-ended it and bundle of old letters tumbled out. They were tied tightly together with string. In the corner of the first envelope, Wendy’s name and address sticker was visible and it was addressed to a Franklin Piscetti. It was obviously old and worn a bit from being handled. A loose folded sheet of paper also came out too.

Wendy explained to Jimmy, “These are love letters I sent to Franklin when he was persuading me to move in with him. I didn’t realize he kept them.” Wendy picked up the loose paper. It was a note from Gail.

}Wendy, You went through your things when you were packing up to leave, you gave Robert a few mementos you had that I guess Papa had given you. Thank you for returning them. Robert wants to keep the gold pocket watch. Don has asked for the diamond stick pin, and I love the enameled brooch of the little girl that was my mother’s. I haven’t seen it for years. I suspect now that Papa gave it to you. I know you wouldn’t have taken it on your own.

}I am sending the letters back, for you might still cherish them and remember back when you wrote them to Papa.

}I’m sorry now I asked you to leave. My brothers chided me about me telling you to go, Forgive me, please,


“Jimmy after I read these and do a little reminiscing, I’m going to call Gail. I’ll do that this evening. What are we having for supper?”

“Beef stew. I was up to the restaurant and that was on the menu so I brought home a tub of it. Mike said you liked it.”

Tears came to Wendy’s eyes, “Damnit Jimmy, everyone is being so nice to me. I wish those I have hurt in the past would come by and slap me. That still would be less pain than I feel when they are so solicitous of me.”

“Gram, You are turning out friendly and being nice to everyone yourself. Let’s eat.”

Dishes were done and it was time to relax for the evening. Diana would be coming to see Jimmy in another hour. She often now stayed the night. Wendy went down to her room and took the bundle of letters with her. Ten minutes later, hurrying she came up the stairs.

“Jimmy, Jimmy, where are you?”

“Right here, Gram. What’s the matter?”

“Look at this envelope. It was in the middle of the bundle of papers and has never been opened. It has a lawyers name on it and is supposed to be presented to his office. It has a date of three years ago on it. I think it must be the will that no one could find. Franklin never discussed his assets with me and I never asked. I’m going to call Robert. No, I’ll call Gail. It was she who sent these things to me.”

Wendy didn’t wait for Jimmy to say anything, just began dialing. The phone was soon answered, “Hello.”

“Robert is that you? Is Gail there? No, never mind, I’ll talk to you. Did you ever find your father’s will.?”

There was a long pause. “Why would you want to know?”

“Because in the bundle of old letters of your father’s that I just received from Gail, there is a fat unopened envelope that is supposed to be presented to an attorney, named Rudolf Gottlieb. Your father must have placed it there and Gail didn’t open the bundle before she sent them to me.”

“Well, open it and see what it says?”

“I can’t do that. it is stamped do not open. There is some kind of seal imprinted on the back so it would show if it is opened. I was never privy to your father’s affairs and it is too late to begin now. You know, when the post office opens Monday, I can have it over-nighted to you. You’d receive it on Tuesday.”

“That would work. I can contact the lawyer’s office and discuss it with them and to expect me to bring it in later in the day on Tuesday. Thank you for dealing with this. I didn’t know Gail was sending any letters.”

“I’m glad she did. I don’t think she read any of them. I said some things in the letters to your father that you three might not want to read.”

“Papa was a Lusty Old Buck and I don’t think we would be too shocked. You’re a bit of Lusty Lady yourself. Don and I used to admire you. Gail was always a bit jealous and that’s why she didn’t get along with you like we did. Look for Gail to call you tomorrow sometime in the morning. It has been a bitch trying to settle Papa’s affairs without a will. We can soon put this behind us and get on with our lives. Goodnight Wendy. Thank you so much.”

Wendy hung up. Jimmy asked, “So?”

“That was Robert, the oldest son. He thinks it must be the will. He told me to open it, but I said I wouldn’t dare. I’ll have you mail it and they’ll get it Tuesday in the morning.”

“You know you might be coming into a little money.”

“It would be nice, but I don’t expect that I will. I promised not to enter into any of Franklin’s affairs and his money was never discussed. I had all my needs met both physical and monetarily. I did come to have a lot of affection for the man.” Wendy gave an embarrassed laugh and then said. “Robert just now called me a lusty lady and he and his brother both admired me. How’s that for an ego builder when I met them at age fifty, give or take?”

“Time for you to begin looking for a companion again, Gram.”

“What will the family say if I do?”

“Gram, you most likely have twenty-five years more of life in you. We’ve discussed you. We’ve concluded it isn’t if, it is more like when. I’m right aren’t I?”

“You are. There is a likely looking man who sat down with me at lunch just today. He’s been trying to flirt with me, but I stopped him. I might see where this goes. That road to Brattleboro will get covered with ice this winter when I’m ready to come home. I might have to accept an invitation to stay the night with someone.”

“There you go, Gram, those Vermont roots Gail talks about are getting stronger and deeper every day.”

“Oh, you!”

“Think about it, Gram. Why did you come back?”

“Mostly to see Linda I guess. Maybe Mother. I woke up one morning wondering if she had died. I had a revelation I guess. I went back over my life thinking what a damned fool I had been by pushing my family away. After Linda met Stanley, Mother and Linda made overtures to get me back into the family.

“I thought about the dirty deal I had given Mike. I never admitted to myself that it very well could be me who had driven him to do something that put him in prison. Mom and Linda are nice to me, but even now I can feel that they don’t trust me and expect me revert back to the way I used to be. Jimmy after you, Stanley is the one who the most welcoming that I have surfaced.”

“You do accept that you are better off even with that, now that you are here in Vermont, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Do you miss the Piscetti family?”

“I do. Gail and I got along well and then she accused me of being paid for by her father. I denied it because he never gave me more money than I needed to run the household and some inexpensive costume jewelry. He tried to give me expensive trinkets, but I never would accept them because I knew it would make his children upset.

“He was very liberal in taken me places. He liked to travel and I was always with him. We enjoyed our time together and never fought about anything. I never let him know that Gail and I didn’t get along either. I have no idea what she will say when she calls me tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about it. She’ll be nice. She has already asked for your forgiveness. Plus you sending back that envelope unopened will go a long way to show that the mistrust she had for you was misplaced.”

“Jimmy you make me feel so good. I’m going down and start reading the letters I wrote to Franklin.”

“May I tell Diana about this when she comes home. She’ll be happy for you about Gail asking for forgiveness?”

“Of course.”

Wendy went down stairs and got ready for bed. She smiled when she thought of not having to go upstairs to the one bathroom at night. The first month she was here. She had startled Jimmy and Diana on the couch when she opened the door to the hall and could see into the living room. The next day Jimmy had a plumber in to estimate putting in a stool and washbasin, taking some spare space in where the furnace was located.

Tonight she settled into bed and got comfortable before opening her letter that was address to Franklin. It was dated nine years ago this month three days after she had met him. She was between companions and he had lost his wife fifteen months before this. There was an instant connection between them ... She felt there was anyway.

They wrote back and forth most everyday and he began inviting her to go out on dates. That was a happy time for her after a period on not having a companion.

The phone rang, “Hello,”

“Wendy, this is me, Gail. Robert has just finished talking about you calling about an envelope you found in the bundle of letters I sent you. That is just like Papa, to hide things and not tell anyone where something was. Robert and I both think it is a will. If it is, I hope there is something in it for you. I’m apologizing again for asking you to leave. I’ve found out about various things that indicate how happy you made him while you were here.

“We did have a lawyer contact us about some things. When he made an appointment to have us come in, we thought for sure he had the will to read, but it wasn’t. There were some letters and things like that that he turned over to us. These letters I sent you were stuck in the corner on the very top shelf in his closet. I finally have gotten around to clean out the corners of the room you left. I’m leaving the garage and the cellar for Robert and Don to take care of.

“Wendy, how are you doing? My face gets red with shame every time I think of you.”

“Gail please don’t. You have apologized and I have forgiven you. I’m not looking for anything left to me and never expected he would leave me anything. Franklin and I had a deal, I made it clear that I wasn’t looking for more than a decent home and a happy time with him. He would sometime try to give me trinkets to wear, but they were always too expensive I didn’t want him to spend on me, he should take care of his three children.

“I might even find it noted in one of these letters you were so kind to send me. Tell me what turned you against me so sudden? I looked on you as my step-daughter and then you changed.”

“I was eves dropping on Papa one time and he was discussing his assets with someone on the phone. They were talking about money. I never heard your name mentioned, but he said something about everyone getting something and he had settled that problem years ago. I supposed you were included.”

“That must have been after he retired?”

“It was”

“Honestly, Gail he never gave me any amount of money and never said he was going to. If this letter I have that is supposed to go to this Rudolf Gottlieb Attorney is a will, I’m sure that it doesn’t concern me in any way. I’m sending it to Robert to deal with anyway.”

“Wendy, I feel you are wrong and I hope it does concern you in some good way. How are you getting along with your family?”

“In some ways, great. The first person I contacted was a grandson I didn’t even know I had. He was a child of my son-in-laws first wife. Linda, my daughter took him into her home at a young age. He owns his own house and invited me to stay here with him. He is getting married in another month.

“My mother lives on the next street over and I can see her house from here. I go there every morning and have coffee with her before going to work. I never treated her very well, but she is warming to me and it just makes me more aware of what a damned fool I have been for things I have done in my life. She is in good health, so I should have time to make amends.”

“That’s great, Wendy. You know, don’t be too surprised that I will get one of my brothers to take me up to Vermont and see you someday. Maybe I can help convince them that you were great with my father in the last years of his life.”

“I’d like it if you would.”

“Wendy. I’ll be looking for that envelope and Robert will take care of it when he gets it. Call me anytime and I’ll call you. Love you!”

“Love you too, Gail. Goodnight.” Wendy turned back to the love letter she had written to Franklin. She blushed at some of the things she had suggested of a sexual nature and glad that Gail had not read these letters. A 50 year-old woman shouldn’t have been that explicit. She was older now by nine years, but it was nice remembering!


Wendy arrived at work Monday morning and there was a rose lying on her desk. There was a small card that just said, “Have a great day, Wendy!” and it was signed “A Friend” Wendy knew it had to be from Cecil Pembrook.

When he walked by pushing a patient in a wheelchair she said to him, Good morning, Cecil. I see I have a rose on my desk this morning. I love roses. If you should happen to know who gave it to me, let that person how pleased I am with it.”

“You are really pleased?”

“I am and thank you”

“Wendy, will be having lunch at the same time today and if you are may I sit with you?”

“Of course, Cicil.”

“Good, I’ll be there.” This late lunch time the two had, again left them where they could talk. “Wendy, you seem particularly happy today.”

“Some of it is the rose from you. I love it. The happiness comes also from a phone call I received last night. I told you about my being companion to another man who died a year and a half ago. His daughter and I didn’t get along very well the last of my living there. She is being friendly now and sent me an apology and something I valued by mail and then called me later. I went to sleep satisfied that I could look back on that time with fondness for everyone.”

“That’s great for you.”

“Anyway, I realized I pushed you away when you just want to be friends. I would enjoy having you become my friend. I have collected quite a bit of family over the years and I pushed them away in a worse way than I just did you. I told you I’m staying with a grandson I never knew I had before coming back to Vermont. I love him to pieces and the girl he is going to marry soon.

“I’m going to move in with my mother in a week or two. My son-in-law’s mother has come from California back to Vermont and lives with Mom already. She is a pleasant person and I look forward to living with them. Every one here connected to me are talking about having a yearly reunion in August. I would be missing so much if I hadn’t decided to come back to Vermont.”

“Thank you. I’m happy for you.”

“Oh, dear, now, I’ve gone and talked all though our lunch. I promise tomorrow it is your turn to talk.”

“I guess that means I can sit with you tomorrow?’

“It does.”

Wendy thought about Gail and the two boys, Boys? Robert was in the late thirties. Don was two years younger, with Gail thirty. Robert would be getting the Priority Express package sometime tomorrow. He was going to check out Rudolf Gottlieb today and see him tomorrow. Then her thoughts turned to Cecil. He was so pleasant seeming. “I could fall for someone like that.” she thought. “No, I had better stick with the family I’m beginning to care for.”

It took awhile for her to get to sleep, but she did and slept too long and had to rush getting to work on time. There was no rose this morning and she was thankful for that. That is until Cecil stopped at her desk and told her to check out her top desk drawer. She looked and found a box of chocolates. “Those are for you to share with whoever covers for you so just tell them that you bought them to have when ever the mood hits you.”

“Thank you, Cecil. You have everything covered perfectly.” Just then, a nurse stopped to say hi. Wendy turned to her, “Would you like a chocolate? I need a pick me up sometimes.”

“Thank you, no. It’s too early in the day.” The nurse waved and moved on.

“Cecil, Chocolate?” He grinned and shook his head, no. Wendy slid the box into her drawer out of sight.

Wendy was getting nervous as the day wore on. By this time, the envelope should be in the hands of Attorney Gottlieb. If anyone asked, she would say she didn’t believe there was anything in it concerning her. In her mind she thought Framklin might have left something for her. But then he had died suddenly and his intent might have been to remember her, but his life was snuffed out so quickly and he never regained his faculties after the stroke that killed him two weeks later.

When Wendy came through the door at six, Jimmy met her, “Robert Pescetti called. You are to call him back. I tried to get details, but he said he would talk to only you.”

“I’ll call him now.”

Robert was waiting for her to call. “Hi Wendy, I talked to Gottlieb. The letter that I took to him wasn’t a will as such. What it is, is a vehicle listing the will and all of Papa assets. Gottlieb does have a draft of the will and a key to a safe deposit box with the original is inside. The catch is that you are the only one left who can open the safe deposit box. You are the only one who’s signature is on file at that particular bank. He didn’t even want to tell me that much, but I convinced him to tell me.”

“I’m the person who has been trying to settle the estate without a will and I really didn’t know where to start. Just a list of the assets will help me immeasurably. Wendy, you were closer to Papa than any of us, was he acting senile at all?”

“I didn’t see it, but old people have funny ideas about certain things. After all, Franklin was thirteen years older than me. He did rely on me for many things, but he never mentioned any of this.”

“You will come down Friday, won’t you?”

“Yes, I think so. Just a minute and I’ll ask my grandson to drive me.”

“Jimmy will you go to New Jersey this Friday. We may have to stay overnight.”

“Sure, I can get the time off. How about your job?”

“I know I can.” She switched back to Robert, “Yes I’ll be down. We’ll meet at your house won’t we and go to the lawyers or the bank from there.”

“Good, Get here at noon and Gail will have lunch prepared. It will be great to see you again. We have missed you. Not as much as when our mother passed, but missed you all the same.”

“Thank you, Robert, that means a lot to me. So, Friday before noon?”

“Right, Good bye Wendy.”

Wendy turned to Jimmy. “In case you are interested, Robert lives across the back lot from his father’s house and has a family. He has children, but I didn’t know them well. I was a kept woman and Robert’s wife didn’t approve of me.

“Gail and Don have been married but both are divorced. Gail dates some and she dresses nice and is looking for a new husband. Don works and watches TV when he comes home. Franklin was high up in some factory before he retired about the time I came on the scene. I overhead him tell Robert he retired under a golden parachute.”

“I’ll bet you will receive something.”

“I never asked for anything.”

“We’ll find out Friday.”

Wendy was distracted during the rest of the week, but didn’t tell anyone why. She did tell her boss that she had to go to New Jersey on Friday and was granted the day off. This was the first time she had asked for a day off.

Jimmy told Stanley that he was taking Gram to New Jersey to wind up some affairs. Stanley didn’t question Jimmy. Diana knew what this was about but she was asked not to share and didn’t. This was a four hour trip, but Jimmy said they had better plan on six. They left at 5:30 and were almost there before they stopped for breakfast.

When they sat for breakfast, Jimmy asked how Wendy met Franklin, “It was one of those cases where I would run into him while I was with the man I cared for. The man was hiring me to aid him in his home before he knew he should go into a nursing home. Shortly after the man did become institutionalized, I met Franklin and he asked me for a date. It very shortly became physical and I moved into his house with him. He was living alone at the time because all three of his children were married.

“First Don got divorced and a year later Gail did too. His home is beautiful and it is worth a lot. He asked me if I would manage it, he said he would respect me and we could travel some. We were on the go often and he did just as he said he would. I lived a good life with him and was happier than I had ever been before.

“It had to end sometime and I was sad when it did. This was what I was looking for all my life and I had a little over nine years of it. Now I’m back with my mother and your mom. I’m satisfied working for wages again and I’m slowly making progress being happy with the family and they with me. Different life, of course, but still I’m still living the good life.”

“You sound a little melancholy. Do you wish you were back here with Franklin’s family?”

“No, I’m looking forward to seeing them, but I like being just Wendy Eaton living with her family. That’s enough for me from now on.”



Jimmy drove down a tree-lined street of beautiful houses. “We are coming to it. It doesn’t have quite as much charm as some of these houses, but is nice enough.”

“This it?”

“Yes, this is it.”

“I’d say Brattleboro doesn’t have any houses this nice. At one time maybe, but if they were, they are now utilized for businesses, nursing homes, or divided into apartments or offices.”

“I know. There is Gail’s car. Robert’s house is across the back lot next street over. They have a common boundary. His wife isn’t too sociable so he’ll be here.”

Same as Vermont Roots
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Story start karne se pahle mai apne bare me bta doon mera nam Harsh h or mai Navi Mumbai me rahta hoon. Meri gae 26 year hai, dikhne me thik thak hoon height 5’4 hai, bahut jyada body builder to nahi hoon but thik thak hi hoon mai ek MNCme kam karta hoon and single hoon (any lady wants to talk or wants to have secret relationship can contact me- ).   Ab story me aate hain, ye bat last year Jan ki hai. Mai rahta Navi Mumbai me hoon but mera office Mumbai me hai. Mai roj subah apne office ke liye...

1 year ago
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Finally Free

I woke up a little groggy this morning I woke up a little groggy this morning. My wife Holly and I had a few glasses of wine with dinner last night and then hopped into bed for some vanilla fun. Well, I was a little tired and came pretty quickly. It happens, but I guess she didn't like the fact I immediately rolled over and went to sleep. Holly had to go to work early the next morning and was gone by the time I got up. When I got out of bed this note was taped to the mirror: "This...

3 years ago
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Bent Ch 2

Reality Bites Jess throws her car keys down on the entrance table, and runs, giggling towards her bedroom, hands playfully covering her butt, in that way I find utterly adorable. In the car on the way home from the unspeakable event that had just transpired at Ethan’s, I’d leant over, kissed her neck and growled, “Anal only.” That was our cue, she knew all too well how the night was going to play out.I chase her down the hall, she runs, squealing, as she looks back at me in a mixture of dread...

Gay Male
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DickDrainers Anastasia Rose Painful Anal Punishment For Daddys Girl

When you’re growing up…you learn certain things. About keeping your word. About respect. At least that’s what you’re supposed to learn. But apparently some of yall’s parent’s didn’t fuck ya’ll up enough. Take this dumb ass Mr. Rose. He owes some people some money. When you owe somebody money, you don’t dodge their calls. You don’t lie about when you’re gonna pay it back. You keep your word. And you pay up. But apparently nobody...

2 years ago
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Lonely Julie Chapter 9

“We saw you shit sitting on her knees” Sally said but what happened then ??” Timmy told the whole story of watching Betty wetting herself and how her husband Ken was a tall black man – and how he had fucked Betty while Ken masturbated in her mouth – and then, a bit proud of himself, Timmy dropped his shorts and showed the girls his shit covered penis and balls with the white sticky semen of Ken still visible. “ She actually shit all over me when she came” Timmy said and now they both...

2 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 1

The New Christmas Mommy (written Dec 17-28) "Ok, I can do this," the lady spoke softly to herself as she stood at the entrance of big townhouse in the middle of the city. She crossed her arms together, tapping a gloved finger against her slim body. The flimsy wood sign next to the door read "Southside Street Orphanage" and the lady knew that, of course. Being an upper class middle class housewife, she didn't have much to do around the holiday season besides indulging in shopping sprees...

3 years ago
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The Night of Napoleon Drake

The room filled with applause as Dylan switched off the widescreen tv. “That, my friends, is us at our best. I’m so proud of all of you.” Napoleon Drake was a triumph. Dylan had been sceptical about the concept of a megalomaniac duck bent on world domination. But Austen Animation was a risk taking company and it didn’t take him long to realise that this show was destined to be a hit. It was goofy enough for kids to love it, and with a darkly satirical sub text for adults. —– The security...

1 year ago
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My Trip To Udaipur With 6 Men 8211 Part I

Hi everyone I’m Anita from Himachal. I am 23 and my figure is 34-28-34(before that night). I am studying in a girl’s college in jaipur. I had many boyfriend in my school and they have fucked me in all possible poses but now those all cocks left behind in hills. Here watching porn and fingerings become habit. And with these porn get fucked by a few cocks has become my I dream about group sex when I do Fingerings. My roommate who is from Udaipur is also a bitch and we have done...

1 year ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 3

While Chuck and his beautiful young daughter-in-law, Cindy, had gone up to the master bedroom for what Cindy had been led to think was just looking at his woodworking projects, Sue and Tim cleared the dinner table and loaded up the dishwasher to let it do the hard work of finishing up their supper mess. Little did Tim realize when he saw his wife and father disappear up the stairs to the second floor, that when she returned to him, Cindy would have had her pussy well fucked by his father....

2 years ago
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College nerd gets lucky Part 3

She stroked it a couple of times, again it looked like she was admiring the length and girth when she suddenly realized what she was doing and looked into my eyes with her face beet red. I tried, I really tried to keep a straight face, but I couldn’t. A wide, evil grin was on my face and I waited for her to make a move. > > Seeing the evil grin on my face, her face turned even redder she was almost purple. She dug a nail into my sensitive member but not too hard and stroked it a couple...

3 years ago
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A Happy End to High School Part 4

"Sup man?" I asked "Nothing much bro just getting ready to head out." He says down the phone. "Where you off too like?" "Mums dragging me to see ma nan, fun times I know!" He complained. "So what happened last night??" I a little excitably asked. "Aww man it was amazing!!" He perked up "she wanted to see that action thriller that's been out for a while, I can't even remember the name of the film it was that bad!" "Why did she want to see that?" I...

2 years ago
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POV Sexual Interlude

I know you're watching me, I can feel your eyes on my back as I get ready for work. Bending down, I step into my black boy shorts with the pink lace trim and slowly start sliding them up my legs. I wiggle my hips slightly, pulling them over the soft curve of my ass. I know you love my ass in boy shorts, so when I hear the bed shift I know your cock is getting hard and you're adjusting yourself. I smirk, grabbing the matching bra out of the drawer. I slide the straps up my arms, reaching and...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Diaper Story

OFF MY OFFICIAL BLOG: I had been an disciplinary top for many years, I had never considered using diapers as part of play until I met Jessie. Jessie brought out parts of me that I didn't know existed. She took our lovemaking to a higher level of pleasure than I had thought was possible.But let me start back at the beginning. I knew without looking at the calendar that there was a full moon that night. I felt it, just as sure...

2 years ago
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story of a gold digger part 1

Three years later they were still married. She had given up her career and became housewife only going to parties and talking with other rich wives.That all changed one night though. Donald and Kristin were leaving one of their charity events in their limo and Donald realized something very odd, they were going the wrong way. He asked the limo driver what was going on and he said it was a short cut. As they kept going the streets kept on getting darker and dirtier. Donald demanded to know what...

2 years ago
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My College Masturbation Spot

I graduated college a few years ago. I tried very hard while I was in school to focus on my studies. But I also wanted to use the time as an opportunity to do as many new things as I could, a lot of which were sexual.I discovered before college that I was into girls as well as guys, and also that I loved masturbating. I had first watched porn when I was 16, and had masturbated about 3 times a day on average ever since then.I wanted desperately to be with a girl when I went to college, since I...

3 years ago
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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad

Backstory - I just turned 19, in college and still live in my hometown with my parents. I've been crossdressing on and off for the last probably 10-12 years. Till I was about 15 it was just whatever my sister or mom had that I could get my hands on while they were gone. Then when I was 15, I would order some online, or sneak out and go to a store right before they'd close. I've only told two girls, one who didn't believe me and the other who was supportive but didn't really care. For the last...

1 year ago
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MrStrokesXXX Esmi Lee First Double Penetration EVER

Esmi Lee’s FiRST DP EVER….On Or Off CAM!!!! Let me give you the 411 on this beautiful girl…~ She just got back into porn after her 2 year Hiatus away from the game. This is her very 1st scene back she did…She’s never even done a hardcore ANAL scene to date…. and you know when you come down to MrStrokes block if you do ANAL, your Doing DP as well!!! This is a crazy scene from start to finish this girl can gape and show off her ASSHOLE like NONE other!!! What a...

3 years ago
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Reap What You Sow

REAP WHAT YOU SOW The girl appeared in the nondescript hallway, facing one closed door of the many. She was small, standing about five foot two, and appeared to be in her mid teens. She was dressed casually in a light weight, yellow knee length dress with cap sleeves; a pair of semi-sheer, ruffled ankle socks and sandals with a one and a half inch wedge completed her outfit. Her long auburn hair was held in a single braid and fell like a thick rope down to her lower back. She looked...

1 year ago
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More time out

Alison pussy spasmed as Jj slipped his cock from her as she laid out on the bed trying to think how the next three weeks could cary on. JJ's spunk slipped from her pussy soaking the sheet beneath her as her hand went to her pussy, her fingers gently stroking her clit and fingering her cunt. It was three finger day as her fingers milked her horny cunt and clit as hae arse gyrated as her pussy clamped rythmically on her fingers. she buried her head in the sheets wondering where her young pussy...

1 year ago
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At Her Own Pace Chapter 1

At Her Own Pace Chapter One – The Backstory She is a typical housewife in the typical ways, however, she is far from typical – or a housewife. She is well educated and respected in her career. After marrying young and having two children, she is now becoming her own woman, a woman with desires, a woman with needs. But she remains a woman who admits only to herself that she has fantasies. Her husband has questioned her for some time about her sexual desires. Her answer is always to admit...

2 years ago
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A Very English Weekend

A Very English Weekend Chapter 1 Accidental Submission Walking along the narrow lanes of Cambridge on a warm day in late spring, mingling with the academics and tourists, I'm coming to meet you for the first time. I know little about you, except that you are a Dom who likes to spank girls, and seem to be well educated. I was careful choosing what to wear today, wanting to look classy yet available, smart yet blend in. I had a full body wax a couple of days ago, long enough for...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 27

Denise rolled onto her right side and let her left arm drape across Jack's abdomen. He stirred slightly, than softly began snoring once again. Denise held back from snuggling too tightly against his back as the room was quite warm for this time of year and Jack was giving off quite a lot of body heat. As she watched him sleep, Denise wondered briefly if he wasn't coming down with something. Most nights he was like a human sized space heater, but tonight he was burning up. Denise sighed...

3 years ago
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Perhaps Someday

I receive a phone call from a special man, telling me that he is flying into town and would like the pleasure of my company for the evening. I’m flattered and ask him when and where he wants me to meet him. ‘Be ready at 7pm baby, I can’t wait to be with you’ he says in that rich chocolate voice that makes my coochie tingle. I ask him for details, where are we going, what are we going to do, he tells me not to worry, just wear something sexy and he would take care of the rest. Now I’m...

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Daddy Shoots Deep

Daughter seduces daddy into taking her virginity.I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I couldn't identify them as such right away. I do know that I was confused at first. Very confused. In my head I knew it was wrong – so wrong for me to have such feelings about my father. In my mind I...

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Busted by a bud

It’s a hot summer day in 1994. Nowhere is a small, fairly poor, rural Illinois town, the kind of town where nobody locks their doors. Summer seems to be an average 19 year old. He goes to a small community college and works on the weekend’s. He’s kind of quiet and doesn’t like to be around his parents. Both parents have jobs where they have to work the night shift. Summer’s mom works for the hospital and his dad has a factory job that he’s had since he got out of high school. They married...

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Yes this is another Buffy story, but this one will be different, for the first time, you will be the main villain in the story, you are a God of the underworld, you are able to go deep inside peoples minds, and control their actions. More will be revealed in time. The cast are all involved, just ignore the series, Joyce is still alive, so is Tara, and Darla, you get what I mean. Also, this story will be structured into segments, chapters almost, in each “chapter” you can follow the path of a...

1 year ago
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My First Lover

I was a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore in the Spring of 1964. Like many boys my age, I had a major case of insecurity, especially around girls. I had heard all the guys' locker-room talk about what they had done with their girlfriends. All I had ever accomplished with a girl was to get a quick kiss in the bushes when I was about eleven-years-old. I guess I was a late bloomer. About a month before school let out for the summer, I obtained my first driver's license. I bought an old car...

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The leather mom

A fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life. I had given up so much for my career and was now the head solicitor in my practice. My life had just become humdrum, cases that no longer challenged me and coming home to the same old existence. A son on his computer a ready meal and some old crap on the tv and a few to...

4 years ago
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I Am Jacks Life Ch 13

Author’s note and acknowledgements This story has sat on my hard drive for four years now. I wrote it, all twenty chapters and 95,000 words of it in eight days of a frenzied, near trance-like state, sitting on my couch with my wife’s laptop. She would occasionally have to remind me to eat. When the dust settled, and I looked up, I realized a couple of things: one, I had just written a fucking novel in a week, whoa. Two, it seemed to be pretty damn good, double whoa. And three, what the...

2 years ago
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Ron Jeremy 3

Mom put on her strict authoritarian voice again but Shellie wasn't as swayed by it today like she was yesterday. Shellie insisted that since she now knew that mom was going to "misbehave" that she wanted moms hands tied too so that she wouldn't go to far. Also Shellie asked if she could have her hands tied in front today because her shoulders hurt from yesterday. Mom agreed to both. I tied moms hands behind her back and she sat on the floor with her back against the couch. Then I tied...

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Vanaja tho maro sari823082308230823082308230

hi, Ajit again……..vanaja tho maro roju…………… Aa roju shanivaram………………..nightduty nundi voccha…………snanam chesi……….tea teesukuntu as usual compound lo paper chaduvutu unna. sudden ga na pai oka paper undala chutti padindi…………..tala tippi chuste evaru leru gate bayata………….enta ani paper open chesa……………”one o clock vostanu” ani raasi undi. evara visirindi ani todaraga gate voddaku velli chusa………unhun, evaru leru veedi anta vacant………….manasulo edo oka moola vanaja kaavocchu...

3 years ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 37 Interrogation

The two men were seated on a bench at a field mess table; well, but not closely, guarded. They were wearing fatigue pants and simple white shirts. They were still clearly somewhat disoriented from the dose of stun they had received. Pru walked up to them and looked them over, sensing their confusion and fear. She spoke in Mandarin. "Good afternoon. You have nothing to fear from us at this time. We are here to release hostages, not to punish anyone who has done no wrong. What are your...

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Preludes Ch 04 Dead Battery

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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My sister first time

Hello! My name is Thays and I'm brazilian, I have 22 yo and my sister is 8 years younger then me! This is my first story here and since now, I apologize for any spelling mistakes I may make, my english is rusty!Me and my sister have a very good relation and one is confidant of the other.She always quest me about boyfriends, relationship and sex and I'm very open with her about it, mainly about sex, how is very good to do it with a person that you like and about the risks of an unwanted...

4 years ago
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Kelly friend fashion tease

She was only 16 years old, her name was Kelly; she had dark hair, she was pretty, she wore glasses and had a nice body for her age. She live alone with only her mother. Three months ago her mom started seeing a guy. He was 35 years old, kinda tall with green eyes and dark hair. He had a good body with big arms and a big chest. He was funny and really nice to Kelly. Sometimes he would tell her how pretty she was and that the guy she fell for was going to be a very lucky guy. He was fun to...

2 years ago
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Caught with Master

   I've wanted you since the first day I heard your voice.  We've both tried to walk away, but I can't forget you, and you can't forget my daughter.  Even though we had long ago decided that we wouldn't see each other anymore, a perfect opportunity came up, and we seized the moment.  My husband and son were deer hunting, and Barbara had gone to a friend's, so I invited you over.  My goal was to feel one last time your absolute dominance over me, but of course your goal was to prowl through my...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 213

CIRCUS CAT A circus owner runs an ad for a ‘lion tamer wanted’ and two people showed up... One is a retired golfer in his late-sixties and the other is a drop-dead, gorgeous brunette with a killer body in her mid-twenties The circus owner tells them, I’m not going to sugar coat it. This is one ferocious lion. He ate my last tamer so you two had better be good or you’re history.” Here’s your equipment -- a chair, a whip and a gun... Who wants to try out first?” The gorgeous brunette...

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Picture Perfect

I'm 24 and a professional photographer. I lucked into taking erotic photos after a model I had photographed as an "audition" for a website made it big.After that, I was flooded with requests from websites to photograph models in erotic poses. Needless to say, I enjoyed my work. If there was a downside it was knowing I could hurt my reputation by having relationships with the models I photographed.Even though I'm concentrating on my work it's not easy to get through a shoot without getting...

1 year ago
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Ghetto Loving

I know you've waited a long time for this. Take off my shirt. Slowly. Do the buttons one by one. Fuck, your hands are shaking. I turn you on that bad, huh? Yeah, take it off. Look at my body. You like what you see? You like my muscles? Watch me flex this here.....oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' get your FUCKIN hands off my crotch, motherfucker slut. You fuckin touch me again before I say so and I'll break your fuckin nose, you hear? Fuckin do what I say. That's better. Look at all that muscle....

3 years ago
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Compulsion IslandChapter 3

The others showed up one day around noon, after we had been on the island about a month. Oueenie, her two brothers, and a black stud named Art. They came marching down the beach, carrying a white flag, wearing very brief bathing suits. We scrambled into our clothes, which we hadn't had on for the whole month, then met them at the surf line. They were all gorgeous, with the same sensuality we had acquired. They seemed a little nervous, and Mom said "Hi. I'm, um, Madge, and these are my...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 551

These are compliments of the web_magician More lawyer jokes... Q: How can you tell a lawyer is lying? A: Other lawyers look interested (they are gathering new material for future use). Q: Why should lawyers wear lots of sunscreen when vacationing at a beach resort? A: Because they’re used to doing all of their lying indoors. Q: What happened to the banker who went to law school? A: Now she’s a loan shark. Q: Where do vampires learn to suck blood? A: Law school. Q: How do you define...

3 years ago
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Bookstore Secret

First of all, I’m straight. This is something I’ve thought a lot about in the past week, and I’m convinced of that. What happened in the bookstore was a fluke, a weird combination of circumstances. I don’t regret what happened, but it’s not going to happen again. I just want to write the story out so that I can be really clear in my mind what did happen, so that I can be on my guard. The bookstore is huge, a full city block and many stories, a veritable labyrinth of wooden and metal shelves,...

Gay Male
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The Lady Is a ChampChapter 4

Downstairs I was delighted to find a message at the main desk from my old football owners here in town that they would be delighted to join us for dinner tonight, along with a few friends. They had suggested an excellent Italian restaurant, one of the best on the downtown side of North Beach and I called them back to confirm that we would be there. Also, in a message that was too delicate to be left with the hotel staff, I was told that they were looking forward to meeting my slave girl in...

1 year ago
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A Kinky Experience With Lady Doctor

Hello ISS readers, I’m back with my another experience. Before I start I would like to thank everyone who had mailed me for my previous story ‘STARTED FROM BUS ENDED IN BED’ thank you for your feedbacks. This time Well let me explain you all myself; my name is Aarav (name changed) 21year old from Bangalore. I am 6’2 with good physic I’m not so fair but not even dark I’m an average good looking guy and have a dick which can satisfy any female and I have many tricks to satisfy and lady. Well this...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 8

Jessica knew that the moment of truth had arrived. Glancing back over her shoulder at the pool, she saw that Marie had crawled up onto the side of the pool and was laying back with her legs spread as Kelly Ann licked her pussy. Olivia was floating on an inflatable raft as Katrina stood beside her, sucking her tits and fingering her.Jessica downed the dregs of her martini, put her glass down, and stood up. “Well, Jackie, it’s been great to meet you. I’m going to go out there and have sex with...

3 years ago
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Gaping my wife0

Well anyway she was a bit shy And not very adventurous in the bedroom. Hell it took me almost 6 months to finally fuck her and after I bursted her cherry she just couldn't be satisfied. Soon after we were pregnant with our son which made things even better for me. She just wanted a raw fucking Every time I walked in the door. It seemed like she was getting more daring in her sexuality the bigger her belly swelled. She started telling me of one fantasy after another which made for a good cum...

2 years ago
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Collision in the Corridorby Johndough (address withheld)***At the start of a school day a female student rounds a corner and bumps into her principal who has just arrived with coffee for his colleagues. This bump spills the coffee all over them so the principal takes her down to the locker area to wash and dry their clothes. The principal is also the girl's uncle and a little more goes on than laundry. (M/f, ped, reluc, inc, 1st, preg)***Principal John Wilson was running a little late this...

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Sex With My Office8217s MD

Hi Everybody! This is Rajesh from Kolkata. About me – I am 31 yrs , 5’10” with normal body type with 10.5″ * 4″ Perfect Dick… I will come to the point without taking much of your time. Any Married / Unmarried / Widow / Unsatisfied Aunties / Bhabhijis / sex starved Females can contact me on my mail id It happened around 2 years back. When I was working with the biggest Stock broker of India where my MD was a married female of around 32 with looks and figure of 25-27 Years. About her – she was...

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Lewd Web! It doesn’t take a federally licensed Porn Dude to notice how many free porn tubes are out there. You’ve got your Pornhubs and xHamsters, and then you’ve got a million wannabes spamming up the web. Most of them are garbage that don’t make the cut around here, but once in a while, a new one pops up with a really fucking good gimmick. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you all about is a free sex site with a focus on Internet attention whores: YouTube babes, Twitch...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
2 years ago
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Der auferstandene Hexenmeister Teile 13

Im Fr?hjahr 2003 war ich ein 22 Jahre alter Arch?ologiestudent. Ich genoss das freie, unbek?mmerte Studentenleben. Ich ahnte nicht, dass dies bald ein Ende haben w?rde. Schon immer hatten mich fantastische Sagen und Mythen mehr interessiert als die banale Wissenschaft, von der ich auf der Universit?t h?rte. Bei meinen privaten Studien war ich in einer Bibliothek auf ein mittelalterliches Buch gesto?en. Es handelte von einem gro?en Hexenmeister der damaligen Zeit. Er verf?gte angeblich ?ber ph...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 214 Farewell For Now

Where are my dancing shoes? Well, I doubt I will be wearing any shoes or even clothes, for long once we get to where they have the dance tonight. “I’m going to be at the dance tonight, but for the first time in years, no boy is getting inside my panties or even getting a handjob. Darren, you made my pussy hurt like hell, exactly like I needed. I love you, and I’m going to miss you at much as Camden, so are Tee and Dee. Bart is getting so much pussy he can’t remember to miss jacking off,...

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Dream Scape

This story is not typical DG Hear. To be honest with you, I don’t know what a typical DG Hear story is. The readers define it to me that way. This story has more sex than usual. It was just a fun write for me. Hope you enjoy it. I want to thank Techsan for his editing prowess. He is definitely one of the best at his craft. * Chapter 1 I’m just an elderly man in my late fifties who spends a lot of time sitting on my porch and watching the world go by. The world to me is watching all the young...

1 year ago
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The Hookey Player

THE HOOKY PLAYER By Dawn Marie I knew I was going to play hooky today. My sister had worn her favorite dress yesterday; it was also my favorite. I knew it would be in the dirty wash pile and I could wear it without getting it wrinkled. I would pretend to go to school and wait until my mother went to work, which was usually about fifteen minutes later, then I would go back home and put on my sister's dress. I knew this would work because I had done this many...

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