Vermont RootsChapter 3 free porn video

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We slept late, had breakfast and were packing for three days and two nights in Boston. The phone rang while Linda was putting our bags in the car.

“Hello, Stanley speaking.”

“Mr. Rider, this is Maurice Cumberland calling from Burlington. You wife Bonny married my brother, Charles and they moved to Pennsylvania. I’m calling to inform you that they were in an auto accident while returning home after going out with friends. They had dinner at home earlier. Charlie died immediately and Bonny isn’t expected to make it through the night”

“I’m sorry to hear that and I’d like to extend my condolences. Bonny has been out of my life for nearly four years now. Why are you calling me?”

“I’ll try to explain, but first I have to ask, are you married now, or have a female companion?”

“I do. I was married two days ago, but what has to do with Bonny’s possible demise?”

“This will be a surprise to you, but Bonny was pregnant with your child when she married my brother. Seven months after the marriage Bonny gave birth to a boy. There was some doubt who was the biological father so they had tests performed. You proved to be the father.”

“Your brother must have hated that?”

“He did at first, but he loved Bonny very much and came to love Jim as much as if he was the father.”

“I still don’t understand what you are trying to say?”

“What I’m saying is that you as the biological father will be first in line to take the boy into your home if it is felt you can bring yourself to care for him. I’m the one to decide because if Bonny dies it will be me who administers the estate. The child is of the first and most importance to me.”

“What if I won’t take him?”

“I don’t know. I’m not able to provide for him adequately. He most likely would be put up for adoption? To lend a little more weight to you caring for him, you are named as his biological father. If money is a problem, there are some funds in the estate available to give you some help.

“I wouldn’t take the boy just for the money. Can you hold on a minute and let me ask my wife?”

“Take your time. I’ll give you twenty minutes and call back.”

“Thanks.” Linda had come in and was wondering whom I was talking to. I spoke fast. “Linda, I just found out I am the biological father of a three-year-old boy. Bonny was pregnant when she ran off with the man she left me for. Bonny and her husband were in an accident. She is expected to die within hours and her husband is dead already. Would you consider being a mother to the boy?”

“Where would he go if we didn’t take him?”

“Most likely he would be put up for adoption.”

“Stanley, we can’t let him go into an orphanage. We can give him a good home, I know we can.”

“I was hoping you would say that. When Cumberland calls back, we will tell him so.” Ten minutes later, the phone rang.

“My wife agrees that we taking him would be the best thing for the child’s future. We were planning on having children soon, but we can put it off for awhile. How are we going to be able to get him?”

“I have the firm’s jet on standby now. I think the closest airport is Keene NH. Can you get packed and be there within forty-five minutes? We can talk more during the flight.”

“We’ll meet you there. Oh, what is the boy’s full name?

“It is James Rider Cumberland. Bonny named him that with Charli’s agreement. Also, they agreed sometime in the future you would learn you were named as the biological father on the birth certificate. You weren’t to be told until the boy was eighteen, but now under the present circumstances it is compulsory.”

Linda called the Chelsea Royal and informed them of her situation, saying she didn’t know when she would return. For myself, I just informed my assistant I would be gone for a week, explaining that I would return sooner if possible. I wasn’t slated to return until Wednesday anyway. This changed our honeymoon plans. Who knew how this change would impact us? We were waiting on the plane when it touched down in Keene. We bundled into the plane and ten minutes later, we were in the air heading for Pennsylvania.

After greeting, Cumberland said, “This won’t take long. We will land at the nearest airport which is 45 minutes from the home of my brother. I’ve reserved a vehicle to travel from there. Their son is talking and calls me Uncle Maury. I think a lot of him and if conditions were different, I would work to have him with me. If you do take him home with you, I’d like to have the chance to visit often.”

“Of, course you can, Mr. Cumberland.”

“Call me Maury. Charlie and Bonny live in my ancestral home and it will revert to me if Bonny doesn’t survive this.”

“I’m getting mixed signals here. Is there any possibility she will survive?”

“No, not any, but a person can always hope. We should know before we leave the airport. I’ve already made funeral arrangements concerning Charlie for Tuesday morning. Bonny is terrible smashed up. If she passes before tomorrow evening, it will be a double ceremony.

“Who is James staying with now?”

“At home with a lady named, Mrs. Wagner, who sits for them. She has been staying in the house with Jimmy since the accident. He has been told that his father and mother won’t be returning home. He has cried more than half his waking moments. That’ll be the first thing you’ll have to deal with. That is the main reason I asked if you had a female companion. I didn’t think I could deal with my brother’s death and a crying child too. Of course there is Bonny. I loved her like she was my sister.”

“I fully understand.” It didn’t seem long before we were sitting down on the airport runway. We hadn’t tried to keep Maury in conversation. He was feeling terrible about losing his brother. At one point I had seen tears trickling down his cheeks before he turned away. I glanced at Linda. She had seen the tears too and her eyes were moist as well.

Maury stepped out first and called the hospital on his cell phone. He turned to me, “Bonny passed away shortly after we left New Hampshire. I’ll leave you at the house to get acquainted with Jimmy while I see to funeral arrangements for her. I think it will be a double funeral.

“I will introduce you to Mrs. Wagner who has been caring for Jimmy. Maybe she can give you information how better to take over the care of the boy. Linda, have you ever cared for young children before?”

“I spent six months working in an orphanage. Most were older than Jimmy, though, but I think I will be able to handle the situation fairly well.”

“Good, you have some idea what to expect.” Maury drove fast, but conservatively. He retired into his thoughts saying little the rest of the way.

We pulled into the driveway of a large older home. The grounds were immaculately groomed. It looked like it had seven rooms on the ground floor and at least four on the second. It also had a three car garage with a covered breezeway between the two. “How many acres go with the property?”

“Only five now. There used to be more than a hundred. My father sold off most of it, thinking as long we both had made Vermont our home it would be too much care. Father has been dead for several years and the place was getting run down. Charlie brought Bonny here and brought it back to what you see now. It is terrible he isn’t going to enjoy it.” No comment from me was needed.

We went into the house through the rear entrance. Mrs. Wagner met us there. “Hello Maurice. Have you heard about Mrs. Cumberland?”

“Yes, I called as soon as we were on the ground. She passed a short time ago. Where is Jimmy?”

“He is curled up on the couch in the living room. He is asleep, but he whimpers some, not quite waking.”

“Mrs. Wagner, This is Stanley Rider and his wife Linda. Jimmy will be leaving here and living with Stanley and Linda. Actually, Stanley is Jimmy’s biological father so it is natural for him to go with them.”

“What day will that be?”

“Wednesday, if all goes to plan.”

“Oh, the poor dear. He loses his father and mother and is taken from his home as well, all within a week’s time.”

“I know it is unfortunate, but what else is there to do in this situation?”

“True.” She thought about it. “Nothing I guess.”

I went out and brought in our suitcases and Mrs. Wagner put us into a room next to the one Jimmy slept in. Maury was sitting across the room from Jimmy, just staring at him. I knew he wanted to leave to get the arrangements done. “Maury, why don’t you go now before he wakes up? We can tell him you are coming soon. It would be worse if you speak to him and then you leave. He has had enough of the people who love him leave.”

“You’re right, I will.”

“Mrs. Wagner, would you tell me all you can about Jimmy? You know his likes and dislikes and what upsets him. It is going to be so difficult for him.”

“Of course, Mrs. Rider.”

“Oh, please don’t call me Mrs. Rider. I’ve only been married two days. Call me Linda and then I’ll know to whom you are speaking.” Mrs. Wagner’s eyes opened at this, but didn’t comment.

“Linda, Jimmy is really a good little boy and very intelligent. Bonny has done wonderful in teaching him. He knows some of his alphabet and can count up to fifteen already. It won’t be long before he can read some of the simplest of his books. He also loves being read to. It is kind of frustrating because he is always stopping you and asking what a word means.

“He has been taught to mind and seldom gives any problem in that area. He is just a sweet little child.”

“I babysat when I was old enough. When I moved away from home, my first full time job was working as a nanny, but then the husband started bothering me so I left. The child there was about the same age as Jimmy.”

I interjected, “I didn’t know that.”

“Linda, there are some things you don’t know about me. I didn’t think it necessary to dwell on it until now. It was just something many girls do to earn money. Now I find I have a skill that I’m glad I acquired.”

Mrs. Wagner asked, “How are you going to approach Jimmy with the fact he will be living with you?”

“I’ll play it by ear. Can you tell me what his mother wore for perfume? If I smell the same, then he will feel that he is still connected with her in some small way.”

“I spoke up, “I don’t remember what it was called, but if I saw the bottle I can point out the right one.”

“Mrs. Cumberland keeps her toiletries in the dresser on the left side of the bedroom upstairs. You should be able find it there. Her purse hasn’t come back from the accident yet that I’m aware of, but if she used the bottle long, she should have a spare here in the house.”

“Thank you. Stan, come with me, we’ll check.”

I paused to look around the room. There were several photos scattered about. Many were with Charlie and Bonny with Jimmy’s images beginning when the boy was an infant. There was one hung on the wall of stairs that was professionally done of Bonny and Jimmy. Opposite on the facing wall was one of Jimmy with Charlie done by the same photographer.

Linda paused, “Your Bonny was a very attractive woman.”

“Yes she was. I never said otherwise. Sad that she had to die. It looks like she was very happy here and loved by her husband very much.” I poked through the make-up chest and found two bottles of the scent I remembered her wearing. One was nearly depleted while the other was full. I handed them to Linda who took the cap off and waved it under my nose.

“That’s it.” There was a dress of Bonny’s draped over a hamper. I picked it up and held it to my face. “She still uses the same after all these years. She raved over it when I gave her some on her first birthday after we became engaged.”

“Stan, is it going to bother you if I wear it?”

“No, it won’t, not if you like it yourself. I’ve noticed you don’t wear any and it is important to do everything you can to ease Jimmy’s pain. This may be the tipping point to attract him to you and lessen that pain slightly.”

“I was asking if it would cause you pain for yourself and your association with a different woman who wore the same perfume?”


I looked around. You could tell that Bonny and Charlie had planned coming home the afternoon they left. There were a few clothes that hadn’t been put away. It suddenly struck me, everything I had seen and that included the house, spoke of wealth far beyond anything I could have given Bonny. Too bad she didn’t live to enjoy it. More than too bad ... more like so very, very sad! I meant that too.

Linda opened the closets and looked at Bonny’s clothes. All she said was, “Your ex-wife dressed well.” I made no comment. When Bonny left me so suddenly she left everything I bought her hanging in our closet. I bundled everything and sent the clothes and personal items to Hospice to be sold. Linda didn’t open any of the bureau drawers. She looked at me. “Stan, you taught me that it wasn’t nice to poke into things. Do you remember?” I nodded.

We went down stairs where we could hear Mrs. Wagner trying to get Jimmy to say he was hungry. He was sitting on the far side of the kitchen table facing the door when we entered. He stared first at Linda and then at me.

Mrs. Wagner said, “Jimmy, this is Linda and Stanley Rider. They are related to you, just like your uncle Maury is. I told you your mommy and papa got hurt so bad they can’t come home. I think you are going to live with Linda and Stanley. Uncle Maury will be here soon and tell you all about it.”

“I don’t want to live with them, I want my mommy.” He ran for the living room and curled up on the couch in one corner.

Linda, said to us, “Let me go in alone to see if I can make friends with him?”

Mrs. Wagner got me a cup of coffee and began telling me all about Jimmy and his parents. “Mr. Rider, how are you related to Jimmy?”

“I’m his biological father. I was out of Bonny’s life although she was pregnant at the time when she married Charlie. Now that both parents are gone, Maurice contacted me to see if I would take Jimmy and raise him. This is sudden and will change the direction of my life considerably, but I’m excited about doing this for the boy. Linda will make a good mother. I will say this is going to take some getting used to.

“I’ve known Linda’s grandmother most of my life. I haven’t known Linda that long, but I do love her dearly. We are in a position financially so Linda can become a full time mother to Jimmy. I’m employed as a store manager which is less than a quarter mile distant from where my home is located. It is in a very good neighborhood.

“That is wonderful. I know Jimmy will be well cared for.”

“Thank you. This will be a period of adjustment for all of us and we will do everything we can to make Jimmy a happy person. I know this will take some time and I expect that. I think if Linda can bond with him it will be easier. Was Charlie close to Jimmy?”

“He was very close. I am very surprised to learn that he isn’t Jimmy’s birth father because Charlie doted on Jimmy and spent most of the time he was home with his son.”

“That pleases me no end to hear that. I certainly will give Jimmy all my attention the same way.”

It was quiet in the living room. We walked in and could see that now Linda was the one curled up in the couch corner. Jimmy was snuggled next to her sucking his thumb. Most children did it at some point in their childhood. Was it any better than running around with a rubber nipple with a ring stuck in his mouth?

Maybe a thumb was more original and a thumb is always available. I was sure Linda would be able to break Jimmy of thumb sucking when it was time. I would guess Jimmy had got over this habit already, but had reverted to something he did to lessen his stress.

She smiled up at us. “Stan, Jimmy said he doesn’t want me to leave him if his mommy isn’t coming back. He is going to talk to his Uncle Maury about it.”

Before I could say anything, Jimmy sat away from Linda. “Mr. Man, are you going to live with Linda and me, too? She said to ask you?”

“My name is Stan, and yes, we will be together. We are going to go on a plane for a long ride and then we are going to get into a car, drive a ways, and then you will see where we live. Your Uncle Maury will be visiting us a whole lot because he really loves you and he is missing your Momma and Papa too. You can sit with him and talk about them. He can tell you stories about when he and your Papa where little like you.”

“Will I see my Grammy too?”

“I think you will. We will ask her to come visit you in your new home.” I knew Bonny’s mother from when I was married to Bonny. I hadn’t seen her since Bonny left me. I assumed she still lived in Vermont near St Johnsbury, but didn’t really know for sure.

Linda spoke, “Jimmy would you sit with Stan while I help Mrs. Wagner get dinner? I think Uncle Maury will be hungry and we need to get some dinner for him.” The thumb popped out of Jimmy’s mouth and I had his full attention.

“Okay, if you don’t leave like my Mommy did.”

“I won’t leave, I promise.”

I sat where Linda was. Jimmy’s hand came searching for me to hold it. It was just looking for a little comfort because the world as he knew it had been turned upside down. I told him about a wonderful lady, named Aunt Mildred who I was sure he would meet someday. “I did little chores for her for years. I started out mowing her grass with a lawn mower and if she needed something out in the barn or up in the attic I would go up and fetch it for her. Sometimes I was scared because it was spooky.”

“I wouldn’t do that, I’d be too afraid.”

“I’ll bet you would have. When someone is nice to you, you do things anyway just because.” I spoke about how my father and mother had a pony for me because I lived on a farm and could have a place to keep it.

“I’d like a pony.

“Jimmy, I’m sorry, but I don’t live where we could have a pony.”

“I could keep it in my room.”

“I don’t think that would work.”

“But I want a pony.”


“I hate you.”

“That hurts me, but you can’t have a pony. Go tell Linda and Mrs. Wagner about how mean I am. See what they say.”

Jimmy went running into the kitchen. He soon came back. “Linda said I couldn’t have a pony. She said you might let me have a kitty. She said you have a cat named Porky. Maybe I can have a kitty too. She said she would help me take care of it if you said okay. Can I have a kitty?”

“Yes and if I’m working, you and Linda can go find one a few days after we get home.”

“This many days?” Jimmy held up two fingers.

I held up three fingers. “That’s after we get to your new home. We have to get you settled in your new home first.”


Maurice Cumberland drove in and slowly entered the house. He didn’t speak at first. Then he couldn’t for Jimmy came screaming into his arms. “Uncle Maury, I’ve missed you so much. Mommy and Papa went away and aren’t coming home.”

Tears sprang from Maury’s eyes and he grasped Jimmy to him hugging him tight. “I know Jimmy, I know. Jimmy you’ll understand why someday, but for now you just have to remember them and not forget them.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

Mrs. Wagner hadn’t been home since right after the Thanksgiving dinner. Linda and I finished up in the kitchen so she could go home to her husband. Maurice entertained Jimmy while we did this. Then we went in and sat on the couch. Jimmy got down from his uncle’s lap and came over and sat close enough to Linda so she could put her arm around him.

I was watching Maurice Cumberland when this happened. A look of relief passed over his face. Maurice had the responsibility of settling his brother’s affairs. Foremost was Jimmy, whom he loved almost as his own. I knew if Charlie’s death had happened when I was in my alcoholic daze, he would have fought letting Jimmy come to me. The hard assets didn’t matter to him, but he wanted to get it right where Jimmy was concerned.

Maury also might have fought me having the care of Jimmy if Linda wasn’t a part of my life, biological father or no. I mean he was not in a position to take Jimmy, having never married. If I wasn’t married, then he would have hesitated, but I was. I’m sure Bonny and Charles had never imagined that they would die so young and had made no provision for Jimmy in that event.

Jimmy had a trying day and he was beginning to nod occasionally. Maurice spoke, “Would you like to go to bed now, Jimmy?”

“Uncle Maury, would you tuck me in?”

“Of course. Do you want Linda to tuck you in too?”

“Yes. Linda, will you lay down with me like Mommy did when I didn’t feel well?”

“Jimmy, I would love to. Stan and I’ll be sleeping down the hall from you. If you need anything in the night, you’ll come in and wake me up won’t you?” Jimmy just nodded, happy at the thought.

We all trooped up stairs and Maury and Linda went in with Jimmy. He got a kiss and hug from Maury before getting undressed. I waved to him from the doorway. Maurice and I went down stairs to discuss what the plans were for the next few days. Maury and I returned to the living room

He went directly across to a wet bar that was located in one corner. “Brandy, or something different?”

“Go ahead pour yourself one. None for me. I had a problem with booze when Bonny left me, so I don’t drink at all now. This was because of a promise I made to my father and has nothing to do with Bonny or your family.”

“A man should honor his promises and especially to ones father. How long has it been?”

“Over four years.”

“Stan, whether you realize it or not, the worst hurdle for me to get over when I learned of my brother’s death was what to do about Jimmy. I’m now satisfied that I made the correct decision in contacting you. Linda seems to have bonded with the boy and both of you will come to love him. So that’s behind me.

“Now for the present. How well do you know Jimmy’s grandmother, Loretta?”

“I knew her quite well at one time. I haven’t spoken to her since Bonny left me and she hasn’t tried to contact me that I am aware of. Why?”

“I’ve sent the plane after her and she’ll be here at lunchtime tomorrow. She wants to be at Bonny’s funeral of course and she wants very much to see her grandson.”

“Yes, Jimmy spoke about her.”

“Loretta spent the summers here with Bonny and Charlie so Jimmy knows her very well and loves her.”

“That’s great. When we get back to Vermont, I’ll ask her to visit Jimmy anytime. When he gets older she can have Jimmy stay with her for a while in the summer.”

“I’m sure she would like that. Now I would like to discuss some other matters. As you probably realize with my being an attorney, I dot I’s and cross T’s. I, being older than my brother, made sure that both Bonny and Charlie had wills. They have come into play in a somewhat unusual way.”

“Unusual in what way?”

“I’ll explain. Bonny, of course named Charlie as her heir and if Jimmy was younger than his majority, then a certain percentage was to go into a trust for him until he reached said age. In Charlie’s will, I and Bonny were named as heirs along with a certain percentage for Jimmy much the same way as in Bonny’s will. I am named as manager in both those trusts and I’m to settle the rest of the estate. That’s pretty cut and dried and I will see that the assets are distributed and the trusts set up to comply.”

“That’s wonderful. That will give him a great start in life.”

“Yes it will, but for you it might be a problem. It will be up to you and Linda as his parents to see that he is mature enough to handle what will turn out to make him a rich young man. Do you think that you can do this?”

I gave this some thought and was silent while I ruminated. “I certainly will try my best. Would you be available for advice? I know I could call on my Aunt Mildred and Mrs. Dinsmore. Both are Jimmy’s grandmothers.”

“Pardon me Stan, Bonny never mentioned any Mildred.”

I laughed. “I’m not surprised. Actually Mildred Eaton is my cousin, but the strange thing is that Linda is my cousin too, and she is a granddaughter of Aunt Mildred. So round and around Jimmy is picking up some great family members when he joins us.”

“Do you have any other close family left?”

“I have a married sister, Betty living out in California and my mother, Susan lives out there close to her. How all this talk of cousins comes in, is that Mildred’s grandmother and my great-grandmother were sisters. My cousin Wendy is daughter to Mildred, and Linda is Wendy’s daughter.”

“This Wendy, then is a grandmother to Jimmy as well?”

“Yes, but she isn’t close to either her mother or Linda. I doubt she will be a presence.”

“Understood. You’re probably wondering how large Jimmy’s trust funds will be. I can’t give you the amount. You see, Jimmy’s trust fund that comes from Charlie is easy to figure, but it gets complicated in settling Bonny’s. That’s because she outlived Charlie by a few hours and she inherits everything of Charlie’s after the other of Charlie’s heirs are distributed. That’s the procedure in the willing of percentages. Charlie’s will has to be probated and then what Bonny received from him is included, the percentage is increased exponentially.”

“I’m glad I don’t have to figure it out. I can see where it could change daily.”

“It won’t be too bad. The laws are clear and I have a lot of leeway as to the distribution. As administrator, I’m going to name you his guardian. You are going to have the total care of Jimmy who inherits from his mother. This is separate from the trust funds that will be set aside before the final distribution.”

“I don’t see how I should come into any money and I am certainly not asking to share. I think Linda and I can give Jimmy a good life and he won’t be denied anything that he should have either.”

“Forget the money for a moment. Jimmy, as an infant, needs care for several years. It is in my power as administrator to find someone to fill the position of guardian. As biological father you are the most likely person and the court will agree. There are some things of a more personal nature that aren’t found in either will that will tell me this is the right way to proceed.”

“I’m confused. Please explain.”

“I have to tell you about some things that Bonny and I have discussed over the years. The one thing that made her unhappy on occasion was the way she left the marriage she had with you. She bore a lot of guilt over her actions. She never regretted marrying Charlie, but she did think about you at times. Often she would ask about your whereabouts or how you were doing.

“When she deduced that it was you who sired Jimmy, it was almost more than she could bear. Also she felt guilt thinking that she came to Charlie under false pretenses. So you see it was a terrible time for you, but for her as well. I know Bonny would approve if I distributed some of the wealth she inherited from Charlie to you. This is as long as the main portion eventually goes to Jimmy when he comes of age.”

“This isn’t necessary. How would Charlie look at this? You should consider his probable wishes in the matter like he was still alive.”

“Charlie loved Jimmy as much as if it were he who sired him. As long as Jimmy will receive all the money that his will denotes at the time of his death, I feel that Charlie would agree with my naming you guardian and with the way I manage the distribution. What I’m saying is that Jimmy receives all the assets from his parents at the time of their death according to the will as written.

“What I’m doing is making note of that amount named in the trusts and the remainder to be used for his care through naming a guardian. The two trust funds can’t be distributed to anyone other than Jimmy.

I thought this through while Maury waited for me to say something. “Maury, I don’t have much for investments, but I have studied investing in depth. Frankly having a great amount of money under my control scares the hell out of me. I’ll need a lot of expert advice. I never contemplated receiving money from Bonny, and especially now, because on her death. Some of this goes back to some talks and advice my father gave me before he died.”

“Your father must have been a remarkable man. As far as advice in investing, I’ll find some firm in your locality that can help you. That shouldn’t be a problem,”

“Father was and I’m becoming more aware of just how smart a man he was.”

“Different subject than the will’s liquid assets. The property here comes to me and I do get a percentage of Charlie’s estate. Most of the furniture here will stay because there again it originally belonged to my parents. I’m going to have all of Bonny’s personal property sent up to you and Linda. This will include all of Jimmy’s toys and such. You might want to engage a storage container while you sort it out.”

“I’ll be glad to get off this subject and I do thank you for explaining so fully how Jimmy is to be cared for.”

“Listen, I have two years to settle this estate, but I’ll start as soon as the funerals are over working on settling the wills. I’ll give you a check when we get off the plane in Keene. You’ll be losing Linda’s income while you are getting Jimmy acclimated to living in Vermont. It should last you three months. If you need more, I’ll get you more. This is all in anticipation of what is coming to you.”

Same as Vermont Roots
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Again, this is true and not a fantasy:We use to have a neighbor by the name of Don and his wife Mabel. One day I was sitting in my downstairs rec room and there was a large glass sliding door on the left. I was sitting on the couch watchng tv in my underwear when I looked out the glass door and saw the bushes between Don's house and us moving. Then I looked at the bottom of the fence and I noticed a pair of work boots. My neigbor Don was looking at me!! However, I couldn't see his body, just...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 115 Luigi Vampas Bill of Fare

We awake from every sleep except the one dreaded by Danglars. He awoke. To a Parisian accustomed to silken curtains, walls hung with velvet drapery, and the soft perfume of burning wood, the white smoke of which diffuses itself in graceful curves around the room, the appearance of the whitewashed cell which greeted his eyes on awakening seemed like the continuation of some disagreeable dream. But in such a situation a single moment suffices to change the strongest doubt into certainty. "Yes,...

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South of the Border

Dutch heard it said that the Rio Grande went on almost forever but he had ridden it from one end to the other and knew that was a load of crap. In some places it ran pretty swift and deep but in most places it was shallow enough to ford without any danger. Most of the brown skinned folks below the Texas line didn't consider it anything other than another river in the way of their travels even if the Texas folks were of a different opinion. He had thrown in with a scraggly wild bunch from...

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Buddies By Teri Franken Chapter 1 Jackie and I were (and still are) best friends', starting back in kindergarten our friendship flourished and has continued up to present as juniors in high school. We live in a small town outside of Madison Wisconsin and we are pretty typical teenagers. Neither one of us was very successful with girls, we are not your typical jocks or even nerds. We dwell as "in betweeners", not hanging with either of the crowds, mainly keeping to ourselves. We...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 30

"I really didn't come up here to act like Dear Abby or Dr. Ruth," I said in a slightly disgruntled tone, naming two of the popular advice mavens of the day. We were back in the room and I was having renewed thoughts of the reason why I was actually here. "No," Susan agreed, "but why not? It didn't do you any harm, did it? Just a stop along the way, nothing to take away from why you came. And didn't it make you feel really good to help somebody like that?" "You mean Celeste?" I...

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Sissys First Anal

Having come to terms with the fact I was a sissy gurl, life was about to get a little more interesting. Peter; the boy who lived in the house across the way had given me my first taste of cock and I was already addicted. Things were a bit awkward between us at first seeing as how he didn't consider himself gay but he started to warm up to what had happened. Another weekend arrived and my parents were away and Peter suggested coming over for a sleepover. I was ecstatic. I nearly creamed my...

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The Rise of Commander Cassidy ENDING

Felix was focused on the computer screen that sat before him when his vibrating phone broke his concentration. Thinking that Lucy was reporting in on the rest of her assignment at the bank he merely glanced at the caller ID before the number caused him to freeze. 'Jackson?' he thought to himself, confused. ' What could he want with me?' Not wanting to missed the call he cleared his throat and answered. "Jax Man, what's going on?" "Hey Cass," Jackson replied, sounding as if he just...

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Adrian HunterChapter 8

Sandy slept for an hour while I busied myself in the kitchen. When I looked in and saw her awake, I took her in a peanut butter sandwich. "You want to talk?" She nodded, yes. "Okay, I have a question for you. Andrea and I have often wondered why we never knew anything about your life before you married Dad. Would you tell me?" "I have never talked about my early life. Aden doesn't know much about me either. You think that you had a hard life growing up. I know all of your past, but it...

4 years ago
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On the Counter

Once I set you up on the counter, I press myself between your legs and push my thumbs deep into your hips and pull you close to me. I kiss you super softly and then pick you up off the counter and take you to my bed. I drop you on your back on the fluffy covers and pillows and you giggle and pull me down with you. In 1 motion I slide your panties down and off of your ankles. I waste no time going down on you and getting right to business. I wanted you bad and I could not stand to wait. You...

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Sex Slave 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers, I often visit ISS site whenever I got time and read the stories but never get the time to share my sexual experience. Whenever I visit ISS, I got her call. Well first I would like to intro myself, Me Sharjeel, 28, living in heaven city Karachi, not fatty nor v. slim just smart, air color, looking very clever, dick 8 inch. Now come on the theme of story, when I was in grade 10 and living in boarding school, I wasn’t any interest of girl friends or sex, because I wasn’t aware of...

2 years ago
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An Old Friend Visits

Dave always hated the fact that he had never been my first kiss (even though I’d lost my virginity to him). It had been a particularly sore point when we’d first started dating three years ago, but even though he’d asked me many times, I had never told him for fear of what he would think. Would he stop respecting me if he knew how wanton I had been? Then one day I finally decided to talk to him about it. We’d been making out on the sofa – deep, intense French kissing that made me shake with...

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Maa Ke Saath

mom ke sath By: ISS I saw this new site and read the stories here. Some of them are good whereas some seem more of fiction. Here’s a real true story if you people are interested. I come from an upper-middle class family. We lived I a small comfortable flat of 4BHK in pitam pura delhi. There were no attached bathrooms, only one bathroom near the kitchen which the four of us shared.let me tell u about my family members, my dad rakesh age 38 he is a government officer mom asha age 35,sexy slim...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with them. Just like her mother had shared with her. But she had no idea just what the...

4 years ago
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Sandhya Ki Dusri Aur Shelly Ki Pehli Chudai

Dear friends, gar yaad ho to main woh hi chodu hu jisne likhi thi. Aaj main batane ja raha hu kis prakar maine Shelly ki chut ki saltanat mein apna jhanda fairaya. Ye mat bhuliega ki Sandhya meri personal randi thi jo chudne se mujhe inkaar nahi kar sakti thi. Uski zindagi ka sabse bada dukh pichle mahine tak sirf main hi tha. Aapki jaankari ke liye, Sandhya ki umar 40 kareeb, sundar, chuddakad aunty hai. Shelly unki virgin beti hai. Woh bhi sundar hai aur uske average boobs hai. Wheatish...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Catches Me Crossdressing

At this point I have been crossdressing for many years. I started out with my mother’s panties and bras. I would wait till she had gone to work and then go to her room and pick out one of my favorite matching bra and panties. I would lay on her bed and stroke my cock though the soft silky material, dreaming of her walking in and catching me and telling me what a little faggot I am. It never took me long to cum. This fantasy never came to be, but wanting to get caught stayed with me.A few years...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Coming True With My Bhabi

Hi friends! I am a regular visitor of ISS and I love reading Incest Stories. So I thought I will share my real story here mixed with few fantasies. This story is about my sex goddess, my Bhabi(my elder brother’s wife). She has got an amazing figure of 34 28 36. And I am a young 25 year guy with a gymnastic body and a pretty 6 inch dick.So let’s go to the story. It all started when I was in my 2nd year of My brother marriage got fixed to her long time girl friend ruby. She is a very...

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Carmen Showing More Wanting It Too

I'd always known Carmen was a sexy woman. She didn't often give you that indication overtly and outwardly, but you can tell a lot about the way a woman sits, moves and how she dresses as to how hot and sexy she is. I'd often noticed her bending over and giving me a shot down her tops, and what I'd seen there was enough to give me a hardon every time. In recent days, she given me more than one peek down inside her blouse and I could see that she wore some very nice, breast-emphasazing bras....

1 year ago
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A yellow mask in Mardi Gras

My Boss called me that morning, saying he needed to send me to a New Orleans. It would be a quick business trip, just a couple days.I realized if I spent an extra day, I could be there over Mardi Gras. I called my beloved hubby and asked him If he was free to join me.Victor laughed on the phone; of course he would go with me. He said I would be a very potential danger alone there in plain Mardi Gras, in the middle of a wild bunch of well hung black men…After my two days’ business there, I could...

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Summer SailingChapter 12

DAY 11 “Hello sleepy heads. How’s the Greek God? We have a race to win. The honour of Aristotle Travel is at stake.” Oh dear, the ‘Greek God’ term had stuck. I was going to have to live with it, I could tell. But what was this about a race? All the skippers were to meet at 11am, I had ten minutes to wash, dress, drink a coffee, and row over to Shag. “Hi Chris, okay, all here? This is an optional event, and we all have to do it.” Craig smiled. “No, not really. It’s just for fun. You’ll...

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Tiffanys New Favorite Best Friend

My name is Tiffany. I'm nearing fiffty, and recently a granma thanks to my eldest one who just had his first born. Despite all this, I still look amazing from head to toe and I actually feel more like thirty.My youngest one moved out just a few years back and I've been living by myself ever since. I divorced their dadd when my youngest was still in diapers, come to think of it so was my eldest, but it was only at night due to his compulsive bedwetting issue which took the poor boy over a decade...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Carl

Carl is a 52 year old black male. He is 5'8 and 155 lbs. He is physically fit runs every day and goes to the gym for at least hour and a half a day. He is also a widow. He married his grade school sweetheart Dawn, and she passed away from cancer. They never had any c***dren, but each had brothers and sisters and viewed their nephews and nieces as their own, there are 8 of them they even set up trust funds for them and college funds as well. They both had excellent paying jobs Dawn was a...

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Supersex with co worker

One Friday after work, we were all from the office and had a single beer. As people disappeared, only Suzanne and me back.My name is Torben and late thirties and Susan are a couple of years younger. We are both married and have c***dren, but there has always been a little electricity between us.It has never translated into anything, but as we got a few beers, I could see that Suzanne became more and more unrestrained.At one point she comes little dancing over to me and lose completely random...

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A good teacher 6

First let me revise the story up to now. My Mum is already fucking my friend Jamie and me. I suggested that we would like to have another young guys cock for her to play and fuck with. We want her to be spunked in every hole and even have two cocks in her lovely, shaved cunt. Mum was hesitant about that, as she didn't want too many people involved, as someone might brag about it and the story would go around our small town. Jamie and I thought of a guy we know and we told Mum that he is a bit...

4 years ago
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You are John Doe, a man who has so far had an average life. You found as life went on that you had an amazing skill for quickly making gorgeous jewellery and trinkets by hand, however, apparently there's a limited market for such things, so you're stuck with an average life. You're by no means unhappy though. You make a decent amount from it, and you enjoy it, so you're relatively happy. You sell your creations at a little store in a nearby mall which you snagged, and you live in a fairly...

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My first true gay experience ch1

I have always been shy round girls which ment that I have never had a girl friend. I had just turned 17 when I decided to try having some fun with a guy instead and I went on a couple of sites looking through profiles trying to see what might be fun and I saw a profile that made my eyes light up.It said:Male, 6ft tall, 8 1/2 inch un-cut cock looking to dominate a slut.Strait away my cock twitched into life and became very hard and I sat at the computer staring for a while looking at his pics...

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In the Jungle Ch 01

I’m declaring a contest of my own… of sorts. If you go to my author’s page, I have submitted the first chapter of 3 stories on the same day (10/30/15). I will write and post the next chapter of the highest rated story every week or two (or maybe three) until all the stories are done. These should all be pretty short stories, around 3-4 chapters. If there is one or more stories that aren’t well received (less than 4.25 rating), I will post a summary and ending to them, so that those readers...

1 year ago
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An English Fucking Lesson

Hi evry1 i m Ankit. This is my first story m sharing on this site. I m a regular reader of this site. Pls gve me feedback on my e-mail id provided below. I am a regular guy with avg. body, 5 ft 11 in, wheatish complexion. Any desperate girl can contact me on my email for sex chat, phone chat or 4 some real fun too. First let me describe my teacher. She was our English teacher with fair complexion, ht. 5 ft 4 in, small tiny tits and firm ass. She has gud curvy body, nd cn mk any1 fall 4 her....

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CopycatCh. 1Abby didn’t even realize how late it was until her roommate returned and flicked on the lights. She winced at the sudden glare in the room. ?That’ll hurt your eyes,? Tina said.?The light hurts my eyes,? Abby complained, rubbing them. ?How was practice???Fine. The ankle’s feeling better now,? Tina said. She looked over Abby’s shoulder to the computer screen and frowned. ?Ugh, how can you do this day after day without a break? Did you even have supper???Like the dining hall is more...

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Story Reader Twinkle Ka Pyar

Hello dosto meh aapka bunny fir se hajir hun ek nayi aur sachi kahani lekar joh abhi kuch din phele ki hai maine apni pheli story meh bataya tha ki kaise tanu bhabhi ne mujhe gigolo bana diya yeh story paadhne k baad mujhe kaafi mails aaye unsab ke liye meh aapko dil se thanx bolna chata hun aur unsabhi ladko se kehna chata hun ki meh koi male escort agency nhi chalata hun joh meh aapko apne sath rakh luh aur na hii meh apne clients ki details share karta hun so plzz insab chiz ke liye mujhe...

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First date bets with Chrissy

The best way to describe Chrissy physically was "cute face with a hot body". She had as pretty a smile as I'd ever seen, and bright blue eyes. Her hair was straight, brown and about armpit length. From her photos, she still looked fit with a nice flat stomach, and perky round boobs. A 32C if you forced me to guess. Moreover, whether she wore jeans or a bikini, she couldn't hide her big curvy ass (probably a 36) that stood just above her long shapely legs. I had already jerked off multiple...

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We kept asking our female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Helene over the phone asked me if Seb and I would like to be the ‘featured men’ (her words) for their next meeting. “We have never had two men at the same time to entertain us,” she explained. “You two men have earned a reputation with my friends. Some of them have nicknamed you eight and nine, for reasons I need to confirm. She explained...

2 years ago
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Summer with my Stepsister Part 2

Val wasn’t in the bed when I woke up. I walked downstairs and found her eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. I thought things may have been awkward, but she greeted mewith a, “Good morning,” like nothing had happened. This was fine with me as I sure as hell didn’t want to discuss what’d happened between us.Our parents entered the kitchen wearing beach clothes and holding a gym bag.“We’re going to the lake today,” Mom said. “You kids care to join?”“I’m okay,” I said, knowing there was another...

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First time Bi

I was 20 years old and I had this friend who is a bisexual. I have always been very curious about what it would be like to get it on with him. I am not gay, but I sure was in the mood to try something new for a change. I thought I would let my inhibitions go for the night and try to let him know I wanted him. It was around 11pm and his parents had gone to bed when he asked if I wanted to watch a gay video with him and I said yes. He popped it in and then he said to me that he wanted to perform...

1 year ago
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Rhapsody is a woman. Being half-Lirin, an elf-life race, she is shorter and slimmer than the average girl. Rhapsody is unique, however, having traveled through the fires at the center of the earth, absorbing some of the fire's power and having her body recreated on the other side. This experience left stunningly beautiful, flawless, with golden hair that almost glows of its own accord. Even before her trip through the earth, she was endowed with a voice musical and pure. After emerging from...

3 years ago
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Curiosity 4

“We can’t thank you enough for doing this,” said Mrs. Gibson. “I am just glad I can help, at least I will give it my best shot,” I said and drank the tea in front of me. Mr. Gibson sighed. “We don’t know what has gotten into her. She used to be so good in school, the best grades and never missed a day in class. These last couple of months have been a disaster. Since Christmas, her grades have dropped below the school average and she has missed several days. She leaves early in the morning and...

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The AccidentChapter 3

The book of Fiore Dei Liberi: 14th century Master of Defense: Elizabeth said it was in the library, and I knew the library; I knew it wasn’t in the stacks; I’d read them ... all of them. I was a prodigious reader and read our library by the 8th grade. I asked Jane ... the librarian ... if I could go through the basement storage. The basement was where all the copies of the Clinton County Republican News ... the local newspaper ... and every book that had been pulled for damage or no interest...

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The Sidereus Prophecy Epilogue

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read the story. The encouragement I received through comments here and e-mails I received, along with the enjoyment I had in writing the whole thing, has convinced me to write again. It won't be as long, but it will be TG- themed. Please let me know about what you think about the saga as a whole either here, or by e-mail: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Phone part 6

Kelly couldn't stop talking all the way home. She must have been excited. In fact she didn't even text anyone. “So whats been happening lately Kelly” I inquired? “What do you mean?” she quipped, while taking her phone out of her purse. I also felt the message come in, but I was now smart enough to shut my phone off when I was around other people. So she didn't hear it. But I felt it. “About what we were talking about the other day after our swim, and what happened in the pool,...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 69 A New Glimpse at the Past

Joseph wasn’t surprised to see Julia, Liala, Octavia, Lucretia, Bianca, Elizabeth and Catherine on the training grounds when he walked down. A week had passed since word of King Augustus’ murder had reached Azkoval but no confirmation had been received. Still, his friends had seemed convinced the news had been correct and had begun planning the incursion into Marindar. A couple things did give the king pause, however. First had been the number of men from the ranks that had volunteered to...

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Strange Introduction

So there I was laying on a bed in the E.R. I was there because I was in very extreme pain on and off. My lower back on my right side and my groin were intermittently causing me severe pain. I was in my early 20's and not very aware of many things yet. I always was more of a geek so you could say socially awkward. My extent of my sexual experiences were mostly confined to porn and the occasional make out session if I was lucky. The doctor and nurse came in to my room and after some general...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat India Summer Hot milf India Summer gets fucked in front of her cuckold husband

India Summer is fed up with her husband, he spends all his time at work with nothing left for her. As she is sitting home alone again a stranger knocks at her door inquiring about using her house for a filming location for good money…but they are adult features. As they go over details India starts to get aroused and figures if her husband won’t give it to her maybe this stranger will. Before you know it they are naked and licking each other all over. But who happens to come home while...

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 13

20Jas0013, The Labors of Jasper Episode 13; 4129 words Jas made it to Lake Champlain by mid morning. It didn't look like much, at this end. Jas snapped a pylon together to pirate Red Witch mana. She sent a text message to Sheena and Professor Helfast. *New camp at Location 5. Will grow mana here when I can.* She cut off the tiny rip that allowed her to make phone calls but continued to port in Red Witch mana. Yellow, and the transfer rate was slow. This would take a...

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Maid in Africa

MAID IN AFRICA My life changed because I'm too helpful. That's the truth. I suppose if you asked my wife Cynthia or my mother-in-law Debra they'd say my life changed because I'm weak - mentally and physically. They'd say my life changed because deep down I truly am nothing but a sissy and was masquerading as something else for too long and that my real place in life is in my maid's uniform, with my apron and cap and heels and tampons and panties and bras serving as reminders of my lot...

3 years ago
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My photogenic wife

I’ve always been a keen photographer and I dearly wanted to take pictures of my wife in the nude as she has a really fantastic figure, but alas she’s always refused. An old friend of mine came to stay with us for a fortnight and Ratna seemed to take quite a shine to him. Two days before he was due to leave us he brought home a present for Ratna. It was a very see-through nightie in black silk. She was thrilled with her present and jokingly I suggested that she put it on and model it for us,...

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An Unforgettable Night in JunePart 2

This is another true story. It occurred shortly after Part 1. The names have been changed. After the episode with Sabrina, June and I were extremely excited. We could not keep the idea of another threesome out of our heads. We would make love to one another like it was the last time every time after the threesome. Some months later, June decided she wanted to do it again, and who was I to stop her? As I got my gear put away at work, preparing for the long weekend ahead, June sent me a text...

Group Sex
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My Canadian Adventurre

One day while surfing through the profiles on a swinger’s web site that I go to, I saw a new profile with a picture that looked very familiar. The name on the profile was Hot Jade. She was an 18 year old bi Asian female looking for men or women from 18 to 50 years old. Her photo was a shot of her totally nude, kneeling on a bed and she was HOT++. That’s all I can say about her body is that she looked hot++. She had a sweet young face and a smile that just made me melt every time I looked at...

4 years ago
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Caring Mom

Hi ,im ranbir from mumbai,i m 25 years old and this is my story hope u will like it The incident took place day after idependence day ,i was 18 then, i was smallest in my family i have a father who is in military ,a older sister who is married now,and my stepmother whom my father married after my mom died due to car accident, ,my stepmother’s name is suman,my father’s rajeev,and and my older sister’s ritu At time of this incident my stepmother’s age was 25,and she plays most important role in...

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Bedding the Babysitter Ch 06

Introduction: Sweet cheerleader Jenny goes on her first lesbian date. BEDDING THE BABYSITTER CHAPTER 6 Summary: Cheerleader Jenny goes on her first lesbian date. A summary of the first five parts (although if you have not read them, I highly suggest you do…especially part 3 for this one) Part 1: 18 year old Jenny is a shy, curious babysitter who is pulled into the lesbian lifestyle by her pretty, seductive neighbor and employer, Megan. Part 2: Jenny is taken out for a makeover where she meets...

2 years ago
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My cousin Amali

Hi, guys it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your overwhelming comments have encouraged me to come out with all my secrets. Thank you all for the good ratings that you people gave me for my earlier postings. That is an inspiration for me to come up with another incident. This story is about my Cousin. She is married and 30 have two kids. Even though she’s 30 she looks much younger, slim not so dark, average boobs, and a little bit shaggy ass, special feature is her feet, very...

1 year ago
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One Night she will never forget

She was 5’3 with brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice body for a young woman with size 48 double d’s. He was about 5’10 with brown hair and eyes. He was very athletic throughout his years. They were married for about two years now and it was New Years Eve. They had tickets to a party at the firehouse and they showered and dressed. They took their daughter to his mom’s house for his mom to baby-sit. As they drove they were happy about doing something together, because he...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 37 The Coffee Bar Part One Meeting Sean And Cindy

We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...

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Annie and Me Our Early DaysChapter 7

The first two boats were being delivered to Shardlow the following day, so I was up bright and early and on site as the trucks pulled in, I flagged the first one down and told him where to go, but he seemed reluctant to be ordered about by a boy, "I'll wait for the gaffer I reckon" he said moodily, so I went up to the second driver and repeated what I'd said to the first, "Why isn't he going first?" he asked, "Oh I think he wants a rest" "OK mate" he said and swung round the...

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EXPO Summer Part 5 The Unkindest Cut

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. After writing this, God, I hope so. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is unaltered, and...

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