Vermont RootsChapter 2 free porn video

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Linda had been with me five weeks when she learned that her father was being released on the following Monday. Linda wanted to be there when he stepped out of prison a free man. Linda managed to get a couple of days off and because I had some vacation coming, I was able to travel with her. We arrived in New Jersey just before noon on Sunday.

We drove into a decent section of the city. “Mom lives in the section on the right. There is parking in the rear.” There was a little lawn in the front and some around the parking area. There was fencing that enclosed the whole lot. The house looked like it had four apartments.

“Did you live here?”

“I was born here and lived here until I moved out when I was seventeen and went on my own. I hope Mom is home. I didn’t tell her exactly when we were arriving.”

“She’ll be home. In fact unless I miss my guess that would be her that just came out the door. You look much like her.”

“It is. She’s beautiful isn’t she?”

“Yes, and you’re a perfect copy of her.” Linda had time before Wendy reached the car to turn and look at me.

“Stan, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” The car stopped and Linda jumped out to meet her mother. I watched the two hug. They stood where I could compare mother and daughter. I knew Wendy’s age was around forty and Linda was twenty-two. They looked more like sisters. They both had wavy brown hair. Linda’s had a little more sheen to it and she was a couple of inches taller. Wendy was a little fuller and heavier, but she still was a fine figure of a woman.

I eased out and started toward them as they came to meet me. Wendy stopped and looked at me. “So, Stanley, you’re my cousin I take it? I’ve heard some wonderful things about you. My mother sings so many praises of you if I didn’t know better I’d think you were her lover.”

“I would be if Aunt Mildred would have me. I practically was brought up by her. My folks didn’t live far from her so when I was big enough to ride my bike, I mowed her lawn and did odd jobs for her. I did that until I went away to college.”

“That’s odd she never mentioned you.”

“Maybe because you ran away just before I began helping her. In essence I did for her what you would have done if you hadn’t left.”

“I did run away, didn’t I? I wasn’t happy at home and mother wasn’t very forgiving when I contacted her some time later. When Linda called a few weeks ago, it was the first time I had kind words from mother since I moved here.”

“Not my business, but Aunt Mildred is happier now than she was before you talked. I hope you are too.”

“I am. I’m glad that Linda got in touch with her and asked her to speak with me.”

“Mother, it wasn’t me that made the decision to call and it wasn’t Gram either. It was this cousin that practically ordered us to.”

“Stanley, whatever possessed you to make them call me?”

“First of all, I didn’t order them and it was just a suggestion. I kept hearing about some beautiful cousin that I had never met. I figured if you all forgot your differences and got friendly then I might get to meet this person. I must say, you are as beautiful as I was led to believe and I’m not disappointed at all.”

My beautiful cousin, Wendy stared at me. I knew she didn’t have me figured out and didn’t know how to deal with me. She got out of it by asking, “Why are we standing out here in the parking lot? Come in and be comfortable. I have a lunch prepared. It is one of Linda’s favorites.”

“I hope it is Shepherd’s pie?”

“It is.”

“We went into the kitchen. The apartment was clean and arranged attractively. The furniture looked to be well worn, but, not tattered. Wendy went about setting the table with Linda’s help. “Stanley, I have beer and ale for a beverage. Your choice.”

“I’ll pass, I don’t imbibe. I’ve had a problem in the past with alcohol.”

“So, young man, you aren’t as perfect as I was led to believe?”

“I never said I was perfect. I was married for a time and when it ended, it tore me up pretty badly. I went off track for awhile.”

“That’s too bad. Tell me about getting off track. You know about Linda’s father don’t you?”

“Yes. Sometimes a person has to regroup and begin again.”

“Oh dear, this might cause a problem with the sleeping arrangements I had planned. I had the idea that you and Linda were sleeping together. We only have the two beds.”

“No we aren’t sleeping together, but just for a couple of nights we could. I brought pajamas and I assume Linda did too. I’m sure Linda will trust me not to go animal on her.”

“That may be, but can you trust her not to attack you?”

Linda exploded. “Mom, cut it out. We haven’t even kissed. We’re cousins, remember?”

“Stanley, you must be gay, then. There is enough distance between you two so a little sex wouldn’t matter.”

“No, I’m not gay and I’m not a rabbit either. Linda and I are housemates and if we started fooling around, it would upset the situation. You have a couch, I can sleep on that.”

“Stan, I knew this was going to come up. I just didn’t know how to tell you we might have to be in the same bed. I do trust you and I know we will be just as pure in the morning as when we went to sleep.”

Wendy spoke up. “For tonight then Stanley can sleep with me. My bed is bigger.”

Linda was getting mad. “Mother, I’ve told Stan why I left home and all about you and father. We can find us a motel if you keep needling us. Stanley will be sleeping with me, so change the subject.”

“Okay sweetheart, I’ve forgotten how touchy you are about your father and mother and how we live. I left Vermont to get away from what I call a bunch of hide-bound old Puritans.

I wasn’t getting into this at all. The air was a little frosty between Wendy and Linda. I was beginning to side with Linda that her mother was a difficult person. I was glad I wasn’t living with her. My heart went out to Linda. I wondered what her father would be like. Tomorrow at ten in the morning I would meet him.

After lunch nothing more triggered hard feelings. Mostly Linda talked about her grandmother and how wonderful she was. After supper and the kitchen were straightened up, Wendy announced, “I have to go out this evening. I’ll be back early.” She was looking at Linda and seemed to be daring Linda to say something. Linda just turned away.

Wendy waited, and not receiving any comments, went out the door. Linda immediately burst into tears. We were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Linda got up and came over and sat next to me. Sobbing, she said, “Mom is going out and get screwed. I just know it. Dad is coming home tomorrow and she just has to have once more to throw it in all of our faces. I thought she could at least contain herself until we went back home. I almost wish we could leave right now.”

“We can’t do that. I was looking forward to being in bed with you.”

That got me a wan smile and, “You know just the right thing to say. You do see how difficult Mom can be, don’t you?”

“I can. We’ll meet your father tomorrow and then we’ll head back home. You’ve been happy there haven’t you?”

“I’ve never been happier. You know I’m never coming back to New Jersey again and I’m rethinking about going to live with Gram this fall. Maybe if we promise to visit her a couple times a month she’ll let me out of my promise.”

“We’ll see. There are still a few months before you planned to move, anyway.”

“Stan, I’m pretty close. Would you put your arm around me? I need some closeness.” I could give her that. My right arm went over her shoulders and she put her left arm behind me and then curled her head down on my chest. We stayed this way for a few minutes. “Stan, this is so nice, I could stay like this for ever.”

“Umm, it is nice.” I guess we dropped off because I awoke hearing someone coming in. I had time to nudge Linda and she scooted over to the other end of the couch pretending she was asleep. Wendy looked at me when she came into the living room.

“Geesus Stanley, I left long enough so you could make love to my daughter. I’m wondering about you.”

“Keep wondering. Linda was crying when you left. She assumed you went out to get screwed one more time before her father got home. It took a lot to convince her to wait and see her father tomorrow instead of going home tonight she was that upset. Was she right?

“None of her business.” She was lying, I could tell.

“Oh, well, we’ll be going back to Vermont just as soon as she sees her father. I’m afraid you have lost any chance of coming together with Linda. It is your loss. Linda has been trying to find some love from you most of her life. I feel sad for you.”

“What do you know about my life?”

“Not much and I have to admit I don’t think I want to know more about it either.”

Wendy looked at me ... and surprise ... she was looking hurt. “Wendy, I have to ask, do want to us to find a different place to stay tonight? I realize I haven’t been a very good guest.”

“No, no, please stay. I’ll think about this after you take Linda to bed. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us ... Mike’s especially.”

I poked Linda and she pretended to wake up. “Hi Mom, you’re back. I’m so tired I’ll see you in the morning.” She staggered down the short hall to the bedroom.

I washed up in the bathroom, putting my pajamas on at that time. Linda was waiting for me to finish. I got into bed on the far side and lay looking toward the door. Linda came in. She was still looking sad. “Linda, there is a freshness about you that makes you much more beautiful that she. I don’t want you looking sad either. Come to bed and I’ll hold you like I did on the couch.”

Linda crawled in beside me and held my hand. “You really laid into my mother didn’t you?”

“Yeah, and she deserved it.”

“Stan, now you know my mother and you can see what it was like for me while I was a kid.”

“I’m sorry I pushed for you to become friendly with her. I just didn’t know. What about your father?”

“Dad was always under Mom’s thumb. He never seemed to go against her. You know just before Dad got caught, I heard Mom screaming for him to go get some money and she didn’t care how he got it. Go rob a bank or something, she said. That same night Dad was apprehended and put in jail. Before his trial Mother had another sugar daddy to replace the one she had lost.

“We’re going to meet him tomorrow. You father has been in prison for how long?”

“Three and a half years. He told me not to visit prison when he went away. The only contact I have had with him is though mother and some letters. I’m sorry now I didn’t try to see him. I should have when I went to live with my friend.”

“You can make it up to him after today.”

“I sure have a screwed up family, don’t I?”

“I wouldn’t call Gram screwed up and I don’t see as you are too bad. I think you are a keeper if you don’t change that much. Let’s see what tomorrow and your father will bring.”

Wendy was jumpy and nervous at breakfast. The prison was sixty miles away and we had to be there at ten. Linda told her mother, “After I meet Dad, I’m going to go see Betsy, the friend I lived with. I think I’ll have Stanley drive his car so I can go from the prison there instead of coming back here.”

“Okay, I was going to suggest we take both cars. Are you staying another night?”

“Stan and I have two more days before we have to be home. You can have Dad today and we’ll have him tomorrow to get reacquainted with. Where will we be first seeing him?”

“There is a room provided for those inmates just released. His parole officer will be there and the man who I arranged to employ him will be there as well. This may all take an hour before you can go to your friends.”


We left for the prison at eight, not knowing what the traffic would be like. We were a few minutes early. The parole officer was there. I sat down next to him and asked general questions about his job.

He admitted that being a felon was a bad situation to be in. “Half of them get into trouble and are back here, often for a more serious crime than what they were originally in for. The best way to help them is support from their families. I don’t hold out much hope for this person. His former wife found him a job and a place to live, but that’s it for him.”

“You mean he isn’t married now”

“No he isn’t. His wife started the divorce several months ago and it was final after six months. How are you related to him?”

“The young lady across the room is his daughter. I’m her cousin and she is my house mate. We live in Southern Vermont. His ex-wife, the girl’s mother, is a strange one, although she is my cousin too. I just met her yesterday.”

“Is there any way the girl can help her father?”

“I don’t see how. We both have jobs.”

“That’s too bad for him. Of course he might not have any problems. As long as he keeps his nose clean by staying out of trouble and reports to me on time he’ll be okay.”

“How long will he have to keep reporting to you?”

“A year. You know he has to call me if he wants to leave the state. What he does is tightly controlled, and there are some things I have to shut him down on. But then I have some leeway too. If you talk to him, impress on him to follow all the rules.”

“I will, but I don’t know what I can do.”

“I’ll give you my card if you have any questions. I’m busy so keep trying if I don’t get your first call.”

“I will.”

Just then the person who agreed to hire Mike came in and began a conversation with Sam Potter, the parole officer. I went over and sat down beside Wendy. It was ten minutes of ten. “Wendy, the parole officer tells me that you and Mike are divorced and you have found another place for him to live?”

“That’s true, but again it’s my business and nothing to you.”

“Mom, why haven’t you told me? Dad must be crushed.”

“He is a little upset, but that man over there in the work uniform gave him a job and Mike is boarding with one of his other employees. That fulfills my duty to your father. I decided to get on with my life. I can’t do it married to a felon. It’s done so get over it. I’ve already moved his clothes to his new home. They may not fit him but that’s not my problem.”

Just then Mike came through the door. He was out of prison garb, but what he was wearing was damned cheap. His eyes went first to Wendy. There was pleading in his voice as he spoke, “Wendy?”

“No Mike, it is all over. I said I would find you a job and I have. The owner is here, but first your parole officer needs to speak to you. He gave me a few minutes to let me introduce Linda’s friend. You of course know our Linda. I don’t think she has given you a thought since you went to prison.”

“That’s not true, mother. I came down from Vermont today just to be with him. Daddy, mother hasn’t changed at all. I’ve tried to be a good daughter to her these last few weeks when I was urged to by my friend. I’ve just found out today it is all for nothing. Daddy when you get your business done, can Stanley and I take you out to a nice place to eat when you finish?”

“Of course you can, sweetheart. I’m so glad you are here. Wendy, you might as well leave. I’ve had enough of you. I can get reacquainted with Linda and her friend without you.”

“Good, I doubt we will be seeing each other and that’s what I prefer.”

“Okay, it’s for the best, feeling the way you do about me.” Wendy turned and went out the door. Mike said, “Come Linda, and we’ll get me out of here. Linda said your name was Stanley. You might as well hear the lists of dos and don’ts as well, so you’re included too.”

We were introduced to Pat Huber, the auto mechanic who was going to employ Mike. He hired felons just saying he was one himself once and had someone who took him in hand when he came out of prison. He owned the house where Mike was going to be living and quoted what Mike would be paying for the room. The rent didn’t appear to be too steep even though Mike probably would be working for minimum wage. Mike seemed satisfied.

Sam Potter gave his spiel. “This has to be said, but it is mostly using common sense. I’ve been doing this for several years, so I can usually tell if you are trying to snow me about something. If you do make a mistake, call me first and I’ll see what I can do with your problem.

“Now, as far as reporting in, I’ll need a face to face the first few weeks. After that I may only need a phone call three weeks out of the month. We’ll see how it goes. Remember when a kid if you were in the habit of not minding your mother, you may be in trouble. What I’m saying is that I’m your new mother and you have to mind me. You will have a curfew because of the crime you were engaged in when apprehended.

“I understand this is your daughter who has been living in Vermont. I’m aware that you have been recently divorced from your wife. I gather that your daughter is the only member of your family that is in your support group. Be nice to her because you need her. It isn’t good to be alone since that’s a recipe for getting into trouble.

“Now, I’ve set up an appointment weekly at 11:30 every Monday. Bring a sandwich so that you can get back to work when work resumes at 1:00. Mike, I have faith that you will get through this and be a free man.

“Your record will always be with you, but don’t let it bother you. Many people are more understanding than you would think. Linda and Stanley, I want Mike to ride into town with Pat so if you want to get together, you might follow his car and find out where he will be living. Linda, do keep connected with your father as much as possible. For awhile you have to be the adult and encourage your father to stay on track.”

“I will. Stanley is good at keeping people on the straight and narrow. He will help.”

“Are you two a couple?”

“No, but we are cousins, housemates, and definitely not in any kind of relationship.”

“So then Mike is Stanley’s cousin or maybe Stanley’s nephew?”

“No such luck. He is cousin to my mother as well as to me.”

I spoke up, “Mike was married to my cousin and still would be if he hadn’t got divorced. I’ll still claim him.”

Mike looked pleased. “Thanks Stanley. I don’t know you yet, but I know I’m going to like you.”

Sam Potter led the three vehicles. I guess he wasn’t worried about a traffic cop for he soon left us behind. We could see Pat and Mike talking. Pat drove the speed of the traffic flow, which I was thankful for. We pulled up in front of a large three-story house. Pat and Mike went into the house, not waiting for us. We were just going up the steps when Mike came back out and motioned to us to hurry.

Pat was standing in the doorway of a medium sized room waiting. I estimated it to be 14x18 in size. It had a single bed, a bureau, a love seat, table, and two chairs. There was an area rug on the floor. Mikes clothes and a few personal items were stacked in the corner of the room to be sorted through and put away.

“Bathroom is down the hall with shower and a tub. There is a kitchen you can use if you care to cook your meals yourself. The five other men living here don’t bother, but eating out takes up a big part of their pay check.

“I expect you to get along with everyone. You’ll be working along side of three of the men at the garage anyway. I’ll start you off on maintenance. That is mostly keeping the place clean. Some mechanics are notorious for leaving shop equipment out on the floor. Your duties will include putting them away at the end of the day.

“If you want to make a little extra money, you can go over to the car wash and be the towel man. That opens an hour earlier than the shop. There is the noon hour when it is also difficult to have it manned. That’s yours if you want it. People around here tip well. Mondays you won’t be able to because you have to see Sam at the parole office. If you do work at the car wash, time there doesn’t count toward overtime.

“Other than that, you need to be on time and follow the shop rules. I think this is a good place for you to start to get your life back together. As time goes on I’ll have you doing basic mechanical work. How about a vehicle license, is that up to date?”

“Yes, I’ve kept it renewed.”

“That’s good. If I need a parts run I can use you. Maybe you can use a company vehicle when you see the parole officer rather than use the bus. We’ll see what works out. Now get reacquainted with your daughter. She is a beautiful young woman.”

“Thank you, Mr. Huber.”

“Call me Pat, everyone does.” He turned and went out. It looked like Mike had fallen into a great place to work. If I read things correctly, Mike might come out of this without problems.

Mike turned to us. Linda went and hugged her father. “Daddy, I’ll put your things away. They look like Mom just dumped them here.”

“Probably. Are you surprised that I’m divorced?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry.”

“I’m not and I must say I’m glad she did. I ought to thank the guy who is keeping her. He must want her pretty badly. I was going to do something about her if he hadn’t. Actually, I’m relieved. While I was sitting in court waiting to be sentenced I thought what a damned fool I’ve been.”

“You must hate me for not coming to see you, but you told me not to.”

“No, don’t be sorry. I don’t think I could have stood seeing you and not being able to get close to you. I think somehow after I get done with my parole, I will move to where you are and we can be a family again. Your mother used to scream at me if I showed you affection. I decided that was going to change, but by divorcing me I can show you all the affection I want to.”

“Daddy, I wish you could come to Vermont.”

“I can’t now. I’ve learned to not wish for the now and maybe the future will bring the things a person wants. I’ll be totally out of this mess in a year. I was born a Vermonter and the Lewis name goes back a long way. I think I’ll plan on moving to Vermont as soon as I can. In the meantime, I love you and I feel you love me.”

“I do. Daddy, let me tell you about Stanley and what a great person he is.” Linda shared how we met and how I had tried to get the different parts of the family together and how her mother had acted when we arrived yesterday.

“Linda and Stanley, I’ve given up on Wendy, and to save your selves from heartbreak, you may have to do likewise. I’ll leave it up to you. Now, you promised me a great meal somewhere in a nice restaurant. Let me get the prison stink off me and get into some of my own clothes. They may be a little loose, but that’s okay.

“What would you like?”

“Prime rib, real mashed potatoes, a salad and maybe broccoli or cauliflower. That is what I’m craving. I think dark chocolate cake and butter-brickle ice cream in a separate dish. To start with, I could use an ice cold brew.”

“You get changed while we look over the kitchen and we’ll fix you right up.” We walked down the hall to the kitchen. It was fully equipped, but didn’t look as it was used much. There was a moldy half sandwich in the refrigerator and someone hadn’t cleaned the stove. I suspected that would change.

“Your Dad just came out of prison, but he is a nice looking man. His graying hair and regular facial features make him very handsome.”

“I know. Being tall and thin helps out a lot too. Mom always thought she was the best looking, but with her bad attitude I’m inclined to think Dad is.”

I smiled at my cousin, “Linda, you know, you just someday might end up with a step-mother.”

“Stanley, I might at that. You know you might end up with a new wife as well.”

“When I’m totally over the wife I had, I’ll think about it.” Linda started to say something, but bit it off. Mike came into the kitchen saying he was ready. Yes, he definitely was more handsome than I was. Mike had a favorite restaurant he wanted to eat at. It was quite a distance from his new home.

There was one person on the wait-staff who remembered him and gave us a table in a little nook so we could converse quietly. “Tell me about your life, if you would Stanley?”

Same as Vermont Roots
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As they stood at her front door, she felt her heart rate rise, causing a lump in her throat. “Would you like to come in for a few minutes?” she asked him, a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Are you sure?” he asked, hiding the nervousness he felt as well. “Oh yeah, it’s no problem” she said, “I’ll fix us some coffee, or something”. “Well, just for a little while” he heard himself say while a feminine hand led him through her front door. They entered the apartment and she turned on the lights....

3 years ago
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“I want to join a professional Quidditch team, eventually, hubby ... Maybe six kids!” she said with a giggle. “Harry Junior?” He suggested. “Albus?” she suggested. “Gabrielle, perhaps?” She stopped and looked at him, but swallowed her first response and said, “Ronald James Potter?” “Molly Louise?” he said. “Luna Lily?” she responded. “Lily Luna, sounds better, don’t you think so?” ‘That’s enough of that,” she said. “What else do we need to get, Lover?” That stopped him long enough to...

4 years ago
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My first experience with my Colleague

Hi ISS lovers, My name is Rubesh im 24 yrs this incident took when i was 22,this is my 1st posting, i got courage to post my experiencce by u pple itself, I am regular reader of IS4u.This is my 1st experience with my colleague at my work place. Coming to my experience Sandra(name changed)is a very beautiful woman who works me in different department, she has a perfect figure “32” “24” & “32.” she is a married 1 but i was so intrested in her because of her beauty she is very fair & my god her...

2 years ago
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Sex With Whole Neighbor Family 8211 Part I

Hey guys, myself DAnny I’m 18 yrs old average looking boy from Mumbai.. Reader of iss since 2-3 years but writing for the first time… My id is This is a true incident that happened to me this summer… Further writing in Hindi. Humare ghar ke baju me mere dost Aryan 18 ka ghar hai jaha wo uski didi Anny 21 and uski mom Sangeeta 45 rehte hai… Hum dono kafi purane dost hai so ek dusre ke ghar aana jaana hota rehta hai but mai to didi ko line maarne jaaya karta tha.. Meri didi se bhi acchi baat...

1 year ago
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Grandson Grandfather Keep It In The Family

Brandon came home from school and found me in my home office. His face was slightly flushed and glancing at his crotch, I could see the beginnings of an erection."Did you talk to Myia today?" he asked in the way of greeting."She called me this morning," I replied. "Let me finish what I am doing here, and I will join you in the bar."Brandon left, I finished what I was doing and joined him in the bar about five minutes later. I entered the bar-room. Brandon had a drink in his hand, and a...

2 years ago
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Dil Yeh Bekarar Kyun Hain

Main ek 23 saal ka ladka hoon mera height 6 ft hain very fair ,slim ,no body hair and extremely good looking, log bachpan sae hi mere good looks kein tarif kartein hain, bachpan se hi thora extrovert hoon,lekin apne feelings aur khwahison ko acche se bayan nahi kar patan.Main gay hoon par kabhi kisike saath sex nahi kiya hain,kyunke abhi tak itni himmat hui nahi ke sab ko bata sakoon. Mera pehla crush hain mere chacha ka beta Ronit jo mujhse 1 saal bara hain umar mein, hum dono exactly opposite...

4 years ago
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Parivar Me Bibi Ki Adla Badli And Wild Sex

Mera naam Honey hai.mai U.P ke ek chhote se sehar me rehta hu.Mere parivar me meri bibi Shobha hai, mera bhai Vicky aur uski wife Neha, aur hamari bahan Rinki hai.Hum teeno bhai bahan ek dusre se kabhi ghule mile hain.Rinki ki bhi shadi ho gayi hai aur uske pati ka nam Amit hai. Hum teeno ki shaadi se pehle hum dono bhai apni bahan Rinki ke sath oral sex karte the jaise kiss karna, boobs dabana vagairah.Isme Rinki ko bhi maza aata tha.Dhire dhire hamara oral sex intense sex me badalta gaya aur...

2 years ago
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Tammy Gets Even better

Hi! I'm Tammy, remember me? I'm your sister that you agreed to write erotica with, does that nudge your memory? All right, you didn't see me getting laid, maybe I'm not qualified. Maybe I should claim to be the girl you saw getting fingered in the stairwell, then you'd post my stuff too, right? Let's see if 'Kellie', whoever she is, can write a vibrator story like I did. I dunno. I was trying to broaden our range of discourse. Bring in romance, attempt spoken dialogue, humor even. And...

1 year ago
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All I Need Pt 01

Part One.I dragged the thin brush handle jaggedly across the canvas, leaving behind a rough gash of red on the black background. I then went to work on elaborately highlighting the areas of red that I wanted to appear more strongly and blending the ones I wanted to fade. The song pounding in my headphones helping elicit the image I was working on from my mind's eye. Some of the lyrics stuck in my head on a loop, even though the song kept going."You cry out in your sleepAll my failings...

2 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 52

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter fifty-two After Rick and Dianna left, Matt and Mary carried his camera stuff to the car and stowed it in the trunk. When that was done, Matt took Mary’s hand and started back for the elevator. ‘Matt, where are we going?’ Mary asked, confused, when the elevator began to rise. ‘I…I thought we were going to go home.’ Matt smiled at her and said, ‘I have another surprise for you.’ The elevator stopped on the top floor, the doors opened, and...

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Daddys Little Bitch0

I did just that. We were standing up in the kitchen when I yelled They're not even my fucking dishes! He took one step foward and shoved me into the refrigerator so hard it cracked my back multiple times, and knocked the wind out of me. Unable to inhale, or exhale I crumpled to the floor, gasping for air. He grabbed my long brown hair and dragged me down the hall to his bedroom. He boomed I'll teach you to respect me! As he threw me onto his bed he said You little shit. He closed and...

3 years ago
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Mistaken For Chanda People

Hi this is Suraj going to narrate a real incident. While in College final days I used to roam with my Area friends. They were not studying in college but used to do other stuffs like helping their father in shops. My close friends were Bapi and Dinesh. Dinesh used to roam around full areas and used to collect all sorts of information. He used to collect Chandas also for Pujas. So oneday we were drinking and discussing about females , Dinesh told that he had seen a Hot Aunty at some function. He...

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Three Fantasy Quickies

I first met Amber and Crystal when I took a night class at a local college; my name’s Lynn. I’m a forty-five year old happily married housewife. Amber and Crystal, both in their early twenties, became good friends with me during the six weeks I was taking the class with them. For a while, we got together every Thursday to discuss schoolwork. After a while, our little discussion group began exploring a wider range of topics, until eventually it simply became the Sexual Discussion Group. Amber...

Group Sex
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In My Life

I cut my eye teeth on Western novels. I still enjoy them and just had to try my hand at writing one. If you aren’t fan of that genre, and many are not, this will not be your cup of tea. You just might like it, however. The novel is complete and will be submitted a chapter a day, more or less. There is no sex, but lots of romance and fights! Thanks to those of you that take the time! ****************************************** Realizing that she had been staring, Carmella Casey averted her...

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Mom Becky AndChapter 7

Ever since Maureen and Tammy, Paul had this, back of mind, lust for another mother daughter combination, Tanni had fanned that flame and when his mom and Becks started telling them about the new beauty operator and her teen daughter. “Paul the mom’s not bad, she could make us some decent money, but the daughter, that’s cheerleader stuff.” Becks broke in, “I don’t think they got much money, they’re living right over by the color line, Back then there were no blacks south of 43rd street. But...

3 years ago
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CoWorkers Become More

‘I don’t see the big deal. They are just tits,’ Lucy said as she smiled. ‘Hell, everyone has them. Fat Diane has them. Maria definitely has them. Even you have them! I don’t see what the big deal is. She flipped her straight brown hair over her shoulders with a grin. ‘Yes, I know everyone has them. No one wants to see Fat Diane’s though. In fact, I would like to never think about those again in my life,’ Patrick said back. He shifted in his seat nervously. ‘And Maria? What about hers? I know...

2 years ago
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The New Boy In The Office Part 5

Christine Haversham was a bit mixed up at the moment. Since she had suspected and then had confirmed the relationship between office colleagues Ruth Edrich and Liam Tabram, she had thought of little else. The fact that eighteen-year-old Liam was thirty years younger than Ruth, and indeed twenty years younger than Christine, seemed to be the main reason for her interest. That and the sight of the large bulge in Liam's trousers that she saw when she first actually saw him and Ruth in physical...

4 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

I've worked for many years at a small college in the Midwest, working my way up to a position of prestige in the Office of Giving. It's my job to travel around the country squeezing money from the rich and famous. I'm away from home a lot, so I haven't formed too many attachments. In spite of that, rubbing elbows with captains of industry does have its perks. While my employer may not like my methods, they appreciate the results. I get to host cocktail parties in some very interesting places...

2 years ago
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Loving Little sister and Friend

Loving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that...

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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

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At Last Dream Aunty Said Fuck Me

Hi everyone i m Anandhu i live in Cochin. I m doing my 2nd year engineering. this story is too fresh that it happened before two days. And let me come to the story. My Aunty name sudha(changed) she is so chubby and not so fat still perfect flesh everywhere and huge Ass . She is 36yrs. Her boobs size is 34bb. Let me come to the story. I had a big crush on her from my 10th std. i used to stare at her Ass and cleavage if i get a chance. She lives very near to my house as i go there often. The...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 1 DisplacementChapter 10

Once they came to the city they asked for directions and they headed for the address they were given. They found themselves in front of a very large museum with rod iron gates that were swung wide open. They entered and were shown into a very nice, but a very cluttered office. There were books stacked on every table. But at least the center desk was clear. As the secretary showed them in she smiled big at Dusty and offered him her hand as she showed them all into the office. And once he...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Adriana Chechik BJ 3way

In pink lingerie and matching heels, Asian MILF Kianna Dior and porn superstar Adriana Chechik tease. Adriana nurses on Kianna’s giant knockers through a kinky lesbian intro, and then the babes give director Jonni Darkko a nasty blowjob. Slobber seeps from their pink lips as they suck cock, and they talk dirty through messy fellatio. See drool-slathered ball lapping; lewd deepthroat; and spit-soaked titty fucking. Jonni finishes the ladies off with a creamy cum facial, and they crudely...

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my neighbour and her duaghter

I was watching my neighbour’s daughter Alice for a night whilst she went out for a party. Alice was 14 so I felt she was okay to just go out to the shops whilst I watched some T.V; bored with what was on I thought about giving my girlfriend a ring just as I was about to phone her I dropped my phone and as I bent over to pick it up I noticed a book under the couch with natural intrigue I pulled it out and stared in amazement at the picture on-top of it, it was Anna, (my neighbour) in...

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Sex education for a perv

Everywhere you look nowadays, people are showing their genitals, usually in graphic detail. Not something I like to see I’m afraid (but then I’m not ‘normal’, am I?)Who remembers the 60s? Those were my teenage years – no mobile phones, no Internet, and even in dirty magazines full nudity was not permitted. The mags I bought most of were Spick & Span and Beautiful Britons, which were mostly fully-dressed, raised-skirt and knicker-show, some cleavage and bikinis, rarely topless, and no more....

1 year ago
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Over Developed by loyalsock

Mary Pekin sat in the back row of the high school class room almost unable to look any of the other women in the face. This was so embarrassing! She had lost complete control over her sex drive because of her over developed clitoris! She had been to six doctors and each and every one of them gave her the same diagnosis: Hyper Clitoral Dysfunction. Good grief, she had never even heard of it until her own organ ballooned up until it actually looked like a little penis! There were at least twelve...

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Rose The Great Educator

I couldn’t get enough of Rose, we spent a lot of our alone time in Rose’s car. I lived at home with my parents and Rose rented an apartment from my aunt. I spent a lot of time at my aunt’s house but not alone with Rose. It was frustrating for the both of us. To be in the same house and control emotions and desires to just kiss or touch Rose being denied was living hell. So Rose would pick me up and we would go to a local park and make out, always wanting to do more than the much needed kiss or...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 23 Target Random

As CSS Pendennis Castle crawled away to find succour at the closest outpost, a message arrived from CSS Morocco, captain to captain. "Read it," Captain Wygant ordered, hiding her concern. CSS Morocco was commanded by her brother - she desperately hoped nothing was wrong, as she was in no position to assist. "It reads, 'From Captain, CSS Morocco, to Captain, CSS Pendennis Castle. Just because you have a hole in your bottom, don't think you're a flowerpot.' Message ends." As her...

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Young Cross Dressers Secrets

Young Cross Dressers Secrets *Sandy was busting at the seams to tell someone some very exciting secrets she was keeping. She couldnt tell anyone she knows. She decided to tell them here. __After reading My Bra and Panties are Missing, my own real story kept nagging at me to be told, but I wasnt sure how. I decided to change all the names and write a story all about this secret world I stumbled into. I started getting very horny just thinking about all that had happened&hellip,. __My story...

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The Haunting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's BACK button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website without obtaining the author's permission...

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The Meaning of Christmas

Gloria sat watching the package laden people of Christmas from her office window. She never understood the idea of Christmas, spend until you cannot spend anymore and pretend to be a great person for one day when you’re an asshat for the other three hundred and sixty-four. Grabbing her coat she prepared to leave for the day. ‘Hey Gloria. What are you doing for Christmas?’ ‘Oh hey Jim. Same as usual, sit at home, watch TV and have a normal dinner.’ ‘Well you know, you are always welcome at...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 39

~~One Week Later~~ ~~Jack~~ “Second fire this week,” he said. Amanda knelt down, and ran her fingers through the ashes. “Poor Barry.” The two of them stood on the street corner, and stared at the destroyed apartment building. The edge of South Side, closer to North Side. Not far from the Uratha and the building Garry gave them, and touching Carthian territory too. “First fire didn’t get a Kindred though.” The Mekhet shrugged and dusted her gloves free of ash. “Yeah, but Monica used to...

3 years ago
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Nicoles affair with a teenage lover part 2

Note: This is part 2 of the story. You may want to read part 1 first. The following week Josh returned again. He wanted the opportunity to worship Nicole’s sweet ass again. Nicole felt an immediate rush of electricity run through her body as the thought of Josh tonguing her ass again had her in very high state of arousal. She knew it wasn’t a good idea, but she stripped her clothes off anyway. They both quickly got undress as Nicole with just a thong on braced her lovely body up against the...

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in the shower

We agreed that I go first and you got here in a moment, we go to my place and I hope it do not take to arrive, I open the door and you're there, you smiled and I kiss, I grab her by the waist and back you I'll walk into a room, that's where I start to take off your clothes, you want to help but I ask you not to do, I want to take it off me, you let take you, I start lifting the shirt you're wearing and I'll take it off slowly I'm your trouser button and unbutton, you feel a little embarrassed...

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Hawley BattleChapter 16

“Do we now have a deal, my amazing new friend?” “Daizo, I will not insult your generosity. I gratefully accept your offer - and if you are absolutely positive about your other demands, I will also accept the responsibility of providing conjugal affection to your wife - and a brother’s everlasting affinity, to your beautiful daughter.” “Thank you, Hawley Battle. I have the papers here in my hand. Niko has constructed them exactly as I’ve asked. For twenty-five percent of Hawley’s...

1 year ago
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Romancing the Clown3 Everybody Loves a Clown

I looked at my canes. Lisa and I both had our boxes open in the bank vault as we prepared to step out. We'd been secreting knives around our bodies and I'd strapped on my sword. I was looking more like a warrior and less like an actor with every item I put on my body. I thought about my bow, but decided I could acquire a bow later if I needed one. I didn't need to walk out of the bank with one. What I wanted to take was my cithara. I'd purchased one of the five-string lutes on my second...

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The Ark Part 1Chapter 10 Making New Friends and Enemies

The day started out very nice for me. It was one of those days when you feel full of piss and vinegar and ready to take on the world. I got to sleep in late for a change because one of my early morning meetings had been canceled. When I finally made it out to the kitchen, Julie met me with a fresh cup of coffee and my favorite breakfast. One of my other Bond Mates, Samantha, thought my breakfast of six slices of bacon, well-browned hash browns, three eggs basted well, and a split English...

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Miss Goody Two Shoes

"Come here you dirty little slut!" I didn't think I'd been beckoned in a worse way, and though the vile manner in which I was spoken to, caused a rush of juices to pool inside my lower lips, my arousal was still a secret. "Fuck you!" I said and turned my head back to my laptop. In my head, my wise voice, the one who always gets an opinion, but rarely makes any real difference, spoke the words. "What a cunt! Don't you dare give him a thing!" "I already said 'fuck you!' I silently respond. "I...

Straight Sex
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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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The sound of air rushing past her ears and the sensation of the wind in her dark blond hair almost made Kristal believe that she herself was flying. But the comfort of strong arms around her body kept those beliefs at bay. The sights she saw as she raced high across the sky invaded her eyes and flared her imagination. ‘This is beautiful,’ she shouted above the whistling air. She spoke to the one that carried them on their flight. The only person that could fly without the help of any man-made...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Kendra Spade Step Siblings

When Johnny came home after college he wasn’t expecting to spend the entire summer being teased by his 18-year-old sister. The moment their parents left for work each day, Kendra would dawn her skimpy bikini, strut around the house, then lay out by the pool naked. One day, after she nearly catches him spying on her, he decides to confront her. She toys with her older brother, playing dumb while all the while making it harder and harder and harder for Jonny to control himself. After Kendra gets...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 57 Domino Theory

January 1, 1984, McKinley, Ohio Chloe melted into my arms and molded her body against mine and we began swaying to All Out of Love. I very much enjoyed the full-body contact, but something just felt different. I realized that I, too, had been enthralled by our duet, but it had worn off. I wondered if that was true for Chloe as well. If it had, then she wouldn’t ask; if it hadn’t, and she did, I’d promised to say ‘yes’. And truth be told, I knew I wanted to feel the body which was currently...

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By Choice or by ForceChapter 6

Author’s note: I originally intended this story to be Laurie and Michael’s story, and although it is that – it has grown a bit more complicated than I planned, but anyway here is chapter six, I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading me x Laurie sat and watched in horror as Michael strode out of the room, and then with a low-voiced sob she wrapped her arms around herself in a self-protective way. ‘He’d abandoned her!’ Iris put her hand on her arm and tried to reassure her, but Laurie...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucked By My Teacher

Dear friends, This is my first story in iss, but I assure you all that I wont let you down. This is a time when I was studying in chennai. I was not a very intelligent student, because of which my parents were frequently called by my class teacher for discussing my studies. My class teacher’s name is aravind he teaches maths, he is in late 40’s but having a good physique with a mustache. Now, let me tell about my mom, her name is kaveri and she is housewife. She is 38 years old, and is having...

3 years ago
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Will you take one of these every morning and lunchtime darling? Oona had called me darling from the start and I think it kind of defused me. I can't really say why but I liked it when she spoke to me like that, it made me feel secure and mothered I guess. Oona was so capable that she seemed to run Mr Boylan's business single handily. She always had everything ready on time and presented what ever task she was assigned as finished and perfect and accomplished so effortlessly, that you...

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