The Professional Whore 8211 Part 6 Choose The Hole
- 2 years ago
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Kathryn shuddered at Faith’s bold declaration, closed her eyes while she steadied herself, then opened them again, looking straight at the model as she awaited the pronouncement of her fate.
“Before we start, I assume you know about safe words.” Kathryn nodded. “I won’t make them complicated, but there’s a small personal deviation from the usual. If you need a short break, if something’s just not feeling right, if something hurts that’s not supposed to hurt, or if there’s something you want to talk through before we continue, say the word yellow. If you’re unable to talk, which is definitely going to happen from time to time, strike something or someone three times with your hand or your foot. You won’t ever be completely immobilized — too much risk of bruising your skin if you struggle, which I can promise you will — so you won’t need a third option. The important thing to remember is that, if you use yellow or its equivalent, I’ll assume you want to keep going. We won’t abandon any ongoing power relationships unless there’s no other way to discuss the issue, and the intention will be to proceed as soon as possible even if we have to modify or abandon a specific action. Repeat that back to me in your own words, please.”
“Yellow or three strikes to pause. We’ll remain in dominant or submissive unless there’s no other option, and once the issue’s resolved we’ll continue.”
“Very good. Now: if you want me to stop, either say the word Stacy, or strike something or someone five times. Note that if you use the stop word, all further activity will cease and we won’t try again, so be sure it’s what you want. That said, please don’t be a martyr. If you really need me to stop, for any reason, don’t hesitate. Once again, please repeat that back to me in your own words.”
“Stacy or five strikes to stop, and everything comes to an end. May I ask a question?”
“We haven’t actually started yet, so you don’t have to ask permission. Ask all the questions you want before we do.”
“I only have one: why Stacy? Isn’t red the usual stop word?”
Alejandro’s rumbling chuckles momentarily broke Luke’s concentration, but Kathryn’s remained obediently locked on Faith. The model grimaced and gestured for the photographer to go ahead and answer. “Stacy is a model, and it may be definitive proof of the nonexistence of karma to observe that she is an extremely successful one. Faith loathes her with an intensity that never ceases to surprise me, despite its familiarity. Though, as I believe you can already tell, I cannot disagree with her assessment. She is a ... distasteful person.”
“Just hearing that conniving bitch’s name will cause me to fall out of the mood to do anything sexy or kinky,” Faith added. “It’s an extremely effective safe word for me — and my personal belief is that stop words are more about their effect on the top than they are about the bottom, though I realize that’s a controversial stance — because if you need to stop whatever’s happening, it will immediately force me to stew in a miasma of hate and loathing until I get it out of my system. Did I mention that she’s a villainous cunt?” Luke couldn’t help but laugh at her vituperation, but Kathryn remained stoic.
“Anyway, enough about that wench. Kathryn, I intend to do a reasonably wide variety of things with and to you, though it will depend on how you respond. As you’ve probably expected, I will subject you to some pain, though I think it will be quite manageable for you, and none of it will leave visible marks or bruises. You will also be restrained in various ways, though as promised you won’t be completely immobilized. That said, the majority of what I’m going to do will be primarily sexual or psychological in nature, and at times there will also be an emotional component. Do I have permission to do all those things? If you have any questions or concerns regarding the details, now’s your chance to ask. I’m not going to tell you everything, of course, because I want you off-balance and uncertain, but I can answer in a general way.”
“No questions or concerns. I understand that I have my safe words if I want to raise objections later, but the truth is that I’m unlikely to use them. I grant full permission for everything you’ve suggested.”
“Excellent. Now, let me make it clear who’s going to be who. You will be the only submissive. At the start, I will be your sole dominant and you will offer your complete submission to me. This is where it gets tricky; Luke is your partner and lover, and he may have vocal or physical reactions to your condition. No matter what he says or does, though, while I’m your only dominant you will ignore him and follow my orders. Do you understand?” Again, Kathryn nodded. “At some point, I intend to bring him into our play, though at first he will be taking suggestions from me. If that goes well enough, I may decide to declare us coequal dominants. If I do, you’ll submit to both of us from then on. If there’s a conflict between our demands that you can’t resolve on your own, use your safe words. As for Alejandro, while you should try to accede to whatever he wants, and as a general rule you should attempt to satisfy his sexual needs whoever there’s an opportunity to do so, you will not be submitting to him today. When it comes to him, you retain full free will and the right to say no to anything or everything. He’ll be closely monitoring you for signs of trauma or indications that you’re being pushed too far, so you’ll have to decide between your desires and your distress. Remember that it will be more difficult for him to care for you if he’s participating. Is all of that clear?”
Kathryn’s eyes gradually grew glazed and unfocused as Faith’s lecture went on, but her voice was as sharp and definitive as ever. “Yes, I understand perfectly.” Faith remained silent and still, quite obviously waiting for something. Kathryn’s head slowly dropped until she was staring at the floor, focusing on a point a few inches in front of Faith’s feet.
“Yes, I understand perfectly ... Mistress Faith.”
Holy shit. She did it! He glanced at Alejandro, who just cocked his head in the direction of the women, wordlessly suggesting that he should continue to pay close attention.
“Mistress is fine. I haven’t decided what I’m going to call you, though. For now, how about slut?”
“P ... please, Mistress.” Kathryn’s voice was shaking, her skin was flushed, and her nipples were so engorged that they looked like they were about to explode. Trickles of her vaginal secretions were already crawling down her inner thighs.
“Okay. For now, slut it is. Kneel, fold your hands behind your back, keep staring at the floor without moving or speaking, and wait for my instructions. This is your last chance to change your mind, so while you’re down there I want you to think very hard about whether or not you want this. Once I come back, things are going to move quickly.” Kathryn’s breath caught, but she immediately sank to her knees in exactly the position Faith requested.
In a very different tone than the one she’d used with the redhead, the model turned to Luke and said, “Come with me. We need to talk.” Guiding him to the far corner of the room, she firmly squeezed his hands as if trying to convince him of something through the sheer intensity of their physical contact. “I know you weren’t prepared for it, and that’s largely my fault because I did know better, but you missed an opportunity a few minutes ago. She wants ... no, that’s not correct ... she needs you to be able to dominate her. Now that she’s experienced double penetration, and is almost certainly going to experience another one later today, it’s what she wants more than anything that you haven’t already given her. I suspect, based on the look on your face, that you already know this. But when I gave you an opportunity to assert yourself, you instead handed over your permission to her. What you should have done — what she hoped you’d do — was answer for her, as if you own her.”
There it is again. This strange idea of ownership that keeps coming up. Ever since my wild-eyed notion to get Kathryn and Alejandro back in bed together, I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy and their overall closeness, but I’ve finally come to accept both, This, however, is a hurdle I’ve yet to clear.
“I don’t blame you, because this sort of thing can be bewildering and headlong if you’re not accustomed to it. I can tell you’re pretty new at this, and that’s fine. I think you’ll learn a lot over the next little while, and I feel extremely fortunate to be your kinky professor — especially as I hope you’ll unleash some of your newfound knowledge on me once we’re done — but your inexperience isn’t the core issue. If you’re going to play with her like this, you need to find a way to separate your love from her most fundamental desires, not all of which can be satisfied sexually. It can be hard to cause someone you love pain or suffering, whether it’s physical, psychological, or even just verbal, but the thing you need to understand is that, for a submissive, those are expressions of love. Or at least they can be, with the right partner and in the right setting. You’re the right partner, and this is the right setting, but for now I’m going to have to hold your hand and walk you through it. The truth is that while I’m very, very much looking forward to playing with her, I think that what’s about to happen is as much about you as it is about her. It won’t seem that way at first, but I promise that it will eventually. Maybe even today.”
“In the beginning, I want you to pay more attention to me than to her, though I know that’s going to be hard for you, especially as the intensity ramps up. I already have full control over her. It wasn’t particularly hard, because she wanted it so much, and while I don’t know how much experience she has, I know a natural submissive when I meet one. But I need you to trust me. I know what I’m doing, and I promise nothing’s going to happen that she won’t enjoy, no matter how much it might seem otherwise at the time. She’s going to be in pain, and she’s going to suffer, and whether or not she can talk she might cry and beg and plead for us to either stop what we’re doing, or to let her have things we’re not going to let her have. But I will bet anything you can dream up — go ahead and think of something appropriately sinister — that she’s not going to use her safe words. Anyway, as promised I’m going to gradually bring you into our play. When I think you can handle it, I’m going to turn over the majority of the control to you, though I’m not going to tell her that because I still need to be able to step in if you stumble. Don’t worry about what to do; I’ll be whispering in your ear the entire time, at least until you don’t need my advice anymore.”
She smiled encouragingly; an unexpectedly sweet gesture given the subject matter, and despite his anxiety Luke was once again enraptured by her beauty. “I see untapped strength in you, Luke — and I hope you appreciate how much effort it took me to make such a nerdy reference — so I’m going to try to bring it to the surface. You are going to be good at this.” She drew so close that her nipples bored into his chest and his erection prodded her tight stomach. It made him realize that she was just as turned on as he was. “You being in control is what she really wants. By the time it’s over, you’ll realize that it’s what you want as well.”
Luke let go of her hands and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, bringing them into full-body contact for a moment before ending the hug. “You’re right that I wasn’t ready, and while you’re not the only person to suggest that I’m sexually dominant by nature — in fact, Kathryn’s one of the four who have — I’ve really never experienced it except in a playful but ultimately meaningless way, which is something I didn’t realize until I met her. I don’t necessarily share your confidence in my abilities, but I’m eager to learn, and I promise to follow your lead.” With a mysterious half-smile, he added, “And as for your wager, I already know what I want.”
“Already? Will I have to stock up on replacement blood supplies, learn how to ride a mule, or just cancel all my shoots for a few weeks?”
“All of that sounds intriguing, if disturbing, but no. Nothing like that. If she uses either safe word, I want you to go on a date with me.”
Faith was, it was immediately clear, legitimately and fundamentally rattled by his proposition. “A ... a date?”
“Yes, a date. It doesn’t have to lead to another, and it certainly doesn’t have to end in bed. In fact, it might be more interesting if it doesn’t. It obviously doesn’t have to be public, either, because this absolutely isn’t about wanting to be seen with you. We can sneak off to a place where we can rely on complete discretion. I have more than enough connections to make that happen, and I’m sure you do as well. I know you were expecting some sort of exotic deviancy, but since you’ve already admitted that you don’t have any limits, there’s nothing I could possibly propose that would catch you off guard. I think the concept of an actual, romantic, we’re-just-going-to-talk date unsettles you more than anything we could do while naked, and that’s why it’s my side of the wager.”
“But,” she whispered, quite obviously struggling with his unexpected demand, “what about Kathryn?”
“If we’re together, I guarantee no one will be more amused and delighted by the possibility. Especially after what you’re about to do to her. And if we’re not, then it doesn’t matter.”
Faith bit her lip, and Luke’s pride swelled with the evidence of his victory. I did it. She’s completely out of her element. I didn’t think it would be that easy, nor that this would be how I’d do it. “Damn you, Luke. I need to gather my energy and be confident enough to dominate your rather formidable lover, but you just reduced me to a shy and uncertain little girl.”
Taking a chance, he dipped his head and kissed her. To his surprise, she actually trembled when his lips met hers, as if she’d somehow never been kissed before. For a few moments her hands caressed the back of his neck, and then she retreated, looking a little guilty and a lot horny. “Just promise me you won’t take it easy on her so you don’t have to pay off the wager.”
Though her sexual heat clearly hadn’t diminished, she grinned. “You don’t have to worry about that. This wouldn’t be any fun at all if I didn’t break and redefine her limits. And if I lose the bet, then...” She grabbed his cock with a much gentler grip than she’d yet used and kissed him back. It was a kiss full of openness, tenderness, and promise. For the first time since her arrival, Luke truly felt like he was locking lips with a woman, rather than an impossible fantasy or a sexual persona. “Well, we’ll see what happens. Now, can I go have fun with your lover, or do you want to take a shot at me while I’m as vulnerable, curious, and aroused as I’ve been since I first started having sex?”
Luke just shook his head. “Nice try, but you’re not that vulnerable, and if we start having sex you won’t be vulnerable at all, because that’s your métier. Anyway, this is Kathryn’s time. Go give her your best.”
“You mean my worst,” she shot back with a beatific smile, planting yet another surprisingly sweet kiss on his lips, as if she couldn’t stop doing it. “But I need you to know that I wasn’t lying. Weak in the knees, frog in the throat, flutter in the heart, and ... well, look.” She reached between her legs and showed him the liquid evidence of her arousal, which, despite the brevity of her collection, was literally seeping down her outstretched fingers. “It’s been a very, very long time since someone made me feel that way with nothing more than words and a promise. Do you actually understand what you just did to me? And by the way, you’re quite wrong about my vulnerability. If you fucked me right now, you’d own a piece of me forever; a piece I’d never, ever be able to take back. But if you remember what I said about the night Alejandro and I became close friends, you’d know that not fucking me was the better choice. I’m extremely relieved that you didn’t, despite how much I want you to. And I’m especially grateful, because you’ve now earned all the encores you could ever want.”
His eyes bugged out at her offer, but she gave him one more surprisingly sweet kiss before continuing. “You’re a very special man, Luke. She deserves you. More importantly, you deserve her. Now, stop making me uncomfortable and even hornier than I already was. Let’s go visit unspeakably pleasurable horrors upon your lover.”
“How are you feeling, slut?”
“I’m at peace, Mistress, and eager to serve you.”
“Well, the first part will change soon enough. Did you hear what your lover and I were talking about?”
“No, Mistress.”
“Would it upset you to know that we had sex?”
“It’s not my place to have feelings about that, Mistress.”
Faith smiled. “Well-answered. We didn’t, by the way. I wanted to, but he didn’t. He was more interested in what I was going to do to you. Now, crawl to the foot of the bed. No, face the bed. Move back about six inches. Good.” Alejandro came closer, handing Faith an assortment of black leather items. “Luke, would you please help me restrain her?”
He was amazed at the contrast in her tone when she addressed Kathryn versus either of the men; she obviously had absolutely no trouble shifting in and out of her dominant role. He drew closer, crouching behind Kathryn, and saw that, for all her apparent stoicism, the soft flesh of her buttocks was mottled by goosebumps in a way he’d never seen before. He glanced a question at Faith, but she just smiled and handed him a pair of heavily padded cuffs.
“Handcuff her wrists, tighten the buckles until they’re really snug, then connect the hooks to the ring in the footboard.” Luke stared at the heavy metal ring that had heretofore escaped his notice. He couldn’t help but look around the room, and was shocked to see similar rings cleverly worked into almost every part of the room’s furniture and architecture. If he’d seen them at all, he’d obviously judged them merely decorative. Faith grinned as she slipped two more identical cuffs around Kathryn’s ankles. “Didn’t Alejandro tell you that I had a hand in the room’s design? Hard points everywhere.”
“He did, but...”
“She is far too modest. It was not only this room that she reconfigured.”
“Well, it’s convenient at certain kinds of parties.”
Suddenly, Luke had a shocking, yet unexpected titillating, vision of Kathryn restrained and helpless while dozens of guests milled around her, randomly touching, caressing, and probing her — or more — while she writhed and moaned.
“Luke,” Faith quietly scolded, albeit with a smile on her face, “I hope you never play poker, because I can tell exactly what you’re thinking. Yes, it’s everything you’re imagining and so incredibly hot. She would love every minute of it. And who knows? Play your cards right and I’ll ask Alejandro to invite you two some night when I’m on the menu. Now, would you please finish with those handcuffs? If we wait too long, we risk her falling out of submission, and then this all becomes pointless.” He hurriedly tightened the cuffs around her wrists — looking for but receiving no indication that she was in distress — then affixed them to the aforementioned ring, sitting back to admire his handiwork. He noted, and filed away for later consideration, that while she placidly submitted to everything Faith was doing, she flinched every time he touched her. Does that mean what we’re doing is more, or less, welcome when it’s coming from me? Or is it that she’s not supposed to be submitting to me yet? Maybe I’m radiating too much comfort and concern at a time when she needs to be in a completely different headspace? I have so much to learn.
While he was completing his task, Faith attached a long spreader bar to the ankle cuffs, opening Kathryn’s legs so that both her holes were fully exposed. Next came a thick blindfold, which required a fair bit of effort to slide beneath Kathryn’s tangled mane.
“Unfortunately, we can’t punish this lovely posterior the way this brazen slut so richly deserves.” Faith was back to her domme voice. “But I think we can make you uncomfortable in other ways. Slut, do you agree that you deserve a punishment for greedily monopolizing the sexual attention of so many boys?”
“Yes, Mistress.” Kathryn’s voice was breathy, sultry, and turning Luke on to a degree he wasn’t entirely prepared for. He also saw the small quake that ran through her body every time Faith called her a slut.
“Do you want to tell us all the bad things you’ve done, slut?”
“No, Mistress.” As one of the potential answers, Luke was grateful that Faith didn’t push the point. From a box proffered by Alejandro, Faith selected a pair of adjustable clamps and attached them to Kathryn’s nipples. She moaned and hissed in pain as Faith tightened their adjustable screws. When the hiss turned to a high-pitched squeal, she stopped. Kathryn’s body was rocking back and forth as if she was being impaled by someone.
“Are you already trying to come, slut?”
“Yes, Mistress. I feel so helpless and exposed. May I please come?”
“No, you may not. Your orgasm, if you ever actually earn one, is a very, very long way off.” Reaching back into the box while the redhead moaned in protest, she retrieved a trio of clover clamps. “Do you know how to use these?” she asked Lake.
“Yes, but where... ?”
“One on each of her labial folds. Make sure you seat them high enough. Grab a big chunk of flesh or they’ll slip right off, though as wet as she is that’s a possibility anyway. The third is for her clit, and the same advice applies, but you might have to be creative as I think you’re going to have a hard time getting it to stay attached.”
“Are you serious?” he whispered, distressed.
“Luke, trust me. This is nothing. She can handle so much more. I tightened those nipple clamps to the point where even I’d be suffering, but once I stopped she just absorbed the pain as if it was inconsequential. We’re not going to be able to test my theory today, but it’s possible she could take as much as me and still be fine. Remember what I said a few minutes ago: you have to separate your love from her needs.”
“Now, listen closely: I’m teaching you ways to give her the sort of pain she craves without leaving bruises or marks. You’re watching her, I’m watching her, and though you obviously haven’t been paying much attention to him, Alejandro is watching her like an overprotective hawk. He has a lot of experience with me and a few other like-minded pain-loving submissives, and will know, perhaps even before she does, if it’s too much. But this is what she’s looking for and what she needs, and if you follow along and join in as I ask you to, you’re going to learn a lot about how much she can actually take. No, not just take; enjoy.”
Ignoring his overwhelmed expression, she returned her attention to Kathryn. “Your beloved Luke — the one you trust so much, the one who’s always so kind and caring — is about to attach three extremely painful clamps to your slutty cunt. It’s not going to be easy, because you’re gushing like a whore, so I just wanted you to know that he’s fully committed to your defilement, and that a great deal of the agony you’re about to feel is because he wanted you to feel it.”
There was a long and silent pause. Then, to Luke’s astonishment, Kathryn suddenly wailed, “Yes, yes, please! Let him do whatever he wants, Mistress. I want him to hurt me. I need it, I need it, I need it...” Her pleas trailed off into incoherence. Faith just smiled as Luke numbly approached the woman he loved, stunned at what he was hearing, and berating himself for what he was about to do.
The clamps destined for her labia were, despite her copious lubrication, fairly easy to affix. The clitoral clamp was a different matter, and he eventually had to resort to gripping the swollen bud between his fingers and stretching it outward to seat the clamp. Though she howled in pain when he did so, no safe words passed her lips. Meanwhile, Faith was attaching heavy leaden balls to the chains dangling from Kathryn’s nipple clamps. The redhead was still whimpering from the additional strain as she handed three smaller versions to Luke. Her sobs of misery as he attached them to each of the clamps for which he’d been responsible — and because they were clover clamps, they bit into her vulnerable flesh even harder as he added more weight — were extremely difficult for him to hear, yet the sound of her breathing and the flood of arousal from her pussy assured him that this was turning her on to an almost unfathomable degree.
Faith watched as Kathryn struggled to manage her new equilibrium. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Do you want more?”
“No, Mistress.”
“If I decide that you deserve more, can you handle it?”
After a brief pause, she answered, “Yes, Mistress.”
“Thank you for being honest. You’ve been obedient, and for now I won’t change anything, but I might later. Do you still need to come?”
“Please, please, please, Mistress, let me come.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh god... “ she whispered.
“While appreciated, that’s not how you’re supposed to address me, slut. It didn’t take very long, but now you’ve earned yourself an additional punishment.”
“Please, Mistress...” She was squirming and wiggling, not so much against her bonds as against the urge to climax. The weights swung back and forth, pulling and tugging at the clamps torturing her most sensitive spots.
“Please yes, or please no?”
This pause was longer. “Please yes, Mistress.” It was another mere whisper, but Faith was delighted, and (judging by the way her nostrils flared) aroused at her response. Luke grabbed her wrist to get her attention.
“What if she does come without permission?” he demanded.
Rather than answering him, Faith raised her voice. “Slut, your lover wants to know what happens if you come without permission. Would you like to know as well?”
“No, Mistress.” She sounded miserable, and Luke wondered if she guessed what the answer would be.
“Really? Why not?”
“Because it doesn’t matter, Mistress. The only thing that matters is that I comply with your instructions.”
“Well done. But I think you should know, and as it’s another part of your punishment I’m going to tell you. You’re not going to like it, though. If you come without permission, you’ll spend the rest of the day chained to a ring just like you are now, but it will be on the other side of the room. Meanwhile, Luke, Alejandro, and I will have hours upon hours of sex right in front of you, in every conceivable position and combination, while you’re unable to do anything but watch. All those times you hoped Alejandro would be your ass today? He’ll be in mine. So will Luke. All that cum you wanted to swallow? Every drop of it for me. You wanted them to DP you again? I’ll be the delicious filling in their sandwich for hour after hour after hour, and I’ll make sure you hear every every single orgasm these magnificent sex machines give me. But you won’t be able to touch yourself, nor will anyone else touch you until you’re ready to leave the apartment and go home. Now, slut, do you still want to come?”
An explosion of tears immediately burst forth. Having heard her cry more times than he liked to admit, Luke knew these sobs weren’t feigned. “Oh please, no ... god, please no, no, no, Mistress ... I promise I won’t...”
“You’re right. You won’t. You’ve already been warned once, and you won’t get another chance.” Faith casually added a few more weights to the chains hanging from Kathryn’s nipples. Her strangled screams as they dropped into place filled the room. She asked for it, Luke thought, trying to convince himself despite the urge to intervene and bring an end to her suffering, and in some sense she must have have wanted it, but it’s very difficult to see her like this.
The squealing and whimpering continued. Faith glanced at Alejandro. Like a nurse handing a surgeon a scalpel he reached into the box again. “You know, I’m already tired of listening to you whine. Remember: three or five strikes.” Gesturing for Luke to hold her hair back, she wrapped a gag around Kathryn’s neck, shoving the large red ball into her mouth and tightening the straps.
Kathryn was already drooling even before the ball entered her mouth, but the fluid issuing from her lips was nothing compared to that flowing from her cunt. Despite her obvious distress, it was clear that she was as turned on as ever.
“Now, I’m going to ask again: do you still want to come, slut?”
“Nm, Mphmph!”
“That’s what I thought.”
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The following weekend Kenny stopped by to see if he would be able to spend the night. He and his girlfriend had a fight. Peggy kissed him and said I would love that. He came in and Peggy asked me to go get some refreshments. I left them alone and went to buy beer, wine, and munchies. I returned and they had left all their clothes in the family room. I could hear the spa running in the next room and looked in to see Peggy sitting on the edge of the spa with Kenny between her legs buried balls...
This is an account of events that happened about 10 years ago. I had left a small town in the northeast and joined the army. I didn’t leave on the best terms with my family, I had been in a lot of trouble before I decided to make the change in my life and join the Army. My mother still wasn’t happy with the fact that I joined the army and we didn’t talk before I left for basic training in Kentucky. I wrote a letter to my mother and explained I had no other choice then to leave and look...
Hi All as always thank you for wanting to read my post you all make me feel so fem and slutty when you do. Anyway, the other day I was driving to the mall. It was cold and raining a little out so I was wearing my skinny jeans but the thick 6 garter straps of the garter belt I was wearing where clearly visible pushing up from under my jeans. Diving down the main 2 lane road out of town there was a guy hitching he had a pack pack clearly a hiker. I felt sorry for him standing in the rain and...
My heart pounded as I saw my boobs growing, now to the size of bowling balls. “Dan,” I tapped my sweetheart lying in bed next to me on the shoulder. “Use a pronoun to tell me that a group of people are going to the market.” “There going to the store.” I screamed. Loud. “What is it, dear? Calm down. What could the matter be?” “Oh no,” I recoiled in terror, from the hideous grammatic error, not to mention the awful rhyme. “We’re trapped! Caught in a badly writin sex story!” “Pipe down now...
The Doll of the MasterPart 1Hello my name is yvonne, and i wanted to write down my life story for You - my Master of my everlasting dreams!i was born as a boy in the late 60s and had a really happy c***dhood up to the age of my 10th birthday. Then my Mother died in an accident and my father was really sad about the loss of my mother. But after a while he was screwing around to forget his mourning. He learned to know a really beautiful but very demanding woman. She was at the age of 25 years and...
"Will Kyle be helping us?" I asked Cleo, while eating my lunch. "Nope." "And I fear I won't be as much help as I thought." Molly interjected. "Oh?" I asked. "Yeah. It turns out I'm going to attend as well." Molly said with a blush. "OhhhHHHhhh do tell." Cleo and I both leaned forward on the table. Molly was blushing now. "Jake has asked me to escort him, Kyle's done a rush job on my own dress, he's only just finished this morning. I haven't even done a final fitting...
Hello ISS reader, I am Pronab from Bangalore and my age is 22, I am good looking guy with 5’8” height having athletic body studying B.E in final year in one of the finest college in Bangalore. I am very fond of girl’s specially married and unsatisfied woman, you can contact me on I have read maximum stories from almost 1 year from this site. I am here to narrate you what happen between me and an unsatisfied woman living just beside my room. It all started before two weeks ago. I came from my...
IncestBy: Feeldhotmohit Hello friends this is Mohit from Allahabad. Here I am writing for the first time n hope u will not be disappointed with my story. Mai ISS ka regular reader hoon maine almost sari stories read ki hai, lekin kuch bahut kam hi story hume utna excited kar pati hai. Mai apne aap ko pehle thoda introduce kar doon. I’m tall, white complexion and mujhe nahi lagta lund ka size batana itna jaroori hai if any girls or aunties get excited after reading my story then please contact me on...
The next two periods flew by as I was now eager to get the day over with. The incident with Amber sucked all of the fun out of this second chance I was given. The next opportunity I get with the guardian angel, I'm going to abort this whole thing. My last class of the day was Band class. I found my tenor saxophone in in the band instrument closet and went out to meet everyone else. I said hi to Fay and Ron who were also in the band. Ron was the Alto sax section leader. Fay was the drum...
It had been a very busy evening, what with removing the various leaders of every nation on Earth. At various points, I had decided to teleport each of my Companions and Sages into my presence, for moral support, backup, and intimacy, of course. That didn’t even count assistance with seducing anyone I wanted seduced. I also added more half of my classmates as I went along, growing my posse with each strike into new territory. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I even added six teenage princesses who I...
This story can be approached from either of two perspectives, male or female.
TeenThis is Amay from mumbai. Living in the western side of mumbai. I am 21 year young hot blood guy. I am a engineer student with slim body not a muscular boy but my tool is very powerful to damage. Any girls aunties from mumbai can contact me, I also give a sexy massage therapy, you can mail me at Now coming back to story, it happened 2-3 months back. The heroine of the story is neha bhabhi (36d-28-36)perfect piece-my neighborhood sexy bhabhi. She was just married around 6 months back they...
It wasnt quite dark when we checked into our room,right on the beach.We were on the 4th floor,we wanted to get the on the first,but they were all booked.The woman at the desk looked at us rather odd,3 men and a woman,but seemed a little more "relieved" when we asked for a roll away bed,for "Junior" as to what we were calling Matt,the youngest of our group.But the old woman and the desk,was a little uncomfortable about the way Jade was dressed,the short summer dress,that barely covered her pussy...
I was staying with my mother's brother and his wife. I was 10 years old. They lived in the country in deep southeast Texas.I have been masturbating ever since I can remember. I came from a large family so I must have been exposed to some sort of "m*****ation" early on. I don't think about it as m*****ation since I found it most pleasurable to have my litle cock and balls sucked or stroked.Anyway, I was out in the barn one day and had watched the dogs couple and found myself really horney. ...
A little information about them, they are both very old and working for my family before i was even born. They both are fat and have a hairy body. Driver is named mark and the manager is Rob. They both are best buds. They are both in their 50s. When my family is travelling they both take care of me. We also have a cook but he is not part of this story since he just cooks and leave. Now they both take care of me alot, and i believe they never wanted to lay eyes on me until this one incident....
I had a day off and the wife was out of town. I was sitting at home looking at porn on the internet and decided it would be fun to go to an adult bookstore and see some action in the flesh. Even though I was straight (I thought) I loved watching other guys jerk off through a gloryhole. I had been in the booth for about five minutes when someone entered the booth next door. He dropped his shorts and jacked off to a video and left. I was really hot and pretty soon another guy, jacked-off and...
Grandmother Chiyo: Äfter the war our family moved to Tokyo as our farm was no longer sustainable. My father and mother have a small restaurant in the red light district. I helped out in the restaurant and got to know pretty well some of the servicemen from America. Thinking that I might be able to help my family to migrate to America my family encouraged me to find an American husband. I succeeded in getting your grandfather Bill to marry me. However, instead of returning to America after...
Summer passed, although that is a bit of a misnomer. It's more like a dry season and a rainy season, even though the "rainy" isn't bad; it is after all, still paradise. My one-year commitment was coming to an end so I had to decide what to do, to stay in Hawaii or not. There was this fantasy I had, I'd be sitting while sipping on well-aged single malt and watching the ebb and flow of life marching resolutely up and down the beach. I'd see a person, ambling slowly along as people tend...
CHAPTER 17Kyle’s team were on the late shift for two weeks beginning the Monday following their private fuckfest at Erik’s. As yet Kyle had not had any invitation from any of the gym’s customers he had worked with to join with them in private for a session of extra-curricular activities. However during those first two weeks he had twice been selected by a handsome, young guy to help him work-out.As seemed normal, the guy in question had given Kyle only by his first name: Tony. He was about...
Gay Male"You said you almost erased the tofu bunch?" The Cheese asked, "why would you do that?" "They made me so mad. Stubborn ... obstinate! And so positive that theirs was the only way." Two Voices complained, "every time I tried to explain he interrupted. He interrupted ME! And acted so Superior! But the last straw was when he insisted, INSISTED!! that I Force the rest of you to work HIS fields." He/she was getting worked up all over again. "He called you, all the rest of you, lazy and...
Theresa and Sheryl hadn’t had a weekend off in weeks. Their busy schedule, recording their latest albums had taken priority. That was out of the way though and now they could spend some girl time together. Their widely publicised lesbian affair had caused one of the biggest nights in Twitter history but had done their album sales no harm. Now the girls were waiting in the first class lounge at Shagwick airport. They were both in dark glasses hoping to avoid any would-be celebrity spotters. As...
July 4th 7:00 PM I invited 10 couples to our party, at 7:00 our guest started to arrive. The doorbell rang and the girls answered the door, nude of course. As the guest arrived over the next 20 minutes not one word was said about the girls being naked. To my surprise my ex-girlfriend Barbara enter she said her hellos to my friends, gave me a little kiss on my check. Barbara looked at the girls and just smiled, she looked at me and said, “I can see you haven’t changed at all” (Barbara is a...
It must be in the make up of most men to enjoy receiving a tit fuck from a well-endowed girl, I know I do. I've had many mails about this concerning my first wife for she did have the perfect tits for it. She also loved giving tit fucks too as I have also said on many occasions before. When I first me my future wife I was driving around in an old Mini and those of you who have had one in the past you'll recall that there wasn't a lot of room in it for any sexual activities. About the only...
William Robert James Dunlop was a bully, he had always been a bully, his father encouraged him to be a bully. “Weak fools get nowhere son, exercise your authority, make them crawl.” The town where Billy as he was known to his friends did just that, his father was wealthy, people in the town didn’t really know what he did, to be fair neither did Billy. Billy treated people and especially girls like objects to be used and discarded at will. When he was eighteen he tried to rape...
Paisley Paige, the resident high school burnout, is hanging around the school parking lot when Alexia Anders, in a hurry and distracted, bumps into her and drops her backpack. Alexia, who is a popular cheerleader with a mean streak, makes fun of Paisley, who tries not to let it get to her. But as Alexia leaves to return to school, Paisley finds a raunchy comic book where Alexia’s backpack was. She is gobsmacked when she realizes that Alexia is secretly a major nerd with a kinky side!...
xmoviesforyouHi, my name is Annie and this is the story about how, during my sophomore year of college, I got the “scholarship” that helped me make it the rest of the way through. Names are of course changed to protect the not-so-innocent. First, a little background–I was a naive, nineteen-year-old girl from the state of Washington attending a small, private liberal arts college in Canada. Like many college girls I bit off more than I can chew, and I was certainly feeling the pressure about a month into my...
Chapter 27 "I've yelled at her. I'm not proud of it." "Kat, there's a difference between shouting at a child and terrorizing her. You should have seen the look on her face. It's something my-" "You are not your dad. You made a mistake." Kathryn's voice wavered and then she said reluctantly. "We are going to- we are going to make at least a few of them." Thomas laughed awkwardly. "We are going to make a lot of them. It seems like no matter what the books say, hardly anything...
DISCLAIMER: FICTIONAL WRITE UP. It’s the start of Summer and Amisha thought “what a perfect day for hiking deep in the woods”. She had called up her friends who were lazy enough to lay around and gave weird reasons to escape the offer. She also made a call to her boyfriend to see if he’s interested although she knew he would suggest going out to a resort and enjoying the day naked in the spa, but unfortunately he had to attend a wedding with his parents and felt so unlucky to not have sensual...
IncestCassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was almost 17, the youngest 15 (she had skipped a year and...
It was the summer of 2005. I sat in my hot apartment. The A/C had been out for two weeks. I sat on the hot black leather couch. With the windows open and a fan in each window. I sat there in only a bikini top and shorts. They were doing work on the apartments and while fixing the new apartment next to me, they messed up the unit. I groaned and got of the couch. I slantered over to the fridge and opened a bottle of water. My dad and mother shipped me off to college and bought me an apartment to...
As you might remember I tied upp my girlfriend Johanna and then I lost the game.This is what my card said:Tape gagNakedTied to bed with handcuffsFucked in one hole of the persons choosingThe person who ties can choose how to tie the legs-Well Mike, looks like a fun card.-O well, I suppose I should get on the bed.-That you should.As I lied down nude on the bed, Johanna got the required equipment. First she cuffed my hands to the bed posts. She then lifted up my legs so that my asshole was very...
Every day we read headlines and hear news, scarier than anything M. Night Shyamalan could dream up for our entertainment. Whether it’s a new terrorist threat or a coastline ruined by the foolish oil industries who can’t control their wells. While many financial empires are teetering, others have already fallen off into the abyss. We curse our enslavement to fossil fuels yet no one has the heart to take that first brave step toward alternative forms of energy. We’ve already lost our...
The four followed the creek southward watching for signs of old buildings. Four feeder creeks had made their original creek much wider and deeper as they each joined their creek. They also slowed the flow. The ground also became flatter which surprised them. Lisa noted that and John said, "You're right, Lisa. We would expect the land to get hillier or at least stay as hilly. I think we may be coming to a river. That will mean there is a good likelihood of some ruins." They had covered...
Noah parked the rental truck along the curb on Pritchard Street. Rachel opened her door and they surveyed her apartment. "How long have you lived here?" he asked. "Eight years -- same as how long I've been at Hubbard's." "We need to figure out what we put into storage and what we give to Goodwill." He looked into her bedroom. "The bed and dresser can go to storage. We might want to convert the den into a guestroom sometime." "What would you use as an office?" "I don't need...
Hey everyone, this is Anonymous writer. I’m writing my first story here, and it’s a real one. It happened when I was 19. I’m from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, a small yet developed city to some extent. I’m a sportsman playing all sports. I’m a national player, and I’m quite athletic. I’m 6 ft, a bit on the darker side and always have been popular in my school and the state. Yeah, I had a couple of girls in my life. But I was in a serious relationship for 2 years. I and my gf had so much fun! We had a...
The Survival of Joseph Conover By Norman O. Johnson I had a malignancy, so they gave me chemotherapy. My hair fell out, guaranteeing that I wouldn't die of cancer of the hair. So the doctors cut off a body part, and assured me they'd got it all. But they hadn't, so they cut off another body part, and assured me they'd got it all. Once again, they hadn't got it all, so they cut off another body part. Have I failed to mention which body parts they cut off? It doesn't matter anyway...
Since Galatea and I started swinging about a year or so ago, it seems that new sexual adventures have been openly presenting themselves more and more. Just mentioning swinging in casual conversation sparks intrigue and excitement in others outside of the lifestyle. People that one would never guess would be interested begin asking questions about how we got started, about parties in the area, websites, and in slightly rarer instances they ask if we can introduce them to the lifestyle. So far,...
Wife LoversThis is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...
BDSMThere's this word in the English language, "Apocalypse." It doesn't mean what everyone thinks it does. Well, actually, that's not true. It does mean what everyone says it does, because that's how language works. If everyone suddenly decided to call a pig a tree, then "tree" would mean pig, and the dictionary can go fuck itself. Kind of like how when someone bitches out a bush or a shrub, they mean the president, not the greenery on their lawn. But when the word "apocalypse" was...
I awoke the next morning a very satisfied and rested kitty. I instantly knew that it was morning even with no windows to see out or the fresh air of dawn to sniff. The remains of last night's meal, about twenty pounds of meat, were still there and I wolfed it down in short order before starting to clean my muzzle and whiskers, which I had neglected to do last night due to tiredness. Following cleaning up, some of last night's meal was anxious to depart, and I deposited my cat scat in the...
Andrew had returned home for Christmas. Andrew is twenty-two, just under six feet tall with a good physique. At the moment he doesn’t have a regular girlfriend but that is not to say that he doesn’t have regular sex. Due to his good looks and fit body he has little problem pulling when the need arises. Andrew was a good son, he made sure he got home at least once or twice a term and always for all or part of the vacations.Andrew’s stepmother, Helen, is forty-three with a good figure. She was...
TabooA few days ago, my girlfriend, Emma, and I and some friends were due to travel to France for a weekend. We had booked cabins for the outward journey, and were due to share with two friends. However at the last minute, one of our friends cancelled, leaving us sharing with John, a good friend of ours. We have known John and his wife for years, and while we have shared hotel rooms, saunas, Jacuzzi’s, etc. there has never been any intimate contact between any of us, although John and I had...
This year was going to be my second time traveling back to my country for vacation the time before was great so I was looking forward to another awesome time, as I was talking to my cousin who was preparing everything over there for my trip he reminded me that the carnivals festivities where soon that even made it more exiting for me since I haven't been to them for at least 14-15 years ago. a couple of months before my trip I went to visit mom and dad and I also remembered that his birthday...
I’ve been sexually active for as long as I can remember. The first memories I have of other c***dren my age are those of a sexual nature and I suppose is the reason why I am such a sexaholic these days. For the sake of sharing with you my personal experience, let me tell you how I came to realize the beauty of a naked girl’s body at an early age.When all of this started I was very young, too young to know about right and wrong and too old to be content with things the way they are. I was...
Mariel was busy getting ready for the Coronation of my sister. She had taken a big part in the preparations, and the day was almost here. I worried about the demon, but Vostich had taken charge of it. It remained in the castle with Fithian as a permanent escort whenever it went out. I spent a good deal of time in the magic library, looking up demon destroying spells. Pejoru had an interesting library to say the least. I memorized spell after spell. I had also created an interesting spell. It...
Introduction: This is a pilot story which I hope so expand on if readers like it. It contains a lot less sex scenes in it compared to other stories and Im very aware it might not be what people want. Should I include more or keep this the way it is? Id love to hear some feedback on the story. When I was a kid I never thought about girls, and I suspect those who openly spoke about it did so for the attention. I never hung out with any girls, I had no girls as close friends or anything like that....
Coronavirus: Past IS Prologue. The Prince Prospero IS the POTUS. Allegory. Metaphor. Tale. THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATHby, Edgar Allan Poe (1842)THE "Red Death" had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal --the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim...
Los Angeles, California November 19, 1984 Jake's Corvette moved slowly down Hollywood Boulevard, caught in the thick Monday afternoon traffic. Jake was behind the wheel, feeling the usual frustration that came with driving a high performance vehicle he could rarely get out of second gear. Bill sat next to him, his thick glasses perched firmly upon his face, his hand playing with his crewcut, trying to determine if it was time to get another haircut or not. They had just finished a jam...
Billy and Janie, Leslie's 16-year-old twin siblings, got up late Saturday morning. Leslie and I had let them sleep in. Friday had been a tough day for them. They had run away from an abusive father at home and flown to LA. We had picked them up at LAX and took them to our home. Their sister and I had shown them around our large home and explained how all of our nice things had been paid for. We earned a very good living by marketing Leslie's many sexual talents. They were shocked at first...
Haley Reed is grabbing herself some water when her stepbrother Jake Adams spies her in the fridge and demands that he give her some as well. Haley doesn’t like Jake’s tone, so she storms into the living room. Jake follows her, claiming that the reason Haley is being such a bitch is because she hasn’t gotten laid in a while. Eventually they come to the realization that the need to just bang it out. Jake takes a bit of time to fondle Haley’s titties until her nipples are...
xmoviesforyouThis is my first story, please overlook any short comings, hope u will enjoy it. Sameena, was 44 years old. She had two children, elder daughter was 22 years old and who was married and had shifted to another country, her son who was 19 years old was also abroad for studies. She was living with her husband who was having a good post in a well reputed company. They had a house of their own, and a maid. As far as looks are concerned Sameena was a pretty woman, still at the age of 44 she looked to...
LesbianHello guys, This is vishu from Hyderabad back with the sequel to my 1st part. Hope you have read and enjoyed part 1 of my real story. Just a reminder again about me. I am well built, 5’10” tall with good physique having just about the muscular cuts visible at the view ends of the body and a business guy and I love to have sex. About my tool, I have a 7.5 inch long and think one. Coming to the sequel, after the night of lusty pleasure I was still not enough and wanted more of her again and...
Debby was a lovely person and looked far better in the flesh than in her picture, she was indeed very polite and had a sophisticated manner about her, what the hell was she looking for work for unless she was just in it for the benefits. She looked smart in a crisp white blouse and knee length black skirt which showed off the rounded curves of her arse, Mmm… genuinely nice indeed.She had a really nice house which was spotless and she took great pride in showing us photo’s of Abi, “She can be...