Breadwinner free porn video

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The smell of baking bread wafted from the kitchen into the living room and over to the front door as I came home. I love the smell of fresh- baked bread. Wally knows it, which is why he made baking his new hobby ever since he gave up on finding a new job. I put down my purse and drifted into the kitchen, clicking my tongue. "Wally, we've still got three rolls left from the last batch!" I gestured to the basket sitting on the counter that held three breads that resembled fat hot dog rolls. Although they taste much better than hot dog rolls. "Those aren't rolls any more," he countered, wiping his hand on a flour- caked apron and pulling one of them out of the basket, "they're bludgeoning devices." Wally tapped the roll against the counter, receiving a hollow thud in response. I grinned. "I'll bet they're still good for something." "Something, sure. But what are we going to eat with dinner?" I smiled warmly. Wally made for a really ugly housewife, but he tries. He doesn't really have any other option. It's hard to be fifty-five and already know that you're useless to society. That the job you worked at all your life is now obsolete, and nobody's training people at your age. Sometimes I feel like baking for me is the only time he feels useful to anybody anymore. I think it's even harder on him because he knows that we don't even need his second income to stay solvent. We've had the mortgage paid off for years, we never had kids, and I reached tenure at the university a few years ago, so I've got a salary as long as I want to work and when I retire we'll have my significant pension. He was still waving that roll at me as I came up to him and smothered him in an embrace. Then I started to feel guilty about something else, something that's always bothered me in this relationship, although I guess it's silly. Wally claims it's part of what attracted him to me in the first place. Wally's not a small guy, but I'm still a good three inches taller than him in my flats. I guess you could call me a "big girl." I'm not fat or anything, although nobody's ever accused me of being skinny either. I'm just, well, big. It makes me feel like I'm exaggerating his problems just by existing. Not only am I the breadwinner, I wear bigger pants than him, too. But he always says he doesn't see it that way. After a few moments of me holding him like that, he pushed me away and started muttering something about burnt bread not doing anybody any good, then went to put on his oven mitts. I grabbed the two remaining stale rolls and slunk out of the kitchen, telling Wally to meet me in the bedroom when he was done. I looked at the two rolls in my hand with severity. I needed something that Wally had made so it could work as a conduit. Something that represented his bond to me. Bread. I went to my makeup drawer and pulled out a few jars that aren't exactly makeup. I twisted one open and used the brush on the lid to paint the rolls with the transparent liquid. Then I twisted the others open and sprinkled a little powder from each on the rolls. Then I put them on my bed stand and changed into something that Wally would find more interesting. Part of it was my guilt, part of it was selfishness, but I'd made the decision fairly soon after Wally was fired. That's why I nudged him towards baking, and that's why I established the tradition he was about to put into practice. "Mia," he called from the stairway. "You know where I am," I replied. Wally walked into the doorway, holding a small roll carefully in his hands. First roll of every batch, we came up to the bedroom and ate together. Wally sat down on his end of the bed and pinched the roll at one end, tearing it down the middle. Steam rose from the fresh bread inside as I untied Wally's apron from behind him and flipped the neck strap back over his head. He tossed away the apron and turned to me, handing me half of the bread. This would work to connect us more strongly while I did what I had to do. My eyes didn't leave his as the aromatic steam wafted into my nose and the soft bread brushed my lips. We bit into our halves simultaneously, and my lips slipped into a smile again. I always love Wally's baking, but today's bread was even better than normal. The taste of the bread was still in my mouth as I leaned over to kiss him and unbuttoned his shirt. He started pushing his hands up underneath my own shirt, but I stopped him. No, today was going to be a bit different. I put on my best seductive face and told him to lie down on his stomach. He did so, and I pulled the now-unbuttoned shirt off of his back, leaving him in just his around-the-house shorts. Then I took one of the stale rolls and started rubbing his back. "Mia," he said with mock suspicion, "what are you doing?" His fake suspicion triggered my very real guilt, and I faltered a bit before saying "Back massage. I told you the rolls were still good for something." Then I started pressing the stale bread harder into his back. Through a combination of the good quality of his baking and my little enchantment, the roll never even cracked. "Whoa, it's starting to itch a bit back there. Am I getting crumbs?" There were no crumbs. But I stopped a moment to examine what was happening, both for his benefit and to make sure I was doing this right. Just as I expected, there was a patch of skin right in the middle of his back that had a slightly different tone than the rest of his body. It almost looked like a rash or a sunburn, but I knew better. "It's alright, honey," I assured him, "it's going to itch a little, but it'll feel so much better when I'm done." As I said this, I gently rubbed the patch of new skin with my bare fingers. The skin there was soft as a baby's, and a deep moan escaped out of Wally's mouth. "Yeah," he said, "I guess you can keep doing that." I'd gotten over that hurdle, so now the rest would be easy. I started rubbing around the edges of the patch in the middle of his back, and it grew with my ministrations. Slowly, the shape of Wally's back began to change too, as the new parts of him pushed outward against the old parts. His deltoids and shoulders grew outwards, the small of his back grew longer. I worked my way down to his waist, out to his sides, up to the nape of his neck. Any skin I could see until it was all one solid tone: a smooth, blemish-free surface. I took a moment to look at Wally's new back. For a split second I was jealous, but I reminded myself that I didn't need this. Wally did. Then I looked at the roll in my hand. Like I expected, it had gotten a bit thinner along most of the length, and fatter over at one end. Part of me couldn't really believe that this was working, but I chose to ignore that part as I started kneading the roll into Wally's butt. The fabric of his shorts changed more quickly than his skin had, and the change spread by itself. Soon, instead of polyester knee-length grey shorts, Wally was wearing a cotton knee-length grey skirt. By this point, Wally had his eyes closed and didn't seem to notice the change in fabric. I took a moment to admire how the light material displayed his butt, then I reached under the skirt with the roll and started massaging the backs of his thighs with it. When my hands reemerged from under the grey fabric, the backs of his legs down to the knees were the same tone as his back, and the flesh there had expanded in all directions. His butt was bigger, too, and l didn't have to lift the skirt to see the obvious panty line that the added mass had caused. The roll had refined its shape more. Now the bread was clearly phallic, but still rounded and indistinct. It had gotten harder, too. I finished making my way down his legs, going over his calves and heels. I nudged him in his now-rounded shoulder and whispered "roll over, now it's time for the front." Without saying anything, without opening his eyes, Wally rolled over on the bed, over to my side. I noticed with some satisfaction that his feet were at the same place on the flower-print quilt as mine usually were when I was in that position. I forced myself to stop admiring Wally's resting form and start working again. Too long a break and he might open his eyes. I started with his feet, rubbing them with the bread until the skin was soft and his rough toenails were crystal clear. The feet grew a little. Wally and I had always had the same size feet, but I guess now his are finally bigger than mine. I moved up to the shins, the knees, watching as coarse hair and hardened muscle gave way to soft skin and gentle curves, seeing his flesh expand ever so slightly. Further, up his thighs and under the skirt again. I could feel it as his hips flattened, widened, and finally his member shrank and disappeared. He moaned lightly as I rolled the bread over his belly. He already looked younger, if oddly proportioned. My selfishness, my selflessness. Part of me made him younger for his sake, to be able to learn and adapt, to feel useful again and to know that he had a future he could develop. Another part of me did it for myself. I didn't want to see him deteriorate, so I gave him so much youth that by the time he reached this point in his life again, I'd be long gone and unable to witness it. But that wasn't enough. The spell needed a template, and I guess I could have found one other than myself, but I convinced myself that he'd be better off as a woman. He wouldn't feel pressured into being the primary provider. If he felt useless again, he would feel satisfied with a house-bound role, because society would tell him that it was okay. Then again, maybe it was so that I wouldn't have to see my husband's face every time I looked at him. In either case, I took away his problem, and made him more capable of dealing with it on the off chance that it came back. Belt and suspenders, I thought to myself. Ironic how he wouldn't be needing either of those garments anymore. His arms, his belly, his neck... all that was left below the chin was his chest. I wasn't sure how this would work. The roll was basically a penis and a set of balls now. I grabbed the shaft and pressed the balls end on top of his left nipple, then rubbed around in a circle. Once again, the flesh changed tone and expanded, although a bit more dramatically than the rest of his body. When the skin stopped changing, when the chest stopped expanding, he had a single large boob, bigger than my own I noticed. And soon after he had two large boobs, perfectly proportioned. I took a step back. The body wasn't exactly mine. I was a template, but he wasn't an exact copy of me. He still held most of his physical characteristics, just shaped into my general mold. I noticed that he'd grown some more, his feet almost coming to the end of the bed. It made me deeply happy for him. That, finally, my husband was taller than me, and he wouldn't have to worry about people looking at him strangely when we walked together. But then again, would we be walking together any more? The spell should have created a bond that would keep us together, but our relationship would have to be different. I looked at his face. That wonderful face that I'd spent half my life with. I was about to make it disappear. Suddenly I had second thoughts. Could I reverse what I'd done? Find some other way to help him? How could I live knowing that this new person I was creating used to be my husband? I didn't have time to think about that, because as I stood next to the bed, Wally opened his steely blue eyes. His expression was confused, worried. He looked up at me wordlessly, eyes pitifully staring directly at me with this sad, pleading look. The magic was too well infused into him now, he wasn't really a full person. But he still felt, and I could see the pain in his face. There was only one way for me to ease that pain. I wrapped Wally in my arms and rested my head next to his. Then I started stroking the bread roll against his hair. I don't know if it was the magic or my physical contact that calmed him down, but I felt his breathing slow, and when I pulled back I saw that his eyes were still glassy, but the expression wasn't pain, it was just numb. The more I stroked, the longer his hair grew, the more his grey areas darkened to chestnut brown. His face widened as his skin softened, his features becoming more rounded, like mine. His eyes closed, and I was free from the haunting gaze. When they opened again, they opened wider than I'd ever seen them go, and his irises were a deep brown. The tears were gone. The pain was gone. She just had this curious look, so stark a change from how Wally had been just a moment ago. She curled her lips into a smile, and I had to turn away so she wouldn't see my own tears start to form. I couldn't let her first new experience be my crying, She would be confused, she'd react badly, and it might taint our life-long relationship. I didn't want that, so I left her to her own devices for a few minutes. She found the roll, the one that had changed her, just like she was supposed to, and pushed it under her skirt, barely even noticing me. That was fine. For her, there was nothing special about today. This was a part of our normal routine, I guess. I looked over at the second roll I'd prepared. Should I? "Oh," the new girl moaned, "how do you get bread to come out like this?" I buried my head in a pillow quietly enough that she wouldn't notice. I couldn't do this. I couldn't live knowing who this person used to be, even knowing that I'd helped her, improved her life. I still wanted us to stay close, and we would, but I wanted to remember too. Wanted to keep Wally in my head so he could still exist in some way. But it would never work. I couldn't have both. If she stayed in my life, she'd always remind me of Wally, and if she left then I would lose the bond. I'd made a mistake by even trying this in the first place. So I didn't have a choice. I silently lifted myself up, reached for the second roll, brought it to the side of my head and, for the second time that afternoon, I killed my husband. It felt weird. Like, when your sinuses are clogged and you turn your head, the feeling of all the gunk inside moving from one side to the other. That's what it felt like. Just little waves of pressure moving out of my head and into the roll. Little waves of discomfort, my small price for a lifetime of blissful ignorance. Little waves causing silent tears to press themselves out of my eyelids as I squeezed them shut. Why was I crying? I was losing something, but what? I'm usually not this unstable. Especially when Wendy's around. She just makes me feel better. Maybe it was this sinus headache. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. Had I been crying? Maybe an eyelash fell into them or something. What was this I had in my hand? It looked like a small bread roll, but it was molded into the shape of a man. That was odd. I looked up at Wendy, still going at it on her own, and decided it was time for me to join the younger girl. Normally getting involved with one of my students was repulsive, but what I did with Wendy, well, it didn't feel that way. It wasn't a romantic thing. It just felt natural for us to be together. Maybe it was how we were both big girls. Maybe it was our shared bread fetish. Even though we were clearly doing something sexual, it didn't really feel that way. I unbuttoned my blouse and started rubbing Wendy on the backs of her shoulders. She leaned back into me and the warmth of her body just felt so comfortable. Like it was something I'd lived with all my life, and couldn't live without. Well, I wouldn't have to. Wendy's a special girl. She's going to be somewhere amazing one day, and I'm going to be with her every step it takes to get there.

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 30 Jump

I think I’m half-Danish... It took me a moment, I’ll admit. It was perhaps like seeing someone on a distant hill make an odd movement, and only realizing a long second later that it was the head-on motion of an archer having released an arrow to fly forth from her bow. It took me a moment, yes, but then that five-word missile arrived, slamming into my heart with surgical precision. The world seemed to spin. I only knew one Danish person, and I knew him quite well. I struggled to hold her...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Gorgeous Indian Sex Stories Reader Priya In Chennai Part 8211 2

Hai to iss readers after getting a huge response for my previous seven posts now I decided to write a another story..This my eight th story.. Send your feedback and suggestions to “”..….Now I am coming to the story… I am vijay my native is chennai now settled in Nagercoil,age24 height 5.10,weight 76,penis size 6inch. This story is about how I once again fucked iss reader priya in her place …then en last story Ku neraya comments vanthuthu from male readers and female readers too…fake peoples...

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They Could Have Incredible Sex In A Kitchen

"Crap," Reagan inhaled taking a gander at her telephone.The Uber was here. Eli had landed in his exquisite dark Charger, tag XTUD 459, and she wasn't exactly prepared. She took one last look in the mirror and surrendered that moistness had won today. A mesh adorned with frizz would need to do. She got her tote and quickly grabbed around inside. Keys. Wallet. Telephone. Taking one last clearing look around the flat, she opened and shut the entryway, bolted it, and as she turned, she wound up...

Quickie Sex
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Strapless Black Dress

Strapless Black Dress Mom always said that a girl needs a little black dress. That was why she bought one for my sister. In this case the dress was strapless, quite short, and sexy as hell with a plunging back, a V-neck, and a slit up the side. At fourteen with her breasts still developing Penelope was worried about her dress falling down and exposing her fantastic boobs. Mom laughed at her and told her that the dress would not fall down. Then she told her to wear it around the...

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Rough Justice0

" Resisting arrest. And that's Trooper, Tracy." The judge is on his way and will be here soon. The officer brought a small table into the cell sitting it in the center. I walked into the cell and closed the door. Tracy stood up staring at me stunned as I walked over to her. I grabbed her taking her over to the table. I stepped behind her, I hissed in her ear as I bent over her back, pressing her into the unyielding table. My hips pressed hard against her ass, the length of my hard...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 28 Touring

There were several additions to the entourage; Robyn and Sally were coming, along with their two kids; and of course the other two young kids, Bruce and Rachel’s son, Robert, and Andrew and Mandy’s daughter, Debbie would be coming along. Given that all four kids were a bit over a year old, they really couldn’t be left behind, and neither Paul nor Phil wanted to be away from their wives and kids for the three weeks. I could see in the future organizing tours like this one would become more...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter Two

BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP ‘Shit,’ I exclaimed, ‘the fire alarm!’ Katherine and I had been locked in a passionate kiss when the alarm sounded, meaning my decision was to be delayed. Everybody had to pile out of their blocks immediately. For a moment, Kath and I looked into each others eyes. In her piercing blue eyes, I could see what I thought to be love and longing, but also sadness. I know that in mine, she would have seen the same. We hastily put our clothes back on, which had already been...

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Cunt For Use Chapter 2

As I catch my breath, I hear voices from the breezeway above and silently pray that they don't look down. One of them suddenly calls out, "Guys! Check out this view!" A slight pause and then several other voices chime in with a few whistles and crude comments about my fat ass and what they might like to do with it. My cheeks turn red in embarrassment, especially when I feel a drop of my pussy juice run down the inside of my thigh and I know it is because part of me really wants these...

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Part 3The Myra Chronicles

The next week, after paying for a movie I would never remember—although there was a nude scene in which Myra leaned over and whispered in my ear that she’d like to see my big cock fucking the actress--there I was again, nude, cock hard, my hands tightly gripping the sink, determined that I wouldn’t let go this time.While I stood there watching, Myra and Nicki took a bubble bath in their big tub. It took a long time, and I half enjoyed it, half wanted the waiting to be over. This was the first...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 37

The Arlington Municipal Courthouse is a ten story, fairly modern building not very far from the UTA campus. I thought getting into the parking garage was going to be difficult, but it wasn’t. Once I was parked, I sat in my car for a moment. Whoever had been following me earlier might find me again. I didn’t see how, but I couldn’t take the chance. I thought of another spell for my car: anything attached to my car without my knowledge or consent would be deactivated. Even if there was a remote...

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My Evil Landlord

This is my 2nd true story of my transexual life and the things that have happend to me in it. I moved into my own flat when i was 17, i needed the space away from my mum who was always drinking and getting fucked by strangers who she would bring back after a night out, many a time id hear the bed banging in her room and her screaming out a different mans name at night. Id find wet cum stains on her bed during the day or a pair of her panties lying somewhere that she had thrown and forgot about...

4 years ago
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Biggest and BestChapter 5

Carol looked up at me from across the table and said, "Wade, I'm sorry for what Dwight has been trying to do. You need to know that I was firmly against his bringing Claire into our activities without your knowledge and your active participation. As far as I was concerned, Dwight was breaking the cardinal rule of swinging, and I have told him so repeatedly in all this. "The only way that swinging can work without endangering or destroying relationships is for all the activities to be...

1 year ago
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The Quest For Liberation Chap 4

If you remember from Chapter 1, I had been dating a lovely lady by the name of Melanie.  This was an on again/off again relationship, but we always managed to have a lot of fun together.  One night, while driving back from a concert at U.T. (University of Texas, Austin), I answered my cell phone and it was my ex-wife on the phone.  I was shocked when she asked, “Would you like to get together, as in a date?”I told her I’d call her in the morning.  As soon as I hung up, Melanie asked me if that...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 25

Dave and Evie had both been aware of Jeff teasing Doctor Boswell while everyone was in the living room. Although Helen had continued to participate in the conversation and banter, it was obvious that Jeff's ignoring her was beginning to get to her. Before it reached the point of hurting his new bride's feelings; however, he had casually walked over to her, picked her up as if she weighed nothing, and slung her over his shoulder. His attention to her had seemingly gone from nothing to the...

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Last Chance for Redemption

Well, it’s the big day of the prom, and almost no one that is attending the prom is attending school today. So, it’s pretty much a free day to cut class, go out to lunch, or whatever people do when they have a free moment to screw around. Today, I was one of the unlucky suckers that made it to school. I was not going to the prom, for I did not make many friends at this school. I’m not a really social person, and that, I guess, kept me from being someone. I could have done some of the other...

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Perfect Wife

Sebastian’s wife had just gotten back from her run and she headed to the shower. She made a stop by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and headed up the stairs to wash up. Sebastian had been up in his room sorting out some old photos of their past vacation, some of which included there “alone” nights. They were really into each other and sex every night was a must for them. He heard her walk about half way up the stairs when he grabbed a photo he had set aside. It was of her after he had...

3 years ago
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Whispers From Down Below

If someone had been asked to characterize Gerald Flemming, one possible term used would most likely have been ordinary or maybe average. Truth be told, that was probably an overly generous assessment. Gerald was actually below average in almost most aspects – intelligence, looks, ambition, social skills... Despite all that, he would eventually become quite a wealthy and powerful individual. And it would be all thanks to the whispers. Gerald, in his mid-thirties, was living in his uncle's...

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Whore becomes lesbian slave

This was a first for me. Mr A. had been to see me before and told me about this fantasy he had. I thought OK, Yes it it just a fantasy and would never happen.Last night Mr A. phoned me to book me and tell me that we wanted to carry out his fantasy, he lives on a House Boat just outside of London.I arrived in my high school uniform, you know the sort of thing, short skirt and white blouse. My black bra peeping through the thin fabric. I arrived and Mr A. ushered me in.Mr A. told me to go up to...

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Breaking and Entering Ch 2

Again, from Literotica...The original title forced First- Ch. 2 I retain copyright, blah, blah, blah...--------------------------------------------------------------------forced First- Ch. 2This is a continuation of my story… This is the truth, as best as I can remember it…The hot summer day was rejuvenating. Out of school, not yet having to go to college, the days were my own. I spent most of that Sunday in my room, coming out only to eat and use the bathroom. My mind reeled as I relived...

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third times a charm zachary brett

Zachary loved fucking Brett in front of a mirror, any mirror. He loved how Brett’s body looked, with muscles tight, dick straight up, rock hard when Zachary pounded into him with all the might in his loins. Brett tried looking away but Zachary wouldn’t let him, forcing him to look into his own red, sweaty face. He loved how Brett tried not making any sound, this stubborn bastard; he deserved all of it.Usually, like they agreed, Brett wasn’t jacking off until Zachary was near the end; they knew...

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My Dear SisChapter 5

I laid her on her bed and gently put pressure on her left leg to see if there was response and looked at her she shook her head no response i did the same to her right leg and it seems she can sense her right till her thighs and left didn’t have any reaction at all. “Now i am a ex-convict and a cripple huh” she said to herself I just didn’t say anything i got warm water and gentle lifter her shirt and cleaned her wound while being mesmerized by the dragon tattoo that ran along her...

2 years ago
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Lady In The House Part IX

Synopsis: Michele tried to use her feminine charms on the Warden at Chelmsford Prison. He rebuked her and sent her packing back to work in the prison brothel. Now Eddie has introduced her to a powerful friend of his called Davy... Can Michele seduce Dave and persuade him to help her escape the brothel where she works as a transvestite prostitute? Lady In The House - Part IX By Michele Nylons From Part VIII There was a gentle rapping at the wood panelled door through which I had...

2 years ago
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If the Broom FitsChapter 4

“Isn’t there another one of you?” Penelope asks, squinting out the sunlight to look at the younger Gruff. Oh no, not another go around. Junior smiles at the mention. “There is Billie, my sister, but she’s away though. Besides, if she were here it wouldn’t help. She’s not into girls.” Thank the gods. Two goat dicks are enough for one day. I don’t know how you can do it. “I can help,” a sudden voice from the bridge says. Penelope turns to see a hulking brute of a troll walking toward her,...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 43

The second round of the festivities was held in the disguise of a cocktail party. The venue was a large mansion on a slight rise overlooking the Potomac River. The competition was tougher this time, as more of the contestants at least had an idea of what was going on. None, however, had the social skills to match Nicole's. She tittered and blinked her way into the hearts of the most hardened judges within the first thirty minutes of the evening. If we, meaning I, didn't blow it for the...

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Warm Welcome SpinOFf

I've lost my muse for my CDC story these past few months, but I've come across a few stories that inspired me. I figure I'll post a link to the original material, not trying to step on anyone's toes; credit is an important thing. I woke up in a white room. My eyes quickly shut; the bright lights beating down on them is too much. I groan as a dull ache works its way through my head. It feels like the worst possible hangover. I hear a set...

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Aunt8217s Erotic Bukkake Party Busted

Hi readers. This is Anto again back with another story in an incestuous episode of how I fucked my aunt and her daughter. Thanks for all the comments and replies. I felt happy reading all your replies considering it was my first time writing stories. This story is about me having sex with my mom’s elder sister Josephine and her daughter (my cousin) Ashwini. I was moving to Coorg for my graduation and I had to stay at my aunt’s house. Cutting all the bullshit, let me get straight to the...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission London River The Dinner Party

London River has been neglected at home by her husband for a long time. After he comes home demanding that she throw a dinner party to impress his boss, she completely loses patience with him. She sneaks off to an abandoned warehouse to get cropped, flogged and fucked by Ramon Nomar. Her husband doesn’t know how to please her, but Ramon uses and abuses her every way she likes. Ramon strips London and exposes her shaved pussy. After tying up her full rack, he squeezes her perky nipples...

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Who Took My Cherry Pt3

sex with my boyfriend on Friday, I was now left with disturbing choices. After a lot of thought, I eliminated my father since I knew him and mom was still enjoying nights together. That only left my Brother, unless there was some stranger in the house that I didn’t know about. But my brother was only 15, could he really know more about sex than John did? And would he really do that to his sister? There was only one way to find out, so I began to think how could I repeat that...

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