Cardonali The Magical Imp Part 4 free porn video

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Terence decided that both he and Winnie should get their hair cut. Well styled, Terence would actually get his hair lengthened with extensions. He went to a salon that catered to both men and women. Terence told the stylist to cut Winnie's hair in a short boys undercut style with shaved sides. The stylist asked, "Are you sure?" "Of course, I am sure." Winnie didn't want her hair styled in anyway. But was told she wouldn't be able to play with her toys unless she got it cut. This quieted her down. Terence got hair extensions for his own hair. He wanted his hair to be just below shoulder length and a little bit wavy. He also decided he wanted to be a red-head. Winnie's hair was finished long before Terence and so she was allowed to play in the back play area with his toys. The area was a special room reserved for little children who came in with their mothers. This gave them a place to play while the stylists worked on their mother's hair. Winnie played by herself and with the other children who entered the play area. She didn't get along well with the girls only playing with them when nobody else was with her. Winnie knew she was already in trouble because of what happened at the store and resisted her most 'evil' urges to pull the girl's hair or something equally as nasty to them. But that didn't mean she had to be particularly nice to those yucky girls. Winnie held out as long as she could, but in addition to getting extensions, Terence got a mani/pedi which added time that they were at the salon. Winnie got into a fight with one of the boys whose mother was also getting her hair done. The fight could be heard well into the salon. A crowd gathered. Winnie was winning the fight, she might be a woman almost fifty, but she was big enough to beat up your average nine year old boy. It was the boy's fault. He called Winnie and 'Old Lady' and wouldn't take it back. Terence whose nails were only half way done and nowhere near dry came running into the back barefoot with cotton between his toes. "Winifred Josephine Wolf!!!" he screamed at Winnie. Hearing here complete name, Winnie stopped fighting immediately. Terence grabbed Winnie by the arm and yanked her out of the play room. He gave her three hard swats to her backside. The swats partially ruined Terence's drying nails. "But, Mommy it wasn't my fault. He called me a name." "I don't care whose fault it was. You will sit right here." Terence put Winnie into a chair facing the wall like a time out punishment. "Where I can see you. And you will stay here until I am done." Winnie continued as her eye's started to well up. "It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault!" Terence offered to pay for the other Mom's hair session. Terence took responsibility for the situation since Winnie was so much bigger then the 'other' boy. This soothed the matter. Winnie sulked while staring at the wall the rest of the time Terence was in the salon. -------------------------------- "Mommy, have our clothes arrived?" Kevin asked. "No dear." "Shouldn't it be here by now?" "I don't know. Let me call my friend." Mom got onto the phone and called. Kevin and Terra could here what she said, but it didn't sound good. "What happened?" "I guess Macys was back logged. The order wasn't ready." "What are we going to do now?" "I have an idea." Mom went and got a paint by numbers set. "These are so much fun and you don't need too much skill." The picture was a professional looking cartoon of Cinderella. The picture on the box showed it was clearly for adults. The paints were rich colors like the stills of the 1930s. "Why don't we all try the same picture and we'll see who does the best." Kevin and Terra decided to play along. Kevin and Terra started as per Mom's request. But Mom didn't paint. When it was time, she said she had to start on dinner, but that she would be right back. There was always one excuse or another as to why Mom didn't start. Finally, Mom said she was so far behind she would just watch them. Kevin and Terra took special care to paint inside the lines which took a lot of time. Mom checked to see if Kevin was wet in the middle and when he was she insisted that she changed them both. After dinner, Mom suggested they play a board game. When Kevin found out that the game she meant was "Chutes and Ladders" he complained. "Come on, Mommy. We can't play that." "It'll be fun. Besides you haven't a chance at winning." "It's all luck." "No there is skill. I'll bet you I win." "Bet?" "Yeah if you win, I'll do whatever you want." This sounded good to Kevin. It was two against one. If either he or Terra won, they would get Mom to drive them home. "Anything?" "Yes, but if I win you two have to do whatever I say." "It's a bet." The three played the game. It went back and forth. But when Terra or Kevin was on the verge of victory, they always landed on a chute and fell back. Usually way back. In the end, Mom won. She actually cheated, but shew knew what was best for her little princesses and this was the only way. "OK, Mommy," Kevin said resigned to his fate. "What will it be?" "I'll tell you tomorrow," she said trying to seem mysterious. "How about double or nothing then?" "Are you sure?" "YES." During the game, Mom got a call. She answered it and then informed Kevin who it was. "Good news," Mom told them. "The doctor called and said he can see you tomorrow." "But we can't go out like this." "Oh don't worry, I'll have some clothes for you for tomorrow." The result of the first game was the same as the second. When they were done, it was dinner time. Mom served dinner and it was very good. It was Japanese styled beef with vegetables. The beef as is traditional was already cut up by the time it reached the table. Everything that they ate was all cut up like it would be for a small child. Breakfast was Cream of Wheat, lunch was chicken fingers, although they have been cut up to make them look like small chicken nuggets and dinner was this sliced steak that was already cut into small pieces. After dinner, Mom suggested they try karaoke. The songs she used were from the Disney Frozen: Karaoke series. After they were done, Mom changed them both again. Kevin was wet again and starting to really get concerned. Mom always insisted on changing them both at the same time. After they were changed, Mom gave them two new nightgowns. They had been wearing the same nightgown all day. But this time, she said, because of the great pictures they painted this afternoon they would be wearing Cinderella nightgowns. Then she told them to go to sleep. Neither felt tired, but they wanted to talk some more. As with the afternoon nap once in their bed they fell immediately to sleep. ---------------------------------- Terence made dinner for the family and waited for Douglas to go home. Douglas was informed as to what happened today and went up to speak to Winnie. Winnie's was made to eat her dinner in her room and wasn't allowed to watch any T.V. With Winnie incarcerated in her room, Douglas and Terence sat down to a quiet dinner alone. "Wow, you look great," Douglas told Terence. "It was sorely needed. I don't know why I waited so long too get a makeover. The makeup artist told me I have been using too much makeup and haven't been putting it on right. I guess I have gotten so used to doing it the same way for all these many years. "Well you look great and I love your hair." "I like it too. You know Winnie's hair was longer than mine was." "It was???" Douglas said like he was shocked, but it was obvious. "Yeap. But now things are back to normal. Winnie's hair is short and my hair is long. I also just adore the color. Blondes may have more fun, but redheads are fiery." "Hey why not Friday night you and I go out on the town all by ourselves. It'll be like when we were first married." "That's a great idea, but after Winnie is asleep, we can have a special night here too." After dinner Douglas got everything prepared. He made reservations and found a babysitter to come over to take care of Winnie. The babysitter was a highly recommended fifteen year old. ---------------------------------- Mom woke them up very early in the morning. Cold sugary cereal was prepared for them. After breakfast mom told them to take a bath. She insisted that they take a bath together to save water. There had been a multi-year drought so that didn't seem to be such an odd request, besides taking a bath with Terra appealed to Kevin. What didn't appeal to him was that Mom was in the bathroom with them. Mom said she didn't wanted any funny stuff to happen in her house. When the bath was over, Mom diapered them. Then she said, "OK, you lost the bet and it's time to pay the price. Terra you said you liked dressing up as a princess when you were young. I have this really pretty dress, put it on now." Mom had lied when she said that their clothing hadn't arrived. Neither of them knew what type of clothing she had selected. "I don't want to," she said. "You lost the bet, so you have to." "Awe come one Terra, I'm sure you will look so pretty in that," Kevin joked. "Funny you should say that, I have a dress for you too." "What???" Kevin exclaimed. "You both lost so you have to do the same thing. It seems only fair." Kevin was trapped by his own words. Mom brought out two dresses. They were white sleeveless flower girl dresses with a rounded neck. The bodice was sequenced and had a flat decorative braid. The skirt was flared although not as poofy as the one that Kevin had worn. It also had a sash that tied in the back along with a back zipper. The dresses that Kevin and Terra wore were in size 14 and 10 respectively. Very few older girls wore a dress like this. They were made for a much younger girl. At Macys you could buy this dress in sizes as low as 2T. Soon, Kevin and Terra were wearing the pretty flower girl dress (not as fancy as what Kevin was wearing two nights ago). "Haha," Kevin said, "very funny, Mommy." "You aren't done yet." She then put white tights on the pair and white maryjane shoes. Mom didn't have the tiaras she wanted, nor the gloves, but she gave each a makeshift wand to go with the outfit. "You look so darling, let me take a picture." Terra restrained her embarrassment knowing how Kevin must feel. Both of them wore exactly the same outfit. On Terra it looked too juvenile for her. On Kevin it looked ludicrous. Kevin tried to maintain his own dignity. He had lost the bet, he was going to be a good sport about it. Before they knew it Mom had taken a picture and then out of the blue. "Oh my. Where did the time go? We have your doctor's appointment in fifteen minutes we have to go now." "OK, let me change," Kevin said. "No time. The doctor is a friend of mine. He's coming in early to see us, we can't be late." "I can't go out like this." "Why not?" "I look ridiculous." "No you look darling. When you get there he'll probably put you in a gown anyway." "Come on, Mommy. There is no way I can go." "Then you'll miss the appointment. I don't know when I can get you another one. He was being nice to see you on such short notice. Stop arguing and let's go." Kevin was so concerned about his problem he went along with Mom. He didn't have any choice. When he got to the office, he thought he could tell the doctor about what Mom had done. Then the authorities would be called and he would be able to get back to normal. Mom insisted that Kevin and Terra get into the back seat. Kevin wanted to stay with Terra so it was no problem. But what he found there were extra secure car seats in the back. Once in them, they found they couldn't buckle themselves in. Mom had to do it for them. Once in their seats they couldn't unbuckle them either. Mom drove to the doctor's office. Both Kevin and Terra felt ridiculous in what their were wearing, but they thought that it would be ending as soon as they told the doctor. They drove to his office and inside his parking garage. They both felt thankful that no one was there and they could get into the elevator. They were thankful again when they didn't see anyone in the elevator, halls or waiting room. Mom and Terra waited in the waiting room while Kevin went to be examined. Worrying about what the doctor would find, Kevin instinctively put his thumb into his mouth and started to suck. It did make him feel better. Somehow he dozed off while waiting for the doctor. The doctor gave Kevin a first round of electrolysis. Every time Kevin visited the doctor, he would get another round without him knowing. He also examined Kevin's genitals and the rest of his body. While waiting, Terra also fell asleep. Unbeknownst to Terra, she was also examined by the doctor. She was returned to the waiting room before awakening. When Kevin came to consciousness the doctor started to talk to him. "It's much more serious than I had thought," the doctor warned. "It can be controlled with medication, but you can never be alone. You might have a seizure. If you are alone and have a seizure you could die. Can you stay with anyone?" "Well I sort have been staying with Mommy." "That is good. You mustn't be left alone, not even for a few minutes." Kevin was scared at the doctor's warning. "I understand. Will my wetting stop?" "The wetting is just a symptom. That and your blackouts and how you can just pass out instantly. You did it while you were here. We were talking and you just passed out. Don't you remember?" "No not really." The doctor called Mom and Terra in to consult. "I think Kevin will be OK, but it is still very serious. It might get worse before it gets better. He has lost 'bowel' control and he might start to lose a little manual control. Kevin you should try and do something that requires fine manual motions. I am going to prescribe something you. You should also get on a sleeping schedule. You need your rest, go to bed early no later than eight. You should also take a nap in the afternoon. Along with the medicine this will prevent further memory loss and fainting spells. Take it as soon as possible and then every morning at 6:00 AM. "OK, I just want to run one last test and then you can take him home." Mom took Terra aside. "Look, this is going to be tough on Kevin. I want you to always be with him at all times. We'll do everything together so that Kevin won't feel different. I also want you to stay in diapers even after your period ends to make everything seem perfectly normal. That he isn't the only one in a diaper. Also when he goes to sleep, you'll go too. You will always be together, he can't be alone for an instant." "OK, what ever you say Mommy." After talking to Terra, Mom phoned a pharmacy and ordered the medicine and a few other things. She was told it would be ready by the time she got there. Back in the examining room, the Doctor made the motions of giving Kevin another test. When he was done the doctor told Kevin, "I want you back here in three days for additional tests." Not coincidentally, in three days Mom had arranged for the guest bedroom to be painted. She had selected the color. It was a color called "Cotton White" "Cotton White" is a rich ivory color with just a hint of pink which would look great in any girl's bedroom. "Before you go, one last thing." "Yes Doctor" "How come you are wearing a dress?" "It's my Mommy's joke. I lost a bet she made me come like this." "It's just like your mother to do something like that. But it's good she did. It's important you don't wear anything tight like pants. You should always wear a skirt. If it's too cold then wear it with tights." "You have to be pulling my leg." "No I am quite serious. It has to do with your circulation." The doctor made up an explanation and then walked Kevin back out to greet Terra and Mom. He also explained that Kevin should never wear pants until the medicine had some time to work. He shouldn't go to work either and he reiterated that Kevin should always be monitored. The trio left the doctors office and in the car Kevin told Mom and Terra what the doctor said. Kevin and Terra realized they were trapped at Mom's house. Terra's parents had 'disowned' her and Kevin needed to be watched constantly. Sure Terra could keep an eye on Kevin, but it would be best if two people were involved. They were at the doctor's office for hours even though Kevin and Terra didn't know it. While they were there, the first piece of Mom's furniture for Kevin and Terra's room was delivered. It was an oval mirror like the one seen by the witch in Snow White. It had a beveled edge and was beautifully framed in antiqued white with intricate rose detailing. It had a beaded trim and of course it had an oval shape just like in the story. It was really quite pretty, and wouldn't look out of place in any room, but it was perfect for a room for little princesses. The center piece of the room would be the Cinderella carriage bed, but since it had to be special ordered for a queen-sized mattress, it would be the last item delivered. On the way home, Mom picked up her order via a pickup window at the pharmacy so Kevin and Terra didn't have to leave the car. When they got home, Kevin took his medicine immediately. Kevin was wet of course and Mom changed him (and Terra too.) "Kevin it's time for your nap." "Do I?" "Doctor's orders." An hour later, Mom woke them up. Kevin wanted to get out of the dress and walk around in just his diapers and tights. Kevin had grown used to the diapers. He knew he couldn't control himself. "The doctor said you should stay in loose fitting clothing," Mom reminded him. "Besides you lost the bet and you are going to stay in that outfit all day. That is unless you want to play for double or nothing?" The competitive nature of Kevin took over. But instead of Chutes and Ladders, they played Candyland. Mom suggested 'to give them a fair shot' that they play three out of five. The game with diaper changing breaks took all afternoon. After losing the games three to two. It was decided that they wear their princess dresses for a week. The doctor's prognosis had resigned Kevin that he had to wear dresses all the time anyway. He hadn't any plans to go outside, so 'pretty' dresses wouldn't make much of a difference. Mom made dinner and then after dinner she said, "I got something for you." "What?" Mom then pulled out of the bag that the medicine came in a coloring book and crayons. "What's this?" "The doctor said you have to keep your fingers active so your condition doesn't deteriorate. Color in the pictures and don't go outside the lines. That'll do just fine." "Isn't there something else? How about the paint by numbers like last time?" "The pharmacy didn't have any." Terra was concerned for her boyfriend and so she piped in. "Come on it'll be fun. I'll color too." "That is what I thought, I got an extra coloring book for you too." Mom and Terra were right. He needed to keep his hands from shaking. This was exactly what he needed. Plus if he did start to shake he would be able to tell immediately. Kevin and Terra started to color. They continued until almost eight o'clock when it was time to go to bed.

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Magical Girl Sex Kitten Katie Kats was a pop idol with a secret. While most thought of her as a bright young girl and raising star, no one would have realized this reserved, young girl could magically transform into the Lolita, heroine know as Magical Girl Sex Kitten. It had all started when she was given the artifact known as Aphrodite's scepter. It was a gift from her publicist and she loved it. The young girl had even gone so far to fall asleep holding it at bed time. That...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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DC Comics Shadow of the imp

Coming at them like sweeping, driving waves, rain battered the walls of Arkham Asylum in waves as bolts of lightening streaked across the night sky, lighting up the heavy clouds while the wind made the trees groan as they swayed back and forth. Deep inside the bowels of the asylum, Batman had just emerged into a large chamber where the latest in a long and seemingly never-ending series of confrontations between him and his arch-enemy was about to take place. Even by his standards, the Joker had...

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Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings

"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Magical Hearts chapter 11

In our last chapter, we had designed a plan to create a magical Keep, one capable of shrinking down to size of a dollhouse, using the enchanted keep to return our people. Beforehand we were going to return the soldiers of a failed invasion, this would do two things provide a final test for the enchanted keep as well as move them to their homeland. Personally, I did not know if I trusted the Ruler of Izmira to do as we wished or keep his word. He could easily play the situation for the best...

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Magical Hearts chapter 10

Magical hearts chapter 10 During our last chapter, we found out that the kingdom of Izmira had not only ordered Raiders to capture slaves, but had infiltrated Edmonton one of the main cities in Cowan. I fear this is a prelude to war, the harbor there would allow them to bring in as many troops safely with as many ships they can bring. A small army could more easily defend the peninsula that Edmonton sets on as they wait for reinforcements. I briefed my father, who seemed to lose his appetite....

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Its not so magical being a girl 3

"Holy shit, she's hot!" Angie's voice rang out through the trailer as the girls stared at their new teammate. "It doesn't matter what she looks like!" Lee snapped, "We just need another girl on the team!" Marie realized she was staring at Charles's new form, and snapped out of it. She shook her head. "Hey Charlie, what are your powers?" May continued to stare, her jaw was hanging open and her eyes moved up and down Charles's new body, then she quietly squeaked, "Not...

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The Cable Guys Magical House Call

Maggie got home with four new cable boxes in hand and felt quite confident that she could set things up herself. Connecting the new boxes wouldn’t be rocket science! Besides, she was quite tech-savvy and had a degree in technology, for crying out loud.So, when all four televisions displayed the same error, she was less than amused. A call to the cable company resulted in even more frustration when the young woman on the other end of the phone finally said, “May I make an appointment with a...

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The Wonderful Magical Wishing Tree

THE WONDERFUL MAGICAL WISHING TREE by Spewdude666 Once upon a time there were two little Princes who lived with their Granpma the King in the Enchanted Forest as both their parents had been killed in a horrible incident with a salad shooter, both their mother who had been a raven haired cheerleader at ENCHANTED FOREST POLYTECHNIC HIGH SCHOOL as well as a candy striper at the local VA hospital before becoming a renowned veterinarian and their father- a 5'5" powerhouse of a dynamo and...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 3

Robert reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map of campus. He rubbed his eyes and studied the map. Despite not sleeping well, he couldn't help but smile. The early morning crowd of students, bustling about to classes made him feel energetic. No more high school drama and worrying about who is dating who and what people did in their spare time. He could just be one of twenty thousand students and no one would give him a second look. He was truly free. Consulting the map, he...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 28 The Magical Mystery Tour Before the Energists

Kaleigh pulled to a stop beside Mike's car at 5:30pm, and grabbed her purse and looked at the mysterious envelope on the front passenger seat. She turned it over a few times in her hands again, and then remembered she was to read its contents in the parking area. Tearing it open, she pulled out the small note and a soft, black eye mask. She flipped the mask around in her hands and saw that is had an elastic strap to keep it securely in place. After laying it down over her purse, Kaleigh...

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The Magical Sailor Fuku

The Magical Sailor Fuku Copyrighted 2000 by Champina Please ask permission before posting to any site=) Eric nearly tripped over the large package waiting in the doorway. He had been daydreaming again and hadn't noticed it until it was almost too late. As usual he had been daydreaming about anime and manga. Dreaming what it would be like to fight like Goku, Ryu or even Chun Li. Eric was even willing to cross the gender boundaries in his day dreams. Some of his fantasy...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 2

Cory shook his head. "You're incredible. I know I won't be playing video games for a little while." Robert snorted as he sat at his desk. "I'm not playing. I just missed my guild's PvP night. I'm one of the better players. I can't just ditch without an explanation." "Kind of missing my point." Robert logged into Aspect Realms. His character, a female Deviling Windwhisper he named Bluster, loaded onto the screen. People always asked him why he played a female character. Though he...

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Magical dream I had last night

My dream started off as if I was on a field trip to a magical place. There was a lady, mystical in some way, who offered me my favorite popcicle flavor orange cream? She knew it was my favorite, and suggested towards a plate of lollipops in her hand. I grabbed one that was a rainbow swirl of colors thinking it would not taste like it, sure enough if was that tasty cream orange popcicle flavor.She told me her magical world was endangered by these two guys on my trip. I wasn’t sure how I could...

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Impersojnating an Impersonator

Impersonating an Impersonator "Rob, you need to do something. These paparazzi give me no peace. I don't want to talk about Alex." Melody Rodriguez, the glamorous up and coming star in Hollywood was in her plush suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel. She had been discovered about two years earlier. She modelled her looks on Marilyn Monroe with full blonde hair and full pouty red lips. Her 36-24-34 figure was a copy of Monroe. She was a few inches taller than Monroe's 5'5". She had...

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SRU Magical Solutions

SRU: Magical Solutions By Morpheus Lester Greyson watched with great relief as the other students at the end of the hallway clustered around Carl Nielsol, threatening to shove him into a locker. Lester was just thankful that their attention was on someone else for a change. That this time it wouldn't be him that they threatened to shove into a locker. Lester knew that they never could really put him in one, since the schools used the small lockers, but that never stopped the...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 15

Eli wiped his tears from his eyes as he ran. Rob had told them to get out quickly; the least he could do was comply. He had to focus getting out; if he let his mind drift, he knew the tears would return. He had been so worthless. While his sister was dying, all he could do is cry. Even now, as Rob was sacrificing the entire life he had lead up until now, all Eli could do is run. Worse though was the fact that this thought brought Eli comfort. He wouldn't dare say it out loud, but...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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The Magical Laptop

The Magical Laptop By Eric and Gambler Kevin was walking back to his house after his football practice. Just as he was hoping, he had secured the starter position of tight end on the team. Living only two blocks away from the high school meant that he would only get his own car when he went to college - if then! His parents were very nice, but hardly well off. This lack of car put a break on his social life, where the status of owning a car did make life in high school a more...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Teresa Scalia Magical Mystery Tour

Teresa and Dominic Scalia were busily brainstorming entertainment ideas for the upcoming Community Chest gala. "We've got the band with a featured singer, but I think we need something else. Something for a change of pace." said Teresa. Dominic thought for a moment. "How about a magician? It could be the first act right after dinner and before we clear the floor for the dance." "Really, a magician? Seems a bit tacky." Teresa countered. "Tell you what, I'll call my cousin Angelo in...

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Magical Hearts chapter 6

Loving and knowing my spouses heart: Chapter 6 In the morning a knock at our door awakens us, I only let go of Isabel long enough to pull the blankets up to Isabel shoulder. She turns her head to look at me. A servant enters the room, on a table, she places a tray containing breakfast, my stomach grumbles at the smell of the food. Isabel stomach grumbles in return, apparently our appetite heightened because of last nights activities. The servant bowing and says, The King request your presence...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Sherrys Magical Yuletide

It was nearly midnight on Christmas Eve and Sherry was slumped in a chair in the sitting room of her small cottage, lit only by the embers of the dying fire. She was feeling totally out of sorts, facing a Christmas Day on her own once again, which wasn't at all what she had planned.§§§§§Sherry was a secondary school teacher specialising in Natural History at a large comprehensive school in a rundown area of town. She had studied Biology at university, quickly discovering that she was...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Magical Summer 2

There was a wait before Resi and Akira returned, long enough for them to have a discussion, and then the three of us just cuddled for a while, all of us naked but the focus at first was to reestablish familiarity, not arousal. Both Resi and Akira told me they planned a very enjoyable night for me which included an extended back rub by Resi. I almost thought they were suggesting the party was over for the night, but then Akira went to the toy box and pulled out not just cuffs but a padded bar...

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Chimp Donkey

Preface:A few weeks ago I visited my local pub. As I was approaching, the owner of the pub was seated outside and chatting to a man I had never seen before. After inviting me to join them, she introduced me to the man whose name was ‘Chimp.’ A short while later, she asked Chimp how his old buddy, ‘Donkey’ was doing… Naturally, with those two strange nicknames in mind, I couldn’t resist writing this story.*I bought my first home for an unbelievably low price. Although it needed a lot of work, it...

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