SpaceChapter 41 free porn video

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There was a bombardment again but Toxlo was not responding. Erica told us that the next phase was commencing. More rock was sent to the planet but aimed at the missile batteries further out to draw their fire. They had been reluctant to shoot before due to their dwindling supplies. They now had to fire or die. When the firing was the heaviest, some of our ships dived through the atmosphere causing as much noise as the antimatter explosions. They swooped low over the ocean and then came to land in the city.

As soon as the ships landed they disgorged the cadets in our hardened armour. Gordo became our local command centre but every piece of information was being duplicated and sent to Walt and to Wesley. If events turned extremely bad then we would know what had happened or the survivors would.

Betts and I used medication to stay awake and alert. The administration building had fallen then the two reactors. While the cadets cleaned up we set up our own missile batteries and tried to get the manufacturing facilities that had served the Aristis working for us.

Betts and I curled up in the administration building and went to sleep. Finding out who died in my family could wait until we woke up.

I woke up holding Betts after coming out of a bad nightmare. All of my family had died and I just sat there and could not do anything to stop it.

There were rations and water near and I had a drink then went looking for the washroom. A guard in armour pointed the way after saluting. Even while expelling wastes, I got Gordo to give an update.

Toxlo had fallen but we were prepared for further resistance. Walt as Rontem gloated over his 'easy' victory and talked of what was going to happen next. A census was completed and Garbo tried to get everybody back to work. We searched for weapons. Those we found were tagged and the owner's name affixed to it. They did not believe that they would get the weapons back when diplomatic relations were normalised. This was all done as we slept.

I waited for Betts to wake up before I listened to the specifics of the bad news. When she did wake up she quickly looked around to find me then smiled. She then saw what was ahead of us. I helped her up and held her to me. "You better get ready for our day. We have some bad news to hear and a lot of work to do." Betts hugged me to her and started to sniffle already. She must have got some of the information already.

Erica was the one that gave us the information. She was not safely in space but here with us and wearing armour. She was difficult to hug but we tried. She was much more careful with us.

Erica said through her external speaker, "You guys did a pretty good job. There was no organised resistance left."

"How many of your cadets died?"


"Resistance must still have been stiff if three died when in armour."

"Some of the soldiers had some heavy weapons that should have been in the armoury. The bloody Aristis and there internecine warfare. They are ready to take on a rival faction at any time. I don't know how you are going to control them."

"I'll worry more about that later. Tell us the names of your dead and then ours."

Erica went through the names slowly so we had a chance to bring up the faces of each of them. Every single one of them we knew very well. It was family members dying not unknown soldiers in a far away war. The cadet deaths were bad but my mates hurt worse. I had bonded with them as their husband and father of their children.

We were all holding each other as the names rolled on and on until Sam Lockhart's name was mentioned. The pause told me that there were no more yet. I wanted to know about all of the deaths but I could not take it now.

Erica had come prepared for this, or at least in part. "We are having problems with the rest of the planet Captain. The Aristis have dispersed. I am pretty sure that they have hidden cashes of missiles and manufacturing facilities. The major cities are ours. We estimate that there were forty two thousand Aristis on the planet when we arrived. Twenty two percent of the population are dead and thirty percent more are wounded and waiting more advanced medical attention.

"The male Aristis are put to work even if it is just labour. We gathered up the orphans, injured and the widows and put them to work too. We can look after them better this way. They are free to come and go and we feed them well.

"We are assembling large drones to search out the Aristis that will still fight. Fonduush cannot come near because there are still a lot of missile batteries that suddenly appear. We think that one ship that is severely damaged can still be used as bait when enough repairs are done to it.

"The Fonduush and the other major ships were hit. Our improved shields were more than enough protection for the crews. There was minor damage though that may take a month to repair and another month to fine tune the systems. We are well able to fight now if it were not for our limited supplies of missiles.

"There are still live missiles in space still ready to attack. These are being cleaned up and co-opted if possible. It is likely that a substantial force of Aristis have left the planet as King Rontem had. They may come back when we least expect it or look for another planet.

"Earth had seen no sign of the Aristis. We are investigating the planets that may have been supporting Aristis construction. There has to be small bases there. So far we can only send probes.

"There were Tomma in the cities but most were in the military bases. The latter we hit hard. Those sites are being organised by our people. The surviving Tomma would rather surrender to one of their own.

"Our estimates of the Tomma population, world wide was about right. There are three hundred and twenty million. Casualty figures place the total number of Tomma casualties at 0.09%. The surviving Tomma we have met are not excessively hostile to us. Our family acts as liaison. Most of the problems stem from the indoctrination the Aristis put the Tomma through.

"There are still some hot spots on the planet and these we thought you should look into. Some have sizable Tomma populations."

Erica switched from voice to direct feed through my computer. I saw the damage to the ships and more accurate assessments to their repair. The scene shifted to Cralto. The placement of old and new Aristis missile batteries were shown and also the damage we did to the planet.

The new batteries were mobile and they had to be taken out. They were designed to be not found easily which meant we had to work much harder. Drones were used to find them directly but we also hurried to complete the pilotless ship designed as bait.

Other ships had gone over all the other cities to check on their defences but again there was no activity yet. Some Aristis were very busy though trying to build new defences and we had to take these out before they were completed. If possible I would like to do it without the loss of more life.

Erica was in nominal command of the Fonduush but we all knew that King Rontem chose to do it this way. Walt was paving the way for the king to be deposed instead of his original plan of becoming a kind king. We needed to show that biologicals were taking over slowly while the old king concentrated on affairs that concerned him more.

Erica went back to her post in space and wanted Betts and I to come with her. I couldn't do this for a lot of reasons and we all knew this.

We did get a ship to provide transportation. Betts and I got in with three cadets in battle armour. We went to the nearest city called Dayla to try to see what we could do. It had been hit as hard as necessary but no more. The missile batteries had spewed nothing for a while now.

Dayla was a city of only six hundred Aristis and perhaps a hundred Tomma now. It covered a large area though. It was laid out to be defended but it also looked beautiful. The equivalent of the mayor was at the city centre with two other men to await our arrival.

Our ship circled the city and then circled much closer in to find if there was a team determined to take us out. There were only three soldiers still alive we were told and they were recovering from their wounds. We did see a lot of wounded and it hurt to see children that way too.

Walt had talked to everybody on the planet about me being his only representative now that the Aristis had broken faith with him. When we emerged from the ship the armoured cadets went first then Betts and I. The mayor and the two men knelt to us on the wet stone. I was now dressed as a high ranking Aristis noble and so was Betts. This was in her own right and not as a mate. I knew she would confuse the Aristis.

I heard, "My lord, I wish to welcome you to Dayla. How may we serve you?" By Aristis etiquette he should address only the most important person but he could have phrased his words to indicate that there were two of us.

I waited to let him squirm but he was prepared for this. I could detect nothing in his mind about an attack on us but if he were at ground zero then he might well be not told anything. I read his computer and said, "Hashla, my companion is my mate but also a warrior and a leader in her own right. Humans have instituted some minor changes in protocol. Some females may be the dominant half of a family but this is not the case usually. Address my companion as Mrs Betty Kiefer."

Betts was a little shocked at me giving her my name but she felt good about it too. Having some of my children was more than enough to give her those rights. The Tomma could get them too but they did not have a marriage the same way humans did.

"I am sorry my lord and my lord Mrs Betty Kiefer. I will not let this mistake happen again."

"You are forgiven. Our king had been given details of the damage done to your city. I am doing my own assessment. Our king does not wish any needless deaths. Your food preparation units have been damaged. I know that they are being worked on. I also know that some of your people are only fifty settuse away from here and building a missile battery."

"They are soldiers my lords. I have no control over them."

"For many thousands of years the Aristis have fought. This makes your race strong. It also kills a great many good men. After a rebellious city is captured, there is a good chance that nearly every man will be executed and possibly half of the women. Soldiers are bred to fight. Go to your people and pled for all of your lives. If that battery is completed then this city and the battery will die. Those are the words of our king."

"My lords, I have no way of finding them and no way of convincing them."

"You will have to find a way. The only alternative is to live on this planet as the natives do. Our king will gladly destroy all of the cities now if they will not bow to his will. In two generations of our actions, you will be no better than the natives. You will have to hunt for food with a bow and a fishing line. You will dig in the ground with a stick so you can plant. A few hundred years from now your decedents may be given an option to rise above the mud that they will be living in."

"My lords, I will try but I need time and resources."

"Let's talk to those of the warrior class that are here."

"At once my lord." He got up and gestured in the direction we had to go. The computer on our little ship and the one on the Fonduush took control and the ship shadowed us as we walked to the infirmary. People we passed bowed to us as they would the highest ranking representative of King Rontem. We would be using ground transport but those units were already destroyed.

The infirmary was a low building like all the other buildings in Dayla. It was made to handle emergencies but not of this apparent magnitude. People tried to bow from their sickbeds but I got Betts to say that it was alright if they didn't do it this time. It would not be good for me to appear too nice.

Betts did the asking of questions and she came across as a strong mother figure. We found the three soldiers. They were not mobile. If they were on earth they would be dead by now if not for Aristis medicine. They did lay straighter when we approached. I knew their names from their chips but I had Hashla introduce me.

After this was done I said, "Our king wishes peace. There are far too few of his subjects left for him to throw away their lives. You fought well. Instead of you and your families being put to death, he wishes to offer everybody amnesty. If the launchers your fellow warriors are now making are completed and not under King Rontem's command then the launcher and the city of Dayla will be bombed into nothing. The survivors, if any, would have to live as the natives do."

One of the soldiers by the name of Kaacha said, "We were told, my lord, that you have taken the Fonduush from our king."

"Then you should listen to your king and see who he thinks commands the Fonduush."

Walt talked to Kaacha. He was far from polite. He listed details he knew about Kaacha and Kaacha's family. The king left the shaken soldier and went on to the other two warriors and did the same procedure. We hoped that the Aristis would think that a victor would not keep the old king's memories around. Seeing that I was here in front of them then I could not really be in command of the Fonduush the way an Aristis king would be.

The soldiers had communicators and could talk to their compatriots from their bed but to get a reply would pinpoint the location of the launcher. I hoped a one way communication was good enough to keep us from killing needlessly.

I asked Kaacha, "How did you get your wounds?"

"A building collapsed around me."

"That is no way for a man to be wounded. My family died fighting in ships. That is better but not much. It is best to look your opponent in the eye and fight with hands or knives not bombs or missiles."

"You are on equal footing then."

I told him and the other two soldiers how we got into Cralto then gained entrance to Toxlo. They nodded their heads as if they would use the same technique. They actually liked how I pulled the wool over their two fellow soldiers and a tech then fought them with my hands

"You fought two at once?"

"I did not say I won. You guys can really fight. I might have taken one and the tech but not both."

"How did you survive?"

"The Aristis I fought were honourable men or they wanted to see if they could take me without weapons. In the end they had me down. My mate turned off the security computer. She had to fight a lot of people to get to the disconnect. She found me being beaten and used her dart gun and her hands. Your two friends were kicking me and she walked up behind them and darted both then got mad at me for playing."

All three soldiers broke out laughing. I played to their honour and their sense of fair play and finally how a female defeated both men in the end.

Kaacha said with a smile he did not feel, "What happened to them?"

"Call Tralph Goalsen and Masuuk Threp and find out. They provide security in Toxlo."

"They are not dead?"

"Call them and ask. If they are dead then you may have a difficult time communicating. They will tell you that they knew I was a phoney all the time but I had them fooled at least half the time."

"What about the tech?"

"The same job he did before. I am not angry at the Aristis. They have killed many of my mates, my foster sister, my foster parents and my friends, some that I knew since I was young. King Rontem ordered us to fight and we obeyed the same way you three fought when you were ordered. I just see that Aristis treat each other harshly when there is no need. I interceded on your behalf to get the terms I did. Basically nothing changes except some of the aristocracy get knocked down a peg or two."

"How can I believe you?"

"Rokla went with our king to earth. He saw an opportunity and tried to kill me and then my king. Rokla killed a Tomma woman I considered my mate. To make a long story short, Rokla failed and died for it. I had a long talk to our king and as a favour to me he spared all the Aristis on the Fonduush. The four widows are now my mates and I have taken their children as my own. You may talk to Rokla's widow Lenoor my daughter Latto and son Consa."

"How can I do this?"

I concentrated on Walt and said, "My king would you grant me the time to allow Kaacha to talk to my mate Lenoor?"

"I am not a servant. Find her yourself. I am busy."

"Thank you my king but I only asked so that Kaacha would know that they are alive still."

Instead of a reply I heard, "Yes?"

"Hi Lenoor. How are you doing? Is Mitch feeding?"

"He is always hungry. Are you in trouble again?"

"Only a little. I am talking to a warrior by the name of Kaacha. I want his fellow warriors to stop fighting and start rebuilding instead. He needs to know that our king has spared your lives."

"After you made me pregnant, twice!"

"You had your legs spread if I remember. You did not complain then."

"That is beside the point. Direct me to this soldier."

"Yes, dear."

Kaacha and Lenoor talked for fifteen minutes. Lenoor had been well known and Kaacha was able to see that she was actually the former wife of Rokla. Lenoor quizzed in turn to find out what was happening at ground level in the city. When the two finished talking I saw that the three soldiers were satisfied.

Kaacha said, "Thank you my lord for taking your valuable time to explain all this to me, a simple soldier. I know of very few that would take on the responsibilities you have."

"I have taken on much larger responsibilities, Kaacha. I do not want to see hungry children or destitute mothers. Men can take care of their own families if given the opportunity. The men in the forest risk a great deal for no reason. Our king will only go so far then he will act. Talk to your friends and ask them to talk to those we have already dealt with."

Betts and I walked around to the rest of the patients. The cadets in armour frightened everyone but I was a member of the nobility, they had to remain close if for nothing more than appearances. She caused a stir by talking to all castes as if they were equal. This was not necessarily a good thing to do. Everybody above a servant wanted to hold their position and the status quo. Even the servants did not want to rock the boat too much.

We flew to three other population centres. Some were in very bad shape and we gave out supplies from the ship. Betts and I became doctors and did what we could to save lives. I called for more cadets to help if they were available but I knew that we were already stretched thin. Many patients were simply flown back to Toxlo to get better care. We were not that defenceless during this time but a ship is an opponent that few would care to challenge.

One town was emptied as we shipped everybody to the capital. The next day we did the same process again. I got the hale and hearty from Toxlo to help their own people.

The day after, we had the funerals. Instead of acting like victors I combined everybody that died in Toxlo since we came to Cralto. It made all of us uncomfortable to see all the children and other noncombatants that had died in the fighting. The Aristis usually had a service that allowed them to see the deceased to know deep down that they had died. The Tomma had a more elaborate ceremony with the invocation of their All Mother and a eulogy. Since I was in charge, we used the Tomma service.

The All Mother was invoked and I studied what happened. I had not really been religious on earth but here it was different. I saw nothing but I felt a lot. My mates, no matter what race, seem to feel the same as me. We were wrapped up in love and I could ask for no more.

The eulogy was complex as we thought about those that had died and passed this information to everybody. I pictured Sam as a child and my friend then how he grew in strength of body and mind to what he had been. His mates showed how caring and gentle he was. I pictured his children back on earth and how they would miss their father. Chuck and Jerry gave similar memories.

I went on to others when Sam's turn was over and reminisced on my mates that had perished. I thought about our children back on earth and wondered anew how I would cope with their loss. The funeral was long because every living human or Tomma had to have their say.

It was surprising though to see some of the local natives talk about the dead Aristis. I found that the Aristis were sometimes less dominant and had actually helped the Tomma without being asked.

I felt deeply about the dead and the All Mother. The gathering seemed to link every Tomma on the planet in a subtle way. I sensed that most of them would know of our grief through a vague uneasiness but everybody would somehow retain thoughts of those that died. I could see how the Tomma males were so intimately linked to the planet now.

The king was asked to attend and his message came across clearly that the Aristis had to get back to the way it was before or die. I was much more conciliatory in my speech and talked about how much all of us had lost.

There was a lot of stress from the way the 'king' came across. They were also trying to get over their loss and this way I hoped they would take this as something like an accident or a mistake. The Aristis on the ship came to the planet to show their faces and to help. They could hurt me by mentioning how few we really were but Walt was monitoring them.

The Tomma method of dealing with their grief was similar to the way humans acted. I consoled one that was crying on my shoulder and the next thing I know I am between her legs pumping away to bring the population back into line. When one got something then the rest wanted the same thing. Betts and Erica along with the Aristis woman wanted the same even if they had to wait. None of them were idle doing so. There was a lot of crying and then of joy that night but I was too worn out to do much other than to hold and talk about our loses.

Elaine and Shirley were at a loss after losing Sam. The Tomma ladies took Elaine and Shirley into their group so they could all mourn. The Tomma newcomers took to the two girls. The Tomma males did their part and I hoped the girls would be happy.

I did my best by giving them interesting jobs that would absorb their minds so they could overcome their grief. The rest of us felt almost as bad. Sam was a constant companion that risked his life to help me. He had also stood beside Chuck and Jerry when it got tough. His absence left a hole in out lives.

Many more of the able bodied Aristis were draughted into helping other Aristis and Tomma civilians. The soldiers that found their way into our hands were relatively free to run if they chose. They had no real place to go now.

My Tomma mates were ordered to see their families. They had not seen them since they went to be trained to serve King Rontem. The idea of taking leave was foreign to them. I gave them the job of giving aid to the Tomma that we harmed when we fought the Aristis and this seemed to help get my idea across.

We worked in the destroyed missile launching facilities to get them working again. Our main shield could be raised. A dysfunctional Aristis soldier outside the walls could destroy all of us with just the push of a button. The storm sewer was a mess. The walls were fused solid with the heat but only in some sections had they melted through.

The techs and the cadets began making earth moving equipment that we would need. The shield rested on the edge of the city proper but antimatter had blown away anything beyond the shield and undermined it. We needed to build up the walls to keep the shield from failing in some areas.

We could make food with the synthesisers but usually produce was brought to the city. The Tomma had a difficult time trying to get here with all the trees destroyed and scattered all over. They then had to have a boat to get across the lake that was over two hundred metres deep in some spots. I wanted to connect the new lake to the river we came up so that boats would be enough. A bridge with a causeway would also help for when a road was the logical mode of travel at some time in the future.

Doing all this was satisfying to me personally. We were still living under an ominous cloud. Aristis ships and personnel had disappeared though most had been destroyed. There were still a lot of people hiding out in the jungle though not all of them were building missiles or their launchers.

After a lot of discussion with the computer family, I gathered some of our Aristis soldiers and sent them out to talk to their people. We even pinpointed where they had to go. I gave the number of people and their names. This way they knew that I could have destroyed the camp instead of trying to save them.

I said to them, "This is a dangerous mission. You will be flying and your brothers may shoot you down. If you wish you may bring some back to see what has happened here in Toxlo. There is a good chance you will be forced to come back here with a missile or a bomb. The computer will not allow this to happen."

One officer said, "We could join them?"

"For the most part your families are here. If you want to join them then do so. Living in the forest and among the natives was always an option. Our king wants your assistance but failing that your neutrality would be accepted. Opposing our king a second time will mean your deaths no matter what I say. If you send your family away after such a decision then they will die without you. You could have left your family here and then you would live a shallow life." The officer said nothing now.

The ship left with a dozen soldiers, some supplies of food and some clothing. The soldiers all came back hours later minus the supplies but the Aristis would have to think on what was said a bit longer.

It had been a month since Toxlo fell. The city now had a much larger population than it had before now that people moved in from the smaller towns. Major upheavals scattered people to the wind. We tried to locate family and friends. Some had died in the conflict but other were in the forest still. The ones that had fled the planet were mainly the aristocratic class. They had few techs or servants but they should either adapt or die. Coming back here one day was always an option because that was the Aristis way of thinking.

The Tomma mates started to come back but usually they had a portion of their previous family with them. They were my family now and I had to treat them as such. This was by Tomma standards though and did not require my constant presence. Some of the family were relatives of those that had died. I was now a link to those that had passed on. They came to see why all of this had happened.

There were new problems to deal with. My mates had families before they left this planet usually and the children had grown. None were younger than nine and most were older than me. Some of the fathers had died when I attacked the Fonduush but the great majority had stayed here on Cralto. The older children now had children of their own. Sisters of my mates had 'rights' that meant that I treated them as my mates. It all depended on what the family wanted and if the male could provide his share of the food and the ability to keep the women happy. I was definitely not looking for new mates. I was still upset about losing the ones I had.

The Tomma males just did what they could in a family and usually just took some of the children away from the women when they could. They very rarely went to the male only grouping. Older Tomma males turned crotchety like older human males or chimpanzees. They needed a way of avoiding the stress brought on by the youngest members of the family. The younger males had to provide for this family too. These younger ones had the disposition to be of assistance and still able to take the abuse.

The Tomma females were recovering because they now fought each other for fun. The children started to rebel and the males hid. The males had learned a very long time ago to not try to act as mediator. Even with their size, they were usually fought by both parties they were trying to help.

Maska came to me with fire in her eyes. "Wally, your daughter is not doing as she is directed."

I had no real daughter here and any female was headstrong and not likely to take direction. "What's the matter?"

"I asked Jamma to help remove the rock in the sewer. The girl is big enough and the rest of us are doing this. She refused."

"Does she have an irrational fear of being underground or in a confined space?"

"I did not think that she does." She concentrated a moment and said, "No, she wants to be with those that are not working. She is just lazy and wants to do less work."

"What can I do? Males do not usually get involved if they do not want to be hurt."

"You are the Captain."

Same as Space
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Peggy stared at herself in the full mirror, trying to see if there was anything about her face, her body that would make her brothers do such horrible things to her. All she saw was an extremely pretty girl almost ready to graduate from high school. She saw beautiful honey-blonde hair and green eyes, a small, straight nose, and full, moist lips. She saw flawlessly shaped tits with sugary sweet pink nipples, with half-dollar-sized circles surrounding them. She saw a small waist and flat...

3 years ago
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An Illusion of My Youth

Sometimes in a person’s life, it’s not the things they do they end up regretting, it’s those things they don’t do that end up haunting them. Such was one thing that almost happened in the summer before my senior year of high school. Her name was Crystal, my neighbor across the street, and absolutely gorgeous. 5 foot 10 inches tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and the body of a goddess. I loved her so much it hurt and that was the problem. We were best friends. I never told her how I felt and...

3 years ago
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Nicholas, or Nick to his friends, was a 21st Century Adonis, only much larger.  Nick stood 6'10", 360 pounds his senior year in high school.  He was a strikingly handsome, highly intelligent and naturally gifted athlete who seemingly had the ability to pack on muscle mass by just walking past the weight room.What hung between Nick's massive, muscular thighs was equally impressive.  His man area looked like the business end of a Louisville slugger, with the exception of one very peculiar...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Family Dinner and more

It was just another night with the family coming over for tea, as usual our home looked maculate with every thing in its place and shined up, even the dust looked clean. I'm lucky in that my beautiful wife loves to clean, (I have no idea why but she does), and our place should be in one of those home beautiful magazines, and it's all down to her endless attention to detail.Mistress Bee had me prepare myself well before the family arrived, this included the usual shaving of my cock and balls,...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

We take a drive in the country to a place we have never gone before for the weekend. We drive deep into a wooded forest and pull up to a stone cottage.  You begin putting away the groceries and I begin lighting a fire in the den to take the chill out of the air. I take in the bags placing them in a hidden bedroom, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. You wonder perhaps what I am doing, but you know it has something to with my plans for the evening so you don’t pry.  Inside the room, I...

3 years ago
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ObserverChapter 10 Day 21

Peter sat up in bed and stretched as the irritating bleat from the clock radio continued to sound. It was still dark outside but it was time to get up if he was going to jog before going to work. He reached over and turned off the alarm, pulled back the sheet, and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Standing up, he looked at the prone form still curled up on the other side of the bed. Reaching down, he pulled the sheet back over the girl, and then gently tucked it around her neck and...

1 year ago
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Ashleighs first domminance

By: Paul I jumped and grabbed a pillow to cover myself as the front door opened. It was Jack, my roommate and a couple of his friends. They had left several hours before for a boys night out and had left me the apartment alone for the first since I could remember when. Having the evening off, I had decided to dress it down; change into a t-shirt and undies, pop in a girly flick and enjoy some hot-buttered popcorn. I guess I got too relaxed, and passed out on the couch. Now I had to sit...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 79

It was just a few minutes before the 1100 hearing time when we walked in and sat down. Senator Hope Emerson and Senator Ruth Gavin started out sarcastic and nasty as soon as Hope gaveled the committee into session. “We have sent you subpoenas that you have not responded to by law. Do we need to hold you in contempt of Congress?” Senator Hope Emerson asked. “I have been extremely busy, if you take the time to look at the news. I got the subpoenas this morning when I went to the office to...

1 year ago
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A Unique Friend

It was the fourth grade at Presentation B.V.M. School and I've made a new close best friend, Trevor. I couldn't say we were exactly alike because we most definitely weren't. We were, however, the same height for the whole year. Although, he was much bigger than me, not fat, not obese, not skinny, but “just right.” I remember sometimes I would tease him about his somewhat chubby belly when he took off his shirt in front of me, even though he wasn't big at all (I guess because of my...

2 years ago
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Almost Super Natural 2

Chapter 2 of Almost super natural This story takes place in a world that was inspired by Super Natural, but it does not take place in that world. The dates and times are mostly for me, to help me keep the story's time line straight. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave positive comments in a review. August 24th, 2014, Saturday at 1300 PST Doug leaned back against the head board of his hotel room bed. He was still not use to this. Being in a teen-age girl's body, and on...

2 years ago
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Total Strangers

It was 1 o clock and time for Sue"s lunch.The International Bank where she worked was a stones throw from Pettiecoat Lane which apart from it being famous for its Sunday Market also operated in reduced form on week days.She was a regular visitor and today along with three other girls had arranged a trip to windowshop.As they left the building the heat of the day hit them,it being August and unusually for England temperatures were in the 90s.The girls all dresses in the standard uniform of City...

3 years ago
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Visit to a Gloryhole with my Fuck Buddy part 2

After our first visit to the gloryhole in Miami my fuck buddy, V, and I discussed it over the following days. V said it had turned her on but was not sure that she had the nerve to go back. Well, a few nights later we were out drinking at a local bar and it was amazing the change that came over her after a few drinks. She became quite flirtatious and suggested that she needed some fun. On Washington Avenue is an erotic museum, containing many images and art work depicting sex through the ages....

1 year ago
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Still Dancing

Still Dancing (Third installment in the ClubDance series) Prologue In our last installment, Bob/Missy experienced further humiliation at work in his increasingly feminine attire and was introduced to a new sissy friend, his secretary Carol's husband John. John, aka Jenni, was exposed to Bob at a dinner party where Bob was in full Missy mode. Following the introduction of the sissies, they were forced to endure a humiliating day of shopping with many embarrassing situations...

4 years ago
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Dterminisme naturel1

D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la m...

2 years ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 10

=================================== A pleasant sensation spread through my body, slowly waking me up. I felt really good and thought maybe Lela's green/yellow light was on me, but an odd noise filled my ears. It took a few seconds for my sleep bleary eyes to focus, and I moaned loudly as I saw what was happening. Gina was busily and noisily sucking on my dick. Her lips were stretched taut around my girth, and at the sound of my moan, she looked up at me. Gina lifted her head from my...

1 year ago
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iXXX Handjob

Sometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...

Handjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Learning how Masturbate

I playing with myself a lot. Of course I didn't know what I was doing, only that it felt good to pull on my penis every chance that I could. Every time I was alone I would pull down my pants and play with it; in school, at home, the shower, in the woods where no one was around. It wasn't even sexual at that time, I didn't know what I was doing. Charlie lived two streets up from me and was in high school. I can't remember exactly how old he was, but I'm going to guess and say he had to have been...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 22

There was an awkward moment of profound silence after Peter closed the door. They smiled nervously at each other as Peter lifted a hand and softly stroked the side of Jennifer’s face. With head down and hands clasped before her, she waited, feeling a sudden chill of apprehension. He voiced his innermost thoughts. ‘Right now, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I never dreamed that I would meet and marry someone as beautiful as you.’ Then he leaned down and tilted her chin in his hand,...

1 year ago
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AssParade Indica Monroe Horny Thief Gets Fucked

Indica is a little low on cash and has been robbing houses to make ends meet. Today she tried to break into another house and ended up finding a huge pink dildo. She’s been so horny all day, she figured since no ones home this would be the perfect time to satisfy her needs. She gets naked and fucks the dildo like no tomorrow. Preston comes home from work and they both are terrified to see eachother. Instead of calling the police, Preston decides to have a little fun with her. They both...

3 years ago
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Alexia and the Witch of Lust

Alexia couldn't remember much, she had no idea how she got here. She remembered going to bed last night and the next thing she knew when she woke up she was almost in the middle of nowhere with a large wizard's tower in the distance. She seemed to be the same as she remembered, a lithe brunette with C cups and about 5'4", also she could clearly remember she was 24. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was still sought after and had a fairly desirable appearance, it was more of the "girl next...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 4

When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...

2 years ago
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Black And Male in Canada

The name is Stephen Joseph Magloire. My friends call me Stevie. I’m a big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Toronto, province of Ontario. I recently moved there from the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I find myself missing my old hometown of Brockton more and more. There is no city like the city of champions, folks. You see, I don’t like Canada. And I am really pissed that they beat the U.S. in Men’s and Women’s Hockey in the 2010 Olympics. If we had beaten...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Aria Carson Celestina Blooms Sexy Sweethearts Celestina Blooms and Aria Carson Fucking LIVE

Gorgeous babes Celestina Blooms and Aria Carson are matching and looking hot in their tight little black nylon dresses that show off their black lingerie below. Celestina is ready to get naughty and Aria is eager to see and feel just what Celestina can do with that tongue of hers. She loves looking deep into Celestina’s eyes while Celestina puts her ass right up and into your face while her own is deep in that wet pussy! Aria needs her turn too on that perfect pussy and soon the girls are...

4 years ago
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Alice 3

Alice part three. On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes, I now...

3 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 14 Valentine8217s Day With My Lover

Hey, all, I am really sorry for the delays in the story. I had a few things going in life, and then this Corona situation stuck. I hope all my readers are doing good and being safe. This story series will soon conclude with part 20. I have written all the parts and are ready for submission. Then I shall at the end of the series need your help to understand what genre you readers would want to read next. As far as this part is concerned, I am going to write from the perspective of the lady, io...

1 year ago
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Rectal Rooster 3

Pulling out of my cunt, he pushes me over onto my stomach, my finger still rubbing my clit. He puts his heads between my legs, his body over mine and starts eating my still wet arse. He’s much taller than me so I feel his cock touching my neck, still rock hard, it dribbles my cum onto me. Curled up in my favourite place, the cavern created by the huge frame of my lover, my husband, my friend. As we lie spooning in bed, recovering from a violent bout of sex, he strokes my warm body. It is still...

1 year ago
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MyBDSMGF! BDSM porn’s popularity is increasingly growing rapidly with people pushing themselves harder and coming up with bolder tricks in the bedroom. Whether it is rough bondage discipline, submission or sadomasochism. Well, I am guessing this turn about has also been majorly contributed by diminishing societal stereotypes stigmatizing those who indulged in this sexual prospect as psychopaths. There has also been lots of research by leading psychologists over BDSM fanatics, all just proving...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Would It Help to Say Im Sorry

(What if Carly didn't realize how angry Shelby was at her during the fight? No "time-out" and she didn't duck the next punch and kick. Now Carly is badly hurt; in the hospital and fighting for her life. People will change. Some will really surprise you.)"Ouch! That HURT! Watch it Shelby!"Carly stuffed her mouthpiece back in and went back to wind milling her hands in front of her in the best approximation of a fighter that she could adopt. Not catching the look of determination and anger in...

2 years ago
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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 7

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 7 Alex "Hi, I'm Allie," I said to the two women in the hotel room. It was the night of the premiere,...

3 years ago
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JennyChapter 3

The sound of the key in the front door jerked me from my unwelcome reverie. Kate had arrived and, eschewing the doorbell, was using her key. I reflected that, should I ever have a serious girlfriend, I'd have to warn her about Kate's sometimes-unexpected comings and goings. I supposed that at some point I'd have to get the key back, but it'd been incredibly useful to have someone I could trust with a key. As the door to the bedroom opened I pasted a wan smile on my face. "Kate, you...

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Heating mechanic

Often I have the same fantasy when I have something delivered, when a repair has to be done in my apartment or when I order a pizza. He (always a he) comes in, does what he has to do, I offer him something to drink and then I sit on my knees in no time between his legs. His (always very big cock) deep down my throat. This time no different. I had made an appointment for an annual service on my boiler. 'It will be the last address on Friday afternoon, says the friendly lady of the installation...

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Liaras Sexperiment

"Down goes the last one" Through the dusty haze of the desolate moon, the Shadow Broker agents finish off the last of the strange monks inhabiting the temple. The agents were a fireteam of blue-skinned asari with a taller, paler asari at the helm. Asari are a blue-skinned species that inhabit the planet Thessia. They are one of the earliest races to achieve interstellar travel and the first to inhabit the Citadel. They have a unique physiology as they have several distinct features, they have...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Sex and Submission

Sex and Submission - A Story in Two Vignettes Vignette One - Her It was last Saturday morning, and I was getting ready for Doris' afternoon fetish party when I got an email telling all of us that the affaire was cancelled, sorry, maybe next weekend, yadda, yadda. I had intended to make the "Grand Entrance" in full fetish regalia, and was assembling my outfit; tight leather corset with chrome studs and buckles, lace top sheer nylons held up by a 6 strap garter belt, ?cup bra that...

2 years ago
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My wife and I are fucked by friends

My wife, Nell and I took our trailer caravan to a campsite in France and became friendly with a French married couple, Jacques and Monique, who also had a trailer caravan. We were sitting on chairs in in their caravan awning and drinking wine when Monique, who spoke excellent English (unlike her husband who could not speak it at all though she translated for him whan necessary) said that she and Jacques were naturists and go to a nudist beach and would like Nell and me to go with them. Nell...

Straight Sex
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Brynn and The King of Porn

Part 1 is primary a cock-worship theme. Part 2 will expand that theme as well as the action.- - - - -I suppose I was like many schoolboys who spent a lot of time watching porn. Most of all, I loved cocksucking porn, but I watched other kinds as well---straight, kinky, fetish, bizarre, etc. I had only sucked a few times, mostly with older guys in their twenties. I didn't do it more often because I suffered from the fear of being persecuted as a homo and also because I didn't know if I was very...

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The Whistle BlowersChapter 7

Sam was so pleased with the way his new recruits had followed his orders and shaved their pubic hair off he decided to let them rest for the remainder of the day. The Wheaton’s may think of it as reward but the knowledge of what awaited them would keep them in agony. The girls’ were speechless at the sight of their hairless pussy mounds that made their nubile young bodies look almost childlike. It was clear they didn’t like having to shave their precious pussies bald as a baby. Katherine...

2 years ago
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Married TN Souther Belle 1st BBC

Back when AOL was all the craze for discreetly meeting people online I started chatting with a married lady from TN. She explain to me that she had never been with a black man before and been fantasizing about what it would be like to have sex with a well hung black man. But because she was from and upper middle class marriage and family she was only looking for a cyber affair. Each time we would chat online I would describe to her the things I would be doing to her if we were physically making...

1 year ago
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My Swinging Neighbors

I was s*******n and a half when this story happened. I was still a virgin, waiting for the right guy to come along. I had plenty of guys asking me out, just none that I really wanted to sleep with. I was blonde, blue eyes, great skin, nice boobs and a great ass. I was the assistant head cheer leader. My best friend, Katie, looked as if she could be my sister. I would go over to her house all the time, they were like a second family to me and I have known them for about ten years. Her mom and...

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Sherry The Storyteller Pt3

I knew the ending because I had finished the story that morning, but something was happening to me while he was stroking my hair, my head on his lap, his saying he was falling in love with me and how much he wanted me to stay there and wondered if I would change the story. What's going on with me? “ Where almost near the end,” I said, but was now uncertain of how the story would end. “Watch out. It gets pretty steamy.” “ Good. The steamier the better.” I took a deep breath and began. “ I...

Straight Sex
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An Interview

"Just put your hands on the arms of the chair, bend over and spread em." I did as Vicki said, she's the boss around here. Then out of the blue she drove her well oiled forefinger straight up my clacker. Her offsider was a real sweet young guy, barely looked 18. Vicki withdrew her finger slowly while young Marcus shone a torch up my arse. It was one of those skinny torches like Doctors use. I'm really being checked out big time I thought to myself."All clear" said Marcus turning off his light...

1 year ago
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The Bet

I have been working at my new job now for about six months now. There is only 2 other guys in the office beside me but. But anyway onto the story. Every Tuesday morning we have our weekly meeting so this morning I was sitting next to Michelle. Michelle and I had become good friend due to us working on several projects together. Michelle was a very pretty young lady; she had prettiest hazel eyes to go with her short curly red hair. Michelle was not fat but she thick in all the right spots from...

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The Brothel

An interactive story based in the old west of Tucson, Arizona, circa 1880. The stories of the journeys, events and adventures of a Madame, her girls, and their customers. Room for everyone who wants to participate, nearly any role you can possibly dream up, just pm me with your character and entrance into the scene. Fun for all! Known as Bel to the girls of her house, Sarah glances around with a quiet air of satisfaction and serenity. At 32 years old she’s lived through a lifetime of...

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Carlys Story

My name is Carly Benetton. I am a woman's therapist employed by the Pembroke Center, which functions both as a gynecology clinic and a health center for expectant mothers. It's a job I love, especially since I get to meet some incredibly sexy girls and women in the course of my working day. Yes, I am a lesbian, and I've made some very hot sexual connections with females that I met through my job. This story is about how one of those special encounters, and how it changed my life. Tammy...

2 years ago
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Unexpected end to an evening

It was our usual boys night out round town on the Sunday and had been for as long as I can remember.We had been to the usual haunts with the older members of the group checking out most of the women as was the norm, the wink the elbow at each other and the comments, "look at her tits", "sure she has no knickers on" etc.Anyway we always start at the club and return to the club, which is not the most exciting end to an evening, but this was to be different for yours truly.Come the end of the...

4 years ago
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Pregmana Pt V

Jess stared at her husband with panic and anxiety. She didn't know how to say what was happening to him. The pills, the changes, the dreams...they were all leading up to the inevitable. "Chris...remember when Dr. Ramirez met with us and asked us to be a part of their clinical trial for families wanting to have children but could not conceive the normal way?" Chris didn't know what to think about this statement but he let Jess continue uninterrupted. "Chris...those pills that...

1 year ago
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Another ChanceChapter 38

I had the big binoculars focused on the disturbance at the boathouse; no, not the German Uboat binoculars; the battleship pedestal mounted ones. I could lift them and slide the locking stem onto the mount, just. I'd never be able to hold them up to my eyes; the freaking things weigh 87 kilos. The pedestal and mounting plate were extra. When I had to have the repairs to the bow done, I also had the tearing out the overhead of the master stateroom done so I could have the mounting plate...

4 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam manoj hai. aaj mai apko meri ek real story batane wala hoon. ye story me jab 18 saal ka tab ki hai. ye stori meri aur mere chachi ki hai. me mere maata pita ki ek loti aulad hoon. hamare gharme mai meri family aur chacha ki family rahte hai. chacha ko do ladkiya hai jo mujse choti hai. ek umer mujhse 3 saal aur ek 6 saal se choti hai. to kahani shooru karta hoon tab me high school class mai tha aur meri school subah rahati aur dopahar me ghar par ajata tha. mere saath mere...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Bucks Ch 04

To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read. * After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job. I raised Jen’s salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to...

3 years ago
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A mothers mistake 2

Chapter 2Chris used his cell phone to call home but gave up when he got the answering machine for the third time. He wanted to tell his mother that he was coming home tonight instead of staying with Jeff. He had come down with the flu and was sick in bed. Chris didn't leave a message for his mother, assuming that she wasn't home from work yet. It was dark when he pulled into the driveway. There was a car sitting in front of the garage that he didn't recognize it. He parked next to it and got...

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