An Unremarkable DayChapter 15 free porn video

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It was already daylight when Jake awoke. He was lying on his back looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling. He was hot and, when he tried to move, for some reason his left side didn't respond. He felt a moment of panic - where was he? And why couldn't he move his left arm?

He tried again, and this time his arm moved slightly. Then something else moved against him, and someone grumbled.

Jake blinked a couple of times and looked down. Sue was pressed firmly against him, her left arm over his chest, her left leg bent at the knee and over his thighs. They were both naked, and hot, and sweaty.

Jake blinked, and remembered the events of the last evening. Sue had killed the man who grabbed her, acting before Jake could intervene. Between them they had faced down his two friends, and driven them from the saloon. Afterwards, in bed, Sue had been insatiable. He had been 'forced' to have sex with her twice, not that Jake was complaining, and then she'd woken him again during the night. No wonder he was feeling a little stiff this morning - all over.

He was also stiff as he needed to visit the outhouse, so he tried to extricate himself from Sue's grasp. Being careful not to wake her, he slid sideways. To start with she followed him, unconsciously trying to maintain contact, until finally he slipped free. He stood up from the bedclothes which were piled on the floor where Sue had dragged them when they arrived - she didn't want to sleep on the bed that was now pushed to one side of the room.

Picking his pants and shirt off the floor, he shrugged them on and. Perching on the edge of the bed frame, his boots followed. Taking one last look at Sue, who was still asleep, he slung his gunbelt over his shoulder and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He made his way down the stairs and out of the back door of the saloon, not seeing anyone about.

Sue woke shortly afterwards. She stretched out, searching for Jake and missing his body heat. Not finding him, she opened her eyes and then sat up, the bedclothes slipping down her bare torso. Jake was gone as, looking round, she noticed his clothes were as well. She couldn't see his gunbelt, but his rifle was leaning against the wall so he wouldn't have gone far. Probably visiting the bushes. Then she remembered one of her less-pleasant experiences of yesterday - he was probably in that small house that smelled so bad. Sue realised than in a town like this there probably weren't enough bushes for everyone, but still, there must be a better solution that that!

She stretched again, loosening up her joints. She also remembered the night before - how that man had grabbed her and wouldn't let her go. She had made him, and made the point to everyone else that she was Djaik's woman. No-one else could take liberties with her as she would fight them if they did.

Then she recalled the night afterwards, where she proved to her Djaik how much she was his. Thinking about it, she was surprised. She had never even met a white skin a couple of moons ago, and now here she was, in a white man's town, sharing her life with one of them. It was strange what the Spirits planned for people, but there was always a reason. She felt strangely free, but she also felt as though she needed to visit that unpleasant small house again. She was wet and sticky - she badly needed to wash - but first she had to do something else.

She jumped up and pulled on her dress and moccasins that were in her pack. It was so much easier than the white clothes she had been wearing, even if they did make sense for long rides. Still, she picked up her gunbelt and knives - another unpleasant man might be nearby. Buckling it around her waist over her dress, she left the room and went down the stairs.

Just as Sue reached the back door, it opened. She jumped back, ready, but it was only her Djaik. She smiled at him, pleased to see him again.

Jake started a little as he saw Sue right in front of him on the other side of the door. She was obviously going where he had just been. He held the door open for her and she came up and gave him a big hug and a squeeze. "Good Morning, lass," he said.

"Goo morny," she replied, and then pointed at the outhouse. He let her go, and followed her as she walked briskly to its slightly-open door. Taking a deep breath, she plunged inside while Jake waited for her. However, it took her longer than she could hold her breath for, and by the time she emerged she looked decidedly unsettled.

They walked back to the saloon door together, and Jake opened it for her. She seemed surprised that he expected her to go through first, she was used to a woman following a man, but as he seemed to be waiting she went through and then let him catch up. They walked up the stairs together, and then Jake did the same thing with the door to their room. It was obviously a white man thing.

In the room, Sue went straight to the bowl and jug of water that stood in the corner. After pouring half of the water into the bowl she stripped off her dress. She went and fetched the soap that they had brought with them, wrapped in a washing cloth, and one of those soft small blankets that Jake had called a "tau-ell".

She badly needed to wash. Jake had cum in her three times last night, she had lost count how many times she had, and she was sweaty and sticky. She dropped the cloth in the bowl, wrung it out, and started to wash.

Jake watched her. At first he felt he should turn away, but then realised that she didn't expect him to - she was quite happy showing him everything she had and did. So he admired her lithe young body, her small breasts, her narrow waist and her long dark hair. He too was surprised that he felt so attached to this Indian girl who he couldn't even have a conversation with. However, they seemed to be growing closer every day.

He realised that he also felt unclean, so he stripped off while she washed. She was soaping her breasts with her back to him so he moved quietly up behind her, reached round and grabbed hold of her, pulling her back towards him. He took her slippery breasts in his hands and squeezed and rubbed them, teasing the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

Sue pushed back into him, feeling his growing excitement between the cheeks of her bottom. His penis was trapped, pointing downwards, but he eased her forwards, allowing it to spring up before he pulled her back again. She wriggled in his embrace, turning to face him and putting her arms around him too. She looked up, and he bent down to kiss her. She walked forwards, pushing him backwards until he reached the edge of the pile of bedding. She pushed again and, his feet trapped in the blankets, he fell over backwards with Sue on top of him.

Sometime later, after Jake had washed and Sue had cleaned up for the second time, the couple left the room to go to Lisa and George's store. Sue had put her western clothes and boots back on and had her gunbelt at her waist, Jake was dressed as he always did. They were both carrying rifles.

"Hello there," Lisa greeted them. "How are you both this morning?" She had a worried frown on her face, George had obviously told them what had happened last night.

"We're fine," Jake assured her, and Sue cuddled in beside Jake with a big smile on her face - obviously all was well with her world too. She seemed to have no after effects from the emotions of the confrontation.

"Then let's get everything that you want to take with you ready," said Lisa. "George has gone to meet the Monroes and tell them what you need, they should be back here before too long."

"That's great," said Jake as Dove came out of the back with a bundle of buckskin in her arms.

"I say it take ten days to make your new clothes," she told them, "But I have these for you now."

She put them down on the counter. There were Sue's pants, but resized so they fit her properly, and a buckskin shirt that she could wear. It had some nice tassels, and some beadwork, and didn't look as though Dove could have done it overnight. They looked at her quizzically.

"I make pants new size, not take long. Shirt I already have nearly finish for sumone else so I make them new one - no matter," she explained.

Sue said something to her, presumably thanking her, and held up the pants and shirt. "Do you want to try them on?" asked Lisa - pointing at the clothes and then at the door to the back room? Dove said something and Sue grinned, nodded and went through to the back, Dove following her.

While he was waiting, Jake and Lisa went over the shopping list he had brought in the day before. Lisa had most of it ready to one side, and Jake was worried about the size of the pile. Sure, he had brought two spare horses, but they only had normal saddles not pack frames, and there seemed to be an awful lot here. Despite that, he thought he'd have another look round the store in case he'd forgotten anything.

He seemed to have covered most things. However, he saw something in the far corner of the store that set him to thinking, but he had no idea how he'd fetch it back.

Just then the door opened with a tinkle of the bell, and George Craig returned followed by two young men on worn overalls and low heeled boots. They both had mid-brown hair and beards, and to start with they looked identical. However, on closer inspection one seemed to be nearly 30 years old, a couple of years older than the other.

"Howdy, Jake," George greeted him. "These here are the Monroe boys. They allus look the same to me, but they are Jed and Fred."

"I'm Jed," said the older one, shaking Jake's hand. "Pleased to meet you Mister..."

"Just call me Jake," he was told.

"Shore thing Jake. Mister Craig here tells us you want your house fixin' up?" Jed continued. "What do you wan' doing?"

Jake explained that his "house" was a cabin a day and a half's ride away, and it needed a lot doing. When Jed was still interested, Jake started to explain what work he knew was urgent, though he admitted that Jed and Fred would probably find more things when they got there.

"Well, we'll come and have a look," Jed told him. "But as we're coming all that way we'll bring some lumber and other things so we can do some work when we get there."

Jed and Jake started discussing what would certainly be needed. Hinges for the doors and shutters. Shutters themselves for the front windows. Some replacement boards for the floor and some for the roof. Some timbers to prop up the leaning stable. Those seemed to be the first priorities.

Jed said they'd take a day or two to get everything ready and then make their way over. They'd bring a wagon to carry everything in. Jake explained where the cabin was, and the brothers seemed to know the area if not the place itself.

"If you're bringing a wagon." Jake started, "can you fetch along some of the things I'm buying here today? I'm not sure how I'm going to get them all back otherwise."

"Sure, that'll be no problem," the brothers assured him, so Jake, the Monroes and Lisa started to divide up his pile into things he's take back himself and those which would follow on later. While they were doing so the door to the back opened and Sue came through it. She was wearing her new shirt, which pulled over her head and had a v-shaped opening at the neck with a tie to close it up. There was some pretty green beadwork on the front and down the arms. Her pants now fitted properly and they now had matching beadwork down the legs. She still wore her hat, and her boots as she would be riding later, and had the gunbelt round her waist.

The Monroes went quiet when they saw her. They weren't used to seeing women with guns, or Indians with guns, but to see a well-armed Indian girl - well!

"Fellas, this is Sue. She lives with me so you'll be seeing a lot of her up at the cabin," Jake told them.

"Er, howdy Ma'am," Jed mumbled, snatching his hat off. He didn't know whether to be so polite to an Indian but, as Jake would be his paying customer, he thought he'd better show some respect. Fred likewise took his hat off and mumbled something.

"Owdee," said Sue, smiling at them but looking them over very carefully at the same time.

Jake finished off making arrangements with the Monroes. He paid them over some money so they could buy supplies, and agreed to see them at the cabin in four days time. They then left to make a start.

Lisa, Dove and Sue had been talking meanwhile, with Dove acting as interpreter. When Jake turned back to them Lisa told him that Sue had asked for a few other things to be added to the list of supplies. There were needles, and some stout thread, as Sue had told Dove that she had been ashamed she couldn't alter her own clothes, nor take care of Jake's. She also wanted some matches, and some cord, and various other bits and pieces that would make life more convenient for them.

The morning was just about over. Lisa asked them what they had planned to do for lunch and, when it was obvious that they had no plans and had even missed breakfast, she shooed them into the neat room at the back of the store so they could sit and relax while she prepared something. George was obviously used to her 'mother hen' routine and was pleased to see how she had taken to the young couple.

Lunch was nothing fancy, some bread and cheese and water to drink, but Sue was obviously very interested. She had not had cheese before, and this bread was different to what she was used to, so another three-way conversation sprung up between the women. That left George and Jake free to discuss the events of the previous evening. George asked again what led up to the incident, and said that he didn't blame Sue although she was maybe a bit more hasty than he would have liked. However, given the language barrier, and what had happened to her a short while earlier at the hands of other white men, he could understand it.

Jake asked if there would be any repercussions. "Not from the law," George told him. "There isn't any here really and, as mayor, I'm about all there is." However, the man worked for James Masters who was one of the larger ranchers in the area. Based about half a day's ride in the opposite direction to Jake's place, Masters had apparently started with a small ranch and gradually taken over his neighbours' property to form a large spread. Some of his neighbours had sold up to him willingly and moved on, but the rumours were that some others had not been quite so willing. Jim Masters had built up a reputation as someone not to cross, and he now had quite a few men working for him - some of which didn't seem to be hired for their skill with cows.

Jake also asked about the other ranchers in the area. There seemed to be a handful of larger ones, and they had also grown at the expense of smaller outfits around them. However, when he asked about the land around his own holding, the news was better. The land that Jake's place backed onto was owned by a smaller rancher named Sam Peters. He held quite a bit of land, much of it hilly and not so suited for cattle - Jake had ridden over some of it, unknowing, a few days earlier. Sam's ranch house was a few hours ride from Jake's cabin and he lived there with his wife and daughter and half a dozen hands. So far, none of the big ranchers had bothered him as the land wasn't so good, but George felt that it was only a matter of time before one of them made a move as the larger spreads were running out of small ranches to take over.

By now, lunch was over. Jake thanks Lisa and told her that it was time to go back to the blacksmith's as Erica Gundersson had told them that Sue's new gunbelt would be ready this afternoon. They would then go and fetch their horses from the stable before coming back to load up.

Walking to the blacksmith's shop, with Sue beside him, Jake noticed that several people around town watched them pass with interest. He supposed that was only natural - he was new in town and Indians were not a common sight, especially one dressed as Sue was. And then there was bound to be talk about last night.

Curt Gundersson was working in his forge when they arrived. He was doing some intricate work and was using a small hammer to shape a steel rod. Jake waited until he looked up.

"Howdy Curt," he greeted the other man. "Erica asked us to come back this afternoon."

"Ya, I remember," was the reply. "Just let me finish this and I will fetch her. Those Monroe boys came by earlier with a rush order for some hinges which I have to have finished by tomorrow."

"Those will be for us," Jake laughed. "They are coming by to help fix up our cabin. I'm glad they are getting started early."

"They certainly got me started," Curt smiled. "But they will be done tomorrow, no problem." He turned back to his work and, just a couple of minutes later, set half a hinge aside to cool.

"Let me go find Erica," he said, and started for the house beside the workshop. However, Erica was already coming out as she had heard Curt's hammering stop and assumed they had visitors.

"Good afternoon," she welcomed them. "Howdy Ma'am," said Jake, tipping his hat brim.

"I've got your belt right here," Erica told them, and went towards her bench at the back of the shop. Jake and Sue both followed her. Erica picked up a belt off the bench and turned round to them, holding it out in both hands. "Shall we try it on?"

Sue realised what she meant and took off the old belt she was wearing and handed it to Jake. Erica then fitted the new belt around her waist. It was a perfect fit. The holster was on the left and angled across for a cross-draw. There was a loop to go around the hammer of the gun, stopping it from falling out when riding hard, but the angle would mean that Sue could draw the weapon equally well when standing or sitting, which is why Jake had asked for it to be that way in the first place.

On the right side, a little towards the back, were two knife sheaths. The buckle was properly in the middle, and the whole belt had a shine to it that brought out the dark brown leather. Erica had even given the leather of the belt, holster and sheaths a pattern using metal stamps that she had. Jake was impressed.

"That's great work - and you did it so quickly," he enthused. Erica produced the five-shot Colt revolver, which she had kept for a pattern, and handed it to Sue who placed it into the holster. The fit was perfect.

"You'll need to reload it," Erica told them. "I had to empty it out and grease the gun while I was moulding the holster to make it a better fit."

Jake held out the old belt to Sue so she could transfer the knives over, and they also fitted snugly into their sheaths. He then went to his horse for powder, shot and caps for the colt.

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Over the next several weeks Ginnie settled into the family. From the first night at the cabin she shared Sam's bed and cock with Dove and Jane. Finally in late summer Jane and Dove cornered Sam away from Ginnie. Jane put her hands on her hips and glared at Sam. She said, "Sam we're sick about what you're doing to Ginnie. When are you going to get your head out of your ass and give that girl what she wants?" Sam was shocked. He stammered for a moment before he asked, "What do you mean?...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 24

She blushed and nodded taking my hand. I led her downstairs and into the bathroom where I kissed her again. “I want to pamper you tonight,” I told her. “I want you to feel loved and spoiled and I want this to be perfect for both of us.” She nodded and started to get undressed. I took her hands in mine though and shook my head. “Let me,” I said and took the hem of her shirt in my hands, lifting it slowly as I gazed lovingly into her eyes. She smiled shyly and lifted her arms for me to pull it...

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Online Mili Sexy Bhabhi Ko Satisfy Kia

Hello friends, My name is Priyank. I am from pune. I am a 24 year old boy. Mujhe mature ladies bohot jyada pasand hai, kyonki wo behad exeperienced hoti hai aur nakhre bhi nahi karti hai. Mere lund ka size kuch 6 inch ke around hai aur around 2-3 inch wide hai, i m not sure abt the sizes kyuki kabhi measure nahi kiya. Mai Iss pe bohot time se stories padh raha hu aur mujhe yaha p stories padhke hilaane ki aadat hai. Ye meri pehli kamukta story hai, toh agar koi galti hui toh plz maaf karna. Any...

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Core of NightChapter 7

Three teams of horses and their attendants were required to pull down the mighty gates of the town of Dricena. Trask reminded the Prince of Dricena that the town needed no gates against the Northmen, and that the army of the North would be happy to provide for the security of the town. Inside the town, Roja and his men left the Prince and his family in place in the keep itself, and merely tore down a trio of back to back buildings that were surrounded by a usable wall. This newly open area...

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One Hot Bath time

One day,back in the late 1980's ,Lita not her real name,was running some errands,in a very fine day .she finally done, and was heading her way to the bathroom to take her shower.Hanging her towel off the peg.She then remove her dress and undies wet and smelled from the sweat from the morning's work.Turning the shower on,she got busy with her hair, untying the rubber bond been clinging on.She wet her hair first and applied ample amount of shampoo,massaging her hair with the shampoo,she then...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 81

Jeff pushed the door of the theater open with his foot and walked in holding three go-cups of coffee in a cluster in front of him. "And what are my two senior wives doing in here at this time of the morning?" he asked in a teasing voice as Laura jumped up to help him with the coffee. "Might have known you would have coffee," Diana said, refusing to verbally answer about the reason they were in the theater, but her blush answered for her, anyway. "Thought you didn't want to see that...

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Brother Sister Bonding

Jana sat in the driveway of her family's home. Gripping the steering wheel, she still couldn't believe her luck that night. It was just before 8 pm and she should have been on her first date at this moment. Not just any first date, but her literal first date ever. Then the jerk had to go and stand her up, ditching her for another girl. And she was honestly planning on giving him her virginity that night! At the very least, her parents were gone for the weekend leaving she and her older brother...

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My Ebony Coworker

I always enjoyed that my company hired people from every ethnicity. Especially the woman. Normally we seemed to have only caucassian females, but it was not long after I started, that I met coworkers from other places. There were Indian coworkers, Asians, latinas and of course black woman too. Especially my direct colleague. Her name was Nancy and she had to be a descendant of a goddess. Always wearing red lipstick, Skirts or dresses that comforted her well formed body perfectly and sometimes I...

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Story 2

PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. "Oh David, I can't believe I went off like that..""My...

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My name is Peter and I have become a stereotypical manwhore. But I wasn't always this way. In High school I played soccer and I was a perennial standout, but as many people know soccer don't get you laid or popular. I really didn't understand my predicament because I was 5'11 175 pound jock. Years of soccer sculpted my body into twisted steel, coupled with my messy brown hair and hazel eyes I should have been a stud. Unfortunately, I was a class clown and a little bit immature for my age. While...

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Wild Cousin Sisters 8211 Part 1

Hello friends i am from bhopal and 24 now. I am 5’10” with muscular body due to regular gym. This incident took place when i was 18. Every year i used to visit my grandparents in a village in summer vacations where my cousins also come.I have three cousin sisters and 5 brothers. All my brothers were busy with there jobs and me and my sisters use to have fun in vacations. Two of them Preeti and Rounak were elder to me by 3 years and were in their colleges and one named jyoti was younger to me by...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 10 July 1989 Hannah the Horny Whore

Pippa would have made a great actress. She loved role playing to enhance sex sessions; I think she must have started doing it when first married. Speaking for myself I didn't need any fetishes or kinky gear to get me off; Pippa did that for me by just being Pippa. However she liked doing it and I certainly did get turned on by the different characters she would become. One of the first characters that she created was Hannah. Pippa would dress as a whore and, which was even sexier, talk and...

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First Lesbian Encounter In Train

Hey indian sex stories dot net friends, This is a story on iss which is about my first lesbian encounter, so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. Little bit about me – I am neha from bhilai and stay in pune for study. I am 23, fair in complexion and have good figure. So let’s come to the story, I will post this story in hinglish as english m wo feel nahi ata. So baat hai nov 2016 k jab m pune k chutiyo k baat vapas pune ja rahi thi and meri ticket rac m thi 2nd ac azad hind. Mai is...

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Girl Hidden

Girl, Hidden (M+/f, M/f+, bondage, cons, interracial)I’d have driven faster had the roads not been choked with snow, but Chloe didn’t like wild driving even when someone else was doing it. I was annoyed at missing the start of the party, but since I taught an evening class, I had to give the final in the evening as well. Some of them went right to the end. So late we would be.?I’m looking forward to meeting Gene,? Chloe said. ?I read about him in a magazine last year. Newsweek maybe. I forget...

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A Nice Warm Bath

Snow days sucked. At least that was how Patty felt after spending the entire day listening to her two children bicker and complain. She’d woken at five that morning to three inches of fresh snow, with more falling, the morning news had informed her that both the district she worked for and the one her children attended were closed due to the weather. Naturally, on a day when they didn’t have to go to school, her children were up by five-thirty. When they had school, Patty struggled to get...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Karla Kush E Equals MC Black Cock

Karla Kush is wearing glasses, so she must be smart, right? Eh, we will just have to go with it. She is tutoring these two big black guys who do not seem to be interested in math at all. But they are interested in Karlas big fat ass. They watch her at the whiteboard, but cannot stop picturing their black cocks all over her face. Karla can sense the tension, so she makes an offer to incentivize these voracious minds. Every time they get an answer right, she takes off a piece of her clothing....

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i fucked my mom

visit on to see top rated stories like these and newly released porn video this is a true story about having sex with my mom. im 38 and i grew up in rochester hills michigan. my parents divorced when iwas 8 yrs old and i went to live with my mom would walk around naked when she got out of the shower and while she got ready. and i noticed her! shes 5ft 2in,big boobs,wide hips,and a hairy pussy.she had a guy over one night and i woke up to piss or whatever and saw my mom...

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Private Anastasia Brokelyn The Nurse And The Pilot

In Private Specials, Private Nurses 2 Anastasia Brokelyn is the horny girlfriend of pilot Alberto Blanco and this sexy girl is alone for weeks at a time so she must entertain herself with solo action as she whips out her toys for some screaming and squirting. Today however she has a surprise for her man as she fulfils his fantasy and slips into a kinky nurse uniform ready for when he gets home. Watch Anastasia get down for a deepthroat blowjob before she offers up her pussy for a long awaited...

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I Love Very Slutty Whorish Women

The more a woman looks and dresses like a hot slutty streetwalking prostitute the more I am attracted to her because this is my ideal looking and dressing woman and who I am most proud to have at my side whenever and wherever and regardless of what anyone else thinks. A man like me must be very strong and confident to have a slutwhorish looking and dressing woman at his side because society is very cruel! They look at her and I with disgust and hatred, they laugh at her, call her names and...

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Genderswap Mishap

It's the night you've been looking forward to all week; you're finally getting to step into the ring again after some time away from your boxing passion. This break was mostly your girlfriend's fault, as she'd insisted you use some of your prize money to take her on a luxurious vacation. In all honesty, she was a pretty big bitch. Your fame as a boxer brought many women to your doorstep, most of them just after you for your looks and your money. But then again, you're equally shallow on that...

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Letter to S

I know I haven't talked to you in a long time, but I just can't stop thinking about you. Or about everything we used to talk about, everything we wished we could to with each other... or to each other! Especially when you told me about the time you wanted to go swimming but your brother wouldn't let you because of the swimsuit you wanted to (barely) wear lol. If only I knew when you were in the area! Maybe you come to the Fanime convention we have going on a few months from now, and we bump...

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OnlyTeenBlowJobs Zoey Clark Don8217t Peek

Cute blonde Zoey Clark wants to borrow Brad’s car. He proposes a deal for her, if she sucks his cock he will lend her his car. At first, she thought it was weird but then she had an idea. If he wears VR glasses she won’t find it as weird to give him head, of course he accepts and immediately puts on the VR goggles! She then sticks his thick shaft in her mouth. She starts performing a deep and sloppy blowjob. This hot babe sure knows how to make a man cum. Taking it to the back of...

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My Best Friends Girl She used to be mine

Towards the end of the eighties my life was starting to really look up. I was doing well with the telephone and alarm company I was partnered in with Rich. Now that I was a partner, I had real incentive for the company to do well. Rich and I spent a lot of time and energy together expanding the business, especially when we ventured into the security field. We had always been friends, but now we were best friends. I saw more of Rich than anyone else. When we were not side by side at work, we...

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Fun in the Sun

God, Lauren would you look at the size of that one. You know, they shouldn't even make bathing suits under a size six." Tina slurred, before taking another sip from her rum and coke.It was a pretty typical thing for her to say on a typical summer afternoon at the beach as we basked in the hot glow of the sun. It was what we had done most every day of our summer break as we worked to become, not just tan . . . but the goddess's of tan when we returned back to school. Yes, when we returned to...

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three of us

She was horny and needed release but she also wanted a show. She called her two friends and invited them over. When they arrived she was wearing only a sheer robe. She had them strip to their underwear. The girl was sexy and had a very hot body. The guy was gorgeous and well hung. They were fun to play with and did not mind letting her run the show. She laid the girl on the bed and sat the man in a chair to watch. First she pulled his cock thru the opening in his tight briefs. She wanted to see...

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Just A Small Town Girl Part 1 Welcome to the City

"Thanks. That was fun last night." Fun? To Shay it was just paying the price for a ride. She'd hitchhiked her way from the one stoplight town in North Carolina she'd called home to New York fuckin' City itself. Sure she'd had to suck a few cocks along the way, like ol' Pete back there, but when you've been sucking your Daddy's cock since you were out of training bras, what was a couple more? It was when Daddy started taking more notice of her developing body and his caresses became...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 6

“Thank you for standing up with us, Dr. Goldman and Ms. Clarke, but I think that now, I need to just lay down at home and rest. You two have fun if you want. What do you want, girls?” I asked my ladies. “I want to hang out with my new boyfriend, but Mom and Dad are already worried about me, so I’ll head home for now. Still, see you in the morning and I’ll try to put out for you at last if I can. If not, we’ll find another time, but I am going to give you my cherry, papi. Count on that, mi...

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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 5 Discovery and Decision

If you have been following my story, you will recall that in a single afternoon - almost without realizing it - I had gone from a boy in jeans and T-shirts to a girl in a tiny skirt, with a pink ribbon my my curly hair, pink nails, lip gloss, and perfume. To anyone who saw me now, I looked not only like a girl, but like a "girly girl" princess. Auntie Mame and I had just finished checking out at Macy's for the second time that day, this time with several new skirts and blouses. I had...

1 year ago
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One afternoon, my neighbor told me he had bought the cable TV service, without imagining that I would be with my worst enemy, let me how how the retaliate.I remembered one evening in January 2000, when he was invited to the home of Eduardo, who was right next to me on the occasion that he had subscribed to cable TV to not depend on the family, declined to its separate subscription. I liked the idea because there was living my worst enemy, the man who dared to mess with my nephew, and all for a...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ms Yummy Enjoys some white cock

Ms. Yummy looks yummy showing off her new bikini. Her big tits look nice and they look even better when oiled up. Yummy indeed. Now let’s not forget about her nice backside. It looks fantastic with or without oil. Ms. Yummy enjoys jiggling and showing off her curves and it catches Tony Rubino’s eye. He’s got his hands all over that yummy booty and his pussy rubbing skills get Ms. Yummy’s engine humming. She rubs Tony’s big dick between her tits before sucking it down her throat. Outside...

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Sunday night at the pub

Re-written from the original posted as posh-slutAnnie and Emma were spending the weekend at my place. Cold, snow outside spend most of the weekend at home either snuggled up in front of the open log fire or in my big bed.Sunday night time to venture out to my local pub just down the lane, two minutes away.We arrived in time for our booking and ordered a bottle of Sancerre to start with.Annie was beautiful as ever, revealing short black dress backless and almost front-less too. Just about...

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SweetheartVideo Eliza Jane Scarlett Sage She8217s Cumming To The Party

Cute, all-natural blonde teens, Eliza and Scarlett, steal away at a party to have sex with each other. They enthusiastically make out while undressing each other; eager to eat each other out and finger fuck their troubles away. Eliza initiates the pussy eating, burying her face deep into Scarlett’s wet pussy. Scarlett cums with gusto–ready to return the orgasmic favor, she laps at Eliza’s soft folds. Eliza is driven wild by Scarlett’s expertise with her tongue. Both...

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Let the Wrong One In

Hypatia shuddered in the drawing room, overcome by the note. Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Lust, a dozen emotions swept through her. She felt faint, sinking quietly onto the chaise lounge, reading for the tenth time the stinging words it displayed. Dearest Hypatia – A lie, in the salutation, no less! It is with great sorrow that I break off our engagement. I have been a bounder and a cad, constantly endangering your reputation with society – As if I minded! I was in love! My behavior has been quite...

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Fucking Next Door Bhabhi

Dear all, I am Suraj. i am reading ISS from a long time and I am a great fan of this site. I don’t know if stories are real or not. But many of them sounds convincing. Well I am 5’9″ well-built muscular and right now in Germany. Any unsatisfied bhabhi, ladies or Girls can contact me any time at my mail address Now coming to the main story. The main character for my real story is Rishibha .. Wife of my cousin elder bro. She is very good looking, have awesome figure 34.30.36 .. She is little...


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