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It was a subdued group who met back at Morgana's Manse, we'd come so close to exposing a traitor to humanity on the Council.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I shouldn't have started questioning him in such an exposed place."

"Not your fault, John," Morgana said. "Whoever sent that spell knew exactly what they were doing, it was precise and sufficiently low powered so as not to illuminate the caster to our vision. I'd like to know who it was and how they knew that Johannes would fail though. I sent Róisín to check, but I rather think our assassin has taken down Cadmus too, I haven't heard from the team I sent to arrest him."

"Perhaps he or she was just observing to see what was going to happen," said Arch.

"Perhaps," said Morgana. "Though Robert said our ultimate enemy was a male Mage and he seems to be one step ahead of us all the time too."

"We'd have crushed the Coalition by now if they weren't getting inside help," said Arch. "I'm certain of that."

Róisín ported in at this stage and apologised to Morgana and Arch. "Mages Cadmus, Reygarth and Andrei are dead," she said, mentioning two of Cadmus' cronies who until now had been merely suspicions rather than guilty. "Our team were too late; they'd received a message to wait though none of them appear to be able to remember from whom."

"I'm going to order a massive review of our internal security methods to prevent such a thing happening again!" stormed Morgana. "We are clearly compromised from top to bottom from the amateurish way we go about things and as such that failure reflects badly upon me. I will have to speak to the Council about this, though I have no clue as to who is the traitor in their midst."

We all sat silently, there was little else to say, we didn't blame Morgana, it's just we realised that much of what she said was true, we tended to muddle through by luck rather than good judgement. Yes, we had certainly been successful over the last 25 years, but our successes had been more down to our opponents making mistakes and being over confident rather than by our own strengths.

"Any thoughts on just who the traitor might be?" I asked. "Assuming there is just one."

"No, John," sighed Morgana. "I know most of them personally and would call them friends, yet the evidence suggests that one of them is deliberately supporting the Coalition against the Council itself."

"Are they though?" I asked. "To quote Abraham Lincoln 'A house divided against itself cannot stand', could it be in someone's interest to see us constantly at each other's throats?"

"What are you implying, John?" asked Arch.

"The Coalition is a problem, yet their numbers have always been small?" I questioned as I glanced at Morgana who nodded an affirmation. "Up until the mid-1800's if I remember correctly the Council had them contained to areas where their influence was limited, then something changed and their influence and activities grew. Still, the Council really ought to have quashed them years ago or kept them contained. Yet they appear in the last one hundred years to have influence way beyond their numbers which implies that either someone in the Council is supporting them, or that someone in the Council is acting against us both by keeping our attention focussed away from another agenda."

"Bit paranoid that, John," said Róisín.

"Am I being paranoid enough?" I asked. "Yes, someone took out Mage Robert under our noses, but face it, Mages Cadmus, Reygarth and Andrei would be no pushovers and would have taken more than one Mage to take out easily and I doubt it was the Coalition."

"I'm not saying you're right, John," mused Morgana. "I can think of several Mages who individually could have dealt with them, but it's a hell of a nasty thought and bears a lot of thinking on. Our traitor wouldn't necessarily have to openly support anyone; just make sure we both fail."

"I've read that the Coalition has problems with the Craebh Ruadh world," said Róisín.

"Yes, one of the first things Elymas tried when the split between the Council and his group became open was to try and get support from Mages elsewhere, on worlds where magic is practised more openly. He tried the Craebh Ruadh world as it's run by Mages though quite benevolently for the normal people there and managed to antagonise them so thoroughly that they set their warrior groups against his ambassadors. This eventually led to the placing of a bounty on his and other High Mages of the Coalition's heads and the Craebh Ruadh will occasionally make incursions into Coalition territory looking for them," said Arch. "But what John described isn't really their style, we don't get on that well as they are pretty insular and protective of their 'magics' though in many ways we've far surpassed them but, they've never looked to expand."

"If it's anyone we know and it's very much an if," said Morgana. "It will be the Tuatha Dé Danann, they already control four worlds, Falias, Gorias, Finias and Murias and are constantly looking to expand, if only because they struggle to contain their military if they don't."

"What about the Æsir?" I asked.

"Their Mages live in a loose confederation of Earths," said Arch. "They've never really shown any interest in expanding, merely enjoying a lot of political infighting in Valaskjalf, their heartworld. I'm not saying it's impossible mind you, but trying to get them all pointing in the same direction would be difficult unless someone attacked them, the Tuatha Dé Danann fought them for nearly a millennia before calling it off as a bad job as they don't seem to comprehend the notion of surrender."

"There's always the Anasazi, Nazca, Rutasi. Phaëtoni, Tiamati, and Olorun," said Róisín.

"None of whom have shown any interest in even competing with us for the empty worlds," said Morgana. "Even the Tuatha Dé Danann don't bother about them, they'd rather fight or intrigue with other Earths. Granted none of the other realms particularly like us, but they tend to mind their own business so long as we do the same."

"What of the non-human realms?" I asked. "I don't mean the Faere, they aren't subtle enough but what of the Veda, Mazdani, Djinni, Maraú-Uxuí or Ogdoad?"

"They rarely interfere in human matters," said Arch. "Mostly a matter of the numbers game. Humanity in general outnumbers them and they tend to politely ignore us in the hope that we'll do the same. Still, look at what the Mazdani achieved on Finias when the Tuatha Dé Danann were stupid enough to provoke them and it's not that the Veda couldn't give us a run for our money either. You know what the Vedic civil war achieved on Kurukshetra, they were using the magical equivalent of nukes long before any Mages on Earth could throw that sort of power around."

We all winced internally at the mention of that nearly dead world which housed the maximum security prison for the Council (and a few other realms we suspected). The Veda had abandoned the place over one thousand years ago after three millennia of civil war and it hadn't got much better since, though the Council were experimenting with magically tailored algae to remove some of the poisons in the air and soil, with limited success so far.

"One other thing," I said. "When we faced the Old One, the simalucrum who took us into its chamber said 'they are waiting for you'. I wondered about that at the time as I saw or felt no other presence. No one on the Council or the Coalition from our Earth would invite an Old One here. The only people who might benefit would be another realm, assuming the host of the Almighty could clear up the mess quickly enough."

"It would suit the Tuatha Dé Danann's style to fatally weaken the Council by constant infighting with the Coalition," mused Morgana. "Too few Mages weakened by an incursion from the outer realms and they could easily expand onto our Earth. At the moment though they know we, the Council at least, could crush them, not easily, but far more easily than the Æsir did. Thank you for further spoiling my peace of mind tonight, John. If you have any other thoughts along these lines feel free to keep them to yourself," she added with a smile.

The next day we turned up at the department to begin sorting out, via Morgana's instructions, the re-assigned people in the Diplomatic Section. It was clear that morale, already low, had taken a major blow, not so much at the loss of Mages Cadmus, Reygarth and Andrei but by the loss of Mage Robert, who despite his now known treachery had been a hardworking and genuinely liked man. I'd even liked him myself. I'd suggested to Morgana the previous night that Mage Roxanne from the Security Section could take over, as she was known for both her ability and genuine loyalty to the staff working for her and for her second-in-command, Mage Henry, to take over the security mantle as he had a lot of experience there, though sadly not enough to turn Diplomatic around as yet. Both Morgana and Arch had agreed, assuming Roxanne was willing and a message had been relayed to her.

Roxanne had reluctantly agreed, she'd been enjoying the extra responsibility of running her expanded Section, but could see the need to repair and restore morale in Diplomatic.

It was a week later that I'd called down to bring her the results of the initial investigation by Enforcement, more or less clearing her staff of any complicity in the spying ring.

"I should have known this would happen," she groused at me. "Nothing ever goes to plan here and the new responsibilities were too good to be true."

Mage Roxanne and I now got along a lot better these days since I hadn't tried to cut back her old Section in the audit; she still thought I was a bit of a glory hunter, but a competent one at least.

"Be thankful you'll have Mage William and his years of experience to assist you," I replied, winking and ducking out of the door quickly as a small lightning bolt grounded itself on the knob of the office door opposite.

"One of these days you won't be quick enough, journeyman Mage John," said Roxanne with a harsh chuckle from behind the door. "Then your arse will be mine!"

"Well, you only need ask, Mage Roxanne, not try to stun me and drag me off." I replied to what sounded like strangled laughter from Roxanne.

"Be off with you, you young rogue," she finally chuckled. "I have work to do."

I passed a glaring Mage William on my way back to Enforcement Section. He'd been cleared of any complicity in the on-going fiasco in Diplomatic, though his closeness to Mage Cadmus had probably blighted his career in that Section and it would be a long time before he'd regain any sort of status or trust there. He hadn't known about the air vent in his office, simply because Mage Robert had lied to me about it being his office. He'd been set up as the fall guy in case the spy ring had been caught and he was taking the knowledge that he'd been exposed as a dupe very badly indeed. I suspected that someone would be keeping an eye on him for quite a while too, just in case he felt that going down the same path as Cadmus or Robert would be a fitting form of revenge for his fall from grace.

Still I thought, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

With the re-organisation now thoroughly under the Department's belt, we started to become much more pro-active in our dealings with the Coalition, particularly in Europe where our various branch offices in the many countries there were reinforced and started searching out various Coalition cells rather than simply reacting to their activities when they happened. Not that we were starting a witch-hunt, there was certainly no round up of sympathisers, but known active agents were hunted down and either captured or forced to leave, many with their work left undone.

I presume Morgana spoke to the Council about possible infiltration, though how she went about it at this time was a mystery to me, the information we'd surmised and the conclusions we'd reached went upward and stayed up there. I figured she didn't tell the entire Council, simply certain members about the failure in part of our attempts to root out the spy in our Diplomatic Section and the manner of his death and claims. But, like most things about the Council, she never spoke of it, simply directed the Department to search for any signs of outside interference or infiltration.

I also continued my studies into Null, seeking to find a means of projecting it on to or around someone, but also seeking to find a way to place a Null shield surrounding a Mage but not touching them giving us the ability to cast spells through some sort of window. Not that I was having a great deal of success as yet, but the potential was there. My other studies into iso-depth quantum layers also progressed, though I still had major issues with fine control and subtle manipulation of the energies involved. Morgana assured me this would come with time, and if there's one thing a Mage does have, it's time.

It was 1969 when we caught a further glimpse into what we considered to be a hostile conspiracy against our Earth. We had been investigating a magical anomaly detected by the Seers Section near Nottingham. Normally they are fairly precise as to who was causing it, although this time they were rather vague. Arch led the team, consisting of Mage Theo, Mage Alice, Mage Erin, Mage Angéle and Róisín as well as myself, into the area. We had travelled up by train and were looking for the source of the anomaly in the woods of Clumber Park to the northeast of the City and were not having an easy time of it. For one thing it appeared to be moving around though the Seers confirmed it was not alive and it vanished or cloaked when we approached too closely. Finally though Arch had us split up and surround the supposed position in which it was operating and keeping in mental contact we expanded our senses inwards towards it.

"Got it!" came a confirmation from Arch. "Theo, it's about 800 yards to the north of you, approach with caution. John, you're nearest Theo, head towards him to back him up if necessary. The rest of you form on me and we'll approach from the east."

I had just reached the position where Mage Theo had been when there was a scream and a mental backlash signifying a Mage under attack and in grave peril. Arch's team felt it as well and increased their pace towards the site of the anomaly as I broke into a run too, though keeping very low. Coming out of the tree line near what appeared to be some form of Victorian folly I was targeted by several streams of hellfire all of which I deflected back towards the senders, who appeared to be some sort of military. I quickly ducked down even lower yet maintained my progress towards the figures passing the badly burned though still living body of Mage Theo, who was healing himself, but was clearly out of action for a while. More hellfire as well as some form of gunfire was directed towards my position, though as yet none of it came particularly close. Taking a chance I lifted my head up out of the undergrowth to take a good look at just who was attacking me and quickly had to duck as concentrated fire both magical and non-magical lashed the area I was in, so far my shields continued to hold as they'd been unable to hit me full on, but I suspected it was only a matter of time. Hell, I thought, time for a little demonstration of my own and I unleashed a series of air displacement spells targeted not at the 'people' attacking me but at the ground under their positions. A series of screams sounded as the ground burst open under them and they were lashed by the physical effects of my magic and throwing good sense to the wind I hurtled forward into their midst using the clouds of dust thrown up by my spell plus various offensive spells in my enhanced armoury. They were clearly confused by my method of attack. After all, who expects anyone with a modicum of common sense to run towards armed men, and I was able to use telekinetics to throw several of them hard to the side against trees and into the lake beside the folly. I finally sensed a Mage making a powerful summoning and unleashed a massive bolt of hellfire in his direction. It didn't kill him but it did kill the summoning thank God. We don't summon angels or demons or anything else for that matter for a reason, they tend to be enraged and unrestrained in their wrath if the summoner is not of their cause, though I had heard of Mages in the past using it to destroy the cities of their enemies, Sodom and Gomorrah ring any bells? I kept unleashing spells at anything that moved, even though I knew I was seriously outnumbered and outgunned, finally my luck ran out and I was hit from several sides by hellfire bolts shredding my shields and cauterising much of my lower body. Fortunately I was not hit by any of their physical weapons. As it was, I was expecting to die when suddenly those of the enemy hunting me turned to face Arch and the other Mages as they advanced into the fray and I can only presume they thought I was dead. Lying still I began to cast healing spells over my burned limbs as doing so was internal and wouldn't attract notice, unlike the use of a regeneration spell and prayed that I could continue to pass unnoticed in the clamour of battle. I did notice that the enemy were now close enough for me to observe them properly, dressed in some sort of military uniform, some Mages, some not, none of them particularly powerful, though there was one nearby who clearly was. I was astonished to find that even the ones who weren't Mages all had what appeared to be an opaque mindshield of an unknown type around them which stopped me reading anything other than the details of them being a Mage or not. Feeling my body restoring itself, I gathered my powers and sent a massive series of electrical ball lightning discharges towards the figures I could see, feeling their shields go down and consciousness leave them just as the rest, deciding discretion being the better part of valour, retreated past me and through a very odd looking portal gate held open by the powerful Mage I'd sensed earlier. I sent another stream of ball lightning towards the portal just as he stepped into it himself and heard his scream as it collapsed around him leaving him cut in half on our side of the portal.

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Devlins StoryChapter 41

"See?" Devlin told Brenda. "Grasp it like this." She wrapped her hand around Brenda's husband's cock. "Not too strong, not too light; you're stroking it, you're not trying to strangle it." Brenda did so, glancing at Devlin. "Like this?" It was Saturday night at Emma's, and Brenda had asked Devlin to show her how to give her husband a blow-job. "It sort of looks like Darth Vader's helmet." Devlin nodded. "It does, doesn't it. How many guys do you think noticed? And how many...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 5 Sickening the Soon to Die

Alice and Mattie described their process while Thomas explained what happened in Washington. "We'd heard a sub surfaced in the Potomac, fired a single shot to demonstrate their nuclear subs were functional and President Daniels folded." Thomas smiled at the simplicity of Mattie's scenario. "Alas, it wasn't nearly so smooth." He glanced skyward at the scarred visage of the Washington Memorial overhead as the memories of the day came rolling back. "I wasn't near enough to witness the...

4 years ago
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Reverie and and Reality

He watched in fascination as she lowered herself onto him, her face obscured by the hair swinging freely each side of her head. He knew his cock was positioned just right to enter her and he couldn't wait for that familiar sensation. He'd felt it countless times but it always seemed new. At the crucial moment, his pelvis lunged upwards from the bed. He was rudely wakened from his reverie as the pulses of his imminent climax started deep in his groin and his grip on his erection tightened....

Oral Sex
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Giving Jen The Freedom To Live

GIVING JEN THE FREEDOM TO LIVE My wife and I have been married for 21 years. Jen grew up in a small town about 20 miles from my hometown in large family of seven sisters and one brother. She is 5 ft. 8 in. tall, weighs about 138 pounds with long dark hair, 36C tits and a figure to die for. She is all cowgirl, as most of her family are. Her legs are long and shapely and go on forever. She is a very beautiful woman and seems to just get better every year. We had dated for over a...

1 year ago
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My Fiance get Blacken PT2

Harry tossed one last back handed kiss my way with his right hand before slipping out of sight down the gantry way to his waiting aircraft. It had been a fairytale sexual triathlon of bliss these last five days with Harry, and my fiancé Jim, and I was still floating on that clichéd cloud 9. My panties soaking wet with Harry's last discharge in the car on the ride to the airport were a steady reminder of our extra long weekend together as Jim held me gently in his arms more for support than for...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Arya Fae Alyce Anderson The Yoga Excuse

Alyce Anderson and Arya Fae have just finished a class. Arya is walking back to her car to go home when she hears something calling out her name. When she turns around she recognizes the girl but isn’t sure exactly who she is. Alyce introduces herself, saying they’re in the same class. Arya has an oh ya moment then adds that she’s on her way to do some yoga. Alyce would love to do some with her and decides to tag along. The girls jump in Arya’s car and drive home. Arya...

2 years ago
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A visit to the headmaster

This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based - loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16.“Come in”“Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.”“Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?”“Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….”“Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing fellatio...

2 years ago
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Adams ApplesChapter 3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke. “You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.” “Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back...

3 years ago
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My First Adult Bookstore

I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...

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Across the BorderChapter 27

“Mr. Azzhat. I’m Detective Julie Johansson and I’m here to ask you a few questions. I realize that you can’t talk with that ventilator, but I’m told you can communicate by shaking your head for ‘no’ and nodding for ‘yes’. Mr. Azzhat, are you up to answering a few questions for me?” A nod. “Good. As you were told, the other three in your car did not make it. I’m sorry for your loss. But it’s my understanding that when they brought you in you told them downstairs that a car ran you off the...

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From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 11 reposted

True Story, Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 4th of January 2013 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by Geo.Venereal as editor...

3 years ago
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My Mom

The first time I really noticed my mother as a woman was when I was eighteen and mom was twenty nine. We were getting ready for bed. I had already undressed, turned off the light and got in bed. Mom usually went into the bathroom, closed the door, took a shower and changed into a long t-shirt for bed. This time she did not close the door completely when she went in. I looked across the bed and saw that I could see her in the mirror. She took her dress and slip off and laid them down on the side...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 7 Sugarhill

The Princeton University campus looked like a college should look. An Ivy, anyway. Venerable, distinguished buildings. Sidewalks that wended and winded. Even in the July heat, hordes of students were strolling, reading, lying on lawns, playing hacky sack, sharing a joint, napping. I felt ... old. It was Saturday morning; Rowley was still at the Marriott Marquis. She had requested a late Sunday checkout. Thank you, Jessie and Jesse. I was on my way to Rowley’s leafy neighborhood, to Elm...

4 years ago
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The Adjustment of Nicola James

Chapter 1: A Meeting WithMr. James?Please, sit down.? They had arrived at my Highgate consulting rooms on a damp afternoon in April. The weather had been dismal for the two weeks since Easter. It was showing no signs of improving. The chimneys of London were still pressing black, coal smoke into the air. The streets and slates of the roofs were still silver with the sheen of recent rain. Gas light from the posts in the street and in my own hall had leant a warming glow as I opened the door to...

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Youth RetreatChapter 10

‘Paul!’ Katie made it into the hallway just in time to see him disappearing around the corner. She said a very un-Christian word and scurried after him, overwrought with worry. She’d never have imagined he’d have the reaction he had to Minnie! Was it that is was Minnie, or was it just that anyone who wasn’t Katie would have caused such a reaction? It didn’t matter. Right now he was upset and she needed to find out why and right any wrongs--if she could. When Katie Merit finally caught up...

2 years ago
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Ownership Complete by Gloria

This is a continuation of how I became a black cock slut/slave to my husbands boss (Brandon).A couple weeks passed after Brandon had claimed my ass, completing his ownership of all three of my holes. I got a call on Friday night it was Brandon instructing me to come to his home in a couple hours dressed in the same clothes I wore when he took my ass. He also instructed me to bring along my wimp husband. His last instruction brought dread to my stomach. "Make sure your slutty ass is cleaned...

4 years ago
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Full Circle

Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that...

Gay Male
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It was spring turning summer, the air was breathing warm with small brushes of cool intimately licking her skin, slipping up her thighs underneath her sundress as she lay in the tall grass laced with daisies. Propped up on her elbows, she smiled, giddy, glazed over eyes gleaming in the vast country starlight as she drew shortly from the joint in her hand. Near opaque white smoke whirled up and away, softly twisting in the wind as she swigged from the champagne bottle in her manicured...

1 year ago
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ManEater of Myanmar

It was an early morning on the Irrawaddy, and the sun had not yet crossed the eastern horizon. U Tha slowly paddled his old aluminum canoe down the river. It was difficult work to make a living as a fishermen on the Irrawaddy these days, or anywhere else in Burma for that matter, but somehow U Tha managed, just as his father before him had. The trick, he always told his neighbors, was to get up early, so that you could check your fishing lines before the oppressive tropical heat became too...

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Bhabhi wants devar

Hello readers!!! I am Deepti.I am 32 yrs old.I am a regular reader of ISS and it prompted me to send a real experience of mine.I used to read the incest stories a lot and I used to rub my pussy while reading the bhabhi-devar stories.The primary reason for that was my attraction towards my devar.His name is Sandeep.He is 24 yrs old and is quite handsome.He had a muscular body and attracted me much more than my husband.My sex life was not satisfying at all.My husband is overweight and by no...

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Hard Bodies Gym

The wife and I(Jane and John) recently moved to a new neighborhood, and amongst other things we had to find a new gym to workout at. I really loved my old spot, it was my home away from home, and i never thought I would be able to find a better facility. My doubt was quickly supplanted by a surprisingly welcome and new gym experience. We entered the gym and was approached by the owner, Rob, a large muscular built man, with a great looking face. He was bulging all over and my wife couldnt...

2 years ago
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The first time was with Ginger, and I still feel a little guilty about that. I'm a married woman, but throughout the five years of my marriage I have had to have sex with other women from time to time. I just couldn't keep my sanity without it. I remember when it happened. Don was at work and Ginger was over at my house. We'd been making love most of the morning. I had just met Ginger, a tall, lovely blonde, at the supermarket two weeks before this, and we were still at that stage when you just...

4 years ago
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Truth Or Dare

It was a long 15 hour drive to California with your family. As the last of three kids, you don't always enjoy long drives with your family. Usually you'd ask your parents if you could stay home alone, usually using the empty house to have a few friends over. That was until you all turned 18 and all your friends moved to different colleges around the country. Not to mention your excited to see your cousin, Gabi Rich, if you asked anyone who knew you when you were young, they'd tell you that you...

1 year ago
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Sunday on Sticky Street

SUNDAY ON STICKY STREET NUMBER 1… “Bitch” Michael said to Sam. ‘You acted like a real slut last night, I thought we were going out for a quiet drink.” “A quiet drink at “The Beating Bishop.” You’ve got to be kidding, there’s no such thing as a quiet drink at the “Bishop” on a Saturday night, you know that. Besides, you got on very well with that Highway Patrol man didn’t you!”Sam replied. “It wasn’t him,’ Michael replied, ‘it was all that lovely leather.” He giggled. “Besides, he was much...

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Riding the LakefrontChapter 5

Saturday, August 16,2008....9am....A Change is beginning3 blocks from my car. Barefoot. Cum filled hair. Dress half torn off. Writing all over my legs/ass/forehead/torso. I was told where my car was and needed to get there quickly. A night spent being ****d by a bunch of big black cock. One sore throat. One sore gurl pussy. Two sore tits with reddened nipples that had been stretched mightily! My feet were sore and my ankles bore the markings of where I had been shackled. My wrists the same...

3 years ago
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My first lesson of sex by sexy aunty

Hi Everybody, this is yours satish thanks for your encouraging mails which encourage me to spare my precious time and right my first incident .I m going to narrate an incident that happened 18yrs back. I was a student, then. I had a friend named Pravin, in vadodara. We two used to study together in the evening time, everyday. One Monday evening when we were reading for our model exam, there was a big disturbance. I went out to find a lady chatting with my parents in hall, so loudly. We two had...

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Cathy Gloria and Me

It started out as a joke and then things kind of got out of hand. Not that I'm complaining mind you, because as far as I'm concerned it all worked out. I had gone through a rough stretch, losing my job and my fiancée within two weeks of each other. I was down on life and I was down on women. I'd had a great job, one that I actually enjoyed getting up in the morning and going to. Everything was great right up to the morning I showed up for work, found the door locked and a notice taped to...

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Halloween Driveby

"I want to make love to other men." "What?!" I had just arrived home from a long day's work. "I want to make love to other men." "You want to fuck away our marriage, you mean!" She smiled deprecatingly, put her hand on my arm and spoke as if to a child, "No darling, it won't affect our marriage. You know you were my first and only lover. Now the children have left home, I just need to experience new things" "Are you a complete fucking idiot... ?" "Now there's no need to...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 7 The Battle Of The Bathhouse

Jessica and Sabrina rode along, smiling back at “Long Tom”, their self appointed minder while their father was gone. He got his nickname because of his buffalo rifle, and his ability to hit targets at incredible distances. He had coached Jessica a lot, helping her with her rifle. He called her Sunshine because of her blond hair, and he called Sabrina Shadow because of her raven curls. “Besides,” he’d grin, “If you saw Sunshine, you know she always has a Shadow.” They had bonded, girls raised...

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Blowjobs in a Long Haul Flight

Blowjobs in a long haul flight. I am gay and proud of it I work in the IT corporate industry and travel often abroad for work; this is an experience in a long haul flight from Mumbai to New York, nonstop. I am at a high level so I get to travel business or 1st class, this time I was lucky and was in the 1st class, boarding pass in hand I wait for the boarding call of the flight, they r boarding us and if u have travelled in 1st class u know how personalized it is, I m escorted to my seat by a...

Gay Male

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