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I wrote this one as part of a story exchange with Eric. I followed his wishes in the transformations and some of the clothing. Otherwise the story is all mine. Maggie Circle of Women By Maggie Finson Dan Hastings couldn't tear his eyes away from the group of young women chatting in the lobby of restaurant he has stopped at for dinner during a particularly gruelling road trip. As groups of young women went they weren't all that extraordinary. A slender blonde, a petite one with Raven hair, a taller redhead who had the build to carry her height well, and the last with rich brown hair and the sweetest voice he had ever heard. There were a few things, though, that made them stand out besides the obvious attractiveness of each one. All had long, beautiful hair, and blue eyes. But it was their clothing that had drawn his attention first. Each woman was dressed exactly the same as her companions. Snug blue shells that showed off that they were women and not just girls, with black silk tees underneath the shells to hold the views given by the low cut shells to a minimum, knee length black skirts that looked to be of silk too hugged their hips and bottoms delightfully for male eyes, legs covered in dark, gleaming hose, and wearing black pumps with about a two inch heel. Deciding they were in some kind of uniform, Dan wondered where in such a small town as Fairmont they could all work that would require such smart looking attire. Giving that up as a senseless exercise for an already overtired mind and imagination he tried getting back to his meal. But something about them kept drawing his eyes back to the group who seemed oblivious of his sometimes intent regard. A feeling that he couldn't explain was clamouring at the back of his mind that these young women were something special, something that he had been searching for over the years and never really found more than rumours or outright hoaxes about. "Nah." Shaking his head and forcing himself to pay attention to his meal, a very good hot beef sandwich made with real mashed potatoes, Dan dismissed that near premonition with a chuckle. "I've been on the road for a solid week. I'm worn out, need my vacation, and am starting to imagine things because of all that." Still... "Excuse me?" A soft, velvety voice interrupted his reveries and Dan looked up to see the slender, and very pretty blonde of the group standing at his table wearing a small frown. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't really polite to stare? Especially at women you don't even know?" "Umm." Caught, and reddening under her clear blue eyes regard, he drew in a breath before trying to respond. "Sorry. I've been on the road for a while and was actually just spacing off there. I do apologize for seeming to stare at you, it wasn't intentional." "Looked like a pretty intense spacing off to me." The pretty young woman retorted, then smiled briefly. "But I guess that'll do for an apology right now. Telling the truth would have worked better, though." "Ok, I admit it." Dan let out a sigh of capitulation. "I was staring. Sorry, it's just that I am tired, and all of you dressed in the same outfits just intrigued me is all. I didn't mean to insult any of you with it." "That's a little better." she allowed her smile to grow a bit as she ran a hand over her outfit. "We're all in a -- call it a club -- and these are the club uniforms. We wear them to our meetings." "Well you all look really nice in them." Dan replied, trying to smooth over his faux pas with a compliment that was genuine. "That's another thing that attracted my attention, to be honest." "Thanks. I think." The blonde grinned, then held our her small, slim hand. "I'm Agatha Powers, by the way." "Dan Hastings." He took her hand gently and felt a small thrill almost like an electrical shock as he shook it. "I am sorry about the staring." "We cleared that part up, Dan." Agatha returned with another smile. "Just be careful about that in the future. Staring at people can have all kinds of consequences, not all of them as pleasant as our little conversation here. Keep that in mind, if you would in the future." "Um, right." Dan winced, thinking she had just put him in his place, even if gently while wondering if she had a jealous boyfriend or husband. "I get the point. Thanks, and tell your boyfriend I didn't mean anything by it, please?" "Oh, I don't have one of those currently." Agatha laughed softly causing her waves of thick honey blonde hair to ripple. "And I'm not really looking at the moment." "Too bad for the guys around here, then." He blurted out before thinking, then blushed. "You look like a man who needs some rest pretty badly." Agatha seated herself across from him without being invited in a gracefully sensuous series of motions and whisper of silk against the vinyl of the bench. "Are you going to be staying here in Fairmont at all? If you are, I'd recommend the Bell, Book and Candle Inn. It's modern, has plenty of vacancies just now, and also has a pretty good dining room for guests." "Bell, Book and Candle?" Dan perked up a bit at that name and Agatha chuckled at his reaction. "Oh it's kind of silly, I know, but Constance, the owner and landlady of the place, just loves that old movie." "I'll give that some thought." Dan glanced at the reflection of his almost haggard face framed with short brown hair in need of cutting in the window and nodded. "Thanks, I do need some rest and was thinking of staying over somewhere close." "Tell Constance that Agatha sent you, if you do." The young woman slid out of the seat and gave him a smile. "She'll give you a discount and fuss over you like a lost child returned home. But come to think of it, she treats all her guests that way. You'll like her, I think." "Thanks again, ummm MS. Powers." "Just Agatha, Dan Hastings." She smiled briefly before adding. "I'd just hate to have someone find you in a pile up somewhere down the road. You get a good night's sleep and enjoy your stay in Fairmont. I have to go now. Bye." She glanced over her shoulder at him while leaving and gave him a smile that held volumes, none of which even hinted at invitation. For some reason, Dan had to suppress a shudder when she did that, but still found himself watching in fascination as Agatha and her friends left the restaurant. "Talk about mixed signals." He muttered to himself while picking up the check to pay for his meal and leaving a standard tip for the waitress who had been so attentive until Agatha had walked up to him. Jill, the perky waitress who had served his table took his credit card with a smile and ran it through the slot in the cash register. "I see you met Agatha." "Yeah, sort of." Dan shrugged. "Interesting lady." "That she is." Jill responded with a little sigh while handing him his receipt. "Lucky for you the impression she got in your meeting was a good one." "What's that mean?" Signing the register generated credit card slip and handing it back to the woman, he gave her a curious look. "Oh nothing important." Jill smiled brightly at him. "She can be a real nasty bitch with people she doesn't like is all." "You know, I kind of got that impression myself." he answered as he tucked the credit card back into his wallet. "Well, you came through it ok." Jill grinned. "She kept her claws sheathed with you. Take care, Mr. Hastings." "Thanks, and the food was great here, along with the service." "I'll be sure and tell Dad you said so." Jill smiled. "He's the cook and owner here and always enjoys getting complements from the customers." "Well, any he, and you get, are deserved." Dan put in before giving her a wave and heading out for his car. He felt eyes following his movements as he paid the bill, spoke with Jill, and left the restaurant. It was a feeling that refused to fade even as he unlocked the door of his new, but road dirty Celica and got into the car. **** "That one recognized us for what we are." "Nonsense." A soft voice answered with authority. "He may have felt something, but gave no sign of knowing what he was feeling." "You shouldn't have told him about the Inn here." Another spoke. "Look, he was going to stay overnight anyway. At least at the Bell, Constance can keep an eye on him for us." "What happens if he decides to stay for a while?" a hesitant one put in. "We'll deal with it when it comes up. He's no threat to any of us, and won't be." "You'd better be sure of that." The first voice insisted. "I am." **** The Bell, Book and Candle was, as promised, modern and had a very comfortable looking lobby with exits leading into a well cared for dining room, a polished wooden stairway leading up to where he was sure the rooms would be, and the office. "Can I help you?" A pleasant middle aged woman questioned as he looked over the surroundings. "I'm Constance, by the way and run this place." "Yes, I think you can." Dan replied with a smile while wondering if all the women in this town were pretty, or if they just kept the unattractive ones out of sight. "Agatha suggested that I come here for a room tonight, so I thought I'd check." "She did?" Constance smiled in delight. "Well come on in and let's get you a room, then." The woman continued her friendly chatter as Dan got checked in, and drew him out on a number of things. "What brings you to Fairmont? "Oh just passing through on business." Dan replied. "I just finished up a really big job in Chicago and wanted to see something besides city and interstates, so headed this direction on my way back home." "Well, I hope you have enjoyed the trip so far." Flashing another smile, she questioned. "What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?" "Oh it's nothing really earthshaking." With a small self deprecating shrug he told her. "I work on installing computer systems, then getting them to do what the buyers want them to. Just finished up a long job and had some time on my hands. Which is why I chose to come this way instead of taking the shorter way home." "Well, you sure do like someone who needs to relax for a bit." Constance nodded while handing him a key card. "You're in room 201, it's right at the top of the stairs, but I'm afraid there's no one here just now to carry your luggage up for you." "Oh, that's no problem." Dan found himself smiling back at the woman's infectious good cheer. "I don't have all that much stuff to carry." "Good." Constance answered briskly. "Breakfast is served from six in the morning till nine, and is part of the fee you pay for the room. Other meals are available, but cost extra. Local phone calls are free, long distance is added to you bill. And we do have computer connections to the internet in each room. Plus Satellite Television." "Sounds great." Dan held back a yawn. "But truthfully, all I want tonight is a hot shower, and some sleep." "Then that's what you'll get, dear." Constance smiled. "This is nice quiet place for things like that." "Good, oh, when is checkout time?" "Any time before three P.M. is fine." The woman answered. "If you stay longer than that, I'm afraid I have to charge you for another night." "That sounds fine." Dan nodded. "Could I get a wake up call at, say, seven A.M.?" "No problem, dear." Constance made a quick note and set it next to her phone. "If there's anything else you need just call or come down and ask. Oh, there is a soft drink machine in the hallway up there, with tea and coffee available in the dining room if you prefer." "Works for me." The man smiled back. "I'll just go park the car and get my stuff upstairs. Thanks for the hospitality." "All part of the service." Constance grinned. As she moved away from the desk he noticed that she had held her figure very well, and moved with the same kind of easy grace that Agatha had shown. Even in what appeared to be her forties, Constance was a strikingly beautiful woman. **** "Bell, Book, and Candle." Constance answered her desk phone shortly after Dan had carried his two soft sided suitcases up the stairs. "Hello Agatha, dear!" she listened for a minute, then nodded. "Yes, he just went up to his room. I gave him number 201." "Oh, I'm pretty sure he is just a rather pleasant fellow who is over tired from work and travelling, dear" Constance answered another question then added. "He seems to be very nice." "Well of course I'll do that for you." Constance agreed as if whatever question she had been asked was needless. "You say he noticed? Now that's interesting. Perhaps it's just that he's so tired. On the edge of sleep many people perceive things they wouldn't otherwise, and that poor fellow was close to dropping by the time he got here." "Well, I'll certainly stay alert to the possibility, Agatha." the woman assured her caller. 'That's fine, dear." Constance finished. "I'll give you a call in the morning and let you know how things are going. I really think Selena is over reacting in this case. The man builds and programs computers, for heaven's sake. With that kind of profession he would just be the last kind of person I would choose to really pay attention to things that aren't both modern and tech related. You take care of yourself now, and I'll talk with you tomorrow." Constance placed the phone back in its cradle, then paused long enough for a thoughtful look up the stairs before getting ready to lock up for the night. **** The room was both spacious and comfortable in an old style way that seemed to welcome him into itself. The adjoining bath had a large tub with a shower and whirlpool included in the thing. He Dan lost no time getting out of his things and under the soothing beat of steaming water from the shower head. Drying off with a remarkably soft towel for a hotel of any sort, he slipped into a pair of briefs and tee shirt, leaving his discarded clothing on the floor to be picked up later. After crawling gratefully into the queen sized bed and turning off the bedside lamp, he let out a contented sigh and was almost immediately sound asleep. **** They were standing in a circle lit fitfully by candles spaced around the outside of their grouping. Agatha was there, along with the three companions she had been with inside the restaurant. There were others he couldn't see all that well because of the flickering light and surrounding darkness. The women were singing, a sweet compelling song with words that he couldn't understand but still compelled his attention. Their song abruptly stopped, and all those gathered turned to face him. What he noticed first was that all their eyes were blue, and glowed with internal light independent of the candles or dim moonlight. Agatha's face seemed to grow in his vision until it dominated his view of things as she spoke. "Didn't I say it isn't always safe to stare? Now you've done it and we'll have to make sure you don't tell anyone what you've seen." He turned to run, or tried to do so. Only to find himself frozen in place as the slender blonde approached him with a wicked little smile as she began making motions in the air in time to a chant from the women gathered behind her. He couldn't even scream out his terror. **** "Ahhh!" Dan sat up in the bed covered in sweat and at a loss to tell himself where he was for a second or two. As his sleep induced panic washed away he realized that he was safely in the hotel room he had rented earlier. "Man, I've been letting the job get to me, I guess. That was one weird dream." He sat up for a few minutes, gathering his wits, and nerve before falling back into a dreamless sleep. **** Dan awakened early, still recalling the odd, and halfway frightening dream with a shudder. He shook his head and muttered to himself while heading for the bathroom. "Just chalk that one up to too much time on the road and work, I suppose." His lean face seemed a little less haggard in the mirror that morning, with the dark circles from lack of sleep fading at last. Shaving seemed to be a bit easier than it had been over the past while, with his usually tough beard giving in to the razor without the usual struggle, but again, he was at least partially rested that morning so wasn't just going through the motions on automatic as he had been. After washing his face, combing his tousled brown hair into a semblance of civilized appearance, and gathering his dirty clothes from where he had dropped them the previous night, he wandered back into the room proper to get dressed. Checking the small clock set on a bedside table, he noted that it was not quite the time he had requested the wake up call, so picked up the phone and called the desk. "Good Morning, Mr. Hastings." Constance's voice cheerfully came over the phone and he wondered if the woman ever slept at all, or had a grumpy side at all. "Morning." Dan responded with a smile that he knew she couldn't see but still felt almost compelled to show at hearing her voice anyway. "I just wanted to save you a call. I'm already up, but had a question. Would it be a problem if I stayed another day or two? I just realized how tired out I really was, and thought I'd give myself another couple of days relaxation time if you don't have the room booked for someone else." "Problem?" Her voice chirped back with a laugh. "Not at all. You stay as long as you like. Oh, breakfast is being served in the dining room now. Why don't you come down and share a cup of coffee with me at least?" "Be down in a few minutes." Dan put the phone back in its cradle wondering why it was that he felt so good about staying in the little town of Fairmont for another day or two. Deep in his subconscious, old longings stirred, stretched their figurative limbs, and began to awaken. **** "I take it that you like Fairmont." Constance made it a statement rather than a question as Dan savoured the best three egg and ham omelette he'd had in years. "Well, it's nice and quiet here." He answered between mouthfuls of breakfast. "Truthfully, I kind of needed to find a place like this for a while. You know, to recharge my batteries and just be able to relax for a while." "Well, this town would be good for you in that case." Constance smiled from behind her coffee cup. "Nothing much in the way of bad things seem to happen here, and it is generally a quiet place except for the local kids, but that's pretty much to be expected isn't it?" "Kids are going to be kids." Dan agreed as he took another sip of the aromatic coffee the Inn's proprietor had personally brought him. "No matter where they are." "A truer thing was never spoken." Constance chuckled. "But overall the kids here are good ones." "Kids are in most places." He nodded with a sad expression. "It's the outside influences that turn them bad." "Yes, a shame isn't it?" Constance let out a small sigh then changed the subject. "You have the look of someone searching for something, Dan. Do you mind my asking what that might be?" "I don't really know." Came the answer as he gave the idea some thought. "I never really thought about it much, you know? I just feel like something about my life isn't all that complete, or right. I don't know, it's hard to explain because all of it is pretty unformed in my own mind." "Oh, I'm sure you know what it is, dear." Constance smiled. "Just give yourself some time to think without all the pressures of your job and life out in the larger world and it might come clear for you." "Maybe you're right." He really wanted to change the subject. The idea of what he was really searching for, the thing missing in his existence, was one he had actively pushed down for a long time and bringing it up at all was very uncomfortable. "I'll see if some real quiet time might make things a little clearer for me." "It will come in it's own time, dear." Constance nodded with another motherly smile. "Don't try and force it." "I suppose that's right." He agreed with a small smile. "I'm not about to kill myself over it. When it comes it comes." "Right you are, dear." The woman gave him another of her beautiful smiles and reached across the table to pat his hand. "You just try and relax for a while here. I'll work to make your stay both enjoyable and restful." "Thanks." Saying that, Dan moved his chair back from the table and started to stand. "I think I'm starting to like it around here already." "Fairmont is an easy place to like." Constance nodded. "So long as you aren't looking for big city action, or lots of excitement." **** "Hello, Agatha." Constance spoke into the phone she had gone to once her guest had gone back upstairs. "I think you may be right about Mr. Hastings, but the poor dear either doesn't want to admit his desires or really isn't consciously aware of them. I did some checking up on him earlier this morning by the way." Listening to the other person for a few seconds, she went on. "He has no family to speak of, and is an independent contractor working for a rather large computer company on individual contracts. He gets a new contract for each job, and has down time between each contract. Evidently he is very good at what he does, but there is nothing pressing that would require his personal attention just now." "Oh yes, you read him right on that, Agatha." Constance agreed with something the other had said. "Dan Hastings is basically a very good, caring person. I think that he would be an excellent candidate. You might tone the dreams down a bit, you know, make them a bit less threatening? I heard the poor man scream last night and I was downstairs in my study when he did it." "I agree, make them more pleasant for him over the next few nights." Constance nodded with a satisfied little grin. "As for the changes? Well, let's just keep them going gradually for now. That way if he decides to bolt, the damage won't be all that great from the first few days." "All right, I'll keep you posted on things, Agatha." she answered before replacing the phone in its cradle and thinking about her newest guest. Dan, dear, I know full well what it is that you've been searching for all of your life. Please accept what is about to happen to you as the gift it is meant to be. **** Dan spent a pleasurable day just wandering through the town. He was surprised at the amounts and variety of goods for sale in the shops until one shopkeeper told him that the entire county shopped there. Still, the merchandise he saw on the shelves was never anything less than the absolute best offered anywhere else, even the large cities he usually spent his time in. The one thing that bothered him all day long was a persistent itching all over his body. It wasn't bad enough to be more than a bit uncomfortable, but at times the sensation did mar his enjoyment of the day a little. Only a little, though, and he purchased a tube of skin cream to ease the feeling before returning to the inn and getting cleaned up before going out for his evening meal. One thing he saw continued to intrigue him that evening. Several other women dressed exactly as Agatha and her companions had been were in the restaurant. The blonde who had upbraided him about staring, then suggested he stay for a day or two was not one of them. Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that the three he saw that evening were watching him surreptitiously, whenever they thought he wasn't looking in their direction. The gooseflesh rose on his forearms even if it had only been his imagination as he insisted to himself it was. **** "Are you all right, dear?" Constance questioned with concern in her voice and written across her face as he entered the Bell, Book and Candle. "You look a little drawn." "I think I may have picked up a bug of some kind." Dan responded with a sigh. "It was probably incubating for days and just decided to show up now. I don't feel that bad, just a little tired yet." "Are you feverish?" She questioned solicitously. "No, not really, just have a rash or something starting up is all. I picked up some antiseptic cream that should take care of the problem." He answered with a smile for her concern. "Do you always treat your guests like they were your children?" "I suppose it's that old Jewish Mama syndrome." She laughed. "And I'm not even Jewish. I just like to seen my guests taken care of, is all. I'd hate it if you got sick while you stayed here. I'd feel almost responsible for that." "Not to worry." Dan let out a small chuckle. "It isn't anything serious, I'm sure. Just some oddball allergy or something I picked up is all. I'm sure, I'll be all right." "Well, if you need anything, or if it gets worse, don't forget you can call me." Constance nodded. "I know people who can do some marvellous things if you are sick." "Thanks, anyway." Dan was becoming a bit uncomfortable with her offers of care, so headed upstairs with a wave and a forced bounce in his step. "All I need is another good nights sleep and I'll be fine." "All right, dear." Constance gave him a cheerful smile and a small wave as he climbed the stairs. **** He dreamed again that night. This time there was more definition to the images he saw, women, seven of them now, standing in a circle and calling someone. "Dan, come to us, come and receive our gift." Agatha stood forward, holding out a hand while wearing a smile. "Dan Hastings, you have wished for things that life will not give you. Your search is over, now. Come to me, and find what you have sought for so long. Come to me, come to us." "What do you want?" He questioned, able to find his voice this time, and finding that he was able to move. But for some reason he didn't want to. "Why me?" "You know." She answered and the others echoed her words. "You know, you know, you know." "I don't know anything." He stammered. "Please, tell me what it is you want from me?" "Look to yourself." Agatha told him sternly. "The answers are there, only waiting for you to find them again." "What was lost will be found." The others softly chanted. "Once found will make one whole. Come to us, Dan. Come to us. Come..." **** Dan sat up in the bed with a start, but no shout that time. The itching had stopped, to his relief, but once he reached to turn on the bedside lamp, a look at his arm stopped the motion in mid reach. "What the?" In the moonlight coming through the window his arm appeared smooth, hairless and a little thinner. Thinking it was a trick of the light, and his groggy state from waking so abruptly, he shook himself mentally then lowered his head back to the welcoming softness of the pillows and returned to sleep. Without dreams that time. **** "Wow. That one wasn't as bad as the other night, but it was still really weird." Dan mumbled as he worked his way out of bed and padded to the bathroom for his morning ritual of shave and shower. "Oh man, I wasn't dreaming this after all." Staring into the mirror in disbelief, he ran a hand over his cheeks and chin. There was no trace of a beard at all on his face. Even the little dings and scars he had accumulated over years of using a razor seemed to be gone. His reflection stared back at him with a flawless complexion, lacking the enlarged pores he had become accustomed to seeing every morning, and appearing soft as a young girls. "What in the world is going on here?" His arms were bare of hair as well, and did look thinner to his eyes. On second look, he did have light downy hairs on his arms, but nothing like the longer, darker hairs he had gone to bed with. I wonder..." His legs were pretty well denuded of hair, too. And were slimmer and smoother than he was used to seeing. The only word he could come up with to describe them as they now appeared was sleek. Smoothly muscled, slim, and hairless. His legs now looked like something he would have admired on a pretty woman. "This is not happening." A very careful examination of his full length reflection in the mirror mounted on the wall next to the bathtub showed his original estimation was pretty accurate. His legs were slimmer and feminine in appearance, and his arms were thinner. Was he imagining it, or were his hips just a bit wider than they had been, and was his waist just a touch narrower? "This is unreal!" reaching up to touch his hair, he noted yet another difference. It was thicker than he remembered, and seemed to be getting darker. And was brushing against his shoulders when he distinctly recalled it being inches shorter just the night before. "What is going on here?" Memories of long repressed desires surfaced briefly, but he pushed them back down without thought and out of long habit. He looked years younger, and felt better than he had in years. "Sheesh. I have got to get out of this place." Getting dressed was illuminating, too. His shirts were several sizes smaller, and his pants had changed subtly. Narrower at the waist and noticeably wider at hips and bottom. Even his shoes were two sizes smaller, and had become loafers that looked like either a man or woman could wear them. "This is too weird!" Going downstairs he stopped at the desk intending to check out and get away from whatever was causing him to change, or make him think he was. Constance looked up from the desk and smiled at him. "My, you do look better this morning, Dan. I'm glad a good nights sleep was all you needed after all." "Umm, yeah, I do feel better than yesterday." He admitted with a grin. "I think this place may be good for me, I haven't felt this good in a long time, you know." "I'm happy you like it here, dear." Constance beamed. "Is there something you wanted?" "Uh," Suddenly, he didn't want to check out just yet. Something inside himself, soul, subconscious mind, whatever, urged him to stay another night at least. After all, he was feeling wonderful for a change, not dragged out and constantly having to force himself to go through a day. "Not really. I just wanted to say thanks for the concern last night, is all." "Oh, that's no problem. Are you going to have breakfast this morning?" "Oh, I don't know." Dan wondered what had happened to his usual appetite, and shrugged. "Maybe some juice and a roll. I'm just not all that hungry this morning." "Oh, that's fine. With your trim figure I can see why you don't eat a lot for breakfast." Constance nodded. "Come on into the dining room and I'll join you and have a cup of coffee while you have your juice and whatever. We can chat some more while you do." "All right, that sounds good." Dan found himself saying, wondering if the woman had noticed the changes he was sure had been worked on his body overnight. But she acted as if he was the same, other than having been a little ill the previous night, as he had been since checking in to her establishment. None of the staff seemed to see anything different about him either, greeting him by name and the morning waitress brought him a cinnamon roll, milk, and a small glass of orange juice without being asked. "Oh, sorry, it's the same thing you had yesterday and I just had the idea it was a morning ritual for you." The girl, Evvie, blushed when he questioned her about it. "If you want, I can bring you a menu." "No, that's ok." He found himself giving the girl a smile of reassurance. "This is fine, thank you. Wonderful in fact." "What was that about, if you don't mind me asking?" Constance tilted her head while giving him a curious glance. "I sat at this same table with you yesterday and you had exactly the same thing for breakfast then as you have now." "Oh, I guess I'm still a little muzzy from the way I felt yesterday." Dan temporized, knowing with a small thrill of fear mixed with excitement that he had had a large omelette for breakfast the previous day, with a side order of sausage, toast, and no juice. "Well, when someone sleeps really hard, that sometimes happens, dear." The woman nodded sagely then smiled again. "Well, I need to get back to the desk, we have a large group coming in later today and I need to have things ready for them. You enjoy your day, dear, and I'll see you later on." "Ok, Constance." Dan nodded as he sipped the juice with more delicacy than he ever recalled using before. Instead of the almost slurping it down without pausing for breath he had generally done in the morning for years, he slowly savoured the slight bite of the fresh squeezed orange juice. And nibbled at the roll between sips. Once he was finished, Dan dabbed at his lips with a napkin before leaving a modest tip and rising to leave. No one he had seen the day before acted as if anything was different about him at all, which he found very unsettling when every glance he got of himself reflected from store windows told him he was different in appearance, if only a little overall. "Hello there, Dan!" Agatha smiled in greeting as she walked towards him from the entrance of a shop. "I see you decided to stay a little longer than one night. You must like it here. I can see that our town seems to agree with you." "I guess so." He answered, noting that she was not wearing the outfit that had caught his attention the first time he had seen her. Instead, she was wearing a stylish lavender sundress that hugged her slim, but pretty figure quite fetchingly. "How are you?" "Fine thanks. You?" "Oh all right. Just a little confused at the moment." Came the answer before he could hold it in. "Really, confused in what way?" She tilted her head in what almost seemed to be secret amusement. "It's hard to explain." Dan searched for a way to voice his knowledge of the physical changes he had gone through recently without sounding completely insane. He settled for finishing rather lamely. "I just feel different than I did when I came here, is all." "Well, you do look more rested than you did the night I caught you staring in the restaurant." She smiled. "I'm happy that our little town seems to be so good for you." "I kind of wonder about that." He admitted with a slight uneasiness. "I think being here has changed me." "Oh has it now?" She asked with a slight lift of an elegant eyebrow. "I would think the slower pace and quiet would work changes in just about anyone with sense. Especially someone who works under the kinds of pressure you do. Why a few days here would work almost magical changes in a person if they were looking for a change of pace and somewhere to recharge their batteries. I've seen it happen before. Some people just seem to be renewed after visiting us here. It's really gratifying to see when it happens." "That may be it." Dan nodded uncertainly. "I do know that I sure feel different than I did when I first got here." "Then you're one of the lucky few who experience that in a lifetime." Agatha assured him with another sunny smile. "If I were you, I'd just enjoy it and let the angst around here renew you. You sure looked as if you needed it when you first arrived among us." "I did at that." The rueful admission was drawn out almost unwillingly as he agreed with her. "Truthfully, I was burning out big time and was actually thinking of taking a long stretch between contracts after I got home." "You see?" The blonde gave him an infectious grin. "It's working on you already. Is there anything that you really need to be back home for immediately?" "Not really. My rent is paid up for the rest of the year, and the utilities come automatically out of my bank account. As for people, there really aren't all that many that I'd miss a whole lot for not seeing for another little while." "Well good!" Agatha touched his hand companionably. "Then you just spend as much time as you want here. You're welcome you know." "I've gotten no other impression from anyone I've met here." In fact, most of the residents didn't treat him as a tourist or short term visitor. Instead he found himself being given the kind of attention a long gone resident of the place would receive after returning home. Strangely it felt good to him in a way that he couldn't quite get hold of, other than being comfortable with it. In spite of his worries about the perceived changes in himself that no one else seemed to notice at all. "Good." Agatha smiled again. "If anyone treats you badly, you just tell Constance or me, and we'll set them straight for you. We like having you here, Dan, and hope you decide to stay for a while yet." "Oh I think I probably will." He answered, then finished. "Stay for awhile, I mean. I was going to check out of the Bell today but got sidetracked before I could do it. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of glad I didn't check out." "Well, fate takes a hand in things off and on, you know." The young woman answered with a chuckle. "Maybe you weren't supposed to leave just yet." "Maybe not. Maybe not." "Well, I have to get going." Agatha apologized. "I have a large gathering tonight that I'm still preparing for. I'll see you again, though." "Bye." He waved as she started moving down the sidewalk. He found himself watching her with an interest that he wouldn't have shown earlier. Instead of her obviously interesting aspects for a male, which he had noticed the first time, he was looking over her dress, shoes, and the way her hair bounced when she walked. "Man, what's getting into me?" Shaking his head in puzzled half amused surprise, he went on. "Could be the changes I'm going through are more than just the physical ones that no one but me can see." **** Back at the Bell, Book and Candle, Dan consciously began to take stock of what had happened to him since checking into the place. The changes that no one else seemed to notice were unsettling enough, but his own internal alterations were more so. Like the way he had watched Agatha earlier in the day. He hadn't been watching her figure so much as what she was wearing and how she wore it. And the shop windows that had managed to catch his eye that day were all ladies clothing, women's shoes, household items, or crafts. He could never recall being interested in any of those before coming to Fairmont. So What was happening to him? And why wasn't he more frantic about it than he seemed to be. In fact, why on Earth did part of him seem to be eagerly accepting any and all changes he was going through? Not a large part, but enough that the rest of him was not in a panic over things at the moment. The parking lot of The Bell, Book and Candle was almost filled when he returned later that afternoon. The vehicles in the lot were all either newer models or carefully restored vintage cars. As he parked his own two year old Celica, he noticed a mint condition 1956 Chevrolet, an even older MG, and several Rolls Royce Silver Phantoms there. "Now this is really odd." He mumbled to himself. "Not one of these cars is worth less than some people's houses. I wonder what kind of convention, or whatever, is going on to draw so many affluent types to this little town?" The really strange thing about all the cars, aside from their monetary worth, was that every one of them gleamed as if they had just rolled off the showroom floor. "Oh, hello there Dan!" Constance called from the desk and a crowd of young women talking like old friends catching up on years of experience apart from each other. "Did you have a good day?" "Yes." His answer came so easily that it actually surprised him. "I just kind of wandered through the central business district most of the morning, then ran into Agatha this afternoon again. She mentioned some kind of gathering she had to be ready for this evening. Is that what's going on around here right now?" "That it is." Constance nodded cheerfully while handing out keys to the ladies waiting at the front desk. "It's kind of a ten year reunion going on for the next several days." "Oh, what kind of a reunion?" He found himself watching the group of women heading up the stairs with their baggage and thinking that he may have fallen into a meeting of professional models they were all so good looking and well dressed. "It's a gathering of circles, dear." Constance answered with a smile. "Each circle is from a different town in the surrounding states and is dedicated to helping people who really are in need." "Oh, a charitable organization?" Dan nodded, making sense of all the expensive cars outside and the elegant dress of the new guests. It was a group of women with more money than they could use themselves who made a pastime of sharing it out to people in need one way or another. "Kind of." The proprietress agreed with a wide smile. "We all work at keeping things running smoothly in the towns where we live, and try to make sure the other people living in them don't have to suffer unnecessary hardships in their lives." "That's kind of an ambitious aim for a group to have, isn't it?" "It is." Constance agreed. "But that's what every lady here has dedicated her life to doing, and for the most part, we manage fairly well at it." "Commendable of them, and you." He answered, actually feeling a bit uncomfortable about subject for some reason he was unable to define to himself. "Well, I'm headed up for my room now. Will it be too crowded for having dinner here tonight?" "Oh, not at all." Constance assured him. "All my new guests are going to a dinner party at Agatha's home this evening. "The place will seem quite deserted in another hour or so, I promise you." "How many of them are there?" Dan questioned, then coloured at his nosiness. "If it isn't impolite to ask, that is." "Oh, thirty of them here." She replied with a shrug. "The parking lot here isn't a really big one, so it seems more crowded than it really is you know." "Ok, well, I'll be down later for dinner." He answered. "Right now I feel like taking a short nap." "You do that, dear." The still bustling woman replied with a wave. "You are here to rest, right?" "Yes I am." For some reason, Dan was nervous about all the women sharing the accommodations with him, and actually imagined a tingle like a small electric charge running up and down his spine as he climbed the stairs to his room. **** The tingling had become more intense as he entered his room, centring in his chest, with little surges to his crotch that spread to his hips, bottom and stomach. "Oh, man. It would be nice if I could feel just relaxed in this place. Every time I come in here I get to feeling almost sick. Wonder if I'm allergic to something in the place?" The odd feelings slowly subsided, but didn't really go away as he listened to the other guests talking and moving in the hallways. Still the day had been a good one up to that point, and he really did feel better than he had in a long time, even with the odd feelings, twinges, and slight discomforts. "Maybe I'm just noticing little things more now that I'm not so tired I ache from that." Not worn out, but sleepy from the day's pleasant activities, he kicked off his shoes and laid down on the bed. The physical changes in himself that no one else appeared to notice nagged at his mind as he settled himself, and the man idly wondered why he kept pushing that particular worry to the back of his mind. "I should be terrified, or at least more worried than I am just now about this stuff." He told himself while trying to work up more than the bit of concern he was feeling over the whole thing. "Also I really ought to be more than a little curious about just why I'm finding myself so comfortable in this town. Guess some places just hit people that way, but even so..." Truthfully, he not only felt very comfortable in Fairmont, for reasons he couldn't exactly pin down, he actually felt at home there. Like it was a place he had left long ago and found again recently. Deeply buried in his subconscious mind, the same something that had started coming awake earlier, stretched, looked around, and began looking for a way back into the light. Dan, unknowing of that, slipped into an easy slumber. **** He seemed to be floating in this dream, and it was a very pleasant sensation, warm, relaxed, and at peace with himself. There were no visions or dreams in that short sleep, simply a whispering voice that urged him to accept the gift he was receiving and finally allow his restless inner self to have the completion it had craved for so long. Soothing tones combined with softly whispered words assured him that all would be well, and that he did, indeed, belong in Fairmont as he had started to feel. You're home Dan. Be at peace with yourself and accept what is to come. It's all for the best, and for your well being. Trust in that, dear one. **** Dan awakened refreshed and feeling a great sense of anticipation over something he had no real conscious idea about, just that he felt things were going to change for the better and stay that way for him at last. In the bathroom, he gave himself another critical looking over, were his hips getting bigger? His shoulders seemed to have shrunk a little more, and his arms were even slimmer than they had been that morning. "Nah, I'm just looking for things that aren't really happening is all." His hair, though, had darkened even more, and gotten thicker while creeping sown past his shoulders. That was something he could qualitatively measure and he did with a small grimace. Thinking it may be some kind of prank, he reached up to feel for his scalp under the new mass of hair and wasn't truly shocked to discover that he wasn't wearing a wig. It was his own hair, firmly rooted in his scalp. A quick tug and yelp of pain further confirmed that for him. Shaking his head and feeling the new weight of his thicker, longer hair move, he whispered. "A person's hair just doesn't grow that fast, and change colour while it does. What is going on here?" But it felt right to him. More right than anything had over the past few years. He experienced a few moments of anxiety when he thought of what people might think or say when they saw his longer, changed hair. Or the rest of the changes he had gone through over the past day or so. Very conscious of the weight of the hair on his shoulders and the way it felt whenever he moved his head, Dan gathered his nerves and left his room. The few people still in the halls, all women, were too intent on getting themselves to the gathering Constance and Agatha had told him about to notice a halfway feminine male with thick, glossy dark hair reaching past his shoulders. Still, none of them had seen him earlier and he was still more than a little nervous about the reactions of people who had seen him before. Constance greeted him as if nothing was different. "Did you have a good nap, Dan?" "Yes I did, thanks." He answered, then couldn't resist asking the woman. "Do you notice anything different about me?" "You look more rested." Constance told him with a shrug. "Otherwise, no. Why?" "Oh, just wondered." Dan responded. "I feel really different is all, and was just wanting to know if anyone else noticed." "Well, you do look much more rested than when you first checked in here." The woman replied with a smile. "I think our little town is good for you." "Yeah, I know." He let out a long sigh. "Have you noticed anything else about me? Different, I mean from when I checked in here?" "Like what?" "Oh, physical things, like my hair." Dan gave a small shrug as he broached the subject that was really bothering him. "You have beautiful hair, dear." Constance assured him. "Any girl I know would love to have your head of hair, it's so glossy and soft looking. Do you do anything special with it?" "Not really." Dan shrugged. "It just does that all by itself. I brush it, keep it clean, and don't worry much about it." He wondered why he had said anything like that, since he had never given such care in taking care of his hair. Up until very recently, he had kept it short and just washed it, combed what there was of it, and not worried about it. "Well, I can tell you this much." Constance smiled at him. "You have beautiful hair, and I think it is much better cared for than you like to admit. It's nothing to be ashamed of just because you're a guy, you know." "Oh, I'm not ashamed of it." He assured her. "I just do what I need to so it stays halfway civilized and don't really worry about it after that." "Sure you do." The woman chuckled as if he had made a good joke out of the conversation. "Hair like you have takes work, and nothing you can say will convince me, or anyone else, otherwise." "Whatever." Dan found himself patting the newly sprouted mane and making sure it fell properly for the best effect while wondering why he was doing it, or even how he knew the ways to do that. "Guys aren't supposed to give so much care to their hair, after all." "But you obviously do." Constance told him with a nod. "And it shows." "Thanks." He responded with the uneasy feeling that she actually knew what was happening to him but wasn't letting him know she did. "What's on the supper menu tonight?" That ended the uncomfortable conversation as she went into detail about the dining room's offerings for guests that evening. It was with no small amount of relief that he left her to enter the dining room and ordered the stuffed pork chops with fresh asparagus spears in cheese sauce. The meal was wonderful, especially with the break he got from worrying about the changes he was undergoing just by enjoying the well prepared food. Following the meal, he was inexplicably tired again, so returned to his room without speaking to anyone. Once there, he turned on the television and worked his way through the channels to see if anything interested him. He finally settled on a fashion show on The Women's Channel and settled in to watch the models show off not only the garments they were wearing, but their lovely bodies. Once that was over, he still watched as another program about hair styles and care of the hair, along with proper makeup styles for each shape of face came on. For some reason, he had to fight an urge to practice some to the techniques he saw on the show. The only thing that prevented him from doing so was that he had none of the makeup, or hair care tools needed to try the methods out for himself. "Man, is it that late?" He asked no one as he heard the other guests begin to filter back into the place and noted that he had been watching the shows for several hours with a yawn. "I need to get myself to bed here." Before he did, Dan sat in front of the mirror of the vanity in the room with a hairbrush he didn't recall having earlier, and brushed his hair until it shone. With a contented sigh, he undressed, padded into the bathroom to brush his teeth and use the cleanser he didn't remember buying either on his face. Once those actions were finished to his satisfaction, he almost fell into bed and was asleep before turning off the bedside lamp. **** There were even more women in the group he dreamed that night. Each of them seemed to be sizing him up, as if he had asked to marry their favourite daughters, or wondering why he was present at a gathering of females. All of them were clad in the snug black skirts, blue shells, and black tees he had first seen Agatha and her companions wearing. Even weirder, as each one looked his way, her eyes took on an intense blue glow that hid pupils, iris, and whites completely. Dan's insides churned under their unflinching regard and he tried turning away from it without success. "Don't be afraid." Agatha emerged from the group, her own eyes holding the same unearthly glow as the other's did. "If we had meant to harm you we would have done that by now. All you need do is accept. Simply accept." "Accept what?" He stammered out while the women formed a circle around him and Agatha then began softly chanting. "What is going on here, and what are you doing to me?" "All in its proper time, dear one." Agatha gave him a warm smile. "When the time is right, you will understand, and know what to do. Come to us then, Dan. You'll find us when it is time, or we will find you. It really doesn't matter. For now, relax, rest, and take what we give you without questions I can't answer for you yet." "All right." He answered slowly, feeling strange stirrings in both his body and mind. "But this should be scaring the crap out of me. Why isn't it?" "We're helping you with the adjustments, dear." Agatha gave his arm a gentle pat and smiled at him again. "Just allow the flow of things to carry you along and things will be fine. I promise." "Why can't I seem to leave this place?" His question sounded almost plaintive even to him, but he hadn't even considered getting in his car and driving away since that first morning. That was something he knew would have happened under any normal circumstances, so why had he stayed when doing so was causing him such problems? "You can leave here anytime you like, Dan." Agatha soothed, then added. "If you really wished to do that. Do you?" "Nuh -- no, I guess I don't." Came his half hesitant response. "But I don't understand why that is." "You've come home, dear. That's all." "I've never been here before." His protest masked the fact that he felt what she had just said so strongly that it nearly terrified him. "That doesn't matter, you know." The woman's blonde hair was stirring in a breeze that he couldn't feel as she replied with a slow smile. "Most people never find their true homes. Be glad that you have. It is a rare gift given to only a special few, after all. Settle in and let things happen as they will, Dan dear. You'll see I'm telling you the truth." "All right." "You have to go now, sweetheart." She urged him out of the circle as if he were a child in the midst of an adult function and needed to be sent to bed. "This place isn't for you yet, and the dispensation we have for you to visit tonight is running out. Sleep well, and I'll see you in the morning." "But..." "Go now." She gently, but firmly ordered him. "You can come back tomorrow night. But your time is up for now. Good night." That time he actually felt himself, or his soul, being pulled back to his sleeping body. But he didn't start awake once he returned, just mumbled something in his sleep before turning over and dreaming no more that night. **** Things had changed again, he knew before even opening his eyes to the morning sun streaming in through the window overlooking the town's main street. His hair was longer and had darkened to a Raven's Wing Black during the night. The thick strands he first saw laying against his pillow shone with good health and care. When he carefully sat up, the hair fell in thick, soft waves to the small of his back while the unaccustomed weight of it tried pulling his head backwards until he made an unconscious adjustment to its presence. There had been more changes. His hands had become slimmer. They were smooth and soft, with long slender fingers and were quite beautiful. Except they were the hands of a woman on his arms. Not that those arms looked at all out of place with the hands. His feet were smaller, even delicate in their shape and size now. With trim feminine looking ankles leading to smooth curves of calves and thighs that gleamed in the light. Walking was different, because of the smaller feet, and he was sure his hips had widened on top of everything else. Dan made another small mental adjustment and the slightly swaying gait that his new shape demanded became almost normal, at least he could walk without falling, or careening into furniture and walls when he did. His heavier, longer mass of hair also added to his problems, it swung in time to his new gait, and kept getting in the way. He impatiently pushed it back off his shoulders in a very feminine gesture then tossed his head to make sure it was all flowing down his back instead of twining around his arms and tangling him up. Shower time was a revelation, again. His hips and bottom had expanded, not enough to be actually considered female in appearance, but with the definite beginnings of feminine curves showing in them. His waist was smaller, and seemed to be higher up than it had been, while shoulders and arms had again narrowed and lost all the male muscle definition he used to have. "Aggh!" The forceful stream of water from the shower actually hurt his skin, and he was forced to turn it down several times before reaching a comfortable stream. "Wow, I've never been that sensitive before. My whole body is getting softer as this goes on." Without thinking about what he was doing, he began washing his mass of thick, soft black hair with a shampoo he didn't recall purchasing, then took a very long time rinsing to make sure all the suds were out of it before applying a generous amount of conditioner to it. Again, he couldn't really recall buying the conditioner either. If he thought his hair had been heavy before, when wet it dragged at his neck like a half ton of soaking wet cloth, and slapped at his bare back when it wasn't clinging there. With an internal sigh, he wrapped a towel turban-wise around it to keep it out of the way and to start sopping up some of the water it had absorbed. That act was performed without really thinking about it, and when he stopped to consider what he had done, it shocked him. He'd seen women do that, but never tried it himself. Of course, till recently, with his short hair, that hadn't been necessary. Grumbling about that, and worried that he was actually losing his mind and simply hallucinating those things, he went to the sink to brush his teeth. And came to another abrupt stop after looking at his face in the mirror. It was still his face. Sort of, anyway. The jaw line had smoothed and softened, while his cheekbones were high and more defined than before. A small, straight nose now graced the centre of his softer looking face, with large looking blue eyes framed with thick curling lashes and thin arcs of dark brows that showed no sign of being plucked. Even his mouth looked fuller. His throat hadn't escaped the changes either. Now it was slim, smooth, and without any trace of an Adams Apple. All that, even without the long dark hair framing it, showed a remarkably pretty face that barely avoided being too feminine for a man to have. "Oh, brother. I have got to be dreaming all this stuff. That's the only logical explanation for my not being in an absolute state of panic here." Thinking that way caused him to wonder why he would dream such a thing in the first place. Though part of him knew the reasons and was gleefully watching all the transformations as they happened, he still refused to look too closely into that aspect of his personality. "Wonder if I have any clothes that fit by now?" He muttered while padding back into the bedroom and opening up the closet to check. What he saw in there caused him to let out another long, drawn out sigh. "Guess so." His underwear had changed into nylon male bikini briefs in a variety of brighter colours than he would have chosen for himself. At least before all this weird stuff started happening to him. His undershirts were softer and almost silky in appearance, as well. Getting into them was interesting as the slick material seemed to just slide into place as he pulled on the briefs. Removing the towel from his hair he noted that it was still quite damp, but at least it wasn't dripping any longer. Getting the undershirt on over his head without tangling his hair was an interesting experience, but he managed to get it done after a few abortive tries. "Man, this is hard to get right." He muttered while making sure the hair was all outside the undershirt then padding over to the vanity where he had a blow dryer sitting. "I wonder how long it'll take to get all this dried off and brushed back into a reasonable semblance of a civilized appearance." Half an hour later he sat there dreamily running the brush through his newly acquired mane and actually enjoying the feel of the brush running through it and against his scalp. Reasonably dried, and brushed, the glossy black mass shone with care and good health. "Well, like I heard somewhere before. It looks good on me." "Now to finish getting dressed, and hope no one notices how girly I'm starting to look. Like that's going to happen with this face and hair, but I can at least entertain a little bit of hope there, right?" He chose a long sleeved blue knit pullover and struggled again to get all that hair through the neck hole but managed a bit better that time. A pair of thin white cotton socks that looked way too small when he held them up, fit his feet without stretching, and the Jeans he picked out were just baggy enough to hide his growing feminine charms at hips and bottom. A pair of men's size five Nikes finished that part of the job and fit his smaller feet very comfortably. Reaching for his wallet and keys on the dresser another thought occurred to him. "What happens if I have to show ID somewhere? I sure don't look like I used to, that's for sure, and it could be a problem." "Well, why doesn't this surprise me?" He muttered once he'd opened his wallet to check his drivers license and work ID cards. The pictures on all of them matched his new appearance and even particulars like hair colour and weight had been changed. "Well at least I won't have problems if I have to show this stuff to anyone." Stopping to give his hair one last brushing just to make sure it was falling properly and not in a mess, he gave himself a quick once over. "Well, I guess it isn't too bad. I look kind of femme especially with the face and hair, but I'll have to live with it, I suppose." "Good morning Dan!" Constance called from the counter where she was working and she waved him over once she saw him coming down the stairs. His altered gait tended to slow him down as he worked his way across the lobby towards the desk and he was almost terrified that one of the women sitting or walking through at the same time would comment on his feminine grace. Except for a few smiles of greeting and softly voiced Hellos, none of them paid all that much attention to him. "You are looking great!" Constance gushed as he reached the counter. "I'd say that our little town really agrees with you, Dan. You have a glow that's positively contagious now, and your hair has its shine and bounce back. So does your step, by the way. Overall, I'd say that you seem to be really doing well here and that the rest has done you a world of good." "Thanks, I do feel really good this morning." He admitted while finding that it was true. But even so, he hesitantly broached the subject that had been bothering him so much over the past few days. "Ummm, have you noticed anything else different about me over the past couple of days?" "Well, other than you've lost those big dark circles under your eyes, and look like you have energy to burn now, no. I can't really say that I have. Is there something bothering you?" "Oh, it's just that now I'm ready to get out and do some real vacation type stuff, I'm just worried about how people might accept me looking the way I do." He answered with more honesty than he'd planned on. "Well, Your hair is very long for a man, but it's so beautiful that I can understand why you wear it that way. You do have more of a pretty face than a handsome one, but I don't think you'll run into any problems around here because of either thing." She answered, then gave him an impish grin. "Except for the local women maybe being just a tad jealous of your lovely complexion and hair." Dan actually blushed at that comment. "I hadn't thought of that one." "Well don't worry yourself about it." Constance gave him a sunny smile. "You'll probably hear comments like 'that hair and skin is just wasted on a guy! Too bad.' and not much else about it." "I can live with that, I suppose." Dan found himself smiling back at the woman and waved towards the dining room. "Well, I'm going to get some breakfast. I feel like I haven't eaten in days. Well, maybe not that bad, but I do seem to have a lot of appetite this morning." "I'll be busy her

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Womens Club by loyalsock

The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...

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Uncharmed Circle

Uncharmed Circle By Bill Hart I stood and stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. Everything certainly seemed all right. It was, of course, me that I saw reflected there. That made perfect sense. Who else could it possibly be but me standing before the mirror? Mirrors simply didn't lie. Reflections couldn't possibly be anything or anyone other than what or whom they appeared to be. Whenever I stood in front of some mirror, then whatever I saw...

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Daddys Girls Chapter 13 The True Meaning Of The Circle

“So, Stace, I was worried this morning when you weren’t in English class,” Becky said as they sat together under the tree, eating lunch.“I made it to class, Beck.” “I know, but you were late, and your hair was still wet.”“Was it?” Stacey absent-mindedly ran her fingers through her hair.“So? What happened?“Nothing, really. I… I just took a nice long shower this morning…”“I LOVE doing that!” Laurie interrupted. “Sometimes, I just love standing under the spray for as long as the hot water holds...

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The Circle

The beginning is burned into my memory. I remember it was August 7, 1998. A hot night! It was hotter than just the temperature outside. We had just finished a lite dinner and a bottle of wine. The menu included green salad, charbroiled chicken breasts with fresh veggies and watermelon for dessert. We were relaxing on the sofa listening to the stereo. The music featured a sexy saxophone lead. I'm a sucker for a sexy saxophone. It makes my pussy drip. The scenario was set for an evening of...

4 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 22 Marcie Lisa Get Big Bob Experience Join Circle

The noise level increased in the living room with the kids being around more; so both Trish and I moved our work/study areas to one of the upstairs bedrooms where we could shut the door for quiet. I took one side of the room, and Trish the other. One of the side benefits of our temporary shared office space was that there was a bed in the room. The first day we were actually in the room together, I shut the door and looked at Trish. She looked at me, and we were in bed making love a minute...

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The CircleChapter 10 The House Parents Join The Circle

Six months later, Jim and Tracy pulled away from their parents' home with a U-Haul trailer full of a few items of furniture, and dozens of boxes. At a stop sign when they were out of sight of the house, Tracy leaned across the console at kissed Jim's cheek. "I love you, big brother." "I love you, little sister." "Have I kept up my end of our bargain?" "What's that?" Jim puzzled to her. "I promised I'd fuck your brains out each day. I know I didn't make it every day what...

4 years ago
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It might have been different ... it might not have happened at all ... if just one thing had changed. If the Big Bang had been neither, but a small whimper instead. If one of the countless nanoseconds of events since had occurred sooner, or later, or here instead of there, or even—not at all. If one of the acts of intent, of negligence, of animal instinct; the acts of rage and sorrow and love and laughter; the acts of God ... if only one had been different. But Rome fell, the Santa Maria...

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Episode 162 Moms Circle

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 160 (https://xhamster.com/posts/10066762) where we learn that LoriBeth and Crystal have extended their sexual partners outside the family to include their neighbours teenage twins Matt and Mandy.Monday morningLoriBeth early woke to find her baby Timmy Junior firmly attached to one breast, sucking hard, with daughter Crystal curled up beside stroking his cute bare bottom.There was a faint stirring down the bed between her legs.Had last...

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The Circle

I am middle c***d.One older and one younger sister. Father left when I was like 10. I was 5 yo when I got into my sisters clothes. I don't know why other than it seemed exciting. I put on her pastel green panties, short blue skirt,light blue top and mary jane like flats.I went outside and played with 2 neighbor boys and had fun.Nothing happened. My Mom later said to only wear boys clothes outside. {I guess the neighbor complained}I recall bathing with my mom up until maybe age 7.She had a...

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Welcome to the Circle

I have masturbated since I was ten years old, but I've always had to do it in secret because I was taught that it was a shameful act. It was first referred to in the Bible (Genesis 38:9) where it was called "Onanism" and it was considered a sin in those days because the act wasted semen instead of using it for reproduction. Well at the age of ten, I didn't even know who Onan was or why he was put to death by God for his actions, but I didn't really care. I just knew that, in my case,...

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The CircleChapter 26 Invitation to Join Helping Another Circle

Bob strolled through the new addition first thing on Saturday morning. As he passed by each of the larger bedrooms he could hear some serious fucking going on. He even peeked into a couple of the rooms where the doors were open or ajar. In one, Steve was plowing into Zoey as Stephanie sat on her face being eaten. From the condition of Steph’s pussy, Bob guessed that she’d already had a load that morning from Steve or someone. In another room, Bill had Michelle riding his cock as she bounced...

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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

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The Westhampton Womens Circle

Chapter 1: New In WesthamptonA New HomeLiz was particularly pleased with her new home. She still thought of herself as Liz rather than Elizabeth but maybe it was time to move on. Of course it had been a wrench moving away from the town where she and her husband had lived for so long out here to the ‘burbs’, but with Ben’s new job they couldn’t really have stayed where they were. And, of course, now that he was earning more they had been able to afford something bigger and in a nice part of...

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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

1 year ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 3 Magic Circle

If you think that all the sex adventures would start as soon as we camped in a nudist area, you really don’t understand naturism. The one thing above all about nudist resorts and naturists is that it isn’t about sex. That’s especially true about an encampment like Quartzite’s Magic Circle. When you think about who can take off for the winter, or even a couple of weeks, to camp out and enjoy the mild weather of western Arizona, you have to come to the immediate conclusion of retirees....

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The CircleChapter 11 Converting and Indoctrinating Kyle Into the Circle

Tracy came through the front door into the living room lugging a backpack containing her laptop, notebook, and three dense textbooks, plus everything else she might otherwise carry in a purse. She slid the pack under a table so it was out of the way, and flopped down next to her brother. As usual, she was dressed in a sexy little outfit that usually brought her a lot of attention when she was at the university: tight jeans, a camisole top held up with spaghetti straps that didn't allow much...

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There and BackChapter 17 Vicious Circle

I was getting a bit sick of the disorientation following one of my 'transitions', overall, but this was definitely the worst. I opened my eyes and let out an involuntary shriek. Not only was I completely clueless as to where I was, but as I watched in dismay, the headless corpse of what I assumed was once a person fell towards me, almost in slow motion, and landed right on me. Blood flowed freely from the stump that was once a neck, and I quickly closed my mouth, turning my head to avoid an...

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The Red Circle

The Red Circle By: badmouth I was almost as tall as Katy now. It felt like an accomplishment. We shared a bathroom. She liked to hum while she brushed her teeth. I hadn't known that about her before. Today, the tune was one I didn't recognize, but it was catchy, and I made a mental note to ask Katy about it. If she liked the song, the Overmind would want me to know it well. Getting out of bed, I almost fell over the last Harry Potter novel. My bedtime reading. Katy had devoured...

4 years ago
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The Witchs Circle

The Witch's Circle Before she married him, she'd insisted on full disclosure. He was a romantic, and this made him a lost soul in her eyes. People would do uncharacteristic things under the spell of love. For example... marriage. She wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for, not a rough ride exactly, but not exactly a normal one either. His disclosure was minimal. Hers was more eventful. As always, when one attempts to deliver weighty news, the buildup, the prologue is a...

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WyomingUte IGT Full Circle

Wyoming, Full Circle By Malissa Madison To my many fans who have enjoyed this series, I thank you for your support and encouragement, as well as your critiques. I am sorry but I've run out of ideas to keep it going, and all the ones between where I left off and here are just too unrealistic, the creativity just doesn't flow right. So I've decided to write one last piece, yet leaving it open in the middle in case the creativity returns. Of course their being tied in with the other...

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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

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LimitsChapter 14 The Inner Circle

The day required planning. Kelly and Dad -- pretending to be husband and wife -- took the twins to some Disney/Pixar movie. For awhile, they could act the part of the happy-go-lucky teens they once were. Kelly, especially when wearing Mom's clothes, passed herself off as older so she could be seen with Dad. At the movie, they sat in the back and made out like teenagers (of course). Marie was over at the Meyer house -- which by now should have had a revolving door on it for all the sex that...

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The Ladies Circle

It had been my wife’s idea for me to go into massage professionally as she had always enjoyed the ones I had given her. Having recently lost my job and now having more spare time it seemed a good way of earning a bit more money and I happily enrolled in various classes. Of course the massage techniques I was learning were somewhat different to those I had given Helen -- once or twice in the classes I had to stop myself venturing south of the equator! I bought myself a proper table and...

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A Winners Circle

It was Friday evening and our trip to Las Vegas from southern California would be about a 5 hour drive. Getting through Los Angeles can be a nightmare on the freeway. My girlfriend Linda and I decided to take the weekend off and just go! We had been planning to do something fun for ourselves and what would be more fun than 2 women in Las Vegas for a weekend? Once past L.A. it was clear sailing on I-15 north. We decided to stop off in Barstow for a bite to eat. Barstow was at one time a...

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Bloomsbury Circle

Gwendoline Callaghan, known to all our circle as Harry, was tall, slim and as butch as you like. She did class butch. Not for her the tight vest, torn jeans and Doc Martens. No, for Harry, it was a decent suit or classy chinos and a leather jacket. She was deep in conversation with a woman called Jess, who never seemed to do anything but was as rich as Croesus. I was watching her at the party my friend Sylvia arranged every September – she called it Harvest Festival but there was nothing...

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Mindy completes a circle

The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...

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Full Circle

FULL CIRCLE By Geneva START That I would be punished was certain and when it would happen was not in doubt either. The only question was what form it would take. Queen Medere had just pronounced the four of us guilty and I knew that punishments of the Genorian state were severe and carried out almost immediately after trials. My three co-conspirators, Kadir, Telor and Selakos, were kneeling beside me and I felt Kadir trembling with fear. Selakos was actually sniveling. Telor was...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

Carly Damn that girl can talk. I hadn’t realized it until now, but Carly could talk forever without taking a breath. No wonder she was so good at, well never mind. We had been sitting out by her pool for a little over an hour and she hadn’t stopped talking yet. She recapped her prom, cheerleader nationals, the entire secret cheerleader vote scheme, the new captains, summer plans, and now she was on to what she planned to do at college. I don’t think I’d said ten words the entire time....

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Quilters Circle

Sometimes a dream needs time to cook. It stews on the mind’s back burner, bubbling in the juices that form thoughts, lodged in the wrinkly grey meat of one’s brain. It was Chicago’s fault. In the early nineties I was the new kid, fresh off the farm and too dumb to stay away from Cicero. One evening in the parking lot behind my apartment building, I saw children playing a game. It wasn’t like any game I’d ever seen in rural Ohio. The boys had removed seat belts from parked cars and swung them...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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Full Circle

Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that...

Gay Male
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Full circle

My first career wasn’t destined to be my last. I still enjoyed Accounting, but being a Sex Coach was far more fulfilling to me physically and emotionally than the satisfaction of having a Balance Sheet balance. My career change happened gradually, with friends and then friends of friends coming to learn from me or ask for some sexual advice. I suppose they did it because I was so joyous about sex and its pleasures. My knowledge and practise slowly grew through studies and experience into a...

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Smoke Fetish Cums full circle

This is a true story. It may come across as strange or weird but it is how a lifelong attraction began for me. As a smoking fetishist all my life, I think back to when it all began, and when, how 'fetishes' manifest in a person, specifically my life. Further, I will detail one of those amazing situations where my fetish came full circle, so to speak. I vividly remember what I believe was one of my first memories which I believe was the imprinting where my fetish began. Late 60's, my mother and...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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The Inner Circle

I just can't stop writing these things. And it's fun to plug them all together in some way. I'm planning a bigger story with a deeper plot to explain why this keeps happening in this area. Till then, enjoy the smaller stories. Sorry, male to female transformations are only a small part of this, but I worked it in. Enjoy. The Inner Circle By Wolverine Candice Walman was the hottest cheerleader in school. She and her girlfriends practically ruled the Arelyn V. Carley Memorial...

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Costume Gun Coming Full Circle

Costume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...

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A Friend in Need Part 15 Squaring the Circle

A Friend in Need Part 15. Squaring the Circle March 2013 Thinking back to the day I found out that the man I was in love with, because that is most certainly what I was if I was being honest with myself, was very hard, well it was then but now when I look at my baby girl I feel such a rush of love for her but also for my darling husband. July 2011 Before he started I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door, this story was one I...

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Full Circle

Full Circle "I stared at the sight before me, my legs going weak, I dropped it back in the drawer. I took a couple of steps backward my back coming to rest on the cool wall. As the first tear leaked from the corner of my eye I sank to the floor, my bottom coming to rest on the tiled hallway floor, I pulled my knees up and my head bent my forehead coming to rest on my knees, tears flowed freely now. Why me, what had I done in life to deserve this and more importantly how was I going...

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The Omo Circle

It was back in the late sixties and I was working on a door to door sales job, selling vacuum cleaners. The Electrolux Z65 if I remember right, available in any colour as long as it was red and white. The money was good and I was making a good living as well as fringe benefits. We used to work late afternoon and early evening as this was the best time to find both the husband and wife at home. Almost as soon as I started the job I was told about the ‘OMO’ circle. It was explained to me that OMO...

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Roomies Full Circle

(I had thought that I was done with Kim and Pam, except for possibly filling in a missed adventure or two. But recent news changed my mind and I wrote this bit of fantasy.) "Oh gosh that feels good," Pam Maguire Norton settled onto the sofa that rested against one wall of the living room of the retirement suite. Bracing her cane between her legs, she folded her hands on the top and rested her chin. "Pooped?" inquired Kim McCall Keagan of her once and now again roommate from her easy...

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A Tale To Tell Full Circle

"So let me get this straight." Jack said in disbelief as he sat with Jeremy at the Airport Marriott. "You were in Hawaii at the same time as Greg and his wife?" "Right." Jeremy quickly answered. "And not only did you see her topless at the beach, but you're telling me that she stripped off her bikini in front of you and a bar full of guys for a contest?" "Right!" Jeremy raised his open hand and Jack responded with a high five. "And she looks as good as advertised in that photo he...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 Going to the Arctic Circle

On Friday: For the first time, 200 engineers were separated from the others. Among this battalion were the first group of twenty Willa and Tony worked with. For the first time, five officers stood before their men. It was obvious President Pusin was nervous. He had transported up to 20 several times, but knowing he was nervous, Tony encouraged him, “Mr. President, get the men excited. Get them laughing. It will be much easier. We are here to guide you. This will happen!” President Pusin...

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Faerie Circles

The rains had come aplenty with the early spring, and everything seemed so much greener than March ought to be. I honestly didn’t think much of Helen’s plan for our outing today, as I knew our path leading back into the woods would be awash with watery ruts the tractor had left in the narrow dirt lane going back through the hay-fields. The odds of us getting our biskees paddled for dragging our hems through the mud were pretty good. Helen never let such practical concerns fetter her freedom of...

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Cassandra looked into the livingroom where her husband sat watching TV, and in her sweetest voice asked, "Honey, could you go to the store and get some cinnamon and eggs?" "Yeah, just a minute. I'll go as soon as this show is over." Cassandra shook her head, causing her short, dark brown hair to swirl about her round face, and shrugging her shoulders she replied in a sing song voice, "OK, but it's you who wanted me to bake that pie for desert tonight!" "Yeah I know, but the show...

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Cerulean Circles

"Summoning circles are all about shape and form," the girl with spiky blue hair said as she drew in chalk on the bare stone floor. The girl, who wore a cornflower-blue dress and looked like a rebellious twelve-year-old, was being watched by a young man. He was wearing plain black robes that were threadbare in some places, singed in others. At one time they might have looked sinister and occult, but now they just looked worn. Both were standing in an open space in a large library. Countless...

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Full Circle

All characters in this story are 18 and older. I would like to thank l8bloom for her editing of this piece. * Sarah didn’t know what woke her up. She didn’t know if it was the bright flash or the sound of the sky tearing. For a brief moment, she saw the time on her clock, midnight, and then the red digits went blank. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound of the tree branches slamming against the side of the house. Storms terrified her, they always had. Even as a teenager, she would...

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Cumming Full Circle

"Tommy gave me your letter," Mack sad as Jenny let him inside. It was already dark out and Mack had just caught her before she was about to slip out of her white blouse, black shirt and stocking...and into a nice hot bath before bed. Closing the door she turns to hear Mack say hungrily "I can hardly wait to taste your sweet juices." Without warning he picked Jenna up into his arms and carried her over to the kitchen table. Pushing her skirt up around her waist to reveal the black garter...

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ExtramaritalChapter 7Full Circle

As Jayne picked up the phone, she wondered how she was going to explain things to Zach. He was an incredible lover, for sure, and she had feelings for him, but her new relationship with Carol was complicating things. If only there was a way to accommodate both of them in her life, that would be perfect for her. But would Zach be willing to share her, much less with a woman for whom he had felt such dislike and scorn? She answered the phone. "Hello Zach, how are you?" "Jayne, I'm doing fine, how...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

I was reading some hot porn on the internet, and the host asked for some stories. I realized that I had one to tell. It has all the stuff I like to read about, oral, anal, lezbo lovin, incest and rape. The difference is this story is true. I guess I just wanted to contribute something. I mean I get so much pleasure from porn sites like Masterbator, ASSTR, Kristen, OnlineStories and Mr. Double-- it's only fair that I give back. I married my girlfriend after she told me she was pregnant with our...

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