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It might have been different ... it might not have happened at all ... if just one thing had changed. If the Big Bang had been neither, but a small whimper instead. If one of the countless nanoseconds of events since had occurred sooner, or later, or here instead of there, or even—not at all. If one of the acts of intent, of negligence, of animal instinct; the acts of rage and sorrow and love and laughter; the acts of God ... if only one had been different.

But Rome fell, the Santa Maria sailed, Krakatoa erupted, the Holocaust happened ... and that day arrived. Still, one of them might have stayed home; having left home, the one who walked might have taken another route; having taken that route, he might have looked down as he passed. But he did not stay, did not go another way, looked up instead of down—and was instantly lost, as he was lost.

As was the one who happened to be watching in that same instant.

The watcher who watched thereafter as they saw each other once, twice every working day. Watched as a package was dropped, retrieved, returned with the barest brushing of fingertips. Watched as words were murmured then ... and on other occasions, and on yet more occasions. Watched as one crossed several weekends later, walked the streets with an apparent aimlessness that yet led with unerring certainty to a small outdoor café off the major streets, watched as one joined the other at the table, looking ... not precisely out of place, but not quite of this place. Watched as they would, then and later, with such careful casualness, such careful inadvertence, touch—hands, fingers, elbows, toes, arms, knees, shoulders, hips. Watched, knowing from a quirk of brow, tilt of head, from carefully masked expressions that masked nothing to one willing to look and see ... knowing that neither place nor duration mattered, only the fact of touching. Watched as one ... or the other ... would return to the café, the crossing, the streets, alone, merely wandering, or walking, talking with friends, while eyes desperately searched ... and exploded with inner light when the other was seen.

The watcher who watched through all the days that led to this day, this room. Two inside. One outside.

"This is foolish."

The boy ... what? ... sixteen going on thirty? ... actually eighteen as he claimed? ... carefully unbuttoned the first of three buttons holding the front of the faded, worn shirt together. The man paused in his own undressing—watching, listening, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's more than foolish, it's ... it's stupid."

Black eyes looked into brown, pulling the man off the bed although he didn't move, pulling him into midnight speckled with tiny flares of nova-light, drowning him in infinite space. The second button was undone, and the large shirt ... the too-large shirt, a hand-me-down from father, brother, uncle ... gaped open. A shimmer of sweat, the thinnest possible layer of water painted onto his skin, gleamed in the near-shadows of the room.

"It's ... dangerous."

The third button was more difficult. Perhaps because the boy's hands were trembling and he tried to hide the fact. But the button sighed at last, admitting defeat, sliding regretfully through the hole with only a tiny tug as a final warning. The boy pulled on the shirt and it came out of his trousers, nearly falling off his thin shoulders. He stopped ... as if uncertain what to do next, though he knew ... or thought he knew ... or at least desperately wanted to know ... what was next.

All the words I should be saying to him, the man thought. In that moment he realized his hands were frozen on the top button of his own shirt, crisp and sharp-edged earlier in the day, wilting now, large patches of sweat staining the fabric under his arms. He unbuttoned the button and then stretched out his arms.

The boy stepped forward, taking the first of the three steps that separated them. He was pulled forward, pushed forward, not by cobra-gaze drawing in helpless prey, but by a faint sense of ... rightness? ... inevitability?

He looked at the man's arms: thick, muscular, hairy.

He looked at the man's hands: large, with tufts of hair along his knuckles, callused, strong, hands that could crush, hands that could kill, hands that could ... caress?

The boy stepped forward. There had been no real pause between the first two steps. There was another pause that was not a pause.

The boy looked at the circle that could be made by those hands, those arms. He was outside of the circle now, free. He could turn and walk... run ... away. Yet ... not quite free. The man's right index finger rested on the boy's left arm, a butterfly touch, the boy's doing, not the man's, accidental the boy thought, but then he thought too that there are no accidents. It would take all his strength, more strength than he thought he could muster, yet not nearly the strength he actually had, to pull away from that touch. He couldn't ... didn't want to ... didn't.

The boy stepped forward.

He stood now between the man's widespread legs, his sandaled feet a sharp contrast on the scarred wooden floor to the man's firmly planted boots. The man grasped him, not pulling him in, not pushing him away, but just holding him, four fingers curled around his upper arms, the man's thumbs gently, gently rubbing small circles, bunching the cloth, where shoulder met arm.

"We shouldn't do this," the boy said, as the man hooked his thumbs inside the top of the collarless shirt and slid it off the boy's shoulders.

"We shouldn't do this," the man's deep voice echoed as the boy's shirt whispered to the floor.

"This is foolish," the boy repeated, as the man's fingers began stroking his throat, lightly, lightly, moving down to the back of the boy's shoulders.

"It is," the man said as he bent forward a little ... just a little ... so that his hands could continue the circular pattern, fingers kneading the taut muscles in the boy's back.

"This is stupid," the boy repeated, a mantra-murmur as the man's hands moved down the length of the boy's arms, picking up the boy's hands, rubbing round patterns on the back of each one with a thumb.

"It is," the man said as he lifted the boy's arms, to rest the boy's hands on the man's shoulders.

"This ... this is very, very dangerous," the boy said, the last word a whimper, a sigh, as the man's forefinger and thumb manipulated the dark brown nipples, twisting them with delicate pressure, sending subtle, nearly unseen shivers through the boy's body.

"Very," said the man, pulling the boy closer, deeper now, fully into the circle. The boy could feel the heat of the man's crotch, the bulge in the tan shorts, the rough wool of the high socks against his almost-bare legs.

"Very," said the man, his right arm wrapping around the boy's back, more pressure now, firmly stroking the naked flesh and then dropping to hold one buttock.

"Dangerous," said the man as the fingers of his left hand wound through the thick, unruly black hair, caressing the skull, pulling the boy's face toward his, their lips only a breath apart, their eyes locked. A single tear from the boy's left eye joined the sweat as his lips parted and he breathed in the man's soul.

For a moment there was no sensation except for their lips touching ... except for exchanging that single breath that fed life back and forth between them. The man pressed and the boy's mouth opened further, a small, soft tongue hesitantly licking the man's lips and teeth and gums and tongue. The boy shuddered, and then wrapped his arms around the man's head, his fingers rubbing the closely cropped hair, pulling the man to him, crushing their faces together.

For a moment more they knew nothing except the feel of lips and tongues and hands and hair, and then the sensations spread. They became... aware ... of each other with every pore of their bodies, there ... on the edge of a plain, narrow bed in a room nearly bare of furniture. The boy's cramped cock, painfully hard against the knee the boy was grinding into him. The boy's slender penis trying to pierce the thin cloth of his trousers as he rubbed against the man's belly and chest. The lighter scent of the boy, the heavier, rawer scent of the man. The sound of ragged breathing. The somehow wood-and-cigar taste of the man's mouth.

It was the boy who broke the kiss first, pulling his mouth away, leaving them both gasping and panting.

The man regained a measure of control, his eyes asking for confirmation, the boy's frantically agreeing.

Yet still the man moved slowly, teasing the boy's nipples into miniature erections before moving downward to the loose pants tented by the boy's hard penis. Carefully, the man unbuttoned the trousers, pulled them over the boy's slender hips and jutting cock until they lay in a puddle at the boy's ankles. The boy stepped out of them, kicked them away.

The man moved the boy back, dropped to his knees, bent to remove the sandals. Naked, the boy stood before the kneeling man. The man began to stroke the boy's body, the hard calluses of his hand in gentle/rough contact with the silken smoothness of the boy's glowing flesh. The boy trembled as the hands explored his hairless chest, his arms, his back; sighed as the palms engulfed his buttocks, one finger teasing the crack and moving down to circle the sweat-moist pucker, tilted his head back and moaned as the hands moved to the front of his body, cupping the low-hanging balls, rubbing the short, slender, slightly curved penis, before gently pulling the foreskin back.

Holding the boy's balls, fondling them, the man crouched, opened his mouth, and took the head of the boy's penis in, hesitantly swirling his tongue around and inside the loose foreskin. The boy moaned more loudly, and the man quickly sat up, clamping a hand across the boy's mouth. The man tilted his head toward the open window where shimmers of heat rose in the noon sun. He didn't need the boy's nod to be certain the boy understood; he simply knew.

The man started to bend again, but the boy stopped him, made him stand.

"Please. Let me."

The man stood quietly, as the boy unbuttoned the man's shirt, stretching slightly up on his toes to tug the shirt off, letting it fall against the side of the bed. He yanked and tugged the sleeveless undershirt from the man's shorts, and moved lightly backward, pulling it off as the man bent at the waist and stretched his arms out, making a playful grab for the boy's waist. The boy danced away, his cock bouncing lightly, a single drop of precum gathering at the tip.

Belt and top button were next; the sound of the zipper was loud in the room. The shorts were tight even without the erection in the man's jockstrap, but the boy managed. It was the man's turn to step out of clothing; the boy's turn to kneel; to unlace the boots, to peel the socks down, tugging them over the man's heels; holding each foot for just a moment, caressing it. The boy stood, running his hands through the hair on the man's legs, making it the man's turn to tremble. As best he could, the boy repeated what the man had done, although his hands were too small to fully hold the man's buttocks. One finger moved into the dark hairy cleft of the man's ass, pushing one firm fingertip into the hole and quickly pulling it out again. The man clamped his lips together to hold in a moan.

The boy squeezed the bulge of the jockstrap and then with slightly shaking hands began to tug the top strap away from the man's hips. His hands shook even more as he finally managed to get it past the man's genitals; he gasped when the heavy penis surged free and upright, curving up toward the man's navel. It was a thick cock, heavily veined, cut, the head wide and flaring beyond the shaft; the balls were enormous compared to the slender hands of the boy.

The boy didn't kneel, just bent at the waist to lick at the dripping slit of the man's dick. He managed to get his lips around the head, and then slowly began shoving his head toward the man's crotch, inhaling the heavy scent of dirt and sweat. The boy reached the gagging point, tried to relax to his throat, failed and pulled back.

He stood up, his face slightly crinkled with regret. "I'm sorry. It's just ... well, I've never..."

The man tilted the boy's head with one finger, smiling down at him. "A virgin?"

The boy thought he heard something mocking in the tone, yanked his head away and his body withdrew although he didn't move his feet. "I'm not one of the street boys you usually use!"

The man took hold of the boy's shoulders, and then one hand grabbed the boy's chin, forced him to look up. "I didn't say that you were, and I don't use the street boys. The truth is..." He dropped his hand. "I'm a ... virgin, too."

The boy's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open, gloriously white teeth shining in the shadows. And then he ... giggled. It was high-pitched and joyous and somehow disbelieving.

"Fine. Laugh." The man pretended to pout and the boy's laughter caressed his body.

When the boy could stop laughing, he raised his hands to the man's nipples, pulling on them as the man had done to him. "Truly?"

"Not completely virgin, no. Women, yes. Men ... oh!" he inhaled a gasp as pleasure surged through his nipples and his prick jumped, streaking the boy's chest. "Uh ... men ... and boys ... no."

The boy's hands moved teasingly downward, twirling in the thick belly hair. "So you don't know what to do any more than me? Or how to do it right?"

"All I know is I'm operating on instinct here."

"Not very pure instinct, is it?"

The man gasped again, part lust, part laughter, as the boy manipulated him, and then put his hands around the boy's wrists, stopping the exquisite torture.

"Wait. Before I forget." The man picked up his shirt, unsnapped the pocket, removed the money, dropped it into the boy's right hand, curled his fingers around it. "Here. This is for..."

The man stopped mid-sentence. The boy had backed away, stumbling over his sandals, his face an amalgam of dismay, pain, anger and disgust that coalesced into a rage that lifted his arm and sent the money hurtling back at the man. The edge of one coin sliced across the man's forehead; blood began oozing down to his eyebrow, then down his face. The man didn't move.

The man spoke two languages; was halting in a third. The boy was fluent in all three. Fluent and highly inventive as he cursed the man, moving fluidly without conscious decision from one tongue to the next, the venom of his words leaching through the man's stolid emotional armor, acid-drops of pain dropping one by one by one into his heart. The man stood until the torrent of fury forced him backwards, to sit on the bed until the boy ran out of words and stood slumped against the far wall, exhausted.

The boy's chest heaved once, and then he controlled his breathing, stared unblinking into the man's eyes, and said softly in a voice of desert-bleached bone, "I am not a whore."

The man ignored the blood, the sharp pain in his skull, focusing only on the boy, willing the boy to hear, to believe. "I know you're not. I'm sorry." An almost helpless gesture silently begged the boy to come back to him. The boy didn't move.

"You told your parents you were working. You told work you were sick and had to leave. All to be here. I just ... wanted you to have the money so you wouldn't have to explain why you earned nothing today. So that ... being here ... with me ... wouldn't cause you more pain. Please. That's all it was."

The boy sniffed, willing the tears back, stopping their fall by sheer willpower. "Truly?"

The man was unused to humbling himself, but quickly discarded dramatic gestures like falling to his knees, opting instead for quiet, simple truth. "Truly."

The boy stumbled across the room, falling into the circle of the man's arms, letting himself go. The kiss was deep and passionate, slightly salty from the tears they both pretended to be unaware of.

The erections that had vanished reappeared, seeming to be harder than moments earlier, almost painful, throbbing with need.

When the kiss ended, the boy pulled back, still within the man's arms, one handing stroking the man's cheek. He took a slow, deep breath, and the hesitancy in his expression vanished. "Fuck me."

The man held his breath, and with even more slowness, exhaled. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" the boy snapped. "Why not? You've d..."

The man was wise enough to remain silent, to ignore the rest of the unsaid sentence, to absorb without flinching the bitterness in the boy's voice, a deep, harsh bell-tone, faint, heard from a vast distance, yet its vibrations causing the air in the room to shiver. The sound faded ... far and wee now ... faded into the almost-heard ... and was gone.

The boy broke away from the man's gentle hold, grabbed the man's hand and pulled him up from the bed, took his place beside it. The boy bent forward, pulling the thin pillow toward him, then braced himself with widespread hands. "Fuck me? Please?" he whispered, looking over his shoulder.

The man squatted behind the boy, caressing the slightly trembling buttocks, tracing the muscles of thighs and knees and calves, down to the boy's feat and back up, down and up again, before leaning close, spreading the cheeks and breathing softly against the very tightly clenched anus. The man began to lick the tiny drops of sweat off the crack, circling but not quite touching the puckered flesh, moving away and back, away and back, teasing the boy's skin.

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Mark What a night. I met Troy and Dan, the two men that Cindy and Elsa had picked up in a lounge a few months earlier. They had their wives with them – Sandy and Janet, and we resonated right away. I felt like seducing someone, so I turned my charm on them over dinner and then after we got back to my condo. I didn’t need much; they were pre-sold on our mating. The huge icebreaker that moved things forward in one huge jump happened just as we returned to my condo after dinner. Melanie and KC...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 11 Second Thoughts

Ring ... Ring ... Ring “Hello? ... Oh! Hi, Sam ... That’s great! ... And probate? ... Okay, thanks. I’ll let Alicia know, and thanks again for everything.” “Alicia, that was Sam. The Judge agreed to an additional advance of two hundred thousand. Sam will be wiring it to our bank account tomorrow. He also told me that probate is moving along with no hiccups. He thinks it will close earlier than he predicted.” “Great! That means we can get married right away. Mom has been pushing for us to...

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The Fuck store for mature girdled ladies Clara part 1

As readers will know, I work as an assistant at a boutique clothes and lingerie shop catering specifically for chubby and larger over 50 mature ladies who like wearing girdles. We provide a discreet and private place where they can feel safe – and satisfied -- to buy fashionable, sensuous garments and lingerie that flatter them. And the staff are specially selected to help them fulfil their sexual fantasies whilst shopping. Women do not (or very rarely) lose their sex drive as they get older....

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Through the Lens

The outer door to my studio opened causing a chime to ring in my inner sanctum. I cursed the day I had let my assistant go, and shuffled out to see who was interrupting my serenity. Two women were standing there looking at the photographs on the wall with their backs to me.“Lovely aren’t they?” I asked.“Yes, they are Bobby. They are positively unique,” one of the women said as she turned to face me.I staggered back a step as I was confronted with the subject of the photographs displayed on the...

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Ek Anokhi Daastan

Woh itwar ki subah thi. Sabere 6 baje uthkar mai ghar ka sara kam nipat rahi thi. Aaj main bahut hi khush thi kyonki pure 2 saal baad mere pati dubai se pure ek mahine ki chhutti lekar aanewale the. Ve Budhwar ko aanewale the, uske pahlehi muze gharko saj-sawarana tha. Mera subah ka kam khatm hote hi main nahane chali gayi. Gana gungunate hue main naha rahi thi ki achanak muze yaad aya ki mere pati ko shower lena bahut hi pasand hai. Isliye main shower on karane lagi , lekin shayad jyada dinose...

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Commander Vix takes Japan part 3

Hiroko slowly opens the drapes in Vix’s chambers. She takes several minutes to allow the light into the room to gently wake her new Master. Once the blinds are open she stands next to the bed in her sheer gown showing her perky firm tits and freshly bald mound. She smiles as his eyes open and looks her over. “Good morning Vix-sama, did you sleep well?” She asks. He pulls back the covers of his bed and sits up, exposing his nude form to her which brings a slight blush when she sees his...

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The Bucket ListChapter 2

The flight to LA was wonderful. John had only flown one other time. He had been stuck between two fat men, who both reeked of smoke and booze, and had talked to one another as though he wasn't even there. In first class he had been served a real breakfast, consisting of a cheese omelet, fresh fruit, toast, and coffee. He even had a real knife and fork. After breakfast he had watched a movie and was able to take a nap before his arrival. After his departure from the plane, on his way to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 130

At 0400 my mates and I were at the end of Sawyers Road waiting on the rest of the hunters. The only other car here belonged to Curtis Warren; he was sitting in his car by himself. It was a perfect time to have a quiet talk. I tapped on the window then slid into the passenger seat. We talked about the cold and hunting for a minute. ‘‘Speaking of hunting - I’m doing some for the White House. Years ago you turned down a chance to sit on the Supreme Court. What are your feelings about it...

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A pious wife yields to sexual desire

I do not know why at all I selected this woman to have a sexual relation. May be my sixth sense told, she is a good lay in spite of her not so good looks. May be my standards have dropped after I started to get animal pleasures out of my good looking but fat wife. May be I had this over ambitious dick trying to conquer a little more My wife has a very close resemblance to the pictures below, May be I wanted some thrill out of my pleasure giving skills. May be, may be ….. Forget it; the fact is...

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PetiteHDPorn Cadey Mercury Nickey Huntsman Girl Crush

Cadey Mercury is enjoying some time alone with her dirty thoughts and soft hands. Her miniskirt flips up so she can play with her landing strip twat, while her top slides down to give access to her big banana boobs. Her soft hands are soon working overtime in pursuit of orgasmic pleasure. That’s how Nickey Huntsman finds Cadey when she enters the room. After reassuring Cadey that she wants to double down on her girlfriend’s enjoyment, Nickey puts action to her words. She starts by...

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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 13

The day following our return from Texas, with, thankfully, Stephanie safely back home, the six of us met in Hastings study. For the better part of an hour, he grilled us about what went on in that hangar in Texas. Our people had already done some preliminary assessment of the data we retrieved on paper and on the hard disks from the computers we raided, and a huge picture of global conspiracy was beginning to emerge, all of it centered around oil and war. It seems that the growing shortage...

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The StormChapter 13

Alone in their room, Laurie and Cory dimmed their lantern. Stripping their clothes off, they ignored Caroline’s loaned nighties and sat cross-legged, facing each other on Laurie’s bed. The contents of the drawer were unceremoniously dumped between them, as they examined and discussed each item. Both girls were extremely turned on by the vibrators and dildos, their firm, conical breasts topped by small but erect nipples, and their tight, young pussies were fairly dripping with juice. Finally,...

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Hello doston mera naam prince hai aur mai Kanpur up me rahta hoon meri age 19 hai par na to meri koi gf hai aur na hi maien aaj tak kabhi kisi ladki ka badan dekha hai to sex ki baat to bahut door hai par iska matlab ye nahi ki mai story nahi likh sakta mai ISS par karib 2 saal se story padhta hoon aura maine soch ki kya hua sachhi ghatna na sahi koi story hi banayi jaye kya fark padta hai matlab to uske spicy hone se hai to mai 1 kahani likhne ki koshish kar raha hoon agar aapko ye acchi lage...

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Moth Ch 021

Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘Hello,’ yelled a woman’s voice. ‘Who lives there?’ ‘Beggars at this time of day?’ moaned Brevila and tugged her blanket over her ears. ‘What are they thinking?’ Valo mumbled something which was unintelligible even to himself, laid his arm around his mate and went back to sleep. He had no trouble sleeping through the calls from outside. ‘Valo!’ His mate’s voice was quite another matter, though. ...

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A Chance Encounter Part One Rewritten

A Chance Encounter Part One (Jeremy’s POV) I pulled my truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro I’d heard about from Peter, one of my childhood best friends. Looking at the building it didn’t look like much, so I just shook my head and hoped that he was right. “Doesn’t look like much.” My best friend and co-worker Theodore says, from the passenger seat. “Well, Peter did tell me it didn’t, but that the inside and the food makes up for it.” “That’s good ‘cause I’m...

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TammyPart 3

I was having trouble sleeping anyway. Sunday night, knowing that Jenna was going to talk to Tammy the next day, I really had trouble. I knew it was probably futile--but I also knew it was probably my last shot at getting Tammy back. So, I slept fitfully. When I woke up for the thousandth time, at four-thirty in the morning, I gave up. I got out of bed, made myself a bagel and coffee, and decided to go for a walk. In downtown Burnham, there was a supermarket. Behind the supermarket was a...

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Switch HittingChapter 5

Both parents in the family worked. Some people might think harshly of them, in terms of the fact that not only did they not stay home from work to help their children through this impossible situation, they also went to work without even checking in on their offspring. But let us not be harsh. Granted, the kids were affected the most by their alien abduction, but the parents were clueless about how to deal with it too. There wasn't anything they could think of to do, no one they could think...

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First Time Internet Hookup Ch 3

My wife gave me a quick kiss and let me know she had to use the bathroom after travelling. She headed to the bathroom right there on the main floor, giving me time to clean up. I grabbed her bags and rushed upstairs. I dropped them as soon as I entered our room and darted to the bed to straighten up. "Honey," I heard my wife, "where'd you go?" "Brought your bags up for you," I replied. I finished smoothing out the bedspread just as she came in. "Thanks sweetheart," she smiled...

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Jo and Mike A Study in Normal Marriage

A Study in "Normal" Marriage As told to In2thisshit by his muse! I had just arrived home from the night courses that I was attending at the college. I pulled the car into the garage and walked into the kitchen and thought it very odd that the house lights were almost all turned off. That's when I heard Mike, my husband moaning and talking to someone. I could not make out what he was saying but I had heard that lusty voice before many times. It sounded as if Mike was making love to someone...

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The Best Marine A Short Story

"The Best Marine"A Short Story by Gentile---------This story is dedicated to all of them; who, "scorned and covered with scars still strove with their last ounce of courage."---------As they'd lain awake through boundless nights talking first of their hopes and dreams, then their challenges and accomplishments and finally to the house they'd aimed with the good Lord's guidance and grace to enter as the finish came into focus. Both wanted to be laid to rest in the state they'd been born."Well,...

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Fun at the Office

About a month after the problems and fun with my mother in law I had to work late one Friday and called the wife to let her know. The wife said ok and told me that cindy was there and they were just sitting around talking and drinking anyway. She started teasing me telling me that I would be missing out on all the fun they had planned. I was a little frustrated having to be stuck at work and couldn't be there to play with them. I think the wife knew it too and started telling me that she had...

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Did you Peachurbate yet today? I actually just finished a long Peachurbation session, and boy, are my arms tired! As a professional smut reviewer and pornography scholar, I use a lot a lot of euphemisms for beating off, so I was immediately intrigued when the link for this next website slid into my DMs, and I wondered what the angle would be. How does Peachurbation differ from your typical public restroom fap session? Will there be actual fruit, or is the Peach in the title a reference to the...

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car ride home

i am a white 25 old guy who likes to wear panties. one evening i was out walking around in a pair of tight jeans a pair of black panties and a blue shirt and a black jacket. i was walking down a highway and it was getting to cold and i need a ride home. i stuck my hand out to flag down someone. a few cars past but no one was stopping. finally a car stopped next to me. the car was blue and a little on the old side. the window rolled down and this guy called out saying get in i give you a ride. i...

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90210 Chronicles

Fantasy Land – The 90210 Chronicles Part 1 Annalynne rolled furiously on her bed in frustration. Who the hell was making so much noise at this time? She punched the bed repeatedly and rolled onto her side to double check the time, it was 06:05. It was bad enough being woken up at this time any morning but Annalynne had a massive hangover today and she wasn’t happy at all. She tried to drown out the various noises of clattering plates and other sounds she couldn’t recognise by covering her...

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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 2

"Nicholas! Wha-what are you doing?" Honey asked, alarmed."Mrs. Davidson, you have agreed to come work for me to pay off you and your husband's debt to me. That is all well and good. But that is for future payments. It does not cover this month's payment–which is, I might add, overdue now."Like any other lender, there are penalties for missing a payment or being late with it. So we are going to take care of that late penalty tonight. I will tack this month's payment back onto what you owe me,...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 39

I awoke that Monday morning at about seven thirty. Tracy was still sleeping soundly on her side next to me; fortunately, nothing untoward appeared to have happened during the night. I cuddled up to her back, pressed my bush against her tender round bum and wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her in tight to me and cupped her tits in my hands, squeezing her soft pliable nipples. Then I ran a hand down her smooth belly and over her fanny. Her legs were tight together, but as I probed and...

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Angela Gets A New Job

Chapter 1  Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location....

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Three Square MealsChapter 4 The couple try something different

John slowly opened his eyes, as the fog of the night’s sleep began to fade from his mind. He was about to perform his normal stretching routine when he felt a strange weight on his left side. He looked down to see a mass of blonde hair resting against his shoulder, and the previous night’s events came flooding back to him. He half-turned, careful not to wake his sleeping companion as he wrapped his arm around her again. This was a new experience for him and he savoured the feeling of...

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Karen and Mark

I was nervous. Karen, my wife of eleven years, had told me to meet her at the Tumbleweed Inn at 3:00. I knew that the bar would be pretty much empty at that hour, and whatever it was she had to tell me would have little to do with partying with her. I didn't know how right I was. The TI was where she and I had met thirteen years before. I had a bad feeling. I had suspected that she was cheating on me with a coworker. I was afraid that this meeting would be where I got the news. There had...

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Turned into a Girl Part 4

Turned into a Girl (Part 4) By meganprincess My head spun. Now Alyssa wanted me to write an essay about the kind of guys I like. Oh my God. I took a deep breath and tried to think about it. Then I remembered what she said: to put on some pretty perfume and lay on the bed with my eyes closed and think about it. I went to the dresser and found a perfume there called Frozen. It smelled so good on me!! I couldn't stop smelling it. I wanted to bathe in it. But instead I grabbed my notebook...

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Nagma Meri Jaan 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers! Mera naam Harish hai aur ek Computer Engineer houn. Main 26 saal ka ek unmarried ladka houn. Healthwise, main normal houn(5’7” height with lund size 6”) . Maine 2 saal pehle Delhi mein ek company join ki hai. Aur NFC mein Kiraye par rehta houn. Abhi kuch din pehle meri company mein ek ladki customer care executive ki post par aayi. Jab maine usko dekha to dekhkar kuch jaani – pehchani sa chehra laga. Kuch der baad dhyaan aya ye to meri college friend Nagma Khan thee. Nagma 25...

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