Organism XChapter 4 free porn video

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Jessie felt the polished steel of the door handle at the entrance to the public safety trailer warm in her hand. The sky was slate gray and a gentle mist fell at a steady pace. Things were not well in the world of Jessie Vitelli.

The idea of ratting on her best friend, of ruining their friendship, it did not sit well with Jessie. The girl Jessie saw last night was not Leah. Those primal eyes and that inhuman strength when Leah grasped Jessie’s arms. A shudder ran through Jessie just thinking about it.

Still, what was there to do? Go back to the dorm room and go through the motions all over again? Or would Leah apologize. Maybe cry a lot and beg for forgiveness. Explain it all away.

No matter how hard Jessie tried, she could not make herself believe that fantasy. The way Leah gazed at her the night before, it was not human.

Then there was another thought. A whisper in Jessie’s mind.

Public safety isn’t going to help you. No one is.

Over the last day, a chasm of despair had opened within Jessie. Storm clouds hovered on the horizon, bringing only misery.

Jessie snapped out of it and stared at her hand gripping the door handle.

Do it or don’t, but stop moping for God’s sake!

Jessie let go of the handle and walked away from the trailer. There was an hour before her next class and we was going to use it well.

She marched down the path towards Odenton Hall, the coed dorm she lived in with Leah, keeping a fast pace lest she lose her nerve. Jessie and Leah lived on the bottom floor, left side hall from the entrance.

The hallway was empty when Jessie reached it. To her surprise, the isolation was not as foreboding as she expected. The fluorescent lights blasted down from the ceiling, filling the space with a sterile, comforting aura.

She reached her dorm, room 104, and without skipping a beat, opened the door wide. Jessie immediately regretted this as her bravery faltered and the dark roomed opened like an unholy mouth before her.

Empty. No Leah. No one.

Jessie flipped on the light and cautiously stepped into the room. She wished he had not as her eyes adjusted and she saw vast quantities of the slime from the day before.

There was more now. Smeared against the walls, splashed on Leah’s desk, and a ton on the floor. Mingled with the floor slime was something deep crimson that made Jessie gag.

The smell hit her then. That cloyingly sweet odor that made Jessie want to vomit her brains out. Desperate to ease the smell, Jessie covered her mouth with her shirt and dove deeper into the room.

She began to gather her backpack and books, all luckily spared contamination and then she noticed it.

On the floor, half-caked in slime, was a bra. Jessie didn’t suppose it was that strange, but it caught her eye all the same. She knelt down and lifted the bra by the part that was not drenched and that’s when she saw the tag.

Inscribed in pink sharpie was the name “Megan Jensen”.

The chasm within Jessie bottomed our another hundred feet.


Mr. O’Connor’s class in the Mirabelle English and Language hall overlooked the red brick path that lead down to the river. Yellowing leaves framed the massive windows which today showed the gloom of early Autumn rain.

Eliza Penbrooke loved the rain. Her favorite times of year were the points right after summer and winter when the sky opened up and drenched the world. Today was not a downpour, but it was a good enough start.

Lindsay Maycomb, another freshman and Eliza’s closest friend in the class, sat down next to Eliza and stretched out her arms. She ran a hand through her blonde, pixie-cut hair and adjusted her hipster glasses before regarding Eliza.

“You do the reading?” She asked.

“Most of it. Skimmed it really,” Eliza said.

Her eleven o’clock class lasted for an hour and ten minutes and she was going to feel every single one. Beowulf was not her forte.

Micah Sebring sat down behind Eliza and began to unpack his book bag.

“Oh, I see you just assumed you were a part of our discussion group after one time?” Lindsay said to him, fighting back a giggle.

“It’s a free country and an open seating plan. Is O’Reilly coming in?”

“Out sick. It’s a bummer.”

“I guess we have an open chair already then,” Micah said.

“Try to let others talk this time,” Eliza said. “After all, you were such the motormouth last time.”

“Hey, I hadn’t read the chapter, you guys had. Besides, you handled it swimmingly.”

“Thanks,” Lindsay said. “Such a meaningful response.”

The clock hit eleven on the dot and Mr. O’Connor moved to start class, reaching the small wooden podium as the door creaked open. In the doorway, Eliza saw Leah Bardot, only the usually quiet, modest sophomore looked almost unrecognizable.

She sauntered in, making sure that everyone in the classroom got a good look at her curves, all of which were on display. Leah wore a skin tight tank top with a plunging neckline that left nothing to the imagination as well as black yoga pants.

The way Leah scanned the room made Eliza uncomfortable, as if the girl were a predator on the lookout for prey. Then Leah’s eyes landed on the open seat behind Lindsay and Eliza felt her heart sink.


Leah flashed a devious smile and plopped down right behind Lindsay.

Mr. O’Connor seemed determined to ignore Leah’s entrance and introduced the prompt for the class on the whiteboard. Monday’s class, he explained, would be entirely discussion-based with Wednesday featuring an in-class lecture guided by the results of the discussion. With that, he dismissed them to form groups.

“Mind if I join,” Leah asked the second Mr. O’Connor dismissed them.

“The more the merrier!” Lindsay said, seemingly unphased by Leah’s presence.

Eliza felt herself growing anxious, but she couldn’t nail down why.

“Alright guys,” Lindsay began. “I think I should be discussion leader. My dope Star Wars shirt obviously makes me the coolest member of the group.”

Lindsay motioned to her R2-D2 shirt, one of her favorites.

“Wow, I never would have known you were a Star Wars fan,” Eliza sneered, trying desperately to regain a sense of normality with Leah hovering within the group.

“I’m more of an ironic fan,” Lindsay said. “I totally don’t own every extended universe novel.”

“I’ve got to say, this is a lot more entertaining than talking about Beowulf,” Leah said softly.

“I know, right!” Lindsay responded. “We should just watch the original trilogy and have that be the class. Boom! I get an A. You all get an A. We all leave and get lunch.” She banged on her desk for emphasis, prompting everyone to stare at her for a moment.

“I’ve never seen them,” Leah said. “I would be game.”

“You’ve never seen Star Wars?!” Micah interjected.


“Well this is a travesty,” Lindsay said in mock rage.

“I haven’t either,” Eliza added.

“Psh, that doesn’t surprise me,” Lindsay said.

“Well at least that makes two of us,” Leah said, suddenly focusing her entire attention to Eliza.

Eliza suddenly felt very flushed and woozy. Leah’s eyes dug into her skull and Eliza swore they glimmered a bright green for just a second.

What the hell is wrong with me? Eliza thought desperately.

Then, as soon as the strange trance began, it lifted. Leah refocused on Lindsay and Micah and Eliza was left feeling a little hot under the collar, but otherwise fine.

They started into the discussion, Lindsay taking the natural, yet awkward lead. Eliza expected Leah to continue her coy little act that for some reason seemed so strange and frustrating, but the girl instead fell into a sullen quiet.

As minute after minute passed, Eliza noticed Leah squirming in her seat and looking increasingly uncomfortable until finally the girl stood up.

“I’ll be back,” she said, before walking out of the room.

She reached the toilet just in time. Her parasitic child could wait no longer.

Leah plopped onto the seat and began to rock back and forth, riding the waves of pleasure and pain as the strange organism began to emerge from her womb.

Inch after hot, slimy inch began to emerge from between Leah’s pussy. She gazed at the strange creature as it came into view, still fascinated by massive changes her body had undergone.

What is this thing? Leah wondered. What am I?

Whatever Leah had become, she wasn’t the only one anymore. Leah thought of Megan Jensen’s supple body squeezing into clothes that had once been loose. What a site.

The creature dropped from Leah’s pussy and splashed into the water, swimming about in agile circles like some kind of eel. This one looked very similar to the one Leah had put inside Megan. A thick, phallic head and dark, ribbed shaft of a body.

Leah watched the creature and suddenly felt a deep connection to it. It was of her. A child of sorts.

Feeling a sudden impulse, Leah willed the creature to stop its frantic swim. It responded immediately.

That’s useful, she thought.

“She’s been gone a while,” Eliza said to no one in particular.

“Probably an upset stomach,” Micah said. “She seemed pretty out of it.”

“Hopefully she’ll come back soon. I drank way too much coffee this morning and beyond feeling like a hummingbird on cocaine, I’ve got to pee like a fire hose.”

“Do fire hoses pee?” Micah said.

“I was taking creative liberties, gosh Micah.”

“Why don’t you just go. Maybe knock on the door. She doesn’t get to hog the bathroom all day,” Eliza said.

“Maybe,” Lindsay responded. “I really have to go. Wetting my pants is definitely not one of my discussion leader duties.”

“You never know,” Eliza said.

Lindsay stood and started towards the exit. A minute later, Leah walked back into the room, seeming revitalized.

“Sorry about that,” she said. “Where were we?”

“Oh, something something Beowulf. Something, something Grindle,” Micah said.

“Hmm. So specific.”

“Totally,” Eliza said. “So what did you think of the chapter, Leah?”

“I’ll be honest, I didn’t read it.”

Typical, Eliza thought.

“What I’m hearing is that we talk about NOT Beowulf for the rest of class then?”

“That’s the spirit,” Leah said.

“Sure,” Eliza followed, desperately wanting Lindsay back.

However, the minutes ticked on and Lindsay did not return. Eliza began to feel a creeping worry.

Maybe she’s feeling sick too? But she just had to pee.

“Are you okay, Eliza?” Leah asked.

“What? Oh, fine. I’m just wondering what happened to Lindsay. She’s been gone a while.”

Leah gave her a little, knowing smile that chilled Eliza to the bone.

“I’m sure she’s doing very good.”

After class, Eliza stepped out into the hallway and moved against the flow of students heading to lunch towards the small women’s bathroom at the end of the hall.

Eliza swung open the bathroom door, not sure what to expect on the other side. It was empty.

The single stall in the small bathroom was cracked half open, revealing nothing but a dirty toilet seat that glistened in the dim light with something.

A viscous green substance splattered the porcelain rim of the toilet and the brown tile below.

“What the fuck?” Eliza whispered to herself.

She began to notice more of the stuff in the bathroom. The goo trail continued out of the stall diminishing until it was only a few droplets at the doorway.

There was no trace of Lindsay.


Damnit, she thought. Too late.

Jessie paced down the hall, hoping her head would clear a little bit. Without thinking, she pass through to the other side of the dorm, the bottom right hall.

She rounded the corner and promptly stepped in a puddle of vomit.

In front of Jessie was a pale, disheveled young man speakers out on the tile, vomit dripping from his mouth.

“Jesus,” Jessie yelled.

What the hell are you supposed to do in a situation like this? Jessie dashed on the hallway and rapped on the door of the hall RA. No answer. She was having the best luck this morning.

Suddenly, Jessie heard a loud shuffling from behind her. She reeled around to see the boy coming at her with a frenzied look in his eye.

“Whoa, watch it,” Jessie yelled, stepping back cautiously.

The boy threw up a hand and began to talk in a slurred, half-drunk way.

“W-wuhWait,” he said. “Yah-you. You’re her roommate.”

Jessie felt a bolt of electricity run up her spine. She stepped forward, suddenly energized.

“Leah Bardot?”

“Don’t. Don’t know her name,” he said through heavy breaths. “Just know you’re her roommate.”

“What about her?” Jessie said, her voice rising to a tremor.

“She-we-she did something to me. We. We uh,” the guy trailed off, struggling to find the right word.

“What?” Jessie said, practically screaming.

“Intimate,” the guy whispered. “She did something to me.”

Jessie ignored the gross comment and and pushed on.

“What did she do to you? What did she do?”

The boy murmured something unintelligible before collapsing onto the ground. Jessie, seeing the writing on the wall, jumped back as a new torrent of vomit spewed onto the ground in front of her.

At that moment, Jessie heard quick footsteps pattering towards them. Jessie looked up to see Felicia Owens, her own RA, approaching.

Felicia was a gorgeous but nervous girl who always hunched as if the weight of the world was desperately trying to turn her into a hunchback. Her delicate golden curls were all pulled back into a bun save for one lock that bounced between Felicia’s eyes with each rapid step.

“Oh God,” Felicia said, covering her mouth with her hand.

She dashed over and knelt beside the boy, asking Jessie a rapid fire series of questions as she did so.

“What’s wrong with him? Has he been like this long? How do you guys know each other,” she rambled.

Jessie explained what happened and Felicia just nodded before turning her attention to the boy, who was in no position to answer questions.

Eventually, they managed to get the boy up on his feet and walked him back to his room. Felicia used her master key to open the room and help the boy in.

Once the boy was placed in his bed, an accomplishment that came with considerable effort, Felicia stepped out of the room to call public safety.

Jessie watched over the boy, feeling more dejected with each passing moment. All he did now was stare at the ceiling and mutter the same phrase over and over again.

“She did something to me.”

Public safety arrived and Jessie told them her story, sans what the boy said about Leah. Afterall, Jessie had made her decision. The public safety officers got the boy on his feet and walked him off to the health center, leaving Jessie and Felicia alone in the deserted hallway.

“Thank you for the help,” Felicia said. “I don’t know what I would have done without a helping hand.”

“Thank me? You’re kidding.”

“Trust me, just having the company helped. I hate this part of the job.”

“Are there any parts you don’t hate,” Jessie said. She regretted it immediately, but could not take it back.

Felicia did not seem bothered.

“I like helping people. Helping them get situated, solving problems. Just being a friend and a support. The paperwork, the write-ups, the-” Felicia gestured at the puddle of greenish black vomit on the floor.

Jessie noticed the color and snapped to attention, remember the goo within her room.

“Hey, do you think you could help me?”

Felicia brightened, her sad puppy dog eyes growing wide and happy.

“Sure, what do you need?”

Jessie filled Felicia in on some of the details, leaving out Leah’s attack from the night prior. Felicia nodded along, the momentary sparkle fading rapidly.

“This is really not good,” Felicia said.

“It’s something,” Jessie shrugged. “Look, I just feel weird about going to that room alone right now. Mind coming with me while I pick up some stuff?”

Felicia agreed and they walked across the dorm to Jessie’s room.

“You weren’t kidding about the slime. Gosh, it’s everywhere,” Felicia said, stepping into the room.

Jessie tiptoed in after her and started to collect her backpack and a handful of school supplies and other materials. She was not anticipating coming back any time soon.

“Doesn’t it stink too?” Jessie said.

“What?” Felicia asked, looking genuinely puzzled.

“The slime. It reeks. Gives me a headache and an upset stomach.”

Felicia sniffed the air and shook her head.

“It actually doesn’t smell that bad. Kind of sweet.”

“To each her own, I guess,” Jessie said, making for the door.

She looked back and saw Felicia prodding around the room, seeming to take inventory. The girl’s tennis shoes were already plastered in the gunk.

“I’m going to need to call maintenance about this. Just be warned, Leah will probably get a write-up. You’re fine. It doesn’t sound like you had anything to do with it.”

“Nope,” Jessie said. She had a feeling that a write-up was the farthest thing from Leah’s mind right now, if she still had a mind.

“Alright. If you see Leah, tell her to come find me.”

“Sure thing,” Jessie lied. “Can you let me know if you find her first?”

“Yeah, sure thing.”

“Thanks,” Jessie said. “Oh, one more thing.”

“What’s up?”

“I found something of Megan’s in the room. In the-goo or whatever. I think she might be involved in this too now.”

Felicia turned her full attention to Jessie. Her eyes were big, like those of a puppy.

The girl really did not wear stress well.

“What was it? A notebook or something?”

“It was more intimate.”

“Got it,” Felicia nodded. Well I’ll keep an eye out for her too. You do the same. I’ll be honest, this is freaking me out.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

Felicia departed down the hallway at a nervous hustle leaving Jessie to her thoughts.

She felt worse now than before. The pit in her stomach was a hundred feet deeper and growing by the second. Jessie knew she needed to do something before that hole swallowed her completely.


This was all she ever wanted and more. The boy of her desires completely enraptured to her will, to perfect body and sultry demeanor. To Megan, it felt as if she were riding a little slice of heaven.

With each thrust of Brad’s hips, Megan bounced, and with each bounce, Megan’s breasts jiggled wonderfully, sending spikes of pleasure running up get spine. The young college girl was in complete sexual overload, riding the boy of her dreams like there was no tomorrow.

Yesterday, Megan had been a nervous virgin desperately trying to doll herself up for whichever boy gave her a little attention. Oh how things had changed.

Megan watched herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the dorm-room door and drank in what she saw.

She was so hot! Not just cute like someone’s little sister. Not just pretty. Full blown, fucking hot.

Megan’s curly brown hair was longer and wilder, cascading down a pale, toned back. Where her hair ended, her full, plump ass began. She ran her tongue along her full, red lips, enjoying the pillowy softness.

Then there were her tits. My what a pair she had now.

Megan remembered the years of stuffing her bra just to try and keep up with the other girls. Up until yesterday, Megan’s breasts had been the same since ninth grade.

Not anymore!

Megan cupped her new assets lovingly, relishing the intense jolts of pleasure the contact brought forth. Her breasts had grown so big so quickly. She had to be a d-cup at least, maybe even bigger!

Brad picked up his pace, quickly approaching orgasm. His seventh orgasm.

Megan felt a part of herself, deep within, encircling Brad’s member, pumping it full of stuff to make him last longer and get harder.

This thing within Megan was the reason for her lovely rack, amongst other things. Megan remembered the feeling of it thrusting into her virgin pussy. There was the sensation of being stretched, agonizing at the time, as something wet and warm slithered inside the girl.

Leah had made Megan this way. Sweet, sexy Leah with her big tits and her kind face. Megan desperately wanted to find her new sister and continue what they started the night before once Brad was finished.

As if he had heard Megan, Brad shot another warm, slimy load into Megan’s pussy, screaming in a mixture of agony and desperate, frenzied pleasure as he did so.

After the fourth orgasm, Brad had lost his ability to speak coherently. His mind was number and emptier with each blast of cum.

Megan loved that part the most. The way Brad seemed to jet something of his own mind or soul into her. Each gush brought memories and emotions into Megan and she felt herself consuming them all like bits of meat. Each new psychic part of the boy made Megan feel stronger.

The seventh orgasm seemed to be the breaking point for the boy. His eyes went blank and he collapsed onto the pillow, seemingly lifeless.

Megan felt a sudden shifting within her. She felt one her new parts jab into Brad’s cock and pump something inside before retracting back into Megan’s womb.

In the silence, Megan admired herself in the mirror. She rubbed her large breasts, still trying to get a handle on their new size and sensitivity.

It was at that moment that the door opened and a blonde, exceptionally tall young man walked through the door.

The pair gaped at each other, the tension within the room growing with each passing second.


Lindsay stumbled through the hallways, replaying the events of the last half and hour over and over again. She needed somewhere private, somewhere she could-could wrap her head around this.

Somewhere to finish the transition, the alien voice within told her.

The costume closet would do just fine. No play practice during the day, no classes moving through. Just a place to-to wrap her head around all this.

It happened so fast.

After a short moment’s wait, the door to the bathroom had swung open, revealing a seemingly refreshed Leah.

“You lay an egg in there?” Lindsay jabbed playfully.

Leah smiled, seeming to take appraisal of Lindsay in a way that made the girl shudder a little.

“Something like that,” Leah said.

Lindsay entered the tiny, one-stall bathroom, doing her best to ignore the weird encounter.

She pulled down her pants and panties and sat absentmindedly on the toilet, pulling out her phone as she did so. Soon, Lindsay was scrolling through twitter as she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She was oblivious to what lay beneath her in the toilet.

It emerged from the drain of the toilet as it caught the girl’s scent. Gracefully, it swam its way up to the surface, raising its head into the cool air.

Lindsay’s pussy lips loomed above it, warm and inviting. The creature readied itself, taking aim.

Lindsay began to write a text to her sick roommate when it happened.

Something big and sickeningly warm slammed against her vagina and in a single fluid motion, pushed its way into Lindsay’s body.

Lindsay tried to scream, but for the first few seconds she could only silently choke on air. In that span, the creature managed to squirm several inches of its body into the freshman’s vulnerable slit.

When Lindsay did find her voice, she managed only a sobbing moan.

It’s inside of me! Oh God, it’s in me!

Lindsay had experimented plenty with her one dildo and she had even had sex once. Nothing prepared her for this.

The thing was so big that it seemed to stretch Lindsay’s inner walls to the breaking point. It was so alien too, a living creature making its way deeper and deeper into the girl. Mingling it’s monstrous flesh with Lindsay’s own.

In a desperate attempt to stop the invasion, Lindsay grasped at the invading worm, but her fingers slid off the wet surface, making any form of grip impossible. All Lindsay could do was sit back and whimper, fumbling uselessly as this monster foisted itself upon her.

Soon, there was nothing left to grasp.

Now Lindsay had found the costume closet. The door was locked, but that was fine. She had access.

Lindsay flitted through her keys absentmindedly, struggling to stay focused. It was so hard to pay attention with this-whatever it was-inside of her body. Her pussy burned and tingled tonan almost maddening degree and her whole body ached.

Lindsay managed to find the right key, failing to notice the quiet footsteps coming up behind her. She jammed the jagged piece of metal into the hole and sloppily opened the door. The costume closet waited for her dark and deserted.

I need this, she thought. Oh god I just need some time to figure this out. Figure out what the fuck is happening to me.

Lindsay flipped on the closet light and stumbled into the room. Her balance was bad and getting worse ever since the incident as she now referred to it. Even weirder, her chest and butt ached and itched painfully, her chest especially feeling tight and swollen.

Turning to close the door, Lindsay jumped. Standing in the doorway was Leah Bardot from class.

Within Lindsay, something clicked. She flashed back to the coy little smile Leah had given her before going to the bathroom. She stumbled back from Leah as if stricken.

Leah took the opportunity to slip inside the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

“So we have some privacy,” Leah smirked.

“What did you do to me?” Lindsay asked, fear and panic rising back to the surface of her awareness.

“I didn’t do anything. My worm did all the work,” Leah said.

She sauntered over to Lindsay, pinning the girl against the back wall between two racks of costumes.

“Please, just get it out,” Lindsay blubbered. “I feel it inside of me.”

Leah brought her hand to her chin and stared up at the ceiling as if to consider this.

“Hmm, how’s about no?”


“Even if I wanted to, I don’t, I couldn’t. It’s already bonding with you. You could say you two are becoming one, sister.”

“Oh god,” Lindsay moaned fresh horror washing over her even as a fresh fire of arousal blossomed in her sex.

“You’re going to make such a good sister, Lindsay. I can feel your thoughts and feelings now. And that body? I cannot wait to see what that worm inside of you does to all of this,” Leah motioned to Lindsay’s chest.

“Oh god, it’s inside me. Oh god, please god.”

Lindsay began to sob, her body a cacophony of bizarre sensations too alien to process.

“I think you need a pick me up,” Leah said.

She cupped Lindsay’s face with both her hands and closed her eyes, focusing her mind.

Unconsciously, Lindsay began to pant heavily, her body’s pleasure centers rocketing into overdrive. Leah’s commands ricocheted through her brain.

Give in to it Lindsay.

Doesn’t it feel good Lindsay?

Cum for me Lindsay. Cum for me and kiss me.

Lindsay’s body tensed up as her pussy erupted, sending a gush of green slime shooting from her pussy. The girl babbled incoherently.

“You and I are going to have a lot of fun, Lindsay,” Leah said before pulling the girl into a deep kiss.


Emily has just settled into her chair to start on her next computer science project when she heard the soft knock at the door.

It was Felicia, Emily’s RA, though half the time she forgot with how nervous the girl seemed at every moment. She looked especially so today.

“Hey, is Megan there?”

Emily shook her head.

“I haven’t seen her all day. She went out last night to hang out with someone and never came back.”

“Oh?” This seemed to bother Felicia.

“Yeah, is everything okay?”

“Probably,” Felicia said, rubbing her fingers through her curly blonde hair. “I just might need to have an RA meeting with her. Leah Bardot too, if you’ve seen her.”

“This sounds like a big deal,” Emily said.

“Maybe,” Felicia said distantly.

This was not reassuring.

“Have you seen any green goo or anything?” Felicia asked suddenly.


Felicia mumbles something to herself. She seemed to be weighing something in her head.

“I probably shouldn’t do this, but I’ve been trying to piece this together all afternoon and I think I need another opinion.”

“Alright,” Emily said nervously. “What’s up?”

“Here, follow me,” Felicia said.

They walked down the hall to Leah Bardot and Jessie Vitelli’s room, which Felicia opened with her master key. When the lights flashed on, Emily could not believe her eyes.

It looked like that scene from Ghostbusters with the slimer ghost in the small dorm room. Green slime covered the floor and the covers of the bed against the right-hand wall. The scent that issued from the open door was sweet and strange.

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Organism XChapter 5

There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah’s gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys’ wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl’s own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. “Tell me again how you left them,” Leah said. “They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it.” “When I did it, I didn’t give birth to some monstrosity. Besides, you’re...

2 years ago
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Organism XChapter 7

The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley’s ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. “How did I miss you before?” The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. “You’re putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here.” The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley’s forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley knew she...

3 years ago
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Organism XChapter 8

In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her. “She’s going to be a beauty when she fully changes,” Megan said. Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette. “You’re a freak. All of you are freaks,” she said. Megan snorted. “As if you aren’t?” Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her...

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Organization of Heroes Mimic

Organization of Heroes: Mimic By Angela J. I. "His name is Joe Clark," said the man in dark grey fancy suit. The two men were in a large living room decorated with very expensive looking furnishings and were watching a large video screen that projected out from the ceiling in the middle of the room. One man was sitting in a wheelchair while the other man in a grey suit sat next to him in a couch. The man in the wheelchair looked like he was in his thirties while the man in...

4 years ago
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Organ Transplant

This is a transgender story. It's also part mult-part (But loaded as one file and not finished). Maybe it will go to a conclusion if there is any interest. You should be at least 18 to read this. It involves obviously transgender items, body growth. If any of these offend you please do not read any further. Oh gee, the obvious part, nobody depicted in this story is real, that would be a little hard as its a Sci-Fi Story to begin with! Organ Transplant by...

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Organ Donor

Not everybody is a visual turn-on, and my plain Jane looks made me one of the least popular girls in school at that critical time when hormones took control. I could become a slut, I suppose, but then boys would pass my name around and soon, everybody who asked would want a fifteen minute 'date'. No, I stayed a virgin while all my former close friends drifted away to be with their boyfriends. It was frustrating as hell, and soon I was moving up to my senior year in high school! The...

2 years ago
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Organize Crime The world is Your

Organize crime been around for hundreds of years. There been people who make their own law for centuries. There people that law enforcement can’t seem to totally wipe out. There been a recent trend of female crime bosses. They are women who take control of a normally male dominated business. Their women have to be smarter, tougher and sometime more sadistic then there male counterparts. Sometime they are all 3. These women tend to use sex as a weapon as much as the use normal weapons. There are...

3 years ago
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Organized Group Sex

Hi guys!! This is shankar again from Chennai. Thanks for your comments. Girls your comments are really driving crazy. Love you dear..Thanks for iss viewers for giving 5 star rating to the previous story. Post your comments on This story is based on true incident which happened few weeks back. I got many comments from girls aunties and boys. Many are requested for group sex. I got a idea and started a group in whatsapp. Arranged for group sex Members are, Divya 34 F Néethu jain 24 F Mounika 26...

2 years ago
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DominationChapter 15 Resolution

The divorce was finalized a few weeks later. Catherine at first tried to contest it, but when it became evident that Manny wanted nothing more to do with her, she signed the document allowing the divorce to proceed. The house was sold and although she received a fair settlement Catherine was forced to move into a small apartment and take a job clerking at a department store. She was miserable, not sure whether she missed Manny, Mark and Serena or Alexandra the most. At last she could take...

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CastawayChapter 9

Physically I drove my car home; mentally I made the trip on a cloud. In every respect the night had exceeded even my wildest hopes and imaginings. Even in those amateur productions back in school, when the expectations (and competition) had been so much less, I'd never shone as I had on that stage. And then there was my dinner with Camilla, and the prospect of Scarpia ahead of me and all that would do to jump my career to a whole new level. To cap it all off, when I'd left her after taking...

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My Awakening

Sometimes, things just happen. It’s not something that you plan or even seriously think about. You find yourself in a situation in which you face a most unexpected choice – one that can have a profound effect on how you view yourself. This is a story about one of those times. It was one that saw my awakening as a much more complete and confident sensual being at a relatively late age. By way of background, I realized on reflection several months after my 51st birthday that the numbers and...

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Merey Cousins Mohsin Ki Zubanee

My name is Mohsin..I lived in Lahore. Mein iss waqt 18 saal ka tha… I have a whitish complexion height: 5’2″… Weight: 112 lbs…. I always keep my body free of all unwanted hairs specially the hairs on my leg. My legs look like that of a girl. And have very sexy and smooth but masculine looks.One of my cousins …named Naveed….who was 8 years elder to me …ie about 26-27 years old…used to live in my house. Naveed family lived in a village and he had come to Lahore for studies. It was a summer night...

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You here for a header

Comments appreciated. Where should this story go next? Sorry, but this story was not proofread by an editor. Enjoy - Rachel You Here For A Header? By Rachel M. Moore I shook my head for the thousandth time as the images on the screen lit the room in all their glory. I was having a hard time with the realization that the person in the video was actually me, my hands began to shake again. I swallowed hard, trying to keep from throwing up like I had the first time I watched a man I...

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Amy After All That

I wake up early, even after I go to bed late. It’s a habit that never changes unless the sun’s already up when I hit the sack.Amy and I were still getting to know one another, but she had slept over enough times for me to know she never opens her eyes in the morning until she has to. So when I rolled over the next morning and she was lying there staring at the ceiling, I thought something might be wrong. She didn’t wait for me to ask.“You know… I don’t really want to fuck my own father,...

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Sex With Sexy Tribe

Hi ISS readers, I’m Sex Rao name changed and about me I’m lean and long of height 6 feet. My weapon is long enough to satisfy any women. I’m an Engineering student studying in Mahabubnagar Andhra Pradesh, India. I’m very much interested in sex since my childhood. I used to fascinate about hot and fat women in my surroundings. I completed my schooling and joined Intermediate at Narayanpet, it’s a divisional headquarters which is surrounded by many Tandas Tanda is a place where tribes Lambada...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 17

Brody tromped into the dressing room after practice. It had been a good day so far, he thought. He’d talked with his parents and they were coming East for Christmas, along with a couple of his siblings. He hoped Ryan would have a chance to meet them. They hadn’t talked much about it yet, but he assumed she’d be spending the day with her family. Still, with his family staying for a few days and coming to a game, there should be time for everyone to meet. ‘Hey, Langer, big plans for tonight?’...

1 year ago
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Naughty Santa Chronicles ndash Epi 3

Carol, also known as Mrs. Claus felt guilty. She had now been having crazy wild sex with anywhere from 3 to 5 elves a morning for the last week. Seven different elves had serviced her in total! And while her frustration level had dropped she felt guilty. Her man, the Big C, was working his butt off for young boys and girls across the world while she was getting banged by his elves. It was not a very nice thing and she knew she was headed toward being on his really naughty list!That idea planted...

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Pippi Langstrumpa

The supply pod docked, and the MULE (Multi-Use Labor Element) removed all the items from it and stored them away in the storage holds as I checked off each item. This was the 3rd supply mission of 4 scheduled for the year. Out here at Callisto the job was routine, but dull. Accept shipments of high grade silicon from the surface, package it into pods for the long trip to Earth, then send back the surface pods for reuse.Once that was done I started the MULE in transferring items from the supply...

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One week end I was at my parents house, visiting with my Dad and Step-Mom's. I was cutting the grass, as my step-mom laying on the patio with just her bathing suit on, I could see that she wasn't wearing anything under it every time I went by I would get a glimpse of her crotch, of course I had always fantasized about step-mom whom was in her Mid 60's. Im a young Attractive with Athletic Built I would lay in bed at night and jerk off thinking how it would be to sleep in her bed. Anyway after I...

1 year ago
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My Mother and I needed each other

100% fiction! When I turned eighteen years of age, my libido went off the roof. I just couldn't stop masturbating. I used to do it all the time, four to five times a day, sometimes even more. I got my first job at a golf club, but got fired after being caught masturbating in the woman's locker room by a female player. And it's not like in pornos, she didn't come and join me in the fun, she freaked out, told my boss, and got fired on the spot. And it doesn't help to hide when you're a loud...

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An Orgy of Grapes

There was only one bottle of wine in the refrigerator, a white sauv blanc, and there was not enough for everyone. Sophie closed the door and chewed on her thumb looking around the kitchen for something that could save her from the worst dinner party in history. There were was a small pile of coats and handbags in the corner. Five dirty dishes sat in the sink waiting to be washed. Other than that, the kitchen was cleaner than it had been in months. Maybe she could just serve ice cream, it’s...

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The day started off like any other day for Cassandra. She was awakened by the soft kiss of the sunrise and the sound of the waves rolling up to her Malibu Beach home. Her husband, like always, had already left for work early and hadn't bothered to make love to her or even kiss her before leaving. She rose from her bed and went out on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The same thoughts began to haunt her again--how had her life come to this, seemingly having everything...yet having...

Group Sex
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Naughty TeachersPart 4

Everything remained quiet and normal. Tina and I abstained from school students, and we remained very good friends with Grace and Don, and, of course, our special friendship with Amanda. Oh, we kept our word and had no more sex with Amanda. She had her boyfriend with whom she was very happy. But when we went on picnics, trips or other family functions with the Johnson's — Amanda was there with us and sometimes even brought Bobby with her. She kept talking freely about everything and asking...

3 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 20

Philip knew that events in his immediate and extended family (Mary and his three other pregnant ladies -- Bethany, Pam, and Crystal) might take unexpected turns and bends in the days ahead. Now that he'd told his own pregnant wife, Mary, that he was the man who had impregnated their daughter and two daughters-in-law, Philip wondered every day when something would start crashing down around his ears. He almost found himself catching his breath on occasion when he considered back over his...

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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 20

Carol “I’m honored by the trust you put in me,” she said, hugging Jason. “Mama Carol, if one more person tells me they’re honored by anything I say or do, I may completely lose my shit.” She smiled. “I’ll try to restrain myself. So, what’s the problem?” Jason explained it to her. In detail... “All right, so let’s start the interview process, see if I can narrow down the field for you,” Carol said. “First though ... let’s get them out of here, and up to the suite. If Beebee’s going...

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Asking for a spanking

My Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...

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LeefsticChapter 14

That night Megan showed her mother how to hide the great majority of her aura or she would never get any peace. This was done quickly and Margaret smiled at the simplicity of it all. For the next few days I prepared all I could for the short trip. The girls were busy for only a few hours doing projects. Most were done in a very short time at school so their teachers could see that nobody else helped. The quality was going to be high and they didn't want problems with the teachers not...

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WELCOME TO AMERICA After eighteen years, the Company that my husband and I started when we first got married had finally struck gold, the years of going without many things, may have finally ended. Our biggest setback was my car accident, which had left me with two useless legs from mid thigh down, and confined to a wheel chair for life. We had both just accepted that and got on with our lives. Our biggest customer, an American conglomerate wanted to buy up the whole business for three...

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Angel Naughty The Hotel Ch 03

Introduction: Lisa rides Steven while her sister videotapes. Lisa lifted the phone. Hi honey, she said. She held a hand over the receiver. You have to be quiet baby. Its Todd. Oh shit, Loretta said. My lips curled in devious delight. You know what I want? Lisa shivered. Ohhh, I have an idea. What? Loretta asked. Whats she gonna do? I petted Lorettas head. Dont ask. Just watch your sister be naughty. Arching up, Lisa displayed her tits. And dont tell, she said. Her fat chestnut tits jutted...

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HILLBILLY HEAVEN From where I stood on the mountaintop overlook I could see hills and hollers far off to the horizon. A ‘smoky’ haze blanketed the early morning hilltops. This ethereal haze gave its name to these Great Smoky Mountains. The tranquility and beauty before me masked the tumultuous times rocking the outside world. Newspapers had labeled these years as ‘The Great Depression’. I’d just reached my 17th birthday and I knew damn-well that times were hard. Even back...

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My Sweet Virgin College Girlfriend

Hi my name is Prince and I am from Kolkata. I am going to narrate you a real incident that happened to me when I was in college. This is a true story of mine I have just changed the name and you the reason. This is my first story so please bear with me. This is not a story about banging the girl with monster size cock. It about my emotional feelings with her, the time we spent with her, and the love that developed between us. I have narrated it very descript manner, so if any of you guys want...

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The daughter of the boss

After losing my virginity not long ago, my life took a different, better, direction. This Friday I woke up as usual. I sipped my espresso on my balcony while watching the sunrise. After a fast shower I shaved and — fresh and clean with an odor of a cheap after shave I got on sale at a super market — headed to work. On the way to work I had the same excitement I had when I first started working at the small local rent-a-car and tourism company that employed me. I remember my first days when the...

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Arab Neighbor Part 2

As I was going to school one morning, there was a lot of commotion at Abdullah’s house. A big black van had pulled into the driveway and all the women were scurrying around with luggage. It looked like they were going on a trip.  I thought it would be a good day to mow their lawn and do pool maintenance if everyone was gone.That afternoon as I mowed the lawn, Abdullah pulled up in his big, black Mercedes and when he got out, I could see he was wearing his trademark, coal grey suit and fine...

Gay Male
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Reference Leading To Bed

Hi All. This is Madhu from Bangalore, age 26 with good height and physic. I am a great fan of ISS this is the first time I am sharing my real life experience on ISS. Any unsatisfied house wife and hot girls can contact me at I am on facebook too. Coming to the story my junior Deepa (name changed) called me for asking for job reference. As she was the girl I started to talk with her friendlier. This conservation continued for few days and then we decided to meet. It was final exam time for her....

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my memories

The memory of life Time.Well i was 21 years old, and the world in me feat, thats exactly what we think, we are invincible, and. We at 21, omg, we love women's, but is time to talk about me,I always like older women, it was around December of 1995, this woman name is Maria she was at list 40 years old, very well taker of it, and amazing legs, she have the most beautiful smile, I seen her for amount always wait in the bus stop, she was ready to going to work, she always well dressed, always...

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Her first bi MMF

Back in high school I dated this woman and over the years (20+ years) we kept touch. We never did anything over the years other than maybe alittle online pleasing each other via chat. As time goes on we slowly learn about each other fantasies and craving. I told her I was into swinging and swapping partners. One day she ask me if during any of my threesomes if I have ever had the urge to touch a guy. Thats when I reveal to her that I was bi and have done much more than just touch a guy. She...

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The Girl Next DoorChapter 5

Penny Palmer and Paul Jennings were both now fifteen and in Year 10 of their schooling. When they returned after the summer break they would be starting their second year of GCSE's. This particular afternoon, mid-way through the summer term, they were in Miss Ellis' English class. She was young, in only her third year of teaching since qualifying, and very popular. "As you know, English is one of the subjects that you have to take until you are at least 16, so I will be seeing some of...

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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

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The Earls ManChapter 14

The quiet undercurrent of conversation in the Main Hall ceased when one of the guards hurriedly entered and announced that the new Pope had arrived in Rouen and, “humbly requests an audience with Grand Duke Miller.” I quickly dispatched a messenger to let him know he was welcome. Evidently, he chose to walk from the docks, declining offers of horses or a carriage. I called out the city’s militia to keep order along the route from the docks to the castle, and had a messenger stand by ready to...

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EdenChapter 31

"A siege," said Shaw. "Yes, Mr. Shaw, pretty much a classic siege," Igwanda responded. "On foreign territory, in a foreign structure, with no advance provisioning, in the worst of all possible positions." "Colonel, I've read a little history, and can you tell me even one case—" "—where the besieged have prevailed under those conditions?" the colonel finished. "No. There is none, without outside relief. If you wish, this is our extraterrestrial Alamo." "What in the name of...

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Lawyer Assistant gets BBC

I work as a legal assistant for a law firm. On this day I had to meet a client we were defending I had to go over to get signatures in place to set a court date. He was charged with armed robbery and was on house arrest so he couldn't leave his apartment. I arrived at the building in a really bad part of town made my way up to the 12th. floor, knocked on the door, his mother answered let me in then called out for Tyrell. his mother invited me to sit on the couch I looked around the apartment as...

1 year ago
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The Deliquint The Debutante

"EEEEENOOOOUUUUGH!" came the shrill voice of Mrs. Garret The two combating teens immediately snapped their heads around to look at the older woman in surprise, but a moment later, they were back to glaring at each other."This constant bickering has got to stop," Mrs. Garret continued in a more normal tone of voice, though it was just as emphatic."Well, if her highness here would just..." Jo began"That's right, peasant..." Blair sneered"Why you...!" the brunette started to lunge for the blonde,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 40 To date

It was five years later before I claimed my sixth spouse. Inx’s family had moved to Ochre from Weston. She had been born in a tiny village that was north of Unna, in Orient. They still had problems with slavers, so her family moved. Her family had moved around a lot before settling in Weston for a while. When they heard people could go to the protected city of Ochre, they had applied. They did very well in Ochre finding the people there much more accepting of them being shifters. She became...

2 years ago
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Aunty Affair Leads To Incest

Hi readers hope you like all my stories. These are the links to the first four parts. The anniversary ended by me being fucked by 3 young guys and a lesbian sex with their whore. Then it became a regular thing for them to pay a visit to my home and use me whenever however they wish to. They made me change my style, I joined gym to loosed weight, I was not allowed to wear inners. Most often when Mihir used to come to take my daughters tuition in her room the other two would take my...

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The Story Of Mark Lisa REVISED1

Then she continues, "But I also have a terrible suspicion that you never had a serious relationship with a woman before, haven't you?" And she was right. So I said, "No Lisa, I haven't." So then she reached over and slowly grabbed my hand. And the next thing I knew was she put my hand over one of her nice 36C boobs and just held it there for about a minute. I was just like 'Wow!' I was just completely blown away right at the point in. Then I said, "Man, that's one hell of a thank...

4 years ago
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Where the Hell Am IChapter 10

We have nearly completed our meat contract with Oricantha and the time has come for us to consider our next move. I suppose we could stay here at Oricantha, but most of the people want to move on. I'm inclined to do that, too, but I can't help worrying about what the warlord, Imhab, will do. I'm virtually certain that he will shut off the meat supply to Oricantha as soon as we leave. I don't want to be the world's policeman, but I hate to see such nice people being abused by a...

2 years ago
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Transgender dating advice

13 RULES FOR DATING A TRANSGENDER WOMANGreetings, Ariscestocrats!How are your dating lives? Any single transgender women out there? Not too many, eh? Well, I’ll attest to that being the reason I keep running into the same type of guy. He’s Mr. Uninformed, Mr. Inexperienced, and he has a million questions, none of which have anything to do with who you are, but “what” you are. And it’s not that these men don’t mean well, it’s just that they’re hurting their chances by remaining ignorant to a...

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Belted nd Ass Fucked Raelynns Sexual Fantasy

I had just gotten home nd walked through the door. It was just like any other normal day, I hung up my hoodie nd put my keys on the key-rack. I was so tired from a long day of work, I took off my shoes nd started to go up the stairs. Little did I know there was a man in my house. He had followed me up the stairs nd as I got to the top, I felt someone grab me from behind. All of a sudden everything went dark, he had put something over my eyes nd tied it behind my head, I couldn't see anything!...

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Black Men A Plantation owners Wifes Story

He stood before me, a giant of a man, dirty and ragged with muscles rippling on his stomach, and as I walked around him, my eyes traced his thin waist and the V on his taut buttocks, my favorite part when looking at a man, but what excited me about this particular encounter, he was mine, not by an affair attached to the heart, no this was business, he was mine as a gift from my husband, to amuse myself with, this was a plantation in the deep south, and he was my slave, my private property, and...

3 years ago
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My Affair Part 10

We all decided that after a shower we wanted to go into town with short shorts and tank tops and no underwear then come back to get ready as we wanted to go out dancing at that bar again. The guys could pick out what we were to wear and they all agreed that that there would be no underwear. I liked that, trashy. Cunts. Before we got dressed to go into town they guys yelled for us cunts to come downstairs. We sat on the sofa facing them naked and they told us that we had to masturbate for...

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