The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror.
"How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here."
The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley.
If only she struggled, Haley knew she could break out. The girl didn't feel that strong. A good jostle could probably break Haley out of the grip.
The headache was back, however, and this time it was utterly overwhelming. The pain was so intense that Haley felt like vomiting.
All the while, Haley could smell the sweet, musky odor of the girl behind as she writhed against Haley's backside.
"I want to savor this, but I can't really help myself. This little guy certainly can't help himself much more, so open wide!" The girl said.
Haley felt fingers curl around the fabric of her cotton panties. Suddenly, her underwear was torn away and she felt something hot and fleshy writhe against her buttocks.
Ice cold terror overtook Haley then. That thing rubbing against her was an abomination. It was unnatural. It was monstrous and it wanted her.
She desperately tried to scream, but it was useless against the girl's muffling palm.
Suddenly, Haley heard another voice. It did not belong to her attacker or anyone she recognized. All she knew was that it sounded female.
"I'm sorry," the voice said.
Suddenly, there were several loud snapping sounds. Haley's attacker tumbled backwards and let go of her. Haley fell forward and gasped in fresh air.
Her lungs burned and her heart raced and at the moment of release, Haley screamed louder than ever before. Her wailing cry cut across the campus, echoing out across the river.
The awful, unholy mass of flesh was gone now though, and relief was already pulsing through the disoriented freshman. She stumbled to her feet and whirled around.
Hunched over Haley's attacker was a blonde, athletic girl who was delivering several more hard strikes with what appeared to be a club or something. The brunette assailant writhed on the ground as blow after blow struck her skull and eyes.
Haley stared slackjaw at the scene. The girl on the ground was sprawled out and from this angle, Haley could see she wasn't wearing panties. Normally, Haley would have blushed and looked away immediately, but her stupor kept her eyes fixed.
From between the brunette's legs, something emerged. It was about five or six inches long and about an inch and a half thick. It glistened in the dying light and it's color was that of rotting swamps and stagnant pools. A sickly greenish black.
It slithered out of the brunette's vagina and began to make its way through the grass towards Haley. The girl only stared.
At first, the snake-like thing awkwardly dragged itself along, but after a few seconds, it picked up speed and improved its coordination.
There was no mistaking it now, the creature was making a beeline for Haley and it was moving fast.
Something inside Haley suddenly erupted, screaming at her to run away from this creature. She yelped and began to stumble backwards. Her foot caught a rock and she tumbled to the moist ground.
The terrified freshman, eyes wet with tears, scrabbles backwards, but the creature was faster. It reached her sneaker and began to coil its way up her leg.
Haley screamed again, feeling the warm, sinewy beast moving along her pale flesh. Given where it had come from, she could tell where it was going and the thought horrified her.
"Help!" Haley screamed.
The blonde girl looked up midswing and began to run over.
She completed the blow and bolted over, nearly sliding in the mud and falling on her ass in the process.
Meanwhile, Haley tried her hardest to repel the awful creature attempting to enter her. She tried grabbing it, but it was very slippery. Trying to kick it off was just as futile as it gripped her skin tight and was already too far up her leg. The only option seemed to block her vagina with all her might, and that seemed like a losing battle with how agile the creature was.
The blonde finally made it over and stared frantically at Haley.
"Do something!" Haley screamed.
The blonde raised her club and brought it down hard on Haley's leg where the creature was slithering. White hot pain erupted in Haley's thigh.
"Not that!"
"Shit, sorry," the blonde panicked. Then she brought down the club again.
Fresh tears trickled into Haley's vision.
"Well it's working!"
The creature was no longer moving up Haley's thigh. Instead, it jittered and spasmed as if stunned.
"Just get it off me," Haley demanded.
"Fine," the blonde said.
She bent over and grabbed the stunned creature and with a tight grip, yanked it off Haley's leg. For a moment, it everything seemed alright. The blonde stepped back, holding the slimy bulk with both hands. Then all hell broke loose.
In an instant, the work sprang to life. It aimed its fat head directly at the blonde's face and sprayed a jet of green slime in her eyes from an unseen orifice.
The blonde screamed and stumbled backwards, flailing wildly before hitting a tree hard. The back of her head slammed against the tree trunk and she tumbled onto the ground, groaning. The worm was already slithering up the girl's arm, having found a new target.
Haley scrabbles to her feet and stared in wide eyed horror. The scene seemed to play out in sickening slow motion as the creature worked its way down the girl's shirt.
For her part, the girl was in full on panic. She desperately tried to repel the creature, but she was blind and it was already under clothes and moving fast. Another few seconds and it would find its target.
Haley suddenly felt a surge of energy. Headache be damned, she owed this girl too much. She rushed forward and grabbed the blonde's club, which had tumbled to the ground with the fall.
Looking closely, Haley could see the lump of alien flesh working its way over the blonde's belly, getting close to the waistband of her shorts.
"This is going to hurt," Haley said. "I'm sorry."
The blonde didn't have a chance to respond as Haley immediately drove the club down on the lump with all her might.
The girl howled in pain, but the lump slowed its progress. Haley followed her first blow up with two others and immediately dove down. She pulled up the girl's t-shirt, revealing the stunned creature over her pale, toned midriff.
Haley seized the creature in her hands and without hesitation, tossed as hard as she could into the woods. Good riddance.
There was a moan from behind Haley. Turning around, she saw her attacker writing on the ground.
"We need to get out of here," Haley said.
Every bone in her body was telling her to run.
"Fuck, you hit me hard," the blonde whined.
"Yeah, to save you! You did the same damn thing, now on your feet."
"I can't see!"
Haley could see that a mess of sticky goo the color of lime jello obscured the entire top half of the girl's face. It was layered on thick.
Using her skirt, Haley wiped off most of the stuff, though the blonde was clearly still struggling. Haley helped her to her feet, grabbed the club, and pulled the girl down the hill by the hand.
In the woods near the path, the worm slammed into a tree and fell to the rain soaked earth below. For a few seconds, it twitched erratically, stunned by the blow. Then it recovered and began to slither through the grass and bushes like a snake.
The four of them stood speechless for the better part of a minute. Given the circumstances, it was nearly impossible to find any words that fit.
Then the girl that was not Erin's roommate shut the door behind her, the cold, short click of the mechanism indicating it was locked. Then the tension seemed to dissipate and things began to unwind.
"Uh, Lily?" Erin asked.
Her roommate looked drugged, staring at her with those bright, piercing green eyes. Those were new. Erin had seen Lily's glaring blue eyes enough times to know. Both girls must have been wearing colored contacts.
However, the eyes weren't the only difference. With her roommate being completely nude, Erin was shocked to see how much the girl's figure. The curvaceous body and full, gravity defying globes Lily showed off were the last thing Erin ever would have expected. How did she seem so slim under her clothes?
Erin recognized the girl as Megan Jensen, one of her hallmates. Although they had only spoken in passing, Erin knew Megan to be one of the popular sophomores, insofar as popularity was a thing in college. She didn't seem like the type of girl to barge into another person's room carrying whatever the hell it was in her hand.
Lily let out a soft whimper and grasped at her belly. She looked like she was ready to hurl.
"What's happening. Something's moving around," the girl moaned.
Megan stepped over to Lily and stroked her hand along the girl's back. In her other hand was a slimy, writhing mass of dark flesh that was alive in the most unsettling possible way. Erin's eyes kept flashing between it and her roommate, both sights utterly mesmerizing.
"Don't worry honey, you're just about to give birth!" Megan said with soft glee.
Lily looked horrified. She clutched her belly tighter.
"Just follow my lead," Megan said.
Then the girl turned her attention back to Erin and Melissa.
"Erin, what's going on?" Melissa asked nervously, backing away from Megan.
Erin look from Melissa to Megan to Lily. The surreal nature of the moment was inescapable. All of it, especially the twitching, oozing worm spiraling up Megan's arm, made Erin want to pinch herself and wake up from the bad dream.
"Both of you are about to receive a gift, does that answer your question?" Megan said.
She closed in on Melissa slightly, maintaining of vice grip on the slipper creature between her fingers. Erin watched Melissa reach into her pocket and pull out the pink bottle mace attached to her keychain, keeping it ready at her side.
At that moment, Erin realized that things were accelerating out of control. A voice inside spoke to her.
You want to be an RA right? Defuse the situation and show you've got what it takes.
Erin stepped across the room to stand next to Melissa and gently placed her hand over Melissa's. That mace needed to be a last resort.
"Guys," she said to the girls in front of them. "I really don't want anyone to get hurt. If this is some kind of prank, you know early halloween, that type of thing. If you're just messing around, please let me know."
Megan threw her head back and giggled loudly. There was something cold and hard in the way she laughed that chilled Erin. Still, she pushed on. Erin never gave up on a chance to prove herself.
"Megan, right?"
"Erin," Megan said. "Oh you are adorable."
"Okay, you don't have to be rude."
Melissa pushed Erin's arm away and started to lift the mace. Panicking, Erin grabbed her friend's hand and held it down.
"I'm not trying to be rude," Megan continued. "It's just funny to watch you. You really are a goodie two-shoes."
"What the fuck is your deal?" Melissa snapped.
Megan ignored Melissa and instead held the arm with the worm coiled around it up to her face. To Erin, it looked like the creature's movements were getting more and more erratic.
"What'll it be, sweetie? The oblivious goodie-goodie or the moodie Otaku?"
Erin could feel the tension in Melissa's arm. How long would it be until the girl snapped and did something foolish?
For her part, Erin was beginning to feel a deep, sinking feeling that this was a lot more than a joke. This girl Megan seemed psychotic. Maybe she drugged Lily?
"Okay, Megan. Lily. Guys, I'm going to need to call public safety. I'm feeling threatened and I know Melissa is to."
"Erin or Melissa," Megan said to the worm in her hands. "I guess you don't care, as long as you get a warm, wet slit to go up."
"Warm wet what?" Melissa asked.
Megan was not someone to reason with. Hell, she seemed on the verge of getting dangerous. Erin turned her attention to Lily. The girl looked half physically ill and half high as a kite. Still, she was Erin's roommate and possibly the last option to de-escalate this strange, unreal situation.
"Lily, as your roommate, I'm asking you to please have Megan leave."
"Stop talking, please," Lily whimpered. "I-oh god I need it."
From between Lily's legs, a gout of greenish fluid sprayed onto the floor. Erin gazed at the mess in growing horror.
That's when Melissa lost it. She pushed Erin back and brought her arm with the mace to bear. She aimed point blank and sprayed several pulses and Megan before the girl had a moment to respond.
Megan screamed and tumbled backward, flailing her arms to get the burning liquid away from her. In the process, the worm that had been coiled around her hand flew through the air and landed right in the middle of the room. It immediately began slithering towards Erin.
"What the fuck is that thing?" Melissa screamed, spraying the worm with her mace.
The creature was unphased and continued to make its way towards Erin. Melissa turned and readied her foot to stomp the creature dead when a body collided with her, sending her to the ground. Her shoulder connected hard with the tile floor, sending vibrations down her arm.
Erin watched in horror as her roommate, naked as the day she was born, mounted Melissa. Slime oozed from her vagina, splattering her creamy thighs. Something else was coming from the girl's crotch. Something as wriggling and alive as the creature nearly at Erin's foot.
It was at that moment that Erin lost it. Panic took hold, driving out all reason.
Erin slammed her foot down on the worm below her as hard as she could. She felt the resistance of supple flesh against her heel as well as the creatures horrible, incessant movements.
Bringing her foot down again, Erin heard a loud clap of her heel making contact followed immediately by a loud squelching noise. Erin felt the body of the creature give out. One more stomp and it would be done for.
Erin slammed her foot down and heard an enraged voice call out from across the room.
"Goddamnit, you idiot," Megan screamed.
Her green eyes streamed tears. She was already starting to get to her feet.
From below her, Erin heard the sound of Melissa struggling against Lily. Glancing over, Erin watched an unreal scene unfold in front of her.
Lily had three distinct tentacles squirming from her crotch, each one roughly a foot long. The tentacles danced across Melissa's exposed belly, leaking a fluid that almost seemed to glow even in the bright dorm lights.
Melissa was struggling to keep Erin's roommate at bay, but her eyes were getting more vacant with each second. Something was happening to her.
Erin rushed forward and gave Lily a hard push. To her surprise, Erin managed to send the girl tumbling over. Melissa moaned softly, her belly covered in glowing slime.
"Oh crap. We need to go, Melissa!" Erin cried, extending a hand to her friend.
Melissa lifted her hand and gently grasped Erin's wrist. She was panting heavily and seemed to be struggling to stay awake.
"Where do you think you're going, you prissy little bitch?" Megan said, her voice full of venomous fury.
Erin watched everything unfold in slow motion. Megan was getting to her feet, looking ready to murder someone. Lily was rolling over and eyeing both Erin and Melissa hungrily. Melissa was on her feet, but barely. She was clutching her crotch and looked red in the face.
Face it girl, you are running out of time.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Warmth and strength flooded Erin. This was her chance.
If she could get past Megan and open the door, then her and Melissa were home free. Whoever was on the other side would help.
Erin took a deep breath, summoned all her courage, and charged forward. While Megan blocked her way, the girl was not in good condition. Her vision was clearly severely hampered by the mace and she looked ragged. This only pushed Erin to move even faster.
As Erin got to Megan, the half-blind girl lunged at her with both arms. Seeing this coming, Erin ducked and thrust her shoulder into Megan's chest. She felt the girl's soft breasts shake as she made contact.
For a sickening moment, Erin felt Megan push back and she feared she wouldn't get through. Then the force became too much for Megan and she tumbled backwards and to the right.
I did it!
Erin cheered herself on internally and lunged for the door without a second's hesitation. She opened it to find an attractive girl with shortcut blonde hair and glasses staring back at her in the doorway. The girl's eyes blazed with the same green flame as the other two.
All Erin had time to think in the second after opening the door was a short, sickening no.
Then the blonde in the doorway drove her fist into Erin's gut and pushed her onto her back in the dorm room. Stepping into the room, the blonde closed and locked the door, set down a backpack, and descended on Erin.
Erin tried desperately to get to her feet, but the blonde was on her before she could make any headway. The girl was strong and fast and had Erin pinned completely in only a few seconds.
"Help!" Erin screamed. "Oh God, please help!"
"Shut her up!" Megan cried to the blonde girl.
The blonde girl slammed an open palm down hard on Erin's mouth, muffling her screams.
"Grab the bag," the blonde said. "I have duct tape and rope."
A moment later, Megan was by the blonde's side and grabbing Erin's arms. Erin tried to fight with all her strength, but she was a small girl and she had two people restraining her, it was a losing game. Megan and the blonde girl secured several strips of duct tape around Erin's wrists, binding her hands. Then the blonde slipped a strip over Erin's mouth.
Erin felt hot tears in her eyes. It just was not fair. She had been brave. She had acted like a leader for a single moment and what did it get her?
Suddenly, Erin became aware of more squelching noises from behind her, as well as two distinct voices moaning. Erin angled her head back to try and see and immediately regretted this. What she saw horrified her.
Lily was on top of Melissa again and now had the girl's shorts pulled down past her buttocks. The tentacles from before, each one writhing with a mind of its own, were seemingly buried within Melissa.
Megan looked at the sight and then turned back to Erin, beaming.
"Look at them go," she said. "Your friend's even getting into it."
Erin let out a stifled scream, but the duct tape muffled it. She could see that Megan was right. She could see Melissa's hips thrusting upwards slightly with each jolt of the tentacles.
Megan giggled.
"You don't want to know what your roommate's about to do to her."
The blonde chimed in.
"It's going to be a hell of a sight."
Megan stood up and walked over to the smashed mass of worm-flesh on the ground a couple feet away. She picked up a single clump of flesh and held it up for Erin to see. A fat stream of greenish translucent slime trickled to the floor.
"Between her pepper spraying me and you smashing my dear pet, you've both been quite a pain in the ass tonight," Megan said.
The moaning behind Erin was intensifying. The sounds were almost painfully wet.
"I think you killing my pet was worse. I liked that little thing. All it wanted was to find a home," Megan continued. "You're friend has maybe a minute or two tops. Then Lily is going to cum and what happens next. Well, it's not going to be good for your little friend."
Erin struggled against her bonds, but between the duct tape and the blonde straddling her, it was a lost cause.
"However," Megan said. "I could make you a deal. I'll save your friend if you make me another pet."
This flabbergasted Erin. Make her a new pet? How the hell was she supposed to make her a new pet.
"Promise not to scream? If you do It'll be your friends life," Megan said, pulling the edge of Erin's duct tape gag.
Erin nodded. What other choice did she have?
Megan pulled away the gag and Erin gasped for breath.
"I don't understand," Erin said.
"It doesn't matter, you're running out of time! You have less than a minute. Your friend might not make it otherwise! Yes or no?"
"I don't understand. Just tell me," Erin sobbed.
"Yes or no? Save your friend or don't. Choose."
"Yes!" Erin cried. "I'll do it. Just tell me how."
"Good girl," Megan said.
She stood up and walked over to Lily and Melissa. Gripping Lily by the shoulders, Megan yanked the girl backwards, pulling her out of Melissa in the process.
"No! I need it Megan!" Lily screamed.
On the floor, Melissa arched her back and gasped, greenish-white slime leaking from her vagina.
"She's a little shook up, but she's going to pull through," Megan said cheerfully. "All thanks to you. You're such a good friend, Erin!"
Erin's heart sank. What the hell did she just agree to?
Megan bent over Lily and reached between the girl's legs, stroking her clitoris with her index finger. The reaction from Lily was immediate. The girl squeaked, bucked her hips into Megan's fingers, and began to babble in pleasure.
"Just focus on her. Isn't she pretty," Megan said, pointing to Melissa. "Keep going, you're almost there Lily!"
Erin watched in horror as Lily's stomach deformed, looking as if some unseen mass was shifting beneath her skin. Lily's movement's were getting more and more erratic and a steady flow of slime oozed from the girl's vagina.
Finally, Lily seemed to hit a climax. Arching her back well past what should have been natural, the girl screamed in a peak of body shaking pleasure.
Erin watched in horror as something emerged from between Lily's writhing tentacles. It was a dark green and bulbous, looking to be about two or three inches in diameter.
Then the thing pushed its way out further and Erin saw what it was. It was another worm nearly identical to the one she had crushed with her foot only moments before.
Megan snatched the worm along its slimy shaft and pulled it clear of Lily's vagina, causing the girl to gasp loudly. Holding it up in the air, Megan seemed satisfied with her new creature.
"Isn't he a beauty?" Megan said, turning to Erin.
Erin gazed at the nasty, oozing creature with mounting disgust. There was something deeply unnatural about it.
"There. You have your pet. Isn't that what you want?"
Megan giggled.
"Not exactly," she said. "You're still going to make me a new one."
The girl was absorbed in her new pet, turning it this side and that in the light. She wore a look of almost childish glee.
Megan idly walked over and knelt beside Erin, giving her an unpleasantly close look at the writhing creature curled between the girl's fingers like a snake. Erin stared in disbelief.
That thing had just come out her roommate. None of this could be real and yet it was unfolding right in front of her.
The closer the bizarre creature got to Erin, the more it seemed to fidget and squirm. As Megan leaned close to Erin, the creature practically vibrated.
It's excited by you, a voice said in Erin's head.
"Curious little guy. Doesn't look like much at first, but don't underestimate him."
Megan positioned her knees so that they pinned Erin's arms and then she commanded the blonde.
"Strip her."
Before Erin could react, the blonde was pulling the hem of her skirt and panties down. Erin felt cool air settle on her crotch, sending her into panic mode.
All of a sudden, it crashed into horrible clarity. The shape of the creature, the way it jittered around Erin, all this business about her "making a new one."
"No!" Erin screamed.
She kicked at the blonde and managed to get her on the cheek with one blow.
The blonde swore and slapped Erin hard across the face. Then she seized both of Erin's legs and pinned them with her own.
"Careful!" Megan shouted.
"That's kind of hard right now," the blonde snapped back.
Erin could not rip her eyes from the creature in Megan's hand. The slime ridden monster that was her destiny. There was no coherent thought for that. Words failed Erin and all she could do was whimper and cry out.
"Should I gag her?" The blonde asked Megan.
"No. I want to hear her. Now switch with me."
The blonde started to shift her weight.
Fight, Erin thought. This is your only chance.
The second Erin's right leg came free, she kicked the blonde with all her might, driving her heel hard into the girl's ribs. The girl snarled and fell backwards, freeing Erin's other leg.
Erin felt her courage pour into her heart. She was going to make it.
Swinging her legs, Erin managed to twist her body around so that her belly was on the ground.
"Fuck," Megan shouted. "What are you doing?"
The blonde charged forward and grabbed ahold of Erin's right heel. Erin kicked at her again, clipping her on the jaw. The hit must have landed hard, because the girl cried out in pain.
"Lily, get over here and help!"
Erin couldn't help but glance over. Lily was bent over Melissa's catatonic form, gently caressing the girl's breasts and kissing her here and there.
"Damnit Lily, not now!" Megan cried again.
The girl snapped out of it and began to stumble over.
Erin ripped her bound hands away from Megan and scrambled to her knees. She just needed to get to her feet. If she could get to her feet, everything else would fall into place.
Planting one foot, Erin readied herself to leap up. She felt a swell of energy and purpose, the drive for survival, and a readiness for action.
That's when Lily slammed into her.
No, Erin thought. That's just not fair.
She slammed into the ground. The back of her skull hit the tile hard enough that she saw stars and felt numb in her arms and legs.
A moment later, all three girls were on her. The blonde held her arms, Lily secured her legs, and Megan descended, a sickening grin on her face.
"No, please," Erin whimpered. "I can give you money for your pet. We won't tell anyone. Please just let us go."
Megan tittered and ran a finger down Erin's cheek.
"This is so cute. I'm glad I picked you. You're more fun than her," Megan said, pointing to Melissa.
Erin followed Megan's finger and looked to Melissa. For a moment, her heart swelled. Melissa was unbound!
Then her heart plummeted. Looking into Melissa's eyes, Erin knew it was hopeless. The girl was clearly in some kind of stupor. She looked on at the four of them through vacant eyes, idly pawing at her crotch.
"She just would not appreciate what was happening to her. She's completely out of it. That's all thanks to your roommate."
"Please," Erin begged.
Megan pulled in close and kissed Erin's cheek. The girl smelled so sweet, her body seeming to exude an odor of pure attraction. It made Erin's head swim.
"For a goodie-two-shoes, you put up one hell of a fight," Megan said. "I'm impressed. You're pretty cute too."
Then the girl unceremoniously yanked Erin's skirt down again, this time to around her knees. Caressing Erin's supple dark thigh flesh, Megan sighed deeply and seemed to prepare herself.
One more time, Erin thought. Just try one more time. You have to!
Erin jammed her hips to the side and tried to free a foot from Lily's grasp. She almost got it before her roommate grabbed hold of the inside of her calf and slammed her leg back down.
"Can you put it in already?" The blonde asked frantically. "She keeps fighting."
Put it in? Erin's eyes bulged out of their sockets on hearing this. It was obvious with her skirt pulled down and the wiggling thing in Megan's hand being shaped the way it was, but hearing it all put into words. Hearing it made real brought a new level of surreal horror to the situation.
"Fine," Megan said. "You guys are no fun."
She turned to Erin and smiled gently.
"Such a prim and proper little girl. Always following the rules and going by the book. I had you pegged the day I met you."
"She wants to be an RA," Lily chimed in.
"That follows. Well Erin, let's see how long you stay a good girl with this crawling between your legs."
Megan lifted the worm up for Erin to see. Droplets of slime oozed from it's wriggling body. That was her future, her destiny.
"No! Get it away! Get it away!" Erin screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Are you sure you don't want to gag her?" The blonde asked again.
"Not on your life."
"Melissa, help!" Erin screamed desperately craning her neck to see her friend. "Help me please God. You have to help me."
Melissa looked up at her and for a moment, the fever seemed to break. A single drop of clarity filled the girl and her eyes widened as she looked at the scene in front of her.
Then it all collapsed. Melissa, overwhelmed by whatever drug or freak substance Lily had put in her, fell back into her stupor, her fingers running over her crotch.
Erin burned with a suffocating mixture of anger, frenzy, and sorrow. Melissa was right there and all she could do was touch herself while her friend's life ended.
"Help me for God's sake. Don't just sit there! Please, oh god, please!"
Erin sobbed now, feeling her voice go hoarse.
Then Megan cupped Erin's cheek and pulled her into a forceful, wet kiss. As she pulled away, their lips connected by a slight rope of saliva, she whispered to Erin.
"Welcome to the sisterhood."
Suddenly, Erin felt something hot and wet push against her nether lips. She screamed in horror and once again tried to break free, but her hands and arms were held too tight for escape.
The thing between her legs was pushing against her, trying desperately to get in. It was so big. Too big.
"It hurts! You're ripping me apart!" Erin screamed.
Megan threw her head back and moaned gleefully.
"Goddamn you're tight. There's virgins, but this is next level."
The creature was pushing harder against Erin, it's slime coating her labia and clitoris. Where it touched, it seemed to light up her nerves. Erin felt her crotch beginning to throb as the creature continued its assault.
It's too big, Erin panicked. It's going to tear me in half.
At that moment, she felt the creature slam into her vagina, aided by Megan, who was pushing it forward. Mind bending pain exploded between Erin's legs as she felt her vagina slowly but surely stretch apart to accommodate the throbbing hot bulk of the creature. The head of the repulsive thing steadily nudged its way into Erin's tight, virgin slit.
Erin screamed. She screamed until her lungs emptied of air and then she screamed again. Her throat burned from screaming, but she did not care. The pain and trauma of what was happening between her legs was too great.
With a wrenching agony, Erin felt the entire bulbous head of the creature enter her. Something hot was trickling from her ruined crotch.
The feeling of the thing inside of her was pure agony. It was so big and it stretched her tight slit well beyond capacity.
"Yes!" Megan cheered. "I was beginning to worry."
"Pull it out!" Erin whimpered. "Pull it out of me. I can't take it."
Megan stroked Erin's face and smiled.
Now that the head was firmly lodged inside of Erin, the rest of the body was following suit. The creature moved slowly, inch-by-inch. Powerful muscles in the body of the creature allowed it wriggle its way deeper. Meanwhile, the slime lit up every surface it touched with pleasure.
The tingling warmth Erin felt from the creature's fluids only made the experience even more humiliating. Her own body was betraying her. The unwanted arousal stimulated her vaginal muscles and Erin could feel her body welcoming the invader deeper even as she desperately tried to resist it.
"I can't wait to see what you become," Megan said. "Baby sister."
So much of the unholy creature was inside of Erin already. Nearly half of its length was now planted within her and its entry was only getting easier. A stream of juices flowed from Erin's crotch, a mixture of blood, slime, and, with the ever increasing pleasure, girl cum.
"I don't want this," Erin bawled. "Get it out. Get it out!"
Megan ran fingers along Erin's pussy lips and laughed.
"Your body is saying something different."
Instead, Megan touched her index finger to Erin's clit and began to massage it. A fresh flood of unwanted stimulation shot through Erin's body and she felt the worm quicken its pace. Most of it was already in her, with only a few inches of tail still flicking from her pussy.
"Once it's all the way in," Megan said, addressing the blonde. "I want you to remove the duct tape and let her go."
"What? What if she runs?"
Megan nodded, looking down at the sobbing, whimpering girl below her.
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
"Fine," the blonde said.
The last few inches of tail flicked once, twice, and disappeared completely within Erin's vagina. The girl could sense it entering her completely and could feel it getting closer and closer to her center. She screamed and her body seized up, her vagina spasming in a strange blend of pain and pleasure.
"Cut her loose," Megan said.
The blonde stood up and grabbed her backpack. Rummaging through it, she found the ornate switchblade from Hades room and flicked it open.
Suddenly, a loud groan emanated from the back of the room. All the girls except for Erin turned to see Melissa struggling to her feet. The girl looked like shit, her hair a frizzy mess and her eyes sunken, but she was clearly awake.
"You fuggin' bitch," she said to Megan.
Then she began to stumble towards the girls on the floor with arms outstretched. Megan stared blankly at the girl, seeming unable to process what was happening.
Melissa grabbed Megan by the throat and began to choke her. Megan gagged and struggled against the girl, but found her to be a lot stronger than expected.
"Help!" she gasped.
The blonde surged forward and with her nondominant hand socked Melissa in the stomach, but the girl would not let go. She tried again with the same result.
It was Lily that finally got her. The girl pounced on Melissa, taking her out by the knees and sending her to the ground.
"You fugging bitches," Melissa drunkenly screamed. "I'm going to kill you."
Megan stroked her throat and looked back at Erin. The girl was blubbering on the ground, kicking her legs. Clearly, the creature was settling in for the long run.
"You're too late," she said. "Lindsay, cut her free."
Lindsay cut away Erin's bonds and stepped back from the girl. Erin did not react immediately. She still whimpered quietly, arching her back and kicking her legs every few seconds as the parasite within moved deeper.
Megan commanded her two underlings then.
"Hold this one down and make her watch. Something tells me we're about to be in for a show."
The blonde, Lindsay, and Lily each took an arm and lifted Melissa to her feet. The girl struggled, but with both sides secured, she wasn't going anywhere. Horrified, she gazed down at her friend.
"What did you do to her?"
"I think you saw pretty clearly," Megan said.
"Well what's going to happen to her?"
"Oh, you'll see."
Suddenly, Erin let out an ear piercing scream that put all her others to shame. In that scream was pure agony as if something was tearing her apart from the inside. The girl clutched at her belly and started to babble incessantly.
"Oh God, it's inside me. It's inside me. I feel it. Oh god it's inside of me."
She repeated variations of this over and over. Tears streamed down her face.
Within Erin, a sharp pain had erupted in her core. For a moment, the sensation burned like a hot iron, running from deep inside of her belly to her spine. Then it ceased, replaced by something new. Something alien.
She could feel it crawling up her spine, worming its way into her tissue. Something hot pumped through her, saturating everything it touched.
All the pain died in an instant. The ache of Erin's torn hymen and stretched vaginal canal, her the stinging that etched its way from her womb, all of it. It simply was there one moment and gone the next.
Erin flopped onto her belly and gasped for breath. Something was tearing through her body, molding and reforming little things here and there. It should have been pure agony, but Erin felt no pain. Just movement.
At that moment, a flood of pleasure hit Erin hard, causing her to gasp and writhe. She felt a gush of fluid blast from her vagina as the first of many orgasms rolled over her.
Then came the voices. Little whispers, erupting from deep within her mind, began to speak to her. Erin could hear words and phrases exploding like fireworks in her brain. It was all alien, stemming from something other than her own mind.
Welcome us, Erin.
Let us in.
"No!" Erin whimpered.
She grasped at her crotch in vain, trying desperately to reach in and dislodge the thing inside of her.
In! Let us in! Join us!
"Get out of my head. Get out!"
"Having a little trouble, Erin?" Megan teased.
Erin struggled to her feet only to be hit by another mind numbing orgasm. As the pleasure washed over her brain, she crumpled to her knees. Slime and juices trickled down her slim brown legs.
Let us in! You know you want us in you!
"Erin, fight it!" Melissa cheered.
Erin jolted up and stared at Melissa. She was on her feet now and staring at her in horror.
Now she could move? Well it was too damn late.
Good. Screw her. Let us in.
"I can't," Erin said, cradling her head.
You need us.
"No!" She screamed.
"Erin. This isn't you!" Melissa called. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
"Shut up!" Erin snapped up.
She scrambled to her feet and pulled up her skirt. Her legs were soaked with her own filth, the fluid cooling her legs in the air of the dorm room.
Erin felt like an alien in her own body. It was as if her insides were all mixed up and warped, and the changes seemed to only be accelerating.
What is happening to me?
Joining. Letting us in.
"But I can't," she whispered. "It's wrong. This is wrong."
Another wave of pleasure caused Erin's legs to buckle. The voices were multiplying, swimming deeper into her mind. Her head throbbed as new, bizarre thoughts filled it.
Megan slinked begins Erin and wrapped her arms around the girl's midsection.
"It's okay, just give in. You'll feel a lot better if you do."
"No," Erin cried. "Get away from me."
Erin pulled away from Megan and cradled her head in her hands, tears flowing down her cheeks.
"It's in my head. It's in my fucking head."
"Just let it take you," Megan said.
"No! Fight it!" Melissa screamed.
"Shut up," Erin growled bitterly. "Both of you. Stay away from me."
Melissa stared horrified at Erin. Seeing her like that made Erin burn with shame.
Why did she have to look at me like that? This was her fault, after all.
Her fault. Let us in.
Erin doubled over, desperately grasping at her temples. Her whole body felt hot and tingly. The sensation was so intense that it almost hurt. The whispers scratched at her brain, begging to be let in. Waves of orgasms splashed over her, one after another.
"It's too much. I can't stop it," she sobbed. "It's coming in."
"Erin please," Melissa cried. "This isn't you."
"Shut up!"
For a moment, Erin's eyes blazed with the same green fire as the other infected girls. She trembled in front of the others, her mind fragmenting.
Then she snapped.
"Oh God," Erin cried.
Then she turned, ripped open the door and ran out of the room.
"Should we follow her?" Lindsay asked.
"Nah," Megan said. "She'll turn up soon enough."
Penny Atwood stood at the side entrance of her dorm and fumbled for her key card in her purse. The light around campus was dying out, giving rise to a cool Autumn night with just a touch of fog. Penny didn't like this one bit; it creeped her out.
Every few seconds, Penny would dart her eyes around, searching in the shadows for some kind of threat. This only made the search for her keycard harder and with her awful eyesight, it was a wasteful task. Still, the girl could not help herself. She was a scaredy cat.
Penny's fingers kicked onto the cool, sleek plastic of the card. She pulled it out and struck a pose.
"Got ya!" She cheered.
"Penny!" A harsh voice shouted from behind her.
Penny screamed, dropping her card, her bag, and her last wit. She stumbled forward and slammed into the door, where she remained for a couple seconds, whimpering.
"Jesus Christ," the voice said. "What's the matter with you?"
Penny recognized it now. Her body eased, but she still breathed heavily, her heart beating in her chest.
"Hey Eliza," she said. "What's up?"
Penny gazed longingly at the elfen redhead. She was everything Penny was not. Gorgeous, skinny, incredibly sharp, and extremely assertive. If a mirror could show opposites, that was the sensation of looking at Eliza Penbrooke.
"Your roommate. Where is she? Have you seen her? Take me to her?"
Eliza stepped in close and jabbed her pointer finger into Penny's shoulder.
"Hey! I don't know!" Penny cried. "I've been gone from campus all week!"
"Why?" Eliza asked sharply.
"Uh-Um-a family emergency! Please Eliza, you're scaring me. I don't know where Lindsay is. Why?"
Eliza glared fire at Penny for a moment and then backed off.
"I'll believe that. Here, I'm coming to your room with you."
Eliza pushed pat Penny and swiped the door open. Penny picked up her keycard and stared at it morosely for a moment.
"Hey, wait! You still haven't told me about Lindsay," Penny called after Eliza.
"Not now," Eliza said, marching down the hall.
Penny followed her in, jogging to catch up. As she moved, she was aware of every jiggle and roll. She hated running normally, but in the presence of the avatar or petite bodies, the sensation was deeply painful.
"But she's my roommate, Eliza! I deserve to know if there's something wrong with her."
Eliza ignored her. Instead, she reached Penny's door and began to slam on it as hard as she could. There was no response.
"Hey! Easy girl," Penny said.
This elicited a caustic glare from Eliza and nothing more. The pounding resumed.
From across the hall, a sleepy looking girl with overgrown black hair stepped out. Penny recognized her as Cece Ramírez.
"What's going on? Everything okay?" Cece said in a slurred, exhausted voice.
Penny eyed her hallmate with the same look of somber frustration she gave to Eliza. There had not come a moment yet where Penny had seen Cece without a pair of pajamas or sweatpants and some kind of slouchy shirt. Despite this, she was gorgeous!
Long, unkempt curls of black hair. Full cherry lips and soft skin with just a touch of mocha mixed with a generous helping of cream for color. A good figure - though this Penny was not too sure of as Cece almost exclusively wore shirts a size or two too large. The girl was too sleepy to know she was hot and still beat Penny out any day of the week.
"Things are fine," Eliza said, pounding hard on the door once more.
"She's obviously not in there Eliza!" Penny said.
All of this commotion was making her sick to her stomach.
Eliza glared at Penny and the girl felt herself wither like a rose covered in bleach. No, not a rose. Roses were pretty, no matter what. A dandelion pumped full of weed killer. Nothing remarkable and dead before anyone noticed.
"Can you keep it down a little? You know, with the banging like an ape?" Cece asked.
Eliza whirled on the girl, clearly ready to explode, but Cece was already disappearing back into her dark room.
"Fuck her," Eliza said loud enough to clearly be heard.
"Here. I'll open the door for you. I can text Lindsay too. Look, if you tell me what's wrong, I can help. I want to help." Penny said.
Eliza softened a little and nodded.
Opening the door revealed nothing of particular note. The room was as Penny had left it, for the most part. Lindsay's bed was a complete mess, but it would have been strange if it was made.
The only strange thing Penny noticed was a slight yet distinct smell in the room. After a good month living in the dorms, she learned to recognize the smell of the halls and her room. A musty, woody scent sat as a backdrop to the comings and goings of college life and it was now unmistakable.
However, the smell in Penny's room now was something different. Something sweet and heady with a wild, organic touch.
"Do you smell that?" Penny asked Eliza.
"It smells funny in here."
Eliza sniffed the air and shrugged her shoulders.
"I guess. I figured it was an air freshener."
"It's not. We don't have one. At least, we didn't before I left campus."
"Got it," Eliza said. "Mind if I check around?"
"Uh, sure. But what's up? I feel like I deserve to know what's going on with Lindsay since I kinda have to live with her."
"Fair's fair. To put it simply: your roommate put one of my friends in the hospital."
Penny's breath caught in her throat. The world seemed to spin around her and her head felt light.
"Jesus Christ! She beat someone up?"
"No. I don't know what she did. I just know she did it. Do you know Micah?"
"Um, I'm not sure. I don't really know a lot of people. She's your friend. I just have to live with Lindsay."
"Artsy guy that hangs around Lindsay sometimes. Trying to grow a beard but not really getting there?"
Penny recognized him and nodded her head.
"Well she did something to make him really, really sick. He's in the hospital with some kind of pernicious anemia. Low white blood cell counts. Weak. Pale. It really fucked him up."
Pernicious anemia was a term that rang a bell. Penny tried to search back through the disorganized filing of her brain and tried to find where she heard it before.
"Salem's Lot!" she said suddenly.
Eliza looked at her like she had horns growing out of her head.
"Pernicious anemia. Salem's Lot. It's a Stephen King book. Vampires. People bitten by vampires start exhibiting pernicious anemia before dying and, um, becoming more vampires."
"Good for you, I guess?"
Penny blushed. Sometimes she got carried away and showed her ass. She hated this.
"I can text Lindsay and try to find her," she said.
"Yeah, do that."
"I'll let you know when I find her."
Eliza flashed a bright, maniacal grin at Penny.
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere until she comes back here."
Penny deflated. After a week of funerals, tense family dinners, and dreaded board game healing nights, she desperately needed space and this little redheaded rage pixie wasn't going to give it to her.
"Fine," she said. "Absolutely fine."
There was a steadily growing pool of vomit spreading across the brick walkway by McCreedy Hall. Haley watched as the blonde girl spewed chunks of half-digested scrambled eggs and bits of fruit.
Most of the slime had been wiped off of the girl, but she still seemed to be puking from getting a faceful of it.
Finally, the girl dry heaved and managed to compose herself a little. She looked like death.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," she muttered. "But give me a minute."
"That's fine," Haley said.
She was cold and every muscle seemed to tremble, but despite all this, the world felt lighter. She was here, alive.
The blonde girl rose to her feet, spit into the grass, and shook out her messy hair.
"Hi, there," she said, extending a hand.
"Uh, hi," Haley said.
"You aren't turned, that's great."
The girl leaned back against the brickwork of the academic building and closed her eyes. She looked peaceful and very beautiful in that moment.
"What do you mean, turned?" Haley asked.
The blonde opened her eyes a smidge and snorted.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"I just got attacked by some freak and her pet worm, I'm feeling pretty open minded."
"I guess that's fair," the blonde said. "Do you want the politically correct version or the honest version?"
This seemed like such a strange thing to say for Haley.
"Honest, I guess?"
"So you've got those worms," the blonde said.
She held out her hand wiggled it in pantomime.
"Then you've got pussy."
She made an O with her other hand. Then she thrust her arm through the whole and feigned a scream.
"Then the girl with said pussy goes nuts, becomes a psycho-bitch, and tries to rape her best friend. That's the best I've been able to put it together so far."
Haley stood there speechless.
"I can tell you're unconvinced," the blonde said.
"Unconvinced? No. Disturbed? Yes."
"Hey! Welcome to the club!"
The blonde gave Haley an awkward high five.
"I haven't slept in the last," the girl paused and tried to count the hours on her fingers. "I haven't slept for a long fucking time."
"So what do we do?" Haley asked.
The girl stared at her blankly. For a moment, Haley worried that the girl was going to barf again. The way she swayed back and forth slightly along with her loopy demeanor made her seem drunk.
"You know, I haven't really thought that far ahead," the blonde said finally.
"We have to do something. We should go to the police!"
"Cool, what are you going to tell them?"
Haley thought about this for a moment.
"What you told me. If both of us go, it'll seem more credible. Especially with the deaths and everything else going on. Heck, it's probably related."
"Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm also sure the police will either laugh in our faces or worse."
"But we can corroborate what's going on!"
The blonde stumbled over and placed a hand on Haley's shoulder. Her breath reeked of vomited eggs.
"We're college girls coming to them with the plot of a bad SciFi channel original movie. Even if we back our statements up, what are they going to believe? The worm pussy girl invasion or that we're high as shit?"
Haley brushed the blonde's hand away and paced back and forth in the grass. She knew it was true. If they took a direct approach, it was hopeless.
"What if we just gave them a tip. Said so-and-so is involved with the deaths on campus. Nothing more. Then they could do the investigation."
The blonde girl sighed deeply and went back to leaning against the wall, her eyes closed.
"You're really set on this, aren't you," she said.
"How are you not set on this?"
The blonde shrugged and slumped to the ground. There were deep purple circles around her eyes.
"I just want to sleep."
"Can't we got to the police first?"
"And waste like three hours for nothing?"
Haley could feel her blood pressure rising. It was like trying to move a boulder with her pinky finger to convince this girl to do anything but sleep.
Remember, she saved your life.
That knocked the wind out of her sails. Haley's pale cheeks flushed red from guilt in that moment.
She crouched down next to the girl and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. What was she supposed to do? Haley hated how bad she was at reaching out to other people. The moment just grew more and more awkward.
"Yes? Can I help you?" The blonde asked.
"You can take a catnap at my dorm, if you're comfortable with that."
The blonde stared wide-eyed at Haley for a second. Then she lunged forward and pulled her into a crushing hug.
Haley patted the girl's back, unsure of what to do or say.
"Thank you," the blonde whispered.
"Sure thing," Haley said. "And after, we'll go to the police?"
"Yeah, if you want. That's fine. Thank you so much-" the blonde trailed off. "I don't even know your name."
"You're the best, Haley." The blonde said. "I'm Jessie."
Bethany stood outside of Warren Hall, feeling ever more awkward lurking in the shadows. What would she do if Eliza came storming out of the dorm?
Eliza was plunging head first into something that she didn't understand, Bethany knew that. Was there much use in following her down that rabbit hole?
From her right along the path came a rustling sound of foliage being trampled. Bethany turned to look and saw weeds deforming and moving to the sides as something crawled onto the path some hundred feet away.
It looked a little like a snake, but fatter and shorter. It seemed to move in a similar, slithering way, but at a slower pace than the garter snakes that sometimes roamed the campus. Its body was a deep, dark green and reflected the lights from the path as if it was wet. The creature raised what looked like its head and sniffed the air before turning towards Bethany.
The creature took off towards her, slithering along the pavement.
That can't be good, Bethany mused.
She started backing up, keeping her eyes fixed on the approaching creature. It was still a good distance away, but it moved faster than Bethany initially gave it credit for.
"Why don't we chill out, Mr. Worm," Bethany mumbled to herself, quickening her pace. "Please don't eat me."
The worm was now about fifty feet away and still closing the distance. Bethany could see a light trail of emerald slime following it along the pavement.
She turned around and prepared to sprint away, but instead slammed right into a large male body. Bouncing backwards, Bethany panicked and fixed her eyes on the figure in front of her.
He was a college boy with short-cut brownish black hair and piercing blue eyes. He smirked at her, but the look didn't carry any cruelty with it.
Bethany heard a female giggle come from behind the boy.
"Watch where you're going, Beth!" Ellie Thomas said, stepping into view.
Bethany stared at the pair in disbelief and then looked back frantically, remembering the worm. It was still there and now only twenty or so feet away. It was still making its way towards her.
"It's coming over here," Bethany said, jabbing her finger in the direction of the approaching worm.
Ellie looked down the path and squealed in horror, cupping her rounded face. She scrambled backwards, behind the boy, leaving Bethany in the direct line of fire of the rapidly approaching creature.
"Gee thanks, El!" Bethany shouted, darting away from the path as the worm closed in.
The boy stepped forward squatted to get a better look at the creature. He still hadn't said a word.
"Get away from that thing, Jon!" Ellie screamed.
So this was Jon, Bethany thought. He didn't seem all that impressive to her.
Jon ignored Ellie's pleas and reached down to try and touch the worm as it crawled between his legs. His hands brushed lightly over the wet surface of the creature as it moved onward. It clearly was not interested in him.
Instead, the creature shot past Jon towards Ellie.
"Ew!" Ellie screamed. "Jon, stop it!"
Jon turned and stared blankly at the thing as it closed in on his girlfriend. There was something so hollow about the way he looked on at the scene. It gave Bethany the chills.
Ellie awkwardly stumbled backwards as the creature approached the base of her foot. Watching in what felt like slow motion, Bethany could see the uneven brick behind the girl, could tell exactly what was about to happen next.
Her heel catching in the depression in the pathway, Ellie's legs flew out from under her. The girl tumbled onto her ass. Bethany watched as her friend's mop of golden curls bounced into a hairy orb before settling in a tangled mess.
The worm slid over Ellie's left sneaker and coiled itself around her leg, oozing nasty mucus across her pale skin. Jon still just watched, the vague smirk on his face never leaving.
Okay, I'm not letting this go any further, Bethany thought.
She shot forward, Ellie's frantic squeals and gibberings breaking her out of her previous funk. Pushing Jon out of the way and diving down, Bethany seized the worm just before it slipped under the skirt of Ellie's denim dress.
The feeling of the creature in Bethany's hands was unreal. The way it squirmed against her palms indicated immense strength for such a small creature. Too much longer and it was going to slip out of her grip.
"Hey loverboy," she shouted at Jon. "Help me for god's sake!"
The boy ambled over and held out his hands.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Help!" Bethany cried, handing the creature out to him.
As Jon reached for it, the worm spasmed and fell to the ground. It hit, bounced, and then immediately regained its bearings. This time, its target was Bethany. It pounced at her right leg, coiled around her ankle, and began to work its way up her leg at a startling pace.
Bethany screamed and fell backwards onto her butt, desperately clawing at the attacking monster. Even trying desperately to grip the creature, Bethany still failed to stop the creature from worming its way up to her thigh. Her hands were slick now and stopping the creature was only getting harder.
Looking up, Bethany saw Jon staring down at her, smirking. He looked curious and otherwise unconcerned.
Bethany felt the thing slide its warm, hot body to the upper part of her inner thigh and panic truly set in. She cried and whimpered, pleading for help. Jon still just looked with vague curiosity.
"Goddamnit Jon!" Ellie cried suddenly.
She dove down on Bethany, grabbed the writhing creature in her small, delicate hands, and ripped it away. Without skipping a beat, Ellie tossed the thing hard on the ground.
"Kill it, Jon! Kill it," she cried to her boyfriend, slapping him hard on the back.
Jon stomped on the thing once, twice, and on the third time smashed its body. The creature raised its head to him and seemed to gaze into his eyes in its final moments.
Then it shot a death gout of green blood and fluid straight at Jon, covering his shirt, arms, and a little bit of his face.
"Fuck!" he cried.
Ellie ignored him. Instead, she turned her focus back to Bethany.
"Are you okay?" Ellie cried. "I'm so sorry! Beth this is all my fault!"
"You're fine, El," Bethany said, getting to her feet.
"What about me?" Jon sneered.
The boy was sloughing off goo with his fingers. His smirk was finally gone.
"That's what you get for not being helpful!" Ellie yelled.
"Whatever. I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Bethany said, eyeing him carefully.
He was just going to let it happen, she thought. He wanted to know what it was going to do.
"Look," Jon said. "I'm going to clean myself off. You're okay, um, Beth?"
"Bethany. And yes."
"Ellie, I'll meet you in Warren?"
"Whatever you want."
Jon turned without saying another word and walked off in the direction of the dormitory. Bethany and Ellie were left in the sullen aftermath, the rain coming down in a soft mist upon them.
"I'm sorry for him," Ellie said. "He can be kind of strange."
Bethany stood back up and scooped off some of the slime on her leg.
"So that's the famous boyfriend I've been hearing about," Bethany said.
"You don't like him," Ellie said.
"It doesn't matter what I think, El."