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Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that year I finally met Darian.
Darian was awaiting Taryn and me at the top of the stairs of the Main Building of our college. He was slim, six feet tall, and totally stunning. He had a dark complexion, expressive light brown eyes, and the most intoxicating smile I had ever seen. His black hair was very short because he was doing national service at the time. Our interaction was very brief before the two of them wandered off. I did not see Darian again for several months.
Upon finishing his national service at the end of that year, Darian and Taryn spent six weeks of their summer vacation with her dad’s family in Italy. I did not return to college, and I started a job in early January. Taryn and I kept in touch, and in March she invited me to her parent’s home for dinner on a Saturday evening.
After I rang her doorbell, a hefty attractive man opened the front door. When he saw the perplexed look on my face he laughed, he invited me in, reintroducing himself as Darian. As we walked through to the lounge he continued laughing, informing Taryn that I had not recognized him. The reason for my confusion was; that Darian had put on at least thirty pounds during their visit to Italy. Apparently, the plentiful Italian cuisine had met with his approval. Darian’s new bulkiness did not detract from his good looks and was still unbelievably sexy.
I also met Taryn’s mom and dad for the first time that evening, and they were charming. From our general conversation, I also discovered that Darian had started working in his dad’s business.
The three of us saw each other fairly frequently over the following two years, and after Taryn graduated from college, her father bought her an apartment after she commenced working for her dad in his furniture business.
Taryn and Darian again decided to postpone their marriage by another year or two at this time. Every six weeks we would have dinner together at her home, and I have to admit that she was not a very good cook. Enjoying their company, however, compensated for her culinary misdemeanours.
Taryn was rather demanding, and Darian was a laidback kind of guy. It always amazed me how these two opposites had found one another. She was into the arts and he was into all kinds of sports. I always accompanied Taryn to all the theatrical shows she wanted to attend, and Darian seemed very comfortable with the arrangement. I believed that he instinctively knew that I wasn’t a threat to him.
It was, therefore, no surprise to me when she invited to dinner alone one evening, to tell me that she had broken up with Darian. Remarkably, Taryn and Darian always remained friends thereafter, and their friendship would endure for decades. I also remained friends with both of them.
I finally moved into my own apartment, after residing in residential hotels for years. Darian now began visiting me every two weeks, for what we referred to as; our musical evenings. Darian had never been much of a chatterbox and was able to spend prolonged periods without uttering a word. Silence simply was never a problem for him. It had been disconcerting to me when I first met him, but I had come to accept this personality trait.
Late on one such musical evening as I was lying on the carpet browsing through my LP’s, as Darian sat on the sofa observing me. As I looked up at him there was a strange look on his face, as he fixedly stared at me. His expression was so intense that I uncomfortably began to blink my eyes.
Then he said, “If you were a woman, I’d fuck you.”
I had never been so gob-smacked in my entire life. Thankfully it was quite late in the evening, and after an awkward period of silence, he departed. Our musical evenings effectively came to an end after this incident, but I would spend a lifetime pondering those words. It always bothered me that my unease may have seemed like a rejection. On the other hand, I reflected that it may simply have been an innocent comment, into which I had read too much.
A few months later I ‘came-out’ to all my friends. I had started frequenting gay clubs and bars, having finally decided to embrace my sexual orientation. I saw less of Darian over the next two years and wondered if my ‘outing’ had been the catalyst for our dwindling interactions.
I also met my lifelong partner, James, during this period. All my friends liked James and Taryn took to him from day one.
Taryn had a further two relationships after Darian. The first was with Ruben, which only lasted a few months. In confidence, Taryn told me that Ruben didn’t live up to Darian in the bedroom, and worst of all was underendowed. After Darian, who according to her was ‘huge,’ dear old Ruben just didn’t cut the mustard. Taryn’s second relationship was with Peter, and within six months they were married.
At their wedding, James and I were seated at a table with Darian and Trixie, Darian’s new fiancé. Darian and Trixie also married shortly afterward, and with emigration being the newest trend in South Africa, Darian and Trixie moved to Australia shortly after they got hitched. Taryn and Peter also followed suit and immigrated to England.
James and I twice visited Taryn in the UK, and Peter turned-out to be a complete prick. She left him shortly after our second visit. After Taryn’s bust-up with Peter, she immigrated for a second time to the USA. There she married a fairly innocuous man named Saul.
I did see Darian for another thirty-three years after his move to Australia. We lost contact completely, and all news of him came via Taryn’s emails. Darian had two sons with Trixie, before getting divorced many years later. In one of Taryn’s emails, she said that Darian had paid her a surprise visit her in the USA, and according to her had become obese.
Thirty-nine years after my friendship with Taryn began I got a shocking email, telling me that Darian had cancer, and was undergoing treatment. He had also lost a lot of weight due to this ordeal. Although he had played a small part in my life over the previous decades, I always remembered him very fondly, because he had been part of a very special period in my life. I was, therefore, devastated reading the bad news.
Thankfully, six months later Taryn reported that his treatment had gone very well and that he was in remission.
A month or so later, Taryn informed me that Darian would be visiting his family in South Africa, and had asked for my email address.
As far as my life was concerned, James and I had moved to a coastal town in the southern part of the country after my early retirement. We had also acquired a second home, slightly inland from the coast. James spent most of his time at our second home which was a ‘live-in’ art gallery. James ran that business, where I would join him every second week. Our main home at the coast where I predominantly resided was sixty miles away from James’ gallery. I enjoyed alternating between the two homes, as it gave James and me our own space when we got on each other’s nerves. After thirty-four years together, James and I were comfortable with this arrangement.
On a Monday, after returning to our coastal home after a week away with James, I got a surprise email from Darian, asking if he could spend Thursday to Saturday of that week with me. Totally delighted, I naturally answered that it wouldn’t be a problem.
At eleven, that Thursday morning, my doorbell rang. As I opened the door, the smile I remembered from decades before graced my eyes. We had never been physically demonstrative years before, but for some inexplicable reason warmly embraced one another. Darian was still quite hefty, but no longer obese. We both had tears in our eyes as we sat down in the lounge and started chatting.
Darian’s head was totally bald. Once his hair had fallen out due to the cancer treatment, he had taken to this new look which suited him. Of course, I did most of the talking, which was always par for the course with Darian. He did, however, contribute to the conversation as we shared our histories of the past three decades.
After a light lunch, I showed him the splendors of my hometown during the afternoon. That evening, we retired early, because Darian seemed quite exhausted. The following day we spent the morning at the beach before having lunch. During that day Darian was more communicative than I could ever remember him being. He told me that he had been extremely lonely in the previous few years.
Both his boys were grown-up and living their own lives. Darian said that he had never thought of remarrying after Trixie, and had stopped dating years before. Although his former obesity had bothered him he had been in such a rut, that he just couldn’t find the energy to do anything about it. According to him, he was leading a totally sexless existence.
I made supper for us that evening, and we sat around chatting till late. After we went to bed I continued reading an excellent book I was busy with. Looking up at one point, I observed Darian standing in my doorway wearing a pair of shorts. He asked if he could join me on the bed, and I motioned for him to do so. In typical Darian fashion, he quietly stared at me for quite some time. Darian then asked if I remembered our musical evenings in my apartment years before. I nodded. He then asked if I remembered what he had said to me on his last visit to my apartment.
I nodded again, repeating the phrase from years before, “If you were a woman, I’d fuck you.” He smiled then moved in and kissed me on the lips, before getting into bed with me.
Darian next pulled my body to the middle of the bed, before pushing my legs apart with his knees as he got directly on top of me. We continued kissing in this fashion for quite some time. Whispering in my ear he asked if I had any lubrication. I motioned to the upper drawer of the pedestal next to my bed.
As he lifted his body to retrieve the lube I finally got a look at what Taryn had referred to as huge decades before. She wasn’t kidding! His very thick cut cock that was the biggest I had ever seen. I started to feel a little apprehensive but had every intention of following through. Darian placed the tube of lubrication on the bed next to us, and then lowered his body back onto me as we continued kissing.
Eventually lifting his body onto his knees, he began applying the lube to his knob. He asked me to pull my legs back before applying the lube to my butt. Gently, he inserted a finger into me to loosen me up. Soon, he placed the head of his dick on my hole before pushing forward. The pain was intense as he broke through, entering my hole. He inserted his dick very gradually, but firmly. By the time he was balls-deep in me the pain had subsided. Darian began rocking to and fro, as he made love to me.
As I started relaxing the sensation of his penetration became awesome. I had never been stretched to this capacity and was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to walk properly the following day. Darian then lowered his body as he continued thrusting and kissing me ardently. After several minutes he started grunting loudly as he unloaded into me.
He continued lying on top of me as we both panted, recovering our composure. Amazingly, his cock remained hard, and after several minutes he lifted his body and told me to turn onto my stomach.
In an instant, he re-entered me as round two got underway. Every so often he would hold still for a minute or so, before continuing to thrust into me. All the while he kept nibbling on my ears and kissing my neck. Round two lasted much longer and as he started cumming, he lifted onto his outstretched arms and plunged wildly. I came at the same time as him, experiencing one of the most incredible orgasms of my life. Exhausted, we were asleep soon after.
The following morning, I enjoyed round three and the intensity of his penetration also escalated during this session. As Darian battered my hole with his torso lifted onto his outstretched arms, I had to place a pillow between my head and the headboard, to avoid injury. We again managed to coordinate our ejaculations.
As he panted above me Darian said, “Thanks for ending my drought, baby.” After a brief pause, he let out a laugh, before continuing, “Jesus… I’ve never waited this long for a fuck.” We both burst out laughing.
We showered once done and ate breakfast shortly after.
Sadly, Darian had to get back to his sister’s place for lunch by eleven-thirty. We hugged and kissed before he left, and it felt like a full circle of some sort had been completed by his visit.
I cried for a long while after his departure. It was like a patch of desert had finally been nourished in my life, and a wonderful oasis had materialized.
I wasn’t sure if Darian and I would ever see each other again after that, and also did not confess my sins to James.
‘Let sleeping dogs lie,’ as they say.

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