Bloomsbury Circle free porn video

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Gwendoline Callaghan, known to all our circle as Harry, was tall, slim and as butch as you like. She did class butch. Not for her the tight vest, torn jeans and Doc Martens. No, for Harry, it was a decent suit or classy chinos and a leather jacket. She was deep in conversation with a woman called Jess, who never seemed to do anything but was as rich as Croesus.


I was watching her at the party my friend Sylvia arranged every September – she called it Harvest Festival but there was nothing religious about it. It was, as she put it, a thoroughgoing piss up. It was always on a Friday night, often lasted until Sunday and was all girls.


We thought of ourselves as a sort of provincial Bloomsbury set. Sylvie was a writer, Harry painted abstract stuff that I found incomprehensible and the others included six lesbian musicians who played great jazz in the local bars, a poet, Isadora, and a couple of local politicians who were members of different parties but managed to get over their differing views when between the sheets. We were hedonistic and met often to drink, eat and fuck. We didn’t hold with convention and enjoyed being promiscuous.


I was lounging on a sofa with the sax player from the band. Her name was Mary and she was dressed, as all the players were, in their customary leather trousers and jackets. They liked to maintain an air of unity; it was like a brand, ‘The Sapphonic Jazz Sex-Tet.’ That was the legend on the front of the largest of the drummer’s drums and emblazoned across the T-shirts they wore under their leather jackets. Mary was running her hand idly up the leg of her colleague, the bass guitarist called Loo, as she spoke to me.


“Harry’s looking good,” said Mary.




“Fuck's sake Beth. You haven’t taken your eyes off her all evening. It could make a girl lose her self-confidence.”


“You seem to have your hands full.”


“Oh, Loo just likes being handled, don’t you girl?”


Loo had full lips, and large breasts and I suspected had foregone the T-shirt under her leather jacket. “Mhmm,” she murmured but she was busy kissing the keyboard player, Saskia, so it may have been because of that.


“Why don’t you just go over there and ask her to fuck you? You know you want to.”


She wasn’t wrong. I’d fancied Gwendoline forever. She never seemed to really notice me even when we spoke. I mean, she was friendly but whenever I was with her I felt her eyes were looking over my shoulder at someone else.


Sylvie, fifty years old, in great shape and a long skirt slashed to the waist wafted past. “Come on girls, time you did a set for us.”


“Fuck it,” said Mary but she got to her feet, dragged Loo and Saskia apart. “Separating you two is like separating my bloody spaniels. Come on, bitches, time to make music.”


Their instruments were set up in the large hall of Sylvie’s huge house and we let them wander off to tune up or whatever it is musicians do. I joined Alice Tremayne and her lover Jill Pennant, the two MPs. They were arguing about something as always.


“Be nice, ladies, remember it’s a democracy.”

“Tell her that, Beth. She’s the fucking Nazi here,” Jill didn’t look as if she was totally joking.


Alice looked momentarily angry but then smiled and said, “Sieg Heil.” They both burst out laughing. They say opposites attract and whilst politically that was clearly true in their case, physically they could have been sisters. Both were my height, five foot five, both fairly slim, brown hair, brown eyes, good cheeks, classy dressers and both graduates of one of our finest universities and one if its finest colleges.


When the band started playing we all moved into the hall. I was carrying a glass of wine and I’d decided to wear something that Sylvie called ‘pulling power in fabric.’ It was a long black sheath, silk naturally and the top of it was in the form of a collar that clipped at my throat, bare shoulders and back and just fell over me. It felt fabulous, cost a fucking fortune and made me feel a million dollars. Being naked under it didn’t hurt either.


I felt breath on my ear. “You look good!”


I turned and had to look up into Gwendoline’s eyes. “Hi, Gwen. Looking pretty sharp yourself.”


‘Thanks – they are a good band, no?”


‘Brilliant. I just wish they weren’t so deep in the closet.”


Gwen guffawed at that because Loo had proved my suspicions correct by opening her jacket to reveal her lovely girls, one of which was receiving the keyboard player’s attention. It didn’t seem to stop them from playing well.


Gwen’s hand rested on my right shoulder, her chin near my left ear. “You chose the dress for me?”


“No, handsome, for me.”


She had a throaty laugh and there it was again. “Liar. You’ve been staring at me all evening.”


“I’ve been staring at almost everyone all evening. It’s what I do.”


She patted my shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.” She moved away and I drew breath again. Fuck her, why did she always make me want her and never deliver? Sylvie stopped at my side.


“You and Harry going to get together?”


“Doubt it. She seems immune to my charms.”


“You like ‘em butch, don’t you?”


“I have eclectic tastes as you may remember, unless you’ve forgotten Nassau.”


Her arm slipped around me and cupped my right breast. “I do vaguely remember it. Wasn’t that where we fucked the hotel manageress?”


“No, it was where you fucked me and the manageress.”


“Oh yes, I remember now. She was hot.”


“Thanks a bunch.”

“You are hot, silly.” She squeezed my nipple and nibbled my earlobe. “I was just wondering if you’ve met the new addition to the band?”


“No, I haven’t. Is she the one playing the twelve string?”


“Mhmm. She’s called, appropriately, Les and in her professional life, she’s a rugby player. Fit as a flea and, shall I say, fits into our group terribly well. And when I say ‘fits in,’ there is a definite emphasis on the ‘in.’ Get Mary to introduce you.”


“Why aren’t you pursuing her?” Sylvie had an enormous sexual appetite and the events in Nassau had been fantastic. We’d gone away together because I sometimes help her when she’s writing. I do research for her and that particular story had been about a Russian oligarch and his financial shenanigans. Part of it was set in the tax havens of the Caribbean and I had interviewed a load of people, feeding information back to Sylvie who turned it into part of her book.


We had stayed at a fabulous boutique hotel she’d found set up and run by the daughter of an ageing billionaire. She was mixed race, pale coffee skin, beautiful black hair but startling blue eyes. Sylvie had flirted with her outrageously from the moment we arrived and bedded her on the second night. For the rest of our stay she, Molly, had shared the huge suite with us.


I remember it so clearly. I’d gone to our suite to discover Sylvie wasn’t there. I went to the bar then to the pool, then to the restaurant. No Sylvie. Eventually, I’d gone to bed alone and a little pissed off but knew that if she’d found what she’d call a ‘challenge’ she wouldn’t rest until she’d conquered.


The following morning I’d gone for a swim only to find Sylvia in the pool already, naked.


“Morning, darling,” she’d said cheerily and I knew instantly that she’d been with someone else.


“Who was it?”

“Guess.” Her face had a distinctly victorious smile.


“My god, you shagged the manageress!”


“Molly, darling, her name’s Molly.” She said with a huge grin.


“You might have said.”


“Well, it all happened a bit swiftly, sorry and all that.” It was no good getting cross with Sylvie, she’d have simply told me to piss off so I slipped into the pool and did a few lengths. I had a few appointments that day and didn’t get back to the hotel until about seven. I went straight to our suite and found Sylvie and Molly recreating the passion of the previous night.


“Have a shower and join us,” Sylvia had said over her shoulder as she vigorously fucked her bedmate.


The sight of the thirty-year-old Molly, legs akimbo, knees raised and with Sylvia above her, naked but the structure of her strapless dildo clearly visible between her thighs and most obviously deep inside Molly was enough to get my libido going so I showered and slipped into bed beside them.


A few moments later and Molly and I were on our knees, our heads side by side on the pillow and with Sylvie behind us giving us both a serious fucking. That basically became the pattern of the rest of our eight-day stay. I don’t remember eating a lot except pussy but I am not complaining.


Molly was great fun, incredibly adventurous and a thorough delight whether she was using the dildo, getting it, eating or being eaten. Particularly memorable was the night when Sylvia had bought a second dildo and she’d fucked Molly, while Molly fucked me. I’d been bent over the back of a soft sofa with Molly standing behind me when Sylvie had come out of the shower, strapless in situ and she went behind Molly. Her thrusts into Molly became Molly’s into me. Fucking amazing. I cannot remember a period so charged with sex. I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel each day and continue.


Sylvie kissed my ear again. “I’m not pursuing her because I have another plan tonight. I intend to bed the representatives of two great political parties.”


“But they don’t put themselves about.”


“Balls, darling, utter balls. They don’t like people to know they do but they also know our little group is nothing if not discreet. Watch and learn, darling.”


The band finished their set and I found Mary as she propped her Sax back on its stand. “Brilliant, thank you.”


“Mediocre. Bloody Loo can't stop herself and Saskia was a bit distracted.”


“So was I.”


Mary patted my arse. “I want you to meet our new twelve-string, Les. She’s right up your street.”

“Everyone else seems to know what’s up my street.”

She looked at me as if I had puzzled her then beamed. “Well, of course we do, sweets, come and meet Les.”


Les had gone back into the small room where the drinks and food were laid out. She wore the same as her five colleagues and I confirmed my first impressions of her, formed as I’d watched the band playing. Long, very long fingers, very short ash blonde hair, dark blue, almost black eyes, turned up nose, good cheekbones, fairly tall, firm braless tits visible under her T now that she’d undone her jacket. Nice. She had a small bag looped onto her belt at the left side of her waist.


“Les, meet Beth.”


She turned around from the table where she had picked up a huge glass of wine and stared at me, appraising me, studying me.


“Love the frock.”


“Love the band.”


“All of us?”

“Not so far.”


“Any of us?”


“Not so far.” She grinned at that.


“Want a drink?” I asked her for a wine and she poured some into a glass and handed it to me.


“Let’s go outside, I need a fag.” I did too although I only smoke about three per year so I followed her, watching her arse move rather deliciously in the leather. We stood on a small terrace and she took a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the bag at her waist, lit a cigarette and put it between my lips then lit one for herself.


“I’m surprised a pro rugby player smokes.”


“Keep it between us.”


“Sure.” She had a way of looking at you that felt like you were under a microscope. She had taken her jacket off and I saw she had powerful arms and shoulders. “What position do you play? I don’t think I’ve seen you.”


“You like rugby?” I told her I loved it and had watched it since a child, explaining it was a Dad thing. “I play wing forward.” Hence, I thought, the strong arms and I suspected her legs would be powerful too.


“You play guitar beautifully to my untutored ear.”


Her response was to kiss me, her hand behind my head, her mouth firm against mine and her body pressed against me. When we broke she smiled. “I do, actually. Mary tells me you like butch girls.”


“I like girls, well, women to be more accurate.”


“Does that mean you’re not fussy?”


“No, it means I like women and if the one I like a lot happens to be butch I am always rather pleased.”


“Are you naked under that dress?”


I thought about that for a second or two. “Do you know, I can’t remember.”


She grinned a wolfish grin. “Perhaps someone should check if you’re memory is failing?”


“Knowing this lot, somebody will.”


She threw her cigarette side and moved closer to me. She leant down to kiss me and her hands began to roam over me, first my back, then my chest, then my arse. The kiss deepened as she explored me with her hands and it was obvious that aside from kissing me she was trying to discover if I was or was not naked under the dress.


“Someone came out looking to get fucked.”


“You think anyone here doesn’t want to get fucked?”


“I don’t.” I must have looked disappointed. “I don’t want to be fucked, I want to fuck.”


“Have you chosen anyone yet?”


“Yep. Come on, let’s get another drink.”


She took my hand and led me back into the room and straight to the bar where she poured two more glasses of wine. As we drank she nodded her head towards a corner where Sylvia was sitting between the to politicos. The slit in her skirt revealed her long thigh and Jill Pennant’s hand firmly on it. Alice was licking Sylvia’s mouth so it seemed her plan was going well.


“You like a threesome?”

“Not the first time.”


“Not the first time?”


“No, the first time with someone new I like to be able to concentrate on her, focus on learning what she likes.”


“Supposing she likes a threesome.” Her smile was impish and her eyebrow lifted.


“Then she’ll have to wait until the second time.”


The grin widened. “Assuming there is a second time.”


It’s not just butch girls who can take the initiative. I took her glass from her and, holding her hand, I led her out of the room and up the stairs to the bedroom that Sylvia had given me. She followed me in and I leant back against the door, reaching behind me to lock it.


“Not one for public viewing then?” That eyebrow again.


“Not the first time.” We both smiled and then she moved in close. Her mouth almost touched mine, then retreated. She did that a few times and each time I wanted the contact more. She knew that of course. Finally, thank God, her lips made contact with mine. It was a hungry, deep kiss and her hands moved over my breasts, gently fondling my, squeezing my nipples and rolling them between her fingertips through the thin fabric of my dress.


I would have loved to do the same to her but her body had sort of pinned my arms to my sides and the wall against my back prevented me from moving freely. Eventually, she broke the kiss.


Squatting a little, she reached down to the hem of my dress and in one swift movement she lifted it and, as I had raised my arms helpfully, the dress came right off me rather easily until the collar resisted her attempts and there was a brief farcical moment as she worked out how to undo it. She smiled and, casting the dress aside, whipped off her own T-shirt and then pounced again, hands firm on my arse, mouth hard against mine. But at least by then, my arms were free and I gripped her arse and pulled her to me, my mound pressed against the warm leather of her trousers.


“Get on the bed, baby, and wait.”


She wandered off to the en-suite and I pulled back the satin sheets and lay back on the bed, savouring the sensation of the material against my bare body. My hand was at my cunt, stroking myself when she reappeared naked and with a strappy poking proudly forward.


“Never go anywhere without the right equipment,” she said, smiling and stroking her cock. She knelt between my feet and lowered herself until her mouth was close to the hand that was stroking myself. “Couldn’t wait for me, huh?”


I pulled my hand away and she pressed against me, her tongue lashing my already wet cunt.


She licked up me until her mouth was on mine and I felt the sweet intrusion of the head of her strappy. She lifted her head.


“Ask me.”


“Please, Les.”

“Please what?”


“Please fuck me.” That’s seemed to do the trick. With a slow, gentle push of her hips, the dildo pushed easily, comfortable inside me. I groaned and lifted my heels around her back, drawing her into me. With her face just above mine, she began to fuck me, rocking and circling her hips. I stroked her flanks, her breasts and her face, encouraging her to bring her mouth down to mine again. Suddenly she pulled out.


“Turn over.” I did. “Lift your arse.” I did that too and was rewarded by the return of the dildo into me, harder this time, faster, her body curled over mine and one hand under me, gripping my breast. She fucked me, hard and fast. It was beautiful. She whispered words of encouragement.


“Take it, baby. Let me in. Fuck, you feel good.”


The weight of her left my back and she knelt behind me and fucked me. I somehow sensed she was about to come when she gripped my hair and said something like, “ohhh, fuckkk, yesss.”


That did it for me and my own orgasm burst out of me, unexpected, unforced, explosive. I writhed, arched, screamed.


Later we lay together, facing each other. “You always go off like that?” I smiled and said I didn’t. “I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay on, like a bloody bolting horse you were.”


“Well, you shouldn’t be so good.”


“And there was me thinking I needed more practice.”


“Oh, you do!”


So she did.

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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

3 years ago
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LimitsChapter 14 The Inner Circle

The day required planning. Kelly and Dad -- pretending to be husband and wife -- took the twins to some Disney/Pixar movie. For awhile, they could act the part of the happy-go-lucky teens they once were. Kelly, especially when wearing Mom's clothes, passed herself off as older so she could be seen with Dad. At the movie, they sat in the back and made out like teenagers (of course). Marie was over at the Meyer house -- which by now should have had a revolving door on it for all the sex that...

2 years ago
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The Ladies Circle

It had been my wife’s idea for me to go into massage professionally as she had always enjoyed the ones I had given her. Having recently lost my job and now having more spare time it seemed a good way of earning a bit more money and I happily enrolled in various classes. Of course the massage techniques I was learning were somewhat different to those I had given Helen -- once or twice in the classes I had to stop myself venturing south of the equator! I bought myself a proper table and...

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A Winners Circle

It was Friday evening and our trip to Las Vegas from southern California would be about a 5 hour drive. Getting through Los Angeles can be a nightmare on the freeway. My girlfriend Linda and I decided to take the weekend off and just go! We had been planning to do something fun for ourselves and what would be more fun than 2 women in Las Vegas for a weekend? Once past L.A. it was clear sailing on I-15 north. We decided to stop off in Barstow for a bite to eat. Barstow was at one time a...

2 years ago
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Mindy completes a circle

The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...

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Full Circle

FULL CIRCLE By Geneva START That I would be punished was certain and when it would happen was not in doubt either. The only question was what form it would take. Queen Medere had just pronounced the four of us guilty and I knew that punishments of the Genorian state were severe and carried out almost immediately after trials. My three co-conspirators, Kadir, Telor and Selakos, were kneeling beside me and I felt Kadir trembling with fear. Selakos was actually sniveling. Telor was...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

Carly Damn that girl can talk. I hadn’t realized it until now, but Carly could talk forever without taking a breath. No wonder she was so good at, well never mind. We had been sitting out by her pool for a little over an hour and she hadn’t stopped talking yet. She recapped her prom, cheerleader nationals, the entire secret cheerleader vote scheme, the new captains, summer plans, and now she was on to what she planned to do at college. I don’t think I’d said ten words the entire time....

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Quilters Circle

Sometimes a dream needs time to cook. It stews on the mind’s back burner, bubbling in the juices that form thoughts, lodged in the wrinkly grey meat of one’s brain. It was Chicago’s fault. In the early nineties I was the new kid, fresh off the farm and too dumb to stay away from Cicero. One evening in the parking lot behind my apartment building, I saw children playing a game. It wasn’t like any game I’d ever seen in rural Ohio. The boys had removed seat belts from parked cars and swung them...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

4 years ago
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Full Circle

Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that...

Gay Male
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Full circle

My first career wasn’t destined to be my last. I still enjoyed Accounting, but being a Sex Coach was far more fulfilling to me physically and emotionally than the satisfaction of having a Balance Sheet balance. My career change happened gradually, with friends and then friends of friends coming to learn from me or ask for some sexual advice. I suppose they did it because I was so joyous about sex and its pleasures. My knowledge and practise slowly grew through studies and experience into a...

1 year ago
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Smoke Fetish Cums full circle

This is a true story. It may come across as strange or weird but it is how a lifelong attraction began for me. As a smoking fetishist all my life, I think back to when it all began, and when, how 'fetishes' manifest in a person, specifically my life. Further, I will detail one of those amazing situations where my fetish came full circle, so to speak. I vividly remember what I believe was one of my first memories which I believe was the imprinting where my fetish began. Late 60's, my mother and...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

1 year ago
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The Inner Circle

I just can't stop writing these things. And it's fun to plug them all together in some way. I'm planning a bigger story with a deeper plot to explain why this keeps happening in this area. Till then, enjoy the smaller stories. Sorry, male to female transformations are only a small part of this, but I worked it in. Enjoy. The Inner Circle By Wolverine Candice Walman was the hottest cheerleader in school. She and her girlfriends practically ruled the Arelyn V. Carley Memorial...

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Costume Gun Coming Full Circle

Costume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...

3 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 15 Squaring the Circle

A Friend in Need Part 15. Squaring the Circle March 2013 Thinking back to the day I found out that the man I was in love with, because that is most certainly what I was if I was being honest with myself, was very hard, well it was then but now when I look at my baby girl I feel such a rush of love for her but also for my darling husband. July 2011 Before he started I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door, this story was one I...

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Full Circle

Full Circle "I stared at the sight before me, my legs going weak, I dropped it back in the drawer. I took a couple of steps backward my back coming to rest on the cool wall. As the first tear leaked from the corner of my eye I sank to the floor, my bottom coming to rest on the tiled hallway floor, I pulled my knees up and my head bent my forehead coming to rest on my knees, tears flowed freely now. Why me, what had I done in life to deserve this and more importantly how was I going...

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The Omo Circle

It was back in the late sixties and I was working on a door to door sales job, selling vacuum cleaners. The Electrolux Z65 if I remember right, available in any colour as long as it was red and white. The money was good and I was making a good living as well as fringe benefits. We used to work late afternoon and early evening as this was the best time to find both the husband and wife at home. Almost as soon as I started the job I was told about the ‘OMO’ circle. It was explained to me that OMO...

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Roomies Full Circle

(I had thought that I was done with Kim and Pam, except for possibly filling in a missed adventure or two. But recent news changed my mind and I wrote this bit of fantasy.) "Oh gosh that feels good," Pam Maguire Norton settled onto the sofa that rested against one wall of the living room of the retirement suite. Bracing her cane between her legs, she folded her hands on the top and rested her chin. "Pooped?" inquired Kim McCall Keagan of her once and now again roommate from her easy...

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A Tale To Tell Full Circle

"So let me get this straight." Jack said in disbelief as he sat with Jeremy at the Airport Marriott. "You were in Hawaii at the same time as Greg and his wife?" "Right." Jeremy quickly answered. "And not only did you see her topless at the beach, but you're telling me that she stripped off her bikini in front of you and a bar full of guys for a contest?" "Right!" Jeremy raised his open hand and Jack responded with a high five. "And she looks as good as advertised in that photo he...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 Going to the Arctic Circle

On Friday: For the first time, 200 engineers were separated from the others. Among this battalion were the first group of twenty Willa and Tony worked with. For the first time, five officers stood before their men. It was obvious President Pusin was nervous. He had transported up to 20 several times, but knowing he was nervous, Tony encouraged him, “Mr. President, get the men excited. Get them laughing. It will be much easier. We are here to guide you. This will happen!” President Pusin...

2 years ago
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Faerie Circles

The rains had come aplenty with the early spring, and everything seemed so much greener than March ought to be. I honestly didn’t think much of Helen’s plan for our outing today, as I knew our path leading back into the woods would be awash with watery ruts the tractor had left in the narrow dirt lane going back through the hay-fields. The odds of us getting our biskees paddled for dragging our hems through the mud were pretty good. Helen never let such practical concerns fetter her freedom of...

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Cassandra looked into the livingroom where her husband sat watching TV, and in her sweetest voice asked, "Honey, could you go to the store and get some cinnamon and eggs?" "Yeah, just a minute. I'll go as soon as this show is over." Cassandra shook her head, causing her short, dark brown hair to swirl about her round face, and shrugging her shoulders she replied in a sing song voice, "OK, but it's you who wanted me to bake that pie for desert tonight!" "Yeah I know, but the show...

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Cerulean Circles

"Summoning circles are all about shape and form," the girl with spiky blue hair said as she drew in chalk on the bare stone floor. The girl, who wore a cornflower-blue dress and looked like a rebellious twelve-year-old, was being watched by a young man. He was wearing plain black robes that were threadbare in some places, singed in others. At one time they might have looked sinister and occult, but now they just looked worn. Both were standing in an open space in a large library. Countless...

2 years ago
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Full Circle

All characters in this story are 18 and older. I would like to thank l8bloom for her editing of this piece. * Sarah didn’t know what woke her up. She didn’t know if it was the bright flash or the sound of the sky tearing. For a brief moment, she saw the time on her clock, midnight, and then the red digits went blank. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound of the tree branches slamming against the side of the house. Storms terrified her, they always had. Even as a teenager, she would...

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Cumming Full Circle

"Tommy gave me your letter," Mack sad as Jenny let him inside. It was already dark out and Mack had just caught her before she was about to slip out of her white blouse, black shirt and stocking...and into a nice hot bath before bed. Closing the door she turns to hear Mack say hungrily "I can hardly wait to taste your sweet juices." Without warning he picked Jenna up into his arms and carried her over to the kitchen table. Pushing her skirt up around her waist to reveal the black garter...

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ExtramaritalChapter 7Full Circle

As Jayne picked up the phone, she wondered how she was going to explain things to Zach. He was an incredible lover, for sure, and she had feelings for him, but her new relationship with Carol was complicating things. If only there was a way to accommodate both of them in her life, that would be perfect for her. But would Zach be willing to share her, much less with a woman for whom he had felt such dislike and scorn? She answered the phone. "Hello Zach, how are you?" "Jayne, I'm doing fine, how...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

I was reading some hot porn on the internet, and the host asked for some stories. I realized that I had one to tell. It has all the stuff I like to read about, oral, anal, lezbo lovin, incest and rape. The difference is this story is true. I guess I just wanted to contribute something. I mean I get so much pleasure from porn sites like Masterbator, ASSTR, Kristen, OnlineStories and Mr. Double-- it's only fair that I give back. I married my girlfriend after she told me she was pregnant with our...

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The Nine Circles

1 Albert Kendall sat alone in his basement. It was a large basement beneath an even larger house, detached and isolated from its neighbours, and Albert very much preferred it this way. Albert sat among the paraphernalia of his craft. Heavy, ancient tomes adorned bookshelf’s while circles drawn in chalk covered the bare concrete floor and walls. Intricate designs, and carefully drawn symbols were added, and a whiteboard with...

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A guy and his 24 Full Circle

"I'm sorry Gen I was thinking I have a great decision to make and right now I am at a loss as to what exactly I should do." Jake told her, the worry on her face fading almost as fast as it had appeared. Sighing he knew that none of his Gens could really give him any help with this. He thought of the other Jinns but decided that they wouldn't be that great help in deciding this. Finishing eating, he knew he had another appointment today, Christ just how many women were in Jumno's...

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Donnas Lesbian Circle

by BrettJ © 2010 At first, Donna Rayburn thought moving to the small community would be the death of her. Boredom would be her constant companion and if there was one thing Donna could not abide, it was boredom. The long-legged 30-year old brunette had fought a war on tedium since she was a young age. Her mother always told Donna she was smarter and prettier than her classmates and Donna had no problem believing it. She stood out in a crowd by 11, by 13; she was almost her current...

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Dire Secrets of our Family Circle

As Jake saw Miranda make her way to the door he quickly made his way back to his room. Spying on his sisters was his favorite hobby, well at least it was now since they had begun to develop. He knew that the lust he felt for his sisters was immoral and wrong, but he just loved the way his cock swelled and his balls tighten when he looked at their amazing 14 year old bodies. He closed his eyes and took his thick stiff 16 yr old dick in his hands and slowly began to stroke it slowly at first...

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