LA SEXENTONA.(III) free porn video

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No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.
Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de responsabilidad.
-¡Vale! Te acerco a urgencias pero no entro contigo, tienes que buscar a un familiar o amiga que entre contigo. Tu marido se entera luego que te he llevado y se va a creer que después de follar con el entré yo en tu culo.
-Ya he hablado con Laura, viene de camino, pero ella no puede conducir. El número de ella es 6xxxxxx, cuando llegues le mandas un mensaje para abrir el garaje entras y nos esperas al lado del ascensor.
Las dejé a la puerta de urgencias del hospital Xeral de Vigo, donde un celador las ayudó a entrar, y yo me fui a estacionar el coche y tomarme un café.
Laura estaba en la sala de espera, me senté a su lado y me fue contando.
-No es gran cosa, la van a dar un par de puntos y que luego para casa con dieta para no forzar el esfínter y nada de sexo.
-Pues menos mal que fue su marido. El que le hizo eso, así no tiene que darle explicaciones. ¿Y a ti como te ha metido en este embolado?
-Creí que te había llamado a ti, porque habías sido tú. Pero si me había contado que su marido, no le prestaba atención.
-Pues parece que esta noche le resucitó el pajarito, mira tú que resurrección y abrocha los botones de la blusa, que se te ven los senos y todos los tíos que estamos aquí nos vamos a poner duros y no es el lugar.
-Vaya, Loli ahí dentro y tu pensando en follarme, luego hablaremos.
Uno de los celadores me hizo una seña de que me acercase.
-Pepe, que tal. ¿Con quién has venido?
Me debí poner tan colorado, que mi amigo Luis me dijo:-¿No me digas que has venido con la del culo roto? Que callado te lo tenias.
-¡Que no!, que fue su marido el que le se lo hizo, pero se fue a trabajar, a la amiga y a mí nos ha tocado la lotería.
-Si venís media hora más tarde os quedáis toda la noche, esto a partir de las 12 p.m., los viernes se saturan las urgencias y no damos abasto. En 20 minutos os vais, pero a ti se te jodió la noche. Estate atento para que podáis marchar con discreción.
-Bueno, gracias por la información.
Volví con Loli y le dije que teníamos para 20 min, su escote seguía expuesto. Y me quede viendo sus pechos recogidos por un sujetador bajo el que se apreciaban unos grandiosos pezones sonrosados.
-¿Que hacías cuando te llamó? Me preguntó Loli.
Yo no tenía intención de contarle que estaba en casa empalmado porque había visto como su marido, Luis se había follado a Loli delante de la cámara, teniéndome a mí como espectador en la sombra.
-Nada importante viendo una peli pirateada en el ordenador, como mañana no hay que mad**gar. ¿Y tú que hacías?
-Recién salida de la ducha y dispuesta a jugar con mi “Lolito”, el nunca me falla, incluso cuando se queda sin pilas.
Nos llevamos a Loli a su casa con mucho cuidados y la dejamos en su dormitorio, que yo ya conocía, y me despedí de ellas, con un hasta luego ya hablaremos. Laura me acompaño a la puerta y allí me dijo-Me puedes acercar a casa, que a estas horas hay mucho ambiente en la calle y me da un poco de miedo ir sola.
-Vale, te acerco, retiro el coche del garaje, te espero fuera si te demoras me voy.
-Me despido de Loli y voy.
No me dio tiempo ni a aparcar y ya estaba ella en la calle, subió al coche.
-Subes te invito a una cerveza, te vendrá bien para terminar esta noche.
-Si está fresquita me apunto, sino nos la tomamos en cualquier garito que de estos que está abierto.
-Está fresquita, y yo no estoy vestida como para parar a tomar algo.
Llevaba un vestido azul, a mi recordaba en parte una de aquellas batas de antes, lleno de botones y los superiores seguían abiertos y mostraban su hermosos senos protegidos por un sujetador de fina lencería azul en el que se marcaban sus sonrosados pezones.
-Más bien vas vestida para que te tomen…
Aparqué en la calle.
-Mejor subimos por las escaleras, así no nos vamos a cruzar con nadie, vivo en el primero y tengo que mirar por mi reputación; soy una señora viuda, que vive sola, si se enteran de que subo un hombre a mi casa a esta horas ¿qué van a pensar mis vecinos?
Subí las escaleras detrás de Laura pensando que me iba a tomar algo más que una cerveza.
En la cocina, retiró una cerveza de la nevera, la abrió ofreciéndomela.
-Yo tomaré algo más fuerte después de esta extraño noche, lo necesito, me tomo un gin-tonic por si lo prefieres te preparo uno. Me tienes que contar de que conoces a Loli, porque prestarte para llevarla a donde la hemos llevado hoy, no se le pide a cualquiera, conozco a muchos amigos y familiares de ella. Pero has aparecido tú.
-Yo no he venido a hablar de Loli, sino a tomar una cerveza y si se tercia y te apetece también a ti.
Laura se bebió la ginebra que tenía en el vaso de un trago.
-Pues sí, que me apetece.
Se acercó a mi me besó, yo respondí recorriendo sus labios con mi lengua y acariciando su espalda con mis manos y atrayéndola hacía mí, ella acariciaba mi pelo y mi nuca con sus manos.
Continuamos besándonos y acariciándonos, en el suelo de la cocina, su lengua inquieta recorría mis labios y se adentraba en mi boca, mientras mis manos desabrochaban los pocos botones del vestido. Ahora podía contemplar lo bien que le sentaba su lencería.
-Para ser una viuda, cuidas mucho tu lencería, vaya conjunto más bonito y sexy. Al tiempo que pasaba mi mano sobre su sostén azul acariciando sus senos y sus pezones levantados, continué mi caricia por su barriguita, acariciando su ombligo y deslizándome hasta sus braguitas, Laura cerró sus piernas diciéndome:
-Vamos al salón, que aquí o en el dormitorio nos pueden oír los vecinos, por lo menos yo aquí los oigo cuando follan. Aprovecho para enviarle un mensaje a Loli diciéndole que he llegado bien y no se preocupe por mí, no le voy a contar que estás aquí para que no me mate.
Por el camino al salón Laura fue dejando un reguero de ropa, el vestido, el sujetador, la braguita.
Me senté en el sofá e hice ademán de quitarme el polo mientras ella bajaba las persianas y encendía la tele.
-No te quites nada, que me apetece desnudarte, hace tanto que no desnudo a nadie. La tele es para que los vecinos no nos oigan, ni oírlos a ellos.
Se sentó a horcajadas sobre mí, besándome apasionadamente, tiró de mi polo hacia arriba hasta quitármelo por la cabeza, y luego se puso a lamer mi torso, y acariciarlo con sus manos, mi pene estaba duro y dolorido dentro del pantalón, pero también sentía su calor y su humedad sobre él,.
-Creo que te estoy mojando los pantalones, con mis juguitos, y eso que casi no hemos empezado.
Se retiró hacia atrás desabrochándome los pantalones y quitándome también los bóxer.
-Vaya aquí está el amiguito y parece contento.
Volvió a subirse sobre mí, dejándose caer sobre la polla de suavemente, besándome a un tiempo, pegándose a mí como una lapa, pecho contra pecho. Su coño estaba tan mojado y tan abierto que entró sin dificultad alguna. Comenzó a cabalgarme con pasión e intensidad.
La separé un poco de mí, lo suficiente como para llevar a mi boca su pecho y poder lamerlo, y casi morder su pezón, ella seguía con su sube y baja sobre mi polla mientras yo me deleitaba con el placer que estaba proporcionando mi viudita, notaba como sus jugos se escurrían por mis testículos.
Al notar que sus movimientos de jineta perdían fuerza, la sujete fuertemente por la espalda con ambos brazos y giramos en el sofá quedando Laura con la cabeza en el respaldo y boca arriba, ahora si yo comencé a entrar y salir de Laura con intensidad, mientras ella pedía más y más.
-Puedes correrte dentro, sin miedos. Pero sigue, sigue.
Sentí sus contracciones, su orgasmo y su relajación pero a mi aún me faltaba un poco, me descargue sobre ella, tomé un tapete que había sobre el cabezal del sofá y lo utilicé para limpiarme la polla y para que absorbiese los líquidos que salían del coño.
Mientras Laura se limpiaba el chocho con el paño, decía: -Si supiese mi cuñada, Lucía, para que uso su odioso tapete, le da un infarto. Me gustaría tener en mi culo tu polla.
-Ni hablar, hoy ya me ha llegado de visitas a urgencias, además ya sabes que fue su marido, el que la desgarró.
-Pero tu pene dice otra cosa. Parece que ha resucitado y está otra vez duro, dispuesto. Quiero sentirla en mi culo, nunca nadie me lo ha hecho por ahí, mi marido era un estrecho y eres el primero al que se lo pido y sé que hoy serás muy cuidadoso.
-Venga ve a por una crema hidratante, antes de que me arrepienta.
Se fue corriendo a buscar la crema, al regresar venía con una gran sonrisa y con cara de satisfacción.
Túmbate en mi regazo, al quedar con el culo en pompa comencé a acariciar su nalgas, apretárselas, soltárselas y extender la cremita sobre las nalgas primero. A continuación acaricié su esfínter anal suavemente con la yema de mi dedo índice, haciendo pequeños circulitos y poniendo un poco de crema en la punta del dedo lo metí un poco en su ano, casi no hubo resistencia, así que lo retiré y volví a meterlo suavemente un poco más adentro, y quitarlo suavecito.
Escuchaba los gemidos de Laura: ¡Ah! no te pares, sigue.
Retiré el dedo y ahora acaricie su ano con dos dedos, un poca más de crema e hice presión con ambos dedos metiendo solamente la yema de los mismos. Noté una poca de presión sobre los mismos y los retiré lentamente, luego otra penetración un poco más profunda, y retirada también suave, repetí lo mismo varias veces y paré.
Laura, seguía pidiendo no pares, sigue moviendo ese puto dedo, no pares, sigue cabronazo.
La hice levantarse y de pie apoyando las manos en el sofá y con el culo expuesto, acerqué mi glande a su culo, entrando en el mismo sin casi resistencia, todo aquello me había excitado sobremanera y la metí suavemente hasta el fondo, al retroceder es cuando Laura comenzó a dar pequeños gritos, de dolor y placer.
-¿Quieres que me pare, qué te la quite?
-Como se te ocurra pararte te la corto y sigo sin ti.
Después de 5 o 6 mete saca, Laura no pudo mas corriéndose estrepitosamente, y yo quite mi polla de su ano, por precaución y miedo…

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Cum for breakfast

Hi friend ad all ladies ho really want to get horny with me. Well this story is so real but I never found which section to b put in. This story is of masturbation with me. This was a time when my girlfriend and I took a trip to the beach with one of my best friends and his wife, Sita (name change). He invited us to go with them and stay at his parent’s condo in karjat, so, being his guest, I felt obligated to keep my mouth shut about Sita’s incessant complaining and whining. Though she was...

2 years ago
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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 4 Shades of Pinocchio

'The Lady Fair' was slowly moving forward and away from the waves breaking up on the rocky shore. The Sailors were all cowed on deck. They were either lying prostrate or kneeling. They were mumbling unintelligible promises or pleas to whatever deity they held dear. Margaret tried to roust them from their religious fervor, but without success. She even tried hitting or kicking them, but got no response. First Officer Marlin was not very affected by the ship sailing itself. He did appear...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 15

I got up quickly and dressed. Now, fashion always dictated a pistol or two. I was escorted down the hall by three men carrying lamps, we moved left to another passage. On the floor was a man dressed in black. He reminded me of a ninja at first sight. The man was turned over but his features were not more Asiatic than the norm. On his forehead was the silver that reminded me again of Wonder Women. There was also a dart sticking out of his leg and this was removed as I watched. I looked at the...

4 years ago
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The Invitation pt2

There were a few individuals that stuck out as the night progressed. Her name was Mindy and his was Max. A very outgoing couple. They knew how to have fun. Max was the high point winner so he got to choose who he wanted. Mindy was high point doll so she got her pick. Max picked Abbie. She was tall and thin and a had set of boobs I even wanted to suck. Mindy picked Randy, he was tall, dark and very handsome. The others chose and started right in with touching and moaning. There were bodies...

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Love Your Neighbor

Hey friends! This is Ranju panda from Bhubaneswar again. I have already replied to the emails sent to me commenting on my previous stories published in this site. I am writing another story for the esteemed readers of this popular ISS network. During my service period I was staying in a two storied government quarter of 3BHK which is of Type 3 flat. One room of each quarter was projected forward in such a way that the inner portion of the said room was clearly visible to the projected room of...

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PornPics Shemale

Do you get off to looking at porn picture galleries? I have heard this question come up in several discussions, and usually, there are sides. Some people think that pictures are a thing of the past, yet there’s another side that still appreciates good smut in the form of images. Personally, I prefer videos, but what are videos if not moving pictures. Besides, I’m dedicated to providing all perverts with their preferred smut.This article is for dudes that enjoy jerking off to shemale galleries....

Shemale Porn Sites
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At Long Last We Meet

I’m over there, with you; we spent our first night together. We slept naked, bodies inter-twined. We kissed, caressed, touched. I felt your hard-on, the entire night. I even pretended to be sleeping, when I woke up to you pleasuring & relieving yourself. You were killing me…the feel of your hands, softly caressing and arousing my entire being as you explored my body, even licking, nibbling and sucking my tits....sucking so intense, as if you were nursing and draining milk out of my...

3 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 7

Some of the mounted Infantry unit at the crossroads came riding hell bent for leather into our camp in the early morning of a bright and promising day. I found that my heart was beating faster than it should have for that time of morning before I even had any chance to get my arms and legs warmed up. The excited bugle boy was blurting out the details of what sounded like a wonderful rumor to the Negro troops gathered around the sweating horses. "They came at us like devils in the mist of...

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A Guy and His 27 Fourth

"What can we do for him?" Jake heard a tearful and worried Sheeka. "Please Trully, please help him!" "I'll do what I can but I am afraid it is mostly up to him, and all of your powers," Trully said a sly smile on her face she could feel that Jake was slightly awake, good then he was able to fight whatever it was. Reaching down, Trully touched Jake on his chest immediately drawing a gasp from her. Blue energy raced up her arm then down the other finally fading when it reached her...

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TV Show

TV SHOW by Throne Sweeping out from between the glittering golden curtains it's Sammy Star, your genial host. He flashes his trademark radiant smile and does that little dance step he always performs just before he slips into the plastic bucket-chair in the center of the carpeted dais. Once he's seated he give the camera a confidential look, as if he's about to reveal something private. "Tonight," Sammy says, managing to speak loudly while still seeming subdued, "I'm going to talk...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 13 Intrepid 3755 CE

Heads turned as Beatrice strode along corridors in the space ship Intrepid that were normally reserved for military personnel. It was unusual enough for a passenger to be seen in this part of the ship although there was no security restriction as such, but Beatrice in motion was an unusually compelling sight even in a Solar System where everyone's body was artificially beautified as a matter of routine. There was a very literal sense that she was attractive: her affect on the libido was...

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Daddys Sleepover

"I need to tell you something Holly,” said Leslie, placing her hands between her legs.Both were wearing pajamas, short shorts and tight-fitting tank tops. The girls had seen each other in less, both started on the volleyball team and spent more than enough time in the shower together, lingering behind the other girls to soap each other up before prancing around the locker room to show off, strutting around to the envy of all the other girls.Between the two, Holly got the breasts, while Leslie...

4 years ago
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Pumping My ExGirlfriend8217s Mom

Hi guys, Kingkong2 here. I am from Hyderabad. I am about to tell you about my sex adventure with my ex-girlfriend’s mom. I am Rohit, 6.3 ft tall with gym body. My ex-girlfriend is a cheater and I fancy to fuck her in front of her boyfriend. This story is when we were together. Coming to the story, my girlfriend’s name is Alekhya and she was 18 years old when she proposed to me. Though being an 18-year-old bitch, she had a pretty sexy and curvy figure. The moment I saw her, I decided that I will...

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Massage with Benefits

I was reading ads on Craig’s List when I spied an interesting post. The ad was for massages.What caught my eye was the following in the ad: My body movement and range of motion improves mood and better sleep. My style is a combination of therapeutic and sensual. The massage can be in the nude with mutual touch if that helps make the session more relaxing, natural and comfortable.I responded to the ad asking for rates and if the masseur made house calls or only took appointments in his location....

Gay Male
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Private Cherry Kiss Angelica Heart Horny MILFs Enjoy Anal Threesome

Anything can happen when Cherry Kiss and Angelica Heart are on the prowl, and today in Private Specials, Cherry Picking, the young Jimmy Bud is about to find out first hand! These horny MILFs will never pass up the opportunity to have a threesome, and after getting acquainted, Jimmy soon finds himself devouring Angelica’s pussy and ramming her beautiful ass before Cherry joins in on the fun for a hard session of anal herself that has her moaning and squirting all the way to a shared facial...

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The Art Science of LoveChapter 6

My experience with Allison and the knowledge that my instruction of the lovely Rita was likely at an end left me depressed and angry. I spent the rest of Thursday night and Friday, the day after Allison's house closed, in my studio. I usually have a lot of work to do on Fridays, preparing for the weekend open houses and placing ads, but I took a break from my painting Friday morning that was only long enough to call Morgan in the office and tell her I wasn't well. I asked her to place ads...

2 years ago
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Cowboy Up

I met Christine at a seminar on Industrial Relations. It was mostly bullshit from people who had never held a tool in their hands and had no real world experience. They were full theories that they had learned from textbooks, but my company was paying the freight so there I was. When we broke for lunch I headed for the hotel restaurant. I stopped at the bathroom to take a whiz and when I got to the restaurant I found that all the seats were taken and the greeter told me there was at least a...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 6 A Chance Encounter

September 11, 1994, London, England “«Доброе утро»,” an elderly man who seemed to be an usher said as I stepped inside the narthex of the Cathedral. (“Good morning.”) “«Доброе утро»,” I replied, then added something Tanya had taught me, “«Извините, я не говор по-русски.»” (“Good morning.”; “Excuse me, I don’t speak Russian.”) “Ah, no problem! I speak English. Good morning. Welcome to the Cathedral. Are you a visitor?” “Yes, from Chicago. I’m an inquirer.” He nodded, “It’s nice of you to...

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Met A Girl In My Bus Journey

Hello, Greetings!! ISS authors and Readers, Thank you for reading my story, I hope you will enjoy for sure. This is my 5th story in ISS. Those you not read my stories please go through them so that you can know more about me. I posted my real experiences and fantasies. Those who are new to me, let me introduce myself hemo from Hyderabad, 23 years old, completed my bachelors and working in a social service organization (part time), with my interest on sex and to satisfy our ISS readers I...

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My Boss SlutChapter 4

Becky, my slut wife, had been telling me about her weekend with my boss, Mr. Williams. It made me so hard listening to her, she was going to let me fuck her. She was on her back on our bed, our marital bed. I didn't mind she was my boss' slut. She was much better in bed with me, too. My sex life was good now. And she was going to have the baby I could not give her. My boss was going to make her pregnant. "Come on, Bobby. Stick that little thing in me. Fuck me, Bobby. Fuck me." I crawled...

4 years ago
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the best married man

So in september i was following around with a woman from north bay. She was amazing and we always had fun. I always drove out there to see her. One day she said she had a gift for me. I was thinking a toy or out fit something like that. but when i got to her appartment i found a great looking guy sitting there waiting for me. He said mandy ask him to meet me here. I was shocked. He stood up and touch me. I got wet just like that. He was tall handsome and built ;-) he took his shirt...

4 years ago
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Jimmy and Kenny Complete Their Education

Jimmy and Kenny sat up in Jimmy’s bedroom both still in something of a state of shock and of tremen- dous arousal after what they had experienced in their clubhouse, “The Cock Club,” just a little while earlier. A bunch of the guys had assembled there earlier in the day. It hadn’t been “The Cock Club” then. That came about when Stevie suggested that only guys could be in the club for obvious anatomical reasons. He was also the one who had first...

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Who Am I Now

He was thinking about that rickety set of wooden stairs going up the side of the house. Rickety house. Rickety love. Then the train banked at speed and Bill listed sideways into a much bigger, dark-skinned man sitting a space away. The man hardly budged. Bill was sure he was the only one in the entire car who swayed as far as the train. He mumbled a garbled apology and righted himself again, thumbing his glasses back at the top of his nose. The man nodded without looking. Diagonally across the...

Love Stories
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Ana under control of a Black Bull

That night, as we were resting in our bed after two hours of good sex; I asked my sensual wife why she was feeling so horny. Anita smiled and admitted she was so wet and horny because her slutty girlfriend Shawna had told her she was dating a black man…I thought sexy Shawna was still happily married; but Ana told me she was going to split up with his husband very, very soon…She and Ana were close friends and then my loving wife was shocked about the thought of Shawna fucking a black guy.But Ana...

2 years ago
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"You're sure that I can bring this back for a full refund if she says no?" "As long as you do nothing to it like resizing it to fit her finger we will take it back." I handed the man my Visa card and five minutes later I walked out of the store with a half carat diamond engagement ring and hoping that Vickie would say yes when I took a knee in front of her. I picked her up at seven, took her to dinner at Mario's and then we went to The Boom Boom Room for drinks and dancing. She went...

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ComrieChapter 64

Sarah's Clan was just getting ready to turn in when Muireann in Intelligence said to them, "We need to discuss a developing situation with you all." "What's up?" "Those three satellites we've been tracking have made some odd changes to their orbital parameters in the last 24 hours." "What do you mean by odd?" "These are supposed to be communication satellites. They are still in essentially a transfer orbit, but with a 48000 km maximum and an 8000 km minimum. Normally they...

3 years ago
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This story is not intended to vilify nice decent TVs or TGs -- it just so happens that the principal is deranged and happens to cross dress.This is a nasty, misogynistic story.Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen.Synopsis        He had been searching for a victim.  He wanted a wife, a sex slave.                Yes, he thought a victim might become a wife and love him.Categories        Bondage SubmissionKeywords        High Heels Appliances Machines PiercingCapturedBy Janet BakerHow...

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