LA SEXENTONA.(III) free porn video

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No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.
Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de responsabilidad.
-¡Vale! Te acerco a urgencias pero no entro contigo, tienes que buscar a un familiar o amiga que entre contigo. Tu marido se entera luego que te he llevado y se va a creer que después de follar con el entré yo en tu culo.
-Ya he hablado con Laura, viene de camino, pero ella no puede conducir. El número de ella es 6xxxxxx, cuando llegues le mandas un mensaje para abrir el garaje entras y nos esperas al lado del ascensor.
Las dejé a la puerta de urgencias del hospital Xeral de Vigo, donde un celador las ayudó a entrar, y yo me fui a estacionar el coche y tomarme un café.
Laura estaba en la sala de espera, me senté a su lado y me fue contando.
-No es gran cosa, la van a dar un par de puntos y que luego para casa con dieta para no forzar el esfínter y nada de sexo.
-Pues menos mal que fue su marido. El que le hizo eso, así no tiene que darle explicaciones. ¿Y a ti como te ha metido en este embolado?
-Creí que te había llamado a ti, porque habías sido tú. Pero si me había contado que su marido, no le prestaba atención.
-Pues parece que esta noche le resucitó el pajarito, mira tú que resurrección y abrocha los botones de la blusa, que se te ven los senos y todos los tíos que estamos aquí nos vamos a poner duros y no es el lugar.
-Vaya, Loli ahí dentro y tu pensando en follarme, luego hablaremos.
Uno de los celadores me hizo una seña de que me acercase.
-Pepe, que tal. ¿Con quién has venido?
Me debí poner tan colorado, que mi amigo Luis me dijo:-¿No me digas que has venido con la del culo roto? Que callado te lo tenias.
-¡Que no!, que fue su marido el que le se lo hizo, pero se fue a trabajar, a la amiga y a mí nos ha tocado la lotería.
-Si venís media hora más tarde os quedáis toda la noche, esto a partir de las 12 p.m., los viernes se saturan las urgencias y no damos abasto. En 20 minutos os vais, pero a ti se te jodió la noche. Estate atento para que podáis marchar con discreción.
-Bueno, gracias por la información.
Volví con Loli y le dije que teníamos para 20 min, su escote seguía expuesto. Y me quede viendo sus pechos recogidos por un sujetador bajo el que se apreciaban unos grandiosos pezones sonrosados.
-¿Que hacías cuando te llamó? Me preguntó Loli.
Yo no tenía intención de contarle que estaba en casa empalmado porque había visto como su marido, Luis se había follado a Loli delante de la cámara, teniéndome a mí como espectador en la sombra.
-Nada importante viendo una peli pirateada en el ordenador, como mañana no hay que mad**gar. ¿Y tú que hacías?
-Recién salida de la ducha y dispuesta a jugar con mi “Lolito”, el nunca me falla, incluso cuando se queda sin pilas.
Nos llevamos a Loli a su casa con mucho cuidados y la dejamos en su dormitorio, que yo ya conocía, y me despedí de ellas, con un hasta luego ya hablaremos. Laura me acompaño a la puerta y allí me dijo-Me puedes acercar a casa, que a estas horas hay mucho ambiente en la calle y me da un poco de miedo ir sola.
-Vale, te acerco, retiro el coche del garaje, te espero fuera si te demoras me voy.
-Me despido de Loli y voy.
No me dio tiempo ni a aparcar y ya estaba ella en la calle, subió al coche.
-Subes te invito a una cerveza, te vendrá bien para terminar esta noche.
-Si está fresquita me apunto, sino nos la tomamos en cualquier garito que de estos que está abierto.
-Está fresquita, y yo no estoy vestida como para parar a tomar algo.
Llevaba un vestido azul, a mi recordaba en parte una de aquellas batas de antes, lleno de botones y los superiores seguían abiertos y mostraban su hermosos senos protegidos por un sujetador de fina lencería azul en el que se marcaban sus sonrosados pezones.
-Más bien vas vestida para que te tomen…
Aparqué en la calle.
-Mejor subimos por las escaleras, así no nos vamos a cruzar con nadie, vivo en el primero y tengo que mirar por mi reputación; soy una señora viuda, que vive sola, si se enteran de que subo un hombre a mi casa a esta horas ¿qué van a pensar mis vecinos?
Subí las escaleras detrás de Laura pensando que me iba a tomar algo más que una cerveza.
En la cocina, retiró una cerveza de la nevera, la abrió ofreciéndomela.
-Yo tomaré algo más fuerte después de esta extraño noche, lo necesito, me tomo un gin-tonic por si lo prefieres te preparo uno. Me tienes que contar de que conoces a Loli, porque prestarte para llevarla a donde la hemos llevado hoy, no se le pide a cualquiera, conozco a muchos amigos y familiares de ella. Pero has aparecido tú.
-Yo no he venido a hablar de Loli, sino a tomar una cerveza y si se tercia y te apetece también a ti.
Laura se bebió la ginebra que tenía en el vaso de un trago.
-Pues sí, que me apetece.
Se acercó a mi me besó, yo respondí recorriendo sus labios con mi lengua y acariciando su espalda con mis manos y atrayéndola hacía mí, ella acariciaba mi pelo y mi nuca con sus manos.
Continuamos besándonos y acariciándonos, en el suelo de la cocina, su lengua inquieta recorría mis labios y se adentraba en mi boca, mientras mis manos desabrochaban los pocos botones del vestido. Ahora podía contemplar lo bien que le sentaba su lencería.
-Para ser una viuda, cuidas mucho tu lencería, vaya conjunto más bonito y sexy. Al tiempo que pasaba mi mano sobre su sostén azul acariciando sus senos y sus pezones levantados, continué mi caricia por su barriguita, acariciando su ombligo y deslizándome hasta sus braguitas, Laura cerró sus piernas diciéndome:
-Vamos al salón, que aquí o en el dormitorio nos pueden oír los vecinos, por lo menos yo aquí los oigo cuando follan. Aprovecho para enviarle un mensaje a Loli diciéndole que he llegado bien y no se preocupe por mí, no le voy a contar que estás aquí para que no me mate.
Por el camino al salón Laura fue dejando un reguero de ropa, el vestido, el sujetador, la braguita.
Me senté en el sofá e hice ademán de quitarme el polo mientras ella bajaba las persianas y encendía la tele.
-No te quites nada, que me apetece desnudarte, hace tanto que no desnudo a nadie. La tele es para que los vecinos no nos oigan, ni oírlos a ellos.
Se sentó a horcajadas sobre mí, besándome apasionadamente, tiró de mi polo hacia arriba hasta quitármelo por la cabeza, y luego se puso a lamer mi torso, y acariciarlo con sus manos, mi pene estaba duro y dolorido dentro del pantalón, pero también sentía su calor y su humedad sobre él,.
-Creo que te estoy mojando los pantalones, con mis juguitos, y eso que casi no hemos empezado.
Se retiró hacia atrás desabrochándome los pantalones y quitándome también los bóxer.
-Vaya aquí está el amiguito y parece contento.
Volvió a subirse sobre mí, dejándose caer sobre la polla de suavemente, besándome a un tiempo, pegándose a mí como una lapa, pecho contra pecho. Su coño estaba tan mojado y tan abierto que entró sin dificultad alguna. Comenzó a cabalgarme con pasión e intensidad.
La separé un poco de mí, lo suficiente como para llevar a mi boca su pecho y poder lamerlo, y casi morder su pezón, ella seguía con su sube y baja sobre mi polla mientras yo me deleitaba con el placer que estaba proporcionando mi viudita, notaba como sus jugos se escurrían por mis testículos.
Al notar que sus movimientos de jineta perdían fuerza, la sujete fuertemente por la espalda con ambos brazos y giramos en el sofá quedando Laura con la cabeza en el respaldo y boca arriba, ahora si yo comencé a entrar y salir de Laura con intensidad, mientras ella pedía más y más.
-Puedes correrte dentro, sin miedos. Pero sigue, sigue.
Sentí sus contracciones, su orgasmo y su relajación pero a mi aún me faltaba un poco, me descargue sobre ella, tomé un tapete que había sobre el cabezal del sofá y lo utilicé para limpiarme la polla y para que absorbiese los líquidos que salían del coño.
Mientras Laura se limpiaba el chocho con el paño, decía: -Si supiese mi cuñada, Lucía, para que uso su odioso tapete, le da un infarto. Me gustaría tener en mi culo tu polla.
-Ni hablar, hoy ya me ha llegado de visitas a urgencias, además ya sabes que fue su marido, el que la desgarró.
-Pero tu pene dice otra cosa. Parece que ha resucitado y está otra vez duro, dispuesto. Quiero sentirla en mi culo, nunca nadie me lo ha hecho por ahí, mi marido era un estrecho y eres el primero al que se lo pido y sé que hoy serás muy cuidadoso.
-Venga ve a por una crema hidratante, antes de que me arrepienta.
Se fue corriendo a buscar la crema, al regresar venía con una gran sonrisa y con cara de satisfacción.
Túmbate en mi regazo, al quedar con el culo en pompa comencé a acariciar su nalgas, apretárselas, soltárselas y extender la cremita sobre las nalgas primero. A continuación acaricié su esfínter anal suavemente con la yema de mi dedo índice, haciendo pequeños circulitos y poniendo un poco de crema en la punta del dedo lo metí un poco en su ano, casi no hubo resistencia, así que lo retiré y volví a meterlo suavemente un poco más adentro, y quitarlo suavecito.
Escuchaba los gemidos de Laura: ¡Ah! no te pares, sigue.
Retiré el dedo y ahora acaricie su ano con dos dedos, un poca más de crema e hice presión con ambos dedos metiendo solamente la yema de los mismos. Noté una poca de presión sobre los mismos y los retiré lentamente, luego otra penetración un poco más profunda, y retirada también suave, repetí lo mismo varias veces y paré.
Laura, seguía pidiendo no pares, sigue moviendo ese puto dedo, no pares, sigue cabronazo.
La hice levantarse y de pie apoyando las manos en el sofá y con el culo expuesto, acerqué mi glande a su culo, entrando en el mismo sin casi resistencia, todo aquello me había excitado sobremanera y la metí suavemente hasta el fondo, al retroceder es cuando Laura comenzó a dar pequeños gritos, de dolor y placer.
-¿Quieres que me pare, qué te la quite?
-Como se te ocurra pararte te la corto y sigo sin ti.
Después de 5 o 6 mete saca, Laura no pudo mas corriéndose estrepitosamente, y yo quite mi polla de su ano, por precaución y miedo…

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Alan appeared not far from the Queen's palace reaching out he started to search for Hopix. Ah! There she was safe and ... not all that sound after the dream, but Alan would soon fix that. Reaching out again, he began to search for the Lizard guy shaking his head Alan thought this guy really had lost his mind to go against Alan who obviously had far superior power than his? Alan decided that this needed to end once and for all, though he didn't kill unless he had no choice this was the one...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation Part 1

Summer Vacation Part 1 Eduardo Alvirez squeezed the brakes of his Bianchi Milano bike as he reached the bicycle parking lot outside Heaven, a diner that was located by South Beach. As he chained his bike, he glanced at his Swatch Skin in iron grey and realized that he was ten-minutes early for his shift at Heaven. So, Eduardo headed down to the beach to kill some time. Although it was just seven-forty in the morning, people had started to flock down to the beach in swarms. A mini-van,...

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rapper chicks pt1

im waiting on her right now to bring her rapper chick pussy back to my crib... slim sexy "Q" is what we'll call her... the last time she was here, i was writing a sexy song with her and we got to kissing... this time i'm thinking we gon get to fuckin!she was sitting with me, watching porno, my dick out, making her want to suck it... after i kissed her i wanted to strip her to her bare beautiful brown skin, but she had her peroid...smhi wondered what it would have been like to put my dick in...

4 years ago
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Landlady Ki Pyaas Bujhaai

Hi Guys, how are you all… This is Sachin josui from gujrat .This is my first sex story. I am writing my real sex story ,this incident happened to me last week.I am a Software Developer age 23 living in Ahmadabad in a PG. My landlady name hetal is so beautiful and hot ,her age is 34 and figure is 34-30-34 Thodi chubby ,chut pr baal h aur gand to bahot mast h man krta h chaat te raho aur thappad maarke laal krdo.She wears saree most of the time but wo bahot dukhi lagti thi hamesha sad. Ek din...

4 years ago
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First Kiss 8 Fuffy 6

"F-fuck!" Faith gasped as she was brought to her climax by the blonde's tongue. Her body was shaking as the woman climbed back up her body and laid down beside her."Damn, I really got you going, didn't I?" The blonde asked."Yeah." Faith whispered as she sat up and got out of bed. Her knees were weak after her orgasm, but she managed to keep her balance as she walked over to the other side of the room, grab her robe and threw it on.Once again, Faith looked at the blonde she'd picked up earlier...

3 years ago
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Making My Neighbour Widow Merry Again

Hello, this is Rahul. This incident happened when I was working in Hyderabad. Last year around Diwali, my next-door neighbour Saira, a widow who is about 60 years old, asked if I can help her in cleaning as she was alone. I have lived next door to Saira for a few years after her husband died I had never known her to date nor have men come to visit her. All that time I had been quietly curious about her private life, but I didn’t want to pry, so I never asked her about it. Helping her in...

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the villa

The following is a bit farfetched, but so what. If you don’t like what I write stop reading.H: My wife is here with me to make sure I tell it right and to chip in with the bits I don’t know as well as her. She’s nodding agreement. You’ll know it’s me speaking by the H: and her by the W: and if I mix it up or forget the protocol you’ll have to work it out for yourself by the context.So it was a lovely place in the hills a little way up from the main drag by the beautiful blue sea of the Med. It...

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Whiskey JackChapter 9 New Healing

An hour later the four of them gathered in the living room. Zelda, Gordy and Melissa cleaned up the cluttered mess created by the pair of Creel's men. They had a garbage bag full of broken trash. Gordon waved his bottle of beer in the air. "Okay, now I've seen the DVD of your ambush. God, what a mess. What I don't understand is why Creel thinks you have that mini disc as well. You never were in contact with anyone who would have access to kind of material that clown said was on the...

3 years ago
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Loved My Aunty Rani

After I left her house i couldn’t sleep whole night. I had enjoyed every bit and just thought of enjoying her again very next day were giving me sleepless night. Anyway I reached her home at around 10 AM sharp. I rang bell and Rany open the door. She was well dressed in nightie and smelling good. She smiled and asked me to come in. She told me that her husband has left for his office along with his daughter. He has to take their daughter for admission in some nearby school.I sat in the sofa and...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 2 The Adult Store

I awoke the next morning a little groggy as I slowly recalled the events that had taken place last night. I rubbed my body up and down feeling how the latex had now become a little sticky and how my ass and cock were still sore from the pounding I had taken. I read the note again left by my mother and decided to make breakfast as I was for when she arrived. It was just past 9am when I heard a fumbling at the door, my mother had walked in with her heels in her hands and her clothes hanging loose...

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What Youd Do For A Girl

James was atypical, it appeared, for a freshman at University of Southern California. He was not six foot something. He possessed neither blond hair nor a chiseled jaw line. Nor an eight-inch member. No, James was something else. Born and raised on the East Coast, James was entering a whole new world at USC. At five foot five and 120 pounds, James was somewhat slight of build. He'd been a soccer player and a wrestler in high school, though, so James wasn't completely far...

4 years ago
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My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn't told my parents that I was dating someone new... I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn't quite approve, but they couldn't do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door...

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Gina the Girl Scout and Pitbull PeteChapter 4

Gina knew that this was the season of girl scout cookies again and she was excited but nervous that she might not live up to last year’s sales to raise money for their girl scout unit. Her unit had been first in sales for the past four years that she had been a member and in a large part it was due to her unorthodox methods of boosting sales of their cookie products. Even her favorite pitbull called Pete was caught up in the excitement and nervously attempted to hump her leg in the basement...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 2 Look Ma a damsel in distress

I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend

Me and Randy (not his real name) first met in the summer of '74 when we moved to the same city. We have been very good friends ever since. We went to the same junior and high school. We spent a lot of time together throughout the years. As young teens, we would spend the night over each others house and would spend vacations with each others families. This is a true story of the first of one of our many encounters.Randy and I were out of school for the summer and we had been out earlier in...

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Hockey Mom

Hockey Moms have been known to have a reputation of Soccer Moms on sterrhoids, in some ways this may be true, since they are required to get their k**s to practices at all sorts of rinks and times of the day. However as a youth and high school hockey coach I feel a need to further define hock momsHockey Mom Bitch, mom that drops their k**s off late, not calling when they don't get their k**s to practice, and then call and complain to the coach that k** isn't playing enough, or progressing...

4 years ago
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SRU The Good Samaritan

SRU: The Good Samaritan By JDCopyhack Ryan McGill had it all. Or, so it seemed? He was tall, good looking, and was one of the most successful businessmen in Greenbrook. At 35 years old, he was already a millionaire 50 times over. Yet, he would trade it all for one thing: to be a woman. He had first experienced this feeling as far back as pre-school when he often asked his mother why he couldn't wear dresses like the other girls. The feelings intensified as he grew older,...

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From FBaller to TGirlie Part 4

Marc wanted to scream, he wanted to run and somewhere deep inside of him, he wanted to start laughing. But he literally found he could do nothing but stand there. The music blaring. The rest of the crowd still dancing. LeRoy Bridge suddenly finding the hot transvestite cheerleader he was getting his grove on with was now a blank staring statue. But while Marc's face had gone to a shocked blank, LeRoy's hadn't. Marc could even tell what was going through his good friend's mind....

2 years ago
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Hi just a few short lines to ryme feel free to comment and we will all see how dark we get.. I remember walking in and seeing my sister in the bath.. I was addicted from that moment I knew her body will be mine to enjoy and have.. Could not resizt Even though Am 6years older. [email protected] looked at her smile saying it’s OK don’t worry if I see you naked am your brother then I told long as nobody else finds out.. Specialy as I should know better no doubt.. I Even laugh and say...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash The Landlord

**REPOST**Beverley had stayed at her friends house last night so I missed out on my early morning coffee so had to get my arse out of bed to make it myself, I even had to forego my early morning wank as by the time I had made the coffee my morning wood had subsided.My dear sister had asked me to stay home this morning as she had the landlords agent sending someone round to do an inspection which was nice of her to leave me to deal with it but as I had nothing planned I figured it would be...

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And now something completely different

I checked in at the reception desk, handed over my charge card, signed the form and took my room key card. As I rode the elevator to my room I thought to myself that I was getting tired of all this constant traveling. I had three clients to see tomorrow and catch another plane to Memphis at six in the evening. I had to find something else. This job’s constant traveling had cost me my marriage and now I had trouble even dating with my erratic schedule. One phone call from an upset client and...

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The Craziest Night of My Life

My name is Aaron, and I'm happily married to my high school sweetheart. We're an average couple in an average town. Which is why what happened a few weeks ago is so crazy. Lets backup a little bit.When I was young my parents divorced. My dad was a deadbeat and an alcoholic and one day mom decided she couldn't stand him anymore. She sat my brother and I down and told us we could stay with dad or leave with her. That day changed my life forever, because my brother decided to stay. He...

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Trophy Wife

DISCLAIMER: After reading Fictionmania for at least a decade, I'm trying my hand at a story for the first time. All constructive feedback is appreciated. In addition, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Enjoy. TROPHY WIFE by Big Ideas I put down my third cosmopolitan of the afternoon and stretch my long, tan, slender legs on the leather sofa. I dangle my feet off the edge of the couch so I don't scratch it with my 4" heeled sandals. It's a pain...

3 years ago
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New Employee Part 2 Day 2

This morning I received a few work shirts and pants for April in the mail from HR. I set those aside and use the box the company sent and put one of the more skimpy outfits I got from Amazon in it and taped it back up. With any luck, my new favorite worker April will wear it. Doorbell rings. "Hello, come on in April." "Hey boss," she says then gives me a big hug. "Hey, Do you not drive to work?" "Oh, Nah, I don't have a lic.. a reason to, because I actually live very...

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Tasty morsels

Listening to the 80’s music, dancing around the room I think of my man who is right next door doing company business. Remembering of what we did last night. The pleasure, the moans that escaped both our mouths as ecstacy filled our bodies. Turning on the temperature, testing it with my hand before plunging myself under the warm water. Leaning against the wall placing my leg up on edge while my hand slowly slides down my body. Massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples, remembering what we...

1 year ago
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Two Ladies and a Girl

Note: This story is completely fictional! Nervously Katharina approached the door of the house. She had responded to an advert in the personals section the other day advertising for a girl between 18-21 years of age and interested in new experiences. It was in the ‘Girl for Girl’ section and ever since she was 17 or so Kat had always been curious about sex with other women. She was 18 now and didn’t have long left until she finished school and free from her parents back in Germany, she wanted...


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