The party
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Sarah's Clan was just getting ready to turn in when Muireann in Intelligence said to them, "We need to discuss a developing situation with you all."
"What's up?"
"Those three satellites we've been tracking have made some odd changes to their orbital parameters in the last 24 hours."
"What do you mean by odd?"
"These are supposed to be communication satellites. They are still in essentially a transfer orbit, but with a 48000 km maximum and an 8000 km minimum. Normally they would have moved to their intended geosynchronous orbit by now. Their paths have shifted so that they will cross ours in about 18 hours unless more changes are made. We are currently projecting them to all cross our path at the same time, and pass within 10 km."
"Who launched them?"
"We don't know. Two were launched from Hainen, China and the other from Tyuratam, Russia. They were contract launches but we haven't been able to determine the identity of the contracting party."
Rusty said, "Send a flight of Star Fighters to track each one. They should take several spiders and a ferret. Deploy the spiders after scanning the satellites. They need to keep us updated with what they find. While that is taking place, we will come to your compartment."
"Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans," said Sally, "would you join us for a conference regarding a concern by Intelligence?"
After a few moments Siobhan said, "Can we do this by video? We can teleport there if required."
"It is up to you. I think we can handle this with video and our telepathic link."
"We are fine with that," said Crystal of Maureen's Clan.
"So what is the issue?" said Conan.
"Intelligence reports that someone is maneuvering three satellites so that their orbits will intersect ours simultaneously. With no further changes they will be within 10 km of us when they do cross our path. These are reportedly communications satellites, but are larger than other similar satellites."
"Siobhan, I think some of us need to go to Dóchas," said Aisling. Her comment caused raised eyebrows on several spouses. "It should be at least Amber, Eileen and me."
Amber said, "You're thinking the satellites are controlled by the Council."
"It is a possibility. Enough time has elapsed for them to acquire satellites and con the Russians and Chinese into launching them."
"We agree."
Siobhan said, "Go. We should be on our bridge for this."
Moments later Muireann said, "Good evening," when the three from Siobhan's Clan appeared in the Intelligence compartment on Dóchas.
"Good evening," they replied, then Aisling added, "It will be morning before long."
"Yes, it will be," said Sarah's Clan as they entered. After greeting each other, Sarah said, "Let's get this show on the road, so we can get some rest."
With that comment, holograms of Maureen's and Siobhan's Clans formed. Sally said, "Muireann, why don't you review the information we have on this apparent threat?"
"Okay, the short version is that three satellites were launched three days ago. They are reported to be communications satellites, however they are still in what is considered transfer orbits. Normally this only lasts for about 5 to 7 hours. Since reaching orbit, their orbital path has shifted several times. The last change has them crossing ours within a few minutes of each other..." She closed her review with, "that covers the facts we have. Since asking for this meeting, we've sent Star Fighters to check them out. They are carrying spiders, ferrets and imploder missiles."
Amber said, "As all of you know, I've been watching the Council of Brothers activities pretty closely, or at least those we can detect. Shortly after these satellites launched, the Council of Brothers' offices received calls from both China and Russia. The phone numbers were in the general area of the launch sites. The traffic volume at the crossroads near the high security research site has increased significantly in the last few days."
"So you think the Council is setting up to attack our ships."
"Why not Comrie? It is a much easier target than us."
"It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do both. Attacking us here and at Comrie would change the balance of power between the governments on Earth. While I was their slave, they were very careful in what they said when I was present. In thinking back over all the bits that I heard, and what I've seen since coming here, I believe the road from the crossroads going into the mountains leads to an advanced weapons site. Why? There are a lot of large trucks traveling that road.
"Going back 15 years the topo maps only show a deep valley a short distance west of the crossroads. When I look at the current maps, there doesn't appear to be anything there, but it does look different. There is no indication of any roads or settlements in the valley. So where do the trucks and cars go?"
"Let's presume Amber is correct," said Sarah. "To me a secret research site implies advanced weapons with nuclear as a strong possibility. We can handle that kind of attack but as things now stand Comrie can't."
"In that case, let's evacuate Comrie to either An Clochán or New Comrie," responded Kylie of Maureen's Clan.
Siobhan said, "As far as we are concerned, let's pull everything out of Comrie. We have enough improvements at New Comrie to satisfy our recreational needs. An Clochán could be used as the first stop for new candidates."
"Suits us," said Maureen's Clan. "You know we should include Keriann's and Kathryn's Clans in this, although we realize why they weren't initially."
"Good point," said Sarah. "Keriann's Clan. Kathryn's Clan, we need you to join us for a brief conference."
"What?" responded Keriann groggily.
"What conference?" asked Kathy.
To Keriann's and Kathryn's Clans Sally said, "Intelligence believes that there is a threat toward us in near Earth orbit. We are currently in their department on Dóchas reviewing the information. Since this appears to have broader implications, we thought we should include your clans."
Maureen said, "We're participating remotely from our bridge."
"We'll do that," said Kelly of Keriann's Clan.
"We're headed for the bridge now," said Brittany of Kathryn's Clan.
Sally said, "Once you are there, Muireann will give you the briefing we just heard."
"While we are waiting, let's call our contacts in the space agencies in Russia and China and ask about the strange orbits of the satellites they recently launched," said Terry. "We should indicate our concerns."
Those making the calls had just returned to the compartment when Keriann said, "We agree with the assessment and the responses you've discussed."
"So do we," added Brittany. "Did the two space agencies know anything?"
"Not really," said Sally. "They did confirm that they were contract launches of commercial communications satellites. We should know more by breakfast. They are aware of our concerns."
Erin of Sarah's Clan said, "Let's send a couple of drones and spiders to look at the location on Earth that we have concerns about. If they are really building rockets and handling nuclear weapons there, I am surprised the Israelis haven't done something about it. Although the country this is in has not actively sought to antagonize them."
"Agreed," responded all five clans.
Stacey of Muireann's Clan said, "We should have data back from the drones around breakfast time."
"Good," replied all.
"Are we in agreement with evacuating Comrie?" asked Sarah.
"We agree with evacuating," replied Chester of Keriann's Clan, "but what do we want to leave behind, if anything?"
"The island," said Aoife causing several to chuckle.
"I was thinking more in terms of the buildings and the technology they contain."
"We have an evacuation plan for that," said Star. "It removes all residents and all working technology items. Once that is accomplished, or time runs out, the choices are, leave the buildings, destroy them, or wipe the whole island clean. If the buildings are left they will need extensive remodeling before they could be used. I am not sure everyone realizes it but Chantel resides at New Comrie now."
"In that case, let's leave the buildings standing," said Kelly of Keriann's Clan.
"We agree," replied everyone.
Sarah said, "Star, inform Chantel to initiate evacuation of Comrie and target completion by 1000 hours local time."
"Let's get some rest," said Sarah, "and we will meet back here right after breakfast unless something changes."
"We'll send most of our shuttles to Comrie," said Brandan of Maureen's Clan.
"So will we," added Tiff of Siobhan's Clan.
"Arrivals and departures at Comrie should be cloaked," said Maeve.
Muireann said, "When the information from the Star Fighters is received, I will send it to each Command Staff before we start analyzing it."
"Okay," responded everyone.
–-- –-- –--
It was right after breakfast that Sarah's Clan met with their children's visitors. At the same time, Melinda was briefing Lorelei's group about the potential threat.
Sarah looked around the conference room to check that everyone was there, before saying, "We asked to meet with all of you because earlier today our Intelligence group alerted us to an anomaly in the orbits of three recent satellite launches. These are purported to be communications satellites and their current orbits have them passing near us in about 9 to 12 hours.
"Since then we've learned that the satellites belong to the Council of Brothers. We are concerned about the satellites for several reasons. The orbits have been shifted several times since launch to bring them closer to us, and we are well above the normal orbit used for such satellites. Another reason is that we severely disrupted a Council of Brother's plot to destabilize several of Earth's governments. This, along with several other bits of information, indicates to us that they intend to attack this ship and Comrie. All of this is circumstantial, but as a caution we are evacuating Comrie. It will be completed in a few hours.
"With that in mind, we thought you should have the choice of where you are when this event unfolds. You are welcome to stay here since we believe their attack will fail, however there is a risk. The alternatives are An Clochán, our settlement on Mars, another ship, or we can take you home. With respect to going home, one thing to consider is that we aren't sure we can return you home as unobtrusively as we picked you up. So there could be questions raised by acquaintances about where you were that could be difficult to answer."
"Who are the Council of Brothers?" asked one of the women.
"They are a terrorist organization that operates primarily in North Africa, the Middle East and into West Asia. They are a group who believes that they should have a greater role in world events but have been kept down by other world governments, in particular Western ones. There is a religious aspect to this as you've probably guessed. They are Muslim and promote a very strict view of how to live in order to be in good standing with God. In many ways they are no different than other religious groups who seek to impose their view of God on others."
"Why did you let us come?"
"Because we didn't know they were intending to attack us until earlier today. They've put weapons satellites in orbit before that were disguised as communications satellites. About a year ago one of them launched missiles at us, and a second one was preparing to do so when both were destroyed. They don't have launch capability so they've contracted with others to launch them and have disguised them as communications satellites."
Maeve watched Alena as she looked at each of her children and then nodded. They responded by smiling. When Alena saw Maeve looking at her, she just winked and smiled.
"Alena, I see you are going to stay." Alena gasped when she recognized Maeve as the source of the voice in her mind, and then smiled. "We should not have any difficulty in dealing with this." Maeve reassured her.
"We are not concerned. I feel my husband, Scott, would think staying here was an excellent choice."
"We shall see."
Sally continued with, "There is a shuttle waiting in the hangar where we arrived. It will take you to either An Clochán, another of our ships, or your homes. Now, we need to go to the bridge. If you have further questions, either the children or the nannies can get the answers for you. The children and nannies will be with you while you are here. If you do choose to go home to Earth, then they will ensure you have an escort for the trip."
"We will stay," said a couple, which caused their children to smile. "Where can we help out?"
Terry smiled, "Since you are not telepathic, it would be best for you to stay with the children. You can then team up with them and the nannies when assistance is needed."
"But, they are children," said the woman.
"Yes. However, our children and the nannies are telepathic, so they can pass along any commands or information to those around them."
"Oh, that makes sense."
At that point Star sounded the alarm for Readiness Level 3. Sarah's Clan headed for the door, waving to the group.
Kennith said, "Mom, go with them. We will be okay." Alena hesitated for a moment before dashing out the door to catch up with Sarah's Clan.
When Alena caught up with Maeve and Tara, Maeve said, "I thought you would be joining us," as they gave her a hug.
"Yes! I felt a really strong push to join you, but I was concerned that it wasn't the correct thing to do."
"We are pleased you chose to follow your instincts."
"So, what is your opinion of the other families?"
"They are a very nice people. The couple who spoke up will inquire about joining the Órarduine family. The other two couples will eventually seek to join, though it may take them some time to decide. The difference is that the family who spoke up is at a crossroads in their life and realize it. The others aren't, yet. In any case, I don't think you will need to make a special trip to Earth. In all three cases, the children will play key roles in their decision to stay."
When they arrived on the bridge, both Star and Aine were waiting for Sarah's Clan. Aine immediately went to Alena and gave her a welcoming hug as the others went to their consoles.
"Alena," said Maeve, "your actions earlier indicated that you could hear us telepathically. Do you think you're picking up all the conversations?"
"I think so."
"We have some time, could Aoife and I look at your telepathic ability with you?"
"I guess so, but I am not real sure I understand your question."
"It is easier to show you. Don't hesitate to tell us to stop or ask questions." It startled Alena when she sensed Aoife and Maeve in her mind, but she quickly relaxed as they began coaching her. Alena soon picked up on what they were showing her about the way the different areas of her mind functioned. As they had already suspected, she was already close to being a fully functional telepath. They showed her how to make the necessary adjustments to fully enable her telepathic ability. Next they coached her on managing her telepathic links, and how to protect herself from intrusion. She also learned to identify each telepathic source, so that it could be quickly recognized.
"This is neat," said Alena. "Your thoughts are much clearer now."
Aoife and Maeve then shared with Alena the differences between casual telepathic exchanges and the more intimate exchanges within a clan. When they had finished, Alena said, "When Scott was alive, there were many times it seemed like we were sharing thoughts. I knew when he was shot and had a brief glance at the scene just as he died. That experience is something I never shared with anyone before now, and I do not want to experience it again. This will sound strange, but earlier, when you asked us whether we wanted to stay, it seemed like he was encouraging us to agree."
"Alena," said Aine, "pardon my intrusion into your discussion with Aoife and Maeve, but I think I can help you understand why you felt the way you did today." Alena looked questioningly at Aine. "Without looking at your memory to be sure, I think you and your husband were, in fact, mentally bonded. It is unusual for people who are not active telepaths to do that. The effect of this is that when a serious decision is being considered, your analysis draws upon your combined knowledge. You could think of it as a part of him being still alive within you."
"I will need to think about that. Are you always around, as I may have some questions?"
"Not always, as my duties require me to leave from time to time, however you can always reach me telepathically. I think you can now see a link."
"Yes, I do. I would much rather talk in person, as there is more to a discussion than words."
"True," replied Aine, "but telepathic exchange has the benefit of including a lot of the concepts that are hard to verbalize. You overcome part of that with body language, but it is still an approximation." Alena looked doubtful. "Give it some time, then you will understand."
It was early afternoon when Fatin the Executive Director for the Council of Brothers left for the Council's secret launch site. During the last week, he had begun to relax. The stress over the last 6 months had been intense. Initially, he was certain that after the debacle in Tangiers they would kill him, and that it would be a brutal death. Instead they had promoted him and he had worked hard to slip their satellites past the Chinese and Russians. He smiled as he thought of the looks of terror on the Órarduine's faces when the bombs detonated and reduced their precious space ship to dust.
The Órarduine had twice embarrassed the Council of Brothers by exposing their activities. While the response to the attack by their satellite was expected, the Council viewed the disruption of their Tangier operation as a clear interference in Earth's affairs. Fatin wasn't sure that now was the appropriate time to retaliate, but considering that it was originally his idea, and his insecurity, he decided not to say anything. Destroying the Órarduine's space ship and their island would, if nothing else, tell the world, that they, the Council of Brothers, were not to be trifled with.
As he traveled toward the launch site, four of the Council of Brothers entered a radio station in the country where they were members of parliament. Shortly after entering the station they began broadcasting their speeches. The four speeches were very similar as each sought to convince the listeners of the evil the Órarduine represented, because of their culture and their non-human appearance. They justified their claims by linking them back to their interpretation of scriptures. Their rant against the aliens and the unwillingness of their country's leaders to stand up to these barbarous acts by the Órarduine infidels lasted nearly an hour. As their speeches drew to a close, they announced that a consortium known as the Council of Brothers had decided to act on behalf of their governments. They stated that within hours their heroic Brothers would blast the Órarduine back to hell where they belonged. The four parliament members closed their broadcasts by praising Allah for giving them the power to annihilate the agents of the devil, the Órarduine.
While they were speaking Fatin had reached the launch site. He was surprised to be met by the head of the Council. After the usual greetings he said, "Fatin, you have worked very hard for our cause and to reach this milestone. For this, we have a special place for you to watch the final step in achieving it. Come with me."
His gesture shocked Fatin as so many things had not gone as they had planned. It was a long walk through many underground corridors and they chatted about up-coming events and future plans. During this Fatin thought several times, "I hope someone shows me how to get back."
When they entered the room he was shocked to see his whole family there. When he recovered he said, "Your Excellency, I am deeply humbled by this kindness. This is something we will long remember."
The Chairman nodded and said, "Considering your contributions we thought that seeing this event with your family was a reasonable reward. Now go and greet your family. I would stay with you to enjoy this event but the others have insisted that I join them to watch the launch. This location will give you a much better idea of the power we will use to finish them off." He nodded and left the room.
After greeting his family Fatin looked around at the large monitors. He was in awe of the events about to take place. Around him, the members of his family excitedly watched and talked about the views. Some monitors showed multiple images of the rocket being readied for launch. On others were graphics showing the three satellites' position in relation to the Órarduine ship. The noise in the room was loud enough that he didn't hear the doors to the corridor close or the latches sliding home.
When the Council Chairman reached the control room, Hatim said, "Was he surprised?"
"Definitely. Tomorrow, we shall meet to discuss whether we should go forward now or rebuild."
"We need solid information before we can do that."
"Yes, but we need to discuss our options. Our core plan was good. Perhaps there is another way to initiate the chaos to our advantage."
"Excellent. We need to carefully evaluate our choices."
"Yes, we do," he replied as he turned to look at the monitor showing their rocket bathed in the bright lights. He could just barely make out the workers leaving the area surrounding them. "Soon," he thought and smiled.
It was 1700 hours on Comrie, or 2100 Zulu, when the Command Staffs were advised that the rocket was within 60 minutes of ignition. As they watched the monitors on Dóchas Sally said, "Their satellites are set to cross our orbit in 65 minutes. It is fortunate that they decided to use satellites in this manner to attack us."
Alison added, "Yes, if they had just eased them close to us we may not have noticed them until they were very close. The drones and spiders have again played a key role in obtaining the information we needed."
"True, but we are far enough above the normal orbit that I think they would have been noticed as soon as they arrived."
Sarah said, "Star, confirm status."
"FCSs are manned and active. Shields are 85%. All fighters have launched. Cruisers have launched. No one is on Comrie and all critical equipment has been removed. Phoenix and Eagle are at RL3."
"Dóchas Macha, operate uncloaked," said Rusty.
"Aye," replied the four cruisers.
A little later Sally said, "The rocket from the Council site is rising."
Terry said, "FCSs, you have your assignments, advise when you have target acquired."
Tara said, "Fighters. Cruisers, Plan 1 Option A."
A few minutes earlier at the Council of Brothers launch site, the rocket motors ignited. When they did the viewing room where Fatin and his family were watching was suddenly filled with a loud roar. The intensity of the vibrations and deafening noise shocked him. Everyone covered their ears as the roar increased to the point of being painfully loud, then a wall gave way. He then saw the fear as mouths opened around him screaming in terror. In the microsecond before the intense heat of rocket gas flowed over them he realized the deception.
–-- –-- –--
The rocket rising from the Council of Brothers site immediately drew the attention of many spy satellites. It was only a few seconds before the information was passed to their respective control centers which, in turn, sounded the alarm. Dóchas Intelligence watched as the alarms triggered changes in readiness levels, bringing virtually every country to a wartime status. The satellites provided a constant stream of positional data on the unknown rocket rising into the sky and turning west.
On Dóchas the forward looking FCS said, "Target coordinates acquired for each," to Dóchas CIC and Command Staff.
Dóchas monitoring was focused on the rocket, and watched as it rose and the stages separated.
Sally said, "Reentry vehicle has projected trajectory to arrive at Comrie in 20 minutes."
Tara said, "Star Fighters, intercept war head right after it peaks and starts its downward path. Fire when ready."
On the monitor they saw four Star Fighters close rapidly with the warhead. Just after its trajectory peaked and its destination was clear, they released their imploder armed missiles. Once released, the Star Fighters veered off and went to maximum acceleration. Anyone looking in that direction a moment later would have seen a brilliant white flash of light, that was considerably brighter than a shooting star, appear and then vanish.
"Well done," said Tara to Sabrina's Flight.
"Thanks. Sensors are indicating that it was a dirty bomb."
"Okay. We'll monitor the debris field."
CIC said, "Satellites 1, 2 and 3 are approaching A-beam range. FCSs are ready to acquire and fire."
On Dóchas' bridge the fire control monitor showed their FCSs had locked on to the three satellites. When the range became optimum, each FCS fired their A-beam. Then fired again as the core wasn't completely destroyed.
"FOC, have the fighters and cruisers take out the rocket stages and any other debris."
"Aye," replied Emma.
Sarah said, "Navigation, plot course to move us to an orbit 6000 km directly above launch site."
"Aye," replied Joyce. A few moments later said, "Course ready."
"Initiate move.
"Dóchas FCS, prepare to initiate Plan 2 on my mark. We will wait until move is complete.
"Navigation, prepare course to return to our geosync position, but at 50000 km."
While the Órarduine were dealing with the satellites and the missile warhead, the Council was in their command center watching the monitors. They were very pleased by the successful rocket launch. The response by many of Earth's governments to their missile launch was as expected. Many smiled when they thought of the panic that they had caused them. Soon the whole world would know of their capabilities.
When the monitors indicated that their three satellites were near the point of intercepting the Dóchas and that the rocket was descending toward Comrie many of those in the control room began cheering.
Not realizing the significance the Council leader said, "What happened?"
"Your Excellency the recent data on the rocket indicates that it will hit their island in a few moments. The satellites will be near the space ship shortly after that."
"Very good, but perhaps we should wait to celebrate." He had just spoken those words when the room became quite as the engineers began frantically working at their consoles. Looking up at the monitor showing the trajectory of the war head, the symbol showing its position had stopped moving and was flashing red. "What does the flashing symbol mean?"
"We've lost contact with it. The US has a carrier group in the area of Comrie so it will be interesting to see how they respond."
"Now even the Iranians will have to listen when we speak."
Then the icons on the monitor for the satellites, showing their position, also began flashing red. The chatter among the technicians quickly grew in volume. This was followed by angry gestures toward the equipment and the monitors.
Seeing the staffs' agitation it was clear to the Council members that events were not proceeding as planned. The Council leader waited a few minutes before hollering, "Quiet!" He had to repeat it several times to restore order. Looking at the Commander of the Control Center he said, "What is all the commotion about?"
"We've lost contact with the missile warhead. It likely did not reach the island, in fact it doesn't look like it reentered the atmosphere. It is past the time for the three satellites to explode next to the space ship. None of the three are transmitting or responding to our signals."
"So you've failed!"
"We won't know..." and the response never finished. At that moment multiple A-beam pulses hit the location. When the dust cleared several hours later, all that could be seen was a slight depression in the valley floor where the facility had been. The face of the mountain that had hidden the launch tower was now a pile of dust. The valley was totally desolate, with the ground covered by a heavy layer of fine sand. It would be many years before the sand was firm enough to walk on.
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So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres… So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres and even at home. We just became crazy for each other simply every day. And one fine day she is at my home, and is...
First Timeor "An Exquisite Death" Copyright© 1999 "Damn." The urine is cold and wet on my skin as it soaks through my best uniform top and slacks. "Damn it, Sherry," I curse to no one in particular. Sherry's long gone, and if Mr. Peterson hears me, he couldn't tell anyone anyway. "That's it," I think to myself, "this is the final straw." It's bad enough that I'm on alone again tonight, bad enough that I have to do a double again because they haven't hired a new third shift aid yet,...
RealIndianSexScandals! Traditions in India are very forthcoming regarding sexual relations. However, that doesn’t mean the kinkiness of the hot exotic girls is contained. Real Indian Sex Scandals brings you leaked sex tapes featuring hot Indian girls practicing Kama Sutra and getting naughty with their boyfriends. Granted, some of the girls don’t reside in India, but they are Indian nonetheless. If the thought of spying on Indian girls fooling around naked, undressing, taking a shower and of...
Premium Indian Porn SitesIt was a Friday, my folks were going out and would not be back till late. I had managed to service Mr. Henry and Charlie both that day and was so tired and sore that all I wanted was to sleep. I got my bath and was in my room getting ready for bed when my Pops knocked at my door. I opened the door and was instructed by my Pops '...we are leaving now, I asked Mister Henry to keep a watch to make sure you have no wild parties while we are out....' Pops sort of chuckled as he said that and...
HELLO EVERYONEI hope everyone enjoy my last story happen on black Friday please leave comments so I know how much u love the story thank youWell we getting close to football playoff and every other Sunday some one throw football party at their place sometime I get invited sometime I don’t depend what kind of party and what kind people their as you know im a pretty shemale and im proud of it.My story always a real experience happen to me or my friends I love to share after all us shemale also...
“Dad!?” Holly’s voice echoed, bouncing around the tunnel as Gene’s heart raced. Just seconds earlier, Holly had been on the verge of slicing her sister’s throat. Now, for the first time since he’d met her, Holly appeared frozen and unable to process what was happening. “It’s me, Kitten.” Bridgewater closed the gap in two steps and wrapped his arms around Holly. “It’s me.” Anna slowly backed away, leaned against the wall, and slid down quickly, shaken and trembling. Bendal knelt down beside...
It was my first year of college, and I was single and ripe for the taking. Unfortunately, freshmen weren't considered a "precious commodity" on the dating scene. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty lonely during my first week of classes.My last class of the week was a course on secondary education. My major was still "undeclared," but one of my interests was teaching, and I knew I didn't want to deal with younger c***dren, so teaching at a high school seemed like the way to go.The first class...
For those who were kind enough to read my story, "Bill and Amber," but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone; however, if you haven't read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the...
I think you might have enjoyed my Story my ATM IS MY FATHER IN LAW. This is continuation of that story. My name is Swetha. But in my father in law’s house, they all call me as Priya. So I use Priya which means my self. My a sex hungry girl. My hubby has come from USA. He brought me some sex toys. A vibrator and a rubber Pennis. He used to play with it in my pooku (pussy) every night. But I am not satisfied with it. He could not fuck me to my satisfaction. So my mind is always in my FATHER IN...
IncestHi friends, I am Shailesh from Bangalore. Today, I am going to narrate an incident about how I got lucky with a Delhi Girl Radhika (name changed) staying in my neighborhood area. Talking about me, I am 23 years old investment banker with 5 ft 6 height and 6 inch dick. I am from Mumbai, and this incident happened when I was pursuing MBA from premier b-school based in Delhi. I use to stay in Vaishali at that time and leave early morning for college and return in evenings. Coming to the story, I...
Chapter Twenty-nine Ten minutes later my Blackberry rang. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Mandy calling. I didn't answer. She tried to call two more times. I ignored her each time. That was it. I drove south until I reached Richmond, Virginia. I found a hotel near I-95 and went inside to check in. I went to the room I rented, dropped my suitcase on the floor, removed my clothes and stepped into the shower to attempt to wash the night away. After a while under the hot...
Your name is Niomi, you're a 22 year old living in sunny LA. You wake up in your beach side house looking out the window. You get out of bed and start to get ready, you walk to the mirror checking yourself out, you have long blonde hair, green eyes, medium sized breasts and a very skinny body that you work out almost every day for, walking towards the closest you open it and pick your outfit, a green bikini top with a black bikini thong bottom, ripped denim hot pants and a white crop top with a...
I collect online slaves, many I abuse and humiliate over webcams and through pictures I see the results. I like my slaves to obbey my every comand. One of my slave called olga or cumslut as I call her is very submisive will do anything I order. The other day I decided to punish the worthless piece of trash by ordering her to insert large objects. She began with a coke can will this be bugger enough master she said I agreed she easily slid the can into her pussy so I ordered her to find...
Finally. The ping of an arriving elevator. Crowded, but not as crowded as the last elevator, the one she’d passed on. It was just past five o’clock in the evening, and the rush to leave was on. Twenty-three hundred people, give or take, trying to exit a twenty-two storey, secured building, all via eight elevators, all at once. Fuck it. She’d already passed on the one elevator. She stepped through the doors into the hotbox of stress and fatigue and weary small talk. Turning to face the...
Office SexMy longtime friend, Herb, and I had just finished edging each other's cock while watching a hidden cam video Herb had set up of us engaged in some hot cocksucking from earlier in the day. The plan was to edge to the video and then get down to some raw sex, so when I got close to cumming I moved Herb's hand away from my throbbing cock. Almost too late. When the video ended he had gotten up to put his laptop back on the dresser and was now setting up his video camera to record some more. He...
Hello everyone. This is Prem from Nagpur. I have been an avid reader of Indian sex stories for quite some time and reading these stories has inspired me to write my own experiences. This is the story of how I lost my virginity to one of my classmates. The story begins when I was in the first year of college. As everything is new, you are scared at first but then you start making new friends and adjust to the new environment. As I was adjusting to this environment, I saw two familiar...
Amy 14: If You Pull My Hair, I'll Kill You by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Piece of Rhubarb Sarah, Gina, Lena and Michelle were happy enough to forget I'd ever worn the blue and white polyester/Lycra blend uniform of a Delacroix High School Blue Devil junior varsity cheerleader. We...
Donnie and his stepson Rico tell Donnie’s wife Sofie and Rico’s girlfriend Maya that they’re doing the No Nut November challenge, which is why Rico hasn’t let Maya stay the night lately. Now Sofie and Maya are gonna take it upon themselves to make the guys fail, starting by staging a water accident that’ll cause them to take off their clothes. That night Donnie and Rico are watching a movie when Sofie and Maya join in and start cuddling them, and it’s not long before they’re on all fours...
xmoviesforyouSRU: The Wizard?s Great Battle By Heather St. Claire It was a little before 10 o?clock on a damp, dreary Saturday morning. The weather outside didn?t matter to those inside the Lone Pine Mall; here it was always a bright, climate-controlled 68 degrees. It was a day like just about any other Saturday at the mall, with one glaring exception: some sudden, magical changes in the mall?s lineup of stores. In the space that had been occupied by a failed sports memorabilia store was one of...
Maybe we got married to young, but we are in love, and his baby was growing inside of me, so it seemed like the right thing to do. Well I'm now 23 with two baby girls and my husbands job disappeared. Oh sure he got a new one, but with a 25% pay cut, so I had to go back to work. Having never having a job other than taking care of the house and k**s, getting a job wasn't going to be easy. My husband knows a guy who was looking for a girl to work in his bar/restaurant. Ya I knew the bar part was a...
Finally it’s back to the action! It’s time to watch Tiff take on 5 of the #Cocksmen and take 6 hot loads. We start her off on the pedestal and get right down to the action. The guys sample her sweet pussy after getting off those itty bitty jeans. The best part about this sexy lady is how busy she stays. She really does like being the center of attention, and she really really loves getting the guys off. She rarely has a free hand, or empty mouth. She keeps stroking and sucking the...
xmoviesforyouHalfway across town, Carly was sitting alone in her room, thinking about sex. She had finished her chores around the farm, and was now relaxing cross-legged on her bed, absent-mindedly patting her dog Alistair. A lot of the girls at her school had started to have sex lately, she realised. More girls than she'd previously thought. Before you knew it, even the really uptight girls like Kerin and Liesel would probably be having sex. And Carly didn't want to be left behind. Carly was a...
Hi guys this is Rahul Rai. This is my first story so pls forgive me for minor mistakes. I am 21 yrs old. I live in Lucknow city of UP. My height is 5.8.and my sexual power is awesome with 7 inch dick. Anybody can comment me on or and any girl of any age can contact me you know why. Now let’s start the story. This story is actual incident happened in my big friend’s life. I’ll tell u in his words. Hi I’m raj. 25 yrs old working in local call center. I was married when I was 23 n my wife named...
Hi, I’m jay. A 30 aged married person. It had been 2 years since i’ve married. My wife is..She is slim, erotic figured, measured 36-26-36. The days we left behind was very much pleasurable. We used to play sex game every night. Though she was not so active, I enjoyed her very much. I was sitting in the balcony alone, cause yesterday exactly after 2 years of our marriage, I came to know that my wife is in love with anyone else! I don’t know who he is, but he must be someone very rich. Without...
IncestKatya Rodriguez is a dirty little slut. Her mom found out that she’s been taking dirty selfies to send to boys and she wants her stepdad to have a talk with her about it. Katya is NOT having it, she loves taking nudes and she’s not going to stop just because her stepdad says something, men love her body why shouldn’t they see it? She ends up showing him one of the pictures on his phone and she can tell he likes it so she makes a move and starts rubbing his cock. He acts nervous but...
xmoviesforyouLucy Part 2-Shopping He knew something was wrong when he tried to open his eyes. They seemed not to want to open. As he moved his head over the pillow he felt an excruciating pain behind his eyes. "God! he thought and realised his tongue seemed to have disappeared. The whole of his mouth was bone dry and somewhere in there his tongue had merged into the arid expanse behind his lips. He tried to move but the effort proved too much. He forced his eyes open and looked around. "Where am I"...
Paul is as an only c***d living with his single mom. The two rented a rundown two bedroom unit. They are extremely close and always affectionate with each other, ever since Michelle divorced his father when he was just a young boy. Michelle who had quite a good body for her age, with only her stomach having the slightest roundness to it & stunning long dark brown hair, had brought her fair share of lovers back home throughout her son's c***dhood. So he never really had a constant father...
That afternoon I went to my gyno to check out my pussy and my ass.My loving Victor had lately been fucking me in the ass and also he had fisted me in a wild manner, stretching me out brutally.Before going to see my doctor, I carefully shaved my labia and my ass…Her secretary checked my appointment and made me sit there.After a while, I went to the toilet for a pee and then after I removed my damp panties. Seeing my gyno doctor always got me aroused…As I left the bathroom, the secretary told me...
They walked in silence, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Looking down at the woman beside him, Danny felt his pulse pick up again. Just the fact that she was standing near him was enough to startle him before, but the small details were now suddenly obvious – her long, dark blonde waves brushed against his fingers as he guided her, something that only enhanced the dryness of his mouth as he noticed the way her dark wash jeans molded against her perfectly. She had one of those cotton tanks...
Ny Ny is having a better date than she expected. He took her to a nice dinner and she was playing a bit of footsie under the table to encourage him. He loved how dirty she was and she was just warming up. So he suggested they trying something adventurous and visit a glory hole that he goes to to just get his nut but this time they know each other. So Ny Ny is looking around the dark and dirty room and peaks up through the hole just enough to see for sure she has the right cock with a sign of...
xmoviesforyouOne fine day Sana’s family invited Navin. Navin and Sana were looking very happy that day. Navin was a dark hunk, muscular guy and Sana was very feminine and delicate girl. I always wondered if they had sex, he would tear her. At the engagement party, when Navin lifted Sana, they looked like Tarzan and Jane. Although it was a private family function, a few friends and Asif’s parents too attended.They presented Sana a gold chain and Navin gold ring. They too approved this relation, as they were...
Introduction: To comply with this sites new censorship rules, all references to age have been edited. Readers should consider all characters to be at least 18 years old. Sorry for any confusion in the story line. College Days By Greg The college I attended was a well-respected engineering school on the east coast. The problem was that this attracted a majority of male students. The available females in school were mostly eggheads, or had some kind of issue to prove like, Im just as good as any...
There I was dozing in my cage, when the young guard came round. She opened the door, grabbed my chain and jerked me upright.I knew better than to protest. She was only a young slip of a thing compared to my physique but she held the whip hand quite literally. Also her other hand now firmly gripped the chain that was attached to the fastening on my chastity cage and with a sharp tug she reminded me of the power that gave her. Anyway, I had been trained over the last year to be obedient, any...
Wes had worked himself up into a fine state of readiness by the time he heard Helen's key in the lock. He stood in the middle of the living room and grinned as his prudish wife came in. "I suppose you've been out to that awful bar again!" Helen snorted, walking up to Wes and wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I can smell liquor and I don't like it!" Before Helen could say another word, Wes took the bull by the horns. He grabbed his wife in a tight embrace, almost knocking her off her...
Ron grabbed the mail and walked over to the adjacent mailbox. "What's up, Frank? Dan come through with the beer?" Frank looked over his shoulder and then answered, "Yeah, but we're headed to the lake." "Dude — you know I'm stuck here. What the fuck?" Frank shrugged and offered something resembling a look of sympathy. "I forgot it was one of Mom's freaky-deekie hippie holidays. When I got up this morning and she was still home with a flower in her hair, I knew it was time to get...
I left the store and headed home to get ready. Ron and Renee were going to pick me up at 7 to take me to Frank's place. I stripped and decided to give myself an enema. I wanted to be real clean for my first fucking. Once I was clean out, I stepped into the shower. There, still stuck to the wall was that black dildo that had reamed my ass out last night and this morning. By now I was so excited about what was going to happen, I just stood and stared at it. I knelt down and took the fake cock...
You wake up slowly, and look at your phone. Today is the first day of winter break, and your parents will be spending the break on a cruise, while you were left home with your little sister, Megan. As you get out of bed, you think about your situation, and how to make the best of it. Each option keeps returning to Megan in one way or another. You put these thoughts aside, however, and head into the bathroom, relieving yourself before you step into the shower. You find your mind continually...
IncestWell, where to start. I have been getting birthday spankings for the past ten years from a wonderful family friend, Mike Wellby who lives just down the road. My Mom has asked him to give me my birthday spankings every year and every time I get more and more excited to see him come to the house, knowing that I will soon be over his knee feeling his stinging hand on my bare bottom. This year would be different though because this year I turned eighteen and Mike hinted to the fact that since I was...
Ron had been telling me about Ronnie’s first time out for the night with Sue. The thing that stuck in my mind was when he repeated Ronnie’s description of her experience with one of the guys with a huge cock. I went home that night, and Sue and I made love several times. I just didn’t seem to be able to get enough.Next morning Sue asked, “You were overly excited last night?”The way she said it made sure that I understood that she expected me to explain. Initially, I was a bit lost for words but...
CuckoldTube Kitty! The simple fact about tube sites is that they source their videos from other sites which means that their major challenge is to try and standardize their videos quality which at times they fail at terribly, but some try. Well, has fairly tried to bring you the best but what really makes the site stand out besides from its massive collection of videos is its diversity.Trust Tube Kitty to bring you the most exotic fetishes and kinks plus porn featuring these genres; gay/...
Porn AggregatorsSuddenly the bank phone rang. The judge answered it, "Hello?" He turned toward Harley and said, "It's for you." It was Ellie. "I'm not going to ask how you tracked me down. What is it?" "Some colored boy came to my house and told me to get you to come home. There are all sorts of people prowling around. He said his friends are going to 'demobilize' them, whatever means." "Thank you, Ellie, I'll go home right now." He hung up the phone and turned to the judge, "You explained...
We live in the sticks so we had to order satellite internet. We knew the guy was coming to install so I stayed home from work that day. My wife “Roxanne” was really excited. That morning after she put the kids on the bus she had me shave her pussy completely bald. She then put on her 5” open toe silver high heels, Cuban tan & black theigh high stockings with the line running up the back, black lace garterbelt, silver lace see through panties, silver lace shelf bra that exposes her nipples, did...
Tiffany Watson and Marilyn Johnson chill in a room after finishing their photoshoot when their colleague suddenly comes in with a camera on hand. The captivating blondes with all-natural bodies have yet to try some of their outfits, so they change into them while the lucky man films them. While the naughty trio talks with one another, the girls notice the bulging boner on the guy’s pants. Not wanting to waste any good wood, Tiffany and Marilyn start giving the lucky guy a blowjob at the...
xmoviesforyouI want to feel your lips against mine. Come kiss me, taste my awaiting lips. Taste my flavour, as I taste yours. Mm, yes, that’s it. Your lips finally move to mine, needing mine as much as I need yours. It isn’t long however, before your lips are moving slowly down my lily white skin. You’re exploring me, making me arch and writhe under you until I’m trembling and arching for more. I know you’re savouring every inch of me as you pass by my lips, moving further south. My skin grows hotter...
I liked the delivery man, he seemed to like me too, asking him a favor he hugged and kissed me, then he fucked me [email protected]
Sex With StrangerI thought we were quite done with these, but it seems that my publishers, 'The Daily Heil Publications Corporation', have a different opinion. We batted it back and forth for a few days without reaching much of a conclusion so they sent a couple of their brown-shirted and heavy-booted 'representatives' around to pay me a visit. Well, after a completely unjustifiable trampling of my hyacinths and the crystal clear implication that they were going to go all Kristallnacht on my greenhouse, I...
Fetish“Persuasive Approval” (circa-1971) Meeting Beverley Jackson for the first time after their impulsive moment of intimacy when Charles and George left them alone in the hotel to visit the landlord of the Red Bull was always going to be a little uncomfortable. He stepped out of the car and walked into the hotel reception. Other than muffled voices coming from the television he was surprised to find the place deserted. His accommodation was always booked in advance so he knew Charles and Beverly...