ComrieChapter 64 free porn video

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Sarah's Clan was just getting ready to turn in when Muireann in Intelligence said to them, "We need to discuss a developing situation with you all."

"What's up?"

"Those three satellites we've been tracking have made some odd changes to their orbital parameters in the last 24 hours."

"What do you mean by odd?"

"These are supposed to be communication satellites. They are still in essentially a transfer orbit, but with a 48000 km maximum and an 8000 km minimum. Normally they would have moved to their intended geosynchronous orbit by now. Their paths have shifted so that they will cross ours in about 18 hours unless more changes are made. We are currently projecting them to all cross our path at the same time, and pass within 10 km."

"Who launched them?"

"We don't know. Two were launched from Hainen, China and the other from Tyuratam, Russia. They were contract launches but we haven't been able to determine the identity of the contracting party."

Rusty said, "Send a flight of Star Fighters to track each one. They should take several spiders and a ferret. Deploy the spiders after scanning the satellites. They need to keep us updated with what they find. While that is taking place, we will come to your compartment."

"Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans," said Sally, "would you join us for a conference regarding a concern by Intelligence?"

After a few moments Siobhan said, "Can we do this by video? We can teleport there if required."

"It is up to you. I think we can handle this with video and our telepathic link."


"We are fine with that," said Crystal of Maureen's Clan.

"So what is the issue?" said Conan.

"Intelligence reports that someone is maneuvering three satellites so that their orbits will intersect ours simultaneously. With no further changes they will be within 10 km of us when they do cross our path. These are reportedly communications satellites, but are larger than other similar satellites."

"Siobhan, I think some of us need to go to Dóchas," said Aisling. Her comment caused raised eyebrows on several spouses. "It should be at least Amber, Eileen and me."

Amber said, "You're thinking the satellites are controlled by the Council."

"It is a possibility. Enough time has elapsed for them to acquire satellites and con the Russians and Chinese into launching them."

"We agree."

Siobhan said, "Go. We should be on our bridge for this."

Moments later Muireann said, "Good evening," when the three from Siobhan's Clan appeared in the Intelligence compartment on Dóchas.

"Good evening," they replied, then Aisling added, "It will be morning before long."

"Yes, it will be," said Sarah's Clan as they entered. After greeting each other, Sarah said, "Let's get this show on the road, so we can get some rest."

With that comment, holograms of Maureen's and Siobhan's Clans formed. Sally said, "Muireann, why don't you review the information we have on this apparent threat?"

"Okay, the short version is that three satellites were launched three days ago. They are reported to be communications satellites, however they are still in what is considered transfer orbits. Normally this only lasts for about 5 to 7 hours. Since reaching orbit, their orbital path has shifted several times. The last change has them crossing ours within a few minutes of each other..." She closed her review with, "that covers the facts we have. Since asking for this meeting, we've sent Star Fighters to check them out. They are carrying spiders, ferrets and imploder missiles."

Amber said, "As all of you know, I've been watching the Council of Brothers activities pretty closely, or at least those we can detect. Shortly after these satellites launched, the Council of Brothers' offices received calls from both China and Russia. The phone numbers were in the general area of the launch sites. The traffic volume at the crossroads near the high security research site has increased significantly in the last few days."

"So you think the Council is setting up to attack our ships."


"Why not Comrie? It is a much easier target than us."

"It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do both. Attacking us here and at Comrie would change the balance of power between the governments on Earth. While I was their slave, they were very careful in what they said when I was present. In thinking back over all the bits that I heard, and what I've seen since coming here, I believe the road from the crossroads going into the mountains leads to an advanced weapons site. Why? There are a lot of large trucks traveling that road.

"Going back 15 years the topo maps only show a deep valley a short distance west of the crossroads. When I look at the current maps, there doesn't appear to be anything there, but it does look different. There is no indication of any roads or settlements in the valley. So where do the trucks and cars go?"

"Let's presume Amber is correct," said Sarah. "To me a secret research site implies advanced weapons with nuclear as a strong possibility. We can handle that kind of attack but as things now stand Comrie can't."

"In that case, let's evacuate Comrie to either An Clochán or New Comrie," responded Kylie of Maureen's Clan.

Siobhan said, "As far as we are concerned, let's pull everything out of Comrie. We have enough improvements at New Comrie to satisfy our recreational needs. An Clochán could be used as the first stop for new candidates."

"Suits us," said Maureen's Clan. "You know we should include Keriann's and Kathryn's Clans in this, although we realize why they weren't initially."

"Good point," said Sarah. "Keriann's Clan. Kathryn's Clan, we need you to join us for a brief conference."

"What?" responded Keriann groggily.

"What conference?" asked Kathy.

To Keriann's and Kathryn's Clans Sally said, "Intelligence believes that there is a threat toward us in near Earth orbit. We are currently in their department on Dóchas reviewing the information. Since this appears to have broader implications, we thought we should include your clans."

Maureen said, "We're participating remotely from our bridge."

"We'll do that," said Kelly of Keriann's Clan.

"We're headed for the bridge now," said Brittany of Kathryn's Clan.

Sally said, "Once you are there, Muireann will give you the briefing we just heard."

"While we are waiting, let's call our contacts in the space agencies in Russia and China and ask about the strange orbits of the satellites they recently launched," said Terry. "We should indicate our concerns."

Those making the calls had just returned to the compartment when Keriann said, "We agree with the assessment and the responses you've discussed."

"So do we," added Brittany. "Did the two space agencies know anything?"

"Not really," said Sally. "They did confirm that they were contract launches of commercial communications satellites. We should know more by breakfast. They are aware of our concerns."

Erin of Sarah's Clan said, "Let's send a couple of drones and spiders to look at the location on Earth that we have concerns about. If they are really building rockets and handling nuclear weapons there, I am surprised the Israelis haven't done something about it. Although the country this is in has not actively sought to antagonize them."

"Agreed," responded all five clans.

Stacey of Muireann's Clan said, "We should have data back from the drones around breakfast time."

"Good," replied all.

"Are we in agreement with evacuating Comrie?" asked Sarah.

"We agree with evacuating," replied Chester of Keriann's Clan, "but what do we want to leave behind, if anything?"

"The island," said Aoife causing several to chuckle.

"I was thinking more in terms of the buildings and the technology they contain."

"We have an evacuation plan for that," said Star. "It removes all residents and all working technology items. Once that is accomplished, or time runs out, the choices are, leave the buildings, destroy them, or wipe the whole island clean. If the buildings are left they will need extensive remodeling before they could be used. I am not sure everyone realizes it but Chantel resides at New Comrie now."

"In that case, let's leave the buildings standing," said Kelly of Keriann's Clan.

"We agree," replied everyone.

Sarah said, "Star, inform Chantel to initiate evacuation of Comrie and target completion by 1000 hours local time."

"Let's get some rest," said Sarah, "and we will meet back here right after breakfast unless something changes."

"We'll send most of our shuttles to Comrie," said Brandan of Maureen's Clan.

"So will we," added Tiff of Siobhan's Clan.

"Arrivals and departures at Comrie should be cloaked," said Maeve.

Muireann said, "When the information from the Star Fighters is received, I will send it to each Command Staff before we start analyzing it."

"Okay," responded everyone.

–-- –-- –--

It was right after breakfast that Sarah's Clan met with their children's visitors. At the same time, Melinda was briefing Lorelei's group about the potential threat.

Sarah looked around the conference room to check that everyone was there, before saying, "We asked to meet with all of you because earlier today our Intelligence group alerted us to an anomaly in the orbits of three recent satellite launches. These are purported to be communications satellites and their current orbits have them passing near us in about 9 to 12 hours.

"Since then we've learned that the satellites belong to the Council of Brothers. We are concerned about the satellites for several reasons. The orbits have been shifted several times since launch to bring them closer to us, and we are well above the normal orbit used for such satellites. Another reason is that we severely disrupted a Council of Brother's plot to destabilize several of Earth's governments. This, along with several other bits of information, indicates to us that they intend to attack this ship and Comrie. All of this is circumstantial, but as a caution we are evacuating Comrie. It will be completed in a few hours.

"With that in mind, we thought you should have the choice of where you are when this event unfolds. You are welcome to stay here since we believe their attack will fail, however there is a risk. The alternatives are An Clochán, our settlement on Mars, another ship, or we can take you home. With respect to going home, one thing to consider is that we aren't sure we can return you home as unobtrusively as we picked you up. So there could be questions raised by acquaintances about where you were that could be difficult to answer."

"Who are the Council of Brothers?" asked one of the women.

"They are a terrorist organization that operates primarily in North Africa, the Middle East and into West Asia. They are a group who believes that they should have a greater role in world events but have been kept down by other world governments, in particular Western ones. There is a religious aspect to this as you've probably guessed. They are Muslim and promote a very strict view of how to live in order to be in good standing with God. In many ways they are no different than other religious groups who seek to impose their view of God on others."

"Why did you let us come?"

"Because we didn't know they were intending to attack us until earlier today. They've put weapons satellites in orbit before that were disguised as communications satellites. About a year ago one of them launched missiles at us, and a second one was preparing to do so when both were destroyed. They don't have launch capability so they've contracted with others to launch them and have disguised them as communications satellites."

Maeve watched Alena as she looked at each of her children and then nodded. They responded by smiling. When Alena saw Maeve looking at her, she just winked and smiled.

"Alena, I see you are going to stay." Alena gasped when she recognized Maeve as the source of the voice in her mind, and then smiled. "We should not have any difficulty in dealing with this." Maeve reassured her.

"We are not concerned. I feel my husband, Scott, would think staying here was an excellent choice."

"We shall see."

Sally continued with, "There is a shuttle waiting in the hangar where we arrived. It will take you to either An Clochán, another of our ships, or your homes. Now, we need to go to the bridge. If you have further questions, either the children or the nannies can get the answers for you. The children and nannies will be with you while you are here. If you do choose to go home to Earth, then they will ensure you have an escort for the trip."

"We will stay," said a couple, which caused their children to smile. "Where can we help out?"

Terry smiled, "Since you are not telepathic, it would be best for you to stay with the children. You can then team up with them and the nannies when assistance is needed."

"But, they are children," said the woman.

"Yes. However, our children and the nannies are telepathic, so they can pass along any commands or information to those around them."

"Oh, that makes sense."

At that point Star sounded the alarm for Readiness Level 3. Sarah's Clan headed for the door, waving to the group.

Kennith said, "Mom, go with them. We will be okay." Alena hesitated for a moment before dashing out the door to catch up with Sarah's Clan.

When Alena caught up with Maeve and Tara, Maeve said, "I thought you would be joining us," as they gave her a hug.

"Yes! I felt a really strong push to join you, but I was concerned that it wasn't the correct thing to do."

"We are pleased you chose to follow your instincts."

"So, what is your opinion of the other families?"

"They are a very nice people. The couple who spoke up will inquire about joining the Órarduine family. The other two couples will eventually seek to join, though it may take them some time to decide. The difference is that the family who spoke up is at a crossroads in their life and realize it. The others aren't, yet. In any case, I don't think you will need to make a special trip to Earth. In all three cases, the children will play key roles in their decision to stay."

When they arrived on the bridge, both Star and Aine were waiting for Sarah's Clan. Aine immediately went to Alena and gave her a welcoming hug as the others went to their consoles.

"Alena," said Maeve, "your actions earlier indicated that you could hear us telepathically. Do you think you're picking up all the conversations?"

"I think so."

"We have some time, could Aoife and I look at your telepathic ability with you?"

"I guess so, but I am not real sure I understand your question."

"It is easier to show you. Don't hesitate to tell us to stop or ask questions." It startled Alena when she sensed Aoife and Maeve in her mind, but she quickly relaxed as they began coaching her. Alena soon picked up on what they were showing her about the way the different areas of her mind functioned. As they had already suspected, she was already close to being a fully functional telepath. They showed her how to make the necessary adjustments to fully enable her telepathic ability. Next they coached her on managing her telepathic links, and how to protect herself from intrusion. She also learned to identify each telepathic source, so that it could be quickly recognized.

"This is neat," said Alena. "Your thoughts are much clearer now."

Aoife and Maeve then shared with Alena the differences between casual telepathic exchanges and the more intimate exchanges within a clan. When they had finished, Alena said, "When Scott was alive, there were many times it seemed like we were sharing thoughts. I knew when he was shot and had a brief glance at the scene just as he died. That experience is something I never shared with anyone before now, and I do not want to experience it again. This will sound strange, but earlier, when you asked us whether we wanted to stay, it seemed like he was encouraging us to agree."

"Alena," said Aine, "pardon my intrusion into your discussion with Aoife and Maeve, but I think I can help you understand why you felt the way you did today." Alena looked questioningly at Aine. "Without looking at your memory to be sure, I think you and your husband were, in fact, mentally bonded. It is unusual for people who are not active telepaths to do that. The effect of this is that when a serious decision is being considered, your analysis draws upon your combined knowledge. You could think of it as a part of him being still alive within you."

"I will need to think about that. Are you always around, as I may have some questions?"

"Not always, as my duties require me to leave from time to time, however you can always reach me telepathically. I think you can now see a link."

"Yes, I do. I would much rather talk in person, as there is more to a discussion than words."

"True," replied Aine, "but telepathic exchange has the benefit of including a lot of the concepts that are hard to verbalize. You overcome part of that with body language, but it is still an approximation." Alena looked doubtful. "Give it some time, then you will understand."

It was early afternoon when Fatin the Executive Director for the Council of Brothers left for the Council's secret launch site. During the last week, he had begun to relax. The stress over the last 6 months had been intense. Initially, he was certain that after the debacle in Tangiers they would kill him, and that it would be a brutal death. Instead they had promoted him and he had worked hard to slip their satellites past the Chinese and Russians. He smiled as he thought of the looks of terror on the Órarduine's faces when the bombs detonated and reduced their precious space ship to dust.

The Órarduine had twice embarrassed the Council of Brothers by exposing their activities. While the response to the attack by their satellite was expected, the Council viewed the disruption of their Tangier operation as a clear interference in Earth's affairs. Fatin wasn't sure that now was the appropriate time to retaliate, but considering that it was originally his idea, and his insecurity, he decided not to say anything. Destroying the Órarduine's space ship and their island would, if nothing else, tell the world, that they, the Council of Brothers, were not to be trifled with.

As he traveled toward the launch site, four of the Council of Brothers entered a radio station in the country where they were members of parliament. Shortly after entering the station they began broadcasting their speeches. The four speeches were very similar as each sought to convince the listeners of the evil the Órarduine represented, because of their culture and their non-human appearance. They justified their claims by linking them back to their interpretation of scriptures. Their rant against the aliens and the unwillingness of their country's leaders to stand up to these barbarous acts by the Órarduine infidels lasted nearly an hour. As their speeches drew to a close, they announced that a consortium known as the Council of Brothers had decided to act on behalf of their governments. They stated that within hours their heroic Brothers would blast the Órarduine back to hell where they belonged. The four parliament members closed their broadcasts by praising Allah for giving them the power to annihilate the agents of the devil, the Órarduine.

While they were speaking Fatin had reached the launch site. He was surprised to be met by the head of the Council. After the usual greetings he said, "Fatin, you have worked very hard for our cause and to reach this milestone. For this, we have a special place for you to watch the final step in achieving it. Come with me."

His gesture shocked Fatin as so many things had not gone as they had planned. It was a long walk through many underground corridors and they chatted about up-coming events and future plans. During this Fatin thought several times, "I hope someone shows me how to get back."

When they entered the room he was shocked to see his whole family there. When he recovered he said, "Your Excellency, I am deeply humbled by this kindness. This is something we will long remember."

The Chairman nodded and said, "Considering your contributions we thought that seeing this event with your family was a reasonable reward. Now go and greet your family. I would stay with you to enjoy this event but the others have insisted that I join them to watch the launch. This location will give you a much better idea of the power we will use to finish them off." He nodded and left the room.

After greeting his family Fatin looked around at the large monitors. He was in awe of the events about to take place. Around him, the members of his family excitedly watched and talked about the views. Some monitors showed multiple images of the rocket being readied for launch. On others were graphics showing the three satellites' position in relation to the Órarduine ship. The noise in the room was loud enough that he didn't hear the doors to the corridor close or the latches sliding home.

When the Council Chairman reached the control room, Hatim said, "Was he surprised?"

"Definitely. Tomorrow, we shall meet to discuss whether we should go forward now or rebuild."

"We need solid information before we can do that."

"Yes, but we need to discuss our options. Our core plan was good. Perhaps there is another way to initiate the chaos to our advantage."

"Excellent. We need to carefully evaluate our choices."

"Yes, we do," he replied as he turned to look at the monitor showing their rocket bathed in the bright lights. He could just barely make out the workers leaving the area surrounding them. "Soon," he thought and smiled.

It was 1700 hours on Comrie, or 2100 Zulu, when the Command Staffs were advised that the rocket was within 60 minutes of ignition. As they watched the monitors on Dóchas Sally said, "Their satellites are set to cross our orbit in 65 minutes. It is fortunate that they decided to use satellites in this manner to attack us."

Alison added, "Yes, if they had just eased them close to us we may not have noticed them until they were very close. The drones and spiders have again played a key role in obtaining the information we needed."

"True, but we are far enough above the normal orbit that I think they would have been noticed as soon as they arrived."

Sarah said, "Star, confirm status."

"FCSs are manned and active. Shields are 85%. All fighters have launched. Cruisers have launched. No one is on Comrie and all critical equipment has been removed. Phoenix and Eagle are at RL3."

"Dóchas Macha, operate uncloaked," said Rusty.

"Aye," replied the four cruisers.

A little later Sally said, "The rocket from the Council site is rising."

Terry said, "FCSs, you have your assignments, advise when you have target acquired."


Tara said, "Fighters. Cruisers, Plan 1 Option A."


A few minutes earlier at the Council of Brothers launch site, the rocket motors ignited. When they did the viewing room where Fatin and his family were watching was suddenly filled with a loud roar. The intensity of the vibrations and deafening noise shocked him. Everyone covered their ears as the roar increased to the point of being painfully loud, then a wall gave way. He then saw the fear as mouths opened around him screaming in terror. In the microsecond before the intense heat of rocket gas flowed over them he realized the deception.

–-- –-- –--

The rocket rising from the Council of Brothers site immediately drew the attention of many spy satellites. It was only a few seconds before the information was passed to their respective control centers which, in turn, sounded the alarm. Dóchas Intelligence watched as the alarms triggered changes in readiness levels, bringing virtually every country to a wartime status. The satellites provided a constant stream of positional data on the unknown rocket rising into the sky and turning west.

On Dóchas the forward looking FCS said, "Target coordinates acquired for each," to Dóchas CIC and Command Staff.

Dóchas monitoring was focused on the rocket, and watched as it rose and the stages separated.

Sally said, "Reentry vehicle has projected trajectory to arrive at Comrie in 20 minutes."

Tara said, "Star Fighters, intercept war head right after it peaks and starts its downward path. Fire when ready."

On the monitor they saw four Star Fighters close rapidly with the warhead. Just after its trajectory peaked and its destination was clear, they released their imploder armed missiles. Once released, the Star Fighters veered off and went to maximum acceleration. Anyone looking in that direction a moment later would have seen a brilliant white flash of light, that was considerably brighter than a shooting star, appear and then vanish.

"Well done," said Tara to Sabrina's Flight.

"Thanks. Sensors are indicating that it was a dirty bomb."

"Okay. We'll monitor the debris field."

CIC said, "Satellites 1, 2 and 3 are approaching A-beam range. FCSs are ready to acquire and fire."

On Dóchas' bridge the fire control monitor showed their FCSs had locked on to the three satellites. When the range became optimum, each FCS fired their A-beam. Then fired again as the core wasn't completely destroyed.

"FOC, have the fighters and cruisers take out the rocket stages and any other debris."

"Aye," replied Emma.

Sarah said, "Navigation, plot course to move us to an orbit 6000 km directly above launch site."

"Aye," replied Joyce. A few moments later said, "Course ready."

"Initiate move.

"Dóchas FCS, prepare to initiate Plan 2 on my mark. We will wait until move is complete.

"Navigation, prepare course to return to our geosync position, but at 50000 km."


While the Órarduine were dealing with the satellites and the missile warhead, the Council was in their command center watching the monitors. They were very pleased by the successful rocket launch. The response by many of Earth's governments to their missile launch was as expected. Many smiled when they thought of the panic that they had caused them. Soon the whole world would know of their capabilities.

When the monitors indicated that their three satellites were near the point of intercepting the Dóchas and that the rocket was descending toward Comrie many of those in the control room began cheering.

Not realizing the significance the Council leader said, "What happened?"

"Your Excellency the recent data on the rocket indicates that it will hit their island in a few moments. The satellites will be near the space ship shortly after that."

"Very good, but perhaps we should wait to celebrate." He had just spoken those words when the room became quite as the engineers began frantically working at their consoles. Looking up at the monitor showing the trajectory of the war head, the symbol showing its position had stopped moving and was flashing red. "What does the flashing symbol mean?"

"We've lost contact with it. The US has a carrier group in the area of Comrie so it will be interesting to see how they respond."

"Now even the Iranians will have to listen when we speak."

Then the icons on the monitor for the satellites, showing their position, also began flashing red. The chatter among the technicians quickly grew in volume. This was followed by angry gestures toward the equipment and the monitors.

Seeing the staffs' agitation it was clear to the Council members that events were not proceeding as planned. The Council leader waited a few minutes before hollering, "Quiet!" He had to repeat it several times to restore order. Looking at the Commander of the Control Center he said, "What is all the commotion about?"

"We've lost contact with the missile warhead. It likely did not reach the island, in fact it doesn't look like it reentered the atmosphere. It is past the time for the three satellites to explode next to the space ship. None of the three are transmitting or responding to our signals."

"So you've failed!"

"We won't know..." and the response never finished. At that moment multiple A-beam pulses hit the location. When the dust cleared several hours later, all that could be seen was a slight depression in the valley floor where the facility had been. The face of the mountain that had hidden the launch tower was now a pile of dust. The valley was totally desolate, with the ground covered by a heavy layer of fine sand. It would be many years before the sand was firm enough to walk on.

Same as Comrie
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I leaned on the corner of the hangar as the sleek jet rolled to a stop only fifty feet away. I was as tight as the E string on a guitar, but I wouldn't have long to wait. No baggage claim, no crowding to get off the aircraft, no long walks up the jetway and through the terminal. No, I wouldn't have long to wait at all. She wasn't first off the plane, but close. She saw me immediately and came on the run toward me. I held my arms open and she leaped into them. We held each other tightly,...

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Three Square MealsChapter 4 The couple try something different

John slowly opened his eyes, as the fog of the night’s sleep began to fade from his mind. He was about to perform his normal stretching routine when he felt a strange weight on his left side. He looked down to see a mass of blonde hair resting against his shoulder, and the previous night’s events came flooding back to him. He half-turned, careful not to wake his sleeping companion as he wrapped his arm around her again. This was a new experience for him and he savoured the feeling of...

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Attitude Fix The story of my half brother our sleazy mom and the alternative to pain in life

Introduction: I had a roommate whod cry over the relationship he was having with his girl, I ended up fucking that girl, in the same apartment we shared as roommates, even in front of him. She kind of played along without much effort, like a caged animal who can only taste freedom while in chains. Like all girls before her, I knew shed play the role of defiance very shortly. But as soon as I lined them up outside overlooking the wired fences, the mined fields, the vicious dogs, all of them knew...

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Summer Canyon

(My thanks again go to Muddy for her editing. In fiction and for Mitch’s benefit, this tribe exists. In fact this tribe bares no resemblance to any Native Indian tribe either in America or Canada.) If you look on any map you will never find Summer Canyon. Its name has been passed down from generation to generation, and even when map makers came they looked and called it something else then went away. Those that live in the area have never called it by any other name than Summer Canyon. If...

4 years ago
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A True Event

Another weekend is here and what do I have to look forward to?   Two more nights on the town watching stupid ignorant people drinking far to much and then start trouble or cause unnecessary problems usually for the innocent victims. Or should I go with my better judgement and just stay in watch some films, become a weekend warrior on the playstation or get lost in cyberspace and wank my Willy stupid?   Well I opted for the stay home option...

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The Red Miniskirt

My wife and I have been married for 25 years – she is 45 and I am 48. It took a little red skirt to bring us the sexual adventure of our lives.For our anniversary just over last autumn , I bought her a gold bracelet and booked a short country house break but as a fun present for me she ordered a short tight red mini skirt from a mail order company. I wasn’t to know how much of a “fun” present it would turn out to be although the first time she modelled it with a pair of lacey topped stockings I...

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Babysitter Surprise

Kate has turned to Tina, the teenage daughter of a neighbour, to look after her two daughters for the evening. Tina is around 5 foot 6, slim with long slender legs and is in her second year at Uni. She arrives around ten to eight and looks really cute in a cropped T-shirt top that hangs from her pert 36c tits and a pair of skimpy denim shorts that show off her long slender legs. Tom and Kate set off to the party around 8pm for a journey that takes about 20 minutes. Part way through the...

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Sex With Office Colleague

This happened a few years ago when I worked in Gurgaon. I’m going to share my hot sex story of a colleague and had an affair for a short period of time. It all started as a casual talk with Shreya (name changed) for work-related purpose. She was friendly and very articulate. She figured out my area of my residence and asked me for lift almost every day en route to my home. I being new to the job didn’t mind obliging her and we bonded better thanks to our talks during the commute. Those days I...

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CTU Bus journey

I am 36 year very sexy man single with average body and 5’8” height and 8″ hard and fair cock(lund) From Chandigarh .Because this is a real one.I always go by bus for my job. I always go form Chandigarh to Mohali by bus number 72,13,71 etc.I was returning from my job by bus.Next to my sit one girl of age 23 came.She was wearing a nice pink dress and was fair in color. Her body measurement is 36-24-36……. When i was not in a mood i was talking with myself she smile at me and my mood got good.When...

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The Lifeguard

It was the waning days of what had been a long summer for Kathy. She had dreaded the idea that she had been asked to help her Aunt out, working at the campsite, and so far all of her worst fears had come true. She felt guilty, not wanting to be there, especially in light of the fact that her Aunt had broken her hip and was struggling with her recuperation. Just the same, she felt as though she was being cheated out of her summer, all of her friends at home going to parties, to the beach, having...

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Getting caught in my house wanking

Well, as you can see in my short profile, a single white mature male, average build and all working well. In this period of isolation, working from home, seeing no colleagues and basic visits to the supermarket, things get boring after a while. Productivity drops and working all day behind a computer screen, you can guess where inspiration can be found, having fast internet and no-one to disturb all day. A man alone in his castle with internet. With the short days before Christmas, it is dark...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 19

Gazza got the Auto back on the road. “Gazza, your idea about Wombat, isn’t as silly as it sounds,” Bette said. “I think you should make Wombat a girl though.” Gazza looked back at Possum in the mirror, “Do you want her to look like Bette or Nat?” “That is a very hard discussion master, as they are both equally beautiful to me,” Possum answered. Bette and Nat chuckled. “Damn, he really is your doppelganger,” Nat replied. “What! He’s just got good taste is all. I can never pick between you...

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A New LifeChapter 9

I carried the little girl in and up to her bedroom. ‘Are you stopping for a while?’ Donna asked as she began to prepare her daughter for bed. ‘Do you want me to?’ She smiled and said, ‘Yes please.’ Although the old Donna regularly surfaced when we were out, I now, happily, rarely saw it when we alone together. ‘Then of course, but while you put Lisa Marie to bed, I’d better do the same for my girl.’ She giggled. ‘Bring a bottle of wine back.’ I raised my eyebrows. In the months of...

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The Case of the Errant Clergyman A Holmes and Hove NovellaChapter 6 Discovery

Holmes for once was fairly contented; he sat carefully cleaning each of his pipes in turn. The resemblance of his pipe rack to a rifle rack did not escape him, nor did the dutiful act of cherishing a precise machine. His mind started to drift back to his days in the Sudan... "Beggin' pardon Mr 'Olmes, but Mr 'Ove is here and 'es somewhat impatient to see you." Ned's eyes refocused on Nancy. "By all means bid him in..." Nancy walked back to the door softly cursing her vacant-eyed...

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New Found Powers in Reignam

The city of Reignam is a dark, crime filled land of isolation. A city on the water in the outskirts of the United States. The streets are dirty and gang warfare runs rampant. Two major gangs run the underground: the South Side Triad, an all Asian gang led by Zhèng Jah, a Chinese woman with telepathic powers, and the Sons of Sorrow, an all men biker gang with a live free mentality, jointly led by Ryan Tracker, a weapons expert,  Ken Tran-Lee, a shapeshifter, and Warren Winchester, gifted with...

3 years ago
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First and amazing experience with two men 2 days a

I still can't believe what I just experienced 2 days ago..I still feel my clit extremely sensitive and I can not stop thinking about it..I am a 43 years old married woman, having an affair at this moment with a 39 years old man. I could be probably judge as a bad wife for cheating my husband, but I like to think that I am not..for reasons that I don't think is relevant at this moment to say why I am cheating, what I can't wait to share is my amazing story about two days ago.I always hear that I...

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sibling fun

'Creak... creak... creak...' came the soft footfalls upon the basement steps. 'Pat... pat... pat..." whispered the quiet sound of bare feet on the concrete floor outside my bedroom. 'Eee...' the moan of protesting hinges desperately in need of oil. Then came the barely heard footfalls upon my bedroom carpet followed by the whisper of clothing hitting the floor. I knew who it was and why she was in my bedroom. She wanted to torment me yet again. I had been home a little over four weeks and damn...

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Encounter With Friend8217s Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello Friends, This is Vishu from Hyderabad self employed professional.I am a man who likes to kiss deeply, laugh quickly, make love slowly and clasps all that life has to offer. Women want someone who is decisive and direct. They don’t want someone who is still struggling to make up his mind. I am the person meant to be helping you woman make up her mind. I can be your companion when lonely. My today’s story is a true incident that occurred last winter when i went to meet Deepak (name change)...

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Holistic Health

1725 words                              Holistic Health                                 I was jogging, wearing my hair in a pony tail, with my newpink jogging togs, my almost new Reboks, and my faithful Walkmanfor company.  Usually, I just do a couple circuits of the park,but for some reason, yesterday I went down an unfamiliar sidestreet.  It was broad daylight; I didn't fell unsafe.     There was a funny little store, The Holistic Health Store. There were, as I expected, window displays of...

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On the RunChapter 19

Jamie shook. "What?" "Excuse me, sir," the Guard said and Jamie felt adrenaline course through his veins. Surely he wasn't going to get arrested yards from the departure gate? Surely fate would not be so mean as to let him get so close and yet so far? He took a deep breath; he bet they had inspected the bag and found the stolen statue and the stolen money, and he was going to be apprehended. He wondered if he could sprint onto the plane, but knew the plane would not take off with him...

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Incestia 5

Sweet young Verity and the b**st of i****tiaPart 5.The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in i****tia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks.Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that...

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Late For DinnerChapter 76 Something You Do

"So," Kathy rested her chin on Christi's taunt little tummy, "the professor said it could happen over and over again, then stop and not happen again for a long time." "Let me see if I have this right." Christi stroked Kathy's hair, brushing it back from her forehead and letting it fall like golden strands of silk across their cozy bed. "So, when you, I mean she, was talking about that Sunday school thing, it wasn't you?" "Huh?" "Well, I mean, you were there and she was here...

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Trailer Park Confessions Part 2

I would almost sprint home from my buddies house. Checking to see if her and mom were back from their next bender. I never really knew when they would be back. Sometimes it would just be my mom.  Other times , I assume they were passed out at their friend or dealers house . But finally. Finally. I came home , and the pieces were all layed out . A quiet trailer. Mom out cold on the couch . A devilish grin passing my lips I'm sure as I tipped down the hall to my room. "Creeeeek" the...

2 years ago
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You continue waving goodbye until you see the old, green minivan turn out of sight. Once it is gone, you let out a sigh of relief and smile. It’s not that you don’t love your parents. You do, and you’re very grateful to them. They’ve given you a good life, and now they’re putting you through college. They even helped you set up your dorm room (a single room in a co-ed dorm). But after 18 years of growing up under their watchful eyes, you’re excited to be on your own, and even more excited that...

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The Adventures of Lady Belinda

A True Relation of the Adventures of Belinda, Lady D’Airing, and her faithful servant Groat Notar bene – although the dramatis personae herebelow included are based upon some real people, living and historical, any resemblance between them and the people of the story is purely coincidental. Prologue – Our story is set, gentle reader, in a time of great tribulation for these fair Isles of ours. Cruel and bloody civil war has ravaged the land, and the afflicted populace seek to put their lives...

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Kates Anal Correspondence Course 3 Finals

Kate strode towards the TSA agent and the point of no return. Once past the guard she was committed: He had said he would be on the other side and he always kept his promises. Once she saw him, touched him in the flesh, the rest would be inevitable. Already an adulteress in thought, she would become one in deed. It was natural that this change should give rise to mixed feelings. Kate loved her husband and trusted his love for her. She had no desire to replace him. But she did need something...

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How brother solves the mathematical problem1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey readers, I am Dheer of 20 years old. Normal physique with 5’8” and weighing 67kg. I am student of B.S.C second year. My father is a commission agent of spices so he normally remains at tour after every fifteen day for ten days. My mom is normal housewife who loves to work in her kitchen and household works. Now very important and main character of this story my sister Sneha she is 18 years now and studying in high school. She is 5’2” in height and...

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You Just Been Angelad Ch 04

The envelope found itself in the mail picked up by William he had been out of town and had ran past the post office. Throwing it in the seat next to his he was ready for getting back home. Living alone for the most part he was excited for the solitude he was enjoying more and more. Making some instant coffee he finally sat down looking through the bundle one envelope caught his eye a cream color velum envelope. He broke the seal and the most intoxicating scent permeated the air. Elegantly...

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My mums holiday

I usually phone my mum about once a week to see how she is. On this occasion I was quite nervous, considering what had happened between us the previous weekend (see stories: My Mum's Birthday, and parts 2 & 3). I thought she might be quite stand-offish, or even blame me for taking advantage of her when she was so drunk. But to my relief she seemed quite her normal self, and didn't even mention what had gone on over her birthday. Either she can't remember, or she's too embarrassed, I...

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FamilySwap Hime Marie Sophia West When My Swap Family Does A Super Hero Event

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Hime Marie and her swap brother Kyle Mason have joined their swap parents Sophia West and Charles Dera in a costumed marathon. They’re eager to get home and shower, but there’s a problem: they can’t get their skintight body suits off. Soon enough, both girls are on their knees trying to help the boys out of their suits. When the suits both rip to let the dicks...

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My YouthChapter 5 Youth Part 4

Sal and Barb came back after making sure Mary was ok. The girls were gone about an hour and it made me wonder if they were partying themselves. Arriving back, Sal told me Mary went straight to Alice and Sharon and they shut up into one of the bedrooms, later calling our girls in to talk. “They acted like we were some kind of ‘sisterhood’ or something. After Mary told them, pretty graphically I might add, EVERYTHING you did to her. She even unbuttoned her dress and pulled her bra cup up to...

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Sex with Friend8217s Mother And Her Friend 8211 Part II

Hai friends. I am from Kanya Kumara. I think u remember me. Thank u for your comments. Some friends said I didn’t tell her name in the story. Sorry for that. Her name is Padma. www. Here I am continuing my story. After that I go to Babu’s house very often. We used to have sex in more passion. Now we become like husband and wife. We will start sex when we meet a new day. After sex she will share her story of her life. She had told all...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 84

Portofino on the Italian Riviera was a magnificent sight as we rounded the bend and entered a natural harbor. We'd passed up Ventimiglia, Alessio, and Genova, to sail through to Portofino, where Mr. Bell and Millie awaited our arrival. Our yacht, Soulmates II, welcomed the remaining members of our little family, and kisses, hugs, and expressions of joy were shared all around. Since receiving Doctor Abrams' pronouncement and having the security scare on the same day, I had felt a little...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Paige Owens Skylar Snow An Appetite For Destruction

Skylar (Skylar Snow) and Paige (Paige Owens), a married lesbian couple, are ready to take the next step in their marriage: buying a house together. But when they find the house of their dreams, it quickly becomes clear that it’ll be nothing but a nightmare. When they try to put in an offer on the perfect house, they are met with hostility by the realtor. It seems as though they are not welcomed in this neighborhood, even though they are respectable people with good credit. The realtor...

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My GF the Best Part 2 Pegged Cuckold Gay

"Your turn."He rough shoved my mouth off of him, moved behind me, splashed lube up my ass, yanked the strap from my hole and began pushing into me. The tip of his dick slipped easily into my used hole and I moaned as the size of it spread me pleasantly open. I reached back again, grabbed my ass and spread myself open to him. "Ya, that's nice. Spread that ass open for me and let me wreck it real good," he told me as he began to push the rest of his massive dick into my ass....

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Georgie GirlChapter 12 The Plumber

Kevin Riordan arrived in the late afternoon on the second Friday in October. He had thought about how to maximize the trip and planned it to arrive on the Columbus Day weekend, giving us two full days to work on the project. He had an open ticket for his return to South Carolina, so we had no deadline to worry about. I had a sign with his name on it to identify me and he walked straight to me. He was tall, probably a couple of inches taller than I, but I doubted he weighed much more. He was...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 6

They were still talking about the pics on our cellphones as I walked into the kitchen. Mom looked up from Rachel’s phone, then looked at my dick poking out against my shorts. “Guy, does that thing ever go to sleep?” “No. Here lately it’s awake each morning when I wake up, it stays hard most of the day.” “Rachel just told me about you and her, earlier. After you fucked your sister and both those cousins, did your dick lose it’s erection?” “No.” “You sure didn’t take after your sorry-ass,...

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How I Got Lucky Part 8211 1

I have been reading stories on iss for a long time now and always wondered how people can get so lucky. Well, this is my story. How I got lucky….   I am a 30-year-old straight man staying in south Bangalore’s jp Nagar area. I am average built, 5’ 8, wheatish complexion. Any unsatisfied ladies/housewives seeking a good company can drop me a mail to   So here goes my experience of getting lucky… it was a lazy Sunday and I heard of a new spa that opened up in the area. I decided to pamper...

4 years ago
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My Massage from Stacey

Stacey had needed a part time job and started to take classes on massage therapy. I used to mess with her and ask about "happy endings", and she would shake her head and call me an idiot. I guess she really was learning the real massage therapy stuff. One day I had to help move some stuff at Staceys and after a while felt something wrong with my shoulder. It got real stiff and had a little pain. She offered to look at it, but not taking massage too seriously, I laughed it off. Seeing how much...

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My Race Is RoyalChapter 19

... these satellite images show the Saudi oilfields burning fiercely and are confirmation that things in the Kingdom seem to be turning badly against the Royal family there. Despite spending billions of dollars to try and appease anti-government feeling, the movement for more democracy continues to gather support. In other news... Donnie and Archie were watching the TV in the Bridge-of-Allan apartment, waiting for some sign that Donnie's intelligence had led to action against the Asians,...

1 year ago
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Learning A Trade

I came out of the shower and looked at myself critically in the mirror. I was 29 years old, typically Jewish, though perhaps I could pass for Italian or Spanish extraction with my black hair, brown eyes, and sharp facial features. 5' 4". My breasts sagged a bit, no longer the pert tits they had been 10 years ago. I had a nice waist even though the hips spread a little too much. I turned to the side and looked at my ass. Still nice, I though, if a bit broader than it had once been. Everything...

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Sometimes Only a BBC will Do for a PAWG

I am a small petite blonde, 22 (turning 23 end of this month) and loving life and boys.This last summer I was having fun with George, a decent guy. We had been fucking for about 6 weeks now and I will say sex at best was just above average. George liked me to do all the naughty things but would not work back on me as hard. But that was fine. It was not that we were exclusive and he knew I was having my fun away from him. I would hang with him over the weekends on his boat as I love water. He...

2 years ago
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Impregnating Julie

My next door neighbor is Julie Yamagata. She is 26 years old and married to a real nice guy that goes by the American name of James. He is an engineer for a large Japanese auto company in our town, and he and Julie moved in next door to me last year. He is from Japan, and he met the Japanese-American Julie when he was here for college. The ironic thing is that while she is full blooded Japanese, James is half Japanese, and half British as his mother was white. They have been married for five...

4 years ago
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Daddy mummy aauu mu Oriya

Sedina daddy asibar thila. Momi sabun mari gadei thile. Daddy asila belaku rati 9ta. Besi katha no hoi khai sooi baku galu. Daddy asile mu any room re suuea. Mu janichi daddy aji momi ku karibe. mu no sooi kaba phanka re dekhuthili. Daddy momi katha heuthile. Momi daddy nku mallish karuthile. Mallish karu karu momi daddynka jangha ku ghasile. Lungi bhitare hat mari ghasuthile. Tapare daddynka banda ku dhari ghasile. Daddy munda uthei lungi kadhi dei dekhuthanti. Momi hasi hasi di hatare banda...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Raven Hart 23937

Tyler doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. His girlfriend tells him he’s terrible in the sack, so then only thing he can think to do is to go to his friend’s mom Raven Hart and ask her for pointers. She gave a sex talk to her son, and as far as Tyler can tell, his buddy’s doing quite well with the ladies! But Tyler’s nerve wracked and when he goes to see the busty MILF and explain to her his embarrassing problem, and things turn even more awkward when the big tits brunette tells her son’s...

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King of the Castle

“That’s a big dick in yo’ mouth,” remarked the hung Black man.The older crossdressing bitch moaned agreement.“You missed this dick?”The sissy slut continued slurping on the 9½-inch tool. “Mmmhmmm!”“Daddy missed you too! Don’t make it so long before you get back here next time,” he stated.“Yes, sir,” she purred.The technical sergeant, who was still wearing his Airman Battle Uniform, began to take off his jacket. The name tape on it read, ‘PENDER’. “Sit on this big Black dick, Dianne,” Pender...

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My Neighbour Part 1

My Neighbour Part-1.Hello there, all Xhamster Readers, Namastae,I'm Mr Kumar and I'm from Southern India, I'm 28 years old single male, 6" feet tall and 90 kg ( little overweight) my optimum weight should be around 83 kg so I workout occasionally to cut out my excess 7 kg of weight. I work in industrial sector and I moved to a new rented apartment in a Metropolitan city in South India. The rent is okay compared to my previous flat. The best thing about the apartment, the neighbourhood is...

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The Ugly OneChapter 14

When I got home I looked at some restaurant options and surfed the net for movie ideas. I finally decided to take Angie somewhere simple, just for sushi at this great little restaurant off of I-70 and Wadsworth. We could wing it after dinner if I researched enough options beforehand. It had gotten late with my surfing, so I decided to call Angie the next day after I got home from work. Before my work day ended, though, my cell phone rang. "John! John! We did it! We did it!" It took me a...

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