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"An Exquisite Death" Copyright© 1999


The urine is cold and wet on my skin as it soaks through my best uniform top and slacks. "Damn it, Sherry," I curse to no one in particular. Sherry's long gone, and if Mr. Peterson hears me, he couldn't tell anyone anyway.

"That's it," I think to myself, "this is the final straw." It's bad enough that I'm on alone again tonight, bad enough that I have to do a double again because they haven't hired a new third shift aid yet, bad enough that because of this horrid, nasty job I have no life of my own whatsoever. What upsets me the most is the incompetence, the laziness, the downright selfishness. I specifically told Sherry to empty Mr. Peterson's urine bag hours ago. But, no, she left it for me to do, and now, when I finally find the time to get to it, the damn thing is too full, too heavy, and while I'm carrying it to the toilet it splits wide open, pouring its entire contents all down the front of me.

I sigh in resignation as the urine runs down my legs and into my shoes. I pull a towel from the linen cart and futilely try to sponge what I can out of my drenched clothes. Giving up, I frown in disgust as I take another bag from the cart, connect Mr. Peterson's catheter tube to it and hang it on the side of the bed.

Once I'm sure Mr. Peterson is secure and safe for the moment, I head for the laundry room in the basement, feeling my pantyhose squishing with each step. There's no way I'm going to get through the rest of the shift in these sopping wet clothes, much less wear them until eight in the morning. I figure I'll find something clean to wear temporarily while I run my clothes through the washer and dryer. I just hope there's a bar of soap down there so I can shower.

I shouldn't be surprised to find the laundry room filthy. At least a day's worth of dirty linens is just piled up on the floor. Looks like they lost another laundry guy. This place is falling apart. It was bad before they'd lost the Medicare residents, but now they don't even try to follow the state regulations.

Like me being on alone. Besides me, there's supposed to be a nurse on duty, but they won't pay a nurse's salary so they do without, knowing I can administer meds, even though I'm not supposed to. And they keep on hiring people with no training at all and they all either stop showing up after a couple of weeks or, like Sherry, don't do doodleysquat. And it's the residents who suffer.

That's the only reason I stay. There's only a few residents left, but somebody's got to take care of them. Their families don't care. Most of them don't even have families to speak of. The owners certainly don't care. And sure as heck people like Sherry don't care. So I work evenings and nights and weekends, because I care. I don't have any kind of life, because I care. Somebody's got to. I know they're taking advantage of me, but I'll get my reward in heaven. I'm not getting it here, that's for sure.

I rummage through the linen shelves and, just my luck, all I can find clean is an old, threadbare scrub top. It'll just have to do for the hour or so that my clothes were washing and drying. I don't care, I'm desperate to get these urine-drenched clothes off of me. I take off my top, slide off my slacks and throw then both into the washer. My canvas shoes, knee-highs and panties follow. I find the box of laundry soap, pour it in. I'm about to turn the machine on when I see the yellow stains on my bra. It goes in, too.

I've been alone in this laundry room at night hundreds of times, but it's still a bit unnerving to stand here naked. Before I get into the shower I start to go to the laundry room door to close and lock it, but then I remember there isn't even a doorknob on the door, just a handle, so I don't even bother closing it. After all, it isn't like anyone going to barge in. None of the residents are ambulatory and even if they were, I'd given most of them their meds and by now they're all in a heavily drugged sleep. And before evening rounds I'd secured the building. No one can get in unless I let them in, not that anyone had ever tried.

I find a fresh bar of soap and a clean washcloth, pad over to the shower stall, turn on the water and get in. Most of the urine had poured onto my abdomen and ran down my thighs, so I spend a lot of time scrubbing down there. My panties had gotten really soaked through and I'm a little worried about catching something. As I rub the lathered washcloth up and down the folds of my labia, I think cynically that, the way my life is going, getting a lap-full of urine is the only way I'll ever catch anything down there.

It takes a while but finally I start to feel clean, or at least clean enough, so I turn off the water and open the shower stall door. But, as I reach for the towel, I 'm surprised to see something suddenly moving across the room. I jump back in fright, hitting the back of the stall hard, and my arms fly up in a useless attempt to hide my nakedness. Then I start to giggle as I realize I'm staring at my own frightened reflection. Stupid place to put a mirror!

I get out of the shower and start to towel myself off, trying to avoid my image in that mirror. I don't like to look at myself naked. My butt is too big, my thighs too thick, my hips too wide, my belly too round. I really don't weigh all that much; I'm much too short for anyone to call me a "big" girl. No, I was told often enough in high school what I was: the word begins with "p" and it isn't "pretty."

When I was a little girl, I used to dream about being married and having a family but those dreams died years ago. Most boys don't even bother taking a second glance at me, and the few that do, don't have marriage on their minds. I was a "good girl" in high school. I didn't "put out" just to be "popular," I guess because I was so afraid I'd get pregnant. I wanted my babies to have a daddy who loved them and didn't leave. So now, here I was, almost twenty-two years old and still a virgin, and in all likelihood going to die that way.

I stop drying myself and look at my reflection. I used to be really proud of my breasts. They were my only decent feature. They were large but they stayed up by themselves without a bra. Now they're beginning to sag, and it's only a matter of time before my bottom begins to do the same. I've wasted the best years of my life stuck in this place. Even if by some miracle there's a boy out there who would find me attractive, he'll never find me if I spend my every waking hour cooped up in here taking care of old people and vegetables.

I know I could make a boy happy, if only one would have me. I think about that a lot when I masturbate. I have a "hair trigger" and I know boys like that. I can orgasm over and over and over. It's the only way I can get to sleep after work. It's the only pleasure I have in my life, a pleasure I've resigned myself to indulge in alone.

I don't even realize I'm rubbing myself between my legs with the towel until my body shakes in release. I've never masturbated at work before and if there'd been anyone else in the building who could have seen what I'd just done, I'd be embarrassed. But I know I'm alone. As usual.

I'm pretty much dry by now, so I throw the wet towel onto the pile of dirty linen on the floor and put on the scrub top. It's pretty short, barely covering my thighs, but it's all there is and I have to finish the evening rounds. Besides, who's going to see me, anyway? I tug at the bottom to pull it down a bit and the shoulder seam start to rip. I hope it'll stay together until my own clothes are done. But if it doesn't, who cares? What difference does it make if I finish rounds naked as a jay-bird? It isn't like there's anyone around to get repulsed at the sight of me.

"God," I think as I walk barefoot up the stairs, "I'm really depressed." I always get this way in the middle of my cycle. I can tell when I'm ovulating because I'm even quicker to orgasm then, and all I can think of is what a waste my fertility is. I was so excited when my period first came, and I used to dream about the day I'd take care of my own babies. But there'll be no babies for me. The egg now inside me will just go to waste, just like every month. In two weeks it'll be flushed out, unfertilized, and another egg would be gone, another baby that wouldn't be, month after month, year after year, until all my eggs were gone, along with every chance I'll ever have to take care of a real family instead of a bunch of slobbering invalid strangers whose piss I have to wear.

The total silence that greets me when I get to the main floor deepens my depression but brings me back to reality. I don't have time to indulge in a pity party right now. I have to finish rounds, and the first thing I have to do was clean up the mess in Mr. Peterson's room. I decide that when I get home in the morning, I'll have a good cry and then masturbate until I totally exhaust myself. My mood brightens a bit as I open to door to the janitor's closet to get the mop and pail. At least I have something to look forward to.

Mr. Peterson is exactly the way I left him in his drugged out "sleep." The "on-call" doctor believes in "preventative medication," so four times a day all the residents get a shot of thorazine, so even if they weren't vegetables when they got here, they end up that way. Less work for the doctor, less worry for the owners, and more work for the aids. Especially if there's no nurse on shift.

I've already given Mr. Peterson his bath and changed his bedding before the "accident," so pretty much all I have to do is mop up the urine on the floor. Careful not to step in the puddle with my bare feet, I take the mop and run it back and forth across the floor, the motion making my unrestrained breasts swing with each push, my nipples hard in the cool air. I'm surprised at how good it feels.

As I bend down to pick up the broken urine bag from where I'd dropped it, I feel the top's hem riding up my bottom, so I decide to give Mr. Peterson a little "show," pointing my butt at his bed and parting my legs a little. "Want some of this, Mr. P.?" I mutter, wiggling my ass at him.

The furnace decides to kick on at that moment. I must be standing near a heating duct because I suddenly feel a warm gust of air blow between my thighs, making my skin tingle. It feels really nice. "You sure?" I continue saying to Mr Peterson, my voice betraying a bit of moan. I stand up. "Too bad, Mr. P.," I sigh, "your loss," and I toss the used urine bag into the trash bag on the cart. I take a final look about the room and, satisfied I was done, I begin to push the cart out of the room.

But before I turn off the light, I turn around, walk back to the bed and stand mere inches from Mr. Peterson's face. With a wicked grin, I pull the hem of my top up to my face, exposing myself completely. "Last chance," I say. No reaction whatsoever, of course. Mr. Peterson just continues to dribble from his slack jaw onto his pillow.

I shrug my shoulders, spin around and walk back to the cart, enjoying the freedom of my nakedness under the loose fitting top. As I turn out the light and push the cart to the next room, I realize I was also enjoying the freedom of being a "bad girl." I mean, I'd just flashed Mr. Peterson! For a moment I wonder what had possessed me to do that, but I decide I don't care. It's about time I actually have some fun. I wheel the cart to the last stop of my rounds, Mr. Riley's room.

I always make Mr. Riley's room the last one, because it gives me something to look forward to. He's the youngest of the residents and for a vegetable he isn't bad looking. He isn't buff, that's for sure. He's lost a lot of muscle tissue from being bedridden, but he's in a lot better shape than any of the other men I'd ever taken care of. They say he's "brain dead" but when his family took him off the life support, he just kept on breathing, so they're not sure what his functionality is. Far as I can tell, though, his body seems to work just fine. I found that out the first time I gave him a sponge bath.

Mr. Riley seems to be resting comfortably, but it looks like he's lying a little too much to one side. When I turn down the bed sheet, I find out why. He has one of those vibrating mattress pads that helps circulation and prevents bedsores, but it doesn't work too well if it's all bunched up on one side of the bed instead of being underneath him. I shake my head. Just another example of the incompetence I have to put up with. Sherry was too lazy to get it under him properly. Well, I think, I have to take it off the bed to change his linens anyway.

I get Mr. Riley's wash basin, fill it with warm water and put it on his utility table. Then I go around to the far side of the bed and put down the side rail so I can pull off the blanket and top sheet. All the rooms are small, but this one seems the smallest. There's barely space for the bed, the night-stand and the utility table, much less my linen cart, so it's a bit of a tight fit between the wall and the bed. I drop the dirty bedclothes on the floor on that side so they'll be out of the way, and I put the massage pad there, too, rolling it up so it won't get damaged. Then I come back around, get the soap and a washcloth from the cart and take off Mr. Riley's gown, throwing it onto the pile on the other side of the bed. And then I begin to bathe him, just like I do every night.

After you've washed a few hundred decrepit old men a few hundred times, any embarrassment you might have had about pulling and poking around a man's privates is long gone and it become just another job. It sure ain't sexy, let me tell you. But Mr. Riley is different.

Normally, Mr. Riley hardly moves at all, and he certainly won't respond if you talk to him, but he seems to be able to tell when it's time for his bath, because he seems to start breathing just a little bit faster, even before I start. I don't know if that's just me imagining it, though, because I sure start breathing faster when it's time.

Especially tonight. After the night I've had, I'm looking forward to this. I take the wet washcloth and clean under his armpits. Then I wash his chest and it's not my imagination, he is breathing faster. I like his chest. It's still kind of muscular. You can tell he used to be real athletic. As I press the warm washcloth against his skin, I can feel a warmth of my own growing between my legs. I rub in little circles down his torso, and when I get to just below his belly button, I see it begin.

Since I started working here, I've seen a lot of men's penises, but Mr. Riley's is easily the biggest I've ever seen, and that's even before I start washing him. But it's now, when I start to wash his pubic hair, that it starts to get even bigger. I've got a routine. First I scrub his pubic hair really good, then I pull his thighs apart and wash the insides of his legs. Then I wash his scrotum. He really likes it when I wash his scrotum, especially when I use both hands, because he really starts to grow. Like I said, I know I can make a boy happy. I sure can make Mr. Riley happy.

We're both really enjoying his bath tonight. Most nights I content myself with just making it grow a bit. But tonight, even before I'm done with his thighs and scrotum, it's already really long and really thick and it's actually beginning to rise up on its own. I'm bending over him so my breasts are brushing against him, my stiff nipples poking into his chest. And I'm feeling my thighs getting really wet.

I start to run the washcloth up and down the length of his penis with one hand, while my other hand dives between my legs. His penis starts rising faster and faster, getting stiffer and stiffer, as my own orgasm gets closer and closer. Then I move my fingers to stroke the underside of his penis just below the head. And that's when his hips start to move.

And, oh God, that's when I explode.

It's easily the best orgasm I've ever had. I feel my knees buckle and suddenly I'm falling across him as my body shudders with wave after wave of pleasure. I revel in the feeling of his body rutting up against mine as my spasming hand squeezes his rock-solid penis again and again.

The waves subside. I let him loose. His rutting slows and stops at about the same time I finally catch my breath. I stand up, feeling a little embarrassed. Thank God no one saw that. "That's all for tonight, Mr. Riley," I whisper, still a little out of breath, trying to ignore my orgasmic discharge trickling down my legs. My goodness, I don't think I've ever felt so open down there before.

I look at Mr. Riley and I see that his penis is slowly shrinking and his breathing is getting back to normal. I breath a sigh of relief. At least I stopped before he "went off." His penis was the only part of him left that "worked," and it worked very well. Too good, really. I once overheard his family asking the doctor about "harvesting" his semen for a sperm bank or something, and I heard the doctor tell them it was the most potent semen he'd ever found. I don't know if they ever did anything about it. I thought it was pretty sick. I mean, he's a vegetable. I would have thought that odds of birth defects were just about certain.

Once I went too far and brought him to ejaculation. It was a mess. The semen got all over the place, on the sheets, in my hair, on my face and all over my uniform. I know it's silly to worry about getting pregnant from just letting it touch my skin, but it still scared me to death. I've never let it happen again, even though it's a favorite image of mine when I masturbate.

Mr. Riley got awful close this time, though. There's a clear discharge seeping from his now flaccid penis. Too close, I think to myself. I'm beginning to wonder what's getting into me. I've never even touched myself at work before, and tonight I've made myself come twice. I decide I'd better get back to work. And I'd better get dressed just as soon as my clothes are done, because running around almost naked seems to have a bad influence on me. I'm losing all sense of propriety.

I finish washing Mr. Riley and roll him onto his side so I can get to his back and bottom. It's not easy to keep my mind on my work. When I lean over to pull him onto his side, my top pulls up so as I'm holding him to wash his back I'm feeling the warm skin of his hip against my bare abdomen. And I can tell he's reacting to this, too, because his breathing starts to get faster again. And, truth to tell, so is mine.

While he's on his side, I pull the bottom linens out from under him and toss them onto the pile of dirty linens on the floor between the bed and the wall. Then, finished with his sponge bath, I roll him onto his back again and I'm about to get the clean linens when out of the corner of my eye I see something moving on the other side of the bed. I freeze in my tracks, startled, and stare at the source of the movement.

I let go of my held breath. I feel silly all over again at getting frightened at nothing. The dirty bedclothes on the floor are vibrating as if they were alive because of the still-functioning massaging mattress pad that's rolled up and buried in the pile. For a second I watch the pile fluttering and for some reason it looks oddly erotic to me, which, I guess, shows the state of mind I'm in.

I have to again remind myself that I still have work to do. I get the clean sheets for Mr. Riley's bed, but before I start to put them on, I realize he's lying too low in the bed. All that hip movement must have made him slide down. I have to pull him up, but I know it isn't going to be easy because he's a pretty big man. I hook my arm under his armpit and try to pull him up, but he doesn't budge, just as I expect. I know I have to lower the bed, get behind the head and pull him up by both arms. So I lower the bed, but, just like practically everything else in this God-forsaken place, I find out the bed is broken. The wheels are jammed and I can't pull the head of the bed far enough away from the wall to get behind it.

There's only one other way for me to pull Mr. Riley up to where he belongs in the bed. I'll have to get onto the bed myself. If I was dressed properly, I wouldn't give it a second thought, I'd just do it. But I'm far from dressed properly. I think about waiting until my clothes are dry, but they aren't even out of the washer yet, and I can't make the bed until Mr. Riley is positioned correctly, because if I do I'll just pull the bottom bedclothes, including the pneumatic mattress pad, all out of place when I pull him up. And I can't leave him lying on the bare mattress for over an hour.

What the heck, I decide. I just need to keep a professional attitude, that's all. And so I proceed to kneel on the bed next to Mr. Riley's nude body.

Very carefully, trying not to touch him, I swing one leg over to the other side of the bed so I'm straddling him, but when I put my other knee on the bed to kneel over him, I feel my thighs brush against his hips. Immediately his breathing changes. So does mine. And it catches in my throat when I lose my balance, my hips drop and I feel his limp penis pressing against my exposed labia.

It's like feeling an electric shock between my legs. My body jerks forward and my hand flies up, grabbing for the side bed rail to try to pull myself back up. And the whole world suddenly lurches sideways.

Suddenly all I'm feeling and seeing and hearing is confusion. All I feel is a dizzying sense of rolling and falling. All I hear is the sound of grinding metal and tearing cloth. All I see is Mr Riley's body flying up and crushing into mine. And when reality stops spinning I find myself staring at the ceiling with my arms wrapped around Mr. Riley's neck and my legs wrapped around his waist.

Desperately, I try to make sense of my senses. My bare breasts are pressing up against warm flesh. My top is gone! I feel something under me tickling my buttocks. And, oh my God, something soft and warm is nuzzling at the cleft of my labia!

Slowly I begin to grasp what had happened, becoming more and more terrified with each realization. Between me and Mr. Riley, the weight must have been too much for the springs of that ancient bed. They'd given way on one side, the bed pitched sharply and when I started falling I clutched at anything to stop my fall. That's when my top got caught on the IV pole. The flimsy cloth tore from my body as I grabbed Mr. Riley's shoulders and together we rolled, falling onto the pile of dirty linen next to the bed.

And now we're wedged between the bed and the wall, locked naked together with his genitals pressed tight against mine in the most intimate embrace a man and woman can experience. I'm lying underneath him on the pile of bedclothes with my shoulders lower than my bottom, my legs caught around his waist, my feet pointing practically straight up. It feels as if I'm supporting his entire weight between my legs and I can feel my bottom settling deeper into the linens. Oh, God. I'm trapped, exposed, and totally defenseless. And this realization becomes clearer when I discover to my horror that my struggling to get out from under him has no effect but to cause whatever is pressing against my vagina to nestle itself even more snugly between the folds.

My whole body is shaking in utter terror. I try to calm myself down, but it isn't easy with the increasing pressure I'm feeling upon my vaginal opening. I can feel that Mr. Riley's body is responding to my efforts and becoming agitated, his chest pressing more tightly against my breasts as his breath quickened. And, God help me, I know it's his gradually thickening penis that's slowly nudging into my labia. How did I get into this? How, oh God, how am I going to get out of this?

Panicking isn't helping. It's only making it worse. In the small part of my mind that isn't frozen with fear, I tell myself that I have to stop moving. If I stop moving, I'll stop stimulating him and he'll calm down and at the very least I'll avoid the inevitable consequence of his penis pushing into my vagina.

I'm finally able to still myself and for a fleeting instant the overwhelming terror gripping me begins to lessen. But to my shock and confusion, I realize that the strange tickling I'm feeling against my bottom is becoming a fierce vibration. Suddenly I remember. It's that rolled up massaging mattress pad, still working away, working directly under my hip bone, and as we settle into the linens the vibration is growing stronger and stronger until now my buttocks are churning. And Mr Riley is responding to the quivering body underneath him with a sickening predictability. The limp flesh that is his penis continues to slowly swell, lodging itself even tighter into the crevice between my legs.

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"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

2 years ago
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She grants his fondest wish

For as long as I can remember, I've been an ass man. Not that I fail to appreciate the beauty of a slender leg or plump breast and taut nipple. Far from it. But ever since I was a teenager, stroking my cock to the glossy images in girlie magazines, the primary object of my desire has been the soft, peachy fullness of a woman's bottom. The image that never failed to send waves of pleasure crashing through me, while thick streams of cum spurted from my painfully rigid penis, was always that of a...

3 years ago
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Chachu Ne Choda Dokhe Se

Hi, mera naam gitanjali hai aur main haryana ki rehne wali huin. Meri umar 26 saal hai aur main abhi tak unmarried huin, per kunwari nahi. Aap log samajhte honge kunwari aur unmarried me farak. Chalo yahan per main pehli bar apni real life ke bare me likh rahi huin. Aaj main aap logon ko apni pehli chudai ke bare me bataongi. Mera naam gitanjali hai aur main apni studies poori karne ke baad job doondh rahi thi. Fir main ek school me teacher ki job shuru ki. Lekin main us job se satisfy nahi...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Camille

"Way to go asshole," I thought as I looked down on the sleeping woman lying next to me on the bed. This was not supposed to happen and it should not have. I was an adult for Christ's sake and I was supposed to be able to control my self and make intelligent decisions. I knew that I was responsible for what happened, but I had never intended it. It was kidding, just stupid flirting and that's all it ever was supposed to be. How in the hell was I ever going to be able to face my brother? How...

3 years ago
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Massage Club 2

I had been getting my 'massages" for a couple of months when my husband had to go out of town for a few days. I called the club and told Peter what was happening and if he can fit in a late evening massage on Thursday. He said he could so I was quite excited the next evening when I went to the club just before 9pm. The receptionist took me to my usual room and said "good night " as the club closed at nine. I stripped off , completely now, and I was lying with the towel over me when David, a...

2 years ago
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My first threesome

Okay, so things were getting a little dull in the bedroom, I rember it was a Sunday in November a few years ago, Duggs was sitting in the dinning room reading the Sunday papers. Thinking he was not taking any notice of me I said, "what are you getting me for Christmas", his reply came as "honey, what would you like", still with his head in the news papers I thought, I'll see if you are listening to me. So with baited breath I said "I'd like a threesome with you and your friend Martin", a moment...

1 year ago
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Halloween Miracle

Halloween Miracle By Debbie L Traffic was heavier than normal as Billy Tanner drove to his little sister's school. He knew he would be late and hoped that the afterschool-care coordinator would be patient with him. She had in the past. He pulled the old station wagon into the parking lot fifteen minutes late and was out of the driver's side door almost before coming to a full stop. Fortunately, Cindy Tanner was still there, being watched by Michelle, the coordinator of...

3 years ago
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Rules of the Game

© 2003 You slide your hands under my jacket and I feel your warm, rough hands through my blouse. I want to stop you but the way my curves fit so perfectly into your manly hands changes my mind. It feels as if my breasts are moulded to fit your palm when you cup them and touch them. But there are people around us in this last night train and I can feel my face turning red, knowing that they possibly had a good view of my body being handled this way by you. Still, I want you so badly, I am...

3 years ago
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Mature Diane Gets a Nasty Surprise Part 2

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore/Group, Impregnation & Babymaking]Diane sat in her car and swore silently to herself. “Fucking bastard. Who the fuck did he think he was?”She was angry. Partly with the doctor and his attitude, partly with Drew (her daughter’s boyfriend) but mostly with herself for getting into this situation. She had just been humiliated beyond belief!The previous day in a moment of madness she had allowed herself to be fucked by her daughter’s boyfriend. It was a good fuck...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp Surprise4

I curse the kids who got to suck on those soft tits. My cock hardens slightly as I picture this gorgeous young Spanish mother who always wears her black yoga pants and red tank top to drop of her kid. I imagine pushing her face down into her bed as I plow her pussy; her husband off at work not knowing his wife was such a slut. She is moaning my name, telling me that her husband’s is so much smaller than mine. “Bang,” my fantasy ends as the head counselor slams her big box of crafts onto...

3 years ago
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Project NERD Chapter 1

William H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...

3 years ago
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Harvest Moon

Notes: Head-rooms: “Max-Headroom,” a television show originating from 20th Century Earth in which an artificial intelligence construct is tapped from a Network 53 cameraman. Mega-plex: A large, multi-level agricultural complex. Crops and livestock are raised beneath domes to minimize the effects of weather, temperature, and insects on output. 47 Ursae Majoris UM-2/Avalon Avalon was terrestrial. The planet wallowed in a thick blanket of Nitrogen and Oxygen that covered the surface and...

2 years ago
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A Bad Beginning to a Great Ending part 2

If you haven't read part 1 I suggest you do. It's a good read and hard for me to compress into a brief summary. Katty woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Bob wasn't laying beside her anymore. Now a white bag that read "Lil Diner" Bob was just setting it down as she looked up. Standing at the bedside dressed in his usually shorts and a green shirt. He was setting the bag down talking in a hushed town, while holding a gatorade in the other. Bob: I thought you might want food and...

1 year ago
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"It's time, girl!" God I hate those words. Every time I get him back, I can tell he's just biding his time until he can go back to his one true love. Can't he see how it makes me feel? I know he has to go, he wouldn't be the man I love if he didn't. I just wish sometimes that I could be the one that he's itching to get back to. "Kiss me goodbye, sugar!" Kiss him goodbye? Of course I will! I always will ... but oh how I wish I was kissing him hello! I walk over to him, reach up and...

2 years ago
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Returning the Favor to Teenage Boys

Recent events in my life have shown me that it can be very satisfying to return the favors to others, that we enjoyed early in life, when we are able to repay them.My name is Tom, and I live with my wife, Kendra, in the Atlanta suburbs. We’re in our late forties now, and our two children are already grown and have families of their own in the area. I’m in a management position with my company, and we are expected to perform community outreach in whatever way best suits our talents and...

4 years ago
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The Blue Corner

Hi… This is pravin, 21, from Tamil Nadu, Chennai. This is my first post and my true life incident. It is the story about me and my cousin Swetha. I have 2 cousin sisters. One is Swetha and the other one Deepika. Both are 2 years elder to me. They both are fair, slim and have lovely curves. We used to spend time together since childhood as both of our houses are near. I always stay at my cousins house, even used to sleep there itself and refuse going home. My aunt and uncle too didnt mind me...

3 years ago
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Getting Greased

We were over at Joe and Liz's house playing double deck Pinochle with Larry, Marti and Hal and Tina. We split up and two of the wives sat one table with their husbands sitting at the second table with the other two wives. It was said that separating the spouses eliminated some friction when a hand didn't go right Joe, Larry, Hal and I (My name's Eddy) all worked in the same section at a missile site. We had just come down from a week of 24 on, 24 off readiness watching air space over a...

1 year ago
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Innocence Corrupted

“I want a baby Grandad…..l want your baby.”Jack was not completely shocked by Emma’s announcement, he had a feeling this was coming. He sat in his chair looking at the pair of them, his daughter and granddaughter seated on the sofa, both naked, sat there as if they were all having a normal family meeting. He thought to himself how this was the complete opposite to normal, how many men his age could possibly hope to have two such beautiful women eager to have sex with him, that was fantastic in...

3 years ago
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I want to be your little secret i crave to be your secret , you are all i think about after the night we met. I remember the whole thing like it was yesterday , you were standing there staring me down with the look of lust in your eyes. i glare at you and i see a nice , handsome man in a midnight black suit , you have a wine glass in your hand , and your laughing with your wife over some lame joke. Now I am a young woman , i have smooth , tan skin, long cury light brown hair that i wear way...

1 year ago
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A Dominant Wife

“Get in here right now, I haven’t got all day,” She snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening, "I said get your ass in here!!!” Her husband put down the load of dirty clothes he was carrying and entered their bedroom with a worried look on his face as his wife of twenty two years asked acidly, “Where have you been, are you purposely trying to piss me off?!” “No, he answered, I was just about to do some washing", His wife began tapping her foot...

Erotic Fiction
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What If

What If...?: By DebWeb After reading several stories about discreetly trying on a school uniform my early childhood memories were awoken. I was raised in a children's home from the age of seven. It was a small institution comprising of both boys and girls. There were four bedrooms in all. Two for the boys and two for the girls. I recall the time when I was ten years old and I sneaked into one of the girl's bedrooms and stole a dress I had so admired from her closet. As clever as I...

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Theater Sluts! Does the very idea of getting sucked in an adult theater make you want to start stroking your cock right where you are sitting? If so, then I want you to know that there is actually a premium porn site that gives you a little taste of exactly that kind of fetish. I am talking about the aptly named Theater Sluts. Check it out, and you are going to wish that it was this easy to get off in a porno cinema.As the site states, you won’t find any gay guys here! Which is pretty...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Slave to the rich and famous

You are a shy guy average age. But when it comes to sex you have the worst luck. Most of this is down be a total submissive slave boy and way too much of a whomp to tell anyone or even visit a professional dominant. Though you have tried a few things like your vanilla sex life you never been that far. You are pretty certain that your ex the only one to have sex with you did it out pity and was probably why she ended it soon after. Since then you have been sitting alone at your computer looking...

3 years ago
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The Laziest Girl in Town

The Prince of a guy, the generous Steve Zink edited this page. (BLUSH!! SZ) A little bonbon for everyone. The Laziest Girl in Town By Eric What a pickle I've found myself in. You won't believe what has happened to me, nor why. It's all because my girlfriend was so damn lazy. She would do anything to get out of work. I guess it would be best for you if I start at the beginning, though. Rhonda and I had been living together for about six months. She was a gorgeous girl, an...

4 years ago
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Birthday Girl

Trish stormed through the party, looking for her boyfriend. He was standing, smiling, talking to one of her ex-boyfriends: Joe, the man who she had found in bed with a waitress. No, not just a waitress: their regular waitress at their favorite cafe. “Excuse me,” she said with an attempt at a smile, and whisked Tim away. “Hey babe,” he said casually, ignoring the scowl on her face. “Enjoying the party?” “No,” she hissed, “I am not enjoying the party.” She pulled Tim by the arm and maneuvered...

2 years ago
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Punishment 2015

Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...

4 years ago
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The Coffee the mistake and the curse

Ah, morning coffee. The one thing from this world I would call perfect, which I find impressive for… monkies? Is that hate speech, I don’t mean it in any sense of negativity though. Oh, I am probably over thinking things, but coffee technology has evolved so much in the past centuries, and I am quite happy for it. The true dark ages for me where before you could make good coffee in minutes. If I am ever permitted to go home, I bet I would be the toast of the town for showing them this...

Mind Control
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Lata My Sex Partner And Girl Friend

Hi I am Paresh, 26 years old, athletic body, 6 foot tall OK looking boy. I want to share with you my personal experiences with girls and women. I have a small Novelty Store. I keep all kinds of items to fulfill the needs of ladies shopping habits, gift items and stationary items. I am very lucky to have this place close to school and a college area. Young girls and middle age women are my customers. My shop is open from 9 am to 9 pm. I have a lady partner with me name Lata. She was my...

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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

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My Sister and Me Swinging into the new year1

The owners were two eccentric gay guys, and a sexy older couple. The gay fellows, owned several bars, and would come by once or twice a week to check on us. They would hit on the pretty-boy bartenders when they were there. I remember when Owen, the younger of the two owners, offered Steve the upstairs bartender $1000 bucks for a blowjob. Steve said no, but according Jill, the lounge bartender, he did it for $5000 the next week. The couple were almost as bad. Eric, was a bi-coke-head who...

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City LimitsChapter 12 Acts of Desperation

Gee arrived at the wedding tree just before the appointed time of nine-thirty Monday morning. He was showered, shaved, and dressed in the crisply pressed shaker shirt Karen had laid out for him. He wore his forest hat and carried his hickory stick. Jan and Zach Poltanys greeted Gee as soon as he arrived and escorted him to a gathering near where the podium had been during the festival. “Gee, I’d like to introduce you to some of the other Family heads,” Jan said. “I think you know Leah who...

4 years ago
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Do behne ko kuttia banaya

Hiiii meenu here, i am greatest fan of iss, i read much stories in this site, i also want submit my experience fantasy in this site, mai 18 saal ki khubsurat ladki hu college mai padti hu, ghar mai mummy papa bade bhayia aur bhabhi (pinky)hai meri 1 behan hai aarti jo mujse badi jiski shadi ho chuki hai, d mere jijju (raj)ek smart ladke hai didi unke sath bahut khush hai, mai apni figure bata du mera kad 5.3″ hai figure 32 30 34 hai,rang gora khubsurat, meri seal meri babhi nai mere jijju aur...

2 years ago
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Is There Life After Seventy Ill Never Tell

Until recently, I really never considered that I was getting older. It was something that I just never noticed. I’m Kenneth Jamison, I’m 70 years old. I’m 6 ft. 2 in. tall, I weigh 176 pounds, I have 6 pack abs and the rest of my muscles are all toned and look good. I run an average of 2 miles a day and lift weights for almost an hour a day….. I have always tried to take care of myself. My wife passed away a few years ago, and for a time, I let myself go. I ate too much, drank too much...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 20 Homecoming Pt 1

Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...

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The Wolf

You see i'm a Lycanthrop or as we are usually called a werewolf. Now I wasn't born like this, nor did I want it. You see about ten years ago I was walking home when I saw this dog (or what I thought was a dog) get hit by a truck and being a dog lover I had to go see if I could help. When i got closer I saw it was a large wolf, it looked dead so I reached out to check if it was breathing when the damn thing bit me and ran off. I thought nothing of it, I just went home and bandaged my hand....

1 year ago
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My InheritanceChapter 25 Dream

I heard the front door open and a whispered exchange. I sneaked up to find Abby and Betty in hard embraces with the two men they had allowed to pick them up earlier in the day. Chet (I think he was Chet) was attached to Abby. His hands were cupping her ass, holding her tightly against what I was sure was an erection. She had molded herself to him. Her arms were around his neck. They were kissing passionately. Jason had one hand up Betty’s sweater on her breast, the other on her neck holding...

4 years ago
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Mother And Daughter With Their Elderly Neighbor

This is about a family who used to be my neighbor. The husband was a busy man, 52 with work and little time for his wife. His sexual prowess had gone down. So his wife, 48 was mostly without physical love. She had a daughter 24 who had done her MBA and was looking for a job. I lived away from my wife due to work and so was alone. When I came home from work I used to cook and watch TV. I was 52. So the duo would come and chat for a while and bring me snacks and tea. We got to know each other...

2 years ago
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Halfling The peddler stretched his legs out, the sore on his upper calf where his legging strap had been wound too tight, had plagued him since late afternoon, and now, with the days walking done and the strap loosened, it had at last began to relent. His son slowly stirred a stew of dried meat and some roots they had foraged during their days walk. The battered kettle with its cracked enamel had been hung on a stake over the coals and now bubbled and occasionally spat savory odors at...

3 years ago
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Sruthi Wants The Exact Treatment

Hai to all ISS readers, I’ve gone through this site since long back and i feel that this site is the very best site to spend our time and loneliness.After reading many stories i thought why should i keep my mouth shut.So i am also posting my real life story.This is my first time so please pardon if any mistakes.You can send me your feed backs to my email id “” Coming to the story.My name is sting(name changed). I am a male,doctor age 34 working in a private hospital in pathanamthitta...

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Cum Whore Wife is killed

She, at first when Ann blew one guy and then made a deal out of eating his cum. She even let some coat her fingers and sucked them clean. " I can't see how you can do that Ann." my wife said. Ann had taken another cock, there were seven men there. Ann had tried unsuccessfully, even acted disgusted to get Sandy to join in. She finally succeeded, along with the help of the man she was sucking who grabbed Sandy's hand and used it to jack his cock for him. Sandy's hand was trapped under...

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Magic FinaleA touch of Magic

I see this image of you knocking on my door, pulling me into your arms. We kiss as your fingers caress every inch of me. We soon become a frenzy of discarded clothing and end up on the bed. Later that day I see you online. We chat and I type,” Are we still meeting Sunday?” You than type, “I do not know, according to your email you need a down to earth fucking now, how’s about me coming over tonight instead? By the way, I attached a picture of me in my latest email to you, that...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 11 New Job Old Problems

July 23rd, 2002. Military Systems PLC; RAF West Drayton, England Came the morning for the aptitude test and interview, and I deliberated on what to wear, and which characteristics to project; suit and tie and a regimental manner, or smart casual and a laid back attitude? I chose the former, expecting all ex-military on the interview to be similarly dressed. In the room set aside for the aptitude test it was easy to pick out the ex- servicemen and the students, and not only because of their...

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Our strange little offspring

A STRANGE LITTLE OFFSPRING Honestly, we do not understand our youngest one. Charlie is such a bright little child, but some of the things that transpire around our youngest just do not make any sense. He is a bright enthusiastic child with a propensity for coming so far out of left field that we do not know how to guide his sometimes-strange behavior. Sometimes we wonder which side of the family he gets it from. Charlie is nine years old and he has a propensity for committing acts...

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