Amazon Heat Ch. 03 free porn video

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The sun was going down and a chill was setting in, the rain sending an echoing thunder as it battered the canopy above them. Jack held her hand as they walked, his smile smooth and endearing. There was no way that Jessie was going to fall in love with him over great dry humping, but she was very much in lust with him. They talked as he led her through the foliage, well, she talked and he listened to her. They were silent now, their thoughts focus on private things that neither were yet willing to share.

Jack watched her through a side-glance and felt a tight burning in his heart that he didn’t recognize. Of course he just done everything but strip her naked and rut her in the middle of the jungle, but he wasn’t willing to except that this sensation was based solely on sexual gratification. She was fiery, and fierce in her own way, and his respect for her was growing in leaps and bounds. She’d told him about her family and it left him feeling empty and alone. Four hundred years of watching over a man versus animal rainforest could do that to a person.

His mind shifted to a happier time, his wife in his arms, her hands ruffling his hair as she laughed that low throaty laugh he’d come to hate. Her eyes had looked at him with admiration and pride, the ownership of a great man her biggest success in life. He’d been so foolishly in love with her, so very much into the way she led him around by his pants rather than his heart. She’d been his every dream, waking and sleeping. So lucky he’d thought himself, to find someone so late in life. After the third century he’d given up on finding someone to spend his life with. Shaking his head he tightened his grip on Jessie’s little hand. She wasn’t going to stay with him, there was absolutely no way he could keep her here, but for the time she was in the jungle, he was going to soak up the human company to its fullest.

They reached the cave just as Jessie was sure she was going to pass out from hunger. Her stomach was growling loud enough that Jack was laughing at her every time it gurgled, and she wanted to be mad at him, but she really couldn’t get much further than wrinkling her nose at him and poking him in the ribs. Despite her hunger she had to admit she was having fun. Jack was easy to be around and his laughter brought out a side to her she didn’t know existed. She adored teasing him, especially after he’d thrown a leafy looking Preying Mantis in her hair. He’d given in to her when she just stood there, hands on her hips and waited for the damn thing to fly away. She had the sneaking suspicion that he was proud of her reaction, and encouraged, he’d shown her every nasty looking grub he could find, and after several tries to gross her out, he’d even eaten one particularly fat and pasty looking one, claiming it was great once you got past the gut taste.

Ducking through the caves rocky entrance and out of the chilling rain she turned and grinned at him,

‘I still can’t believe I kissed that bug eating mouth.’ She hugged her arms around her waist and nearly melted when he gave her that wolfish little grin of his and merely set about starting a fire. Within minutes a blaze was going and she sighed at the site of all the home comforts he’d obtained. In one corner of the square cavern a bed was made up with a blanket and several others were piled at the foot, and under the bed even more lay on a pallet of branches. On the other side lay a pile of Jack’s folded clothes, like the ones he wore now, the threads worn thin and the cloth faded into a bleached out camouflage that suited his lifestyle. Knives hung from the walls all around her, and several traps lay scattered against the back wall. From the ceiling hung a net that when let down would encompass the entire space, leaving no quarter for insects. He obviously liked his peace while he slept.

It wasn’t until she began searching the actual walls though that she found a crack, about the size of a man, and from it curled a misty heat that wafted over her face and wet her curiosity. Returning to Jack she knelt beside him and watched as he hacked strips of meat from some indistinguishable carcass. It looked like a pig, but it was so cut up she really couldn’t tell, and seeing him eat the slimy little grub quelled her need to ask.

She was fascinated by the speed with which he put together their meal, his big hands deftly spearing hunks of meat on a handmade spit that hung over the fire, sturdy enough to hold nearly the entire pig…thing. When he noticed her curious stare he merely muttered ‘Tapir’ and went back to cooking. She watched him as he worked, momentarily forgetting the heated crevice as the scent of roasting meat hit her nostrils, and sent her stomach into a cramping frenzy. Desperation coursed through her as she watched the meat turning, the juices hitting the hot coals with a sizzling pop. Licking her lips she did her best to sit still and not be grabby, but four days without food and she was sure she was going to die from the pain in her gut. Time was sliding slowly by when he finally handed her a plate from a cupboard behind him and heaped it full, motioning her to sit back and dig in.

Her hands shoveled the hot fare into her mouth and she wolfed it down without thought to the way she looked. Juiced dribbled down her chin and she smeared it away with the heal of her hand and continued to push more into her mouth, not stopping until her cheeks bulged and her throat rebelled at taking anymore in. It was Jack’s chuckle and apt stare that brought her attention back to the cave and her dinner partner. Mortified she chewed what was in her mouth and took the paper napkin he held out to her. A muttered sorry was all she could mange around another bite of food. He shook his head at her and kept smiling and eating, his appetite just as great as hers. Slightly comforted by the thought she continued with her meal, though the pace was greatly reduced.

Nearly an hour later, her belly full to bursting and her head resting back on the rocky cave wall she drifted in and out of sleep, her mind unfocused and her bones weary. She dreamed of her family, her abusive ex boyfriend Michael, her friends all back at home, all of them unaware that she was so far away and having the time of her life. She dreamed of staying in the jungle with her Tarzan-esque rescuer. In her dream she didn’t have to turn the notion away in the face of reality, and she liked it. She drifted peacefully, only waking when strong arms lifted her effortlessly and settled her into the big bed, his large body tucked behind her, the warmth and weight of his arm around her waist just what she needed to send her off to dreams that flashed passion and tenderness and rocked her to her very core.

A blood-curdling scream ripped Jack out of his feast-induced sleep and had him sitting upright, his head fuzzy from sleeping so soundly. Beside him Jessie shuddered in her sleep, her cheeks wet with tears and her hands clutching her head as she whimpered and wept. Heart in his throat he shook her, trying to wake her and get her away from whatever it was that had her so terrified. She muttered something about a Michael and then covered her head with her arms, as if blocking something. Again he shook her, the effort rewarded with more fearful murmurs.

‘Jessie, wake up!’ His voice hoarse and a lot sharper than he’d meant it to be, but he watched her open her eyes and his heart started to settle. Her gaze was glazed over and her sobs still came at an alarming rate and she looked at him as if he were a monster.

Voice thick and tearful, she reached up and cupped his face in her hands and whispered, ‘Don’t hit me anymore, Michael, please.’

Anger tempered with tenderness caught in his vocal cords rendering him speechless. Now he knew why she seemed to love his affections so much. Some prick named Michael had abused her. It was none of his concern, but he was outraged that she’d been touched in a way that gave her nightmares that had her screaming in the middle
of the night. She was far too special for that. He slipped his hand over her cheek and nuzzled it, a soft whimpering sigh slipping past those sweet lips. He tenderly kissed her awake, most of the terror erased from her face as she came too, her head resting on his chest as her held her to him.

Jessie was aware that she’d been dreaming of Michael, and she was also aware of the fact that she was with Jack and he must have heard her and shaken her to wake her up. His chest pillowed her face and the scent of his hit her nose with an intoxicating mixture of man and smoked meat. She snuggled to him, letting the dream pass as she focused on the feeling of being held in two arms that had never been raised to hit her. She couldn’t help but want to be around this man. He’d saved her and been sweet to her, never once getting upset with her, always with her even though there was clearly another reason he was out in the middle of this god forsaken tree hell. Affection nudged at her heart, growing a little stronger with every thought of him.

‘You’re a good man Jack.’

A chuckling rumble against her ear was all the response she got, his laughter comforting her in ways words couldn’t. Giggling she punched him in the stomach, the blow barely registering against all the hard muscle. God wasn’t even an appropriate term for the man. He was fascinating and her fingers lingered over those t-shirt covered ridges. Just as she was getting settled into really exploring he suddenly lifter her and effortlessly swung her in a wide circle, something no one had done to her since she was a teenager, and many pounds lighter. He made her feel like a feather, soft, light, and beautiful. Breathless and happy she clung to him, her smile hidden in the curve of his neck, her arms slung around his shoulders. He took her into another cavern through the opening she’d found earlier and the heat met them, hot, thick, and wet. Curious she lifted her head and gazed around the huge room, the ceiling alive with a purple light mingled with neon yellow and a green that was nearly fluorescent. She looked out around her and noted that it was the only source of light, but she could see fine, the atmosphere warm and inviting.

‘Wow, this is amazing.’ She slipped to her feet and his hand in hers began to explore. The place was as big as a house, and water ran right through the middle, stream curling off the surface and adding to the ambiance. With raised eyebrow she gazed up at him, questions alive in her brilliant blue eyes. His nod made her squeal, and she started throwing her clothes off, her excitement surpassing her inhibitions as she slipped into the heated bliss, her muscles responding to the searing heat the instant she was submerged. A moan escaped her open mouth, and she ducked her head under to try and clean her hair, her face rising out of the water with a look of sheer pleasure written on her delicate features.

Jack felt his heart give, the shifting painful and awe-inspiring all at once. She was all that he wanted in a woman, with a vulnerability that made his baser instincts reach out to protect her. If he’d known that he was falling for her at that moment he’d have sent her to the mission, telling her where to go, or gotten her a guide from one of the tribes that surrounded his home. He’d have gotten her the hell away from him before he could get so entangled, but his lust was stronger and the allure of her naked body sluiced with all the hot water numbed him to his own emotions, and it was at that moment that it bloomed in his love starved heart, unchecked, roots growing deep and sturdy, where he’d never get it out. He felt it, but it didn’t register, and he went to her with his eyes alight with something more than what he was willing to give.

Jessie dove deep, the bottom tapering off to nearly fourteen feet deep and felt the burn of scalding water against her eyelids. She felt like a fish, kept to long out of water, and her skin crawled with the need to be clean. Coming up she bobbed on the surface and her eyes riveted to Jack, his body naked and very aroused. She’d known he was big, it had been hard to miss, but standing there, legs spread and arms akimbo he looked like sex trapped in the body of a man. Drawn to him she treaded water, the motion pulling him in his direction. A smirk on his perfect mouth made her want to play and she splashed him, her own grin coy and cunningly curled on one side. He was too much for her to handle, but she wasn’t going to go down without a little play fighting.

‘You know I have soap right?’ He held out his hand and showed her the big green bar, and her eyes lit up brighter than the ceiling. Laughing he held it out to her just so that her heavy breasts peaked out of the water, the peach tips peaking out at her every grab as he yanked it out of her reach, laughter ringing bright and freely as they teased one another.

Frustrated she ran out onto the sandy bank and jumped up to grab his hand, but her calculations were off and she didn’t make it to his hand, landing naked and soaked against his hard body, her stomached prodded by his heavy cock. The ache in her groin came on her hot and intense and her head swam from the need to touch him. God she wanted him, and tonight she was going to give him all she had in her, for once she was going to give of herself fully, without thought to tomorrow.

Jack watched the play of emotions on her face and wanted to know what she was fighting with. Determination flashed over that pixie face and he wanted her to keep that look. It was a look that said he was going to get laid and it was going to be all of her with him, in essence it was challenge for him to be at his best. Setting her away from him he pushed her back in the water, his head fuzzy with lust as he followed her. He wanted her, but he needed her to want him back before he made love to her. He’d never been one to linger over sex, it was a part of himself that he only explored with the native women when he felt like he was going to go crazy. He never really spent time getting them ready for him, they just always were, but Jessie was different. He wanted her to enjoy it as much as he did.

Running his hand through the spring he wet the soap, and ran it over her back, the suds trailing down the curve of her spine, turning her skin slippery. A soft sigh passed her lips and she held her hair up from her neck so he could do her neck and shoulders, the rounded curves of her body heating his blood and sending him to heights of arousal he’d never known existed. He wanted to bend her over and drive himself into her till she was screaming his name. Breathing deep, he scrubbed her till she was clean from top to bottom, her backside cleaner than any other part of her. His hands reached around her waist and started on her front, beginning at her ears and working down until he reached her breasts, her breathing unsteady her hair hanging limp over his shoulder her hand gripping his neck as she leaned against him, grinding her round ass against his groin. She was going to be the death of him.

Jessie tried her best to hold back, adoring the way jack was touching her, his big hands rubbing her skin with a pressure that was arousing and relaxing all at once. Her thighs clenched together as she tried to ease the ache between them, his fingers slipping down her front in slow lazy strokes, teasing her till she thrust her chest into his talented hands, the soapy wetness slick and cool against her heated skin. A keening moan fell from her lips and she used her own hands to show him where she wanted him, pinching her own nipples as he rubbed lower and lower his touch reverent and sure, while her ass ground against that thick hardness. The knowledge that he could enter her from behind thrilled her to no end, sending her mind into a million fantasies that all involved him behind her.

Finally he reached her center, his soap slick fingered parted her and probed at her, tickling and exploring, getting to know her in ways not even Michael had. He finally found her cl
it and in long slow strokes he teased her, her legs giving way as she reveled in the intimate touch, her breathing ragged and rough, the sound of his own breath turning her on as she rubbed herself on him, heat spearing her belly as she rocked with him, his fingers pushing her to the edge, slipping further back till she was slipping them in and out of her, her moans coming freely as the passion rose and filled her to capacity.

‘Come for me baby, you can do it.’ His rough whisper in her ears nearly pushed her into the black tightness of her orgasm, but it was the feeling of his mouth on her neck that tossed her into the pulsing clenching of muscles and breathless pleasure. Her lungs refused to suck in air and her heart sputtered as her thighs clenched and held his hand, even he continued to send her higher and higher till she could respond no more, her body sagging limp and boneless. Slowly he lowered her to the ground and settled himself atop her, his lips finding hers, the kiss sweet and reverent, as he stoked the fires again, her mouth finding the rhythm as he touched her, his body hard and slick against hers.

She felt the thickness against her swollen center, and wanted him like she wanted to live. Without a word she gripped him in her hand and slipped his massive head into her tightness, the movement like a switch in them both. Grinding her hips upward she plunged him as deeply as she could take, a keening whimper punctuated with the feeling of being filled ’till she was satisfied. Then he moved, pushing his length in till there was none left, and she was screaming his name. The feeling of him so deep sent her into frenzy, her hips slapping against his as she urged him on. It was as if this was all she had and it was the only way to save her from the empty place Michael had left in her shattered heart. With every thrust Jack put her back together, leaving nothing behind as he called her soul to touch his.

Finally she felt free, safe and in love. Tender feelings settled in her mind as she looked into his big brown eyes, the sight of him watching her, his heart unguarded, love brilliant there brought a smile to her lips and an ease to her soul that had never been there. Laughter bubbled up between them and she squealed when he turned her to sit astride him, their hearts beating together, the rhythms matching as she rode him, sucking in a stuttered breath as his thumb found her clit, pushing her into another orgasm, this one hard and more than she could take, the pulsing thickness within her adding to the sensation. A guttural groan ripped from her lungs as she fell forward and struggled to stay conscious. Amazed that she’d come so hard she lay against him as she pushed in and out of her, her mind nearly numb as she waited for him to finish, his big hand splayed against her ass, forcing her to ride him even as her body tightened once more, the feeling deliciously creeping up on her as she came against him, her head resting on his chest. She heard his heart speed up as he spilled himself inside her, her arms wrapped tight around his chest as he tipped her over with him, her every nerve dead and alive all at once. It was at that moment that she understood the French term La Petite Morte. She felt dead, her body limp and sated the feeling of him falling out of her like removing a limb.

They lay there in silence, simply breathing as one, there thoughts muddled and unfocused. Jack was the first to speak his baritone rough and sleepy.

‘Wow, that was a first.’ His hand sank into her damp hair, the strands curling around his fingers as if even they were unwilling to let him go. His chuckled rumbled against her cheek and she nodded her response, her voice still locked behind air-starved lungs. Rising up on shaky elbows she looked down at him, smiling, and her head woozy as she struggled to stand, her body sore in places she hadn’t known existed. Pulling his hand she crooked a lazy finger at him, beckoning him back to bed. They went slow, supporting each other, his arm around her waist, and her head leaning against his shoulder, their bodies sated and their minds tired. Tomorrow would come with responsibilities, but tonight, they would sleep and love one another till morning imposed on their perfect solitude.

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Amazon Part 4 Debutante

Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...

3 years ago
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Amazon Beths Story

Amazon - Beth's Story By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Author's Note: Some of you have expressed interest in what happened to Beth Edwards. Her sacrifice was equal to Tom's, and she is equally deserving of attention. What follows is at least a brief look into her life during and after the events in 'Amazon: ReGenesis'. ********** Saturday, November 25, 2000 Waukesha, WI A wave of dizziness passed over her as she stood up, as if the world was changing in an instant around...

3 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 02

Jack tucked his machete under his arm and watched her stumble off into the trees. This little woman was an amusing sight, especially with her pants down around her ankles. He liked her pluck, and her determination to keep up with him. He’d heard her stomach growling, and he’d known the impending thunderstorm startled her. He’d expected her to fall all over him in a mass of tears and whimpers begging him to tell her where he was taking her, and when they could eat, and how much longer did she...

3 years ago
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Amazon Adventure

Today as I look back at the last one year, I can't believe how drastically my life has changed. My life has gone from New York yuppie to a villager in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest. I cannot say that I am either happier or sadder with the current situation I find myself in, things are just different. The difference in my life situation is something that I have learnt to live with, it is something that I cannot escape, at least not at the moment. However even if I have a choice,...

3 years ago
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Amazon Driver

I've been waiting on a package from Amazon with some parts for my truck. This would be the second attempt. The first disappeared. I asked that the driver deliver them directly to my door, I'd be home waiting.About this morning someone was knocking on the door. Sure enough, it's this young striking hunk of a black man with my package. Said he was under orders to hand deliver it. I barely heard him as I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This k** was a god. Maybe 5'9", 170 lbs, and toned as hell. Not...

2 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter

Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...

3 years ago
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Amazons of Gaming

The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...

4 years ago
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Amazon Stud

You awaken, groggy and bleary eyed, but immediately realize you are not where you were when you went to sleep. The sheets on the bed are a different color, they are made of smooth silk, and the bed is a huge four poster, bigger than "king size", made of mahogany. You sit up in alarm, and look around, whereupon you realize you are not alone! There are five naked women surrounding the bed, no two of them from the same ethnic group, and each of them holding a razor sharp ax! "Good morning James...

3 years ago
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Amazon Hostess

I'm not a very good flier and this trip had been a bit bumpy so I hadn't noticed the stewardesses much, except one who had been hovering around me most of the flight. Even in my feverish state she couldn't be ignored. Tall, perhaps five ten or eleven with a magnificent bust and great long legs all hidden under her sexless airline uniform. At last, we landed and the aircraft came to a halt at the terminal. "Thanks for flying with us," she said in her best professional voice. She took my...

1 year ago
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Amazon vs Microsoft

Written and Adopted by Humilatron Erica Behr vs Mike Hunt The two married at 16, but as Erica grew taller and bigger, Mike seemed to grow smaller and shorter. Erica is unsatisfied, and Mike is frustrated. Will Mike find out what happens when Erica goes to the gym? Will Erica find out what happens when Mike is alone? A game of cat and mouse and the question is... who will win? and who will lose?

1 year ago
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A Smart Set Of Cheaters

Another Friday evening and though I was late getting home, my wife Victoria was even later. I didn't like her going out after work with her friends but what can a man do? Every couple does need a life apart from their spouse and Vicky was very good about not only letting me know when she was going out but she also told me where they were going and made sure she got home early. She was usually no later than 8 p.m.This afternoon I had been out on a job inspection and got a text message from...

1 year ago
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Amazons Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...

2 years ago
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A Smart Set of Cheaters

Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse...

3 years ago
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Amazonians in Space

Stardate 85844.9. Somewhere in the Delta quadrant. A wave of nausea swept over Captain F for Fiona Ukkers as she gradually emerged from space hibernation. Trying to prevent vomiting only made the feeling worse and, although a descendant of a long line of Amazons, she gagged. Then, despite the disorientation of hibernation sickness, training kicked in."Stardate SLUTS?" she demanded, loathing the faint tremor in her voice.The interstellar logistical utility telemetry system — an integrated...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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(Salut, ceci est une histoire que j'écris avec l'aide d'un ami donc les délais peuvent être assez long entre deux chapitres (même si bon, les délais sont déjà pas mal long pour l'histoire que j'écris toute seule). J'espère que vous apprécierez l'histoire. Sur ce, bonne lecture !) Début du XVIIIème Siècle-Une femme se réveille sur une plage de sable doré. Elle mesure 1m75, elle porte un long manteau de coton rouges avec des broderies dorée, un pantalon de cuir et un haut transparent à cause de...

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Amazonian black escort tranny handsfree deepthroat

This is series im beginning. Short stories of sexual experiences predominantly jack off sessions and sexual encounters with thick plus size transgender women. Preferably however size may vary. All stories are expired or based on real life encounters.Her height was about 6 ft 3 very darker skin tone African American long weave very made up and done upSocial media and transfiaxtion My path to sexual Utopia began a few years ago. My first encounter with the transgender woman was as nerve-wracking...

3 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 13

The deep mud squelches as it sucks at my knee-high boots, making this trek through the suffocatingly humid rainforest even more grueling. In an attempt to make traversing this mud easier, I try following in the footprints of our Amazonian Jungle guide, Anton Santos, who’s ahead by a few feet, clearing the dense jungle brush with broad swings of his machete. My best friend, Derek Aider, follows close behind me, filming our journey for his travel vlog. Claire is behind him and Kody, her...

2 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 89

"What the fuck did I do tonight?" I whisper to myself as I crawl into my bed, my head still spinning from the alcohol. After I pull my covers over me, I stare at the rotating ceiling fan, my hand sliding between my legs to rub my sore vagina. Why did you think leaving the apartment was a good idea? About three hours after I kicked Chad out, Derek texted me saying that him and Kody were going to our favorite college bar, The Green Gator, to have a few drinks before it was time to meet up...

2 years ago
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The Heath

As I prepared to have my walk, a silver SUV parked next to me. I glanced up and in the passenger seat next to my door was a man. I gave him a cursory look as he got out but I didn't pay much notice until I saw the woman driver get out of the car. What caught my attention was the contrast between them. He was late fifties, average height, squat, broad shouldered, shaven head and covered in tattoos. It’s not that I have a problem with that or judge but it was the contrast between this rough...

3 years ago
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Amazons Part 1

A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock! Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin.Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground.As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing...

3 years ago
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Crazy From The Heat

Jake looked up at the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling of his garage as they started to flicker. When the lights went dead, he cursed, "Fuck, not again."It was mid-July in Toronto, the start of the Dog Days of Summer. When the power would come back on again was anybody’s guess. South-Western Ontario was also under an extreme heat alert. For the next seven days, the temperature was expected to hold steady at thirty-five degrees Celsius during the day. When the humidity index was...

Straight Sex
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Amazonian Invasion

Queen Sheena Belacqua sat on her throne in the royal capital ship. The grand structure had roughly the same square footage as the state of Texas and was orbitting the queen's newest target for assimilation, Earth. The Amazonian Empire had spread quite far in this sector, as it seemed intelligent life was ripe for the picking, smart enough to communicate and highly evolved so that they were not enslaving animals; yet they were also dumb enough that they couldn't put up a fight at all to the...

2 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 10

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...

4 years ago
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The Heat

I snarled at my assailant and dodged him. My conflicting instincts told me to run away or fuck him. Reason won out for a while, so I clawed at his scarred face and ran for home. The Heat had come on unexpectedly, without its usual signs, otherwise I never would have gone out. I was within walking distance of home, and certainly within running distance. I sweat as I ran and the scent of my damnable pheromones poured out of me with it. I could smell three distinct men near me and I knew they...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Marions Heat

It had been another long day for Marion. The previous day had been quite a bit simpler, and she knew that the following day would be that much worse, but she was quite exhausted from the day she'd just gone through. Marion was going through something that all young vixens go through, something that came around every few months like an unwanted friend. She had heard that other species had things much harder than vulpine women, but she found it quite difficult to believe. Some species mated...

4 years ago
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Heat. That is all there is anymore. The sun batters down on us through the cloudless sky and even the nights are hot enough that I want nothing more than to rip off my clothes, fall to my knees and beg for a cool breeze. There’s no air conditioning anymore. Takes too much power, they said, and with the nuclear plants all on shutdown due to a lack of cooling water, it’s hard to argue against. So I’m sweating. Everybody’s sweating. All of the U.S. is sweating in that baking oven the whole...

Group Sex
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I am a tattoo artist and live in Los Angeles. To say my business sucks would be a colossal understatement. With Covid spreading like crazy, not many want a tattoo. I spend most of my days sitting in my shop playing games on my phone or texting friends. I am at the point that I may just need to close my business if things do not pick up. I even went and bought a giant neon sign out front with my business name on it, Tats by Tammy.One day sitting on my chair at work, almost half asleep, the bells...

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Cheater By Cassandra Morgan Why do men cheat? Because it's worth it, that's why. It's worth all the manipulation, all of the deceit, all of the lies. It's worth the time. It's worth the money. It's worth the guilt. It's worth the sneaking around. Don't blame me. Guys are just wired that way. It's been part of our DNA since we were cavemen. Only then, we did our work with clubs, not by going to one. It's the thrill of the hunt, the rush of the conquest, the smug feeling of knowing...

1 year ago
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Summers Heat

Rick pulled up into the drive after an especially hard day at the power plant, glad that he’d tacked an extra day off onto his vacation. He was exhausted – ready for a shower and a lazy weekend. Loud music greeted him as soon as he opened the car door. He shook his head and chuckled, making his way to the door. Most of the neighbors complained, and his sister had commented more than once about the white trash who had moved into the trailer next door. Rick took a live and let live approach, able...

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Summers Heat

Rick pulled up into the drive after an especially hard day at the power plant, glad that he’d tacked an extra day off onto his vacation. He was exhausted – ready for a shower and a lazy weekend. Loud music greeted him as soon as he opened the car door. He shook his head and chuckled, making his way to the door. Most of the neighbors complained, and his sister had commented more than once about the white trash who had moved into the trailer next door. Rick took a live and let live approach, able...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 5 Elvish Heat

Book One: The Quest Chapter Five: Elvish Heat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement...

3 years ago
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The heat

I woke up in sweat, looked at my alarm clock. 2 PM. Hadn't been able to catch sleep due to that damn heat! The air smelled like liquid mix of flowers. The moisture added up with heat. I felt like suffocating, but it was the claustrophobic feeling of my skin not being able to breathe. Getting up was a good idea, I turned over the sheets. Got up into my slippers. Turned on my computer. The poor thing would, just like me, have to survive the rest of the day in this heat. I rolled up the...

2 years ago
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Winter Heat

“Mmm, you smell gorgeous.”Beth felt a shiver run down her spine as her husband cooed in her ear. The smooth, rich timbre of his voice always made her warm and fuzzy, but all the more so when it happened to be charming her with a compliment. She felt his hands rest on her hips as he pressed his body up behind her. Despite ten years of marriage John still made her feel girlish and giggly with his seductive attentions.“Hey, baby,” she replied with a smile.Beth’s hands were submerged in hot soapy...

Straight Sex
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I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Mark Turner. Have you ever noticed that sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction. That point was driven home to me over twenty years ago. At that time I was in grad school working for my masters in engineering physics. I had enough money to be able to afford a reliable, older, car and have an apartment to myself. But I didn’t have the time or money to go on dates. Bummer! Our school is located less than ten miles, as the crow flies, from the...

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