Heat free porn video

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Heat. That is all there is anymore. The sun batters down on us through the cloudless sky and even the nights are hot enough that I want nothing more than to rip off my clothes, fall to my knees and beg for a cool breeze. There’s no air conditioning anymore. Takes too much power, they said, and with the nuclear plants all on shutdown due to a lack of cooling water, it’s hard to argue against. So I’m sweating. Everybody’s sweating. All of the U.S. is sweating in that baking oven the whole continent has become. The tap water comes out almost warm enough to make tea, and it gets increasingly hard to remember a moment when I wasn’t sticky and hot.

Everybody hustles, too. Clothes cling wetly to people’s bodies, and they are angry and impatient, bumping and swearing all around me on the boiling hot sidewalk. The air I draw into my lungs feels like a sticky, acidic goo that is sprinkled with dust and grime. I stop for a moment next to Germaine’s Grocery’s entrance and take a breath, cursing at the time and fearful that I’m going to be late. Car horns sound not far away, and a look around reveals a heated dispute about a parking space in an almost empty lot.

I shake my head and take a step forward, only to feel a painful blow to my back that makes me stumble.

It’s probably the heat that makes me slow and awkward. I yelp, my foot catches on something, and a moment later I am on my knees, pain surging through the right one and driving tears into my eyes. “Fuck!” I shout, ending in a sob.

“Shit!” A deeper voice exclaims behind me at the same time. “Can’t you watch where you’re going?”

It’s not a question, and I should know better. All the pent-up aggression, the same helpless annoyance I was mentally condemning everyone else for only moments ago, wells up at once. “Asshole!” I shout back over my shoulder and climb to my feet, tears streaking down my face and mingling with the sweat. “Fucking ignorant asshole!” I shout to give my feelings emphasis.

Both of my ultra-thin, expensive black stockings are ripped, and small red trails run down my right knee. I bend over, look down at them and want to cry out in anguish. Nobody would care if I showed up to a job interview sweating, but looking like this… I’m tempted to kick the bastard in his designer suit, who is crouching down next to me, but the thought alone is too exhausting.

He’s picking up papers, nicely printed sheets on expensive office stationery, and he’s swearing under his breath. “Fuck,” he mutters, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”

I can’t help myself. To see him act as annoyed as I feel gives me a surge of gratification.

He looks up at me, panic in his eyes. “Well, won’t you help me?” he asks, outrage thick in his voice.

“Me?” I ask in disbelief, almost throwing back my head in mocking laughter. “Me help you?” As if I had been one bumping him! But he keeps up his demanding stare from under neat, sleek, yuppie-style black hair, kneeling there in designer clothes that probably cost more than my new job would net in a month, and my skin starts to prickle. Fresh rage grips me, boiling over, and in my sweetest voice and smile, I answer, “Why of course. Here, let me help you.”

For a moment, something soft seems to flutter over his strained face, but when I take a giggling step forward and set my foot down on a small stack of papers, he pales. When I put all my weight down and start to twist my foot left and right, hearing the paper crunch and rip under the sharp edge of my heel, his cheeks tremble and I’m convinced he’ll start crying any minute.

“Like this?” I ask airily and take a step back to admire the totally ruined sheets with their darkish stains and wrinkled holes.

“Fuck!” He jumps up, and before I know what is happening, my back bumps against the wall and his fingers dig into my shoulders. “Bloody bitch!” he shouts at me from only inches away.

Because I’m wearing high heels, we’re both on eye level. I can feel his body heat radiate and make the air around me even more unbearable. “Let go!” I demand and try to wiggle from his grasp, but his fingers only tighten more.

“Not so fast,” he growls, his almost handsome face sneering at me. “You ruined my work! You probably ruined my job!” Each word is underlined by painful digs of his fingernails.

“Good,” I purr back, “then we’re even, asshole. Now let me go.” I give him a strong shove and he takes a few steps back, giving me enough space to make my hurried escape.

“Hey!” I can hear him swear behind me, “Come back, bitch! I’m not fucking done with you!”

He doesn’t try to follow, though, and I wave a one-fingered goodbye. I don’t really know where I’m going. I should probably head back to the train station and go home, but that would mean that the fact that my job opportunity has just gone down the drain would become all too palpable. I’d have to confess to my neighbors, who are no doubt waiting with bated breath for my return, and I’m not up to facing their questions anytime soon. My steps echo on the asphalt and the heat creeps through the soles of my shoes. I need a place at least a little cooler.


A small café catches my eyes. It has that cozy, Italian flair with its dark wood and the airy rattan chairs and chrome tables outside. Soft bells chime when I push the wooden door open, and while the air inside isn’t any cooler than on the outside, at least it promises shadow. The waitress, a plump girl with wavy brown hair and wearing a thick cotton apron that has to be pure torture in this heat, is busy with the espresso machine and spares me no glance. I’m lucky that one table at the very back is unoccupied, and I head for it, allowing a relieved sigh to cross my lips when my backside touches the chair. My knee throbs by now, and I pull a handkerchief out of my purse and start dabbing away the blood.

There are a number of other patrons here, but they all appear apathetic. Not a single discussion is going on; everybody just stares into their cups, and the most movement I can see around me is the stirring of a spoon.

“You want?” The waitress startles me a little. She’s sweating like everyone else, locks of her wavy brunette hair are clinging to her forehead, and I can understand why she limits her words to the minimum.

I could use a bit of caffeine, but I need something cold even more. To hell with it, I decide, what I need most is something that takes away the edge. “A glass of white wine. Big. It’s chilled, isn’t it?”

“‘M sorry,” she declares with a shrug of her shoulders. “Closed the cold store, them. Can bring you ice, they left that running.”

A small groan escapes me, but I hurriedly put a smile on my lips. It’s not her fault. “‘Kay,” I answer with a nod, my emotions catching up with me and the exhaustion making me mimic her sparse way of speech.

“Back in a min'.”

I nod in return.

After multiple applications of spittle - which take some effort, I find out, when you’re parched like an old snake-skin - I’ve managed to to wipe away all the blood and dirt, and the scratch in my knee’s skin is really just that. It’s a bit swollen though, and I silently curse again, just in time for the waitress to hear it.

At the sight of the bottle that she puts down in front of me, I start to lift my hands in a defensive gesture, but she puts hers on mine and halts my protest.

“On the house. Going bad anyway.” She shrugs. “Rather someone drinks it. The ice is five dollars though.”

She glances at my knee and gives me a compassionate smile. Five dollars for a cup full of ice sound outrageous, but she sends me another smile, whispering, “Should take twenty, normally. You need it, though.” She ends her words with a conspiratorial wink and pats my shoulder.

She ambles back behind the counter, and I close my eyes and sigh. The world’s going crazy, but at least I’ve experienced one moment of compassion. I throw a handful of ice cubes into the wine glass, ignoring the other patrons’ startled and reproachful looks at the clinking sound, and pour a generous mouthful of wine over it. Impatient, I swirl the golden liquid a few times to make sure it has cooled down sufficiently before I take a sip.

Pleasure! The cool aroma of ripe grapes running over my taste buds and down my throat feels like the elixir of life, and I don’t care that my body reacts by sweating even more. Small drops trickle down over my burning skin, surprising me by not making sizzling noises and not turning into steam. I take another, this time bigger, gulp and sigh in delight. This wasn’t the cheap stuff.

My peace shatters when a male figure enters my line of sight. It’s him, and he stares at me while his strong hand pulls out the chair next to me. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, he sits down, his chair slightly turned so he is partially facing me.

“Are you stalking me now?” I hiss at him, clutching the wine glass to my chest as if it could lend me the courage I don’t really have.

“Stalking? You?” He throws back his head and laughs, earning a multitude of evil looks. “You’ve got some opinion of yourself, I grant you that, bitch.”


“Idiotic slut.”

“Fuck you!” My chest heaves, and I notice belatedly that he has talked in a low voice while I’ve shared my accusations with the whole room. My cheeks explode.

“You’ve cost me my job.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest. “My company’s going to lose the one contract that we needed to get into the black because I couldn’t submit our offer on time.” His gaze moves up and to the side. The waitress is tottering from one foot to the other, holding her pad and pen in front of herself and looking at him impatiently.

The silence stretches. “I… What she’s having,” he finally growls.

She shrugs once more, sighs and scribbles it down.

“You know what,” I shoot back at him when I think she’s out of earshot. “I’ve lost mine too. I had a job interview, the only promising one in six months. Thanks to you,” I point at him, then at my knee that is slowly turning darker in color, “I’m still unemployed.”

“If you hadn’t walked into my path…”

“Arrogant asshole! You bumped into my back, so you…”

“I did no such…”

“Quiet!” The waitress’s shout from behind the counter makes us both hold our breaths. “If you need to have a lover’s quarrel, go outside!”

We both blush crimson red, but our hard glares tell that this isn’t over.

“You did,” I whisper vehemently. “Do I need to show you the bruise?”

Something changes. His expression shifts to an intensity that gives me goosebumps. “What? Do you want to strip for me?”

“Fuck you!”

“You know, you’re saying that an awful lot.”

I’m boiling over again. Not only that the asshole had to follow me, now he also makes sexual suggestions! I part my lips, but I close them again, unable to find the right words in the gooey swamp that my mind has been turned into by the constant heat. Yet my rage won’t be quenched, and when he quirks up an eyebrow and smirks in that self-assured, mocking male way, I explode into motion.

Satisfaction runs over me like a river, just like the wine spills over his head. His eyes widen into two comical orbs, accompanied by the clinking sound of ice cubes scuttling away on tiles, and I start laughing so hard that my own eyes water and my tummy ripples with painful contractions.

Childishly, I stick out my tongue while I sit down and place the empty glass back on the table. He stares at me through one eye, the other blinking away the liquid that has dripped into it. Dark blotches are all over his suit, and most hilarious of all, a big one has spread at the front of his trousers. This time it’s me who smiles smugly, while I can see him tremble with rage. I only have the tiniest part of a second to realize that something is wrong when his eyes widen and his expression softens.

Splash! The feeling of liquid on my head that follows that moment is unmistakable. It’s wet and warm and sticky, and it runs over my face and all the way down my front. But how…? I wipe my face and look hesitantly up and behind me, careful that the wine dripping from my hair doesn’t end up my eyes.

It’s the waitress, and she gifts me with an annoyed look. “Told you to stop it, didn’t I?” she asks and sets the half-empty bottle down next to mine with a forceful clunk.

“Shit!” I mumble, turning away from her and staring hard at my stalker. So much for new friendship.

“Oh, don’t play coy,” he tells me with a lopsided grin. “Your motives are quite…” He pauses, waggling his eyebrows. “...transparent.”

It takes me a few moments to understand the bad pun. I slowly and rather unwillingly lower my eyes, and when my gaze encounters my chest, my breath gets stuck in my throat. Like in those pictures of spring-break contests, my whole upper body is drenched with wetness and both my blouse and bra form one single, almost completely see-through, shape-hugging layer. My areolas and nipples leave nothing hidden! My gaze drifts higher again, and Mr. Stalker is staring at them with hungry fascination.

“Oh no,” I mumble with a shaking voice, then louder, “Stop staring, sicko!”

His answer is even more breathless than my words have been. “How can I?” His voice is soft, full of wonder. “It’s the first good thing that has happened to me all week.”

I want to tell him that I don’t care. Instead, he whispers, “Thank you!”

I don’t want to feel something positive for him, but can feel the sincerity in it. Something shifts. My mouth acts without caring for my thoughts. “I’m Jenna.”

He chuckles quietly, his eyes never straying from my chest, and I can suddenly feel his gaze physically on my nipples. “John,” he replies. “I’m John. Jenna and John. J and J, huh!”

The urge to fight drains out of me as if somebody has pulled the plug. I slump against the backrest and sigh. “You know,” I tell him matter-of-factly, “the situation’s rather unfair right now.”

“Uh-uh,” he confirms, and with a bit of effort, he draws his eyes away from my tits.

Finally, when our gazes meet, the first true smile pulls up the corners of his mouth, and he looks rather striking. He’s got a bit of a boyish appearance when he’s relaxed, but his body is far from that of a boy, that’s evident even through the suit. And another thing is obvious.

“Is that,” I question and nod towards the bulge at the front of his trousers, suddenly feeling light-headed, “as big as it appears?”

He shrugs. “Want to find out?”

“I’m not a slut!” I protest, the words easily flowing from my lips. Practice makes perfect. But then the whole situation closes in on me again, and against all the downs I’ve had recently, a good fuck looks more and more intriguing. I hastily backtrack. “Just want you to know that. Do you live nearby?”

“No. Unfortunately not.” There’s a hint of dejection in his voice.

“Me neither.” My shoulders slump.

A loud clacking sound has us both look for its origin, and the other patrons shift in their seat as well. It’s the waitress, and she has apparently just locked the door. I look at John and he at me, and we both lift an eyebrow, probably wondering to ourselves in near identical words what is going on.

When she struts to our table and comes to stand right in front of us, she’s sweating like mad.

“What…?” I start to ask.

“Uhm,” John stammers even less articulate than I.

“For heaven’s sake,” the young woman hisses exasperatedly, “we’re all adults here. Nobody’s going to come in. Just get it on!”

Now we both look like deer caught in the headlights, and the temperature in the room rises at least another ten degrees. “What?” I ask incredulously.

“I’ve got enough of dreary faces!” she shouts, and if there were a few paler spots left on her face, there aren’t anymore. “From the moment I open the goddamn café until I close it, everybody’s complaining about the heat and the prices! Then people are either dumbly staring holes into the air as if they had a lobotomy or arguing about every little thing. I’m! Fed! Up! I want to see one good thing happen today, just one, even if it's someone else fucking their brains out!” She’s close to tears and her lips tremble. Probably not far from a nervous breakdown. Those happen a lot recently.

“You can’t…” My protest dies in my throat when I see all the patrons shift and suddenly look awake. Twenty pairs of eyes judge every little reaction I show. Twenty pairs of eyes, I realize with a dizzy feeling and almost painful twinges between my thighs, are staring at my exposed nipples and plainly visible tits.

I can’t consider this, not really. But when I see John fidget on the chair, his face flickering back and forth between nervous and hopeful, I re-evaluate my outlook on life. No job. No money. Sometime soon, if there isn’t a miracle about to happen, no house. No boyfriend either, but the longer I look at John, the more handsome he becomes. We both stink of sweat like everybody else, but that can’t be a hard criterion nowadays.

The waitress seems to know my decision before I do myself, because she’s already taking away our glasses and bottles. John sends me a somewhat incredulous stare which I answer with a shrug and a muttered, “She’s right, somehow.” My pussy has started getting wet when I thought about the whole room full of people watching me fucking, and moisture is becoming far too valuable to waste it without a reward, I rationalize.

Then there are hands encircling me from behind. “Let me help you,” the waitress whispers into my ear before the surprise can overcome my lingering lethargy. Even while goosebumps race up my spine, her fingers are already busy undoing the buttons of my blouse. A strange feeling, a lot like an ultrasonic massage must feel like, grips my body, and the heat grows to an intensity that takes my breath away.

John’s eyes turn dark with hunger. “You too!” I manage to growl, and true enough, his fingers start to unbutton his shirt while all his attention keeps focused on me.

There goes my blouse, a bit awkwardly pulled down my arms, but I shift to help her get it off. In the blink of an eye, my bra follows. “Stand up,” she whispers, helping me to get upright.

John’s chest is muscular, not really body-builder like but fit enough to look yummy. His fingers unbuckle the belt impatiently, and when his trousers slide down his legs, my skirt mimics its motion. His bulge appears even bigger now, and I can see it twitch under the black fabric of his boxer briefs.

“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers, his throat sounding raw. “Fuck that. You’re beautiful!”

“You’re handsome like hell,” I whisper back and moan in embarrassed arousal when my panties are pushed down my legs by the soft, hot, sweaty fingers of the waitress, whose name I don’t even know.

He bites his lip, but he doesn’t hesitate and pushes down his own undergarment. “Shit!” I exclaim and press a hand over my mouth. He is - all breath leaves my lungs - huge. And completely shaven. Perhaps that is also a part of its imposing appearance, but I don’t care right now. I almost drool when I look at the huge sac dangling between his legs and the thick, fleshy rod with its almost purple head that stands almost perfectly upright.

I let the waitress help me get up on the table. She positions me sideways to the rest of the room, and once I lie there in just my torn stockings and high heels and see all the aroused stares directed at me, my earlier words come back to haunt me. Not a slut? I pull up my legs as high and wide as I can, deciding that if I’m to be a slut today, I’ll go all the way.

The waitress - I can’t believe that she does that and even less that he lets her - grips John’s cock like a handle and pulls him around the chairs and between my thighs. My hand roams down to my pussy and starts to stroke up and down, finding a wellspring of moisture already awaiting it. I moan; it’s a loud and long sound that seems to start directly inside my creaming snatch.

My fingers are pushed away, though. The waitress’ own fingers, nails done with slightly scratched but still shiny purple polish, skillfully guide John’s cock to the entrance of my snatch, and the smooth, hot touch of its head gives me the most wonderful tingly feelings.

“Fuck me,” I whisper, and I can see him twitch, but the waitress holds his cock in place so it’s touching me just enough to tease me.

“Fuck me,” I tell him louder, but she only rubs it up and down my slit with gentle pressure. I start sweating like I’ve never sweated before, and the desire that wells up in me wants to consume me.

“Fuck me!” I shout in despair. “Fuck me, please! Stick that huge cock inside my cunt!” I’m almost sobbing with desire, and I don’t care about the needy spectacle I’m making of myself.

John and I are both surprised when the waitress lets go of his stiff appendage and gives him a shove. In an instant, his whole length is buried inside me and stretching my pussy wider than it has ever been stretched before.

Our eyes meet and the world crumbles away around us. He pulls out slowly, only to ram back home with full force, unable to restrain himself. The pure wantonness in his eyes makes me feel both powerful and like a toy, and we kiss each other, our lips clinging to one another like drowning people to a plank of wood. We’re openly fucking in a café full of people and we don’t give a damn!

The walls of my pussy stretch around his cock with silken wetness, and it feels oh so good. I shout my jubilations to the world, encourage him with moans and whimpers and squeeze my tits, which bounce with every thrust. We shag like rabbits; his pupils dilate into needle points and his eyelids droop from lust. We’re one sweaty, wet, burning hot mess of sexual energy, and all the annoyance and rage from earlier on gets poured into our heated sex and makes this the best, most intense fuck of my life.

I feel something wet on my nipple and gasp. The waitress, now completely nude and showing off creamy-white, incredibly huge tits with the pinkest nipples I’ve ever seen, is bent over the table and covers my boob with kisses, while someone is drilling into her cunt from behind. I can feel the thrusts shake her, and she suddenly clamps down her teeth on my nipple just when John spears me with another thrust.

I disintegrate. All my lust seems to focus into a single, unimaginably hot point between my thighs and then explodes outwards in wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. I can only see spots, and I hear my voice make strange, groaning noises while my body shakes and writhes.

I feel his cock throb and spurt inside me, and the knowledge that his seed is filling me lifts me even higher. I fly; my mind soars above all the heat on wings of pure pleasure, and I never want to come down.

I do, though, but if it’s minutes or seconds later, I can’t tell. John is leaning against the wall and catching his breath, his cock now soft and shiny with our juices. He looks absolutely adorable with that soft, blissful look in his eyes, and I wink at him, a soft, satisfied smile tugging up the corners of my mouth until it hurts.

A gruff voice breaks our wordless conversation. “Would you mind…?”

‘What kind of question is that?’ I think while I stare at the dark-skinned hunk who’s standing between my legs with a boner just as big as John’s. It’s crazy. Do I mind? Do I mind that this stranger wants to stick his swollen penis in my freshly fucked vagina? A few short looks travel back and forth between John’s eyes and mine, and when he winks at me without a hint of jealousy, my grin threatens to reach all around my head.

“What are you waiting for?” I tease the stranger. “Stick that boner in my snatch before it gets cooked in the heat!”

And just like that, I’m fucking another stranger. It feels good, but he doesn’t last long; he’s obviously gotten too aroused by all the debauchery going on. When I look around, there’s not a single clothed soul left and everybody’s shagging like it’s the end of the world. Moans, whimpers and orgasmic cries fill the air. A younger guy takes Dark Hunk’s place and drills me with the frantic energy that only eighteen-year-olds possess. It’s just what I need. My pussy gets sore, but I come once more in ultimate bliss, moaning and giggling at the boy’s startled look when I cover his lower body with copious spurts of pussy juice.

Hours later, everybody is dressed again. Clothes cling even tighter to their owner’s bodies, but nobody cares. Sometime in the middle of the craziness, I’ve had two cocks at once inside my snatch, one of them John’s, and while it was slightly painful at first, it turned into the most rewarding sex of my life once my box got accustomed to it.

The waitress, Meredith as we learned somewhere through the orgy, managed to dig out chilled water for everyone from somewhere. I’m pretty sure we would've had casualties otherwise. John and I finally give up the hope that we might find my missing panties and sneak out the backdoor on wobbly legs. It’s getting dark, and although the stones and concrete still radiate the heat they have been infused with all day, a small breeze makes being outside almost bearable.

“What now?” I ask, my voice scratchy from all the moaning and shouting. A trail of jizz trickles down my thigh and makes me blush.

“Well,” he answers a bit sheepishly, scratching behind his ear and looking absolutely adorable, “my house belongs to the company and so does the furniture. I’ve got a car and about twenty grand stashed away for hard times. How does fucking our way all across the country sound?”

“You’re a pervert,” I tell him and slap his shoulder, but then I bite my lip. He doesn’t look as if he’s joking. “It sounds… intriguing. And,” I whisper into his ear with a mischievous grin while my hand kneads the part of him I have so recently come to love, “I’m pretty sure we’re facing very, very hard times.” I can already feel the confirmation of my words. We chuckle about the bad pun.

I hook my elbow with his and wipe a bead of sweat from above his eyebrow with my thumb. “Where’s your car? Let’s go!”

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“Hey your name is Courtney right?” I asked her. “Yea” she said un-enthusiastically. “I’m Stephanie. I couldn’t help but notice you look upset. What’s the matter?” Courtney responded “Well it’s nothing really… I just… I think my boyfriend has a crush on another girl and I’m getting a little jealous… I hate wearing these tight clothes that make me look slutty, but I have to get his attention somehow.” “Well you look great, and not too slutty. He is lucky to have you and if he...

1 year ago
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Surviving the Boring Meeting

She is in a beautiful tropical paradise yet stuck inside a frigid, dark hotel meeting room. What a waste of good warm sunshine. Her body craves warmth and she longs to lounge by the pool with a tall, refreshing drink and a good mystery. She pulls her sweater tighter around her shoulders to block the chill from the air conditioning and tries to concentrate on the speaker's droning voice. It's no use, her mind drifts off again, as her eyes roam around the room - scoping out the variety of men....

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Cassie and me

I had a less than average life for a 17 year old. But I had little to complain about. I just finished school, I tried joining the Defence Force, which was calling for as many people as they could get. But I was knocked back. So I had two years to kill before I could try again. I thought it was going to be an uneventful two years. I was trying to find a girlfriend as well. 17 years and no, I have never had one. I’ve seen a couple of girls before, but it never turned into anything worth...

2 years ago
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How long has it been, she wondered, since Sir had left her here?She was lying naked on the bed. Hands tied tightly to the headboard, arms resting above her head. Her legs were spread, each ankle attached to a velcro cuff and tied to the bed post. She wore a blindfold, and noise-canceling headphones. She could hear nothing, see nothing, and could barely move. Before he left, Sir had placed a small ball gag in her mouth so she was unable to speak or call for him. She was lost inside her own head,...

4 years ago
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Surfing a4a led to my first gay encounter

I am 6' 4'' 250 lbs bi-curious married black male who love wearing female lingerie (I have quite a collection) and has been fantasizing about sucking cock for a while now. I don't know if there is a better feeling of a thong wedge between my butt cheeks or sexy lacy female boy short hugging my bubble butt. Then wearing some lacy bra to accentuate my tits (my tits looks like a teenage girl just starting to develop and nipples get hard when I am horny). One day I was looking at gay videos on...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nick

Now I'm laying here, but naked bar my stilettoes and tied to a kitchen table with every part of my body being scrutinized by a group of strange men! I had replied to a message from a profile called Naughty Nick. He had been really nice and we had spoken for weeks so eventually I swallowed my pride and asked to meet him for dinner. We had arranged to meet at a restaurant in the center of town, I didn't want to arrange a meeting in the near where I live or in the middle of nowhere. I had been...

1 year ago
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My BestFriends Hands

I watched him as he strummed his guitar beat by beat. It was after school and i had gone up to the third floor just to see my best friend play his guitar for his major's final. My boyfriend was standing next to me complimenting on how good and great my best friend's guitar skills were. Meanwhile he was listening to the music and keeping up with the beat of the drum led by the teacher i was silently observing my best friend's fingers. His fingers were long, strong, fast and thick a girl couldn't...

First Time
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Delightfully Evil Part Four

I slowly woke up, feeling a little bit sore in my wrists, and certainly my bottom. I closed my eyes and nestled into the down pillow. Feeling the comforter, very warm, a silkiness on my body…I curl up, nibbling on the edge of my thumb…no, no can’t go back to sleep.I open my eyes and on the night table a digital clock tells me it’s already noon, Saturday. But I wouldn’t know otherwise, no windows in my cell. I sigh…if he keeps his word, I go home tomorrow…[i}...home…I want to go home…but…[/i]I...

3 years ago
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Time to Protect EarthChapter 12

I awoke, to find Sandy just beginning to stir. Some internal, deeply subconscious part of my mind, had woken me. Probably some ancient genetic ‘father instinct’, that alerted me to potential trouble. I quickly leaned over, and kissed her awake, nibbling on her ear lobes. As she came awake, she reached for the remote, and flipped on the TV. Then, she returned my kisses. I was a little disappointed with her response. I usually got her motor running hot very quickly, this way. “Sorry, TJ,” she...

4 years ago
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Lara Takes the Retards to Sea World

Written by: Mr. Mongo 7/10/2012 No retards were hurt in the writing of this story, but they sure do fuck and humiliate the hell out of Lara. One of Lara’s co-workers told her that his aunt hurt her hip before she was to take several mentally disadvantage men to see Aquatic World. They really needed replacement volunteer as soon as possible. He said the guys all had downs syndrome, but were well behaved. Lara was known for volunteering with underprivileged inner city youths, so he decided...

2 years ago
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Halloween and the Goblin

The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable Rottweiler's, Amadeus and Rolf. Amadeus...

4 years ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 6

Part VI The Plan Denise dressed and quickly scribbled a note for Stephanie who was gently snoring away, tucked soundly in bed. She grabbed her jacket and slipped out of the room, leaving a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Downstairs at the front desk, the Jimmy Somerville look-alike had been replaced by someone else far less surly. "Is there an internet caf? nearby?" she asked. "It's not really near, but there's one in Sydney Street. Do you know where that is?" "I think s...

1 year ago
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City Of Orgasm Act 1

It was just sunset when the lovely Susan Gander entered the resteraunt at the Pelican Key marina gliding through the dining room as if she were a model strutting down a catwalk. The low murmur of voices that was in the air had ceased as she appeared replaced by a thundering silence. Tall and lean with flaming bleach blond hair she was a vision of beauty the likes of which other women only dream of possessing. Her radiant smile as bright as the Sun her pink pouty lips glistened from the last ray...

2 years ago
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I Came Here to DieChapter 9

"I've got some property to sell," Joyce told her lawyer. It's in Longview and I used to have a house until last May a year ago when that F-5 tornado flattened the house." "I can take care of that," the man about her age informed her. "There's nothing left for me down there," she said morosely, as her thoughts turned to Rick. "I have my daddy's place about forty miles north of there that he left to me. I want to keep that. It's got an unlimited amount of oil. I sold the rights...

2 years ago
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Sexfighting Revenge

You have entered a no-holds barred sex-fighting tournament. The aim is to forced your opponent to cum before you do. There are 3 rounds to win before you can be crowned champion and claim the $1,000,000 prize. The event has been set-up and sponsored by multi-millionaire businessman Patrick Michaels, head of a world-wide porn empire. He used to be your boss some years ago, at the beginning of your career as a porn actor. You'd never gotten on well, and you suspected he had set this up as a trap...

2 years ago
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Delicious Daughters Part 8211 1

As I saw my son in law-( sil) coming out of my room I was happy, as he too had satisfied and happy look on his face. He smiled at me and went to his room. I knew my wife was in my room and she had just been fucked by my elder sil. My dick started to have an erection at the thought of my wife’s pussy taking in the dick of my sil. I am 58 , retired from job and my wife 48. We have two daughters, both married. This chap who just fucked my wife was married to elder daughter. I saw my wife coming...

3 years ago
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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 8 Historical Perspective

During the next week the treasure was moved from the treasure room to a vault at H. J. Hendley & Company, a company that specialized in storage and appraisal of collectable coins, gold and antique jewelry. I took no chances with the transfer and contracted an armored car service to make the actual move. The brief appearance of the armored car in the neighborhood was hardly noticed by our neighbors. Leo Hoskins proved to be a fount of knowledge concerning property law and more...

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Everyday Screw The Library

It was hot outside. The kind of heat and humidity that is positively oppressive. It felt like the summer would never end, and during the hottest weeks of the year your AC took a shit. The fans aren't doing anything to move the still, swampy air. The closest place with good Wi-Fi and climate control is the library. It's been updated with a lot of quiet corners, a small coffee shop tucked into it, and a decent computer lab. the stacks are well organized but they're basically a maze. Security...

3 years ago
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Mutual masturbation helped my friend walk

This is a true story a friend told me. He does not write but was so good I had to write it and share it for him. Names have been changed. I tried to pull as much detail as I could to make it more porn story like. I write it in first person for easy reading, as if it was me, but it was about him.My friend is an in-home care giver for the disabled and often must makes rounds each day of 4 to 5 homes. Although the doctors will not confirm, he and a patient, now his friend, believe it was...

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The Bottles

Fred shivered in the cold winter air. With his head down and feeling very self-conscious, he trotted out of Birmingham New-Street station in the strappy high-heels and headed down the road as he had been instructed. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. It wasn’t that it was the first time he’d stepped outside his door dressed as a girl, or even that he had arranged to meet a complete stranger without a photograph or even a name, it was the manner of the meeting. He felt his cock strain and...

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Falling for Jenny

I was in my last year at school and the rest of my life was stretching out before me, a featureless landscape and me without a map. The boarding school I attended was all boys so interaction with the opposite sex was restricted and girls remained a mystery to most of us. Not that this stopped us from endlessly discussing girls and their anatomy. Like most seventeen-year-old boys, my pals and I were obsessed with the subject. My own experience was limited although, in my view at that time,...

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Friends with benefits

Hi guys am not new on this site but I just discovered today that the story page is way more functional than I thought. I personally have a lot to share and I will gladly post them here for fun. My stories are personal life experiences no twists, no turns 100% true events. In few cases, i may change names of characters to protects the identities of my friends. This article may contain unfamiliar slangs and sentences that are only peculiar to my society but am pretty a huge part will make so much...

4 years ago
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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 4

Mary met me at the door and fell into my arms crying. I hugged her and held her as tightly as I could. Finally she uttered one word, "Coffee." She had evidently poured it when she heard my car pull into the driveway, for it was setting on the table steaming. We sat across from each other knowing we had to speak, but neither knowing where to start. I said, "I understand that you're pregnant. How do you feel about that?" "Dirk, I feel bad--terrible in fact. Terrible because it's not...

3 years ago
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Its a Wonderful Life 15

Annie stared at the button amongst the point-of-sale choice next to the register, her look half-puzzled and half-disgusted. An L with a red circle and a line through it? She shook her head and muttered under her breath, ‘I don’t get it, and I don’t care.’ She glanced at her watch and made a mental note of the lunchtime errands she had to run at the mall: EB Games gift card for her nephew, lotion set from the Body Shop for a thank you gift, and one more thing that she’d probably remember after...

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New neighbour

I'd seen the moving van earlier that day, somebody was finally moving in to the empty house across the street. I remember hoping it would be a hot single woman, or more than one preferably!I was 24 at the time, single, and living alone. I wouldn't say I was the best looking guy in the world, fairly average if anything. I'm 6'0 with short crop of dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a naturally athletic body that I don't have to work too hard to keep in shape.On the day I saw the van, I'd been out...

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These Lives We Seek

These Lives We Seek By Myria "You're not going to like it," John had told me two hours before when he'd given me the report in my office. He was right, I thought as I unlocked the door and walked into my living room, I damn sure didn't. I threw the report on the coffee table and sat down on the couch with a huff. There are days when I wished I'd never decided to go into journalism; this was definitely one of them. Why in the hell didn't I decide to become a teacher? Or maybe a...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 27 My First Aikido Lesson

Thursday, April 7, 2005 Before I headed through to breakfast, I had the idea of slipping Dad my 8-ball winnings for him to buy me some more rubbers, but I remembered that I hadn't used any of the rubbers that he'd given me for my first date. I collected them all to give to Julia at school. I might as well keep them all at her place as I wasn't going to need them anywhere else, especially after the scare Mom and Dad gave me last night about reporters and lawyers. I was gathering my...

1 year ago
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Charlies Fallen Angel

It was the summer of '67 when it happened. I remember, because it was about six months after my seventeenth birthday. Momma and Daddy had died in a bad car accident, and I was left to run the small family farm by myself. My older brother Bobby, was off fighting the war at the time of the accident and with no one to help me, I was in real trouble. Fortunately our neighbor, Charlie Perkins, came to my rescue. Our small farm sat on the outskirts of the city of Nowata, Oklahoma. It wasn't much,...

First Time
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A Different Way That COVID Affected My Family

I'm Sue and what I'm about to tell you is the most insane and wildest thing that has ever happened in my life, well, our lives, actually, and I'm not sure we can ever go back to the family we were before.Everyone is aware of this ridiculous pandemic going on with Covid19 and, of course, all the restrictions that go along with a pandemic of this type.It was May 2020, and New York City and surrounding areas, including the area we live in, was in complete lockdown. Jack, my husband, and I were...

4 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 20 Time Spent

Reaching the Compound takes another couple of hours. The light is fading as we arrive. I keep forgetting that winter is setting in and days will be much shorter till the solstice Yet everyone around me seems to be prepared of the changes of light and weather. I have missed so much living among the stars. We do get a better homecoming this time. Not to say warmer but at least there is someone at the gate and they open it after Saber sticks his head out of the Hummer. "Common, we have been...

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Mothers and DaughtersChapter 3

Sherry woke up late in the morning, feeling stiff and sore from the night spent asleep at the dining room table. It took her a minute to realize where she was. She didn’t remember falling asleep. All she remembered was an evening filled with the most intense technical discussion of her life. Her bladder demanded her attention. She got up and headed for the bathroom. Once there, she glanced up at the camera, and put a towel around her waist before dropping her jeans. Then she sat down on the...

2 years ago
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My Life8217s First Sex Experience

Hey friends how are you, I hope you’ll be well and happy. Ab mai apna intro deta hu… Mera naam shyam he from rudrapur uttarakhand. Meri height 5.5 and average body skin color like wheat finally land ka size 5 inch width normal. Mai sex aur sexy kahani read karne ka bahut shaukin hu aur logo ki real ‘and’ unreal sex story padke mera dil bhi kahta he ki apni life ka first sex experience share karna chahiye. To ab aap sab log dhyan se padiye… Meri life ka first sex sep.2011 me hua tha ye mere...

2 years ago
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One slut and her dog Part 1

Stepping out of the bathroom, she immediately felt a nose poking around the bare thighs visible beneath her towel. She reached down, rubbing a hand along the dog's thick fur before giving him a playful scratch behind the ears. She walked past him, feeling his snout bumping against her bare ankles proving he was following and still sniffing at her. Reaching her bed she slipped the towel from around her body, leaving her body completely naked. She'd already laid her outfit out on the bed to...

3 years ago
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Stepdaughter Spanked and Fucked

The moment the garage door began to close, its low rumble groaning throughout the house, I knew what was coming. So did Candace, my fourteen-year-old stepdaughter. I didn't know exactly when it would arrive, or exactly what the trigger would be, but as soon as my wife — Candace's mother — pulled out of the garage on a Saturday morning, hauling her craft jewelry to yet another distant flea market or art fair, the inexorable countdown would begin. It had become to us a Law of Nature. Another...

4 years ago
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A Loser Rebounds Ch 14

Although ‘dumped on’ as she called it, Addison did what Andy expected of her and said she’d go, to allow her lover to accept a post in Australia to gain experience as an international operator. The wedding was held in the garden of Addison’s parents in Lincoln Park and followed by a sit-down meal in their huge 1930s-built house where the sliding doors between the dining-room and living room were opened and a temporary table brought in to easily seat the forty-eight guests. Andy was proud of...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 99

"Damn, Mom. I oughta bring you to school for show and tell during sex ed." "Well, there's no reason a girl has to torture herself to bring pleasure to her man. And if she does it right, it will be more pleasurable for him, too." "Well, it seems to be very popular with a lot of people. I read that they spent $25,000 to make Deep Throat and it's brought in over six hundred million." "I'm sure it has. But Linda Lovelace's husband got her to learn how to do that by putting a gun to...

2 years ago
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E138 Things Are considered

Sasha is busy since she and Joseph dropped Emma and Donald at home.  But mid-week, she has found a laser clinic and scheduled appointments for all four for early afternoon on Friday.  She giggles with Emma about keeping the same time slot they have had this last year.  It is arranged that the three from the Institute will pick up Sasha on their way for their first treatment.All are a bit leery but excited at the prospect.  After talking some with Donald about how much hair should be removed,...

Love Stories
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"Armed police officers! We have a warrant to search the premises!" A rude awakening if ever there was one! I quickly slipped on a pair of pink polka-dot knickers that I’d discarded on the bedroom floor the night before, and pulled on my pale blue skinny fit tee-shirt. I tugged it into place over my breasts just in time; a burly black man with a bald head crashed through the bedroom door and dragged me unceremoniously to my feet. My heart pounded in my chest as he guided me roughly into the...

3 years ago
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How to make babysitting pay part 2

Shelley then went on to tell me how she started babysitting when she was only 13.The husband was about 25 very handsome and very charming.When he took Shelley home he would chat to her, and she doesn't know to this day, why she told him about the boy that was in the 6th form, that had offered her a fiver if he could get his hand down her knickers, and when she let him, he never gave her the fiver.He pulled over and said to Shelley "Always get the money up front" and with that he handed her a...

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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

4 years ago
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A Day in the Life of Me

I don’t know why he even crossed my mind. It had been over three months since we had called it quits yet when she woke this morning that jerk was in my head. What the heck she thought to herself. All of a sudden, I looked at the clock and realized that I had a half hour before she had to be at work and I was not even washed and dressed. ‘Oh shit,’ I said and raced into the bathroom. I quickly showered and raced back into my bedroom. Quickly throwing on some clothes, I raced for the door. ...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 62 St Martin Part II

May 28, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles “I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” I said to Samantha as we cleaned up after dinner. “Why?” she asked. “The scope of dares is pretty limited. I mean, what are you going to dare each other to do?” “Things with you, I guess.” “Exactly. And that bothers me more than I thought it would.” “You don’t want to play?” “I’m just wondering how quickly it would escalate. And what might happen.” Samantha smirked, “Oh, I’m sure you...

3 years ago
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Cuckolding the facts

In his book Sperm Wars, biologist Robin Baker speculated that the excitement and stimulation of the cuckolding fetish emerges from the biology of sexuality and the effects of sexual arousal on the brain. According to his theory, when a man believes that his female mate may have been sexual with another man, the man mate is prompted by biological urges to copulate with the female, in an effort to "compete" with the other man's sperm. The effects of sperm competition are well documented.[6]...

3 years ago
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Wife Owned By Big Black Cock

My name is Barbara. I have a white husband, but am black owned. I eagerly allow any black man my master chooses to use my body to please himself. It doesn’t matter that they all cum inside me because I’m already pregnant with my master’s black baby. I wasn’t always a slut. For the first years of my life every thing was quite normal. I was a very ordinary housewife, happily married to my husband Dean Dean has a good job; we live in a very nice house. Dean was the only man...

2 years ago
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Journey From Jabalpur To Delhi Travel Ended On Bed

Hi friends, I am Akhil i am back after long time .i am introducing myself again for the sake of new readers. i am 26 m, handsome south Indian(Hyderabad) guy working in Jabalpur .i am getting so many reply from so many women’s and girls every day. i am thankful for your address for my previous stories. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. Now i am here with my new experience which happened 1 week before. i will tell you about Sujatha heroine of this story ,her physic 34c-30-34.she...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Emma Blanco 12182020

Meet 19 year old Emma Blanco from the sunshine state of Florida. This girl has spunk and is overflowing with moxie which translates into the perfect combination of cute, bold, sexy, fun, hot as fuck, mysterious, provocative, spirited, seductive, fine assed, cuddly, sensual, enthusiastic, risque, stimulating, energetic, titillating, sultry, adrenalizing and full of electrifying life newbie who just happens to exude ball tingling energy with a perfect, and I mean PERFECT, body who must be a gift...

2 years ago
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Cruel Wednesdays

I couldn’t have not noticed her, I realize that in hindsight. The moment my eyes encountered her, though, the fascination acted like a switch to my young brain and disrupted all the circuits but the primal ones. You’d have noticed her too, had you been in my place. Among the sea of hectic tourists in their garish outfits, she was like an epiphany. Huge, dark eyes that appeared to look right into a different world, above high, exotic cheekbones and a finely chiseled nose drew my look like...

2 years ago
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They make everything in Tokyo

"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Maki, of His Imperial Majesty's special security branch within the Imperial Army, under the ministry of National Public Safety. In cases as uncommon as these, it?s not without precedence for the local Prefectural Police to hand matters over to the National Police Agency, and for them to hand it over to us." He hadn't even closed the door in the interrogation room as he delivered his introduction in all seriousness and with all due understanding for the gravity of...

Mind Control

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