ComrieChapter 48 free porn video

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As Alpha1 lifted off from FEDEX stadium, Rusty said, "Shannon, how are Nicola's and Alana's teams doing?"

"They are on their way to Comrie, along with 22 people from Master Jameson's place. There are eighteen women and four men. Six of the women were serving staff. The others were Jameson's office staff. All are college graduates."

"The serving staff were college graduates?" exclaimed Tara. "How did you come up with that so quickly?"

"To answer your last question first, we did a quick memory scan on all the staff when they arrived. This time, it was a good decision. I think you will agree when you've seen the data.

"Before I continue, let me caution you that this information is preliminary, so there will likely be some corrections by tomorrow. Yes, all the staff are college graduates. They have either a Masters or Doctorate in Business Administration or Finance, in addition to a technical degree. All of them came to work at Jameson's main office by similar paths. They started their career working for one of his companies directly out of college. After working for several of his companies, they were offered a position at one of the holding companies. After a year or so there, they were offered a chance to move to the corporate office. They were told that, since the corporate office was rather remote, all of their living expenses would be covered. Just before leaving for their new position, they were each asked to give the corporate office manager signing authority over their financial accounts. This was portrayed as a convenience benefit for them, since there weren't any banks or towns near headquarters. Buried in the pile of papers was a cleverly-worded power of attorney, giving Master Jameson control over all aspects of their lives. The power of attorney effectively made him their guardian, and transferable at the discretion of the current holder."

"This sounds similar to some other cases."

"It is, while at the same time, it is a little different. Everyone brought to headquarters did work as business managers. Many worked odd hours, due to time differences with the units they monitored. For the first few days after arriving, the dress code was pretty standard, from their standpoint. Then, over several days, things became more provocative by Earth's standards, and their dress began to change to match it. From what we can tell, they never consciously noticed the change. The normal dress was high heels for the women, along with extremely short skirts and transparent blouses. Alternatively it might be a scooped neck chemise with a hem reaching to just below their crotch. The men wore only translucent shorts, casual button-down shirts and loafers. No underwear was permitted. Women could wear a thong only during their monthly period.

"Most adapted quite well to the change in lifestyle, the records show that the few who didn't soon left, although disappeared is probably a better description. We are trying to determine what happened to them. Those who worked, and completed their assignments correctly, were permitted quite a bit of leeway in satisfying their now strong sexual appetite. In fact, they were encouraged to satisfy their needs whenever the mood struck them. At the manor, they have a sensory deprivation tank, stocks, a whipping post, mechanical dildos, electric stimulators and a multitude of bondage accessories. While these can be used to cause humiliation and pain, it seems that the use was reasonably consensual."

"That is strange phrasing. What do you mean by 'reasonably consensual'?" asked Sally.

"According to their memories, they used the bondage devices with another staff member because they felt they wanted to. We attribute that, partially, to the drugs in their food, but it was more likely due to their conditioning. A few staff members were severely punished in front of everyone, using the same devices. Their memories indicate that they sought the punishment and felt it was deserved. The punishments were at times quite severe, but left them without any visible scars. Electricity can be very stimulating, but can also be so painful you will do most anything for relief.

"Another puzzling thing is that their memories show that they went to a clinic for a physical about a month before assuming their new positions. They have hardly any memory of their time at the clinic or the physical. We want to explore that more tomorrow, but it is strange.

"Other tidbits are: body jewelry was encouraged; tongue post and tongue rings were sometimes a form of punishment. Adding the mouth jewelry usually resulted in the person having trouble speaking clearly. If their jobs required much talking, then their performance would suffer. This would result in them becoming the site toy, with limited refusal rights, and working as a part of the household staff.

"There was some turnover in staff. In most cases this came about when Jameson assigned one of his staff to a customer or one of the company managers. Only a few of them have been back after leaving on the new assignment, and they were only those who left with a manager. Before each departure the person usually disappeared for a few days, and apparently, visited Dr. Schwartz. When they were seen again, they seemed to be more compliant. There were also subtle physical changes as well. These were primarily to their breasts, vagina, mouth, tongue, nose and cock."

"Was Jameson transferring guardianship when these individuals left?"

"We aren't certain, but there are indications that he was."

"We take it Dr. Schwartz gave the treatments to turn them into sex slaves or toys?"

"Well, Anessa, the butler, thinks so. The changes were not outrageous. Just enough to make them very good eye candy, and very willing do their new owners bidding. Her view of the conditioning was that the person would do whatever the person they were assigned to requested."

"So basically, those working for him were slaves and treated as property?"

"Yes. We believe that is correct. The information we have as to the individual's status when sent to their new assignments is fuzzy."

"How did the staff react to the opportunity to leave with us?" asked Joyce.

"All accepted, but their responses varied. We offered them the opportunity to go to Comrie, as usual, and most of them seemed relieved to have the opportunity. A few hesitated before saying they wanted to go. We know all of them are pleased to be away from Jameson."

"Is there enough evidence to clearly expose Jameson's shenanigans?" said Sarah.

"Yes, we think so. We made sure the encryption keys were easy to find."

"James and Clarence, would you assist Shannon, Danny and Lydia in writing this up so the AG's office can act on the information."

"It would be a pleasure," said both James and Clarence. "Knowing how well Shannon and her group work, we should have it done well before Mr. Murphy is in his office tomorrow."

"By the way, what about those still at the estate?"

"They went to bed and will probably sleep until late tomorrow."

Just as they finished talking, three of the shuttles reached Dóchas, with the other three returning to An Clochán. "Boy, it's good to be home," said Sarah.

"It sure is," responded everyone on the six shuttles.

As they all exited the shuttles, they were met by their spouses and children.

Later on Dóchas Briana said, "Sarah, did I tell you that we saw General Walker at FEDEX Stadium?"

"No. I heard he retired. How are they doing?"

"Charlotte and I talked to them briefly after the performance. Yes, he did retire and they appear to be doing very well. We invited them to visit again, and even set a date to pick them up. We're to pick them up in six days."

"It will be good to see them again. I know the children really liked them."

"They asked about the children."

"How long are they planning on staying? Do you know if they are telepathic?"

"I have the feeling that they would like to stay quite a while. I don't think they have been evaluated for telepathy. I'll ask them if they want to see the videos about our history again."

"Where are they going to stay?"

"On Dóchas, there is a suite near ours they can use."

"It might be wise to remind them of the telepathy and escort issues when they arrive."

"We will. Adam thinks General Walker has the ability, but none of us have been around his wife enough to have an opinion."

"Lydia, when do we expect the interstellar probes to be back?" asked Siobhan during the Command Staffs remote conference session the day after the FEDEX concert.

"All four should return within the next two months."

"Isn't that later than we expected?"

"Yes, it is."

"Do we have any data from them yet?"

"Only that they found four stars with planets that appear to fit our basic criteria," replied Lydia. "The probes were programmed to only advise us of success or failure. They won't transmit their data until they are much closer to this solar system. This minimized the size and power requirements."

"If I remember our discussions of the proposals for the interstellar probes and long-range shuttles, some were pretty elaborate."

"Yes, they were. The two long-range shuttles have been configured. These are capable of taking a small group to check out two of the best choices, based on the probes' data. Both have been tested and are on standby. Plans are to have them travel together."

"I saw that. The crews are ready to go as soon as we have the data and make a selection."

"So you think there will be a choice?" asked Shannon, joining the conversation.

"Most definitely, unless one of the locations is a perfect match to our criteria," replied Siobhan. "Even then we should check more than one. We should consider sending the interstellar probes out again, since this is something we don't want to rush."

"There are times when I feel like we can't leave this solar system soon enough," said Muireann, "especially when we come across someone like Craigly or Jameson."

"There are many wonderful people on Earth," responded Shannon.

"Oh ... I agree," responded Muireann. "We have had some of them join us. It's just that sometimes the bad obscures the good."

"Shannon," said Siobhan, "the Intelligence group did a great job in pulling all the data on Jameson's operation together for Mr. Murphy. You have really done a great job."

"Thanks. I think all of us would prefer not to see any more cases like that."

"Muireann, was Mr. Murphy able to use what you put together?" asked Sally.

"Yes, but it was only because we had Clarence and James' guidance and assistance as we did it. We ended up providing overviews of the data in two parts, mainly because we ran out of time. Mr. Murphy and the attorneys working on the case were ecstatic, as there was no doubt about the validity of the evidence. The group with Dr. Schwartz, and those at Hilltop Manor, have all been very cooperative with the Justice Department. Dr. Schwartz and Ms Jameson have been pretty arrogant when talking about the treatments given to those who came to work at the estate. It was from them that we learned that a few of those who had appeared to leave there didn't. These two took them to a special building where they eventually died. Dr. Schwartz was to be the Mistress's next project, along with Dr. Attwall. Ugly."

"To me, the Jameson's and Craigly's have a lot in common with other self-righteous groups seen on Earth," said Lydia. "They saw it as their right to use those around them however they wanted. They stroked their own egos daily by having a group of brilliant and beautiful people at their beck and call. A group that because of their conditioning would do anything requested of them. Visually, they were reminded every day of their control, by the way their staff dressed, by their staffs' willingness to wear sexually provocative clothing and by seeing the staffs' tails hanging from their butt plugs, bouncing as they walked. Both Jamesons enjoyed the visual delights their staff provided them as they took frequent breaks to sexually satisfy each other. They frequently participated in these activities."

"If the surrounding community found out about what was going on, there would have been an up- roar."

"Ah, but there wasn't."

"Jameson chose this site because of the natural isolation created by the terrain. You're right, the prolific sex and open nudity, in many areas would have caused an uproar. Not because anyone was being hurt, but because of perceived morality issues. Very likely they would have missed the true issue, and focused on the visible issues of nudity and sex, while the true issue of non-consensual control would go unnoticed."

"So, to spin your comments another way, morality is not about nakedness, sex, drunkenness or similar activities, but the way you interact with each other."

"Yes, I think so, although I will need to think through the implications of what you said for a while."

"To expand a bit more, I think the people on Earth have chosen to establish morality on a visual basis, rather than an intellectual one. In general, they use laws to forbid some aspect of visual social interaction. These laws were justified, at times, by being based on an interpretation of currently-popular religious writings. Often these laws don't stop the social interaction, but when it doesn't, those that passed the law become intent on enforcing compliance. At some point, some groups seize this as an opportunity to make money, by providing protection and possibly an environment for the forbidden activity. Some examples of this would be prostitution, recreational drugs, including alcohol, etc."

"You're referring to what is sometimes referred to as 'victimless' crimes."

"Yes, and it seems that many times, the burdens fall more heavily on females than on males. More heavily on those who are down on their luck. From my perspective, Earth's women take the brunt because of their limited choices to earn money, especially when they only have a few skills. Due to breeding, Earth women usually don't have sufficient physical strength to work in physically demanding jobs which pay better, even if their culture would let them. With the exception of some very old cultures, such as the Celts, cultures have always placed women in roles of serving men, and then justified this on a religious basis."

"I see what you're driving at," said Siobhan. "If this is true, then the differentiation between genders would seem to be due to physical differences that came about because of cultural choices. The physical aspects would be hard to change. The cultural issues could be resolved, but if that is to happen, it must come from within. Even then, it would likely require a catastrophic event to initiate. Our blessing is that, in our species, both genders are equal in terms of capability, even though our individual abilities differ. Also, we don't erect artificial barriers to enjoying life."

"Interesting observations," said Maureen. "Most of us were born and raised on Earth. However, we have all assimilated the values and traits of our new species and culture. In our family of more than 7000, we don't see any evidence of envy or jealousy among us. Is this because of telepathy? Is this because we have a different view of God, life and each other? There are other characteristics of humans that are not bad, until excessively glorified. This seems not to be the case with us. Again, is it because we are telepathic?"

"Maybe we ought to explore this topic with Amy's Clan," added Sally. "To me, jealousy is a character flaw, and envy can be, depending on the context or motivation."

"Why don't we talk about the apparent lack of jealousy and envy among us at one of our evening meetings?" suggested Shannon. "We see it in Earth's culture. We experienced it when we lived on Earth as humans. It seems we should seek to understand what has changed."

"How would we get it started?" asked Lydia.

"Well one way is to replay our discussion here and then have an open forum. We would need to put a time limit on it, but we could let it continue by moving it over to the network, in a chat room. After a week, several people could get together and summarize the points made."

"I think we ought to hold off until after the picnic at the White House," said Siobhan.

"Agreed," replied the others.

–-- –-- –--

It was two days later when Chantel the AI at Comrie said, "Sarah's Clan, sorry to bother you."

"You are not a bother, Chantel. We suspect you have a problem."

"I think so. The group from Jameson's doesn't seem to be fitting in like other guests have. Nicola's and Alana's Clans have been down to visit twice. Their time together appears to be quite relaxed, and everyone seems to enjoy it but once the two clans leave, our guests seem to withdraw. They are not unfriendly when approached by other residents, but it is almost as though they are waiting for something."

"Chantel," said Claudette, "I am curious as to why you chose us to assist with this?"

"The database Donna provided me indicates that your group dealt with a similar situation several years ago. There isn't any firm reason for my concern with this group, it is just an anomaly."

"Are Nicola's or Alana's Clans there now?" asked Terry.

"No. I think they had planned on returning this afternoon."

"We will be down right after lunch. Let us know immediately if the situation changes."

"Judy, " said Sarah, "do you know if the group completed their physicals since they arrived?"

"Partially. The physicals were carried out by autodocs right after they arrived, but none of them have come back to see the medical staff. All of them are in excellent physical shape. Several women show signs of recent growth in their busts. The men have had some increase in the tissue in their penis. Without further evaluation, it is not clear whether it is an increase in length, girth or both."

"Let's take our children and go down early this afternoon, we can enjoy the pool," said Joyce.

"Agreed, " replied all the spouses.

Right after lunch all of Sarah's Clan headed toward the hangar on Dóchas for a trip to Comrie. As walked down the corridor, Kennocha, one of the nannies said, "By the way the children are acting, you would think we don't have a swimming pool here, or at An Clochán."

"Silly, you know why," replied Karen another nanny, as she playfully tapped Kennocha on the shoulder. "They're excited because it's different from their usual outing. Besides, it has been a while since they have been to Comrie."

"Yes, I know. Their excitement, though, is contagious and lightens the mood of everyone."

The group boarded AlphaD01 and were soon on their way to Comrie.

"Anessa is anticipating our arrival," said Aoife, as AlphaD01 began its descent to Comrie.

"Wasn't she the butler at Hilltop Manor?" responded Sarah.

"Yes. She believes that we are their new Masters and Mistresses."

"Why would she think that?"

"My guess," said Judy, "is that it's the result of her psychological conditioning by Dr. Schwartz. It made her feel that she needs guidance from someone she views as superior for activities relating to her personally. Although when it is a work related issue, she feels she is equal to anyone. The initial medical evaluation indicates that she is natural telepath."

"She doesn't realize she is telepathic?" responded Tara.

"No, she doesn't. She attributes those characteristics to intuition, which is not surprising, considering the way telepathy is regarded on Earth. You almost need the ability to hit you over the head before you realize what you have, and then you are scared someone will notice."


"Karen," said Sally, "would you all take the children swimming?"

"Sure. Are you coming?"

"Yes. We will be there shortly. There is a group waiting to meet us, and it could take some time to get things sorted out."

"Is this the issue Chantel was concerned about?"


AlphaD01 descended toward the arrival area at Comrie until it was hovering just above the grass. Anessa stood with the group from Hilltop Manor quietly watching its approach. Once AlphaD01 stabilized its position, the door opened and the children hurriedly exited. As soon as their feet hit the ground, they dashed for the pool, with several women hurrying to keep up. The last to exit were several older children, who noticed the group standing nearby. Together they said, "You must be waiting for our parents. They will be out in a moment. Would you remind them about swimming when you are done? They don't get to play very much." The comment caused many in the group with Anessa to smile as they watched the children rush off to join the others headed toward the pool. They were followed by four women, each of whom was carrying two babies.

Sarah and Aoife stepped out together and said, "Hello, Anessa," as their clan followed.

"I've never seen you before. How do you know my name?" replied Anessa, before she realized what she had said. She began to blush, as she bowed her head.

"You told us. Or, didn't you know you were telepathic."

Anessa's head jerked up, and she looked at Sarah and Aoife like she thought they were crazy. She then said, "No one is telepathic."

Anessa thought to herself, "This is not going the way I expected. Oh, my, they are all so beautiful. I hope they will accept me as their slave. It feels so good to be near them. Now, I know what it feels like to be in the presence of a true Mistress and Master. Oh, how I yearn to be their slave."

"Thank you for the compliment," replied Sarah. "Relax. We see that you are also a very beautiful person inside and out. We are pleased that your group chose to come here while deciding your future." Anessa looked startled, and stared at Sarah. She knew she heard Sarah speak, since it was her voice, but her lips had not moved. "Yes, Anessa, it is me speaking to you telepathically. This is an ability you probably haven't realized you had until now. Now, relax. We will talk more about this in a moment."

"First, let me say that we are pleased to have all of you at Comrie," said Rusty, drawing Anessa's attention away from her non-verbal exchange with Sarah. When Anessa's attention focused on him, she felt a wetness between her legs and warm yearning within her. She thought, "Oh my, he is so handsome. I love them all. I would be blessed if they accept me as their slave, but that is just a dream for I am not worthy to be in their service." Anessa didn't realize the extent of her arousal until a trickle of her cream began to run down her leg.

"Good afternoon, my name is Rusty, and our group, including the children, is known as Sarah's Clan." He then introduced each of his spouses. "Anessa, we are pleased that you and your friends trusted Nicola's and Alana's Clans enough to accept their invitation to come here. All of you are welcome to stay until you have fully recovered from the treatments you received while working for Jameson. As to your future, that is for you to decide. Many here can assist you evaluate your choices but it is your future and your choice."

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 14 That Was Yesterday

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:18am, Monday, November 19, 1979 I wasn’t surprised to see Tempe, Sammy, Elizabeth and Andi sitting on the eight-inch concrete ledge with their backs against the glass wall as I walked up to my locker. All those girls had their first two periods’ books sitting on the floor between her feet, and were talking about the three major events that took place over the weekend. “So, Cuda,” Sammy said as I worked on my locker combination, “you survived your Sunday...

3 years ago
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The Power of the ChurchChapter 4

At the next meeting; they were all there, all except Samantha Deacons; who for one reason or another was still excluded from the activities of the RJDH, (Reverend James Deacons Harem). As they arrived Peggy brought with her George Smythes the forward boy who had shown the initiative to put his fingers into Peggy's over heated cunt; John Jenkins brought a rather pretty girl of eighteen; she was five three very slim and with 38C breasts; oh yes and her name was Barbara Cowelly but preferred to...

2 years ago
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Sweet cuck by my girlfriend

Amanda and I had been dating for a several months when she said something that knocked my to my knees. After sex one day, as we were laying in the afterglow, she asked if I would like to watch her fuck another guy sometime. I had no response, it was incredibly out of the blue for me. She knew nothing of my pantyhose fetish, my occasional tendency to crossdress, my fantasies of sucking a dick at the behest of a woman...hell she hadn't even found my internet porn history. How the hell did she...

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Young Virgin at the Nudist Resort

I grew up in a nudist resort where everybody was always naked. I was a young little girl and was fascinated at seeing boys and daddies with their cocks swinging back and forth and the open feeling about being naked and having sex. I had already seen lots of people in the woods at the camp, doing naughty things when they thought no one was looking and watching men and women having sex up there just off the trails. My girlfriend and I use to hide in the woods, hoping to see people doing things...

3 years ago
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Wife Surprise 7

Wife Surprise 7As you may recall from my previous post about my 1st black girl it turns my wife on no end and she loves me telling her the events as she wanks this gives her an amazing orgasm.As the surprises keep coming while she was wanking she shouted out that she wanted to meet this black girl and watch me fuck her, please honey make it happen for me, what did surprise me was that she wanted to watch but she said that she had this fantasy in her head and how she wanted it to happen.I...

4 years ago
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Triple Your Pleasure

"It looks like you have a horny little fan club, Babe," I said to my wife. We were sitting at a bar after a long hot day on the beach. About twenty feet away at a table outside on the patio sat three young men who had been staring at Susan since she walked in.I call them young men, but I would guess they still had a couple of years to not be considered as teenagers."Yeah, I've felt them undressing me with their eyes. I'm feeling quite naked actually." I looked at her and just smiled. She...

Group Sex
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My First Threesome

I wrote the story which follows originally for a female friend I will refer to as Julie, who I regularly exchanged sexy messages with a few years ago.  At the time she was in her early thirties and I was in my early forties.She introduced me to erotic writing by asking me to tell her stories of some of my more memorable sexual experiences and she wrote about her experiences in exchange.  Sometimes we also set each other “homework” to come up with exciting fantasies, but we were always honest...

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Sarahah8217s Special And Surprised

Hi, am Stephen living in Chennai. Am 28 male, I wrote few stories in this blog. After a long gap, I thought to share my story… In this story, two youngsters fell in love with the help Sarahah app. Myself Stephen and my lover name is Srija. Am having 6″ and about her. 36,28,36… white colour. Sexy, plumpy figure anyone can fall for her. Where everyone starts to share sarahah app account to get constructive messages from everyone without identity. So that the truth about them will be revealed. So...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 16 Thursday

Today it’s just Anna and me again. Don’t get greedy, okay? We’ve decided to let master clock be in charge today. Specifically, we pick some torment for Anna, and we set a time limit, and then my sister has to suffer that torment for the entire time until the clock runs out. No breaks, no quits, no going-easy. Neat, huh? Sometimes I wonder how I manage to talk my sister into these things... We start out with clothes pins on her tits for five minutes. Of course, I try to fit as many pins...

2 years ago
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Lactating MILF Impregnated by Her Coworkers

For as long as I can remember I have been unconventional. My name is Jackie, and even as a little girl I always dressed and sometimes behaved the way boys do. I liked the more-masculine things like sports, computers and cars. I usually wore jeans and baseball caps, and my two older brothers always included me in their activities, at least when we were younger.Growing up, people always said that I was a very cute girl, with my dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. But it wasn’t until I turned sixteen...

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The DilemmaChapter 8 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I moved from sleeping to waking in that easy way that happens when it’s a Saturday and your alarm is switched firmly to the off position. The warm body cuddled up against me was still and relaxed which meant she was still asleep. I lay still for a moment until the idea percolated into my head that Estelle was sleeping in the other room so therefore I should’ve been on my own. I carefully rolled until I was lying face to face with Jen, my elder daughter. Her arms had allowed me to roll and...

1 year ago
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Mom Ka Special Gift

Hi mere naam mihir hai main pune maharashtra ka rahna wala hu . Mery pahli kahani ko aap ne khub pasand kiya mujhe bahot mails mile thank for great support. ab main es,kahani ka agla part start karta hu lekin ager,aapne mery pahli kahani padhi nhi hai to pahle mery ye story must padho fir ye part start karu ye link hai – Ab mom aur main ek dusre se puri tarah khul chuke the, har tarah se main mom ko chod chuka tha , raat 10.30 ko main mom ke kamre me gaya mom ne purple colour ka goun pahna...

2 years ago
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fantasy I wrote for someone

We pass each other almost every morning walking out of the apartment building. I have never asked your name but you always glance at me and I can't help but to stare at your ass as you walk away. I can't bring myself to even say hi but I can tell you like me from the passing glances. I sneak behind you one day just to find out your apartment number. Days then months go by and we always glance but we have still never spoken. Finally one evening I see you in the lobby and I muster the courage to...

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Bua Ki Nanad Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hello iss readers mera naam Ansh hai meri height 6feet hai color wheatish hai aur body puri athele jaisi hi tough aur mera lund 8inch lamba aur 2inch mota hai. Mai aaj aapko apni life ki 1 sacchi ghatna sunane ja raha hu ye meri pehli kahani hai to asha karta hu ke aap sabhi ko pasand aayegi. Ye baat kuch saal pehle ki hai jab mai college mai padhta tha. Tab mai Bharatpur gaya tha apni bua ki ladki ki shadi ma.  Bua mjhe bht pyar karti hai isliye mai shadi mai 1 hafte pehle hi chala gaya. Maine...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 5 and 6

V: Deeper and Deeper Back down on the floor, on his knees and with his hands comfortably bound behind him, Timmy found himself lost in the throes of not only passion, but warmth. A warmth that could be felt all over his body as the hard, fleshy cock slid into and out of his mouth, between a pair of puffy lips. He could both feel and taste the spurts of a warm, thick liquid emerging from the cockhead, coming out in pulses. Timmy moaned as he continued to suck upon the erect cock...

2 years ago
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The Rendezvous

Comments and/or Constructive Criticism is Welcome*************************************************************************************************************************It was some months after my unintended meeting with an older gentleman, a nice man who I met and had sex with...I gave him my number and never heard from him.  Then, one day my phone rang."Hello" I said. "This is Frank, uh, we met some time ago" the voice on the line replied.  "Okay, but do I know you?"  I could tell the person...

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A Visit to a Fan Ch 01

When his fax machine whirred into action, Gale Harold didn’t even blink. He was so tired. He held the cigarette to his lips and sucked occasionally, blinking through the thick smoke but nothing else on his long, lanky body moved. He was so tired that he was beginning to wonder why he’d chosen to be an actor. After Queer As Folk and a quick jaunt to New York for a role in another movie, then a couple of quest spots, he was exhausted. And lonely. As always, his friends provided him with their...

2 years ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 18

Malka Chorno's final integration into the criminal community came much more quickly than anyone could have anticipated and from a completely unexpected source, the owner of the Socrates Club. As he watched Malka and admired her muscular cop's physique, an idea popped into his head. He decided to approach the former police officer about becoming a physical fitness instructor for the Club. The Club's owner had heard predictions that winter would come early, which would force Danube City's...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Ryder Rey Ryder Makes A Great First Impression In Class

Sexually cock starved Latina schoolgirl Ryder has landed detention on her first day of school for letting distractions get in her way of class. But when her teacher Mr. Romero got wind of what she was so busy on her phone with, it made him more upset knowing that Ryder and her friends are so preoccupied with men and dick. So he insists she just sits there quietly and does her homework. Lucky for Mr. Romero, Ryder will not obey but instead come over to his desk, bend over and let him get a taste...

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My Bosss Wife

I have worked for a small law firm for the past couple of years as an assistant to one of the partners. My boss is the one who started the law firm I work at and is a pretty well know guy around our town because of it. The first day I got the job I met his wife, and I got a hard on in seconds. She was a beautiful blond southern girl with a great hourglass figure. She was about 5’6’’; she had great 36 C cup tits, a firm ass, and great athletic legs. This women struck me like a thunder bolt, and...

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Her Turn In The Barrel

Anita Loos is a black woman working in a white, male dominated profession; nevertheless she is planning on going very far in life... partially because she is good, maybe even great, but mostly because she is a very determined woman! She is a brilliant defense attorney who has been making it her life's work to defend as many black clients as possible - regardless of their guilt or innocence. Her determination to defend black clients has been based on the belief that the white establishment has,...

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Maar Sathe MaakhaMaakhi

Ami ekta choto flat a thaki amar ma k nie. Ma k bie kore songsar korsi 2 bosor holo. 1 ta sele sontan hoese amader. ami sex ar bapare prochondo agrohi, diner beshir vag somoy kate sexual bishoy nie. Bank a valo onker taka rakha ase jar sud theke amader valoy kete jay. sokale ghum theke uthe dekhi amar bie kora ma tar-amar sontan k dudu khauasse. dekhey amar khub khide Peye gelo. ami ma k deke bollam edike aso to sona. ma puro ulongo hoye bacchatake dudu dissilo. amar dak sunte peye khate ese...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Juggs October 2010

October 2010 (Breakfast In Bed) This story is dedicated to the real Juggs. Yes, she's a real person and this story is based on one of my fantasies about her. Thanks, Juggs, for being such great inspiration! Warning: I'm sure you're all sensible people and don't need me to tell you that messing around with asphyxia can be dangerous, but consider yourselves told anyway! "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhh!" moaned Tony, breathlessly. "I ... I'm ... I'm gonna cummmmmm!" "On...

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The adventures of Silenos Heros his tail Masha

Silenos and hero (he has his own life)The lovely naked Masha lies on the earth, bounded at a radiator! A junky, addicted to the juice of her twat has caught her and suck always her twat…Silenos and MsCockTail, the sympathical masturfant want deliver her…Silenos is an ambitious amateur masturbator, he has began in c***dhood. You know him, he often exercises rubbing his tail by visiting MsLily from Myfreecams. From her he has learned to fortify the tickling by stimulating the sphincter with...

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TMKOC Madhavi Bhabhi ne chut di Gafoor ko

Hello friends. Main ek aur mazedar kahaani leke aya hu. Woh hum sab ke favourite TV show Tarak Mehta ka ooltah chashma pe based hai. Is baar maine story Hindi mein likhi hai kyu ki isme story padhne ka alag maza hai. Aur ek request hai. Padh kar zaroor neeche comments mein likhiye ki apko kaise lagi ye story taki main encourage ho kar aur zyada stories likh saku. Toh chaliye seedha story pe aate hai. Aap jante honge ki Bhide jo apne aap ko bohut smart samajhta tha ek fake lottery ke scam mein...

2 years ago
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Brians New HousekeeperChapter 8 Deep Desires

Kirstin watched her brother walk away, his bare buttocks flexing as he walked. She sat for a moment, thinking about what had just happened. Again. Her earlier arousal, so near its peak, had quickly fled when she had stopped touching herself after he came all over her feet and toes. And some on her stomach she noticed, wiping up a bit of his excess. While she continued to love watching his cock do its thing, admitting to herself that she was probably guilty of encouraging it even, she found...

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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 3

Mark held out a full day, but the longing to talk to Kara became unbearable. He called her shortly before noon on Sunday. "Hi Kara! How are you?" "Hi Mark! I'm... I'm what? I guess the word would be pre-occupied. I've been doing so much thinking about you. Ha! My studies have gone to the dog. I'm really happy Thanksgiving is coming up this week. It'll give me a chance to catch up." "Kara, can I buy you a present? We can drive to Southglenn Mall, grab a bite to eat, and then shop...

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My sister secret

100% fiction! My family and Me are all christians. The beginning part of the story is true except for the sex (My sister Nicole is 21 and has big ass with C cup breasts.) One day I was home alone and I bored as hell. I decided to hack onto my sisters computer( which wasn't hard at all). I was going to go online and play games. When I looked in the internet history. I found porn sites galore, this surprised me because she went to church and volunteered a lot. I decided to look at her pictures on...

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Pee Fans! Porn is a lot of things. It’s hot, sexy, nasty and dirty. It’s also usually wet. There’s jizz flying everywhere and the girls who aren’t squirting at least have sopping wet pussies. Why stop there, though? The human body is a fantastic storage vessel for all kinds of fluids. The average human bladder, for example, can hold between 1 and 4 cups of urine at any moment. That’s exactly the kind of sexual factoid you’ll learn at PeeFans.Of course, whether or not urine is sexual is up for...

Porn Forums
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JulesJordan Marley Brinx Interracial Gangbang

Marley Brinx takes on 5 BBC’s in this ALL INTERRACIAL gangbang! Pale skinned beauty, Marley, is seductively sexy as she dances on the balcony in a tiny one piece that barely covers her. She makes her way inside and climbs onto the counter top and pushes her ass back and forth before untying her thong to give us a perfect look at her beautiful holes. Marley removes her top, leaving her totally naked with only high heels on. She’s joined by her 5 suitors who get right to inspecting every inch of...

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Affair with student mother

Rou Rou is from china. she is graduate who is now accompanying her son studying in singapore, aka study-mama. Rou rou works part time in a massage parlour. i know her for several months already and we are getting to know each other better. She is liberal and is most willing to offer extra services like sexual massage. she is most skilful and experienced about it. She would stoken the inner thigh and the balls, putting me in sexual excitement. One day, i asked to do massage at my office and she...

2 years ago
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TouchChapter 3 Dinner

Emma felt like royalty as Tim held the door open to his red Porsche. Emma was dazzling with her hair up, full length gold silk gown with matching opera gloves and clutch purse. She wore gold flats because with any kind of heels, she stood taller than him. To top it off she wore triple strands of opera pearls. In other words, Emma was simply stunning. The gown showed she had small but alluring breasts. Her nipples slightly jabbed against the silk making her all the sexier in his view. "You...

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Compliments Matter

The huskular man walked into the bar. It was still happy hour. He loosened his tie. He’d left the suit coat in the work truck. He was tired from a long day, one in which he was passed over for a promotion by a less qualified woman. He took a seat and waited for the bartender to come over. Just a few hours later he was banding the shit out of a 20 year-pld pussyboy.“Oh my god, Mr. Mullins! Fuck me,” the tiwnk whined.“Yeah, boi! Take this cock,” barked the man.He thrust his 7-inch-by-6.75-inch...

3 years ago
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Dream Come True What Made Me Love To Watch

Let me tell you about 1 fantasy come true. It is a bit long and my grammar, spelling and punctuation aren’t the best in the world but bear with me and I hope you’ll enjoy reading it.I had had a relationship with Sarah (name changed of course) for years even though she was married. I was only about 18 when we started playing around and she is about 5 years older than me. She has separated from her husband and moved away now but I still think about her all the time as she was the best sexual...

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MC125 Ch 12

Chapter 12 Samantha shut the door to her house and collapsed on it. The emergency board meeting was exhausting. A day trader had dumped nearly a third of their competitor’s, GenenCorp, stock and the biotech market was in an upheaval. ‘Idiot,’ Samantha grumbled. GenenCorp itself took a major dive, much to Samantha’s delight, but everyone else was affected as well because of the uncertainty it caused. Some investors thought it was the beginning of a trend so they pulled out. Others immediately...

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Tony Next Door

Usual Disclaimers apply.Check you're legally entitled to read this filth.If you are then unzip,flop ya knob out and stroke away.I wanna know the spunk's squirting.Oh,and cheers for the feedback to my last story.I was just shy of my 14th birthday & had been tugging on my knoblet almost daily for well over 2 years,& swallowing down my own decent thick loads of boy-spunk more or less from day one! Fuck,I LOVED the taste & feeling of my jizz sliding down my throat.Come to that,I loved...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 6 As the World Turns

September 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Morning, Doc!” I said enthusiastically on Friday morning. “How the HELL can you be so cheery this early in the morning?” Gina asked disgustedly. “I’m always cheery in the morning! And so is Birgit!” “Jess is right; you two are mutants!” “Let’s run, Doc!” I grinned. We ran our usual course through the park, then walked to Starbucks as had become our norm. I objected to paying $2.00 for a cup of coffee, or $5.00 if milk came within shouting distance...

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An old man in Mississippi

An old man in Mississippi was sitting on his front porch watching the sun rise. He sees the neighbor’s k** walk by carrying something big under his arm. He yells out "Hey boy, whatcha got there?" Boy yells back "Roll of chicken wire." Old man says "What you gonna do with that?" Boy says "Gonna catch some chickens." Old man yells "You damn fool, you can’t catch chickens with chicken wire!" Boy just laughs and keeps walking. That evening at sunset the boy comes walking by and to the old man’s...

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