DermatologyChapter 3 free porn video

Opening day for the office finally came. Nick was at the office early and Arlene introduced him to the remainder of the staff. Sharon Billings would be his nurse and Karen Meyer would be the receptionist. They both seemed capable and eager to start work.
Nick gave a little talk saying he was sure this would be a successful practice but for it to be he needed their help to do it. He asked them to smile at the patients, call them by name and try and show a concern for them along with treating them like they would want their parents to be treated.
The patients Nick saw that day ran the gamut of conditions and diseases he was trained to treat. Nail fungus, warts, acne, and shingles along with freezing some spots and doing some excisions made it a full day. Surprisingly it turned out to almost be a full week of appointments.
For some relaxation and to unwind on Saturday Nick went to the club and played a round of golf. His partners were a nice young couple who last year played on the University’s golf teams. Nick was challenged to post a lower score than the young man which he failed to do that because Nick’s score was three strokes higher. He insisted on treating this couple to lunch. With the young man in med school and the young lady in vet school and Nick being a doctor, it made for an interesting lunch.
Before Nick left the course he went to the pro shop and spoke with the club’s golf pro. He asked the pro that when they have mixed tournaments, if it was possible he would appreciate if he could be paired up with a single good looking lady who was somewhere around his age.
“I can understand that it may not be always possible for you to do that but I would really appreciate it if you could. I also understand that I may not win tournaments and I am sure you understand why I am asking you to do this.”
The pro’s reaction to what he was asking was not what Nick expected. The pro just laughed and said, “You must have been talking to Steve Brandle.” He continued to laugh but said he would do what he could. Nick signed up for next week’s two person tournament.
Nick took a shower and changed his clothes at the club since he decided he would stay for dinner. Having done that he saw it still was a little early for dinner which had him go to the lounge where he slowly sipped on a beer and watched what was on TV.
He introduced himself to two fellows who were there and struck up a conversation with them about golf along with what were the activities in the area that Nick could either participate in or be a spectator. They gave Nick a number of suggestions. Before he knew it the time had flown by and it was six o’clock. He decided it was time to go to dinner.
Walking into the dining room he stopped to give it a good look and noticed Dave Bridgman waving a hand at him. Nick walked to their table where Dave and Nancy were sitting. Nancy stood up and hugged Nick. Both Nancy and Nick could see people looking at them while Nancy was doing this hugging.
Nancy said to what appeared to be some friends of hers that were sitting at a nearby table, “This is the man who saved my life.”
When she released her hug Dave asked Nick if he would join them for dinner. Dave said they were waiting for their daughter Dana to join them and laughing said, “She is always running late.”
While they were waiting they ordered drinks and Nick thanked Dave for the deal he gave him on the condo. Dave said it was the least he could do for what Nick had done in noticing that spot. Dave said the condo building was on schedule but it would probably be close to a year before it would be ready for occupancy.
Nick noticed a very good looking lady around his age walk into the dining room, look around and then start walking towards their table. Dave stood along with Nick. Dave introduced his daughter Dana to Nick and Nick to her.
Dana took a seat and said, “So you’re the man who noticed that spot on mother’s neck. Thanks for doing that.”
If Nick had any doubts about there being good looking women in the area those doubts were now put to rest. Long auburn hair, a pretty face, slim figure and average height made Dana a very nice and a very desirable woman.
It was an interesting an enjoyable dining experience with them asking Nick how his practice was going. Nick gave them a short summary and he asked them how their building projects were going. He was a little disappointed when Dana said she didn’t golf but that disappointment diminished somewhat when she said she was considering learning the game. It was a good time and Nick signed for the check saying it was the least he could do.
When they were leaving Dana said mother has been telling her friends they should make appointments to see Nick. Dana said she was one of them her mother was pushing and she would make an appointment. He couldn’t help but hope she would want him to do a full body exam.
The following week was somewhat of a repeat of the prior week. The patients he saw had no conditions or diseases he couldn’t handle. Some of the patients said they were here because Nancy Bridgman had recommended Nick. He did some excisions and said he or his nurse would call them with the biopsy results.
At the Saturday golf tournament Nick was pleased to notice he was paired up with a good looking lady by the name of Amy Dirksen. By what she said he thought she was about five years younger than Nick. His enthusiasm for this pairing was reduced when she told him she was practically a newlywed and had been married for nine months. Her husband who didn’t golf was a pediatrician in a practice that was located by the hospital.

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