FidèleChapter 36 free porn video

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“I can’t stop thinking about you spanking me.”

Luke was still recovering from the morning’s long exchange of mutual oral pleasure, but any hope that his erection would fade long enough for him to use the bathroom disappeared in an instant.

“Well, now I can’t stop thinking about it either.”

She giggled as she poked his rock-hard shaft. “My devious plan worked. So I guess I can shower first.”

“Bitch,” he playfully muttered.

“I’m shocked at your language. Just for that, I’m going to take a really long one. Don’t you dare flush the toilet while I’m in there, or I’ll cut you off for the rest of the day.”

Luke foiled her plan by slipping into his running shoes, crossing the driveway, and using his hosts’ first floor bathroom. His calmness and lack of desperation when she finally emerged from a very long shower made her suspicious; even more so when he began his own without first making use of the toilet. Moments later, however, she wrested victory from the jaws of defeat, sneaking into the utility closet next to the cellar and turning off the hot water at its source. His roar of displeasure made her collapse with laughter.

He glared at her all through breakfast, plotting his revenge. But he was also secretly pleased. This feels like domesticity. I like it. I could get used to it.

“There’s another delivery today.” It was the first complete sentence he’d spoken to her since the shower incident.

“Oh. Well, given the way I look, I probably shouldn’t drop my towel like I planned. They might get the wrong idea.”

“Or the right one.”

“I wouldn’t want you to end up in jail. Any alternative suggestions?”

“Blowjobs for everyone?”

“Are you serious?”

“No.” When he decided she looked a little too intrigued by the idea, he repeated himself. “No.“

“You’re no fun.”

“I could let them spank you.”

“Now there’s an excellent idea.”

“Come on, seriously?”

“No, you’re probably right. Then they’d want to do it all the time, and suddenly I’d be spending twice as much on wine just to guarantee my weekly paddling. Maybe I’ll ask them about their birthdays and offer to spank them instead.”

“I thought you didn’t...”

“For obvious reasons I can’t do it as any sort of dominant, and I could never do it to someone who’s dominated me — which means your adorable bottom is off the hook — but if it’s just for fun? Sure. I’ve done it in the past and would happily do it again. If you’re really so eager to have your buttocks abused, though, I could call Irina. She’s good at it, and I guarantee she’d be more than willing.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Still no fun. Anyway, we’re no closer to figuring out what I’m going to do with the deliverymen. I want to do something, and this time I want you to choose for me.”

“I’ll think about it,” he muttered, attempting to sound grouchy. But his tone was a feint, for a fully formed plan already occupied his mind.

They moved bottles around for a while, though Kathryn’s flirty and patently bratty mood never went away. She was atypically unresponsive to his attempts at escalating matters to actual sex, which he recognized was just another facet of her teasing.

She’s trying to get me to dominate her again — probably to shed the emotional residue from last night — and in a different mood I might find it amusing, but today it’s getting on my nerves. I’m already far too upset about far too many things, and I’ll end up taking it out on her. I can’t do that. I have to wait until I’ve gotten my emotions under control.

Her teasing continued as he attempted to make lunch, but he’d delayed the preparations for a reason. Glancing at the clock, he decided it was time to put his plan into action. He whipped around and half-pushed, half-dragged her to the bed. When they got there, he bent her over his lap. She struggled and squirmed, complaining vociferously and calling him creatively abusive names — some that even Wendy had never used — but he could tell that it was all for show. Grimacing at her damaged buttocks, he set his teeth and spanked her anyway, much harder than he had the other day. Though she yelped and cried out, she immediately started turning docile. It wasn’t what he wanted.

“Kathryn, I’m spanking you because, given your behavior this morning, you know you deserve it — and yes, I know what you’ve actually been doing is begging for it — but I don’t want you to be submissive while I do it. Can you do that for me?” Another slap followed, stinging her other cheek. This time she moaned, and Luke didn’t think it was because she was in pain.

“God, S ... Luke, I don’t know. Once I’ve submitted to someone I fall into it fairly easily, and now that you know how to force it...”

“Promise you’ll try.”

“I can’t. I can try, but I can’t promise.” She laughed, playfully wiggling her cheeks at him. “Ironically, the only way to guarantee my success would be to force me to submit.”

“Well, fight that instead of me.” He went on spanking her tender buttocks. As he’d predicted, she didn’t just lie there and take it; she was extremely vocal, constantly begging him to spank her again, and to strike her harder. While her climaxes were smaller than the last time they’d done this, they were more frequent. Right on schedule, his phone chirped.

“Get on the bed.” Lacking further instruction, she arranged herself on her hands and knees, expecting him to continue the spanking. Instead, he opened the closet and selected several items from his collection of kinky accessories. Her eyes followed, curious but quite willing to go along with whatever he wanted. A few minutes later she was on her back, though certainly not flat. Wrist restraints bound her arms to opposite ends of the headboard and ankle restraints bound her legs to her wrists, leaving her spreadeagled and obscenely available for sex. It wasn’t a position he could leave her in for very long, but it would do for what he hand in mind. He added nothing else — no clamps, no blindfold, no gag — and he didn’t touch her, either. He just left her there, smirking as she gradually realized that he had something unexpected in store.

“Luke,” she whined, “please...”


“But you’ve got me trussed up like a turkey. Aren’t you going to stuff me?”

“This isn’t going to go like you think.”

“What do you... ?”

“Wait,” he interrupted, holding up his hand. “I think I hear...” The loud exhalation of brakes and the rumble of a large engine announced the delivery truck’s arrival. “Stay there. Though I guess you don’t have much of a choice, do you?”

Kathryn’s eyes widened as she contemplated the possibilities.

As before, the load-in passed quickly and efficiently. Luke waited for them to store the loading ramp and then invited them to hang around the guesthouse entrance, chatting about their bosses, their jobs, mutual acquaintances, and so forth. When he asked what the strangest thing they’d ever seen at work was, they both laughed.

“I dunno about ‘strangest’ — we’ve seen some pretty crazy cellars — but I think our last visit here left the biggest impression. Speaking of which, I don’t suppose the lady of the house is around?” The hope in his voice was hilariously transparent.

“Actually, she is, but...” I can’t say she’s tied up. That’s way too cliché. “She’s waiting for something that, apparently, hasn’t arrived. I don’t know if it’s a phone call or something else; she didn’t go into detail. Anyway, you’d be disappointed because she isn’t dressed anything like last time.”

“I doubt she could ever be disappointing.”

Luke grinned. “Well, there’s that. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll see her again sometime. It won’t be a problem if I sign for the wine, will it?”

“Nah. The bosses don’t care who signs unless there’s a complaint.”

“Right. Hey, do you guys want to sit down for a minute? Grab a stair.” Luke plopped himself on the second highest step, clearly visible from Kathryn’s position on the bed. He deliberately drew out the ensuing conversation, speaking loudly enough so that she could hear every word, pointedly failing to intervene when the deliverymen’s banter returned to the vision of her in a bikini. He stayed mostly silent as they dissected her body in explicit detail, but when they moved on to what they’d like to do to her, he finally spoke up.

“Sorry to interrupt just as it’s getting interesting, really, but I feel like I’m keeping you from your next job. Do either of you want a drink for the road? I’ve got soda, juice, bottled water...”

“Soda’s fine,” one answered, and the other nodded in assent. Luke stood and ascended the stairs, hastening his return so they didn’t have enough time to wonder whether or not he was inviting them to follow.

A few minutes later, with the rumble of the truck audible but fading, Luke stood at the foot of the bed. Kathryn’s arousal had drenched the bedding, and there was a wild look in her eyes.

“I see you’ve made a mess.”

“Why did you make them stop?”

“Were you actually enjoying that?”

“God yes. The second time I came was when he started talking about his...”

“I was there, you know. I don’t need a recap. Didn’t you find it demeaning?”

“I wouldn’t let anyone but a lover say things like that to my face, no. But since I knew you weren’t going to allow them to come up here, I started imagining it and let myself be aroused instead.”

“You did?” he asked, a little deflated. “I was trying to play with your uncertainty.”

“I know, and one day you’ll be ready for other people to see me naked, but someone else seeing me like this is way too much for you right now.”

“Right now? You think that some day I’ll actually want complete strangers to see you naked, restrained, and spreadeagled?”

“You’ve heard my fantasies, Luke. For quite a few of them, this is essentially step one.”

He shook his head. “You’re always so sure what I will and won’t do.”

“I keep telling you that I see the real you. One day, you will too.”

“Just so you know, I’m not going to suggest that you get naked the next time they’re here. I’m not going to stop you if you really insist, but I think it’s a bad idea.”

“Now you’re confusing me. Explain?”

“Pretty soon it’s not my approval that’s going to matter.”

She sighed. “You’re right. It’s just that the idea turns me on so much.”

“So I see.”

“Speaking of which, was that the only reason you put me in this position? Or did you have more elaborate plans? Preferably of a sexual nature?” She was clearly on the verge of pleading, and his own arousal began to mount.

“Actually, yes. Both sexual and otherwise. Like I said before they arrived, I know what you’ve been asking for all morning. After last night, you need another release. One that’ll clean out the emotional pipes, so to speak. I do too, but until a few minutes ago I was still too upset and a spanking was all I trusted myself to do. If we had sex I would’ve taken my frustrations out on you, and I was in a terrible frame of mind to attempt to dominate you.”

“Luke, never be afraid to have forceful, rough, or even angry sex with me. For one thing, I love it. For another, I trust you more than enough to let you do whatever you want. I’ve told you over and over that my body is yours to use. As for dominating me, how do you feel about it now?” Her desire was plain.

He responded by wrapping his hand around her neck. Not particularly hard, and without putting any kind of pressure on the most dangerous points, but making it clear exactly what he wanted. He held it there until her eyes closed and her breathing modulated. When she reopened them, the expression on her face was completely different; all her earlier playfulness and carnal desperation were replaced by placidity. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Let’s get one thing out of the way: I didn’t enjoy you as a brat.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“There might be a time and a place for it, but it wasn’t today. Not while I’m upset about other things. Theres’s a difference between hurting you and hurting you. Tell me you understand.”

“I do, Sir. I’m sorry. I acted selfishly.”

“You did, and you’ll be punished for it.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Same safe words as before, and like last time you don’t have to ask for permission to come. Give in to your pleasure.”

“Thank you, Sir. Are ... are you going to be using the vibrators again, Sir?” Her distress was genuine, bordering on extreme.

“What if I am?”

“This is a very expensive mattress, Sir, and I’ve already made a small mess.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ve no plans that involve vibrators. Still...” He disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared with a small stack of towels. Her ass was already elevated above the bed by the restraints, so it was a simple matter of wedging several beneath her drooling sex and another under her head. “Are you ready, slut?”

She shivered. “Yes, Sir.”

Another trip to the closet produced the same flogger he’d used in the boathouse. Without further preliminaries he laid into her cunt, repeatedly battering her exposed flesh, holding nothing back. He knew that she’d experience more pleasure than pain from the incredibly soft leather tassels, and in fact she started coming almost immediately.

A few dozen strokes later he stripped naked and mounted her, pounding her pussy through a trio of ear-splitting orgasms and then unloading all over her stomach. He resumed beating her sex with the flogger, but now her exhortations were essentially uncontrollable and her tears began to flow, though there was no interruption in the regularity of her orgasms. Over and over he switched between the flogger and his cock, always coming on rather than inside her, until he’d tallied a hundred strokes, each and every one of them right on her drenched center. At last he filled her with his cream, abruptly yanking his manhood from her depths, watching her tremble and, with the help of his semen, make even more of a mess of the towels.

After admiring his handiwork for a while, he unhooked her restraints and drew her close. “Are you okay?”

“I enjoyed that more than I should enjoy a punishment, Sir.”

“I’m afraid we both did, my lovely whore.”

“Thank you for calling me that, Sir. Please don’t ever stop.”

“I won’t, my beautiful, submissive slut.”

She had one more small, quiet orgasm in response to his demeaning appellations. “Thank you, Sir.”

Gradually, her breathing returned to its normal cadence and she fell asleep in his arms. His thoughts were less troubled than before, but he was unable to join her.

“So how was it? Did you get what you needed out of it?”

“It was wonderful, Luke. Absolutely perfect. It was short and spontaneous and fun. Nothing really hurt, either. I might be a little sore between my legs tomorrow, which means you’ll just have to sodomize me instead, but then again I’d probably insist on that anyway,” she laughed. “I loved the whole episode with the deliverymen — god, I was so excited by the idea that they might discover me naked and tied up and take advantage of me, even though in my heart I knew you wouldn’t let it happen — and the rest was exactly the sort of brief but intense interlude I needed to get my head on straight. I really am sorry I teased you so unmercifully, though.”

“I meant what I said, you know.”

“I know. I doubt I’ll do it again. I’m no good at being a brat, anyway. It’s not a natural facet of my personality and I can’t seem to force it. Someone like Faith could probably pull it off, and despite her lack of interest Wendy’s a natural, but I just ended up being annoying.”

“I’m not sure I agree. You were annoying me, but you weren’t annoying. It was just the wrong place and time because I was on edge. Still, I think it’d be best if you didn’t attempt it again, at least not anytime soon.”

“I promise.”


“Yes, my love?” He’d been drifting in and out of a preprandial nap; one she’d driven him to. The moment she woke from her post-submission rest, she rolled on top of him and gingerly impaled herself, making only the smallest possible movements necessary to keep him erect and inside her. As predicted, she didn’t feel any pain aside from minor soreness. To him, their joining felt more like foreplay or simple connection than sex. Eventually, she took pity on him and ground against his shaft until he came.

“Are we going to talk tonight?”

“I don’t know. Normally I’d say no, because I still think it’s a bad idea after I spent part of the day essentially controlling you, but we’re running out of days. What do you think?”

“Maybe we can keep it factual. Rather than digging into our emotions, I mean. If it feels like we’re going to, we can stop.”

“That’s actually a good idea. But what you mean by factual?”

“For example, I’d like to know how you picture our future.”

“I’ve already told you.”

“I mean if I choose to be with you.”


“‘Oh?’ Just ‘oh?’ I kinda hoped you’d be a little more enthusiastic.” She was teasing, but there was an edge to it, and he couldn’t help but feel it.

“It’s not the prettiest of pictures. I mean, I obviously believe it would end up blissful, but the beginning’s a bit rough.”

“Tell me anyway.”

“Well, as you say, nothing’s going to happen right away. That gives me a little time to prepare, though not as much as I thought if you’re going to go ahead and tell Bill about us.”

“What sort of preparations do you mean?”

“I consult for restaurants, hotel chains, private clubs, functions, and individual clients. With the possible exception of restaurants — small, independent establishments can’t really afford me anymore; if I take those jobs at all, I charge reduced rates, and it’s only because I like the project or the people enough to do them a favor — everyone else on that list is wealthy. Which means that my list of potential customers is fairly small, and more likely than the general population to know, or even socialize with, each other. But no matter who I’m working for, at this point in my life my professional relationships are based on trust and reputation as much as knowledge. If anything happens to damage either one...”

“You don’t have to keep explaining. I understand what you’re saying. Your professional life will suffer.”

“Unless Bill says absolutely nothing to anyone, almost certainly.”

“I seriously doubt he’d try to ruin you. That’s not the sort of man he is.”

“To repeat what I said yesterday, I don’t think you can promise that you know what he’ll do. But whether you’re right or wrong, he doesn’t have to do much. He tells a few friends, each of them tells a few of their friends, and a few iterations later I’m basically done in this market. Anyway, it’s possible he wouldn’t have to tell anyone. There’d be no way to hide the fact that you two are no longer together, after all. Rumors and whispers could do the work for him.”

“So what would you do?”

“I couldn’t go back to an auction house. Trust and reputation are their only in-house resource; everything else belongs to someone else. And I couldn’t go back to restaurants, because everyone knows everything about everyone in that community. I could probably manage retail, but it’d have to be in the right location, and I’d take an absolutely massive pay cut unless I owned the place. None of the more famous high-end or niche retailers would take me on, for all the reasons I just mentioned.”

“It does sound awfully bleak,” she observed, “if the inevitable accompaniment to our future is your unemployability.”

“Well, it’s not quite that bad. The obvious solution would be to move. It’d have to be a fair distance, but it’s the only way out that I can see. Unless I get out of the wine business entirely, though I’m not really qualified to do anything else.”

“When you say ‘move,’ how far do you mean?”

“The domestic food and beverage world is still a fairly small community, and given that most of the significant players in it have at least heard of me, it’d have to be pretty far. Probably overseas.”

“And you’d expect me to go with you.” It wasn’t phrased as a question, and Luke began to have an uneasy feeling about how this conversation was going. He decided it was time for a little bit of offense.

“Would you even want to stay here? I sincerely apologize for mentioning it, but you don’t have family. You told me that most of your closest friends are elsewhere. And the best-case scenario with people who are friends with both you and Bill is that they split down the middle, but...”

“ ... because I’m the one who cheated, most of them would take his side.”

“That’s pure speculation on my part — I don’t know these people — but it seems logical. Anyway, it’d be at least uncomfortable, if not downright difficult, to keep socializing with the same groups of people. Unless Bill’s extremely forgiving, your friends would eventually have to start choosing which one of you to invite to dinner.”

“Sadly, I fear you’re right. Still, you do have family. What about your parents?”

“They’d probably disapprove and be upset for a while, but they’d come around. I’m their only child, after all.”

“Would they ever accept me?”

“They’d eventually love you as much as everyone else does, especially because it will be so clear how much I do, but I’m not saying it wouldn’t take some time. Not least because I think they’d want to remain friends with your husband.”

“Would it really be that easy for you to move?”

“Yes. That’s the easiest part of any of this, actually. My skills are in demand everywhere there’s wine, and no matter what happens, I’ve built up enough of a reputation to go pretty much anywhere I want. That said, that’s me. You’d be a completely different issue.”

“Right. Because I’d have to do something, and that means going back to work. I can’t even be a lawyer in a different state without taking another exam. In another country, I’d have to go back to school and start all over again. At my age!”

“You’re not that much older than me, you know. But you don’t have to be a lawyer, do you? I mean, you use your legal skills now and you’re not...”

“ ... getting paid, because I don’t need to be. Luke, unless your salary could support us all by itself — and maybe it could; I only know what we’re paying you, though your hourly rate plummets every time we have sex — I’d have to work. Aside from the fact that sitting around doing nothing is ... well, you’ve had a front row seat for what can happen, haven’t you?”

Shocked at her frankness, he asked, “You mean you think you’d cheat on me?”

“Before I met you, I’d never been even slightly unfaithful, and I would’ve sworn I’d never cheat on Bill. Right now, I could promise that I wouldn’t and couldn’t ever cheat on you, and I’d mean it with every fiber of my being, but I’m not sure you can put much faith in my declarations of fidelity anymore. I sure don’t.”

“I ... I didn’t think that...”

“I’m sorry I said that so harshly, but now you know the sort of self-hatred I deal with pretty much anytime I’m not sleeping, having sex, or dangling from your manacles. Anyway, this is talking about our feelings and we said we weren’t going to do that. Do we need to stop? Because I’d actually like to hear the rest of what you were going to say.”

“Well,” he answered, still rattled by her admission, “let’s try. There’s not that much more to say, anyway. We’d go somewhere else, build a new life with new friends, and after that it’s whatever that new life brings us. I don’t really have a plan for that, and I don’t think I want to.”

“What about after I die?”

“I repeat: you’re not that much older than me. Also, you’re a woman and you’re extraordinarily healthy. There’s every chance you’ll outlive me.”

“And what about our sex life?”

“I promise to take any and all pills necessary to keep up with you, and will make it my final goal in life to expire while giving you one hell of an orgasm.”

“That’s not funny,” she grumbled, though the glint in her eyes suggested that, on some level, it did almost amuse her. “Anyway, that’s not what I meant.”

“You mean your cavalcade of erotic adventure? You know as much as I do. I’m absolutely willing — well, when it comes to some of it, at least — but as for facing my doubts when it actually might happen? How can I know? Even if I’ve started catching up to you in terms of activities, your imagination is still light years ahead of mine. It might take me my own lifetime to catch up, and by then you might be fantasizing about sex with aliens, or on the Moon, or...”

Despite herself she started laughing. “You’re such a dork. I suppose that’s part of why I love you. And here I was working up a good head of anger.”

“Anger? Really? Why?” His earlier uneasiness came roaring back, this time in triplicate.

“Your view of our future ... it’s so cold. So clinical. So sterile. What about romance? Not to sound too much like the Wilson sisters, but what about love?”

“Well, we agreed we weren’t going to talk about emotions, so I left those out. But I have a better answer: those things are, as you termed it the other day, baked in. I don’t question my love for you. I stopped doing that a long time ago. I think about the prosaic stuff — the process and the practicalities — because, for me, the issue of love is finally and forever settled. If we’re together, I’m completely free of doubt that it will do nothing but grow. All my unanswered questions regarding love are focused on the alternative, especially if my biggest fear proves correct.”

“That you’ll never love me any less, even if we’re not together?”

“A subject we really shouldn’t get into right now.”

“I agree. That was an excellent answer, by the way, and I was wrong to be angry at you. It’s just that...”

This feels dangerous. “What?”

“It’s not the same for me. Or rather, I don’t know if it is. If I choose one of you, I’m going to attempt to love the other one less. I might not be able to, and even if I am it might take a really long time, but for the sake of the relationship and my emotional survival, I’d have to at least try.”

Of all the moments of hopelessness and despair he’d experienced since he first began confronting the harsh reality of their relationship, this was the worst. Given the strength of her sudden, desperate embrace and the wretchedness of her sobbing, he guessed the same was true for her.

Dinner was a fairly somber affair, and though it was a rare occurrence since they’d started eating together, neither was in the mood for alcohol. As soon as they cleaned up, Kathryn took his hand and led him to the bed, quietly removing his clothing and lifting her arms so he could to the same to her. The attempt at lovemaking that followed was as troubled as their meal; several hours of ostensibly romantic coupling, complete with endless kissing and caressing, that resulted in a smaller than usual number of orgasms and a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction, as if they’d somehow misplaced a small but essential element of their union.

Even when he declared that he could do no more, she refused to let him roll away, holding him on top of her (and keeping his slowly deflating member inside her) until his weight finally became too much for her lungs to bear. As he rolled away, she reached for his hand and held it, listening in quiet desperation to the profound silence of the night.

The next morning their hands were still locked together. Pulling back the covers, she bent her head to his cock, kissed the head of his limp shaft, and began her daily gift of oral pleasure. By the third time he exploded in her mouth, the drama of the previous evening was, for him, a receding memory.

Until she brought it up again.

“My love, we have to talk about last night,” she said, distractingly swabbing stray droplets and smears of semen from her chin and dragging them across her tongue.

“Now? We’re doing this now?”

“Yes. We lost an entire morning of potential fun yesterday because you were grumpy, because I was being bratty, and because I needed another good cry. I want to resolve anything we didn’t last night, then get back to whatever it is we’re going to do today, though as you can probably tell I’m very much hoping that a tremendous amount of fucking is involved.”

“Kathryn, I woke up and was immediately greeted by your usual unmanageable sexual hunger. About which, mind you, I am not complaining, nor will I ever complain. But my mind’s a pile of blissful post-orgasmic debris right now. If you’re serious about this, you’re going to have to start. And you’re probably going to have to hold the floor for a while. Also, speaking of holding, you should probably let go of my dick if you want me to be able to pay the slightest bit of attention.”

Same as Fidèle
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Behn chudi bus mein

Hay readers again ur favorite writer amjad here.apnay bary main main app ko pahaly he bta chukka hoon new readers kay leay bta deta hoon i have 2 sis one is asia and other is saima aisa age is 26 and iam 24 and saima is 21 asia boobs size 36 and gand 38 and waist 28 and saima boobs 34 gand 36 and waist 28 he hay is say pahlay app mere story sis me and friend ka 1 part read kar chuky haian uankareeb he us ka dosra part be aa jaye ga .jo muj say mela chyee agher same taste ka ho to mil skata hay...

3 years ago
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An Incest Birthday Chapter 14 1st Half

I have to cut it in half so it would get submitted. Second part coming up later.I couldn't believe what we just walked in on. Rita and I went to tell Stephanie and Chris about our relationship only to find them fucking each other, something we did not expect. To say we were shocked would be the understatement of the year. We watched mouths open as they grabbed their clothes off the floor and put them on while using the blanket on the bed to hide their naked (but already seen) bodies. After now...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nikki

I’m Nikki, 22yrs old and yes, I’m a Bishops daughter. I am the quiet well mannered ‘good girl’ when my dad is around, but when he’s not I’m a nymphomaniac, simply naughty by nature. That my friends, is the real me!!! I was just coming home, about 2am, from a small gathering with my friends from church who were leaving for college. It was supposed to have been a nice evening with just us girls, but turned out to be a complete night of hot sex and it was fun and I enjoyed it! As I passed my...

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The First Time The Monica Verse

I lived in a rather conservative household, not to mention attended an abstinence-only school, and as such I was sixteen years old the first time I watched porn. I waited until just after midnight when I knew my parents would be asleep before I booted up my computer, plugged in headphones, and slipped in the DVD a friend of mine had given me. I still remember so much of it vividly. There were dozens of people gathered in a large white room, and after a few moments of mingling they were...

1 year ago
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This story took place at the time I joined college. I moved in at my uncle’s place since the college was only a few miles from their home. My uncle had three daughters. The eldest, Ashley was studying for medicine at a college very far and was staying at a hostel near their college. Then, there was Ann, who was a few months younger than me and was completing high school. She was very beautiful, had a beautiful figure, some dark skin complexions, like that of chocolate brown, dark hair and...

4 years ago
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The Angels Take America part 1

"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport. "Never been to America before?" Viks asked. "Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh." "Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap. "And...

3 years ago
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Fran and the Burglars

Your master had been very pleased with your behavior at school. The boys also must have been satisfied with their little slut toy, otherwise known as ‘Fran, the teacher’; at least, you didn’t receive any complaints or punishments. You don’t have any classes to teach for the next ten days and, while you are not able to forget about the experience, at least you manage to behave normal around your family during the following days. Until one evening, six days after your ordeal in class, you...

1 year ago
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The Hit Men Meet the Demon Queen

The Hit Men Meet the Demon QueenBy Denuded Man-berriesIt is early evening and a man in his thirties is walking down a trail in the woods. He is wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a white t-shirt and combat boots. He is puffing a pipe full of cannibus and seems to be heading somewhere specific.He stops at a fork in the trail and sees a broken branch on a sapling, takes a breath, and looks around.Down the trail two men are coming from the other direction; one heavy set, the other thinner. They...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 76 The truth behind the legend

Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time for lunch, Alyssa whispered, her soft telepathic voice meandering through John’s mind like a lover’s caress as she roused him from his slumber. John felt a warm curvy body next to him and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying next to Irillith’s luscious azure figure. With a start, he suddenly remembered that this wasn’t his alluring cyber-security expert he had his arms around, but her twin sister instead! He allowed himself a broad smile of...

1 year ago
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Letting him in

"Closed legs can't get fed,” He said "Open ones don’t get loved... I'm not going to keep being your whore. I need more than sex, I want to know that you care," She replied. He stared down at her silently for a moment. He leaned down to kiss her. Her head turned quickly away from his. With both hands he grabbed her face towards him before forcing his mouth on hers. She clenched her mouth shut trying not to let him in, she was trying to stay strong but his hands began to roam her...

3 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 23

There was no conversation during the short car journey, there was simply too much to talk about and emotions were too intense. Out of the blue he thought that this was a time when it did go better without saying anything! However, as they approached the house he could sense her tensing up. He grabbed her bag as they exited the car, and was nearly at the front door when he noticed Celia still standing by the passenger door. His look at her was enough for she put a smile on her face, he could...

2 years ago
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A surprise welcome home part 5

Barbara was shaking as she read the message from her son. She was in her room and just down the hall was her son Johnny in his room. She paused before replying, her right hand sliding between her legs and pressing hard into her pussy through her knickers. Barbara could already feel her pussy getting nice and wet and she was excited. "That dirty little bastard" she thought and let out a wry smile. Not wasting too much time Barbara replied. "What are you doing right now you dirty little fucker?"...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 18

"Are you still on the team?" I asked as I slipped my arm around Robbie's back and cupped her breast. "Don't know. Don't care. Feel good." I had a feeling that she wasn't talking about the hand that was gently toying with her already erect nipple. "We got the job done," she elaborated. "Did Parker say anything?" Tami asked from my other side. We were sitting on Robbie's bed, our backs leaning against her headboard, and I had a tit in each hand. The stereo was playing something...

3 years ago
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The Night Out

I was running late from work, and we had planned to go out on the town for the night since the k**s were gone. When I got home, ready to apologize, the atmosphere of the house was different. The lights were low, there was soft music on, and candles burning. My wife was in the shower, so I took my clothes off and joined her, washing her body as I like to do. I asked her if she had any idea for what to do tonight, and she said she had a few. She finished up in the shower, and...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 14

"Who are you two?" asked Rory quietly as he stared at them. "Rory we're still your friends, but we're also different people than who you know. I promise I'll answer all your questions later. I'll meet you back here in about an hour or so. "Watch over Terrance. I don't believe he'll die, but if I'm wrong come get me. But for now I need to hurry and get Ariel to our room. I'll explain why I need to do this as fast as humanly possible when I return," said Nathan quickly. Moving...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 61

Day??? John stepped through the portal and found himself in a place very similar to the Labyrinth entry, where he’d written his name in the sand, and accepted the Rules. Same doorway with walls extending into the distance, like the first and third base lines on a baseball diamond. Unlike the other however, his stone platform this time was only as big as the ones out in the desert, that he’d looped through three times to enter. Beyond its small, square boundary was an endless sea of sand...

2 years ago
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The Receptionist Part Three The Conclusion

The medical office was cheery and well lit. There was a large fish tank off to one side, and lots of windows and seating in the half-filled waiting room. On the wall were several posters on health-related topics, with a few on gender and mental health very prominent in the middle of the main hallway. I noted the color scheme had quite a bit of blue and pink in it overall. Vicki sat by my side, holding my hand as I awaited my turn. It had been a wild couple of weeks since I first made...

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Stripping on a Bridge

This little adventure James and I had was about a year ago. It was autumn and we had one random very warm day. James and I had a day off so we decided to go out flashing. At the time this event took place I was twenty. I was my usual 50-52kgs (approx 110-114 pounds), slim waist, incredibly perky B cup breasts with prominent nipples and juicy ass. I had a bright pink skirt that I had cut short for the purpose of flashing so given it was such a warm day, I decided it was the a perfect opportunity...

1 year ago
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The JaysChapter 30

The next item on Libby's agenda was a dress for the concert. She wanted to find a long dress with short sleeves and without a plunging neckline. She was less definite on the colour but wanted something gentle. She and Jean browsed suitable shops in Pitsbury without success. They went to Southampton where they had more luck. Libby found just what she wanted in a soft smokey blue. It had to be altered but that only took a couple of days from the initial fitting. Court wanted to see it but...

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Private Kiara Lord Curvy MILF Addicted To Anal

It’s been years since we’ve seen Kiara Lord in action on and today this beauty returns to us as a glorious MILF ready to fuck her ex, Josh, in Private Specials, A Rooftop Romance! Armed with her big tits and big ass, Kiara wastes no time getting the party started as she spreads her legs for some pussy eating fun before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy this busty redhead in action as she puts her curves to work, fucking, riding and taking a hard anal...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Jordan Maxx Slutty Cheerleader Cosplay Wife 8211 Horny Halloween

My wife Jordan & I are at a Halloween party, getting frisky in the bathroom. She’s dressed in a cute cheerleader outfit, her nipples popping right through her shirt. As we’re fooling around, I propose bringing in a party-goer in a football player costume to tackle my wife. She is intrigued and hesitantly accepts. Luckily for her this guy has a big cock & my honry wife can’t help but suck on it til she gets all wet. He pulls her panties down and fucks her doggystyle....

1 year ago
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The Futanari Virus

Note from the author: This is my first chyoa story and first real attempt at writing erotica. I've no idea how long this will go for, nor how much I will ultimately write, but I figure some people might at least enjoy what I've got. If you, the reader, have any notes or suggestions, feel free to comment and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy. In the year 2019, the planet Earth was completely upended by the appearance of an obscure, newly discovered virus. No, not that...

4 years ago
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My 1st REALLY Good BJ

Way back in the late 70's I was in college. After four years in the Coast Guard. and a couple of jobs after I served out my enlistment, I went back to school.I was a real horn-dog back then, screwing anything that would let me in.I was Bi, it didn't matter who, or what sex... I just wanted to cum.I went to adult bookstores, the hookers that worked the streets near the neighborhood where I lived, a rest area on the interstate, it didn't matter, all I knew is that I wanted to throw a nut, and I...

2 years ago
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Another womans man

Mainly because he had a girlfriend and also because she didn't think he was interested. Then one day she went to his house, for nothing more than to visit with one of his roomates that she had been fucking for awhile. Well when she got there, all of the guys where there. His girlfriend unbeknownst to her had started working and wasn't there. They sat talking and laughing and watching tv. She was snuggled up to her guyfriend. Well then their boss came to get them to go to work again. And she...

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Paro an average looking horny maid

If you have read my earlier stories, you would know i am a big fan of analsex. Male female doesnot matter, fuck an asshole or getting fucked, that’s an ultimate pleasure to me. Its not because sodomy is treated as a taboo so i like to break the rule, the reason is more on the sensation. Anus is such a important part of our body, the outer ring is the end of our all outer nerves, the inside is the end of all inner nerve. When a cock or tongue or finger passes through, the sensation is mind...

1 year ago
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As I loaded up XX-Cel this morning, I thought I would be whacking off to a porn site about spreadsheets. Office scenarios aren’t too uncommon in the world of premium smut, but this turned out to be another niche entirely. The name isn’t a pun on Microsoft Excel; it’s a play on XXL, a reference to the size of the big, natural tatas you’ll find within. But, of course, XXL may also be a reference to how my cock engorges at the very thought of these well-endowed beauties because I just pulled up...

Premium Big Tits Sites
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I Want to Play a Game Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Search For Clues. The screen then went dark and the girls were on their own again. ‘That was fun.’ Chirped Sammy, ‘She’s gonna be soooo much happier now.’ ‘That was terrible.’ Reacted Trisha ignoring Sammy’s comment. ‘How could anyone do that to another person.’ ‘Someone is obviously just pissed off at the world,’ replied Jade, ‘Or women at least. There’s probably some screwed up ‘Noble Cause’ behind it all.’ ‘But still,’ continued Trisha, ‘She was barely twenty, somebody...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

My phone rang as Benjamin and I walked back into the lower level of the new house. It was Nanette from Mr. Bell's office. She wasn't a scatter brain by any stretch of the imagination, but she could be off the wall, just for fun, and at the drop of a hat. "Hey, Dave ... I mean Brian. Crud! I've got to learn your name. You'd think I could remember Brian, since we had a Brian before, but not me. Nope. I've got to keep making the same mistake, over and over again... "Well, anyway. Mason...

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Anna and Sam Chapter 5

I stood for a moment watching the empty space she had left. What now? I looked around me. Strangely, the world around me was going on as normal. Nothing had changed and people were still going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened, which, of course, in the general scheme of things, nothing had happened but in my world a life changing event had happened. My world had stopped. I started to walk. I didn’t know where to but I walked, aimlessly, and ended up back at the mall. At least...

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Nether the Gince

This is my first shot at a Fictionmania Story so be gentle. I'm a fan of TG stories so I thought I'd start writing them myself. FIRST of all my stories will be quite unique from others. Some of those slutty bimbo stories intrigue me, but I don't like how they turn out. So... MY stories will... kinda have a happy ending and have some sort of moral. (I know it'll sound like it's going to be a children's story but it's not.) I don't use profanity in real life but in SOME of my...

2 years ago
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Slow DanceChapter 6

Nikki looked up into her son’s eyes as she slid her hand down to his crotch and cupped her hand over his bulge, which caused him to groan in pleasure. Groan turned to moan when she rubbed gently back and forth. “You’re right, David. That does feel really hard. My, oh my.” They kissed more passionately as Nikki one-handed his belt buckle, the clasp of his pants, then his zipper. “Mom, one handed? You have skills. You’ve done this before, I think.” “Yes. I’m a slut, whore, pervert,...

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The Love ExpressChapter 6 The Tiny Plan

March 14th, 1995, 8:05 PM EST; Mile 23l; 21 miles east of Lewistown, PA Jill and George walked to the lounge car, trying not to notice the people staring at them. They settled at a pair of seats facing away from the side windows, which George said would make it ideal for seeing the Horseshoe Curve coming up later- on top of that, it gave a good vision of the television. Just then, Krista came storming up with Justin in tow. They managed to look even more like they had three sheets to the...

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1st experience

hi every one i am mallika here and i will explain about my first sexual experiance,though it is not a great experiance for me.i am 18 years old girl .i have a very developed figure of 34/30/34.i stay with my bhabi and bhaiya as my school is beside their house ,otherwise it is 3 hours journey from our brother Rahul work in a computer firm and her wife Malini is a housewife she had also a amazing fig of36/32/34.that time i am in 12 day due to some reason our school decleares that...

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The Love Fairy Took My Dick

So... Gonna need some explanation for that, huh? Well, sorry to disappoint, but it's not exactly the triumph over my virginity that it sounds like. Not at first anyway. Not to say I haven't been trying to get with some women... A woman. She's really cute, works at the games store I frequent. I've been attempting flirting. Not sure if it's really gotten across. Either way, I'm pretty sure she's not interested. But about that title. The "Love Fairy" part will take some time, but I guess I can...

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My Hot Dorm Mate Part 2

Now that I’d gotten a secret taste of my dorm mate Mark’s smooth, worked out body and amazing cock the other night (not to mention my first mouthful of cum that he didn’t even know about!), all kinds of new fantasies ran through my head. Fortunately, Lisa was a total temptress which helped to keep my Mark obsession in check. She must have noticed some new sexual energy in me or something because that very next week I’m pretty sure we were naked WAY more than we were dressed! Who needs...

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Being CaughtA Sissy Dream

It was a sunny Saturday,late spring. I just had taken a shower after doing some yard work.I was all fresh and clean and fully shaved,silky smooth skin from head to toe.While getting dressed i decided to wear my cute red satin panties (thong) and matching camisole.It came down just past my round ass and it felt so amazing against my naked skin. I finished with regular jeans and a black shit to try to look "normal",i hated it... I left my place and went to the river where i always went to have...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 5

Der Dachboden 5 Die Situation war schon eigent?mlich genug. Ohne etwas sehen zu k?nnen, war ich extrem gefesselt. Ich konnte nichts bewegen, weder Arme, Beine, noch Kopf. Und irgendetwas ber?hrte meinen nackten Po auf h?chst erotische Weise. Nur mein eingesperrter Penis verhinderte, dass ich einen Orgasmus bekam. Trotzdem lief ein Schauer nach dem anderen durch mich. Schlie?lich h?rte es auf. Wer auch immer das machte, er oder sie musste zu Tim gegangen sein. Ich h?rte ihn durch die ...

4 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 53 Somebodyrsquos Crackers But Wersquore Not Sure Who

Sept. 18th, 2019 Hello Everyone, Came back from my shrink’s appointment a little while ago. They were confused by the neurologist’s claims. They said that they had no idea where the neurologists were getting the idea that my speech and memory issues had anything to do with my having depression and anxiety. The shrink said the physical rocking and not wanting to be around a lot of people, my reaction to too many people talking at once, that is all depression and anxiety and gave me some...

3 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 10 Futa Shops with Mommy

I couldn’t believe I was hearing my straight-laced, Christian mother eating out her boss’s pussy. I pulled my ear from the door to Ms. Petrov’s office and shook my head. I could not have just heard that. It was impossible. My mom thought homosexuality was a sin. She only thought it was okay I was dating a girl because I’d become futanari. I had a cock, so it wasn’t wholly gay if I had sex with a girl. Mom had no idea how much sex I’d been having since Sunday. It was Tuesday, and I’d been...

2 years ago
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A Unique Relationship Ch 01

Ch. 01 Living With a MILFIf you haven't read the prologue yet I suggest you do. I admired myself in the mirror. Ready for my date. My name is Jim and I am a 6'4" college student. At age 19 I have almost washboard abs and large toned muscles. To top it all off I am about to go on a date with a 41 year old single MILF. -----------------------------We had dinner at the nicest restaurant I could think of. Money was not an issue for me, or Lori. She was so easy to talk to, and so beautiful. She wore...

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Fuck me professor

I've wanted to fuck you since the first day of class. Hard, on your desk, hot and wet and sweaty. I daydream about licking up the veins of your swollen cock slowly sucking the tip hard and then taking you entirely in my mouth, gagging, with your hands tangled in my hair, pulling, controlling the rhythm of my sucking. I want you to control me and tease me and make me cum ten million times. But first I must get you to notice and realize my desire, your desire, and accept it and act upon it....

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Cum On My Tattoo

Jessie Lee is on her bed, showing off her insanely stacked body and burning-hot tattoos when Small Hands walks in, sipping on his morning coffee. Jessie stops in her tracks, mentioning to Small Hands that there’s something these two have never done together before: FUCKED. And Jessie can’t wait for Small Hands to spray his fresh cum all over her fresh tats, so she pours his coffee out on the floor and pulls him onto the bed. Jessie tells him that he can do WHATEVER he wants, so he...

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NewSensations Adira Allure Adira Cums Out Of Her Cage To Play

The blonde wild slut in a cage Adira is ready to cum out and play with her master Tommy. As he sets the tone of this fuck session, dripping wet Adira is already squirting pussy juice as Tommy teases her mouth, tits and ass with his leather whip. Now that Adira is out of her cage she is on her knees enjoying her cock face fuck, balls deep. Her hot tight pussy takes a great deep pounding from Tommy’s hard cock and slurps up every ounce of his cum exploding onto her face, mouth and perfect...

1 year ago
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Blacked Makenna Blue How To Train A Housewife Part 2

Makenna has been having affair with her personal trainer, Jason, while her husband is at work, and she is still craving more. She has a fantasy of being with two men at the same time, and when she tells Jason, he says he can make this happen for her. He brings along a good friend of his and she is so excited about the prospect of what is to come. She gets to his house and meets up with the two guys, obviously equally as eager to enjoy this experience. At last, she is on the cusp of making her...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 103

Happy New Year. I was standing by the main walkway entrance leading to the main chamber. The main chamber was where all the UN diplomats held their international votes, decided UN policy and held forums. Testimony is given before assembly. So are pompous lies and propaganda, mixed with a little truth and massive grandstanding. It’s all about a level of international politics few people ever see. Add in the hundreds of billions of dollars and control by the UN general assembly. And control...

3 years ago
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The Magic Wishing Well

Far beyond the borders of this humble realm exist a wide array of dangers too numerous to mention. In my capacity as an unknown scribe of dubious lineage, I will attempt to relate the incident that took place in the Hampshire manor shortly after a harsh and snowy Christmas of no particular significance. Early in my life, I was reluctantly slotted to take Holy Orders by my biological father who considered me an embarrassment to his lawfully wed spouse and children. I remember at the time that I...

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A Master8217s Wish

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… My newly proclaimed Master wanted something of me that would prove that I was ready for his collar. I have few taboos in my life, no children, water sports, animals, and no incest. The taboo that my...

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It was Yoda This Morning

December 24,2011 “Hey, you awake?” “What time is it?” I sit up and run a hand through my hair. “7:30 AM. I just woke up and need to talk.” God, I love Yoda, but there are times (like this) that I want to kill him! I never could, I love him to much... “What happened last night?” he asked as he sat down on my bed. Okay, more like flopped on my bed. Now, I am definitely wide awake. How could I possibly explain what happened last night without losing my best friend? “I'm still drunk,” he said. He...

Oral Sex
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Harry Potter and the Gerexium Part One

(All things in relation to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series are of course copyrighted to their rightful owners, this work is simply one of a fan of the series, and all of the characters, and most of the events are taken from the book series, which I accept no credit for.) This story takes place in an alternate universe, parallel to the one J.K. Rowlings' has continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, anything in the first 4 books has already happened, but...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Eden Sin Eden Sin8217s Garden Of Anal Temptation

Slim, exotic Eden Sin loves her new job in porn, and director/stud Mike Adriano tests her anal skills. The spirited, starry-eyed slut has a huge butt plug wedged in her tight bunghole and knee-high socks reading, ‘I Love Cock.’ She crouches in front of Mike for a spit-soaked, deep-throating blow job. Eden energetically rides rod, sucks meat ass-to-mouth and flaunts her greasy, gaping rectum. The perky minx rims Mike’s asshole and enjoys intense, smash-mouth sodomy. She...

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Conquest Keep it in the family

Family over and been drinking all day i needed to pee. So off i went to the bathroom and walked straight in to find my Sister in law Karen sat on the toilet very drunk. Rather than scream and tell me to get out she opened her legs slightly and began to pee. She could see this turned me on so lifted her legs which gave me a view of her hairy pussy. Karen started to pee the amber liquid forcing her pussy lips apart, as the flow became a stream Karen opened her legs a little more and asked me to...

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Dream Came True With Mature Woman

Hi, I am kiran from bangalore, karnataka. I’m 28 years old with athletic body and white in complexion with a hot rod of 8” inch which is sufficient to satisfy any woman and I am basically a lover of big boobs and mature woman.   Any aunties interested in sexual satisfaction and want to chat or have fun can contact me I can assure you 100% satisfaction and secrecy maintained– “ ”   This incident happened last june with neighbor aunty asha(name changed) who is widow and she was 35 that time....

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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife

These series of articles was from my previous Xhamster page. I have copied them over and will continue the series to bring it up to present day.When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good...

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