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Manuscript Found in a Mattress ©2020 Titania Midsummer Author's note. The title is a riff on a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. Preface It was Sunday and she was walking past a building that had been demolished. It seemed to have been quite a big brick building, possibly two storied. Long with its short end towards the street. There were tall hedges along the side and rear boundaries. Not much view to be had, even from a top floor she thought. The tall spiked railings on the street boundary were mostly pushed over but there was a sign still attached announcing the building as Mrs Sandringham's Orphanage. Amongst the rubble were barred window frames which made her wonder whether they were to keep intruders out or the inhabitants in. There were also several iron bedsteads and mattresses. The covering of one of the latter was torn at the corner and poking through the tear was what looked like some sheets of pink notepaper. Being Sunday there was nobody around so she stepped onto the site and pulled out a dozen or more sheets of notepaper. There was handwriting in a very cursive script on both sides of each sheet. She took them all home and began reading. To whom it may concern. At assembly this morning Mrs Sandringham announced than soon we would be leaving here, and that there would be special exercises to prepare us for our new guardians. She actually said, "new owners" but quickly corrected herself. I won't know where and with whom I will be going. I'm frightened and apprehensive and I think someone should know about this place so I am writing down what I can remember and hopefully someone will find this and come looking for me. My earliest memory is waking up here in a sick-bay bed. Strangely I have no earlier memories, somehow "they" have wiped my mind clean. I felt sick and groggy when I woke up, my face and throat was aching sore and covered in plaster and bandages. My guts and hips were also aching sore. I could hardly move; largely because my legs were strapped together just above my knees. After a little while a nurse came in. I started to ask questions but my throat was sore and my voice came out all squeaky and in a high register. Even when I was fully healed my voice seemed different as if it were now higher than it had been. The nurse was considerate, but did not answer any of my questions. She called me "Rose" which didn't seem right as I was sure I had had a different name, but couldn't remember it. A little later another woman wearing a white coat came in. I guessed she was a doctor because she had a stethoscope around her neck. She asked me a number or questions as to how I felt. She explained to me that I had had a severe accident and that several operations have been performed to repair me. Later, when I met the other girls, they had all been told the same thing. Even if we had all been in the same bus or plane together to each have the same injuries and the same operations seemed to me to be too big a coincidence. The operation on my pelvis meant that I was not allowed to spread my legs until broken bones had knitted and grown stronger. "That's why they are strapped together. It will be two or three weeks before we can let you move normally." Then she asked me if I wanted to go to the toilet. I said, "Yes, I need to have a pee." So she turned to the nurse and said, "Nurse, take her to the toilet and explain to her how to urinate and clean up afterwards." I was about to say that I was a boy and it should be "him" not "her" but decided to hold my tongue until I was better orientated. In the loo I was going to pee standing up but but the nurse said very firmly that I must sit down. Only then did I discover that everything between my legs seemed different. I could not remember how I used to be but I felt was all changed down there. The nurse carefully named the bits of me that I was unfamiliar with. "Where the wee comes out is your urethra, though you can call it your wee-hole or clit if you like. It stays tucked inside your vagina. Either side are your labia, which is Latin for 'lips'. Right now they are taped together else they would gap apart and that looks ugly. In a few days we can take the tape off and use some thing else." When the time came the tape revealed a row of little rings along each labia. I was provide with a clip which held them together and had a furry cover. It was called a 'merkin' Once every couple of days I was encouraged to unclip my labia and wash my clit and the inside of my vagina. Deep inside it were two round things inside their own thin skin bag. They were "ovaries" I was told. When I had a pee I usually sprayed a bit around. The nurse said that was normal, just to use a little loo paper to dry it off. When the bandages came off my face I didn't recognise myself. It took a while to get used to the new face, the girl's face, I saw in the mirror. I had pierced ears too, which seemed new. They had small rings in them called sleepers. That evening when I was put to bed the nurse pushed something up my anus. She explained that it contained painkiller and other medicines and hormones to help me recover quickly. It was better than a needle because of the slower absorption. Once pushed in she squeezed the bottom and I felt the medicines being squirted in. I expected her to take out the butt-plug but she said that it must stay in all night to stop the stuff running out. My legs stayed strapped together so that I could only shuffle around with little short steps. After two weeks the straps were loosened but not removed and I went from shuffling to a sort of mincing walk. Another two weeks and the doctor said that my bones had knitted sufficiently, I could walk normally but to avoid widening my legs. "Besides it is not lady-like to sit or stand with legs wide apart." Getting the plug up my anus dropped from daily to being just once a week of a Saturday night. The same for all the other girls and we each had our own. Mine had my name, Rose, embossed on the base. I would have really nice dreams and day-dreams for a couple of days after getting it, then I would miss it, and by the end of the week I was almost desperate to get the butt-plug again. Months later one of girls, Jasmine she was and looked slightly Chinese, said, ?I knew the smell of my butt-plug was familiar but I just couldn?t place it. Now I remember, it?s opium. But how I know I can?t remember.? So we had all gone from having a pain- killer to being mildly addicted to opium. Once I was out of the sick bay I dropped into a routine with all the other girls. There were 20 of us, almost all with flower names. I was Rose, there was Jasmine, Iris, Daisy, Ivy, Poppy, Violet, etc. Nobody had any other name. It seemed that we had all arrived within a couple of weeks of each other and all were about the same age; seventeen or eighteen at a guess. It was a school and we had classes each weekday. During the day, at least initially, we dressed in the school uniform. White blouse, green patterned skirt in the warmer days, woollen one for cold weather. Underneath we had a choice of silk or satin knickers, either tight briefs or loose. We had to wear black stockings held up by a suspender belt. We were encouraged to always leave a gap between the top of the stockings and the frilly bottom edge or the pants. I must confess that I always enjoyed the smooth feel of the knickers, and of the swish of the skirt against my legs when I walked. Later, to complement the fashion class, we wore dresses from various classic periods. Everything from crinolines through long Edwardian pencil skirts through to modern little black cocktail dresses. The classes taught were languages, fashion and art, and deportment. Languages were deemed to be very important. Everyone had to learn French and furthermore when we spoke English it had to be with a French accent. We also had to learn at least one other language. Either Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Italian, or Thai were taught. Later some of the classes were conducted in those tongues. I knew that I knew German and was going to ask if I could learn it instead, but then thought better of it. Once I dropped a German word, gem?tlich, I think, and Iris asked, ?Do you speak German?? ?Jawohl!? I replied. She was also fluent in German and from then on if we did not want to be overheard we would speak softly auf Deutsch. Meanwhile in class I struggled with Italian. The vocabs and practice sessions were usually about bedrooms, clothing, bodies, fashion, art, cooking, manners. All very female orientated. When taught the French for ?penis? I suddenly realised that the butt-plug I had to wear each Saturday looked very like one. Later, from the fashion magazines, I found out that it was often called a ?dildo.? There were classes called ?deportment?. Anybody caught walking with even a slight stoop had to remove her blouse and have her elbows strapped back to force her chest forward. This was for at least a day, sometimes longer. We practiced walking with a book balanced on our head to get our posture right. We were taught to walk in high heels with a hip sway. Done right it would make ones skirt swing in counterpoint. Dancing was also taught in this class; really the only exercise we got. Initially it was ballroom dancing, then the more modern rock-n-roll, twist, hip-hop etc. Later we were taught the bump and grind moves that go with a strip-tease. The class included make-up. We were taught how to apply lipstick and lip gloss, rouge, eye-shadow etc. The emphasis was not to overdo it. We were young girls and hardly needed make-up at all, but just a little did wonders. It also covered up the very fine scars in the region of our foreheads, cheekbones, chins and throats which is where I was really aching when I first woke up. We were taught how to manage our hair. At first our hair was fairly short but as it grew longer over the months we could do more with it. First in pigtails with the ends tied in a ribbon. This was when we were still wearing training bras. Later we would put it up, weave plaits etc. I preferred it long and tickling my shoulders. Iris and I would often take turns brushing each others hair. It was a sensual feeling that later grew into more intimate caresses. We had to change our writing into a looping copperplate. There was plenty of pink notepaper to practice on and I was able to filch a few sheets to write this. Clearly we were being taught to be courtesans, but that penny did not drop till later. Fashion and art included the history of both. The art classes were challenging. We had to be able to recognise the work of a great many artists, both old and contemporary, and to make a good estimate of what a piece might sell for. For contemporary fashion there was a regular supply of magazines which we would study and comment upon. The history of fashion was made interesting as we could dress up in clothes from the school?s extensive wardrobe. Some items like corsets and crinolines were uncomfortable but I quite liked being a little constrained. There was also costume jewellery. We were shown the real stuff made of gold and precious stones so that we could tell the difference, but never got to wear it. I did enjoy wearing dangling earrings and the feeling when they brushed my neck. Some months into classes we were encouraged to wear more fantasy and stage clothes, such as cheer-leader or show-girl ones. Typically with very short skirts intended to reveal the pants underneath. Then one day the teacher produced some slave-girl outfits which all the girls in a group had to put on, and put on without anything underneath. I could see the dark triangles of their merkins through the thin material of their harem pants and the rear view showed the crack of their bums. The slippers had turn-up toes with bells on the end and they wore little veils covering their noses and chins. They wore very brief velvet jackets the front flaps of which just covered their breasts. But any movement gave flashes of naked breasts. Then there was the bling; bangles on their wrists and upper arms and big hoop earrings. Finally the teacher produced some black leather choker style necklaces. They terminated with little hoops and when she wrapped one round a girl?s neck she clipped the hoops together with a little padlock. All four girls in that group had to stay dressed like that for the rest of the day. On examination each necklace was stamped with the wearer?s name and a number. There was the same number on the padlock so I suppose that made it easier to find the right key. However the teacher did not appear to be carrying a bunch of keys. The next day was the turn of my group to wear the same outfits and get our named chokers padlocked on. The teacher did unlock those on the first group. I felt somewhat embarrassed wearing so little as to be effectively naked. I kept holding the jacket flaps close despite the teacher telling me not to. Eventually she lost patience and tied my thumbs by short cords to my belt. I had enough movement to pull down my pants if I went to the loo, but could no longer keep my breasts covered. Some of the girls teased me by coming up behind and massaging my breasts and nipples as I could no longer stop them. Eventually the day was over, my thumbs freed, and I could change into normal clothes. The necklace stayed locked on though. By the end of the week every girl was wearing her own named and numbered necklace and they stayed on permanently. I could imagine a leash clipped to mine and being led around like a pet animal. Not a nice thought. We ate in a room with four tables of four. Each week four girls were rostered to do the cooking, serving, and washing up for the week including the laundry. There were several washing machines and dryers so that part was not too onerous, but sometimes the ironing was. They had to eat after the rest of us had finished. The week before the team had to submit a shopping list of what ingredients they wanted. It worked quite well, and there was always someone with a talent for cooking. Despite the quality, the quantity was meagre. We always left feeling hungry. That was to keep us slim, part of the overall emphasis on making us pretty and, as I realised later, coquettish. Not long before this story ends they had to wear really skimpy french maid outfits. The kind where any bending over to serve food or clear a table would reveal a band of white skin above the net stockings and further up frilly white french knickers with black lace trim. Under the blouse we each wore a bra, which is another story. At first everybody was flat chested. The bras we wore were just thin cotton triangles. I?ve seen them on little girls in the kids section of fashion magazines. After about three weeks my nipples became very sensitive, and there was a noticeable swelling where my breasts were growing. The others were the same and we all had to change to using soft fluffy cotton training bras. After about two months our breasts were fully developed and we were able to start wearing conventional bras with shoulder and back straps. These were not really needed as we all had firm breasts which hardly needed support. Later we were encouraged to experiment with much more revealing bras. They were readily available, The school had a huge wardrobe of lingerie, dresses etc. Once lessons were over we were encouraged to choose something to wear for the rest of the day, or to continue wearing something chosen during fashion class. Whilst our breasts were quite small we wore some floaty art-deco fashions from the 20s because they suited small breasted women. Later we moved on to the other dresses and tops which were usually very low cut, so low as to show ones aureole peeping over the top. It meant that the bras, if we wore them, were the half cup strapless style. At night we slept in the one big dormitory, ten beds, two girls to each bed. The beds were not all that wide so we had to snuggle up close to our bed-mate. Just as well as the nights were cold and the blankets quite thin. We each had a nightie, lace round the neck-line and hem, but not full length. It only came down to just below ones knees. We washed under communal showers. Hot water only flowed for a short time so one had to run under, get wet, step out for the next girl, soap up, then duck back to wash it off. It was never enough to wash ones private parts. That I would do at other times with a cloth and washbasin. I shared my bed with Iris. Initially we were a bit shy of each other, but being so close we started to cuddle which led to kissing. It also led to fondling each others breasts through the thin nightgown material. When Iris played with mine I could feel my clit swelling inside my vagina. Sometimes it swelled so much that it hurt but I still enjoyed her hands brushing my nipples. Later we would ruck our nighties up to our necks so as to nibble and suck each others nipples without any intervening cloth. We got ever more adventuresome with each others bodies. One day I put my hand between her legs to squeeze her swollen clit. She liked it so much that she started to make noises and I had to put my hand over her mouth to quieten her. Then I realised that others had made the same discoveries, and each evening the dormitory would fill with the sound of many girls squeaking and suppressing squeals of pleasure. Some of us, including Iris and I went further. One Saturday night my butt-plug seemed a bit uncomfortable so holding the loop on the end I half pulled it out and pushed it in again. ?Did that feel good?? asked Iris. We were so close in that little bed that each knew exactly what the other was doing. ?Mmm? I said. ?Different. But I liked it. I just feel a little guilty as if it were naughty.? So Iris put her hand through the loop and started to pump back and forth. That felt so good that my clit could not swell any further. Eventually I burst, or felt I burst. In fact I made a mess. Luckily, or probably by design, Sunday was clean nightie and sheets day so we could hide the evidence so-to-say. The staff knew quite well what was going on. In fact they encouraged it. We even got sort of harnesses so that we could strap on our partners dildo. We called them dildos now. This meant that not only could I pleasure Iris, but the end of the dildo pushing back against my clit excited me as well. Those Saturday nights were good nights. One night I had a dream where I was a schoolboy ogling some girls. Half wishing to undress one of them and half wishing I was dressed in a skirt like one of them. Once I awoke I realised that I really had been a boy and had been medically changed to look like a girl. I examined my ?clit? more closely and realised that it was really a penis which had been stitched to the floor of my ?vagina?. I discussed this with Iris, quietly and in German, and she agreed that it confirmed her own nagging doubts. We suspected that several of the other girls thought the same. But why had we been changed into girls? The answers came a few days later. Our dining room was separated from the staff quarters by a big window. It must have been double glazed or soundproofed in some way as we never heard a sound through it. Anyway there was only the staff to see and there was never anything of interest. Until one day we could see Mrs Sandringham talking to a small group of men. They kept looking in our direction until she made them turn around and face her while she spoke to them. We could see her face quite well but of course had no idea what was being said. However one of our number got terribly agitated. We could see that even though she was trying hard to hide her emotions. Later that evening she told us. She could lip-read. She understood a lot of what the men were saying and almost all of what Mrs Sandringham has said. In short, that coming weekend we would be called up one-by-one in front of a big group of men. Each one would have to do a strip-tease until completely naked. Then she would be auctioned off and taken away by the highest bidder. The named necklaces were to ensure that having bought a girl the buyer would not be given a different one in error. The auction is tomorrow. Perhaps my new owner is not too horrid. Meanwhile I shall hide this. I know that the chance of it being found by someone who can help is very small, but that hope may be the only thing keeping me from killing myself. Rose. But by another name.

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Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 04 – Toolbox of Fun(Featuring Casey, Dave and Jeff Valony) That Saturday wasn’t just for the ones who wanted to be outdoors and hang out around Steelport. It was a day also for the ones who wished to take a rest from the weekdays’ hard work and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Somebody like Casey Mancini.At her bedroom, she read magazines laid on her bed by 10AM, after a week of work and house chores. The weekends were her time to take a rest, go shopping and enjoy life...

3 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT3

KimberlyKimberly was easily the smartest girl in our school, which made her a tempting challenge to see if I could make a nerd into a cunt muncher. Adding to the deliciousness of my next prey, she was a very shy girl, whose dad was the minister of a church. I didn't know her well; my best friend Katherine knew her better, since they attended the same church.I thought she'd be attractive if she would trade in those lame fifties style glasses she wore for some contacts, pulled her hair out of...

3 years ago
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Fucked on the Fourth

Before I tell you my story, I should probably tell you something about myself. My name is Maeve, which was my grandmother's name; since I was an only child and my mother couldn't have any more children, she thought it was appropriate. Apparently it means "intoxicating", but maybe "easily intoxicated" would be more appropriate in my case... Unless you like short, dowdy ladies I'm probably not fantasy material, although I've always been proud of my double-D's and try to work out....

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The Hot Cop

The Hot Cop Innocence "Have you given any thought to what you're wearing on Halloween, Kev?" Katey asked from the other room. "Umm, not really. Maybe we'll coordinate something?" I replied, hitting the mute button on the TV remote. "What are you going as?" "Oh, I think I'm going as a sexy bee, honey! You could go as some sort of bug, but I'm not seeing any of those kinds of outfits for men on this site." "Oh, okay. I'll think about it." My attention returned to the TV set....

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Tales of Ancient Rome 2 Salidia and Lydia

Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave       rises to power in ancient Rome.  Tales 2 is a        character study of a complex and murderous femdom.        109 pgs.                Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia                                                by                                                TG                                          Chapter 1                                   Laying in Supplies        "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...

1 year ago
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Bi Curious Escapades Pt 2

If you haven't read Pt. 1 yet, you may want to do so.After my encounter with Chuck, I turned to Craigslist again and got several responses to my post.First, I will tell you about Norman. He is old, rich, and married and has a wife that he hides his attraction for men from. When I got to his large house, I noticed the brand new Mercedes in the driveway. I enjoy small cocks, and I knew that this car was a sure sign his was. This would be my first time with a much older gentleman. He...

3 years ago
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my second cock

My second cockThe first time I ever sucked dick was when I was in my early twenties and I sucked off a buddy of mine once. Unfortunately it took another ten years before I had the opportunity to enjoy that experience once again. I moved shortly after servicing my friend so throughout my twenties and early thirties I already knew I like sucking on a thick, hot, blood filled cock. I can remember a friend of who was always my designated driver, would go out together then I'd wake the next morning...

3 years ago
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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Three

It had been a week since Diane Caldwell’s adopted daughter, Zofeya had been spanked by their neighbour Pauline Manson for her poor behaviour and attitude. Initially, Diane had felt uneasy about asking the retired School Mistress to administer corporal punishment to her eighteen-year-old daughter, but she admitted that she had been fascinated as she watched the older woman use her hand and implements to teach Zofeya a lesson.Her daughter’s behaviour had improved immediately, and she had started...

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Descent into the Abyss

This is before the true beginning. Descending into the world that is the Abyss. A dangerous place where the uncommon and rare are common place! In this tale Gaia has opened the door to the protagonists abilities to awaken. The world becoming that of a game for them in more ways than one. Illusion barriers separate our normalcy from direct confrontation of the Abyss as is the will/force that is Gaia. Magic is real, both beautiful and dangerous. Many forces can alter ones fate here. Magic, being...

4 years ago
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Son of SleepChapter 2

My mind was in chaos, my thoughts spinning in circles so fast I felt like I could barely keep a coherent idea in my head. Still, I somehow managed to stumble through the words I spoke to the man who had suddenly appeared in the corner of my bathroom. “You’re telling me that your name is Hypnos. You’re the ancient Greek god of sleep and trance. You slept with my mom 18 years ago, making me. And when I finally ‘became a man’ you decided that your birthday gift was going to be to ... what?” I...

2 years ago
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When Young Sally Met Old Harry

I am a nudist and frequently visit our nudist beach alone or with my friends, both male and female.Depending upon my work commitments, I often go alone during the week when it is very quiet and very few people are there. They are mostly older retired types who enjoy just lazing about or walking the beach nude. The weekends are always busy with nature lovers of all ages.In recent weeks I have noticed an older guy there whenever I am there mid-week. We were often the only two on the beach. He has...

3 years ago
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Ericas Bathroom Fun

Erica wasn’t like a lot of girls. She was a junior, one of the best in her class with GPA. She was co-captain of the cheerleading squad, a gymnast, and a figure skater in her spare time. She had lengthy dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. She led the famous group known as the Plastics. She had flawless skin from her forehead down to her toes. Perfect 34 C cup breasts, had all the guys gawking and drooling at her. She had a perfect tone stomach, with her navel pierced. It wasn’t just her...

4 years ago
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wifes gangbang confession part 1

My wife just recently confessed to me that she had an orgy whilst on holiday with a friend 10 years ago just before we met.My wife “Laura” and her friend “Sarah” went on a last minute holiday just the 2 of them. From arriving at the airport and waiting on departure Laura clocked a guy and jokingly said to Sarah that she hoped he was heading to ayia Napa as well because he was hot and she joked that she would fuck him on the 1st night.Fast forward 3 days, Laura and Sarah are out in the bars and...

1 year ago
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New City New Fun

After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share. I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts...

Quickie Sex
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Marys Party CFNM

My name is Tony and this is my story of how I found a new life and great sex in the big city. I’m 29 and well built (I played rugby at university) but not overweight for my size. I keep my hair short and am proud of my physique. I visit the gym at least twice a week and have never had any trouble attracting the ladies. That said, I haven’t had many girlfriends, having had a six year relationship that ended when she left me for a rich banker who drove a Porsche.It was then that I moved to London...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 84 Revenge is a dish best served cold

The Raptor raced through the city, weaving through the skyscrapers with what a casual observer might consider to be reckless speed. Alyssa rolled the gunship to the right around a huge well-lit arch, then slammed back the throttle, retro-thrusters on the front of the Raptor flaring in an orange blaze to slow its speed. The sparkling white ship dropped towards the ground, another orange burst at the last moment bringing them to a perfectly controlled stop on the tarmac. John was running...

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Star Wars The Restricted Files Chapter 8 Ahsoka Tano vs Asajj Ventress

Disclaimer: The following story is not connected with the Star Wars franchise, or its creator, George Lucas and does not represent the characters, writers or producers of set franchise. Story Codes: Ff, bond, grope, oral, reluc Star Wars: The Restricted Files Part 8 – Ahsoka Tano vs. Asajj Ventress by Avatrek ([email protected]) While Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker took on the roles of slave girls in order to break the trafficking of slaves near Hutt Space, Jaina Solo furiously...

1 year ago
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Initiation Nightmare The Final Chapter

Initiation Nightmare... The Final Chapter by Silvy Richards As Paul tossed and and turned, trying to block out and forget all that had happened to him during the last couple of weeks, part of him prayed he could just simply wake up the next morning, and find out it had all been just one big horrible nightmare. But being realistic, his true mantra became: 'All that happened in the last two weeks will NEVER repeat itself again'. Over and over in his...

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Inevitable Conclusion

You're definitely worried now. For the past couple of months, things have slowly died down in your relationship with Jennifer. You've been suspicious that maybe she has been looking around for other partners, but you hadn't found any evidence that would suggest that. However, all of a sudden she seems to be in a chipper mood. You two are attached at the hip at most times, so you know that Jennifer hasn't actually slept with anyone yet, but this is concerning. Her phone is going off like crazy....

2 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 571 Bhawna Aur Neetu Ke Beech Phasa Akash

Narrated by Akash Pichle bar mein aaplogo ne padha ki mere aur Bhawna ke banaye jhoote bhai behan ke khel ko Neetu jaan gayi. Neetu chahti to apne maa baap ko unki bahu Bhawna ki kartute bata kar uski zindagi barbaad kar sakti thi. Par Neetu ke mann mein ab kuch aur hi thi. Neetu ke mann mein mujhe apni kathputli banane ka iraada tha. Neetu ne mujhe ye dhamki di ki agar main uske kahe anusaar na rahu to Bhawna ki zindagi woh barbaad kar degi. Main ab bura phass chukka tha. Main nahi chahta tha...

3 years ago
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Doctor Having Sex With Girlfriend At Her Home 8211 Part 2

Hi friends this is dr.Dinesh patil here. I just posted a story of me, how I seduced a girl, proposed her on day one and fucked her later this is the continuation of the story…please cont me on dineshpatil090, if you like this story. And yes any horny aunties/divorcee/girls who are unsatisfied can mail me . I’ll get time from my busy schedule and we can have great session together. Now I proceed to my story Then I decided to get condoms , and antibiotics, as that was our first sex and urinary...

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Want to check our some Asian Idols at a JAV database like Jav Library? Believe it or not, not every porn site actually provides you directly with porn. There are many types of porn sites out there: porn tube sites, porn aggregator sites, porn archive sites, purely informational sites, and porn libraries. Each kind of site, of course, has its own special features, strengths, and drawbacks. What type you end up choosing depends entirely on your own goals.If you just want to have immediate, free...

Pornstar Databases
4 years ago
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My Office Cab

My ride back home: The work at office was hectic I looked at the time on the office clock. 11:15 pm. I had a customer message to solve. I had started working from 8 am in the morning and I was dead tired at 11:15 in the middle of the night I could not understand a single line of code written by me, let alone trying to figure out other’s code. It all looked like matrix stuff. Something went wrong with our software bought by our customer. Probably some smart ass changed some lines of code and...

1 year ago
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Guest at my buddies place

I was in bed, but unable to drift off to sleep. The guestroom was lit with a ghostly pale light from the moon shining through sheer curtains. I could hear them moving and whispering in bed next door.I had gone to bed about 15 minutes before they did, saying my goodnights while they puttered around the house closing up and shutting down things. She was touching him gently when he passed, and kissing his neck when she could. Her eyes were shining. I went to the guestroom that was mine, and...

1 year ago
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Jock TalesThe Tournament

Jock Tales---The Tournament “Maaaathuuuu” crash---boom---crakle crakle “Maaathuuu----agggg” Jesue fuckin christ—what was happening. I jumped from my bed, and rocketed up the stairs to Dustin's room---buck ass naked, lol. There was Dustin, standing in the middle of his room, with his arms over his head—screaming like a banshee. POW pop boom, sizzle, sizzle. “Aggggg Mathew “ ! “Jesus Dustin---what is it “? “Im scared Matthew” “Oh fuck dude, you mean the storm “? BAMM rumble rumble “Ahhhh yes,...

2 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 18 Courtneys Torment and a Promise

About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...

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Tightly Thaid Part 2

I awoke to the sound of cooking coming from the room's little kitchenette. As I came around the corner, still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I was greeted by my lovely Lawan. The light outside filtered through the window and made her beauty all the more spectacular. She was dressed in a short white hotel robe, tied loosely around her slim waist. The robe left almost all of her legs exposed, stopping at just above mid-thigh. She also had her hair put back in the same ponytail she had when I...

4 years ago
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Coachs Duties

Sachi had a vague idea about the ritual, but whined about going through with it, but these girls were not having it. They had pulled her out of the shower, and as they held her, spread eagle on the bench of the girls’ locker room, the rest of the field hockey team focused in on the ruckus, circling in on the center of attention like buzzards over their food. I held the tip of my cock just over her sweet pussy, slowly pumping the shaft until a single drop of precum landed on her pretty,...

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The Compound Part 1

Inside the house, Becca had flicked the TV off and yawning, stood up from the armchair to go to bed. It had been a long day and she'd come home late, throwing PJs on and sitting down to watch an old sitcom, ignoring the tousled hair and smudged make up that she would usually fix so carefully before heading to work. What did it matter? No one would see her, and she was too tired to even notice. As her hand reached to turn off the light, she headed for the stairs, but had barely taken a...

2 years ago
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An Unconventional Convention

“And that’s why I think ‘Scott’s Folly’ has always been one of my favorite episodes,” Maggie McAllister said as she smiled out at the two thousand fans that filled the ballroom of the Royal Grand Hotel. The cheers that greeted the fifty-two-year-old actress were such that an unknowing observer might think the short haired redhead had won an Oscar rather than her claim to fame having been that she’d appeared on a twenty year old science fiction show. It went on for another half minute or so as...

2 years ago
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Sex Life of an Electron

by Eddy CurrentOne night, when his charge was pretty high, Micro Farad decided to try toget a cute little coil to let him discharge. He picked up Millie Amp andtook her for a ride on his megacycle. They rode across the wheatstonebridge around by the sine wave and stopped in a magnetic field by a flowingcurrent.Micro Farad, attracted by Millie's characteristic curves, soon had hisresistance at a minimum and his field fully excited. He laid her on theground potential, raised her frequency,...

2 years ago
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Lilys First Time

Lily and her girl friends were sitting around watching the guys play basketball. It was starting to get dark, so they were all going to have to leave soon. The guys decided the game was over and started making their way toward the girls. Lily was watching Steve. She knew that she shouldn't stare, but he was so good looking.Lily thought she was OK, but not anything special. She had long dark blond hair and blue eyes, but she was bigger than most of her friends. She wasn't really fat, she just...

First Time
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3Day Stand Part II

‘So, how does this work?’ Ruby asks, shucking off her black lace bra. While he stows her suitcase, Ron tosses over his shoulder, ‘Just lie down on your back, sort of diagonal on the bed. Stick a few pillows under your head so you can see. I’ll be over as soon as this cocoa butter is melted.’ ‘It probably already is,’ she mumbles. ‘What?’ he prompts. ‘IT PROBABLY ALREADY IS,’ she chirps. ‘Melted I mean.’ He pops open the microwave door and removes the container. ‘Doesn’t look melted,’...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Aunty Fucked

My name is Sandesh and I am living in Vizag. This is a true story happened in this summer how i seduced and fucked neighbor aunty. Please give your valuable comments on this story to This is some what long story and my 1st story so please forgive me if any mistakes are there. I am Sandesh of height 5.10 feet and average body and fair complexion with smart look. Now about beauty of the story Mani of wheatish complexion and long hair upto hip and smooth sexy and waxy hands and legs with a...

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