Pearl II free porn video

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Pearl II By Bud I can't tell you how many times I've restarted or rewritten parts of this. I wish it was just one specific part but.... here it is. This was meant to be a quick little series, like all the stories I have posted so far, while I work on others. -*- I sat in the car outside, staring at Johanna's door. (What the hell was I going to say? 'Whoops? I grabbed a little girl with some serious tits by accident?' Would she slap me? Would she even leave the door open long enough for me to explain myself?) I was trying to put off meeting her at this point. I wasn't myself. I shuffled through my purse and school bag. I didn't have a driver's license, not even a permit yet. Just a school and state id. (Well, good thing I wasn't pulled over.) I continued shuffling through. I still had my phone, I was able to swap clothes and belongings on us, which left me with both our stuff. I left the contents of my pockets in the divider and glove compartment. I absentmindedly pulled out my phone. I'm afraid. I texted Johanna. Baby, what's wrong? Something happened. I need you to be open minded. About what? -_- Whoops, not going right. I've raised her alarm bells rather than prep her. I guess... in a way I was robbed. It might be better to say mugged? Idk What! What happened?! You have to see to believe. Open your door and let's talk. I'm coming up to meet you. I walked up to her door, she was standing looking for me. Her face was pale and there were bags under her eyes. Her nose was visibly running and she was constant sniffling. She was bundled up like an Eskimo. She looked past me. No, she gave me a jealous double take and then looked past me. I was an afterthought. And the way she looked at me, made me shiver. I had to tilt my head up to look at her face, as my head went only to her chest. "Hey, Johanna. It's me, Bill. Uh..." She looked at me, scowled and then smirked. "I know what you're thinking. This isn't a joke." "Mhm." She spoke sarcastically, her eyes darting around looking for the 'real' me to be watching a prank take place. "Your left thigh has a birthmark and you have a scar on your left breast where your mole used to be. You removed it yourself because some girls wade fun of you in middle school." As I spoke she started glaring at me. "We had our first date in the-" "Stop," she forcefully said, sending her into a cough. Johanna put her hand over my mouth. She was rough about it. I was nearly in tears at this point. I need her to believe me. "This isn't funny anymore." She sounded more angry than annoyed. "Come on out," she shouted. That did it. I started to tear up, my hormones were so different from what I was used to. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I tried explaining how I was me and how I did text her to have an open mind. All that came out of my mouth was an unintelligible mess. Johanna removed her hand from my mouth, and, though flabbergasted, embraced me. She must have felt self-conscious. A couple of neighbors were watching us now. "Come on in. Let's get you a drink." She led me into her apartment. She pointed out the powder room if I wanted to fix my makeup. She brought out a soda for me. I stared at it. She would always pour me my favorite whiskey when I came over. I sank into her couch and just rolled it around in my hands. We sat together like that for a few minutes. Silence. "Who are you?" she finally asked after blowing her nose again. "Uh..." I started to tear up again but composed myself when a big look of worry crossed her face. She must be wondering how much she is going to regret bringing me inside. Then I remembered that I carried my purse in. This is really weird "Apparently, I'm Dakoda Henderson. I'm in her body." "*Sigh* So it's 'invasion of the body snatchers?'" She referenced an old movie I made her watch a month or so ago. "Actually, the aliens were taking the bodies. People were killed when they lost their bodies. You didn't pay attention, did you?" I crossed my arms, she had insisted she liked watching it. "Well, it was just so... boring..." She rolled her eyes but started to trail off and then opened them in shock. She must have seen me, the real me, in what I said. Her reaction to what I said was so normal. This was how we are with each other, normally. She didn't even notice that she had fallen into her casual self with me. She looked me up and down again. She seemed to calm down with determination at our exchange. "Let's say you are my Bill. How did this happen? You didn't just magically wake up with tits three times bigger than mine." She glared at my breasts again. "This." I took it out of my bag and placed it on the coffee table. "What's 'this?'" She pointed at the necklace. "This is something I found on the beach, it allows the user to swap body/body parts with someone they can see." "If you have this then why..." She started to reach for it but I nearly jumped out of my seat and gave a girly squeak to stop her. She was startled and then amused at my outburst. My face was red with embarrassment. I can't believe how girly I am now. I was younger than her now. "You can't swap with the same people and you can't get something you previously owned." "So, you decided to swap with this..." She gestured all over my body. "...and got yourself stuck." "No, I found the previous owner of the necklace. I had him appraise it before I knew what it was. He was the Jeweler on Crawley Street, and... he stole my body for my youth." "I still don't believe you." She folded her arms across her chest. "Here." I picked up the necklace and quickly set it down again. "Like your polish?" I held up her teal polish for show. "Oh, you changed our nails. OH GOD BILL!" She nearly jumped out of her skin as she sank her teeth into the situation. She hugged me, tightly. "How?Howdidthishappen?How?Mypoorbaby..." she mumbled and murmured into my hair. She nearly coughed on me as I hugged her back. I began stroking her in the way she liked to calm her down when things got intense. I explained the entire interaction with Frank, the jewelry shop owner. I left out no detail. She was heavily interested now, making me pause for a comment or to ask a question as we went. She looked at her red nails that complimented my cheerleader uniform. "I don't like these," she finally said. I rolled my eyes. "We can remove or swap later. I just wanted you to see it in action. To see me." I spoke waveringly with emotion again. "Oh, honey." She hugged me into her again, this time her chest was mushed into my face. Though her big poufy jacket held any cleavage from view or touch. I could feel myself get wet, which made me uneasy. My brain was now hers right? Why was I turned on by my girlfriend? I pushed her off gently, hugging myself as I did so. She smiled and carefully bent forward. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you." She kissed me on the forehead. I looked back up to her into her loving smile and couldn't help from smiling back. "Your nose is running." I killed the moment. "Hush." She blew her nose again at my comment. "So, you don't look like an old man to me. Where did you get this sluts bod?" "The former owner was picking on another young girl at the nearby high school, so I made her the old man." I raised my eyebrows quickly and mischievously for added effect. Johanna smiled at that and sat back with her arm around my shoulders. Then she frowned. "We're going to have to get rid of that body. Or at least it's identity. Or we move to where we can't run into anyone who knows her." It dawned how confusing this could get if we weren't careful. I wasn't myself after all. I fidgeted in my seat, something about how my new crotch felt made me uncomfortable. I had my legs together with no difficulty at all. This was so weird. I tried to put it out of my mind. "So, you're okay with using it? You can handle me being different?" I asked. "It's not like being different is much of a choice for you now is it?" She tossed the hefty breast I had spilling onto her as I leaned into our cuddle. It flopped and smacked back onto her chest with a slap. "Damn those are heavy. The heck did she get those?" She laughed. Then her face turned serious. "What do you want to do? You're remarkably calm, given your predicament. Normally I'd imagine this being traumatic for you. Though, it doesn't seem like it has hit you yet." "Maybe so." I stared a thousand yards away. "I could be in denial. But I don't think that's quite correct. I mean, I... we can switch with other people at any time we want. So, nothing about this is binding, aside from me losing my body. If I truly was stuck like this I don't think that I could have told you about this right away." She looked hurt at that. "And why not?" She was offended. "Have you seen yourself?" I was getting emotional again just thinking about it. Tears were welling up in my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" She seemed cross yet perplexed at the raw emotion in my voice. We both weren't used to that from me. "It was terrible, the way you looked at me earlier." First came a look of understanding, then guilt shone on her face. My new soft voice caught in my throat. "And the way you talked to me was... it was really hard not to break down earlier. I definitely couldn't have done that without knowing there was an out." Silent tears were streaming down my face. She brushed them away with a new tissue, my mascara was running and she had them ready. I started to bawl. She held me to her bosom like I had so many times when she had needed to cry. Just another shattered illusion, now I was the one breaking down and my girlfriend had to remain strong for me. Nothing is the same, insofar as everything is reversed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that I..." She trailed off. Now she was the one feeling bad. I didn't want to remain the one being supported, it just didn't feel right. I wiped away my tears on her chest and sat with my back straight. (My back was thanking me at this point) I turned her chin to mine and kissed her on the lips. She recoiled at kissing another woman. I was confused at first, but then I chuckled at her reaction. "Sh-shutup. We shouldn't be kissing. W-what if you got sick?" She tried, and failed, to hide her unease at kissing a woman for the first time. I didn't think about how strange it was for me to kiss her in this body. Though the dampening was a bit different then the normal stiffy. I giggled at her unease and pretended to kiss her. I made an over exaggerated kissing motion, making sure to stick my tongue out and caress the air in front of me as if she were sitting in my lap. She slapped me right in my fat tits. I half cried in shock and half moaned at the stimulation of my new sensitive bundles of fun. "Oh, you like that sort of thing, huh?" She crossed her arms at my reaction, jealousy across her face. Then something won out and she gave a little smirk. Good, she doesn't hold my body against me. "Now I could get a bigger pair. You know, for science." She eyed the necklace on the table and then back to my breasts. "I have an idea." "No wait!" I shouted as I tried to stop her. I was too late. My face was already changing. I felt it tingling and turning me on, I wanted to be touched, caressed across my face as I tongued someone. Evidently my girlfriend felt the same thing that I did and pulled me up towards her mouth. Our hands searched and roamed our changing cheeks, ears and ruffled through our hair as our tongues explored the insides of our mouths. It was an odd feeling to be sure. The shifting of teeth as they aligned differently and my tongue grew while hers shrunk. I felt my hair and head morph into that of my girlfriends. Our hands threatened to pull out our own hair due to the rigorous exploration with our hands. We started to moan into each other, it was clear that we had climaxed. I nibbled her upper lip as she bit my lower lip. After a couple minutes of this the tingling stopped, and we had come down from our orgasm. She realized that we had just lezzed out and stiffened. She quickly broke our kiss. I was unsure of how she would react. She wasn't into it before the change, and she was back to her senses again. My face was covered by her fuller longer light-brown wavy hair. She now sported my blond ponytail. "That was the best make out session I've ever had." She was absolutely blushing, her eyes shut. She couldn't believe what she was saying herself. My previously deeper feminine voice oozed out a voice like a slow dulcet coitus. Her eyes were swimming. "Odd that it was with a girl. Even more odd was that it was with my girlfriend." She giggled. I couldn't help joining her, though I was unsure of being called her 'girlfriend'. I was startled at how angelic I sounded. My voice was so much higher. Then she looked me in the face. "Or kissing my own face. Even if it's younger now." She caressed it again, making me shiver demurely. My reaction made her smile. "You wear it better. Especially with that body, it deserves a pretty face to go along with it." I was almost certain my face was blushing from all the kissing, but now it was red with embarrassment at being called more beautiful than my girlfriend by my girlfriend. She then looked at her nails in confusion. "I thought you said we couldn't do it with the same person twice?" "Maybe it was because we didn't swap something we had already swapped before?" I suggested. "It might be more precise than the way it was explained to me." I picked up the necklace again and tried to swap our nails back, no effect. I tried again, this time swapping our heads. It didn't work. "The effects of the changes usually bring pleasure based on how big of a change you are making with the swap. Although it tends to be painful if you are aging." I shuddered. She held sympathetic eyes for my reaction. "Is there a reason you want me to have your face? I look a bit ridiculous with these curves and your face." I slapped my new ass for emphasis. The heck is wrong with me? And why am I feeling bloated? "If you can't be you, then maybe I can. And you can be me. This way we don't have to abandon our identities so soon. Think of my mom and your parents, my sister and your brother." She paused. I have no idea what my expression was. I had no idea how I was feeling at her request. "Since my face looks younger on you there has to be more to it than just swapping. Maybe it's because I didn't want to steal your youth? I think part of what we can exchange is also age or state of the body that people have, not just the individual parts themselves." She puzzled through her thoughts. Then she took the necklace again and concentrated. Nothing occurred. At least, there was nothing that I could feel occurring. "It says I can't swap our souls, even when I swapped our brains. I also can't swap individual experiences, as those are also part of our soul." "Wait, it told you?" I asked incredulous. I was ignoring the fact that now we both couldn't have our old identities. I didn't want to think about it. "It told me," she confirmed. "Wait... I have your brain?" She nodded in response. "Interesting. So, if we swap brains we could take on different mental states but not personalities and experiences. Also: cool. It confirmed souls exist. And our minds are always going to be intact." I was genuinely shocked at what we could and couldn't do with it. "If you're not using the necklace then would you put it down, please. I swapped to get this body earlier with an errant thought." She placed it down, her eyes drawn towards my breasts. She was practically drooling. I squished by breasts by compressing my shoulders and arms towards my center. Her smile made me shudder in disgust. Wait, disgust? Did I swap sexualities with her when we swapped brains? Damnit. This was the only time I haven't felt attraction to her, and now it comes with disgust. "Was there a reason as to why you didn't want to swap the rest of us? Not saying I'm entirely on board with becoming each other." I looked down at myself. I liked her smaller tits better. Always did. Her tiny breasts were perfect. She was always self-conscious about them but, to me they were marvelous. These huge jugs were... for somebody else. Yet, I was loving having these. They made me feel sexy. Was this from her brain? Did she want these? I looked up at her and she gave a knowing wink, of course she wanted them. She always bitched about girls with larger breasts not using them properly. "Well, yeah, um. I was thinking of keeping her body with my face and just swapping out this one..." "Self-conscious of your body?" I asked. She looked ashamed. "Not anything was good about your body?" I persisted. "Not really... I have A-cups, I'm tall and have little to no hips," she nearly spat. "Besides, we have the opportunity. Shouldn't we use it?" "But you're cute." I felt my heart lurch. "You're the prettiest girl in the world to me." "I still don't want it. If you like that sort of thing then I'll be what you want again when we decide to swap, but for now you can be what I want." "So... you want me to be your doll?" I asked incredulously. This was too much. She smiled at me, as if to say yes. "And I can be yours," she reassured. "It doesn't have to be a one-way street. We can make each other how we wanted our ideal selves to be. How our new bodies crave them to be. Since you've already lost your identity... we could try wearing each other's. If not, we have to abandon our lives or risk knowledge of the necklace getting away from us," she said determination in her voice. I gave a sigh of giving in. "Besides, I've always wanted to try being the man." Her face was beet red. I felt my own cheeks on fire. I was definitely heterosexual again. I was craving being penetrated by her as a man. And I felt bloated. Normally I would love the cute expression she was giving. "W-well, you already got to try being a woman." She pointed to my new body. "I'm a girl. Look, I'm like 16. I can't do anything with my own body." I sputtered. "Have you seen how developed you are?" She was eyeing my chest again. "16 is the age of consent in our state anyways." Her words hung in the air and both of us didn't speak. "Why do you even know that?" I asked, a little horrified. "I had a crush on a senior in high school." We sat there for a pregnant moment. "Don't look at me like that." She was defensive. "You flinched when we kissed earlier." I desperately wanted to convince her to try something different. Maybe we could swap different things before we moved onto different genders? This seemed like too much. Apparently, this is just her kind of kink, lucky me. "I... really like you as you are now. As a girl." I felt myself lurch at what I said. She blushed and kissed me on the lips. If a man said that my heart would have been fluttering, but now... what the heck is wrong with me? I'm not even into this situation. My body doesn't care about her advances. I have the best opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't get into it. I felt my stomach start to cramp. "And you... you'd look hot... as a guy." I admitted. She was rubbing her thighs together again and her blush was very cute. Not sexy, but cute. I bit my lip, I was going to regret this. I already lost my identity, but now I get to watch her in it. At least that old guy wasn't going to be in it. "Fine. Let's live as one another. You'll have to help me be you. Your parents aren't going to believe my body even if I have your face." I gestured from head to toe. "I can convince them. Just tell them you got some new age treatments and surgery done. My mother is vain remember? You also have the benefit of still being with yourself." She pointed to herself, indicating her willingness to change. "Let's talk about something else." I suggested, she giggled. "Uh, it looks like we can't ever swap our heads or nails again." I stated with finality. I wanted us to get back to what we planned to do with the necklace. Anything to get away from thinking about how I would be the woman and she the man in our relationship now. "We can deal with that." She playfully pulled my lower lip down with her finger before getting up from the couch and stretching. I swear she wanted to kiss me again. But she knew that I wasn't into it as she was before. Her stretch looked silly with her deep winter getup. "Feel like a new you?" I got up with her. "I do." She smiled back at me. Even bit her lip as she checked out my ass. I looked down at it, God-fucking-damn-it, it stuck out in a huge way. "Though I still feel sick. I think that old man deserves a little 'reward' for taking your body from you." She winked at me. I looked down with sadness. Here I was in the body of a sex bomb and I was still wanting my own body. All this swapping was making me stuffy. Hell, I'm a virgin again! I should be getting drunk and fucked raw at a time like this! ...What the hell did I just think? I was getting wet despite myself. There's no way I would have thought that earlier. Perhaps talking and making out with my girlfriend has made me surer of myself, in a weird way. I'm definitely feeling a lot healthier psychologically. There's nothing like having someone you can talk to and cuddle with. "We can explore with the necklace later. He seemed keen on traveling the world, right? So, he's going to skip town soon. We need to get to him first if we want your identity back." She looked into my eyes for confirmation. I gave a very determined look and a nod. He made me feel awful and stole my identity. Then he tried to bribe me out of doing anything about it with the rings. I don't care about his situation, what he did was wrong. Especially since I hadn't done anything to deserve it. I even wanted him to keep the necklace when he mentioned that he owned it previously. I was naive. Now I was little high school tease. "What kind of body are we giving him?" "Dunno," she mused. "Let me rephrase. What horrible body does that man deserve?" I grinned wickedly. "I know just the place where we can 'build' one," she announced, as she grabbed her coat to head out. "It's on the way to the shop anyways." I was going to stuff the necklace into my purse but then decided to give it to Johanna. "Here, I originally picked this up to give to you." I smirked with residual pain at the memory of who I was an hour or so ago. "Thanks. It really is pretty, but I think you should keep it for now. It matches my pretty green eyes." She winked and held the door open for me. I scowled at her flirting. She just giggled knowingly. "Let's go." "You drive." I remembered the rings as we entered my car. I entered the passenger side, which confused Johanna. "I don't have a license, remember?" She looked with shock and then nodded as she got into the driver's side. She had a wide grin. I combed through the rings I had in the car. I found the prettiest one, with a gorgeous big brilliant blue diamond with green, white and red diamonds laid out in a design around the entire ring leading to the central blue diamond. "Johanna." "Yeah?" She looked over at me as she finished adjusting the seat and mirrors. She gasped and froze in her seat. She noticed the ring I was holding. "I might have lied about why I was initially at the shop." I stopped as I wanted to collect my thoughts. I exhaled and inhaled, my titanic breasts bouncing with the large motion. What the hell was I doing? Do I want to do this just as everything about us is changing? Maybe because everything is changing. What the hell was I doing? This is the absolutely worst time to ask. No. Wait a minute. We had just promised to be each other in a more intimate way than we could ever be before. We were literally willing to walk in each other's shoes. Fuck it. "Would you marry me?" "Yes." She picked up the ring and then to my shock, took my hand and placed it on my finger. She kissed me and started to drive. I tried not to react negatively but scrunched my nose at the contact anyways. I was flabbergasted and silent the whole way we went. I guess I'd be her, wearing the dress on our wedding day. Then when we had kids... this was so weird. *** We made our way to my work. Bill was so cute in his little cheer uniform. I'm going to have to get him to wear it to bed as soon as I have his body. I'm a physical therapist for the veteran office on the nearby army base. We made our way to one of my patients, I had a list. The first was an older woman who was missing her leg. Her right arm was scared and twitched lamely. "Hi Johanna! How's it going?" She kindly asked. "I have a proposition for you..." I responded. Eventually my new girlfriend, well my fianc? now, had swapped 'her' brain out with a bisexual nurse on this particular shift. I had spied the nurse there leading someone to go for a quickie in a closet while on the job again. I watched as she quickly dug into her purse and found the necklace again. She swapped their brains and immediately was hit with arousal. I instantly knew what she did because she gave me a kiss on my lips. I even felt tongue! I had been introducing her as my younger cousin, which gave us more than a few stares at that point. I could feel my nipples brushing against my bra, my thighs rubbing against each other as I walked. After we got into the car she mentioned how everything felt heightened. Everything sent heat radiating from her core. She pointed to her arousal dripping down her leg. Good lord, who did my boyfriend just swap brains with? Am I going to marry a nymphomaniac? A hot one, but still... She couldn't even keep her hands to herself throughout the entire drive. *** We caught Frank busy packing. He chuckled to himself, he was actually mumbling about how he stole Bill's body. Then he rambled to himself about how he and his partner had found the necklace themselves, they had gotten in and out of so much trouble. They spent the night in the height of changes and lost themselves to their lust. "They will be at it for quite some time before they come looking for me" He continued to speak to himself. "By then I'll be long gone." He packed his things up and then he noticed me standing in his shop. I came in with a limp and a loud wooden cane just to walk in here, he was decently self-absorbed. "Hey I'm going on a trip real soon so I'm leaving the place open." I snickered. I looked like an elderly old man (or would he guess I was a woman?) with a prosthetic leg and a busted arm. "Hello welcome to 'Enchanting Gem Craft' what can I do ya for?" Frank smiled. "I think I'm lost. I wanted to see 'Frank?'" I gave a wry smile. Frank got a look of annoyance and distaste which showed in his scowl. He looked exactly like my boyfriend if he wore the clothing from fifty years ago. "I see you switched bodies, good for you. Ya look rotten. Leave me be. We can't trade anything anymore, remember?" "Thought so." That was all the confirmation I needed before I made the swap. He was a wretched old man and didn't deserve my boyfriend's body. Frank realized his error in judgement in horror and pain that he was aging again, turning into the man in front of him. "Who are you? Stop, please." He pleaded as he started to gasp in pain as he felt the transformation coming along. "Oh, fuck yes. This is what I was waiting to feel." I cried out and swayed towards the door again to leave. Bill was there to open the door for me, we had parked right up front so that we could make a quick getaway. "You damn kids!" He shouted out after us as we left. "Just a few things we wanted to share with you as you went along your business." My little girlfriend sang as she helped me to the car. When I was safely moaning inside the passenger seat she flipped him off and stuck her tongue out as she started the car. The old man was bracing himself for the changes as he eyed us with hatred. We left him like that and went our merry way. We were giggling into the seats as we drove off. I started to shake, the tingling rolling up my limbs was too much for me. I was going to be him! Ha! This was too bizarre. I just gave that creep several medical conditions, including the clap, and an older defective body. I could only squirm as more changes started to happen. Bill quickly drove us to his town house, it was closer than my apartment. I was screaming with pleasure. I almost didn't recognize my voice, it sounded scratchy and odd as I tried to use vocal chords that simply weren't vibrating correctly. I was on cloud nine as the first changes involved me getting my hearing back and then came my eyesight. I could actually feel my ear growing back! What an odd sensation. My moans were getting louder and my girlfriend was driving faster because of it. He-She, didn't want me to be embarrassed. My moans started off light, but as the changes reverberated up my spine a deep groaning growl left my lips. I moaned the whole way, after the first thirty seconds I was already moaning far too loud to get by without attention. Luckily people weren't off the regular work day. My limbs had seized with spasming and caressing motions. I couldn't control my limbs. I couldn't think. I was captivated in the pleasurable prison of my own body. My panties had long been soaked. Bill tried carrying me through my doorway like a man, but he gave up on that real quick. She shifted to pulling me through his door as a fireman would drag an unconscious person. She was too petite to carry me. Too cute. Cute? Was she cute? Yeah, I definitely think she's cute. Her curves could be a bit smaller though. Huh. How odd of me to think so. Damnit, I have Bill's brain now! I wasn't as attracted to her before. If she had smaller tits then I'd be loving her. Well, if I was in my old body and I didn't know him to be her I would have called her a skank. Her clothing was too short! Yet here I am, resting on her, already taller than her and only growing larger by the second. My squirming and screaming was making it harder for her to drag me. Thank God for cheerleaders. I assume that her body was only strong enough to move me because of the exercise it got. I could see her strong abs working, even though they were covered in a pudge of fat. She dragged me by my arms up the stairs, the sensation of being larger and heavier giving me a sense of pleasurable tingling in my limbs and back. Finally, she was able to drag me onto her large L shaped couch. She even grabbed a towel from her linens and rushed back to wipe away the sweat from my brow. I was already making a mess of her couch, kicking and pushing this way and that. The sensation of new skin grown in touching everyday things was nirvana. I could smell how aroused I was by the stench of my gushing cunt. My new olfactory sense gave me an intense sense of pleasure from smelling my arousal. I've trained his body good. Opening my eyes let my shaking body orgasm. Then I noticed my cute little girlfriend staring at me and rubbing her new little nubbin. Her gaze was trained on me. Enraptured by my transformation. God, I loved her pretty eyes on me. It's not every day she gets to see her girlfriend become himself. I watched as her face was getting off on my new smells. My arousal had obviously affected her. Changing her brain with the nurse was already paying off. Soon mine would be hers. I'd shove his own stubble into his pretty pink muff and watch him writhe around like a nympho slut. Just thinking of it was making me... damnit. My rougher hands felt my face. The old man had shaved my beard off... jerk. My vision was slowly getting better. My eyes were normal, I no longer felt the writhing of my stomach that came with my sickness earlier. I watched as my own hips shrank slightly, or the rest of me expanded it's hard to tell which. I was beginning to show off Bill's mannish figure. My muscles grew in slowly with every twitch. It was painful, but the endorphin rush was incredible. I could see how people loved pain if they felt this way about it. Then she kneeled in front of me, listening to my heartbeat. I was on my back, with my girlfriend's head laying on my growing pectorals and shrinking breasts. God it felt good to mash them into her supple face and her gorgeous wavy hair. Even as my nipples were losing their sensitivity, the idea was still turning me on. That was drowned out by the sensation of her breasts rubbing up and down my budding abs. Her nipples hardened on my core with every second ash she looked up at my face with a smile on. She tried to hold in a cute soft giggle. We were both thinking the same thing: this was absurd. The face I was making from this euphoria must have been stupid, she was laughing even more now. She snapped a photo. I groaned. "Aaaaaaaaaand, wallpaper." She gave a devious grin. "Oh God it's so good. My insides are pushing outwards. It's surging-out, it feels amazing." My clothes are already resembling his, though their natural color hadn't come in yet. Like a gay version of an old man's dress code. I watched as a small fingerlike protrusion poked up from my genes. My girlfriend Bill quickly moved down and fumbled with my pants. She had to see this. Once my boxers were pulled off I saw it. Luckily, I no longer had breasts. I had a perfect view of my growing organ. My clit was tenting my panty/boxers upwards a half an inch and I could feel the juices just gushing out of my vagina. My cute little girlfriend quickly removed my panties/boxers and placed her mouth over my vulva. She began slurping and tweaking my engorged clit with her tongue. My panties were on the floor in a second, lying on top of where she threw my pants. I could feel my fleshy fat clit expand in her wet mouth with every throbbing beat of my heart. I could tell she was feeling my new taste and my rhythmic pulse in her mouth. She must be feeling aroused. Her nipples were poking and dragging along my legs, which were growing hairy. Then she seized up and started to shake, her moans turned to cries as she fell back onto her ass. I got a good look at her pussy, drenching her couch. She was drowning in the feelings of the new sensations of her new body. The rim of my glans rubbed the ridges of the roof of her mouth even as her tongue tossed my growing prick around. I could tell that she was tasting the last of my vaginal nectar along the underside of my growing shaft. The rough top part played with my pee slit as the smooth underside glided over the top of my glans. I felt her tongue shift over the constant tearing scar of my forming phallus, tonging the underside of my shaft. I felt nothing but pleasure as the nerves grew into my penis. Her new saliva and taste buds absorbed my cum and sent her entire face twitching with obvious delight. She must be tingling all the way to her toes from arousal. Bill's toes curled and her arms delicately danced around without something to do. I could tell her inner muscles spasming and rolling around with the shockwaves of her arousal. I picked her up and flipped her around on top of me, forming a 69. I felt my hand snake under her skirt into her panties and found a torrential downpour. My little girlfriend started giggling into my growing prick. She took the entire thing in her mouth. It was still quite small but made for excellent mouth play. Now it was bigger than two of her fingers put together, and it was growing rapidly. Soon it was average sized, and complete. She went down on it and sank her face into my pubic bone. My old lips teasing his dick giving me feeling. The world was crazy. I felt it spasm and fill her face up with more of my sweet fluid. I had no idea what to expect from an ejaculation. I must not have finished transforming my brain, because it felt weird more than uncontrolled like I had seen him react. She showed off her prize and swished the stuff around and spat some of it out onto her hand to give me a look at her work. It was clear. My balls hadn't dropped yet and some of my glands were still growing in. She placed it into my mouth before sucking it back out again. I tasted sweet. But I knew that when I was done I would taste bitter. I watched her lick up my cum from her hands and begin to lick my dick clean, her saliva coating my penis. Bill surprised me by mounting my pelvis, her panty clad ass was rubbing and squishing her ample derriere on my groin. My hand, which was teasing her, stuck a finger up her butt. She yelped and I got a good view of those fucking fat titties smacking around. She swatted my hand away, and I found I didn't have control of my muscles to bring it back to her beautiful rump. Then she started rocking back and forth on top of my dick with drunken mirth. I could feel my hard dick coat some precum along her crack ash she desperately tried to scratch an itch. I loved it. The feeling of her silky frilly panties rubbing and gyrating her hips to place more pressure on her clit. I knew the feelings she was having well and it was amazing watching my boyfriend go. My glans were leaving streaks and smearing her panties. She eventually hooked her panties off one leg and impatiently lined herself up to be penetrated. My penis nearly exploded in her soft dainty hand, lined up with her burning hot love box. I could feel our heat radiating into my own hot rod. The increasingly small space between us disappeared quickly. I had a moment of clarity as I felt her smooth cunt rub against my prick. What the hell was she thinking? She was fighting herself! I could tell her mind was racing a mile a minute the way her eyes darted back and forth. Here she was born a man, and she had mounted me. She was about to skewer herself on my pole, but part of her wanted to be appaled. But her carnal need overtook her. I watched her go down on me. Her fat hips slammed down an inch or two until her resistance to the force was too great. I could see her thigh muscles and cheeks shape with tension. I could see a slight trickle of blood dripping from her cooch. My God. She actually was a virgin. "Oh, fuck!" She was gritting her teeth. I remembered how tight my vagina was when lost my virginity. Heck she had told me about how tight hers was when she was fingering herself earlier, with only one finger. I could only watch, terrified to hurt her with my movements. I was giving a deep grunting moan and shaking from my orgasms. Some were dry, especially when my prostate grew in, and some were very wet. She guided my dick head out of her little vagina. She was shaking from the mix of pleasure and pain brought about by her broken hymen. I would have chuckled but what came out was a garbled mess. At least my voice was sounding more baritone. Like his. She brought her hand up to lick our combined arousal off her hands again but her sweet voice softly said that it 'tasted metal?' She looked back down at her own hand. It was crimson with her fresh blood. Now I was laughing. She noticed me and smacked her little bloody hand on my growing peck, which only made me give a deep booming laugh even more. She lined herself back up. Her delicious hips carefully and slowly started to lower by themselves onto my dick. As soon as I felt her wanton sex open and wink at my protruding stiffy. I couldn't take it, I must have gotten some control again because I started to thrust back up into her. I felt her slam against my hips, her gorgeous backside rippling from the impact. My balls bounced off her fat ass. Then came the pain. She fell on top of me. Her eyes closed with an expression of joy and injury. She started to moan from the pain. I couldn't help but hold her to me tightly, my larger muscular arms wrapping around her smaller body and pinning her down. I felt so powerful. Next my large man-hands gripped the biggest portion of her ass flesh I could and squeezed with all my might. This made her moan of pleasure and cry out further. She arched her back to give me a better view of her rounded ass-flesh. I would wear out her vocal chords tonight! I heard myself grunt with satisfaction, I wasn't even thinking if I was misunderstanding her moan for pleasure or for pain. I just started to thrust in and out of her, forcefully. Soon I was giving her the pounding she deserved, her now pink crotch was visibly sore and her hymen was completely destroyed. Her love box was a puffy wet mess. She was only drawing in short breaths due to the great fucking I was giving her. She brought up one of her titanic breasts, eager for me to play with her nipples. I bit down on them, softly at first but when she moaned and pulled me in further I began to really bite her. I knew that I was leaving marks at this point but she didn't care. All her pleasure and pain were confused at the moment and she just wanted more of everything. I started to spank her ass as I pounded her. I could feel the last of my changes coming in as she shifted above me. Finally, I felt it coming as I quickened the pace into smaller and shorter thrusts. Then I bottomed out inside her. The levees were broken as I started to cum inside my little girl. They were short shallow spurts like before. She squeezed on my dick with all her might, her cute little squishy face scrunched into focused determined action. I was ejaculating as a man for the first time. She was climaxing for the first time as a woman. We were made man and woman in that moment. She entered into a fully female orgasm, squirting in time with her contractions. Complete with hot water-like liquid started spewing down my balls and ass. I felt my testis lift back up and my piss slit open wide to let out the torrent we knew was coming. My dick would have been shaking back and forth if it weren't confined inside her special place. I was grunting, moaning in pleasure. It got louder and louder, timed with each halfhearted pelvic thrust I gave into her. My own voice was startling me, but I was quickly growing used to it. I was almost completely done changing, my body looked exactly how she used to. She was biting her lower lips as she was surveying her old body. Then my spurts turned into gushes. Then the gushes started to pour, spraying her lovely insides. This time it was hotter, stickier. It surrounded my dick only after it was done filling her up. I was, am, a man now. My little girlfriend made me a man. I reveled in how her insides churned and squished the stuff in her vagina around my dick. She could tell she was being filled up, she moved as if she didn't want to spill any. Her toes curled, her little button nose gave a scrunch. Her face made her look as if she were in bliss. The deep guttural moan lowered in timbre as I emptied the last of myself into her. I was completely spent. My chest echoed with its new bass. Her hands firmly planted on my rising and falling chest for support. We locked eyes and she smiled down at me, tears in her eyes. Her eyes began to wander and her head tilted back as her pupils enlarged. her eyes rolled back and she rolled off me and fell. Her legs wobbled, and I knew what that meant. She was dick drunk. She was still climaxing and blacked out completely. She hit the floor with a thud and I freaked out and got up. Her soft peaceful expression and smile accompanied with her rising and falling chest told me she was just fine. I carefully cradled her to her bed. She would be out of it for some time. She tried to keep pace with me during sex, even as I was being supernaturally transformed. She wasn't who she used to be a day ago, and her youth gave her a good try. But now it was lights out. Coming down from my own high, I was feeling the aftereffects of ejaculation. I was following her into slumber for the night.

Same as Pearl II Videos

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It was a particularly fine day, late one summer. I was returning home from work after a stressful day. Traffic was bad to say the least and knowing that my daughter was planning to meet her girlfriends for the evening and that I would be late, I decided to ring home to let her know and that I would see her when (if) she got home that evening. Sally was bright as always when she answered the phone but her mood changed quickly when I explained my predicament. "Honey I'm sorry," I said. "But I...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

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Fucking Deepika Mam

Hi friends, how are you this is nitin from Ahmadabad and i had been reading all the post in iss since last 3 years and i liked it very much. Any girl or lady want to have discreet relationship or have one night fun can contact me on my email id and this is my first post here so sorry for the mistakes in the story and without wasting your time in going to tell u how i fucked my deepika mam This incident happened to me some 8 years ago when I was studying in my 12th STD. I never wanted to go for...

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Perversely Mommy

A friend of my wife had an idea how the extra income. Both could provide sexual services profiteer, but when they are no longer the youngest-be before the 40-kou, must provide written anything špeciálne.Tak ad: Two curvy milf one blonde and one brunette, offering customers sexual services solvent, sexual perversion bukake, gangbang, swingerspárty and others are not problém.Odpoveď could not take long čakať.Ozval one upstart sonny. had to have 18 friends, and so wanted to prepare the party for...

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Easy Prey for an Older Man Part 4

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NotSoMuch Sleep Over

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Boyfriend Ka Gift 8211 Part 1

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If the Broom FitsChapter 16

On second thought, maybe not. The sight of two well hardened cocks aimed right at her chest invokes a totally different feeling within Penelope. She gasps. “Um ... I’m not certain both of these will fit at once,” she says meekly. You think not? “I mean, I’m not used to using that other hole.” Not used to? You may not be, but I certainly haven’t ever had anything back there. “Besides, I’ve only heard of ogres having two of these,” she continues. “Tug just like every other ogre, nothing...

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A Darker UniverseChapter 4 Demonstrations

Turning to the audience, Mr. Burns said, "Paul did so well, shall we let him do Marsha and Annie as well?" There were cheers and whistles. "Alright Marsha, you're next." The girl stood and started to walk to Paul. "Not so fast, dear," said Mr. Burns. First you have to get undressed." It didn't bother Marsha that badly to be undressed in front of the school, she rather liked all the attention. She quickly stripped off all of her clothes and laid them in a neat pile in her chair....

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How My Cute Little Daughter Became My Sex Slave 8211 Part 7

My daughter and I could not find an opportunity to fuck. More than me my daughter was feeling alone. One day I told her to act as though she had severe head ache. She did. Immediately my wife told me to take her to the doctor. I took her in my bike and we went to a remote place in the nearby hill. We selected a place. Nobody was in the vicinity. We hugged each other and she wept. I consoled her. I parked my bike in between two large bushes. I made her to lean on the bike. I lifted her chudi and...

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The Party Princess

As I stepped outside the Uber my 6-inch heels clicked against the pavement making a loud noise and attracting the attention of a few guys loitering outside of the house. I could tell they were staring at me, as I stood up, my long slender legs protruding through my tiny tight leather mini skirt.Underneath my skirt, I was wearing a sexy black lingerie set, complete with stockings that made me feel super slutty. I also wore a flattering silky crop top that wrapped tight around my skinny chest and...

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A Nation ForgedChapter 11

Ewa sat in the chair before the fireplace, low flames illuminating her nude body in the dark bed chamber. She had to be cold, James knew. Even there, her back had to be chilly. That couldn't be good for her, or their unborn baby. Or Marik, although the sleeping child had been carefully wrapped in his blanket when Ewa lifted him out of his crib. Tying on a thick robe, feet safely stuck in royally comfortable slippers, James grabbed a blanket from the bed. James didn't know what to say to...

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Behind Those Glasses

Introduction: Going to prom as a nerd, has never ended so wonderfully. So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! ???? Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but its morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. HOLY SHIT… who the fuck is in my room? I sat up, looking at the body...

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Hidden Pleasures in Lesbian exploration

Hello all ISS readers, this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian experience after writing so many stories in this site and receiving a very good response from readers. As you all know I am a true advocate of lesbianism and one of my readers wanted to me to narrate a story that will make her horny as ever and every time she reads the story it must make her climax again and again. They day I submitted my first lesbian narration she has been in touch with me and truly feels there more...

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A note to all who read this, all of it except the delivery guy part did happen... That part is pure fantasy, except I might have had him carry me half naked and squirming out to his truck, but that's another fantasy for another day.Lori was in the ladies room, touching up her eye makeup when the fire alarm buzzed and the PA ordered the building cleared. She finished the job in the employee parking lot. She used a friend's truck, which had big mirrors, and big everything else for that matter....

3 years ago
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Super holiday threesome

A few years ago I had a bit of a fling with my wifes best friend Evelyn, now we were on Holiday in Spain and bumped into her with her family. . Evelyn is now a good ten years older than when I last saw her and has had children but she was still as beautiful and sexy as ever. We all got chatting and decided to meet up that evening for a few drinks in a local bar to catch up on old times. Tracy, my wife, and I wandered back to our villa where I could not keep my hands off her and we made love on...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 8 Camping with Jax

Tooling down the road an hour or so later, the RV was quiet, other than the hum of the wheels and the soft sounds of the radio. Everyone except Jax had succumbed to the white noise of the road and fallen asleep, Robin still splayed naked in the seat next to him. This was going to be a fun trip. It was peaceful to be the only one awake in the vehicle. It felt like it was just him and the open road. He had his driving sunglasses, his driving gloves, even his driving hat and Jax was content...

2 years ago
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The donner affair part 2

“Hey you guys were hom…” said mother. “You guys are in so much trouble,” said father. The two turned around and had a whispering chat. “Okay you two come with me,” said father to the two little girls. The two girls exited the room with their father while the mother stayed inside the room with Jeffery. “Mom I can exp…,”said Jeffery before he was cut off. “Don’t talk,” said mother as she approached him. She took his cock in her hand and stroked it. Jeffery didn’t know...

3 years ago
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Three Years a Woman

Three Years a Woman Three years after the robbery, and after spending three years in his humiliating disguise, Shane Turner can't take it anymore and decides to pull off a risky stunt in an attempt to get out of his heels and skirts early, before the seven year statute of limitations on his crimes runs out. This work-in-progress story is a prequel to Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. December 9, 1989 11:37pm A car pulls up alongside the curb in a dead quiet street, under...

2 years ago
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my dear friend this is a letter that you will p

Tonight I decided to sit down and share the simple fact of how much I miss your naughtiness. From your dormant sexual energy just waiting to be unleashed all the way to your unique features… such as the incredible pure beauty of your pussy... yes your pussy... your gorgeously epic looking pussy… from its natural behaved tucked state all the way to its fully plump moist horny state… and of course everything in between. Just sharing this brings a kinky smile to my face... when I reflect back my...

2 years ago
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Discussion QuestionsChapter 12 Love is not a zero sum game and New Years party

By some kind of strange consensus, the neighborhood couples decided to do a group Thanksgiving together. I guess the stars must have been aligned, because most of the singles and couples weren't traveling or having guests. Lisa was the only one missing, since she'd flown to Utica to be with her family over the holiday. Melissa would make up for the shortfall, and then in the late afternoon Summer was coming over to spend a few nights with us, officially on a sleepover with her BFF at her...

3 years ago
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My First Cumming

I remember my first cum experience. Me and my fried Josh were just hanging out after school at my house. My parents weren't home. They trusted us. Josh and I were just talking when all of a sudden he asked me did I wanna see his cock.I was so horny so I said sure y not. He looked at me while unzipping his pants, and then grabbed my hand. He led me to his hard 9 inch cock, and placed my hand on the head of it. I started to rub it softly and he started to moan. I was getting hotter and hotter by...

4 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 6 Beach Blanket Bingo

The doorbell interrupted Stephanie as she was dusting the living room. She was still dressed in the leotard and tights she wore to the gym this morning. The delivery man's eyes were all over her as she signed for the package. She enjoyed being ogled for the first time in a long time. Darren's fantasy date idea was working. She felt sexier than she ever had, even though she was sure she wasn't in the best shape. She'd lost ten pounds since their ski trip in January. She had been going to...

4 years ago
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Our First Night Away

Our first night away together was amazing. That hotel rooms never saw us coming. We were barely inside the door before your lips molded to mind as our tongues eagerly searched for more. Your hands pulling the straps down off my shoulders to release my tits from their restraints. Roughly you lick my nipples before rolling them in between your fingers. You know you could make me cum here and there but your looking for more. Your fingers explore more down south finding my panties and pushing...

4 years ago
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Vixen Capitulates

Vixen found her little green dress right where she had put it, at the bottom of her box of old clothes, still in a plastic bag and still stained. She looked at the label and put it in the sink with some hand soap and let it soak trying not to recall the battering she had taken that summer afternoon when she was sixteen. She had put the little dress away, feeling it had been a mistake, too daring. Now she was older and had a lot more nerve. Mr. Valpor, the English teacher she had taken two...

2 years ago
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The Cursed ManChapter 3

Continuing to follow up with the of the bone deep realization that magic is real, (being cursed will do that to a person) Me and my pal Curse started hanging out with witches, sorceresses, wise women of the shamanistic traditions, abbottesses and priestesses, trying to get a handle on all this magic stuff. I got my introduction into the unseen worlds of women of mysteries via my herbalist mistress. Again, somehow the women were aware of each other and passed me along like a vacation gnome. I...

4 years ago
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Closing the Sale

Working as a self-employed agent selling home ventilation systems wasn’t a great job, but only because it involved quite a high proportion of appointments at night: it was sometimes frustrating to complete an apparently successful sales pitch to the lady of the house during the day, only to have to go back on another night to convince her husband. However, otherwise there wasn’t much of a downside, the product was good, the supplier provided most of the leads, and I got a number of referrals...

1 year ago
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When lust takes over

Introduction: Mom and her 17-year old son explore new feelings. A few points about my story 1) This is my first ever story so be polite . I wrote it in French a few months ago and this is just a much simpler translation of it in English. The French version is much richer but I hope this is ok too. 2) English is not my first language so please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors. I tried my best but I am not an English speaker . 3) The story is fictional but the mother and son of the...

2 years ago
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My first experience with a dog

After we broke our long cuddle, i could finally see who was barking that loud. Behind her was her new bought Labrador. He was pitch black with a really soft looking furr. We went inside the house. Almost the whole way into the living room he sniffed me and tried to jump at me to lick my face. After we sat down, she told me that his name were Tyler. He was 2 years old and had a friendly behavior. I was excited cuz he was such a cute dog. Finally Elisa introduced me about the stuff i had to do...

1 year ago
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Maid For Each Other In The City Of Destiny

Hello everyone. I am Sunny (name changed) and i currently live in Delhi. This whole episode happened when i was a young teenager aged 18. Since my dad has a transferrable job, we keep shifting every 3 years. It so happened we had to move to Vishakhapatnam and my dad was posted in a township 20 outside the city so we moved into a good house and were looking for a maid and found one called Paaru. She was 18 when she joined. About her, she had a really good figure, i believe she was 34-28-36. And...

1 year ago
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Made The Maid Watch Us

Hi, ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 27 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate another real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much Indian sex story for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Some of the writers here are spectacular at what they do, they literally make you feel like you are a part of the story and you are doing all those things in your wild...

3 years ago
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You wanted to Suck a Cock Gay PT1

Although I was a happily married straight guy, with a nice car and a good job I spent far too many hours looking at pornography on the internet. I don’t know why but I was always attracted to the BDSM type of websites and would download image after image of people helplessly tied up in various different types of bondage.One night, while surfing the net I stumbled across a Female Domination site that dealt with ‘forced’ feminization. Instantly I was hooked. The idea of a respectable, straight...

1 year ago
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My Weekend With Dawn Sunday Afternoon With Autumn

I looked at you with a sarcastic grin and said; "Oh Heck No…I can't be around her and you together…I will have a heart attack!" You elbowed me in the ribs and replied; "Well if you do, I will make sure we perform CPR to revive you!" I laughed and kissed you and asked; "Hey…in all seriousness, do you want to spend more time with her and me together or are you just doing this for me?" "Are you kidding?" you snark back at me, "I am loving this just as much as you are. She is...

1 year ago
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To an observer she would appear to have an overly extreme fear of the pending storm. Her knuckles blanched out white as she clenched the steering wheel tighter with each flash of lightening in the sky. Her eyes wide and dilated looked glassy as she stared straight into the night ahead of the car. She wasn’t seeing the storm, she wasn’t hearing the crash of thunder following the streaks of light in the sky but instead playing in her mind were the dim out of focus black and white images of the...

Erotic Fiction
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first time out door sex

Pop goes the Champaign and Ryan pours me a glass, I put my hand out for it and get scolded, I smile and do as I am told, I put my hands on my lap and Ryan puts the glass to my lips and tilts it and I take a drink but some spills out of my mouth. Ryan leans over and gently licks the spilled Champaign, saying that is the most alcohol he will get tonight. I lean in and kiss him back gently at 1st and then harder more urgent. We fall backwards onto the rug. Ryan’s right arm is round my shoulder and...

2 years ago
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Sam and AmyChapter 11

A week went by and at Amy's insistence, Sam began sharing her bed. Sam still had all her clothes in her own bedroom but each day she would put on her PJs, go to Amy's room and crawl into bed. Amy joked about her PJs, complaining that Sam was covering all the vital areas and spoiling her view. Amy being her normal self, went to bed each day in the buff and made sure that she displayed herself for Sam to see. She padded across the room, opening one of the dresser drawers after another under...

3 years ago
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House Party

Lauren was never one to go to wild parties, even when theywere hosted by friends. The idea of watching her friends get shit faced was just not for her. The only reason she even decided to go to this one was because of Jack. Her boyfriend insisted all day that it was going to be the best night of her life. So far she has only been hit on 5 times while Jack went to get some drinks and look for the host. The color code that evening was black and red almost everyone was wearing some sort of sweat...

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