Mad Cowboys and Alien FucktardsChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 27
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“You saved me!” Paul proclaimed as Frankie and I struggled to pull him in towards shore. The poor bastard shivered frantically and coughed up a lot of water. He was soaked from head to toe, but did manage to crawl onto the riverbank under his own strength. He laughed, almost hysterically, in a state of disbelief before collapsing onto the hard, dry ground. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the blue sky. “Thank you God!” he wheezed over and over again.
“Fuck,” I mumbled to myself, hardly able to stand upright any longer. I plopped down onto a big rock and leaned my elbows against my knees with my head throbbing between my hands. The ground spun underfoot while a pain erupted behind my eyes. I rubbed my temples, trying to alleviate the pressure, but it did little to help.
“You should be thanking Buck not the Lord,” Frankie said in his own dumb, fucking way. “The boss here risked his neck to save yers. Not sure what God really did...”
“Huh?” I heard Paul say. “Did you really do that for me Buck?”
“It was no problem,” I said without raising my sore head. “Just don’t do anything so stupid in the future.”
“Yeah right,” Frankie snorts. “Buck nearly died helping you. Just look at his limp horse.”
I didn’t turn to see, but could imagine Frankie pointing towards my fallen steed.
“She crashed ... couldn’t make the leap and nearly crushed the boss when she fell. But our Mad Cowboy pulled off the miracle. Somehow managed to free himself in mid air. Won’t see nothing like that again. Buck sure looked possessed, never seen anyone ride reckless as he did to save yer neck. Most wouldn’t have...”
“That’s enough Frankie!” I shouted out in disgust, still holding my throbbing head between my hands. “You’re giving me a headache.”
“Why did you do that Buck?” Paul asked. “You don’t even like me...”
“What?” I finally looked over at the shivering pastor.
He sat, soaked on the stony ground, with a perplexed expression sketched onto his dripping face.
“What the fuck does liking you have to do with it?” I returned his confused glare with one of my own.
“Well it’s just that you and I don’t really see eye to eye and...” Paul took a moment to find the right words but should’ve taken longer as he failed miserably. “And there’s the whole thing with you and Allison and...”
I interrupted him before he could say something really stupid. “Liking you has nothing to do with it,” I said, repulsed at the thought. “You’re part of my crew and your wellbeing tops my priorities. I’ll do all I can to make sure each and every one of you assholes arrive safely back in town whether I like any of you or not.”
“But still...” Paul countered, clearly not getting it.
“I don’t know what kind of world you come from Pastor,” I interrupted him again. “But out here we all are all we got.” I pointed my index finger in the air and circled it around us for affect. “In fact the only thing we ever have is each other. It’s always been us against everything else and everything else is way bigger than anything we can be alone. Take it from me ... I know full well.”
Paul and Frankie each stared at me with a dumbfound expression.
“Ain’t nobody else going to watch our backs or save our sorry asses but each other. I only hope you’d do the same for me or the same for Frankie if either of us ever done need it? Because if we can’t count on each other then all this...” I pointed to the trees, the river and the plains. “This here will EAT us alive!”
Paul nodded for a few seconds while considering my words. “I understand,” he said at long last. He slowly stood to his feet and hobbled over to me. He extended his wet hand for me to take. “Still though, I want to thank you properly.”
“You still don’t get it then,” I stood up but didn’t accept his handshake. I faced him momentarily. “You don’t have to thank me for doing my goddamned job.” And with that I turned to escape this awkward exchange.
The world continued to wobble around me but I didn’t let it show. I wouldn’t look weak in front of the boys, so I forced myself to walk in a straight path towards the tree line. In there I dropped my drawers and took a much needed piss.
I cleaned myself up in the solitude of some tree cover and felt more like myself with each passing minute. A good piss and a big drink of water certainly helped. I used my bandana as a bandage by wrapping my head wound with it. It certainly wasn’t fancy but it would suffice until Clyde could patch me up better.
Now there was the matter of my fallen steed.
“Sorry girl,” I said to my collapsed horse as I walked up to her moments later.
The poor thing was wailing in agony, lying and kicking on her side. I knew her leg was broken based on her struggle to stand.
“She’s done boss,” Frankie confirmed my suspicion. He and Paul stood by, waiting for my arrival.
“Got to put you down,” I whispered while rubbing her head softly. She tried to look at me, but couldn’t quite turn her head enough. “You did good. Just know that.”
And I meant it. This was an amazing creature and I’d surely miss her as we carried on in her absence. Ending her life filled me with a deep sadness, though I couldn’t show it in front of the boys.
Worse of all I’d have to do this the old fashioned way as none of us were carrying firearms. Our guns were safely stored in the chuck wagon and that had to be a thirty minute walk from here.
“I’ll have to do this by hand,” I said more to myself then to anyone else. “Give me a hand with the saddle first.”
“Sure boss,” the boys replied in unison.
It took a few minutes but we finally managed to remove the saddle from underneath the suffering animal. I picked up the saddlebag and begin rooting through it, looking for my four inch blade amongst my gear.
“Here it is,” I said as I pulled it from its sheath.
Paul and Frankie both understood what was about to happen. They took a step backwards for safety. I too didn’t want to get kicked so I stood above her head and did my best to hide the blade from her sight.
In one quick motion, I placed the blade firmly against her neck and pressed hard, cutting deep into her jugular. I jumped back as she jerked about. Thankfully her thrashing didn’t last long and the creature bled out quickly, in little agony.
I watched as the life drained from her eyes, just as I’d done countless other times with several different animals. I wondered each time if they had a soul or not and this event was no different. Soon she went still and I knew her suffering was over. At least that much was comforting.
“Time to go,” I said to the boys, forcing an optimistic tone. “You should ride ahead Frankie. The boys are likely missing you by now.”
“Will do boss,” Frankie said with more respect than usual. He placed my gear on the back of his ride. “I’ll tell them Paul is okay.”
“Good,” I nod. “We’ll be there in a bit.”
And with that Frankie rode away cautiously, trotting along the riverbank, leaving me and the preacher to walk it alone.
“We’re going to need you back in the river guiding cows,” I said as he and I strolled along stony ground. “Is that going to be a problem?”
“Oh I ... I ... ah ... I don’t know,” Paul stuttered nervously, wrapping himself tighter in Frankie’s dirty blanket.
I stopped to study my colleague and he did the same to me. Our eyes locked and then I saw it... For fuck’s sake! He’s got that same goddamned look of trauma I’d seen in others who’d had close calls on the trails. I hated that look for it made a man useless to the rest of us.
“It’s okay if you want to avoid the river,” I offered reassuringly. “Nobody will hold it against you, but you still have to pull your weight.”
“I understand,” Paul said with his mouth but his body language sung a different tune.
This filled me with concern for I’d been on cattle drives where men had close calls. In fact, on my last trip a drover fell off his horse and got trampled by the herd. Miraculously the poor bastard was unhurt but shook uncontrollably nonetheless and refused to go back out that afterwards. None of us knew what to do so we let him drive along in the goddamned Chuck Wagon.
That had to be a mistake for the dumb fuck got so used to it in there that he refused to come out and help in any meaningful way. We had two fucking cooks the rest of that trip and, subsequently, were shorthanded with the cattle.
It was a royal pain in the ass and I couldn’t let that happen again. Especially since Dolan gypped me of two men already. By my math, we should have at least ten dedicated drovers but only had eight plus Clyde and Jacob meaning we’re working this herd on the light side of manpower as is. I can’t afford to lose Paul so I have to think fast.
“Tell you what,” I said, patting him on the back. “You take over for Frankie when we get back and we’ll see how you feel tomorrow about going back into the water. We ain’t gonna get this done today that’s for sure.”
“What about Ricardo’s job or even Jose’s?” Paul asked. “I could take over for one of them and watch the grazing cattle.”
Funny Paul asked, for giving him one of their jobs was my first instinct as well. Either task was certainly safer, but the problem, as I saw it, is there’s too much idle time with both of those positions. Paul will just sit there, all day, all alone, on his horse and relive his fateful event. That could easily lead to the type of fear I desperately want him to avoid.
No I needed to get him doing a job that would keep his mind occupied.
“Yeah, but I don’t trust either of them to do Frankie’s job,” I said with a forced smile. “I need you Paul. Can I count on you to get it done?”
He didn’t respond right away.
I could tell he was thinking it over.
I looked him in the face hoping to see some confidence.
He stared down at the ground before replying. “Sure thing boss,” he said as he looked me in the eye.
Ah, there’s that poise. I hadn’t lost him.
“Thank God,” I whispered to myself as we carried along the river’s edge.
Four uneventful days later I rode ahead of the herd, having defeated the river, looking to overcome our next challenge. This time we needed a clean path around a large rock formation which was too steep to climb over. Crusher ran by side me but I paid him little attention. Instead I found myself daydreaming about my favourite topic.
I often do this when riding point all by myself. What else is there to do?
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REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
The guys awoke the next morning at their usual times and did the chores. Now that Atlantis had a pretty decent population Joe and Kat had taken on boarding horses, riding lessons and, of course, trail rides. Their ranch business had taken off quicker than they had expected, but because of Atlantis’ climate and lack of dangerous wildlife, all boarding was in group or private pastures rather than in a barn. So they didn’t have much in the way of chores to do, but there was some. After the...
Mark wasn’t really upset that they pulled the gun on him, in fact he was expecting them to do it, that’s why he let them keep the gun in the first place, he just didn’t expect it to be the Admiral himself. He had suspected they were looking for something to exploit and wanted to give them a glimmer of hope, only to dash it and hopefully make them reconsider things. He walked off to find the girls. It was fairly dark out already as the sun had gone down behind the mountains quite a while ago....
Mark woke up at his usual time, along with the sun, and extracted himself from between Rayven and Annabelle. Took care of his morning ablutions, then went up to his office to get his morning coffee and look through the daily reports. As soon as he sat down, Cricket notified him that during the night, one of the new sensor beacons detected a habitable planet. It was the one that she predicted had the greatest chance of success, since it was the closest one to the area that they were found and...
Two days of workouts, sports and sex later, they found themselves orbiting a blue-green planet named Ardent. Slightly smaller than Earth, but it had 2 small moons and it appeared to only have one massive continent that accounted for roughly one-third of the surface area of the planet, although there were many fairly large islands in the ocean. The continent itself appeared to be split into 4 regions by either water or mountains, so despite being one continent, each region was probably quite...
Captain Kôté had said the Agonoid shields were the biggest problems, and admittedly their own shields were the biggest defensive and offensive advantage they had, well that and their cloaking. Cricket said there was no evidence to suggest that the Agonoids had cloaking capability. Mark asked, “So knowing what we know about our shields, how do you defeat ships with shields?“ Cricket said, “There is a few ways around our shields, one is to bombard them with enough weaponry that the shield...
The Sentinel was to reach the asteroid field just after supper time on Atlantis, so after supper, Mark and Annabelle waited in his office so Cricket could do the virtual bridge thing again. Right on schedule, Cricket darkened the room and enabled the virtual bridge. Annabelle watched in amazement, she had, of course, been on the bridge of the Poseidon, but the virtual bridge of the Sentinel was much more immersive as it was just like looking out into space, with a couple of displays in...
The next couple of days, saw Mark spending much of his time in the gym sparring with people, playing sports and spending time with his various ladies. The Commander announced over the ship’s intercom, “We will be exiting light drive in a minute and we will be in orbit within the hour. Finish up what you are doing and check in with your units. Exit the ship in a calm and orderly fashion. The shuttle schedule has been posted. Light first, transition to dark.” Mark asked, “What does he mean by...
Back on the Poseidon and ready to return to Earth, Mark could tell something was bothering Rayven. Figuring it was because he had left her on the ship today, he apologized for not taking her to the surface. Rayven just hugged him and said that wasn’t what was upsetting her, as she started describing the call she just had with Annabelle less than an hour ago, “There had been a situation at the Port of Atlantis with a couple going through security. The man went through security first and, as...
The rest of the day was pretty normal, not many people around and no further incidents or conflicts. The day was primarily moving stuff from the house and ship to the lodge. When they came in for lunch, Kat informed Mark that his phone had been ringing all morning. Since he never carried it with him anymore, he just left it in the office. When he looked at his phone, he saw that all of the calls were from the same number and although his call history showed they had called 8 times, there was...
Mark, Maren and Gyges had left so suddenly, which had them worried, but they were also eager to participate in catching the bastard. Now that everyone had wrist devices, they had begun using them more, but they didn’t want to contact them via their wrist devices, just in case they ended up distracting or compromising them somehow. Angela informed them that there was a shuttle at the palace and that she could pilot it, if they wanted to go out there? The group agreed and walked off through...
Marnot was the closest member to Athos, being only 3 days in light drive away now that Cricket had upgraded the light engines on the Battlestar and other stationary ships. Marnot itself wasn’t actually a planet, but a good sized moon around a very large gas planet. Marnot was very lush and humid, there were no large mountains or anything, just one big sea that covered most of the moon and two large island continents, which were primarily rainforests. The dominant civilized species on both...
In the morning, Mark went to his office to go through his daily reports. The only item that caught his attention was that there were hundreds of unknown ships approaching Cantara, which was on the far side of the sensor network. Mark asked, “Is that the Rifters?“ “I think so, I do recognize a few of the ships from when they were around Trayak.” “How far is Cantara from here?“ “A long way! Cantara was one of the most remote planets the Federation ever found, even with our upgraded FTL...
Mark asked, “We need to leave immediately? Does the embassy have weapons yet?” Liyana answered, “They are not fully installed or operational yet, but we can leave a fighter or two here to defend the embassy. We really must leave right now!” The urgency and worry apparent in her voice, now had Mark starting to get worried, “Why? What’s going on?” Liyana explained, “The prince has found an ancient law, that hasn’t been used since before we left Earth over 3,000 years ago, but he’s invoked it...
Mark could hear voices around him, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. He tried to open his eyes, but everything was still black. He tried to speak to no avail, nor could he seem to move anything. “Don’t panic, “ he thought, “this is just me recovering from the anesthetic or whatever the chamber used to knock me out.” The voices were starting to get a little clearer. Still muffled, but clearer. He could now see light and shadows, but still no ability to speak or move. “Mark can...
Now that it looked like things were starting to settle down, Mark wanted to get some insight into how everyday life was for most citizens. Angela suggested that everyone come to her home, since it was time she returned anyway. She tapped a couple of icons on her wrist and ordered a lift. Liyana, Gyges and Maren opted to stay at the palace to plan the next steps, whereas Candy and Laruun volunteered to stay behind since they were going to return home anyway. Mark, Annabelle, Rayven, Solara,...
Three weeks of sports, sex and workouts later they were finally back in orbit around Earth. The news of Sebastian’s cowardly demise made it into the news, but was merely a minor story, it seems like everyone in the Federation were just glad he was of no further concern. Mark and the girls were getting impatient as they came out of FTL and it seemed to take forever before the shuttles started leaving for the surface. Everyone eager to get back home, since they’d been away so long. They were...