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Author’s Note: Considerably longer and somewhat softer than typical for this site. Hopefully worth the time for those interested in character development in a plausible reality. Chapters do not stand alone and should be read in sequence.

Chapter 1

At my age it’s more difficult than it used to be to enjoy the charms of younger women. That’s OK, though. With lots of free time and a little money I’ve found a way to stay interested in sex and satisfied with life. I like to envision myself as the sponsor, producer and director of shows, and, unlike most, I act out my vision. My productions are actually staged – for an audience of one: me. It may not be Broadway, but watching and controlling get me off better than the half-hearted efforts of young but used-up women of the night. Because the net gives me a certain anonymity and I’m vain enough to want to show off, I’m going to give you an example of one of my presentations. Even though it may seem like fun, I don’t suggest you try to copy me. A lot of time, money, and effort are needed and the penalty for bad reviews could be jail. Kidnapping is a serious offense. I’m good at it only because, like I said, I have enough time and a little money. Being well educated and possessing at least a few moral scruples, I’m also very careful to make sure no one really gets hurt in the end.

After persistent searching, I found the boarded-up 10-unit, 1950s vintage motel sitting by itself behind a dense grove of trees on a deserted stretch of the ‘old road’. Abandoned for several years because the area had been bypassed by the interstate, it was five miles from the nearest civilization. Civilization in this case was just a truck stop on the new highway consisting of a gas station, convenience store and a couple of fast food restaurants. The fact that the motel was about equidistant from the region’s two major cities made it ideal for my purposes. Not wanting to chase me away by questioning why in the world I wanted it, the owner happily sold the building and half acre of land to me for next to nothing. I’m handy with tools and enjoyed doing the modifications myself. It took me about six months, but the only really expensive materials were the two-way mirrors and the video systems. The results were great, if I do say so myself. It’s too bad it’s not safe to use a place like that more than once.

While I was working on my motel, I spent one or two days a week scouting the nicer parts of the two cities for my guests. In doing this I was exceedingly cautious. I never drove the same rental car twice and always changed my appearance with makeup, fake facial hair, wigs, and sometimes even a corset to make me look somewhat thinner. It took a lot of legwork, but by the time I was finished with the building I had picked out both of my prospective tenants and had discovered everything it was possible to find out about them and their families. To do this I used public and credit records, the Internet, and even school records (I won’t tell you how I got access to these, but its fairly easy if you know how – ditto for health records). Their friends at work and school also revealed lots of information to me (there are ways to get people to share things without arousing suspicion if you are patient and seem very ordinary). I was able to observe them closely in their daily routines and even briefly spoke to their parents. I was just one more anonymous participant in day-to-day suburban activities. It’s a rush when you realize you know so much about people without them having a clue to your existence.

The two of them lived in different cities, each about 50 miles from my motel. They were in the last year of high school and of course didn’t know one another (a requirement for my plans). Both were members of relatively affluent, two-parent families. The parents were well known in their communities, but not really movers and shakers. These were families that would be able and more than willing to pay for the safe return of their children and I would need the money for future projects. The kids (I call them that even though both of them were somewhat older than their classmates, having recently turned 18) were intelligent, attractive and outgoing. Based on what I discovered I was as sure as I could be that neither of them had yet experienced sex (it’s amazing what you can find out by quietly keeping a keen ear open at school, soccer games and church picnics). Despite what you may read in the papers and see on TV, there really are kids of their age who for whatever reason don’t sleep around. Maybe it’s religion, maybe they are ‘late bloomers’, or maybe they are just ‘saving it for marriage’. Who knows? The part of the country in which they lived probably played a role. This was not east or west coast urban America. Even so, in my search I had to reject many other possible candidates just because they were already sexually active.

After finishing my plans and stocking up on needed supplies, I finally was ready. The girl had to be first because my study of psychology indicated that what I was planning would take longer with her. It was time to begin.


Cindy walked slowly up the curving hillside street that led to her house, the last one on the cul-de-sac. It was Thursday and she was in no particular hurry to get home from school. She knew her mom was getting her nails done and wouldn’t be home until after 4:30. Her brother had football practice at school and her dad worked until 5:00. No other kids her age lived on her street, and Cindy paid little attention to what was going on around her. All of the houses were set back, totally screened from the street by trees and bushes planted just for that purpose. It almost felt like living in the country. The ambiance was great, but Cindy would have been willing to live in a more crowded area if it would have meant she could have some friends closer by. The good thing about Thursday afternoons was that Cindy could spend at least a whole hour on the phone without her mom getting on her case. This thought made her walk a bit faster. She wanted to talk to Stephanie about the rumor that Phil liked Susie and was going to ask her to go to the dance with him.

Cindy glanced up and saw that the city utility repairman was there again. This was the second day that the large yellow van was parked along the sidewalk, flanked by large red-orange traffic cones. The man with the hardhat, dark glasses, and orange jumpsuit was there again, doing something with his tools and equipment in the open side door of the van. As she passed she had to slow down to step over some wires on the sidewalk. Suddenly, she felt herself grabbed from behind by powerful arms. Shocked, Cindy tried to suck in a large breath to scream, but something was covering her face. Her nose and throat filled with a strong, biting odor that made her want to cough and gag. She was able to resist only briefly as she rapidly lost consciousness.

Chapter 2

Cindy was struggling to get away from somebody (or something) which had her arms pinned against her sides. She tried to cry out but was unable to make a sound. As she thrashed about the dream began to recede, and Cindy gradually realized she was lying in bed with her eyes squeezed shut to keep out the light. Her head hurt and she knew she would need an aspirin before she got dressed for school. She wondered why the light was so bright in her room. Had she overslept? She sat up and opened her eyes. A sick feeling of panic rose from the pit of her stomach and forced itself out of her mouth in a piercing wail. She wasn’t in her own bed! She wasn’t even at home! Suddenly remembering the struggle as she was headed home from school, she shrieked again and tears streamed down her face. Gasping after her second cry of horror, Cindy fought to control her breathing as her tears continued to fall. With her eyes closed she gradually slowed her hyperventilation and the consequent bout of dizziness passed. She opened her eyes again and looked around the room.

was alone. She was sitting on a bed. Her first impression upon opening her eyes had been that a crowd of people surrounded her, but now she could see that the others were only more Cindys, reflected and re-reflected by large mirrors on the walls. She was alone except for her own multiplied self. In the midst of her despair Cindy was suddenly seized by an urgent need to relieve herself. The thought of making a mess increased her panic. Wildly casting her eyes around the room she saw through her tears an open area at one end of the room that held a sink and a doorway. Remembering motels her family had stayed in, Cindy automatically assumed that the door went to a bathroom.

Quickly Cindy stood up, staggering as she sought her balance. She walked unsteadily past the sink and into what was indeed a bathroom. There was no door to close and she felt exposed and vulnerable seated weeping on the toilet, even though there was no one in the room to see her. As she emptied her bladder she realized she was still wearing the same clothes as when she was attacked. Except for the headache (which was gradually fading) she felt physically OK. The rush of relief at not being hurt (or worse!) abruptly disappeared as she realized that she might be a prisoner, and it was possible she could be hurt (or worse!) at any time. She quickly wiped herself, pulled up her panties and bluejeans, flushed the toilet and washed her hands at the sink (the analytic part of her mind was briefly amazed to see how automatic that sequence was, even in such a horrible situation).

A bit calmer now, Cindy surveyed the room. It did look a lot like the motel rooms she had been in on trips with her family (the thought of her family brought a stab of loneliness), but in this one there were no windows. One door was located at the far end with a second next to the bed (queen sized, her mind decided, working on its own). Large mirrors hung at the head of the bed, on the wall opposite the bed, and on the wall next to what appeared to be the entry door. Below the mirror opposite the bed there was a low dresser half occupied by a large TV. There was some sort of opening next to the TV covered by a recessed piece of dark wood or metal. The bright light came from a large overhead fixture and was accentuated by the mirrors.

Quickly stepping to what she supposed was the entry Cindy grabbed the doorknob. The knob turned, but despite her best efforts the door would not budge. The same was true of the other door next to the bed. Both doors were cold to her touch, and after futilely pounding on them with her fists she knew that they were made of metal. She sank into the upholstered chair next to the bed and quietly began to cry again. She felt so alone and so scared. This was not a motel room. There were no windows. There was no phone. There was no way out. She hadn’t even seen a switch with which to turn out the lights! The weeping turned to agonized sobs as she threw herself face down on the bed, overcome by despair.

She was roused by a sharp clicking sound. Dried tears made opening her eyes an effort and she realized she must have been asleep (Why? Had she been drugged?). Next to the TV she saw a tray protruding from the rectangular hole in the wall. There was something on it. Moving to the dresser she picked up a piece of paper from the tray. Cindy read the printed words: ‘Do not be afraid. We will not hurt you. We are trying to get money from your parents. When they pay us we will let you go. Even if they do not pay us we will eventually let you go. You will never see us. If you do see any of us you can never go home, so do not try. Be patient. We will get you food. If you understand, put this note on the tray and push the button on the wall next to the TV.’ Her mother had always said that Cindy was an ‘analyzer’, and even in her fearful state part of her mind noted the simple sentences. Did they think she was dumb?

Cindy looked at the wall and saw what looked like a doorbell button next to where the tray stuck out. Before doing anything she stooped and tried to see into the hole. Something either in it or on the other side blocked her view. Then she remembered what the note said about seeing her captors and experienced a renewed spasm of fear. She put the paper on the tray and pushed the button. Nothing happened. After a few seconds she nervously moved back to the chair to sit down. As she turned there was a clicking sound and the tray disappeared into the hole. She did not know whether to be relieved by what the note said or not. They said they would not hurt her. She knew her family had money and was certain they would pay to get her back, but she didn’t know if she could trust whoever was on the other side of that wall. Then Cindy grimaced. What did it matter if she trusted them or not? There was nothing she could do, anyway. She had no other choice except to ‘be patient’.

Having come to this conclusion she walked back into the bathroom to examine her surroundings more closely (she remembered a teacher who said that analysis was better than paralysis, or was it that too much analysis caused paralysis?). There was a toilet and tub but no shower or shower curtain. As in the rest of the room, the walls held mirrors and there was no switch with which to control the lights. There were clean towels and a washcloth on the back of the toilet. On the sink outside the bathroom she found a toothbrush still in its cellophane-wrapped box and a new tube of toothpaste. There was a glass also wrapped in cellophane (just like a ‘real’ motel, she thought). She noted a large tube of shampoo, a brush and a comb. In addition, there was a box of sanitary napkins. Her initial response to seeing the pads was a sense of relief that she had just finished her period, but then with a pang she wondered if she would be a prisoner so long that she might need them at some point.

The clicking noise drew her attention back into the main room. The tray again was sticking out of the hole in the wall. On it was another note and what appeared to be clothing. She read the note: ‘Your clothes are dirty. Take all of them off, including your underwear, and put them on the tray. We will wash them. Also put your shoes and socks on the tray. Dress yourself in this outfit. When you are finished push the button.’ Looking down at her blouse and jeans, she noted large smudges of oil and dirt that hadn’t been there when she was on her way home. They must have been soiled during her struggle with the kidnapper. Picking up the piece of clothing from the tray Cindy saw that it was a shift made of a filmy pink material that was almost see-through. She held it up to herself. The straps were thin and the hem hit her legs at about mid thigh. There was a pair of panties to match. It was an outfit she might wear to bed at home, but certainly not in public. She recoiled at the idea of putting it on in her present circumstances. She had no idea who could or would see her in it. She said loudly ‘No’, sat down in the chair and waited fearfully.

Nothing happened.

Cindy sat for what seemed to her to be forever and nothing happened. She did not have a watch and after looking around she realized there was no clock in the room. She had no way to tell time or even know if it was night or day.

Still nothing happened.

Cindy began to get bored. For the first time she acknowledged the gnawing feelings of hunger that had been present ever since she had awakened. It must have been a long time since she had had a sandwich and coke for lunch at school. The note said the kidnappers would feed her. Where was the food? Using the glass, she drank some water from the sink and decided to look in the dresser drawers, halfway expecting to find a copy of a Gideon Bible, something that always seemed to be present in motel rooms. In one drawer she did indeed find books, but they weren’t religious. It seemed by the titles that all were ‘teenage’ books like the ones she and her friends sometimes read if they had nothing else to do. In the other drawer was a large collection of
videotapes. Some looked like ‘Disney’ type animated movies while others were live action. She examined the TV. It had a built-in VCR. She turned the power on but no matter what channel she chose she got only static. Evidently it only functioned as a video-player.

She was getting hungrier.

Maybe the only way she could get food was to do what the note said and change her clothes. She didn’t want to. They could probably watch her change. She looked again through the collection of videos, recognizing many of the titles. None were ‘R’ rated. Maybe the kidnappers didn’t know she was over 17.

She was really hungry.

There were no windows, so how could the kidnappers see her? Besides, they needed her to push the button to know when she was ready to have her clothes pulled in on the tray. They must not be able to see her.

She was famished.

With tremendous trepidation, Cindy decided she had to do something.

Chapter 3

Only halfway believing her rationalizations, Cindy took the shift and panties and went into the bathroom (somehow it seemed safer to change there). She slowly removed her shoes and socks. Then she took off her blouse and jeans. She stood still in her cotton bra and panties. Should she disobey and keep them on? As she stared at her reflection in the mirrors Cindy saw what she always saw: a short, not quite pretty girl who never would compare to most of her friends in looks. Truthfully, though, she did have to admit that she was reasonably well developed for her age. Sometimes her girlfriends said they wished they had a figure like hers. She was embarrassed by this, but also flattered. Her bra was only a B cup and she wasn’t as big busted as many of her friends, but her softly padded slender hips and flat tummy gave her a shape that was slightly more curvaceous than bony. She looked good in almost any type of clothing, something her friends with more voluptuous bodies envied. Her figure was just right for her 5’2′ frame.

Fear and hunger finally overcame her modesty. Looking around again nervously, Cindy slipped off her panties and bra. She could now see herself naked from all sides in the mirrors. This was a novel experience and she stood for a moment, briefly mesmerized by the way her body looked. She could see her firm, round bottom reflected from the mirror behind her and on impulse stood on her tiptoes to see what that made it look like. It got firmer and rounder with a small dimple on each side near her backbone.

Cindy examined her breasts. She had seen some of her friends’ chests during sleepovers and knew that while many were bigger, none of them had breasts that were as round and gently turned up as hers. Now she could see them from the side as well as from the front. In her present mood the small light-brown birthmark on the left side of her breastbone didn’t distress her like it usually did (despite reassurances from her mother she was convinced that the spot was ugly and always chose swimsuit tops which covered it). Her light pink areolae were about the size of quarters. She could see her nipples sticking out. They were the size and shape of hard pink miniature marshmallows. She knew if she touched them when they were like this she might get that tingly feeling both in her nipples and ‘down below’. Vaguely feeling that this was wrong, she repressed the urge to do it.

‘Down below’ some of her friends had patches of dark hair but Cindy had only a dusting of almost colorless fuzz on her mound (it matched her straw-colored hair). This made it easy for her to wear bikinis. Some of her friends had to shave (or wax, or even pluck!) to keep their hair from showing at the pool. She ran her hands slowly down her sides, briefly enjoying the ‘almost tickling’ sensation. In her semi-trance she was fleetingly tempted to spread her legs and look at herself more closely, but with a sudden start she remembered where she was and quickly put on the panties and shift.

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Introduction to Shelley 2

Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Shelley begins to...

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Into It Book 2Chapter 6

In the morning, we rose, cleaned up, and went into the dining room for breakfast. Marianne had a happy look on her face. My parents joined us moments later. I smiled as we were all served. "Marianne, what are you so happy about?" "Tom's going to take me to the prom. He's such a nice guy. We sat in the den and talked for a long time." My father looked at her for a moment and then smiled. "Perhaps we need to meet and talk to this young man more and soon." Marianne said, "Dad, he...

4 years ago
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Youre a Treasure

The first time you finally get physical with a new partner is always a little surprising. Sometimes it's set up. Sometimes it just happens. But however it comes about, it's never what you expect. Take my first time with Jeremy for example. He and I had been dating for a couple months, and it was going extremely well! I had met him in my English Literature class during my sophomore year in college, and his insightful opinions had immediately caught my attention. He'd seemed to me the type of guy...

Love Stories
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Coach Put Me All The Way In Part 2

The next morning Rachel had breakfast set; pancakes, eggs, grits, and turkey bacon. She even had multiple beverages to choose from as well; orange juice, apple juice, milk and water. Coach came and got me from the back house but as we were headed to the kitchen he said he was going to wash up first so I ended up being the first one to the table. Rachel had just come to the dining table as I had just sat down. "Good morning sweetie" Rachel said. She sounded so soothing at that moment. I looked...

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Worlds Best Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a warm, spring day and I hurried home from school in great anticipation as today was my birthday. Every year my Mother would spend the day baking a birthday cake from scratch and shopping for my present. She never ceased to amaze me by her ability to find an incredible birthday present that always reflected her love for me. We had a very strong emotional bond having been on our own for the last 18 years and she had seen to it that I never wanted...

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100% fiction! Am Rashvitha. I live in Dallas with my girl friend, we've been in relation for the past 3years. We make love 5times a week. I work as a Computer Engineer, she practices pulmanology. May be I should say she took up pulmanology for me cause am affected by cancer and gonna live for another 7-8months may be. She always wanted to pursue Cardiology. We met thru common friends back in India, by the time I felt like telling her about my disease she proposed to me. She called me and asked...

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WildOnCam Hazel Grace Kay Lovely Hazel Grace Finds Out How Much Kay Lovely Enjoys Eating Pussy LIVE

Smiles for days Hazel Grace is about to show you why she is so happy having the super sexy and chill hottie Kay Lovely all to herself for this wild show. Hazel did not quite know how much Kay enjoys eating pussy so she gets some much welcomed surprise from that magic tongue when Kay buries her face in that wet snatch barely coming up for air. Hazel loves seeing Kays face buried between her legs but she can only take so much before she needs to get a taste of that wonderful pussy herself. The...

2 years ago
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My Online Friend

I have this online friend name Becky, she is a BBW but not too big, C cup breast. Dark brown hair with some purple on the ends. She has a daughter and have a roommate. The roommate is a male guy his name is Dave, little bit chunky. He is renting out one of her bedrooms, she couldn’t afford the payments so she needed a roommate.Becky and I have phone sex, we’ve been doing this before she got a roommate. Her house is old, for some odd reason, all her doors in that house except for the front and...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Jake Cunningham

Hello, I suppose I should introduce myself before we get started. My name is Jake Cunningham and I am a twenty-six year old high school drop-out. I’ve been trying to get my high school diploma for a while, but honestly I’m just too lazy to get the work done. I am 6’1′ 151lbs. I’m very skinny, tall, and lanky. I’ve been told my appearance is skeletal. My skin is a very light brown or tanned. On occasion I’ve been told that I just look dirty. I have long, shoulder length brown hair. It’s wavy,...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 49 The Halflingrsquos Naughty Report

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest I blinked in surprise at Oberoy’s desire to come with us. It was a startling request from him. “I’m sorry, Mother, but...

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Anita inside the changing room

Anita wanted to purchase some new sexy lingerie at the mall; so she begged me to drive her there and help her with the choice…Once there, we went directly to a store lingerie at the second floor.Ana picked up some stuff she wanted to try and then we went to the back of the store, where my sexy wife entered a changing stall. She asked me to wait outside and I obeyed her, sitting down on a very comfortable couch right there. Five minutes later, I noticed Phillip coming down to the changing...

4 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 23

Lou, watching from his place on the bed, shivered. As if she were sharing a private little secret with herself, a hint of a smile touched the corners of Mary's mouth. One thing he could definitely take for granted. If the voices were talking to her, he was sure trouble was brewing. Even though Lou realized Mary was sick when he arrived, her illness had progressed beyond belief. At first it was a minor curiosity, but like a festering mesquite thorn it had become deadly. Or close enough to...

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Reunion Ch 32

Cindy left early the next morning to get home, and watch her siblings. I sat on the back porch with my coffee, and pulled out my phone. “Change of plans.” I texted Katherine. I wasn't expecting her to reply. I didn't know what her shooting schedule was, and was surprised when she called me a minute later. “Good morning, Beautiful.” I answered. “Good morning to you, Love.” She said back. “What changed in the plan? I thought that you had that sweet little tart lined up to make Candice...

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Bobby lived in New York City, in Manhattan, the center of the known universe as his father used to say before he moved out and he and Bobby’s mom got divorced. This didn’t particularly upset either his mother, or Bobby. Before he moved out, his father was never home. He had inherited a fortune when Bobby’s grandfather had died, so had business interests all over the world, which he visited regularly. When not traveling overseas, his father traveled around the US. He was probably only...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kate Quinn Tell Me Without Telling Me That Your Step Daughter Is Disrespectful

Thomas Green is so sick of his stepdaughter, Kate Quinn, being a bitch to her family. Kate steals his lunch out of the fridge right in front of him, which of course pisses him off. Later, Kate comes in and steals Thomas’s snack while changing the channel from the TV he was watching. Still later, Kate is doing laundry and tosses Thomas’s clothes out of the machine. That’s the final straw! Thomas grabs a pair of Kate’s panties and whips out his dick to start rubbing the...

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The Bequest

The Bequest By Hypatia Here we go a little diversion of mine for a couple of days, which I give to you. Due to a backlog with proofing I am throwing this to you unproofed?so forgive any errors (Real life comes first and my thanks go out to Lynn, for all the work she does for me). It?s a dark story that came to me late one night talking to Prue in the Storysite Chatroom. So, thanks go out to Prue for putting up with my late night rambles, however strange they get and believe me...

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English Rose Ch 06

Sabrina swam up from the darkness. Her movements felt slow, her arms and legs heavy as she tried to break the surface. It took her several minutes to realize that her eyes were closed and that she was spread out on a soft mattress. Opening her eyes, she looked around and groaned. ‘Not again,’ she muttered, instantly recognizing the familiar suite at Westhaven. As her gaze traveled the room her eyes landed on the man sitting in a chair beside the bed. ‘Douglas.’ ‘Sabrina.’ ‘I think I’m going...

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Sissys Calling

The most frustrating thing was that she was just letting this man touch her breasts. He was behind her, pawing at her pale flesh, tweaking a nipple and squeezing her breasts. She laughed and giggled and seemed to be pressing back into him. His hands explored more, down his hands went, lifting her skirt so he had better access. His hands snaked down to her shaved pussy and started diddling her clit. Her legs relaxed open, giving him more access. Sissy sat and watched, as the Bull whispered...

2 years ago
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Sequel to deflowering of niece

4 & half months after the wedding of my niece Saeeda, I got my leave and both my wife and I went to Jaipur to Appa and Bhaijan. They are my wife’s elder sister and bro in law. Both our families are very close to each other. On reaching Jaipur we got a very pleasant surprise. Saeeda, their daughter had come home for the first time after her marriage. We exchanged pleasantries and hugged and kissed each other. Saeeda on hugging and kissing me whispered quietly in my ear that she was pregnant with...

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Friday lunch at Mark's and again I am in the kitchen making him a sandwich and getting him a beer. When I bring it out to him he thanks me. As I'm heading to the kitchen to clean up from making his lunch, Mark tells me there is a cupcake in the fridge for me. I thank him and ask if he wants one also."No, that's a special treat I got for you. Since you've been making my lunch all week I though I'd get you something to say 'thank you'." he told me.I opened the fridge and found a chocolate cupcake...

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iWant To Go Further 3 iCome Out

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...

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Unexpected Change Ch 04

[This story will be at least four parts. It could be in Loving Wives, First Times, Incest/Taboo or a couple of other categories. If you have read Ch. 1, 2 & 3 you know there have been sexual events, cheating, pay-back, justice, etc. I apologize right up front for any misrepresentation of the Shoshone peoples. My intention was to honor them and their culture. Naturally, you are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. Especially leave feedback that is intended to assist me in improving as an...

2 years ago
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How I met my wife

“Hey... Tony?”I turned around to be surprised and uncomfortable with an unlikely reunion with Brad, a close friend from college.“I’ll be damned, Brad!! What are you doing here?”I swallowed with a hint of discomfort. Even though I was very close to Brad in college and were in the same fraternity, I wished that I would never meet him again. The convention that both of us attended was paused for refreshments. We were forced to catch up and bring up old times, at least I was.Inevitably Brad brought...

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A visit to the vineyard Pt 3

Amy grins and bounces on her toes like a giddy schoolgirl. “Finish your tasting and I will meet you out back soon. We should bring a couple of bottles with us. I will take care of that!” And she turns like a ballerina and makes her way to serve another patron. Meanwhile, we return to our wine and exchange furtive glances. I am still in a daze reliving the past few moments in my mind. I still cannot believe that I have just had two women stroking my hard cock in a public place. The feeling of...

1 year ago
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Summer holidays at nuns house

It was the summer holidays and with mum working i had to stay at my nans for a few weeks. It was not a big house and there was my nan and grandad, my uncle and two aunts. it was a three bed house, my uncle's room was small and lloaded with his things so i had to sleep in with my two aunties. every morning my nan, granda and uncle would get up and leave for work along with my oldest aunt, so it was just me and my auntie left in the house. she was fun and would look after me all day, on one of...

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Lost Virginity To A Junior Boy

By: Superhothd Hi! Friends I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and developed the courage of sharing the real incident that happened to me. I have lost my virginity just 5 days back. For a girl loosing virgin is a great thing and everyone remembers this throughout her life. Friends, it is not any story but the real thing happened. Now I am going to share with you what has happened. I am 21 years old, 5’5 height with almost fair complexioned female. With 34 28 32 I look too sexy and...

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Time Force

Fried steak. Every time he woke up, his senses were overwhelmed with the smell of fried steak. "Lights on." The sudden yet expected blinding light made him groan and roll over. He missed the old fluorescent light bulbs, the low hum and significantly dimmer light compared to the new LED lights in his room. But the station commander wanted everything to be modernized, so his old lights were taken down and incinerated, the new standard for garbage disposal on the decade old space station. "One cup...

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Escape From LexingtonEpilogue

Tuesday February 18, 1873 Well, it’s obviously been a while since I last wrote on these pages and it’s been thirty years since that fateful February morning in Kentucky. I survived my brief stint as governor, although it was a contentious time. Even the federal government got upset, threatening to revoke our statehood for letting Indians and Negroes vote. “Fine,” I told the representatives angrily. “I’m sure Great Britain would accept us as an extension of Canada, although that might make...

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How Long Can You Resist Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is a slowly developing story, and one that does not ‘get to the sex’ for quite a while. If that is what you’re interested in, you’ll be disappointed here. But if you enjoy getting wrapped up in characters and their stories, then I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. * Syresham, south Northamptonshire, England, 1809 The sun rose in the window overlooking Elizabeth Winshaw’s bed, and it woke her from a rather pleasant dream. The chickens could be heard in the yard below,...

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The Taking of Darlene Part 3

Frank sat stunned in front of his computer, his head spinning, his face flushed, chills running down his spine. He was not sure what to do but he felt like throwing up... Slowly the call sunk in, Darlene was in trouble, he had no idea what to do and the only help he had was some guy telling him to lock his cock in a chastity device. Hell, he did not have one and had never even seen one except in pictures. Where would he get one and why the hell should he do it anyway...who was fucking with him...

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My brother pimped me

My name is Mrs. Gebin. I am a house wife cum beautician aged 49 years (now), remarried after remaining a widow following premature death of my husband who was working in a nationalized bank. I couldn’t get satisfaction from my demised husband due to frequent bouts of back pain. I have 2 daughters from him who were later married off during my widowhood. I am really a pretty and buxom woman with “heavy front and rear assets”. I am pure milky white in color with narrow waist and wide flared hips....

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Shrinking cock Limp permanently

To Mistress AlexI'm an average guy, average looks, average Job, average Wife, ETC. One thing in my life I'm proud of is my Dick. It's just above average at 6.5" but it's all I have. Now for my story. I came home from work early to find a low rider Caddey in my Drive way. I sneak inside. Up the stairs in my bed is a skinny Black Dude Fucking my Wife of 10 years. I don't know what to do but I do catch a glimpse of his Cock and man it has to be 9" Long !I sneak out and come home later to my...

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....


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