Amazon Part 5 Charm School Week 1
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Hope you enjoy this next chapter of AmazonHeat the story of Jack and Jessie. I adore these two characters and I hope you do too. If you have any suggestions, or if you have any thoughts as to how the story should progress, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will try to incorporate your thoughts as best I can. I can’t always tell my characters what to do, but I will try. Enjoy!
Morning came, the glow of the tropical sun lighting the entrance of the cave as Jessie rose and stretched her achy muscles. Jack lay next to her, his back bared in a vision of taut sinewy muscle, and again, incredibly she hungered for him. Through out the wee hours of the night they’d taken each other in a dance as old as time, their minds running wild with passionate fantasies that only they could have played out, their bodies locked in the throws of lovemaking that had her wincing as her thighs resisted lifting her from the mattress. Emptying her bladder was the only thing that actual got her to the trees out side, her entire being rebelling the imposition.
Relieved she stumbled back to bed, noting the way birds called and a monkey hooted in the distance. To her amazement it felt like home. The thought of leaving Jack here alone gave her an empty feeling in parts of her that had never felt empty before. A tear pricked her eyes and she wiped it away, curling an arm around his shoulder and her ear to his back so she could hear his heart.
Shock kicked her in the stomach. There was no beat. Several minutes past and she waited, willing the heavy thud she’d felt last night to great her here in the morning. His breathing came in slow, even shifts, but his heart had stopped. Shaking her head she tried her hardest to think, but the thought that his most vital organ didn’t move dumbfounded her. Pulling away, she curled into the corner of the bed, the blanket pulled up to her mouth as she tried not to scream, thus waking him.
Time, she needed time to think, to figure out why a healthy viral man, in his prime, and survived in the damn Amazon, lived, yet his cardiovascular systems had all but failed.
The word sputtered off her tongue a lot louder than she’d meant it to and he stirred, rolling over on his back, his big arm snaking out to catch her leg and pull it to him like a teddy bear. Sighing she let him hold on to her, knowing he was safe enough. He’d done so much for her in past days that she knew he had no reason to harm her, but the knowledge that he was not normal crept on her in slow pressing waves and she needed answers. Calling her mind to calm she focused on an energy she’d not needed since her girlhood. Heat pooled off her in rolling movements, her insides burning as she pushed herself into the world outside herself, calling on an imperfect double, a doppelganger that could speak and act on her behalf in any situation. Sighing when the other her stood on its own she let her temperature sink back to healthy levels, nearly kicking her double for drooling over the man in the bed.
‘Oooh he’s a cutey, why don’t we play a bit? A threesome would kill him for sure!’ Disgust ran through Jessie. She could duplicate herself exactly ten times, each copy owning its own personal identity. Sadly she’d not called on them in so long she’d forgotten how to bring them forth by said identity. Instead of calling Brain the smart intellectual one, she’d mistakenly let loose the most sexual sadistic side of herself, Vixen.
‘Hey Vixie, I need you to do something for me.’ Voice low she pulled her leg back and slipped from the bed and out into the light, where they could talk without waking Jack. Steps light, the leather-clad version of herself followed, asking,
‘ What’s up Jess, and why are we here?’ The other her leaned her head close trying to catch every whisper. Vixen tended to be the only Other that really listened to what Jess had to say, despite her perpetual state of arousal.
‘That man is my rescuer, but he’s not normal, something is just wrong about him and I need you to project yourself to Bolivia and look up any and all myths about this region of the Amazon.’ She took a side-glance at the bed and watched Jack as he slept, unaware of their conversation. Vixen did the same and smiled at her with an almost motherly air that reminded Jessie of her other alter ego Matilda, the sensible side of herself.
‘If you love him and I find something really wrong, what then?’
Her Others didn’t always know what was happening with her, but in the case of strong emotions they tended to feel them in muted echoes, and Vixen read them better than the rest. Putting a hand to her fore head she called Roxie out, and next to the scantily clad Vixen yet another Jessie stood, this one wearing punk rock gear that would have looked all wrong on the original, but the triplet pulled off with out a thought. Twirling a finger in her stick straight red and black hair she looked bored and out of place.
‘What, nearly…’ She ticked off the years on her black nailed fingertips, ‘ …twelve years we don’t hear from you, and all of a sudden you want us to run off and go goddess knows where?’ Folding her arms she looked Jessie up and down and muttered a, ‘Bitch please.’
‘Nice to see you too, whore.’ Vixen stomped on her foot with her heeled thigh boot and pushed her, the violence between them amusing and disturbing all at once. Jessie wouldn’t have intervened but she was losing time and she needed them to tell her who and what she’d just fallen in love with.
‘Hey, knock it off!’ the whisper came out harsh and sharp and both women looked at her mid abusing one another, Vixen’s hand curled mid air, before she managed to claw Roxie’s pretty face. Finally they backed away, cursing and throwing threats at one another like two kids in a food fight. Knowing they’d never make it to Bolivia without supervision she called on her most trusted Other, dreading the conversation they’d be having when she got back. Bessie, didn’t just melt off of Jessie like the others, she glided with an elegance that only a woman of her breeding could. The feature that most separated her from the other Others also made her a favorite with Jessie. Bessie’s skin, which should have been pale, hugged her curvy figure like black satin, and her hair fluffed out around her head in a cloud of frizzy black curls.
‘Lordy, my child what is with you?’ Pulling Jessie into a hug she rocked her like a lost daughter, pressing her cheek into her breasts and muttering a prayer of thanks in between exasperated verbal explosions of ‘Jesus be praised’
‘Hello Bessie, how are you?’ Jessie pulled away and looked into eyes so like her own yet where blue should be, brown gazed back at her.
‘What you be needin’ chile? I see you got these two knuckleheads out, and I ain’ a goin’ nowhere till you tell me why, baby.’ Bessie’s straight forward attitude had always given Jessie a reason to smile and it had been the reason locking the Creole girl away had hurt so much. Bess was all her own, the side of Jessie that no one who knew her secret understood. Albeit the numbers were few, consisting of her sister, her mom and her psychiatrist. They had all told her that the truth of her abilities would alienate her from her classmates, that Bess was taking her over. Jessie remembered well the tears she’d shed with Bessie when the others had decided to go into hiding.
Tears spilled over her lashes as she looked at her old friend and the way she’d grown. Off to her left she could hear scuffling and ignored the urge to reach out and slap Roxie, who was always the instigator when she and Vixie fought.
The words gushed from her mouth and she told Bessie everything, the need to get them going a powerful motivator, the story told entirely within minutes. No one asked questions, which surprised her, and when they vanished she sighed with a relief she hadn’t felt in years. Especially since Michael had found out what she held within her. He’d nev
er seen any of her Others, not personally but he’d seen the footage of Vixen when she was little, not knowing that Jessie had been the one videotaping the whole thing. Trusting that sack of crap had been her biggest mistake, the way he’d beaten her had left her so scarred she’d stayed in her apartment for weeks, waiting for the bruises to heal, not knowing that a fresh set would take their place. Shaking her head she let the memories go, knowing that she was going to be okay.
Taking the initiative she gathered wood from the ground surrounding the cave mouth, feeling peaceful, and happy with herself. Jack still slept, his gentle snore calming her more than she would have imagined. Time had allowed her to come to terms with his ‘special problem’ and she couldn’t really fault him on his little ‘heart condition’, when she herself could multiply into eleven different people. Basking in the jets of sunlight that escaped through the canopy she didn’t notice the men at her back, all of them silent, their dark skin mottled with green and yellow paint, spears in hand and ready to strike.
Moving like a shadow one grabbed her from behind and laid his hand over her mouth, his palm planted firmly over her lips, and his arm banded about her waist so she couldn’t move. The heavy bundle of sticks fell to the ground with a clatter and she closed her eyes to call on two other people inside her, letting Demon out with a muffled scream as the angry warlike goddess rippled from her body, pulling Fear with her. Both women dressed like ancient war goddesses, held weapons and used them well. Hissing Demon’s pet snake Wrath coiled from her shoulders and slithered to the forest floor, his mind just as intelligent as a human, he took in his surroundings with a lazy flicker of his red tongue.
‘Hello boys.’ The women spoke in tandem, their attire and attitudes alike and opposite, all at once. Demon wore a black toga clasp at the left shoulder with a gold serpent, while Fear wore a traditional white one, held at the right shoulder with a silver serpent. Their hair lay on top of their heads, silky tendrils falling down their backs, as they gazed at the enemies before them. Their looks gave a come hither, but in their hands they held swords of steel, and in the other they whirled spears tipped with diamonds. They were death at its most beautiful and the greatest warriors ever birthed of man or beast.
Gracefully they set about dispatching the men they could see, setting Jessie free and then they went after the ones in the trees, the sound of death eerily quiet as they worked together, moving like silk on skin. Dazed Jessie stood where she was, and didn’t even hear Jack as he approached, his hands falling on her shoulders startling her into screaming. The warrior versions of herself appeared before her and within an instant had Jack on his back with four very sharp weapons at his throat.
Sighing she waited to compose herself then pushed them off him, forcefully pulling Fears foot off his chest and setting it on the ground before she knelt next to him, grasping his hand.
‘This is Jack, you dumbasses.’ She sent them both scathing looks, and they backed away, their blades still clutched at their sides.
Both women snorted at the name and turned to speak to one another in Latin, a language they’d spoken since their girlhood. Jessie couldn’t understand them, but picked up the jest of what they were saying by the crude hand gestures and immature giggles they kept spouting. Demon and Fear were the only Others Jessie ever envied. They were in top physical condition, their bodies sculpted and hard where hers was soft and round. Jack sat up, and looked them up and down, his jaw hitting the ground at the sight of them standing there in the mid morning breeze, the sun sparkling off their bronzed skin and various matching adornments.
‘The hell?’ His hand reached up to scratch his head as if he’d just come out of a fainting spell and Jessie smiled at his confusion. She hadn’t meant to tell him yet but there was no way to cover up the women standing in front of him, so taking a deep breath she started.
‘This is Demon, and her twin Fear, both named for their ability to fight and win any battle situation you put them in.’ She pointed to each woman as she said her name knowing it was a lot to take in. Demon smiled and twittled her fingers at him, while Fear simply watched him with searching eyes. They were an intimidating pair and she wished he’d met Vixen first, her personality would have been easier for him to take in. Not sure what he was thinking she waited for him to say something, but rather than speak he simply stood up and gathered the sticks she’d dropped and went back inside the cave, shaking his head.
Watching him go she gained her feet and waited, the twins both embracing her, their heads resting on her shoulders.
‘He’ll come around, don’t worry.’ Demon’s soft alto sounded so sure Jessie almost believed her. Fear nodded her agreement and all three of them followed him, none of them talking as they watched him build a fire and put enough tapir meat on the spit to feed four.
‘Sit.’ The one word rang out like a shot, and Jessie wondered if he really wasn’t anything like Michael. Fear clasped her hand as they made a semi circle around the flames, their backs to the bed, the twin’s eyes on the entrance. For nearly twenty minutes no one said anything, even when Jack served them, Demon and Fear sharing a plate. Worry furrowed Jessie’s brow and she cast side-glances at Jack who seemed to be having a hard time getting his food down. Finally he tossed the plate aside and stood to pace the small cavern.
‘Who are they?’
Jessie’s head snapped up at the gently asked question, and her eyes followed his every move. She couldn’t speak, her mouth felt like someone had stuffed it with cotton.
Demon took the lead as she always had, claiming Jessie’s left hand.
‘We are her Others, parts of her soul that live within her till we are called to serve her. We coincide, and live dormant till she calls us back to her where we wait until she needs us again.’
Fear then added, ‘We have not been called upon for twelve years, but today we have been released and concurred her enemies.’ Patting her sword she nodded and smiled at her sister, their eyes saying so many things at once.
‘How many are you?’ Jack settled in front of them his legs crossed in front of him Indian style, his arms folded like wise.
Finally finding her voice Jess managed a weak, ‘ Ten.’
The look on his face never changed as he processed the information, her heart in her throat, her thoughts terrorized with the idea that he was going to turn her away after all they’d shared. She watched as he turned his gaze from woman to woman, looking at them ponderingly.
‘You all live inside her? Do you know what she knows, are you a part of her entirely or do you live your own lives?’ His hands gripped his knees with white knuckles, but his voice stayed calm and steady. It was touching that he wasn’t freaking out like everyone else had. Of course he hadn’t seen her let out Ginger yet so he really had nothing to be afraid of. A smile tipped up her lips and she tried to keep it at bay, but he saw it and turned a curious brow on her.
‘Ginger.’ The twins chimed in together. They knew that look from a hundred feet away.
Grinning outright Jessie tried to explain her most frightening other. ‘ Ginger is a vampire, she feeds on blood, and when she can’t get it while she’d inside me, she feeds on me. I hate it, but it’s the only way she can survive. I know when she’s doing it and I know when she’s angry because I’ve got a blood bond with her. The thing about her is that she’s not a Goth vampire. She likes…’ She paused for a minute, and looked at her hands trying to find the right words. Finally she just blurted it knowing he wouldn’t believe her,
‘ She likes to read comic books and she adore
s pink EVERYTHING.’ Fear rolled her eyes and pretended to faint, falling over with her arm draped over her face in a dramatic pose. Demon smacked her, and all three women giggled like they hadn’t since they were girls. Noting the look on Jacks face, Jessie managed to sober up and tapped her twins on the shoulder to get them to be silent. His eyes held an odd look that both disturbed and elated her. He didn’t mind the girls, in fact he thought they were a little nuts and highly amusing. It was the idea that they all lived inside the woman he’d come to love and respect. It weirded him out a little bit to think that he’d made love to so many chicks at one time.
‘So, you have a vampire, as well as two kick ass warriors, and lord knows what other personalities that live inside you, and they all coexist without causing you to go insane. Do you feel them when they are dormant?’
Jessie shook her head slowly, and turned a studious eye on Demon, wanting him to here it from the girls point of view. She had no clue what it was like to live inside her without a say as to what would or wouldn’t happen on a daily basis. She just knew what it was like to miss her closest friends, and how it hurt when she had been so sure that she would never see them again.
Demon laughed at something Fear sputtered in Latin and Jessie shook her head at the gestures they started making. Nasty girls, they thought only of war and sex, not always keeping the subjects separate. This time it was pertaining to Jake and she slapped Fears thigh with the flat of her hand giving her a look that would have withered an oak.
‘You have asked if she feels us when we are within her and I have to say the only one who can get through to her when on the other side is Ginger because they are blooded. The rest of us have not had contact with her since we went into hiding when we were young girls. It was thought that we would take her over and cause her to a social cast out because we are different.’ A shared thought past from Demon to Fear in one of their ‘looks, ‘ and the sister took up where the other left off.
She spoke slowly and thoughtfully her eyes not looking at anything imparticular, her voice far off and mediative. ‘ We are like fetuses, we live in her womb, in pockets of fluid that sustain us, and if an ultrasound were taken she would appear to be pregnant with ten very tiny full term infants, no bigger than grains of sand. We do not have conscious thoughts there, but we dream, and sometimes when she feels very strong emotions we can feel it.’ Gazing directly into Jacks whiskey eyes she held his focus with an iron hold. ‘She is one of us, yet for a reason unknown she is also our host, the one who keeps us all alive even as she lives. We age the same, our bodies changing as hers does, but each of us has our own way of growing. My sister and I are battle hardened fighters, so we are hard and our bodies unyielding, while Bessie, true to her heritage is dark and healthy.’ Taking the other women’s hands she held them to her cheeks and then kissed them. ‘ We are one and we are many. My sister and I are closer than most of us but we share a soul and thus a bond not easily broken.’
Jessie felt her eyes water and she clutched Fears hand, whispering the motto they’d shared as children. ‘Cut one, harm all, kill one, death for all.’
Jack merely shook his head and watched the scene knowing it was going to be a crazy day, and he hoped lifetime. It gave him great comfort that she was different because it was the only way a woman like her would ever understand that he too was abnormal, and old beyond her interpretation of the word. In time they would come to know one another on a basis that was purely love, but for the time he was willing to tell her the truth about himself.
Standing he took her by the hand and led her to the cavern where they’d first been together, and curling her in his arms he began a story that he hadn’t told to anyone else in his entire four centuries on the earth.
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Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...
The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...
The sun was going down and a chill was setting in, the rain sending an echoing thunder as it battered the canopy above them. Jack held her hand as they walked, his smile smooth and endearing. There was no way that Jessie was going to fall in love with him over great dry humping, but she was very much in lust with him. They talked as he led her through the foliage, well, she talked and he listened to her. They were silent now, their thoughts focus on private things that neither were yet willing...
You awaken, groggy and bleary eyed, but immediately realize you are not where you were when you went to sleep. The sheets on the bed are a different color, they are made of smooth silk, and the bed is a huge four poster, bigger than "king size", made of mahogany. You sit up in alarm, and look around, whereupon you realize you are not alone! There are five naked women surrounding the bed, no two of them from the same ethnic group, and each of them holding a razor sharp ax! "Good morning James...
FantasyI'm not a very good flier and this trip had been a bit bumpy so I hadn't noticed the stewardesses much, except one who had been hovering around me most of the flight. Even in my feverish state she couldn't be ignored. Tall, perhaps five ten or eleven with a magnificent bust and great long legs all hidden under her sexless airline uniform. At last, we landed and the aircraft came to a halt at the terminal. "Thanks for flying with us," she said in her best professional voice. She took my...
Written and Adopted by Humilatron Erica Behr vs Mike Hunt The two married at 16, but as Erica grew taller and bigger, Mike seemed to grow smaller and shorter. Erica is unsatisfied, and Mike is frustrated. Will Mike find out what happens when Erica goes to the gym? Will Erica find out what happens when Mike is alone? A game of cat and mouse and the question is... who will win? and who will lose?
Another Friday evening and though I was late getting home, my wife Victoria was even later. I didn't like her going out after work with her friends but what can a man do? Every couple does need a life apart from their spouse and Vicky was very good about not only letting me know when she was going out but she also told me where they were going and made sure she got home early. She was usually no later than 8 p.m.This afternoon I had been out on a job inspection and got a text message from...
Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...
Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse...
Stardate 85844.9. Somewhere in the Delta quadrant. A wave of nausea swept over Captain F for Fiona Ukkers as she gradually emerged from space hibernation. Trying to prevent vomiting only made the feeling worse and, although a descendant of a long line of Amazons, she gagged. Then, despite the disorientation of hibernation sickness, training kicked in."Stardate SLUTS?" she demanded, loathing the faint tremor in her voice.The interstellar logistical utility telemetry system — an integrated...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi(Salut, ceci est une histoire que j'écris avec l'aide d'un ami donc les délais peuvent être assez long entre deux chapitres (même si bon, les délais sont déjà pas mal long pour l'histoire que j'écris toute seule). J'espère que vous apprécierez l'histoire. Sur ce, bonne lecture !) Début du XVIIIème Siècle-Une femme se réveille sur une plage de sable doré. Elle mesure 1m75, elle porte un long manteau de coton rouges avec des broderies dorée, un pantalon de cuir et un haut transparent à cause de...
This is series im beginning. Short stories of sexual experiences predominantly jack off sessions and sexual encounters with thick plus size transgender women. Preferably however size may vary. All stories are expired or based on real life encounters.Her height was about 6 ft 3 very darker skin tone African American long weave very made up and done upSocial media and transfiaxtion My path to sexual Utopia began a few years ago. My first encounter with the transgender woman was as nerve-wracking...
The deep mud squelches as it sucks at my knee-high boots, making this trek through the suffocatingly humid rainforest even more grueling. In an attempt to make traversing this mud easier, I try following in the footprints of our Amazonian Jungle guide, Anton Santos, who’s ahead by a few feet, clearing the dense jungle brush with broad swings of his machete. My best friend, Derek Aider, follows close behind me, filming our journey for his travel vlog. Claire is behind him and Kody, her...
"What the fuck did I do tonight?" I whisper to myself as I crawl into my bed, my head still spinning from the alcohol. After I pull my covers over me, I stare at the rotating ceiling fan, my hand sliding between my legs to rub my sore vagina. Why did you think leaving the apartment was a good idea? About three hours after I kicked Chad out, Derek texted me saying that him and Kody were going to our favorite college bar, The Green Gator, to have a few drinks before it was time to meet up...
As I prepared to have my walk, a silver SUV parked next to me. I glanced up and in the passenger seat next to my door was a man. I gave him a cursory look as he got out but I didn't pay much notice until I saw the woman driver get out of the car. What caught my attention was the contrast between them. He was late fifties, average height, squat, broad shouldered, shaven head and covered in tattoos. It’s not that I have a problem with that or judge but it was the contrast between this rough...
A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock! Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin.Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground.As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing...
Jake looked up at the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling of his garage as they started to flicker. When the lights went dead, he cursed, "Fuck, not again."It was mid-July in Toronto, the start of the Dog Days of Summer. When the power would come back on again was anybody’s guess. South-Western Ontario was also under an extreme heat alert. For the next seven days, the temperature was expected to hold steady at thirty-five degrees Celsius during the day. When the humidity index was...
Straight SexQueen Sheena Belacqua sat on her throne in the royal capital ship. The grand structure had roughly the same square footage as the state of Texas and was orbitting the queen's newest target for assimilation, Earth. The Amazonian Empire had spread quite far in this sector, as it seemed intelligent life was ripe for the picking, smart enough to communicate and highly evolved so that they were not enslaving animals; yet they were also dumb enough that they couldn't put up a fight at all to the...
Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...
I snarled at my assailant and dodged him. My conflicting instincts told me to run away or fuck him. Reason won out for a while, so I clawed at his scarred face and ran for home. The Heat had come on unexpectedly, without its usual signs, otherwise I never would have gone out. I was within walking distance of home, and certainly within running distance. I sweat as I ran and the scent of my damnable pheromones poured out of me with it. I could smell three distinct men near me and I knew they...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt had been another long day for Marion. The previous day had been quite a bit simpler, and she knew that the following day would be that much worse, but she was quite exhausted from the day she'd just gone through. Marion was going through something that all young vixens go through, something that came around every few months like an unwanted friend. She had heard that other species had things much harder than vulpine women, but she found it quite difficult to believe. Some species mated...
Heat. That is all there is anymore. The sun batters down on us through the cloudless sky and even the nights are hot enough that I want nothing more than to rip off my clothes, fall to my knees and beg for a cool breeze. There’s no air conditioning anymore. Takes too much power, they said, and with the nuclear plants all on shutdown due to a lack of cooling water, it’s hard to argue against. So I’m sweating. Everybody’s sweating. All of the U.S. is sweating in that baking oven the whole...
Group SexI am a tattoo artist and live in Los Angeles. To say my business sucks would be a colossal understatement. With Covid spreading like crazy, not many want a tattoo. I spend most of my days sitting in my shop playing games on my phone or texting friends. I am at the point that I may just need to close my business if things do not pick up. I even went and bought a giant neon sign out front with my business name on it, Tats by Tammy.One day sitting on my chair at work, almost half asleep, the bells...
CheatingCheater By Cassandra Morgan Why do men cheat? Because it's worth it, that's why. It's worth all the manipulation, all of the deceit, all of the lies. It's worth the time. It's worth the money. It's worth the guilt. It's worth the sneaking around. Don't blame me. Guys are just wired that way. It's been part of our DNA since we were cavemen. Only then, we did our work with clubs, not by going to one. It's the thrill of the hunt, the rush of the conquest, the smug feeling of knowing...
Rick pulled up into the drive after an especially hard day at the power plant, glad that he’d tacked an extra day off onto his vacation. He was exhausted – ready for a shower and a lazy weekend. Loud music greeted him as soon as he opened the car door. He shook his head and chuckled, making his way to the door. Most of the neighbors complained, and his sister had commented more than once about the white trash who had moved into the trailer next door. Rick took a live and let live approach, able...
Rick pulled up into the drive after an especially hard day at the power plant, glad that he’d tacked an extra day off onto his vacation. He was exhausted – ready for a shower and a lazy weekend. Loud music greeted him as soon as he opened the car door. He shook his head and chuckled, making his way to the door. Most of the neighbors complained, and his sister had commented more than once about the white trash who had moved into the trailer next door. Rick took a live and let live approach, able...
MatureBook One: The Quest Chapter Five: Elvish Heat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement...
I woke up in sweat, looked at my alarm clock. 2 PM. Hadn't been able to catch sleep due to that damn heat! The air smelled like liquid mix of flowers. The moisture added up with heat. I felt like suffocating, but it was the claustrophobic feeling of my skin not being able to breathe. Getting up was a good idea, I turned over the sheets. Got up into my slippers. Turned on my computer. The poor thing would, just like me, have to survive the rest of the day in this heat. I rolled up the...
“Mmm, you smell gorgeous.”Beth felt a shiver run down her spine as her husband cooed in her ear. The smooth, rich timbre of his voice always made her warm and fuzzy, but all the more so when it happened to be charming her with a compliment. She felt his hands rest on her hips as he pressed his body up behind her. Despite ten years of marriage John still made her feel girlish and giggly with his seductive attentions.“Hey, baby,” she replied with a smile.Beth’s hands were submerged in hot soapy...
Straight SexI guess I should introduce myself. My name is Mark Turner. Have you ever noticed that sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction. That point was driven home to me over twenty years ago. At that time I was in grad school working for my masters in engineering physics. I had enough money to be able to afford a reliable, older, car and have an apartment to myself. But I didn’t have the time or money to go on dates. Bummer! Our school is located less than ten miles, as the crow flies, from the...