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Amazon: Part_2-History Lesson and Reality Checks HISTORY LESSON and REALITY CHECKS By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Interlude - Monday evening, 11/27/2000 Nicole soon retired to her bedroom, now cluttered with bags both full and half-empty, and cleaned up for bed. She immediately received the first lesson in being a woman; allow time to remove makeup at the end of the day. Tom's routine of a few quick swipes with a wet washcloth just didn't cut it. It took extra time to get the last vestiges of mascara and eye shadow off. "How can I effectively clean off what I can't see?" she grumbled. Nicole had no illusions. The shopping spree was only part of setting the foundations in place for her new role in life. She now had documentation: birth certificate, social security card, passport, high school diploma, degrees ( a bachelors in Computer Engineering and master's in Computer Science from her old Alma-Mater, Syracuse; neat!), and all the other paperwork that made her real to the world. But she still didn't feel 'real' to herself. ~I still feel like Tom inside. And the last day is a total fog other than vague snippets of the start and an unending series of outfit changes~ She sighed. ~The degrees are a good idea, at least.~ She thought back to her days in college in the early 60s as Tom, spending time in the Math department and learning about these new things called computers -- the big, air-conditioned rooms with racks of tape drives and card readers. She definitely had the background after 35 years of growing with the industry. Finally free of makeup, and with hair confined with a soft hair band, she wearily wobbled to the bed and crashed -- followed immediately by a rapid return to the dresser to replace the earrings with studs that wouldn't impale her neck when she laid her head down. The pain-induced wakefulness rapidly gave way to sleep as she ended a most eventful day. ***** Tuesday, 11/28/2000 Nicole woke slowly the next morning. She noticed that, as on the previous morning, she woke embracing the other pillow from the bed. ~I guess it'll take a while to adjust to sleeping alone again,~ she thought sadly. She missed the companionship; she missed the comfort of that familiar presence. She nevertheless had slept soundly through the night and felt more awake and alert than she was accustomed to, at least not without a cup or three of coffee. She rose and made her way to the bathroom, resigned to the need for a shower. It was time to introduce herself to herself, without distractions. She set the water to a slightly warm temperature, rather than the very warm to hot setting she used as Tom. She'd adjust it as she gained experience with what was comfortable. She undressed, and took a good look at her new body in the mirror. Turning side to side, she got a good view of her profile as well. Her face was now lean and oval. She looked like Tom's baby sister, definitely related but definitely female. She was now slender, with smooth skin covering a gently curved figure. Her breasts were set high, and were on the small side. She ran her hands over them, gauging the new sensations evoked. So very different from a man's chest, the sensations were more intense as the nipples began to rise. She continued her exploration downward. Her stomach was lean and flat, more of an athlete's look. The skin, even there, seemed more responsive to the touch. She was a natural redhead, with a small patch of pubic hair and long legs for her height. She briefly considered a more intimate examination of her new sex, but there were questions to ask and it would not happen in here. "How do I adjust to this?" she asked herself. "My male side is screaming that this all must be a dream or a nightmare." She closed her eyes for a moment, praying for strength to cope. ~If I just bull through without accepting, I'll end up in a psycho-ward. Give me grace to accept myself as I am now.~ She opened her eyes again. She had seen most of herself yesterday as she shopped for lingerie, but this was different. There was time now to think without distraction, to process what she saw. Her new reality, hard as it was to accept, would be a lifetime set aside for this new task and responsibility. Not to mention the need to figure out how to cope with this hair. With a wry smile, she stepped into the shower. She thought for a moment before using the shampoo she automatically grabbed. ~Hang on. If I do it this way, my nice clean hair is going to be left with body soap in it when I wash the rest of me.~ *sigh* ~Score one for short hair.~ The shampoo went back on the tub side and she grabbed the soap and washcloth. The most interesting revelation of this first shower was how very normal it all was. A soft washcloth was a definite plus while washing newly sensitive nipples, but the lack of dangling bits was something of a plus. Washing, she found, was washing. It was comforting. Hair washing was a similar case; it took longer to wash, and conditioning was crucial. It still ended with a good clean feeling. The only really odd part was the shaving. There wasn't much in the way of stubble, but Nicole decided to make a trial run when it wasn't so hard or urgent. The underarms were not too tough and went quickly. Shaving legs was obviously going to take some practice. There was a lot of territory to cover with many obstacles. She hoped the healing factor was as enhanced as Artemis had said. Still, there was a sensual pleasure in the act and in feeling soap-slicked hands sliding over smooth legs despite the occasional ouch. Finally clean and rinsed, she dried herself and dressed in comfortable, casual clothing. She decided to just comb out her hair to air dry, and to spend a few minutes making sure tangles were worked out. Finally, ready to face the day, she headed downstairs. It was time to start talking about the future with her 'bosses.' ***** Michael sensed his charge as she woke. Humans continued to be a mystery to the angel, even as their potential awed him. At the moment, however, he needed to aid Nicole/Tom through the transition from man to woman. It was fascinating to follow the swirl of thoughts and emotions; the swings from fear to wonder to confusion to calm as he/she encountered new situations or realized how some stayed unchanged. The strange interactions between body and spirit, unique to humankind, were clearly on display. He chuckled at the human's dogged insistence at viewing him as a male. It was a necessary fiction; their minds were too limited to handle the reality of a totally spirit being. At best, even a true sight of a lower angel would destroy their minds; at worst it would end their existence. He did not presume to understand fully, but the Creator had a special love for these creatures. ***** Nicole entered the great room, finding only Michael in the kitchen area. "Morning!" She set the uncertainty of the morning aside. It was time for some questions and answers. She looked around, noting Artemis' absence. "Are you on babysitting duty today?" She added some fruit to a light breakfast as she awaited a reply. "Not precisely. You and Artemis have issues you need to work out, but I wanted time to spend with you to help you work through the issues from your new life. Since you are my charge, it's my responsibility." "Your charge?" "Sometimes an angel is assigned to an individual to provide support. Ordinarily it is more subtle, just nudging in the right direction and operating in the background. Your situation was judged to merit closer, higher level support." Nicole hesitated. "I don't know what to say, other than it's intimidating." "You don't need to say anything, unless you wish to," Michael said. "Just remember I am here for you. Nothing you say to me will go beyond the two of us... and my boss, of course." He returned her smile at the obvious reference. "I appreciate the support, but... I still feel totally inadequate to the task. I don't know what to do, or how to do it. I understand how Gideon felt." "Then remember you also have friends, and not just Artemis and I, who will be with you. Part of being here is a chance for you to start learning what you need to know." She didn't look very reassured as she responded, "So where do I, or we, start?" "Well, what problems do you see that you think need to be handled?" "I see three that need to be solved. First, I need to learn how to live as a woman. If it weren't for Artemis, there's no way I could have managed yesterday. I can't even operate out in the world until I get that solved." "I agree. What else?" "Since we'll also need to function as a nation, I need training as a head of state. Is there such a thing as 'Queen Class'?" A wry smile accompanied this last comment. She hesitated before continuing. "I also need to pull a staff together as soon as I can. It isn't practical to run an organization of any size without one. Michael nodded approvingly. "You seem to have considered most of the critical aspects of your situation based on what you know." "Most? What did I miss, and what don't I know?" She frowned as she mentally reviewed her task list. "Who's missing what?" Artemis asked as she entered the cabin. Michael and Nicole turned to watch the goddess as she joined them at the table, then they briefly recapped the conversation held in her absence. "Michael was just hinting that I had missed something when you walked in. Now back to the question of just what I missed." Nicole refocused on the angel. "The answer to that is bound with part of the reason *you* were chosen. Time has passed, but those who destroyed the Amazons still remain. They changed the outward form of their organizations, but they still have agents abroad in the world." "And I need to keep a low profile until we can identify them and are ready to engage them with some hope of success. I see." Nicole nodded, finally seeing both what she had missed and part of why she was now a she. "Talk about covert operations," she chuckled, paused, then frowned. "Thinking of covert... Guys, how traceable is our activity up to now? Artemis spent a wad, and I don't know how easy to trace the creation of the documentation. If the purchases are picked up, the bad guys could have a picture of me already. That could mean they'd be waiting wherever I show." Nicole paused before continuing. "That adds another problem: It looks like the Amazons will need to be back in the warrior business already, just so we can survive. I'll need combat training for myself; something like Officer's Candidate School, so I know how to run a military operation; and training in military special operations." Michael responded, "We've taken steps to cloak all those shopping activities. The cash flow of the stores is well within the normal variations of each store and, just in case, the security feeds were 'adjusted' to ensure neither you nor Artemis will appear on any captured images." He smiled and continued, "We've taken care to cloak the new document trail for Nicole as well. It helps to be able to reach back and create the documents at the appropriate time." Nicole showed her relief, saying, "I'm glad you're so far ahead of me on that. It isn't paranoia if they are out to get me, though." Her good humor reasserted itself. "So, Artemis, what have you been up to this morning?" Her mentor broke out a truly evil grin and began to outline the arrangements made so far: Beginning in January, Nicole had several classes at, as far as she could tell, a debutante college. Intensive training on dress, makeup, manners, proper conduct at formal dinners, and dancing classes. The classes covered all the skills required to function in domestic and international high society. The first three weeks in California for three seminars, then a week in England for another, then back to California for the dance classes. March would bring a special treat; arrangements were in place for her to enjoy spring at Parris Island, Marine Boot Camp followed by Advanced Combat Training in lovely Camp Lejeune, and then specialty training of her choice. Between now and January, she was informed, there was time for lessons in some history and traditions of the historical Amazon nation. Woodcraft -- including tracking, hunting, and survival in the wild; use of ancient weapons, especially the bow; and horsemanship. Nicole began to understand the reason for Artemis' grin. "You intend to use every available minute, don't you?" Artemis continued, "When you finish eating, you need to change into outdoor work clothing. I have someone to introduce you to." After consuming the remains of her breakfast, Nicole quickly changed and the two women left the cabin. It was a short stroll down the hill to a horse corral attached to a barn. Nicole KNEW they weren't there two days ago. The lower end of the clearing seemed larger, perhaps 10 acres, and was now fenced. "I didn't know you were a carpentry expert", she said as they approached the barn. "You must have been busy putting all this together." "I have my ways", said her companion. "I need this for some of your training. Horses take a lot of room, equipment, and care. Come in and let me introduce you to a friend of mine." They entered the barn, which was not large, perhaps thirty feet long and twenty wide, with three stalls on the right as they walked in. Another large door was on the opposite end of the barn from where they entered. The building had to be new, yet there was the smell of large animals within. Two horses poked their heads out of the far stalls and looked toward the new arrivals. What could be seen was a black, or very dark brown, mane that contrasted with the brown coat. The only readily seen difference was a white spot on the nearer horse's face. Opposite the stalls hung various leather items, with several saddles, blankets, and a couple of cabinets. Artemis closed the bottom of the door as they entered. "Let me introduce Hecuba and her daughter. Hecuba is eight years old, her daughter is three. We'll be using them to train you in horsemanship and care. Hecuba is mine," Artemis stroked the first horse's head affectionately as they passed, "and her daughter is yours to care for." Nicole walked over to the far stall and slowly, so as not to startle, reached out to stroke the head of her new acquaintance. "What's her name?" she asked. "That is for you to decide," came the response. "I think I'll wait to get to know her a bit before deciding on that. I want it to be appropriate. Your mare's name sounds vaguely familiar." Nicole paused, frowning in thought. "Troy... King Priam's wife... the last Queen of Troy!" Artemis looked mildly surprised. "Very good! I wasn't expecting you to make that connection." Nicole shrugged as she responded, "Remember I was in school when they had a meaningful education. 'The Iliad', 'The Odyssey', and 'The Aeneid' were required reading." Artemis responded, "Well, it's time for history class now. Horses were always a part of the Amazon Nation. We were not always nomadic, but our ability to breed and train horses brought buyers from surrounding tribes and eventually empires. We always had the best; they were stronger, faster, and had more endurance than anyone else's. When we added the bow to our weapons, we were unbeatable for hundreds of years. We ranged widely, founded colonies, and traded with anyone who came. All founded on our horses. They were our edge." The next couple of hours were filled with an education on horses: feeding, grooming, hoof care, names of various parts of their anatomy. "Now let's get these two out into the pasture so they can enjoy the outside for the day." She demonstrated how to put a bridle on, using Hecuba, then guided her student through the same process. Lead ropes were attached, more for show on Hecuba, and the horses were led from the barn to the fenced pasture area beyond the corral and released to roam. Hecuba slowly walked out into the pasture, stopping to sample the grass from time to time. Her daughter was more exuberant, galloping out and racing around the perimeter of the fence. The goddess and the queen-to-be turned and re-entered the barn. Artemis outlined feeding schedules, food mixes, and amounts. She also emphasized the need for sufficient clean water. "Every morning, I want you to feed and water these two. After that, let them out and make sure the barn is cleaned out and fresh straw is on the stall floors. In the evening we'll need to bring them back in and groom them, including their hooves. It's a tedious task, but the horses need proper care. I'll show you how to groom them and clean their hooves this evening." "I think I can handle that." Artemis coached Nicole through the process of refreshing the stable as she cleaned and restocked the stalls. As they walked through the process, their discussion covered wheelbarrow locations, compost pile location, salt blocks, and water troughs, as Artemis pointed out tool and supply locations. Finally the task was complete. "Now for the rest of the morning, I want to start working on physical conditioning and woodcraft." "Oh. Goody." Nicole's sarcasm fairly dripped. Artemis took off at a jog, calling back, "Come on!" Nicole grimaced and ran to catch up. The new training regimen consisted of long sprints, interspersed with stops at intervals to point out trees and other plants of interest as the goddess began teaching ancient herb lore of the Nation. By the time they returned to the cabin's clearing, Nicole didn't have breath to voice the imprecations that came to mind with each step. Finally she reached the steps of the cabin and stopped, bent over with hands on knees, to catch her breath. "Gasp! ... You... pant! ... don't believe... puff! ... in starting slow... pant! ... do you?" Her mentor/trainer grinned at her. "I don't know why you're complaining. You did well running a marathon -- in 3 hours. We'll ramp up slowly from here." Nicole's jaw dropped. "A WHAT! I don't recall ever WALKING a marathon!"... "I just ran 26 miles and change! That's just not real..." "You aren't what you were, nor are you what you will be when we are done. You should be able to do better, either more miles or less time." "Great. I think I need some water. Do you want some?" She walked up the steps, muttering, "I'm really looking forward to mornings. Not." "I'll come in and have some. I'd like something to eat, too." As they entered, they found Michael had left. They prepared lunch, and discussed the plan for the afternoon. Time was reserved at day's end for retrieving the horses from the pasture and taking care of their grooming. Weapons training with the bow, sword, and knife began after lunch. "Before we go back out, I do need some help," Nicole began. "I won't always want to wash my hair, so how do I keep it protected in the shower. I've seen that turban arrangement, but I don't have a clue how to do it." She shook her head as she griped, "This being a female stuff is complicated." Artemis smiled, "I'll show you what to do this evening. It isn't hard once you're shown how. Now, time to get back to work." The two walked back outside to the barn, and Nicole took the opportunity to continue the 'history class.' "How did the Amazons start?" Artemis was silent for a few moments, casting her mind back. "It was just after a war over water in the winter pastures between two tribes on the steppes. Both sides misjudged their enemy, and all but the women and a few old men were killed or died from wounds. Both sides gathered together and survived the winter by cooperating. I noticed them after a few years as they gathered more refugees. Several times they tried to cooperate and ally with tribes led by men, but were rejected or attacked and had to flee. They remained nomads for decades. I led some wanderers to them from time to time who had skills to aid the tribe. As their numbers grew, they established clans and a council to govern the tribe. Eventually they established a permanent settlement on what is now the Perekop Isthmus, which joins the Crimean Peninsula to the mainland." She smiled. "They were wild and free and ranged everywhere along the coast. They used their skill rather than brute force, and cut invaders to pieces when they trespassed. Even when the ancestors of the Huns came, they left bruised. The horses we had were much better. I led the tribes to the best stock, and they bred the family root of our two friends here in the pasture." As the two women approached the pasture, Hecuba walked over to the fence for attention. The younger of the two was hesitant, but followed her mother. The goddess gently stroked and petted the neck of her mare, murmuring quietly to her. Nicole slowly approached the filly, mimicking Artemis' actions and softly speaking to her new horse. Hecuba's daughter was trembling at first, but settled quickly under the gentle ministrations of her new mistress. "Elizabeth", said Nicole. "Her name is Elizabeth." Artemis looked over. "And she's named after someone?" A sad smile crossed the younger woman's face. "Not who you're thinking. I had Elizabeth Tudor in mind." "Elizabeth I of England -- a good choice. A strong woman and a great leader by any standard of measure." Nicole turned her attention back to the horse; no, her horse. "How does that sound? Do you like the name Elizabeth?" The filly, ears forward, nickered in seeming agreement. She sensed the background tension in her mistress, as well as the reassurance she tried to convey. Artemis allowed the two some time to bond. Finally, she cleared her throat and said, "OK, kids. It's time to get back to work." The horses were given a final bit of attention as the women walked into the barn to retrieve the weapons for training. The afternoon was spent in basic weapons orientation. Artemis brought out a table from the barn, then placed on it a knife, short sword, and short bow. "Here are replicas of the bronze knife, bronze sword, and short bow used by the original Amazons. We're starting with the sword...." By the end of the afternoon, the young woman's arm was weary beyond belief. She'd practiced sword patterns all afternoon to ingrain the techniques and build up her arm strength. Artemis' tongue was scathing when arm weariness led to sloppy technique and corrections were immediate. Finally, a halt was called to the exercise. "You may stop now, and you have done reasonably well for a first day. You can do better; you need to learn to focus on the task and tune out the fatigue and pain. That may save your life in combat some day." Nicole could no longer feel the fingers that held onto the sword. "I'm not sure I can let this go anymore. My fingers are cramped around the hilt." She rested the blade on the table and pried her fingers loose. "Ow-ow-ow!" She shook her hand, trying to work the cramps out, and then used her other hand to massage the abused appendage. Her teacher moved over and took her student's painful hand and gently worked on the overstressed muscles. Slowly the pain eased. "Better now?" "Yes, the hand feels useable again! Thank you!" She flexed the fingers, still feeling twinges but able to use the hand again. "Good, now I think it's time to bring the horses in and run you through the evening routine." (30 minutes later) "ARRRGH! Come back here, you miserable hayburner!" The redhead stood in the middle of the pasture, glaring and fuming at a lightly trotting filly. The same filly she'd been trying to return to the barn for the last half-hour. Talking, chasing, yelling, walking all ended with the horse just out of reach and treating the whole affair as a wonderful game of tag. Head and tail high, Elizabeth almost had a grin as she continued to circle her playmate. Nicole's mood was not helped by Artemis and Hecuba. The older horse had cooperated and was standing by the barn. Artemis was leaning on the building, laughing hysterically, tears running down her face, at the futile chase occurring before her. Hecuba was getting hungry though and nudged her rider, calling time on the live comedy in the pasture. Controlling the laughter, or at least reducing it to intermittent giggles, Artemis walked out to her student and coached her through bringing the game of tag to a successful end. Finally, leading Elizabeth with a rope, the two returned to the barn and led the horses to their respective stalls. The walk was punctuated by epithets and comments about finding local glue factories. Nicole didn't know a horse could give a Bronx cheer -- and laugh -- at the same time. Damn horse. Artemis chuckled and began the lesson. "At the end of the day we need to groom the horses. Start with the hoof, that's crucial for the horse's health and mobility. It's like the foundation of a house. That's also why keeping the stalls clean is important, since if the stall isn't clean you can have dirt, parasites, and fungi infesting the horses. At the end of each day, you need to use this tool, called a hoofpick, to make sure the hoof is cleaned out. Make sure you check the frog, this center area under the hoof, for thrush, cracks in the hoof...." And so the lessons proceeded, starting with hoof care and proceeding through proper care of the coat, mane, and tail. Artemis led her student into Hecuba's stall and guided her through each technique. Cleaning went smoothly, and Nicole began learning a myriad of names and terms. Once Hecuba was cared for, the two women moved to the other stall and Nicole began to replicate the steps on her horse. Hecuba was permitted to exit her stall and became an observer through the doorway. Artemis was a patient teacher, guiding Nicole through each task until a basic understanding was achieved. The younger horse had limited patience for this newcomer, so breaks were needed to allow time to soothe the filly's nerves. The end of the session was a relief to all, both horse and human. The filly was given extra attention at the end, as well as a small treat as a reward for good behavior. "Good work for a first try! Now let's make sure there is enough food and water and let them relax for the evening." A final affectionate caress to Elizabeth, and Nicole left the stall. Hecuba followed her rider into the other stall and was working on her food as the women closed the doors and returned to the cabin. ***** After the evening meal, the three sat in the great room to give Nicole time to ask and answer questions. The redhead took time to think before responding, "I think I'd just as soon have Artemis continue the history lesson from today if she's willing." "I'd be happy to. Shall I pick up where I left off?" "Please." She collected her thoughts and continued the narrative: "I think I had mentioned the tribal council forming, right? The tribe continued to grow to a point where the main village became a large town or small city. There were too many clans and too many council members. They tried a Grand Council for about a century, but it was still too slow to respond to events. They had tribes migrating near the borders that needed answers now. There were empires building southeast and southwest of their country that they needed to watch. Too much was happening too fast. I watched them through all of this, waiting to see if they could cope without help. Their situation worsened to the point I just couldn't wait longer. I appeared to their Grand Council and led them to reorganize. They needed a single leader to respond to events. That meeting led to the appointing of the first Amazon Queen, someone to lead the nation day-to-day, as well as in battle. Tanais was her name, and she received the scepter I made for her. It's the same one you have today and has been carried by all your predecessors over the centuries." Nicole interrupted the story. "What about the belt Herakles took from Hippolyta? According to Greek mythology, it was the girdle of the Queen." "That was just artistic license by the author. I did consider it as an option, but a scepter can be more easily seen when the Queen is seated." "Good point. Please pardon my interruption and continue." "There isn't much more to say. When each Queen passed, the next chosen by the Grand Council received the scepter. That somehow was turned onto the scepter choosing the next Queen. They had arranged with tribes in the surrounding area to produce children; the girls were kept and the boys went to their fathers. At least, until the Hittites started weaving their net of trade around us that at the last turned into a capture net. They were good traders, giving good value for what they received. We never knew what finally turned them against us. They had enough trouble with the empires to the south. We'd had a small, but steady, traffic of women from the south and southwest. It took time to really notice when they stopped coming. Then we started losing trading parties. That wasn't unheard of -- the world is a dangerous place -- but we started losing more than we could explain. One of our traders escaped, and we finally found the Hittites were enslaving them. When we confronted them, they used their trade stations to close our borders and seal us in. They deported the other tribes. Then they ground us down by sheer weight of numbers, until finally Thalestris gave the scepter back into my hand...." She stopped, lost in the ancient pain. Suddenly a soft hand stole into hers, gentle pressure catching her attention. Looking down, she saw Nicole's hand held hers and, as she looked up, a smile of encouragement was offered. "We're back now," Nicole almost whispered. "The memories hurt, but they ARE and WILL BE remembered, and we will tell their stories to all the new daughters to come." Eyes shining with tears of hope and joy, the goddess reached out and embraced the younger woman and said, "Yes! You're right. I should, and we will. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing." ***** ~What did I just do?~ Tom thought to himself. He looked down at the hand that had, seemingly by itself, reached out in comfort. It was frightening; he'd normally put an arm around a shoulder, or give a pat on the back. A hint of a frown appeared as the brief internal debate transpired. ~What's happening to me?~ ***** Artemis noted a brief tension in the hand that held hers and the facial expression that changed, ever so briefly, to uncertainty. She remained still -- the changes Tom had gone through to become Nicole so far had been physical. The mental re-ordering would be harder and take more time. His/her heart was in the right place; the comforting hand and words were honest. The physical touch was woman-to-woman, and that surely confused him. Artemis needed Nicole, but a sympathy grew for the stress inflicted upon him/her. The goddess would help as she could. ***** Wednesday 11/29/2000 Nicole wondered about the wisdom of asking for an alarm clock as it jolted her out of a sound sleep. She pulled on her 'mucking' outfit, as she called it, and headed for the barn. Breakfast could come after the dirty work. ***** "'Blue-Blue, Blue Suede Hooves' 'Blue-Blue, Blue Suede Hooves' 'You can do anything, but stay offa my Blue Suede Hooves'" A sweet singing voice carried from the barn as Artemis walked in to check on the morning's activities. Unfortunately, that lovely voice was doing things to the Elvis tune that probably warranted a lawsuit. "I'd say good morning, but I already heard your mangling of a tune I like," she said as she walked up to the stall where Nicole was just finishing cleaning the last 'deposits' made by Hecuba. "Hey! Filking is a worthy tradition. If Elvis doesn't like it, he can complain to me himself. And it could be worse, remember I grew up in those early days of Rock. Want to hear a rousing rendition of Bill Haley and The Comets' 'Muck Around The Clock'? Or maybe I should come up with something from the Beach Boys'" "No! Please! How's the work going?" "Just finishing Hecuba's stall now. I know you saw the horses are out, and Elizabeth's stall is done. Give me a couple of minutes to re-cover the floor in here and dump the wheelbarrow load. I didn't eat anything yet, so give me a few minutes to grab a bite before we start our day." "That's fine with me. You're up earlier than yesterday, so I wondered what you were up to." "It's an old habit of mine. I like to get the dirty work out of the way as early as possible, so I can enjoy the remainder of the day." She shrugged and wrinkled her nose. "It doesn't get much dirtier than this." "That sounds good. Our schedule for today is bow work this morning, then we'll get you started on how to saddle and ride a horse this afternoon." ***** Twang! "OW! That HURT!" Nicole rubbed her forearm where the bowstring had raked across it as she took her first shot. It didn't help that the arrow didn't get close enough to the target to scare anyone within ten yards. "You were short and to the right, Nicole." Artemis' voice did a poor job of concealing her amusement. Her student shot a glare in her direction. "An astute observation; now how do I correct my aim without killing my arm?" The sting was diminishing as she continued to rub at the afflicted area. The goddess held out a piece of leather. "This is an armguard. It's used to protect the lower arm from the bowstring. Let me show you how it's supposed to fit." "Ow! Take it easy! My arm is still sore from that bowstring!" Nicole whined as the guard was quickly slipped into place, sliding over still sensitive skin. "Now then," Artemis resumed, "that will protect your arm. Here's how you correct your aim...." With the armguard in place, Nicole relaxed enough that she was able to start hitting the target. No bull's-eyes, but at least missing the ground. A soft sigh escaped from the goddess. Better, but your technique isn't quite right. Here, let me show you again. You need to straighten all three fingers at once, otherwise the arrow won't go where you're trying to aim. Twang! The arrow hit just to the left of the target center. See? Now you try again. Nicole took the bow back and tried again. Twang! The arrow hit just inside the outer edge of the target. Artemis sighed and shook her head. Keep practicing. You'll get it eventually. The redhead sighed, resigning herself to a morning of sore fingers. Twang! ~Hey, that one was closer to the center!~ She quickly pulled the next arrow from the quiver and tried to duplicate her relative success. ***** Wednesday 11/29/2000 Afternoon Elizabeth stood nervously, raising one hoof or another as her mistress struggled to get the saddle set properly on the horse's back. The saddle seemed to always be too far forward, too far back, or twisted -- if it wasn't tilted to the side and falling off entirely. I need to take a break here, Artemis. Give me a minute and I'll try again. Nicole put the saddle back on the table for a moment. It's OK, sweetie, Nicole returned to soothe the stressed animal. Nicole's soft, almost crooning, murmurs slowly calmed the animal. The filly finally calmed down and was ready to again bear the trials of teaching a new rider. The redhead moved for a moment to stand in front of the horse. Nicole spoke softly, but firmly. "I'm going to make this work this time. I just need you to stand very still for me. OK?" She gently stroked the horse's head in reassurance, then, with a final pat to the neck, returned to the left side. She checked the placement of the blanket, making a minor adjustment to its location, and smoothed it out again. This time she paused to soothe the horse before stepping to the table. She hooked the right stirrup over the saddle horn and laid the right side cinch over the seat. Lifting the troublesome saddle again, a bit higher than before, she stepped to the horse and gently placed the saddle on Elizabeth's back. She used her fingers to sense the center of the horse's back and aligned the saddle center before letting go. Perfect! An inch of blanket remained in front of the saddle, and it was centered properly from side-to-side. It took effort to control the enthusiasm in her voice as she patted the neck. "We did it, Elizabeth. It's in the right place this time!" She sighed in relief as she walked around the back of the filly, careful to stay close and keep a hand in contact. A shiver rippled through the animal, but she stayed still as her mistress moved to the right side and carefully let the cinch and stirrup down from the saddle. She checked the blanket position, then moved back to the left side of the horse to finish fastening the cinch. ~Finally! I think I'm making progress.~ She smiled to herself as she gave her horse a treat before untying the bridle and walking her out to the pasture for the next lesson. The smile lasted until she found out about the need to re-cinch the saddle; she found herself on the ground after the saddle spun loosely when she tried to mount Elizabeth. ***** The next couple of days continued to alternate between morning endurance runs or bow practice and afternoon sword and knife practice or horsemanship. ***** Sunday 12/03/2000 Nicole woke up at the sound of the alarm. It was getting easier as she adjusted to a regular wake-up time. She followed her pattern of quickly dressing and taking care of the horses then returning to the cabin to clean up and eat. Artemis sat at the table as Nicole returned to the great room after a shower. The redhead sat with her after collecting her morning meal. "Good morning, Ma'am." "Ready for another busy day?" "I want to talk to you about that. Last week, Sunday was... unique. I make a habit of setting one day aside each week for church wherever I am, even on travel. I don't know how to work that here, but I think I should stick as close as possible to that unless there's an emergency." Artemis looked pensive, "We have an awful lot to do between now and January. We'll be tight on time as it is." "I know, but I also need to give God His time. It also won't hurt to have a chance to settle *ME*. We've been so busy, I've hardly had time to slow down and really think about what's happened, and is happening, to me. I don't want to hit charm school and flip out because I didn't take any time to adjust. Michael might have helpful insights, and I want to spend some one-on-one time with him, if he's willing." "I'm always willing, Nicole," came the response from the couch. "Thank you, Michael. Artemis, are you OK with this?" "I guess you're right. If we don't do this, we might lose more time trying to get you sane again." "The other item," said the young woman, "is I'd like time with just you to try to get practice in some of the female basics. Otherwise I'm going into this fashion school ignorant of things any real woman will know." "OK! OK! I surrender! It's a good idea! Uncle!" The three chuckled and Nicole dug into her meal. ***** Shortly thereafter Nicole was walking slowly up the hill behind the cabin. She had dressed in a 'nice' outfit, not formal but suitable for church in her mind. Michael paced her, quietly waiting to see if she cared to start a conversation. They finally reached the top of the hill, where she stood quietly. Finally Michael spoke up. "How are you doing, Nicole?" "I'm doing fine," she began automatically. "NICOLE!", came a sharp response. Nicole's head snapped around and looked at her companion and was shaken to see an angry look on his face. "Do *NOT* try to lie to me!" At the fury on his face, Nicole cringed. She hung her head and in a soft voice replied, "I'm sorry. I spoke without thinking. Forgive me?" She waited in silence, not daring to look up. "Nicole, look at me." She raised her eyes, fearing the anger last seen. There was no anger, just disappointment. "I forgive you, but remember you cannot lie to me. You are my charge, and I will always know if you speak the truth. You may not know, or you may be wrong; that is understandable and expected. You can only lie to yourself here, and that will defeat all the work we are attempting. You will only learn to cope with your situation, and the future that lies ahead of you, if you are honest with yourself. Now, why did you say you were fine?" Nicole thought before beginning her reply. "I can't say for sure. Part of it is I've always kept my thoughts and feelings inside, to myself. That's how I grew up. Guys suck it up and don't whine or gripe about problems. If you have a problem, it's up to you do deal with it yourself. That's going to be a hard habit to break after 50 years. Another part of it is... I'm not entirely sure how I'm doing. I can't really say who 'I' am. A couple of days ago, when Artemis was telling me about the Amazons she was upset and I reached out to hold her hand. I've never done that with anyone before and it... frightened me. There are still large pieces of Tom wandering around in my head, and I don't always know whether Tom or Nicole is going to respond to something. I'm not sure I even know who Nicole is yet." She sat on a nearby boulder, holding her head in her hands. "I'm scared, Michael. I'm losing the 'me' I know and don't know what or who I'm becoming." Michael looked at her and nodded to himself. Progress. Now he could start helping. He sat down on the same boulder and put an arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, craving the comfort and support. And then they talked, more openly than Tom had ever done in his life. Midday came before she realized it, and the two began their stroll down from the hilltop. Their talks had dug into long-buried, painful parts of her heart, and she'd shed tears frequently. It was time for a break, and they walked close together down the path. Before they reached the cabin, Nicole stopped and turned to Michael. "I am truly sorry for disappointing you, Michael. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I do promise to try." She hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I promise to work hard to be a good daughter and make you, both of you, proud." And for the first time since they began that morning, a broad smile broke out on the angel's face as he responded, "You already are." ***** Pluck. "Ow!" Nicole was getting really tired, really fast, of the eyebrow plucking. "You're almost done, just a few more on your left side and you'll be finished. Remember that after today you'll only need to keep up with new eyebrow hair. It will be a LOT less work, and pain" "And after I'm done with this, then what?" "Then we'll go back and practice the eye shadow application again. You need to get it on evenly, and more lightly, or it won't look right." Nicole sighed. She knew the theory; her eidetic memory recalled everything the cosmetic salesgirl had said and done. Now she needed practice to get the muscles coordinated. Bah! Humbug! Pluck. "Ow!" ***** (Elsewhere) Impatient fingers drummed the table. "Well? It has been a week -- what did you find out?" "Sir, we tracked the scepter to the Minneapolis Airport in the early afternoon. A review of the security camera tapes showed us nothing, no women anywhere with the scepter -- just one old guy who tripped and hit the floor. We obtained the passenger lists for the entire day and are isolating those females that fit the profile given, 18-35 years old. We have processed a third of the list and so far no one has the scepter; the rest of the list should be checked within 2 weeks." "Good, report back on that operation then. Finding that new Amazon takes priority over our planned operation using Al-Qaida. What is the impact likely to be?" "We will have to push that strike back, probably until early to mid- September." "That will suffice. Our other operations are proceeding then?" "Yes, sir." "Excellent! You are dismissed." "Sir." ***** The days followed the pattern of mornings alternating between endurance runs and bow practice and afternoons were sword and knife or horsemanship. Sundays usually were time for Michael to help Nicole sort out the spiritual aspects of her new life and for Artemis to work on the basics of life as a female. ***** Sunday 12/17/2000 (Elsewhere) "Sir, we followed up on the passenger lists from Minneapolis. No one on the list had the scepter. We even dropped the age limitations. Nothing was found. We are now checking all men on the chance the scepter was dropped into a suitcase or carry-on to be found by a female associated with their household." "I'm not pleased the scepter is not located. You are pursuing a proper course of action. Continue. Dismissed." "Sir." ***** Monday 12/18/2000 - Reality Check Early as it was, Michael caught Artemis' attention in the great room of the cabin. "This morning you'll need to take care of the horses early. Nicole won't be able to do it today." She tilted her head and quirked an eyebrow, "And why would that be? She wasn't feeling great last night, but didn't appear to be ill." "It isn't physical, at least not entirely. Her physical situation will trigger an emotional crisis, and it will take a good bit of time to deal with that." His companion stood and headed for the door. "Let me go and take care of business, then when I get back we can continue if there is time." ***** Nicole woke, feeling crummy, as the alarm sounded. She felt bloated and a bit queasy, recalling that the last time she, as Tom, had felt like this it was food poisoning. She dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and took care of her bladder first, but when she finished wiping there was a red tinge to the tissue. Blood? Blood! *Oh God* ***** Michael felt the emotional wind-up after Nicole woke. Even mentally braced as he was, the abrupt mental snap surprised him, even as he heard the shriek from her room. Artemis, alerted by Michael's briefing, was still alarmed as the wail echoed even through the doors. The two rushed up the stairs and entered the bedroom. Seeing no one, they moved into the bathroom and found Nicole curled in a corner. Eyes closed, tears streaming down her cheeks, her arms wrapped around her middle, she was rocking back and forth, wailing, "No! It has to be a nightmare! I want to wake up! I want to be back HOME! BETH! HELP ME WAKE UP!" Her voice rose again in hysterical shrieks. Michael moved to kneel at her right; Artemis moved to a place at her left. The angel reached out and gently put an arm around the young woman's shoulders. At contact, Nicole's eyes snapped open and a look of horror appeared on her face. "No!" The hysterical shriek dropped to a defeated whisper. The weeping grew to loud sobs that shook her whole body. Michael picked her up and returned her to her bed. She curled again into a fetal position and the sobbing continued. Artemis took a seat on the edge of the bed and gently brushed stray hair back from the youngster's face and stroked her back. Michael sat quietly, waiting for the raw edge of the emotions to wear off and for his charge to calm to a point where they could communicate usefully. He, too, used gentle contact to aid in Nicole's calming and stroked her arm through the covers. The sobs became soft weeping; the weeping calmed to quiet tears punctuated by hiccups. The tightly curled body relaxed, and the woman in the bed spoke without opening her eyes. "I can't do this. I can't cope with this. I need my friends and family. I can't deal with this situation anymore. I want to go back and go home." Her mentors listened quietly to her as she vented her despair. Michael spoke softly in response, "Why do you say that? You were doing fine yesterday. What happened this morning that upset you so much?" Most of the answers he already knew; Nicole needed to work through the situation to heal and move ahead. "I was on the toilet this morning... and there was blood when I wiped up." Artemis responded this time, again softly and quietly, "You think you started your period?" "Yes", the responding voice quavered. "It hit me. It's more real again. I could ignore most of the differences as cosmetic -- just a costume ball -- but this... it's real. All the stuff inside is female. But it can't be. I'm Tom; I'm a guy. This can't be real...." Again her eyes closed as she tried to close the world out. "I want to go home.... Please? " Michael slid his arms around the distraught woman and pulled her into a hug. She responded on an unconscious level and clung to the strong, supporting body. "You're managing better than I anticipated when you started this. You're making those last few adjustments now, and it is as hard as it will ever be to cope. You aren't alone, though. Artemis and I are here to help, to be the support and the family you need now. *Let* us help you." Artemis moved closer and resumed the physical contact broken by the hug. "When I first found out who would rebuild my Amazons, I was angry and resentful, but you gave up everything and have managed up till now despite the isolation and pressure." She used her hand to turn Nicole's face toward her. "I know it is still a shock, but I, too, have learned. I'm proud to have you as a daughter and the first of my new Amazons. You have courage to deal with this. You *will* succeed; I know it." A watery half-smile acknowledged the encouragement. "It's just so hard. Even with the talks Michael and I have on Sundays and the time you and I spend every day, it just isn't the same as being with someone you've spent 30 years sharing your life with." She paused. "I get so lonely... I miss Beth." Michael hugged the young woman again. "Today was a major shock to you. Even for someone born as a female, that first period can be a shock. You don't have experience at coping with this set of hormones, and that will take time. Give yourself that time; we'll both be here to help if you need it. Besides, you don't really want to break your vow do you?" Nicole sniffed a bit as she responded, "No, not really." Patting her on the back as he released her, Michael smiled. "I didn't think so. This is one of the toughest days you'll ever have. I guess we need to give you time today to cope." "Thanks for the offer, but I still have my responsibilities. What about the horses?" "I took care of them already," Artemis responded. "You can't let yourself hide from the problems behind your work. Besides, it will be best if you take time to learn the sensations of your period and when you need to get to a bathroom." "Ummm. Yeah. Ick." Nicole drew a deep breath and huffed. "I can't exactly run away from that, can I?" "No," her teacher smiled. "Now, are you up to getting yourself cleaned up and dressed, or will you need help?" "I think I can manage, or at least I want to try. I'll call if I get stuck." "Good, we'll wait downstairs for you. You might want to check on Elizabeth later; she seemed to miss you this morning." "I'll do that. See you downstairs." ***** She was clean and in a stable frame of mind as she descended the stairs. The shrieking breakdown was 'The Hump,' that last obstacle to clear in the mental and emotional metamorphosis needed to match her new body. She -- and even in her head that pronoun felt right -- was not done with changes. There was still work to be done to fully integrate all of her mind, heart, and soul. But there would be no more significant contesting of the change. The costume was reality. Nicole, truly herself, would now greet the day. She took only a minute to select a loose outfit, slacks and blouse, for the day, so there would be no problems if an abrupt trip to the bathroom was required. And, for today, a tampon. It was an utterly foreign sensation when she inserted the thing. Her brain had no wiring to process it, nothing to relate it to. Yet another corner of her new reality explored. "So, are you two really up to spending the day with a PMSing Amazon?" Nicole's sense of humor fitfully reasserted itself as she eased into a new 'period' in her life. And at that thought she snickered to herself and truly began the day. "And we're supposed to tell the difference exactly how?" Artemis shot back. "Ouch! I'm wounded. But that's OK. I never get mad, I get *even*," Nicole retorted. ***** Tuesday, December 19, 2000 Estrangement Nicole sat at the top of the stairs, quietly trying to ignore the date. The first Christmas away from Beth or any other family was less than a week away. Training each day was getting less physically demanding, and, despite being in the first 'period' she'd ever had, she felt better than ever. The horses were in the pasture, the barn was clean, and she didn't yet feel up to starting the day. Running or not, it was likely to be uncomfortable today, and besides it was still quiet downstairs. Michael and Artemis ordinarily had a conversation going in the early part of the day, but neither was around when she'd first gone out nor when she'd returned. Just sitting, avoiding the day, seemed nice for now. The rattle of the door opening caught her attention, but as she gathered herself to stand a voice carried up the stairway. "Michael, I don't know how to proceed with this person. He, she, whatever, is just barely able to get the basics down. And now this hysterical rant from yesterday...." Nicole froze, stunned by the cruel and callous comment. This is the person who had called her 'daughter'? The one she called 'Mom'? She had relied on Artemis to teach her everything she needed to know about being a woman. Her emotions shut down, and she silently moved down the stairs. "Artemis, you know this woman is the only hope you have for the Amazons. She's trying to adjust in six weeks to everything other women have years to learn. You can't argue she's not giving every effort to become what she needs to be. You can't have this attitude and not pay a price." Nicole broke in from the stairway door, "Perhaps the situation could be helped if she was more open with 'IT' about her attitude." The tone was flat, emotionless, and devoid of the life and humor of previous mornings. "Nicole!" The goddess started in surprise, as she wasn't expecting Nicole to be out yet. The same flat voice broke in, "'IT' will suffice, or 'Tom' if you prefer. 'Nicole' somehow doesn't seem appropriate for your use." At this point Artemis winced. The emotionless voice, she was learning, masked the utter fury this person felt. The change would be frightening were she someone with real power. The arrogance of this child was annoying -- just weeks as a female and presuming to question her. Michael watched the scene develop for the moment, ignoring the irritated glance from Artemis as she ignored the need to try to recover from the potentially fatal blow to her hopes -- if she even realized the threat. "You know," Nicole continued as she walked in, "as I grew up we moved so much that we had only family to rely on. My dad was away on Navy business, so I spent a lot of time with just my mom. I loved them both dearly, but she was always there, and I leaned on her for advice more than most guys did their mothers. That was why, I think, it wasn't too hard to deal with this situation. I had you to turn to, to give that advice and support." She tilted her head, but her face remained totally expressionless. Even Michael couldn't feel any emotions on the surface, though the pressure from underneath was building. "And now I find I'm a monster in your eyes. Your calling me 'daughter' is just a polite fiction. I find a major support I counted on was a broken reed." "But...." Artemis was beginning to wonder. Was Nicole going to refuse the charge she'd previously accepted? Her face paled at that prospect. She had allowed her frustration with the slow education progress to blind her to the risks of not continuing that education. She had to stop this and try to repair the damage before it was too late. "I'm NOT DONE. I don't care." Nicole gave a wave of dismissal. "I accepted this job; I'll bear the consequences of that decision and do whatever is necessary. I will also keep this to myself -- I don't think I can carry out this project if a problem between us poisons your future relationship with your real Amazons, and real Queen, when they are chosen. I'll build them the best foundation I am able to build and get out of your way. Now I'm going to take the filly out for a ride. I'll be back when I'm sure I can continue to be civil." The tall redhead swept out of the cabin, leaving a trail of emotional wreckage. Her new attitude was starkly reflected by her last statement. Since naming the filly weeks before, she had developed a real fondness for the horse. Artemis was shocked -- never had Nicole referred to the animal so coldly. Her thoughtless criticism had caught even a loved animal in the backwash. ***** ~How DARE she!~ An incandescent rage consumed the pain lurking within. Nicole walked in a fury toward the barn as her mind -- damn her eidetic memory -- replayed Artemis' words like an old LP skipping a groove. She reached the barn and whirled through it; her new training from the betrayer and old experience as a Boy Scout helped her efficiently select and pack camping supplies for a week. She ignored the lightweight tent; the weather was invariably comfortable and the plants seemed to be watered from within the ground. A waterproof ground cloth was included to keep anything from coming up under her sleeping bag as she slept, even that omnipresent mist at night. A medical kit, matches, camping saw, shovel, knife, and hatchet, cooking utensils, mess kit, rope, duct tape, and flashlight quickly piled up on the tabletop. She rooted around a bit in the cabinet. ~Ah-ha!~ She located the personal care kits. She lifted one out and opened it to check its contents. ~Hmmm. Comb, brush, toothbrush and paste, soap, toilet paper, washcloth and towel. Trash bags! I almost forgot!~ A quick check of the cabinet revealed a set of bags which joined the rest of the equipment. The last items collected were her sword, bow, and a quiver of arrows. For a moment she considered leaving them behind, but her life might depend on the skills. Reluctantly, she included them in the packing. Finally, all the odds and ends required for camping were carefully stowed in a backpack. She didn't want to overload the saddlebags. Her anger caused several slips, and more than once an item suffered as it was hurled to one side as she repacked a bag. Food came next. She selected lightweight, non-perishable, self-heating MREs for three meals a day for a week. Another pack was quickly filled with them and set aside. More supplies were chosen for the horse. The first rush of anger crested and began to ebb as she started gathering a few grooming supplies for the filly.... ~No, Elizabeth.~ she mentally corrected herself. Her fundamental love for the horse began to reassert itself as her rapid actions slowed, then stopped. The pain in her heart, checked by the anger, reasserted itself. Alone. Betrayed and abandoned. *Lied* to. She slammed her hands down on a table as her control cracked for a moment. ~No! I *WON'T* cry!~ Blinking rapidly to reassert control over the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, she entered the pasture to saddle Elizabeth. The filly watched nervously, ears twitching, as Nicole approached. The last three weeks had built a bond of trust, but the rider displayed an emotional state that was new. Elizabeth heard Nicole's soft call and walked carefully toward the visibly distressed woman as she approached. They met not far from the barn; the horse's long strides had covered the bulk of the distance despite her nervousness. The horse's ears twitched and her tail swished nervously; she flinched momentarily as Nicole reached out. "Shhhh. It's OK." Nicole spoke softly and reached out slowly to soothe the nervous animal. The filly's body language broadcast her state of mind, but she slowly settled as her mistress worked at calming the horse's jangled nerves. She brought the horse back to the barn and saddled her quickly. Another ten minutes of loading and the two were moving quickly off into the woods, the rider's ire rising again as the memories stoked Nicole's suppressed anger. ***** Dark came, and there was no sign of Nicole. A check of the barn's camping supplies showed a comprehensive kit was taken, including food for horse and rider for several days. Michael refused to give the young woman's location. He knew where to find her, and always would. She was out there, seething in anger and betrayal. She was dealing with her feelings, her reality of being utterly abandoned. Artemis brought Hecuba in at day's end and mechanically performed the required tasks as her mind raced to deal with her devastating foolishness of speaking her mind at the wrong time. She had not just burned the bridge. The bridge, piers, and river were thoroughly nuked. It had not occurred to her yet that what was in her mind was wrong. ***** Wednesday, December 20, 2000 ~Yuck!~ By noon yesterday she'd realized a critical omission in her packing. Tom never had to consider it, but given her new body and the time of the month she vowed she'd NEVER forget tampons again. ~That squishy feeling is awful.~ The makeshift pad of plastic and toilet paper kept her underwear clean for the moment, but there wasn't enough paper to stay out for more than another day or two. ~I'm not sure that will be enough time.~ Her thoughts always spun back to trust. ~How can I ever trust her again? Or Michael? He at least should have warned me. ~ The heavy bronze sword found its way into her hand. An inoffensive tree found itself the recipient of her anger as she vented the pent-up fury of the last day. It was matchsticks by the time she stopped, panting from fatigue. The edge of the blade was notched and needed the rest of the afternoon to smooth again. ***** Thursday, December 21, 2000 Her hair was filthy. There was only so much combing could do, and there was no way Nicole was going to use plain soap. ~What do I do? The toilet paper is running out fast enough that I won't be able to stay out for more than another day. ~ She sat on the ground, head in her hands. ~I need them both. I can't trust Artemis. I'm not happy with Michael.~ The memory of that morning replayed again -- Michael admonishing the goddess as they walked in. ~Why didn't he talk to her *sooner*.~ ~I have to go back. I don't have supplies to stay out. Now how do I deal with them?~ She thought back; in her fifty-five years as Tom there had been times he'd encountered similar situations. There had been times he'd had to work with people he *couldn't* trust. First, she had to set aside the desire for revenge. That wasn't going to happen. So that left only one path: keep working with them on a purely professional basis. She'd call on those skills from her past to keep the other two residents at arms length. If she kept them at an emotional distance, she might be able to make it through the rest of her stay here. They could do what had to be done over the next two weeks. And maybe it wouldn't hurt so much. ***** Friday, December 22, 2000 Artemis walked down to the barn to take care of the chores. No sign of Nicole for almost three days was beginning to really worry her. She looked out at the barn, wondering when Nicole would return. Two horses. There were two horses in the pasture. She ran to the barn and found the stalls cleaned and refreshed. Nicole was back. She spun and rushed back to the cabin. ***** "Good morning, My Lord." The same flat voice carried through the room. Michael sighed. Even he was caught in the emotional backlash, and there wasn't time to repair the damage anymore. She had put up thick and high emotional walls and was unlik

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Amazon Part 10c Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, March 5, 2001 Nicole and Angela's apartment 7:20AM EST "You're in a good mood this morning. What did I miss yesterday?" Angela was indulging in a breakfast of biscuits with sausage...

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Amazon Part 10a Home Stretch

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Amazon: Re-Genesis: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Part 10a Author's Note: The menu is, of course, courtesy of the incomparable Amelia R. ********** Sunday, February 25, 2001 6:12AM EST The alarm hadn't even wakened her this morning, and...

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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

2 years ago
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Amazon Part 7 Charm School Week 3

Amazon - Part 7: CHARM SCHOOL Week 3 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, January 22, 2001 Washington, D.C. The orders were clear, even if the scope of the task itself was not. Carson Sinclair had been directed to follow up on a company known to...

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Amazon Part 9 Dancing Queen

Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen By Itinerant Edited By Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, February 5, 2001(84/51) Washington, D.C. 9:00AM EST The conference room quieted as Carson called the meeting to order. It was a sizable place, with two rows of tables facing the end...

1 year ago
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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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Amazon Part 6 Charm School Week 2

Amazon - Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude: A soft chime interrupted Nicole's story. A voice followed...

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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

4 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

1 year ago
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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

4 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter Part 2

Liz and Julie ate in silence. Neither knew the other was thinking about the previous day’s events and particularly the sexual pleasures they had experienced. Both were embarrassed by their thoughts and were hesitant to talk. A few minutes later, the two natives returned. They reached down and pulled the captives to their feet and led them out of the hut. They walked for about 100 yards away from the village until they reached a pond that was fed by a small waterfall trickling off a cliff...

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Amazon Heat Ch 05

‘I am not what you think I am, I am the light of the Amazon, and that means I am…’ Jessie hated to think the worst of Jack but his eyes were saying things that she really didn’t want to hear. She’d known since that morning he wasn’t normal. Human, probably, normal, living, breathing, leave your underwear on the bedroom floor, and your nasty socks on the kitchen counter, and drink your juice with vodka in it, maybe. Live in society with a nine to five job, and a house with a mortgage and two...

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Amazon Heat Ch 04

Hope you enjoy this next chapter of AmazonHeat the story of Jack and Jessie. I adore these two characters and I hope you do too. If you have any suggestions, or if you have any thoughts as to how the story should progress, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will try to incorporate your thoughts as best I can. I can’t always tell my characters what to do, but I will try. Enjoy! Morning came, the glow of the tropical sun lighting the entrance of the cave as Jessie rose and stretched...

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When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as Chris Farren was about to discover... AMAZONS by BobH (c) 2013 -1- What was I doing here, I wondered as I was ushered into the office of the head of Olympus Images? I was a jock who wasn't good enough to make the leap from high school football to the pro leagues, and I had no illusions about my academic grades, which had been...

1 year ago
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Amazons The Other Side

When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as brothers Jack and Chris Farren were about to discover... AMAZONS: THE OTHER SIDE by BobH (c) 2013 (This is a version of my story 'Amazons' retold from the pov of another character, Julie Gibson. It contains spoilers for 'Amazons', of course.) -1- I don't remember how old I was when I saw my first drag act on TV -...

3 years ago
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Amazon Part 4 Debutante

Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...

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Amazons of Accor

It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...

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Amazon A story of Female Muscle

There are amazons through out the world. Women with strong muscles that dwarf men and strength like no other. There are women that tower over men and can crush a man with ease. These women are also feminine and sexy. They tend to love sex and be dominant. Some are sadistic and other are sensual. Few can match their fiery sex in bed but they love seeing weak men try. They love sexual domination. It is a conquest to them. These women can be warriors, female bodybuilders, celebrities, your next...

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Amazon Beths Story

Amazon - Beth's Story By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Author's Note: Some of you have expressed interest in what happened to Beth Edwards. Her sacrifice was equal to Tom's, and she is equally deserving of attention. What follows is at least a brief look into her life during and after the events in 'Amazon: ReGenesis'. ********** Saturday, November 25, 2000 Waukesha, WI A wave of dizziness passed over her as she stood up, as if the world was changing in an instant around...

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Amazon Heat Ch 02

Jack tucked his machete under his arm and watched her stumble off into the trees. This little woman was an amusing sight, especially with her pants down around her ankles. He liked her pluck, and her determination to keep up with him. He’d heard her stomach growling, and he’d known the impending thunderstorm startled her. He’d expected her to fall all over him in a mass of tears and whimpers begging him to tell her where he was taking her, and when they could eat, and how much longer did she...

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Amazon Adventure

Today as I look back at the last one year, I can't believe how drastically my life has changed. My life has gone from New York yuppie to a villager in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest. I cannot say that I am either happier or sadder with the current situation I find myself in, things are just different. The difference in my life situation is something that I have learnt to live with, it is something that I cannot escape, at least not at the moment. However even if I have a choice,...

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Amazon Driver

I've been waiting on a package from Amazon with some parts for my truck. This would be the second attempt. The first disappeared. I asked that the driver deliver them directly to my door, I'd be home waiting.About this morning someone was knocking on the door. Sure enough, it's this young striking hunk of a black man with my package. Said he was under orders to hand deliver it. I barely heard him as I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This k** was a god. Maybe 5'9", 170 lbs, and toned as hell. Not...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

Driving Mrs. TandyChapter 1  John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time, he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all.    The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent...

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

2 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter

Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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Amazons of Gaming

The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

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Sex With My Maid Nandhini

Hello to all the iss reader’s. Let me first introduce myself, I am sparta with nice athletic body and this incident happened in boys hostel when I studing my bachelor’s degree. The heroine of this story is the maid nandhini who works in that hostel. She is black in color and good looking. Her size is 38-26-38 which will make everyone tempt. This is the real incident happened between me and my sexy maid few months back. Nandhini was working as a maid in that hostel for more than three years. Her...

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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Chandni Oh My Chandni

Hello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...

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The Knight Zander

Since the day of the ill-fated campaign to bring down the warlord Mahrk that led to the death of the youngest prince of Harya, Zander lived in seclusion in the tiny fishing village of Fairno. No kingdom would accept him into their knighthood nor would any hire them for their "dirty" work. So Zander was content living in Fairno and keeping the life he now had. Most of his days we spent excercising keeping in shape and farming his land. And on days like today when he needed supplies Zander went...

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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

1 year ago
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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

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PromiseChapter 23 Alejandra

SATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...

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Me And My Maid Nandini

This story is about my maid and me and how we started our secret affair. Before that, let me introduce myself as it’s my first story. My name is Rahul 22 years, and I am a proper Bangalore man. I’m 5’8 with dusty color with a lean athletic body as I do regular gym I have finished my studies and started my firm. My mom moved to dad’s place as he works abroad. Now, coming to the story. As I told, I had finished my studies and started my firm. With mom gone, I was left alone with no-one to do my...

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Kandy By Daisy May Chapter One Adrian had been fired, again. His boss had been ragging on him because he missed another Monday, she didn't take kindly to his suggestion that she 'blow me' and, instead, had fired his ass out the door. Another man might have been upset, and, truthfully, in a couple of weeks when his cash was gone, Adrian would clean himself up and get another job; until then, a can or three of Faxe 10 would keep him occupied and happy if not blissful. The...

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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

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Drunk Sex With Hot Married Colleague Nandita

Hey everyone, thanks for the support and responses to my previous stories. I have been busy all this while but finally got time to pen down this erotic experience I had last week with a hot office babe, Nandita. For comments, suggestions or some fun (only for women), contact me at my email. I had recently moved into a new role in the company and was supposed to go under a training for a week. Already bored by the dull looking mentor, I was cursing my new role until the training ended and I was...

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