A Smart Set Of Cheaters free porn video

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Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse they are cheating on. Also, from personal observation and real life stories I have heard I believe that almost all cheaters are stupid and take horrible risks-especially those that are having affairs or those who cheat in their home area versus those that are away from home and take advantage of an opportunity when it comes up. How many cheaters start down that path though on a night out with the boys or girls? They get liquored up, play and dance a little too long with a non-spouse and let the excitement of the moment lead them astray. Then how many find they enjoy the excitement of sex with the new person or like the person they cheated with enough to begin an affair? Well, let me tell you, this was one of the very most difficult stories to write because of my personal limitations. I hope it meets with your approval because I sweated blood to even get this one long enough to post.

Another Friday evening and though I was late getting home, my wife Victoria was even later. I didn't like her going out after work with her friends but what can a man do? Every couple does need a life apart from their spouse and Vicky was very good about not only letting me know when she was going out but she also told me where they were going and made sure she got home early. She was usually no later than 8 p.m.

This afternoon I had been out on a job inspection and got a text message from Vicky. "Out 4 drink w grls home late luv u." Vicky is usually good about her going out. In fact it usually isn't more than once every three to four weeks so why does it bother me so much? Well, that's another story. To make it short let's just say I have trust issues of females in general-no, that's not true either. I have trust issues with people male or female that spend time in a bar with their friends and without their spouse or that take a lot of business trips. Vicky does both but the trips are the worst for me by far.

You might ask why I have these problems and how they effect my perception of Vicky. I will tell you a short, sad story so you can see for yourself. I grew up in a bar-literally. My parents owned and operated the most popular bar in our small town outside St. Louis MO. They also operated an upscale French Restaurant in the other half of the bar building. People would come from miles around to eat then would go next door to the bar/night club and dance the night away. I saw it all and at an early age my parents beat discretion into my hide.

It was the summer I was 16 and they decided I needed to learn the business. My older brother and sister had both began working in the business when they were 16 also. By the time I began working there my brother was 21, had a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management and managed the Bar. My sister was almost 19 and just beginning college. Of course as young as I was I wasn't allowed to work in the bar. I was started bussing tables in the restaurant. I deeply resented this demand because like most teenagers I wanted to run the streets and do things with my friends. I wanted to work as little as possible for a lot of money at something I chose-preferably in a location where I could flirt with a lot of young beautiful girls.

I had only been working at the restaurant three weeks when I began to change my attitude about things. My GOD I got to see so much TIT I thought I would go blind. I also got to look up many of the proverbial Little Black Dresses. I saw my first bare beaver (well the first one I wasn't related to in any event) looking up the dress of one of the town's society ladies. What made it even more exciting was watching her and her date during the meal and after in the bar.

Several times my Father or Mother had to come to the door separating the bar and restaurant to send me back to my job in the restaurant. My sister was working that night. She came up to me and said, "Donnie you'd better get back to your job and ignore everything you see or you'll get in trouble."

I turned to her and said, "But Sis, that's Mrs. Horton and she's out with a man. She doesn't even have on any underwear either. Do you think Mr. Horton knows? God I can't wait to tell the guys! This is awesome!"

Sarah looked scared and looked over her shoulder then said, "Oh Shit," under her breath.

About that time I felt my Father's big hand on my shoulder. He squeezed it hard and said, "Don, come with me RIGHT NOW." He turned and walked through the dining room past the waiter's station and into his office. I followed him slowly and, in truth, fearfully. I had been sent back to my job enough that night that I knew I was going to have a serious discussion with my Father.

When I got into the office he looked at me and said, "Close the door and sit down."

I thought oh, crap, this is going to be really bad. I was almost sick at my stomach while I sat and watched my father look at me. Finally, he sighed and began talking. "Don I should have had this talk with you before I let you start working here but I just didn't. I had to have this same talk with your brother and sister too and believe me it doesn't get any easier with repetition."

"Mrs. Horton is a beautiful woman isn't she son?" my father asked.

I was so shocked at that I jumped a little and I felt a little dizzy. I wondered where my Father was going with that question and why the change of topic. While I was trying to frame my reply he said once again, "Isn't she?"

I swallowed and nodded my head 'yes' while I whispered, "Unh huh."

Dad leaned his elbows on his desk, laced his fingers together and rested his chin on his thumbs. I remember his sigh and look of sorrow to this day. Finally he leaned back in his chair and began talking again. I can still hear his words even twenty years later. He said, "Son this business is our life and livelihood. It supports the whole family. It provides us our nice house and pool. It sent your brother to college and it will send your sister and you to college also. It will take care of all of us for years to come IF we don't do something to ruin it."

"Don, if someone you know comes in here with their family you smile and greet them by name. You can visit while you do your job IF the customer wants you to but you have to remember one very important thing. When you operate a business like this you have selective hearing and vision. Part of being in the food service and bar business is discretion. You see nothing you shouldn't see. If someone you know comes in here with someone of the opposite sex that is not a member of their family you call them sir or ma'am unless or until they tell you to do otherwise. You don't remember they were here in that case. You especially don't remember anything they did or how they were dressed."

"If our customers do anything off color we ignore it as long as we can and we DO NOT talk about it outside this establishment. The entire staff is held to these same strict rules. If I ever hear of anyone on the staff gossiping about a customer I let him or her go. Over the years I have had to fire some really great employees because they couldn't keep their mouth shut about the customers. We are known for our discretion as well as for the quality of our food and service."

"Son you are young and I know how your hormones are raging. Hell, even at my age I check out women like Mrs. Horton if I get the chance. Your mother knows I do it and that you will but she also knows it is like window-shopping. You look and never, never purchase or try on the merchandise. I don't expect you not to look but I do expect your discretion and that you not make it as obvious as you have been tonight."

"Something else you should know son is that people like Mrs. Horton are always found out. Gossip will start somewhere else and eventually get back to her husband. If he is like most men it will end their marriage. People who cheat on their spouse always get careless and eventually the spouse finds out. We don't want to be the start of something like that. Many of them have small children and a divorce hurts children very badly. Now go back to work and remember what I said."

I returned to my job that day and worked in the restaurant off and on all through high school and college. I never gossiped about the customers but I saw way too much cheating for someone my age. After I got older and began bussing the bar area I watched as groups of men or groups of women came in on a boy's or girl's night out. I watched as the ones I knew were married did things I knew wouldn't pass the spouse test. I learned. Perhaps I learned too much because I also learned to be intolerant of people who went on the boy's or girl's night out and stayed late into the evening.

I learned that many of the people who were in the area on business would play around and try to pick up locals. This is fine, of course, if they are not married but many of them were-or at least they wore rings that said they were. In many cases they would pick up on one of our married customers. I learned to feel disrespect and disgust for them but everyone got treated with the same amount of courtesy and discretion. We did want repeat business after all.

I noticed the ones who came to the night's out and left early after one or two drinks had good, stable marriages. The ones who stayed until late in the night had troubled marriages and many of them divorced.

In my freshman year of college my father hired a new waitress. The first time I saw Victoria I fell in lust. As we worked together over the next two years we fell in love. We dated, met the families and other relatives. We talked and found we were soul mates. We watched all the cheaters that came to the business and laughed at their antics and stupidity. Finally the Christmas before we were to graduate college I asked Vicky to marry me. By then we both knew we were on the same sheet of music about life and would be a couple for life. The only hiccup in our relationship was our parent's request we do a Pre Nuptial Agreement.

Vicky and I knew we were life mates and thought it was stupid. My parents had the business and to my surprise a large investment holding. They wanted it protected should I inherit. I found to my surprise that Vicky's parents wanted the same thing. They had a very large estate and didn't want Vicky's potential share to be split with me if we should divorce. The way the agreement was written solved these problems. We agreed anything we owned before the marriage or inherited from our side of the family stayed with us in the event of a divorce. The agreement also addressed pensions. We each kept our own. The only thing we split was an asset acquired jointly after the marriage. The agreement even addressed childcare in the event we divorced with minor children. If one of us traveled more than the other, the children were to be placed in the custody of the parent that traveled the least unless that would be a danger to the children.

Finally graduation day arrived. Vicky got a BS in Finance and landed a great job with a locally headquartered Stock Brokerage Firm. I got a BS in Construction Management, minor in Landscape Architecture. After college I worked two years for a construction company learning the trade. Neither Vicky nor I was interested in the restaurant or bar. My parents had rolled it into a corporation and we let my sister and brother run the business. Mother stayed the bookkeeper and Dad was just Dad. He was boss even if it didn't show that on paper. After two years working for another company I opened my own construction and landscaping business. Since Vicky and I could barely make payments on our home and cars my parents actually provided the capital for the business from the family corporation. I received a salary to operate (manage) it.

At first things were hard for us but Vicky had been steadily working her way upward in her job. Finally one day she came home so happy. She had been selected for a position in the Compliance Unit of the Brokerage. This is the unit that makes sure the Satellite offices comply with all the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The only down side was her new job entailed some travel. Not excessive, just 3 or 4 days a month but worrisome to me with my background.

As time progressed my business grew. I progressed from small remodel jobs to adding rooms and garages to building entire new buildings and landscaping them. I was happy with the arrangement so never tried to get the business out of the corporation and into my name. I just kept drawing a larger and larger salary. To my pride the value of the business and our gross income grew larger every year.

I grew to accept Vicky's travel but was never entirely comfortable with it. I was happy with her girl's nights out though. She went occasionally but never more than once a month and usually was home by 8 p.m. Of course from time to time I had to travel also and I did go out for a beer after work occasionally with the construction crews or office staff. That is just good management. I made sure though that I left after a beer or two. Normally I got home no more than an hour later than I normally would even if I went out with my employees unless, of course, Vicky went with me.

After we had been married three years Vicky and I decided to have children. Our first child was Patrick, and then 18 months later came my little Suzanne. She was so tiny and as she grew she so controlled me. By the time she was 4 years old she looked exactly like her mother, junior version. She was going to be a heart stopper for sure when she got older!

As Vicky's expertise grew in her job she became known as the person to send to straighten out difficult offices. She found the problems and knew how to help them fix them. If she met resistance she wasn't afraid to straighten out the culprit. If that didn't work, she wasn't afraid to call headquarters and get the big guns out. Many were the office manager that crossed her and went looking for a new job. Because of this Vicky began to travel more. Now she was gone sometimes two weeks a month. I hated it and so did she. We talked. She thought she was on track to take over the department in a little under two years. Then she would no longer travel and would get a very substantial raise. We agreed to continue as we were pending that opportunity.

With the economy slowing my little company had to begin taking jobs we would have passed up before the housing bubble and the stock market crash. We had laid off about half of our employees already. We were in no financial difficulty because we had no large loans or overhead but we weren't as profitable as before.

One of the small jobs I went to bid started my marriage down the path to destruction. Oh, how I wish I had never agreed to bid that job. Perhaps I could have then stayed happily married. Perhaps not.

I walked into my office on a Thursday morning wondering why I even bothered to come in. I had stayed late the night before and finished all the paperwork I had on my desk. Vicky had been out all week on a Compliance Review. From talking to her I knew she wouldn't be home until late Friday evening so I worked. This morning I almost went straight to one of our three job sites to spend the day getting my hands dirty and "inspecting" the job. As many of you know the best way to keep workers on their toes and to ensure quality is for the boss to be on the job with them and to be able to do everything they can do.

I hadn't been at my desk long when my assistant buzzed me. She said, "Don (we're informal here. I try to treat my employees like part of the family) Mrs. Sloan is here and wants to talk about building a deck and landscaping her back yard. Do you have time to visit with her?"

I remember thinking 'Great a little deck and a few bushes' but decided to talk anyway. After all a couple days work could be fit in and would help keep some of the men working to feed their families.

When Mrs. Sloan came into my office I was shocked. I was almost speechless. She looked so much like Mrs. Horton, the first lady I had obsessed over that I could hardly talk. I finally got control of myself and stood to welcome her.

I smiled and said, "Mrs. Sloan I'm glad to meet you. I'm Don Patterson. Mrs. Simpson said you wanted a deck built? Is that correct?"

"Oh, excuse me," I said. "Please have a seat while we discuss your needs. I'm not usually like this but you remind me so much of a lady I knew when I was younger. It's almost like she just walked into the room. Please forgive me."

Mrs. Sloan laughed then said, "Don, its Jasmine." I suppose she saw the uncertainty and confusion in my face because she continued, "You know, Jasmine Horton. Donita and Alfred Horton were my parents. We used to come to your families restaurant all the time?"

"Oh my God," I said. "I'm sorry. You were so much younger and you've changed..."

Jasmine laughed such a sexy tinkling laugh then said, "Well, I guess we've all changed some. I was only 10 when mother and daddy divorced. She took me and we couldn't afford your prices after..."

With a sigh Jasmine began again, "Well, anyway, my husband and I have bought a house near where we used to live and he says we can build a deck and cabana with hot tub. I think we also have enough to landscape too if prices aren't too high. When I found out you had a construction business I just had to see if you would be interested before I checked with anyone else."

We spent most of the morning talking about old times and what she and her husband Steven had in mind. After we got it settled what she wanted in general I told her I would have to see the house and measure before I could make a bid. She said, "No problem Don. We can go out now or ... I mean I don't work so any time you want to do that is fine with me."

"Tell ya what." I said. "Why don't I come by about one this afternoon. I need to check up on my work crews and grab a bite then I will have all afternoon to do the measuring and bid. Will that work for you?"

Jasmine left the office and I followed. I told Laura, my secretary, "I'll be out the rest of the day. I'm going to check on all the job sites, grab a bite then go over to Mrs. Sloan's to bid her little job. Just close up when you go home. If you need me, I'll have my cell."

Everything was going well on the jobs but I stayed a little longer than I should have to visit with one of the property owners. That threw me late for lunch and I got to the Sloan's about 1:30.

Jasmine met me at the door and the first thing I did was apologize for being late. "Mrs. Sloan, I'm sorry for being late. I got tied up with one of the property owners and ran over. I tried to call but I only got the machine."

Mrs. Sloan giggled then said, "Don, I told you its Jasmine. I'm sorry I didn't hear the phone. I was out cleaning the pool after I got home and forgot to take the cordless with me. It's no big deal. You're here now. Do you want something to drink or do you want to see the area?"

"I'm fine Jasmine. Let's just go on out and look over your back yard." I got all the measurements then said, "Well, it's no problem pricing everything I usually use but since you don't have a hot tub you really need to buy it before I bid. I need to know the dimensions of it before I can order some of the materials we will use."

"Oh," Jasmine said. "I thought you would furnish the tub too. I don't know much about them and, well can't you just include that in the bid too?"

I laughed and said, "Yes, Jasmine, I guess I can do that but we don't sell them and I will have to buy one somewhere else. To do that I need to know the size you want, if it will be in ground or stand alone, if it will run on 210 or 110 volt current..."

Jasmine looked so upset my heart went out to her. I remembered when she was younger how she could get so sad over the small things. Finally I said, "Well, let's talk about this a while then maybe you could call your husband or talk to him tonight about it. I can just hold off on this until you decide what kind of tub you want."

Now Jasmine looked really worried. She was almost shaking when she said, "Oh, no. I can't call him about this. He told me to handle it and I intend to do that. He is on a business trip to Denver so I won't see him until this weekend. Maybe we can just figure it out?"

I questioned Jasmine more about how they would use the tub and found out they entertained rarely and in fact it was just mostly her that used the pool and back yard. Sometimes with a friend or two. I finally had enough information. We went to my supplier and let her look at tubs. Jasmine decided to buy a smaller 5-person tub. I got the dimensions and we went back to her home. I asked if she had somewhere I could hook to the Internet so I could access my office. Some of the items I needed to do the estimate changed on Thursdays and I wanted the accurate price list before I started working.

Jasmine smiled and said, "Sure Don. Why don't you come into the office? Steve is a manufacturers representative for Savin Business Systems. He had a really nice office set up so he can work from home when he isn't on the road. You can hook your laptop up to our net portal or you can use our computer either one."

I walked into the office and stopped in amazement. He had it set up almost like a normal business office in an office building. His desk was to the left of the door facing the room. Windows looked out the side of the office over the back yard. There were two nice leather chairs in front of the desk and a bookshelf opposite. I was impressed.

Jasmine walked behind the desk and pulled out the desk chair. She smiled at me and said, "You can sit here while you work. If you need anything just ask."

"Thank you," I said as I walked behind the desk. I put my laptop on the desk then sat down. Jasmine handed me the DSL cord to plug into my computer. When I was reaching for it I had to reach over a picture. I glanced at the picture then stopped. I drew my hand back and stared at it then reached out and picked it up.

Jasmine looked at me in confusion, holding the cord out toward me. She saw my face and how I was squeezing the picture and asked, "Don is something wrong? That's my husband and his pride and joy. I keep trying to get him to throw that picture away and take another one of his Chevelle but he won't. I'm really sick of having to look at his old girlfriend when I use the desk."

"Don? Don don't look at me like that. What's the matter?" Jasmine asked once again.

I carefully sat the picture down and pushed back from the desk. I looked at Jasmine and said, "Did you tell me your husband was in Denver?"

She looked surprised and then said, "Yes I did. Why?"

"My wife's in Denver and has been there all week. Jasmine did you ask Steven where to go for an estimate or did you tell him you were going to talk to me?"

"Nooo. Don, what difference does that make anyway? He just told me if I had to have a deck and hot tub to get estimates. He said if it didn't cost over $20000 I could do it. Now why are you asking these questions?"

"Jasmine that woman Steve is with in this picture is my wife."

Jasmine smiled and said, "Oh, how strange you married Steve's old girlfriend. We've only been married eighteen months. When did you get married?"

I felt my stomach churn and looked back up at Jasmine. "Vicky and I have been married for nine years now. That picture was only taken no more than two years ago because she is wearing a necklace I bought her for Christmas a little over two years ago. She got the outfit she is wearing to take on vacation the next summer."

Jasmine stood for a moment then she said, "Don, I'm sorry for you if you are saying what I think your are but ... well, why are you worried that she is in Denver?"

"Jasmine you said you had been married eighteen months. Do you know when this picture was taken? From what I remember of what Vicky was wearing in this picture it could have been taken about the time you got married. When did Steve have it framed?"

"Why he said ... but that can't be so because the picture was taken the day he won first prize in the big State Chevrolet Car Show. That was..." Jasmine began to cry and dropped into one of the comfortable chairs in front of the desk. She continued quietly, "That was three weeks before we got married. I just never thought. I mean he said it was an old picture but he is holding the first place trophy ... DAMN Him! I'll"

"Jasmine wait," Don said. "Let's think this through. I saw it all while I worked in the restaurant. I learned to ignore and not talk about other peoples business because cheaters always get caught in the end. I admit it looks bad but all we know right now is that Steve and Vicky are standing in front of his car with their arms around each other. We also know the picture was taken about 18 months to two years ago. You're enough younger than we are I don't think Steve could be an old boyfriend of Vicky's because we began dating when we were 18 and both working in Dad's restaurant. He could be though. I don't know the name of everyone she had a crush on when she was younger any more than you probably do for Steve. How old is he anyway?

"He's uhhh, he's 29 and I'm 27."

"Huh. Well, it's possible because Vicky's not 31 yet. I just don't know. Damn. Now what do we do? If we ask them about this all they will do is deny it whether they are having an affair or have in the past or not. If they are having an affair and we ask they may quit or just get sneakier. I feel like I need to ask and yet until today I would have said I trusted Vicky unconditionally. Damn. I just don't know."

We talked more and came up with what we decided was an acceptable plan. We would say nothing about what we thought we had discovered this day. Jasmine wouldn't tell Steve about talking to me about the deck and we would hire a private investigator to check on Vicky and Steve.

The next day Jasmine and I talked with the security firm we use for our construction sites and they sent us to the investigation company they use. We talked to their people and signed a contract for their services. We each gave them a check for our share of the retainer and went to our respective homes. Jasmine had shortened the name on the check so if Steve asked she could say it was a deposit for the work we had talked about and I used the business account. Vicky never saw those books or checks so I was safe. I would just have to reimburse the business.

After three weeks Jasmine and I got together with the investigator. He said, "Don, Jasmine, I'm sorry ... NO, that's not right, I'm happy to report that we can find nothing to indicate your spouses are seeing each other or even know each other. We've followed them every noon hour and after work and they have done nothing they shouldn't have done. The only thing out of the ordinary was last Friday when Mrs. Patterson and some of the women she works with went out after work. They were in several bars at St. Louis Landing and danced with several men each. Vicky did dance with Steve once but it was proper. There was space between them and neither let their hands wander. There was no kissing or anything untoward. They were never seen to speak to each other again after the dance."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I looked at the investigator then at Jasmine. I was beginning to believe this whole mess was a result of my ingrained mistrust learned when I worked in the family business. I had checked all the phone records; we had even put cameras and recorders in the house and recorders in Vicky's car and purse. They were squeaky clean also.

Finally I sighed and said, "Well I guess we can just mark this down to paranoia then. You don't know how happy I am to find this out but I am so embarrassed I even though Vicky and Steve would do something like this. We can just stop the ... WAIT a minute. Jasmine didn't you tell me Steve was going to San Antonio next week?"

Jasmine looked puzzled then said, "Yes. What's that got to do with ... OH, we won't need to have anyone followed next week will we?"

"I think that is exactly WHEN we need to have them followed. Vicky told me two weeks ago that she was scheduled to do a Compliance Review next week. I don't remember where she said she was going for sure but I think it was Austin TX. Depending on where in those towns they stay they could only be about an hour, maybe less apart. We've pretty well established they don't meet here in this area. I think we need to at least check this next trip out. If they come up clean after that I'm willing to admit I was being a paranoid fool in spite of what we saw in that picture. It is reasonable to believe if they were old friends that Vicky would let him take a picture of her with him and his trophy!"

All through the uncertainty and investigation Don and Jasmine could discern no indication either Vicky or Steve treated them different in any way. They were just the same they had always been. Don had thought and thought but he could not identify one way that Vicky was different from when they were dating or right after they married. She treated him like he was the only man in the world. She came to him for sex and gave him sex when he asked just like she had always done. She was as loving and considerate as at any time in their lives.

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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette3

Lisette comes hard and long across my lap from my simultaneous spanking her bottom red and fingeringI count down from ten to teach her to come on command and in succeeding she signs her slave contractShe shall serve and obey me for a full long weekend next, very soon with full moon at Saturday nightEvery hot thing happening to you this session will come back in extenso during that love weekendTasty teen you are in an ideal position to be taken wherever I want, which is what I'll do with...

2 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette1

Lisette looks lovely, she is a slender sensual sexy sweet tender terrific tasty tiny tit teenI invite her to my sex studio for an interesting intimate interview on her sexual experiencesShe gladly accepts with a blush and a smile, so I give her the address and the code to enterEasily we set the date for her visit, which will be her first ever naked appearance on cameraTasty you look in those cute cut-offs, I do love your looks! I tell her as I take her coatThank you Professor Peter, perhaps I...

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Constrained in Corsetry

CONSTRAINED IN CORSETRY Although I am not into serious bondage I love the erotic pleasures of wearing corsetry and other tight feminine garments next to my skin. When wearing suspenders and stockings I love the erotic sensation from the tightness of the top of my stockings gripping my thighs and the suspenders brushing against my thighs as I walk, as I envisage my suspender belt and stockings framing my clit and balls. I also find the tightness of bras and corsetry such as a girdle or...

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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette2

Lisette is extremely enthousiatic about coming on camera in a real sex studio for the first timeI even wetted your mirror, I never knew I could come squirting so fast far and hard, dear PeterSuddenly I long to ride my boyfriend seeing myself pole-dancing his prick by my tongue and pussyEspecially banging my boy as a cowgirl must be very hot to see, how he handles my tight titties!Tasty titties indeed dear, but my studio is like my sex-shop downstairs only available to ladiesTears appear in the...

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Rosetta Chapter 14

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 14 *We need to talk.* Lena knew she had to lead up to the grand revelation carefully. And Rose's confusion about Missy gave her an opening. They decided to meet at Rose's house, and soon they were sitting in her room - drinks and snacks in hand - talking. "First, the question you were trying to figure out how to ask. It falls into one of those gray areas you are finding increasingly annoying. Yes, there are people that narrow...

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Smart Moves

Chapter 1 Sydney Powers was your typical 13-year-old kid. If by typical you mean genius college graduate who's working on two PhDs in mechanical and chemical engineering. He never had to work a day in his life as his patents, earned while working on his Master's in Science degree, were bringing in large amounts of money in licensing fees from major mechanical manufacturers. But academic life wasn't what Sydney wanted, he craved a normal life after 13 years of being the focus of his...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Somerset and cider

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...

4 years ago
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Katrin ein Mdchen setzt sich durch

Hier ist meine erste Geschichte. Orte, Handlung und Personen sind frei erfunden und ist reines Kopfkino, Anregungen und ernst gemeinte Kritiken sind erw?nscht. Ich mag kein DENGLISCH und habe, auch zum besseren Verst?ndnis, die einzelnen Dialoge der Jugendlichen in meiner Muttersprache Deutsch geschrieben. Es werden sexuelle Handlungen beschrieben, daher ist die Geschichte f?r Kinder und Jugendliche nicht geeignet! Diese Geschichte darf von jedem Interessierten unter Angabe von H...

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Smart Sexy Single

I’ve been working for the Engineering department of my university for some time as a teaching assistant, and since I’ve kept high grades as a graduate student and have a very good grasp of English pronunciation, the department has allowed me to be the instructor for some of the courses they offer. This past semester, I’ve been assigned to handle a required course for an undergraduate degree, but which isn’t a pre-requisite for any other courses. Considering its difficulty, many students tend to...

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The Rosetta girls part 5

Linda walked into her bedroom and brushed her teeth. She noticed the box with the dildos in it partially pushed under the bed. No one else was home and she took off her clothes and spread her legs down in her bed. She couldn’t help but rub her pussy and was aroused by it. She thought until a week ago she had never had any sex except with her husband. Now she aroused by her daughters and for the first time memory she finds herself masturbating. She puts two of her fingers into her vagina and...

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Rosetta Chapter 8

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 8 David did not like what he was seeing. He was able to use the pin he had given Rose as a homing beacon, making it easier to shift his awareness to her vicinity whenever he wanted to and wherever she was. Unless she was in a suppression field. And she was about to be in a suppression field for a long time. While she was meeting with the other negotiators, and speaking to them in a language he didn't understand, David gave them...

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Rosetta Chapter 15

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 15 *Company's coming!* Radar told the others. *And something is happening at the compound.* WHUMP! Yamai had underestimated his fellow villagers. And those of the other village. Hunting parties had spotted him on his way to the shrine, and correctly guessed his destination. They had no idea that they had been "helped" to reach that conclusion, or "encouraged" to send runners back to stir up reactions in the villages. Nor were...

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The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer – a Story by SBarak1This is story #6 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. Please enjoy.My relationship with the Nymphs had been developing quickly. We got on well, enjoyed chatting and shared common interests. The main...

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Smart Hose

Smart hose My mom says it's a good idea sometimes to write down stuff, even if nobody else sees it. She says it's a great way to get your thoughts organized, and boy do I need to do that, so here it goes. My life just got turned upside down, and I'm still processing. But I should begin at the beginning, as my English teacher says. My name is James Michael, I'm twelve, and I live in Sherwood Park, a small town just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Several years ago, I...

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My Time in Dorset

If the training course I was on had been boring the week before, it was ten times worse that second week with the loss of my two ladies. It also seemed to go ten times slower but eventually I was on my way to Dorset. I had talked on the phone regularly to both Natalie and Isla and my anticipation was high during the three hour drive. Not for the first time I found myself reliving the few intense days that we'd spent together. When I first joined them for breakfast I had little idea what was...

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Rosette A Medieval Tale

Author’s note: The noble ladies of medieval France loved tales of women who had to put up with old and jealous husbands. Sometimes the stories were comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes romantic – but always the bad husbands were outwitted, one way or another. Here’s my (slightly naughty) take on the bad husband tale. Rosette daughter of Galon was rounding the last corner between the village well and the cottage she shared with her mother and father when two of the Duke’s soldiers, magnificent in...

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Rosetta girls nightmareno more Part 4

Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman Rosetta girls nightmare (no more) 4 When Mike got home on Monday he had the evening meal ready to eat and his daughters were doing homework for their classes. Norm Kelly had called to leave update to his last update on the investigation on who did this kidnapping, the FBI was seeking a new warrant to search yet another building for the kidnappers and the two million dollars they took in ransom. It was bedtime for Mike and Linda She got a new hair cut...

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The Rosetta girls part 6

Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman The Rosetta girls part 6 Linda got up this Sunday morning feeling like she would throw up. She managed to drink some orange juice and forced herself to eat some of the breakfast she prepared for her family. She managed to keep it all down and told Mike of her problem. She called it morning sickness but it lasted most of the day. She had to force herself to eat and drink fluids to stay healthy. She went to the local gym with Mike and both of their...

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Rosetta Chapter 2

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 2 It wasn't fair! Rose spent the late afternoon talking to the girl, learning about her family and her pets and her village. Sharing the quick friendship such little girls give so easily, and even older girls like Rose remembered how to accept and cherish. Watching her face light up when she had someone, anyone, who could talk to her in her own language. Laughing about the antics of the animals and the other children back home....

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Rosetta Chapter 9

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 9 "Thank you very much for honoring me with your hospitality, Mrs. Tanaka." Rose noticed that her new friends flinched at the way she said that, but the woman seemed unperturbed. The woman responded that Rose honored them with her presence. Rose understood that the response was cloaked in ritual, but that Aoi's mother genuinely meant it. The woman went on to invite Rose to enjoy the snacks, including the other two guests in...

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Rosetta Chapter 10

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 10 David was surprised... and impressed. While his observations of Rose's late night were pretty boring - she got to bed early, so he just saw her sleeping - her father was another matter entirely. That man could drink! And from the internals David could sense, it seemed like he was faking his seeming impairment as he played the bar games. And he wasn't using any anti drunk pill or anything. He thought people like that only existed in...

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Rosetta Chapter 11

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 11 "This is going to be fun," Maki thought. The last time they took their new American friend shopping, it was a frantic effort to help her blend in with the crowds and disappear from those hunting her. This time, she was just another girl and they had all the time they needed. And Aoi's father was paying for it. One of the company cars picked them up from cram school, and she spent the ride to the office mapping out the stores she...

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Smart Men Vs Evil Women

One of my favorite rap songs of all time says Bitches Ain’t Shit. I couldn’t agree more. Truer words were never spoken, folks. Lots of good men hook up with what appears to be decent women and eventually these men discover that there’s no such thing as a decent woman. All women are bitches. All of them without exception. Your mother. Your daughter. Your wife. Your aunt. The hooker down the street. The female lawyer in her office. The female senator on the senate floor. The librarian in your...

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The Boy of His Dreams Ace and Seth

Introduction: WARNING: This is a very gay story. It includes sexual activities between two minors, both aged 14. If you have any problems with that please do not continue reading. Also, the character Ace in this story was inspired by Bax 026s sleepover series. I take no credit for the originality of that character. Enjoy. Ace was staring at the television set, bored out of his mind, as Seth was killing, destroying, and pillaging enemy territory on Halo Wars. Both boys were glued to the...

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The Boy of His Dreams Ace and Seth

Ace was spending the night at Seth’s house, a common happening as the two were best friends and had been for the past three years. Both boys enjoyed each other’s company as they brought each other laughs and good times as only true friends could share. There was never any secrets between the two except for one. The secret belonged to Seth and it was one that could have altered the friendship permanently: Just a short year ago, Seth was exploring his new-found interest in boys. He...

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Seth and the Barbarian

Seth reclined in his litter, borne upon the shoulders of four servants as they elevated him above the crowded marketplace. He stared up at cloudless blue sky while they made their stuttering, stop-and-start way through the throng and toward the slave pens. He'd ventured out with a mission today. A particular need had overcome him, a rather... insatiable craving, and his usual methods of indulgence were proving wanting of late. The brothels and the infrequent liaisons with other lords barely...

Gay Male
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Seth brings a guest to the couple

'Just give me a better offer.' The man smiled as he lighted a cigar. He held all the cards and both knew it. Had this man been submissive, Seth would hav easily been able to persuade his client, but this was not the case and he could not use his dom tactics here. The compagnie was not doing well and only two branches were still active. Seth's was one of them. Paper was just not sold much anymore and there were too many suppliers for a small market. However this client would mean that his...

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Weekend Sex with Seth

I was so happy when Seth called me and told me his divorce was final. He told me that it's been official for a month, but he needed time to just soak in that he is free to do what ever he wants and when he wants. His ex wife was a stickler on his comings and goings. Seth could be an underwear model, or a spokesman for a trash company and have every lady falling at his feet. I'm just lucky, that I work at the golf course that he plays at.I was at work, doing a short shift: 4 hours to be...

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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 2 Riding Richard And Sucking Seth

Trying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of...

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Seth interviews Isabella

Someone knocked on his door and Seth looked through the window. One of his employees, a middle aged Cuban man named Juan stood in front of the door, waiting to be allowed in. Seth never liked the man. He smelled like cigarettes, and had an irritating cough. 'Come in.' Seth spoke, wondering was this man was bothering him with. The man opened the door and started groveling. 'Sir I am sorry to disturb you while you are very busy but I noticed that you have yet to find a new secretary.' That...

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Our First Foray into a Threesome Chapter 1 Soaking with Seth

Our first time, the time that taught me some new things about the man I’d married and established the precedent for the things we still enjoy on occasion, involved my husband’s best friend Seth. They met in college and were frat brothers, members of the same fraternity for 2 years, rooming together, and he was ultimately the best man at our wedding.Our wedding in 2006 was also the first time I’d met him in person, since Richard and I didn’t meet ‘til a couple years after he’d graduated college....

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Seth Joins The Fun

Finally, the weekend is here and it’s time to get Seth's birthday party ready. My boyfriend Seth, is turning twenty-five and we talked last night about how many people we should invite to his party, he just wants his closest friends from work here, so that's who is coming to his party. Tomorrow night we will go out to dinner with his family to celebrate with them. As his family are very religious, they wouldn't approve of the alcohol that will be served here tonight, so we will just go out...

2 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 2 Launching Leenas Libido

Bob managed to have a good night's sleep but he woke with a major hard on. Last night's stroking had given only momentary relief. His frustration didn't ease when Mrs. Wilson served his breakfast while wearing a robe that made him aware of the shapeliness of her body. The lovely woman seemed totally unaware of the havoc she was causing his undernourished libido and the occasional display of naked tit-swell appeared to be quite innocent. He left early for the school, which was conveniently...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 3 Foreplay With Felicity

While Bob Best was suffering from the temptations surrounding him the Reverend Wilson had no such hang-ups. Although he had not founded the Church of the Leading Light he had furthered its development as a refuge for Christians who were uncomfortable with the permissiveness of modern society. As noted earlier, many Dorset girls married young, often because they needed a legal father for their soon-to-be born child. When Reverend Wilson became their minister the age for baptism, for formal...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 5 Laying Little Leena

"Won't you come with us to the Prayer Meeting, Mr. Best?" "Thanks Mrs. Wilson but I have to prepare lessons for tomorrow." Bob almost drooled at the sight of his landlady. She was dressed modestly enough in a loose-fitting, long skirt and a white blouse but her clothes could not disguise the fullness of her lovely body. He turned towards the stairs to his room. Lucinda picked up her bible as she added, "Leena is staying home too. She isn't feeling well. Maybe you're working her too...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 10 Romantic Reverie

Reverend Ebenezer Wilson read the official letter and looked at the pretty, young woman who was seated on the opposite side of his desk. Dear Reverend Wilson, The bearer of this letter, Elizabeth Safic, is a graduate of our Alma Mater with a teaching degree. She is scheduled to teach at your neighboring town, Middleville, next year. This year she is working on her Master of Arts degree and her thesis is "The Evangelical Church in Rural America". I am hoping that you will be able to...

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 8 Prisoner

Seth woke in a large, open field along the Darnestown Road just west of Rockville's court house. His hands were tied together, and for a moment he wondered where he was. He stretched carefully and felt pain knot his leg muscles and his backside. His knee hurt, too. He bit his lip to keep from crying out and massaged his calves and thighs, but he could not move freely because one of his ankles was tied to the leg of the snoring man lying next to him. The hazy sky grew slightly brighter, and...

2 years ago
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When Seth Popped My Cherry

Seth and I were approaching our third month anniversary and my ass was so sore from the poundings it was getting daily. In case you missed my last story, "Losing My Anal Virginity," I was sixteen and under a lot of pressure to have sex with my sexy boyfriend. After a month of dating, I compromised and finally let him fuck my ass. I wasn't a prude but was saving my pussy for love.Seth was tall, almost six-feet, half Asian and White, and so sexy. He was also a junior and I was a sophomore, so I...

First Time
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Smart Mother Fucker

I gave scant attention to the elbow digging into my right breast as I leaned over my son's window seat to take-in the sight of our nation's capital from the air. The excitement I felt was due solely to other factors and had nothing to do with the realization that my fourteen-year-old son was feeling me up on a crowded airplane. Only after I sat back and put my seatback and tray table in the full upright position did my excitement center on that. Having raised three boys older than Matt, I'd...

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The New StartChapter 16 Seth and Rain

Seth still helped Mark with the animal herds and building and repairing the corrals and fences with the help of the robots. He spent a lot of his time on the fishing boat. Most often he went with Mark but when Mark couldn't go he enjoyed the company of anyone who was willing to accompany him. One of the robots went with him at all times and helped. There was still a lot of physical work involved and Seth had the strong muscles to prove it. He also had a deep dark golden tan. Quite often he...

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 2 Momma

"Who was that you were talking to out there?" Seth's mother glanced at him as she put down her ladle and began slicing carrots into the soup pot. "That's what I was trying to tell you, Momma." Seth watched the orange rounds plop into the bubbling soup, the slices getting larger as the carrot got smaller. "He's a soldier. A cavalryman, a rebel soldier, Momma." Seth watched his mother for some reaction, but she kept chopping carrots without missing a beat. "And he cut the telegraph...

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 5 Map Making

The rebel soldier led Seth's horse a few hundred yards along the all-weather road toward Washington, past the place where two wagons had overturned and burned the previous summer while the others tried to escape Jeb Stuart's whooping horse soldiers. At the top of a rise they crossed the dirt track beside the macadamized road and stopped in the shade of a small stand of locust trees. The boy sat on his horse, saying nothing but watching his captor carefully and considering his situation....

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 3 A Visitor

For what seemed like a long time there was no sound in the dining room of the Williams's farmhouse except for the ticking of the clock, the flutter of the curtains and the whirr of insects. "Yes, I recognize him," Mrs. Williams said to Seth, her face white but her voice steady, and then to the soldier, "How may we help you, sir?" The man stood in the doorway with his weapon held loosely in his right hand, pointed more or les at the floor. Seth noted with some pride that it was a Sharps...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 12 Revelation

Seth licked his fingers, scooped up the last bits of his second piece of pie and gulped down his third cup of milk. Jefferson sat stiffly at the kitchen table with his frayed hat in his lap. Annie and Caroline watched the boy eat and listened to a disorganized story that seemed like the odd-shaped pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Mrs. Williams busied herself at the stove, but Seth could tell that she was listening, too. Between bites and gulps the boy had told them, in disjointed fragments, where...

5 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 9 Escape

Confederate General Jubal Early and most of his staff spent Sunday evening near Gaithersburg, Maryland, a few miles north of Rockville, at the home of a very angry slave owner and Union sympathizer named John DeSellum. Mr. DeSellum was particularly unhappy because passing Rebels had pretty well cleaned him out of food and fodder before someone on the General's staff decided that his home would be a good place to locate the invading army's headquarters for the night. The few dark hours of...

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Sethy Part Nine Sethy

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-8 before this part. The main character, Sethy, and the new character Shinny are both based upon real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the real women they represent. The photos included in this story of Sethy and Shinny are of the real women and are here with their permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in...

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Sethy Part One Meeting Sethy

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. I will leave it to you readers if you wish to try to parse out fiction from fact. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. This first chapter may move too slowly for readers who want to get to the action quickly. However, if you are patient...

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Atti di devozione Preghiere per i giorni della settimana Luned inizio di settimana ATTO DI DEVOZIONE

ATTO DI ADORAZIONE Salve Mio Re- Mio Padrone Assoluto, maschile e virile, Siete pieno di forza e degno di estatica adorazione. Sono la Vostra serva, la Vostra devota serva che Avete conquistato con i Vostri baci sui miei capezzoli e sulla mia pancia e sono sempre Vostra. Per l'eternit?. Il mio ombelico, centro della mia femminilit?, ? il Vostro delicato fiore, la Vostra turgida rosa di maggio in fiore con la missione di mandare il messaggio che sono la Vostra propriet?, il Vostro es...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 7 A Cotillion

1865 The first snow of the winter was a total surprise. The citizens of the Capital area awoke one morning late in November, and there it was, milky white and tombstone quiet, a half-foot deep and still coming down in flakes the size of silver dollars. The field where Seth and his brother had been cutting hay lay buried, the uncut stalks now bent low into mounded hillocks near the old road, both parts of which had all but disappeared. The wet snow even clung to the deep loops of the...

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