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TV SHOW by Throne Sweeping out from between the glittering golden curtains it's Sammy Star, your genial host. He flashes his trademark radiant smile and does that little dance step he always performs just before he slips into the plastic bucket-chair in the center of the carpeted dais. Once he's seated he give the camera a confidential look, as if he's about to reveal something private. "Tonight," Sammy says, managing to speak loudly while still seeming subdued, "I'm going to talk to women who have -- shall we say -- changed the look and feel of their marriages by having their husbands altered in a certain way." He pauses for a few seconds to let curious viewers wonder exactly what sort of modification he's referring to. Then he leans forward ever so slightly and strokes the wide lapel of his pinstriped jacket. "Wives who have brought their men into line, to say the least, by giving them -- " He obviously relishes these hesitations. His voice lowers just slightly. " -- penis reductions," he concludes, somewhere between shocked and interested. He licks his lips. "And the first of those wives is Mandy. No last names please," he finishes, using one of his catchphrases. The camera swings to his left to reveal to the home viewers a striking young woman in a slinky red dress. She says, "Hello, Sammy. I'm so glad to be here tonight to talk about... well... what I had to have done to my hubby Glen." Camera back on Sammy. His eyebrows go up. "You said it was what you HAD to have done, referring to having his penis trimmed down. Do you mean that it's HIS fault that you did it. That he drove you to what some might call an extreme measure?" "Definitely, it's Glen's fault. I mean he was always pestering me for sex. And drinking beer. One bottle a night and sometimes even two. Trying to be some sort of macho pig." "Oh my. Toxic masculinity. And how did you hear about this solution to having a husband like that?" "I spotted something on-line, Sammy, and then did a bit of research." "That's fascinating, Mandy," he exclaims, even though it isn't. She goes on, "I found a clinic not far from where we live and convinced him they would increase his sex drive and make him a better lover." "Is that true?" "Well, his sex drive was increased because he ended up getting less of it. And it did make him better in bed because, when his dick got really short, he had to learn to use his tongue." She looked dreamy for a moment. "I see," Sammy said profoundly. His smooth brow furrowed ever so slightly. "Could you go into more detail?" "Well," she brushed back her long blond hair from beside her face. "I mean, once his pecker was reduced from six inches to two, and we're talking about when it's hard, I certainly didn't want to have stick-it- in sex..." "You mean penetrative intercourse." "Okay. Whatever. But I didn't want that pee-wee version of a cock inside me. So all of a sudden he wasn't getting his twice a week fun sessions. And since he couldn't get me off with the little stub he was left with, I made him start to eat my pussy." In sudden embarrassment she clapped her hand over his mouth. "Oh. Am I allowed to say that?" "It's fine, darling. My show is available only on computers, and we have very clear notices about what the minimum age to watch it is." "That's good," she told him. "Because now Glen's whole sex life is about me teasing him until he gets really worked up, and then not letting him have what you said -- penetrating inner course -- and that's why he has to lick me down there, between my legs. His dick isn't allowed in my pussy but his tongue is there all the time." She giggled girlishly. "And now," Sammy said with added gravity, "let's find out how Glen feels about this." Mandy interjected, "I call him Glenda now." The camera jumped sharply to a third chair where there was a shamefaced man wearing nothing but a short negligee. His hair fell over the tops of his ears and halfway down his forehead, not very long but obviously treated with some body-increasing product that also had holding power, with the end result that it looked like he'd been to a beauty parlor. There was light make-up on his face, mainly blush for his cheeks and pink gloss on his lips. A touch of liquid liner at the outside of each eye created a slightly feline appearance. He had his hands together in his lap and his knees pressed firmly against each other. "So, Glenda," Sammy said, separating the two syllables of the name more than needed, "is all of this something you like? Crave? Delight in?" "Um. Actually, no, Sammy," the feminized husband answered in a soft voice. "I really wish Mandy hadn't had me... err... altered this way. It's really hard to think of myself as a man since she got me the operation." Sammy swiveled his head toward his viewers and fixed them with a piercing stare. "This husband acts like he doesn't enjoy his new role in their marriage, his changed identity, and the fact that his bride keeps him horny." Ignoring Glen for the moment he inquired of Mandy, "You do make sure he never gets too much relief, don't you, dear?" "Oh yes," she said brightly. "The less he gets to cum, the more effort he puts into slurping my pussy." "I see." Sammy put on his stock thoughtful expression. "And you use the term 'slurping' because..." "It's just that, that's what he does. You know, because he makes a lot of spit and my twat gets really wet all by itself besides." She pursed her lips as if not sure she had been clear. "Right?" "I do believe I know what you mean, Mandy." Sammy nodded. He leered and added, "And I'm confident that my audience members understand, too." A second camera went in for a close-up of Glen, who was visibly squirming in his seat. It held the shot while Sammy rose and approached him with a hand mike from a small table next to his own chair. He shoved the phallic object toward Glen's started face. More loudly than necessary, Sammy questioned, "Is all that true, Glenda? And would you like to show us what's left of your dingus?" Taken off guard by the double question, the bedwear-dressed spouse trembled as he tried to form coherent words. Sammy held him by the bare arm and coaxed him onto his feet. The host took the hem of the short nightie and raised it slightly, tantalizing the morbidly curious viewers. He nodded toward the bottom of the filmy garment and Glen understood what was expected of him. The husband got his index finger and thumb on the hem to raise it with painful slowness. The natural blush that rose on Glen's cheeks was deeper than the cosmetic one that had been applied in the make-up chair. The camera zoomed slowly back and angled gradually downward until it revealed a tight view of what had once been a proud male member but was now diminished to a mere nubbin. His hairless thighs rubbed nervously against each other as he whimpered loudly enough for the sound to be picked up and transmitted. "There it is," Sammy observed. Then he added, "Or maybe I should say 'There it isn't'." From Glen he wanted to know, "So Glenda, does having half a prick -- or more like a third -- make you easier to boss around? Does being less than a man lead automatically to being a sissy? And honestly, do you secretly get off on this set-up? Is that why you forced your wife to do this to you? Were you silently hoping that Mandy would turn you into a sexual cripple so you could become an oral slave to her puss? Be honest, Glenda." The barrage of questions was too much for Glen. He clutched his hands together and squeezed his bent-double arms against his sides, tucking in his chin and biting his lips. The total impression of his body language was that he wanted to somehow vanish into himself. Before he could even begin to recover, Sammy swung around and pointed to where the halves of the curtain met. "Let's meet our next happily married couple," he suggested with enthusiasm. One side of the curtain was pushed out of the way by a tall buxom woman in a clinging fishnet body stocking. What she wore was designed to appear obscene at a glance but reveal upon closer examination to be artfully covering her most private areas. Shiny black boots reached almost to her knees. She shook back her flowing raven locks and smiled more with one side of her mouth than the other. As she advanced everyone could see that she held a leash. From between the curtain halves, at the other end of the length of leather, walked a slim figure with a hairless body. He had minimally styled hair and limited cosmetics, like the other husband, and wore only a brief, gold satin vest, and matching shorts. The latter garment had a cut-out in the front that left exposed his shortened penis, reduced from seven inches to two and a fraction. Sammy asked the woman, "And who are you, my lovely?" She patted her mane of dark glossy hair and declared, "I'm Janelle." Giving a contemptuous sneer to her slave she added, "And this is my husband Trent, though I prefer to call him Trixie." The host chuckled. "And do you find, like Mandy does, that a penis reduction makes him a better spouse?" "Oh yeah. As soon as he got back from the clinic where I took him, after he was healed and all, I snapped my fingers and pointed to my boots. In fact, they were the same pair I'm wearing now. He got right down and started to kiss them. Then I held out a pair of panties. He didn't want to wear them. His face got all boo-hoo looking. But he didn't give me any backtalk. They were nice panties. Bikini style. Red. With a tiny opening in the crotch, with elastic around it. He got them onto his smooth legs -- the clinic did a permanent hair removal all over his body -- and worked them over his hips. Then he got the sad remains of his cock through the hole in the front. The elastic kept it from slipping back inside. That's when I made him play with his itty bitty boy-part." "And then...?" Sammy inquired expectantly. "It was really funny. What they did at the clinic, beside turning him from a regular into a pint size, made it so he couldn't shoot his spunk. He tugged and yanked and choked it, but there was no squirt at the end." "So can he ejaculate at all?"" "He can, but only with my help. Like when I wear a strap-on." "Ouch," Sammy said with a pained expression. "I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that." "Try it," Janelle urged. "You might like it." "No thanks," the host reiterated. "I'd rather give than receive. But not to a sissy like your Trixie." "Ha!" The dark-haired woman flashed that lopsided smile again. "Maybe you could do it with me, regular style, and we'd make the poor sap watch. I love cuckolding my chump of a husband. My boyfriend is a real stallion." "So do you have any limits on what you'd do to Trixie? Or make him do?" "I guess the one thing I wouldn't do would be to have the rest of her prick removed. I mean, half the fun is teasing her and getting her horny, then watching and listening while she begs and whines for some relief -- which she almost never gets. And when she does, it's always while she's stuffed full of my rubber cock, or from something else just as bad." She looked thoughtful before saying, "And as far as what I'd make the little twerp do... " She shrugged. "... I can't think of anything that'd be too much." "So," Sammy mused, "if I were to want you to..." He pursed his lips. "... have Trixie get into a make-out session with Glenda over there, that would be all right with you? You wouldn't be worried about permanently reprogramming your sissy's mind? Maybe making him really want to be with another sissy sister?" Janelle laughed soundlessly. "That'd be fine. It'd be a hoot to have him getting all hungry for a halfway cock like his own. And then having two sissies who couldn't get their rocks off." Sammy turned to Mandy. "And how about you, sugar?" As if this exchange hadn't been rehearsed, Mandy put her fingers to her softly rounded chin and turned her eyes upward. She gave a convincing performance of never having had the topic discussed before, even thought it had all been worked out backstage hours ago. The husbands also appeared convincingly surprised by the subject. The difference was that they hadn't been privy to that conversation and actually were startled to have the possibility broached. The idea of the two of them being coerced into a necking session and possibly something more was unwelcome. They both, despite everything that had been done to them, still thought of themselves as straight men. "That's interesting," Sammy decided. "Because we just happen to have a bed handy for just such a scene. That is, we have it if the prop men remembered to roll it out behind the curtain." That let his many watchers know that this had been worked out in advance, though it still was still evident that the husbands were not in on the scripted spontaneity. As the curtain parted everyone saw an oversized bed with a thick mattress and sheets but no covers. The sheets were turned down and two super-size pillows were all fluffed up and positioned at the padded headboard. "All right, ladies," Sammy announced. "Time to get your pansy husbands in position. I think Trixie should lose her shorts." He watched approvingly as Trent got naked from the waist down. Then the host said, "That's perfect in case Glenda wants to lick her puny balls. Tell me, Janelle, did the clinic make them so small?" "Nah, they were always measly little things. Now they're just the right size to go with his shrimp dick." "An ideal match," Sammy agreed as he watched the two husbands move reluctantly toward the spacious bed. "I can't wait to see this pair of lovers in action." The wives bullied their men onto the mattress. The guys knelt there, in the middle, facing each other. "Go on then," said Mandy. "Let's see a kiss, girls." They leaned toward each other to exchange a modest peck. "No way," Janelle complained. "You've seen how my lover kisses me when we make you stand alongside the bed." "Same with you, Glenda," Mandy scolded. "I get a better kiss than that when my man walks in the door. Let's see a solid lip-lock, you two wusses." The husbands eyed each other sadly as they understood that this new indignity was not going to be withdrawn before it went any further. Glen put his hands on Trent's bare shoulders, where the vest didn't cover. Trent got is fingers on Glen's waist, feeling warm skin through the thin material of the nightie. With deep trepidation they brought their mouths closer and closer, lips parting at the last second, meeting, tongues extending to invade waiting spaces and explore. The guys were sickened by what they were being made to do. Their wives were wildly amused. They made them withdraw just enough that their flicking tongues were visible. Sammy thought it was marvelous, both personally and because it would goose the ratings to new and previously unheard of levels. His viewers had seen enough busty women, supposedly fighting over the same guy, rip off each other's breakaway tops and slam against each other with their bounteous boobs compressed between their bodies. This was reality TV at it's best, no matter what percentage of it was faked. In the case of these unwilling sissies however, at this moment it really was real. The women moved nearer to hiss instructions to their puppet spouses. The males obediently fingered each other's nipples, bit each other's necks, and licked each other's tummies. From that last act they had to move on to falling onto their sides, assuming a hip-and-shoulder-on-the- mattress 69 position, and performing the previously mentioned act of licking balls. An overhead camera revealed that their scrotums were small and underfilled enough that they could easily each take the other's completely into their mouths for some cautious sucking. Even though they weren't gay, they hadn't been granted release for quite a while (the extension of their involuntary abstinence encouraged by Sammy when first he booked their brides on his program), so any sort of intimate contact could lead to erections. In this case it readily did. The husbands' mini-dicks were as short hard as they had been soft, and only slightly thicker. It was comical to see them when the cameras moved in for extreme close-up shots. After the home audience had gotten a good view of those undersized organs, the wives commanded their pansies to commence sucking. The husband's gagged from revulsion, certainly not from the lengths of what they were forced to service. At the same time, they became overstimulated and ceded much of the limited control they had previously had. All at once they were suctioning furiously on what was in their pinkly lip-glossed mouths. They were desperate to gain relief, to be pushed into orgasms, but whatever had been done to them at the same time their members were being abbreviated, still made it impossible for them to easily finish what they had been made to start. Their brides let them go on until both sissy men were sobbing with frustrated need. Then the women each purred the same suggestion to their helpless victims. "Put your fingers in his butt, Glenda. That'll get him off. But don't stop sucking." "Finger-bang his ass, Trixie. And don't let up on the lips and tongue action. If you make him pop his cork, he'll do the same for you. That's one of the rules of queer-boy partying." The males moaned and writhed, hating every second of this new indignity, even as they used their digits to enter each other. Up to the first knuckle, second, and third. One finger, two, and finally three. Always so close to that elusive big finish yet never quite attaining it. They groaned and sniffled and even shed a few tears. Then they simultaneously sensed that success was within reach. They doubled their efforts, sucking harder and frigging faster. Yes, it was going to happen. They were dimly cognizant that this would be the biggest humiliation of all. Ejaculation equaled mortification. Then they were spurting into each other's mouths, coating tongues, making salty slime slide down throats. It was glorious. It was disgraceful. As their passions waned, their shame grew. The cameramen discretely lowered glass panels in front of their lenses. They moved the cameras closer. "All right, you simpering sissy sisters," Mandy snapped at them. "Up on your knees." "Each of you face a camera," Janelle barked. "Now." So used to obeying were the defeated men that they did as they were told instantly. Sammy said slyly that it would be a terrific way to end the show if they kissed the audience goodbye. The husbands understood what he wanted and stretched their slim necks so they could reach the waiting targets. They kissed the glass plates in front of each lens, wiggled the tips of their tongues against them, and withdrew, to leave messy creamy lip prints. It definitely was a fitting finish for this episode of Sammy's on-line TV show. And now it was a TV program in more than one sense. Everyone heard the host's final remarks. "This has been such a smashing success that I'm going to invite these exhibitionist sissies back next time so we can see what ELSE they and their charming wives will have for us. I'm thinking girly costumes, spanking implements, and maybe even some kinky role playing. That'll make Sammy Star smile," he began his regular closing line, "and I know you'll smile along with me." Everybody in front of the cameras was doing just that... except the stunned and anxious husbands. Now they'd have an entire week to dread what might happen to them next time on the SMILING SAMMY STAR SHOW. ********* (I now have a page on the free site Deviant Art ( It's under the name Subthrone and features images I've gathered from all over that site. Like my stories, they cover a wide selection of fantasies. Hope you'll take a look and maybe leave a comment.)

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Foreword.It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.But, for a large slice of the...

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slut wife confesion letter to husband

Billy,you wanted to know what I got up to so here is what happened to me to turn me into a slut wife. two weeks after we started living together my boss asked me to come n a work trip with him to Melbourne . there was a symposium on work related stuff. . you remember driving me to the Airport?. well we arrived in Melbourne and got a hire car to the hotel, my room was next to his with a connecting door...

2 years ago
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Ann Bound

This story is a little different from my others (and not as Spanking/BSDM)--it’s written for a ‘friend’. And yes, if you’re that friend, you should be following the rules--naked and reading from your lovely knees. Be good. Be very good or else I’m afraid I’ll have to... The butterflies arrived halfway through dinner. She’d been nervous before that moment, but not unbearably so. She glanced up at him, across the table, as the waitress refilled her water glass. He was staring back at her, a small...

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My Introduction

This goes right back to when I realized I love licking fanny.I was about 15 at the time and my sister was just over a year older than me. She had a superb figure with a slim waste and lovely tits that I later found out to be 36D. Being horny teenagers my mates and I always discussed each others sisters and what we wouldn't mind doing with them and Jimmy was fortunate enough to go out with my sister 'to help her babysit a neighbours daughter'. The following day he reported back to us and said...

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Analkiller 2

There were only two problems, she knew she drove the boys wild, even the male teachers, she became rather flirty in a raunchy way and became known as a slut. Problem two, I was shy, I was the quiet one. I was the biggest kid in school as in the tallest, the strongest, I was borderline with the popular crowd, Emily's group, only because none of the older guys could beat me up and feared me when they heard I was after them or even when we met on the courts and fields of various athletic...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 42 Merger

The only time Jacqui's Place was closed was on the night when they all went next door to a wild and wonderful drunken party in the New House of Joy for Hugo's and Martha's joint sixtieth birthday party; everybody who was anybody was invited to the party and everybody came. The girls were giving free fucks to their favourite clients and taking even greater delight in refusing those they didn't like. Nobody thought of the morrow and it was the first time most of them had seen everybody so...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 851 Shobha Bhabhi Ke Tadapne Ka Andaaz

Narrated by Shobha Hello, main Shobha. mein aap logone dekha Tushaar aur Naveen ne milar bas apne baato aur apni ungliyo ke jaadu se mujhe sofe par jhadwa diye. Main thak chuki thi. Yahi soch rahi thi ki agar do mardo ki ungliya aur baate hi mujhe iss kagaar par pahuncha sakti hai to inki chudayi se meri kya haalat hone wali hai. Ab waqt kareeb 3:30 baj rahe the. Inke beech waqt ka pata hi nahi chal raha tha. Main ye janna chahti thi ki ab aage kya iraada hai mere husband ke in do chudakkad...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 181 Cactus Club

Still having no idea what the plans were for the day, Alistair and I were up early, prepared to leave at a moment’s notice, but we were the only ones. We had breakfast in the dining room, a buffet that was far more comfortable than the formal dinner had been, but aside from a handful of other guests, we were the only ones there. Aedan stumbled down as we were finishing up, flushing and changing the subject when we asked about Zevran; it made me want to ask inappropriate questions about what...

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becomiing a bitch

It was supposed to be simple. A blind date, set up online. A hot chick. Me getting laid for the first timein a while. You know. Simple. And that's what actually happened. Sort of.I get to the bar, I see Meghan across the way, sitting pretty in a short black dress, legs crossed,sipping on a martini like she's sucking my cock already. Far as I'm concerned, I'm as good as fucked,the way she's making herself out to be: smooth thighs, big, round tits, lips that could blow the cap offa bottle of Bud,...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Gentleman

It’s a dangerous idea, but that’s what you love about it and what makes it exciting. You’ve observed him for many months now. He lives in the apartment building across the street and often parks his car, a black BMW 350i Coupe, on the street, rather than in his garage, why you don’t know. Does he have a partner? Is her car parked in the garage? You’re pretty sure he doesn’t. You would have seen her by now. There must be some reason he parks on the street, but it’s a mystery. He’s handsome,...

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Just Like That

I got an email from our daughter Stacy a few days ago. Long time, no hear from. She's just wrappin' up her tests before Spring break. When she went back to school after Christmas, Stace kind of left us alone and bore down on her studies. Which was prolly just as well. 'Cause while she was away, my life went in the toilet and my wife pulled the chain. Just like that! And I was going round and around, circling the bowl for a while, I can tell you that. No point in dragging Stace into the...

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Teachers Threat

Saying it now feels like no big deal, but at the time I remember it was the hugest thing. It was kind of stupid - boys were allowed to talk about how hot their teachers were, and you couldn’t go a single lunch period sometimes without overhearing some of the bolder ones talking about “how big Ms. Lawson’s ta-tas” were or something. Occasionally a mildly popular guy would claim he had sex with one of his teachers to earn reputation points or something, but he’d quickly get shut down by his...

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Hiring the Least Qualified ApplicantChapter 5

We got out of our vehicles and I stood for a moment, looking skeptically at the rundown store simply named Leathers. I finally decided, “What the hell. We’re here. We might as well go in and check it out.” Our odd little foursome entered the store and stopped just inside the door to look around. It’s bigger than it looks from outside. They’ve taken over the empty store next door and knocked out a wall. The pleasant smell of leather fills the air. It almost makes me wish I owned a...

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Pfand XChapter 18

"Sir?" "What the fuck do you want?" "There's a new video, Sir." "Show it to me." "Yes, Sir." "Motherfucker!" Furious, he grabbed the boy who was quivering at his feet, and tossed him off of the balcony. There was a long scream. Twenty-three floors was a long way to fall. "I want that bastard stopped!" "How, Sir?" "Send the cops after him." "They won't go after him after seeing that video, Sir." "Have the President declare martial law. Have the Army do house...

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Hanging out at the bar with my BF and his friends

Just last week, my boyfriend had me meet him after work at his favorite bar. I arrived to find him and his co-worker friends wearing the biggest smiles, and just having a good time. I wasn't too surprised because he liked showing me off to his friends, and he knows I like it too. He had been texting me all day with sexy little messages about how much of a cocktease I was, and if I was flashing my pussy to all the guys in the office. I guess I should've expected this since he spent the night...

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The Neighborhood MILF

This is where she comes in, not exactly what I had in mind, but she was very attractive. Jenny was the new woman that had moved in with her family. At first I didn’t really think anything of her because I had never really seen her in person. My neighborhood pretty much kept to themselves and never really had any get to gathers. So a couple months passed and my sophomore year in high school had just ended. It was now summer time, the usual sleeping in, eating junk food, going outside and...

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Bring Me to LifeChapter 7

On some level, I knew the girls weren't staying in my room all day. They were using the money from Mickens to eat; they were taking walks to prevent death by boredom. Too many things were happening for me to give the girls' situation much thought though, except where we directly intersected or whenever the girls were with me. I didn't consider that the girls and I didn't have to be together for others to think they could affect me by using them, people like Daddy Horse. The girls were...

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Jeffs Daughter Part 4 the final chapter

Part IVHeather got on her knees in front of the group as the first man on the end started to speak into the camera.“Hey Jeff, my names Mark and if everything has gone as planned you've been fucking my daughter Caitlyn today. I'm sure you've enjoyed her, and now I'm going to enjoy fucking your daughter. We're all going to enjoy fucking your daughter.”The camera pans down to show Heather bobbing up and down on marks cock.“Hey buddy.” I said to Jeff. “Have a seat on the couch and enjoy the...

1 year ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 37

The next day Jane invited Jill and me over for dinner the following night. "Did you she tell you anything about their trip?" asked Jill in the car on the way over. "No, we only talked for a minute before she had to run." "Well, I suppose that we will hear all about it tonight," said Jill. We got to the house and we let themselves in. "We're here," I cried out. "I'm in the kitchen," said Aunt Jane. "Make yourselves at home." Jill and I took this as permission to undress,...

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forced to Watch and Suck

Johnny had lost the bet and he had to let Billy watch the sex tape of his girlfriend that he always bragged about. As Johnny reluctantly hit play, Billy was getting harder and wetter in his pants as he knew he was about to see the girl he ahd alwys fanatsised about , but never gone near because of his friend, naked.She stripped in front of the camera, her white smooth skin and D cup breasts made Billy's dick throb out of control. "that's enough" said Johnny as he went to press stop "fuck no"...

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SovereigntyChapter 12

Alan held Hopix close his feelings for her had jumped substantially in the past few weeks, looking down he groaned. She was still in her Fairixie clothes that really left nothing to the imagination, the fact that her breasts were half exposed wasn't helping either. Plus her skirt was so short it showed off more than just a little of her perfectly smooth legs that almost called him to caress them. Tearing his eyes away, his manhood rose to the occasion his pants again tented as he had to turn...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 8 Fate

After a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...

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My Wife turned into a BBC Prostitute 4th part of

It’s now been six months since we first met Jamal and my wife received the fuck of her life from his huge BBC. Since that time Jamal has taken control of her pussy and she will do anything he wants as long as he fucks her. When she fucks his nigger cock she becomes so entranced she loses herself in the pleasure and it is all she can focus on. She continues to take multiple two hour trips a week to see him and get fucked by his nigger cock. She has even fucked a few of his friends because he...

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My sexy wife cheats on me

I had being suspecting that my loving wife was cheating on me.Worst of all, I was sure her new lover was Frank, one buddy office of mine.Sometimes, during lunch break, I could not find Frank anywhere and, at same time, Anita did not answer my phone calls.One afternoon I made a quick rush to home at midday, finding my buddy’s car parked a few yards from our house.I did not get inside; just went through the garage and sneaked through the partially open drawing bedroom window.I could barely see a...

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CamSoda Teen

Cam Soda Teen! Are there images of naked teens harboring rent-free on your mind? Well, I understand your predicament! Someti-cum ames I will have a wet dream about a tight teen cunt, and the next thing you know, I’m masturbating skin-to-skin using my pres lube! I can’t fucking help it: teen pussy just really puts my cock into fifth gear!Now, you are checking this part of my website because you are crazy about teens or just curious to know what teens are hiding under those skimpy dresses. Well,...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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NuruMassage Sadie Holmes August Taylor Body To Body Massage

Nuru first timer, August Taylor has come for a full body treatment. Her masseuse, Sadie Holmes can hardly contain her excitement when she sees August and her bountiful bosom. In the shower, Sadie makes sure to lather up her massive boobs, getting August’s body nice and soapy so she can use her as her own personal slip and slide during the massage. August has no objections, especially when they’re laying in the bath together and Sadie begins massaging her tight pussy. With...

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My name, is Leyla, I was 26 years old at the time, I am Turkish, and I was a manageress of a boutique in England, Ludmila, ( MY BOSS ) and I we were at a hotel in Milan for the fashion week, during the day we were buying dresses for the boutique, that evening while we were having dinner, next table were two very good looking, tall, mature African men having dinner, while we were having dinner, they were looking at me, and I was looking at them, one of them, he winkle at me, I winkle back, as...

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Fucked 4 teachers part 2

Fucked my 4 teachers-Part 2Hi,today I'm going to tell you my 2nd experience with my teachers.First I'll give you a introduction of the four.First and second are the same who were in the 1st story, Manjula and Sunitha. The 3rd teacher is Nalini. She was very sexy.She had medium boobs and big ass.She was married.Her skin tone was medium.When she used to wear saree,her bra was easily seen.When she used to wear churidar her ass was seen very sexy.All these made me horny.I had no feelings before,but...

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For the Love of LiciaChapter 46 An Epilogue of Sorts

Here ends the story of Angique and Alicia. I called it a true fantasy and I guess it is. But I do understand how this might confuse you. How could a story be at once true and a fantasy? Which part was true and which was fantasy? And does it matter? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But yes, a fantasy it was, and true as well. Even though in 'reality' it never ended like the story did. I met Alicia on a chat site, and maybe that is as far as the truth goes. Because, you see, until today she...

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Hyderabad Group Fucking Inside Flat

Hello dosto Mera naam sahil he or meri pichli kahani meri or meri gf ki love story thi jo thode time baad ek sex revenge ban gai thi per ye kisi ko bhi badnaam ya kisi ko hurt karne ke lie nahi iss story me naam change he , kher me uske baad ki kahani per ata hu . Contd story .Pichli kahani me apne pada ki kaise mein meri gf(swati) ka sex relation bana per hyderabad unke room per jaane ke baad 1 alag hi mahol dekha .Swati ko thakan bohot ho gai thi islie wo so chuki thi next night me qki 24...

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As Always My Goddess

Author Notes: This is actually one of my first erotic stories ever written. It’s something I came up with when my last girlfriend asked me why I don’t write romantic poetry for her. Since I suck at poetry, this is what she got. (Yes, I have her permission to post it here.) That said, this story is actually quite sappy and there’s a ton of flowery language that I don’t ordinarily use. Otherwise, I’m happy with how it turned out and it’s a nice change of pace from my usual writings. ~~~~~ ...

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Nitu fucked by ladies tailor Part 3

Nitu was dismal. It had been 3 weeks now. 3 weeks and 2 days. After the first and last time fucking her in his shop, Raj had completely ignored her. He had even sent her sleeveless suit to her house by messenger. She had called him at the shop so many times, but either there was no answer or if he picked up he said he was busy. Every night she lay in bed twisting and turning, yearning the touch of those hands again. The memory of that degrading fucking made her pussy wet whenever she thought...

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